10/22/199822795 Barton Road Grand Terrace California 92313-5295 Civic Center • (909) 824-6621 - Fax(909) 783-7629 Fax (909)783-2600 y A Byron R Matteson $ ° Mayor t r" • Dan Buchanan a Mayor ProTempore Herman Hilkey Jim Smgley Lee Ann Garcia Council Members Thomas J Schwab City Manager October 22, 1998 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Regular Meetings 2nd and 4th Thursday - 6 00 p in Council Chambers Grand Terrace Civic Center 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING REVISED -AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 22795 Barton Road OCTOBER 22, 1998 600PM TBECUTOFORANUTOUCICONWLUSV4MTHEAMMCANSVam I AcrOF 1"01 V YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN TIUS MEETWQj PIS CALL TIN CITY CLEM$ OFFICE AT ) 92A621 AT VAST 4811OURRS PRIOR TO THE MFFETING. IF YOU UESIRS TO AUD Sfi TIE CjW COUNCIL DlVRIN4G TIM MEETINO> OTC THAN UNDER PUBUC COMl1IElTii YOU ,ARE ASKED To PLEASE COMPLETE A UQVXST TO SPEAK FORM AVAU ADLE AT TIE ENT.KMCE AND PRESENT IT TO T#IE CITY CLEIi X SPEARS WUL BE CAI.LEiXi UPON NY TIM MAYOR. AT THE AP.PA0PRIATETPAL * Call to Order - * Invocation - Pastor Salim Ehas, Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church * Pledge of Allegiance - * Roll Call - STAFF COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS RECOMMENDATION ACTION CONVENE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Approve 1 Approval of 10-08-98 Minutes 2 Approval of Check Register CRA102298 Approve 3 Closed Session - Real Estate Negotiations, 22772 Wren ADJOURN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONVENE CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1 Items to Delete 2 SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS A Commendation - William De Benedet 3 CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one tune without discussion Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Approve A Approve Check Register No 102298 B Ratify 10-22-98 CRA Action C Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda D Approval of 10-08-98 Minutes Approve PENDING C R A APPROVAL A regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on October 8, 1998, at 6 00 p in PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Chairman Dan Buchanan, Vice -Chairman Herman Hilkey, Agency Member Tim Smgley, Agency Member Lee Ann Garcia, Agency Member Tom Schwab, Executive Director John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Patrizia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Virgil Barham, Building & Safety Director Lt Pete Ortiz, Sheriff s Department ABSUM Bernard Simon, Finance Director John Harper, City Attorney ... • • Ir 1 ' ' It ' : 11 CRA-98-54 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER HIIJMY, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the September 10, 1998 and September 24, 1998 Community Redevelopment Agency Minutes. APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER CRA 100898 CRA-98-55 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER HIIJMY, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to approve Check Register CRA100898 Chairman Matteson adjourned the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting at 6:10 p in , until the next CRA/City Council Meeting scheduled to be held on Thursday, October 22, 1998 at 6.00 p.m. SECRETARY of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace CHAIRMAN of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace CRA AGENDA ITEM NO. PENDING C R A APPROVAL CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE. OCTOBER 22, 1998 T CHECK REGISTER NO OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF• OCTOBER 22, 1998 CHECK NO, VENDOR P12567 HALLY CAPPIELLO P12573 PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA P12574 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK P12575 INLAND COUNTIES INSURANCE SERVICES, INC P12586 CENTRAL CITY SIGN SERVICE P12587 STATE COMPENSATION INS FUND P12590 CASH 40666 ADDINGTON ENGINEERING CONSULTANT 40668 DRAGOS BARBU 40671 DAN BUCHANAN 40676 ROBERT CHAGOLLA CONSTRUCTION W g 40678 RAUL COLUNGA 40680 DAGOSTINO ENGINEERING 40681 40685 DANKA OFFICE IMAGING DRUG ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM 40691 LEE ANN GARCIA • 40692 HERMAN HILKEY Q i 40704 BYRON MATTESON 40705 M C I TELECOMMUNICATIONS 40709 PETTY CASH DESCRIPTION 102298 BIRTHDAY BONUS HEALTH INSURANCE FOR OCT, 1998 HEALTH NETWORK INSURANCE FOR OCT. 1998 LIFE INSURANCE FOR OCT, 1998 PROGRESS PAYMENT FOR STREET SIGNS WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS FOR SEPT, 1998 CASHIERS CHECK,EXECUTIVE TRUSTEE SERVICE TO PURCHASE PROPERTY AT 12764 REED ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR SEPTEMBER, 1998 INTERN, 9/30-10/9/98 STIPENDS FOR OCTOBER, 1998 PROGRESS PAYMENT FOR REHABILITATION AT 22772 WREN AND 22316 CARDINAL INTERN, 9/21-10/2/98 ENGINEERING SERVICES 22832 PALM MAINTENANCE/USAGE FOR KODAK COPIER LAWN MAINTENANCE FOR HOUSE UNDER REHABILITATION, SEDT , 1998 STIPENDS FOR OCTOBER, 1998 STIPENDS FOR OCTOBER, 1998 STIPENDS FOR OCTOBER, 1998 PHONE FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION DEPARTM REIMBURSE PETTY CASH PAGE 1 _AM.OUNT 4250 56241 6275 3378 30,000 00 12068 87,000 00 16000 32625 15000 22,56135 66378 1,72800 6117 16500 15000 15000 150 00 3260 6560 PAGE 1 DATE • OCTOBER 22, 1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF CHECK NO P12567 P12568 P12569 P12570 P12571 P12572 P12573 P12574 P12575 P12576 P12577 P12578 P12579 n P12580 0 P12581 f P12582 f) P12583 P12584 P12585 m P12587 Z P12588 4 P12589 M P12591 Z P12592 Q P12593 �•J P12594 W VENDOR HALLY CAPPIELLO GREG MANN LASTING IMPRESSIONS INLAND EMPIRE L C C SHEILA CISNEROS METLIFE PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA r-I-,,, -0, GI TV C()UOCLL APPROVAL CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CHECK REGISTER NO OCTOBER 22, 1998 DESCRIPTION BIRTHDAY BONUS CONCERT IN THE PARK "NEW FRONTIER" FUND RAISER, CHILD CARE MEETING, COUNCIUSTAFF PAINT MURAL, CHILD CARE CENTER LIFE INSURANCE FOR OCTOBER, 1998 HEALTH INSURANCE FOR OCTOBER, 1998 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK HEALTH NETWORK INSURANCE FOR OCTOBER, 1998 INLAND COUNTIES INSURANCE SERVICE LIFE, DENTAL, AND VISION INSURANCE FOR OCTOBER, 1998 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 10/2/98 JOY HERNANDEZ BIRTHDAY BONUS INLAND COMPUTERS SYSTEMS COMPUTER REPAIRS COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 10/6/98 DIANA LOVE BIRTHDAY BONUS RICHARD ROLLINS BIRTHDAY BONUS COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 10/8/98 EZ COMMUNICATIONS AIRTIME/REACTOVATE PAGER, CHILD CARE AMERICAN FUND RAISING COMPANY FUND RAISER FOR CHILD CARE RICHARD ROLLINS OPEN/CLOSE AND WEEKEND MAINTENANCE AT PARKS, SEPT 98 STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS FOR SEPT, 1998 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY DISABILITY INSURANCE FOR OCTOBER, 1998 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 10/13/98 PERS RETIREMENT FOR PAYROLL 10/2/98 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS FUND RAISER FOR CHILD CARE ASTRO JUMP RENT BOUNCER FOR VOLUNTEER PICNIC BRENDA S, FILL SUPPL 1FOR VOLUNTEER PICNIC 102298 AMOUNT 750 50000 58000 3600 25000 98775 7,80759 50425 1,32996 10958 5000 17081 25954 5000 5000 20533 7000 1,43850 43000 1,37577 94303 37284 5,84677 80494 7500 20000 PAGE 3 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DATE ' OCTOBER 22, 1998 CHECK REGISTER NO 102298 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF. OCTOBER 22, 1998 CHECK NO VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 40691 LEE ANN GARCIA STIPENDS FOR OCTOBER, 1998 30000 40692 HERMAN HILKEY STIPENDS FOR OCTOBER, 1998 30000 40693 PATRICK HILL REFUND WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES 540 40694 HONDA YAMAHA REDLANDS REPAIR/SERVICE MOWER 76 62 1078 40695 INMARK NAME PLATE <� 40696 INTERNATIONAL CONF BUILDING OFFICIAL BUILDING AND SAFETY HANDBOOKS 287 03 40697 INTERSTATE BRANDS CORPORATION BAKERY GOODS FOR CHILD CARE 29 48 29 y 40698 JANI KING-COLTON REGION JANITORIAL SERVICES, CHILD CARE CENTER 00 40699 KELLY PAPER OFFICE SUPPLIES 168 74 40700 JOHN W LAMPE TEMP PLANNER, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1,600 00 40701 LEGEND BUILDING MAINTENANCE JANITORIAL SERVICE FOR LIBRARY 25000 40702 ROBERT LOERA REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES 3600 40703 MASTER PROTECTION CORPORATION SERVICE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 17955 40704 BYRON MATTESON STIPENDS FOR OCTOBER, 1998 30000 40705 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS PHONES FOR CITY OWNED FACILITIES 1,16473 40706 PAPA MEMBERSHIP AND CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 11700 40707 PACIFIC BELL PHONES FOR CIVIC CENTER DIRECT LINES 26428 40708 CHONG HWA PARK REFUND, PLANNING FEES 4950 40709 PETTY CASH REIMBURSE GENERAL PETTY CASH -FINANCE DEPARTMENT 12128 40710 PETTY CASH REIMBURSE PETTY CASH -CHILD CARE 34510 40711 KATHY PIERSON INSTRUCTOR, TINY TUMBLERS AND GYMNASTICS 74778 40712 POSTMASTER-COLTON POSTAGE FOR METER 1,00000 40713 DENNICE PRECIE REIMBURSEMENT FOR LOCAL MILEAGE 5850 40714 PROTECTION ONE SECURITY, CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX 11145 40715 QUALITY AL AOTIVE SERVIC ',)DGE VAN 83268 PAC DATE OCTOBER 22, 1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF 40740 YOSEMITE WATERS 40741 ZEPHER PRODUCTS CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CHECK REGISTER NO 102298 OCTOBER 22, 1998 BOTTLED WATER FOR CITY OWNED FACILITIES 14140 POLO SHIRTS FOR COUNCIUSTAFF 17132 TOTAL 458,140 49 1 CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE AFORE LISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF THE CITY LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY 00, BERNARD SIMON FINANCE DIRECTOR COUNCILCffY OF GRAND TERRACE PENDING CITY -O crry couwma u►l 114 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on October 8, 1998 at 6 00 p.m PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Mayor Dan Buchanan, Mayor Pro Tem Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Jun Smgley, Councilmember Lee Ann Garcia, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City Manager John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Patnzia Materasst, Community and Economic Development Director Virgil Barham, Building & Safety Director Lt. Pete Ortiz, Sheriffs Department ABSENT: Bernard Simon, Finance Director John Harper, City Attorney The meeting was opened with invocation by Dr Tom Harvick, Colton Christian Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Herman Wilkey. \�J A moment of silence was observed by the Council and those in attendance in memory of Bill DeBenedet who passed away on October 1, 1998. 2A Proclamation - Make a Difference Day, October 24, 1998 Mayor Pro Tem Buchanan read a proclamation, proclaiming October 24, 1998 as Make a Difference Day in the City of Grand Terrace, urging citizens to participate in projects that will benefit their community •515 lKyl A 50 1. , CC-98-129 MOTION BY COUNCELMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY COUNCII.MEMBER HILLIEY, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the following consent calendar items: 3A Approval of Check Register No 100898 3B Ratify 10-08-98 CRA Action 3C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 3D Approval of 09-10-98 and 09-24-98 Minutes 3E. Report on California High Speed Rail Project 3F. Administrative Site and Architectural Review for Last 28 Lots of Tract COUNCIL AGENDA REM NO, 3D Council Mmutes October 8, 1998 Page 3 ballot for June of next year The County is still opposing this formation. He and the City Manager will attend the hearing He reported that he attended the Annual State Bar Conference He participated in the groundbreaking ceremony for a new federal court building in the justice center in downtown Riverside and the rededication ceremony for the old courthouse building in Riverside He extended his sympathy and condolences to his friends and colleagues in Riverside that were involved in a shooting at City Hall Councilmember Hilkev, reported that he attended the League of California Cities Annual Conference He felt that there were some great sessions and received tapes from those sessions and is circulating them through the Council and staff. He expressed his sadness with the passing of Bill DeBenedet Councilmember Singlevv, reported that he attended the SANBAG meeting where they got a presentation on the expansion of the airports in the Southern California area Most of the discussion was on au cargo He reported that he attended the annual Tour de Terrace and commended City Staff for doing a great job. Councilmember Garda; reported that the Seniors will be honoring the golden and silver semors on Monday, October 19 beginning at 4 00 p.m San Bernardino will have a red n'bbon parade on October 24 at 10 00 a. in and will begin at the Feldheym Library. She reported that she works for the California Trade and Commerce Agency and is responsible for setting up the Inland Empire Office and that a Grand Opening event will be held at the San Bernardino International Airport Terminal where tours and demonstrations will be held She expressed her satisfaction with the name of the Chamber of Commerce's new newspaper "The Blue Mountain Outlook." She reminded everyone that November 20, 1998 is the deadline to become an official sponsor of the 20th Anniversary. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None a Dk. ; - h! _ .1 1 1 1 �' 1 - I I J; ►I►i I �► Mayor Matteson adjourned the City Council Meeting at 7 04 p.m., until the next CRA/City Council Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Thursday, October 22, 1998 at 6.00 p m. CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace MAYOR of the City of Grand Terrace Community Services Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM OM MEETING DATE: October 22, 1998 SUBJECT: 1999 REDLAND BICYCLE CLASSIC NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND: ANNUALLY, THE Redlands Bicycle Classic is held in Redlands and throughout the general area as a major sporting event for cyclists from around the country. For the past few years, the Classic has staged a 101-mile, point to point race from Redlands to Oak Glen. In 1998, the race commenced in Redlands and passed through Grand Terrace before entering Riverside and continuing on to Lake Matthews, Lake Perris and eventually malnng its way to Oak Glen. The 1999 race will be held on March 5. In Grand Terrace, the riders enter the City on Barton Road and proceed to Mt. Vernon Ave. where the head south into Riverside. Traffic along the intersections is managed through the California Highway Patrol with a "rolling enclosure" of motorcycle units, which temporarily block intersections as the riders pass. Last year, the riders went through Grand Terrace in approximately 3 minutes. DISCUSSION: Annually, the Redlands Bicycle Classic requests a permit and a waiver of fees for the event. Because the Classic is a non-profit charity event, and due to the fact that the City does not commit resources for traffic, we have traditionally waived the fees. Staff does require that the City be provided with cation and insurance coverage by the Redlands Bicycle Classic, winch is typically given to us just prior to the Race. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council 1). Approve the request from the Redlands Bicycle Classic for a Special Event permit and 2). Waive fees, winch may be charged. FISCAL EWPACT: None by this action COMM AGMDA rrEM NmY 1� 4 t 1998 REDLANDS BICYCLE CLASSIC RBC 1998 REDLANDS TO OAKGLEN ROAD RACE MILE STREET DIRECTION COMMENTS 200 MT VIEW STRAIGHT TRAFFIC SIGNAL/BUSY INTERSECTION 300 ANDERSON STRAIGHT TRAFFIC SIGNAL 410 WATERMAN STRAIGHT TRAFFIC SIGNAL - 500 BARTON/COOLEY LEFT TRAFFIC SIGNAL/VERY BUSY INTESECTION 6.00 BARTON ROAD STRAIGHT KOM/TOP OF HILL 670 MT VERNON LEFT TRAFFIC SIGNAL/BUSY INTERSECTON 750 MT VERNON STRAIGHT HOT SPOT SPRINT #1 850 PIGEON PASS ROAD RIGHT DOWN HILL/FAST/RIGHT TURN 890 PALMYRITA RIGHT AFTER SHORT CLIMB 980 NORTHGATE LEFT 1030 MARLBORO RIGHT STOP SIGN 1050 R X R TRACKS STRAIGHT 2 SETS OF TRACKS/ROUGH 1060 RUSTIN LEFT LAST SET OF R-R TRACKS 11100 SPRUCE STREET LEFT STOP SIGN 1120 WATKINS RIGHT 1180 BLAINE RIGHT 4-WAY STOP 1210 CANYON CREST LEFT TRAFFIC SIGNAL/TOWARDS UCR 1260 UNIVERSITY RIGHT 50 YDS TO TRAFFIC SIGNAL 1265 WEST CAMPUS DRIVE LEFT TRAFFIC SIGNAUENTER UCR CAMPUS 1300 CANYON CREST RIGHT GO UNDER FREEWAY 1320 MARTIN LUTHER KING STRAIGHT TRAFFIC SIGNAL/BUSY 1420 CENTRAL AVENUE RIGHT TRAFFIC SIGNAL/COMMERCIAL CNTR 1530 CHICAGO AVENUE LEFT TRAFFIC SIGNAL/BUSY 1620 ALESANDRO STRAIGHT TRAFFIC SIGNALNERY BUSY 1720 VICTORIA LEFT TRAFFIC SIGNAL/VERY BUSY 2180 VAN BUREN STRAIGHT TRAFFIC SIGNAL/VERY BUSY 2380 LA SIERRA LEFT TRAFFIC SIGNAL/START OF CLIMB RBC 1998 REDLANDS TO OAKGLEN ROAD RACE MILE STREET DIRECTION COMMENTS 8380 SAN TIMETEO CANYON STRAIGHT SPRINT POINTS #3 8430 DESERT LAWN LEFT CROSS TRAFFIC/ROLLING HILLS 8690 CHERRY VALLEY BOULEVARD RIGHT CROSS OVER 10 FREEWAY 8740 CHERRY VALLEY BOULEVARD STRAIGHT 9090 CHERRY VALLEY BOULEVARD STRAIGHT SPRINT POINTS #4/FINAL 9240 BEAUMONT AVENUE LEFT TRAFFIC SIGNAL VINELAND STREET STRAIGHT STOP SIGN TOKAY STRAIGHT BEGIN CLIMB 9720 WILDWOOD CANYON ROAD STRAIGHT OAKGLEN ROAD STRAIGHT NARROW BRIDGE/NEARING FINISH 101 00 OAKGLEN ROAD STRAIGHT FINISH AT SUMMIT/LOS RIOS RANCHO N 11USEMSSRUNKMlAGENCIESIROAD-MAP WPD DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & SAFETY, PUBLIC WORKS �- AND HOUSING 22795 Barton Road Suite B Grand Terrace California 92313-5295 Civic Center (909) 825-3825 Fax(909) 825-7506 DATE October 16, 1998 W O # 12-10 2041 STAW'Rv vv kORT CRA (XX) COUNCIL ITEM ( ) MEETING DATE October 22, 1998 SUBJECT Approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 14911 FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED Jx Tentative parcel map No 14911 located on the southwest comer of Van Buren Street and Murado Avenue was previously approved by the Planning Commission on March 6, 1997 and approved by the City Council on March 27, 1997 subject to certain conditions These conditions have been met it is therefore appropriate for the City Council to approve the Final Parcel Map No 14911 ' � ►�lul .11 r: � �� 1 Approve Final Parcel Map No 14911 2 Direct staff to record Final Parcel Map No 14911 COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO� f I Community Services Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM QM MEETING DATE OCTOBER 22, 1998 SUBJECT LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM - GRANT RESOLUTION FUNDING REQUIRED DISCUSSION: Under a grant program through the State of California Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP), the City is eligible to receive a grant of $6,747 00 which can be used to fund additional overtime for the Sheriff's Department to implement a Problem Oriented Policing (POP) Program within the City Hours of the program will be spent in increasing patrols, or keying on specific criminal activities to increase the overall effectiveness of the City's law enforcement effort The Program requires overtime because attending meetings, organizing resources and carrying out strategic plans and patrols will be required to effectively implement the program The Federal portion of the Grant is $6,747 00 which requires that the City provide a match of $750 00 for a total expenditure of $7,497 00 The matching amount can come from the Law Enforcement Budget's line item for Overtime which is a budgeted item RECONEWENDATION: That the City Council 1 ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA SUBMITTING A GRANT PROPOSAL ADMINISTERED BY THE OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING, and 2 Authorize the Grant Match in the amount of $750 00 from Account # 10-410-250, Sheriff Overtime FISCAL EMPACT• Overall fiscal benefit to the General Fund will be $6,747 00 which will increase the amount of Overtime provided through the Shenfr s contract by 183 hours COUNCIL AGENDA REM N0.1 � — 1 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE NO.2 L BRENDA STANFILL, CITY CLERK of the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 22nd day of October,1998 by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN CITY CLERK CITY OF GRAND TERRACE APPROVED AS TO FORM CITY ATTORNEY City Manager's Department STAFF REPORT COUNCIL ITEM (XX) MEETING DATE October 22, 1998 SUBJECT Resolution Supporting Proposition IA, the Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 1998 NO FUNDING REQUIRED XX On November 3, 1998, California voters will decide on a $9 2 billion bond measure for the improvement and construction of facilities for the State's public schools, colleges and universities If approved by a majority vote, Proposition lA will provide State General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $6 7 billion for K-12 schools At least $2 9 billion would be used to purchase land and to build new K-12 schools, $2 1 billion would be used to repair, modernize or add portables to existing school facilities, $700 million for class size reduction and the remaining monies to help fund construction projects for hardship districts A combination of growing student enrollment, aging facilities, and a lack of funds for building projects confront public schools in California Many school districts across the State are struggling to provide space for the increasing number of students each year creating a need for more classrooms Also, the funds from Proposition 203 approved in 1996 are exhausted If Proposition lA is approved by the voters in November, the Colton Joint Unified School District could be eligible to receive approximately $5 million to $7 million for growth and modernization projects from the sale of the bonds Of this amount, $4 milhon to $5 milhon will be used for six modernization projects within the CJUSD, two of which include Grand Terrace Elementary School and Terrace Hills Middle School, which can expect to receive approximately $2 million Additional funding will include $1 million to $2 million for design work for the new high school, which will serve Grand Terrace residents Staff Recommends that Council: Adopt the attached Resolution supporting Proposition IA, the Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 1998. TS yjm Attachment ' WuNCIL aoMcn rMM No fr t Resolutlon Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace does hereby support the passage of Proposition 1 A on November 3, 1998. ADOPTED THIS 22nd day of October, 1998 ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof. Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof. I, BRENDA STANFILL, CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 22nd day of October, 1998 by the follownng vote: r - ` AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Approved as to form: City Attorney City Clerk CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 0 C T 14 1998 CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING CRY CM IX0II�I� iy September 14, 1998 The Grand Terrace Crime Prevention Committee met for it's regular monthly meeting at the Senior Center and was called to order at 1800 hours by Chairperson Philomena Spisak. MEMBERS PRESENT Philomena Spisak, Chairperson, Bitsy Miller, Vice -Chairperson, JoAnn Johnson, Jackie Kmcz, Clare McElwee, Dottie Raborn and Lewis Neeb. MEMBERS ABSENT Mike Fasenmyer - alternate member CITY STAFF / SHERIFF'S DEPT Tbomas Schwab, City Manager, Tanya Cahill, Community Services Officer, Lt Pete Ortiz and Detective Henry Jones. NOTED Tanya Cahill was absent due to a prior call to Sheriff s Department Headquarters and Central jail. GUESTS PRESENT Bob Stewart - Citizen Patrol member AGENDA. The agenda of the meeting was approved by a motion by Bitsy Mil a and seconded by Claire McElwee MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of August 10* having been distributed were reviewed by the members present with the motion to approve being made by Jackie Kiacz and seconded by Dottie Raborn. BUDGET There have been no new expenditures made since the last meeting Budget report submitted by Dottie Raborn. UNFINISHED BUSINESS ITEM # 1 Chairperson Philomena Spisak read two letters. One from the City Clerk's office recognizing having received the application for membership of Lewis Neeb and a letter of Appointment by Mayor Matson of new member Claire McElwee ITEM # 2 Merchant participation for Red -Ribbon Reek scheduled in October and expenditures for children supplies for Red Ribbon drug awareness program were not clarfed due to the absence of the Community Services Officer COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO.��