11/17/199822795 Barton Road Grand Terrace 1° California 92313-5295 "' Civic Center (909) 824-6621 e n Fax (909) 783-7629 Fax (909)783-2600 ,c Byron R Matteson Mayor t Dan Buchanan o ' Mayor Pro Tempore y s-. f Herman Hilkey o Jim Singley Lee Ann Garcia CouncilMembers Thomas J Schwab City Manager FILE COPY November 17, 1998 6:00"p.m. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Regular Meetings 2nd and 4th Thursday - 6:00 p.m. Council Chambers Grand Terrace Civic Center 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 CITY COUNCEL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 22795 Barton Road NOVEMBER 17, 1998 6:00 P M. ZKCIW0FGRAMTKmczcomw=wnuW1AMP1CAMVMW H ACrorit"IL IFVOH RBQDIRR SPECIAL ASSUrANM TO FAMCIPAU IN WO MUTE,FIXAU CAIL TER CVY CUUM3 OFFICEAT0 U"621 ATLYAW48HOURSTlUORTOIHIK MSG► - IF YOU VZSNR TORAMR= 3iM CI COUNCIL WAM'= NMnff4GsOTHER IRAN VIOMPlieuc C3MMM:'YOV AMASM TO PI1M V#11Bt1 M *U' QVW To aux*ow *v nil* { * Call to Older - * Invocation - * Pledge of Allegiance - * Roll Call - STAFF COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS RECOhEMEMATION ACTION CONVENE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGFNCY Apse 1 Approval of 10-22A8 Mmutes 2. Approval of Cluck Reguaw CRA111298 Approve 3 Annual Frnancmal Report For FnW Year Ending June 3o, Accept 1998 4 Street Name Srgn Replacement Protect No 98-01 - Not= ApprovaAcoept/ Of Completroa - Central Cities Signs AudmmzB ADJOURN COM RMTY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONVENE CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1 Items to Delata 2 SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS A Commeodsiran - William De Benedet B Terrace Frew Pnnc ipol, Maryetta Fare' C Reeyclma Family of the Month - August, September dt October 1999 D Proclamahaa - Chnstmas Tree Recycling Program 3 CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar Items are expected to be routine and naioontraveraiaL They wig be acted upon by the Council at one time wits owt discussion. Any Council Member, Staff Member, K Cidam guy requpt removal of an item from the Conseil Cahaedar for discussion. Approve A. Approve Check Reguter No. 111298 1 COUNCIL AGENDA 11-17-98 - PAGE 3 OF 3 I AGENDA ITEMS I STAFF I COUNCIL BECOAlMENDATION ACTION 9 CLOSED SESSION - Now ADJOURN THE NEXT C WCTTY COUNCIL MEETING WILL BE HELD ON THORSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1999. AGENDA ITEM REQUEST'S FOR THE 12-10-98 MEETING MUST BE S[JBW= IN WRMNG TO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BY NOON 12-W-98. PENDING C R A APPROVAL A regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on October 22, 1998, at 6 00 p m pMENT: Byron Matteson, Chairman Dan Buchanan, Vice -Chairman Herman Hilkey, Agency Member rim Smgley, Agency Member Lee Ann Garcia, Agency Member Tom Schwab, Executive Director John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Patrizia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director V rgd Barham, Building & Safety Director Lt. Pete Ortiz, Sheriff's Department ABSENT: Bernard Simon, Finance Director John Harper, City Attorney CRA-98-56 MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRMAN BUCHANAN, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER IBLKEY, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the October 8, 1998 Community Redevelopment Agency Minutes CRA-98-57 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER HIIXEY, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to approve Check Register CRA102298. Chairman Matteson temporarily adjourned the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting at 6.10 p m Chairman Matteson reconvened the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting at 6:57 p.m. Mayor Matteson announced that the Community Redevelopment Agency met in closed session to discuss real estate negotiations at 22772 Wren, staff was given mstructions on how to proceed. ` CRA AOElIDA ITEM NM c CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE: NOVEMBER 12, 1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: CHECK NO. VENDOR P12611 US BANK P12617 VISA P12625 RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND WATER COMPANY 40750 MARGARET AYARS 40751 DRAGOS BARBU 40752 VIRGIL BARHAM 40754 BERGEVIN'S CLEANING 40755 BEST BUY COMPANY 40761 ROBERT CHAGOLLA CONSTRUCTION • 40766 RAUL COLUNGA 40770 DRUG ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM ' 40787 INLAND EMPIRE ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP 40796 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 40806 PETTY CASH 40808 PLANT SITES AND PARKS 40819 40820 SOUTHERN CA WASTE MANAGEMENT SOUTHERN CA EDISON COMPANY 40705 40833 U S BANK PENDING C R.-. APPROVAL PAGE 1 CHECK REGISTER NO: 111298 NOVEMBER 12, 1998 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT COP 1997 PAYMENT, OCTOBER, 1998 22,094 66 AMERICA ON LINE, OCTOBER, 1998 2195 WATER FOR HOUSES UNDER REHABILITATION 17996 NAHRO CONFERENCE AND REIMBURSEMENT FOR LOCAL MILEAGE 3348 INTERN, 10/9-11/2/98 25500 AUTO ALLOWANCE, NOVEMBER, 1998 13750 JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR OCTOBER, 1998 HOUSING REHABILITATION BUILDING 4000 SONY DIGITAL CAMERA 86092 PROGRESS PAYMENTS FOR REHABILITATION OF PROPERTIES AT 22316 CARDINAU22772 WREN 22,561 34 INTERN, 10/5-10/16/98 731 12 LAWN SERVICE 12038 ARLISS AN INITIAL CLEAN UP AT 22644 VAN BUREN 61500 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP, 7/1/98-6/30/99 2,50000 PHONES FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION DEPT 3711 REIMBURSE PETTY CASH 3659 AD, CALIFORNIA SUPPLEMENT 1,84875 SEMINAR, STORMWATER, CODE ENFORCEMENT 7500 ELECTRIC FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION BUILDING AND HOUSES UNDER REHABILITATION 12633 COP 1997 PAYMENT FOR NOVEMBER, 1998 22,094 66 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE J \ Lry r > t t / '` h N ,. J •.., A3�{J�tf .c .. i r �f r f A N \\: „� .,.. „y(t^M..,Jiffyi9i� y t F w hh vJ J /% r x. vhQ 1\\ \ �\�Y,i �xn E }�i✓�v1JJ %��f fr! N � 'STAFF REP,,,0R-T--'\-,\- CRA ITEM (X ) COUNCIL ITEM ( ) MEETING DATE: November 17, 1998 AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR aMIN JUNE 30. 1998 FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED XX In accordance with Municipal Code 2.12 030.B, staff is presenting the Financial Audit Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1998 for your review and acceptance, and as a matter of public record The audited report was prepared by the firm of Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co , LLP, Certified Public Accountants, with whom the Agency contracts to perform a financial and compliance audit. The CRA of the City of Grand Terrace has received the highest possible opinion on its' financial report. The auditor has rendered an opinion that the financial statements, present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the CRA of the City of Grand Terrace, as of June 30, 1998 and the results of its operations for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. This report will be submitted to the State Controller's Office as required by the Single Audit Act of 1984 and OMB Circular A-128 and A-133 as necessary. Staff Recommends that Board: ACCEPT THE AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE CRA OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1998. cw► AGENDA r19A Na, 3 At Staff Report Community Services Department CRA ITEM OM MEETING DATE NOVEMBER 17, 1998 SUBJECT STREET NAME SIGN REPLACEMENT PROJECT NO 98-01- NOTICE OF COMPLETION- CENTRAL CITIES SIGNS FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND: In June, 1998, the Community Redevelopment Agency issued Contract No 98-14 to Central Cities Signs for a project to replace all of the City's Street Name Signs The Contract Award amount for the project was $61,734 10 Over the course of a 90 day period, the project has been iniplemented and the work required of the contractor has been completed In total, the project included the manufacture and installation of approximately 495 Street Name Signs from the project bid specifications and the addition of 55 signs not previously installed or existing within the City In total, the project �1 encompassed 550 Street Name Signs The project award was in the amount of $61,735 10 Total change orders and modifications to the project amounted to an additional $6,136 96 Central Cities Signs has agreed to provide the City credit in the amount of $1,171 36 for the removed hardware from the existing signs and the Dico Trailer which was declared surplus by the City Council in September, 1998 With this credit, the total Project Cost amounts to $66,700 70 It is recommended that the Agency Board approve Project No 98-01 and authorize the filing of a Notice of Completion for the project RECOMMENDATION - That the Agency Board 1 Approve a Change Order and authorize additional fund in the amount of $4,965 50 for Project No 98-01, and 2 Accept the Street Name Sign Replacement Project No 98-01 as complete, and 3 Authorize the Agency Secretary to file a Notice of Completion for the Project 98-01 FISCAL EMPACT• Action requires additional funding for the project in the amount of $4,965 60 MA AGENDA 1fE1A NO. 4 ININ'Lli#u of (6ranb 01 ErrtttP P-rilicciamattlan CHRISTMAS TREE RECYCLHVG PROGRAM 199d/99 Wi6W KEA.S, die City of Grand Terrace bahe►+es m d I ngurg Chnsows &wa fram waste nuo mental benefit, and ii'HF1�F.A$ C7sa�nat � it add 1b beaga xe�ie�est irsao� aid a s,�a�ialgi� van hoerie at Qn:prair elan r$1i'!k aan.�bra�,ed �terod ua by a Chn �� WMME4S, A4 he O rhmas s+ac rt-m- xw*Ain aei"e oy dVe fenpivr app�e+a 1 memorabk scar 40al Cl numas tart; and s- • - i l WZIERE %,Am rtt &w sales prove an commm q oW holiday ewpio7 more A= IOROpOpieq*, and pesos 0 a Coos &W � : si �4gpmabk F+�'��F� �A r�iwie iri�r7e a,��c�i ie�e and rage omrm. and77,4, ea7iaN ad a die dactnoasss•.at b�- - WlZER"% _ imvneir,sebQodap disweir�rt ' die s+a�s�6ctlaR of &Wjfi=rWSW ow s c NOW, TTdF1RW0R2 X *m R blew%'�of¢ d Tsismv, an %d inlf 4 +Councit doha6ypr+odun iWAe CMisms D eReqAftPirigrril U-4 wm*wIk& and bem jecy, and I encowage myfellow comers to acvwJyparwpam. f JILNI Alayar of dee Cry ofGh d Te 7UW ad of dK cW coual Affmlf M 17A &ygfNoyaabw,19M Community Services Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM (XX) MEETING DATE NOVEMBER 17, 1998 SUBJECT 1998 SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM- NOTICE OF COMPLETION NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND: On August 13, 1998 the City Council awarded a contract to California Pavement Maintenance, Inc (CPM) for the 1998 Slurry Seal Program In total, the project encompassed approximately 3 5 milhon square feet of streets, roughly one half of the City of Grand Terrace The total contract bid was $217, 872 The City Council also authorized a change order to the project for the use of rubberized slurry (RPM) on the Barton Road section of the project in the amount of $7,128 for a total contract price of $225,000 DISCUSSION: On November 5, 1998, CPM completed all areas of the project. Generally, the entire project proceeded without any major problems, and the results were better than originally expected Overall the quality of workmanship and the results of the project are considered excellent and exceeded the expectations of staff During the project, there were a total of three (3) Change Orders to the project These included as follows 1 fbgne 1: The Barton Rd section was modified to include RPM Slurry Total cost $7,128 2 Chqgge 2: Segments along Pico St and Kingfisher were deleted because certain public improvements have not been accepted by the City Total credit to the project was $1,626 80 3 Qmge 3: Eton Drive was added to the project (because Riverside Highland Water has delayed the installation of a water main) and areas on DeBerry St and Raven Way were deleted due to being paved in the Street Maintenance Program Addition to the project was $843 82 COUNCIL AGENDA M31 NQ, I DATE November 10, 1998 W O #12-5 3900 Dmwtm= of Of; & Safety � rww Waks andH=n T"F REPORT CRA O COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE November 17, 1998 SUBJECT Right-of-way dedication at 22087 Barton road - Yasm i `111 NO FUNDING REQUIRED The intersection of Barton Road and 1Vficlugan does not conform to the standards of our current circulation element which requires a nght-of-way of 44 feet from the centerline, at present the city only has 33 feet from the centerline In an effort to improve the conditions that exist at that intersection the city has worked with the property owner to dedicate the additional nght-of-way in exchange for certain improvements and conditions The engineer for the property owner has submitted a grant deed to the city for their acceptance and to satisfy one of the conditions of approval of their project STAFF RECOMNfENDS THAT THE CITY COUNCIL 1 Accepts the dedication of right-of-way 2 Directs the City Clerk to record the document couNcu. AGENDA nW NoI1 3 +� EXHIBIT "B" DEED PLAT N49' 22'Zs' E ,o 0 � N 8�' 22•ZS"� 78 -874 � 3 ss�v Y 33' 4 a 4 '°/2r /g• �. T = 3'� • /3' W O ~ 0 O l // ¢ oo' 1y ' 33 . 5 89�zt' ZS" w This Plat is solely an aid for interpreting the attached docaimew It does not after or supersede any portion of F,&U 'A" Prepared by - James R Horton TAMES R. RCE 11436 "GUM ft 11436 vice a-N-* Community Services Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM QM MEETING DATE NOVEMBER 17, 1998 SUBJECT FACILITY ROOFING REPAIRS AUTHORIZATION TO PREPARE SPECIFICATIONS AND GO TO BID FUNDING INCLUDED IN BUDGET BACKGROUND: As part of the 1998-99 Fiscal Year Budget, the City has included funding to perform a variety of roofing repairs at City facilities Staff has been working with Tremco Incorporated to develop a number of recommendations for repairs to the following facilities • Civic Center • Child Care Center • Fire Station The general repairs to the roofs will include a combination of sealing leaks and weather Proofing In total, the estimated costs of the repairs is expected to cost $25,000 00 Staff has received a listing of recommendations for the facilities and is requesting authorization to develop formal specifications and bid the repairs It is anticipated that the contract award and repairs will occur in January, 1999 RECOMMENDATION - That the City Council authorize the development of specifications for roofing repairs, and Authorize the Public Bidding of the repairs FISCAL IWACT• Total repair costs are estimated at $25,000 COUNCIL AGENDA RE11 N0. COUNCIL ITEM (XX) City Manager's Department STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE November 17, 1998 SUBJECT Sexual Harassment Training in the Workplace for Grand Terrace City Staff FUNDING REQUIRED Many corporations and agencies are currently faced with the liability associated with sexual harassment in the workplace Types of harassmg behavior can be as minor as an inappropriate photograph or conversation to an actual threat to an employee It is the City's responsibility to provide a non threatemng workplace envuonment We can work to achieve tins through training to inform our employees and supervisors what constitutes sexual harassment in the workplace This training should be mandatory for all of our employees to stress that inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated Through tins trammg, employees will learn how to recognize and deal with inappropriate behavior and will give employees the information necessary to avert a potentially threatening situation With that in mmd, the City has received a proposal from the Law Enforcement Assistance Network (LEAN) to provide this framing I propose to hold two four-hour sessions from 8 00- 12 00 noon and from 100 to 5 00 p in on Tuesday, December 8, 1998 The trainer will be Mervin Femstem. His resume is attached In order to ensure that all employees can attend this training, I would like to provide lunch so that each employee can have a half-hour lunch period to cover the overlap needed so all employees can attend. The cost of the tnammg and the manuals provided to each employee is $ 1,000 In addition, I would like an appropnatkm of $200 to provide the lunches and beverages during the breaks Staff Recommends That Council: Authorize sexual harassment in the workplace training and appropriate $1,200 from the general fund undesignated reserve. TS yjm Attachments The second segment would focus on supervisors The information provided during the second half of the day would be the same as above, with the added module e Supervisory Responsibilities The cost of the course would be $1,000 This price is inclusive of all charges If you have any questions, you can reach me at (888) 696-LEAN I look forward to hearing from you soon Yours truly, Bill Smith Partner PS I included descriptions of additional LEAN courses Historical and Cultural Activities Committee Muuutes for October 5, 1998 The meeting was called to order at 7 p m. by Chairman Vi Gratsom Those present were Vr, Am Petta, Colleen Edmundson, Hannah Laister, Shelly Rosenhaild, Pa d= Grant and Tracey Martinez. The Secretary's minutes were read and approved on motion by Ann, seconded by Colleen. The Treasurer's report showed no change v read a letter from the Finance Department stating that no P O 's would be issued after -S U99 A letter was also read from Lenore Frost, Make -a Difference Day, askm for can goods contributions -she works with churches, tic. Also a letter from the 20th Anwversary Committee donating $500 00 to our Committee. We will use some for the Birthday Party There Is also a time capsule project in the works Colleen donated a Committee punch bowl to the Country For Shelly presented a final poster - 50 will be printed to be put around town on the 24th approaamat ly Colleen and Hannah are in charge of supplies Judges for the cooking contest were discussed Those to be asked will be Demce Preae, Ed Dvorak, Frank; Ferre, Women's Chub President, Manager at States and Joe Collelo There a one entry for the Cookie Contest for which Shelly prepared the eerbifica t Am reported 22 entries so far At least 40 crafters and 40 cooks are needed for a successful Fair A letter was received from Pamela East to demonstrate glass bead malang which requires a small fire. As long as she has the required permit, we welcome her Shelly will prepare articles for newspaper Pauline will do radio 20th Celebration Shelly wrote a letter for the schools to be a part of the celebration which was approved by the Committee. Bill DeBenedet passed away, a leader in the development of our City The Committee sent a card to his family The meeting was adjourned at 7.55 p m. The next meeting will be November 2, 1998 Respectfully Submitted, CITY OF GRAND TE V ACE 0 C T 2 21998 crtraM COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NQl.-h1a COMMITTEE REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 12 NOVEMBER 1998 COMMISSION/COMMITTEE: CRIME PREVENTION DATE :NOVEMBER 3.1998 PROBLEM: A LETTER OF RESIGNATION WAS RECEIVED FROM THOMAS KNOWLES, ALTERNATE MEMEBER. REASON FOR RESSIGNATION WAS RELOCATION TO OREGON. ALTERNATIVES: NONE SOLUTION: 1. ACCEPT MR KNOWLES RESIGNATION. PROPOSED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY COUNCIL AND OR STAFF: 1. WE REQUEST THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THOMAS EWELL KNOWLES REIGNATION AS ALTERNATE MEMBER OF THE CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE AND THAT MAYOR BYRON MATTESON PREPARE A LETTER TO MR KNOWLES REGARDING THIS ACTION. 2. ALL REGULAR AND ALTERNATE POSITIONS OF THE CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE HAVE NOW BEEN FILLED. COtlNCfl. AGENDA REIIA WO;,j�j� r� CITY OF GRAND TERRACE N 0 V 1 01998 CRIME PREVENTION CONEVIITI'EE Regular Meeting WYCLERK Minutes October 12, 1998 The Grand Terrace Crime Prevention Committee met for its regular monthly meeting at the Senior Center and was called to order at 1800 hours by Chairperson Phdomena Spisak. - MEDSERS PRESENT: Philomena Spisak, Chairperson, Bitsy Bernor, VuxChairperson, JoAnn Johnson, Jackie Kiac z, Clair McElwee, Dottie Itaborn and Dick Rollins. MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Fasenmyer - alternate member CITY STAFF/SEERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: Tanya Cahill, Community Services Officer, Julie Hernandez, Code Enforcement Officer and Lt. Pete Ortiz. GUESTS PRESENT: Bob Stewart - Citizen Patrol member and Lewis Neeb, now a permanent member having been appointed by Mayor Byron Matteson. AGENDA: The agenda was approved as presented N UTES: The minutes of the September le meeting were approved with a motion by Bitsy Bernor and second by Jaclae Kiacz CORRESPONDENCE: 1. The Chairperson read a letter from the City Manager's Office and the Finance Department oudmmg rules for the use of the Crime Prevention Budget and any expenditures of monies pertaining to the City Funds. 2. Letter from, Mayor Byron R. Matteson reinstating Bitsy Bernor as a fill member. BUDGET: Dottie Raborn reported that the Crime Prevention Committee's budget balance now stood at $12,991.00 UNFPGSIIED BUSWM: MMM111 Tanya Cahill described the new Digital Camera to be purchased out of the Committee's budget identified as a Kodak DE-120 to be used in the Deputy patrol vehicle. 'lire Committee voted unanimously to allocale a total of $1,550.00 for the purchase of the camera and all necessary accessories as outlined by the Community Service Officer. Motion made by JoAnn Johnson and seconded by Dottie Raborn. As formerly agreed upon, the system will be maintained and the usage thereof monitored, by LL Ortiz and will remain as the property solely of the City of Grand Terrace. Information and data regarding this equipment will be submitted by Tanya Cahill to Council Members COUNCIL AGENDA M Np���Rjb EMERGENCY OPERATIONS COMElTTEE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE September 14, 1999 N HgMS CALL TO ORDER: - The meeting was called to order by Gary Eldridge at 7 09 p in. iriEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Eldridge, Soma Aiken and Darla Wertz GUESTS PRESENT: John Donlevy APPROVAL OF hE UTES: Minutes of August 3, 1998, meeting were approved COUNSIL LIAISON REPORT: 1 Comae slab for the generator to be poured next week- 2 Fuel tank for generator is at Johnson's ♦ 1 C'i,l�l ��i i..� 3 Rewrite of the Emergency Operations Plan as required by the state is finished. 4 New street signs will be up all over the city within the next three we&, EQUH%W.NT/FACHJrY REPORT: 1 EOC building needs to be fumigated OLD BUSINESS: 1 Gary to contact Tian Monroe about coming to the EOC meetings 2 Emergency food supplies ordered prior to July meeting not in yet Nov 0 61998 COUNCIL AGENDA REY NQq `_ Community and Economic Development Department STAFFREPORT CRA ITEM() COUNCIL ITEM(X) MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 17,1998 FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED SUBJECT: CUP 90406(renewal #6); request for a two year extension of this Conditional Use Permit Staff requests motion to continue project to next Council meeting on December 10, 1998, to address letter received by neighboring property owner during I noticing procedure C �, \cW9006wt v;pd 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-52F59W&AWANDA ITEM NO. blq Community Services Department Staff Report COUNCEL ITEM MEETING DATE November 18, 1998 SUBJECT 1999-00 CDBG PROGRAM PROJECTS NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND: Annually in November, the City, as part of our Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program holds a Public Hearing to receive community input regarding projects for the following program year which runs from July through June of each year The Public Hearing is land to receive input and ideas regarding potential projects to later be prioritized by the City Council The City's CDBG Program is administered through the County of San Bernardino Department of Economic and Community Development and the City receives an allocation of approximately $37,000 each year Over the past number of years, the City had accumulated a reserve of funds winch amounted to a budget of approximately $126,000 Much of this will be utilized during the 1998-99 Fiscal Year, with the Senior Center Building Expansion ($77,000) and a landscaping expansion ($25,000) and park plan ($15,000) for landscaping, leaving a nominal balance of approximately $20,000 in our Un-Programmed Balance The City Council will hold a Public Hearing and receive input regarding potential projects to be developed by the City and submitted to the County in December The City Council will formally decide on the pnontization of projects and funding levels in January, 1999 Staff Is not presenting any recommended projects for the 1999-2000 Fiscal Year The recommendation is that the City implement the projects currently funded and re -build the Un-Programmed Account Balance with the County so larger projects can be considered in future years RECON ENDATION• That the City Council conduct a Public Hearing on CDBG Projects for the City of Grand Terrace, and Provide input to Staff on suggestions for City projects for the 1999- 2000 Fiscal Year COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM WQ� Uj(� CITY OF GRAND TERRACE \ t{T r. •• ` A n` yJfJ f w � vfJ+\\`\``\Al`.\\ \`\w t rn�\�. ,: , {J vt jjJF// �JJ ! f r Nr..iN/J n . �\\ � •�\\\\ \ \ v:• �. �\•'-•' 'k { LN gy�pp\ y } •n • fit .v f ; Mn 1\ \ \ J w STAFFREF J L /J • / j//F fJ \\. I \\\\\� 21 2i w •' �\����\\`yJ� J J \\ \ \t•: •. J u� \.n\ •f \ n v x L •. \ \ \ \\ . } '• J v w ,.r\ •. x.m v n wVn ... x H " \x .w . v '� % n v n •\.. v fj v vnv� CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCII, ITEM (X ) MEETING DATE • November 17, 1998 AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING �30. 19981998 FUNDING REQUIItED NO FUNDING REQUIRED XX In accordance with Municipal Code 2.12.030.B, staff is presenting the Financial Audit Audit Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1998 for your review and acceptance, and as a matter of public record. The audited report was prepared by the firm of Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP, Certified Public Accountants, with whom the Agency contracts to perform a financial and compliance audit The City of Grand Terrace has received the highest possible opinion on its' financial report. The auditor has rendered an opinion that the financial statements, present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City of Grand Terrace, as of June 30, 1998 and the results of its operations for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. This report will be submitted to the State Controller's Office as required by the Single Audit Act of 1984 and OMB Circular A-128 and A-133 as necessary. Staff Recommends that Counczl: ACCEPT THE AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1998. COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO ���} City Manager's Department STAFF RE' PORT COUNCIL ITEM MEETING DATE November 17, 1998 SUBJECT Fire Service Consolidation Report NO FUNDING REQUIRED Attached, Council will find the Resolution adopted by the Local Agency Formation Committee (LAFCO) formally denying LAFCO Application Number 2826, a reorganization to include the formation of the East Valley Fun Protection District (EVFPD) and detachment from County Service Area 38 (CSA 38) Although there is no appeal process regarding the application denied by LAFCO, the cities could request reconsideration from a member who voted against our application However, we do not believe that we could find a member willing to introduce a motion for reconsideration, nor would we get a majority to reconsider, as our LAFCO application was denied by a vote of 5 to 2, with only Supervisor Hansberger and Council Member Bagley of Twentymne Palms voting in favor The cities of Highland and Yucaipa have both taken out applications from LAFCO to do a simple detachment, which, in theory, would allow each city to detach and take with them the amount of revenue currently generated within those cities The detachment process will be subject to LAFCO approval and will require a detachment fee of $7,000 per city Many issues arose during the public hearings, particularly from communities within CSA 38 that are currently generating more revenue than they are receiving in services In particular, the homeowners' association of Spring Valley Lake indicated that unless a full Environment Impact Report was prepared, they would file a lawsuit Their primary issue was that the EVFPD would take approximately $200,000 more in revenue than it currently generates I would unagme that these same issues will again arse at LAFCO because the proposed detachment of the two cities would actually take out an amount in excess of $200,000 in revenue over current costs Therefore, even a detachment, I believe, would be a long process and whether an interim contract with the California Department of Forestry (CDF) could be maintained is questionable The City of Grand Terrace also has the option of detaching from CSA 38 However, our circumstances are quite different from those in Highland and Yucaipa Table 1 1995/96 Fire Protection Costs Estimated for the Fast Valley Service Area 1 Service Area Direct Indirect Total Grand Terrace $444,032 $193,315 $637,347 Highland $1,356,310 $457,899 $1,814,209 Yucaipa $1,365,231 $479,968 $1,845,199 Oftes Subtotal $3,165,573 $1,231,768 $4,296,755 Unincorporated Areas $528,431 $568,370 $1,097,091 Grand Total: $3,694,004 $1,800,138 $5,393,845 COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO.�(�, -1- J l:' ,Y ,u.u,i., RECEIVE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION D COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO OCT 281998 175 West Fifth Street, Second Floor � MANA"E S DEp San Bernardino, CA 92415-0490 • (909) 387-UN • FAX (g09) 3t37-5 r F G& TE$ ENT E-MAIL lafcooco san-bemardino ca us CE PROPOSAL NO.: LAFCO 2826 HEARING DATE: OCTOBER 21,1"S RESOLUTION NO.2609 A RESOLUTION OF THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COIISMSION OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO MAKING DETERMINATIONS ON LAFCO 2826, A REORGANIZATION TO INCLUDE FORMATION OF THE EAST VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND DETACE[MENT FROM COUNTY SERVICE AREA 38, AND DENYING SAID PROPOSAL. Oa motion of Commissioner NMwls, duly seconded by Commissioner Roemer, and carried, the Local Agency Formation Commissm adopts the following resolution: WHEREAS, an application for the proposed formation of the East Valley Fire Protection District in the County of San Bernardino was heretofore filed with the Executive Officer of this Local Agency Formation ommission in accordance with the Cortese/Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1995 (Goverment -.ode Section 56000 et. seq I and said Executive Officer has examined said application and executed his certificate in accordance with law, det+eimmmg and certifying that said filings are sufficient; and, WHEREAS, at the tines and in the form and manner provided by law, said Executive Officer has given notice of public hearing by this Commission upon said application, and, WHEREAS, said Executive Officer has reviewed available information and prepared a report mchidmg his recommendations thereon, said filings and report and related information having been presented to and considered by this Commission, and, WHEREAS, the public hearing by tins Commission was held upon the date and at the time and place specified in said notice of public hearing and in order or orders continuing such hearing, and, WEMWAS, at such hearing, this Commission heard and received all oral and written protests; the Commission considered all plans and proposed changes of organization and reorganization, objections and evidence which were made, presented, or filed, it received evidence as to whether the territory is inhabited or uninhabited, unproved or unimproved, and all persons present were given an opporpmity to hear and be heard in respect to any matter relatmg to said application, in evidence presented at the hearing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of San Bernardino does hereby determine, resolve, order, and find as follows REPORT MANAGER ARTMENT CRA ITEM( ) COUNCIL ITEM ( ) MEETING DATE SUBJECT APPROVE RESOLUTION FOR THE CITY TO OBTAIN STATE SUMMARY CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECKS ON EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS FUNDING REQUIRED XX NO FUNDING REQUIRED Staff would like to implement criminal background checks on employees and volunteers Penal Code 1105(bX 10) gives authorization to cities to access state summary cnrrunal history information for the purpose of such screening and to designate an employee to obtain this information The designated employee for our City is the Assistant to the City Manager who handles onentation for new employees Currently, staff does a background check on child care employees, but feels that this should be extended to all staff Attached is the resolution for approval along with the employee statement we will use Also enclosed is the policy with guidelines for determining hinng eligibility The San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department will have in place after the first of the year live scan (electronic) fingerpnnt services which is the method we plan to utilize This process allows for faster results —within three days — by mail, the Internet or fax and replaces the rolling ink style for fingerpnnting The City will be able to set up a billing account wrth the Department of Justice and the charge for each applicant is $32 There will be an additional charge (amount to be determined later) with the Shenfl s Department for the scan Staffis recommending that $500 be appropnated for the remainder of the fiscal year for background checks STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COUNCILAPPROVETHEATTACHED RESOLUTION, POLICYAND EMPLOYEE STATEMENT AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO OBTAIN BACKGROUND CHECKS ON EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS 2 TO APPROPRIATE $500 FOR THE FEES CHARGED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM N0.j �& Resolution 98- Fage 2 I, BRENDA STANFIL L, CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was mt Wuced and adopted at a special meeting of the Oty Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 17th day of November, 1998 by the following vote* AYES: NOES: ABSENT. ABSTAIN: Approved as to form: C City Attorney S �r City Clerk Section 68: Aslang for or receiving bribes Section 72- Presentation of Fraudulent claims Section 73, 74: Bribes for appointment to office Section 187, 189- Murder Section 209: Kidnapping for ransom, extortion or robbery Section 211: Robbery - talang personal property in possession of someone by force or fear Section 245: Assault with deadly weapon Section 261- Rape Section 451: Arson of structure, forest land or property Section 459. Burglary Section 484: Theft Section 503: Embezzlement - fraudulent appropriation of property by a person to whom it has been intrusted Section 518. Extortion - obtain property by a wrongful use of force or fear or under color of official right B. In addition to A above, for positions relating to intmaction with minors the following areas shall also be grounds to not hue or for discipline up to and including termination 1. Violations or attempted violations of Penal code Section 220, 261.5, 262, 273a, 273d, or 273.5, 288, or any sex offense listed in Section 290. 2. Any crime dewnl)ed in the Calif ma uniform Controlled Substances Act (Division 10 (commencing with Section 11000) of the Health and Safety Code), provided that, except as otherwise provided in subdivision (c), no record of a misdemeanor conviction shall be transmitted to the requester unless the subject of the request has a total of three or more misdemeanor or felony convictions defined in this section within the immediately preceding 10-year period. 3. Any felony or misdemeanor conviction with 10 years of the date of the employer's request under subdivision (a), for a violation or attempted violation of Chapter 3 of Title 8 of the California Penal Code (oomiiencing with Section 207), Section 211 or 215, wherein it is charged and proved that the defendant personally used a deadly or dangerous weapon, as provided in subdivision (b) of Section 12022, in the commission of that offense, Section 217.1, Chapter 8 of title 8 of the Penal Code (commending with Section 236), Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 240), and for a violation of any of the offenses specified in subdivision (c) of Section 667 5, provided that no record of a misdemeanor conviction shall be transmitted to the requester unless the subject of the request has a total of three or more misdemeanor or felony convictions defined in this section within the immediately preceding 10- year period. acknowledgment that conviction of crimes listed in Section III above under their job category or determined to the substantially similar by the City Attorney small be grounds for discnp mary action up to and including termination. Further, any such individual has the responsibility to report any such conviction to the Assistant to the City Manager C The City shall enter into a contract with the Department of Justice so that any subsequent conviction or arrest information concerning an employee that was originally hued subject to taus policy may be obtained. 1 Any information about casting employees' or volunteers' convictions and/or arrests pending adjudication shall be reported to the employee's or volunteer's department manager or the Assistant to the City Manager. 2. Upon tempt of information regarding a conviction and/or arrest pending Audi,cation which is specified as not acceptable for the given position in Section III above, the Department Head and the Assistant to the City Mang shall evaluate the effect and potential effect of the employee's or volunteer's record or arrest on then position of employment, fellow employees and the public, and shall take appropriate action to maximize public safety and m,mmm potential liability while respecting the rights of the employee or volunteer VL Confidentialky �r State summary criminal history information is confidential and shall not be disclosed, except to those individuals designated to make employment decisions. A. Pursuant to California Penal Code Section 11077 the Attorney General is teqonslble for the security of Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) and has the authority to establish regulations to assure the security of CORI from unauthorized disclosures. The following are requirements as prescribed by the Stare of Cahfa nia, Department of Justice, Bureau of Criminal Identification and Information, Field Operations and Record Security for any agency that maintains or receives criminal history information Record Secii *: Any inquiries regarding the release, security or privacy of Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) are to be resolved b the Assistant to the City Manager 2. Record Storage. CORI shall be under lock and key and accessible only to the Assistant to the City Manager who shall be committed to protect CORI from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. 3. Record Dimemination. CORI shall be used only for the purpose for which it was requested by the Assistant to the City Manager. 4:I I . E IPLOYEES STATEMENT REGARDING THE USE OF CRIlVMAL JUSTICE INFORMATION As an employee of the City of Grand Terrace, it may be necessary for you to have access to confidential criminal record information in making employment decisions. Access to such criminal record mformation is controlled by statute. Misuse of such mfwnawn may adversely affect the civic rights of prospective employees or volunteers, and violates the law. Penal Code Section 502 p rualibes the penalties relating to computer cremes Penal Code Section 11105 and 13300 identify who is permitted access to criminal history information and under what c u astances information may be rdeased. Penal Code Section 11140-11144 and 13301-13305 pre 'be penalties for misuse of criminal history information. Government Code Section 6200 prescribes the felony penalties for misuse of public records and California Law Enforcement Telecommunications Systems (CLEI'S) information. Labor Code Section 432.7 prescribes penalties for misuse of certain criminal record information in employment decisions. Penal code Sections 11142 and 13303 state: Any person authorized by law to remve a record or information obtained from a record who knowingly furnishes the record or information to a person not authorized by law to receive the record or information is guilty of a misdemeanor. Any employee who rs responsible for such misuse of criminal record information may be subject to discipline up two and including immediate termination. Violations of this law may also result in criminal and/or civic action. J I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE ABOVE AND "CITY OF GRAND TERRACE POLICY FOR CONDUCTING CREMMAL BACKGROUND CHECKS AND SECURING RECEIVED CREKINAL HISTORY INFORMATION." I AM AWARE OF THE STATUTES AND POLICIES PERTAIN NG TO THE AMUSE OF CRE IINAL IlMRMATION. Typed/Printed Name of Employee M CITY OF GRAND TERRACE -:{� �i3Pi1�,'�� IiTROIi"f_2i��6%9s:-:-_}:-- CRA ITEM( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X ) AGENDA DIEM MMING DATE : November 17, 1998 WI+.IN y : , 1 K90M,1011:1; FUNDING REQUIRED _XX NO FUNDING REQUIRED naracurouna Because we are a small City with a small st4 we have no Computer Department or computer personnel In spite of this, we are running a 30 node Novell Network available to all City Hall computer users providing shared printer service, document storage (file server), transfer capability, and limited direct applications such as Westlaw and Budgetary/Accounting System. We are also running LAN E-Mail on a separate Lotus Notes Server Other than system installation, the majority of network maintenance and general computer maintenance is done in house with outside computer consultants only required on the most complex items (i a adding a second SCSI controller on an external storage drive, adding Novell upgrade patches and major hardware problems) The Network system is primarily used by the Finance Department winch is a fully integrated computer networked department pinning Eden Systems Budgetary/Awountmg Systems, which includes fund accounting, payroll, utility billing, fixed asset accountm& intelligent query and running word processing, graphics, spreadsheets, and database programs on individual PCs but saving documents using a file server storage system through the Novell network. Network File Server Sygem Our File Server is currently a Pentium 100-S, PCI bus, 128 ram, 8 GB internal storage and 20 GB external storage through an add on SCSI controller, all devices are chained through an onboard Adaptec SCSI controller Our network operating system is Novell Netware version 4 10 All workstations are connected by category 5, level 16 cabhng, throughout City Hall, connecting at a patch panel in the finance department, then to the File Server, through five hubs and one switch. -1- COUML AGENDA ITEM NO.'i , CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Page 3 Computer Consultant Attached are two proposals from consultants for a minimum of two days per month Staff will select the best candidate based on references and based on performance on actual small projects assigned If no candidate tests well, additional consultants will be solicited An appropriation of S22.500 is requested in 10-140-249 (Finance Computer Maintenance) This cost will be allocated to all cost centersffiinds at the end of the year The approximate historical cost to the General Fund after cost allocation is 35% 1) Approve plans to contract with computer consultant 2) Appropriate $ 22.500 in General Fund Account 10-140-249 to provide fiwds necessary for consultant to perform Y2K computer systems analysis, research and upgrade as required -3- IU19/90 I8.24 To Qsrnard Sidon Fr=:Uonn K Yil=n 989-921-MS Pap 1 LLEI�I d I�IIUI�1 FACSIMILE COVER PAGE Date- 11/10/98 Time 0 00.00 Pages 8 To Bemard Srrion Cornparrf City of Grand Terrace Fax it W9-783.7629 From Glenn M Wilson Company- Millennium Systems, LLC Address 223 North Fast Avenue, Suite 101 Upland. CA 91786.6044 USA Fax it (909) 9204= Voice # (909) 931-3171 lomw M [ Lt F"SZR"""ME ftwad 14jwrwm2 a ilk; rad"M Joe AMC AW Of htarim ors LLC AI era lom me ire �� pgwV of tw rapac" 0ffM 11119M 18:24 To Ienard Uson F�os:6l�aa IL V11soa 919-921-I219 pap 3A Response to Request for Proposal To Provide Network 311port SIMMS l0d Tear 2000 gggsViong November 9,19M SamM[/ed to: The City of Grand Terrace 22M 8arion Road Grand Terrace. CA 92324 Attrt: Bernard Simon Finance Mrsdor SubRlbrid by: Millennium Systems, LLC 223 North First Avenue, Side 101 Upland, CA 917M USA Tel (909) 931-3171 Fax. (909) 920-02M Tog Free (888) FIX4LAN 11/12/28 11:24 To ®word Stem Fros:ilan K BllM SIM21-1 11 Page SA Company Highlights: ���r��► Profile ♦ In Busyness Bruce 1992 ♦ Auaflfl9d - A+, MCP, MCSF CNA and ChF Support ♦ Nowu Gold Partner ♦ MiciosotF OEM Partner • Cheyenne Partner • Oon poq Authorized Reseller • Hewlett Packard Value Added Reselter ♦ Acer Authonzed Reseller ♦ Crsoo Authoraed Reselfer ♦ AT&T World Wide Intranet Connect (VpN) Service Agent ♦ 3Com Networking Partner ♦ Coro/ Approved Reeseller Company Information: Millennium Systems started in 1992 under the name ArrowheW Associates no legal waschanged to MHlennium Systems. LLC In 1997 Offering systems Engineers and Senior Systems Engineers with qua1d*Mtrons such as A+, ACT, A� MCSE, C.NA and CNE. Averaging nearly ten years emerience. Support Is provided for clients In the Son Bernardrw, Rftwsids, Sion Diego. Orange and Los Angeles Counties. These support oftwrngs include network dowgn and soRwvre and hordm". workstation solfwvre and hardware and 1�iointegration. support � �� vr 2000 oonwRing. We also A partial list of the customers we are proud to have worked with: The County of Rrrerside First Amerecan Title Company, QaL State 1lniverW Son Bernardino TTie City, of Ontario RedewAoprnent Agency The City of Ontario Public Library Onfano Convention Ceder Corporation Rhwsidb Unrfivd School District Saint Joseph l+ ogWal Weshnunster School District Morgan Stanley - Dean Witter Skat-Truk Corporation The Law Firm of Fenuzzo and Ferruzzo Pkress-Stauferr California Inc. (OMVA) Proprietary Controls Systerrn Corp. (PCSCI AM.E Manufacturing NorthStor Video Duplicators T nT Video ♦ Rich's 2nd jrAelry & Loan • PocFab Rdwication Inc ♦ Inland Community Bank ♦ LegolEaze ♦ Dmw Ruff d Corr:po v ♦ Art Bicab Sea Co. ♦ SOMY Tech SeairlHes • FufrneTrac As:ooiafes • Cnatt Co w wnlcations ♦ Servfce Anwica Corporation ♦ Law OHicas of Mlrau, Edwards, Cannon, Harter B Lewin ♦ Idderon Akedlool Group ♦ Inland 1rA1 frlal A&eclfcal Group ♦ The Law Offices of Tracy Goldberg ♦ IrWfWy Insurance • The Accouding Firm - Duckworth & Millennium Systems, LLC 223 Nodh First Avenue, Sine 101, Upland, CA 91786-6044 r � 11A!/91 18:24 To Bernard Stem From -Glenn K Vilson 919-921-VI! Pap 7/1 Client References The County of Riverside Touna Mays Admim*ative Manager (909) 486-7104 Miscellaneous hardware over the years We prrnarily provide the County wdh computer network support for their new Gateway faddy which houses the County Clerk and Recorder's office as well as the Assessor and Registrar of voters. The Law Firm of Ferruzzo and Femuzzo Ann McCluskey Office Manager (714) 834-9322 Over the last two years we have replaced nearly all computer systems with Compaq servers and workstations. Providing two new servers and approWmafely 30 workstations We also provide network support for their system. Inland Community Bank Jim Cooper President (909) 481-8706 We are completing the process of replacing systems rn 4 branches for the barWs Y2K protect Repkacng approximately 35 workstations and three senaers We also provide network support as well as data related hardware Computer Consultants Ronme R Johnson 11 RiMIE R. JOHN80N P.O. BOX 55696 Riverside, CA 92527 (909) 524-2685 OBJECTIVE: WAN/LAN Network Engzneer/ Network Adminzstrator NETWORKS: Novell operating systems 3.12, 4.10, 4.11 and NT server 3.51 and 4.0. Integrating heterogeneous networks. Familiar with Ethernet, and Token Ring topologies. HARDWARE: Strong market knowledge of state of the art hardware, software and technologies available in the industry: (16 bit, 32 bit, SCSI, VLB, and PCI) . SOFTWARE: BorderManager, GroupWise, Windows 95, Windows 3.x, MS Office, MS Mail, CCMail, MS Mail, NT Workstation and Macintosh OS 7.6. TECHNICAL TRAINING: Certified Netware Engineer; (CNE)4.11 and 3.12 Certified Netware Administrator; (CNA), Fullerton College, Anaheim, CA Certificate in Computer Technology, Control Data Institute, Los Angeles, CA EDUCATION: University of Alabama Huntsville, Huntsville, AL Oakwood College, Huntsville, AL 8t4 wymENT : Network Ad=nzstrator: EDP Temps, Los Angeles, CA 1996 (10-97 to Present) Network Administrator: OAO/JPL, Pasadena, CA (12-96 to 10-97) Administer six Novell 4.10 servers, one NT 4.0 server, three Ccmall post offices, remote access server, and sup four hundred users with Windows NT workstation, Wnpt 9o5Wien 3.1 and Macintosh platforms. Manage TCP/IP for Internet access. Mission -critical Nova Award winner for excellence and customer focus from Jet Propulsion Laboratory. To: (Unknown), bacpa rros: DFIZRNET:RonRJohn@aol.can, DMRNET:RonRJohn@aol.com Date: 7/17/98, 3:14 PM Re: Re: OONPuTM Sender: RonRJohn@aol.com Received: from imo28.mx.aol.com (ino28.mx.aol.com 1198.81.17.721) by arl-img-6.compuserve.ccm (8.8.618.8.6/2 12) With BSMTP id UAA2O669 for <bscpa@compuserve.coo>; Fri, 17 Jul 1998 20:13.35 -0400 (EDT) From: RonRJohn@aol.com Received: from RonRJohn@aol.con by imo28.mx.aol.com UNW14 bl.l) id 0ISSa17154 for <bscpa@compuaerve.con>; Fri, 17 Jul 1998 19:57:08 -0400 (EDT) Message -ID: <92e48042.35afe4d5@aol.cam> Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1999 19:57:08 EDT To: bacpa@compuserve.cam Mine -Version: 1.0 Subject: Re: COMPUTERS Content -type: multipart/mixed; boundary-4partO 900719828 boundary' X-Mailer: AOL 3.0 16-bit for Windows sub 38 As per our conversation, I have attached my resume in Word format. references are former employers . The below Ms. Genene Meeks Hufan Resources Rep. OAO Corp. 818 354-8468 Ms. Georgia Hawthorne Account Rep. EDP Contract Services 213 624-9810 � r STAFF REPORT CRA ITEM () COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE November 17, 1998 SUBJECT APPOINT REPRESENTATIVES AND ALTERNATES TO VARIOUS GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS Each Election year it is necessary for the Council to review and make appointments to various government organizations Below is a list of the organizations with the current representatives Attached is the Mayor's Recommendations Ommtrans Representative Herman Hiilkey Alternate Dan Buchanan SCAG Representative Lee Ann Garcia Alternate Tom Schwab San Bernardino Valley Water Representative Dan Buchanan District Advisory Committee Alternate Tim Smgley League of Cahforma Cities Representative Dan Buchanan Inland Empire Division Alternate Lee Ann Garcia City Selection Committee Representative Byron Matteson SANBAG Representative Jim Smgley Alternate Lee Ann Garcia Solid Waste Task Force Representative Lee Ann Garcia Alternate Tom Schwab Ommtrans Tec Advisory Representative John Donlevy Alternate Tom Schwab Southern California Joint Representative Jim Singley Powers Insurance Authority Alternate Tom Schwab (Board of Directors) Alternate John Donlevy San Bernardino County Gang Representative Jim Smgley & Drug Task Force Partnership Strategy Review Representative Lee Ann Garcia Committee COUNCIL AQQIDA ITEM NO:�