12/10/199822795 Barton Road - Grand Terrace California 92313-5295 Y Civic Center (909) 824-6621 - Fax (909) 783-7629 ` Fax (909) 783-2600 Y 4 Yf b Byron R Matteson '• Mayor V . =o Dan Buchanan Mayor Pro Tempore m, _= Herman Hilkey fi�a7 _ Jim Smgley Lee Ann Garcia Council Members Thomas J Schwab City Manager FILE COPY - -- el t December 10, 1998 7:00 p.m. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Regular Meetings 2nd and 4th Thursday - 6 00 p in Council Chambers Grand Terrace Civic Center 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 CITY COUNCEL DECEMBER 10, 1998 GRAND TERRACE CMC CENTER 7.00 P M. 22795 Barton Road UQ"r 3"XIA1135WiRNM TO PA*MVA79 JK TM W' , VLXAU CALL 7W tnr CUMS OI CEAT man ATLUW4$H UREMORT+El1WMW7IM IF YOU DES=T##ADD10183 TIC MY COUNCIL MZIM01MMINANUNDIMPOKIC MSUWv TIOV AM AM= TO KXAMVOA . VW TO SPZ" TOM AVAIXAWX AT T#M H�kHCBA1��>��EtC14.Y.1. ��I�'���1�l�A�QRAT Al ill�T$TV41L * Call to Order - * Invocation - * Pledge of Allegiance - * Roll Call - STAFF COUNCIL ACOMA ITEMS RECORIM ENDATION ACTION CONVENE COMMUHITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Approve 1 Approval of 11-17-M Minutes 2. Approval of Check Regioter CRA112598 & 121098 Approve 3. CLOSED SESSION - Ammdment to Exclusive Right to Negotiate (ERN) for Town Square Project on Baton Rd. 4 Ammdment to Exchom Right to Negotiate (ERN) for Approve Town Square Project on Barton Road ADJOURN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONVENE CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1. Items to Delete 2. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS A. Recycling Family of this Month - November 1998 B Fro Department Rein C Commendation - Capt. Paul Cook 3. CONSENT CALENDAR The fo0amving Consed Calendar Items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial They will be acted upon by tie Coma at one time w Wkout diseussiosw Any Councn Member, Staff Member, or CIthm nay request removal of an item f from the Consent Calendar for discussiom Approve i A. Apprro7e Check Register No. 112599 & 121098 B. Ratifyj 12-10-98 CRA Action Approve COUNCEL AGENDA 12-10-98 - PAGE 3 OF 3 AGENDA ITEMS STAFF COUNCEL RECOMMENDATION I ACTION 9 CLOSED SESSION - None ADJOURN THE NEXT CRA/C1TY COUNCIL MEETING WILL BE HELD ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 14. 1999. AGENDA ITEM REQUESTS FOR THE 01-14-99 MEETING MUST BE SUBUTIM D IN WRMNG TO THE CITY CIERR'S OFFICE BY NOON 01-07-99 PENDING C R A APPROVAL A special meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on November 17, 1998, at 6:00 p.m. MUM: Byron Matteson, Chairman Dan Buchanan, Vioe,4- rn Herman Hilkey, Agency Member Jim Smgley, Agency Member Lee Ann Garcia, Agency Member Tom Schwab, Executive Director John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Patrma Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Virgil Barham, Budding & Safety Director Bernard Simon, Finance Dir®ctor Lt. Pete Ortiz, Sheriff's Department ABSENT: John Harper, City Attorney CRA-98-58 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER HICKEY, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the October 22, 1998 Community Redevelopment Agency Minutes. CRA-98-59 MOTION BY AGENCY 11EM]NER HICKEY, SECOND BY AGENCY MEWBF.R SINGLEY, CARRIED 5-0, to approve Check Register CRA111298. t• CRA-98-M MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY VICE CHAIRMAN BUCHANAN, CARRIED 5-0, to accept the audited Financial Statements of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1998. It�P � . „c c _ems ' ' : t_ •� • ' : , • • • 3 _:4V • •iP�MMC_:_ #t►! _ CRA-98-61 MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN BU , SECOND BY AGENCY CM AGOWA rl'EY NO. / PAGE 1 DATE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOVEMBER 26,1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: PENDING C R A APPROVAL CHECK REGISTER NO. 112598 NOVEMBER 25.1998 CHECK NO VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT P12630 PACIFICARE OF CALIFONIA HEALTH INSURANCE FOR NOV ,1998 63846 P12631 INLAND COUNTIES INSURANCE SVCS LIFE INSURANCE FOR NOV, 1998 3378 P12633 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK HEALTH NETWORK INSURANCE FOR NOV ,1998 6275 P12636 RAUL COLUNGA INTERN,10/19-10/30198 76970 P12637 DRAGOS BARBU INTERN, 1026-10/29/98 11000 P12638 STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS OCT ,1998 18869 P12643 HERMAN HILKEY STIPENDS FOR NOVEMBER. 1998 15000 P12650 ADDINGTON CONSULTANTS ENGINEERING SERVICE FOR OCT. 1998, HOUSING REHABILITATION DEPARTMENT 180 00 40850 ACCENT PRINT 6 DESIGN BUSINESS CARDS 10220 40856 DRAGOS BARBU INTERN, 11/9-11/12/98 6750 40859 DAN BUCHANAN STIPENDS FOR NOV, 1998 15000 T 40870 RAUL COLUNGA INTERN, 10/31-11/13198 70948 40872 DANKA OFFICE IMAGES MAINT/USAGE ON KODAK COPIER 61 00 40865 CENTRAL CITY SIGNS PROGRESS PAY ON STREET NAME SIGNS 25,560 70 40876 DRUG ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM LAWN SERVICES FOR HOUSES UNDER REHABILITATION, NOV ,1998 16000 40880 LEE ANN GARCIA STIPENDS FOR NOVEMBER, 1998 15000 40881 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES FOR HOUSES UNDER REHABILITATION 11700 40883 GUNTHER'S PRINTING PRINT BROCHURES AND FOLDERS FOR 40900 PROMOTION OF THE CITY 9,39903 BYRON MATTESON STIPENDS FOR NOVEMBER, 1998 15000 40923 JAMES SINGLEY STIPENDS FOR NOVEMBER, 1998 15000 40926 SOUTHERN CA EDISON COMPANY ELECTRIC 22316 CARDINAL 267 40927 SOUTHERN CA GAS COMPANY GAS FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION DEPT 139 40829 STAPLES OFFICE SUPPLIES 8511 PAGE 1 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE. DECEMBER 10,1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF CHECK NO VENDOR P12655 CASH P12656 CASH P12658 INLAND COUNTIES INSURANCE SERVICES 40955 MARGARET AYARS 40956 DRAGOS BARBU 40957 VIRGIL BARHAM 40958 BERGEVIN'S CLEANING SERVICE 40961 ROBERT CHAGOLLA 40962 RAUL COLUNGA 40966 EDEN SYSTEMS 40972 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 40980 KAKI MORRIS 40989 PETTY CASH 40995 THOMAS SCHWAB 40M SOUTHERN CA EDISON CHECK REGISTER NO: DECEMBER 10,1998 _ DESCRIPTION CASHIERS CHECK FOR DEPOSIT TO PURCHASE PROPERTY AT 22687 LARK (DEPARTMENT OF VETERAN'S AFFAIRS) CASHIERS CHECK TO PURCHASE PROPERTY AT 12474 VIVIENDA (NORTHWEST MORTGAGE) LIFE INSURANCE FOR DECEMBER,1998 REIMBURSEMENT FOR LOCAL MILEAGE INTERN,11/16-1128/98 AUTO ALLOWANCE FOR DECEMBER,1998 JANITORIAL SERVICES, HOUSING REHABILITATION DEPARTMENT, NOVEMBER, 1998 PROGRESS PAYMENT FOR REHABILITATION WORK AT 22316 CARDINAL INTERN, 11/16-ll27/98 UPGRADE PAYROLL SYSTEM, FINAL PAYMENT WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES FOR 12764 REED STREET DESIGN SERVICES AND BROCHURE MATERIALS FOR CITY PROMOTIONAL PROJECT REIMBURSE PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT FOR ICMA CONFERENCE ELECTRIC FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION BUILDING TOTAL 121098 AMOUNT 1,00000 87,657 53 3378 1764 18000 13750 _40 00 4.05000 70707 1.25052 14800 80487 4093 1296 69.94 96,148 54 c►T r Community and Economic Development Department STAFF REPORT CRA ITEM (X) COUNCIL ITEM () MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 10, 1998 FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X SUBJECT: Town Square Project Update and ERN Amendment BACKGROUND: At its meeting of August 13, 1998, the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) approved an Exclusive Right to Negotiate (ERN) with developer Lisa Hjulberg for the development of a mixed use retail commercial, senior housing and public plaza project in the area between Canal and Michigan on the south side of Barton Road PROGRESS TO DATE The town square project is progressing successfully Developer has submitted a market analysis prepared by The Meyers Group and has had several meetings with the Community and Economic Development Department staff to determine the best layout for the project. We also had a meeting with the area property owners to introduce the developer We will continue with meetings to keep owners up to date and monitor their interest to sell the property Most property owners have listed their property for sale The developer has begun to make offers and is anxious to open escrow to secure property Prior to formalization of purchases and/or City commitment however, the draft market study needs to be reviewed and accepted, a site layout agreed upon and altemative proforma scenarios evaluated At that point the partnership roles will become clear, project parameters established and Planning Commission and CRA can approve a DDA and an architectural proposal To the benefit of all, preliminary appraisals of property turn out to be dose to the owner's expectations DEVELOPER'S REQUEST At this time, staff is bringing a request from the developer Lisa Hjulberg for the increase of the project area or "property' in question The request is based on the market analysis prepared by The Meyers Group She requests addition of five parcels to the original "property" that is the subject of the ERN The sites are at the southeast comer of Barton Rd and Michigan St OU AGENDA "A NO. ,y 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • (909) 824-6621 a Lisa M. Hjulberg Real Estate Development 6704 Carobwood Way Riverside, Califorrua, 92506-6208 December 1, 1998 Patrizia Materassi Director of Community and Economic Development CrrY of GRAND TERRACE 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 Re Town Square Project Dear Patnzia Telephone 909 522 7679 U I am hereby requesting that my Agreement Concerning the Exclusive Right to Negotiate with the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace, dated August 13, 1998, be amended to include Assessor Parcel Nos 0277-121-050, 0277-121-051, 0277-121-052, 0277-121- 041 and 0277-121-042 Some or all of these parcels are needed in order to address parking needs for the retailcommercial center, to allow placement of the senior housing closer to existing residential and away from the Barton Road commercial corridor, and to allow for a more cohesive development of the project. The market study prepared by The Meyers Group supports the addition of these properties to the project. The proposed amendment is enclosed for submittal to the governing board of the Community Redevelopment Agency If you need anything further from me in thus regard, please do not hesitate to can LMH.st Enclosure, as noted ATTACHMENT A �4 SA~ 4�1 v 0 �+ lot% % 23 � ARTON ® v N ZIP AC NA 45 Q 4 I " z Oq i v l 1 Por. East Riverside Lond Co. - M 8 6144 PALM AVENUE I1.36 69► PAGE 1 PENDIRG� W CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE' NOVEMBER 25, 1998 CHECK REGISTER NO' 112598 - _ OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF. NOVEMBER 25,1998 CHECK NO. VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT P12627 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO REGISTRATION, CITY/COUNTY CONFERENCE 12900 P12628 SHEILA CISNEROS BIRTHDAY BONUS 5000 P12829 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 11/6/98 66918 P12630 PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA HEALTH INSURANCE FOR NOV ,1998 8,67055 P12631 INLAND COUNTIES INSURANCE SERVICES LIFE, DENTAL, VISION INSURANCE, NOV ,1998 1.344 91 P12632 METLIFE LIFE INSURANCE FOR NOV ,1998 98975 P12633 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK HEALTH NETWORK INSURANCE FOR NOV ,1998 50425 P12634 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 11/10/98 46427 P12837 DRAGOS BARBU INTERN, 10/26-10/29/98 33000 P12638 STATE COMPENSATION INS FUND WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS, OCT. 1998 1,960 78 P12839 PERS RETIREMENT FOR PAYROLL ENDING 10/30/98 5,98091 P12640 ASSOC ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS REGISTRATION FOR CONFERENCE 4500 P12641 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 11/12/98 14113 P12642 INLAND EMPIRE, L C C REGISTRATION FOR MEETING 10000 P12643 HERMAN HILKEY STIPENDS FOR NOVEMBER,1998 30000 P126" NETSELLER REPAIR MOTHERBOARD, COMPUTER 17534 P12645 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 11/17/98 33209 P12646 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 11/18/98 11039 P12647 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT TAX DEPOSIT FOR PAYROLL 9/4/98 (REPLACE LOST CHECK) 1,40919 P12648 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 11/20/98 10817 P12849 LINEAR SYSTEMS DIGITAL CAMERA/KIT, CRIME PREVENTION 1.24815 P12650 ADDINGTON CONSULTANTS ENGINEERING SERVICES, OCT ,1998, BUILDING AND SAFETY 2.72000 40849 AA EQUIPMENT RENTALS COMPANY EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 10004 40850 ACCENT PRINT & DESIGN CITY LETTERHEAD 31059 40851 MATTHEW ADDINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS 11/9 &11119/98 10000 40852 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP FOR 1999 15000 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DATE: NOVEMBER 25, 1998 CHECK REGISTER NO OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: NOVEMBER 25, 1998 CHECK NO. VENDOR DESCRIPTION 40882 GRAND TERRACE ANNIVERSARY FUND DONATIONS,D LARKIN & F VAN GELDER 40884 J L HAMMETT COMPANY PROGRAM SUPPLIES FOR CHILD CARE 40885 HARPER & BURNS LLPN LEGAL SERVICES FOR OCTOBER,1998 40886 JULIE HERNANDEZ INSTRUCTOR, AEROBICS 40887 HYDRO-SCAPE PRODUCTS IRRIGATION SUPPLIES FOR PARKS AND CIVIC CENTER 40688 INLAND EMPIRE LCC MEMBERSHIP FOR 1999 40889 INTERSTATE BRANDS CORP BAKERY GOODS FOR CHILD CARE 40890 GLADYS IRVIN REFUND, RECREATION EXCURSION 40891 J TS PARTY CHARM RENT POPCORN MACHINE, RECREATION 40892 KELLY PAPER NCR PAPER 40893 KEN KITCHINGS REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES 40894 JOHN LAMPS TEMP PLANNER,10/29.11/19/98 40895 LEGEND BUILDING MAINTENANCE JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR LIBRARY 40896 LELAND NURSERY PLANTS FOR PARKS 40897 THOMAS LOEB REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES 40898 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES PHONE MAINTENANCE, CIVIC CENTER (3 MONTHS) 40899 TRACEY MARTINEZ REIMBURSEMENT FOR LOCAL MILEAGE 40900 BYRON MATTESON STIPENDS FOR NOVEMBER,1998 AND REIMBURSEMENT FOR CITY/COUNTY CONFERENCE 40901 METLIFE LIFE INSURANCE FOR DECEMBER,1998 40902 MICHAEL MULLINS REIMBURSEMENT FOR SEMINAR EXPENSE 40903 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY MAINTENANCE ON ELEVATOR, DECEMBER,1998 40904 PACIFIC BELL PHONES, CIVIC CENTER 40905 PETTY CASH REIMBURSE GENERAL PETTY CASH -FINANCE 409M PETTY CASH REIMBURSE PETTY CASH -CHILD CARE 40907 KATHY PIERSON INSTRUCTOR FOR TINY TUMBLERS AND GYMNASTICS PAGE 3 112598 AMOUNT 20000 13479 1,18400 7200 94 29 - 100 00.-- 11614 - 54 00 - 26 94 48 81 . 18 00 2,40000 20000 11691 3913 91558 3543 39352 98975 3120 22408 12418 15184 14566 74078 PAGE 5 DATE NOVEMBER 26,1998 CHECK REGISTER NO. 112598 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: NOVEMBER 26,1998 40931 TIMEWISE/CADDYLAK SYSTEMS 30 DAY PLANNER 3689 40932 MARY TRAINOR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 11/19/98 5000 40933 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT 66000 40934 TRENCH SHORING COMPANY RENT SHORING EQUIPMENT 13500 40835 TRI-COUNTY OFFICIALS UMPIRES FOR SLO-PITCH SOFTBALL 24000 40936 US POSTAL SERVICE MAIL PERMITS 17000 40938 VALLEY TIRE COMPANY TIRE/WHEEL FOR CITY EQUIPMENT 4444 40939 JEANNINE VASQUEZ MONITOR FOR RECREATION PROGRAMS 15900 ' 40940 VISA AMERICA ON LINE, COPUSERVE SERVICES, COMPUTER SUPPLIES, - FLOWERS, DEBENEDET, MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES 1,467 8511 40941 WAXIE JANITORIAL SUPPLIES FOR CIVIC CENTER AND CHILD CARE 72384 40942 WE TIP, INC MEMBERSHIP FOR 1998/1999 1.00000 4 40943 WEST GROUP CALIFORNIA CODE UPDATES 9805 ' - - 40944 WESTEC SECURITY, INC SECURITY FOR CHILD CARE AND SENIOR CENTER 65400 40945 WESTERN EXTERMINATORS PEST CONTROL FOR CITY OWNED/OPERATED FACILITIES 15500 40946 DOUG WILSON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS.1119 &11/19/98 100 00 40947 XEROX CORPORATION MAINT/USAGE FOR XEROX COPIERS 30162 40948 YOSEMITE WATERS BOTTLED WATER FOR CITY OWNED/OPERATED FACILITIES 30515 40949 ZEPHER PRODUCTS EMBROIDER NAMES, STAFF SHIRTS 2= TOTAL 284,149 02 I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE AFORE LISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF THE CITY LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY BERNARD SIMON FINANCE DIRECTOR PAGE 1 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DATE: !__ DECEMBER 10, 1996 _ - - _ __ CHECK REGISTER NO 121098 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF. _- __ DECEMBER 10, 1998 CHECK NO VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT P12651 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 1124198 40847 P12652 PERS RETIREMENT FOR PAYROLL ENDING 11/13/98 5,99374 P12653 U S POSTAL SERVICE POSTAGE FOR NEW METER 1,00000 P12654 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 11/30/98 31416 P126M INLAND COUNTIES INSURANCE SERVICES LIFE, DENTAL, VISION INSURANCE, DEC, 1998 1,344 91 P12659 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY DISABILITY INSURANCE FOR DECEMBER, 1998 94303 P12660 TALAL MUHTASES REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT, STREET CUT g00 00 P12661 LEAGUE OF CA CITIES REGISTRATION, FINANCIAL SEMINAR, FINANCE DIRECTOR 22500 P12662 DIEHL EVENS & COMPANY LLP REGISTRATION, TAX SEMINAR, FINANCE 18000 40952 AA EQUIPMENT RENTAL COMPANY EQUIPMENT PARTS FOR REPAIRS 40953 ADDINGTON CONSULTANTS ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT 8691 1.01000 40954 LIZ AVILA REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES 3120 40956 DRAGOS BARSU INTERN,11/16-1126/98 54000 40957 VIRGIL BARHAM AUTO ALLOWANCE AND CELL PHONE USE FOR DEC ,1998 13250 40958 BERGEVIN'S CLEANING SERVICES JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT 4000 40959 LISA BROWN REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES 2760 40960 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ELECTRIC FOR LIGHTS AT BARTON215, SEPT ,1998 11310 40963 DATA PRINT PLOTTER SUPPLIES, BUILDING & SAFETY 76255 40964 JOHN DONLEVY AUTO ALLOWANCE AND CELL PHONE USE FOR DEC ,1998 22000 40965 ELIZABETH DUARTE REIMBURSEMENT FOR LOCAL MILEAGE 40966 EDEN SYSTEMS UPGRADE PAYROLL SYSTEM, FINAL PAYMENT 2525 40967 E S R I UPGRADE GIS COMPUTER 82630 40988 EVERGREEN LAWN 6 TREE SERVICE PEST CONTROL AT PARKS, NOV 32317 40969 PETE FERRARINI ,1998 REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES 16900 40970 FLOWERS BY YVONNE FLOWERS, DEBENEDET 18 00 40971 KAREN GERBER REIMBURSEMENT FOR COUNTRY FAIR EXPENSE 4472 3336 �J DATE. DECEMBER 10,1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF. CHECK NO, VENDOR 41002 SYSCO 41003 TERRACE MESA GARDENS 41004 TEXACO CREDIT CARD CENTER 41005 CHRISTIE THIERRY 41000 TOYS R US,, 41007 PHIL WEBER 41008 XEROX CORPORATION 41009 GILBERT YGLESLAS CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CHECK REGISTER NO: DECEMBER 10, 1998 f DESCRIPTION FOOD FOR CHILD CARE REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES FUEL FOR CITY OWNED VEHICLES REIMBURSEMENT FOR LOCAL MILEAGE PROGRAM SUPPLIES FOR CHILD CARE REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE/USAGE, XEROX COPIERS REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES PAYROLL FOR NOVEMBER, 1998 I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THIE AFORE LISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF THE CITY LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY BERNARD SIMON FINANCE DIRECTOR 121098 AMOUNT 43955 1,36800 23564 4063 27362 577 28698 �r K 1080 ag 139,047 53 s� m TOTAL 171.500 83 c'./uned mom\ November 17, 1998 Pages? aces r ,!I 7r u c , District Advisory Committee Alternate: Tim Smgley League of California Cities Representative Lee Ann Garcia Inland Empire Division Alternate. Dan Buchanan City Selection Committee Representative- Byron Matteson SANBAG Representative: Dan Buchanan Alternate: IAe Ann Garcia Solid Waste Task Force Representative, Herman Hilkey Alternate: Tom Schwab Omnitrans Tec. Advisory Representative. John Donlevy Alternate- Tom Schwab Southern California Joint Powers Representative - Insurance Authority Alternate: (Board of Directors) Alternate - San Bernardino County Gang & Drug Task Force Partnership Strategy Review Commlttee Representative: Tim Smgley Tom Schwab John Donlevy Jim Singley ORDER OF ADJOURNMENT Mayor Matteson adjourned the City Council Meeting at 9:44 p.m., until the next CRA/City Couacf Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace MAYOR of the City of Grand Terrace MANAGER REPORT DEPARTMENT CRA ITEM( ) COUNCIL ITEM (>Oq MEETING DATE December 10, 1998 SUBJECT ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 98- _ TO AMEND THE PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED XX The Personnel Rules have not been amended since December of 1995 We have had some changes in the past few years that need to be added to the rules plus some minor grammatical changes Once these additions are approved, a new set of rules will be distributed to Councd and department heads The key changes are as follows On page 1 and page 18 we are adding that after five years of service child care employees will receive 14 percent deferred compensation, if they work 30 hours per week 2 On page 4 we are adding, for clarification, that seasonal employees do not receive benefits, but do receive regular paid holidays However, they do not receive floating holidays 3 On page 10 we have added an E-Mail Policy 4 On page 11 through 13 we have added a Violence in the Workplace Policy During the Joint Powers Authority audit it was recommended that we have a policy in our rules and regulations 5 On page 17 we have changed our policy on comp time to read that all employees receive comp time rather than just exempt employees 6 On page 18 we added the policy regarding medical insurance paid for employees that are retiring with 15 years of service at age 60 This was a benefit that Council approved during the 1998/99 budget session COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 F RESOLUTION NO.98- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 95-24, AND AMENDING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS PURSUANT TO THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 2.24.090 WHEREAS, section 2 24 090 ofthe Grand Terrace Municipal Code states Personnel Rules and Regulations and amendments hereto shall be adopted by Council Resolution, and WHEREAS, the Rules and Regulations have been amended to include benefits that have been added the last three years and the addition of an E- Mail Policy and a Violence in the Workplace Policy, NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 Rescission - That Resolution 95-24 is hereby rescinded Section 2 That said City Council hereby approved the amended Rules and Regulations for the Administration of Personnel Matters incorporated herem as Exhibit "A." PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10d' day of December, 1998 ATTEST City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace And of the City Council thereof I, BRENDA STANFILL, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 1 e day of December, 1998, by the following vote NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Approved as to form City Attorney City Clerk Refection - shall mean giving no consideration Relative - shall include wife, husband, mother, father, 'son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter, grandson, mother-in-law, father-m-law, ' son-m-law, daughter-m-law, aunt, uncle, mece, nephew, cousin or person(s) under guardianship of the employee Seasonal Employee - shall mean an employee lured for a short term due to seasonal employment An example would be a lifeguard, pool manager or pool cashier ``l` i n ` t '` a bps, bt,Wdd" V*9W fidqs� Th-W-40 f Suspension - shall mean an enforced leave of absence for disciplinary purposes or pending investigation of charges made against an employee Temporary Appointment - shall mean an appointment not made from an eligible list for short-term employment Termination - the separation of an employee from City service because of retirement, resignation, death or dismissal Transfer - shall mean assignment of an employee from one position to another position Transfer can take place within a department, between departments, between positions of the same class, or between positions of different classes Work kDDav, - shall mean scheduled number of hours an employee is required to work per day 4 Break and lunch penods may be taken only in the time period for winch they are designated and may not be acc ued Extenuating circumstances, as determined by the immediate supervisor, may establish cause for variation from the scheduling of break and lunch periods Unenlovment Compensation - As required by state law, all City employees are covered under the California Unemployment Compensation Program Further information is available at the local State of California Employment Development Department word � is not b. r f \ • ,sir+ r< x • tir. f • ,� >w ro v !%�J4f H�}x M y h w� {r_, S�x�'> :i>ti ��k•,r AA }� ff Y+J '��_i��j{\„ \ tilt v.^f { 1s .r y< �a>4 /r f/r%fr ``'�-�`,>�+�j{� < ! t N f 11 r 3. Trit *11 kwm mod t f*a tbata pecan is t© be an the m'm" that has hmW dma arm of vMemik the b s Depart AmM be Okioa , t ft is the mpetis&s mpmswtyib mlow www PoEdes am,* MOB k ears fair � ' and � der s cam' ,"' �ajc�e + €v*- The d' m to e*iws cwbwyAWT� � es: PRO 1016y" sty~' `affihO !heJ&effiood of w in kw talc an t l �l Ct* { \� `• ♦ 7 /fill �. '�+ � h { Itisal*qg.8S66dihY ern{J�`��vh-T`.tivTT 13 i itsr + tr i itii Pia a,.. i V � RULE V FRINGE BENEFITS Fringe Benefit Plan - The City provides a cafeteria fringe benefit plan for regular full-time and regular part -tune employees in the amount of 18h1 percent }of the employee's regular salary Child care employees receive 10% ate 4% �` �ij4M(n ��; This amount is put into an account so that it can be used as a cafeteria plan for health insurances -- medical, dental, short-term disability, and a vision plan. Any money not used for fringe benefits is deposited in the employee's deferred compensation account and accrues interest until tune of termination or retirement The employee can also designate a portion of his salary be deferred to this account Life Insurance - The City pays for life insurance for regular full-time employees plus coverage of dependents Regular part-time employees and child care employees also receive life insurance after five continuous years of service Short -Term Disability Insurance - Regular full-time and part-time Employees receive short-term disability insurance The employee must work 20 hours per week and payment for this comes out of the employee's cafeteria fringe benefit plan. Short-term disability applies to a non -work -related illness or qury that prevents an employee from doing his regular or customary work The weekly amount is based on 60% of salary with $500 per week being the highest one can be paid Managed Health Network - The City provides for regular fill -time regular part-time, and Child Care employees a Managed Health Network (NW This is a Mental Health Program designed to help employees and their families deal with the stresses of everyday life The plan provides confidential, professional assistance in coping with problems on the job, at school, and in the home Retirement Plan - The City provides retirement benefits for regular full-time, regular part -tine and child care employees through the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) The City pays both the employee's and employer's contributions into the plan. { tv; � } v ��vF fFnr {y j i fi i • S < J]✓!J{I .NiI/F F f�.t i4 •'}K`i{3'v 3.sy��j�%Yp71QM��kY-'+liG'�i r vt�-e/ Y 'iJff�' Sfr { s { a+ f iiiiY��FS " S _fir ic+if' N x fx h i +5' ref n`•"F {� A' xyJF �.f F ^� S• r oxF f ,,... Longevity Pay - On the anniversary of ten years of service, longevity pay in the amount of $100 is paid in addition to the employee's normal monthly salary Child Care Subsidy - City employees are allowed a 50% discount for their child care expense through their cafeteria benefit plan on a pre-tax basis There is an annual $4,000 cap per employee for those employed after June 1, 1992 Those that take advantage of this benefit need to be aware that any is RULE VU HOLIDAYS Fixed Hohdays The City observes the following fixed holidays New Year's Day Martin Luther Kings Birthday President's Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Day before Christmas Christmas Day Day before New Yeaes Day Holiday pay is granted to all employees regularly scheduled to work 3 regularly scheduled to work, whose hours vary from day -today or week -to -week, will be paid holiday pay at an average rate for the pay period which the holiday is within. Any exceptions would have to receive approval from the City Manager >r t}OWN QUW. �p FloatingHohdays - Employees are entitled to two floating holidays per calendar year This benefit can be taken after six months of service within that calendar year and coordinated with his or her Holidays - New and TermmatmREmployees - In order to be eligible for a paid holiday, employees must be on pay status both the day before and the day after the holiday Holidays Occumng_Dunn& Vacations - Paid holidays immediately preceding, immediately following, or wholly within the vacation period shall not be regarded as part of the annual vacation. Emolovee Required to Work on a Fixed Hohday - Whenever a nonexempt employee is required to work on a fixed holiday, the employee shall be paid overtime for time worked on holidays 22 employee's accumulated sick leave balance below 192 hours Rumim ;kJO hmei" \fit I, I `f " it : , �i� ihWWQ* 34 bm, ii W ' fta of *km %f tl { poitanaV Of SO houok'tk pay pe&d ad a Pope&& of hotup WtIoa Ag books - No proration shall be made for employees ternimatmg on or before December 31 of the calendar year If you meet this criteria, you must fill out a Sick Leave Sell Back Form that is to be approved by the City Manager This form is available in the City Manager's office and must be filled out the first week of January Unused Sick Leave at Time of Separation - Any employee who voluntarily separates from City service after a minimum of five years shall be compensated for 40'/O of all unused sick leave Funeral Leave - Special leave with pay may be granted from sick leave in any twelve-month period to a regular or probationary employee in order to discharge the customary obligations ansmg from the death of a grandparent, parent, spouse, brother, sister, child, or relatives for whom the employee is responsible The amount of leave taken must be approved by the appointing authority and supported by such facts as he may require Leave of Absence Without Pay - The City Manager may grant a regular or probationary employee leave of absence without pay or accrual of seniority of benefits for a period not to exceed one year No such leave shall be granted except upon written request of the employee setting for the reason for the request, an approval shall be in writing Upon expiration of a regularly approved leave or within a reasonable period of time after notice to return to duty, the employee shall be reinstated in the position held at the time leave was granted Failure on the part of an employee on leave to report promptly at its expiration or within a reasonable time after notice to return to duty shall be cause for discharge Military Leave - Mihtary leave shall be granted in accordance with the provisions of State Law All employees entitled to military leave shall give the appointing authority an opportunity withm the limits of military regulations to determine when such leave shall be taken Compulsory Leave - IC in the opinion of the appointing authority, an employee is incapacitated for work on account of illness, such employee may be required to submit bmseIffto a physician designated by the appointing authority for examination at the City's expense If the employee objects to being examined by the designated physician, he may request one change of physician If the report ofthe physician shows the employee to be in an unfit condition to perform his duties, the appointing authority shall have the right to compel such employee to take the sufficient leave of absence to fit himself for such work Verification of such fitness shall be made by a physician designated by the City, and all expenses incurred in securing such verification shall be at the employee's expense Accrued sick leave shall be used for such absences or, when no such accrued leave exists or has been exhausted, an employee may be granted leave without pay, the total of which shall not exceed one year 24 commutt tVAggagook ilib i 'h f "ems '�v t 28 Community Services Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM Wo MEETING DATE DECEMBER 10, 1998 SUBJECT RICHARD ROLLINS PARK RESTROOM pLAN pREpARATION NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND: As part of the 1998 City and CRA Budgets, the City has included the comprehensive rehabilitation of the Restrooms at Richard Rollins Park In total, the project will include the demolition of the existing structure and the reconstruction of the facility to meet the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act The total project cost is estimated at $55,000, of winch $15,000 will be funded from the Community Development Block Grant Program and $40,000 from the Community Redevelopment Agency Staff has received a quotation for the development of the plans for the project from Prime Line Design & Drafting in the amount of $1,500 00 The total work will encompass utilizzmg existing design plans from the Pico Park Restroom and developing plans and drawings for the replication of the existing building, with upgraded materials (masonry) This is a very small project requiring very little in the way of design The City has utilized the services of Prune Line in the past and considers them to be a very good company for this type of project Staff has researched for possible Grand Terrace businesses for this project and found none comparable for these services at this price They have the ability to expedite the design process and have the plans ready for bid by the January 28, 1999 City Council Meeting RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council authorize Staff to enter into a contract with Prime Line Design & Drafting in the amount of $1,500 00 for the design of the Richard Rollins Park Restroom FISCAL IMPACT: $1,500 00 winch is included in the 1998-99 Fiscal Year Budget COUNCIL AGENDA REM NO.3 - Community Services Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM (XX) MEETING DATE DECEM 3ER 10, 1998 SUBJECT SENIOR CENTER EXPANSION DESIGN CONTRACT i_ NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND: As part of the 1998 City Budget and CDBG Program, the City has included the expansion of the Senior Center to add an additional classroom on to the building In total, the project will encompass the enclosing of the existing patio and the construction of approximately 1,200 sf of classroom and an ADA acceptable restroom The total project cost is estimated at $77,000, winch will be funded from the Community Development Block Grant Program DISCUSSION: Staff has received a quotation for the development of the plans for the project from Prime Line Design & Drafting in the amount of $2,600 00 for the project. The total work will encompass utilizing the Staff provided conceptual drawings and developing plans and specifications for the enclosure of the existing patio and installation of a restroom. It is Staffs intent to solicit input from the Senior's m the final design of the project This is a very small project requiring essentially the services of a draftsman to draw the plans for inclusion in the City's Standard Specifications The City has utilized the services of Prime Line in the past and considers them to be a very good company for this type of project Staff has researched possible Grand Terrace businesses to perform this work and found none comparable for this type of project at the quoted price They have the ability to expedite the design process and have the plans ready for bid by the January 28, 1999 City Council Meeting RECObEM ENDATION• That the City Council authorize Staff to enter into a contract with Prime Line Design & Drafting in the amount of $2,600 for the design of the Senior Center Expansion Project FISCAL EKPACT: $2,600 00 winch is included in the 1998-99 Fiscal Year Budget COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM N0.3G MANAGER REPORT ARTMENT CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (>OC) MEETING DATE Dec 10, 1998 SUBJECT TRAVEL FOR COUNCIL MEMBER LEE ANN GARCIA TO THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES MAYORS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS INSTITUTE FUNDING REQUIRED XX NO FUNDING REQUIRED The California League of Cites is holding a Mayors and Council Members Institute in Sacramento from January 6-8, 1999 The Institute will cover many issues including relationship with staff and commissions, learning the key legal requirements and limitations to cites, and a general session on the Brown Act Attached is an outline of the sessions offered Council Member Garcia is requesting authorization to attend Council Member Garcia is the President of the League's Mayor and Council Members Department and her room will be paid for She will only need funds for registration and travel, and sufficient funds are available in the travel and meeting account STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COUNCIL AUTHORIZE COUNCIL MEMBER LEE ANN GARCIA TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA LEAGUE OF C11 ES MAYORS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS INSTITUTE IN SACRAMENTO JANUARY 6-8, 1999 COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM N0. 3 �I)r - •� MAYORS AND P � d i COUNCIL MEMBERS INSTITUTE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA WednasdaY - h1daY, January 6 - 8,1999 11yatt Regency, Sacramento CITIES . . . . . . . a a a ■ You% Maas to Ammd N Taw An A— • Mayor or Council Member, ather newly dected or eTenenced • CiLY Mv=W or City Clerk in a nonawager cay Town sanest f_ • Main contacts which vill open doors for you throughout your tam m ofce. • Devdopmg a better understanding of your relationship with city staff and aommissioca. and Gov you an help sake those relations productrve and satssfymg, • Leannmg the key leW requuements and hmmawns on atus—and on you. • Cittung mvaluable um&ts on hop to develop good working relatbons vah your �_ CaIIittdrtIIti. • Gaming answers to gnstiow about 0009rcn of interest and r mnmg regumrrmeats. •L minghawtoVaacqpnorforyouridm • Gating valuable tips on how to advocate your interests before the Lgpdatum • Learning how to eswrrse your fiducwy responsmbrluy for ary resouaxs, and what fiscal resources arc available to your aty • U°30 the basic processes and requiranewas of plannr3, and how to access the rrogliatybns of Ind use issues which will acme bdm ym If sou went to do the best job you an as a city official, this is the place 0 get started! If you have served for a number of year: on your city council, this is the place to yet csogk upon dw latest regm� and pros dur s-end to help your new colleagues bit off to ostart. qGet aed,r ess�a�l r6e Ieque�Fleraed Ofurdt la.de,AV Ac dany by amnft Aw wdo n dfo rv0deyorwake odd afeQt6eiry e�scr:ar adsraa�l zibsyor •r cesosal �warm6�es, voQ err ARWYOWCUyardyawam wn of sfie Aaedmq a to awowdee A dp,oade mw9Mtwwf0r adaomwa h f mCtrorss at dw i dGw SJ" ss. Coo Vk00n of deAawrnjp =ww erne k"PN"c*" d=delecwan lrruromdeamed Advanve, Cenft" ee saWeam - an Deedkm m yslday, December 14619W • w aces b ati pisarlotM .00w ra8/amsa ARAP eo yam■raa - a a. maw 1400 [ S11ti�7 dr'Oa Ow Lowww Mock to fit; err No dwaimw pa"% ssw OW "M N �a aaaA�iMa Olna'r M A� � I/airi Mhl aaw�rDrii■a Mss+l SACRAL NTO G 95814 916 658 8300 7:15m-5:000r 7:30 -11:45 m 9:00 - 10:30 m WAS -11:45man 11:45 m - 1:45 lin 1:30 - 3.00 Pan 3:15 - 4:15 pan +.30 - 6-:00 Pea Mffsday, January 7,1999 Rftbmdm Opa - Regency Bdlrooni Foyer Take this chance to mat and chat informally with your colleagues hom your own League regional division about matters that are of mutual concern in your area. Nkmtdpal Fiscal Musapement For Betted Oifidale Learn the bun you need to properly ae = your fnduoary responsibilities as mayors and sound members. Land Use Manrtiq For Elected OHkids Many of your deasans on council involve land use matters. This session will provide you with a good undustandnng of the lases and processes of land use plannw& and the implications of some of the decisions you will be asked to make. Yaw League and Now To Use it The League can be one of your vahiable assets during your term in office. This informal disnsssron sesswn will provide you with a pract cal overview of the Lesgue's services, and ewhnn hose you can tap into us nsourars and putiopaoe in us aaivitjm Gettig Your Message Anon in Public and Through The Meda No matter hose good you are in other ace's, if you don't eommimmu effectively and eommcieigly with your constituents and the media you will not be suceesdul. This sesaon will give you dp on how to be a better , both in public and with the media, no matter hone good or experienced you think you are now. The Brown Act C"ornia's open meeting:law places specific mpremeats on city official. You must be familnr month those requuements if you are to be successful and stay, out of trouble. ON Hasse at do Leas» Of CNWOrmia Met Mel■` 1400 C Snow, 44h Fleur (144h and [ Seat) Ymt your Lague's office, last one block from the hotel, for an introduction to your 'home in Sacramento; then return to the hotel for a reception and dinner, and an enmable and informative presentation. Per IfMd Rumsdos ash FM blind raw Hotel Reservations FfMvl, DsaabW 4, IM i6 wrr tO nl*o polar 1olwl a+esartraglass IAAP to hwraeho o Awtvj Mam Omw Aw Lwow Noel /s Aper or Aw dasarwo p&ssg* ro wAff have Ago Mw■aaT NVANAW& VvmrV w !aR crash AF&kvVwwAwW#wwwffms nowt The Hyatt Regency Hotel n bated at 1209 L Street m Sactamento, phone 916/443-1234 The Hood a offermg a spend League rate of fig sa ille oiie room (plan IM oty hotel tm4 To confiew hotel raavatsons, a deposer m the amoamt of tie first mgh<'s pen roam rare or a puzatee vuh a mgor credit and a:equue I Depoam we rdmdable d your reservation n canceled wthm n houts pnor to the date the pest n due to amen; record your aanmwoa aaustber N the Lampe rate has sold out before the ate dart, the nest available tars wa'II apply Raaratsow recesved after tie aat-off date of Faddy, December 4,199a wall be accommodated on a rate sad space avarlabalay bass only oe urge you to:a she Tone reservations early. Cbe&-m time as 40 p m., check out time n noon. Lngpge may be smmd at the beD desk. Those vhu register by Friday, December It IM for the fall meetmg WE recesse m their packet a cc pon worth US at the CtyBooks bookstore. Do nt mna thn great way to apaod and share your lemramg vuh your ooDngues at City Ham cgsooks helps you increase your professional imawwr m impostmt arms such as leadership, mmapemest, eommuoay buddaog and economic development. Look for CsyBooks m the League reps antra n area. Ads'a m repstrMm must be Postmarked no later than Friday, December 18,199L After that date, the coupon a nm avalable. The repasmum fee mdudes program maaaab, two eommumd bremk6sts, two hmcheons, ads dormer, breaks and two recepuons. The ameday fee mrbdes A materials and erects for that day For my questsoas rw dmg regastrmon, Please contact tie Leape C derence Regatmom Office at 9W20-2113. After Friday, December 18,199= pime rgpsw an ste. Foi 1weltm On Dq Ook City oiaals $350 Cry OlScub $210 Nas}C W Public OfBods S375 Nam-07 i++ab w Ofi;oab S235 AS Otwers M All Others S260 In order to proeess:agastrrmo4 payment m fell must accompany, the attached form. You may pay yaat:ow—mtmn fee by check money order, limn or limm2Card No pmrdaase orders, American Fspresnor Diseover cards pima U paying by weds cmA you me welcome to repter by fang the agrtra- loom o0 42V26q , - - Advaee repseramss nmmble w attend this mestrag wi serene a rdtmd of the rtgmat an ha; lea a i33 peoessaoiag ehaege; by submusmg a wraten request to the Lampe of Cali£orma Cities, �>aar1is 9/2>3.73 Requestsfor �,Dece3199L ® To assure this program benefits all who aatemd, please call our Conference vegstrauon office at 92S/2=3.2113 if nay attendee has a duabday mgmemg rpectd a000mmodusom. There n no restscration fee to attend the Lsstw= for apoaaa who ate an Cry officid or other pabhc officids Meal rickets may be purchased coo at the Lague Regastratrom Desk. There is no spaaars Program Flamed. For iusther info:mama cam evens gomg on m the cay of Sacramento, Contact the coacmv desk of the hotel. Page 5 MYOFQW D TERRACE Historical & Cultural Activities Committee NOV Z o 1998 Nnutes for November 2.1998 CIRCLEW The meeting was called to order at 7 p m by Chairman v Gratson Those present were vi, Colleen Edmundson, Ann Petta, Hannah Laster, Judy McBride, Shelly Rosenkdd, Pauline Grant and Tracey Martinez. The Secretaries minutes were read and approved on motion by Ann, seconded by Cogeea. The Treasur+m report shows a total in Petty Cash of $11030 Budget amount remains the same. Colleen questioned how to access the $500 given us by the 2e Anniversary Committee so that she can purchase 15 table cloths for the Birthday Party, which was approved on motion by Ann, seconded by Pauline Ann will look into the answer to her question. Country Fair Pauline reported that tentative Judges will be Denruce Precie, Ed Dvorak the Icons President is i71, but will get someone to fill in, Councilman Tim Singley will be asked, Woman's Club President Barbara Martin, and Toastmaster Preset Bob Best Pauline seat publicity to radio stations and Shelly to the newspapers Cable ad has been ganged to include events that will be going on. Posters were distributed around town All supplies have been purchased Shelley prepared the Children Coolie Contest certificates Shelley's mother will dress as a clown and pass out lollipops There is plenty of hay Tiny Tots and Story Tune have been arranged Ann reported 42 craft entries, 35 adult cooling contest entrants, 4 chili and 12 for the cookie contest Tracey and shelly will work on signs and Shelly will do schedule of eveats. Birthday Party Lee Ann Garcia will be asked to prepare program with sponsors to be recognized. Tracey will find out how many will attend who world be extras so there will be enough food There will be a special meeting November 16' at City Haft to finalize plans Tracey showed a brochure from Lee Ann on the City Housing Program The meeting was adjourned at 8 15 p m The next regular meeting will be December 7, 1998_ Respectfir[ly submitted. Hannah Laister Secretary COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO.514/G� City of Grand Terrace Parks & Recreation Conmttee Regular Meeting Tuesday September 8, 1998 Meeting called to order 6 10 p m. Members Present Lenny Frost, Sarah Green, Barry Tyler Members Absent Richard Rollins, Pat Newberry, Cheryl Whitlock City Staff Present Dense Pre ie Cn1f OF GRAD TEMRACt Guests Present None Approval O€Mm Am MnUtes Approved from Meeting August 3, 1999 New Member Applications None Bring Applications & sign to Concerts. Nov 2 51998 ♦ t _ PARK UPDATES 1 PICO PARK. Missng Trees Put Maintenance is replacing Open park early on Sunday for Winter Little League. 2 SUSAN PETTA. Roof did not leak during recent Thunderstorms No mfo available regarding addition yet Exterminator came and sprayed Senior Center Why was sand moved 3 RICHARD ROLLINS Concert t Sunday 9-13-98 The Happy Crowd Childrea's Concert Lights for Soccer an on going adjustment 4 Ti AUSTIN No Report 5 ACCIDENTS None YOUTH LEAGUES 1 SOCCER Up and Running. 2 BASKETBALL Tabled Unta 1a5-98. LITTLE LEAGUE Winterball begins 9-13-98 Softball and Baseball on Sundays DIRECTORS DEPORT 1 Summer Programs. All Complete. No pool closures during entire mason. 2 Concerts in the Paris Over 200 people at the Classic Rock Convert Next concert 9-13-99, The Happy Crowd 3 Summer Fun Program. OK Turnout Year round School keeps some dh&h a unavatlable for this program. 4 Excursions Mammoth & Yosemite canceled No response OLD BUSINESS MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY 10-24-98-10-31-98 A mailer went to all kxW churches, Senior Center, Lions Chub & youth groups asking for their m volvemeaL 10-24-98 in front of Stater Bros for non perishable donations Girl Scout Troop, Chamber members to help COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO.,542ck_ City of Grand Terrace CINTGRAND Parks & Recreation Committee NOV 2 S 19H Regular Meeting Monday October 5, 1998 Meeting called to order 6 05 p m. CROM Members Present_ Lermy Frost, Sarah Green, Pat Newbeny, Richard Rollms, Manny Ortiz Members Absent Cheryl Whitlock, Barry Tyler City Staff Present Karen Gerber Guests Present Now Approval Of Minutes Minutes Approved from Meeting 9-g-98 New Member Applications None Need to advertise more PARK UPDATES 1 PICO PARK Gophers on field 2 Graffiti in restrooms. 2 SUSAN PETTA Sand was removed for slurry No update on addition until next spring- 3 RICHARD ROLLINS Restnx ms are a disgrace Heavy water drainage source for hollow pocket under playground equipment_ 4 TJ AUSTIN No Report 5 ACCIDENTS None YOUTH LEAGUES 1 SOCCER Up and Running. 700 + kids, 2 BASKETBALL: City net taking over at this time No response from wrent league LITTLE LEAGUE Winterball Softball and Baseball on Sundays DIRECTORS REPORT 1. Tow de, Terrace 164 per, Day went very smoothly Ran out ofLunchm Thanks to Dick,Leroy, dt Barry Good sipport from Sherds &Fire Depts 2 minor mories Make we to have vegetwu lunches nest year 2 Concerts in the Paris 104-93 was a Camtry Western Concert Very Good. 10-25-98 Marionette Show 45 muartes. 3 Excursions Just startmg to plan for next year OLD BUSINESS MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY Approval fiom district for 7 schools to participate Also ppatmg are Advent School & Church and Advocate School. Catholic, dt Baptist church to have canned food drive Women-s dub said they will help somehow No answer from Lron's Chub A eoilecfm boa will be at firestation and the pancake kftk 'ast 10-25 COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM N0.54CgC� CROF GRAND TE City of Grand Tel NOV t 51998 Parks & Recreation Committee Regular Meeting CRY01IRC Monday November 2, 1998 Meeting called to order 6 11 p m Members, Present Lenny Frost, Sarah Green, Richard Rollins, Manny Ortiz Members Absent Cheryl Whitlock, Barry Tyler, pat Newberry City Staff Present Karen Gerber Guests Present. None Approval Of Minutes Minutes not read for 10-5-98 New Member Applications None 3 people a rpressed interest at make a difference day Ask members of Slow pitch teams to loin. PARK UPDATES 1 PICO PARK. Halloween Haunt 10-31-99 Great time had by all Thanks to Manny Ortiz, Pat Newberry and grandson Matthew & also Richard, Gregg, 8t the crew for cleanup What Happened to the flag? 2 SUSAN PETTA Everything O K at Semor Center Rnsng out soda cans seems to have elir mnated ant problem. 3 RICHARD ROLLINS no problems No restroom report 4 TJ AUSTIN No Report 5 ACCIDENTS None 6 TOUR OF PARKS Karen received partial order of tools Plan for January meeting to be started early for park walkaround_ YOUTH LEAGUES. 1 SOCCER 12-5-98 Closing Ceremanes 2 BASKETBALL No response from current league Tryouts have been bang held at Jr High. 3- LITTLE LEAGUE Winterball SofiW and Baseball on Sundays 4 SLOW PITCH. Middle of season. 6 taws with 24 players each. Games on lhrirsday Eves. Til 3`a week of January DIRECTORS REPORT 1 Excursions Tijuana 11-9, Long Beach Aquarium 1-23-99 2 Concerts in the Park 10-25-98 concert canceled due to rain- 3 Halloween. Evening went very well. Womm's dub sold 294 hot dogs Games need to updated 4 Other Karen working on plans for Break&st w/ Santa @ Senior Center to mdude the Marionette that was for concert in the park_ OLD BUSINESS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO.,5,;ZCk- Community and Economic Development Department STAFF REPORT CRA ITEM() COUNCII, ITEM(I) MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 10, 1998 FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED SUBJECT: CUP 90-06(renewal #6); request for a two year extension of this Conditional Use Permit with attached conditions of approval APPLICANT K & M Raceway LOCATION: 22474 "A" Barton Road, Grand Terrace In 1996, the Grand Terrace City Council approved the applicant's Conditional Use Permit to operate a race track for radio controlled vehicles with an associated hobby shop with the stipulation that this application return every two years for re-evaluation of compliance with conditions and evaluation of citizen complaints, if any Since that time, the CUP was renewed on October 10, 1991, November 5, 1992, October 14, 1993, October 13, 1994, and October 10, 1996 At the 1994 hearing, applicant Norm Young, requested and was granted an extension of the CUP so that it would come up for re-evaluation every two years instead of each year As of March 31, 1998, the new applicant, Tyson Voll took over the business He applied for Land Use Clearance and Certificate of Occupancy It was brought to his attention that a CUP was attached to the property with a set of conditions of approval that expired on October 11, 1998 and that he would have to apply for a renewal His submittal was taken in on October 5, 1998 The applicant wishes to continue this use at its present location, and requests that re-evaluation continue at two year intervals Upon the next CUP renewal, staff may recommend a longer period of tune based on the history of the next two years The applicant requests his hours of operation stay the same They are Wednesdays 4 00 p m to 8 00 p.m Fridays 6 30 p m to 10 30 p m. COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. (OA 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • (909) 824-6621 Plans were sent out to reviewing agencies such as County Fire, County Environmental Health Services, and Building & Safety They did not impose any conditions on the project As a result of the vandalism that occurred last year, The Community and Economic Development Department would like to add Condition #6, stating "Upon closing of business at nrgk owner shall see that no individuals or groups are remaining in the parlang lot " (Please refer to resolution) The Community and Economic Development Department recommends the approval of an extension of two years, subject to the same conditions of approval with only minor alterations, including condition which subjects the project to full re-evaluation upon two formal complaints from two different sources rather than one, as well as being subject to conditions of approval contained herem Staff hereby recommends approval of this project through adoption of the attached new resolution (Please refer to Resolution) Respectfully submitted by Raul Colunga Planning Intern Approved by, Pahma Materassi Community Economic Development Director Attachments. A- Letter from adjacent property owner B- Resolution PM. rc c \. 1plannm9\cupkvp9oo6r6 cc I the Convalescent Hospital, plus any other'sensitive residential -type use in the area i 4 Hours of operation shall be limited to the followmg Wednesday 4 00 p m to 8.00 p m Friday 6,30 p in to 1030 p m Saturday 10 00 a in to 10.30 p in Sunday 10 00 am to 5 00 p in 5 Ten minutes prior to the designated closing tune, the lights shall be dimmed by turning off three 1500 watt lights currently mounted to poles surrounding the race track, music will also be turned off completely ten minutes prior to designated closing time so that by 10 30 p in , all will be quiet and the lights turned, off 6 Upon closing of business at night, owner shall see that no individuals or groups are remaining in the parking lot 7 When the track is not in operation, access shall be secured and locked The proposed project shall be maintained in accordance with City Council approval of December 10, 1998 Minor changes can be approved by the Community Economic Development Director Expansion or relocation will require a Public Hearing with the Planning Commission 9 The proposed project including landscaping, irrigation systems, building maintenance and operations shall be maintained in a clean and functional manner and operated in accordance with this approval and the overall goals and objectives of the City of Grand Terrace 10 Applicant agrees to indemnify, defined and hold the City harmless from any and all liability ansmg out of the operation conducted pursuant to this approval save and except liability caused by the City's sole negligence 11 Conditional Use Permit expires on December 10, 2000 unless applicant request an extension of the Conditional use Permit, prior to expiration Conditional Use Permit shall be subject to full re-evaluation anytime during the year upon receipt of two formal complaints by two different citizens/residents submitted mvtthin 30 days of occurrence 12 By accepting the benefits of this permit, the permuttee waives the right to challenge any conditions set forth herein 13 Due to the cost incurred by the City in processing CUP renewal application, applicant shall be subject to the mmunum fees applicable for full Conditional Use Permrt($260 00), as well as the cost of mailing, upon renewal request in 2000 #3-Parkmg lot adjacent to property December 3, 1998 Subject Property K & M Raceway 22474 "A" Barton Road Apphcant Tyson Voll #2-Front of property on Bntton Way #4-View of property and apartments m the background on Chaparral Lane ATTACENIENT A - Photos of K& M Raceway,22474 "A" Barton Road IT jr Community and Economic Development STAFF REPORT CRA ITEM () COUNCIL ITEM (X ) FUNDING REQUIRED Department MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 10, 1998 NO FUNDING REQUIRED X SUBJECT: Award from Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) On November 5, 1998, we received a letter of congratulations from the AEP The General Plan Outreach Program received recognition in the category of Outstanding Public Involvement/Education Program You will see the award at the meeting Planning Commissioner Doug Wilson who participated in the General Plan Task Force represented the Task Force at the Awards dinner on November 13, at the Benedict Castle in Riverside Patnzia Materassi accepted the award for the Task Force and the City One of the award jurors suggested our Action Plan/Outreach 'Model" should be included in the General Plan State Guidelines published by the State Office of Planning and Research, because of the innovativeness and cost effectiveness of the effort Please congratulate these Task Force members for their dedication and hard work Tamara Avila Doug Wilson Herman Hilkey JoAnn Johnson Phyllis Sternberg Mary Trainor Lee Ann Garcia Jim Singley Jimmy Sims Robert Lavin Maryetta Ferre Don Larkin It paid off! This was a great honor to receive recognition from the AEP for all the public outreach work that was accomplished Respectfully submitted, 13"'- t� '- - Patnzia Materassi Community Development Director Attachment November 3, 1998 letter of congratulations from AEP alofficelwpmn\wpdocsWwninglcclaepaward wpd COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO.?f) 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • (909) 824-6621 CA STAFF REPORT City Manager's Department COUNCIL ITEM MEETING DATE December 10, 1998 SUBJECT Adoption of a Resolution Calling for a Special Municipal Election Relating to a Utility User Tax NO FUNDING REQUIRED The City of Grand Terrace, during its last two budget deliberations, recognized the need to fundamentally change the way in which the City is financed Current revenues generated by the City are not sufficient to fund the general operations of the City We have been utilizing prior year fund balances and loans and transfers from the Redevelopment Agency to adequately fund our operations We recognize that this funding strategy was appropriate for the short term However, long term fiscal stability requires either the elimination ofservices provided, or the seeking ofadditional revenue sources City staff had initially put this item on the agenda for Council consideration with no action being planned However, we have received the attached letter from the Registrar of Voter's office mdicating that because of unique circumstances created by some SB 1999, the Registrar requires notice by December 31, 1998 in order to hold a special election on June 8, 1999 Should the Council not wish to call for a special election prior to December 31, the next available general election would be on November 2, 1999 Staff is currently preparing a more detailed analysis for the City Council to consider This will be delivered to the City Council prior to the meeting on December 10 It will address some ofthe issues that need to be answered, such as the following • The amount of the current fiscal year transfers or loans from the Redevelopment Agency, • The cost of a special election on June 8, 1999, • The approximate amount that a five percent utility tax would generate for the City's general fund, • The approximate net effect to each residential homeowner in Grand Terrace, • The sources of revenues that have either been discontinued to the City or transferred away, • Statistics on utility tax charges in the region Attached for the City Council to consider is a Resolution calling and giving notice of the holding of a special municipal election to be held by the City of Grand Terrace on June 8, 1999 for submission to the voters a question relating to a utility user tax. The proposed ballot language is as follows Shall an ordinance be adopted establishing a yes utility user tax of five percent (5%) No COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. �� REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF UN SOK4 OINO Pt1 m hm m woup M East ibi Awm - Sall BatnardW, CA 924154= - (W) 3874= Fat (IM 387-2022 DATE November 13, 1998 TO- CITY CLERKS - SCHOOL DISTRICTS SPECIAL DISTRICTS SUBJECT CHANGE IN SCHEDULED ELECTION DATES INGRiD E GONZALES Reyts W of bates I am writing this memo to be certain that you are aware of a bill that was signed by the Governor and will become effective January 1, 1999 The bill is SB 1999 and its purpose was to cream an early primary on the first Tuesday in March However, whether intentional or not, the bill also did away with the election date, "The first Tuesday after the first Monday in June of each yeae,, which is (3) of Elections Code 1000 That means that after January 1, 1999 the scheduled election dates for 1999 will be March 2, 1999 and November 2, 1999 I am sure that this is probably a surprise to many of you. Perhaps you already had planned, or were considering, holding an election on June 8, 1999 If you will have candidates, or if you are a school district, it is already too late to get on the March 2, 1999 ballot If this is the case, I am offering you a solution for 1999 only Because SB 1999 will not become law until January 1, 1999, and current law permits a June election, the Registrar of Voters office will conduct your June 1999 election IF the Board of Supervisors and our office receive your resolution NO LATER THAN December 30,1998 If your msolution is received after that date, the new law will be in effect and I will be unable to comply County election officials are preparing a legislative proposal to reinstate scheduled elections in June of each year This would certainly be a better choice than having the presidential primary in March and the only other choice being April - one month later, However, until a legislative change is made, we must live with SB 1999 If you have any questions about deadlines, please contact Sharon Benngson at (909) 387-2078 Sincerely, INGRID E. GONZALES Registrar of voters IEG.sb C. Sharon Benngson I Ic _ - :e• yes C 7,1p .,ON D 'IKL_: Np�1ra !BQ.lyd or Super .ors = rst District TENNIS iA`i_8ERGE9 Thrre j smct Sst:orO t7rstrnc• LARRYWA,,%Eq A, Pv SAYSC Fourth 7 strict ,t i conduct said election with the exception that the City Ci lerk of the City of Grand Terrace shall cause the publication of all notices that are indicated as the responsibility of the City Clerk in the Election Calendar for said election SECTION 6. That the polls for said election shall be open at seven o'clock a inon the day of the election and shall remain open continuously from said time until eight o'clock p in of the same day when said polls shall be closed, except as provided in Section 14301 ofthe Election Code ofthe State of California r^ SECTION 7. That in all particulars not recited in this' Resolution, said election shall be held and L, conducted as provided by law for holding municipal elections in said City SECTION S. The City of Grand Terrace recognizes that additional costs will be incurred by the County by reason of this consolidation and agrees to reunburse the County for any such costs SECTION 9. That notice of the time and place of holding said election is hereby given and the Registrar of Voters ofthe County of San Bernardino and the City Clerk ofthe City of Grand Terrace are hereby authorized, instructed and directed to give such further or additional notice of said election in time, form and manner as required by law SECTION 10. Said Registrar of Voters is hereby authorized to canvass the returns of said General Municipal Election SECTION 11. That the City Clerk is directed to forward without delay to the Registrar of Voters, a certified copy of this Resolution SECTION 12. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption ofthis Resolution, shall enter in the book of original Resolutions of said City, and shall make a minute of passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted MOVED, PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of December, 1998 by the following vote AYES NOES ABSTAIN `p- ABSENT 2 Mayor ORDINANCE,NO i AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ENACTING A UTILITY USERS TAX The City Council and the People of the City of Grand Terrace do ordain as follows SECTION 1 ENACTMENT OF CHAPTER 3 26 Chapter 3 26 of the City of Grand Terrace Mumcipal Code is hereby enacted in its entirety to read as follows Sections 3 26 010 Definitions 3 26 020 Exemptions 3 26 030 Telephone Users Tax 3 26 035 Water Users Tax 3 26 040 Electricity Users Tax 3 26 050 Gas Users Tax 3 26 060 Service Users Receiving Direct Purchase of Gas of Electricity 3 26 070 Tax Rate Reduction 3.26080 Remittance of Tax 3 26 090 Actions to Collect 3 26 100 Duty to Collect - Procedures _ 326105 Direct Billing 3 26 110 Additional Power and Duties of Tax Administrator 3.26 120 Assessment - Service User Administrative Remedy 3 26 130 Records 3 26 140 Refimds 3 26 150 Termination of Suspension of Utility Tax 3 26 160 Severability 3.26.010 Definitions The following words and phrases whenever used in this Chapter shall be construed be construed as defined in this section (a) "Person" shall mean any domestic or foreign corporation, firm, association, syndicate joint stock company, partnership of any kind,1omt venture, club I society, individual, local government entity, public agency, municipality, district of any land, political Subdivision of the State, and any department, division, bureau, office, board, commission or other agency of the foregoing not otherwise excepted (b) "City" shall mean the City of Grand Terrace i t r this Section shall be at a rate of five percent (5 fib) of the charges made for such services and shall be paid by the person paying for such (b) As used in this Section, the term "charges", shall not include charges for services paid for by inserting coms in coin -operated telephones except that where such coin -operated service is furnished for a guaranteed amount, the amounts paid under such guarantee plus any fixed monthly or other periodic charge shall be included in the base for computing the amount of tax due, nor shall the term "charges" include charges for any type of service or equipment furnished by a service supplied subject to the Public Utility regulation during any period in which the same or similar services or equipment are also available for sale or lease from persons other than a service supplier subject to public utility regulation, nor shall the words "telephone communication services" include land mobile service or maritime mobile service as defined in Section 2 1 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as said Section existed on January 1, 1970 The "telephone communication services" refers to that service which provides access to a telephone system and the privilege of telephone quality communication with wally all persons having telephone stations which are part of such telephone system The Telephone Users Tax is intended to, and does, apply to all charges billed to a telephone account having a situs in the City, irrespective of whether a particular communication service originates and / or terminates within the City (c) The tax imposed by this Section shall be collected from the service user by the person providing the intrastate telephone communication services, or the person receiving payment for such services The amount of the tax collected in one (1) month shall be remitted to the Tax Administrator on or before the last day of the following month, or at the option of the person required to collect and remit the tax, an estimated amount of tax collected, measured by the tax bill in the previous month, shall be remitted to the Tax Administrator on or before the last day of each month (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (a), the tax imposed under this Section shall not be imposed upon any person for using intrastate telephone communication services to the extent that the amounts paid for such services are exempt from or not subject to the tax imposed under Division 2, Part 20 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code, or the tax imposed under Section 4251 of the Internal Revenue Code 3.26.035 Water Users Tax (a) There is hereby imposed a tax upon every person in the City other than a gas corporation or electrical corporation, using, in the City, water which is transported through mains or pipes The tax miposed by this Section shall be at the rate of five percent (5 %) of the charges made for the water and shall be billed to and paid by the person using the water The tax applicable to water shall be determined by applying the tax rate to the charges by the supplier to the service user "Charges" as used in this Section shall include (1) that billed for water which is delivered through mains or pipes, (2) demand charges, service charges, customer charges, minimum charges, annual and monthly charges, and any other charge authorized by the California Public Utilities Commission (b) The tax otherwise imposed by this Section is not applicable to (1) charges made for water which is to be resold and delivered through mams and pipes, (2) charges made for water used and consumed by a public utility or agency in the conduct of its business or, (3) charges made by a water public utility for water used and consumed in the course of its public utility busi>iess i 3 i service charges, customer charges, minimum charges, annual and monthly charges, and any other charge authorized by the California Public Utilities Commission for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (b) The tax otherwise unposed by this Sects In is not applicable to (1) charges made for gas which is to be resold and delivered through mains and pipes, (2) charges made for gas used and consumed by a public utility or agency in the conduct of its business or, (3) charges made by a gas public utility for gas used and consumed in the course of its public utilityrbusmess, (4) charges made for gas used in the propulsion of a motor vehicle, as authorized in the Vehicle Code of the State of California, and (5) charges made for gas used by a non -utility supplier to generate electrical energy for its own use or for sale to others provided the electricity so generated is subject to the tax in accordance with Section 3 26 040 of this r Chapter (c) The tax imposed in this Section shall be collected from the service user by the person selling or transportmg the gas A person selling only transportation services to a user for delivery of gas through roams or pipes shall collect the tax from the service user based on the transportation charges The person selling or transporting the gas shall, on or before the last day of each calendar month, commencmg the first calendar month after the effective date of this Chapter, make a return to the Tax Administrator statmg the amount of taxes billed during the preceding calendar month 3.26.060 Service Users Receivme Direct Purchase of Gas or Electricitv (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter, a service user receiving gas or electricity directly from a non -utility supplier not specifically made subject to the operation of this Chapter, or otherwise not having the full tax due on the use of gas or electricity in the City directly billed and collected by the service supplier, shall report said fact to the Tax Administrator within du ty (30) days of said use and shall directly remit to the City the amount of tax due (b) The Tax Administrator may require said service user to provide, subject to audit, filed tax returns or other satisfactory evidence documenting the quantity of gas or electricity used and the price thereof 3 26.070 Tax Rate Reduction (a) The tax rates imposed by Subsections 3 26 030(a), 326 040(a), 3 26 050, and 3 26 060(a), may be modified from time to time by resolution of the City Council provided that no such rate may exceed five percent (5 %) without approval of the voters at a general or special election in accordance with State law (b) Any tax rate shall be effective for the fast complete billmg period of each supplier following written notification of rate cliange by the City 3 26.090 Remittance of Tax (a) Taxes collected from a Service user which are not remitted to the Tax Administrator on or before the due dates provided in this Chapter are delinquent Should the due date occur on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday the return may be postmarked on the first regular business day thereafter F 1 A copy of each such agreement shall be on file in the Tax Administrator's Office (e) The Tax Administrator shall determine the eligibility of any person who asserts a right to exemption from the tax imposed by this Chapter The Tax Administrator shall provide the service supplier with the name of any person who the Tax Administrator determines to be exempt from the Tax unposed hereby, together with the address and account number to 1which service is supplied to any such exempt person When effectuated, the Tax Administrator shall notify the service supplier of each termination of a right to exemption hereunder (f) The Tax Administrator shall provide nonce to all service suppliers of any annexation or other change in the City's boundaries Said nonce shall set forth the revised boundaries by street and by inclusive street numbers, along with a copy of the Certificate of Completion in relation thereto as filed by the Local Agency Formation Commission of San Bernardino County Service users newly mchided within the City as a result of such annexation or other boundary change shall become subject to the taxes imposed by this Chapter commencing with the first billing period which commences at least ninety (90) days after notice of the annexation or other change of boundaries was provided in writing to affected service suppliers 3.26.120 Assessment - Service User Administrative Remedy (a) Whenever the Tax Administrator determines that a service user has deliberately withheld the amount of the tax owed by hun from the amounts remitted to a person required to collect the tax, or that a service user has refused to pay the amount of tax, the person required to collect the tax, or that a service user has refused to pay the amount of tax, the person required to collect the taxes due under this Chapter may be relieved of such obligation by the Tax Administrator in respect to certain named Service users for specified billing periods as set forth below (b) The Service supplier shall provide the Citywith amounts refused and / or unpaid along with the names and addresses of the Service users neglecting to pay the tax imposed under provisions of this Chapter Whenever the Service user has failed or refused to pay the amount of tax for a period of two or more billing penods and notice of such failure or refusal has been duly given to the Tax Administrator, the Service supplier shall be relieved of the obligation to collect taxes due until notified otherwise in wring by the Tax Administrator (c) The Tax Administrator shall notify the Service user that the Tax Administrator assumed responsibility to collect the taxes due for the stated periods and demand payment of such taxes The notice shall be served on the Service user by handing it to him / her personally or by deposit of the notice in the United States mail, postage prepaid thereon, addressed to the Service user at the address to which billing was made by the person required to collect the tax, or, should the service user's address change, to the last known address If a service user fails to remit the tax to the Tax Administrator within fifteen (15) days from the date of service of the notice upon him, which shall be the date of mailing if service is not accomplished in person, a penalty of twenty-five percent (25 %) of the amount of the tax set forth in the notice shall be imposed, but not less than $5 00 When imposed, the penalty shall become part of the tax herein required to be paid In addition to such penalty, the service user shall pay to the City all reasonable costs collecting such overdue and unpaid taxes, including attorney's fees and court costs 3.26.130 Records 7 4 µ'j'il+c rj application of the provisions of this Chapter which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Chapter�are hereby declared to be severable SECTION 2 URGENCY DECLARATION The City of Grand Terrace provides services to residents to protect their public health, safety and welfare therein and the general public With adoption of Proposition 218 by the voters of the State of California, the City of Grand Terrace, cannot continue imposing rates and charges to finance all necessary City services without voter approval Therefore, it is necessary to determine, at the earliest date possible prior to July 1, 1999, whether a tax shall be placed on telephone, gas and electrical service within the City to finance existing services As a consequence, this measure must be placed on the ballot for the county - administered election on June 8, 1999, the City must submit the ordinance to the County of San Bemardmo prior to the date of the next regular City Council meeting This ordinance is declared to be urgent so it can be placed before the voters and limit the impact on services provided to residents of the City Such service impacts is of great public concern in that inadequate comimnity services may endanger the health, welfare and safety of residents and the general public This ordinance is necessary for the irnmediate preservation of the public health, safety and welfare, declares the facts constituting the emergency, and is passed by a unanimous vote of the City Council Accordingly, this measure is adopted immediately upon introduction pursuant to Government Code Section 36934 to be placed on the June 8, 1999 ballot pursuant to Article MC, Section 2(b) of the California Constitution SECTION 3 This ordinance shall be referred to, and shall be effective only if approved by a majority of the voters voting at an election to be held on June 8, 1999, and shall go into effect ten (10) days after the City Council has, by resolution, declared that this ordinance was approved by a majority of the voters voting thereon pursuant to Elections Code 9217 ' SECTION 4 The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance and shall cause same to be published as required by law INTRODUCED AND ADOPTED by the City Council and signed by the Mayor this _ day of .1998 ATTEST Mayor z Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM (xx) SUBJECT SEWER RESPONSE PLAN Community Services Department MEETING DATE DECEMBER 10, 1998 FUNDING/APPROPRIATION REQUIRED BACKGROUND: In 1982, the City of Grand Terrace assumed responsibility for the operation and maintenance of a sanitary sewer system initiated by the County of San Bernardino in 1972 previously maintained and operated by the City of Colton The system at present dudes approximately 44 miles of collection lines and approximately 9W,000 gallons per day of effluent All sewage is treated at the Colton Wastewater Treatment Plant, where the City owns the processing rights to 16 mgd of effluent per day Since acquisition, the City has benefited significantly from the fact that the system is not very old and has required very little in the way of capital maintenance (repairs and replacement) The maintenance of the system has been done primarily through private contractors who regularly clean the collection lines At the present time, the City contracts with Houston Hams Pipe Cleaning Specialists of I ighgrove An important aspect of responsibility for the City is the maintenance of the collection system and responding to sewer spills and leaks as they may occur The City is regulated by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board- Santa Ana Region (RWQCB) The key responsibility for the Regional Board is to monitor the performance of the collection system and are the regulatory and enforcement agency when spills occur Under the law, all agencies who operate a sanitary sewer system are required to immediately report such a discharge to the RWQCB A reportable quantity of discharge is defined to be any unauthorized discharge of 1,000 gallons or more Failure to report unauthorized discharges or sufficiently address spills can result in fines, including both civil and criminal penalties and charges A fact which all agencies acknowledge and readily admit is that sewer spills happen) A reality is that m many cases, spills may be unavoidable, yet the goal should be to be COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO; Sewer Response Plan i Agenda Report- December 10, 1998 Page 3 of 7 j • Communicating the spill and mitigation efforts to the Regional Board and State Office of Emergency Services Staff has included as part of this report a revised:City of Grand Terrace Sewer Spill Response Plan for adoption by the City Council This is meant to serve both as a policy document for the City as well as a guideline for managing the City's Sanitary Sewer System The purpose of the Plan is to minimize or prevent the potential for sanitary -- sewer overflows through the development and implementation of processes and L procedures to address situations as they may arise The Plan is meant to be a flexible document from which administrative operating procedures and plans will be established Additionally, in preparation for incidents of a significant magnitude, planning must also include the establishment of agreements with outside agencies which could assist the City of Grand Terrace in the event of a spill In this area, the most logical agency to assist the City is the City of Colton based on their equipment and similar response requirements The development of a mutual aid agreement is the most feasible device for facilitating cooperative, trained and reasonable response to a sewer spill In such agreements, costs of response are either waived or are based on a pre -established rate schedule by mutual -1 consent by the participating agencies Additionally, the City Recommendations No.'s 1 and 2 That the City Council 1 Approve the City of Grand Terrace Sanitary Sewer Overflow Prevention and Response Plan, and ' 2 Authorize Staff to pursue a Sewer Spill Response Mutual Aid Agreement with outside agencies for future approval by the City Council Response Abilities and Priorities: Of significant concern to the Regional Board is the ability of an agency operating a collection system to respond and adequately control a spill The goal is to adhere to the Four C's of the Regional Board and to protect public health and water ways The regulation of the City is determined primarily by the nature of the spill, its effects to the environment and our ability to provide documentation on how and why the spill occurred and what was done to mitigate negatives winch may occur In determining whether enforcement actions will occur, the Board, will evaluate our reporting of the spill, response and actions taken to mitigate its effects, and maintenance history Sewer Response Plan Agenda Report- December 10, 1998 Page 5 of 7 more) Backup plans have included renting equipment, as well as borrowing equipment from outside agencies However, consideration to the timeliness of containment was raised by the Regional Board at the seminar In their opinion, agencies should be contacting them within one hour of a spill Both containment and control are expected to be under way within this tune period A main concern with the utilization of outside sources such as rental agencies to assist in containment is possibly unreliable In Grand Terrace, sewer spills have often occurred off -hours, when obtaining rental equipment is difficult, if not impossible This could significantly hamper the City's ability to facilitate a timely effort at containment Staff is recommending that the City Council authorize Staff to pursue agreements with outside agencies to assist in containment of sewer spills Such an agreements might include the establishment of a memorandum of understanding on the delivery of equipment and personnel/operator hourly rates It may possibly also include minimum charges for call outs Such an agreement would be presented to the City Council for approval Recommendations No 's 3 and 4. That the City Council 3 Authorize an appropriation of $22,000 toward the purchase of equipment and supplies for the development of a Sewer Spill Response Trailer, and 4 Authorize Staff to pursue agreements with outside agencies for use of equipment to facilitate containment of sewer spills for future approval of the City Council Training: Of considerable concern to the Regional Board was an emphasis on training personnel to respond to sewer spills This is primarily due to the importance of facilitating public health protection by the responders, as well as protecting the personal health of those called to respond Staff is requesting a budget, not to exceed $1,500 00 to train both maintenance and public works staff in sewer response, confined space and public health issues training This training will provide an enhanced workforce to respond to issues, as well as enable the City to cover liability issues relevant to sewer spill response Sewer Response Plan Agenda Report- December 10, 1998 Page 7 of 7 SEWER PLAN AND EQUIPMENT LIST TO BE PROVIDED SEPARATE FROM THIS REPORT C%Tt Community and Economic Development Department STAFF REPORT CRA ITEM () COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 10, 1998 FUNDING REQUIRED SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION: NO FUNDING REQUIRED X Measure I Capital Improvement Program (CIP), Correction of Record Item Approval BACKGROUND - Every year the City is to update and adopt the Measure I, 5 and 20-year Capital Improvement Plan in order to continue receiving the benefits from this measure The benefits are approwmately $100,000 per year Funds are allocated on a 50/50 percentage basis between transportation/traffic improvements and pavement management programs/general road maintenance (items such as slurry seal and re- paving, etc) Correction of Record We have already passed our resolution for FY1997-98, plus conducted two amendments to the Measure I CIP Nonetheless, in the latest amendment we missed a line dem for "pavement management programs/general road maintenance" in the resolution While in previous years it would not have been a problem, now more detailed records are necessary since various departments are utilizing the funds this year as follows EDD Transportation/Traffic Projects • Allocated $105,000 • Allocated $ 30,000 (Dedications are in process and bids w9l follow) Public Works/Building & Safely/Housing Dept • Utilizing $140,000 Commundy Services Department • Utilizing $128,797 40 Widening, curb, gutter and sidewalk at Michigan and Barton Barton at Vivienda Bridge replacement in cooperation with City of Colton Slurry seal and pavement management program 22795 Barton Road •Grand Terrace, California 92313-C=N81R)MA ITEM N0. E } RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE MEASURE I FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND TWENTY-YEAR TRANSPORTATION PLAN WHEREAS, San Bernardino County voters approved passage of Measure I in November,1989, authonzmg San Bernardino Associated Governments, acting as the San Bemardino County Transportation Authority, to impose a one-half of one percent retail transactions and use tax applicable in the incorporated and unincorporated territory of the County of San Bernardino, and WHEREAS, revenue from the tax can only be used for transportation improvements and traffic management programs authorized in the Expenditure Plans set forth in Ordinance 89-01 of the Authority, and `�- WHEREAS, Expenditure Plans of the Ordinance require each local jurisdiction receiving revenue from the tax to expend those funds pursuant to a Capital Improvement Program adopted by resolution of the local lunsdicbon, and WHEREAS, Expenditure Plans of the Ordinance also require that each local jurisdiction annually adopt and update the Capital Improvement Program NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: 1 Fifty percent (50%) of these Measure I funds shall be allocated to pavement management programs/general road maintenance (including slung seal and street maintenance paving and street signs program) The other fifty percent (50%) shall be allocated to transportation/traffic projects as listed in attached Measure 1 Capital Improvement Program table attached This will be effective to fiscal year 2010 when Measure I "sunsets" 2 in case of an emergency, such as floods or other major necessary road expenses, these funds could be reallocated ATTACHMENT A City of Grand Terrace PROPOSED MEASURE I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM - F.Y.1997 TO 2010 (Amended 12110198) LOCATION TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC YEAR OF COST CUMMULATIVE TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS (50%) COMPLETION Southern Pacific Rail Road Replacement of Bridge 1999 $140,000 $140,000 bridge at Barton Road Michigan St at Barton Road Upgrade to Major Highway 1999 105,000 245,000 to Commerce Way Barton Road at Vivienda Upgrade of Barton Road to Major 1999 30,000 275,000 Highway including sidewalks and ADA ramp at the corner Mt Vernon at Grand Upgrade to Secondary Highway, 2005 196,000 471,000 Terrace Rd (City entry) to raised median and City entry sign 300 ft South Mt Vernon at DeBerry Construct traffic signal 2007 79,000 550,000 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS/GENERAL ROAD MAINTENANCE City Wide Slurry Seal and Street Maintenance 1998 128, 797 40 678, 797 40 Paving Program City Wide Sluny Seal and Street Maintenance 1999-2010 421,202 60 $1,100,000 Paving Program TOTAL ESTIMATED $1,100, 000 MEASURE I EXPENDITURES BY 2010 • Measure I revenue estimated to 2010 is $1,300,966 Community and Econonuc Development Department STAFF REPORT CRA ITEM () COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 10, 1998 FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X SUBJECT' Request for City Council to Participate in General Plan Update With the addition to our staff of John Lampe, our new planner who replaced Larry, the Community and Economic Development Department has been able to initiate drafting two General Plan Elements Air Quality and Open Space The drafts were submitted to the Planning Commission at the meeting of November 19, 19W The Planning Commission requested the public hearing on the elements to take place at the January, 1999 meeting, after the holiday season At this time staff is requesting the City Council members to participate in this process by reading the following a ) Recap agendas from Planning Commission meetings, b ) Planning Commission minutes, and c ) Reports related to these two elements and others to come Please feel free to call staff or Commissioners to express your input The more participation, the more commitment all will have for implementation of these guidelines, and the sooner we will reach the City Vision `Moving towards the future In twenty years, Grand Terrace wall be recognized as the most desirable family town in the region Low density, clean and quiet atmosphere, safe and attractive neighborhoods, lovely parks, numerous recreational activities for children and excellent schools, outstanding panoramic views and strategic location, progressive civic leadership - all this wal provide the opportunities `The foumey will bong denser and more diversified homes and businesses along Barton Road The journey will also create a most unique and specialized commercial niche within our small community Vibrant commercial trade of Grand Terrace business and industrial owners, combined with partnerships between residents and outside investors, and these groups with the City, will lead Grand Terrace into a prosperous future with sustainable economic growth 22795 Barton Road - Grand Terrace, Cahfonua 923l3WVNMXftffdk ITEM NOl$F' Community and Economic Development Department AGENDA RECAP THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE WAS HELD ON DATE: November 19, 1998 PLACE: Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA PRESENT: Fran Van Gelder, Chairperson Doug Wilson, Vice -Chairman Matthew Addington, Commissioner Mary Trainor, Commissioner Don Larkin, Commissioner Patnzia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director John Lampe, Planner Raul Colunga, Planning Intern Pat Peterson, CEDD Secretary 7:00 P.M. CONVENED SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING * Call to Order * Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Addington * Roll Call * Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Community Development Director. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION- None 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • (909) 824-6621 4. V-98-01 Application for Set Back Variance due to lot configuration' and existing built environment to build a 915 square foot garage structure. APPLICANT: Douglas Leth for property owner Vicki Bails LOCATION: 12713 Blue Mountain, Grand Terrace, CA 92313 ACTION: Continued to the next Planning Commission meeting on December 17, 1998, to allow more time for applicant 5-0-0-0 Chairwoman Van Gelder read Item 11 on page 2 of the Planners Pocket Guide by the League of California Cities "Each meeting agenda should have a designated place for miscellaneous matters such as letters from citizens, inquiries from the Commissioners about progress on special projects and discussion of Commission activities These discussion items may come in the form of a chairperson or director's report at the end of the agenda ° "Staff has been asked to give us information on vanous topics and projects so we'll do that at this time • Planning Intern Colunga gave an update and chronology of events regarding the tea room at the Town and Country Center operated in conjunction with Baskets Ahh la Cart The tea room has a certificate of occupancy, however, the Angels from Above business and the antique consignment business who have sublet space from the tea room do not have certificates of occupancy The situation is complicated by the fact that both the Angels and antiques complement the tea room use and the City zoning code does not provide for businesses to sublet and co -occupy suites The property owner has not acknowledged the tearoom has sublet space to either business Director Materassi said Mr Colunga is checking with other cities to determine how they handle this type of situation One option may be to bring a Determination of Use to the Planning Commission for review • Director Materassi said she had done some research regarding the recent ordinance approved by City Council reducing the Planning Commission to five members The original ordinance which created the Planning Commission called for election of Chairman and Vice-chairman every year The recent ordinance is consistent with the establishing ordinance The Planning Commission Procedures Manual approved by City Council many years ago calls for elections every two years Both City Clerk and City Manager have advised Director it is acceptable to have elections every two years if it suits the needs and purposes of the Planning Commission and citizens of the City • Rite Aid project is moving along Final grading plans are being developed The block wall issues with the resident on Mt Vernon to the north of the project have been resolved • The T J Austyn project involving 28 new homes is moving along An administrative minor deviation procedure regarding setback issues is nearing completion Applicant has had many questions about conditions but the final letter was mailed 11/19/98