03/25/1999FILE COPY 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace California 92313-5295 Civic Center (909) 824-6621 ' Fax (909) 783-7629 4 Fax (909) 783-2600 � d a � 4 c' 1 V A � 1 , t Byron R Matteson Mayor w .y Gene Carlstrom Mayor Pro Tempore Herman Hilkey Jim Smgley Dan Buchanan Council Members Thomas J Schwab City Manager March 25, 1999 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Regular Meetings 2nd and 4th Thursday - 6:00 p.m. Council Chambers Grand Terrace Civic Center 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 22795 Barton Road MARCH 25, 1999 6:00 P.M. 'MCA 0FGftANO�CXCE)�Wf' RT1MA Y�AiV '�.) II.1�1�i A ' "aD1 I99 . IFVOU RZQWU SPF.£TAL AWMAMI TO PARTNWA'T$ IN T= Mom% PLYAM CALL T= MY CLIMIS OFnMAT )82e4462I A UASrAHOURS MORTOT= METING. N YOU DESUZ TO ADDRIM T= cay COUNCIL Duam inz MErnms OTHBR' K&x uNpat Pu= COADOM. YOV ARX AS= TO KZASZ cOMPLVTg A RZtZV= TO SMAKIORMAVARABU AT Tim 1KTRANC9AMMUtXrTrTQMMCITYCLftX EP�WIIAtIiRC'A O tPt II iRMAVORAT ME A ROPMTRT * Call to Order - * Invocation - Dr. Paul Reed, Terrace Crest Baptist Church * Pledge of Allegiance - * Roll Call - STAFF COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS RECOMKVgDAnON ACTION CONVENE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Approve 1 Approval of 03-11-99 Mmutes 2 Approval of Check Rem CRA032599 Approve 3 Market Study Presentation - Town Sgoare Project 4. Closed Session - Real Estate Negotiations - Agreement Re - Advancement of Funds, Town Square Project ADJOURN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONVENE CITY COUNCIL MESTWG 1 Items to Delete 2 SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - Now 3 CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent Calendar for dwcusskm Approve A. Approve Check Register 032599 B. Ratify 03-25-99 CRA Action C Waive Full Reading of Ordmaaces on Agenda D Approval of 03-11-99 Minutes Approve E Supplemental Settlement Agreement Eirmmating the Authorize Booking Fee CPI Increase F Reject Liability Claim GTLC-99-01 (Hog) Reject G Authonzation for the City Clerk to Attend the CCAC Authorize Annual conference in Visalia, April 21-23, 1999 PENDING C R A APPROVAL CITY OF GRAND TERRACE A regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on February 25, 1999, at 6 00 p in Byron Matteson, Chairman Dan Buchanan, Vice -Chairman Tim Singley, Agency Member L Lee Ann Garcia, Agency Member Tom Schwab, Executive Director John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Patrizia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Virgil Barham, Building & Safety Director Lt. Pete Ortiz, Shenff s Department Herman Hilkey, Agency Member John Harper, City Attorney CRA-99-14 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER GARCIA, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (AGENCY MEMBER HII,.KEY WAS ABSENT), to approve the February 25, 1999 Community Redevelopment Agency Minutes. CRA-99-15 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY AGENCY DER GARCIA, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (AGENCY MEMBER HICKEY WAS ABSENT), to approve Check Register CRA031199. Chairman Matteson adjourned the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting at 6 10 p in until the next CRA/City Council Meeting scheduled to be held on Thursday, March 25, 1999 at 6 00 p in. SECRETARY of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace CHAIIWAN of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace r CRA AGENDA rrEM NO. PAGE 1 PENDING C R A APPROVAL CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE. MARCH 25, 1999 CHECK REGISTER NO 032599 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF MARCH 25, 1999 0 CHECK NO, VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 12872 PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA HEALTH INSURANCE FOR MARCH, 1999 63846 12873 INLAND COUNTIES INSURANCE SERVICE LIFE INSURANCE FOR MARCH, 1999 3378 12875 CASH CASHIERS CHECK (VETERAN'S AFFAIR) TO PURCHASE PROPERTY AT 22687 LARK 1.00000 12880 COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING SERVICES AT -RISK ANALYSIS, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 90000 12882 U S BANK PAYMENT ON 1997 COP BOND ISSUE 22,548 07 41522 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION CRA CONFERENCE, CALED CONFERENCE, STAFF STAFF MEETING, OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,26503 41523 DRAGOS BARBU INTERN, 3/3-3/12/99 46500 41524 BERGENVIN'S CLEANING SERVICE JANITORIAL SERVICES, REHABILITATION DEPARTMENT, FEBRUARY, 1999 4000 41526 DAN BUCHANAN STIPENDS FOR MARCH, 1999 15000 41529 ROBERT CHAGOLLA PROGRESS PAYMENT FOR REHABILITATION AT 22855 MINONA 13,320 00 -� 41532 RAUL COLUNGA INTERN, 3/1-3/12/99 76960 41533 COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING SERVICES AT -RISK ANALYSIS, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500 41534 DAGOSTINO ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SERVICE, 22832 PALM 1.09050 41535 DANKA OFFICE IMAGING MAINTENANCE ON COPIER, 2 MONTHS 11220 � 41538 DUNN-EDWARDS BLINDS, 12038 ARLISS DRIVE 24244 41545 LEE ANN GARCIA STIPENDS FOR MARCH 1999 15000 Z 41546 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES FOR HOUSES aUNDER REHABILITATION 5400 41550 41551 HERMAN HILKEY HITT MARKING DEVICES STIPENDS FOR MARCH, 1999 DATER STAMPER 15000 4060 41561 BYRON MATTESON STIPENDS FOR MARCH, 1999 15000 Z 41567 PETTY CASH REIMBURSE PETTY CASH 1715 0 41472 PRIME LINE PRELIMINARY DESIGN, SENIOR CENTER PROJECT 1.76000 N CITY OF GRAND TERRACE' DATE MARCH 25,1999 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF CHECK NO 12867 12868 12871 12872 12873 12874 12878 12877 12878 12879 12881 12883 41518 41519 41520 41521 41522 41523 41524 41525 41526 41527 41528 41530 VENDOR BERNARD SIMON COMCAST CABLEVISION STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA INLAND COUNTIES INSURANCE SERVICES COMCAST CABLEVISION COMCAST CABLEVISION PERS PERS JOHN LAMPE COMCAST CABLEVISION JEFFREY STALLINGS ADAIR PHOTOGRAPHY ADDINGTON CONSULTING ALLSTATE LIFE INSURANCE APPLIANCE DOCTOR ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION DRAGOS BARBU BERGEVIN'S CLEANING SERVICE BRUNICK, ALVAREZ 8 BATTERSBY DAN BUCHANAN STATE OF CALIFORNIA JAMES CASTRO CITY CLERKS ASSOCIATION MARCH 25,1999 DESCRIPTION Pal NO CHI v COUNT APPROVAL CHECK REGISTER NO BIRTHDAY BONUS CASH PAYMENTS FOR 3/5/99 DISABILITY INSURANCE FOR MARCH, 1999 HEALTH INSURANCE FOR MARCH, 1999 LIFE, DENTAL, AND VISION INSURANCE, MARCH, 1999 CASH PAYMENTS FOR 3/9/99 CASH PAYMENTS FOR 3111/99 RETIREMENT FOR PAYROLL 2/19/99 RETIREMENT FOR PAYROLL 3/5/99 BIRTHDAY BONUS CASH PAYMENTS FOR 3/16/99 BIRTHDAY BONUS PHOTO, MAYOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR FEBRUARY, 1999 LIFE INSURANCE, H HILKEY (6 MO) REPAIRS, COMMUNITY CENTER CONFERENCES, CITY CLERK, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, AMERICA ON LINE, COMPUSERVE AND VARIOUS MEETING INTERN, 3/3-3/12/99 JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR BUILDING/SAFETY BUILDING BOOKING FEES, SHARE OF LITIGATION STIPENDS FOR MARCH, 1999 FOLDING TABLE, SURPLUS SALES E REFUND, RECREATION EXCURSION REGISTRATION FOR CONFERENCE, CITY CLERK d 032599 _ AMOUNT 5000 17809 94303 8,87870 1,34491 7380 21537 5,94130 5,88536 5000 38445 5000 2694 2.50500 90000 5595 1,41200 46500 4000 1971 30000 4202 10000 28500 PAGE 3 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DATE MARCH 25, 1999 CHECK REGISTER NO 032599 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF MARCH 25, 1999 CHECK NO VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 41565 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY RECREATION PROGRAM SUPPLIES, EGG HUNT 15440 41568 PACIFIC BELL DIRECT LINES, CIVIC CENTER 24828 REIMBURSE GENERAL PETTY CASH -FINANCE DEPARTMENT 17740 41587 PETTY CASH 41568 PETTY CASH REIMBURSE PETTY CASH -CHILD CARE 14568 41569 KATHY PIERSON INSTRUCTOR, TINY TUMBLERS AND GYMNASTICS 80378 41570 PRECINCT REPORTER PUBLISH DBE GOALS 6375 41571 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION, CHILD CARE 3390 41573 PROTECTION ONE SECURITY FOR BUILDING/SAFETY BUILDING 11475 41574 R-DATA NETWORK SOLUTIONS COMPUTER SUPPORT/REPAIRS 87500 41575 SUSAN RAY REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES 720 41577 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SUN SUBSCRIPTION, CIVIC CENTER 6303 41578 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO BOOKING FEES FOR JANUARY, 1999 1,437 48 41579 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CRIME PREVENTION OFFICER,MAR ,1999 88,219 00 41580 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STREET MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 8708 41581 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO DUMPING CHARGES FOR FEBRUARY, 1999 51035 41582 SIGNAL MAINTENANCE, INC MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS OF SIGNALS, FEBRUARY, 1999 33990 41583 JAMES SINGLEY STIPENDS FOR MARCH, 1999 30000 41584 SMART & FINAL IRIS COMPANY PROGRAM SUPPLIES, RECREATION EGG HUNT 69883 41585 CHRISTIE SNOWDEN REFUND, RECREATION PROGRAM 500 41586 SOUTHERN CA EDISON COMPANY ELECTRIC FOR STREET LIGHTS, PARKS, SIGNAL, MEDIANS, AND CITY OWNED FACILITIES 5,410 50 41587 SOUTHERN CA GAS COMPANY GAS FOR CITY OWNED FACILITIES 56211 41588 SOUTHERN CA GAS COMPANY NATURAL GAS FOR CITY VAN 662 41589 SPORTIME BASKETBALL EQUIPMENT, RECREATION 4480 41590 STAPLES OFFICE SUPPLIES 2 218 93 41591 SYLVAN/IDENTIX FINGERPRINT/BACKGROUND CHECK NEW EMPLOYEE 9500 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE i ; COUNCIL APPRC V,,L CITY COUNCIL MINUTES A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on March 11, 1999 at 6.00 p.m. PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Mayor Dan Buchanan, Mayor Pro Tem Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Tun Smgley, Councilmember Lee Ann Garda, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City Manager John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Pauum Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Virgil Barham, Building & Safety Director Lt. Pete Ortiz, Sheriff's Department A John Harper, City Attorney The meeting was opened with invocation by Pastor Salim Elias, Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by CouncHmember Garcia. I 1516 Ps CoG-pi—P N -k CC-99-21 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, SECOND BY COUNCHIAEMBER SINGLEY, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (COUNCHAU3 BER HILKEY WAS ABSENT), to approve the following consent calendar items 3A Approval of Check Register No 031199 3B Ratify 03-11-99 CRA Action 3C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 3D. Approval of 02-25-99 Minutes 3E. 1999 Slurry Seal Program. Authorization to go to Bid 3F. 1999 Street Striping Program. Authorization to go to Bid 3G. Authorize Economic Development Associate Planner to Attend CALED Conference in Monterey March 31 - April 2, 1999 3H. Web Page - City Council Biographies X. Budget Appropriation Senior Canter Maintenance ($1,500) COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NQ.I� Council Mmutm March 11, 1999 Page 3 March 20, 1999 at Pico Park at 10 00 a.m. Mayor Pro Tem Buchanan, stated that this is the season for the activities in the community and encouraged everyone to take part in the wonderful activities that take place in the community He indicated that his son plays in the Grand Terrace Basketball Club and stated that there are quite a few talented basketball players in town. He reported that at the last SANBAG meeting there was a presentation made with regard to the efforts of the communities around the Los Angeles Airport and some of the communities in this area that are interested in seeing a httle more balanced regional effort made dealing with auport expansion issues. SANBAG adopted a resolution urging SCAG to require a regional study and approach to the expansion of air facilities, the Counties of San Bernardino and Riverside have adopted a similar resolution as well as many communities and the request has been made that cities support that effort by adopting a resolution and sending it to SCAG urging the board to require a regional look at au transportation and requested that it be placed on the next agenda for consideration if it is the desire of the Council Councilmember Garcia, reported that the Chamber Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, March 16, 1999 and that City Manager Schwab will be the speaker The Garden Club will have an arbor tour on Wednesday, March 17, 1999 The Inland Empire Division of the League of California Cities meeting will be held on March 18, 1999 at the San Bernardino Hilton She stated that the census track is very unportant and that the city should be very involved. Councilmember Hilkey, stated that he went over some items with staff, in particular fixing the water in the front of the building. He thanked Code Enforcement Officer, Julie Hernandez for her quick response with a dumping issue 1: W. ! W1 C_!Z LORIS • 7A. Pico Park Sound Issue Assistant City Manager Donlevy stated that this item is in response to Mr Loder's complaint at a previous council meeting He stated that he met with Mr Loder and has been out to Ins property over the past couple of weeks �' He indicated that he will meet with Mr Loder sometime next week to discuss the issues and hopefully will be able to resolve the problem He reported that he hopes to bring this item back to the council on March 25, 1999 8A. Request to Schedule Special Meeting for Budget Hearing CC-99-25 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, SECOND BY COUNCRIAEMBER SINGLEY, CARRIED 5-0, to schedule a special meeting City Manager's Department STAFF REPORT Council Item Meeting Date March 25, 1999 Subject Supplemental Settlement Agreement Eliminating the Booking Fee CPI Increase No Funding Required The cities in San Bernardino County have been negotiating with the County to ultimately phase out the criminal justice administrative fee, otherwise known as the booking fee Although discussions are ongoing on a phase out of the fee, the first step in this process is to eliminate the CPI increase that otherwise would have taken effect automatically on February 11, 1999 The cities and the County have agreed that if the cities sign a Supplemental Settlement Agreement, they will waive the automatic increase and keep the booking fee at the current rate of $159 72 per booking instead of the higher allowed rate of $161 96 This does not represent a substantial ` savings for the City of Grand Terrace, which will be approximately $226 annually However, overall within the County, the amount saved by cities is approximately $40,000 Thus represents a first step in the right direction toward the eventual elimination of the booking fee With the current County budgetary surplus, as well as the anticipated windfall from the tobacco lawsuit settlement, there should be opportunities to phase out booking fees over a period of time Staff Recommends That Council: Authorize the Mayor to enter into the attached Supplemental Settlement Agreement, which eliminates the February 11, 1999 criminal justice adminish ative fee increase. Attachments I COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM N0. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 � 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 use this sum exclusively for law enforcement purposes within the County of San Berardino Therefore, COUNTY and CITY agree to the following terns and conditions 1 COUNTY, in consideration of the performance of all terms of this Agreement by CITY, agrees to waive in full the 1999 Consumer Price Index increase referred to in section 3 c. of the Settlement Agreement between the Parties concerning payment of booking and processing fees (criminal justice administrative fees pursuant to California Goverment Code section 29550) that was incorporated as part of the judgment entered by the Sacramento County SuperiorCourt in v County of San Berardino, Judicial Council Coordination Proceeding No 2584, that would otherwise automatically take effect on February 11.1999. provided that CITY executes this Agreement prior to April 1,1999 2 In the event that CITY executes this Agreement on or after April 1, 1999, COUNTY, in consideration of the performance of all terms of this Agreement by CITY, agrees to waive the 1999 Consumer Price Index increase referred to in section 3.c. of the Settlement Agreement between the Parties concerning payment of booking and processing fees (criminal justice administrative fees pursuant to Carftmia Government Code section 29550) that was incorporated as part of the judgment entered by the Sacramento County Superior Court in v. Couft of San Bernardino. Judicial Courier Coordination Proceeding No. 2584, that would otherwise automaticany take effect on February 11.1999, with such waiver beginning and effective in the month that CITY signs this Agreement. 3 CITY, in consideration of COUNTY agreeing to ware the 1999 Consumer Price Index increase referred to in section 3.c of the Settlement Agreement between the Parties concerning payment of booking and processing fees (criminal justice administrative fees pursuant to California Government Code section 29550) that was incorporated as part of the judgment entered by the Sacramento County Superior Ca I M 130M 2 1I 2, 3 4 5i 6, 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Council Coordination Proceeding No 2584 The Parties hereby affirm their understanding of the terms of that Settlement Agreement as well as this Agreement, and understand and agree that they are still bound by all terms of the Settlement Agreement and the judgment in Cdy of Adelanto. et al. v County of San Bemardino, Judicial Council Coordination Proceeding No 2584, that are not expressly modified by this Agreement The Parties agree that this Agreement is a binding contract and not merely a recital The Parties further understand and agree that this Agreement may not be altered, amended, modified, or otherwise changed in any respect or particular whatsoever, except in writing duly executed by both Parties or their authorized representatives 8 COUNTY has counseled with and has been advised by Dennis Tilton, Deputy County Counsel, who is an admitted member of the California State Bar, with regard to this Agreement and the existing dispute, and executes this Agreement, representing to CITY that there has been an opportunity for full dWx sion and advice of counsel and that the legal effects of this Agreement have been explained to COUNTY by its counsel CITY represents to COUNTY that there has been an opportunity for full discussion and advice of counsel and that the legal effects of this Agreement have been explained to CITY by its counsel. W Faso 4 STAFF REPORT CRA ITEM O COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE March 25, 1999 SUBJECT REJECT LIABILITY CLAIM GTLC-99-01 (Haist) t The City of Grand Terrace has received a claim (GTLC-99-01) for damage to personal property Mr Haist is claiming damage to the gas tank on his vehicle due to a sharp metal object stuck in the dirt on the side of the road Our Claims Adjuster has reviewed the claim and is requesting that the City reject the Clain and send a standard rejection letter to the claimant A copy of the claim is attached for your review Staff Recommends Council REJECT LIABILITY CLAIM 99-01 AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY CLERK TO NOTIFY THE CLAIMANT OF THE ACTION TAKEN COUNCIL AGENDA REM NQJ637 Wes &mgn adlor wM oveaopaed by pohm? r c U an, what Grey? Wam p nmdta or a dmimas edbe r U a, saws eery or amb tme U ap I stab dab. one. aaaae and address of docbr of poor fine vent WIINESSES to DAMAGE or DUMY Gat all peesana and addmtata of panaen imowa to have nformtbm Kfar s -21r- SGCZ Addmms n - �:fia� Ste �",Pzs 4 r-r, -7fe �� r�A I NcUSZ DOCT(W and HOSP'IfAL& READ CABF.FERLY For A modest da pow m the fa■owmg ass a of Clb VdKk wens port Bert saw 96 and by OW bads d opm d Ile aatener of Wab. mdoft Nor* Fart, d ym ar yow v dkk wis yR fist saw 6q w I "P Swig, amd Wart; b kek pboe d am" by -a- amd by bmbm d CkY vebde at tie of amdraat by -A-Y and dming Was mmobas or irba r strat am mm N bmbm dymar ar yew vdmde at the Uwe of amdeat Clgr Vahide war ened.d. dtagmah by btlar 'A- bcabasa by -1-P aid the gent of bm" by `Z- ,� StpmMm of CbmmW (or pRKs films co hn&w behalf Typed ar Pr aed News PVNf robbamimp oo Clagmat) Dab: 41; NaM (=AM MM BE FRM Willi THE CITY OMM (Gavemmoo Code Saeooa 915a) Pramtaooa of a No Glom a a felony (Pawl Code Secboe 72 ) STAFF REPORT CRA ITEM () COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE March 25, 1999 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEND THE CCAC ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN VISALIA, APRIL 21-23, 1999 The City Clerks Association of California is holding its Annual Conference in Visalia on April 21-23, 1999 This conference will address issues of interest to staff and sufficient funds are available in the travel budget Staff is requesting authorization to attend Staff Recommends Council AUTHORIZE THE CITY CLERK TO TRAVEL TO VISALIA TO ATTEND THE CCAC ANNUAL CONFERENCE, APRIL 21-23, 1999 COUNCIL AGENDA REM NQ'�� City Manager's Department STAFF REPORT Council Item Meeting Date March 25, 1999 Subject Resolution Calling for a Regional Airport Plan for Southern California No Funding Required Attached is correspondence and information from the Mayor of El Segundo asking the City of Grand Terrace to support a call for a Regional Airport Plan for Southern California Currently, the Los Angeles Department of Airports plans to increase the passenger capacity by 60 % and cargo activity by 150 % out of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) within the next twenty years It seems unwise to concentrate all of the Federal Aviation Administration funds at LAX when so much under utilized capacity exists at a variety of airports in this region, including airports in Palmdale, Burbank, El Toro, Ontario, former Norton AFB, former George AFB, former March AFB and Palm Springs It is clear that the growth of potential passengers is primarily in outlying areas that could be better served by the airports listed above In addition, it seems to defy logic to fly air freight into LAX, ,lust to turn around and move that cargo by truck out to distribution facilities that are mainly located outside of the Los Angeles area Staff Recommends That Council: Review the attached information and adopt the Resolution calling for a Regional Airport Plan for Southern California. Attachments COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM N063N t RESOLUTION NO. 99 - Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT: the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace calls upon the communities of Southern Cahfornia, including the City of Los Angeles; the Counties of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Ventura; the State of California; and our congressional representatives to loin together in developing the Regional Airport Plan for Southern California that constrains LAX to operate within the rapacity of its existing facilities and develops the rapacity of the many other commercial airports in Southern California to serve the expanding air commerce marketplace. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 25th day of March, 1999. ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof. Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof. I, Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the bmgomg Resolution was m1roduoed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 25th day of March, 1999, by the following vote: 4 ! AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Approved as to form: City Attorney City Clerk 1 P Oat ' Ay ,, t�ta at, a For those communities near to LAX, under its flight path, on the highway corridors most likely to be impacted by an expanded LAX, these questions seem readily answered There will be significant increase in congestion in our sloes, significant increase in congestion on our already highly congested highways and freeways, and a substantial increase in air pollution from an expanded LAX These facts alone make it clear that concentrating tins expanded level of airport activity at LAX places an excessive and unfair burden on all of our communities And. we believe a burden that is quite unnecessary Southern California is fortunate to have many other commercial airports in addition to LAX Most of these airports are very anxious to capture their fair share of the regional air commerce marketplace Most have the full support of communities anxious for their fair share of economic growth au commerce can bring A number of these airports operate in precisely the fastest growing areas of Southern California, while LAX operates in the slowest growing area. It makes little sense for a region which is becoming increasingly decentralized to develop an increasingly centralized airport system Instead of spending billions of our region's transportation dollars to bring the market from all over Southern California to LAX, we should develop our airports where the new markets will be We believe, that this task may be less difficult and less costly than expanding LAX s ply because these a its —*—ea-dY exist Most are already fully operational All have existing runway systems But, they all need the right boost They need a Southern Calfbrnia Regional Airport Plan which assures that all of the dollars and all of the market isn't conceded to LAX, that gives these other regional airports a fair shot at a fair share of the market They need for elected leaders to show our willingness to work together to press for the development of a regional auport plan. a plan that is safe, that is fair, and prudent That is why I am writing to you now The El Segundo City Council seeks the support and participation of every community in this region in an effort to urge the development of a regional airport plan that addresses our common concerns about protecting the Quahty of life in our region while it creates an opportunity for every regional auport and the communities they serve to have a fair share of the growing economic pie in Southern California. We have enclosed a sample resolution for your community to consider adopting as well, supporting the need for a regional airport plan We are prepared to make a presentation to your City Council at one of its regularly scheduled meetings, if you wish The proposed expansion of LAX. Is it Safe? Is it Fair? Is it Prudent? And, Is it Necessary? Is it Safe? • It will significantly increase the air traffic congestion in the Los Angeles area • It will significantly increase traffic congestion and air pollution in communities around LAX It will more than double diesel truck traffic around the airport • It will increase air pollution from both planes and vehicles (particularly diesel trucks) in Los Angeles and surrounding cities �- • It will likely cause adverse health impacts, particularly for children and seniors Is it Fair? • It will concentrate the hardships of congestion, air pollution and noise in communities near LAX, yet it will not proportionally benefit those communities • It will disproportionately burden low income neighborhoods under the flight path and in their communities where traffic will increase • Each county should meet its own air travel needs, and bear its own burdens to the extent possible LAX neighbors should not bear every other county's burdens related to air travel • The proposed expansion at LAX will undermine the ability of airports closest to the new population growth centers to expand to accommodate their own air travelers Is it Prudent? • The $12 billion price tag makes the LAX expansion one of the most expensive airport projects ever Denver's controversial airport only cost $4 2 billion (twice what it was onginally projected to cost) • The City of Los Angeles should have learned from LA DWP, LA City Hall and MTA's excessive debt and cost overrun problems Do we really need another $8-12 billion dollar mismanaged budget? • Bonds to finance such an investment may be very risky, relying on projections of air traffic growth over 25 years or more The City of Los Angeles should have learned from LADWP's problems that predicting the next twenty-five years is dicey • The proposed expansion at LAX is the least cost effective airport investment in Southern California On a per -MAP basis, LAX will be 5-7 times more expensive than El Toro • New job projections are not exclusively dependent upon increasing capacity at LAX, but rather will result from comparable increased airport capacity elsewhere in the region Is it Necessary? • We don't have to concentrate all commercial aircraft activity at LAX There are eleven other regional airports which can be developed to absorb some of the air traffic growth • These other airports are in the areas of the greatest population and job growth LAX is in the areas of the least population and job growth • Many of these other regional airports are actively supported by their communities, often with little or no local opposition They primarily need access to regional capital to fulfill the role • Perceived congestion and inefficiencies at LAX can be handled through upgrades to existing baggage, concession, terminal and transit operations Full Disclosure: The El Segundo community has concerns regarding the expansion of LAX Admittedly, the community of El Segundo has special reasons to be concerned about the proposed expansion of Los Angeles International Airport We share our northern border with the airport We also share all of the burdens associated with having the largest airport in California as our nearest neighbor - more than our fair share of airport related noise, traffic congestion, and air pollution' As you can imagine, we watch what goes on at LAX closely When Los Angeles airport officials first released their plans for dramatically expanding activity at LAX, we asked the following questions Is it Safe? Is it Fair? Is it Prudent? Is it Necessary? Should communities in the vicinity of LAX have to bear the burden of increased congestion in our skies, increased noise from overhead aircraft and airport operations, impossible congestion on our already over -congested surface streets and freeways, significant increases in air pollution, especially from diesel trucks hauling cargo to and from the airport, the excessive costs of building an expanded LAX ...when the growth in regional air traffic may be far better served at a lower cost by improving facilities at Southern California's other commercial airports. We think not Here's part of the reason why Growth in population and employment is not evenly divided throughout Southern California. In fact: Regional Growth is Greatest in Areas Most Remote from LAX Subregion % increase in expected pop expected total % increase in population increase pop In 2020 employment North LA County: 169% 7622000 1,213,000 199% West Riverside 110% 1,225,900 2,340,800 174% County - San Bernardino 82% 1,2711,700 2,830,000 127% County Coachella Valley 81% 213,200 475,000 82% Total Growth in Areas 3,472,800 6,8581,800 Remote to LAX As rrojectea in JI;ALY Klr Regional Growth Is Slowest Nearest LAX Subregion % increase m expected pop expected total % mcrease m population increase pop In 2020 employment Gateway Cities 19% 38610500 2,368,600 40% South Bay Cities: 13% 106,600 925,600 36% Westside Cities: 11% 26,000 253,000 20% Total Growth in Areas 5199100 3,547,200 Nearest LAX AS rro)ectea in suAu K i r Even in terms of raw numbers the growth is greater in areas farthest from LAX. Consider: In twenty years, the population of North Los Angeles Court , including Santa Clanta, Palmdale and Lancaster, is expected to nearly triple It will become an urban area of over one million people Palmdale Airport will be far closer to these population centers than LAX or even Burbank. This airport can serve passengers and cargo needs of the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley as well High speed rail, should it occur and connect to Palmdale Airport will clearly expand their potential marketplace Consider: Even Orange County needs its own regional and international airport service While its population will grow more slowly than other parts of the region, Orange County's employment base is expected to grow by nearly 70% Airport planners see the growth in air traffic emanating from Orange County to be particularly significant. It makes no sense for Orange County residents and businesses to continue to seek their air commerce services at LAX, adding unnecessarily to the burdens experienced by LAX neighbors, when they could better be served in their own backyard. Consider: Ventura County will also experience very significant new growth, especially in terms of employment - again a key variable for airport planners, The newly developing commercial airport at Point Mugu can absorb much of this significant new opportunity with appropriate regional support Again, it makes little sense for this region to continue to drive to LAX for all their air travel services when resources can be made available more locally Southern California Population & Employment Growth Projections Airport Availability An increasingly decentralized region is proposed to be served by an increasingly centralized airport system, exacerbating the region's already daunting congestion and air pollution problems. .mil • The subregions with the greatest projected absolute increases in population are also remote from LAX and have six underutilized airports • The exception is the city of Los Angeles itself However, much of the City of Los Angeles, the San Fernando Valley for example, is actually quite remote from LAX Subregion Airports Population 1994 2020 Increase % San Bernardino Norton George Ontario 1,5583 2,8300 1,2717 82% Los Angeles City LAX 3,6567 4,8909 1,2342 34% West. Riverside March 1,114 9 2,340 8 1,2259 110% North LA County Palmdale 4514 1,2134 7620 169% Orange County John Wayne E1 Toro 2,595 1 3,2446 6495 25% • The six fastest growing subregions in Southem California, as measured in terms of rates of employment growth, are also those subregions most remote from LAX • Each of these subregions has one or more underubl¢ed,4trpq(t it wishes to develop Subregion airports Employment 1994 2020 Increase % North LA County Palmdale 1396 4169 2773 199% West. Riverside March 2786 7628 4842 174% San Bernardino Norton George Ontario 4860 1,1034 6174 127% Coachella Valley Palm Springs 1085 1979 894 82% Ventura County Point Mugu 2825 4855 2030 72% Orange County John Wayne El Toro 1,2624 2,1166 8542 68% The communities closest to LAX will have the slowest rates of employment rq owth in the region Subregion Airports Employment 1994 2020 Increase % Gateway Cities Lons, Beach 7952 1,1103 3151 40% South Bay 4089 5545 1456 36% Los Angeles City LAX 1,705 1 2,209 3 5042 30% Westside Region 1 2378 2852 474 20% -9 In absolute numbers, several of the subregions closest to LAX are projected to produce the fewest jobs Subregion Airports Employment 1994 2020 Increase % South Bay 4089 5545 145 6 36% Arroyo Verdugo Burbank 2778 4102 1324 48% Coachella Valley Palm Springs 1085 1979 894 82% Westside Region 2378 2852 474 20% COMMITTEE REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION COUNCIL MEETING DATE- March 25, 1999 DATE March 18, 1999 1 SUBJECT: Appoint New Members to the Park and Recreation Committee (Hazehp and La Matry) At then meeting of March 1, 1999, the Park and Recreation Committee voted to recommend the appointment of Colleen Hazehp and Carolyn La Matry to the committee to fill the two unexpired terms that currently exist. Attached you will find the applications of the applicants for your review. f That the City Council appomt Colleen Hazehp and Carolyn La Matry to the Park and Recreation Committee to fill unexpired terms continuing to June 30, 2002 COUNCIL AGENDA ITEIW NO.1�n IG :m CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CRY OF GRAND TERRACL APPLICATION FOR CITIZEN SERVICE J A N 2 g 1999 Complete and submit to the City �Clerk's DepartmentApplying as a member of ' -L Name Address Home Phone on — Education (List highest year completed and all Business Phone Are there any workday evenings you could not meet9 ( ) Yes (4 No If so, please list _ A Why are you interested in this appointment'? Inz What do you consider to be your major qualificaaons� 3. Please attach a written statement containing any additional information you feel would be useful to the City Council PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING MARCH 1, 1999 MEETING CALLED TO ORDER 6 05 P M MEMBERS PRESENT- RICHARD ROLLINS, LENORE FROST, SARAH GREEN, MANNY ORTIZ GUESTS CAROLYN LA MATRY, COLLEEN HAZELIP MINUTES FOR FEBRUARY 1, 1999 APPROVED WITH NO CHANGES PARK UPDATES PICO THE 3 CHILDREN INVOLVED IN THE VANDALISM HAVE BEEN TO COURT DUMPSTER WAS SET ON FIRE ON FEBRUARY 28TH. NO INJURIES. BATTING CAGES ARE UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND SHOULD BE READY IN A FEW WEEKS SUSAN PETTA. TILE FLOOR BEING REPLACED IN AREAS OF WATER DAMAGE FROM LEAKY ROOF. SENIOR CENTER COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH ARCHITECT TO MAKE CHANGES TO ADDITION PLANS PATIO AREA TO BE CHANGED TO A STORAGE AREA IT IS NEVER USED AS A A PATIO RICHARD ROLLINS PARK: RESTROOM PLANS COMPLETE PLANS ARE FOR COMPLETE DEMOLITION AND RECONSTRUCTION AND RESURFACE OF PARKING LOT. PLAYGROUND SURFACE BEING UNDERMINED BY WATER RUNOFF. PLAY- GROUND SURFACE COULD COLLAPSE IN SEVERAL PLACES. COMMITTEE RECOMMMS PLACING A LEACH LINE AROUND PLAYGOUND TO PREVENT FURTHER DAMAGE. GATE AT FRONT OF PARK IS STILL REMOVED. LENORE SUGGESTED WE PUT GATE BACK SO CHILDREN CAN NOT LEAVE THE PARK THERE. GOING THUR PARKING LOT DANGEROUS. CHILDREN ARE PUTTING SAND IN THE DRINKING FOUNTAIN AND DICK ROLLINS IS HAVING TO CLEAN AND REMOVE SAND. SARAH SUGGESTED REMOVING SAND IF IT IS DAMAGING CITY PROPERTY. T.J. AUSTIN: NO REPORT ACCIDENTS: CHRISTOPHER CLARK WAS HIT IN THE HEAD WITH A BAT AT LITTLE LEAGUE TRYOUTS. HE WAS TRANSPORTED BY AMBULANCE AND REQUIR 10 STICHES. LITTLE LEAGUE INSURANCE COVERED THE COST. DIRECTORS REPORT: KAREN GERBER HAS REQUESTED THE PARKS PLANS FROM ASS' CITY MANAGER 2 MONTHSAGO. WE NEED THESE FOR PARK TOURS PLANNED BY COMMITTEE. GETTY CENTER TRIP IS SOLD OUT. NEW COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP THE COMMITTEE APPROVED THE ADDITION OF COLLEEN HAZELIP AND CAROLYN LA MATRY ACTION ITEM TO COUNCIL. NEW BUSINESS: UTILITY TAX FOR EACH RESIDENT $10-14 PER MONTH PARKS AND RECREATION SERVICES COULD BE CUT IF THIS DOES NOT PASS YOUTH LEAUGES LITTLE LEAGUE OPENING CEREMONIES MARCH 2OTH. 10:00 A.M PICO PARK. OVER 725 CHILDREN AGES 4-18 PLAYING BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL. RESPECTFULLY UBMITTED, SARAH J. REEN SECRETARY CITY OF GRANDTMV& MAR 1 6199� COUNCIL AGENDA �Np,Jl� CITY OF GRAND TERRAM MCITY OF GRAND TERRACE MAR 0 91999 CRIME PREVENTION COMM=E CDC= Regular Meeting MINUTES February 8,19" The Grand Terrace Crane Prevention Committee met for the regular monthly meeting at the Senior Center, Grand Terrace, California. The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson Brtsy Bernor at 1800 hours PRESENT: Bitsy Bemor, Vice Chairperson, JoAnn Johnson, Jackie Kmcz, Lewis Neeb, Dike Fasenmyer, Dottie Raborn and Dick Rollins ABSENT: Chairperson Phnlomene Spisak(not present due to surgery), Claire McElwee (out sick) CITY STAFF: Tom Schwab, City Manager & Tanya Cahill, Community Service Officer(absent due to sickness in family) GUESTS PRESENT: Bob Stewart, Citizen Patrol member, Lt Pete Ortiz and Deputy Rick Medrano of the Sherffs Dept P.O.P Team (Problem Oriented Police Team) and Ben Bernor AGENDA: The Agenda was reviewed by the members present with Jackie Knacz making the motion to accept as written and JOAmn Johnson making the second. The motion was carried with all ayes. CORRESPONDENCE: There was no written Correspondence submitted to the Committee for this meeting PUBLIC COMMENT There were no members of the public present at the meeting Bob Stewart reported that he wf not be in attendance for firture meetings for 60 days. BUDGET: Dottie Raborn, who keeps the records of the Crime Prevention Budget, stated that the balance of $l 1,055.89 remained in the budget after an expenditure of V 17 18 for uniforms for new Citizen Patrol members. She also reported that the purchase of the special camera and the Night Vision Buocular or goggles was taken out of the Citizen Patrol budget by mistake and should have been charged to the Committee's budget COUNCIL AGENDA REM N0.� CITY OF GRAND TERRACt EMERGENCY OPERATIONS COM11 nTEE MAR 0 91999 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CriY CLEM January 4, 1999 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Gary Eldridge at 7 15 p m_ MEMBERS PRESENT: Soma Aiken, Gary Eldridge, Vic Pfennighausen, Bob Souter, and Darla Wertz GUESTS PRESENT: John Donlevy APPROVAL OF MO UTES: None to approve Minutes of the November 2, 1998, meeting were approved at the December 7, 1998, meeting. No minutes were made of the December 7, 1998, meeting COUNSIL LIAISON REPORT: 1 The Neigbborhood Watch AWARE program booklets will be sent to each of the committee members before the February meeting EQUIPMENT/FACHJrrY REPORT: 1 Fuel tank for generator is on site, however, it still needs to be installed 2 A new water heater has been installed in the EOC building 3 Used carpet from the day care center has been harvested for use in the EOC 4 COmmumCatIOOS equipment is all functional k COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO P)R I Community Services Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM (XX) MEETING DATE MARCH 25, 1999 SUBJECT PICO PARK NOISE ISSUE NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND• This is a continued item from the meetings of February 25, 1999 and March 11, 1999 DISCUSSION: Staff is completing its field investigation with Edison International and Richard Loder regarding this issue A complete report will be presented prior to and at the March 25, 1999 meeting RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file this report FISCAL EMPACT• None by this action COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM No. % A J COUNCIL ITEM (XX) Community Services Department Staff Report MEETING DATE MARCH 25, 1999 SUBJECT TRAFFIC CALMING PRESENTATION NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND: This item is an informational presentation to gam the input and direction from the City Council relative to issues surrounding traffic circulation in Grand Terrace Craig Neustadter, the City's Consulting Traffic Engineer will make a presentation on this topic at the meeting A copy of the presentation will be presented to the City Council prior to the meeting RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file this report FISCAL EMPACT: None by tlus action COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM N0. 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