02/24/2015NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY THE CITY COUNCIL HEARING DATE Tuesday, February 24, 2015 PLACE Council Chambers, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California TIME 6 00 P M THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE IS SCHEDULED TO HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING AT THE ABOVE TIME AND PLACE REGARDING THE FOLLOWING ITEM 2015-2016 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program The CDBG Program is a federally funded program that provides grant funds for activities that meet national objectives such as principally benefiting low -and moderate -income persons, 2) eliminating blight, and 3) meeting an urgent need The City Council will hold a public hearing for the purpose of considering five eligible applications and prioritizing funding recommendations, which will then be forwarded to the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors for action Anyone wishing to speak in favor of or in opposition to any of the above listed items will be given the opportunity to do so before the City Council Pursuant to Government Code Section 65009(b)(2) "If you challenge the nature of the proposed action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the public entity conducting the hearing at or prior to the public hearing " If you have any questions regarding this item, the public hearing or this notice, please contact Sandra Molina at the Community Development Department located at 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California (909) 824-6621 Extension 225, or via email smolinaO-grandterrace-ca gov Project materials are available for public review at the Community Development Department during City Hall hours Publish February 13, 2015 San Bernardino County Sun ICC7C Y- OF GRAND 'TTERP.ACE AGENDA & STAFF REPORTS FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY & THE GRAND TERRACE HOUSING AUTHORITY Tuesday, February 24, 2015 6 00 p.m. Regular Meeting i COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER - 22795 BARTON ROAD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 I 1 ' Ir o� � TERREiCE I - I Darcy McNaboe, Mayor Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tem Jackie Mitchell, Council Member Doug Wilson, Council Member Bill Hussey, Council Member Carol Jacobs, Interim City Manager Richard L Adams, City Attorney Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk Cynthia A Fortune, Finance Director Sandra Molina, Community Development Director The Grand Terrace City Council meets on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 00 p m A ' CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA a FEBRUARY 24, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center a 22795 Barton Road The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www citvofgrandterrace org <http //www cityofgrandterrace orq> CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee, Name "e Mayor Darcy McNaboe Present t '"Absent " � ."Late �'Arrwed° Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Council Member Jackie Mitchell Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Bill Hussey SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation on the 2014 Crime Statistics and Traffic Update by San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department Lt Robert O'Brine CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial They will be acted upon by the City Council at one time without discussion Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent calendar for discussion City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council February 24, 2015 r r CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS z Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe E PUBLIC HEARINGS To speak on Public Hearing Items, please fill out a Request to Speak Form and give it to the City Clerk Each person will be allowed 3 minutes to address the City Council If you challenge in court any action taken concerning a Public Hearing item, you may be limited to raising only those issues you, or someone else, raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the Public Hearing All Public Hearings will be conducted following this format a) Public Hearing opened b) Written communication c) City Council questions/staff comments d) Applicant's comments (applicant not limited to 3 minutes) e) Oral - favor and opposition (speakers limited to 3 minutes) f) Applicant's rebuttal (applicant not limited to 3 minutes) g) Public Hearing closed h) City Council deliberation 6 Priontization of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for Program Year 2015-2016 RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing for the priontization of eligible applications for 2015-2016 CDBG funding, and, 2) Prioritize funding allocations and authorize staff to submit the City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding recommendation to the County of San i Bernardino Economic Development Agency �—� DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Grand Terrace Page 3 A C CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • FEBRUARY 10, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center . 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Mayor McNaboe called the meeting to order at 6 02 p m Invocation was provided by Pastor Andy McRae of Azure hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Hussey ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status t Arrived Darcy McNaboe Mayor Present Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern Present Jackie Mitchell Council Member Present Doug Wilson Council Member Present Bill Hussey Council Member Present Carol Jacobs Interim City Manager Present Richard Adams City Attorney Present Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Present Sandra Molina Community Development Director Present Cynthia Fortune Finance Director Present Linda Phillips Director of Child Care Services Present Robert O'Brine Lieutenant Present SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Lieutenant O'Brine, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, provided an update on Operation Safe Passage which was conducted the week of February 2-6, 2015 at the Grand Terrace Schools Council Member Mitchell thanked the Sheriff's for this operation Mayor McNaboe stated that she had heard positive feedback and the operation did work She also thanked the Sheriff's Department for this operation City of Grand Terrace Page 9 Packet Pg 5 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council February 10, 2015 1 CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Hussey Council Member Hussey thanked everyone for attending the meeting, staff for all of their help in his new Council position, and the Chamber for their business outreach He reported that he was invited to the Lion's Club to be a judge at the student speaker contest and thanked them for this opportunity He also attended the neighborhood watch meeting and thanked the Sheriffs for Operation Safe Passage Council Member Hussey reminded the community that door to door solicitors need a City peddler's license and that residents should ask for it Council Member Wilson Council Member Wilson reported that he attended the San Manuel Indian Health Center grand opening, the Lion's Club student speaker contest, and the SANBAG meeting and Board orientation luncheon Council Member Wilson also attended the fourth year anniversary celebration of the TNT Agency which works with San Bernardino County Supervisors to bridge the gap from high school graduation to the workforce in the construction field He also attended a pre -application workshop at the County of San Bernardino Offices on how to avoid fatal flaws in a development project r � Council Member Jackie Mitchell Council Member Mitchell stated that she did not have anything to report at that time Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern Robles appreciated the efforts of Council Members Wilson and Hussey for serving on the Council and the community She referred everyone to the various social media outlets for the Omnitrans public hearing dates and pertinent information Mayor Darcy McNaboe Mayor McNaboe reported that she attended the San Manuel Indian Health Center grand opening and that the representatives of the Center are looking for ways to be involved with the Grand Terrace Community She also attended the ribbon cutting for Brookdale formerly known as Emeritus about a month ago and was pleased that the City was attracting quality businesses Mayor McNaboe also attended the SANBAG meeting and Board orientation luncheon She provided a brief summary on the background of the San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) Board of Directors, the organization, Measure I, various committees, and the projects on the agendas She also reported that she had a meeting on Saturday, January 31, 2015 with Congressman Pete Aguilar in which he expressed an interest on the challenges the City was facing He was working on scheduling regular meetings with constituents here in Grand Terrace and possibly having his staff onsite monthly to assist residents in accessing 1 J federal benefits and programs City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packet Pg 7 i Minutes Grand Terrace City Council February 10, 2015 � ti5 Council Member Wilson stated for the record that he had not received the cities fee comparison document he requested INTRODUCE AND READ BY TITLE ONLY ORDINANCE NO 280, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 4 76 BUILDING AND SAFETY FEES, CHAPTER 4 84 ENGINEERING FEES AND CHAPTER 4 88 PLANNING FEES OF TITLE 4 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE RESULT. APPROVED [4 TO 1] MOVER Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern SECONDER Bill Hussey, Council Member AYES- Darcy McNaboe, Sylvia Robles, Jackie Mitchell, Bill Hussey NAYS Doug Wilson 8 Agreement with HdL Companies to Provide Economic Development Services Interim City Manager Jacobs provided a brief summary of this item Council Member Wilson requested clarification on Attachment A of the agreement and stated he did not like open ended agreements Mayor Pro Tern Robles liked that this item was brought to the Council for action and supported the item Council Member Mitchell asked Council Member Wilson to clarify what he was uncomfortable with Council Member Wilson stated that the scope of work on the agreement was not clear City Attorney Adams provided an explanation on the terms used on the agreement to allow of additional work if needed Mayor Pro Tern Robles stated that the agreement has safeguards and the flexibility needed to handle additional work AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT NO 2015-06 WITH HDL COMPANIES TO PROVIDE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $9,360 RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Sylvia Robles,' Mayor Pro Tern SECONDER Doug Wilson, Council Member AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Packet Pg 9 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council February 10, 2015 H RESULT APPROVED [4 TO 0] MOVER Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern SECONDER Darcy McNaboe, Mayor w AYES Darcy McNaboe,'Sylvia Robles, Jackie Mitchell, Bill Hussey ABSTAIN Doug Wilson I I CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS Interim City Manager Jacobs stated that at the last Council Meeting it was suggested to look into a tax increase, she suggested that this be discussed after the mid -year budget review in order to provide an adequate picture of the City financial standing She attended a meeting with the Lewis Company and several of the property owners as Lewis is performing their due diligence She continues to meet with the Colton Joint Unified School District to work together on common interests Interim City Manager Jacobs met with the Chamber of Commerce to improve on the following communication, effective and efficient support to the businesses within the City and would also be meeting with them on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 to discuss the City's proposed sign ordinance She attended the SANBAG City Manager Technical Advisory Committee meeting with discussion on Measure I funds, the reporting on maintenance and effort, and how to make it equitable across the board RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION Mayor McNaboe recessed the City Council into Closed Session at 7 36 p m to consider the following CLOSED SESSION 11 Conference with Legal Counsel -Anticipated Litigation Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956 9 One Potential Case 12 Public Employee Appointment, pursuant to Government Code section 54957 Title City Manager RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION Mayor McNaboe reconvened to open session at 8 07 p m She reported that on both Closed Session items direction was given to staff and there was no reportable action at this time 2 City of Grand Terrace Page 7 Packet Pg 11 1� MEETING DATE TITLE AGENDA REPORT February 24, 2015 Council Item Waiver of Special Event Filing Fees for the Annual Walk on Blue Mountain PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION 1 Waive the 2015 Special Event Filing Fee in the Amount of Fifty Dollars ($50) for the 8th Annual Walk on Blue Mountain, and 2 Authorize The City Manager To Waive the 2016 and 2017 Special Event Exceed One ($1,240 00) 2030 VISION STATEMENT Filing Fees For The Next Two Years, Not To Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Dollars This staff report supports Goal #4 to "Develop and Implement Successful Partnerships" by working collaboratively with community groups BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION The Friends of Blue Mountain, the Sierra Club, Azure Hills, and the Foundation of Grand Terrace are sponsoring the 8th Annual Walk on Blue Mountain and Fundraiser event The event opens private property for one day to allow the public to walk to the top of Blue Mountain on a dirt road referred to as Blue Mountain Road The event is on Sunday, March 8, 2015 and will begin at 8 00 a m The walk starts at the main gate located on Palm Avenue and includes private properties owned by Dr Sigdestad and Denis Kidd Mr Kidd is also coordinating with the Sheriffs Department for assistance from Citizens on Patrol, County Fire, the EOC, and former members of CERT Mr Kidd is requesting that the City Council waive the $50 Land Use/Special Event filing fee for this year's (2015) event The City Council has waived the filing fees for the last two years, and it is expected that Mr Kidd will request fee waivers in future years Therefore, staff recommends that the City Council consider waiving the fees for the anticipated 2016 and 2017 Walk on Blue Mountain, which based on our newly adopted fee schedule, would be $620 per year for an event of this size The total for all three years is $1,290 Packet Pg 13 ctAO=rp CITY OF GRAND TERRACE •� Community De,. elopmcnt Department 22795 Barton Road Grand I ermcc, CA 9313 (909) 824-6621 GeuctalInformadon Land Use .Applzcalzon OFFICE USE ONLY i File No Related Files Fees Received $ Received By - Date Submitted Categorical Exemption (if applicable) Approval Date .Approved By Applicant r --�- ____. "� � ! � � S Lit ,� � it .£', �, C U� �t �„Gt � vl Contact Person t i �,� +t 1,5 - �l��w �► c�-ti....�r....�5 �_� -e �t Addres9 2- ! �` 1 C G S�' �j �� �� �- l f Phone c ccf 7 ( 33 Fa\ E-mail address Additional Contact Person (Ple-ise Specify Name, Company, Title) ;address Phone FIN E-mail Address Legal Property Owner �tl t� d Gt:� d X +i Ct i' I r �L 5� CT J, AddreSj % 4!i C v C�� + 5 ci r FvkGj v( �c ✓SLR ,- C,A c79— ScYt _ C4' Y�GIK� I''ko' C Phone cl U ( J7 _ 3 Fz� E-mail Address — ) qq PfojectDcscTiptlon Detailed Description — of Proposed Project (attach additional sheets if necessary) C-0 r vt-2 r- S w l % y'� t D r Gr - C A 'j Frk ti�L i i Project Address Assessor's Parcel Number(s) M Page I of 2 Packet Pg 15 1 C 1 MEETING DATE TITLE AGENDA REPORT February 24, 2015 Ordinance Amending Chapters 4 76, 4 84, and 4 88 of Title 4 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION READ BY TITLE ONLY AND ADOPT ORDINANCE NO 280, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 4 76 BUILDING AND SAFETY FEES, CHAPTER 4 84 ENGINEERING FEES AND CHAPTER 4 88 PLANNING FEES OF TITLE 4 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #1 "Ensuring Our Fiscal Viability", and, specifically, the action item "Ensure Appropriate Cost Recovery for Services" BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION On February 10, 2015, the City Council introduced an ordinance to amend Chapter 4 76 (Building and Safety Fees), Chapter 4 84 (Engineering Fees), and Chapter 4 88 (Planning Fees) of Title 4 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code, and moved it over to second reading The Ordinance is attached hereto for adoption, and would become effective 33 days after its adoption to coincide with the effective date of the Resolution revising the fees FISCAL IMPACT Adoption of the Ordinance would not impact the General Fund ATTACHMENTS • Ordinance No 280, Amending Chapters 4 76, 4 84, and 4 88 (DOCX) APPROVALS Sandra Molina Completed 02/10/2015 5 07 PM Finance Completed 02/12/2015 9 45 AM City Attorney Completed 02/12/2015 11 15 AM Community Development Completed 02/12/2015 7 34 PM Packet Pg 17 1 r 4a - ORDINANCE NO r � _ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 4 76 BUILDING AND SAFETY FEES, CHAPTER 4 84 ENGINEERING FEES AND CHAPTER 4 88 PLANNING FEES OF TITLE 4 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, on May 13, 2014, the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace adopted its 2030 Vision and 2014-2020 Strategic Plan with Goals that include Goal #1 to Ensure our Fiscal Viability, and Goal #3 Promote Economic Development, WHEREAS, it was determined that in order to implement these goals, the City would update its zoning, signage and development codes together with all related fees o to ensure that they are appropriate and relevant to the current costs of providing 00 services, WHEREAS, at the City Council meeting of January 27, 2015, the City Council adopted Resolution No 2015-02, establishing updated Planning, Building and Safety and Engineering Fees, which shall become effective on March 29, 2015, WHEREAS, the Council now desires to adopt an Ordinance amending Chapters L __l 4 76, 4 84, and 4 88 of Title 4 to establish such fees by Resolution, and WHEREAS, on February 13, 2015, the City Council conducted a properly noticed meeting at the Grand Terrace City Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA and concluded said meeting on that date WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1 Section 4 76 010 of Chapter 4 76 (Building and Safety Fees) is a hereby revised to read as follows, and the remaining sections are repealed in their o entirety c z "Section 4 76 010 Fees Established by Resolution Building and Safety fees are established by City Council Resolution, and as amended from time to time " c SECTION 2 Section 4 84 010 of Chapter 4 84 (Engineering Fees) is hereby revised to read as follows, and the remaining sections are repealed in their entirety 1. "Section 4 76 010 Fees Established by Resolution Engineering fees are cc am Packet Pg 19 1 Ordinance No Page 3 of 3 l 1 I, Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting held on the 13th day of February 2015, and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 24th day of February, 2015, by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk 00 le co T v 0 z d Q c �o c a L 0 r C Cd E cc V Q Page 3 of 3 Packet Pg 21 1 MEETING DATE TITLE PRESENTED BY AGENDA REPORT February 24, 2015 Council & Successor Agency Item Approval of Check Register No 01312015 in the Amount of $1,241,134 98 Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director RECOMMENDATION Approve Check Register No 01312015 in the amount $1,241,134 98, as submitted, which includes the Check Register Account Index for Fiscal Year 2014-15 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #1, "Ensuring Our Fiscal Viability", through the continuous monitoring of expenditure budgets, allocations and operational costs BACKGROUND The check register, for the period ending January 31, 2015, has been prepared in accordance with Government Code §37202 and is hereby submitted for the City Council's approval The check register lists all vendor payments for the preceding month, along with a brief description of the type of goods or services purchased and the account code(s) associated with each payment Check Register No 01312015 lists all payments made to vendors and employee reimbursements during the month of January The attached index to the Check Register is a guideline account list only and is not intended to replace the comprehensive chart of accounts used by the City and CRA Successor Agency Expenditure account number formats are XX-XXX-XXX [Fund - Department -Account] Expenditures may be made from trust/agency accounts (Fund 23-XXX-) or temporary clearing accounts which do not have a budgetary impact A total of $1,241,134 98 in accounts payable checks were issued during the period for services, reimbursements, supplies and contracts and are detailed in the attached check register Pavments laraer than $10.000 Check No Payee Description Amount 71117 Willdan Financial Dec 2014 Finance Dept Services $25,320 00 San Bernardino 71135 Valley Municipal Settlement Agreement Payment #4 $233,532 86 Water District Packet Pg 22 N City of Grand Terrace Check Register Index FD No Fund Name 09 CHILD CARE FUND 10 GENERAL FUND 11 STREET FUND 12 STORM DRAIN FUND 13 PARKFUND 14 AB 3229 COPS FUND 15 AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FUND 16 GAS TAX FUND 17 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND/ TDA FUND 19 FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT FUND 20 MEASUREIFUND 21 WASTE WATER DISPOSAL FUND 22 COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT 26 LSCPG/ LGHTG ASSESSMENT DIST 44 BIKE LANE CAPITAL FUND 46 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 47 BARTON RD BRIDGE PROJECT 48 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 32 CRA-CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 33 CRA-DEBT SERVICE FUND 34 CRA-LOW & MOD HOUSING A No Department Name/Cost Center 110 CITY COUNCIL 120 CITY MANAGER 125 CITY CLERK 140 FINANCE 160 CITY ATTORNEY 172 BUILDING & SAFETY 175 PUBLIC WORKS 180 COMMUNITY EVENTS 185 RENTAL INSPECTION PROGRAM 187 ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM 190 GENERAL GOVERNMENT (NON-DEPT) 195 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 370 COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEV 380 MGT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 410 LAW ENFORCEMENT 430 RECREATION SERVICES 440 CHILD CARE 450 PARKS MAINTENANCE 510 STREET & SIGNAL LIGHTING 600 WEST SIDE PARK 601 TRACT 14471 PICO & ORIOLE 602 FORREST CITY PHASE II 631 STORM DRAIN MAINTENANCE 801 PLANNING COMMISSION 802 CRIME PREVENTION UNIT 804 HISTORICAL & CULTURAL COMM 805 SENIOR CITIZENS PROGRAM 807 PARKS & REC COMMITTEE 808 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PROG ►cct No General Account Numbers 110 SALARIES/WAGES 139 EMPLOYEES' BENEFIT PLAN 140 RETIREMENT 142 HEALTH/LIFE INSURANCE 143 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 138/141 MEDICARE / SUI 210 OFFICE EXPENSE 218-219 NON -CAPITAL FURN/SMALL TOOLS 220 SPECIAL DEPARTMENTAL EXP 230 ADVERTISING 235 COMMUNICATIONS 238-239 UTILITIES 240-242 RENTS & LEASES 245-246 MAINT BLDG GRNDS EQUIPMNT 250-251 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 255-256 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 260 INSURANCE & SURETY BONDS 265 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 268 TRAINING 270 TRAVEUCONFERENCES/MTGS 272 FUEL & VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 570 WASTEWATER TREATMENT 33-300 DEBT SERVICE 7XX FACILITIES IMPRV (NO CIP) 700 COMPUTER -RELATED 701 VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT Attachment A - Check Reqister Account Index (1649 Approval of Check Register No 01312015 - $1,241,134 98) 4` CITY OF GRANu TERRACE Check History Listing January 1, 2015 - January 31, 2015 Invoice / Account Amount Check Check # Date Vendor Distribution Invoice Description Inv Date Paid Total 71100 01/08/2015 011296 CALPERS 457 PLAN PR END 12/05/14 457 CONTRIBUTIONS/LOANS FOR PR END 12/19/2014 12/05/14 B 10-022-63-00 $1 38333 B 10-022-64-00 $147 01 $1 53034 71101 01/08/2015 001942 DATA TICKET INC 71102 01/08/2015 011061 EZ SUNNYDAY LANDSCAPE 71103 01/08/2015 011306 FLINT STRATEGIES 71104 01/08/2015 011206 MIDAMERICA ADMIN & RETIRE 71105 01/08/2015 011261 JACQUELINE MITCHELL .0 �n 4 cep "0 c� N o� 57753 E 10-140-255-000-000 6996 E 09-440-245-000-000 20-2541 E 10-190-280-000-000 OCT PARKING CITATION PROCESSING 12/03/2014 $498 92 $498 92 DEC C CARE LAWN SRVS PUBLIC INFO OFFICER RETAINER/WEBSITE UPDATE PR END 12/19/14 ARS PR END 12/19/14 CONTRIBUTIONS B 10-022-68-00 DEC 2014 JM DEC HEALTH INSURANCE REIM- MITCHELL E 10-110-142-000-000 $1 53034 $498 92 12/21 /2014 $100 00 $100 00 $100 00 12/29/2014 $2 250 00 $2 250 00 $2 250 00 01/08/2015 $1 12038 $1,120 38 01 /05/2015 $225 00 $225 00 $1,120 38 $225 00 cn ' Cr 1-1 Attachment B - Check Register No 01312015 (1649 Approval of Check Register No 01312015 - $1,241,134 98) CITY OF GI %' I TERRACE Check History Listing January 1, 2015 - January 31 2015 Invoice / Account Amount Check Check # Date Vendor Distribution Invoice Description Inv Date Paid Total 71110 01/08/2015 011277 SANTA FE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 13467 DEC C CARE JANITORIAL SRVS 12/31/2014 E 09-440-244-000-000 71111 01/08/2015 007005 SO CAL LOCKSMITH 28897 E 09-440-245-000-000 71112 01/08/2015 006720 SO CA EDISON COMPANY NOV 2014 EDISON-2 E 10-805-238-000-000 E 16-510-238-000-000 E 26-600-238-000-000 E 26-601-238-000-000 E 26-602-238-000-000 71113 01/08/2015 006730 SO CA GAS COMPANY NOV 2014 GAS E 09-440-238-000-000 E 09-440-272-000-000 E 10-175-272-000-000 E 10-185-272-000-000 E 10-190-238-000-000 E 10-805-238-000-000 71114 01/08/2015 011071 WALT STANCKIEWITZ DEC 2014 WS E 10-110-142-000-000 ..d ao< t� N C CARE CENTER DOOR REPAIRS NOV ENERGY USAGE NOV CNG & NATURAL GAS USAGE $987 50 $987 50 $987 50 12/30/2014 $358 00 $358 00 $358 00 12/16/2014 $847 42 $5 640 42 $49 80 $41 50 $58 10 $6,637 24 $6 637 24 12/16/2014 DEC HEALTH INS REIM-STANCKIEWITZ 11/26/2014 $59 35 $2 60 $7 80 $2 60 $353 09 $138 09 $563 53 $395 50 $395 50 $563 53 $395 50 Cr Attachment B - Check Register No 01312015 (1649 Approval of Check Register No 01312015 - $1,241,134 98) _ CITY OF TERRACE Check History Listing January 1 2015 - January 31 2015 Invoice / Account Amount Check Check # Date Vendor Distribution Invoice Description Inv Date Paid Total 71120 01/15/2015 011194 AMERICAN FIDELITY ASSURANCE CO B219686 A NOV EMP PAID ACC/SUPP LIFE/SUPP 01/05/2015 STD B 23-250-20-00 $319 38 $319 38 B2232757 DEC EMP PAID ACC/SUPP LIFE/SUPP 01/15/2015 STD B 23-250-20-00 $319 38 $319 38 $638 76 71121 01/15/2015 011195 AMERICAN FIDELITY ASSURANCE CO 1021350B NOV EMP PAID FLEX SPEND/DEP CARE 12/18/2014 B 23-250-10-00 $388 04 $388 04 $388 04 71122 01/15/2015 001930 DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION B2677166 CDBG MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT 10/23/2014 E 10-370-230-000-000 $145 68 $145 68 $145 68 71123 01/15/2015 011359 ERIN ELLIOTT ACCT 2687 DOG LICENSE PARTIAL REIM-ACCT 2687 01/12/2015 R 10-200-15 $25 00 $25 00 $25 00 71124 01/15/2015 002710 FOX OCCUPATIONAL MEDICAL CTR 68679-56607 A DEC PRE -EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS 01/02/2015 E 09-440-228-000-000 $63 00 $63 00 68679-56607 B DEC PRE-EMPLOYEMENT PHYSICALS 01/02/2015 E 10-190-224-000-000 $55 00 $55 00 $118 00 CA w Cr c 1 - Attachment B - Check Register No 01312015 (1649 Approval of Check Register No 01312016 - $1,241,134 +98) CITY OF GF' 1P I TERRACE Check History Listing January 1, 2015 - January 31 2015 Invoice / Account Amount Check Check # Date Vendor Distribution Invoice Description Inv Date Paid Total 71130 01/15/2015 011350 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 1396378 NOV COUNSULTING SRVS-PERSONNEL 11/30/2014 RULES REVISION E 10-190-250-000-000 $6 523 00 $6 523 00 $6 523 00 71131 01/15/2015 005400 OFFICE DEPOT 745469147001 CREDIT MEMO E 10-185-210-000-000 -$19 43 -$19 43 745546355001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/15/2014 E 09-440-219-000-000 $290 85 $290 85 745965170001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/16/2014 E 10-120-210-000-000 $56 75 $56 75 745038155001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/10/2014 E 10-172-210-000-000 $19 11 $19 11 745965381002 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/17/2014 E 10-120-210-000-000 $16 62 $16 62 $363 90 71132 01/15/2015 005450 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY SAU06425V714 ELEVATOR SERVICE 2014-15 09/11/2014 E 10-195-246-000-000 $4 272 00 $4 272 00 - $4 272 00 — 71133 01/15/2015 005688 PROTECTION ONE 2588440 3RD QTR 3RD QTR ALARM MONITORING SRVS 12/14/2014 E 10-195-247-000-000 $114 66 $114 66 $114 66 d o w N rs _ _ Attachment B - Check Register No 01312015 (1649 Approval of Check Register No 01312015 - $1,241,134 98) 4 CITY OF GF �/- ') TERRACE Check History Listing January 1, 2015 - January 31, 2015 Invoice / Account Amount Check Check # Date Vendor Distribution Invoice Description Inv Date Paid Total 71140 01/15/2015 007220 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 1220140293 DEC DIG ALERT TICKETS 01/01/2015 E 16-900-220-000-000 $45 00 $45 00 $45 00 71141 01/15/2015 007938 WIRZ & COMPANY 79690 GT BANNER & STAND 01/13/2015 E 10-120-230-000-000 $286 20 $286 20 $286 20 71142 01/15/2015 007987 XEROX CORPORATION 077618835 DEC WC7556P XEROX COPIER LEASE 01/01/2015 E 10-190-212-000-000 $267 81 E 10-190-700-000-000 $287 54 $555 35 $555 35 71143 01/16/2015 011256 WILLDAN FINANCIAL SERVICES 010-26516 JAN FINANCE DEPARTMENT SRVS 01/15/2015 E 10-140-250-000-000 $8 490 00 $8 490 00 $8 490 00 71144 01/22/2015 011361 AVERY & ASSOCIATES 1114 CITY MANAGER RECRUITMENT SRVS 12/19/2014 E 10-120-250-000-000 $7 400 00 $7 400 00 $7,400 00 71145 01/22/2015 010996 CA PUB EMPLOYEES RETIRE SYSTEM 1630 JAN PERS HEALTH INSURANCE 12/15/2014 E 09-440-142-000-000 $2,463 64 B 10-022-61-00 $1 60831 E 10-120-142-000-000 $776 65 E 10-125-142-000-000 $957 31 sv E 10-140-142-000-000 $383 47 n E 10-175-142-000-000 $732 97 :D E 10-190-265-000-000 $37 98 E 10-370-142-000-000 $364 06 to Attachment B - Check Register No 01312015 (1649 Approval of Check Register No 01312016 - $1,241,134 98) __ CITY OF GRANu TERRACE Check History Listing January 1 2015 - January 31, 2015 Invoice / Account Amount Check Check # Date Vendor Distribution Invoice Description Inv Date Paid Total 71151 01/22/2015 011342 MCGREGOR SHOTT INC 1556 DESIGN/PRODUCTION OF MARKETING 01/07/2015 MATERIAL 71152 01/22/2015 005400 OFFICE DEPOT 71153 01/22/2015 005586 PETTY CASH 71154 01/22/2015 005688 PROTECTION ONE V wn 155 01/22/2015 006310 ROADRUNNER SELF STORAGE INC ca �-0 (Q w o� E 10-120-230-000-000 $1 01920 $1 01920 1557 DESIGN/PROD OF MARKETING 01/07/2015 MATERIALS E 10-120-230-000-000 $810 00 $810 00 1554 MODIFICATIONS TO MARKETING 12/30/2014 MATERIALS E 10-120-230-000-000 $282 75 $282 75 745965381001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/16/2014 E 10-120-210-000-000 $18 77 $18 77 01162015 CCARE PETTY REPLENISH C CARE PETTY CASH 01/16/2015 E 09-440-220-000-000 $70 22 E 09-440-221-000-000 $40 97 E 09-440-223-000-000 $123 22 E 09-440-228-000-000 $98 52 $332 93 3020955-3RD QTR 3RD QTR ALARM MONITORING SRVS 12/14/2014 E 10-195-247-000-000 $127 92 $127 92 18150 JAN STORAGE RENTAL 12/17/2014 E 10-140-241-000-000 $124 00 $124 00 $2 111 95 $18 77 $332 93_ $127 92 $12 Cr Attachment B - Check Register No 01312015 (1649 Approval of Check Register No 01312015 - $1,241,134 98) CITY OF G1, .9 -I TERRACE Check History Listing January 1 2015 - January 31, 2015 Invoice / Account Amount Check Check # Date Vendor Distribution Invoice Description Inv Date Paid Total 71160 01/22/2015 002239 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-122396 2015 EDEN ACCOUNTING MODULE 12/01/2014 MAI NT E 10-140-246-000-000 1 71161 01/22/2015 007938 WIRZ & COMPANY 79692 CITY PRESS KIT FOLDERS 01/13/2015 E 10-120-230-000-000 71162 01/28/2015 011218 PAY PLUS SOLUTIONS INC 5245 JAN-JUN CALPERS REPORTING E- 01/02/2015 TOOLS SUBSCRIPTION E 10-140-255-000-000 71163 01/29/2015 011296 CALPERS 457 PLAN PR END 01/02/15 457 PR END 01/02/2015 01/28/2015 CONTRIBUTIONS/LOANS B 10-022-63-00 B 10-022-64-00 71164 01/29/2015 005702 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT PR END 01/02/15 PRS CONTRIBUTIONS FOR PR END 01/28/2015 01/02/2015 B 10-022-62-00 71165 01/29/2015 011143 ALBERT A WEBB ASSOCIATES 144997 E 48-600-325-003-000 p� V w Co OCT GT FITNESS PARK PROFESSIONAL 10/25/2014 SRVS $23 606 66 $23 606 66 $23 606 66 $1 57680 $1 576 80 $1 57680 $582 00 $582 00 $582 00 $1,383 58 $134 31 $1,517 89 $1 51789 $9 579 77 $9,579 77 $9 579 77 $1 298 00 $1 298 00 $1 298 00 cri Cr Attachment B - Check Reglster No 01312015 (1649 Approval of Check Register No 01312015 - $1,241,134 98) CITY OF TERRACE 4 `" Check History Listing January 1 2015 - January 31, 2015 Invoice / Account Amount Check Check # Date Vendor Distribution Invoice Description Inv Date Paid Total 71171 01/29/2015 011341 CITY OF LOMA LINDA 2268 FEB INFORMATION SYSTEMS SUPPORT 01/08/2015 E 10-380-250-000-000 $2 400 00 $2 400 00 $2,400 00 71172 01/29/2015 011196 EYEMED/FIDELITY SECURITY LIFE 9688265 JAN EMPLOYEE PAID VISION 01/28/2015 INSURANCE B 10-022-61-00 $81 12 $81 12 $81 12 71173 01/29/2015 011061 EZ SUNNYDAY LANDSCAPE 7144 DEC PARKS/PARKWAYS MAINTENANCE 12/23/2014 E 10-195-255-000-000 $200 00 E 10-450-255-000-000 $3,300 00 E 26-600-255-000-000 $160 00 E 26-601-255-000-000 $80 00 $3 740 00 6946 NOV PARKS/PARKWAYS MAINT 11/20/2014 E 10-195-255-000-000 $200 00 E 10-450-255-000-000 $3 300 00 E 26-600-255-000-000 - $160 00 E 26-601-255-000-000 $80 00 $3 740 00 $7 480 00 71174 01/29/2015 002301 FEDEX 2-901-96041 JAN DOCUMENT DELIVERY SRVS 01/09/2015 E 10-190-211-000-000 $326 88 $326 88 $326 88 ' 175 01/29/2015 011306 FLINT STRATEGIES 20-2544 FEB RETENTION/FINAL PYMT FEE 01/26/2015 A 1. STUDY E 10-190-280-000-000 $1 95000 $1 95000 $1,95 rr 0 Attachment B - Check Register No 01312015 (1649 Approval of Check Register No 01312015 - $1,241,134 98) CITY OF GF`' P TERRACE Check History Listing January 1 2015 - January 31, 2015 Invoice / Account Amount Check Check # Date Vendor Distribution Invoice Description Inv Date Paid Total 71182 01/29/2015 005702 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT PR END 12/19/14 PRS B 10-022-62-00 71183 01/29/2015 006310 ROADRUNNER SELF STORAGE INC 18265 E 10-140-241-000-000 71184 01/29/2015 006531 SB COUNTY SHERIFF I 71185 01/29/2015 006720 SO CA EDISON COMPANY 14219 E 10-410-255-000-000 E 10-410-256-000-000 E 14-411-256-000-000 DEC 2014 EDISON E 09-440-238-000-000 1- 10-172-238-000-000 E 10-175-238-000-000 E 10-190-238-000-000 E 10-450-238-000-000 E 10-805-238-000-000 E 16-510-238-000-000 E 26-600-238-000-000 E 26-601-238-000-000 E 26-602-238-000-000 CONTRIBUTIONS FOR PR END 12/19/2014 JAN STORAGE RENTAL DEC LAW ENFORCEMENT SRVS DEC ENERGY USAGE 01 /28/2015 $10 034 95 $10 034 95 $10 034 95 01/16/2015 $124 00 $124 00 $124 00 11 /24/2014 $5,613 00 $120 009 00 $8 333 00 $133,955 00 $133,955 00 01/01/2015 $630 99 $40 88 $40 89 $2 873 47 $1 51394 $754 38 $6 237 82 $49 80 $41 50 $58 10 $12,241 77 -� 186 01/29/2015 006730 SO CA GAS COMPANY DEC 2014 GAS DEC NATURAL GAS/CNG FUEL USAGE 01/28/2015 �n E 09-440-238-000-000 $146 68 V' E 09-440-272-000-000 $2 60 to E 10-175-272-000-000 $7 80 .p w Attachment B - Check Register No 01312015 (1649 Approval of Check Register No 01312015 - $1,241,134 98) $12 241 77 r(�1 Cr ' ',n•AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE February 24, 2015 Council Item TITLE Priontization of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for Program Year 2015-2016 PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing for the priontization of eligible applications for 2015-2016 CDBG funding, and, 2) Prioritize funding allocations and authorize staff to submit the City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding recommendation to the County of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports, in part, our Vision of a place where residents can enjoy quality of life that fosters pride and an engaged community, in that the CDBG program funds community programs that benefit Grand Terrace residents BACKGROUND The City participates in the Federally -funded Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program as a cooperating city administered by the San Bernardino County Economic Development Agency (County) Eligible activities for CDBG must meet one of the following national objectives as follows 1) principally benefiting low -and moderate -income persons, 2) eliminating blight, and 3) meeting an urgent need The types of projects and programs that may be considered for funding include construction and rehabilitation of publicly -owned facilities, handicapped accessibility improvements and infrastructure improvements, such as sidewalks, street, drainage, water and sewer systems Also included is rehabilitation of housing for low- and moderate -income households, demolition and clearance to abate health hazards, and public services that are new or expanding and are directed toward meeting a community service need Each program year, the County collects and reviews applications and forwards eligible applications to the City for funding priontization The City Council is required to make its funding recommendations at a noticed public hearing The recommendations are forwarded to the County and scheduled before the Board of Supervisors for its approval Attached are copies of the cover letter from SB County Economic Development Agency, Application Summary, and CDBG applications The City's allocation for 2015-2016 is $48,456, approximately $5,000 higher than the anticipated amount contained in the cover letter The allocations are based on 2013 population estimates, as well as poverty and overcrowded housing counts The City Packet'Pg 44 'a 6 Association assistance to low income, homeless and at risk families The REC Center New - Recreation, N/A $10,000 Education and Creative Arts programs to Grand Terrace youth with limited resources City of Grand Con't - Enhanced code 2011-12 $8,000 $22,000 Terrace enforcement in CDBG 2012-13 $27,933 census area 2013-14 $27,933 2014-15 $27,933 Family Services Provision of meals at 2011-12 $4,995 $10,000 Association senior centers and home 2014-15 $4,328 delivery for seniors Total J$57,000 Recommendation The five proposals are all worthy proposals that either provide assistance to an underserved target population, or eliminate blight in , target census areas Unfortunately, given the City's allocation of $48,456 and the County -imposed limitation of four (4) proposals, the City will not be able to recommend funding for all five proposals Therefore, in its deliberation, staff suggests that the Council give primary consideration to those projects that serve the greatest number of Grand Terrace residents, as shown in Table 3 Additionally, because the total funding request for the four projects exceeds the allocation by $3,544, the recommending funding amount is proposed to be reduced equally to stay within the allocation amount Table 3 2015-2016 Funding Recommendations Priontization Applicant Project Recommended Funding 1 City of Grand Con't - Enhanced code $21,114 Terrace enforcement in CDBG census area 2 SB County Library Con't - Literacy $9,114 Grand Terrace Education Branch 3 Family Services Provision of meals at $9,114 Association senior centers and home delivery for seniors Packet Pg 46 ••.�„ ,..a..--e.`w.��..�......,..n. y.,,.,.�.=w a.,.....y...w..,.,.=.a,......m.„.._...,..W..:.- -_^ "� s' �.E,�' t•:e,•,ea a•..�a..s.- -.:� �� —' 2,._,5..7,.. r......Y..,.........--h-»...,...,. `_..:..,.. V a 385 North Arrowhead Avenue, Third Floor, San Bernardino, CA 92415 0043 I Phone 909 387 4700 Fax 909 387 441 SAN BERNARDINO COUNT" January 9, 2014 Economic Development Agency Community Development and Housing Ms Sandra Molina, Community and Economic Development Deputy Director City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313 RE 2015-16 CDBG PROJECT PRIORITIZATION PUBLIC HEARING Dear Ms Molina wwwSBCountygo Larry Vaupel Admmistratoi Dena Fuentes Directoi RECEIVED JAN 2 12015 Community Development Department JAN22'15 R( Each year as part of our preparation of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application, we ask those cities participating with the County in the CDBG program to prioritize protects The County of San Bernardino's 2015-16 CDBG allocation is anticipated to be $5 8 million Once the actual allocation amount is known, you will be notified immediately Your City's allocation amount is anticipated to be $43,502 based on Census 2013 poverty and r overcrowded housing counts and population estimates This year, cities must complete their priontization hearings and submit the Cooperating City Recommended Projects Form to our office by March 9, 2015 After that date, we may be unable to include your City Council recommendations in the list of projects for Board of Supervisors consideration The 2015-16 Action Plan is scheduled to be presented at a public hearing before the County Board of Supervisors (BOS) on April 21, 2015 CDBG Capital Improvement Proiects/Public Service Programs To assist your efforts, we have enclosed an Eligible/Ineligible Project Proposal List and a copy of each eligible project proposal requesting CDBG funding for your reference We have also enclosed instructions and a form for preparing and returning your funding recommendations Grant Process and Funding Thresholds For FY 2015-16 a methodology change was implemented to the allocation of funds to provide more flexibility to cities There are no longer minimum project funding thresholds However the 15% Public Service Cap still applies for cities that receive $150,000 or more in CDBG allocation The total allowable number of newly funded projects is based on the percentage of each city's formula share of the CDBG allocation and the maximum number allowed for newly funded construction projects is based on the City's CDBG Administrative Cap ZI - 4 , 5 • --... L f �w+a.4.�w�--...-nu..�.....,a..,....�a�...-.,—.«..a-n........r.,.+�L....: ...rye.-.-+•-n-..e.c.�.....r..i.'�¢�.s+...�.,..e.�-3-.F.��.i..-...s.-..»�...:..r.,... r�Kn�»+....-.2c>+.-.�w.,.....+.. ��r u•..ii-...,c.��..-r.�.«..u_3;R,.�. �..�..X..s '� Packet Pg 48 January 9, 2014 Page 3 These third party protects are higher risk investment due to the entities ability to meet the 1 maintenance and operations covenants HUD's expectation on non-compliance is the repayment in full (plus potentially appreciation on a building) to the Federal CDBG program administered by the County The County understands that many cities see the value and importance of funding third -party capital and/or acquisition protects The County will provide the cities the flexibility to continue this practice however with one major change, the cities will need to provide a City General Find guarantee to repay the HUD CDBG program if the M&O provisions are not met by the third - party Moving forward, should the City wish to fund a construction or acquisition project for a third party owned facility, the City must agree to enter into a City "General Fund Guarantee" to ensure that the City will repay the HUD CDBG program administered by the County should the project not satisfy the M&O requirements If you would like projects considered for funding by the Board of Supervisors, please indicate that the City agrees to enter into a "General Fund Guarantee" on the attached Cooperating City Recommended Projects Form Once approved by the Board of Supervisors a "General Fund Guarantee" will be included in the City's agreement between the City and the County in order for the project to move forward Although repayment of funds with non-federal funds should the M&O terms not be met is not a new requirement, the County is including the information herein in an effort to protect both the City and County General Funds Thank you for your past and continuing support in the CDBG program I appreciate your c assistance in returning your funding recommendations no later than March 9, 2015 Should you La have any questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to call me at (909) 387-4351 0 Sincerely, TfANDERSON VQ jArvising Community Development and Housing Analyst v BA/RW Enclosures cc Betsy Adams, City Manager Gary Hallen, Community Development and Housing Assistant Director 0 EN ..... ..--._ f.u.�.....,.„F....,._�,.^^-^�---a--�--'--,....�>.,.q,.,.._...u.,.....,...,,... .........P,. _ _-.. _.,. ...�,,..... •----..-_....-.,.�...4. ..-.--.-"'z ,.,,.-.-T-a^'--=-,_.,e- ............... r--»�.--��,--.�.-,. ..,.ram, ,,.,�.g Packet Pg 50 If s GIBLE/INELIGIBLE Proposals San Bernardino County 2 of 2 Department of Community Development and Housing 2015-2016 CDBG Proposals Log Number Applicant Project Description Community & Request Dist Comments Elig Yes/No MULT15-067 Family Service Association dba FSA FSA provides group meals to the Colton $10,000 M Public service Would require Yes Tom Donahue, Program Administrator senior population in San Bernardino Grand Terrace $10,000 documentation of at least 51 % low/mod (951) 342-3057 Ext 25 County in 16 communities and Loma Linda $10,000 income seniors served Subrecipient 21250 Box Springs Rd Suite 101 delivers meals to homebound seniors Redlands $10 000 has requested funding from the Moreno Valley CA 92557 throughout the county Twentymne Palms $10 000 following cities Colton $] 0 000 Grand Yucaipa $10,000 Terrace $10,000, Loma Linda $10 000, Town of Yucca Valley $10,000 Redlands $10,000, Twentymne Palms Total $70,000 $10,000, Yucaipa $10,000, and, Town of Yucca Valley $10,000 r n tnn11(�nr rr\ •Trn of � 1n'rn1 e 1 /11", l/� 1rnT rr rn 1 rCTn4rn- f1. rr + n +-----,r_ r rt r n r •Sri., ri 1.« • In,�nnr f Attachment Application Summary Of (1647 2015-2016 Community Development Block Grant Proqram) 2015-2016 PUBLIC SERVICE PROGRAM APPLICATION C. Project Characteristics 1 Street address and nearest cross streets of the site or office where the program will be carved but y Grand Terrace Branch Library 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, Ca 92313 _ Cross Street Preston ? Legal property owner City of Grand Terrace 3 What is the current zoning? n/a Is this use permitted in this zoning? Yes ❑ No ❑ If no, explain why 4 Is a conditional use permit required'? Yes ❑ No ® If yes, attach a copy of the permit ;5 This community service would address the following community need(s) (Please check all that apply) Public Service Needs ® Senior Services ❑ Handicapped Services ❑ Youth Services s- ❑ Child Care Services Planning Needs ❑ Transportation Services ❑ Substance Abuse Services ❑ Planning ❑ Employment Training ❑ Health Services ❑ Lead Hazard Screening ❑ Crime Awareness ,i4 ® Other (Please describe) Literacy education for illiterare adults Describe the geographic boundaries of the neighborhood, community or area in which clients of the proposed program reside (attach a map if needed) r i Grand Terrace � The proposed community service would be provided to (Please check all that apply) how -and -moderate -income persons or households ❑ Battered spouses j ❑ Abused children ❑ Homeless persons - ❑ Handicapped persons ❑ Migrant farm workers Illiterate persons ® Elderly persons 8_ Estimated unduplicated number of clients/persons projected to be served during the program year y ; (e g 25 clients, 50 seniors) 24 (e g Per month 25 clients will be provided with shelter services for 12 months reflecting 300 per ear Estimated yearly units of service (duplicated, e g 25 clients x 10 visits=250 units of service) 240 (e g Per month ` 25 clients will be provided 10 counseling sessions for 12 months reflecting 3,000 units of services per ear 2of8 G Packet Pa 54 y _..._-.r...-«.. ..,.« r•-^e.... �,.....,..- y�,n «, -o.a. .,.. �..-��...r � -4 ..,.P....-��..... .- .�-a.-:�.�, «- .m.-�..-«n e- -. 'r _. .».- .....r i.. ..... +..... »... ..,.,.. _�__... �vM {i V 2015-2016 PUBLIC SERVICE PROGRAM APPLICATION This section requires a break down of the requested CDBG funds according to the geographic area to be covered by the proposed public service Only enter amounts for communities where you intend to provide primary service Partial funding of a project application may occur and must be considered when calculating a requested amount for more than one area The ages of Big Bear Lake, Grand Terrace, Loma Linda, Needles, Twentymne Palms and the Town of Yucca Valley which are receiving less than $150,000, may only fund up to four (4) projects at any level The remaining cities may fund according to the table on page 1 of this application and in the Application Instructions for Section F 1) Cooperating Cities The following cities participate as cooperating cities in the County's CDBG program Please determine if the primary service area for your proposed service would Include one or more of the following cities If the service would provide predominant or partial benefit to city residents, the County will request a funding recommendation from the benefiting city or cities Enter the requested amount of CDBG funds needed to provide the proposed service to each applicable city Sub -total your entries below , - " " � ` T ` 'A Amount$R_ a nested 7 ` , „ ' _, - - " " "" !"duntiOi nested ; Adelanto $ Montclair $ Barstow $ Needles $ Big Bear Lake $ Redlands $ Colton $ Twent nine Palms $ Grand Terrace $10,000 Yucaipa $ Highland $ Town of Yucca Valle $ Loma Linda $ Sub -total of Funds Benefiting Coo erating Cities $10.000 3) Total Funds This amount must equal the amount of CDBG funds requested in this application on Line 1, in Section E Total Funds Requested 1 $10,0-0 G. Organizational Information 1) Organizational History (This is applicable only if you are a non-profit organization) a Date organization founded 7/1411913 b Date organization incorporated as a non-profit organization c Federal Identification Number 95 600 2748 State Identification Number 800 9596 1 d Number of paid staff 2 Number of volunteers e DUNS Number 179263582 2) Is this a "faith -based" organization? **YesEl No® "Generally, a faith -based organization was founded or is inspired by faith or religion Such organizations often choose to demonstrate that faith by carrying out one or more activities that assist persons who are less fortunate 4of8 Packet,Pg 56 i 2015.2016 PUBLIC SERVICE PROGRAM APPLICATION DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Continued) According to the most recent U S National Assessment of Adult Literacy, one in seven adults have difficulty reading anything more challenging than a cluld's picture book It is estimated that at least 3 4 million Californians fall at the "Below Basic" Literacy Level Within the County of San Bernardino alone it is estimated that at least 500,000 adults cannot read at all The Grand Terrace Branch Library provided direct Literacy service and instruction to 241ow-m6derate income adult learners during Fiscal Year 2013-14 with 75% of those learners achieving at least one of their personal goals COUNTYWIDE VISION I,this .�riease(cnecER¢ tieasttone,,oT:me�ooxes ##orrT)T abie)neiq sLaiso,Iprovxded for addrtionalfin ut " P .� In helping illiferate adults learn to read and write we are assisting them not only in their personal pride to accomplish these hurdles, but often tunes also in applying for jobs, helping them be a more responsible citizen by being able to vote and much more, thus enabling them to be more socially prepared to actively participate in all the County has to offer Additionally the Adult Literacy program supports the County's Cradle to Career roadmap to achieve the Countywide vision When we teach illiteracte adults to read, we are not only helping them but are also helping their children, as parents who read are abel to support the literacy support a child needs to succeed ❑ Implement the Countywide Vision ® Create, Maintain and Grow Jobs and Economic Value in the County ❑ Improve County Government Operations ❑ Operate in a Fiscally -Responsible and Business -Like Manner 6of8 Packet Pg 58 1 DETAILED PROJECT TIMELINE AND EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS TIME OF PERFORMANCE July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 FINAL REIMBURSEMENT DEADLINE A final request for reimbursement shall be submitted for the program year no later than July 31, 2016 After July 31, 2016, any balance remaining in this project will be reprogrammed EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS (Please provide projected dates for submission of reimbursement claims and the amount of each) Beginning Allocation $ 10,000 Reimbursement Claim pate _10/1/2015� $ 2,600 Reimbursement Claim Date _1/1/2015_ $ 2,500 Reimbursement Claim Date _4/1/2016_, $ 2,500 Reimbursement Claim Date _6/30/2016_ $ 2,500 Reimbursement Claim Date $ Reimbursement Claim Date $ Reimbursement Claim Date $ Reimbursement Claim Date $ Reimbursement Claim Date $ Reimbursement Claim Date $ Reimbursement Claim Date $ Reimbursement Claim Date $ Reimbursement Claim Date $ Authorized Signature To the best of my knowledge, the information provided on this application is true and I am authorized to submit this application on behalf of the applicant agency Also, I acknowledge that insurance coverage including, but not limited to, Comprehensive General Liability and Automobile Liability, and Professional Liability will be required before CDBG funds can be made available to approved projects Signature Title County Libranan Print Name Leoanrd X Hernandez Date 11/25/2014 PLEASE SUBMIT ONE SIGNED PAPER COPY OF EACH COMPLETED AND SIGNED PROJECT APPLICATION TO County of San Bernardino, Community Development and Housing, 385 North Arrowhead Avenue, Third Floor, San Bernardino, CA 92415-0043, Attention Program and Compliance Section For assistance or information regarding the completion of this application, call (909) 387-4705 or FAX (909) 387-4415 { This application form can be accessed on the CDH Web Page at http //www sbcountvadvantage com/CDBG aspx 8of8 L__ -- ____ - --�- __.___-___ --- —_--. -- ___ v_ -- _m__- __-- - - Packet Pg 60 1 i tT �� NSW AECEIVED �.r;ERNARD1NO CO F" 2014 DEC -4 W 8. 41 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING Log Number (Office Use Only) 2015-2016 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM M lkUT IE5-0 `8 - PUBLIC SERVICE PROGRAM APPLICATION - Public service programs involve the use of CDBG funds to pay the non -construction costs of providing new or expanded services such as graffiti removal, social services, transportation services (in support of qualified social services), employment, housing, legal, health and education services, blight abatement type activities Please note that federal regulations limit the use of CDBG funds for all public services to 15 percent of the County's annual grant Change to methodology to allocation of funds There are no longer minimum project funding thresholds The total allowable number of newly funded projects is based on the percentage of each City's formula share of the CDBG allocation and the maximum number allowed for newly funded construction projects is based on the City's CDBG Administrative Cap The cities of Big Bear Lake, Grand Terrace, Loma Linda, Needles, Twentynine Palms and the Town of Yucca Valley, which are receiving less than $160,000 may only fund up to four (4) projects at any level The remaining cities have the following allowable funding opportunities City Total Allowable Projects Maximum Number of Construction Projects Estimated 15% Public Service Ca Adelanto 9 2 $37,896 Barstow 5 2 $23,376 Colton 11 5 $51,093 Highland 10 5 $58,337 Montclair 9 2 $36,647 Redlands 9 2 542,275 Yucaipa 7 2 $33,886 Carefully read through the instructions and application forms Answer all questions as specifically and completely as possible If more space is needed, attach separate sheets Submit one (1) signed paper copy Use the tab button to go to the next form Tillable field TY,P ._ORP-RINT • _ c AApplicant • • 1 Name of Appilcent Organization Family Service Association of Redlands 2 Mailing Address 612 Lawton Street City Redlands state CA - zip 92374 3 Contact Person Kyra Stewart 4 Title Executive Director 5 Phone. (909) 793--2673 ext l l ] a Fax () - 6 E-mailtAdOre_ss -,LlTo&edlandsfamllyserviceoyg, ProjectB. • Using'25"words or less, provide a concise' on p%gosedrogfamThle za wo1�d`de`sctl tJonfis repu(red In order for this application to be ci�neidared corrjilete. Consider items addressed undentlie General Project Eildibility section of the Project Application Instruc116ns A detailed project description Is also required to befprovided on 1` ee5 1 1If I A comprehensive case management program providing support related to food, rental and other services for low income, homeless and at risk homeless families-c 1 of 8 �s _o r Packet Pg 62 2015-2016 PUBLICS CE,PROGRAM APPLICATION E. Amount of CDBG Funds Requested 1 wrtwotea�� 2 - -- -- -• ---- ..., . ...,1-1— fig u110 aNNnwiwn t,nusj equal becnon u'um(3 5tfar-e)- ' �$75;000 Additional funds to be prov+ded'by+OtheL Source(s1 for'this project ?The date that the Other Sources) of funds1have been or will,be awarded and available m"st be stated}below Source(s)IESG - - dera! (Type,of1Fundin`g) Housing/Personnel i te (Typeof Funding)unty,(�Type of Funding) LAqv*d ier(Type of(Fund+ng) ate'04/Ol/2015 Date Available,07/01'/201'5 - -- $90,000 - _ _ Sources) BFSP - ® F,ederalS(Type of Funding) _Housing/Motel,Vouchers ❑ Stjet(Type of Funding) _ ❑ Countyt(Type of'Funding) � , _ ❑ Oth6- (,Type of Funding) _ Award;Date 11/0l%2014 Date Ayolable,03/01/2015 '$35,000 �Source(s) United `Way/Pnvate'Fundraising - ID 'Federal(Type,offFunding) i❑ ttate((Type of 'Funding) = ❑ County(Type of Funding) _ `® Other (Type oflFunding) Ho-using/Personnel Award'Date{04%Q1'%2015 Date Av_a+lableA,7/01/201'S _ _ $35,000 ,Source(s) iSan,Maiiuel - - -- - v -- ❑ +Federal (Type of(Funding) — �❑ State (T?ype of'Fund+ng)' _ �❑ ,Countyt(T,ype ofiFundmg) — ,® Otheri(Typewof'Funding) AwardDatetS/,Ot720t5 Date Ava+lable,08(01/20,,Y5 _ $75;000 Total'of OthertSources - Should ual_'TFotal,costs, OOther-Sources"'in section D,above - - .$235000 _ s ,Please note If this project also benefits residents of ,non-pprlicipahng jurisdictions, ;matching funds in proportion to ,the percentage of inon-coop erating residents ,to be served must -be provided 'by other funding sources 3of8 Packet Pg 64 i E , M1 E F 2015.2016PUBLIC tERVICE PROGRAM APPLICATION DETAILED PROJECT+DESCRIPTION (Continuation of`Section'B; Project Description, Page 1) Please -- ,.. ,Ugly a{go�nue.0po le prosea •publlc service, mam,pians andrbrochures F n F s. e and its beneficlane IJ The San Bernardino County Office of Homeless Services identified in recent count that over 2,300 indivival ds are homeless on any given day within ,the County -Affordable housing continues to lbexa Yconstant challenge in the region as the average ;per• capita income is $29,4000 per year fora ,family of four in ,San Bernardino `County A recent national, study strongly ,indicates that low-income renters continue to face a growing disparity between income and housing, according to the,report "Out of Reach 2014, released by the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) ,in 'March 2014 In order to afford a decent two=Bedroom rental home in 2014 at fair market rent (FMR) as estimated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), a worker must earn $18 92 an hour, NLIHC found in the report That means -that a,one- bedroom or a two ,bedroom rental -unit- at FMR is out of reach for full-time �midimum wage \workers in every state and )San Bernardino County is not untouched by1his issue Also, San Bernardino County o"verall'has a higher unemployment rate at 8%, 3 points }higher than the national average of approximately ^ (National Labor Statistics October 2014) Further, a report relea"sed by the ;Community jFoundation indicates that Fo"ver ti75,000 individuals in the Inland Empire region are struggling with issues of food msecuniy ,and hunger these factors mixed with a growing;population, increasing numbers of single parent families and ,dispanties'in funding for the nonprofit sectdr4hroughout the,State, have led to growing numbers of needy,populatioris as well as'an increased need,for additional programs that support housingzand social service efforts Families whofhave even oneacnsis,related to ,their health,,transportationror family and are living pay check to,pay check can end up 3 homeless in the iblink of an eye Requests`for service and the depth of need have,significantly increased,over the last couple of years as the County has been'identified, as having the "Highest Rate of,Poverty in lhb^Nation " The primary focus of the proposed p, ect is the administration ,of the tental%mortgage assistance )funding s Unfortunately, the impact on flow inco3rie families tof tan ,additional xunexpected ,financial ct�isis can sr'esult iin j possible,evictioniarfdipotential,homelessness 'Providingstlese fa MI10s wifl ,rent/mortgagefassistance, combined' 1, with additional support services can stabilize a family and prevent 'homelessness This is a, cost effective approach as the cost of shelter is higher and,has a,greater}impact,on theluidividiials,and the,community,i trlazge For families twho ,are in ,crisis nand deemed homeless, FSA offers z,,program ito, help ,clients ;achieve ,housing l :stabilization rand a more Permanent ibbusing, situation 1FSA uses ,a "Housing First" model kconsidered ,a,best k )practices ,approach nationally Housing assistance focuses ion re=housing families 'as ,quickly ?as )possibl'e /and, f working ,with them through case management and support,services dto address barriers ,to stability Subsidies, ,can include ,up to 1hr-ee 'months {rental )payments depending on , circumstances Jand funding available " Participants ,m 'all ipi•oe` ms must meet "the;low,to moderate,incorFie fguidefine" established for ithe,county `The i case �managemeii't program ,provides ongoing support�to finer - e the,posittve,long,tefm outcomes for1hiiiihes ` The motto,, of the ;agency lis ,"a hand up ,,not ra ,-hand lout" `The )personnel ,required ?to administer ,these funds its, i extensive <Staff assesses need, verifies =dligibiirty, ,collect documefitation; ,processes requests' land ,provides i s ongoingcasesmanagementisupport,as wellras coordinating(distnbuhonEoftgoods ' Food assistance is ianotherfcntical supporttservice provided rAccess,to adequate fodd;supplies,forElow nicome I i a families tcoritinues Eto be a significant rand scgmmon;"problem As the,cdst of everything increases, at ,is )the food; F als 'budget that,is oftei ,the.onlyrplace to=cut Balanced nutrition can be replaced with cheaper sources foc,e foo ! als IFresh produce is (,replaced with canned vegetables and often, protein ris limited, 'even fast Mood"$1 rUQ menu"s soften offdi•,a clieaperLalternative `FSA�attempts'to,address;this issue With,our surplus food distribution and�food t ,pantryyfive days a week thatprovides a,wide array ofprod"ueerand4othertitems,that�may'helpitoi'stretch a food: )budget 'For =families,experiencing ,a sigcuficant crisis, {we ,provide emergency food assistance +with seven days ` _ of meals to meet the need _ In addition, we offer classes on nutrition, childhood obesity, and hi x, 5 of 8 - Packet Pg 66 t 2015i2016;PUBLIC SERVICE PROGRAM,APP,LICATION FDETAILEMD�PROJECT DENSSCRIPTIOContinued f X m 0 N N r O N COUNTYWIDEIVISION n co Briefly descri ee�'hbWthisloroj@ct oonteibutes4to'the'Countywide Vision-asrshown on`the-"cover,paje of,this'appilcation = r ;Please c6cktiit least one,of,the boxes. A form llable�feld is altoprovided;for4additionai input 3 `This,project'and;fhelappioacii that FSA.utthzes in the°Housing _ sistanceTrogc" ',is directly�relatedito the c COunty'Wide (vision because it:stnves,to;provide for fhe health andCsocial services:neeSs,of County Residents Also, the agencyis actuallyxprovidmg,alternatives, ,solutions and ,options for peoplenfitnsis related,to rent ° ',and sfood thereby securing'families and often keeping them safe,anil off -of the'stieet"n vulnerable situations_ 13IImp1ementthe,Countywde Vision ; Q b Create,Viintain and Grow Jobs andtEconomic Value in tfie, Yuf ty �flmprove?County4Governrhent`Operations J y [] Operate InratFis;cally-Responsible�and Busines"siLikelManner ' E 1, Ensu-relD®velopmentzof acWol-Planned,[Balanced,3andrSustMhabie;County, } I �R MamtalnP;u`_blic Safety i I M; rovlde�forjthe Health and`Social,Services�Needs:of!Ccun ytResiderits l i�lPursue Counity°Goals and,Objectrves7 Vk( rkmg14th bther G__overnmentaliAgencies 1 7of8 - Packet Pg 68 I s t , 3 , ` - r ry c , t 4 , 2015 2016;PUBLIC SERVICEIPROGRgM APPLICATION 1 y f t CDBG Application Checklist Commurnty-based organizations are required to include one copy of the items listed below you these items at this time.�`ple6se notify CommurnIf Y04 are not submitting ty Development and Housing_ at (909j 3If 5 to make other arrangements The following information is required before any contractor reimbursement can be completed E ® Summary of agency's current year General Operating Budget' c 0 ® List of agency's Board,of Directors, including names{and addresses a` _ r 1 u � c ® Proof of existing non-profit/tax-exempt status (Letters from the Federal Internal Revenue Service and State Franchise Tax Board) - t' ® Current certificate of insurance and amounts covered' 0 ® Organizational chart m m ® MinutesW Iast,Board meeting E _ Q o If your application is funded you,will be regw�ed to provide a copy of your last}audit and your Artjcles of Incorporation m and Bylaws,must be"on file c If w i 4 E E- r � a r N _ to a O R N n to t T V 7 Q 0 w Q 6 f d � E r s f } , i u Y F i I 10of8 Packet Pg 70 M a 2015-2016oPUBLIC SERVICE 4PttOGRAM APPLICATION, 1 -Street aMdress and',nearbst cross W.,66tstof the site orroffice wh0b he program will be tamed out - - Two Locations 1),Grand Terrac&City Hall, tommumty Room: - 22795 Barton Road, Grand° Terrace, CA i %3jil l); The Teen Center, Terrace, Wills Middle School - 22579 DeBerry St,, Grand Terrace, CA Whattisthe current}zonipp 1)Office Professional,4),Public Faculty, t ; Is this uses permitted„in,tMs zoning?? Yes Of No;❑ ti If no, explain why - - - - - - - - 1 _ Is a_coridrUonal use ` ` rmit re wired? _._ r. Yes ❑ _ _ No RI _ _ If yes,,attach ,a_co f of the rin-I i rr t 5 i Thrseommi�ndy servicetwould address the foilowrngcoitmunity needs) a(Piease,5R tieck all that apply) s 1'11ti iA LLq Public Service'Needs, ❑ Senior Sennces El Handicapped, Services ®,Youth SeiWcos TI,' Q Child Care ervices S n r E � '❑,Transportation Services � P�--lannrno:Nd6d,- ❑Planning Q Substance Atiuse Services { ❑ Employrr enjtTraining Haaith Services 0 Lead Hazard Screening y ❑ Crime Awareness program reside (attach,a map if;needed) Although Grand Teirace is incorporated, ,thei size ,of the coiiimuinty limits the resources available residents Therefore,'Thd REC Cerdter targets Czrand Terrace residents, especially famingtwAh youth. The proposed community service would be, provided to (Please check all that apply) ® Low -and -moderate -income persons or households ❑ Battered spouses ❑ Abused children ❑ Homeless persons ❑ H.antllcapped,persons [I Migrant farm workers ❑ Illiterate persons ❑ Elderly persons S Eshmated unduplicated number of-c4ifits/persons projected to be served during the program year (e g 25 clients, 50 seniors) 200 (e g Per month 25 clients wJll be vided .with shelter seh es_for 12 months reflect , 00,peryead- Estirfikedd yearly units of service (duplicated, e g 2 clients x 10 visits=250 units of, service) 60C( (e g Per month 25 drents will be Droidded 10 counsdA sessions for 12 months reflectrha a 000 units of services Der veer) � f Packet Pg 72 A ry "' n a» _q?� } 'x20,1512gj,§,OUBLIC SERVICE PiiOt3RAM APPLICATiOfy'F, Kw F. Benefit Areas r ° .y�!'+fir_,w. -_ c 3 . .-. ti. '� .,' + , Thisseetidn r„aquites-a break dowaof?,ttie r_questediCDBGiiundsaacddtding,to_thte�geogfaohic ar,"ekto,be coveied ., 1 by the,'proposed fputilic "service Only`, eirter amounts forjcommunities wheie you intend toorovidb "Oomary service,:, Partiat4ynding of, a,•�project appitc`atl64"r ay occur AM , must be considered when°calculating a requested amount' ffor imor%'tfian `one.=ate'a- The clilpbf Big Bear Lake; Orandr terrace, 'LomaotJnda, Neecf/es Tweritynine� rt ipamw0and the, Town fof, h area riecelving-less;tlian' $1bD,000,y y onry, funa9up to four (4 n° projecfs; atf any'level: °'The ,rerhain(Od cftles may5fein`d1 accor+ol/ng fo the fable.' oO#;+page 1 of this application, y, y` A n w -.. r and In tl'ie AppNcaBonalnstructlonsrfior,Sectlon,F: i,n }G -. fi„ • 6�E.r t �, R },6 1 7S, , 1), Coo`pe"-OngJCities-,,Ttteifoljowing,cities;participategasrcooperati%citiestin the;Countjr's�'CDBG', r ram Please: " deterneaifktha _grfjary servige areaKfo your proposetl�ervice wouid�iridude'one"orImore Of the�fba wing citim f;,� the service would °provide, predomiridpt; or fpawaL, {benefit to aty presidents, fthd,�GoUnty wrli request a fundr.gg tied Mendandfi from the benefiting°crtycor cities ,Enter the reques ed amount of�C�DBG,ifunds'needeBLtd provide thetproppsed serviceito. each apphca ile atjr Sufi-#otalfyour entries bee(ow - - ;.�. ," n w 5h a F° -t a P i �pp " 3) TOtal 'Funds This amount nust• equal the, amountof ,,Q BG 'fond"s =tequesteo, `in this application on Line• ,1; tin, _ �'" Total'Funds Reuested" °$10000 _. _ l ur OrganizationalG. 1) OrgarirzationalhHisto "� ' ry (This is applicable gt If, you are a non-prnfd prganization) a ,D"ate-otgantzaticn founded 10125/�012 `b CDate'organiz`atiod jncorporated asl a non-profit organizatron 1`0/25110112 T c Fed'erat Identificcation'Number' 4&1117,618 � State Identification Number 35175!b d Number of pald,staff 6 _ Nunn of volunteers 2 e DUNS Number 0040414849 ` 2) Is this a`faith-based°'orgamzadon?.*"1'es� **Generally; a faith -based brganization, was fourfded',or is inspired ,by, faith or re11gi, ih Such organizations often` choose,to demonsil*w,that faith tiycarrying out odd o Imore adivit>es thafa$sist persons who,ar"e°less fortunate g, " '4Qf+�,B r ',arr` 65 _ > •'k "'r', e �AinouritaR-` ue�st�d r__ Amount R m iiesfied �A"detanto, "..�� �� -.,.. ..,R" .r �... �� �, ..._ �Barstow`.°��$�aNeedles;-��d� Redlands j �$ rj �� w a , ',Colton'" �Twen ` nirie;Palms:�':a:;��w;m c $w.�;, �:: �.$100__00 �$_ rHi - - r'fown �:�= - k LomasLinda�� = �`_ m _ : �$ - _�. �Y __ ._�.� " w �_ _. �__.._ _ _ __ _. � _ � r , e _ •w w_ Siib'�otal �..,-.a...-,«.- - --`- �-'-�.^""'-^—»,- s---.-r.`-'-^^-"t--^+..,.',w.^,-�.+s-+-�. .---'a'--�maW.-,� 4+,M,....--�"—_....-.�--,..i....��.,.a-�....-"----•..,�.�,y,+-..'.+,t L,...�.,. are._.. v.s..,.-a...ra.�.r�.,....°..e..., .�-.....--.:..,,.b..a,,:..w+a�...aa.-.,..a,..a.,,»-..,.n._..«..,..c°.�-�..-,,.-�.-���..�.-.._.a m.�...e.,a�.`Sm.,�.........+...d._„ �,.�.,".;<'h.wa........,...«a.._.n.�.a...,.«........ Y... h � 2 Packet Pg 74 a ^ / _ �,7�01�Culth�od Ex4mples;` r e TMTE N Cefttevafid our Ltd ek ding trint prtigifigGo§istQ7$506-19.fCqii�estedtoOs -With vt Supplies -.43000 is requested to assistvnththe cost of -program supplies suchl A-6,pa:ts niarker!`.,bd paspels paper, craft -supplies, snacks and, other consumable suj�prws d to, purchase ad to firth'Wmcorpqrate"4c�nolqgy program fm i Program Evalu on Throughout the year ve conduct a vanFty, of surveyi,, both student and comftmi� based, to ihq�gaqge the .71 � . ` \ � ,0 Operate,in aiFiscally=Responsible and,Business-LikeMannery�_ __ _�___ _ __ _�______ Q E suret6ij 4eiopment of, a Weli;Pianned, Balanced, and Sustainable County, (] Maintain YPubiic Safety M Pro.Side for�tFte Health Ond Social,Servic`_estNeeds of CountylResitlents ` {; << iPursue,�CountyEGoals anil Ob�eatives`tiy,;Worki_'ngwinth CltFierGavernmental'Agengies. ;`y .h'.�ndtr., ferp:, t, ., w"F ;*� i.,K$.i x'§."��w,;,�.: r,w`�?'�; �•tb. V� rn* ,��€ �4'"�,�'`�ws-F Y„r•. „♦�r � a «. A'��` * a' ,a 3� p.,i A"h Y" �5� .. ��.� �,�a :� q S�`✓ 5 �• . Y+ .Y� a'.. A � eftd'. I' T �• '°r'x i ''��6�' Huh.}'.'�`fzV'. A �:, ,, 4^ a'r.az,.»•�.,r.'a,.�;^.s•.,�+r.,^"„.?„ "2 ;Cruz„ a 1 q w,r<:rtti=x,Y, a rW.d &"' i'�w f �"' s S.-, ,s .•K 4n'= -5�` d m!'w •, g. �`'F 1t'�'... h Y+. - kix o 9 s .„ u i.° zr ",.�� `� it''��`,.� � �. r�z'fAr.;�=u�ys�y t� r2,. 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'e'��•dJ�,•: ti`��.,,. arY�!" * ." .9fii4 4r`f `� .'%i:• �-�s""� W'>>7,F'�. f^` a ''•ryf,a _ .k^�:� .•if N�„� y ;.gR'£ $"' �-i":y"�....'�3:�.x a4 S,Sj�' i;�' 4^�"5��''yr'„'�'.'-6"�c 1 �'$� 'qAf ,��`r'. e ` `" J � S � -• � -. -F �s�:�yL� �{' 1pq$. 43R �.P � .Ism v�,�+e R.' � � C ` it<a` i`y"`3�"�_.�,P, �✓y �. ���fg�""'re't•,4.e�A z "S `u. {,yY'- '�`'i��2'�`W- _ e � � 7t� re= �� a ;*''�..X .• e �A'#'4'�,4�.j.g�'�•r�'e. ^tea » ar"�'==`*��� s `�'�': ��' w� =� � s� ,��-� �� _� ��� x - a� ,'.. .vs�- 'r,7-,a�y=`� «...t.,��s,?'t- ��•�` ,fir. Y-i�u-" �-3���..y''r � r„ 4"'"F r� Packet Pg 78 Attachment Applications1 pdf (1647 2016-2016 Community Development Block Grant Proqram) RECEIVED C.�1> --D5q- SAN BERNARWHO CO EDA Log Number 2014 DEC -5 kM 11 18 (Office Use Only) COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING 2015-2016 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM G ►,AN 1E j- _ 0 )'_ . - PUBLIC SERVICE PROGRAM APPLICATION. Public service programs Involve the use of CDBG funds to pay the non -construction costs of providing new or expanded services such as graffiti removal, social services, transportation services (in support of qualified social services), employment, housing, legal, health and education services, blight abatement type activities Please note that federal regulations limit the use of CDBG funds for all public services to 15 percent of the County's annual grant Change to methodology to allocation of funds There are no longer minimum project funding thresholds The total allowable number of newly funded projects is based on the percentage of each City's formula share of the CDBG allocation and the maximum number allowed for newly funded construction projects is based on the City's CDBG Administrative Cap The cities of Big Bear Lake, Grand Terrace, Loma Linda, Needles, Twentynine Palms and the Town of Yucca Valley, which are receiving less than $150,000 may only fund up to four (4) projects at any level The remaining cities have the following allowable funding opportunities city Total Allowable Projects Maximum Number of Construction Projects Estimated 16% Public Service Ca` Adelanto 9 2 $37,896 Barstow 5 2 $23,376 Colton 11 5 $61,093 Highland 10 5 $58,337 Montclair 9 2 $38,647 Redlands 9 " 2 $42,275 Yucaipa 7 2 $33,886 Carefully read through the instructions and application forms Answer all questions as specifically and completely as possible If more spaceIs needed, attach separate 'sheets Submit one (1) signed paper copy Use the tab button to go to the nett form fillable field TYPE OR PRINT ApplicantA. . { Name of Appljcant,Or anoiation City of Grand Terrace ?­11 Mailing Address 22795 Barton Rd ;4 City Grand Terrace State CA Zip 92313 1131�01 Contact Person Sandra Molina a 4 ` Title Community Develo went Director 5 Phone (909) 430-2225 ext d Fax (909) 783-260-0 , 6 + E-mail Address smohna@ci of andterrace or B. . - UsingF25word o I1pro hideisexiieption oft ep�ropo�sed pgi This 5-worcJpdescnptiosr�equired'1 I n (order orithis xapplication A l onsider lete Consider demrts addressed Pro)"ect co under � he;+General Eligibility!! see ion of foie Profec%Appli�cationAinstructions �{A;detailed°projedtkdescnptioh' Is also{rrequlredito be�providedEon ah � a. h'3-_' iY.ia«... s"-..". 4..1♦ xia 4S4t3 �'y JJ 4 .. .,Ma tl .J. l+5` � ._i . Enhanced code enforcement activities in CDBG census tract area to reduce and eliminate blight 1 of 8 �4� Packet Pg 82 4 ' 2015.2016 PUBLIC SERVICE PROGRAM APPLICATION r BudgetD. Project - �o..r,—. r^s• :r"'"""%yrr�r�'a � . P'°r^yr^-;F+m^+�-�. a T.ZI—T„='�i�, n-�.r 4 r.*Pe o�-•�.e_�—E �,�" Personnel $22 000 $ Equipment Rental Lease or Purchase $ $ Consultant Services (Auditing, Accounting or Payroll Services) $ $ Space Rent $ $ Insurance $ $ Consumable Supplies $ $ Other $ $ Total Costs $ 22000 $ 0 Grand Total CDBG & Other $22000 Estimator (name and title) Sandra Molina, Conununity Development Director E. Amount of CDBG Funds Requested <'71.-Amount of CDBG funds requested in'this` application (must -equal Section D CD5G4 Share , - L( z_ 522,000 " 2 - Additional funds to be provided by Other Source(s l for this project The date that the Other Source(s) of funds have been or will be awarded and available, must be stated below Source(s) ❑ Federal (Type of Funding) ❑ State (Type of Funding) ❑ County (Type of Funding) ❑ Other (Type of Funding) Award Date / / Date Available / / $ Source(s) ❑ Federal (Type of Funding) _ ❑ State (Type of Funding) ,_ ❑ County (Type of Funding) = ❑ Other (Type of Funding) _ Award Date / / Date Available / / $ Source(s) ❑ Federal (Type of Funding) — ❑ State (Type of Funding) ' El County (Type of Funding) w ❑ Other (Type of Funding) _ Award Date / / Date Available 1 / $ Source(s) ❑ Federal (Type of Funding) _ ❑ State (Type of Funding) _ ❑ County (Type of Funding) ❑ Other (Type of Funding) _ Award Date / / Date Available / / $ Total of Other Sources Should a ual "Total costs, Other Sources" in section D above $0 3of8 zo Packet Pg 84 1~ f 2015-2016 PUBLIC SERVICE PROGRAM APPLICATION DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Continuation of Section B, Project Description, Page 1) Provide detailed information needed ,to ifullyId&scribe the�pfoposedjoubhc�'bervice, ids purpose and its"benefidiaries Please attach applicableimaps, plans and Erochures The proposed public service is enhanced code enforcement in the CDBG census tract area Services are already provided, but these funds would allow for additional services required due to increased blighted conditions in this area The purpose of the enhanced service is to reduce and eliminate blight conditions through additional code enforcement activities Substandard housing issues, graffiti, property maintenance violations, non -permitted businesses, and illegal dumping have increased in this area In addition to the singe farmly and multi -family residences, there are three mobile home parks and several business locations that need further code enforcement services The business centers in this area are experiencing increased vacancies which in turn has resulted in an increase in vandalism including graffiti and property neglect contributing to blighted conditions New construction activities in this area have also contributed to increased NPDES activities, monitoring construction zones on a daily basis, construction noise complaints, and tractor trailer parking continues to occur in non -permitted areas Construction activities including Caltrans and Edison projects have resulted in a decline in property maintenance in residential and businesses zones adjacent to the construction areas The purpose of our program proposal is to educate and bring residents and business owners in compliance with the municipal code related to property maintenance, substandard housing, an other blighted conditions The program would provide continuous graffiti identification and eradication, remove debris and clean areas subject to illegal dumping, and continue to provide additional code enforcement hours in this project area The program goal is to improve the health, safety, and general welfare of the neighborhood 5of8 _ Packet Pg 86 DETAILED PROJECT TIMELINE AND EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS TIME OF PERFORMANCE July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 FINAL REIMBURSEMENT DEADLINE A final request for reimbursement shall be submitted for the program year no later than July 31, 2016 After July 31, 2016, any balance remaining in this project will be reprogrammed EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS (Please provide projected dates for submission of reimbursement claims and the amount of each) Beginning Allocation $ _22000_ Reimbursement Claim Date �9/12/15_ Reimbursement Claim Date _9/10/15_ Reimbursement Claim Date _10/13/15� Reimbursement Claim Date _11/12/15_ Reimbursement Claim Date _12/10/15_ Reimbursement Claim Date _1/13/15_ Reimbursement Claim Date _2/11/15_ Reimbursement Claim Reimbursement Claim Reimbursement Claim Reimbursement Claim Reimbursement Claim Reimbursement Claim Date _3/14/15_ Date _4/14/15— Date �5/12/15_ Date _6/12/15_ Date 7/14/15_ Date $_1900_ $_1850_ $____1850_ $_1650_ $_1800_ $_1850` $_I 850____ $_1800_ $�1800_ $_1900_ $_1900_ $_1850_ Authorized Signature To the best of my knowledge, the information provided on this application is true and I am authorized to submit this application on behalf of the applicant agency Also, I acknowledge that insurance coverage including, but not limited to, Comprehensive General Liability and Automobile Liability, and Professional Liability will be required before CDBG funds can be made available to approved projects Signature �� Title Comm Development Director Print Name Sandra Molina Date 12/4/14 PLEASE SUBMIT ONE SIGNED PAPER COPY OF EACH COMPLETED AND SIGNED PROJECT APPLICATION TO County of San Bernardino, Community Development and Housing, 385 North Arrowhead Avenue, Third Floor, San Bernardino, CA 92415-0043, Attention Program and Compliance Section For assistance or information regarding the completion of this application, call (909) 387-4705 or FAX (909) 387-4415 This application form can be accessed on the CDH Web Page at htto //www sbcountvadvantage com/CDBG aspx 7of8 i Packet Pg 88 6 �f 2015-2016 PUBLIC SERVICE PROGRAM APPLICATION CDBG Application Checklist Commundy-based organizations are required to include one copy of the items listed below If you are not submitting these items at this time, please notify Community Development and Housing at (909) 387-4705 to make other arrangements The following information is required before any contract or reimbursement can be completed ❑ Summary of agency's current year General Operating Budget ❑ List of agency's Board of Directors, including names and addresses ❑ Proof of existing non-profit/tax-exempt status (Letters from the Federal Internal Revenue Service and State Franchise Tax Board) ❑ Current certificate of insurance and amounts covered ❑ Organizational chart ❑ Minutes of last Board meeting If your application is funded you will be required to provide a copy of your last audit and your Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws must be on file J,y 9of8 Pac{iet,Pg 90 2015-2016 PUBLIC SERVICE PROGRAM APPLICATION C. Project Characteristics Street address and nearest cross streets of the site or office where the program will Be carried out a ` Please see attached document C-1 ` Legal property owner City owned facilities(Senior Centers ;3 iN What is the current zoning? Is this use permitted in this zonings Yes ® No ❑ If no, explain why I Is a conditional use permit required? Yes ❑ No ® If yes, attach a copy of thepermit) 7�51 This community service would address the following community need(s) (Please check all that apply) r Public Service Needs ® Senior Services I I ® Handicapped Services t ❑ Youth Services ❑ Child Care Services "' ❑ Transportation Services Planning Needs i ❑ Substance Abuse Services ❑ Planning ! ❑ Employment Training ® Health Services { T ❑ Lead Hazard Screening ❑ Crime Awareness v✓ _ ❑ Other (Please describe) , j6 1 Describe the geographic boundaries of the neighborhood, community or area in which clients of the proposed program reside (attach a map if needed) Please see attached documents labelled C-6 (4) that provide geographic details, site proximity Attachment C-1 also provide site demographics j The proposed community service would be provided to (Please check all that apply) { i J ® Low -and -moderate -income persons or households ❑ Battered spouses =, ❑ Abused children ❑ Homeless persons ! ® Handicapped persons ❑ Migrant farm workers ❑ Illiterate persons ® Elderly persons i Estimated unduplicated number of clients/persons projected to be served during the program year ' (e g 25 clients, 50 seniors) 2,230 z� a g Per month 25 clients will be provided with shelter services for 12 months reflecting 300 per ear 11 P9 -11 Estimated yearly units of service (duplicated, e g 25 clients x 10 visits=250 units of service) 144,622 (e g Per 1 month 25 clients will be provided 10 counseling sessions for 12 months reflecting 3 000 units of services per ear 2 of S 5 Packet Pg 92 ' g c Please note If this project also benefits residents of non -participating jurisdictions, matching funds in proportion to the percentage of non -cooperating residents to be served must be provided by other funding sources 2015-2016 PUBLIC SERVICE PROGRAM APPLICATION F. Benefit Areas This section requires a break down of the requested CDBG funds according to the geographic area to be covered by the proposed public service Only enter amounts for communities where you intend to provide primary service Partial funding of a project application may occur and must be considered when calculating a requested amount for more than one area The cities of Big Bear Lake, Grand Terrace, Loma Linda, Needles, Twentynrne Palms and the Town of Yucca Valley which are receiving less than $150,000, may only fund up to four (4) projects at any level The remaining cities may fund according to the table on page 1 of this application and in the Application Instructions for Section F 1) Cooperating Cities The following cities participate as cooperating cities in the County's CDBG program Please determine if the primary service area for your proposed service would include one or more of the following cities If the service would provide predominant or partial benefit to city residents, the County will request a funding recommendation from the benefiting city or cities Enter the requested amount of CDBG funds needed to provide the proposed service to each applicable city Sub -total your entries below ----.-.----�-,--- ; N ?AmounttRbq est_ed1 _ .� �a. ; `� _ " { `" r - _ µ,AmountlRe uested'� Adelanto - - $ Montclair $ Barstow $ Needles $ Bj-q Bear Lake $ Redlands $10,000 Colton $10,000 Twen nine Palms $10,000 Grand Terrace $10,000 Yucaipa $10,000 Highland $ Town of Yucca Valley $10,000 Loma Linda $10,000 Sub -total of Funds Benefiting Cooperating Cities $70,000 3) Total Funds This amount must equal the amount of CDBG funds requested in this application on Line 1, in Section E Total Funds Requested 1 $70,000 G. Organizational Information 1) Organizational History (This is applicable only if you are a non-profit organization) a Date organization founded 10/15/1953 b Date organization incorporated as a non-profit organization 10/15/1953 c Federal Identification Number 95-1803694 State Identification Number 0279273 d Number of paid staff 417 Number of volunteers 440 e DUNS Number 791329071 2) Is this a "faith -based" organization? **Yes[] No® "*Generally, a faith -based organization was founded or is inspired by faith or religion Such organizations often choose to demonstrate that faith by carrying out one or more activities that assist persons who are less fortunate AnfA 2 5 Packet Pg 94 ZOD R""4a ♦y Attachment Applications1 pdf (1647 2015-2016 Community Development Block Grant Proqram) i ...-....--�.wer..�.-�.+.-.•--..+-....w '^'f _ ._ _ .., f .,. .,>._...,. .u...�..,..._. 4..........x.�.-...,..+�.sk-.,+..�,»+, ...,�aw«s.:iva,. .,' A V V 0 ❑ Mamtam Public Safety ® Provide for the Health and Social Services Needs of County Residents ® Pursue County Goals and Objectives by Working with Other Governmental Agencies a of a C"'"....,.. .�.....�.,.._-___. ..�•<,..._..�.4.-.._•__ _. .._... .._.. ,._a..._.�s�-.m,. �,....a ..��-»—____._.._ � .w -, ;.-Y••--,.�--.-�w..—,.,�c,...m-.t-,.y_.-.-.,.•.m�•x_.m�m CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • FEBRUARY 24, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www cityofarandterrace org <http //www cityofgrandterrace orq> CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee Name Present Absent Late Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Council Member Jackie Mitchell Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Bill Hussey A SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation on the 2014 Crime Statistics and Traffic Update by San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department Lt Robert O'Brine B CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial They will be acted upon by the City Council at one time without discussion Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent calendar for discussion City of Grand Terrace I Page 1 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council February 24, 2015 Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 2 Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 02/10/2015 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 3 Waiver of Special Event Filing Fees for the Annual Walk on Blue Mountain RECOMMENDATION 1) Waive the 2015 Special Event Filing Fee in the Amount of Fifty Dollars ($50) for the 8t" Annual Walk on Blue Mountain, and 2) Authorize The City Manager To Waive the 2016 and 2017 Special Event Filing Fees For The Next Two Years, Not To Exceed One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Dollars ($1,240 00) DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 4 Ordinance Amending Chapters 4 76, 4 84, and 4 88 of Title 4 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code RECOMMENDATION READ BY TITLE ONLY AND ADOPT ORDINANCE NO 280, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 4 76 BUILDING AND SAFETY FEES, CHAPTER 4 84 ENGINEERING FEES AND CHAPTER 4 88 PLANNING FEES OF TITLE 4 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5 Approval of Check Register No 01312015 in the Amount of $1,241,134 98 RECOMMENDATION Approve Check Register No 01312015 in the amount $1,241,134 98, as submitted, which includes the Check Register Account Index for Fiscal Year 2014-15 DEPARTMENT FINANCE C PUBLIC COMMENT This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the City Council may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification The Mayor may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council February 24, 2015 D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe E PUBLIC HEARINGS To speak on Public Hearing Items, please fill out a Request to Speak Form and give it to the City Clerk Each person will be allowed 3 minutes to address the City Council If you challenge in court any action taken concerning a Public Hearing item, you may be limited to raising only those issues you, or someone else, raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the Public Hearing All Public Hearings will be conducted following this format a) Public Hearing opened b) Written communication c) City Council questions/staff comments d) Applicant's comments (applicant not limited to 3 minutes) e) Oral - favor and opposition (speakers limited to 3 minutes) f) Applicant's rebuttal (applicant not limited to 3 minutes) g) Public Hearing closed h) City Council deliberation 6 Priontization of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for Program Year 2015-2016 RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing for the priontization of eligible applications for 2015-2016 CDBG funding, and, 2) Prioritize funding allocations and authorize staff to submit the City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding recommendation to the County of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council February 24, 2015 F UNFINISHED BUSINESS G NEW BUSINESS H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION CLOSED SESSION 7 Conference with Real Property Negotiators Property Fire Station #23 Location 22582 City Center Court (APN 1178-011-12-0000) City negotiators Carol Jacobs, Interim City Manager Negotiating party County of San Bernardino Under negotiation Price and Terms of Payment RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION ADJOURN The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 6 00 pm Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk's office no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF SAN BERNADINO) SS AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING CITY OF GRAND TERRACE) 1, Pat Jacquez-Nares, being duly sworn depose and say that I am the duly appointed City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace and that on February 18 2015 before the hour of 6 00 p in I caused to be posted as required the above Agenda for the City Council Meeting scheduled to be held on February 24 2015 at 6 00 p m in the City Council Chambers in the City of Grand Terrace C City of Grand Terrace Page 4 DATE NAME ADDRESS CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM LO DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council 1K G-, t C- Q\--4 PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) 96q(-32 �- 77) L AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON ftq ILL ( L M SUBJECT 0 F ( �Z L o � Rat" ERR CE DATE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council - ;zC/-d20/6� NAME AMR- I'iA X a ADDRESS / a -VO :��' -Ir T , '9a 31 3 PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) U�I�/ 5^ O - % 3 AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON Fur6) I c, Co ►U /yen-r SUBJECT VOT&Ot4d-5 :7WF0(� m �4 % 1 oA) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM U DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council DATE �� r NAME v ADDRESS �v- o6 PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON #6 SUBJECT GSA '-WA- lWal "I � CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council DATE ` ►�� 115"I ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) Q21e-1 AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON U vl L SUBJECT u `e C `� DATE NAME CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attendmg Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attendmg a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council 9— � - / - '::7� V -5 '-� 0R12 ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON SUBJECT /11� Ehu,OIAA� A AA)4��, ew CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA a FEBRUARY 24, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center . 22795 Barton Road The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www cityofarandterrace orq <http //www cityofgrandterrace orq> CALL TO ORDER&' 00 pyn Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency At this time, I will convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Will Pastor Andy McRae of Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church please come forward and offer the Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Please join �0 ��� S in leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Would the city clerk please call the roll Attendee Name Present Absent Late Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Council Member Jackie Mitchell Council Member Doug Wilson v Council Member Bill Hussey I� A SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS — THIS ITEM HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED TO THE MARCH 10, 2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Presentation on the 2014 Crime Statistics and Traffic Update by San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department Lt Robert O'Brine City of Grand Terrace Page 1 r Agenda Grand Terrace City Council February 24, 2015 B CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial They will be acted upon by the City Council at one time without discussion Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent calendar for discussion Do I have a motion? Ili i �-C" Do I have a second Please vote W I IS D ia4QA&"-a Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 2ApNreval of iue Regular Meeting — 02/1 0/2015 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 3 Waiver of Special Event Filing Fees for the Annual Walk on Blue Mountain COMMENDATION 1) Waive the 2015 Special Event Filing Fee in the Amount of Fifty Dollars ($50) for the 8t" Annual Walk on Blue Mountain, and 2) Authorize The City Manager To Waive the 2016 and 2017 Special Event Filing Fees For The Next Two Years, Not To Exceed One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Dollars ($1,240 00) DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 4 Ordinance Amending Chapters 4 76, 4 84, and 4 88 of Title 4 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code RECOMMENDATION READ BY TITLE ONLY AND • P • RQINANG N AO 280, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 4 76 BUILDING AND SAFETY FEES, CHAPTER 4 84 ENGINEERING FEES AND CHAPTER 4 88 PLANNING FEES OF TITLE 4 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE f DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council February 24, 2015 5 Approval of Check Register No 01312015 in the Amount of $1,241,134 98 RECOMMENDATION Approve Check Register No 01312015 in the amount $1,241,134 98, as submitted, which includes the Check Register Account Index for Fiscal Year 2014-15 DEPARTMENT FINANCE C PUBLIC COMMENT 60 This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the City Council may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification The Mayor may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey - Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles -- n aVu�n5 4-0 Mayor Darcy McNaboe E PUBLIC HEARINGS To speak on Public Hearing Items, please fill out a Request to Speak Form and give it to the City Clerk Each person will be allowed 3 minutes to address the City Council If you challenge in court any action taken concerning a Public Hearing item, you may be limited to raising only those issues you, or someone else, raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the Public Hearing All Public Hearings will be conducted following this format a) Public Hearing opened Lo'5 prn b) Written communication c) City Council questions/staff comments d) Applicant's comments (applicant not limited to 3 minutes) City of Grand Terrace Page 3 r Agenda Grand Terrace City Council February 24, 2015 e) Oral - favor and opposition (speakers limited to 3 minutes) f) Applicant's rebuttal (applicant not limited to 3 minutes) g) Public Hearing closed (0;59. h) City Council deliberation 6 Priontization of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds �for , cProgram Year 2015-2016 RECOMMENDATION ,�- 1) Conduct a public hearing for the priontization of eligible applications for 2015-2016 CDBG funding, and, 2) Prioritize funding allocations and authorize staff to submit the City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding recommendation to the County of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT F UNFINISHED BUSINESS G NEW BUSINESS H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS Interim City Manager Jacobs do you have any comments RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION r(' dSP,n CLOSED SESSION At this time we will recess to Closed Session to consider the following 7 Conference with Real Property Negotiators Property Fire Station #23 Location 22582 City Center Court (APN 1178-011-12-0000) City negotiators Carol Jacobs, Interim City Manager Negotiating party County of San Bernardino Under negotiation Price and Terms of Payment RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION `7- a �- pYYl At this time we will reconvene to Open Session both the Regular and Special Meetings P,-U'L �,ok N " (Mayor to report any actions from the closed session) lP�v tple,m 6p1muki-t a City of Grand Terrace Page 4 _, f Agenda Grand Terrace City Council February 24, 2015 ADJOURN y,' a The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 600pm Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk's office no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 5 /0 ".?06 0,A&L e 41(gocQ V oc , Jw .� �oI d Lx o 1ma-�&Aa_ 04-L-1 rn �� 6 Vu_� � Honor Flight/Inland Empire is a Wl� non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that provides FREE trips ps to the Marva X HONOR FLIGHT - INLAND EMPIRE World War 11 Memorial in Application/Fundraising Coordmator Grand Preston St #21Washington, ®■CGrand Terrace, CA 92313 In 20I0, Honor "flight -Inland Empire formed in an effort to assist Veterans of "The Greatest Generation99 in visiting the memorial that was dedicated to their heroism during World War U. With a goal of sending Veterans to this memorial, Honor Flight -Inland Empire graciously accepts donations from individuals, groups, businesses and organizations. Donations will be used to pay for round trip air transportation, housing, feeding and tours for WWII heroes and sheroes from SoCal airports to Washington, D.C. While most remaining WWII Veterans will never get to visit their memorials, we sincerely hope you can help make that dream come true for those surviving Veterans in the Inland Empire. Besides donating, please spread the word about Honor Flight -Inland Empire and/or volunteer to become a trained Guardian. For more info, contact Marva at 909-630-7363 or email at gigiluvs@sbcglobal net Also, please check out our website at www honorfli_ htie.org We also want to thank the following sponsors .1;rgeles Communit�TV Connect Bob Dope USO PMON&O am VIDENT Bank I N QP�¢S G9�Q