05/12/2015CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AGENDA & STAFF REPORTS FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY ,REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY & THE GRAND TERRACE HOUSING AUTHORITY Tuesday, May 12, 2015 6.00 p.m. Regular Meeting COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER - 22795 BARTON ROAD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 a Darcy McNaboe, Mayor Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tem Jackie Mitchell, Council Member Doug Wilson, Council Member Bill Hussey, Council Member Carol Jacobs, Interim City Manager Richard-L Adams, City Attorney Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk Cynthia A Fortune, Finance Director Sandra Molina, Community Development Director t The Grand Terrace City Council meets on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at,6 00 p m z CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • MAY 12, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road IJ The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If - you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www cityofarandterrace org <http //www cityof-grandterrace ora> CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee Name,- < ' Present 'Absent" .; "Late " I Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe ❑ ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation from the Lion's Club to the City Council for Veteran's Wall Presentation from Riverside Highland Water Company to Water Awareness Poster contest Winners from Terrace View Elementary San Bernardino Sheriffs Department Quarterly Report City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council May 12, 2015 C PUBLIC COMMENT This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the City Council may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification The Mayor may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Doug Wilson 0 Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe E PUBLIC HEARINGS — NONE F UNFINISHED BUSINESS — NONE G NEW BUSINESS 8 Consider Options and Authorize Relocation of Child Care Programs RECOMMENDATION Authorize staff to relocate the Child Care Operation at the Grand Terrace Lions Community Center to 1 Grand Terrace Elementary for before and after school care, 2 Terrace View Elementary for kindergarten programs and before and after school care, and 3 Grand Terrace City Hall for the Tiny Tot program effective July 15, 2015 DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER e City of Grand Terrace Page 3 I Agenda Grand Terrace City Council May 12, 2015 12 Professional Service Agreements between the City of Grand Terrace and MIG I Hogle Ireland and the City of Grand Terrace and PMC for On -Call Planning and Environmental Services RECOMMENDATION 1 Approve a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Grand Terrace and MIG I Hogle Ireland for On -Call Planning and Environmental Services, 2 Approve a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Grand Terrace and PMC for On -Call Planning and Environmental Services, and 3 Authorize the Interim City Manager to Execute the Agreement DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 13 Approve Twenty -Second Amendment to Law Enforcement Services Contract No 94- 797 with County of San Bernardino RECOMMENDATION Approve Twenty-second Amendment to Law Enforcement Services Contract No 94- 797 with County of San Bernardino and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement DEPARTMENT FINANCE 14 Willdan Financial Professional Services Agreement RECOMMENDATION Approve professional services agreement with Wdldan Financial Services for the period of July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018 DEPARTMENT FINANCE CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS CLOSED SESSION — NONE ADJOURN The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 6 00 pm Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk's office no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 5 ... n j CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • APRIL 28, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER Mayor McNaboe called the meeting to order at 6 00 p m Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation was provided by Dr Mustafa Kuko of the Islamic Center of Riverside Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Pro Tern Robles ROLL CALL Attendee Name V' ' Title i' Status Arrived ^t Darcy McNaboe Mayor Present Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern Present Jackie Mitchell Council Member Present Doug Wilson Council Member Present Bill Hussey Council Member Present Carol Jacobs interim City Manager Present Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Present Richard Adams City Attorney Present Sandra Molina Community Development Director Present Linda Phillips Director of Child Care Services Present Cynthia Fortune Finance Director Present Steve Lasiter Battalion Chief Present Robert O'Brine Lieutenant Present A SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation on Every 15 Minutes by San Bernardino Sheriffs Department Lt Robert O'Brine Lt O'Brine, San Bernardino Sheriffs Department, provided a brief introduction to the "Every 15 Minutes" video He and the Council Members presented Certificates of Appreciation to the following From the Colton Joint Unified School District Lillian Morales, John Saks, and Debra Villegas From the' San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department Dulce Stone, Deputies Alvarez Guttenberg, and Navarro City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Packet�Pg 6 Minutes 5 L ❑9 Grand Terrace City Council Apnl 28, 2015 Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No 281 Which Amends the City's Personnel Ordinance THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTED AND GAVE SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO 281 TO BE READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING, RELATING TO PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION AND ESTABLISHING A PERSONNEL SYSTEM AND PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS, AND ADOPT SAID ORDINANCE PUBLIC COMMENT Jeffrey McConnell, Grand Terrace resident, stated he served on the Citizens Advisory Group (CAG) for the past two years He urged the people attend the SANBAG meeting ccc and express their needs on the HOV, Toll Lanes or extra lanes He requested that the City Manager comments be moved up on the agenda He also requested that a valve N be replaced in the men's restroom CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Hussey thanked everyone for coming to the meeting On April 18 and N 19 it was GT Community Clean Up Day, Mayor McNaboe, Council Member Mitchell, N Interim City Manager Jacobs and he participated along with many volunteers and the C Titans football team with Coach Rex He also thanked the Grand Terrace Foundation c and Healthy GT for making this happen Council Member Hussey was very concerned with the speeding and reported it to Lt O'Brine and asked everyone to slow down, c follow the speed limits, stop signs, and to mindful of the pedestrians He reported that on April 21, 2015, he, Council Member Mitchell and City Staff had a Town Hall meeting for the Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant He invited everyone to attend these meetings He thanked Interim City Manager Jacobs for her speedy action in taking care d of any City concerns On April 23, 2015, he attended a walk audit at Grand Terrace High School With all the walking he has done he also notice a lot of pot holes and the a City needed to stay on top of its streets He stated his concerns with the length of time the train is stopped because it backs up the traffic and the students also have to wait = Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Wilson thanked everyone that was in attendance for their support He also thanked Mayor McNaboe for the invocation diversity He stated that defensive driving is very important He congratulated the Lion's Club for a successful pancake breakfast Council Member Wilson reported that a person came to his house and knocked and asked for a person that did not live there He told his wife to call 911 and to report it The Sheriff's responded quickly and he is grateful for their hard work City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packef P'd 8, j Minutes Grand Terrace City Council 2 C r^ Fw T Apnl 28, 2015 She further reported on the 1-10 Pepper Avenue Interchange project as follows Reviewed and recommended for final approval by the Board of Directors a contract with the City of Colton and the County of San Bernardino to increase receivable contribution from City of Colton for their share of the project, Recommended the approval of the Trade Corridors Improvement Fund with the California Transportation Commission, Recommended Authorizing the SANBAG Executive Director to execute the final TCIF Baseline Agreement after approved for form by General Council, Recommended Approval of Plans Specifications and Estate Package, Recommended Authorization of the Director of Project Delivery to advertise invitation for bids for construction, and Reviewed and recommended for final approval by SANBAG Board of Directors the approval of contract with Vali Cooper and Associates for Construction Management services for 1-10 Pepper Avenue, Bridge Replacement Mayor McNaboe attended the Colton City Council Meeting on April 21, 2015, in support of Veteran's Wall of Freedom as the Colton City Council voted unanimously to recognize and support the project as a regional commendation of the men and women who have sacrificed to ensure our freedom The Foundation of Grand Terrace Community Cleanup was scheduled for April 18, 2015 She thanked Interim City Manager Jacobs for being there and supporting the cleanup efforts Thanked Penny Radtke and Franke Byma for organizing and thanked all who came out Saturday and Sunday to weed and pick up trash She attended the State of the County and Supervisor Ramos introduced the County Supervisor and County Administrator, they played some videos about what the County had to offer and the rest of the time was an opportunity to network Prior to this event the NAIOP (National Association for Industrial and Office Parks) led a Commercial Real Estate Panel Game Changing Commercial Real Estate in the Inland Empire They spoke of Commercial Real Estate and the demand as an indicator of growth in the region They discussed the local employment three percent job growth in the past year The inland Empire is the third fastest growing region in California (John Husing says second fastest) an estimated 52,000 jobs will be created this year and they will be in logistics, professional technology, real estate, construction, and manufacturing, Discussed the need for infrastructure to attract manufacturing and electrical industries Because manufacturing jobs need a higher skill level than in the past, they discussed the need for job training of the labor force The loss of RDA does pose challenges they noted, however, manufacturing companies in Southern California tend to be located along the coast where the costs are higher Inland Empire could be attractive to those companies with the reduced cost of operating She concluded her reports with an invitation from Mayor De La Rosa to the City Council to join him at the Relay for Life event kick off on May 16, 2015 at 8 30 a m at Colton High School City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Packet Pg 10 Cl cc Z _ m R U c- d N _ 0 U N Minutes F G 7 f:l Grand Terrace City Council Apnl 28, 2015 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE NEW BUSINESS Review of the Conceptual Landscape Plans of Barton Road and 1-215 Freeway Community Development Director Molina presented the staff report for this item A Council, staff, and Caltrans representative discussion ensued on the concepts, materials, price, maintenance and irrigation Darryl Moore, Grand Terrace resident, supports the use of pavers and stated that in the City of Yucaipa also uses pavers Jeff McConnell, Grand Terrace resident, stated that the roundabouts are very popular in the East and in Europe he suggested that they add reflective material added to allow for the learning curve Direction was given to City Staff on a hybrid of the concepts and materials and to bring back this item to the City Council on May 26, 2015 CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS Interim City Manager Jacobs announced the public input workshop for the ATP Grant on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 6 00 p m in the Community Room She also reported that the State Department of Finance approved the City's Long Term Management Property Plan This allows for the disposition of both properties which will be coming to the Council in the near future CLOSED SESSION - NONE ADJOURN Mayor McNaboe adjourned the meeting at 7 41 p m The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 6 00 pm t Darcy McNaboe, Mayor Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk City of Grand Terrace Page 7 Packef Pg,=12 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • MAY 1, 2015 Council Chambers Special Meeting 9 00 AM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council Mayor McNaboe called the City Council Special Meeting to order at 9 00 a m ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title ;r Status Arrived Darcy McNaboe Mayor Present Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern Present Jackie Mitchell Council Member Present Doug Wilson Council Member Present Bill Hussey Council Member Present Richard Adams City Attorney Present Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Present A PUBLIC COMMENT - NONE RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION Mayor McNaboe recessed the City Council into Closed Session at 9 02 a m to consider the following • �� �>�� �9I*]IL- Public Employee Appointment, pursuant to Government Code section 54957(b)(1) Title Interim City Manager RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION Mayor McNaboe reconvened the City Council to open session at 12 16 p m REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION Mayor McNaboe reported that the City Council had no reportable action at this time City of Grand Terrace Page 1 PacketPg, 13 ,� Y 0 - IcL 4- CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • MAY 2, 2015 Council Chambers Special Meeting 9 00 AM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council Mayor McNaboe called the City Council Special Meeting to order at 9 00 a m ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status - F Arrived Darcy McNaboe Ma or Present Sylvia Robles Ma or Pro Tem Present Jackie Mitchell Council Member Present Doug Wilson Council Member Present Bill Hussey Council Member Present Richard Adams City Attorney Present Pat Jac uez-Nares City Clerk Present A PUBLIC COMMENT - NONE RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION Mayor McNaboe recessed the City Council into Closed Session at 9 01 a m to consider the following B CLOSED SESSION 1 Public Employee Appointment, pursuant to Government Code section 54957(b)(1) Title Interim City Manager RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION Mayor McNaboe reconvened the City Council to open session at 11 55 p m Council Member Mitchell left at 11 55 a m REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION Mayor McNaboe reported that the City Council gave direction to the consultant, an Ad Hoc Committee was created with Council Members Mitchell and Wilson, and nothing further to report City of Grand Terrace 2 t Page 1 Packet Pg i 71 O MEETING DATE May 12, 2015 Council Item TITLE Monthly Financial Report for March 2015 PRESENTED BY Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the Monthly Financial Report for the period ending March 31, 2015 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports City Council Goal #1, "Ensure Our Fiscal Viability," through the continuous monitoring of revenue receipts and expenditure disbursements against approved budget appropriations BACKGROUND The Finance Department has developed a Monthly Financial Report (MFR), which will be submitted to the City Council each month The attached MFR is for the period ending March 31, 2015 The purpose of the MFR is to identify actual revenues received, and expenditures incurred, for the current fiscal year and compare them to the Approved Budget and fiscal year-to-date (YTD) expected amounts, however, since the submittal of the Mid -Year Budget Review to City Council on March 24, 2015, the MFR has been revised to compare monthly expected receipts and expenditures, and actuals to year-end projections The MFR still includes the approved budgets and any adjustments made to the approved budgets, if any The MFR encompasses the City's two major funds General Fund and Child Care Fund DISCUSSION The Fiscal Year (FY) 2014-15 Approved Budget amounts are presented in the attached MFR for reference purposes Any adjustments to the Approved Budget that may occur during the fiscal year will also be reflected in the report The "expected" revenues reflect a multi -year analysis of revenue receipts that have, historically, been received as of this month in the fiscal year The resulting positive or negative variances shown in the MFR are in comparison to these "expected" receipts The timing of expenditures is more evenly distributed during the fiscal year than revenue receipts, however, it is not entirely straight-line in nature For example, some months have three pay periods rather than two Also, debt service payments are only made twice a year Additionally, certain expenditure postings, such as the cost allocation plan, are made quarterly rather than monthly All of these factors are 3, r Pacicet:Pg AT T OVERHEAD COST ALLOCATION The City's overhead cost allocation strives to allocate General Government services to the operating departments that are recipients of these services General' Government departments include 1 City Council, 2 City Manager, 3 City Clerk, 4 Finance, 5 City Attorney, and 6 Non -Departmental (General Fund costs not classified by department) These departments are responsible for the management and administration of the City projects, programs and activities throughout the city, including Special Revenue Funds However, if there is no activity in the special revenue fund during the fiscal year, the fund is not charged an overhead allocation In Fiscal Year 2014-15, the following funds listed below had minimal or no activity and therefore will not be charged any overhead cost allocation • Street Fund (Fund 11) — This fund receives Development Impact Fee (DIF) revenues for arterial improvements and traffic signals, the City did not have any street improvement projects this fiscal year • Parks Fund (Fund 13) — This fund receives Development Impact Fee (DIF) revenues for capital improvements in City parks, the City did not have any street improvement projects this fiscal year • Traffic Safety Fund (Fund 17) — This fund receives revenues from fines and forfeitures related to traffic misdemeanors Expenditures are restricted to traffic control devices, construction and improvement of public streets, the City did not have any street improvement projects this fiscal year Measure "I" Fund (Fund 20) — This fund receives sales tax revenue that provides • funding for road improvement and traffic management programs, the City did not have any street improvement projects this fiscal year CHILD CARE FUND The Child Care Fund's revenue receipts of $851,513 are slightly below the expected level of $853,360 Although the 3-year history of monthly receipts varies from year to year, this may be due to The timing of the submittals and recording of deposits and payments, and • Turnover in child care attendance Expenditures of $814,946 reflect a savings of $3,861 relative to the expected level of $818, 807 p Packet Pgs19 City of Grand Terrace Monthly Financial Report For the Period Ending March 31, 2015 Attachment Monthly Financial Report Mar2015 pdf (1689 Monthly Financial Report for March 2015) GENERAL FUND REVENUE Attachment Monthly Financial Report Mar2015 pdf (1689 Monthly Financial Report for March 2015) City of Grand Terrace FY 2014-16 General Fund Monthly Financial Report For the Period Ending March 31, 2015 Positive March Ne ative YTD March YTD March ` March YTD Variance Approved Year -End Year -End Expected % YTD % from Revenue Budget Expected Proiected Receipts Expected Actuals actuals YTD Expected Property Tax 1,414000 1,414,000 1,407100 791,389 562% 789,779 561% (1,610) Residual Receipts - RPTTF 306,370 306,370 682 256 532,262 78 0% 532,256 _ 78 0% (6) Franchise Fees 480,000 480 000 478,000 210,760 44 1% 215,610 45 1% 4,850 Licenses, Fees & Permits 290,900 290,900 284,890 238,048 83 6% 242 767 85 2% 4 719 Sales Tax 1,047 000 1 047,000 ' 843,960 434 093 51 4% 432,820 51 3% (1,273) Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants 45,000 15,000 15,000 5,000 333% 5,212 347% 212 Charges for Services 81,200 81,200 78,000 62 800 80 5% 84,924 108 9% 22,124 Fines & Forfeitures 25,000 25,000 25,000 23,200 92 8% 37 631 150 5% 14 431 2 Miscellaneous 5,000 5 000 8,800 8 800 1000% 9,267 1053% 467 Use of Money & Property 25 000 18,000 18,500 14,900 80 5% 18 304 98 9% 3,404 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residual Receipts - Sr Housing 0 0 0 0 0 0 Waste Water Receipts 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 100 0% 700,000 100 0% 0 4,419,470 4 382 470 4,541,506 3 021 252 66 5% 3 068 570 67 6% 47 318 I This includes reimbursement receipts for Shenff overtime the City incurred dunng the Freeway 215Barton temporary road closure P In order to provide street sweeping services effectively the City has maintained an active level of parking enforcement through out the year resulting in Increased fines & forfeitures n cc ,C11` Attachment Monthly Financial Report Mar2015 pdf (1689 Monthly Financial Report for March 2015) 450,000 400,000 350 000 300,000 250 000 200 000 150 000 100 000 50 000 REVENUE - Sales Tax ------ - -- - ,r , JL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JL —4--FY2014-15 —411--PY2013 14—l-FY2012 13 tFY2011 12 Annual Sales Tax Tax Revenues FY2014-15 (as of month end) $432,820 FY2013-14 $958,649 FY2012-13 $971,549 FY2011-12 $963,439 Attachment Monthly Financial Report Mar2015 pdf (1689 Monthly Financial Report for March 2015) REVENUE - Franchise Fees 180 000 160 000 140 000 120 000 100 000 t 80 000 1 M' 60 000 40,000 00, •�\. �< `'4i� �^ "."C•xj,. >,'�a'>Fi\." t" J`"r' .3, . ti4'' ,: b, i.±F,..�3 �.� sc3 r5x ,• ; '.�. • � '�' ,, �-" i;a •:•..*v' :'a" .raa$'� :: •M1r.., ,^a^�. ;.:}�,,.,.,,y,„ a ,� Jr.n •. ): 'W,�• �^„;". 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'�,r �^•�grE.'";^� ^C ry ,:m^`"� i'�',: '�+; �., ..�•& 'p:, rc,� d4 .£: 'f" S» � ?'6 ��s �."R ?."�i�th. •..i�,� `"y iq, �er ro,,+�z.x...e.�.�;"-'.�a,"n'c'�^ �r..��.a 'A .'�«: .J, ?�R6•.,^V"', "�'�','�+'"S;l!T'��' .S +".,.F,y��,.. iv�'w` d7F,R.Me.2,'zd',a+.: `)� �4"1����"", hA� � 'aa 'd' •, �' ,M�� <aX'�3.. .� 8 .a" 'A`�C�. :'��'' `�a'"�'>a, .tE°'l°i� JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN tFY2014 15 —*—FY2013 14 —d"-FY2012 13 tFY2011 12 Annual Franchise Fees FY2014-15 (as of month end) $215,610 FY2013-14 $477,395 FY2012-13 $478 269 FY2011-12 $478,011 Attachment Monthly Financial Report Mar2015 pdf (1689 Monthly Financial Report for March 2015) GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE BY DEPARTMENT Attachment Monthly Financial Report Mar2015 pdf (1689 Monthly Financial Report for March 2015) NO h COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I Building & Safety II Public Works iii Rental Inspection Program iv Enforcement Program v Facilities Maintenance vi Community Development vii Parks Maintenance viii Storm Drain Maintenance _ix National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) x Planning Commission W W W Attachment Monthly Financial Report Mar2015 pdf (1689 Monthly Financial Report for March 2015) EXPENDITURE - General Government 140 000 4 v ..� -. ..�....�._ � .�,.. ., . �.._.-%e—... j , us�..r, 4 wM✓+ +^ate ....w.s`. mow' ..�.yy`� .. .. .,. � y ,..� N < 120,000 t 100 000 r t 80 000 60 000 40,000 r 20,000 - - c , 1 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN (20 000) (40,000) �FY201415 --M—FY201314 --b—FY201213 rt-FY201112 General Government Departments City Council, City Manager City Clerk and City Attorney FY2014-15 (as of month end) $408,096 FY2013-14 $689 463 FY2012-13 $514 314 FY2011-12 $537 061 Al x n W Attachment Monthly Financial Report Mar2015 pdf (1689 Monthly Financial Report for March 2015) J EXPENDITURE - Finance 80000 70 000 r 60 000 50 000 /A 40 000 30 000 20 000 10 i f 000 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN —*--FY2014-15—=—FY201314—*—FY201213 —E3--FY201112 Finance Department FY2014-15 (as of month end) $316,437 FY2013-14 $369,432 FY2012-13 $346 409 FY2011-12 $256,223 Attachment Monthly Financial Report Mar2015 pdf (1689 Monthly Financial Report for March 2015) GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE BY CATEGORY Attachment Monthly Financial Report Mar2015 pdf (1689 Monthly Financial Report for March 2015) EXPENDITURE - Salaries 120 000 100 000 80 000 EL 60 000 40 000 i Y \Al- 20000 ✓ JUL AUG SEP _ OCT r NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN (20 000) �FY2014-15 tFY2013 14 - FY2012 13 rt-FV2011 12 Salaries FY2014-15 (as of month end) $453,099 FY2013-14 $697 536 FY2012-13 $659163 FY2011-12 $791 344 d� r Attachment Monthly Financial Report Mar2015 pdf (1689 Monthly Financial Report for March 2015) 4` EXPENDITURE - Professional/Contractual Services 600 000 500,000 400 000 300 000 200 000 100 000 JUL AUG 5EP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN —o--FY2014-15—3—FY201314 —d—FY201213 E3 FY201112 Professional/Contractual Services FY2014-15 (as of month end) $1,871,083 FY2013-14 $2 438,743 FY2012-13 $2 336,411 FY2011-12 $2 213,146 tff Attachment Monthly Financial Report Mar2015 pdf (1689 Monthly Financial Report for March 2015) CHILD CARE FUND REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE Attachment Monthly Financial Report Mar2015 pdf (1689 Monthly Financial Report for March 2015) 0 REVENUES 180000 f � I 160 000 4 lop 140000 I 120 000 100 000 F ; i 80 000 - - a G r / 60 000 t I I e S I a 40 000 - i 20 000 a, I JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR —0-201415 —0--2013 14—0-2012 13 —C-2011 12 Child Care Revenues FY2014-15 (as of month end) 851,513 FY2013-14 1,093,094 FY2012-13 1,109,956 FY2011-12 878,700 I APR MAY JUN Attachment Monthly Financial Report Mar2015 pdf (1689 Monthly Financial Report for March 2015) MEETING DATE r May 12, 2015 Council Item TITLE Active Transportation Program Cycle 2 Grant Application PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION Authorize staff to submit an Active Transportation Program Cycle 2 Grant Application 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #2 "Maintain Public Safety" by investing in improvements to public infrastructure, and Goal #4 "Develop and Implement Successful Partnerships" by working with local, regional and state agencies to secure funding for projects BACKGROUND On September 26, 2013, Governor Brown signed legislation creating an Active Transportation Program (ATP) in the Department of Transportation to encourage increased use of active modes of transportation, such as biking and walking, especially among children and residents of disadvantaged communities The ATP consolidates existing federal and state transportation programs, including the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), Bicycle Transportation Account (BETA), and State Safe Routes to School (SR2S) into a single program focused to make California a national leader in active transportation The California Transportation Commission (CTC) is accepting applications for the 2nd cycle of the ATP All cities and counties in the CTC regions are eligible to claim funds under the ATP 17bitlkl�*911 The City is seeking an approximate $1,200,000 00 ATP grant to fund both infrastructure and educational programs that can facilitate the building of sidewalks and bike lanes, creating Safe Routes to Schools, and educating, encouraging, and enforcing safe use of streets for the children and general public The ATP grant does not require a local match The City applied for a Transportation Development Act (TDA) - Article 3 grant to be able provide local match to ATP grant, which would have given us additional points Unfortunately, City did not succeed in obtaining the grant A series of town hall community workshops, walk audits at Grand Terrace Elementary and Grand Terrace High Schools and an online parent survey provided community input and identified infrastructure and pedestrian safety improvements in the area The scope of requested improvements will be finalized for the grant application after the May 6, and 19, 2015 Town Hall meetings FISCAL IMPACT Packet Pg 49 MEETING DATE May 12, 2015 Council Item TITLE Request by the Foundation of Grand Terrace for a Waiver of City Fees Related to Community Days PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION Consider waiving Special Event, Facility Use, Permitting and Business License fees in the amount of $2,164 00 for Community Day 2015 BACKGROUND In previous years, as the City worked to reduce expenditures for various programs, it also began efforts to engage volunteers to continue special events that the community looks forward to each year Grand Terrace Community Days is one such event, and the Foundation of Grand Terrace has successfully organized and produced Community Days over the last few years This year, Community Day will be held on Saturday, June 6, 2015 Set up begins on the Friday before The Foundation has submitted the Special Event and Facility Use Applications Last year, the City Council waived $1,564 in fees, which included filing and facility use fees, and public works maintenance staff to ensure electrical service is properly functioning This year the fees are estimated to be $2,164 Based on the City's updated fee list, a special event of this size is subject to actual cost with a $620 deposit The applicant is requesting that filing fees, vendor business license fees, plan checking, inspection and permitting fees be waived DISCUSSION The Foundation of Grand Terrace is an affiliate of the Community Foundation serving Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization The Foundation was founded to develop resources that would strengthen the community and has formed several committees to better address specific programs and projects Committees, such as the Special Events Committee and the Veteran's Memorial Committee, are volunteers who offer their time and expertise to accomplish certain community projects The anticipated fees are as follows Item Fee Special Event Filing Fee $620 00 Use of upper field $135 00 Packet P9 51 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE May 12, 2015 Council Item TITLE Consider Options and Authorize Relocation of Child Care Programs PRESENTED BY Carol Jacobs, Interim City Manager RECOMMENDATION Authorize staff to relocate the Child Care Operation at the Grand Terrace Lions Community Center to 1) Grand Terrace Elementary for before and after school care, 2) Terrace View Elementary for kindergarten programs and before and after school care and 3) Grand Terrace City Hall for the Tiny Tot program effective July 15, 2015 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #4, Develop and Implement Successful Partnerships - Work Collaboratively with Community Groups, Private and Public Sector Agencies to Facilitate the Delivery of Services Benefiting Youth, Seniors and Our Community BACKGROUND There has been a childcare operation at the Grand Terrace Lions Community Center building for approximately 27 years or since about 1988 The Child Care operation at the Grand Terrace Lions Community Center provides the following services Before school care is offered from 6 45 a m until the start of school and end of school until 6 00 p m during the school year Accommodations are made for half -days Most of these children are coming directly from Grand Terrace Elementary School In addition, a Tiny Tots program is offered from 8 00 a m to 11 00 a m five days per week This program can host up to 68 children who are 3-4 years old and is at capacity The Tiny Tots program generates approximately $88,200 annually, while the before and after school program at Grand Terrace Lions Community Center generates approximately $342,000 This does not include programs Terrace View Before and After School Program At the March 10, 2015 City Council meeting the Council received a report requesting direction to move the child care operation from the Lions Community Center to another location City Council requested staff look into the following options 1) Negotiate with the Lions Club to get a set rental rate and request maintenance issues be addressed, 2) Consider relocating to a new site next to City Hall by reducing the size of the Public Works yard, 3) Consider available retail space and convert it to a child care program, 4) Eliminate the child care program at the Lions Community Center and focus on the site located at 22400 Barton Road ' Packet Pg 53 rJAGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE May 12, 2015 Council item TITLE Approval of the City of Grand Terrace Classification and Compensation And Implementation Plans and Salary Range Schedule PRESENTED BY Carol Jacobs, Interim City Manager RECOMMENDATION 1 Approve the City of Grand Terrace Classification and Compensation Study to include Position Descriptions and a Classification and Salary Range Schedule, 2 Approve the implementation plan and adjustments to the current compensation program and benefits effective July 1, 2015, 3 Approve Resolution 2015-XX Approving Salary Range Schedule Effective July 1, 2015, and 4 Approve Resolution 2015-XX amending the Statement of Benefits effective July 1, 2015 and Rescinding Resolution 2015-06 effective July 1, 2015 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #1 - "Ensuring Our Fiscal Viability," by seeking to attract, retain, and motivate qualified employees by offering a classification and compensation plan that accurately reflects the nature of the work performed by employees and the City's position within the labor market An updated Classification and Compensation Plan will help promote and maintain the adopted Core Value of maintaining a "Positive and Productive Work Environment " BACKGROUND On August 12, 2014, the City entered into an agreement with Creative Management Solutions (CMS) for the purpose of providing the City with updated class specifications and job descriptions, as well as recommended compensation levels On November 25, 2014, the City Council received and filed a Classification and Compensation report prepared by Creative Management Solutions and directed staff to prepare a report that analyzes the fiscal impact of implementing the Class and Compensation Study and directed staff to develop an equity adjustment implementation strategy (Attachment A) This report is a result of the direction provided by the City Council in November 2014 The purpose of the proposed, updated Classification and Compensation Plan is to address changes in City operations and staffing over the last several years, which may { _ Packet Pg 55 • Added educational requirements to several Child Care positions, • Provided clarification of job duties where necessary Implementation Plan — Compensation Study History There are a number of factors proposed to be altered and reconfigured in order to fully implement the Classification and Compensation Plan To provide some history on the current employee situation, the City took the following actions due to the fiscal condition of the City In July of 2009, the City suspended all merit and cost of living increases, In May of 2010, the City implemented a 10% reduction in hours for all city hall employees reducing the work week from 40 hours per week to 36 hours per week with a commensurate reduction in pay and benefits, Child Care employees had a 10% reduction in their benefit allowance and level advancement on years of service was frozen in 2010 The City has an opportunity to correct a number of payroll/benefit issues by implementing the new compensation plan The proposed plan, if approved by City Council would take effect on July 1, 2015 Option 1— Restorat►on of the 40-hour Work Week for City Hall Employees The first option considered was to restore all employees to a 40 hour a week work week under the current pay structure This would equate to a 10% pay increase to all staff Staff has reviewed this option and determined the costs associated with restoring the 40-hour work week under the existing pay structure is not within the City's current financial means The cost of restoring the 40 hour work week is estimated at $111,000 annually as shown in the tables below Table 1 A — Annual Cost Increase Payroll Cost per month Annual Cost Change from existing payroll Current payroll— 36 hours $120,000 1,440,000 $0 Current payroll —40 hours $129,250 1,551,000 $111,000 Table 1 B — Annual Cost by Fund Fund Fund Title Annual Amount 09 Child Care Services Fund $8,200 10 General Fund $102,800 TOTAL $111,000 Packet Pg 57 (who work less than 40 hours per week) will receive $116 66/mo (1,400 annually) if they are hired before July 1, 2015 Any part-time employee hired after July 1, 2015 will receive an $83 33/mo ($1,000 annually) cafeteria amount This language is reflected in Attachment F in Section IV — Employee Health Plan E(c) and Section VII Grandfathered Provisions C The following is an example of how the existing and proposed compensation would be calculated for Child Care employees Table 2B — Fixed Cafeteria Amount — Child Care Emplovees Position Current Hourly Current Annual 16 3% Benefit Total Annual Comp Teaches $11 8700 $24,689 60 $4,024 40 $28,714 00, Position Proposed Hourly Proposed Annual Fixed Benefit Proposed Annual Comp Teacher $12 8433 $26,714 06 $2,000 00 $28,714 06 The Interim City Manager, Finance Director and Human Resources Technician have provided all employees with an opportunity to meet and discuss the proposed plan Each employee has been provided with the information on how the proposed changes would affect them individually There were no significant concerns regarding the implementation plan Below is a table that shows the annual cost of implementing a fixed amount cafeteria benefit plan by fund Table 2C — Annual Cost by Fund — All Employees Fund Fund Title Annual Amount 09 Child Care Services Fund $8,550 10 General Fund — $14,850 TOTAL $23,400 Option 3 — Implementation of the Classification & Salary Ranae Schedule — City Hall After the November 2014 presentation, staff met again with Mr Newton of Creative Management Solutions to review the pay scales and benefits offered to City employees taking into consideration the long-term financial impact of any changes to compensation The original compensation plan placed the City's pay scale at the 50% range of the benchmark cities which include Beaumont, Calimesa, Colton, Diamond Bar, Highland, La Verne, Lake Elsinore, Loma Linda, Moreno Valley, Norco, Perris, Redlands, Rialto and Yucaipa The cost to implement the Classification & Salary Range Schedule at the 50% range is shown in the table below Table 3A — Annual Cost by Fund (50% range) — City Hall Employees Packet pq 59 Y $46,030 as shown in the table below Table 413 Fund Fund Title Annual Amount 09 Child Care Services Fund $8,550 10 General Fund $37,480 TOTAL $46,030 If approved, staff will implement and incorporate the salary and benefit revisions into the FY2015-16 proposed base budget ATTACHMENTS • City of Grand Terrace Classification and Compensation Study Report 11-14 (PDF) • GT Job Descriptions 4-15 pdf (PDF) • Reso 2015-XX Approving Salary Schedule 7-1-15 (DOCX) • Reso Amending Statement of Benefits - 2015-XX (DOCX) • Grand Terrace - 2015 Statement of Benefits -Effective 7-1-15 (DOC) • Salary Schedule Effective 7-1-15 pdf (PDF) APPROVALS Carol Jacobs Completed 04/20/2015 5 12 PM Finance Completed 04/29/2015 6 29 PM City Manager Completed 04/30/2015 7 53 AM City Attorney Completed 04/30/2015 3 43 PM City Manager Completed 05/05/2015 2 24 PM City Council Pending 05/12/2015 6 00 PM t Packet Pg 61 CREATIVE MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS, INC November 17, 2014 Mr Kenneth J Henderson, City Manager Ms Emily Wong, Interim Assistant City Manager CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Dear Mr Henderson and Ms Wong The City of Grand Terrace approved a Classification and Compensation Study to establish the proper classifications for City positions and appropriate salary ranges for the City's jobs This analysis has been administered by Creative Management Solutions, Inc, an independent classification and compensation consulting firm The Classification and Compensation Report presents the study goals and methodology as well as our findings and recommendations We have considered organizational changes that will be reflected in specific City class specifications Sincerely, max J `� , � m." Barry C Newton, CCP, SPHR, Managing Director Creative Management Solutions, Inc (CMS) r c m E Q Creative Management Solutions, Inc 8205 East Somerset Anaheim, CA 92808-2315 Packet Pg e2 City of Grand Terrace Classification and Compensation Study Report CMS 11-17-14 The City of Grand Terrace seeks to attract, retain, and motivate qualified employees by offering a classification and compensation plan that accurately reflects the nature of the work performed by employees and the City's position within the labor market To meet this goal, the City has engaged the services of Creative Management Solutions, Inc (CMS), hereafter shown as "CMS" or the "Consultant' in this Report CMS has worked with over 150 local governments, not -for -profit agencies, and private sector organizations in conducting similar types of analyses for over 25 years The Consultant has reviewed the City's current Classification and Compensation CL Plan by occupational job grouping, department, and position assignment For the LO Classification Plan, findings and recommendations have been presented concerning the City's job titles and allocation of positions to job classifications Although the Classification Study may result in classification and compensation changes for particular employees, this type of analysis is not intended to reward employees for exceptional performance, substitute for the promotional process, or serve as a disciplinary tool As part of the c Compensation Study, the Consultant administered comparisons of the City's pay practices Q with the marketplace and internal job evaluation factors and has established pay grade recommendations that are consistent with a five step merit pay plan A The Classification and Compensation Study has been designed to achieve the following major goals O Determine how many classification levels are needed within each job family given differences in the job functions and qualifications requirements O Designate appropriate iob titles that are representative of the work performed and industry practices and provide class specifications that are current and accurate in depicting job functions and qualifications guidelines © Establish a labor market definition that is representative of the City's diverse job classifications O Create a_pay structure that achieves internal and external equity in the assignment of jobs to ranges that are consistent with job evaluation factors and market pay practices The recommended position assignments by job classification have been shown in - the Position Listing by Department and Job Classification with additional commentary 0 provided in the Classification Findings Section of this Report and the salary range assignments are shown in the Compensation Findings Section of this Report d E s R a CMS Page 3 "''Packet Pg 64 City of Grand Terrace Classification and Compensation Study Report CMS 11-17-14 I Classification Study Overview CMS used a number of widely accepted classification planning methods to achieve V w greater validity and reliability of the study results and recommendations The Consultant d initially met with representatives of the City Manager's Office and Management Team to discuss the study goals, organization design, and the elements of the City's current classification plan LO The Consultant prepared a study overview document, position description It questionnaire, and transmittal letter instructions, to make it easier for employees to provide 14. information about their essential job functions and qualifications The Consultant reviewed the position Questionnaires completed by employees in each job The study process has involved interviews with at least one employee in each occupied job classification inorder to obtain more detailed information about the work performed by each position The supervisors and managers reviewed these questionnaires and provided additional comments at the end of these documents, indicating functions or qualifications that might be added, modified, or performed by other positions During this job analysis process, the Consultant requested additional work samples, as needed, to understand the unique aspects of each position The Consultant has developed new class specifications and proposed some changes in position allocations and job titles Staff was requested to review the class specifications and provide additional comments in coordination with the department heads The classification recommendations presented by the Consultant are based upon information provided in the position questionnaires, interviews, and comments, and consider industry practices as well CMS Page 5 Packet Pg 66 City of Grand Terrace Classification and Compensation Study Report CMS 11-17-14 II Job Evaluation Comparisons The Consultant has established benchmarking comparison factors to achieve greater consistency in the evaluation of the classifications SUMMARY OF BENCHMARK JOB EVALUATION FACTORS 1 Impact of Job In Relation To Organizational Success encompasses the nature and importance of the work performed by the job in relation to the mission of the organization, its departments, and the initiatives of the City Manager and City Council 2 Scope of Respons►bihty considers the impact and diversity of job functions, programs, $ contracts, and services that are performed directly, or through the work of other D employees Also considers the budgetary accountabilities of the job W CO W 3 Decision -Making Authority addresses the level of independence and types and complexity of decisions that this job is authorized to make Also considers the potential a financial, political, and human impact of errors in judgment 4 Breadth and Depth of Knowledge and Skills evaluates the breadth and depth of required education, experience, training and certification that are required to perform the essential functions of the job Mental demands and abilities are considered, as well as physical demands, and working conditions, as well as specialized training, certificates, and competencies that are highly valued internally, or in the marketplace 5 Nature and Extent of Interpersonal Communications analyzes the purpose, frequency, and level of interpersonal interactions that are required, both internally and externally Considers the purpose and nature of interpersonal relationships, and how they are initiated, the types of coaching, counseling or guidance that is provided or received, and how relationships are maintained, and how the job must influence other persons to take action Examples of job -related communications include interfaces with the City Council, commissions, the general public, City staff, consultants, contractors, vendors, auditors, governmental officials 6 Breadth and Difficulty of Supervision Exercised and Received considers the number of employees supervised, the nature of supervision provided, and the classification level of jobs that are supervised Also assesses technical direction that may be provided to other departmental representatives or staff when these persons are not directly supervised by this job Further considers the type of direction received from the City Manager and management and supervisory jobs 7 Working Conditions- considers physical demands and working conditions, including lifting and carrying heavy objects, driving requirements, hazards associated with equipment operation, and other environmental factors CMS Page 7 Packet Pg68 City of Grand Terrace Classification and Compensation Study Report CMS 11-17-14. In general, a classification can be categorized into one of the following levels Intern or Trainee classifications are designed to provide job -related experience to an employee who is still in school or is in the process of changing careers and is exploring job options This employee requires little or no direct work experience The employee normally receives direct supervision The City's current classification schedule provides a very limited number of positions that meet this definition Entry-level classifications are often designed to provide an on-the-job o training opportunity to an employee who has limited related work experience and is :' not yet prepared to perform the full range of work assigned to the journey level a classification Assignments are generally limited in scope, contain fairly routine duties, and performed within established procedures As experience is acquired, the employee works with less immediate supervision Positions at this level may perform a significant portion of the work assigned to the tourney -level, but without the independence or full responsibility expected of positions at the journey -level These positions may not require any experience or only six months to one year of related work experience G ni Journey -level classifications require the employee to be fully trained in and perform a full range of duties within the scope of the classification Assignments are performed within a framework of established procedures and incumbents are expected to work under general supervision with only occasional instruction or assistance Employees in this class may be expected to provide technical guidance to , lower -level staff by explaining work methods, practices, and procedures Work is normally reviewed only upon completion, and for overall results These jobs typically require two or more years of experience IV Senior -level and Lead level classifications possess a significant level of specialized, technical, or functional knowledge and independently perform a larger range of responsibilities requiring additional abilities and experience Incumbents work under direction of a supervisor and exercise independent judgment in the performance of their duties These classes may provide lead guidance to lower - level positions by allocating tasks and checking work, and/or assume responsibility for coordinating a defined program or organizational unit Senior -level classifications typically require three or more years of related experience whereas lead positions often require four or more years of related experience E a CMS Page 9 11 Packet Pg 70 City of Grand Terrace Classification and Compensation Study Report CMS 11-17-14. vii Director classifications assume full responsibility for an entire department or act in the second in command role within a department Specifically, a classes at this level plan, direct, manage, and oversee the activities and c operations of an assigned department, work under general administrative direction, fulfilling assigned responsibilities within broad guidelines, assume management responsibility for all departmental programs and functions, c assume responsibility for program development and management including 2 responsibility of the development and implementation of goals, objectives, policies, and priorities for all department activities, assume responsibility for N the preparation and administration of a department budget, and assume cc responsibility for a variety of personnel activities including training, selection, c and disciplinary actions for a department The Director requires at least eight or more years of related work responsibilities, including supervisory a and management experience As with each of the City's classifications, each specification will depict the actual qualifications standards for the job There will be cases In which job titles may be recommended for specific jobs that do not conform with the preceding classification guidelines The recommended title in these instances conforms to job titles used conventionally within the respective industry, trade, profession, or past history with the City There will be also cases in which specific a jobs will represent a hybrid of different classifications and may carry a split job title 12 w c m E .c R Q CMS Page 11 Packet Pg 72 City of Grand Terrace Classification and Compensation Study Report CMS 11-17-14 Indirect supervision involves situations in which the supervisor is responsible for the work of other employees, and typically through other levels of supervision, and not the direct oversight of the employee on a continuing basis Indirect functions include prescribing procedures, methods, materials, and formats used in recurring projects of particular areas of work, training subordinate or new employees in the work group, and having responsibility for recurring work projects or activities involving other employees, including providing lead supervision to employees Indirect supervision can be broken down into two levels — technical supervision and functional supervision a Technical direction The position provides guidance regarding work U procedures, methods, materials The employee may also provide direction c to employees, usually on the "how" and "why", and does not assign tasks or 2 observe and evaluate performance Technical supervision is related to an $ occupational specialty or function, not to specific employees LO b Functional supervision The "supervisor" is responsible for a project or recurrent activities which involve tasks performed by persons over whom the "supervisor" has authority to give direction in regard to that project, even though they are under the direct supervision of someone else Functional supervision may include technical supervision, but goes beyond it in that the a It schedules and assigns tasks, monitors progress, reviews W results, and is the person responsible for the completed work project Functional supervision is related to a function or set of activities, not to specific employees w d E a CMS Page 13 Packet Pg fi 74 City of Grand Terrace Classification and Compensation Study Report CMS 11-17-14 II Part -Time Positions Current .. Title Intern Proposed.. Title Administrative Intern Lead Teacher Lead Teacher Planning Technician Planning Technician Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Assistant Assistant Teacher Teacher Assistant Assistant Teacher III Contract Positions Current Job Title Building Official Finance Director Finance Project Manager Principal Accountant, Senior Finance Technician At present, there are four contract positions that are supporting the Finance Department However, this works out to two full-time equivalent professional level positions and the Finance Technician is the only current regular City employee, and it is shown on the prior page of this report CMS Page 15 Packet Pg 76 E City of Grand Terrace Classification and Compensation Study Report CMS 11-17-14 D CITY MANAGER (contract) The City Manager and Assistant City Manager positions are appropriately classified as interim contract positions The nature of the work performed is consistent with the proposed class specifications E COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The Community Development Director presently has a broader scope of ,U responsibility than would be commonly established for this job within industry N The position has accountability for planning, building and safety, and code enforcement, which fall within the scope of a Community Development Director in c local government cities of comparable size However, the incumbent also has 2 responsibility for public works and engineering functions, which are typically $ accountabilities that are part of a separate department It is recommended that the job be assigned to a pay grade that adequately recognizes the additional accountabilities 2 The Management Analyst is appropriately classified and the new class specification shows the range of job functions and qualifications guidelines that are appropriate to the position 3 The Building Permit Technician, Planning Technician and Senior Code Enforcement Officer are appropriately classified given the nature and scope of work performed and the class specifications 4 The new Senior Civil Engineer depicts the role of this position in reviewing and approving a variety of engineering plans and specifications, and providing direction to City maintenance services This position will supervise the work of the Lead Maintenance Worker, and indirectly the current Maintenance Worker II positions that are appropriately classified A Maintenance Worker I class specification has been prepared for future use in the event that the City recruits and fills positions at this level 5 The current Maintenance Worker is actually separated into two classifications of Maintenance Worker I and Maintenance Worker II based on differences in job knowledge and skill The two existing positions are filled at the Maintenance Worker II level and this is proper based on the nature and difficulty of work performed and skills that will be required 6 The Maintenance Crew Leader job title is being modified to Maintenance Lead Worker to recognize that the position will perform crew maintenance duties but o will also assist and work closely with the Senior Civil Engineer, who is the first line supervisor, in prioritizing daily tasks, checking work, completing, records, and resolving basic problems in the field with work orders and occasional contract work E a CMS Page 17 * Packet Pg -7'8 City of Grand Terrace Classification and Compensation Study Report CMS 11-17-14 ADDITIONAL POSITION NEEDS The Consultant has reviewed the City's Vision Implementation Plan to gain further insights into the City's work priorities The Consultant has also identified the City's current contract positions Three positions in the Finance Department are currently staffed on a contract basis and the City has used the services of a contract Budding Official on a weekly basis The City is seeking to have the new Senior Civil Engineer be capable of approving building construction projects based on the hired employee having equivalent certification through the ICBO For a City that is similar in budget size and accounting structure as the City of °: Grand Terrace, the City would often have four positions in the Finance Department, a $ department head, professional level accounting or financial analyst, and two clerical/technical positions Based on the initiatives listed in the Vision Implementation Plan, the City would typically have an Assistant City Manager or equivalent professional position that would be able to perform a range of complex analytical projects and research assignments related to City business and economic development initiatives, feasibility studies, and a program assessments In addition, this position would typically provide supervision to an administrative department, such as Human Resources The City Council has placed a high level of significance upon economic development programs in order to stabilize the City's revenues and expenditures and reduce long-term debt City Manager's Office- Assistant City Manager CM 1 2 1 Explore potential sales, utility, and/or parcel tax measures to fund services and infrastructure improvements CM 14 1 Explore viability of forming special district(s) to provide specific services and/or maintenance CM 1 4 2 Continue to manage outsourced contracts for finance, information technology, City attorney, police and other services that result in efficiency increases and decreased cost to the City CMS Page 19 I Packet Pg 80 City of Grand Terrace Classification and Compensation Study Report CMS 11-17-14 Finance (continued) 0 w Vl F 1 1 4 Account for the City's fiscal activities in an accurate and timely manner within c. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and other legal requirements c U F 1 1 6 The Finance Director will oversee the development of the annual department c budget and ensure that all costs and expenditures remain consistent with the Council's c approved annual City budget 0 w Human Resources- higher classification in absence of active City Manager or N Assistant City Manager role r c 0 The scope of the job responsibilities of the Assistant City Manager classification would directly affect the job Human Resources Department job classification plan The $ department is currently staffed with one part-time technical position n Professional -level projects, such as the development of new Personnel Rules, and the creation of a new classification and compensation plan, have been administered through the Assistant City Manager A smaller fraction of the Assistant City Manager's,time has been allocated to the human resources work given reliance on consultants and contractors to provide professional services 0 d The primary concerns are that the Human Resources Technician would likely assume more responsibility for recruitment and selection, employee relations, and n benefits programs in the absence of professional oversight c CMS Page 21 Packet Pg 82 City of Grand Terrace Classification and Compensation Study Report CMS 11-17-14 II Labor Market Definition The Consultant evaluated compensation data for using a direct market sampling of similar organizations as well as other published survey resources Multiple survey resources are used to improve the validity of the survey findings and to increase possible job matches and the selection criteria are summarized below Geography- An analysis of the City's job classifications and recruiting practices, a as well as zip codes has shown that employees are largely drawn from Riverside and D San Bernardino Counties Although there are exceptions in the employee's work force,Ln employees largely consider proximity of the employer's workplace to local residence, and commuting times Given freeway access and traffic conditions, employees commonly consider Grand Terrace as an employer within access of the 215, 10, and 60 freeways rather than from Orange County, Los Angeles County, or San Diego County t: Industry and services provided- Given the City's job classifications, the most valid comparisons can be drawn for City governments and child care services programs with similar types of programs and sources of funding Although other compensation resources can be used, the benchmark jobs are far more limited based upon the specialized job families for many of the City's classifications As with private sector and not -for -profit sector compensation surveys, the goal is to maximize the number of comparisons with employers that provide similar programs and services The Consultant has factored general administrative services, housing, building and engineering, and related child care services, and recognized that many of the labor market agencies contract for a number of services, including public safety Organizational size- The City is relatively smaller in size than most of the cities in the surrounding labor market Although the City does compete with larger surrounding cities for employees, the Consultant has focused on entities that are closer in terms of operating budget, number of employees, and population served City's hiring and turnover practices- The City's hiring practices show that employees are largely drawn from the local area Management level personnel will typically be drawn from a broader radius in other cities, and this is the case for the City of Grand Terrace as well, when considering both contract personnel and regular City employees The City's turnover rates are high, and largely influenced by pay ranges that are less competitive and job definitions that are typically broad in scope CMS Page 23 Packet Pg 84 City of Grand Terrace Classification and Compensation Study Report CMS 11-17-14 III Benchmark Classification and Market Survey Results Recap Administrative Intern No existing range $16 47 --- Assistant Teacher $10 21 $15 66 - Teacher $11 87 $17 90 - Child Care Services Director $4,940 $5,730 - City Clerk $7,323 $8,977 -22 59% Community Development Director $10,417 $12,365 -18 70% Department Secretary $3,518 $4,327 -23 00% Executive Assistant No existing range $5,251 -- Finance Director $10,417 $11,717 -12 48% Finance Technician $3,890 $4,141 -6 45% Human Resources Technician $4,177 $4,740 -13 48% Maintenance Lead Worker $5,393 (created originally for Supervisor) $4,551 17 27% Maintenance Worker 1 $3,034 $3,375 -11 24% Maintenance Worker II $3,303 $3,933 -19 07% Management Analyst $4,843 $5,864 -21 08% Office Assistant $2,167 $2,896 -33 64% Office Specialist (currently Lead Teacher No existing range $3,517 -- Planning Technician $3,766 $4,595 -22 01% Principal Accountant $6,845 -- Senior Code Enforcement Officer $5,092 $5,503 -8 07% Senior Civil Engineer $7,8581 $9,278 -18 07% Average Market Position- Full - Time Positions- Grand Terrace vs Labor Market -1617% Notations Maintenance Crew Leader was originally established by City at supervisor level 0 co m Q CMS Page 25 Packet Pg 86 tG1*r M. Assistant Child Care Services """DTE Director Child Care Services Re orts To Director Child Care Services Provides Direction To Child Care Site Supervisor, Lead Teacher, Substitute Teacher FLSA Exemption Status Exempt Date Prepared EEJ March 27, 2015 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, supervises assigned Child Care Center staff, performs a variety of administrative functions such as budgeting, report writing, and maintaining site records and files in accordance with child care licensing regulations, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Assistant Child Care Services Director is responsible for supervising teachers, driving school buses to pick up children, and for performing a variety of administrative functions such as completing reports, ordering lunches, and maintaining budgets This position is second in command of the Child Care Center and is differentiated from the Child Care Services Director level by its overall responsibility for department program operations, policy setting, and direction of staff ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the vanous types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Supervises staff, reviews teachers' lessons plans, organizes and conducts staff meetings, completes staff timesheets and records 2 Drives school bus to pick up Kindergartner students, conducts maintenance inspections on bus and reports when repairs are needed 3 Prepares monthly lunch menus, fills out weekly lunch order, assembles and prepares lunches and snacks 4 � Greets parents and callers on a daily bases, answers questions regarding child care center operations and activities, reads and replies to email queries Assistant Child Care Services Director Page 1/4 I Packet Pg 88 W to to w �a 0. U) N _ O a c UN d 0 .Q 0 c� w d t 0 M Ability to Plan and organize child development curriculum and activities, coordinate child development activities and lesson plans, provide instruction to individual children and small groups, appropriately manage and observe teacher and student behavior, model acceptable social behaviors, develop and maintain effective relationships with children, communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, relate positively and effectively with child and families of various cultures, disabilities, and social economic backgrounds, think and act quickly in emergency and non -emergency situations, maintain a healthy, safe, and orderly environment, understand and follow oral and written instructions Education/Training/Experience High School Graduation or GED equivalent, with Associate degree or 60 units with 24 units of Early Childhood Education/Child Development (ECE/CD) including core courses, 6 units of administration, 3 in Adult Supervision and a valid Child Development Permit for Master Teacher or Site Supervisor The alternative education requirement is a Bachelor's degree or higher with 12 ECE units, 3 units of supervised field experience In an ECE setting and a valid Child Development Permit for Master Teacher or Site Supervisor Five years of teaching and administrative experience in child development programs and one year experience supervising adults, preferably teaching staff and center support staff, and experience monitoring curriculum for children Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements Attain a Valid Class B California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards to operate bus for various trips Complete Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) training and certification requirements in serving food items that qualify for federal reimbursement Ability to travel to different sites and locations as part of school programs In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State, Assistant Child Care Services Director Page 3/4 U) �o �o v Q. LO 4 U) c 0 4. 2- 0 a� E ZO Packet Pg 90 Assistant City Manager De artment0vision Citv Manager's Office Reports To Cit y Manager Provides Direction To Assigned staff and/or department heads FLSA Exemption Status Exempt Date Prepared March 27, 2015 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general direction of the City Manager, plans, leads, and manages the development and execution of assigned City-wide programs, projects, and services, conducts a variety of complex analyses and oversees the work of assigned staff, acts on behalf of the City Manager, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS This position serves as the second -in -command position within the City The Assistant City Manager assumes responsibility for a variety of initiatives and leads and oversees the development and implementation of a range of programs and projects of high importance to the City Manager and executive team The scope of responsibility, complexity of decision -making, and range of interpersonal contacts are greater than other division heads and mid -management level positions , ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class Assists in developing, planning and implementing administrative policies, goals and objectives for the City, plans, directs, manages and reviews the goals, objectives, policies, procedures and work standards for the Finance, Human Resources/Risk Management, Information Technology, and Public Works Departments 2 Assists the City manager in planning, organizing, and directing the operations, services, and activities of assigned City departments and programs, relieves the City Manager of day to day routine associated with the governmental operations of the City Assistant City Manager Page 1/4 L Packet Pg 492` 96_ QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Knowledge of Theories and practices of municipal government, human resources management, municipal finance, redevelopment/successor agency finance, and local government services, applicable federal, State, and local laws, codes and ordinances, and rules and regulations, principles of effective public relations in working with City Council, civic and business groups, media, and the general public, program development, public policy, and project management, employee development, management, motivation, supervision, training, performance appraisal, and discipline, grants administration, including acquisition, implementation, and monitoring processes, techniques for effectively representing the City in contracts with governmental agencies, community groups, various businesses, professional, educational, regulatory, and legislative organizations Ability to Participate in the development, implementation, and administration of programs, policies, c protects, budgets,, and activities, negotiate position requirements and contracts, plan, r organize, direct, supervise, and evaluate the work of staff, articulate and respond to sensitive community, organizational, and City Council issues, concerns, and needs, analyze problems, identify appropriate solutions, and implement recommendations, a prepare clear, concise, and comprehensive administrative, financial, and technical reports and appropriate recommendations, use modern office equipment and computer hardware c and word processing, spreadsheet, graphics, and database software programs, understand, interpret, explain, and apply applicable federal, State and local policies, laws $ and regulations, communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, establish, cultivate, M and maintain effective working relationships with City Council, department directors, U) officials, public and private representatives, community groups and business representatives, vendors, contractors, consultants, and the general public Education/Training/Expenence Bachelor's degree from an accredited four-year college or university with a major in Public Administration, Public Policy, Finance, or a related field is required A Master's degree in Public Administration, Finance, or a related field is highly desirable Five years of responsible management and administrative experience, including planning, organization, and implementation of varied interdepartmental programs and services, is required Licenses, Certificates; Special Requirements Valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance c in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards E Ability to work extended hours in order to attend meetings, conferences, events, and other a functions on behalf of the City, including evening and weekend hours In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State Assistant City Manager Page 3/4 Packet P9 x94 '9b Assistant Teacher Department/Division Child Care Services Reports To Child Care Services Director, Assistant Child Care Services Director Provides Direction To Not Applicable FLSA Exemption Status Non -Exempt Date Prepared October 22, 2014 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, assists in teaching children, monitors child safety in the classroom, other school sites, and off -site areas, completes additional tasks to promote early childhood education, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Assistant Teacher is responsible for providing assistance with age appropriate lesson planning and instruction to infant through sixth grade children in a child care setting The C, Assistant Teacher requires less specialized knowledge and problem -solving than the D Preschool Teacher in teaching methods and curriculum utilization ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS �. The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Supervises children in the classroom, on the playground, and during field-tnp activities, demonstrates proper standards of behavior and uses a positive approach while working with children 2 Promotes an environment of acceptance that supports and respects gender, culture, 0 language, ethnicity, and family composition = a� 3 Greets parents when picking up or dropping off children, establishes and maintains rapport with parents and family members, answers basic questions regarding programs and activities, as necessary a 4 Maintains a safe and attractive learning environment, assists with daily set-up, meals or snacks, and clean-up functions following activities Assistant Teacher Page 114 Packet Pg 96 Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements Valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards Basic First Aid and CPR certification In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State PHYSICAL AND MENTAL DEMANDS The physical and mental demands described here are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions Physical Demands While performing the duties of this class, employees are regularly required to sit, talk or hear, in person and by telephone, use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate standard C office equipment, reach with hands and arms Employees are frequently required to to walk and stand and to lift and move books, records, games, and other classroom and to play area objects weighing up to 20 pounds Employees may be required to lift and carry injured children and to squat or kneel to set or pick up arts and craft materials, $ games, or other play area or educational materials ,,, Sensory demands include the ability to see, 'talk, and hear and use electronic keyboards 0 w a UN Mental Demands c 0 While performing the duties of this class, employees are regularly required to use written and oral communication skills, read and interpret data, information and documents, analyze and solve problems, observe and interpret situations, learn and apply new information or skills, perform highly detailed work, work on multiple, E concurrent tasks, work with frequent interruptions, work under intensive deadlines, and Interact with children, parents, staff, management, vendors, the public, and others a encountered in the course of work Assistant Teacher Page 3/4 Packet Pg 98 Associate Planner Department/Division Community Development/Planning Reports To Community Development Director Provides Direction To May provide technical direction to Planning Technician FLSA Exemption Status Exempt Date Prepared November 16, 2014 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, performs journey -level professional planning by facilitating land use development through interpretation and implementation of the Zoning Ordinance and General Plan, administers planning projects, prepares or reviews planning studies, and makes presentations to Planning Commission, and performs other related work as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Associate Planner may provide technical work direction to Interns and Volunteers ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS LO W The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the positron if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Provides service to internal and external customers, reviews and analyzes specific development project applications and determines applicability of planning, zoning, and budding codes, and the types of modifications that might be needed to meet City requirements and other types of regulatory and design standards 2 Researches and prepares proposed revisions to sign ordinances and zoning ordinances 3 Administers long-range property management plan Associate Planner Page 1/4 Packet Pg`7 100 9=ti Ability to Understand, explain, and interpret local development standards, regulations, and requirements, read and check architectural and building plans for conformance with land use, architectural and zoning regulations, manage projects, interpret maps, site and budding plans and specifications, graphs, and statistical data, prepare clear maps, graphs, and illustrations, make effective presentations, operate modern office equipment and computer hardware, use word processing, spreadsheet, graphics, and mapping software, prepare clear and concise technical documents, reports, correspondence and other written materials, communicate effectively both orally and in writing, establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff, management, developers, contractors, officials, general public, and other parties Education/Trai ni ng/Experience Bachelor's Degree in Public Administration, Urban Planning, or a closely related field is required Three years of responsible professional planning experience is required, preferably supplemented by prior technical and internship work Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements Possession of a valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of auto insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards Ability to work extended hours to attend City functions and meetings In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State Associate Planner Page 3/4 LO W to Packet Pg 162 Building Official Department/Division Community Development/Building and Safety Reports To Community Development Director Provides Direction To Senior Code Enforcement Officer FLSA Exemption Status Exempt Date Prepared November 15, 2014 GENERAL PURPOSE Under administrative direction, plans, manages, and supervises the activities and staff of the Building and Safety Division, including plan check, building inspection, permit processing, code enforcement, and related programs, acts on behalf of Director of Community Development during absences, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Building Official is distinguished from the plan check, permit review, building inspection, and code enforcement positions by its breadth of responsibility for the division - wide operations, policy making authority, supervision exercised, and budget accountability The Building Official is differentiated from the Director of Community Development which has broader accountability for the planning and building divisions, and higher policy - making and budgetary authority and broader external interfaces ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class Plans, organizes', assigns, trains, coordinates, supervises and evaluates the work of assigned staff 2 Manages divisional work activities including plan checks, building inspections, code inspections, and permit applications 3 Researches and develops new programs and policies related to solar permits, green building standards, records management practices, and other types of standards to support the department director or given City Council work plans 4 Prepares and administers division budget for building, code enforcement, plan review, traffic planning, permit processing, and administrative services, and related contract expenses i Budding Official Page 1/4 �o v 4- La 4 W 0 AM, U! 0 0 .0 0 c� c d E t ao Packet Pg 164 Ability to Plan, organize, schedule, assign, supervise, review and evaluate the work of assigned employees; establish division goals, develop, evaluate and interpret building and construction standards in determining the acceptability of plans and specifications while meeting service expectations, interpret, apply, and enforce applicable State and local budding codes, standards, and regulations, review, interpret, and analyze construction blueprints, plans, and specifications, architectural and engineering drawings, and maps for conformance with City budding standards and policies, detect faulty materials and workmanship and investigate code violations, make accurate measurements and computations, operate modern office equipment and computer hardware, use word processing, spreadsheet, and permit tracking software, provide comments regarding standard construction methods and improvements, Investigate building code violations and respond to complaints and inquiries, prepare clear and accurate inspection records and reports, communicate effectively orally and in writing and make effective_ presentations, organize work, set priorities, and meet deadlines, establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff, management, property owners, contactors, vendors, general public, and others in the course of work Education/Training/Experience Bachelor's degree from an accredited four-year college or university in Civil Engineering, Architecture, Industrial Technology, or a related field is required, supplemented by course work or training in model code interpretation, construction methods, and plan check practices Seven years of responsible building construction, budding inspection, plan checking, and model code development experience is required, including at least two years of lead or supervisory experience Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements ,CL Ability to attain a valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and c proof of auto insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle'Insurance Policy standards C r EL Certification from the International Code Council (ICC), International Conference of N Building Officials (ICBO) or equivalent organization as a Combination Building Inspector o and Plan Check Examiner is required Certification as a Plumbing, Mechanical or Electrical c Inspector is required t� Ability to work on call, extended hours, weekends or holidays In order to respond to inspection requests E In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace a employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State Budding Official Page 3/4 'Packet Pg 106 9 bt Building Permit Technician Department/Division Community Development/Permits Reports To Community Development Director, Building Official Provides Direction To Not Applicable FLSA Exemption Status Non-exempt Date Prepared March 27, 2015 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, reviews, issues, and monitors the status of permits and plan checks for residential and commercial construction activities and upgrades, provides information to the public on permit application, building inspection and plan checking processes and requirements, provides information related to codes and ordinances, updates and uses the automated permit processing system, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Building Permit Technician is distinguished from the Planning Technician in that the Budding Permit Technician works with specialized budding and safety permits and not basic plan check and related zoning checks ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Greets, screens, and assists property owners, contractors, architects, engineers, and developers with questions and concerns related to project status, permits, and property information and follows up with voice mad, email, and fax communications 2 Reviews and Issues permits and handles and tracks new plan submittals related to residential and commercial construction, alarms, buildings, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing changes, encroachments, re -roofing, pools and spas, tree removals, shoring, grading, telecommunications installations, rights -of -way, fires, demolitions, parking, stormwater drainage plans, and utility improvements Budding Permit Technician Page 1/4 4- 0. Ln U) c 0 r �a L Nf d 0 c� w m E 0 a Packet Pg 108 9 br QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Knowledge of Building plans; budding codes, and basic construction terminology, construction practices and materials, building permit application procedures, basic math, record keeping practices, modern office practices, English usage, grammar, spelling, and punctuation, records management systems, customer service practices Ability to. Review and evaluate budding plans, energy conservation documents, and related data for completeness, provide technical information on budding, plumbing, mechanical, and electrical codes and local ordinances, read, understand, and explain plans, maps, aerial photos, drawings, reports, applications, construction documents, and specifications, calculate square footage, fees and/or, penalties from plans, and fees for permit applications, operate modern office equipment and computer hardware, operate word processing, spreadsheet, and permit records software, type at a net rate of 45 words per minute, organize tasks, set priorities, and meet deadlines, prepare correspondence and records and research files, complete mathematical computations, follow oral and written instructions, communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff, management, property owners, contractors, developers, the general public, and others in the course of work Education/Training/Experience o High School graduation or G E,D is required Two years of responsible clerical and public. contact work experience is required, preferably involving permitted activities a Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements Ability to attain a valid Class C California driver's license, have an acceptable driving record, and evidence of insurability Ability to attain Building Permit Technician certification from the International Code Council (ICC), International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) or equivalent association within one year of employment is desirable In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be s asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State a Budding Permit Technician Page 3/4 Packet Pg 110 9bv Child Care Services Director Department/Division Child Care Reports To City Mana er Provides Direction To Assistant Child Care Services Director, Child Care Site Supervisor/Teacher, Lead Teacher, Teachers and Office Specialist, as assi ned FLSA Exemption Status Exempt Date Prepared March 27, 2015 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general direction, plans, organizes, and supervises the overall operation of the Child Care Services Department, implements programs to ensure compliance with performance standards, oversees activities and emergency plans, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS This is the department head position responsible for budget, overall staffing, and policy setting This position has a broader scope of functional responsibility, external interfaces, budgetary accountability, and level of supervision exercised than other staff positions In the department ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Plans, manages, and coordinates Child Care Center operations, plans, and activities, including instructional services, programs, and reporting requirements 2 Develops and administers department goals, objectives, policies, and priorities and work plans for staff, Identifies and resolves problems and issues, evaluates departmental performance,in relation to established standards 3 Plans and directs the preparation of the annual department budget, including revenues, expenditures, equipment, and school supplies, makes related City Council presentations concerning Child Care Center services and operations Child Care Services Center Director Page 1/4 Packet Pg 112 QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Knowledge of General knowledge of child development, lesson planning, and curriculum development, Title 22 Child Care Licensing regulations, classroom and playground safety guidelines and methods, budgetary planning and management practices, principles and practices of management, leadership and supervision, including the setting of goals and objectives, work planning, and employee evaluation, contract administration practices Ability to Relate positively and effectively with child and families of various cultures, disabilities, and social economic backgrounds, think and act quickly in emergency and non - emergency situations, analyze and solve problems, prepare and present a variety of operational and administrative reports and present findings and recommendations, operate modern office equipment and computer hardware, use of word processing, spreadsheet, and graphics software applications, present reports and recommendations, communicate effectively with others, both orally and in writing, establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with students, parents, staff, management, contractors, consultants, auditors, public and private officials and the general public Education/Training/Experience. High School Graduation or GED equivalent, with AA or 60 units with 24 units of ECE/CD including core courses, 6 units of administration, 3 units in Adult Supervision and a valid Child Development Permit for Site Supervisor or Program Director The alternative education requirement is a Bachelor's degree or higher with 12 ECE units, 3units of supervised field experience in an ECE setting and a valid Child Development Permit for Site Supervisor or Program Director Seven years of teaching and administrative experience in child development programs and one year experience supervising adults preferably teaching staff and center support staff, and experience monitoring curriculum for children Child Care Services Center Director Page 3/4 r Packet Pg 114 Child Care Site Supervisor/Teacher Department/Division Child Care Services Reports To Director/Assistant Director Provides Direction To Teacher, Teacher Aide FLSA Exemption Status Exempt Date Prepared March 27 2015 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, supervises child care center teachers, acts as -Lead Teacher when necessary, monitors child safety in the classroom, school site areas, and off -site events, tracks student development and completes additional tasks to promote early childhood education, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Child Care Site Supervisor/Teacher is responsible for age appropriate curriculum development and lesson planning and oversees instruction for infant through sixth grade children in a child care setting This class is distinguished from the Teacher based on its scope of supervisory and administrative responsibilities ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Supervises teachers in a classroom setting, provides orientation and training regarding the Child Care Center rules and regulations, reviews work for conformance and acceptability 2 Completes reports and activity logs, maintains parent bulletin board 3 Ensures all classroom activities are developmentally appropriate, participates in curriculum development and creates individual lesson plans, observes each child's learning and skill development and records progress 4 Supervises children in the classroom, playground areas, and at off -site events, demonstrates proper standards of behavior and uses a positive approach while working with children Child Care Site SupervisorlTeacher Page 1/4 LO W W Packet Pg 116 Ability to Plan and organize child development curriculum and activities, coordinate child development activities and lesson plans, provide instruction to individual children and small groups, appropriately manage and observe student behavior, model acceptable social behaviors, plan, organize, assign, review work, and motivate and evaluate the work of assigned employees, develop and maintain effective relationships with children, communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, interact with children and adults in an effective manner, implement learning activities for children, maintain a healthy, safe, and orderly environment, understand and follow oral and written Instructions Education/Traini ng/Expenence High school graduation of GED equivalent, supplemented by 12 units of college level education in early childhood education or child development (ECE/CD) 3 units of Adult Supervision Three years of experience working with children in an instructional capacity, preferably including lead or supervisory experience Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements Attain a valid Class B California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's vehicle insurance policy standards to operate the bus for various trips Attain Basic First Aid and CPR certification Complete Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) training and certification requirements in serving food items that qualify for federal reimbursement In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State Child Care Site Supervisor/reacher Page 3/4 U) �o a LO N c 0 a N d .Q O 1-- r C d E s 0 ea tr 20 Packet Pg 118 City Clerk Department/Division City Manager Reports To City Mana er Provides Direction To Executive Assistant FLSA Exemption Status Exempt Date Prepared. ( March 25 2015 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general direction, plans, organizes, and manages the work of the City Clerk Division, performs administrative services specified in the Municipal Code and pertinent statutes, coordinates legislative and records management actions of City Council and other bodies, as assigned, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The City Clerk performs broad administrative responsibilities and policy -making authority The incumbent Independently manages and performs a range of administrative, D legislative, elections, and records management functions on behalf of the City U) �o ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Plans, organizes, and manages services provided by the City Clerk Division, prioritizes and allocates tasks and special projects 2 As the election official, coordinates city-wide elections, initiates elections procedures and coordinates the filing of initiatives, referendums, recall actions, and candidate statements r d 3 Addresses questions regarding elections procedures, campaign financial statements, Commission appointments, and similar matters a 4 Coordinates maintenance of records for Historical and Culture Commission and Public Finance Authority City Clerk Page 1/4 Packet Pg 12 ] QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Knowledge of California Code and California Code of Regulations, Municipal Code and related local ordinances, California Public Records Act, California Brown Act, California Political Reform Act, records management, retrieval, and archiving systems, local elections practices, public contract administration practices, public noticing requirements, budgeting practices, principles and practices of sound business communications, principles and techniques of employee supervision and evaluation, research methods, records management practices Ability to Plan, manage, and coordinate the services of the City Clerk's Department, including programs, protects, and related functions, assign, train, supervise, review, and U) evaluate the work of employees in order, to meet deadlines and established work standards, analyze and solve problems, lead or conduct research of codes, ordinances, and resolutions, take minutes, use computer hardware and word 46 processing, spreadsheet, and other software applications, communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, make effective public presentations, follow oral or written $ instructions, interact effectively with staff, management, legal counsel, vendors, contractors, consultants, government officials, general public, and other parties Lo to �o Education/Training/Experience Bachelor's degree from an accredited four-year college or university with a major in public administration, or a related field is desirable Five years of responsible administrative, legislative, and records management experience Certification as a Master Municipal Clerk is desirable Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements Valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards w In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may E be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State a Ability to work extended hours in order to attend meetings, conferences, events, and other functions on behalf of the City, including evening and weekend hours City Clerk Page 3/4 Packet Pg 222 City Manager Department/Division City Managers Office Reports To Mayor and City Council Provides Direction To Assistant City Manager, City Clerk, Community Development Director, Finance Director, Child Care Services Director, Executive Assistant, and contract positions FLSA Exemption Status Exempt Employment Exemption Status At -Will Date Prepared March 27, 2015 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general direction of the City Council, serves as the City's Chief Executive Officer and oversees and guides the activities of all City departments, programs, services -and functions to ensure that the City's goals and objectives are achieved, provides the City Council with accurate and timely information to support decision -making and policy direction and to implement all policy set by the City Council, provides overall daily administration, decision -making and policy guidance with the City Council and staff, serves as the Executive Director of the Successor Agency, Housing Authority, and Public Financing Authority, oversees the City's budget and capital improvement plans, provides effective professional leadership and recommends organizational enhancements to meet the City's current and future needs, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The City Manager provides overall direction to all staff positions through department directors, managers, and assigned administrative staff The scope of responsibility, decision -making, direct and indirect supervision, and budgetary authority are significantly greater than for any other City staff position ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as dlustrat►ons of the vanous types of work that may be pen°ormed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 , Directs and manages the operations of the City provides, direction to all City departments and functions falling under the authority of the City Manager, supervises all subordinate department heads and staff, hires, trains, evaluates performance, and disciplines senior management personnel and oversees this process for all City employees through subordinate managers, serves as the Personnel Officer, establishes policies and procedures for the overall City functions, oversees and participates in the resolution of inquiries and complaints from the public and other City Manager Page 1/4 c R ,(L s Packet Pg 124 _ 9b ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS (continued) 11 Oversees development of City Annual Budget in coordination with Finance Department and City departments and present proposed budget for City Council review, consideration, and approval 12 Prepares for and leads weekly Executive Team meetings, serves as a liaison to various civic or governmental organizations and committees, taskforces, boards, and commissions QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Knowledge of Leadership and management theory and practices, municipal government organization, administration, and operations, including principles, practices, and methods -used in local government administration, organizational and management practices related to the N analysis and evaluation of City programs, policies, and operational needs, public sector personnel administration and labor relations practices, municipal budgeting and capital c improvement programs, current community and social, political, and economic trends and problems affecting local government, applicable federal, State and local laws, codes and ordinances, and rules and regulations regarding local government affairs, Government, Council, and local and State legislative processes, negotiations and conflict resolution techniques, goal setting and workload and performance indicators, principles of effective to community and public relations in working with City Council, civic and business groups, media, and the general public, marketing and economic development, program development, public policy, and protect management, employee development, a In management, motivation, supervision, training, performance appraisal, and disciplineJL Ability to Manage and direct City-wide goals, objectives, policies, procedures, work standards, and N Internal controls, provide leadership and plan and administer a balanced budget, select, c motivate, supervise, and evaluate executive team and staff and plan, organize, direct, and coordinate, and delegate work, articulate and' respond to sensitive community, organizational, and City Council issues, concerns, and needs; prepare clear, concise, and ~ comprehensive administrative, financial, and technical reports, evaluate public policy, management and operational issues and recommend appropriate actions, think logically, d appraise situations logically, interpret federal, State and local policies, laws and E regulations, and policy issues, in determining appropriate actions, exercise tact and diplomacy in resolving conflict in a fair and amicable manner, communicate effectively, a both orally and in writing, establish, cultivate, and maintain effective working relationships with City Council, department directors, officials, citizen groups and business representatives, vendors, contractors, consultants, and the general public and make effective public presentations City Manager Page 3/5 Packet Pg 226 Mental Demands While performing the duties of this class, the employee is regularly required to use oral and written communication skills, read and interpret data, thoroughly analyze and solve problems, exercise sound judgment in the absence of specific guidelines, use math and mathematical reasoning, establish priorities and work on multiple assignments and projects concurrently, meet intense and changing deadlines given interruptions, and interact appropriately with staff, management, City Council, commissioners, and other officials, media, as well as contractors, community groups, other public agencies, vendors, consultants, contractors, public, and private representatives, and others in the course of work, including resolving conflict situations WORK ENVIRONMENT The employee frequently works in an office environment with controlled temperature settings The noise level is moderate, typically below 70 decibels The employee occasionally drives in traffic to deliver documents and attend meetings and workshops City Manager Page 5/5 U) W Packet Pg 128 Community Development Director Department/Division Community Development Reports To City Manager Provides Direction To Budding Official, Senior Civil Engineer, Management Analyst, Planning Technician, Senior Code Enforcement Officer, Department Secretary FLSA Exemption Status Exempt Date Prepared October 27, 2014 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general direction, plans, directs, and oversees the programs, projects, and operations of the Community Development Department, directs planning, budding and safety, and code enforcement, oversees engineering and public works programs and other services, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS This is a department head position responsible for budget, overall staffing, and policy setting This position has a broad scope of responsibility, external interfaces, budgetary accountability, and provides direct support of the City Council and Planning Commission The Community Development director is distinguished from the City Manager, which has accountability for City-wide operations and policy -making and City Council relations ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the vanous types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Directs, plans, manages, and evaluates the operations, programs, staffing, policies and procedures of the Community Development Department 2 Establishes, prioritizes, and evaluates the attainment of departmental goals 3 Directs the preparation of departmental reports and acts as staff liaison to the City's Planning Commission and City Council 4 Develops, coordinates, and oversees changes to the City's General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, budding and safety standards, and code enforcement standards Community Development Director Page 1/4 U) Packet Pg 129 QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Knowledge of Theories, principles, and practices of governmental planning, zoning, budding and safety, community code enforcement, and engineering and public works maintenance practices, Federal Environmental Protection Act and California Environmental Protection Act, laws, codes, and ordinances affecting land use planning, building construction, and zoning practices, including the budding trades, Municipal Code, City ordinances, and County health and safety regulations pertaining to property maintenance, budding codes and ordinances, budgetary planning and management practices, principles of economics, statistics and demographics, grant programs as related to planning, community development and housing, principles of supervision, organization, and management Ability to Plan, organize and direct an effective City community development program, expeditiously process and approve projects which conform with the General Plan, Zoning Ordinance and other City standards, direct the compilation of staff, technical and consulting reports, prepare clear and comprehensive reports, formulate and manage department budget, direct the selection, training, supervision, evaluation and advisement of departmental personnel, analyze plans, specifications and proposals and make appropriate recommendations, communicate effectively with others, orally or in writing, prepare and present administrative reports, recommendations and oral presentations to executive and advisory bodies, establish and maintain effective relationships with staff, management, consultants, contractors, developers, governmental officials, and public and pnvate representatives, and others In the course of work Education/Training/Experience Bachelor's degree from an accredited four-year college or university with a major in Urban Planning, Public Administration or a related field is required Eight years of progressively responsible professional, administrative and managerial experience involving planning, zoning, and community development matters within local government A Master's Degree in Urban Planning, Public Administration or a related field is desirable Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements Valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State Community Development Director Page 314 Packet Pg 131 Department Secretary Department/Division Assigned Department Reports To De artment Director Provides Direction To Not Applicable FLSA Exemption Status Non -Exempt Date Prepared March 27 2015 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, performs a broad range of vaned administrative, technical, secretarial, and clerical functions to support of a department, administers databases, prepares and reviews records and reports, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Department Secretary performs varied work assignments involving the administration of specialized departmental records, staff support, the review and compilation of data for management and staff reports, and/or the completion of independent research The Department Secretary lirectly supports a department director, and may also support supervisory, professional and/or administrative staff ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the vanous types of work that may be perfonned The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the positron if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Schedules appointments and meetings, and arranges for travel or staff attendance at conferences, workshops, and professional associations 2 Provides counter support as needed, answers calls, screens visitors, and refers parties to appropriate personnel, assists customers at a public counter and by telephone, responds to complaints and directs parties to appropriate personnel 3 Maintains budgetary data and tracks account expenditures, purchases office supplies and equipment and researches information regarding vendors, contractors, and consultants Department Secretary Page 1/4 Lo W W T W V c. LO a U) C O a d 0 .a 0 c� m E Packet Pg 133 Education/Training/Experience High School Graduation or GED equivalent Five years of increasingly responsible clerical, customer service, and administrative support experience Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements Valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State PHYSICAL AND MENTAL DEMANDS The physical and mental demands descnbed here are representative of those that must 2 be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class a CL Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions W �o Physical Demands While performing the duties of this class, the employee is constantly required to sit, and occasionally to stand and walk Finger dexterity and light grasping is required to operate computer hardware and standard office equipment, and reaching with hands and arms above and below shoulder level is necessary to access files and records The employee occasionally lifts and carries records and documents typically weighing less than 25 pounds Sensory demands include the ability to see, talk, and hear and use electronic touch keypads Mental Demands d E While performing the duties of this class, the employee is regularly required to use written and oral communication skills, read and interpret data, information, and a documents, analyze and solve problems, observe and interpret situations, learn and apply new information or skills, perform highly detailed work, work on multiple, concurrent tasks, work with frequent interruptions, work under intensive deadlines, and interact with management, staff, vendors, consultants, officials, program participants, the general public, and others encountered to the course of work Department Secretary Page 3/4 -Packet Pg 135 Executive Assistant Department/Division City Manager/Administration Reports To City Manager, City Council, City Clerk Provides Direction To Not Applicable FLSA Exemption Status Non -Exempt Date Prepared March 27, 2015 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, provides administrative support to the City Manager, City Council, and City Clerk, acts as liaison between City Manager, City Council, residents, and other agencies and the general public, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Executive Assistant is distinguished from lower -level administrative support positions in that it typically has more interfaces with executive and management positions, officials, and the general public As distinguished from the Department Secretary, the Executive Secretary performs work that entails a greater range of administrative support responsibilities and requires greater probldm-solving skills, sensitive interfaces, and handling of confidential information ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to the class 1 Provides administrative support to designated executives, staff, and elected officials, acts as staff liaison to City Manager and City Council in screening visitors, answering callers, handling complaints, and directing others to appropriate parties 2 Schedules appointments and meetings for the City Manager and City Council, and arranges for travel or staff attendance at conferences, workshops, and professional functions 3 Prepares the City Council Master Calendar, coordinates all monthly events pertaining to official city business and community events Executive Assistant Page 1/4 W co 11-Packet Pg 137 QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Knowledge of City organization, policies, and office administration practices, correct English usage, including spelling, grammar and punctuation, basic functions of publicagencies, including the role of a City Manager, elected Council, City Clerk, and appointed commissions, basic research methods, principles of business letter writing and report preparation, rules and procedures governing public notices and conduct, of public meetings, word processing, spreadsheet, and graphics software applications, record keeping, filing, and basic accounting practices, public relations techniques, English usage, spelling, grammar, and punctuation Ability to Operate modern office equipment and computer hardware, use word processing, spreadsheet, graphics, and specialized software applications programs, plan, organize and coordinate administrative assignments and schedule functions and , events to meet deadlines, conduct basic research and prepare correspondence and compile data for reports, use independent judgment, take minutes and provide administrative and budget support to assigned executives, managers, commissions and/or committees, communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, proofread and prepare clear, accurate, and concise records and reports, establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff, management, vendors, contractors, consultants, officials, general public and others, establish and maintain departmental files and maintain confidentiality of communications Education/Traini ng/Expenence High School graduation or G E D equivalent is required, preferably supplemented by education, training, and certification in the use of office software products Associate degree is highly desirable Five years of responsible administrative and customer support experience is required Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements Ability to attain a valid Class C California driver's license, have an acceptable driving record, and evidence of insurability In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and maybe asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State Executive Assistant I Page 3/4 �o a W U) c 0 r 0. U) d 0 .0 0 i- t9 d E ., Packet Pg 139 91 Finance Director Department/Division Finance Reports To City Manager Provides Direction To Principal Accountant, Senior Accounting Technician, Accounting Technician, FLSA Exemption Status Exempt Date Prepared October 22, 2014 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general direction, organizes, plans, and directs the work of the Finance Department, including general accounting, budgeting, purchasing, accounts receivable, accounts payable, financial reporting, information systems, and related contract services, develops and implements City operating and capital budgets and financial statements and maintains internal controls, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS This position reports to the City Manager and provides direction to all City departments on financial, and accounting matters The Finance Director is distinguished from the Assistant Finance Director by its greater responsibility as City Treasurer, and its oversight of the City's information services functions, annual audits, and financial planning functions ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the vanous types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Plans, manages, and coordinates departmental operations, plans, and activities, including financial services, customer service, purchasing, information systems, and related functions 2 Develops and administers department goals, objectives, policies, and priorities and work plans for staff, identifies and resolves problems and issues, evaluates departmental performance in relation to established standards 3 Plans and directs the preparation of the annual City budget, including the forecasting of revenues, expenditures, fund balances, and capital project needs, adjustment requests, and expense controls, makes related City Council presentations on monthly financial statements to City Council Finance Director Page 1/4 Ln to to w a Lo c 0 w c. U) 0 0 0 t� r c m E Packet Pg 141 QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Knowledge of Theories, principles, and practices of public finance administration, including accounting, budgeting and auditing, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), current Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) pronouncements, and related standards, principles and statutes of fund and governmental accounting, external and internal auditing practices, and financial reporting, general ledger and subsidiary ledger accounting procedures and cash management practices, budgeting principles and practices, including revenue and expenditure forecasting, internal and external auditing practices, treasury and revenue management methods and practices, purchasing and contract administration practices, financial accounting software, principles and practices of management, leadership and supervision, including the setting of goals and objectives, work planning, and employee evaluation Ability to Plan, organize, and direct the services and functions of the Finance Department, read and understanding financial statements, organize, manage and evaluate the work of professional, technical, and administrative support staff, analyze financial data and make investment decisions, prepare clear and concise accounting documents, financial statements, and correspondence, undertake or supervise technical, complex and sensitive projects, interpret and apply laws, policies, procedures, and regulations, organize, assign, and prioritize projects and ensure completion in accordance with deadlines, make presentations, establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with other City department staff, brokers, investment advisors, financial institutions, and the general public, operate computer hardware and utilize word processing, spreadsheet, and graphic presentation software Education/Training/Experience, Bachelor's degree from an accredited four-year college or university with a major in Finance, Accounting, or a closely related field Seven years of progressive responsible financial management and accounting experience, including three or more years of supervisory and management experience, or an equivalent combination of training and experience Designation as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation or Master's degree in Public Administration is highly desirable Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements Valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards Finance Director Page 314 Packet Pg 143 w§ �9b Financial Analyst De artmentlDivision Finance Reports To Finance Director and Principal Accountant, as assigned Provides Direction To Not Applicable FLSA Exemption Status Exempt Date Prepared March 27, 2015 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, conducts responsible financial, statistical, administrative and other management analyses in support of City and departmental functions and programs, assists In preparation of reports and recommendations on both long-term financial plans and day-to-day business operations, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Financial Analyst is distinguished from the Principal Accountant and Accounting Technician in that It requires more specialized professional knowledge of accounting principles, as well as greater responsibility for budgetary analyses and revenue and cost studies ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as Illustrations of the vanous types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Compiles, summarizes and analyzes a variety of financial and statistical data related to revenues and expenditures 2 Researches, reviews and prepares monthly financial report submitted to City Council, reconciles changes in data among various revenue sources and expenditure accounts to verify accuracy and completeness, assists in implementing policies and procedures, drafts reports and presentation materials for management 3 Aids the Finance Director in the preparation, review and presentation of the bi- annual Required Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) to the Successor Agency and Oversight Board Researches and makes recommendations to any requests from the Department of Finance regarding the Agency's ROPS, reviews and reconciles Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) residual receipt worksheets from the County Financial Analyst Page 1/3 u) w c. Ln U) c 0 r Q. L 0 U! d 0 .0 0 c E Packet Pg 145 u 9b Education/Training/Experience Bachelor's degree from an accredited four year college or university with a major in finance, accounting, or a related field Three years of professional and technical experience performing responsible financial analysis, budgeting, and accounting work is required Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State PHYSICAL AND MENTAL DEMANDS The physical and mental demands descnbed here are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions Physical Demands While performing the duties of this class, the employee is constantly required to sit, and a occasionally to stand and walk Finger dexterity and light grasping is required to handle, feel, or operate computer hardware and standard office equipment, and reach with hands Ln and arms above and below shoulder level The employee occasionally bends, stoops, lifts, and carries records and documents, typically weighing less than 20 pounds Sensory demands include the ability to see within normal range, and talk, and hear, and use electronic touch keypads Mental Demands While performing the duties of this class, employees are regularly required to use written H and oral communication skills, read and interpret data, use math and mathematical o reasoning, analyze and solve problems, learn and apply new information, perform highly M detailed work on multiple, concurrent tasks while meeting deadlines, interact with, staff, management, contractors, vendors, auditors, and the general public WORK ENVIRONMENT E The employee frequently works in an office environment with controlled temperature settings The noise level is moderate, typically below 70 decibels a Financial Analyst Page 3/3 Packet Pg 147 Finance Technician Department/Division Finance Reports To Director of Finance Provides Direction To Not Applicable FLSA Exemption Status Non -Exempt Date Prepared September 14, 2014 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, performs technical and clerical accounting work related to accounts payable, accounts receivable, and financial recordkeeping functions, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Finance Technician is distinguished from the Finance Analyst and Senior Finance Analyst classifications, which require more specialized professional knowledge of accounting principles, as well as greater responsibility for financial reports and required statutory documents ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the positron if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Processes purchase orders and accounts payable invoices, verifies appropriate signatures and purchase order numbers and enters into accounts payable ledger, maintains, organizes, maintains, and files purchase orders 2 Enters cash and check payments into the City Hall cash register at the beginning of each day Prints daily report and balance the cash register batch in the evening removing the daily cash and putting into the safe 3 Reviews and sorts Finance Department mail, distributes accounts payable invoices to respective departments for approval 4 Maintains the fixed assets spreadsheet, coordinates and conduct an annual physical audit of each department's fixed assets Finance Technician Page 1/4 Packet Pg 448 QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Knowledge of Accounts receivable, accounts payable, and billing practices and procedures, credit application and approval procedures, physical inventory procedures related to fixed asset reporting, data retention requirements, customer service practices Ability to Operate computer equipment and use accounting software, and spreadsheet and word processing software applications programs, operate calculator and other standard office equipment, verify, enter, and reconcile financial data and accounting information, ensure proper authorization and documentation for disbursements, prepare basic accounting records and reports, organize and prioritize tasks to meet deadlines, communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff, management, vendors, contractors, customers, and the general public in the course of work Education/Training/Experience High School graduation or G E D equivalent is required Two years of responsible clerical a and technical accounting and budgeting work is required Completion of technical M accounting training and coursework is desirable Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State Finance Technician Page 3/4 Packet Pg 150 -rr9b Human Resources Analyst Department/Division Human Resources Reports To Assistant City Manager Provides Direction To Not Applicable Exem tlon Status Exempt Date Prepared November 15, 2014 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, performs a variety of professional, administrative, analytical, technical, and administrative support functions related to recruitment and selection, classification and compensation, employee relations, benefits administration, employee training and development, and risk management, including Workers' Compensation and General Liability programs, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Human Resources Analyst is expected to perform a combination of professional analytical, technical, and administrative functions This position is distinguished from the Assistant City Manager, which has broader responsibility, decision -making authority, and budgetary accountability for all human resources programs, policies, and practices ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Participates in the development and administration of City human resources, risk management, and safety policies, projects, and programs for City departments 2 Conducts and coordinates recruitment and selection processes, including developing and maintaining job descriptions, screening applications, scheduling and administering exams, assessment centers, and interviews, developing interview questions and written exams, proctoring exams, arranging written exams and interview schedules, orients interview panels and conducts rater debriefings, prepares and maintains eligibility lists, and candidate records, conducts new employee orientation sessions, adds employee in payroll system and updates records Human Resources Analyst Page 1 /4 It Packet Pg 152` QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Knowledge of California fair employment laws and related laws, ordinances, and regulations, recruiting, testing, and selection practices, classification and compensation, and employee relations, personnel policies, contracts, and records administration practices, health, disability, and welfare programs, California laws and regulations governing paid leave, COBRA benefits continuation, and notification requirements, CaIPERS program enrollment and filing requirements, principles and practices of human resources and office administration, principles of research, statistical analysis, and report preparation, budget administration practices, training and orientation practices, customer service practices Explain, interpret, and apply personnel regulations, rules, policies, and procedures, analyze and solve human resources problems, organize and prioritize tasks to meet deadlines, communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing, follow oral and written directions, review, verify, and update records, conduct research, compose correspondence, and compile reports, maintain confidentiality of sensitive data, operate modern office equipment and computer hardware, use word processing, spreadsheet, and graphics software applications, type at a net rate of 40 words per minute, establish and maintain effective working relationships with applicants, staff, management, vendors, consultants, and the general public, Education/Training/Experience Bachelor's degree in Public Administration, Business Administration, or a closely related field is required Three years of increasingly responsible human resources and risk management experience is required in areas related to recruitment and selection, classification and compensation, benefits administration, and Workers' Compensation and General Liability insurance programs Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements Possession of a valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of auto insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards Ability to attain technical certification in human resources and risk management is desirable, as sponsored by CaIPRIMA, International Public Risk Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR), or Associate in Risk Management (ARM) and/or similar extension program certification offered through a recognized educational institution Human Resources Analyst Page 3/4 Packet Pg 1154 Human Resources Technician De artmentlDivision Human Resources Reports To Human Resources Analyst or management designee Provides Direction To Not Applicable Exemption Status 1 Non-exempt Date Prepared I March 27, 2015 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, performs a variety of technical, administrative, and human resources support functions related to recruitment and selection, classification and compensation, employee relations, benefits and risk management, employee training and development, and records management, and performs other related duties as assigned ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the vanous types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class Supports recruitment functions by creating job flyers and advertisements, placing ads, emading job flyers to employees and other agencies, processing and screening employment application forms to select qualified candidates, scheduling interviews, preparing interview packets, sending letters to interview panelists and candidates, scoring exams, preparing eligibility lists, scheduling pre -employment medical and background checks, and conducting new hire orientations 2 Coordinates employee benefits program, including processing enrollments, changes, and deletions, explaining benefits to employees, conducting open enrollment, and following up on outstanding records, and provides related instructions 3 Prepares and processes Workers' Compensation and disability claims, prepares and submits required forms, communicates with employees and the third party administrator, completes OSHA log and Annual OSHA 300 form, participates in employee accommodations meetings, prepares and submits disability retirement records, processes advance disability pension payments, and completes related tasks in consultation with the Human Resources Analyst Human Resources Technician Page 1/4 Lo ., Packet Pg 156 QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Knowledge of Federal employment laws, California fair employment laws and regulations, testing and selection techniques, personnel policies, contracts, and records administration a practices, health, disability, and welfare programs, paid leave regulations, COBRA c benefits continuation, and notification requirements, CalPERS program enrollment and filing requirements, schedule of employee benefits by bargaining unit, human c resources and office administration practices, customer service practices E 0 Explain, interpret, and apply personnel regulations, rules, policies, and procedures, analyze and solve human resources problems, organize and prioritize tasks to meet cc deadlines, communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing, follow oral c w and written directions, review, verify, and update records, conduct research, compose correspondence, and compile reports, maintain confidentiality of sensitive data, y operate modern office equipment and computer hardware, use word processing, M spreadsheet, and graphics software applications, type at a net rate of 40 words per w minute, establish and maintain effective working relationships with applicants, staff, 0 management, vendors, consultants, and the general public, a Education/Train ing/Experience Graduation from high school or G E D equivalent is required Completion of Associate, degree and training and certification in human resources is highly desirable Three years of responsible human resources technical professional experience in employment, benefits, and related areas is required Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements Valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards Attainment of technical certification in one or more areas of human resources is desirable as offered through a human resources management extension program or human resources association In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State Human Resources Technician Page 3/4 Packet Pg 158 Intern Department/Division City Manager Reports To Supervisory or Management position Provides Direction To Not Applicable FLSA Exemption Status Non -Exempt Date Prepared March 27, 2015 GENERAL PURPOSE Under close supervision, performs basic professional and administrative duties as part of projects and departmental programs, assists with a variety of studies and analyses, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Administrative Intern is an entry-level position that is a bridge to the management analysis job series The employee gams work experience by assisting management staff in performing professional and administrative duties as a limited term classification The Administrative Intern requires less specialized knowledge, scope of responsibility, and decision -making authority than the Management Analyst job ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the vanous types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the positron /f the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Drafts and creates staff reports, professional service agreements, and various other documents such as Requests For Proposals (RFPs) as well as other report exhibits and attachments 2 Assists in researching and collecting data, developing and compiling presentations as part of staff reports and analyses, creating files and archives records 3 Coordinates communications and prepares materials for regular and special meetings, as assigned Intem Page 1/4 LO �o �o w c. LO N c 0 4.1 L N d .0 0 c� d E 0 0 am Packet Pg 160 Education/Training/Experience, High School Graduation or equivalent GED College level coursework in Public Administration, Business Administration, or a related field is preferred Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements Valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State PHYSICAL AND MENTAL DEMANDS The physical and mental demands described here are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions Physical Demands C While performing the duties of this class, the employee is constantly required to sit, to and occasionally to stand and walk Finger dexterity and light grasping is required to operate computer hardware and standard office equipment, and reaching with hands and arms above and below shoulder level is necessary to access files and records Ln The employee occasionally lifts and carries records and documents typically weighing less than 25 pounds c 0 Sensory demands include the ability to see, talk, and hear and use electronic touch a keypads N d Mental Demands 0 While performing the duties of this class, the employee is regularly required to use written and oral communication skills, read and interpret data, information, and documents, analyze and solve problems, observe and interpret situations, learn and E apply new, information or skills, perform -highly detailed work, work on multiple, .c concurrent tasks, work with frequent interruptions, work under intensive deadlines, and interact with management, staff, vendors, consultants, brokers, the public, and others a encountered in the course of work Intem Page 3/4 Packet Pg 162 Maintenance Crew Lead Department/Division Public Works/Maintenance Reports To Senior Civil Engineer Provides Direction To Maintenance Worker II, Maintenance Worker I, Janitor FLSA Exemption Status Non-exempt Date Prepared March 30, 2015 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, leads the work of an assigned crew in maintenance projects involving City parks, parkways, buildings, landscaping irrigation, medians, and/or street, storm drain and sewer maintenance, operates specialized equipment and performs more difficult or skilled tasks as well as a full range of journey -level maintenance functions, and does related work as required DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Maintenance Lead Worker is distinguished from the Maintenance Worker II by the extent to which the position assigns, coordinates, and leads maintenance crew work, performs the specialized work, and demonstrates safety practices The Maintenance Lead Worker is differentiated from the Senior Civil Engineer, which serves as a first line supervisor, and establishes maintenance schedules and priorities given work needs ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the vanous types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Confers with supervisor regarding work schedule, `pnonties, projects, operational problems, staffing and crew assignments, and complaints 2 Organizes, assigns, trains, and checks the work of staff, and participates in and coordinates one or more of the following activities street maintenance and pothole repair, and construction services, storm drain and sewer maintenance, and repair, building facility maintenance andrepair, graffiti control, pest control, weed abatement, parks, landscape and tree planting and maintenance, irrigation and median maintenance, work release and special projects 3 Reviews work plans and specifications, estimates time, materials, staffing, and equipment that will be needed for assigned jobs, requisitions parts and supplies, as necessary, ensures that materials are ordered and received in a timely fashion, and staged for use by work crew Maintenance Crew Lead Page 1/4 En to a Ln U) c 0 r a L d 0 0 c d E 0 V ' Packet Pg 164 QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Knowledge of Operations, services, and activities of a streets, storm facilities, sewers, parks, landscaping, buildings, and other maintenance programs, work methods, practices, and procedures for different types of job assignments and safe and efficient use of tools and equipment, principles of lead supervision and training, proper operation and maintenance of equipment and troubleshooting methods, materials storage hazards and safety standards, traffic control and safety practices, principles and procedures of record keeping and reporting Ability to w Plan, organize, assign, lead and inspect work and motivate assigned employees, analyze complex maintenance problems and determine appropriate actions, operate a variety of 0 street and park maintenance and, repair equipment and tools in a safe and effective manner, o determine resources required for different lobs, read, interpret, and apply a wide variety of 2 technical information from manuals, drawings, specifications, layouts, blueprints, and cc schematics, interpret and apply policies, procedures, and standards pertaining to maintenance programs and functions, perform skilled trades tasks and operate heavier U) equipment such as backhoes, loaders, and water or dump trucks, communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, possess basic computer skills, establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff, management, contractors, vendors, and the general public Q Education/Training/Experience High School graduation or G E D equivalent is required Five years of experience in streets, parks, or general maintenance and repair work and equipment operations is required Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements Valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards A Water Tanker and medical endorsement may be required, depending upon the position assignment Ability to obtain other maintenance certification required for the job such as backflow inspector and E irrigation certificate Maintain County approved backflow testing certification a Ability to obtain a Class B California driver's license Ability to work extended hours or on -call given emergency calls or repairs Maintenance Crew Lead Page 3/4 Packet Pg 166 Maintenance Lead Worker Department/Division Public Works/Maintenance Reports To Senior Civil Engineer Provides Direction To Maintenance Worker II, Maintenance Worker I, Janitor FLSA Exemption Status 1 Non-exempt Date Prepared November 1, 2014 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, leads the work of an assigned crew in maintenance projects involving City parks, parkways, buildings, landscaping, medians, and/or street, storm dram and sewer maintenance, operates specialized equipment and performs more difficult or skilled tasks as well as a full range of journey -level maintenance functions, and does related work as required DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Maintenance Lead Worker is distinguished from the Maintenance Worker 11 in the extent to which the position assigns, coordinates, and leads work crews, performs the most complex tasks, performs administrative work and demonstrates the proper operation of equipment The Maintenance Lead Worker is differentiated from the Senior Civil Engineer which serves as a first line supervisor and establishes maintenance schedules and priorities given work needs ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Confers with supervisor' regarding work schedule, priorities, projects, operational problems, staffing and crew assignments, and complaints 2 Depending upon assigned crew, organizes, assigns, and checks the work of staff responsible for one or more of the following activities street maintenance, repair, and construction services, storm dram maintenance, and repair, building facility maintenance and repair, parks, landscaping, and median maintenance 3 Reviews work plans and specifications, estimates time, materials, staffing, and equipment that will be needed for assigned jobs, requisitions parts and supplies, as necessary, ensures that materials are ordered and received in a timely fashion Maintenance Lead Worker Page 114 U) co w c. LO 4 U) c 0 4.1 - c 0 W d 0 0 n F- d 8 s Packet Pg 1678 ] QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Knowledge of Operations, services, and activities of a streets, storm facilities, sewers, parks, landscaping, buildings, and other maintenance programs, work methods, practices, and procedures for different types of job assignments and safe and efficient use of tools and equipment, principles of lead supervision and training, proper operation and maintenance of equipment and troubleshooting methods, materials storage hazards and safety standards, traffic control and safety practices, principles and procedures of record keeping and reporting Ability to Plan, organize, assign, lead and inspect work and motivate assigned employees, analyze c complex maintenance problems and determine appropriate actions, operate a variety of street and park maintenance and repair equipment and tools in a safe and effective manner, a determine resources required for different jobs, read, interpret, and apply a wide variety of technical information from manuals, drawings, specifications, layouts, blueprints, and U) schematics, interpret and apply policies, procedures, and standards pertaining to maintenance programs and functions, perform skilled trades tasks and operate heavier equipment such as backhoes, loaders, and water or dump trucks, communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff, management, contractors, vendors, and the general public 4 Education/Training/Experience High School graduation or G E D equivalent is required Five years of experience in streets, parks, or general maintenance and repair work and equipment operations is required Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements r Valid Class B California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards A Water Tanker and E medical endorsement may be required, depending upon the position assignment Ability to obtain other maintenance certification required for the job such as backfiow operator and a irrigation certificate Ability to work extended hours or on -call given emergency calls or repairs Maintenance Lead Worker Page 3/4 Packet Pg 170 Maintenance Worker I Department/Division Maintenance Reports To Maintenance Lead Worker Provides Direction To Not Applicable FLSA Exemption Status Non -Exempt Date Prepared November 16, 2014 GENERAL PURPOSE Under moderate supervision, performs a variety of semi -skilled and unskilled tasks in the construction, maintenance and repair of City streets, storm drains buildings, parks, landscaping, medians and rights -of -way and related facilities, and does related work as required DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Maintenance Worker I Is the entry-level of the Maintenance Worker job family This position is distinguished from the Maintenance Worker II which performs more varied and complex tasks requiring more specialized knowledge of maintenance procedures and skilled equipment use ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class Assists in the maintenance and minor repair of buildings, grounds, and equipment, performs minor mechanical, carpentry, painting, plumbing, and electrical work, as assigned 2 Loads and unloads tools and supplies on vehicles and to storage areas, hauls debris from worksites, places traffic control devices at lob sites such as signs, cones, and road delineators, as needed 3 Uses hand and power tools at worksites 4 Prepares street surfaces for paving or reconstruction work, breaks up asphalt, concrete or hardened surfaces, uses jackhammer, concrete saw, shovel, or pick 5 Assists in preparing ground and surfaces and applies asphalt, concrete, and pre -mix materials to streets, sidewalks, and pedestrian ways 6 Maintains, repairs, and installs sprinkler and irrigation systems Maintenance Worker 1 Page 1/3 ao 11 Packet Pg 172 Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements Valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards Required to be available for on -call, stand-by, and emergency call service In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State Physical Demands While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate objects, tools, or controls and reach above and below shoulder level with hands and arms The position primarily works in field settings The employee must have the ability to sit, stand, walk, talk, and hear The employee is expected to bend, stoop, squat, kneel, climb, and crawl, depending upon work tasks The employee occasionally lifts and moves supplies, power and hand tools, barricades, delineators, and cones weighing up to 50 pounds Heavier objects are moved with tools or assistance of others Specific demands required by this fob include the ability to see, talk, and hearCL D Mental Demands Ln to W While performing the duties of this class, the employee must be able to use written and oral communication skills, read and interpret data, information and documents, a interpret policies and procedures, use math and mathematical reasoning, learn and apply new information or new skills, work under deadlines with interruptions, and y interact with City staff, management, contractors, vendors, and public c 2- WORK ENVIRONMENT U> d The employee constantly works outdoors and is subject to variable weather conditions and traffic, heat, dust, moisture and wetness as well as mechanical and electrical hazards The employee is occasionally subject to loud construction noise above 80 decibels given construction and use of power tools, compressors, and large-scale motorized equipment E The employee may work in vaults and underground storage chambers Employees are exposed to gas and diesel fumes, use of pesticides, paint removers, and cleaning agents a Maintenance Worker Page 3/3 k - Packet Pg 174 Maintenance Worker II De artment0vision Public Works/Community Service Reports To Maintenance Lead Worker Provides Direction To Not Applicable FLSA Exemption Status Non -Exempt ' Date Prepared March 27 2015 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, performs a variety of semi -skilled and skilled tasks in the construction, maintenance, monitoring, and repair of City streets, storm drains, buildings, parks, medians and rights -of -way, landscaping irrigation, and related facilities, operates heavier equipment, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Maintenance Worker II is the journey -level classification in the Maintenance Worker lob family The Maintenance Worker II is distinguished from the Maintenance Worker I by the operation of heavier equipment and greater independence of action in the performance of assigned tasks The Maintenance Worker II is differentiated from the Maintenance Lead Worker, who has broader responsibility for leading the work or employees, and performing more complex tasks requiring more specialized knowledge of maintenance procedures, recordkeeping, and equipment use. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the vanous types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Performs major and minor repairs of buildings, grounds, and equipment, performs minor mechanical, carpentry, painting, plumbing, and electrical work, as assigned 2 Loads and unloads tools and supplies, hauls debris from worksites, places traffic control delineators such as signs, cones, and lights at job sites 3 Drives medium and light equipment, such as pick-up trucks and dump trucks to and from job sites, uses hand and power tools at worksdes, operates backhoe and loader to excavate areas and load and unload materials, including removing and setting and repairing water lines Maintenance Worker II Page 1/4 La to to w c. LO c 0 w 0. L U) d 0 0 7 c� r as E s U V ZO Packet Pg 175 QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Knowledge of. General maintenance and construction repair methods and techniques, basic mechanical, electrical, plumbing repair methods, equipment operation procedures and proper use of hand and power tools, traffic control and safety practices involving streets, storm drams, parks, facilities, medians and landscape work, use of standard office equipment, record keeping techniques, basic mathematics r Ability to Operate backhoe and loader and heavier equipment, use small power and hand tools in performing maintenance work, operate jackhammer, concrete saw or other mobilefpower tools and equipment, perform assigned maintenance tasks following established procedures and techniques, follow proper safety rules and procedures; communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff and management, understand and carry out oral or written instructions, complete basic work activity records and time reports Education/Training/Experience High School graduation or G E D equivalent is required Two years of building, streets, or general maintenance work experience is required Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements, Valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State Maintenance Worker Il Page 3/4 z, Packet Pg 177 Management Analyst Department/Division Assigned department or division Reports To Director, Manager, or similar position Provides Direction To May provide direction to technical/clencal and temporary ositions FLSA Exemption Status Exempt Date Prepared November 17, 2014 GENERAL PURPOSE. Under general supervision, performs analytical, administrative, and technical work in support of assigned department and the preparation and administration of reports, projects, and proposals, may lead work of assigned staff, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Management Analyst Is distinguished from administrative support classifications by its higher level of professional knowledge and analytical and problem -solving demands ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class Administers and assists with the evaluation of specific professional and administrative contracts, programs, and projects 2 Conducts cost, program, and financial analyses and assists in the preparation and the administration of assigned budgets, Including the management of specific department and program expenditures, may administer service fees and charges 3 Analyzes, develops, and updates department policies and procedures, explains department standards and requirements and resolves questions and complaints Management Analyst Page 1/4 Ln to W 4. a to v U) c 0 .r c. d 0 0 c as E s 0 cc a Packet Pg 179 QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Knowledge of. General principles of municipal government management, project management practices, budgeting practices, leadership techniques, grant administration practices, laws, regulations, ordinances, and other statutes related to departmental assignment, methods of administrative, organizational, and cost analysis, contract administration practices, proper English usage, including spelling, grammar and punctuation, report presentation techniques Ability to Lead the work of assigned staff, organize, and coordinate projects and studies, conduct research and analyze and interpret laws, regulations, technical standards, agreements, policies, and standards related to City programs, organize and prioritize work to meet deadlines, communicate effectively, orally and in writing, draft and present study findings and conclusions, establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff, management, vendors, consultants, officials, general public, and others encountered in the course of the work, operate modem office equipment and computer hardware and use word processing, spreadsheet, graphics, and other applications software Ed ucation/Training/Expenence, Bachelors degree from an accredited four-year college or university with a major in Public Administration, Business Administration, Human Resources Management, or a related field is required Two years of administrative, analytical, professional and technical experience involving analysis, report preparation, administrative studies and field work is required, preferably within a local government environment Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements. Ability to attain a valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of auto insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards Management Analyst Page 3/4 .° Packet Pg 181 `` T r Office Assistant W Department/Division Various department and division assignments Reports To Supervisor or manager Provides Direction To Not Applicable FLSA Exemption Status Non-exempt Date Prepared October 22 2014 GENERAL PURPOSE Under moderate supervision, performs basic receptionist, cashiering, and clerical duties, types, processes, distributes, and files documents and performs other office support functions, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Office Assistant is the entry classification level in the administrative support series The Office Assistant receives greater supervision and requires less specialized knowledge of departmental policies, accounting standards, and customer service practices than the Office Specialist ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the positron if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to this class 1 Answers phone calls, relays telephone and fax communications, and takes messages 2 Greets visitors, answers questions, determines nature of business, and refers inquiries and complaints to appropriate staff members or other departments 3 Takes payments and issues receipts 4 Sorts incoming mad and distributes to appropriate departments, arranges to pick up, d collect, and distribute parcels from Fed Ex, UPS, and USPS, and meters outgoing mad cc 5 Types basic correspondence, memos, forms, and other documents a 6 Retrieves, duplicates, scans, and distributes copies of records Office Assistant Page 1 /3 Packet Pd 7183 Mental Demands While performing the duties of this class, the employee must be able to use written and oral communication skills, read and verify documents and follow instructions, use math and mathematical reasoning, and interact City staff, management, and the general public WORK ENVIRONMENT The employee frequently works in an office environment with controlled temperature settings The noise level is moderate, typically below 70 decibels Office Assistant Page 3/3 :Packet Pg 185 Office Specialist Department/Division Assigned Department Reports To Supervisor, Manager, or equivalent position Provides Direction To Not Applicable Exemption Status Non -Exempt Date Prepared November 16, 2014 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, assists in performing a variety of receptionist and customer service, program support, and basic accounting clerical functions, and performs related duties as required DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Office Specialist is the journey level position in this administrative support class series Incumbents perform varied clerical and specialized program support activities under the guidance of a supervisor or manager level position The Office Specialist is distinguished from the Office Assistant by its more specialized knowledge and accountability for a range of clerical, customer service, and program duties The Office Specialist is distinguished from the Department Secretary, which requires more specialized knowledge of departmental policies, agendas, and reporting practices, and which has a greater range of interpersonal contacts during the course of work ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the vanous types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to this class 1 Assists patrons with questions and concerns, answers phone calls and provides information to customers as needed, inventories supplies and assists with purchasing of departmental supplies and rental of equipment, as needed 2 Performs a range of office support functions, including preparing memos and correspondence, organizing and filing records, updating participant lists, and following up with program participants and staff f 3 Assists with specialized program support functions such as registering patrons for programs and events, collects fees, acts as cashier, reconciles payments and monies received with planned billings and payments Office Specialist Page 1/3 Packet Pg 186 ru9b�� May be required to work a vaned schedule of hours that may include early mornings, evenings, weekends, and holidays In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State PHYSICAL AND MENTAL DEMANDS The physical and mental demands described here are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disab►Mies to perform the essential functions Physical Demands While performing the duties of this class, the employee is regularly required to stand, sit, or walk, talk or hear, in person and by telephone Depending upon the position assignment, lifting, straightening, and moving tables and chairs and/or equipment may be required to arrange offices and facilities for special events and/or meetings Position in this class occasionally lift, move, and carry objects typically weighing up to 40 pounds While performing the duties of this class, the employee is constantly required to sit, and occasionally to stand and walk Finger dexterity and light grasping is required to handle, feel, or operate computer hardware and standard office equipment, and reach with hands La and arms above and below shoulder level The employee occasionally bends, stoops, lifts, and carries records and documents, typically weighing less than 20 pounds a Sensory demands include the ability to see, talk, and hear, and use electronic touch keypads 4 c Mental Demands a L While performing the duties of this class, employees are regularly required to use written d and oral communication skills, read and interpret data, information and documents, analyze- and�solve-problems,- observe- and interpret situations, -learn and apply new „o information or skills, work with frequent interruptions, and interact with staff, management, contract instructors, vendors, the public, and others encountered in the course of work r r � d WORK ENVIRONMENT E The employee works in both office and field environments and occasional travel may be a required to different locations and meeting sites depending upon the position assignment The noise level is often moderate, typically below 70 decibels Office Specialist Page 3/3 Packet Pg- 188 Parking Control/Code Enforcement Specialist Department/Division Community Development Reports To Communi Development Director Provides Direction To Not Applicable FLSA Exemption Status Non -Exempt Date Prepared Aril 4 2015 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, enforces municipal and vehicle codes within the public right-of- way and assists with code enforcement activities pertaining to public nuisance, safety and building inspections, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Parking Control Enforcement Specialist is the entry-level classification in the job series This job is distinguished from the Senior Code Enforcement Officer in that the Parking Control/Code Enforcement Specialist has primary responsibility for parking and municipal code traffic enforcement rather than more specialized knowledge required to enforce a range of State, County, and local health and safety codes ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed`below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Enforces a variety of vehicle parking restrictions and prohibitions, issues citations as needed 2 Coordinates storage of vehicles in the public right-of-way determined to violate on - street parking time restrictions 3 Locates abandoned, inoperable, and tin -registered vehicles and calls towing companies for Impounded purposes 4 Assists in the processing of citation reviews requested by apparent violators or as requested by the Community Development Director 5 Represents the City of Grand Terrace as a witness as required in court proceedings given violations Parking ControVCode Enforcement Specialist Page 1/3 un to to w V c. Ln V) 0 a to d 0 0 c� r c as cc a 'Packet Pg 18p. ryt`9yb. Licenses, Certificates; Special Requirements Valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State PHYSICAL AND MENTAL DEMANDS The physical and mental demands described here are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions Physical Demands While performing the duties of this class, the employee is frequently required to sit, stand and walk, as well as bend, stoop, crouch and squat in the performance of daily activities The sensory demands include the ability to talk, and hear, both in person and by telephone, use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate computer hardware and standard office equipment, and reach with hands and arms The employee occasionally lifts and carries records and documents typically weighing less than 25 pounds Sensory demands include the ability to see, talk, and hear and use electronic touch keypads Mental Demands While performing the duties of this class, the employee is regularly required to use clear and concise oral communication skills with both the public and co-workers, read and interpret data, potentially deal with situations involving interpersonal conflicts involving parking enforcement WORK ENVIRONMENT The employee frequently works in office conditions where the noise level is usually moderate, at and below 70 decibels, and occasionally above 80 decibels given vehicular noise In performing parking enforcement, the employee drives continuously and is exposed to vanable temperatures, fumes, dust, and traffic congestion Parking ControltCode Enforcement Specialist Page 3/3 �o a U) c 0 r 2- 0 UN d 0 0 c 0 a Packet Pg °.191- Planning Technician Department/Division Community Development Reports To Community Development Director Provides Direction To Not Applicable FLSA Exemption Status Non -Exempt Date Prepared Se tember 19, 2014 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, performs public service and technical work at the public counter, responds to requests for documents and information, reviews and processes applications for services, issues permits, and calculates and processes fees, receives, files and maintains records of documents, maps and other materials, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Planning Technician is the para-professional class the Planning series Incumbents perform complex tasks and assignments of limited to moderate difficulty within the design and framework, established by the Community Development Director The Planning Technician requires lesser responsibility, specialized knowledge, and decision -making authority than professional and managerial classifications in this series ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the positron if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class 1 Responds to inquiries at public counter, explains local ordinances and planning policies, State laws, and planning procedures 2 Receives and processes a variety of development applications such as land use, home occupation, sign permits, project applications, reviews for completeness and accuracy, calculates planning fees, delivers applications to appropriate staff 3 Works on assigned planning projects, works with applicants and agency representatives, assists with coordinating planning projects with other City departments Planning Technician Page 1/4 LO �o V 0. W �c 0 c. U) a) 0 0 c� c 0 E Packet Pg , 2 Education/Training/Experience. Bachelor's degree from an accredited four-year college or university with a major in Urban Planning or a closely related field is required One year of experience in planning support and Interpreting building and construction codes in a public or private planning organization is required Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements Valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State PHYSICAL AND MENTAL DEMANDS The physical and mental demands described here are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions Physical Demands While performing the duties of this class, the employee is constantly required to sit, and occasionally to stand and walk Finger dexterity and light grasping is required to operate computer hardware and standard office equipment, and reaching with hands and arms above and below shoulder level is necessary to access files and records The employee occasionally lifts and carries records and documents, typically weighing less than 25 pounds Sensory demands include the ability to see, talk, and hear and use electronic touch keypads Mental Demands While performing the duties of this class, employees are regularly required to use written and oral communication skills, read and interpret data, information and documents, analyze and solve problems, observe and interpret situations, learn and apply new information or skills, perform highly detailed work, work on multiple, concurrent tasks, work with frequent interruptions, work under intensive deadlines, and interact with staff, management, vendors, contractors, the public, and others encountered in the course of work Planning Technician Page 3/4 am --;Packet Pg 194 Principal Accountant De artmentlDivision Finance Reports To Finance Director Provides Direction To Provides technical direction to Senior Accounting Technician and volunteers FLSA Exemption Status Exempt Date Prepared October 22, 2014 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, performs advanced professional financial analysis and accounting functions related to comprehensive financial records and reports, conducts complex accounting analyses, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Principal Accountant is differentiated from the Accounting Technician by its broader a range of accounting responsibilities, more vaned and complex accounting and auditing a analyses and Its knowledge of professional accounting regulations and standards The Principal Accountant is distinguished from the Director of Finance, which oversees all co departmental staff, budgeting, and accounting functions, and reports to the City Manager r. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class Plans, organizes, and administers financial records and performs vaned and complex accounting functions in maintaining the General Ledger 2 Prepares and reviews a wide range of journal entries and prepares budget appropriation i2l) adjustments following review by the Finance Director = E 3 Closes monthly financial statements after identifying errors and assisting the Finance Director in resolving questions, prepares monthly financial reports for submission to the City Council a 4 Prepares monthly bank reconciliations for the City's various banking, investment, and cash statements with fiscal agent accounts, and prepare reconciling journal entries 5 Maintains and reviews fixed assets and related accounts; updates and maintains depreciation schedules, reconciles taxed asset schedule to the General Ledger Principal Accountant Page 1/4 Packet Pg 196 Ability to Analyze complex financial data and make appropriate adjustments, develop and implement financial procedures and controls, organize, prepare, and balance accounting records and financial statements, and prepare clear, comprehensive and accurate accounting reports, maintain and reconcile journals and ledgers, using professional accounting methods to conduct analyses and solve problems, provide technical direction to assigned staff, plan and prioritize tasks to meet work deadlines, communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, establish and maintain effective interactions with staff, management, auditors, contractors, vendors, volunteers, and other public and private representatives, operate computer hardware and modern office equipment, use spreadsheet, database, word processing, and specialized accounting software programs Education/Training/Experience Bachelor's degree from an accredited four-year college or university with a major in Finance, Accounting, or a related field is required Five years of responsible professional financial analysis and accounting experience is required, preferably involving the preparation of varied financial and accounting analyses and reports Designation as Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is desirable Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements Valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards Ability to work extended hours to meet statutory deadlinesLO In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand'Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be LO asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State U) c 0 r 2- 0 'r^ v EO Principal Accountant Page 3/4 Packet Pg 198 Senior Civil Engineer Department/Division Community Development/En meenng Reports To Community Development Director Provides Direction To May provide technical direction to Maintenance Lead Worker and assigned engineering technical personnel FLSA Exem lion Status Exempt Date Prepared November 3, 2014 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, plans, organizes, and administers engineering plans, specifications, contracts, and public works capital improvement protects, serves as Building Official in the review of building plans and specifications, administers requests for proposals and consulting services agreements, supervises and participates in development of studies and reports and the administration of engineering inspection, encroachment, and permit activities, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Senior Civil Engineer is differentiated from engineering technical and support personnel given its higher level of responsibility for engineering protects, and its professional engineering knowledge and decision -making authority The Senior Civil Engineer has lesser budgetary authority, diversity of responsibility, and policy -making authority than the Director of Community Development ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the vanous types of work that may be performed The omission,of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to this position Plans, coordinates, and manages capital improvement protects, programs, and activities, establishes timelines, and monitors costs and schedule compliance, and resolves problems by working with staff and contractors 2 Participates in the preparation and review of engineering plans, specifications, construction estimates, and bidding documents for public works projects such as street restriping, sidewalk repairs, and ramp construction, and reviews actual work for conformance with scope of work standards and specifications Senior Civil Engineer Page 1/4 W) co T v d E Pac'ket'04 x 206 QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Knowledge of Principles and practices of civil, geotechnical, surveying, and traffic engineering related to municipal public works, including streets, storm drains, sanitary sewers, and land development, civil engineering design, construction, and maintenance requirements of public works projects, construction materials and standards and engineering design principles and standards, electrical, plumbing, construction, painting, and field maintenance practices, International Budding Code, California Green Building Standards Code, California Energy Code, California Disability Access Codes, Uniform Life Safety Regulations, Plumbing Code, Mechanical Code, Electrical Code and California Administrative Code governing engineering and architectural design construction practices, maintenance standards and practices project management and record keeping practices, applicable federal and State laws and regulations and County and City codes and requirements relevant to civil engineering design and construction, contract administration practices, supervisory principles and practices Ability to Manage and coordinate the work of technical, inspection, and contract personnel, interpret 0 and apply the polices, procedures, laws, codes, and regulations pertaining to assigned o programs and functions, read and interpret engineering manuals, drawings, plans, specifications, layouts, and schematics, analyze and solve engineering design and a construction problems, prepare engineering plans and specifications and administer contracts, prepare clear and concise reports, operate computer hardware and use CADD and word processing and spreadsheet software applications programs, communicate effectively, orally and in writing, establish and maintain effective working relations with staff, management, contractors, consultants, and the general public $ Ed ucation/Training/Expenence Bachelor's degree from an accredited four year college or university with a major in civil engineering or a closely related field is required Three years of responsible professional experience in civil engineering or a related field is required Licenses, Certificates, Special. Requirements Possession of, or ability to attain a valid Certificate of Registration as a Professional Civil w Engineer from the State of California d E Possession of, or ability to attain a valid certification as a Chief Building Official from the International Code Council, International Association of Building Officials or California a Association of Building Officials Valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards Senior Civil Engineer Page 3/4 'Packet Pg_=-262 a. Senior Code Enforcement Officer � A Department/Division Community Development Reports To Community Development Department Provides Direction To Code Enforcement Officer, Parking Control Enforcement Specialist FL.SA Exemption Status Exempt Date Prepared March 27 2015 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, responds to a variety of public complaints and conducts field inspections to investigate reported code violations, researches � City policies and requirements, completes reports and submits correspondence to enforce safety, zoning and housing codes and ordinances, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Senior Code Enforcement Officer is the senior -level classification in the job series This job is distinguished from the Code Enforcement Officer in that the employee handles more complex and sensitive complaints and cases that require a more comprehensive knowledge of the City's Municipal Code and ordinances ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class Receives telephone calls, emails, or in -person complaints from citizens, property owners, community representatives and governmental agencies regarding possible violations of City codes and policies and City ordinances related to zoning, housing, animal nuisance, safety and property maintenance violations 2 Investigates complaints of non -conforming or illegal property uses, signs, abandoned or parked vehicles, unsightly property maintenance, fire hazards or obstructions 3 Conducts property maintenance, zoning, and health and safety inspections for a range of businesses and residences, including special permitted activities in conformity with City policies and requirements and Community Development Block Grants, conducts joint inspections with Building and Safety Senior Code Enforcement Officer Page 114 LO co to v I. Packet Pg 204 QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Knowledge of City Code, municipal ordinances, and State requirements and standards related to housing, zoning, property maintenance, and health and safety codes, restrictions related to particular types of home businesses and permitted establishments, code enforcement and public relations methods and practices, investigative and research practices related to the enforcement of City Code and municipal ordinances, State budding, electrical, plumbing and mechanical codes and standards, animal control services and volunteer services programs, training techniques Ability to Research and apply sections of City codes and ordinances to public complaints and potential code violations, independently conduct field inspections and prepare citations given recognized violations, effectively interpret and explain City requirements and policies with tact and diplomacy, interact effectively with staff, homeowners, business owners, tenants, residents, and public and private representatives, communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, operate computer hardware and use word processing software, operate standard office equipment, maintain complete and accurate work files Education/Training/Experience, High School graduation or G E D equivalent is required, preferably supplemented by formal code enforcement training Four years of code enforcement and public contact experience involving the enforcement of zoning, housing, building, and/or health and safety codes and ordinances Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements Valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards Attain Penal Code 832 certification or equivalent ICC (international Code Council) certification within six months of employment In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may a be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State Senior Code Enforcement Officer Page 3/4 Packet Pg 206 Senior Finance Technician Department/Division Assigned department or division Reports To Finance Director, may receive technical direction from Principal Accountant Provides Direction To Not Applicable FLSA Exemption Status Non -Exempt Date Prepared October 22, 2014 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, performs accounting support and administrative work in Finance Department, participates in the preparation, review, and adjustment of accounting records related to accounts payable, purchasing, and other functions, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Senior Finance Technician is distinguished from the Principal Accountant, which requires more substantial knowledge of general ledger accounting, payroll accounting, and statutory reporting requirements ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are Intended only as Illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class Examines, adjusts, and processes invoices and accounts payables check requests for vendors and other professional services 2 Verifies that required payment approvals and valid account numbers have been provided, advises departments on errors in codes, extensions, or payment methods 3 Creates payment batches and enters account payment data, generates and prints checks, posts payments to General Ledger,, disburses checks to payees 4 Verifies credit card information and assists in completing credit card authorization slips; ensures that credit card transmittals are returned and approved Senior Finance Technician Page 1/4 �o v W a Lo N c 0 EL H 0 0 i- r, c m 8 s 0 0 Packet Pg 208 QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Knowledge of Accounts payable, billing, accounts receivable, and purchasing methods and procedures, licensing and special fee requirements, payroll practices and procedures, expense reimbursement procedures, data retention requirements, customer service practices Ability to - Operate computer equipment and use accounting software, and spreadsheet and word processing software applications programs, operate calculator and other standard office equipment, verify, enter, and reconcile financial data and accounting information, ensure proper authorization and documentation for disbursements, prepare basic accounting records and reports, communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff, management, vendors, contractors, customers, and others in the course of work Education/Training/Experience High School graduation or G E D equivalent is required Two years of responsible clerical and technical accounting and budgeting work is required Completion of technical accounting training and coursework is desirable Licenses; Certificates, Special Requirements Valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State Senior Finance Technician Page 3/4 10 �o c Lo h C O A., EL U) d c 0 7 F- c� .r C m E s Packet Pg 210 Teacher Department/Division Child Care Services Reports To Child Care Services Director, Assistant Child Care Services Director Provides Direction To Not Applicable FLSA Exem tion Status Non -Exempt Date Prepared March 27, 2015 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general supervision, organizes lesson plans and teach children, monitors child safety in the classroom, school site areas, and off -site events, tracks student development and completes additional tasks to promote early childhood education, and performs other related duties as assigned DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS Positions in this class are responsible for age appropriate curriculum development and lesson planning and provide instruction to infant through sixth grade children in a child LO care setting The Teacher is distinguished from management level positions which have broader responsibility for child care policies, budgeting, and personnel supervision, and �. interfaces with City and State officials c. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The duties listed below are intended only as, illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the class Organizes and plans daily classroom activities in a manner that is consistent with childhood education programs and that will adhere with State licensing requirements 2 Ensures all classroom activities are developmentally appropriate, participates in d curriculum development and creates individual lesson plans, observes each child's t learning and skill development and records progress 3 Supervises children in the : classroom, playground areas, and at off -site events, demonstrates proper standards of behavior and uses a positive approach while working with children 4 Promotes an environment of acceptance that supports and respects gender, culture, language, ethnicity, and family composition Teacher Pagel/4 Packet Pg �212 Ability to Plan and organize child development curriculum and activities, coordinate child development activities and lesson plans, provide instruction to individual children and small groups, appropriately manage and observe student behavior, model acceptable social behaviors, develop and maintain effective relationships with children, communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, interact with children and adults in an effective manner, implement learning activities for children, maintain a healthy, safe, and orderly environment, understand and follow oral and written instructions, follow Title 22 guidelines Education/Training/Experience High school graduation of GED equivalent, supplemented by 12 units of college level education in early childhood education or child, development {ECEXD), including the core units One year of experience working with children in an instructional capacity Licenses, Certificates, Special Requirements 4- Valid Class C California driver's license, acceptable driving record, and proof of C insurance in compliance with the City's Vehicle Insurance Policy standards a a Attain Basic First Aid and CPR certification Lo W Complete Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) training and certification requirements in serving food items that qualify for federal reimbursement In accordance with California Government Code Section 3100, City of Grand Terrace 0 Ln employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may 1- be asked to protect the health, safety, lives, and property of the people of the State U) PHYSICAL AND MENTAL DEMANDS The physical and mental demands described here are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions r c Physical Demands E While performing the duties of this class, employees are regularly required to sit, talk or hear, In person and by telephone, use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate standard a office equipment, reach with hands and arms Employees are frequently required to walk and stand and to lift and move books, records, games, and other classroom and play area objects weighing up to 20 pounds Employees may be required to lift and carry injured children and to squat or kneel to set or pick up arts and craft materials, games, or other play area or educational materials Teacher Page 314 Packet Pg 214 9c RESOLUTION NO 2015- XX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION 2009- 21 AND ADJUSTING THE SALARY RANGES FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace has determined the need to adjust the salary ranges for the positions contained in this resolution, NOW THEREFORE , the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER THE FOLLOWING SECTION 1 Rescission - That Resolution No 2009-21 is hereby i escmded in its entirety SECTION 2 Classifications/Salary Ranges - That the Job classifications and salary ranges shown as Attachment A are hereby established for employees of the City of Grand Terrace, and said salary ranges shall be effective July 1, 2015 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 28th day of April, 2015 DarcyMcNaboe Mayor ATTEST Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Packet Pg 216 9c City of Grand Terrace Classification and Salary Range Schedule Effective July 1, 2015 CLASSIFICATION GRADE MONTHLY Step Step Step Step Step A B C D E Intern RIO $2,182 20 $2,291 31 $2,405 88 $2,526 17 $2,652 48 Office Assistant R11 $2,291 62 $2,406 20 $2,526 51 $2,652 84 $2,785 48 Maintenance Worker 1 R13 $2,526 10 $2,652 41 $2,785 03 $2,924 28 $3,070 49 Office Specialist R13 $2,526 10 $2,652 41 $2,785 03 $2,924 28 $3,070 49 Maintenance Worker II R15 $2,785 59 $2,924 87 $3,071 11 $3,224 67 $3,385 90 Finance Technician R17 $3,071 65 $3,225 23 $3,386 50 $3,555 82 $3,733 61 Department Secretary R18 $3,224 84 $3,386 08 $3,555 39 $3,733 16 $3 919 82 Maintenance Ciew Lead R19 $3,385 85 $3,555 14 $3,732 90 $3,919 54 $4,115 52 Planning Technician R19 $3,385 85 $3,555 14 $3,732 90 $3,919 54 $4,115 52 Human Resources Technician R20 $3,554 67 $3,732 41 $3,919 03 $4,114 98 $4,320 73 Building Permit Technician R21 $3,732 88 $3,919 52 $4,115 50 $4,321 27 $4,537 33 Executive Assistant R22 $3,918 89 $4,114 84 $4,320 58 $4,536 61 $4 763 44 Senior Code Enforcement Officer R24 $4,320 63 $4,536 66 $4,763 50 $5,001 67 $5 251 76 Parking Control/Code Enforcement R21 $3,732 88 $3,919 52 $4,115 50 $4,321 27 $4,537 33 City Clerk R33 $6,702 92 $7,038 07 $7,389 97 $7,759 47 $8 147 44 Senior Civil Engineer R34 $7,039 00 $7,390 95 $7,760 50 $8,148 53 $8,555 95 Community Development Director* R42 $10,399 84 $10,919 84 $11,465 83 $12,039 12 $12,641 07 Senior Finance Technician R20 $3,554 67 $3,732 41 $3,919 03 $4,114 98 $4,320 73 Financial Analyst R24 $4,320 63 $4,536 66 $4,763 50 $5,001 67 $5,251 76 Human Resources Analyst R24 $4,320 63 $4,536 66 $4,763 50 $5,001 67 $5,251 76 Management Analyst R24 $4,320 63 $4,536 66 $4,763 50 $5,001 67 $5,251 76 Associate Planner R27 $5,002 18 $5,252 29 $5,514 90 $5,790 65 $6,080 18 Principal Accountant R27 $5,002 18 $5,252 29 $5,514 90 $5,790 65 $6,080 18 Building Official R32 $6,384 03 $6,703 23 $7,038 39 $7,390 31 $7,759 83 Finance Director R38 $8,555 29 $8,983 05 $9,432 21 $9,903 82 $10,399 01 Assistant City Manager R43 $10,918 82 $11,464 76 $12,038 00 $12,639 90 $13,271 89 City Manager is hired under contract *Adjusted for additional responsibilities LO to 0 Lo ti m 3 'G (D t C.1 co ca M U) tm O o. a XQ X Lh o N O N d t _ d E 0 w a Packet Pg 218 9c CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DAY CARE CENTER CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE SCHEDULE Effective July 1, 2015 c �a a Proposed Range Proposed Proposed Proposed c ° Classification Grade Minimum Range Range Range Hourly Maximum Minimum Minimum Q, Hourly Monthly* Maximum* c U Assistant Teacher DCl $10 00 $11 00 $1 733 33 $1 906 67 Teacher DC2 $12 00 $15 00 $2,080 00 $2,600 00 c Child Care Site Supervisor DC3 $15 60 $19 50 $2,704 00 $3,380 00 2 Assistant Child Care Services DC4 $20 28 $25 35 $3,515 20 $4,394 00 Child Care Services Director DC5 $25 85 $33 60 $4,480 67 $5,824 00 U) A U w O d R a a Lo co co ti m V m s U) m a� c 0 a a Xa X T N O N d C Cf E t C1 R{ a Packet Pg 220 RESOLUTION NO 2015 — A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AMENDING THE STATEMENT OF BENEFITS WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized and directed under the provisions of Chapter 2 24 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code to adopt provisions for compensation of personnel created in said Municipal Code Chapter, and, WHEREAS, the objectives of the Statement of Benefits are to attract to municipal service the best and most competent persons available and to provide for an equitable system of personnel compensation, and, WHEREAS, at the same time, within the limits of administrative feasibility, considerable latitude shall be given to the City Manager in the interpretation and application of these benefits so that they are applied equitably, and, WHEREAS, from time to time these benefits must be revised due to budgetary changes, and, WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Statement of Benefits by Resolution 2015-06 establishing a new document for the purpose of outlining employee benefits NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS Section 1 RESOLUTION 2015-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ADOPTING A STATEMENT OF BENEFITS is hereby rescinded Section 2 The Statement of Benefits, attached hereto as Exhibit A, are hereby amended and adopted Section 3 All City rules, policies or regulations that contradict any provision of the Statement of Benefits are hereby rescinded PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of Grand Terrace at a regular meeting held on the 28th day of April, 2015 by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN LO W W x x Ln 0 N d c m m w 0 c d E d to w Im �a c m E a 0 m c� m E v �a w Q Packet Pg `22'1 �9e City of Grand Terrace Classification and Salary Range Schedule Effective July 1, 2015 Classification Grade HOURLY RATES Step Step Step Step Step A B C D E Intern R10 $12 5896 $13 2191 $13 8801 $14 5741 $15 3028 Office Assistant R11 $13 2209 $13 8819 $14 5760 $15 3048 $16 0701 Maintenance Worker I R13 $14 5737 $15 3023 $16 0675 $16 8708 $17 7144 Office Specialist R13 $14 5737 $15 3023 $16 0675 $16 8708 $17 7144 Maintenance Worker II R15 $16 0707 $16 8742 $17 7180 $18 6038 $19 5340 Finance Technician R17 $17 7211 $18 6071 $19 5375 $20 5143 $21 5401 Department Secretary R18 $18 6049 $19 5351 $20 5119 $21 5375 $22 6143 Maintenance Crew Lead R19 $19 5338 $20 5104 $21 5360 $22 6128 $23 7434 Planning Technician R19 $19 5338 $20 5104 $21 5360 $22 6128 $23 7434 Human Resources Technician R20 $20 5077 $21 5331 $22 6098 $23 7403 $24 9273 Building Permit Technician R21 $21 5358 $22 6126 $23 7432 $24 9304 $26 1769 Executive Assistant R22 $22 6090 $23 7395 $24 9264 $26 1728 $27 4814 Senior Code Enforcement Officer R24 $24 9267 $26 1731 $27 4817 $28 8558 $30 2986 Parking Control/Code Enforcement Specialist R21 $21 5358 $22 6126 $23 7432 $24 9304 $26 1769 City Clerk R33 $38 6707 $40 6042 $42 6344 $44 7662 $47 0045 Senior Civil Engineer R34 $40 6096 $42 6401 $44 7721 $47 0107 $49 3613 Community Development Director* R42 $59 9991 $62 9991 $66 1490 $69 4565 $72 9293 Senior Finance Technician R20 $20 5077 $21 5331 $22 6098 $23 7403 $24 9273 Financial Analyst R24 $24 9267 $26 1731 $27 4817 $28 8558 $30 2986 Human Resources Analyst R24 $24 9267 $26 1731 $27 4817 $28 8558 $30 2986 Management Analyst R24 $24 9267 $26 1731 $27 4817 $28 8558 $30 2986 Associate Planner R27 $28 8587 $30 3017 $31 8167 $33 4076 $35 0780 Principal Accountant R27 $28 8587 $30 3017 $31 8167 $33 4076 $35 0780 Building Official R32 $36 8310 $38 6725 $40 6061 $42 6364 $44 7683 Finance Director R38 $49 3574 $51 8253 $54 4166 $57 1374 $59 9943 Assistant City Manager R43 $62 9932 $66 1429 $69 4500 $72 9225 $76 5686 City Manager is hired under contract *Adjusted for additional responsibilities 11 Packet Pg 223. City of Grand Terrace Employee Statement of Benefits July 1, 2015 Retirement A Ca1PERS - The City of Grand Terrace provides retirement benefits through the California Public Employees Retirement System (Ca1PERS) All regular employees budgeted a minimum of 20 hours per week shall be enrolled in this Plan 1 The City's current formula is 2 7% at 55, for employees hired prior to January 1, 2013 2 All employees hired after January 1, 2013 and who are eligible under the Public Employees Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) shall be enrolled in the 2% at 60 retirement formula 3 All other employees hired after January 1, 2013 shall be enrolled in the 2% at 62 N retirement formula in accordance with PEPRA to m 4 The City pays 1 418% of the 8% Member Contribution to Ca1PERS Retirement for LO all employees enrolled prior to January 1, 2013 All employees enrolled after January 1, 2013 shall pay the full Member Contribution The retirement contract also includes the following provisions Available to Employees Enrolled Before 01/01/2013 After 01/01/2013 Single Highest Year Yes No Three Year Final Compensation No Yes 1959 Survivor Benefit (4 h Level) Yes Yes Military Service Credit Yes Yes B 457 Deferred Compensation - All employees shall be entitled to participate in the City's 457 Deferred Compensation Plan C Alternate Retirement System - Except where required by law or by contract, all employees budgeted less than 20 hours per week or employees who have been placed on the City payroll on a = temporary basis shall participate in the City's Alternate Retirement System (ARS) E s 1 The ARS plan is provided in lieu of participation in Social Security, and as such shall be updated as necessary to comply with current regulations a -1— Packet Pg 225 4 Any employee whose current accrued Sick Leave is in excess of 480 hours shall retain the hours they currently have No additional hours will be accrued until their Sick Leave bank drops below 480 hours 5 Any employee who separates from the City after five (5) years of service, for reasons other than disciplinary cause, shall be compensated for 40% of all unused sick leave 6 Family Sick Leave — An employee shall be entitled to use up to half of their annual sick leave accruals to care for a child or spouse who is injured or ill 7 Bereavement Leave — An employee may use up to 3 days of sick leave in any twelve-month period as bereavement leave for the death of a family member A family member is defined as a spouse/domestic partner, parent, sibling, child, grandchild, or grandparent of the employee or of the employee's spouse/domestic partner 8 Options on Retirement — Ca1PERS rules have additional provisions for unused sick leave All employees who are retiring under the Ca1PERS plan are eligible to participate in such provisions in accordance with the Ca1PERS regulations which are current at the time of the employee's retirement 9 Reimbursement for Unused Sick Leave During Employment — Suspended (See Furlough Provisions) a) Any regular full-time regular employee who has used 40 hours or less sick leave during the calendar year shall be entitled to be reimbursed for up to 40 hours of unused accrued sick leave so long as the employee's remaining accrued sick leave balance does not fall below 80 hours as a result of the reimbursement > b) Regular part -tune employees that are budgeted to work 20 or more hours per week shall be entitled to be reimbursed for a percentage of their accrued sick leave based on a prorated percentage of hours worked as compared to 40 hours for a full- time employee so long as the employee's remaining accrued sick leave balance does not fall below the same prorated percentage of 80 hours c) Reimbursement for accrued sick leave for a calendar year shall not be available to employees terminating on or before December 31 of that same calendar year d) Sick Leave Sell Back Form - In order to receive reimbursement for accrued sick leave, all eligible employees shall complete a Sick Leave Sell Back Form, which is available in the Human Resources office The completed form must be provided to the Personnel Officer by no later than the first week of January of the following calendar year G Vacation - Each regular full-time and regular part-time employee budgeted for 20 or more E hours per week, with the exception of non-exempt Child Care employees, shall be credited with annual vacation leave according to their number of years of service as follows c d 1 Full -Time Employees shall accrue vacation leave according to the following t schedule a -3— ` ,Packet Pg 227 New Year's Day Veteran's Day Martin Luther King's Birthday Day before Thanksgiving President's Day Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Christmas Eve Independence Day Christmas Day Labor Day New Year's Eve Columbus Day 2 Floating Holidays 1 For Full -Tune Employees credited with Floating Holiday Leave after April 14, O V 2015, a floating holiday shall equal 8 hours c ca 2 Part -Time Employees budgeted at least 20 hours per week shall receive floating c holidays on a pro-rata basis w 3 Any employee scheduled to work on a City Holiday and who works the holiday, y shall be credited with additional floating holiday hours equal to the hours actually worked on the holiday c 4 At the City Manager's discretion, floating holidays may be used for the closure of m a City Hall during the Christmas holidays 5 In order to receive Holiday Pay, an employee must be in a paid status on the day before and the day after the holiday IV Employee Health Plan A City of Grand Terrace Employee Health Plan includes major medical, dental, and vision insurances, the Employee Assistance Program, and the Cafeteria Plan To be considered a part of the City's Employee Health Plan, the City must have a negotiated contract with the benefit provider to include specific rates for City of Grand Terrace employees B All regular employees budgeted 20+ hours per week are eligible to participate in the City's Employee Health Plan C The Benefit Allowance as paid under the City's Cafeteria Plan is intended to offset the employee's out-of-pocket expenses under this plan D All aspects of the Employee Health Plan are eligible for continuation under Federal COBRA regulations Further, if the employee qualifies for such, the major medical insurance maybe eligible for further continuation provisions under Cal -COBRA 1 Eligibility — All individuals who meet the following criteria are eligible to participate in the Employee Health Plan a) City of Grand Terrace employees budgeted for 20 or more hours a week b) Spouse or registered domestic partner of a participating employee *, c (D c) Legally qualifying dependents of a participating employee and/or of the E employee's spouse or registered domestic partner -5— Packet Pg 229 3 Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) Employees may contribute pre-tax dollars to the following FSA options a) Medical Reimbursement Account b) Dependent Care Reimbursement Account c) Adoption Assistance Account d) The type(s) of FSAs available is determined by the IRS and is thus subject to change by the Federal Government e) FSA's are subject to annual contribution limits as established by the IRS f) Expenses paid from an FSA may not be claimed as a deduction on an employee's tax return F Major Medical Insurance — The City is currently contracted with CalPERS for major medical insurance In accordance with the terms of the contract, the City shall pay for insurance for an eligible employee as follows Type of Employee Years of Service Amount Paid City Hall — Non -Exempt N/A Amount equal to the Regular Employee budgeted 20+ Net Value Plan, hours, Employee Only Coverage Exempt Employee Child Care —Non -Exempt N/A Set by CalPERS in Regular Employee, budgeted accordance with GC 20+ hours §22892 (2) G Dental Insurance — The City has contracted for a choice of either an HMO or a PPO plan Premiums are paid by the employee H Vision Insurance — The City has contracted for Vision Insurance Premiums are paid by the employee I Employee Assistance Plan — The City offers an Employee Assistance Plan at no cost to the employee The Employee Assistance Program provides confidential counseling referrals and other services to employees to co co V Other Insurances w c a� The City is contracted for the following additional insurance plans These insurance plans are available to all = regular employees budgeted 20 or more hours per week and are not considered a part of the Employee Health Plan a -7— Packet Pg 231 VIII Employees Hired Under Employment Agreement A Employees who are working under an Employment Agreement approved by the City Council may be subject to different employment benefit provisions than those contained in this Statement of Benefits IX Furlough Provisions The City of Grand Terrace employees are under mutually agreed furlough provisions These provisions are a temporary cost savings measure and shall remain in force as follows until such time as the budget permits abolishing this section A City Hall Employees — City Hall employees have agreed to the following 1 No Merit Increases — Became effective July 1, 2009 2 No COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) — Became effective July 1, 2009 3 Sick Leave Sell Back Program Suspended — Became effective July 1, 2010 4 Ten Percent (10%) Reduction in Hours — Became effective May 17, 2010 This changed employee hours from 40/week to 36/week This resulted in a 10% decrease in work schedule, wages, and benefits based on wages This applies to full-time employees only 5 Part -Time Employees — No work week reduction for part-time employees with no benefits, or for part-time employees for which such a reduction would terminate a current benefit (e g health insurance) B Child Care Employees — Child Care employees have agreed to the following 1 No Merit Increases — Became effective July 1, 2009 2 No COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) — Became effective July 1, 2009 Sick Leave Sell Back Program Suspended — Became effective July 1, 2010 Packet Pg 233 .,'AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE May 12, 2015 Council & Successor Agency Item TITLE An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace Amending Title 9 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code by Adding Chapter 9 27 Regarding Psychoactive Bath Salts, Psychoactive Herbal Incense and Other Synthetic Drugs, Prohibiting the Distribution and Sale of Certain Intoxicating Chemicals Known as Synthetic Drugs PRESENTED BY Richard Adams, City Attorney RECOMMENDATION Introduce for first reading, read by title only and waive further reading an ordinance to amend Title 9 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code by adding Chapter 9 26 prohibiting the possession of bath salts and other synthetic drugs in the City, by any person and for any purpose, and the authorization of Denalties related to the same 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #2, Maintain Public Safety BACKGROUND At the request of the City Council, the City Attorney has proposed an ordinance to regulate synthetic drugs The proposed ordinance will allow the City to prohibit these drugs within the City DISCUSSION Recreational use of psychoactive bath salts, psychoactive herbal incense and similar products commonly known as "synthetic drugs" has been documented to cause hallucinations, agitation, psychosis, aggression, suicidal and homicidal ideations, cannibalism and death While state and federal laws and regulations prohibit some synthetic drugs, the makers of these drugs continually alter the composition of the compounds in their products so as to escape the purview of these laws and regulations The development of regulations in neighboring communities has produced enforcement paradigms that more robustly address the problems associated with this rapidly evolving illicit market Such regulations simultaneously provide more specificity and increased flexibility in terms of what is prohibited and how enforcement of the City's policy goals will be accomplished through administrative citations, criminal actions, and civil nuisance abatement actions The purpose and intent of this new chapter is to provide the city with additional reasonable measures to address the dangers to the community posed by synthetic drugs that are not regulated by state or federal law, and to define Packet Pg 234 10a ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRANCE AMENDING TITLE 9 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 926 REGARDING PSYCHOACTIVE BATH SALTS, PSYCHOACTIVE HERBAL INCENSE AND OTHER SYNTHETIC DRUGS, PROHIBITING THE DISTRIBUTION AND SALE OF CERTAIN INTOXICATING CHEMICALS KNOWN AS SYNTHETIC DRUGS WHEREAS, Article XI Section 7 of the California Constitution provides that a city may make and enforce within its limits all police, sanitary and other ordinances and regulations not in conflict w with general laws, and ° o� WHEREAS, information has come to the attention of City staff regarding effective prohibition, m regulation, and enforcement of ordinances regarding synthetic drugs, generally, and as implemented by other cities in the region, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the public health, safety, and welfare of the City and d E its residents will be improved by addition of an additional chapter to the City's Municipal Code with respect to synthetic drugs by providing clear definitions of the drugs sought to be prohibited, as well as standards by which conduct can be measured in order to make a determination of prohibited c conduct, among other provisions, and 0 WHEREAS, ALL legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this ordinance have occurredco co NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DOES v HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1 The City Council finds that all the facts, findings, and conclusions set forth N c above in this Ordinance are true and correct y SECTION 2 The City Council further finds as follows (a) Synthetic Drugs are extremely dangerous and are gaining popularity at an alarming rate among high school and college -aged individuals, as well as among parolees and probationers These drugs are widely available, despite the State of California's attempt to ban such drugs under Health & Safety Code sections 11357 5 (banning synthetic cannabmoid compounds), 11375 5 (banning synthetic stimulant compounds and derivatives) and 11401 (banning "analogs" of controlled substances) (collectively "State Synthetic Drug Laws") and the Federal Government's attempt to ban such drugs under the Controlled Substances Act (the "CSA") (21 USC §§ 81 et seq ) The City Council further finds that virtually every community in California has recognized the danger of Synthetic Drugs which have been documented to cause hallucinations, agitation, psychosis, aggression, suicidal and homicidal ideations, cannibalism and death (b) While State Synthetic Drugs Laws and the CSA prohibit certain compounds that are used to create synthetic drugs, standing alone they are not comprehensive enough to eliminate the 0 distribution and sale of all Synthetic Drugs in the City Specifically, the Council finds that the makers = of Synthetic Drugs continually alter the composition of the compounds in their products so as to not E come under the purview of State Synthetic Drug Laws, the CSA and other laws and regulations attempting to prohibit the sale of Synthetic Drugs In fact, products which plainly are being marketed a Packet Pg 2$6 10a Ordinance No Page 3 the product is being provided, distributed or sold as a recreational drug This ordinance shall not apply to any activity already regulated by Health and Safety Code Sections 11357 5, 11375 5, 11401, the CSA or pre-empted by any State or Federal law or regulation SECTION 3 The City council hereby amends Title 9 (Public Pease, Morals and Welfare) of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code with the addition of the following Chapter 9 26 (Synthetic Drugs — Sale and Use Prohibited) as follows SYNTHETIC DRUGS — SALE AND USE PROHIBITED 9 26 010 — Purpose and intent 9 26 020 — Definitions 9 26 030 — Provision, display for sale, sale or distribution or synthetic drugs prohibited 9 26 040 — Provision, displayfor sale, sale or distribution of substances claimed or represented to be synthetic drugs prohibited 9 26 050 — Possession of synthetic drugs prohibited 9 26 060 — Public Nuisance 9 26 070 — Summary Abatement 9 26 080 — Revocation of business license 9 26 090 — Penalties 9 26 100 — Seizure of evidence 9 26 110 — Exclusions 9 26 010 — Purpose and Intent co Recreational use of psychoactive bath salts, psychoactive herbal incense and similar products commonly known as "synthetic drugs" has been documented to cause hallucinations, N agitation, psychosis, aggression, suicidal and homicidal ideations, cannibalism and death While state and federal laws and regulations prohibit some synthetic drugs, the makers of these drugs u, continually alter the composition of the compounds in their products so as to escape the purview of c these laws and regulations The purpose and intent of this chapter is to provide the city with y reasonable measures to address the dangers to the community posed by synthetic drugs that are not regulated by state or federal law 9 26 020 — Definitions The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning Business shall have the same meaning as the term is defined in section 5 04 620 of this Municipal Code Consume, consuming or consumption shall mean to ingest, inhale, inject, smoke or snort (insufflate) Distribute, distributing, or distribution shall mean to furnish, give away, exchange, transfer, deliver or supply, whether for monetary gam or not 0 c Person shall include any natural person, business, firm, company, corporation, public m E corporation, club, trust, partnership, association or similar organization �v Q Packet Pg 238 10a Ordinance No Page 5 Psychoactive herbal incense shall mean any organic product consisting of plant material that contains a synthetic stimulant compound that, when consumed, elicits psychoactive or psychotropic euphoric effects The term "psychoactive herbal incense" includes without limitation (1) Products that elicit psychoactive or psychotropic euphoric effects and contain any of the following chemical compounds (A) Cannabicyclohexanol (2-[(1 R,3S)-3-hydroxycyclohexyl]-5-(2- methylnonan-2-yl)phenol), JWH-018 (naphthalene-1-yl-(1-pentylindol- 3-yl)methanone), JWH-073 (napththalen-1-yl-(1-butylindol-3- yl)methanone), JWH-200 ((1-(2-morpholm-4- ylethyl)indol-2-yl)- naphthalen-1-ylmethanone), HU-210 ((6aR,1OaR)-9- (Hydroxymethyl)-6,6-dimethyl-3-(2-methyloctan-2-yl)-6a,7,10,1 Oa- tetrahydrobenzo [c]chromen-1-ol), CP 47, 497 (2-[(1R,3S)-3- hydroxycyclohexyl]-5-(2-methyloctan-2-yl)phenol) CP 47,497 (2- [1 R,3S)-3- hydroxycyclohexyl]-5-(2-methyloctan-2-yl)phenol) orAM- 2201 (1-[(5-fluoropentyl)-1 H-indol-3-yl]-(napthalen-1-yl)methanone), (B) Any derivative of the above listed intoxicating chemical compounds, (C) Any synthetic substance and its isomers with a chemical structure similar to the above listed intoxicating chemical compounds, (D) Any chemical alteration of the above listed intoxicating chemical compounds, or (E) Any other substantially similar chemical structure or compound, and (2) Products that elicit psychoactive or psychotropic euphoric effects and are marketed under any of the following names K2, K3, Spice, Genie, Smoke,co Potpourri, Buzz, Spice 99, Voodoo, Pulse, Hush, Mystery, Earthquake, Black Mamba, Stinger, Ocean Blue, Stinger, Serenity, Fake Weed and Black Mamba The term "psychoactive herbal incense" shall not include any product, substance, material, compound, mixture, or preparation that is specifically excepted by the UCSA (Health and Safety Code §§ 11000 et seq ), listed in one of the UCSA's schedules of controlled substances (Health and Safety Code §§ 11053-11058) regulated by one of the USCA's Synthetic Drug Laws (Health and Safety Code §§ 11357 5, 11375 5 and 11401), regulated by the CSA (21 USC §§ 81 et seq ) or approved by the FDA Psychoactive or psychotropic stimulant effects shall mean affecting the central nervous system or brain function to change perception, mood, consciousness, cognition or behavior in ways that are similar to the effects of cocaine, methylphenidate or amphetamines Psychoactive or psychotropic euphoric effects shall mean affecting the central nervous system or brain function to change perception, mood, consciousness, cognition or behavior in ways that are similar to the effects of cannabis Sell, selling or sale shall mean to furnish, exchange, transfer, deliver or supply for (5 monetary gain = d Synthetic drug shall include psychoactive bath salts and psychoactive herbal incense, as those terms are defined hereinabove a 'Packet Pg 240 10a Ordinance No Page 7 d D It is a public nuisance for any person to allow the provision, display for sale, c distribution or sale of any substance claimed or represented to be a synthetic drug on v property owned, controlled or managed by such person within the City of Grand Terrace c, E To determine if a person is claiming or representing that a substance or product is a synthetic drug, the enforcing officer may consider any of the evidentiary factors set forth in 9 27 040 of this chapter 9 26 070 — Summary abatement Because the use of synthetic drugs has been documented to cause hallucinations, r- agitation, psychosis, aggression, suicidal and homicidal ideations, cannibalism and death, any violation of this chapter presents a grave and imminent danger not only to the person consuming the synthetic drug, but also to the public at large If the code compliance officer, based on the facts then known, determines that a violation of this chapter presents an imminent danger or hazard or is imminently injurious to the public health or safety, then that violation is punishable by the summary abatement procedures set forth in this Code, P consistent with state law = 9 26 080 — Revocation of business license d E No person holding a city business license and owning or operating a business in the city may use that business to provide, distribute or sell any synthetic drug or any substance claimed or represented to be a synthetic drug A violation of this section by the holder of a city business license, shall constitute grounds for modification, suspension, revocation, or any combination thereof, of said license ti co 9 26 090 — Penalties Established by resolution of the City of Grand Terrace City Council N A Misdemeanor violation Failure to comply with any of the requirements of this c chapter is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in the city or county jail for a period not exceeding six months or by fine not exceeding $1,000 00, or by both, provided that where the city attorney determines that such action would be in the interest of justice, he/she m may specify in the accusatory pleading that the offense shall be an infraction c B Infraction violation Where the city attorney determines that, in the interest of justice, a violation of this chapter is an infraction, such infraction is punishable by a fine not exceeding $100 00 for a first violation, a fine not exceeding $200 00 for a second violation of the same provision within one year, and a fine not exceeding $500 00 for each additional infraction violation of the same provision within one year An infraction is not punishable by imprisonment A person charged with an infraction shall not be entitled to a trial by jury and shall not be entitled to have the public defender or other counsel appointed at public expense to represent him/her, unless he/she is arrested and not released on his/her written promise to appear, his/her own recognizance or a deposit of bail However, any person who has previously been convicted two or more times during any 12-month period for any violation of this chapter for a crime made punishable as an infraction shall be charged with a misdemeanor upon the third violation c C The fine amounts set forth above may be modified, from time to time, by city E council resolution In no event shall such fine amounts exceed the amounts authorized by = state law Packet Pg 242 10a Ordinance No Page 9 Approved as to form Richard L Adams, II City Attorney I, Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting held on the _ day of May 2015, and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the _ day of May, 2015, by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk ti 00 W Packet Pg 244 �4 i�� rtAGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE May 12, 2015 Council Item TITLE An Agreement Between the City of Grand Terrace and J H Douglas and Associates for Housing Consultant Services PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION 1 Approve a Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Grand Terrace and J H' Douglas and Associates for Housing Consultant Services in the amount of $17,930, and 2 Authorize the Interim City Manager to Execute the Agreement 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #1, Ensuring Fiscal Viability and Goal #3, Promote Economic Development by having an internally consistent General Plan BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION I On January 28, 2014, the Grand Terrace City Council adopted the 2014-2021 (fifth cycle) Grand Terrace Housing Element The Housing Element is one of seven state mandated components of a General Plan The State of California Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) reviewed the adopted Element and determined that it was not compliant with state housing law In order to have an internally consistent General Plan and to position the City for future grant opportunities (some of which require a compliant Housing Element) a Request for Proposals (RFP) was sent to six consulting firms with expertise in preparing compliant Housing Elements The scope of work in the RFP included amending the adopted Element to satisfactorily address HCD comments, including any necessary amendments to the zoning code, general plan and/or related CEQA environmental documentation Of the six firms that the RFP was sent to one response was received The responding firm is J H Douglas and Associates, represented by Mr John Douglas Mr Douglas has prepared compliant Housing Elements for a number of local agencies The cost proposal is $17,930, plus a $5,000 contingency, which will not be used without prior staff approval FISCAL IMPACT The Community Development 2014-2015 adopted budget has funds budgeted for this item Packet Pg 245 11a AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as of this 12th day of May2015 by and between the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ("City") and J H Douglas & Associates ("Consultant") CONSULTANT'S SERVICES Consultant agrees to perform during the term of this Agreement, the tasks, obligations, and services set forth in the "Scope of Services" attached to and incorporated into this Agreement as Exhibit A (the "Services") 2 TERM OF AGREEMENT The term of this Agreement shall be from the effective date pursuant to Paragraph "38" of this Agreement and shall end on May 1, 2016, or when the work is satisfactorily completed, whichever occurs first, unless extended by a supplemental agreement 3 FAMILIARITY WITH WORK By execution of this Agreement, Consultant warrants that (1) It has thoroughly investigated and considered the work to be performed, based on all available information (2) It carefully considered how the work should be performed, and 0 CM N (3) It fully understands the difficulties and restrictions attending the performance of the work under this Agreement E (4) It has the professional and technical competency to perform the d work and the production capacity to complete the work in a timely S manner with respect to the schedule included in the scope of services yi 4 PAYMENT FOR SERVICES City shall pay for the services performed by Consultant pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the compensation set forth in the "Schedule of Compensation" attached to and incorporated into this Agreement as Exhibit B The fees for services shall not exceed the authorized amount of $22,930 00, including a $5,000 contingency as set forth in Attachment "B," unless the CITY has given specific advance approval in writing Consultant shall obtain approval prior to contingency funds being used 5 TIME FOR PERFORMANCE Consultant shall not perform any work under this ,W Agreement until (a) Consultant furnishes proof of insurance as required under a Paragraph "8" of this Agreement All services required by Consultant under this Agreement shall be completed on or before the end of the term of the E Agreement a Page 1 of 11 Packet Pg 247 11a Agreement without written approval of City is prohibited and shall be null and void, except that Consultant may assign payments due under this Agreement to a financial institution 12 STANDARD Consultant agrees that the services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed in accordance with the standards customarily provided by an experienced and competent professional organization rendering the same or similar services Consultant shall re -perform any of said services, which are not in conformity with standards as determined by the City 13 CONFIDENTIALITY Consultant covenants that all data, documents, discussion, or other information developed or received by Consultant or provided for performance of this Agreement are deemed confidential and shall not be disclosed by Consultant without written authorization by City City shall grant such authorization if disclosure is required by law All City data shall be returned to City upon the termination of this Agreement Consultant's covenant under this Section shall survive the termination of this Agreement 14 RECORDS AND INSPECTIONS Consultant shall maintain full and accurate a records with respect to all services and matters covered under this Agreement City shall have free access at all reasonable times to such records, and the right to examine and audit the same and to make transcripts therefrom, and to inspect all program data, documents, proceedings and activities Consultant shall o maintain an up-to-date list of key personnel and telephone numbers for M emergency contact after normal business hours 15 OWNERSHIP OF CONSULTANT'S WORK PRODUCT All reports, documents, all analysis, computations, plans, correspondence, data, information, computer media, including disks or other written material developed and/or gathered by Consultant in the performance of this Agreement shall be and remain the property of City without restriction or limitation upon its use or dissemination by City Such Material shall not be the subject of a copyright application by Consultant Any re -use by City of any such materials on any project other than the project for which they were prepared shall be at the sole risk of City unless City compensate Consultant for such use Such work product shall be transmitted to City within ten (10) days after a written request therefore Consultant may retain copies of such products 16 NOTICES All notices given or required to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and may be given by personal delivery or by mail Notice sent by mail shall be addressed as follows City Carol Jacobs, Interim City Manager a City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road d Grand Terrace, Ca 92313 a Page 3 of 11 Packet Pg 249 11a 22 TRAVEL EXPENSES Any reimbursement expenses must be pre -authorized and shall be based upon the approved rates of the San Bernardino County Auditor - Controller 23 CONFLICT OF INTEREST Consultant agrees that any conflict or potential conflict of interest shall be fully disclosed prior to execution of contract and Consultant shall comply with all applicable federal, state and county laws and regulations governing conflict of interest 24 ECONOMIC INTEREST STATEMENT Consultant hereby acknowledges that pursuant to Government Code Section 87300 and the Conflict of Interest Code adopted by City hereunder, Consultant is designated in said Conflict of Interest Code and is therefore required to file an Economic Interest Statement (Form 700) with the City Clerk, for each employee providing advise under this Agreement, prior to the commencement of work 25 POLITICAL ACTIVITY/LOBBYING CERTIFICATION Consultant may not c conduct any activity, including any payment to any person, officer, or employee a` of any governmental agency or body or member of Congress in connection with ti the awarding of any federal contract, grant, loan, intended to influence legislation, administrative rulemaking or the election of candidates for public office during time compensated under the representation that such activity is being performed o as a part of this Agreement M 26 NON-DISCRIMINATION In the performance of this Agreement, Consultant shall not discriminate against any employee, subcontractor, or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, ancestry, age physical or mental handicap, medical condition, or sexual orientation Consultant will take affirmative action to ensure that subcontractors and applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, ancestry, age, physical or mental handicap, medical condition, or sexual orientation 27 AUDIT OR EXAMINATION Consultant shall keep all records of funds received from City and make them accessible for audit or examination for a period of three years after final payments are issued and other pending matters 28 MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement may not be modified, nor may any of the terms, provisions or conditions be modified or waived or otherwise affected, except by a written amendment signed by all parties 29 WAIVER If at any time one party shall waive any term, provision or condition of this Agreement, either before or after any breach thereof, no party shall a Page 5 of 11 'Packet Pg 251 to the foregoing which are beyond the control 6f the party from whom°the affected performance was,,due- 37 INTEGRATED AGREEMENT This Agreement, together with Exhibits "A," "B" and "C" supersede ,any andgall other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties with respect,to the subjpct matter herein Each party, to% is� Agreement acknowledges that no representation byany party; which, mnot embodied herein, nor any other agreement; statbmentybr promise not contained in this Agreement shall be valid and binding Any modification of the Agreement shall be effective only if itis in wnting`and, sjgnetl by all -parties, 38 EFFECTIVE DATE The,effective date`�ofthis Agreement is the,date` ftelNoticetto Prbceed is received by Consultant,,and shall reffnain in full force- and effectluntiC amended or terminated Dated Dated APPROVED AS TO FORM Richard L Adams 11 Crty,Attomey IICITY'•, 13y, Carol Jacobs Interim City Manager "CONSULTANT" 13 "14.0 ' Y ,J nPougl P �n l` Page 7 of 11 LO P 0 N N le rr C d E d w 0 c 0 x c d d co a N d d t� 0 U) N w O a` r c d E t cc -Packet Pg 253 11a City of Grand Terrace 2015 Housing Element Amendment 2 Work Program This section describes the specific tasks we propose to carry out to & Schedule ensure successful completion of the project Upon initiation of the project we will review this scope with City staff and make refinements as necessary to best accomplish the City's objectives Task j Upon Initiation of the project we will review relevant documents Project Initiation Including the adopted Housing Element, HCD review letters, the General Plan Land Use Element, specific plans and zoning regulations Because of the anticipated sensitivity of land use changes for higher -density housing, it is critical that concurrence is obtained from decision -makers and community stakeholders on the appropriate project strategy and objectives To facilitate this process, we will prepare a summary memo describing the legal requirements and proposed actions for obtaining Housing Element certification for consideration by the City Council at a public meeting A desired outcome at this meeting would be Council initiation of a General Plan and zoning amendment identifying the specific sites to be rezoned for higher density It is also recommended that the City prepare and submit an annual Housing Element Progress Report for calendar year 2014 as soon as possible We will assist staff with this task In addition we will assist staff with the SB 18 Native American consultation process, if necessary Products + Review Housing Element, HCD comments and related City documents Task 2 Housing Element ,Amendment, J H DOUGLAS & ASSOCIATES ► Prepare summary memo describing proposed strategy for obtaining Housing Element certification ' One City Council meeting to select the appropriate strategy and initiate a General Plan and zoning amendment • Assist staff in preparing the 2014 Annual Housing Element Progress Report + Assist staff with SB 18 Native American consultation (if necessary) We will prepare draft revisions to the adopted Housing Element as necessary to respond to the comments in HCD's review letters of November 21, 2013 and March 17, 2014 Issues to be addressed include the following • Sites inventory to accommodate the RHNA allocation • Analysis of parking standards (garage requirement) • Refinements to Programs 1, 5 and 12 -3- MARCH 26, 2015 ° Packet Pg '255 11a City of Grand Terrace 2015 Housing Element Amendment City's expectations are met Our objectives are to satisfy all legal requirements for public involvement, ensure that decision -makers have the benefit of transparent and vigorous civic participation in the development of City housing policy, and that interested parties can see how their input has been incorporated into the final Housing Element while respecting limited budget resources Three public meetings are anticipated, as follows Joint City Council/Planning Commission Study Session to obtain policy direction regarding sites to be rezoned to higher density 2 Planning Commission hearing to consider a recommendation for approval of General Plan, Zoning Code and Zoning Map amendments 3 City Council hearing to adopt amendments to the General a Plan, Zoning Code and Map cc For each public meeting we will assist in preparing public notices, reports, and handouts, and Mr Douglas will provide a presentation LO and respond to questions Additional public information materials N (e g , flyers, FAQs, press releases) can be provided as optional tasks if desired N Products + Assist City staff in preparing a stakeholder list and outreach materials + Assist City staff in preparing meeting notices, staff reports, resolutions, ordinances and related materials + Attend and participate in three public meetings (additional meeting attendance can be provided on a time -and - materials basis if necessary) Task 5 The ultimate goal of this process is to adopt and implement a HCD Liaison Housing Element that meets the City's objectives while also receiving a finding of substantial compliance ("certification") by HCD Certification of the Housing Element is important for several reasons - to enhance eligibility for grant funds, to ensure a legally adequate General Plan, to maintain local control of the land use planning process, and to avoid a RHNA carryover to the next planning period Mr Douglas will serve as liaison between HCD and City staff During o the 60-day Draft Housing Element review period, HCD usually a arranges a conference call with City staff and the consultant to = discuss, concerns After that conversation it is typical for jurisdictions 0 to submit revisions in response to HCD questions, and suggestions J H DOUGLAS & ASSOCIATES -5- MARCH 26, 2015 Packet Pg 257 11a City of Grand Terrace 2015 Housing Element Amendment Task; 7 Final Housing Element, Following receipt of HCD's review of the Final Housing Housing Element, we voll prepare a Final Housing Element for consideration and adoption by decision -makers We assume that consideration Element the Housing Element will be considered by the Planning Commission and City Council concurrently with the other General Plan and zoning amendments HCD Certification Following adoption by the City Council, we will prepare a final HCD submittal package HCD has 90 days to review adopted Housing Elements During this review we will respond to any questions or requests from HCD in consultation with City staff, to obtain certification of the Housing Element Products • Proposed Final Housing Element document (electronic file) + HCD submittal package (hard copy + electronic file) Final Certified Housing Element (reproducible original + electronic file) Task 8 Our approach to project management is to anticipate the City's Project needs and take personal responsibility for the final success of the Management,, project We, will maintain regular contact with City staff, and make ourselves available in whatever capacity is desired While we expect that most communications will occur via telephone and e- mail, we will attend on -site working meetings with staff at critical stages of the project if necessary to ensure the project's success We have a deep appreciation for the political sensitivities of the planning process, which helps us anticipate problems and avoid unpleasant surprises We take pride in the high level of service we provide, and encourage City staff to contact our previous clients for references Products + Regular coordination with City staff via telephone or e-mail + On -site meetings with City staff as necessary J H DOUGLAS & ASSOCIATES -7- MARCH 26, 2015 w m E r R a "<. Packet Pg 259 11a EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION For performing and completing all services pursuant to Exhibit "A" Scope of Services, is a total amount not to exceed $22,930 (Nine thousand dollars) plus reimbursable expenses which will be charged at cost The total amount includes a $5,000 contingency which shall not be used unless prior authorization is obtained II BILLING At the end of each calendar month in which services are performed or expenses are incurred under this Agreement, Consultant shall submit an invoice to the City at the following address Sandra Molina City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, Ca 92313 The invoice submitted pursuant to this paragraph shall show the 1) Purchase order number, 2) Project name/description, 3) Name and hours worked by each person who performed services during the billing period, 4) The title/classification under which they were billed, 5) The hourly rate of pay, 6) Actual out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the performance of services, and, 7) Other such information as the City may reasonably require III METHOD OF PAYMENT Payment to Consultant for the compensation specified in Section I, above, shall be made after the Interim City Manager or designee determines that the billing submitted pursuant to Section II, above, accurately reflects work satisfactorily performed City shall pay Consultant within thirty (30) days there from Page 9 of 11 ;� Packet Pg 261 insurance and to charge the Consultant for any premium due for such coverage City has the option to deduct any such premium from the sums due to the Consultant Insurance is to be placed with insurers authorized and admitted to write insurance in California and with a current A M Best's rating of A- VII or better Acceptance of insurance from a carrier with a rating lower than A- VII is subject to approval by City's Risk Manager Consultant shall immediately advise City of any litigation that may affect these insurance policies Page 11 of 11 i MEETING DATE May 12, 2015 r TITLE Professional Service Agreements Between the City of Grand Terrace and MIG;Hogle Ireland and the City of Grand Terrace and PMC for On -Call Planning and Environmental Services PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION 1 Approve a Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Grand Terrace and MIG I Hogle Ireland for On -Call Planning and Environmental Services, 2 Approve a Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Grand Terrace and PMC for On -Call Planning and Environmental Services, and 3 Authorize the Interim City Manager to Execute the Agreement 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #3, Promote Economic Development, specifically Strategy 3 3 to ensure adequate and creative staffing solutions to facilitate the entitlement process for new development BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION The 20130 Vision Implementation Plan includes Strategy 3 3 to ensure adequate and creative staffing solutions to facilitate the entitlement process for new development This strategy is intended to provide developers the ability to have their development entitlements processed more efficiently than in-house staff given the realities of the City's staffing resources Also, with the recent Exclusive Negotiating Agreement entered into between the City and Lewis Group, on -call planning and environmental services will better position City resources On February 9, 2015, the City sent out a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to 30 consulting firms experienced in planning and environmental services The RFQ included the scope of work that the consultant would be required to provide A copy of the scope of work is attached As envisioned, if a developer submits an application for new development and chooses to go the consultant route, the consultant would handle all aspects of the work, including reviewing for application completeness, attending development review meetings, working directly with the applicant on plan revisions, preparing all notices and staff reports, and presenting at public hearings For projects that would require the preparation of environmental initial study or environmental impact report staff would first obtain cost proposals from both firms The developer would pay the consultant fees through a deposit based system Staff received Responses from 16 consulting firms The responses were reviewed and Packet 00`:264., T Scope of Work A Planning Services Selected consultants for Planning Services shall have demonstrated expertise in processing applications for various types of projects that include, but not limited to, residential, commercial, industrial, mixed use and transit oriented development ' Some applications may require a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, establishment of a Planned Development Overlay, etc Typical and examples of Planning Services Tasks are • Initial Site Assessment • Review project for completeness and compliance with the General Plan, Zoning Ordinances, Barton Road Specific Plan (if applicable) Design Guidelines, and all applicable codes and ordinances • Prepare letters for Director's review • Attend Development Advisory Board meetings for the project • Coordinate comments from members of the Development Advisory Board • Meet with applicants • Coordinate the Project Review with CEQA Review • Prepare public hearing notices, staff reports, resolutions and conditions of approval • Attend Planning and/or City, Council meetings • File management for the project • Plan Check review of projects including, but not limited to construction plans, grading plan, landscape and irrigation plans, lighting plans, etc for compliance with conditions of approval B Environmental Review Services Selected consultants for Environmental Review Services shall have demonstrated expertise in preparing environmental review documents as required by CEQA that include, but not limited to, one or more of the following environmental review tasks • Initial Site Assessment • CEQA Initial Study to determine whether project requires EIR, MND, ND, or CE • Nosie Studies • Air Quality • Transportation Studies • Water Quality/Storm and Wastewater Control Management • Greenhouse Gas Emission Studies • Biological and Cultural Resources Studies • Environmental Mitigation Studies/Reports • Coordinate and distribute environmental documents and notices • Mitigation Monitoring • Preparation of Public Notices • Presentations at public meetings 1.:Iftcket Pg 1 66< AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as of this 12th day of May, 2015 by and between the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ("City") and Moore lacofano Goltsman, Inc (also known as MIG I Hogle Ireland) ("Consultant") CONSULTANT'S SERVICES Consultant agrees to perform during the term of this Agreement, the tasks, obligations, and services set forth in the "Scope of Services" attached to and incorporated into this Agreement as Exhibit A (the "Services"), in conjunction with providing On -Call Planning and Environmental Services 2 TERM OF AGREEMENT The tern of this Agreement shall be from the effective date pursuant to Paragraph "38" of this Agreement and shall continue for an initial period of one year unless terminated earlier pursuant to the provisions herein ("Initial Term") A maximum of two one year extensions may be granted by the City Manager, provided that the Scope of Services and Compensation are not changed 3 FAMILIARITY WITH WORK By execution of this Agreement, Consultant warrants that (1) It has thoroughly investigated and considered the work to be E performed, based on all available information 00 (2) It'carefully considered how the work should be performed, and Lo (3) It fully understands the difficulties and restrictions attending the performance of the work under this Agreement (4) It has the professional and technical competency to perform the work and the production capacity to complete the work in a timely manner with respect to the schedule included in the scope of services 4 PAYMENT FOR SERVICES City shall pay for the services performed by Consultant pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the compensation set forth in the "Schedule of Compensation" attached to and incorporated into this Agreement as Exhibits "B" and "B-1" The fees for services shall not exceed the authorized Schedule of Hourly Rates, as set forth in Exhibit "B-1," unless the CITY has given specific advance approval in writing 5 TIME FOR PERFORMANCE Consultant shall not perform any work under this a Agreement until (a) Consultant furnishes proof of insurance as required under Paragraph "8" of this Agreement All services required by Consultant under this Agreement shall be completed on or before the end of the term of the Agreement a Page 1 of 13 ' Packet 0'9' 68- '12 b " 11 ASSIGNMENT This Agreement is for the specific services with Consultant as set forth herein Any attempt by Consultant to assign the benefits or burdens of this Agreement without written approval of City is prohibited and shall be null and void, except that Consultant may assign payments due under this Agreement to a financial institution 12 STANDARD Consultant agrees that the services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed in accordance with the standards customarily provided by an experienced and competent professional organization rendering the same or similar services Consultant shall re -perform any of said services, which are not in conformity with standards as determined by the City 13 CONFIDENTIALITY Consultant covenants that all data, documents, discussion, or other information developed or received by Consultant or provided for performance of this Agreement are deemed confidential and shall not be disclosed by Consultant without written authorization by City City shall grant such authorization if disclosure is required by law All City data shall be returned to City upon the termination of this Agreement Consultant's covenant under this Section shall survive the termination of this Agreement 14 RECORDS AND INSPECTIONS Consultant shall maintain full and accurate y records with respect to all services and matters covered under this Agreement c City shall have free access at all reasonable times to such records, and the right a to examine and audit the same and to make transcripts therefrom, and to inspect all program data, documents, proceedings and activities Consultant shall co maintain an up-to-date list of key personnel and telephone numbers for emergency contact after normal business hours N 15 OWNERSHIP OF CONSULTANT'S WORK PRODUCT All reports, documents, all analysis, computations, plans, correspondence, data, information, computer media, including disks or other,written material developed and/or gathered by Consultant in the performance of this Agreement shall be and remain the property of City without restriction or limitation upon its use or dissemination by City Such Material shall not be the subject of a copyright application by Consultant Any re -use by City of any such materials on any project other than the project for which they were prepared shall be at the sole risk of City unless City compensate Consultant for such use Such work product shall be transmitted to City within ten (10) days after a written request therefore Consultant may retain copies of such products 16 NOTICES All notices given or required to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and may be given by personal delivery or by mail Notice sent by mail shall be addressed as follows City Carol Jacobs, Interim City Manager City of Grand Terrace a Page 3 of 13 Packet Pg- 270 12b contribution to be paid by City for employer contribution and/or employee , contributions for PERS benefits 22 TRAVEL EXPENSES Any reimbursement expenses must be pre -authorized and shall be based upon the approved rates of the San Bernardino County Auditor - Controller 23 CONFLICT OF INTEREST Consultant agrees that any conflict or potential conflict of interest shall be fully disclosed prior to execution of contract and Consultant shall comply with all applicable federal, state and county laws and regulations governing conflict of interest 24 ECONOMIC INTEREST STATEMENT Consultant hereby acknowledges that pursuant to Government Code Section 87300 and the Conflict of Interest Code adopted by City hereunder, Consultant is designated in said Conflict of Interest Code and is therefore required to file an Economic Interest Statement (Form 700) with the City Clerk, for each employee providing advise under this Agreement, prior to the commencement of work ) 25 POLITICAL ACTIVITY/LOBBYING CERTIFICATION Consultant may not 2 conduct any activity, including any payment to any person, officer, or employee d of any governmental agency or body or member of Congress in connection with c the awarding of any federal contract, grant, loan, intended to influence legislation, a administrative rulemaking or the election of candidates for public office during co time compensated under the representation that such activity is being performed as a part of this Agreement 26 NON-DISCRIMINATION in the performance of this Agreement, Consultant shall not discriminate against any employee, subcontractor, or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, ancestry, age physical or mental handicap, medical condition, or sexual orientation Consultant will take affirmative action to ensure that subcontractors and applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, ancestry, age, physical or mental handicap, medical condition, or sexual orientation 27 AUDIT OR EXAMINATION Consultant shall keep all records of funds received from City and make them accessible for audit or examination for a period of three years after final payments are issued and other pending matters 28 MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement may not be modified, nor c may any of the terms, provisions or conditions be modified or waived or a` otherwise affected, except by a written amendment signed by all parties d E a Page 5 of 13 `Packet Pg 272 M 12b government action; war acts, acts of 'God, or any other cause"similar or dissimilar to the,foregomg which are beyond thet,control of_the,party from whom the affected performance was` due 37 INTEGRATED AGREEMENT- This Agreement, together with Exhibits "A;" % B- 1" and "C" supersede any and all other,agreement's, either oral or in writing, between the parties with respect fo.the subtect,matter herein Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representation by any party, which is not embodied herein, nor any other agreement, statement -or promise'not.contaoned in this Agreement shall be valid1and binding Any modification of the Agreement, -shall be effective only if it is in writing and signed by,all parties 38 EFFECTIVE DATE The effective date of this Agreement,is the date the,N666e to Proceed is received by Consultant, and shall remain in full force,and effeduntil amended or terminated Dated Dated APPROVED AS TO FARM Richard L Adams 11 City Attorney "CITY," M Carol Jacobs co to interim City Manager "CONSULTANT" Page 7 of 13 EN Packet Pg 274 .12�b b • Mitigation Monitoring • Preparation of Public Notices • Presentations at public meetings • Coordinate the CEQA Review with Project Review In addition to the above environmental review tasks, the consultant may be assigned to conduct a peer review of the EIR, MND or ND submitted by the project applicant for a review of completeness, adequacy and compliance with CEQA M CO t0 v Page 9 of 13 w"Packet�Pg�;�27<.6j'r- v cn rn 0 h (4 _D 0 m Q Attachment Professional Services Agreement MIG-Hl_5 12015 (1683 Professional Services Agreement for Planning and Environmental I 12b 4 Ial�1ZM�A \ A� t C,I A�TE�;� OVER 35, YEAf.S Or ENCEL'LENT SERVICE KECEIVED MAR 12 2015 STANDARD 64 PENSATIOaSCHEDULE- Community Development (Effective January; 2004) Departrhant CLASSIFICATION` HOURLY RATE Principal $150 OM Principal Associate $225 00 Senior,Associate r $225 00 Associate $106 00 Junior Associate, $175 00, Te`chni'cian %$ 40 00, Secretary $ 40 00 GENERAUPROVISiONS OFAGREEMENT 1 Travel, reproduction, and supply costsare bilied'at cost y 2 Hourly rates appiydo work time as well is travel time and waitin`g1fine, which:pccurhat meetings, public hearings, 5 depositions, or court testimony 0 3 Statements will be submitted monthly for work in progress ,or upon, completion of work Statements are payable fN w within 30 days,of the siatementdate� AnV,Invoice unpaid after 30'days shall be subject to`a tiservlce charge of the! o maximum interest rate allowed by lamrror two percent pen month, whichever is less a 4- Client hereby agreesithat the balance tin a billing statement is correct -and binding unless the client notifles the M to consultant in writing within fifteen days of the date of billing and informs consultant of the alleged'incorrect item. _ _ _ uO 5 All documents produced as a result of this agreement may be used ey the consultant without consent from the client o N 6. The consultant makes,no warranty as to his findings except that -the. work is performed,using,generally accepted U) methods l 7 The cpnsultantwill formatthe report according to_client instructions atthe beginning of the=pr4olect„brin the absence 2I of sucti instruction$, in a format chosen by the consultant and; conslstertt with accepted professional transportation engineering studies m 8 The consultant will produce an objective, professionaf report, and may not arrive atthe findings desired by the client d 9 The client agrees to limit the consultants liability to the client, because of professional, negligent acts, errors, or 0) omissions -by the consultant to the consultant's fee N m V 10 Any controversy. - or claim arising out of'or relating to thls contract, or the` breach thereof, shall be, settled by Z arbitration in accordance with the `rules of the Am`erican,Arbitration Association, !and judgment'upon the,award N rendered by the arbitration maybe entered in any court having jurisdiction,thereof Al Where Kunzrnait Associates, Inc initiates°arbitratioh,proceedings relating to this contract, any resultant fees to c 0 N process arbitration, suchas filing fees and,attorneyfees, shall be borne by the client U) v- 12 if any term; condition, or provision of this Agreement ts,declaredvoid, unenforceable, or limited in its application or 0 a` effdct,"such event shall not affect any other provisions hereof and all of the provisions -shell remain fully enforceable- c m 1111 T6 N & GoLmnitY ROAD, Suim 34 t OaANce; CAuKMNiA 928M � (714) 973-W83 Q WW W TRAFFIC-ENZINEMCOM 2 City ofGrandTerraca PacketPg 280 12'b: EXHIBIT "C" The Consultant shall maintain throughout the duration of the term of the Agreement, liability insurance covering the Consultant and, with the exception of Professional Liability Insurance, designating City and City including its elected or appointed officials, directors, officers, agents, employees, volunteers, or consultants, as additional insured against any and all claims resulting in injury or damage to persons or property (both real and personal) caused by any aspect of the Consultant's work, in amounts no less than the following and with such deductibles as are ordinary and reasonable in keeping with industry standards It shall be stated, in the Additional Insured Endorsement, that the Consultant's insurance policies shall be primary as respects any claims related to or as the result of the Consultant's work Any insurance, pooled coverage, or self-insurance maintained by the City and City, its elected or appointed officials, directors, officers, agents, employees, volunteers, or consultants shall be non-contributory Professional Liability Insurance $1,000,000/$2,000,000 General Liability a General Aggregate b Products Comp/Op Aggregate c Personal & Advertising Injury d Each Occurrence e Fire Damage (any one fire) f Medical Expense (any one person) Workers' Compensation a Workers' Compensation b EL Each Accident c EL Disease - Policy Limit d EL Disease - Each Employee Automobile Liability $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $ 50,000 $ 5,000 Statutory Limits $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 a Any vehicle, combined single limit $1,000,000 The Consultant shall provide thirty (30) days advance notice to City in the event of material changes or cancellation of any coverage Certificates of insurance and additional insured endorsements shall be furnished to City thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of this Agreement Refusal to submit such certificates shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement entitling City to any and all remedies at law or in equity, including termination of this Agreement If proof of insurance required under this Agreement is not delivered as required or if such insurance is canceled and not adequately replaced, City shall have the right but not the duty to obtain replacement M 00 v c d E s Page 12 of 13 Packet 09-282,_­ 12c AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as,of this 12th day of May, 2016 by and between the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE,("City') and7P-MC ("Consultant") CONSULTANT'S SERVICES Consultant agrees to perform during the term of this -Agreement, the tasks,,obligations, and,services set forth in the "Scope of Services" attached to and incorporated into this Agreement as Exhibit A (the "Services"), in conjunction with providing On-Call`Pianning and Environmental Services - 2 TERM OF AGREEMENT The term of tliis,-Agreement shall`be "from the effective date pursuarit,to Paragraph "38,' of this Agreement and_sliall continue -for arizinitial penod-of one year unless terminated earlier pursuant to the provisions,herem ("Initial Term") A maximum of two one year-exterfsions may be granted by`the City Manager, provided that the Scope of Services and Compensation are not changed 3 FAMILIARITY WITH WORK By execution of this Agreement, Consultant warrants that (1) It has thoroughly,investigated and considered the work to be E performed, based on all available information I co (2) ` °It carefully considered how the work should be performed, and, (3) It fully'understands=the difficulties and restrictions attending -the performance of the work under this Agreement (4) It has the professional and tech n ical' competency to perform the work and the production capacity to�bdmpiete"the work in a timely manner with respect twthe, schedule included in the scope"of services 1 11 4 PAYMENT FOR SERVICES City shall pay for the services performe'dlby Consultant pursuant -to the terms of this Agreerrent,,the compensation `set forth in the "Schedule of Compensation" attached to and incorporated into this Agreement as Exhibits "B" and"'B-1" The fees for services shall not exceed the authorized Schedule of Hourly} Rates,,,as set forth,in Exhibit "13-1," unless the ClYf has given specific advance approval in writing l 5 TIME, FOR PERFORMANCE, Consultant shall not perform any -Work under this `o_ Agreement until (a) Consuftaritfurnishes proof of,insur"ance asxequired under N Paragraph "8" of this Agreement All services required by Consultant under this c Agreement `shall be completed on or before the end of the term of the a` Agreement E Page 1 of 14 ' a Packet Pg 284 5 an employee or independent contractor,, any person. who is or has been employed by Consultant 11 ASSIGNMENT This Agreement is for the`specific services with Consultant asset forth herein Anpattempt by Consultanfto=assign the benefits or burdens, -of this Agreement without -written approval of City is prohibited and shall be null and void, except that Consultant may assign, payments,due under this, Agreement to a financial institution- 12 STANDARD Consultant agrees that the services to be rendered pursuarft to this w Agreement, shall be performed in accordance with the standards customarily provided by an experienced and competent profess►onal ,organization rendering E the same or -similar services ,Consultant, shall re -perform any -of said services, whiWare not in conformity with standards -as determined by the City a 13 CONFIDENTIALITY Consultant covenants that all data, documents, discussion, a it or,other reformation developed or received by.Consultant or provided for n performance of this Agreement are deemed confidential, and shall not,be disclosed by Consultant without written-authorization,by-Citye City shall,grant o such authorization if disclosure is required by law All City datashall be, returned y to City upon -the termination, of -this Agreement Consultant's}covenant under this c Section shall`suririve the termination of this Agreenierit- _ a` 14 RECORDS ANDJNSPECTIONS,Consultant shall maintain, full and accurate M rbtords'with respect"to all''services and,matters,dovered_under this Agreement ,City;shall have'- free accessiat all reasonable times, to- such records,'and the right r- to examine and auditthe-same-and to "make}transcripts therefrom, -and to inspect, N all program data, documents, proceedingsand activities Consultant shall maintain an up4o-date list of key personnel.and,telepho , e numbers for emergency contact -after normal business hours 15 OWNERSHIP,OF CONSULTANT'S7WORK PRODUCT All reports, documents, � all analysis,,computatroris, plans,:dorrespondence, data, information, computer ai 'media, -including -disks or other written amatenal developed and/orrgathered by Consultant in the performance of this Agreement shall�be and remain -the E property of City without restrictioh or limitation}upon its,use or dissemination by City Such Material shall not, be the subject of a copyright application by Consultant Any re -use Iiy City of any such,matenals on any project other than d the project for which they were prepared shall be at the, sole risk of Oty unless Gitycompensate Consultant for such use Stich"work product,shall,be _ n transmitted-fo City within�ten (10)_days after a�writ en request therefore Consultant°may,retain,copies,of such sproducts c 16 NOTICES All notices given or=required'to be given pursuant to this Agreement c shall be in writing and may, be, given bypersonai`delivery or by mail Notice sent a` by mail shall be addressed as follows = W E Page 3 of 14 a ;Packet Pgk tj °45 c subcontractors, as well'bs,for the payment of any`penalties and interest on -such ,contributions, which would otherwfse,be the responsibility ofCity. Notwithstanding any other agency, state or federal policy, rule, regulation, law or -or'dinarice to the contrary,"Consultant and any of its employees,'agenis,,and subcontractors providing service undet this Agreerrmentshall not qualify for or become entitled to, and hereby4gree to waive any clamms,to, any compensation, benefit, or any incident of employment by City, including but -not limited to eligibility to enroll in PERS,as an employee, of City and entitlement to any contribution'to `be paid by City,for, erriployei contribution and/or employee -contributions for,PERS benefits I I w r 22 TRAVEL EXPENSES Any reimbursement expenses must be pre-authonzed�and shall"be,based upon the approved rates of the San Bernardino County Auditor - Controller i w ` 23 CONFLICT OF JNTEREST Consultant agrees that any conflict or potential- n conflict,ofinterest shall'be�fully disclosed"pnor"to execution of contractand Consultant shall comply with all applicable federal, -state and, county -laws and co_ regulations goverriing� conflict, of interest 0 24 ECONOMIC INTEREST STATEMENT Consultant hereby acknowledges that a` pursuant to Gove nment,Cade Section 87300 and-the=Conffict of°interest Code adopted by City hereunder, Consultant is designated' in said Conflict -of_Interest Code and is therefore required to file an Economic Interest Statement(Form 700)- with the City"Clerk, for each employee providing advise und& this Agreement, LO prior,tathe%commencement of work cm 25 POLITICAL ACTIVITY/LOBBYING CERTIFICATION. Consultant may not conduct any activity, =including `any payment to any person, officer, or employee 'of any goverrimental,agericyYor body or member of Congress in connection with theiawarding of any federal�contract, granfjoan, intended to influence legislation, adrni6i9thtive rulemaking or,the election of candidates for pubiic�offlce during, time compensated under the representation that such activity is being performed as a part of this Agreement, 26 NON-DISCRIMINATION In the,performance=of+this4Agreement, Consultant shall not discriminate against any employee,,subcontractor, or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed,Areligion, sex -,"marital` status; riaiorial origin, ancestry, age,,physical or mental handicap, medical condition, or sexual orientation Conssultant will take affiftativ&action to ensure that subcontractors and'applicants are employed,,and that employees,are,treated during employment, without regard4o, their race, color, creed, religion, -sex, marital status, national origin, ancestryt,age, physical or mental handicap, medical condition, or sexual orientation r c m E s Page 5` of 14 a Packet Pg a i ; S 35 SE.VERABILITY if any provision of this agreement is held by a court of a+ c E competent jurisdiction to'be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining o provisions nevertheless will continue in full force and effect without being impaired or invalidated in any way. w Z 36 FORCE MAJEURE The respective duties and obligations of the parties c hereunder shall be suspended while and so long as performance hereto is prevented or impeded by strikes, disturbances, nots, fire, severe weather, government action, war acts, acts of God, or any other cause similar or dissimilar °- to the foregoing which are beyond the control of the party from whom the affected performance was due 37 INTEGRATED AGREEMENT This Agreement, together with Exhibits "A," "B", 13- E 1" and "CF supersede any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, a between the parties with respect to the, subject matter herein Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no, representation by any party, which is not embodied herein, nor any other agreement, statement or promise not contained n in this Agreement shall be valid and binding Any modification of the Agreement shall be effective only if it is in writingand signed by all parties c 38 EFFECTIVE DATE The effective date of this Agreement is the date the Notice to 0 N c Proceed is received by Consultant, and shall remain in full force and effect until a amended or terminated M T Dated Dated 15- i/145-7 VICITY" Ey_ Carol Jacobs Interim City Manager "CONSULTANT" By P dip O Carter Vice President Page 7 of 14 Packet Pg, 290.w =`r 12 c{ ` 3 EXHIBIT W SCOPE OF SERVICES A Planning Services. Selected consultants for Planning Services shall'have demonstrated expertise in processing_ applications for,v_anous types of ,projects, that include, but not limited to, y0sidential, commercial, industrial, mixed use and transit, oriented developmentSome, applications may require a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, establishment of a Planned Development Overlay, etc, Typical and examples of Planning Services Tasks are • Initial Site Assessment • Review project for completeness and compliance with the General Plan, Zoning Ordinances, Barton Road Specific Plan ,(if applicable) Design Guidelines, and all applicable codes and "ordinances • Prepare letters for Director's review • Attend Development Advisory Board meetings for the project Coordinate comments from members of the Development Advisory Board • Meet with applicants + Coordinate the Project Review,with CEQA Review + Prepare public hearing notices,_staff reports, resolutions and conditions of approval • Atfend`Planning and/or City,Council meetings • File management for the project • Plan Check review of projects including, but not limited to construction plans, grading plan, landscape and irrigation plans, lighting plans, etc for compliance with conditions of -approval B Environmental Review Services Selected rconsultants—for Environmental `Review Services shall 'have demonstrated expertise in preparing environmental review ,documents as required by 'CEQA that ,include, but not limited to, one or mare of the following environmental review tasks, + Initial Site Assessment • CEQA initial Study to determine whether project requires ElR, MNDY ND, or CE ® Nosie Studies, Air Quality + Transportation'Studies Water Quality/Storm and Wastewater Control Management * Greenhouse Gas Emission,Studies • Biological and Cultural Resources Studies Environmental Mitigation Studies/Reports ® Coordinate and distribute environmental, documents and notices Page 9 of 94 I Pack4l 292': �_ . . EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION F& performing and completing all services pursuantlo Exhibit "A" Scope of Services, Consultant'shall bill pursuaritrto the "Schedule of Hourly Rates" attached as Exhibit "B-11' ll BILLING Atthe end of each calendar month in which,services are performed 'or expenses are incurred,under this Agreement, Consultant shall submit -an invoice to the City at the following address City of Grand Terrace 22796 Barton Road Grand Terrace, Ca 92313 The invoice submitted pursuant to this paragraph shall show the ' C 2 1), Purchase order number; 2) Project name/description, c 3) Name and hours worked by each person who performed services ,during a` the billing period,co 4) The title/classification under which they were billed, 5) The hourly rate of pay, v 6) Actual out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the performance of services, o and, N 7) Other such information as the City may reasonably require ; Ili METHOD OF PAYMENT Payment to Consultant,fot the compensation specified in Section 1, above, shall `be made after the Community y Development -Director or designee determines that the balling submitted { pursuant to Section 11, above, accurately reflects,Wotk performed to the a, 4 reasonable'satlsfaction of City City, shall pay Consultantvuithm ?thirty (30) days there from E o � c ; d t Page I I of 14 a a �Packet�Pg29.4�=� , R E� E I V 5 0 F I-X E D FEE SCEDULE H MAP, YI Z013' BILLING RATVS The rates shoes n below will serve, as the Mable, rpfei for.PMO persoaricJlbr Servi=per f4irmed to Gran Terrace. PIvIC,,FiU,proiqdc,'pifofcssjohaI plannLng- and-ein itronmen dal s=tcd-s to- f he Ciry-if Grand Terrace im ac&iaaricewtdf rhefoioOlngrgte schefife PMC NQ1, prepare an&senct dEtatied monthVsraterniI6 idefiv6,,ing stagcosts as7,,vell,e-,:surf afa7,ofidrk- I &iforrn:4�'A sufnrriiry otoirrenumond! ai-id &W-msis to dace!",vill aVo be prci�qded wirh�ch staremeric Planning I J�c'a= d , Direc m r cd Age-i c3 fling S i­_% I _S- - $170 - I TmIct Nelsori, Se3mor Planner K�m 7--uppa,,,,cer,-Se�-iid,-PLtiner I - S120 ' - - Nrina, Balinr S1hab?z4A_ssoaitc Ma=cr S105 AL-nLC Schwimo m6r, Asscnw-ManaeL 'z5J0 $85 -Admimsmattre Supt>orc m-tronmentd- AII& Teague, _D= ,ccwr of Sn=aniental S-vcp, $170 Bub SL-ax„ Pm);ecrINlanager Jo cc Hunting -Biolqgical &_Reslource Pimtfing John N-!50 $150 'Seth Anal%!r S X" 5 Wettc'N6=, Divkorimer iml -Planner ,14mmi- UV �-_�a - c-Rupport- m 00 to C W E Packet Pg 296 I :12 a EXHIBIT The Consultant shall maintain throughout the duration ofthe term of the Agreement, liability insurance covering the Consultant arid; wth­the°exception of,Profe`ssional Liability Insurance -and Workers, Compensation Insurance,�`designating � ty�and City including,its,electedsor-appointed officials, dtiei tors,, officers, employees,,or designated volunteers, as additional insured against any and all -claims resdltrng in "injury or damage to persons or property (both real and personal) caused ,by any aspect,ofYthe Consultant's Work, in amounts no less"than the following and with such deductibles as are ordinary and reasonable in° keeping with industry standards It shall be stated,;ln the Additional Insured'Endorsement,{thatthe Consultant's insurance policies shall be primary as respects any claims -related to or as,the result of the Consultant's work, Any insurance, pooled coverage, or self-insurance maintained by,the City and City, its elected or appointed officials, directors, officers, einployees,,or designated volunteers shall be non-contributory Professional Liability Insurance $1,000,000%$2,000,000 General Liability y 44-1 a General Aggregate $2,000,000 a b Products Comp/Op Aggregate $2,000,000 c Personal'& Advertising Injury $11,000;000 r d Each Occurrence $1,000,000' e Fi`re Damage (any one fire) '$ 50,000 N ,f Medical Expense (any one;person) `$ >5',000 r LO Workers' Compensation r a� a Workers` Compensation _ Statutory Limits b EL Each Accident $1,000,000 a c EL Disease - Policy Limit $1,000,000 d EL Disease - Each Employee $Jr,000,000 d Automobile Liability E d ' a a Any vehicle, combined single limit $1,000,000 The Consultant shall provide thirty (30) days advance notice to City in the event of material, changes or cancellation•of anyt,coverage Certificates of insurance and additional,insuredFhendorsements shall be fumished'to City,ten (10) days prior to'any c work being -performed under this /agreement Refusal to submit such certificates -shall constitute a -material breach �of this Agreement entitling City to any and all remedies at a law or in, equity, including termination of this Agreement if proof of insurance required under this Agreement is -not delivered as required` or if such insurance is -canceled and E cc Page 13 of'14 a ' Y¢ Packet Pg `298 i :s .kAGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE May 12, 2015 TITLE Approve Twenty -Second Amendment to Law Enforcement Services Contract No 94-797 With County of San Bernardino PRESENTED BY Eric Bougie, RECOMMENDATION Approve Twenty-second Amendment to Law Enforcement Services Contract No 94-797 with County of San Bernardino and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #1, "Ensuring Our Fiscal Viability," through the continuous monitoring of expenditure budgets, allocations, and operational costs This staff report also supports Goal #2, "Maintain Public Safety," by ensuring adequate staff levels for police services for our Community BACKGROUND Since incorporation, the City has contracted with the County of San Bernardino for law enforcement services provided through the San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department Each fiscal year, cities which contract for law enforcement services are required to approve a contract amendment that specifies the level of services for the year (Schedule "A" - pages 3 & 4 of Attachment "A"), which is then approved by the County Board of Supervisors DISCUSSION The City Council of the City of Grand Terrace is anticipated to adopt its FY 2015/2016 budget on June 9, 2015 The Twenty-second Amendment to this Agreement (FY 2015/2016) updates the cost of law enforcement services that will be provided in FY 2015/2016 by the proposed 4 5% increase As stated in the original 94-797 contract, law enforcement duties to the city shall include • enforcement of state statutes, • enforcement of city ordinances, • traffic enforcement, • specialized enforcement such as arson, homicide, juvenile, and narcotics enforcement, Packet Pg 300 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 1 4 New Change Cancel FAS Vendor Code �� Dept SHC Contract Number 94-797 A-22 ePro Vendor Number ePro Contract Number SAN BEERTNT�ATRDINOO COUNTY County Department Dept Orgn Contractor's License No Shenff/Coroner/Public Administrator SHC r SHC County Department Contract Representative Telephone Total Contract Amount F A S Shannon Dicus, Captain (909)387-0640 $1 684,233 STANDARD CONTRACT Contract Type Revenue Encumbered Unencumbered M Other If not encumbered or revenue contract tvpe provide reason Commodity Code Contract Start. Date 07/01/15 Contract End Date 06/30/16 Original Amount $ Amendment Amount $1684,233 Fund AAA Dept SHC Organization SHC Appr Obj/Rev Source 9565 GRC/PROJ/JOB No GRANDT Amount $1,684,233 Fund Dept Organization Appr Obl/Rev Source GRC/PROJ/JOB No Amount Fund Dept Organization Appr Obj/Rev Source GRC/PROJ/JOB No Amount Protect Name Contract Law Enforcement Estimated Payment Total by'Fiscai Year FY Amount I/D FY Amount I/D 2015-16 THIS CONTRACT is entered into in the State of California by and between the County of San Bernardino; hereinafter calle 3 the County, and ~ Name 00 City'of Grand Terrace hereinafter called CITY CID Address v 22795 Barton Road N - c 2 Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5207 N Telephone Federal ID No or Social Security No > (909) 824 - 6621 IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS c d (Use space below and additional bond sheets Set forth service to be rendered, amount to be paid, manner of payment, time for performance or completic -0 determination of satisfactory performance and cause for termination, other terms and conditions, and attach plans, specifications, and addenda, if any) TWENTY-SECOND AMENDMENT a Contract No 94-797 to provide law enforcement service to the City of Grand Terrace is hereby amended, Z N effective July 1, 2015, by replacing Schedule A referred to,in Paragraph IV, with the Schedule A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference E d Except as amended, all other terms and conditions of this contract remain as stated therein ,o w 3 J _ c d _ E Auditor Connolledrreasurer Tan Collector Use Oni -_ ❑ Contract Database ❑ FAS 0 Z Input Date Keyed By - Page 1 of 4 Packet Pg r302µ: 13a SCHEDULE A Lave Enforcement Services Contract City of Grand Terrace 20 1 5-1 6 Rollover FY 2015-16 LEVEL OF SERVICE COST 021 - Lieutenant $ 52,0841 090 - Sergeant 191,6711 056 - Detective/Corporal (20 hours per week) 100,0631 576 - Deputy Sheriff (208 hours per week) 935,5051 126 - Office Specialist 85,5101 014 - Motor Pool Services Assistant 9,6741 300 - Marked Unit 39,369 2 100 - Unmarked Unit 6,4032 100 - Citizen Patrol 1,3763 Dispatch Services 83,7441 700 - HTs (Amortizedover7-years) 3,374 700 - HTs (Access & Maint Only) 4,403 700 - Taser Replacement (Amortized over 4-years) 2,296 Administrative Support 6,782 Office Automation 12,940 le Services & Supplies 11,376 Vehicle Insurance 28,646 N Personnel Liability & Bonding 37,084 c Workers' Comp Experience Modification 2,182 N County Administrative Cost 69,751 TOTAL COST $ 1,684,233 1 E a Monthly Payment Schedule ai a 1st payment due July 15, 2015 $140,361 Z 2"d through 12th payments due the 5th of each month $140,352 N c m E m 0 1 Personnel costs include salary and benefits and are subject to change by Board of Supervisors' action 2 Vehicle costs do not include fuel and maintenance The City is responsible for fuel, repair and w 3 maintenance of all contract vehicles, including collision damage All fuel, repair and maintenance costs incurred by the County will be billed to the City on a quarterly invoice 3 No replacement cost is included for grant funded or donated vehicles E a Revised 2/20/2015 Packet Pg 304 Agr 94-797 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Sheriff OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Inc Cities Grand Terrace JuLY 26, 1994 FROM RICHARD G. HILLMS, SF'IMFF SUBJECT LA® ENFORCE SERVICE CONTRACT iiITH THE CITY OF BAND TERRACE RECOMMENDATION Approve law enforcement service contract with the City of Grand Terrace. RRASON FOR RECOMMENDATION% During the past year the County and Cities receiving contract law enforcement services have negotiated a variety of issues which has resulted in revised language for the law e-nforcement contracts. Approval of this contract will allow for old contract language to be replaced and update costs to current fiscal year lavers and continue services for FY 94/95. REVIEW BY OTHER DEPARTMENTS: This contract has been reviewed and approved as to form by County Risk Management and Chief Deputy County Counsel Ron Reitz. FINANCIAL DATA: The annual cost of $1,719,109 has been included in the Sheriff's Proposed Budget for FY 94/95 .All costs associated with this contract will be recovered through contract reveni,e. No net cost to County. cc: Sheriff w/agreement Contractor w/agreement c/o Sheriff Auditor w/agreement Affirmative Action Risk Management CAO File ch 14 9507.000 Raw 10/61 Action of the Board of Supervisors AGREEMENT NO 94-797 APPROVE 14- UPERVISORE COUN r� 1A10 MOTION sse—c� „- MOVE li " 2: , 3-4 5 s EARLENE �P CrT� C` ER, W QF� `fHL B RD BY 13b DATED JULY �$�� -i- 'JIPIO Packet Pg 306 13b A Enforcement of state statutes; B Enforcement of ordinances of CITY of the type customarily enforced by the Sheriff within the unincorporated territory of the County; C. Traffic enforcement, with the exception of such traffic enforcement as may be provided by the California Highway Patrol on the freeway traversing CITY; D Detective, juvenile, and other specialized services such as arson, homicide, and narcotics enforcement; E Attendance at meetings of the City Counsel of CITY and such other meetings of commissions or boards of CITY as CITY may specify. Services to be provided by COUNTY shall include Sheriff's personnel and automobiles as specified in Schedule "A" for law enforcement services. Those personnel and automobileff are to be assigned at the discretion of the Sheriff based on the needs of the community The services to be provided by COUNTY hereunder shall also include all equipment (including repairs thereto or depreciation thereon), supplies, communications, administration, labor, vacation, and sack leave, any COUNTY retirement contributions, gasoline, oil, and traveling expenses and all other services, obligations or expenditures necessary or incidental to the performance of the duties to be performed by Sheriff under the terms of this agreement There shall be no reduction in COUNTY compensation under this agreement for normal downtime of vehicles. In all instances where special supplies, stationary, notices, forms, and the like are to be issued in the name of CITY and approved by the Sheriff, the same shall be supplied by CITY at its own cost and expense. Nothing in this contract is intended to alter the effect of any statute or COUNTY ordinance related to fees for housing of inmates detained for CITY ordinance violations or for criminal justice administrative fees (Government Code Section 29550, et seq , San Bernardino County Code Section 16.027A) The CITY will be separately billed for those items IV. In consideration for COUNTY'S furnishing and performance of all the services provided for herein, CITY shall pay to COUNTY, upon contract approval, the sum as per Schedule "A," attached per year, payable in monthly installments at the beginning of each calendar month during the period of this agreement Payments shall be due by the fifth day of each month for that same month's services. Payments received after sixty (60) days of when due shall include simple interest after the 60th day against the amount owing, calculated at the COUNTY'S then current investment pool rate. Said sum is subject to adjustment for any salary increases or fringe benefits which may be granted by the Board of Supervisors to Sheriff's employees. The actual cost of overtime, court appearances, and travel expenses will be billed quarterly PAGE 2 of 6 Packet Pg 308 13b Any and all notices required to be given hereunder shall be given in writing by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid. The addresses of the parties hereto until further notice are as follows: CITY, City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313 COUNTY: San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department Bureau of Administration P 0. Box 569 San Bernardino, CA 92402--0569 VI. The standards of performance, the methods of performance, the discipline of officers, the control of personnel, the advancement in compensation of personnel, the determination of proper law enforcement practices and procedures, and all other matters incidental to tie manner of performance of services by Sheriff hereunder shall be determined by the Sheriff at his sole discretion. The responsibility of Sheriff and of COUNTY to CITY hereunder shall be to provide, as an independent contracting agency, effective law enforcement of the level herein contracted for, and the CITY shall not have the right to determine or direct the manner or means of the performance. VII. All persons directly or indirectly employed by COUNTY in the performance of the services and functions to be provided to CITY hereunder, shall be employees of COUNTY, and no COUNTY employees shall have CITY pension, civil service, or other status or right Notwithstanding the foregoing, and in order to give official status to the performance of duties by Sheriff's personnel hereunder, every Sheriff's officer or employee engaged in performing any such service or function shall be deemed to be an officer of CITY while performing service for CITY within the scope of this agreement, and such service function shall be a municipal function. An arrest made by Sheriff's personnel while engaged in the performance of this agreement shall constitute an arrest by an officer employed by CITY, and not an arrest by COUNTY officer, within the meaning of Section 1463 of the Penal Code and any similar or related statute. VIII. CITY shall have the right at any time and from time to time during the term of this agreement to request a higher level of law enforcement than that herein contracted for, and within a reasonable time after such requests, COUNTY shall provide such additional personnel and vehicles as may be required to provide such additional law enforcement. PAGE 4 of 6 Packet Pg 310 13b Said Sheriff shall designate a station commander to work directly with,and provide liaison with the City Manager and other CITY officers of the CITY. ,The Sheriff's commander shall make regular monthly reports to the City Manager, and such other reports as may be appropriate as determixned by the Sheriff, with respect to law enforcement within the corporate limits of CITY. vOUNTY 0; N SERNA1301NO Chair V and of Supervisors 'JUL 261294 Dated SIGNED AND CERTIFI DOCUMENT hAS B�tl OF THE BOARD l ,� = V Cleric of the Boap� . Bernardino 1A By Approved as to Legal COPY OF THIS E CHAIRMAN unty of San t�7 viewed at; to Affirmatt Date —7—91" ! Date 02 12311.000 Nov 11191 ve Q 00 to r 1- n 61 CITY OF TERRACE °(St to if corporation company, etc 1 c U By fAuthorrz a Sig rare) Dated ' 1 L 0 Title C + r- w 3 Address 22795 BARTON ROAD C ;Q TE1RR&� CA 92313 t Action Revi"- r ocessing to Q Date 4 — `W pa Packet Pg 312 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE May 12, 2015 Council Item TITLE Willdan Financial Professional Services Agreement PRESENTED BY Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director RECOMMENDATION Approve professional services agreement with Willdan Financial Services for the period of July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #1, "Ensuring Our Fiscal Viability" and Goal #4, "Develop and Implement Successful Partnerships" BACKGROUND The City of Grand Terrace entered into an interim agreement with Willdan Financial Services (Willdan) on January 14, 2015 for the provision of financial services as traditionally carried out by a municipal finance department Willdan has been providing services since January 2013 But for one regular City employee, this agreement outsourced to Willdan the entire Finance Department of the City The interim agreement is scheduled to expire on June 30, 2015 In addition, the regular City employee (accounting/finance technician) has provided her notice to the City, her last day is May 19, 2015 The City is in receipt of a new three-year proposal from Willdan that, if approved, would be for the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018 The proposed agreement contains a 3 9% increase over the current agreement for existing staff In addition, the regular City employee (accounting/finance technician) has provided her notice to the City, her last day is May 19, 2015 The vacancy will be filled by Wlidan Financial Services with a Finance Technician position commensurate to the duties provided by the City employee The remaining increase in cost is for filling this vacancy 01Ri911b*7R91 J The current agreement for the five and a half -month period is for $144,900 or $316,145 for a twelve-month period The proposed agreement is for $392,980, with any future increases limited to increases in the cost of living At the November 25, 2014 City Council meeting, staff presented proposed classification and compensation plans for regular City employees The Classification and Compensation Study was revised to include revised Position Descriptions, a Classification and Salary Range Schedule and submitted to City Council for approval Packet Pg 313 Finance Completed 05/06/2015 4 40 PM City Attorney Completed 05/07/2015 10 20 AM City Manager Completed 05/07/2015 12 21 PM City Council Pending 05/12/2015 6 00 PM 14a AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Finance Department Services THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as of this day of , 2015 by and between the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ("City") and WILLDAN FINANCIAL SERVICES ("Willdan") 1 WILLDAN'S SERVICES Willdan agrees to perform during the term of this Agreement, the tasks, obligations, and services set forth in the "Scope of Services" attached to and incorporated into this Agreement as Exhibit "A" (the "Services") 2 TERM OF AGREEMENT The term of this Agreement shall be from July 1, 2015, the effective date pursuant to Paragraph "38" of this Agreement and shall end on June 30, 2018 A two-year extension (through June 30, 2020) may also be authorized per this Agreement, if agreed to by Willdan and the City Manager 3 FAMILIARITY WITH WORK By execution of this Agreement, Willdan warrants a that = (1) It has thoroughly investigated and considered the work to be 9 performed, based on all available information (2) It carefully considered how the work should be performed, and N (3) It fully understands the difficulties and restrictions attending the performance of the work under this Agreement (4) It has the professional and technical competency to perform the work and the production capacity to complete the work in a timely manner with respect to the schedule included in the scope of services 4 PAYMENT FOR SERVICES City shall pay for the services performed by Willdan pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the compensation set forth in the "Schedule of Compensation" attached to and incorporated into this Agreement as Exhibit "B" The fees for the initial year of the Agreement (covering the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) shall not exceed the $392,980 for the four (4) positions provided under this Agreement, as specified in Paragraph 6 and Exhibit "A" of this Agreement, plus any expenses authorized in Paragraph 22 of this Agreement 5 TIME FOR PERFORMANCE Willdan shall not perform any work under this w Agreement until (a) Willdan furnishes proof of insurance as required under Paragraph "8" of this Agreement All services required by Willdan under this Agreement shall be completed on or before the end of the term of the Agreement a Page 1 of 11 a1i0acket Pg 316 14a 12 STANDARD Willdan agrees that the services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed in accordance with the standards customarily provided by an experienced and competent professional organization rendering the same or similar services Willdan,shall re -perform any of said services, which are not in conformity with standards as determined by the City 13 CONFIDENTIALITY Employees of Willdan in the course of their duties may have access to financial, accounting, statistical, and personnel data of private individuals and employees of City Willdan covenants that all data, documents, discussion, or other information developed or received by Willdan or provided for performance of this Agreement are deemed confidential and shall not be disclosed by Willdan without written authorization by City City shall grant such authorization if disclosure is required by law All City data shall be returned to City upon the termination of this Agreement Willdan's covenant under this Section shall survive the termination of this Agreement 14 RECORDS AND INSPECTIONS Willdan shall maintain full and accurate records with respect to all services and matters covered under this Agreement LL City shall have free access at all reasonable times to such records, and the right to examine and audit the same and to make transcripts therefrom, and to inspect a all program data, documents, proceedings and activities Willdan shall maintain 9 an up-to-date list of key personnel and telephone numbers for emergency It contact after normal business hours v 15 OWNERSHIP OF WILLDAN'S WORK PRODUCT All reports, documents, all analysis, computations, plans, correspondence, data, information, computer media, including disks or other written material developed and/or gathered by Willdan in the performance of this Agreement shall be and remain the property of City without restriction or limitation upon its use or dissemination by City Such Material shall not be the subject of a copyright application by Willdan Any re- use by City of any such materials on any project other than the project for which they were prepared shall be at the sole risk of City unless City compensates Willdan for such use Such work product shall be transmitted to City within ten (10) days after a written request therefore Willdan may retain copies of such products 16 NOTICES All notices given or required to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and may be given by personal delivery or by mail Notice sent by mail shall be addressed as follows City City Manager a City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313 E s V a Page 3 of 11 F Packet Pg 318 14a 22 TRAVEL/EXPENSES Any reimbursement expenses must be pre -authorized by the City Manager and shall be based upon the approved policies and rates of the City 23 CONFLICT OF INTEREST Willdan agrees that any conflict or potential conflict of interest shall be fully disclosed prior to execution of contract and Willdan shall comply with all applicable federal, state and county laws and regulations governing conflict of interest 24 ECONOMIC INTEREST STATEMENT Willdan hereby acknowledges that pursuant to Government Code Section 87300 and the Conflict of Interest Code adopted by City hereunder, Willdan is designated in said Conflict of Interest Code and is therefore required to file an Economic Interest Statement (Form 700) with the City Clerk, for each employee providing advise under this Agreement, prior to the commencement of work 25 POLITICAL ACTIVITY/LOBBYING CERTIFICATION Willdan may not conduct any activity, including any payment to any person, officer, or employee of any governmental agency or body or member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, grant, loan, intended to influence legislation, administrative rulemaking or the election of candidates for public office during time compensated under the representation that such activity is being performed as a part of this Agreement 26 NON-DISCRIMINATION In the performance of this Agreement, Willdan shall not discriminate against any employee, subcontractor, or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, ancestry, age physical or mental handicap, medical condition, or sexual orientation Willdan will take affirmative action to ensure that subcontractors and applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, ancestry, age, physical or mental handicap, medical condition, or sexual orientation ` 27 AUDIT OR EXAMINATION Willdan shall keep all records of funds received from City and make them accessible for audit or examination for a period of three years after final payments are issued and other pending matters 28 MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement may not be modified, nor may any of the terms, provisions or conditions be modified or waived or otherwise affected, except by a written amendment signed by all parties 29 WAIVER If at any time one party shall waive any term, provision or condition of this Agreement, either before or after any breach thereof, no party shall s thereafter be deemed to have consented to any future failure of full performance hereunder a Page 5 of 11 ;Packet Pg 320 37 INTEGRATED AGREEMENT This Agreement, together with Exhibits "A," "B" and "C" supersede any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representation by any party, which is not embodied herein, nor any other agreement, statement or promise not contained in this Agreement shall be valid and binding Any modification of the Agreement shall be effective only if it is in writing and signed by all parties f 38 EFFECTIVE DATE The effective date of this Agreement is July 1, 2015 and shall remain in full force and effect until amended or terminated Dated Dated APPROVED AS TO FORM Richard L Adams II , City Attorney ATTEST Pat Jacques-Nares, City Clerk "CITY" By Darcy McNaboe, Mayor "WILLDAN" Mark Risco, President/CEO Page 7 of 11 r N c O N in 0 N N r .F� c d E a> d tM a c a� N O Q O a r d E s R "'yPacket=Pg=^�322 4' A CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL -AGENDA • MAY 12, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www grandterrace-ca gov <http //www grandterrace-ca qov> CALL TO ORDER (p' 0 39 Imo` At this time, I will convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Will Father Andrew Lesko, Chaplain for the San Bernardino County Sheriff Department, please come forward and offer the Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Please join ASSAin leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee Name Present Absent Late Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe P4 ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tem Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson ❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey ❑ ❑ SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation from the Lion's Club to the City Council for Veteran's Wall Will the Members of the Lion's Club please step to the podium for your presentation City of Grand Terrace Page 7 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council May 12, 2015 Presentation from Riverside Highland Water Company to Water Awareness Poster contest Winners from Terrace View Elementary Will Don Hough, General Manager of the Riverside Highland Water Company please step to the podium for your presentation San Bernardino ShenfFs Department Quarterly Report Will Lt Robert O'B'rine, San Bernardino Sheriffs Department, please step to the podium for your presentation B CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial They will be acted upon by the City Council at one time without discussion Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consento calendar for discussion Do I have a motions ��nnnnr�2�6' Vu�� Do I have a second Please vote 6 ® 1 Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 2 Approval of Minutes —Regular Meeting — 04t/28/20u15 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 3 Approval of Minutes —Special Meeting—.05/_01J_2015� r DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 4 Approval of Minutes — Special Meeting — 05/02/2015 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 5 Monthly Financial Report for March 2015 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the Monthly Financial Report for the period ending March 31, 2015 DEPARTMENT FINANCE City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Agenda \ , p _ h a Grand Terrace City Council May 12, 2015 60 /)TV I(V A0� Active Transportation Program Cycle 2 Grant Application RECOMMENDATION Authorize staff to submit an Active Transportation Program Cycle 2 Grant Application DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7 Request by the Foundation of Grand Terrace for a Waiver of City Fees Related to Community Days 6tuA RECOMMENDATION Consider waiving Special Event, Facility Use, Permitting and Business License fees in the amount of $2,164 00 for Community Day 2015 DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT C PUBLIC COMMENT This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the City Council may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification The Mayor may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time for City Council Communications Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tem Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe E PUBLIC HEARINGS — NONE F UNFINISHED BUSINESS — NONE City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council May 12, 2015 G NEW BUSINESS J Consider Options and Authorize Relocation of Child Care Programs 7 RECOMMENDATION Authorize staff to relocate the Child Care Operation at the Grand Terrace Lions Community Center to 1 Grand Terrace Elementary for before and after school care, t 2 Terrace View Elementary for kindergarten programs and before and after school care, and 3 Grand Terrace City Hall for the Tiny Tot program effective July 15, 2015 DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER &ql&q May we have a staff report please? Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public Speakers? Do I have a motlon?�Ub:)' Do I have a secondvWt 1iuA� Council Discussion Please vote 5— D 9 Approval of the City of Grand Terrace Classification and Compensation and Implementation Plans and Salary Range Schedule RECOMMENDATION 1 Approve the City of Grand Terrace Classification and Compensation Study to include Position Descriptions and a Classification and Salary Range Schedule, 2 Approve the implementation plan and adjustments to the current compensation program and benefits effective July,41, 2015, 3 Approve Resolution 2015- "s AAppr ving Salary Range Schedule Effective July 1, 2015, and :7 - 4 Approve Resolution 2�2000mending the Statement of Benefits effective July 1, 2015 and Rescinding Resolution 2015-06 effective July 1, 2015 DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER May we have a staff report please'? Does Council have any Questions for Staff? City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council May 12, 2015 Are there any Public Speakers? 410710— Do I have a motion? /M �Nj�' Do I have a second? *-Ss� Council Discussion Please vote I -- fik) kt 15 p iW-- 10 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace Amending Title 9 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code by Adding Chapter 9 27 Regarding Psychoactive Bath Salts, Psychoactive Herbal Incense and Other Synthetic Drugs, Prohibiting the Distribution and Sale of Certain Intoxicating Chemicals Known as Synthetic Drugs RECOMMENDATION Introduce for first reading, read by title only and waive further reading an ordinance to amend Title 9 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code by adding Chapter 9 26 prohibiting the possession of bath salts and other synthetic drugs in the City, by any person and for any purpose, and the authorization of penalties related to the same DEPARTMENT CITY ATTORNEY Q May we have a staff report please?,+Q��c Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public Speakers? lq,& - Do I have a motion?NA/I Do I have a second? Council Discussion d Please vote 5'0 {w 11 An Agreement between the City of Grand Terrace and J H Douglas and Associates for Housing Consultant Services � ���c� -ice RECOMMENDATION 1 Approve a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Grand Terrace and J'!�H?Da glas and_Associates for Housing Consultant Services in the amount of $17,930, and 2 Authorize the Interim City Manager to Execute the Agreement DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT May we have a staff report please? Does Council have any Questions for Staff? City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council May 12, 2015 Are there any Public Speakers? Do I have a motion? Vl IS&ry Do I have a second?, Council Discussion Please vote .5,— 0 12 Professional Service Agreements between the City of Grand Terrace and MIG I Hogle Ireland and the City of Grand Terrace and PMC for On -Call Planning and Environmental V/ Ae V Services Ni RECOMMENDATION 1 Approve a Professional Services A�gr�e_e � � en etween the City of Grand Terrace and '_ILH Ireland for On -Call Planning a d Environmental Services, 2 Approve a Professional Services Agree@jbnt between the City of Grand Terrace and C . for On -Call Planning and Environmental Services, and 3 Authorize the Interim City Manager to Execute the Agreement DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT May we have a staff report please?,Sowtdvll�� Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public Speakers? N a 7-1--- Do I have a motion? W [ 15 c'''- Do I have a second? e__ ' Council Discussion Please vote J ^o 13 Approve Twenty -Second Amendment to Law Enforcement Services Contract No 94- 797 with County of San Bernardino f RECOMMENDATION Approve Twenty-second Amendment to Law Enforcement Servu 797 with County of San Bernardino and authorize the Mayor to exe DEPARTMENT FINANCE May we have a staff report please?�J?�C��'✓ 94- nt City of Grand Terrace Page 6 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council May 12, 2015 Does Council have any Questions for Staff? , n 4- -M Are there any Public Speakers 1 4� C� y , `�`�" Do I have a motion? V; 1�C�r� l Do l have a second? )4t~6U�--.) I Council Discussion Please vote 5-- 0 14 Willdan Financial Professional Services Agreerrlent RECOMMENDATION Approve professional services agre nt with W�illdan�Financialltlervices for the period of July 1, 2015 to June 30, 201 e x DEPARTMENT FINANCE nn May we have a staff report please?lam Dk Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public Speakers? Af,09L Do I have a motion? ' Do I have a second? W l 5� Council Discussion Please vote 5 _ D CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS Interim City Manager Jacobs do you have any comments CLOSED SESSION - NONE ADJOURN a ' l-2- V- The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 600pm Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk's office no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 7 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM cI DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council DATE LI NAME ADDRESS �'A L ,N U6 PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON SUBJECT DATE NAME CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM C) DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council rJ 0I ADDRESS )"i'? PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON SUBJECT CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council DATE � r NAME �✓1 �c� 2, ! f/ o�--.% ADDRESS tr PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) s AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON r�W SUBJECT A U�unyog CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attendmg a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council DATE i NAME r ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if Information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON � ! cy/T-,- — � �i✓�7 l� >� SUBJECT wM. DATE h :_ _U_I_ ADDRESS CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON �/ o SUBJECT SANBAG Board of Directors Meeting — May 6, 2015 • Received Reports For o February/March 2015 Procurement J o Measure I Receipts • Amended the SANBAG Executive Director Contract —extending it to 2021 and increasing salary • Improved Project Invitation for Bids for the Alabama Street — Colton Avenue Grade Crossing Improvement Project • Amended Contracts Related to the Administration of the HERO program • Approved the Annual agreement for Freeway Service Patrol Program Funding • Discussed Council of Government Activities and Action Plan • Received Fiscal year 2015/2016 Proposed SANBAG Budget — a public hearing and adoption of the budget are scheduled for June 3, 2015 The proposed budget is available for review on the SANBAG website • Recognized that May is National Bike month and a report on Active Transportation activities — this is the program through which Grand Terrace is seeking a grant This week — May 11-15 is Bike to Work Week and Friday, May 15 is Bike -to -Work day 0 guw 2030 VISION and, 2014-2020 STRATEGIC PLAN Our Mission To preserve and protect our community-,,q,'19'�ts-7e--x'cr'�pji4D--n:q�140altiyl"of 11fethrough thoughtful planning, within F - t� P� the constraints of fiscally re3potisi'b'te,�6o�-v6rntWeinit-. " _77 Our Vision Grand Terrace is an "ceptiorafly\s%afe and,,wefimanaged Cty,;kpoWp forts ­i n�o`typal bea:t 1A opportunities, a vibrant and diverse local economy, cf place; wheo'kesidents en/byan out thatJbsterspTrde,and5# erhga'6ed community, encouragif�41iles to'co'me atidremain Our Core Values ent Exceptionareustomdri Service .penjuqu Incheivd'Governrn recreational I g quality of life 0 e ea �!y and Int rity Innovationand-Creativity' - Mutual,Re!spect Positive and ProddItive Work Environment Go Ensu Our Fiscal Via 'thty Ensure Commit to 1a 9h'anced Budget ientify­Addtttopal Revenue Sou rces Review 'Expenditures and Seek Savings A, 2 ai Ensure Staff Levels, Pollco'' Services Remain -Adequate for,0611 -0 munit Invest4n Chticdlil7ip !ptsio,100 cture 3 Promote Economic Development, Develop ProgitiveE'conlomic Develop 0It Plan to Attract NewX 3 psinesses; Invest'in Ipf!Os'tr'uc' Needed to Support Business"Attrac tion 6 W'etention Prepare forDeieil"6�p ent by� Upddting� zoning and De, 0 'Aenftitodes including the Sign Code ­ 4 Develop and Implement Successful Pa rtnershifisk. Work Collaboratively with Community to —s-, Private and Public SectorAgenciesto Facilitate the Delivery of Services Benefitting Youth, Seniors and Our Community I Work with Local, Regional and State Agencies to Secure Funding for Programs and Projects 5 Engage in Proactive Communication Develop and Implement a Cost Effective Proactive Communication Program Utilize Technology and Web -Based Tools to Disseminate Information Engage the Community by Participation JI b �5��� i 5 C�.XYt P� 6 Fo{� C�one.�vKr�i aQ � w�f#ev� t>-� tlekvi A,�-ovk- c�,� cac1V. p4ow, �, cC,rn DiukAd21- lie �/ �i �- i 7YV8/i��� 7'�', R�ra-e�e,�i�d , tl 11110 / 1 MIX i pq /PM_Jill Pik IN ZEN _.1 1 1 I ' 00 J -PTAopm_ nvL/ -Ldw - TOW _ 19 '�'� sal ���-dCIO, '917-W -JYJ - o—v/ =i- , POT,; ,; T"V/vp - Y? I i i! I 1 � O i � � r ' , Lff OR WEVE '- • WA Q 4 po i e / =14;a EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES Willdan shall provide the financial and administrative services necessary for the operation of a municipal Finance Department for the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018, with a possible extension of the term through June 30, 2020, if agreed to by the parties as specified in Paragraph 2 of this Agreement These Finance Department services shall be provided through a combination of hours worked by a Finance Director, who will report to the City Manager, a Principal Accountant, a Financial Analyst, and a Finance Technician who will report to the Finance Director The maximum number of hours in a work week shall not exceed 140 hours, allocated as follows Finance Director — 40 hours, Principal Accountant — 20 hours, and Financial Analyst — 40 hours, Finance Technician - 40 hours Hourly Rates for each position are as follows Finance Director $91 50 Principal Accountant $53 20 Financial Analyst $40 60 Finance Technician $31 00 The Finance Director has the authority to adjust/lower hours as work demands o T Finance Department services include, but shall not be limited to, the following functions ■ Accounts Payable ■ Accounts Receivable ■ Audit Coordination ■ Payroll ■ Investments and Banking ■ Budget and Accounting ■ Purchasing ■ Business License ■ Cashier Function ■ Fixed Assets ■ Information Technology oversight and coordination ■ Successor Agency accounting and reporting, including preparation of semi- annual Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules (BOPS) Page 8 of 11 Packet"Pg� 313A. 14a EXHIBIT "C" INSURANCE Willdan shall maintain throughout the duration of the term of the Agreement, liability insurance covering Willdan and, with the exception of Professional Liability Insurance, designating City including its elected or appointed officials, directors, officers, agents, employees, volunteers, or consultants, as additional insured against any and all claims resulting in injury or damage to persons or property (both real and personal) caused by any aspect of Willdan 's work, in amounts no less than the following and with such deductibles as are ordinary and reasonable in keeping with industry standards It shall be stated, in the Additional Insured Endorsement, that Willdan's insurance policies shall be primary as respects any claims related to or as the result of Willdan 's work Any insurance, pooled coverage, or self-insurance maintained by the City, its elected or appointed officials, directors, officers, agents, employees, volunteers, or consultants shall be non-contributory Professional Liability Insurance $1,000,000/$2,000,000 General Liability a General Aggregate $2,000,000 b Products Comp/Op Aggregate $2,000,000 c Personal & Advertising Injury $1,000,000 d Each Occurrence $1,000,000 e Fire Damage (any one fire) $ 50,000 f Medical Expense (any one person) $ 5,000 Workers' Compensation a Workers' Compensation Statutory Limits b EL Each Accident $1,000,000 c EL Disease - Policy Limit $1,000,000 d EL Disease - Each Employee $1,000,000 Automobile Liability a Any vehicle, combined single limit $1,000,000 Willdan shall provide thirty (30) days advance notice to City in the event of material changes or cancellation of any coverage Certificates of insurance and additional insured endorsements shall be furnished to City thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of this Agreement Refusal to submit such certificates shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement entitling City to any and all remedies at law or in equity, including termination of this Agreement Page 10 of 11 5 5 Packet Pg 32