06/09/2015COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER - 22795 BARTON ROAD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 �O R PIS TEAR CE Darcy McNaboe, Mayor Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern Jackie Mitchell, Council Member Doug Wilson,"Council Member Bill Hussey, Council Member r G Harold Duffey, City Manager Richard L Adams, City Attorney Pat Jacquez-Nares; City Cferk Sandra Molina, Community Development Director Linda Phillips, Child Care Director Cynthia A Fortune, Finance Director 1 C The Grand Terrace City Council meets on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at ,6 00 p m CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL J AGENDA • JUNE 9, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road A B The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www grandterrace-ca gov <http //www grandterrace-ca qov> CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee Name 1 Present Absent Late- Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe ❑ ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey ❑ I ❑ ❑ SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation of a Commendation to Child Care Services Teacher Dennise L Precie CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial They will be acted upon by the City Council at one time without discussion Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent calendar for discussion City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 9, 2015 I G NEW BUSINESS IS 4 Continued Deliberations and Adoption of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 RECOMMENDATION Continue Deliberations on and Adopt the City of Grand Terrace Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 DEPARTMENT FINANCE 5 Adopt Resolution 2015- Establishing Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2015-16 RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution 2015- establishing Appropriations Limit of $11,991,632 for the City of Grand Terrace for Fiscal Year 2015-16 DEPARTMENT FINANCE 6 Adoption of Resolutions Updating Bank and Investment Account Signature Authority RECOMMENDATION Adopt the attached Resolutions updating the Bank and Investment Account signature authority - ' DEPARTMENT FINANCE 7 Adopt Child Care Services Rates for FY2015-16 RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution No 2015- approving the 2 5% rate increase for Grand Terrace Child Care Services for Fiscal year 2015-2016 DEPARTMENT CHILD CARE SERVICES 8 Approval of a Professional Services and Maintenance Agreement Between The City of Grand Terrace and High Tech Security for Security Camera Upgrade Services RECOMMENDATION 1 Approve a Professional Services and Maintenance Agreement between the City of Grand Terrace and High Tech Security for Security Camera Upgrade Services, and 2 Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Grand Terrace Page 3 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE I CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • MAY 12, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road A CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation was provided by Father Andrew Lesko, Chaplain for the San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Hussey ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Darcy McNaboe Mayor Present Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern Present Jackie Mitchell Council Member Present Doug Wilson Council Member Present Bill Hussey v Council Member Present Carol Jacobs Interim City Manager Present Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Present Richard Adams City Attorney Present Sandra Molina Community Development Director Present Linda Phillips Director of Child Care Services Present Cynthia Fortune Finance Director Present Steve Lasiter Battalion Chief Present Robert O'Brine Lieutenant Present Presentation from the Lion's Club to the City Council for Veteran's Wall Deborah Seuylemezian, Lion's Club representative, provided a brief history on the fundraising done for this project and presented the members of the Veteran's Wall of Freedom with a check for $10,000 Presentation from Riverside Highland Water Company to Water Awareness Poster Contest Winners from Terrace View Elementary Don Hough, General Manager, Riverside Highland Water Company provided a brief history of their Water Awareness Poster contest and presented certificates to the Terrace View Elementary School winners City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Packet Pg 5 c a 4) a d r c 2 h,'2 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 12, 2015 6 Active Transportation Program Cycle 2 Grant Application Patricia Farley, Grand Terrace resident, stated her concerns with the approval of this item without any project plans A Council and staff discussion ensued as to what had been done to fulfill the requirements of the grant, the various town hall meetings requesting resident input and the concerns with the lack of communication on the meetings and identified project plans for this funding Council direction was given to staff to provide the grant's guidelines, objectives, and the proposed project plans for this funding ITEM WAS CONTINUED TO THE MAY 26, 2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING. 7 Request by the Foundation of Grand Terrace for a Waiver of City Fees Related to Community Days Council Member Mitchell requested clarification on how the sponsors would be recognized She requested that the City be listed and recognized as a sponsor of this event Sally McGuire, Foundation of Grand Terrace representative, stated that in previous years the City Manager did not want to have the City listed or recognized as a sponsor but would do so this year City Attorney Adams stated that the City could be recognized as making a donation Council Member Hussey requested clarification on the waiving of business license fees Community Development Director Molina confirmed that this item does include the waiving of some vendor business license fees Patricia Farley, Grand Terrace resident, stated her concerns with the vendors not having a City business license Community Development Director Molina stated that the Chamber of Commerce verified the vendors' business license WAIVED SPECIAL EVENT, FACILITY USE, PERMITTING AND BUSINESS LICENSE FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,164 00 FOR COMMUNITY DAY 2,015 RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member SECONDER Sylvia Robles,,Mayor Pro Tem AYES i McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 3 City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packet"Pg 7 Minutes E F G 8 Grand Terrace City Council Mayor Darcy McNaboe Y2' k N May 12, 2015 Mayor McNaboe thanked the Historic and Cultural Committee on the Art Show Event, stating that it really showcased the community's talent and its' volunteers work She also thanked Council Members Mitchell and Hussey on the work they have been doing on the safety of the community She also reported that she attended the SANBAG Board of Directors meeting on May 6, 2015 The items discussed were February/March 2015 procurement, Measure I receipts, the executive director contract amendment, project invitation for bids on Alabama Street -Colton Avenue grade crossing, the HERO program contract amendment, the Freeway Service Patrol Program annual agreement, Council of Governments activities and action plan, and the Fiscal Year 2015/2016 budget with the public hearing and adoption set for June 3, 2015 She also recognized that May was National Bike Month, with May 11-15 being Bike to Work Week, and May 15th being the Bike to Work Day PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE UNFINISHED BUSINESS — NONE NEW BUSINESS Consider Options and Authorize Relocation of Child Care Programs Interim City ManageYr Jacobs provided a brief summary of this item 1s Council Member Mitchell asked if the Child Care Community Room use would interfere with any other organization's use of the room Interim City Manager Jacobs informed Council that only ToastMasters group would be affected and they, along with the Lion's Club, have been notified that their last day would be July 15, 2015 Mayor Pro Tern Robles commended staff on the excellent work and appreciated everything that was done Kacy Carlsen, Cal Skate representative, offered to open the Cal Skate facility in the mornings for Tiny Tot use By Council consensus, the item was approved as presented and direction was given to continue discussions with Cal Skate for future Tiny Tot use AUTHORIZED STAFF TO RELOCATE THE CHILD CARE OPERATION AT THE GRAND TERRACE LIONS COMMUNITY CENTER TO 1) GRAND TERRACE ELEMENTARY FOR BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE, 2) TERRACE VIEW ELEMENTARY FOR KINDERGARTEN PROGRAMS AND BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE AND 3) GRAND TERRACE CITY HALL FOR THE TINY TOT PROGRAM EFFECTIVE JULY 15, 2015 City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Packet,Og 9 M Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 12, 2015 3 APPROVE RESOLUTION 2015-09 APPROVING SALARY RANGE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2015, AND 4 APPROVE RESOLUTION 2015-10 AMENDING THE STATEMENT OF BENEFITS EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2015 AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION 2015-06 1=FF1=rTIV1=.II ll V 1 2ni RESULT APPROVED [4 TO 1] MOVER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member SECONDER Bill Hussey, Council Member AYES Darcy McNaboe, Sylvia Robles, Jackie Mitchell, Bill Hussey NAYS Doug Wilson 10 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace Amending Title 9 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code by Adding Chapter 9 27 Regarding Psychoactive Bath Salts, Psychoactive Herbal Incense and Other Synthetic Drugs, Prohibiting the Distribution and Sale of Certain Intoxicating Chemicals Known as Synthetic Drugs City Attorney Adams presented the staff report for this item Mayor McNaboe asked why the ordinance did not state an age City Attorney Adams stated it was written to address all ages Council Member Hussey stated that he deals with this personally and fully supports the ordinance City Clerk Jacquez-Nares introduced and read by title only Ordinance No 282 as follows AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AMENDING TITLE 9 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 9 26 REGARDING PSYCHOACTIVE BATH SALTS, PSYCHOACTIVE HERBAL INCENSE AND OTHER SYNTHETIC DRUGS, PROHIBITING THE DISTRIBUTION AND SALE OF CERTAIN INTOXICATING CHEMICALS KNOWN AS SYNTHETIC DRUGS INTRODUCED FOR FIRST READING, READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVED FURTHER READING AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TITLE 9 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 9 26 PROHIBITING THE POSSESSION OF BATH SALTS AND OTHER SYNTHETIC DRUGS IN THE CITY, BY ANY PERSON AND FOR ANY PURPOSE, AND THE AUTHORIZATION OF PENALTIES RELATED TO THE SAME RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Doug Wilson, Council Member SECONDER Bill Hussey, Council Member AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey City of Grand Terrace Page 7 u Packet Pi 11 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 12, 2015 Council Member Wilson agrees with full outsourcing the planning services and supports this item Mayor McNaboe likes the option of the developer paid fast track process 1 APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT NO 2015-14 BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND MIG I HOGLE IRELAND FOR ON -CALL PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, 2 APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT NO 2015-15 BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND PMC FOR ON -CALL PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, AND 3 AUTHORIZE THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT f . RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Doug Wilson, Council Member _ SECONDER Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro tem - AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 13 Continuation of Twenty -Second Amendment to Law Enforcement Services Contract No 94-797 with County of San Bernardino Finance Analyst Bougie presented this staff report - Council Member Wilson stated that the four percent looks like a cost of living increase and wanted to know if staff has contacted the Sheriffs to discuss this amount He further asked Lt O'Brine if these discussions could be done before they approve this agreement Interim City Manager Jacobs stated that no discussion has been made with the Sheriff on this amount Lt O'Brine informed Council Member Wilson that the four percent increase is for the increase in the liability insurances needed to perform their duties Council Member Mitchell requested clarification on community oriented policing and if there is a level of service for the amount and the amount of deputies in Grand Terrace She requested to have the radar trailer fixed for use Lt O'Brine explained the community oriented policing and the amount of policing in Grand Terrace Mayor Pro Tern Robles requested to understand what services are being provided or have been cut that make up this agreement and requested the presence of the County's agreement specialist for the discussion of this item She requested the difference from 2009 to present on the number of deputies the City has had City of Grand Terrace _� Page 9 Packet Pg 13, 3 "h : rAGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE June 9, 2015 Council Item TITLE Monthly Financial Report for April 2015 PRESENTED BY Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the Monthly Financial Report for the period ending April 30, 2015 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports City Council Goal #1, "Ensure Our Fiscal Viability," through the continuous monitoring of revenue receipts and expenditure disbursements against approved budget appropriations BACKGROUND The Finance Department has developed a Monthly Financial Report (MFR), which will be submitted to the City Council each month The attached MFR is for the period ending April 30, 2015 The purpose of the MFR is to identify actual revenues received, and expenditures incurred, for the current fiscal year and compare them to the Approved Budget and fiscal year-to-date (YTD) expected amounts, however, since the submittal of the Mid -Year Budget Review to City Council on March 24, 2015, the MFR has been revised to compare monthly expected receipts and expenditures, and actuals to year-end projections The MFR still includes the approved budgets and any adjustments made to the approved budgets, if any The MFR encompasses the City's two major funds General Fund and Child Care Fund DISCUSSION The Fiscal Year (FY) 2014-15 Approved Budget amounts are presented in the attached MFR for reference purposes Any adjustments to the Approved Budget that may occur during the fiscal year will also be reflected in the report The "expected" revenues reflect a multi -year analysis of revenue receipts that have, historically, been received as of this month in the fiscal year The resulting positive or negative variances shown in the MFR are in comparison to these "expected" receipts The timing of expenditures is more evenly distributed during the fiscal year than revenue receipts, however, it is not entirely straight-line in nature For example, some months have three pay periods rather than two Also, debt service payments are only made twice a year Additionally, certain expenditure postings, such as the cost allocation plan, are made quarterly rather than monthly All of these factors are Packet Pg 15 A 2 City Manager, 3 City Clerk, 4 Finance, 5 City Attorney, and 6 Non -Departmental (General Fund costs not classified by department) These departments are responsible for the management and administration of the City projects, programs and activities throughout the city, including Special Revenue Funds However, if there is no activity in the special revenue fund during the fiscal year, the fund is not charged an overhead allocation In Fiscal Year 2014-15, the following funds listed below had minimal or no activity and therefore will not be charged any overhead cost allocation • Street Fund (Fund 11) — This fund receives Development Impact Fee (DIF) revenues for arterial improvements and traffic signals, the City did not have any street improvement projects this fiscal year • Parks Fund (Fund 13) — This fund receives Development Impact Fee (DIF) revenues for capital improvements in City parks, the City did not have any street improvement projects this fiscal year • Traffic Safety Fund (Fund 17) — This fund receives revenues from fines and forfeitures related to traffic misdemeanors Expenditures are restricted to traffic control devices, and construction and improvement of public streets, the City did not have any street improvement projects this fiscal year Measure "I" Fund (Fund 20) — This fund receives sales tax revenue that provides • funding for road improvement and traffic management programs, the City did not have any street improvement projects this fiscal year CHILD CARE FUND The Child Care Fund's revenue receipts of $884,490 are slightly below the expected level of $887,589 Although the 3-year history of monthly receipts varies from year to year, this may be due to • The timing of the submittals and recording of deposits and payments, and • Turnover in child care attendance Expenditures of $885,952 reflect a savings of $433 relative to the expected level of $886,385 ATTACHMENTS • Monthly Financial Report Apr2015 pdf 1 (PDF) Packef' 17 City of Grand Terrace Monthly Financial Report For the Period Ending April 30, 2015 Attachment Monthly Financial Report Apr2015 pdf (1707 Monthly Financial Report for April 2015) F I GENERAL FUND REVENUE All Pf 01 a 7C ID cC 3„ N° 01 ..a Attachment Monthly Financial Report Apr2015 pdf (1707 Monthly Financial Report for April 2015) City of Grand Terrace FY 2014-16 General Fund Monthly Financial Report For the Period Ending April 30, 2015 Positive Aril (Negative) YTD April YTD Aril Apnl YTD Variance Approved Year -End Year -End Expected % YTD % from Revenue Budget Expected Proiected Receipts Exoected Actuals Actuals YTD Expected Property Tax 1,414,000 1,414,000 1,407,100 818,453 582% 818,788 582% 335 Residual Receipts - RPTTF 306,370 306 370 682,256 532,262 78 0% 532,256 78 0% (6) Franchise Fees 480 000 480,000 478,000 358 280 750% 359 570 752% 1,290 Licenses, Fees & Permits 290 900 290,900 284,890 258,774 so 8% 263 523 92 5% 4,749 Sales Tax 1,047 000 1 047 000 843,960 476 487 565% 475,620 564% (867) IntergovernmentalRevenue/Grants 45,000 15,000 15,000 5,000 333% 5,212 347% 212 Charges for Services 81,200 81 200 78,000 78 000 1000% 106 492 136 5% 28,492 Fines & Forfeitures 25 000 25,000 25,000 25,000 1000% 44,107 1764% 19,107 2 Miscellaneous 5,000 5 000 8,800 8 800 1000% 9 267 1053% 467 Use of Money & Property 25 000 18,000 18,500 14,900 80 5% 18,304 98 9% 3 404 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residual Receipts - Sr Housing 0 0 0 0 0 0 Waste Water Receipts 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 1000% 700,000 1000% 0 4419,470 4 382 470 4,541,506 3,275 956 721% 3,333 139 73 4% 57 183 This includes reimbursement receipts for Shenff overtime the City incurred during the Freeway 2151Barton temporary road closure and increase In plan check fee revenues 2 In order to provide street sweeping services effectively the City has maintained an active level of parking enforcement throughout the year resulting in increased fines & forfeitures M m n 5 W- �, w w Attachment Monthly Financial Report Apr2015 pdf (1707 Monthly Financial Report for April 2015) 450 000 400,000 350 000 300 000 250 000 200 000 150 000 100 000 50 000 REVENUE - Sales Tax r p7.,..•.i.u<`:`:.kt��:8 a.-�i,.�z?".+d�. •`�K*'�. �`�i'�$`L1,a.�. :',"g+:5>.s' ,....,sue ��:nre%:h.:�?.45,:��:.l.:s ..,3'..A�c::r a.at � a .. �, - � J. JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY iu� — FY201415 -db-FY201314 m-0--FY201213—Ob--FY201112 Annual Sales Tax Tax Revenues FY2014-15 (as of month end) $475,620 FY2013-14 $958,649 FY2012-13 $971 549 FY2011-12 $963,439 m ;: r N � m cn Attachment Monthly Financial Report Apr2015 pdf (1707 Monthly Financial Report for April 2015) O REVENUE - Franchise Fees 180 000 160 000 140,000 120 000 100 000 80,000 60 000 40,000 20,000 ON JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN �FY201415-m-FY201314 -l13 �FY201122 Annual Franchise Fees FY2014-15 (as of month end) $359,570 FY2013-14 $477,395 FY2012-13 $478,269 FY2011-12 $478,011 -o m 0 cc w� N 9 fu Attachment Monthly Financial Report Apr2015 pdf (1707 Monthly Financial Report for April 2015) GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE BY DEPARTMENT N Attachment Monthly Financial Report Apr2015 pdf (1707 Monthly Financial Report for April 2015) F1 h COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT i Building & Safety ii Public Works Ili Rental Inspection Program iv Enforcement Program v Facilities Maintenance +' vi Community Development vii Parks Maintenance viii Storm Drain Maintenance ix National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) x Planning Commission raz 13 Attachment Monthly Financial Report Apr2015 pdf (1707 Monthly Financial Report for April 2015) EXPENDITURE - General Government 140 000 ...... , .. ..y e. .. ny, r. w.w..sn� R_ - -- �....+-4.�r.......a,._..aim.+«.�^.`Y^i+.+...nvrT'..+�...Nr`+r-e++�.-nwY*w.---+,..�.rsw-...m••-..j-�.`-• n ` 120 000 f 100,000 80,000 f 60 000 x 40 000 F ' � 1 v 20 000 Y i I ' F T JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN _ (20 000) N y (40 000) —0—FY2014 15 fFY2013 14 —*—FY2012 13 rt-FY2011 12 General Government Departments City Council, City Manager, City Clerk and City Attorney FY2014-15 (as of month end) $461,922 FY2013-14 $689,463 FY2012-13 $514, 314 FY2011-12 $537,061 15 Attachment Monthly Financial Report Apr2015 pdf (1707 Monthly Financial Report for April 2015) EXPENDITURE - Finance 80 000 f 70 000 9 60 000� ]A 1 t 50 000 i 40 000 / AN 30 000 20 000 ri 10 000 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN �FY201415 --W-FY201314 --1-FY201213 --0--FY201112 Finance Department FY2014-15 (as of month end) $388 374 FY2013-14 $369 432 FY2012-13 $346,409 FY2011-12 $256 223 ,7 Attachment Monthly Financial Report Apr2015 pdf (1707 Monthly Financial Report for April 2015) GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE BY CATEGORY (D cC 19 W ' ea 4 Attachment Monthly Financial Report Apr2015 pdf (1707 Monthly Financial Report for April 2015) EXPENDITURE - Salaries 120 000 100 000 SO 000 EL ///J,\L 60 000 40 000 20 000 (20 000) . FY20141i �FY201314 —6 FY201213—H—FY201112 hex 1 i i r JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Salaries FY2014-15 (as of month end) $504 755 FY2013-14 $697,536 FY2012-13 $659,163 FY2011-12 $791, 344 T 6 V M �x W W 21 Attachment Monthly Financial Report Apr2015 pdf (1707 Monthly Financial Report for April 2015) EXPENDITURE - Professional/Contractual Services 600 000 F L 500 000 st a r d 400 000 i 300 000 L,;eoo-,� 200 000 a i F 100 000 IL JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN -FY201415 -.n-FY201314-*-FY201213-Ct-FY201112 Professional/Contractual Services FY2014-15 (as of month end) $2 280,778 FY2013-14 $2 438,743 FY2012-13 $2 336,411 FY2011-12 $2 213 146 23 Attachment Monthly Financial Report Apr2015 pdf (1707 Monthly Financial Report for April 2015) CHILD CARE FUND REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE w Attachment Monthly Financial Report Apr2015 pdf (1707 Monthly Financial Report for April 2015) F I 180 000 160 000 140 000 - 120 000 100 000 80 000 60 000 4, k 40 000 20 000 JUL AUG SEP OCT REVENUES NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR --S-201415 �201314 -0-201213-0-202112 MAY JUN Child Care Revenues FY2014-15 (as of month end) 884,490 FY2013-14 1,093,094 FY2012-13 1,109,956 E .o FY2011-12 878,700 m iaw. -w A 27 II1 Attachment Monthly Financial Report Apr2016 pdf (1707 Monthly Financial Report for April 2015) a� AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE June 9, 2015 Council & Successor Agency Item TITLE Continued Deliberations and Adoption of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 PRESENTED BY G Harold Duffey, City Manager RECOMMENDATION Continue Deliberations on and Adopt the City of Grand Terrace Annual Budaet for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports City Council Goal #1 "Ensure our Fiscal Viability" through the continuous monitoring of revenue receipts and expenditure disbursements against approved budget appropriations BACKGROUND The Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-16 was introduced on May 26, 2015 The City Council was presented with the 2015-16 Proposed Budget and proposed budget requests for the General Fund and Child Care Services Fund General Fund Revenues and Expenditures Base General Fund Revenues $4,466,059 Additional Revenues 26,942 Base General Fund Expenditures (4,498,676) Expenditure Adjustments 6.572 Net $897 City Council was presented with the FY2015-16 proposed budget requests by department General Fund Budoet Adiustments City Council ($4,400) City Manager (72,090) City Attorney (9,000) City Clerk (3,000) Community Development (37,072) Finance 12,355 Information Technology (9,530) Public Safety 50,000 Non -Departmental 66.165 Total (�6.5721 Packet�.P��47 redevelopment property tax trust fund (RPTTF) for each former agency and, after deducting county auditor -controller administrative costs, are used to - First, to pay pre-existing pass -through commitments to affected taxing entities, - Second, to pay pre-existing obligations of the former RDA, through the recognized obligation payment schedule (ROPS) process every 6 months, - Any remaining funds in the RPTTFs are distributed to affected taxing entities as "residual" who did not receive their 100% pass -through commitments in the same manner as property tax is normally distributed (Health & Safety Code§§ 34183(a)(4), 34188), and - The residual receipts that the City receives are new unrestricted general fund monies, subject to expenditure as determined by City Council in the same manner as all other general fund monies The City's property tax consultants, Rosenow Spevacek Group (RSG) provide the RPTTF estimates that would consider anticipated revenues, uses of funds, residual receipts, including the amount that would flow to the City's General Fund pursuant to dissolution law When providing projections, RSG uses conservative, estimated changes in assessed value over time, incorporates pass -through payments, bonds, settlement agreements and any other enforceable obligations, if any For FY2015-16, RPTTF Residual Receipts make up 17 4% of total General Fund revenues 7 Sales Tax The current statewide sales tax rate is 7 5%, which is apportioned as follows • 6 50% - State — 5 00% - State - General Fund — 0 25% - State - Fiscal Recovery Fund — 0 50% - State - Local Revenue Fund — 0 50% - State - Local Public Safety Fund — 0 25% - State - Education Protection Account (Prop 30) • 1 00% - Uniform Local Tax — 0 25% - Local County - Transportation funds — 0 75% - Local City/County - Operational funds In addition to the statewide rate, many counties have an additional transportation add - on, which is currently 0 50% in San Bernardino County Therefore, the current sales tax rate for Grand Terrace and most cities in San Bernardino County is 8% (The cities of San Bernardino and Montclair have additional local sales tax add-ons of 0 25% each) Sales Tax is projected based on data and analyses specific to the City, utilizing outside consulting expertise (Hinderliter, de Llamas & Associates) rather than applying generalized growth or inflationary factors Sales Tax projections for the current year and the next year are projected lower than prior years due to the purchase of Essco Whole Electric by One Source Distributors Essco, a wholesale distributor of electrical products, automation controls, and industrial supplies was bought out by One Source, who moved their assembly and manufacturing division to Garden Grove and/or San Packet Pg 49 4 Expenditure Budget During budget deliberations, the City Council approved all proposed budget requests for both funds for FY2015-16 In addition, the following Fixed Asset items were approved by City Council on May 26, 2015 through the use of funds from the Equipment Replacement Reserve and the Budget Stabilization Reserve Equipment Replacement Reserve On -Line Permitting System $15,000 MinuteTraq Agenda Processing Upgrade (includes video/web streaming) 40,000 LaserFiche Electronic Records Retention System 45,000 Total Budget Stabilization Reserve City Council Chambers Upgrade 20,000 Total Sam The Equipment Replacement Reserve totaling $400,000, as approved by City Council during the Mid -Year Budget Review, will be transferred to its own Fund This shows as a reduction from the General Fund fund balance and a transfer into the Equipment Replacement Fund as shown in the Fund Balance section of this report The approved budget asset items totaling $100,000 will be appropriated in this fund The FY2015-16 Budget that is now presented to City Council for adoption includes all requests approved by City Council on May 26, 2015 Additional Budget Requests As a result of the revenue enhancements provided earlier in the staff report, the City Manager is requesting reinstatement/funding for the following positions Executive Assistant/Secretary $64,000 Travel for City Council 4,000 Administrative Intern 27,500 Total MUM Reinstatement of these positions and expenditure travel will enable City Council and the City Manager to receive the support and administration required to keep them abreast of community activities, programs and events, improve customer service, and provide support for upcoming economic development activities, organizational augmentation and productivity improvement that will benefit the City and community Fund Balance As a result of the approved City Council budget requests, the General Fund Reserve Packet Pg 51 � 1 2030 Vision and 2014-2020 Strategic Plan On May 13, 2014, the City Council approved the City of Grand Terrace 2030 Vision and 2014-2020 Strategic Plan The Plan's purpose is to help the City prioritize its efforts and work programs, allocating both fiscal and human resources to achieve a shared vision and goals The Plan identified five (5) main goals as follows - Ensure our fiscal viability, - Maintain public safety, - Promote economic development, - Develop and implement successful partnerships, and - Engage in Proactive Communication The Proposed Budget addresses these goals in the City's Vision and Strategic Plan to balance the budget and maintain core services in a positive manner as summarized below - Maintain sheriff contract staffing level, preserving public safety, - Maintain City Hall staffing to provide adequate levels of service in core function areas, - Provide necessary resources to implement the Economic Development Strategic Plan, develop successful partnerships and an effective communications program, and, - Maintain adequate General Fund reserves FISCAL IMPACT The FY2015-16 Budget provides the funding and expenditure plan for all funds As such, it serves as the City's financial plan for the upcoming fiscal year The City Council will be kept apprised regarding actual operating results for its major funds through a monthly financial report and the Mid -Year Budget Review The Mid -Year Budget review will include an update of the FY2015-16 projected revenues and any recommended adjustment for that fiscal year budget at that time ATTACHMENTS • Resolution to Adopt Budget (DOC) • Attachment -A to Resolution (PDF) APPROVALS Cynthia Fortune Completed 06/03/2015 10 11 AM Finance Completed 06/03/2015 10 12 AM City Attorney Completed 06/03/2015 10 25 AM City Manager Completed 06/03/201511 35 AM Packet Pg 53 RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 WHEREAS, A Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-16 was introduced during a regularly scheduled City Council meeting on May 26, 2015, and WHEREAS, the City Manager has heretofore submitted to the City Council a Proposed Budget for the City for Fiscal Year 2015-2016, a copy of which, as may have been amended by the City Council, is on file in the City Clerk's Department and is available for public inspection, and J WHEREAS, the said Proposed Budget contains estimates of the services, activities and projects comprising the budget, and contains expenditure requirements and the resources available to the City, and WHEREAS, the said Proposed Budget contains the estimates of uses of fund balance as required to stabilize the delivery of City services during periods of operational deficits, and WHEREAS, the City Council has made such revisions to the Proposed Budget as so desired, and T WHEREAS, the Proposed Budget conforms with the City's 2030 Vision and 2014-2020 Strategic Plan, and WHEREAS, the Proposed Budget, as herein approved, will enable the City Council to make adequate financial plans and will ensure that City officers can administer their respective functions in accordance with such plans NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS 1 The Proposed Budget, as Attachment A to this Resolution and as on file in the City Clerk's Department and as may have been amended by the City Council, is hereby approved and adopted as the Annual Budget of the City of Grand Terrace for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 2 The amounts of proposed expenditures, which include the uses of fund balance specified in the approved budget, are hereby appropriated for the various budget programs and units for said fiscal year BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon the date of its adoption Packet Pg 55 �4a I, PAT JACQUES-NARES, CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 9th day of June, 2015, by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT UIRWO Pat Jacques-Nares, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM City Attorney Packet Pg 57 lo,. U1 OD 1V O V■ �T V/ CL O 00 CD C. vo C. cc CD ritC m ♦/ rMIL �J Attachment Attachment -A to Resolution (1705 Continue Deliberations of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016) rr Ctt o Gran Terrace Citywide Fund Balance Adopted Adopted Fixed Asset Projected Revenues Expenditures Transfers & Fund Balance FY2015 16 FY2015 16 Approvals June 30, 2016 Fund $ 4 493 001 $ 4,492,104 $ 420,000 $ 1 682 220 10 GENERAL FUND SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 1,237,609 1 210 984 - 80,404 09 CHILD CARE CENTER FUND 800 - - 1 248 934 11 STREET IMPROVEMENT FUND 5,600 - - 89,120 12 STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT FUND 800 - - 225 154 13 PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND 100,000 100 000 - - 14 SUPPL LAW ENFORCE SVCS FUND (SLESF) 14,000 - - 47,948 15 AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FUND 372,500 372 484 - 243,972 16 GAS TAX FUND 18 000 - - 59,304 17 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 4,250 - - 243,717 19 FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT FUND 180,000 436 885 - 112,811 20 MEASURE I FUND 59,296 59,296 - 7,948 22 COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) - - - 194 700 10,000 7 800 - 7 479 26 LANDSCAPE & LIGHTING ASSESS DISTRICT CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 355 350 355 350 f - 55,627 46 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS -STREETS_ - - - 2,331 47 CAP PRJ BARTON/COLTON BRIDGE - - - (348) 48 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND - - - - 50 CAPITAL PROJECT BOND PROCEEDS ENTERPRISE FUND - 13,500 - 941 906 21 WASTE WATER DISPOSAL FUND SUCCESSOR AGENCY (S/A) 2 346 270 - - 6,966 632 31 S/A RDA OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND - 355,561 - (703,578) 32 S/A CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND - 1,751,170 - (3 502 340) 33 S/A DEBT SERVICE FUND - - - - 34 S/A LOW INCOME HOUSING FUND = 52 - 241 500 - (652,374) 37 S/A CRA PROJECTS TRUST - 6200 - 10,731 420 000 120 000 - 300 000 $ 9,617,476 $ 9,522,833 $ 420,000 7,662,299 3 Packet Pg 60 0 i7, 13 MI 0 0 Itz Attachment Attachment -A to Resolution (1705 Continue Deliberations of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016) Cr Cit o Gran Terrace FY 2015-16 A opte E pen iture Summar b Fun Fund Fund Title 09 CHILD CARE CENTER FUND 10 GENERALFUND 11 STREET FUND 12 STORM DRAIN FUND 13 PARK FUND 14 SLESF (AB3229 COPS) 15 AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FUND 16 GAS TAX FUND 17 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 19 FACILITIES FUND 20 MEASURE"I FUND 21 WASTE WATER DISPOSAL FUND 22 CDBG 25 SPRING RANCH TRAFFIC MITIGATION 26 LNDSCP & LGTG ASSESSMENT DIST 31 S/A RDA OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND 32 S/A CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 33 S/A DEBT SERVICE FUND 34 S/A LOW INCOME HOUSING FUND 37 S/A CRA PROJECTS TRUST 46 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS - STREETS 47 CAP PRJ BARTON/COLTON BRIDGE 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Actuals Actuals Proiected Adopted $ 1,083,694 $ 1,104354 $ 1 141 804 $ 1210,984 3,531,471 4 843 673 4 377 047 4492,104 262 793 49 207 49,200 - 2 361 1 584 17 300 - 100,495 99,091 100,000 100,000 (7) - 64,000 - 336753 343,885 402 490 372 484 17,915 4,890 5,200 - (14 258) 232,857 170,000 436 885 1 579 517 1 578 036 1,200,000 13,500 25,724 19,783 49 530 59 296 12 966 7 385 7,800 7,800 - 283,853 - - 2,200,327 296 586 353,600 355 561 1,346,589 4 326 269 1,751,170 1 751 176 228,092 - - - - - 411,250 241,500 216,559 143 277 50,000 355 350 48 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 897,493 202 526 - - 50 CAPITAL PROJECT BOND PROCEEDS 198 009 - - - 52 HOUSING AUTHORITY 134 142 5,200 6,200 70 FIXED ASSET FUND - - - 120 000 Total E pen itures $ 12.026.627 $ 13.537.398 $ 10.155.591 $ 9.522.833 Increase (Decrease) over(under) 2014-15 Projected 6 06% 2 63% 0 00% -7 46% 156 99% -98 88% 19 72% 0 00% 0 55% 0 00% -41 28% 610 70% 19 23% -6 23 7 Packet Pg 64 Cit o Gran Terrace FY 2015-16 A opte Re enue E pense Summar b Cate or SUCCESSOR TRUST FIXED ASSET TOTAL AGENCY FUND FUND Revenues $ 2,346,270 $ - $ - $ 3,907,789 Property Tax N - - - 1 080 000 Sales Tax c - - - 480 000 Franchise Fees - - - 422,850 Licenses, Fees & Permits ea - - - 781,142 Residual Receipts - RPTTF R - - - 281,000 Gas Tax w - - - 300 000 Wastewater Receipts v: `o - - - 164 296 Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants m - - - 1 341,609 Charges for Services a - - - 23,640 Use of Money & Property m' - - - 54,800 Fines & Forfeitures s - - - 5,000 Miscellaneous c - - 420 000 775 350 Transfers In 2 346 270 - 420 000 9 617 476 Total Revenues R L d u Expenditures Qi 171,549 - - 1,531949 Salaries Y y c 50 412 - - 622 923 Benefits w = 0 - - - 387 350 Materials & Supplies v 2,125 470 6,200 120 000 5 667 372 Professional/Contractual Services c - - - 233,300 Utilities v - - - 8,400 Lease of Facility/Equipment c - - - - Equipment 800 - - 11 640 Capital Projects 0 - - - 257 800 Debt Service - - - (100) Overhead Cost Allocation - - - 802 200 Transfers Out a 2 348 231 6200 120 000 9 522 833 Total Expenditures c E Impact to Fund Balance a 2 346 270 - 420,000 9,617,476 Revenues 2,348 231 6200 120 000 9 522 833 Expenditures _ (1,961) (6,200) 300,000 94,643 Net - Increase to or (Use o) Fun Balance Q 9 PacketPg 66 53 Debt Service 2 7' ® Capita LE Facility, ® Utilities 2 4% 59 5% City of Grand Terrace 2015-16 Adopted Expenditures by Category ($9,522,833) Salaries $ 1 531 949 Benefits 622 923 Materials & Supplies 387 350 Professional/Contractual Services 5667,372 Utilities 233,300 Lease of Facility/Equipment 8 400 Capital Projects 11,640 Debt Service 257,800 Overhead Cost Allocation (100) Transfers Out 802 200 $ 9,522,833 nr Packet Pg 68 Type Fund REV EXP REV EXP 22 CDBG 22 CDBG City of Grand Terrace FY2015-16 Adopted Budget (Revenue and Expenditure Appropriations) by Fund 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 Fund Description Actuals Rewsed Base Approved Adopted Budget Requests 19 794 49 530 49,530 9,766 59 296 19 783 49 530 70 644 11 348 59 296 11Y� �_... �- � 21 114 ._._ µ�21 114_...______�_ 26 LNDSCP & LGTG ASSESS DIST 11,812 10,200 10,200 (200) 10 000 26 LNDSCP & LGTG ASSESS DIST 7 385 7 800 7 800 - 7 800 ( 4 427 2 400 2 400 200 2200 REV 31 SUCCESSOR AGENCY (S/A) FUND 1 409 537 2 104 770 2 346 270 - 2346270 EXP 31 SUCCESSOR AGENCY (S/A) FUND 283 853 - - - - ��r.._ 1,125 684 2 104 770 2 346 270 -� 23 46 270 _ �299,894 _ _.�.._ ._. - REV 32 S/A CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND - - - - EXP 32 S/A CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 296 586 353 600 355 561 - 355 561 3308 (353 600) � 355 561 a. - � 355561 J —1 REV 33 S/A DEBT SERVICE FUND 088 103 - - - - EXP 33 S/A DEBT SERVICE FUND 4 326 269 1 751 170 1 751 170 - 1 751 170 170 1 751 170 - (1751 170 REV 37 S/A CRA PROJECTS TRUST 719 - - - - EXP 37 S/A CRA PROJECTS TRUST - 411 250 241 500 - 241 500 _____.. 719 _ (411 250) 241 500 _ REVV 46 CAPITAL IMPRV -STREETS 217 412 112,000 112,000 243 350 355,350 EXP 46 CAPITAL IMPRV -STREETS 143 277 112 000 112 000 243 350 355 350 74135 REV 52 HOUSING AUTHORITY 40 - - - - EXP 52 HOUSING AUTHORITY 142 10 200 10 200 4 000 6200 (102) 200) (10 200) 4 000 6,200 REV 70 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUNDA - �====jj0 - - Y 420 000 420,000 EXP 70 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND - - - 120 000 120 000 - --- - _ 300 000 _ 300 000 j REV TOTAL REVENUES 11 875 633 8,700,241 8,912 314 705,162 9,617 476 EXP TOTAL EXPENDITURES 13 334 872 10,440 964 8 963 318 559 515 9 522 833 j i r r a (1,459 239) (1 740 723) _ 51 004 145 64794 643 13 PacketPg 70 Z� N M 0 �f �h go r. rrn %< X ,n (D U) CL cD Attachment Attachment -A to Resolution (1705 Continue Deliberations of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016) Cit o Gran Terrace FY 2015-16 A opte Re enue E pense Detail b Fun 13 14 15 16 SLESF (AB3229 AIR QUALITY PARK FUND COPS) IMPROVEMENT GAS TAX FUND FUND Revenues $ - $ - $ - $ - Property Tax - - - - Sales Tax - - - - Franchise Fees 800 - 14,000 91,500 Licenses, Fees & Permits - - - - Residual Receipts - RPTTF - - - 281,000 Gas Tax - - - - Wastewater Receipts - 100,000 - - Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants - - - - Charges for Services - - - - Use of Money & Property - - - - Fines & Forfeitures - - - - Miscellaneous - - - - Transfers In 800 100 000 14 000 372 500 Total Revenues Expenditures - - - 66,390 Salaries - - - 23,694 Benefits - - - - Materials & Supplies - 99,600 - 158,400 Professional/Contractual Services - - - 80,000 Utilities - - - - Lease of Facility/Equipment - - - - Equipment - - - - Capital Projects - - - - Debt Service - 400 - 44,000 Overhead Cost Allocation - - - Transfers Out 100 000 - 372 484 Total Expenditures 0 Impact to Fund Balance 800 100 000 14 000 372,500 Revenues - 100 000 - 372 484 Expenditures $ 800 $ - $ 14,000 $ 16 Net - Increase to or (Use o ) Fun Balance 17 Packet Pg 74 Cit o Gran Terrace FY 2015-16 A opte Re enue E pense Detail b Fun 22 25 26 SPRING RANCH LNDSCP & LGTG CDBG TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT MITIGATION DIST Revenues $ - $ - $ 10,000 Property Tax - - - Sales Tax - - - Franchise Fees - - - Licenses, Fees & Permits - - - Residual Receipts - RPTTF - - - Gas Tax - - - Wastewater Receipts 59,296 - - Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants - - - Charges for Services - - - Use of Money & Property - - - Fines & Forfeitures - - - Miscellaneous - - - Transfers In 59 296 - 10 000 Total Revenues Expenditures 13,695 - - Salaries 7 419 - - Benefits - - - Materials & Supplies 27,342 - - Professional/Contractual Services - - 4 900 Utilities - - - Lease of Facility/Equipment - - - Equipment 10 840 - - Capital Projects - - - Debt Service - - 2 900 Overhead Cost Allocation - - - Transfers Out 59 296 - 7 800 Total Expenditures 59,296 - 10,000 59 296 - 7 800 $ 0 $ - $ 2,200 Impact to Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Net - Increase to or (Use o ) Fun Balance LO 0 n c 0 0 0 N d 0 Q w c m E r A Q c m E s cc cc 19 PacketP9 76 Cit o Gran Terrace FY 2015-16 A opte Re enue E pense Detail b Fun 46 52 70 CAPITAL HOUSING FIXED ASSET IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORITY FUND -STREETS 355 350 _ 355 350 TOTAL Revenues 3 907 789 Property Tax 1 080 000 Sales Tax 480,000 Franchise Fees 422 850 Licenses, Fees & Permits 781 142 Residual Receipts - RPTTF 281,000 Gas Tax 300,000 Wastewater Receipts 164,296 Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants 1 341 609 Charges for Services 23 640 Use of Money & Property 54,800 Fines & Forfeitures 5 000 Miscellaneous 775 350 Transfers In YGV VVV oV1/ Y/V Total Revenues U Expenditures - - - 1,531,949 Salaries - - - 622,923 Benefits - - - 387,350 Materials & Supplies - 6,200 120 000 5,667,372 Professional/Contractual Services - - - 233,300 Utilities - - - 8 400 Lease of Facility/Equipment - - - - Equipment - - - 11,640 Capital Projects - - - 257,800 Debt Service - - - (100) Overhead Cost Allocation 355 350 - - 802 200 Transfers Out 355 350 6,200 120 000 9 522 833 Total Expenditures Impact to Fund Balance 355 350 - 420,000 9 617 476 Revenues 355 350 6200 120 000 9,522 833 Expenditures $ - $ (6,200) $ 300,000 $ 94,643 Net - Increase to or (Use o ) Fun Balance 21 PacketPg 78 N w Mi m x m cD m rmPk z rn r mn c z v Attachment Attachment -A to Resolution (1705 Continue Deliberations of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016) City of Grand Terrace 2015_ 16 General Fund Adopted Revenues ($4,493,001) ■ Fines & Forfeitures ® Charges for Services ■ Use of Money & Property 0 8/ ■ Intergovernmental 2 3/ 0 5/ Revenue/Grants L. Miscellaneous 01/ 01% ■ Wastewater Receipts 67% ■ Residual Receipts RPTTF ■ Property Tax 17 4/ 34 5/ i k� ■ Licenses Fees & Permits 68/ 7 ■ Sales Tax ■ Franchise Fees 20 0% 10 7% l Property Tax $ 1 551 519 Sales Tax $ 900 000 Franchise Fees $ 480 000 Licenses Fees & Permits $ 306 700 Residual Receipts RPTTF $ 781 142 Wastewater Receipts $ 300 000 Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants $ 5 000 Charges for Services $ 104 000 Use of Money & Property $ 22 840 Fines & Forfeitures $ 36 800 Miscellaneous $ 5 000 $ 4 493 001 25 Packet Pg 82 City of Grand Terrace 2015-16 General Fund Adopted Expenditures by Department ($4,492,104) ® City Attorney 0 City Council o City Manager 14% 13% 69% W City Clerk r 3 6% a PubhcSafety 7 37 3% f ® Community Dev 27 8% O Non Departmental a Information Technology 13% ® Finance it 2% City Council $ 56 878 S f : City Manager 310 219 ^ ar City Attorney 64 000 _1 4 City Clerk 161 828 Community Dev 1 249 409 Finance 501 035 �r { t„ It , , , (,I f , Information Technology 56 570 [ _ n Non Departmental 415 965 Public Safety 1 676 200 $ 4,492104 27 Packet Pg 84 N CD w 0 co M Q 00 w !L S?on m> X X 0 M -n �c � z ry 0 Attachment Attachment -A to Resolution (1705 Continue Deliberations of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016) .p' Cr E Pre -School Pr 5S 6/ City of Grand Terrace 2015-16 Child Care Adopted Revenues ($1,237,609) ■ TinyTot Program O Nutrition Program Grant 6 5/ Revenue 24% �f Tiny Tot Program After School Program Pre School Program Nutrition Program Grant Revenue $ 80 794 $ 401 976 $ 724 839 $ 30 000 $ 1,237,609 i After School Program 325/_ 31 Packet Pg 88 W W m O W �■ rF 0 M< I v m Attachment Attachment -A to Resolution (1705 Continue Deliberations of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016) Cit o Gran Terrace FY 2015-16 Authors a Summar o Positions Chd Care Ser ices Increase (Decrease) ecrea se) Position 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 over(under) Approved 2014-15 Actual Actual Proiected Requests Adopted Projected 1 Child Care Services Director 1 0 10 1 0 - 1 0 0 00% 2 Assistant Child Care Director 20 20 20 - 20 0 00% 3 Lead Teacher 20 30 30 - 30 0 00% 4 Teacher 150 150 140 - 140 0 00% 5 Teaching Assistant 3 0 3 0 3 0 - 3 0 0 00% 6 Substitute Teacher (PIT) 2 0 2 0 2 0 - 2 0 0 00% 7 Cook - - 10 - 10 0 00% Total 250 260 260 - 260 000 35 PacketPg 92 W V -rp m -< z 0) M �r O■ -n m C 0 Z = Boo 0 Attachment Attachment -A to Resolution (1705 Continue Deliberations of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016) City of Grand Terrace General Fund FY2015-16 Five -Year Projection 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Adopted Protected Protected Proiected Protected REVENUES Property Tax 1 551 519 1 554 879 1 558 340 1,561,905 1 565 576 Residual Receipts - RPTTF 781 142 804 576 828 714 853,575 879 182 Franchise Fees 480 000 480 000 480 000 480 000 480,000 Licenses, Fees & Permits 306,700 315,901 325,378 335 139 345 194 Sales Tax 900 000 927,000 897,712 817 546 859 975 Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants 5,000 5,150 5 305 5,464 5,628 Charges for Services 104 000 107 120 110 334 113 644 117,053 Fines & Forfeitures 36 800 37 904 39,041 40 212 41 419 Miscellaneous 5 000 5 150 5 305 5 464 5 628 Use of Money & Property 22,840 23,525 24,231 24,958 25 707 Wastewater Receipts 300 000 300 000 300 000 300 000 300 000 4 493 001 4 561 206 4 574 358 4 537 906 4 625 360 EXPENDITURES City Council 56 878 56,891 56 906 56,920 56 935 City Mgr - Administration 271 219 271,957 272,721 273 511 274,329 Senior Citizens Program 33 100 33,100 33 100 33 100 33 100 Emer Ops Center 5,900 5 900 5 900 5 900 5,900 City Attorney 64,000 64,000 64 000 64,000 64 000 City Clerk - Administration 160,628 175 874 161,129 176,394 161,667 Hist & Cultural Comm 1 200 1,200 1 200 1 200 1,200 Building & Safety 156,764 156,861 156 962 157 066 157 174 Public Works 298 204 298,746 299 306 299,886 300,486 Community Events 40,514 40 514 40,514 40 514 40 514 Code Enforcement 24 758 25,131 25,517 25,917 26 331 Enforcement Programs 199,580 199 580 199,580 199 580 199 580 Facilities Maintenance 91 897 91,897 91,897 91,897 91 897 CDD - Planning 199 553 200,363 201 201 202,068 202 966 Park Maintenance 172 779 172 917 173,059 173,207 173 360 NPDES 42 900 42,900 42,900 42 900 42,900 Storm Dram Maintenance 16,000 16,000 16 000 16,000 16 000 Planning Commission 6,461 6 462 6,463 6 465 6,466 Finance -Administration 501,035 501,035 501035 501,035 501035 Information Technology 56 570 56 570 56,570 56 570 56,570 Non -Departmental 697 700 697 700 697,700 697 700 697 700 Overhead Cost Alloc (281,735) (281 735) (281,735) (281,735) (281,735) Law Enforcement 1,676 200 1 751,629 1 830 452 1,912,823 1 998 900 Every 15 Minutes - - - - 4492104 4 585 492 4,652 377 4 752 917 4 827 274 NET (Revenues less Expenditures) 897 24 286 78 019 (215 011) (201 914) Fund Balance Beginning of Year NET (Revenues less Expenditures) Less Establishment of the Equipment Replacement Fund Approved Fixed Assets Budget Stabilization Fund Fun Balance, En o Year 2,101 323 1,682,220 1 657 933 1,579,915 1,364,904 897 (24 286) (78 019) (215 011) (201,914) (400 000) - - - - (20 000) - - - - 1 682 220 1 657 933 1 579 915 1 364 904 1 162 989 39 PacketPg 96 AC*4_� ► • TITLE AGENDA REPORT June 9, 2015 Adopt Resolution 2015- _ Limit for Fiscal Year 2015-16 Council Item Establishing Appropriations PRESENTED BY Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director RECOMMENDATION (1) Adopt Resolution 2015- establishing Appropriations Limit of $11,991,632 for the City of Grand Terrace for Fiscal Year 2015-16 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports City Council Goal #1, "Ensure Our Fiscal Viability," through the continuous monitoring of revenue receipts and expenditure disbursements against approved budget appropriations BACKGROUND On May 26, 2015, City Council was presented with the City's proposed Appropriations Gann Limit for FY2015-16 and was requested to approve the following (1) Select the Change in Per Capita Personal Income of 3 82% as the "Price Factor" for the Fiscal Year 2015-16 Appropriations Limit Calculation, and (2) Select the Change in County of San Bernardino Population of 1 09% as the "Population Change Factor" for the Fiscal Year 2015-16 Appropriations Limit Calculation The annual calculation of the Appropriations Limit must be reviewed as part of the City's annual financial audit 17b-19111 'iIs] ►I Price Factor The change in the cost of living (or "price factor") is defined by Proposition 111 to be either the change in California per capita personal income or the change in assessed valuation due to the addition of non-residential new construction Since the change in assessed valuation due to the addition of non-residential new construction from 2014 to 2015 is not yet available from the County Assessor's office, staff recommended and City Council approved to use the California change in per capita personal income of 3 82% as the price factor Packet Pg 98 City Manager Completed 06/03/2015 1137 AM City Council Pending 06/09/2015 6 00 PM Packet Pg 100 REVENUE SOURCE EXHIBIT B CITY OF GRAND TERRACE APPROPRIATIONS (GANN) LIMIT PROCEEDS OF TAX CALCULATION FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 BUDGETED BUDGETED PROCEEDS NON -PROCEEDS OF TAX OF TAX TOTAL REVENUE TAXES Property Tax (1) $ 2 186 524 $ 2 186 524 Sales Tax (2) 900,000 900 000 Business License Tax 91,000 91,000 FEES Franchise Fees $ 490,000 490 000 Budding Fees 113,000 113 000 Planning Fees 69,500 69 500 Other Permits/Fees 286 550 286,550 Residual Receipts Agreement - - Intergovernmental 5,000 5 000 Use of Property/Other 321,840 321 840 Child Care Fees 1 245 695 1,245,695 Waste Water Disposal Fees - - Gas Tax/Highway User Fees 281 000 281 000 Measure "I" Transportation 180,000 180 000 SLESF (AB 3229 COPS) 100,000 100 000 CDBG 48 456 48,456 Other 38 600 38 600 OPERATING BUDGET SUBTOTAL $ 3,177,524 $ 3,179,641 $ 6,357,165 % of Total 49 98% 50 02% 100 00% Interest Allocation (3) 5,998 6,002 12,000 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDING Gas Tax/Measure "I"/Transfers 355,350 355 350 State Grants Bond Proceeds CAPITAL PROJECT SUBTOTAL $ - $ 355,350 $ 355,350 TOTAL $ 3,183,522 $ 3,540,993 $ 6,724,515 Revenues are based on FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget (all City funds excluding Successor Agency) Notes (1) Includes Property Tax In -Lieu of Vehicle License Fees & RPTTF Residual Receipts (2) Includes Property Tax In -Lieu of Sales Tax (3) Based on percentage of Tax/Non-Tax Proceeds cc Lh 0 N L d R y u- L 0 M-� E J y C O w R L 0- 0 a c. Q c> 0 n c O ca Ta U r E J y C 0 r a 0 L a a a m th 0 N } LL c m E t 0 r w a Packet Pg 102 May 2015 Attachment A A Price Factor Article XIII B specifies that local jurisdictions select their cost of living factor to compute their appropriation limit by a vote of their governing body The cost of living factor provided here is per capita personal income If the percentage change in per capita personal income is selected, the percentage change to be used in setting the fiscal year 2015-16 appropriation limit is Per Capita Personal income Fiscal Year Percentage change (FY) over prior year 2015-16 382 B Following is an example using sample population change and the change in California per capita personal income as growth factors in computing a 2015-16 appropriation limit 2015-16 Per Capita Cost of Living Change = 3 82 percent Population Change = 0 93 percent Per Capita Cost of Living converted to a ratio Population converted to a ratio Calculation of factor for FY 2015-16 3 82 + 100 = 10382 100 0 93 + 100 =1 0093 100 10382 x 10093 =1 0479 w c aD E ca r Packet Pg 104 RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 WHEREAS, Article XIIIB of the California Constitution and Section 7910 of the California Government Code require that each year the City of Grand Terrace shall by resolution, establish an Appropriations Limit for the fiscal year, and WHEREAS, the City Council has prepared a Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-16, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and available for public inspection, and WHEREAS, the said Proposed Budget contains the estimates of the services, activities and projects comprising the budget, and contains expenditure requirements and the resources available to the City, and WHEREAS, the City's Finance Department has prepared calculations and 2 documentation required for and to be used in the determination of certain matters and C for the establishment of an Appropriations Limit for the City for Fiscal Year 2015-16 and such data and documentation has been available to the public for at least fifteen (15) ti days prior to the adoption of this Resolution, and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered pertinent data such as price and population factors and made such determinations as may be required by law, and has adopted this Resolution as a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council and WHEREAS, the Appropriations Limit for the City of Grand Terrace for Fiscal Year 2015-16 is hereby established at $11,991,632 and the total annual appropriations subject to such limitation for Fiscal Year 2015-16 are determined to be $3,183,522 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS 1 That $11,991,632 is hereby established as the Appropriations Limit for the City of Grand Terrace for Fiscal Year 2015-16 2 The City Council hereby adopts the findings and methods of calculation set forth in Exhibit A (Appropriations Limit Calculation) and Exhibit B (Proceeds of Tax Calculation) s R 3 The City of Grand Terrace reserves the right to revise the factors associated with a the calculation of the limit established pursuant to Article XIIIB of the California Constitution if such changes or revisions would result in a more advantageous Appropriations Limit in the future Packet Pg 106 AGENDA G DA REPORT MEETING DATE June 9, 2015 Council & Successor Agency Item TITLE Adoption of Resolutions Updating Bank and Investment Account Signature Authority PRESENTED BY Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director RECOMMENDATION Adopt the attached Resolutions updating the Bank and Investment Account signature authority 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports City Council Goal #1 — Ensuring our Fiscal Viability through the continuous monitoring of revenue receipts and expenditure disbursements against approved budget appropriations BACKGROUND The City must update bank and investment account signature authorizations on file with the various financial institutions that hold City and Successor Agency funds as personnel and organizational changes occur DISCUSSION With the recent organizational changes that became effective June 1, 2015, it is necessary to update the signature authority on all City and Successor Agency bank and investment accounts Resolutions have been prepared for the various banking and investment accounts to implement the changes in signature authority FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with adopting the attached Resolutions ATTACHMENTS • Bank of Amenca_City (DOC) • Bank of America —SA (DOC) • BBVA Bancomer (DOC) • CAMP (DOC) • First Financial Equity (DOC) Packet Pg 108 RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING SIGNERS FOR BANK OF AMERICA BANK ACCOUNTS WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace is a municipal corporation established under the laws of the State of California, and WHEREAS, Bank of America is a federally chartered bank under the laws of the United States, and WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace needs to update its signature card(s) periodically with Bank of America due to changes in City staff or changes in staff duties, and WHEREAS, the City Council designates the Interim City Manager, Finance Director and Principal Accountant as authorized signers on Bank of America bank accounts, and WHEREAS, Bank of America requires the City to adopt a corporate resolution and authorization to designate authorized signers on bank accounts, 0 r` THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE HEREBY RESOLVES THE FOLLOWING Section 1 - All previous resolutions of designated authorized signers for the City of Grand Terrace with Bank of America are hereby revoked Section 2 - Authorized account signers on Bank of America accounts are as follows Position City Manager Finance Director Principal Accountant Individual Name G Harold Duffey Cynthia A Fortune Domilena R Gonzales Section 3 - Any one of the individuals named as an authorized signer acting on behalf of the City of Grand Terrace is authorized to execute documents on behalf of the City Section 4 - Any two of the individuals named as authorized signers acting on behalf of the City of Grand Terrace are authorized to sign checks on behalf of the City Section 5 - The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution Packet Pg 110 . 6b RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY, AUTHORIZING SIGNERS FOR THE BANK OF AMERICA BANK ACCOUNT FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WHEREAS, the Successor Agency of the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency ("Successor Agency") is a public agency established under the laws of the State of California, and WHEREAS, Bank of America is a federally chartered bank under the laws of the United States, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Successor Agency desires to establish a separate bank account for funds of the Successor Agency of the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Successor Agency designates the Interim Agency Director, Agency Finance Director and Agency Principal Accountant as authorized signers on the Bank of America bank accounts, and WHEREAS, Bank of America requires the Successor Agency to adopt a corporate resolution and authorization to designate authorized signers on bank accounts, THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY ti HEREBY RESOLVES THE FOLLOWING a y Section 1 - All previous resolutions of designated authorized signers with Bank of America are hereby revoked E Section 2 — Authorized account signers on Bank of America accounts are as c follows = m Position Individual Name Agency Director G Harold Duffey Agency Finance Director Cynthia A Fortune Agency Principal Accountant Domilena R Gonzales a Section 3 - Any one of the individuals named as an authorized signer acting on behalf of the Successor Agency, is authorized to execute documents on behalf of the City Packet Pg 112 .6c RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING SIGNER FOR BBVA BANCOMER, USA BANK ACCOUNT WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace is a municipal corporation established under the laws of the State of California, and WHEREAS, the BBVA Bancomer USA is a federally chartered bank under the laws of the United States, and WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace needs to update its deposit agreement and signature card with BBVA Bancomer USA, and WHEREAS, the City designates the Interim City Manager, Finance Director and Principal Accountant as authorized signers on the BBVA Bancomer USA bank accounts, and WHEREAS BBVA Bancomer USA requires the City to adopt a corporate resolution and authorization to designate authorized signers on bank accounts, - THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE HEREBY RESOLVES THE FOLLOWING Section 1 - All previous resolutions of designated authorized signers with BBVA Bancomer USA are hereby revoked Section 2 - Authorized signers on BBVA Bancomer USA accounts are as follows Position City Manager Finance Director Principal Accountant Individual Name G Harold Duffey Cynthia A Fortune Domilena R Gonzales Section 3 - Any one of the individuals named as authorized signers acting on behalf of the City of Grand Terrace is authorized to execute documents on behalf of the City Section 4 - Authorized amount of investment is $250,000 or the federally insured limit which ever is less Section 5 - Interest payments, withdrawals and matured investments may only to transferred or paid to bank accounts in the name of the City of Grand Terrace Packet Pg 114 �sa RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING SIGNERS FOR CALIFORNIA ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace is a municipal corporation established under the laws of the State of California, and WHEREAS, the California Asset Management Trust was established pursuant to and in accordance with Joint Powers Exercise of Powers Act, by a Declaration of Trust, made as of December 15, 1989 and as subsequently amended, as a vehicle for public agencies to jointly exercise their common power to invest bond proceeds and other funds, and WHEREAS, the California Asset Management Program is an authorized investment under the investment policy of the City and under Government Code Section 53600, and WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace periodically needs to update its authorized signers with the California Asset Management Program, and Y WHEREAS, authorized signers will have the authority to deposit and withdraw funds with the California Asset Management Program on behalf of the City, and WHEREAS, deposits and withdrawals may only come from designated, authorized City operating and City investment accounts, and WHEREAS, California Asset Management Program requires the City to adopt a resolution to change authorized signers on the account, and n v THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE HEREBY RESOLVES THE FOLLOWING 4 w Section 1 - All previous resolutions of designated authorized signers with the d California Asset Management Program are hereby revoked Section 2 - Authorized signers on the California Asset Management Program account a are as follows Position City Manager Finance Director Principal Accountant Individual Name G Harold Duffey Cynthia A Fortune Domilena R Gonzales Packet Pg 116 RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING SIGNER FOR FIRST FINANCIAL EQUITY ACCOUNTS WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace is a municipal corporation established under the laws of the State of California, and WHEREAS, the First Financial Equity is a brokerage firm under the laws of the United States, and WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace needs to update its deposit agreement and signature card with First Financial Equity Money Market Fund, and WHEREAS, the City designates the Interim City Manager, Finance Director and Principal Accountant as authorized signers on all accounts held with First Financial Equity and the First Financial Equity Money Market Fund, and WHEREAS First Financial Equity requires the City to adopt a corporate resolution and authorization to designate authorized signers on all accounts, THEREFORE, THE -CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE HEREBY RESOLVES THE FOLLOWING Section 1 - All previous resolutions of designated authorized signers with First Financial Equity are hereby revoked Section 2 - Authorized signers on First Financial Equity accounts are as follows Position City Manager Finance Director Principal Accountant Individual Name G Harold Duffey Cynthia A Fortune Domilena R Gonzales Section 3 - Any one of the individuals named as authorized signers acting on behalf of the City of Grand Terrace is authorized to execute documents on behalf of the City Section 4 - Interest payments, withdrawals and matured investments may only to transferred or paid to bank accounts in the name of the City of Grand Terrace Section 5 - The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution PASSED, APPROVEDAND ADOPTED this 9th day of June, 2015 { Packet Pg 118 RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING SIGNERS FOR THE LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace (City) is a municipal corporation established under the laws of the State of California, and WHEREAS, the Local Agency Investment Fund was established by Chapter 730, Statutes of 1976 This fund enables local government agencies or trustees to remit surplus funds, not needed for immediate expenditures, to the State Treasurer for the purpose of investment on behalf of the agency The State Treasurer will invest such funds as part of a pooled money investment account in order to derive the maximum rate of return possible, and WHEREAS, the Local Agency Investment Fund is an authorized investment under the investment policy of the City and under Government Code Section 53600, and WHEREAS, the City periodically needs to update its authorized signers with the Local Agency Investment Fund, and n g WHEREAS, authorized signers will have the authority to deposit and withdraw funds with the Local Agency Investment Fund on behalf of the City, and WHEREAS, deposits may only come from and withdrawals may only be made to designated, authorized signers on the account 0 0 ti NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS 0 LL Section 1 All previous resolutions of designated authorized signers with the r Local Agency Investment Fund are hereby revoked Section 2 The following officers or their successors in office shall be authorized signers on the Local Agency Investment Fund account a Position Individual Name City Manager G Harold Duffey Finance Director Cynthia A Fortune Principal Accountant Domilena R Gonzales Packet Pg 220 RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AUTHORIZING SIGNERS FOR THE LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND WHEREAS, the Successor Agency of the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency is a public agency established under the laws of the State of California, and WHEREAS, the Local Agency Investment Fund was established by Chapter 730, Statutes of 1976 This fund enables local government agencies or trustees to remit surplus funds, not needed for immediate expenditures, to the State Treasurer for the purpose of investment on behalf of the agency The State Treasurer will invest such funds as part of a pooled money investment account in order to derive the maximum rate of return possible, and WHEREAS, the Local Agency Investment Fund is an authorized investment under the investment policy of the City and under Government Code Section 53600, and WHEREAS, on January 30, 2012, the City Council elected, by Resolution 2012- 08, to authorize the Successor Agency to the -former Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency (Successor Agency), to invest in the Local Agency Investment Fund in accordance with the provisions of Section 16429 1 of the Government Code and approved a list of authorized signers to the account, and WHEREAS, the Successor Agency periodically needs to update its authorized signers with the Local Agency Investment Fund, and 0 0 WHEREAS, authorized signers will have the authority to deposit and withdraw funds with the Local Agency Investment Fund on behalf of the Successor Agency, and W1U. WHEREAS, deposits may only come from and withdrawals may only be made to designated, authorized signers on the account �. c d NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE FORMER GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT w AGENCY, DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS a Section 1 All previous resolutions of designated authorized signers with the Local Agency Investment Fund are hereby revoked Section 2 The following officers or their successors in office shall be authorized signers on the Local Agency Investment Fund account Packet Pg 122 �69 RESOLUTION NO 2015- Page 3 I, Pat Jacques-Nares, Agency Secretary to the Successor Agency, do hereby certify that Resolution No was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Successor Agency held on the 9th day of June, 2015, by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Agency Secretary Approved as to form Agency Council Packet Pg 124 "6h RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING SIGNERS FOR US BANK, SAFEKEEPING ACCOUNT WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace is a municipal corporation established under the laws of the State of California, and WHEREAS, the US Bank is a federally chartered bank under the laws of the United States, and WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace needs to update its deposit agreement, signature card or notice of incumbency with US Bank, and WHEREAS, the City designates the Interim City Manager, Finance Director and Principal Accountant as authorized signers on the US Bank Safekeeping bank account, and WHEREAS US Bank requires the City to adopt a corporate resolution and Authorization to designate authorized signers on such accounts, w r r +T THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE HEREBY RESOLVES THE FOLLOWING Section 1 - All previous resolutions of designated authorized signers with US Bank are hereby revoked Section 2 - Authorized signers on US Bank accounts are as follows Position City Manager Finance Director Principal Accountant Individual Name G Harold Duffey Cynthia A Fortune Domilena R Gonzales Section 3 - Any one of the individuals named as authorized signers acting on behalf of the City of Grand Terrace is authorized to execute documents on behalf of the City Section 4 - Authorized investment held in US Bank Safekeeping account must be invested in accordance with permitted investments in California Government Code Sections 53601 and 53635 Section 5 - The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution Packet*g 125 MEETING DATE TITLE PRESENTED BY RECOMMENDATION AGENDA REPORT June 9, 2015 Council Item Adopt Child Care Services Rates for FY2015-16 Linda Phillips, Director of Child Care Services Adopt Resolution No 2015- approving the 2 5% rate increase for Grand Terrace Child Care Services for Fiscal vear 2015-2016 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #1 - Ensuring Our Fiscal Viability through exploration of creative means to provide services and ensure appropriate cost recovery for services BACKGROUND On May 26, 2015, the Child Care Services Department proposed a 2 5% increase in rates due to the increase in minimum wage effective July 1, 2015 and an additional increase in fund balance Staff provided the City Council with information regarding rate increases for the City of Grand Terrace Child Care Services and other child care centers within close vicinity of the city After review and deliberation, City Council supported a 2 5% rate increase for Grand Terrace Child Care Services for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Attached to this staff report is Resolution 2015- listing the proposed 2015-16 rates for final approval 7 �������C�1►J As directed by Council at its May 26, 2015 meeting, a rate increase of 2 5% will generate added revenue of $29,494, with the addition of the grant -funded Nutrition Program ($30,000), it is anticipated that $26,625 will be allocated to Child Care Services Department reserves The attachment resolution provides the increased rates at 2 5% applied per age level, as well as per program The information below shows the effects of a 2 5% increase in child care rates on the proposed Child Care budget for FY 2015-16 Revenues $1,237,609 Expenditures $1,210,984 Net $26,625 Packet Pg 127 ,7a RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ADJUSTING THE FEES FOR THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CHILD CARE SERVICES WHEREAS, the City Council at their meeting of June 10, 2014, established fees for services provided by Grand Terrace Child Care Services and were effective for Fiscal year 2014-15, and WHEREAS, California passed AB10, which approved the first minimum wage increase since 2008 and raised the California minimum wage from $8 00/hour to $9 00/hour effective July 1, 2014 and raises the California minimum wage from $9 00/hour to $10.00/hour effective July 1, 2015, and WHEREAS, it was determined that a rate increase of 2 5% is sufficient to cover the Fund's operating expenditures for FY 2015-2016, and WHEREAS, in order to increase fees, a report showing that the revenue to be generated from the increase will not exceed the cost of the program and is available in the City Clerk's office for public review, and written notice has been sent to the parents involved in the program, 10 days prior to the June 9, 2015, City Council Meeting NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS Section 1 The City Council hereby establishes the following fees for services provided by the City of Grand Terrace Child Care Services Description Resident Approved Weekly Charae "a "} ` w Non -Resident Approved Weekly Charge Kangaroo FIT $220 12 $224 48 Turtles P/T $147 34 $149 91 FIT $196 03 $199 62 G A M P/T $119 16 $121 72 FIT $168 10 $171 69 Kinder P/T $103 53 $105 83 FIT $142 22 $144 78 1st - 6th Grade P/T $79 95 $80 84 F/T $96 86 $98 18 Go 0 v Packet 'Fg 129 I, PAT JACQUES-NARES, CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 9 h day of June, 2015 by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN APPROVED AS TO FORM City Attorney Pat Jacques-Nares, City Clerk co 0 N r E PacketPg 131 ,?f�Gf3rSti�AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE June 9, 2015 Council Item TITLE Approval of a Professional Services and Maintenance Agreement Between The City of Grand Terrace and High Tech Security for Security Camera Upgrade Services PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION 1 Approve a Professional Services and Maintenance Agreement Between the City of Grand Terrace and High Tech Security for Security Camera Upgrade Services, and 2 Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #2 "Maintain Public Safety" by investing in critical improvements to technological infrastructure BACKGROUND In 2006 and 2007, High Tech Security installed security cameras and PC -based DVR systems at City Hall and three City Parks Pico, Rollins and Karger The equipment is now outdated The City is one of the few municipalities in this region still recording footage captured by security cameras to a PC Additionally, the cameras installed throughout the City are analog cameras and do not capture high quality footage Upgrading the cameras and DVR systems will enhance the City's ability to maintain public safety and secure City facilities These upgrades will help the City to provide the Sheriffs Department with footage for investigations in the event of any type of incident at a City facility or park, such as graffiti and vandalism DISCUSSION On April 16, 2015 a Request for Proposals (RFP) for security camera system upgrade professional services was advertised on the City website and emailed to various security camera system providers Three (3) proposals were received on May 14, 2015 The selection committee made up of City Staff reviewed and evaluated the proposals The committee agreed that High Tech Security offered the best proposal The vendor was able to accommodate all aspects of the RFP, including a long range camera at Pico Park with proper installation services, for a reasonable price High Tech Security was also the lowest bid in the amount of $22,566 and offered the lowest annual maintenance fees The vendors who submitted proposals and their bids are as follows • AthenX $22,870 00 plus $1,700 annual maintenance cost Packet Pg 133 APPROVALS Sandra Molina Finance City Attorney Community Development City Manager City Council Completed 06/01/2015 1140 AM Completed 06/01/2015 6 40 PM Completed 06/02/2015 2 43 PM Completed 06/03/2015 1 33 PM Completed 06/03/2015 10 55 AM Pending 06/09/2015 6 00 PM Packet Pg 135 Paragraph "8" of this Agreement All services, including but not limited to the installation of the equipment, required by Consultant under this Agreement shall be completed on or before August 1, 2015 The maintenance agreement services for equipment and the system shall commence at the end of the one year warranty and shall remain in effect for a minimum of three years or until this Agreement is terminated as provided herein, whichever occurs later 6 DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE Consultant hereby designates Mike Allagas as the Consultant Representative, and said Representative shall be responsible for job performance, negotiations, contractual matters, and coordination with the City Consultant's professional services shall be actually performed by, or shall be immediately supervised by, the Consultant Representative 7 HOLD HARMLESS, INDEMNIFICATION Consultant hereby agrees to protect, indemnify and hold City and its employees, officers and servants free and harmless from any and all losses, claims, liens, demands and causes of action of �. every kind and character including, but not limited to, the amounts of judgment, interests, court costs, legal fees and other expenses incurred by the City arising in favor of any party, including claims, liens, debts, personal injuries, including employees of the City, death or damages to property (including property of the City) and without limitation by enumeration, all other claims or demands of every character occurring or arising directly out of the negligent acts, recklessness or willful misconduct of Consultant in the performance of its services under this Agreement This provision is not intended tolcreate any cause of action to favor n of any third party against Consultant, or the City or to enlarge in any way the Consultant's liability but is intended solely to provide for indemnification of the City for liability for damages or injuries to third persons or property arising from Consultant's negligent performance hereunder 8 INSURANCE Consultant shall procure and maintain at all times during the term of this Agreement insurance as set forth in Exhibit "C" attached hereto Proof of insurance shall consist of a Certificate of Insurance provided on IOS-CGL form No CG 0001 II 85 or 88 executed by Consultant's insurer and in a form approved by, the City's City Attorney and City's Legal Counsel 9 LICENSES, PERMITS, AND FEES Consultant shall obtain a City of Grand Terrace Business License and any and all other permits and licenses required for the services to be performed under this Agreement 10 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS City and Consultant agree that a Consultant, in performing the Services herein specified, shall act as an independent Contractor and shall have control of all work and the manner in which it is performed Consultant shall be free to contract for similar services to be performed for other entities while under contract with City Consultant is not a an agent or employee of City, and is not entitled to participate in any pension plan, insurance, bonus or similar benefits City provides for its employees Page 2 of 12 4 Packet P9 137 16 NOTICES All notices given or required to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and may be given by personal delivery or by mail Notice sent by mail shall be addressed as follows City G Harold Duffey, City Manager City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, Ca 92313 Consultant Mike Allagas, CEO High Tech Security P O Box 1373 San Bernadino, CA 92402 If the name of the principal representative designated to receive the notices, demands or communications, or the address of such person, is changed, written notice shall be given within five (5) working days of said changes 17 TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Consultant shall provide City with a "" complete Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification, Form W - Iq 9, as issued by the Internal Revenue Service 18 APPLICABLE LAWS, CODES AND REGULATIONS Consultant shall perform all services described in accordance with all applicable laws, codes and regulations required by all authorities having jurisdiction over the Services Consultant agrees to comply with prevailing wage requirements as specified in the California Labor Code, Sections 1770, et seq x 19 RIGHT TO UTILIZE OTHERS City reserves the right to utilize others to perform work similar to the Services provided hereunder d d 20 BENEFITS Consultant will not be eligible for any paid benefits for federal , social a security, state workers' compensation, unemployment insurance, professional insurance, medical/dental, retirement PERS or fringe benefits offered by the City cc of Grand Terrace 21 PERS ELIGIBILITY INDEMNITY In the event that Consultant or any employee, agent, or subcontractor of Consultant providing services under this Agreement claims or is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction or the California a Public Employees Retirement System ("PERS") to be eligible for enrollment in ¢ PERS as an employee of the City, Consultant shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless City for the payment of any employee and/or employer contributions for PERS benefits on behalf of Consultant or its employees, agents, or subcontractors, as well as for the payment of any penalties and interest on such a contributions, which would otherwise be the responsibility of City Page 4 of 12 Packet Pg 139 28 MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement may not be modified, nor may any of the terms, provisions or conditions be modified or waived or otherwise affected, except by a written amendment signed by all parties 29 WAIVER If at any time one party shall waive any term, provision or condition of this Agreement, either before or after any breach thereof, no party shall thereafter be deemed to have consented to any future failure of full performance hereunder 30 COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS Each term and each provision of this Agreement to be performed by Consultant shall be construed to be both a covenant and a condition 31 RIGHT TO TERMINATE City may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, in its sale discretion, with thirty (30) days written notice 32 EFFECT OF TERMINATION Upon termination as stated in Paragraph "31" of n this Agreement, City shall be liable to Consultant only for work performed by Consultant up to and including the date of termination of this Agreement, unless the termination is for cause, in which event Consultant need be compensated only to the extent required by law Consultant shall be entitled to payment for work satisfactorily completed to date, based on proration of the monthly fees set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto Such payment will be subject to City's receipt of a close-out billing 33 GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with laws of the State of California In the event of litigation between the parties, venue in state trial courts shall lie exclusively in the County of San Bernardino In the event of litigation in a U S District Court, exclusive venue shall lie in the Central District of California 34 LITIGATION FEES Should litigation arise out of this Agreement for the performance thereof, the court shall award costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, to the prevailing party In awarding attorney's fees, the court shall not be bound by any court fee schedule but shall award the full amount of costs, S expenses and attorney's fees paid and/or incurred in good faith "Prevailing Party" shall mean the party that obtains a favorable and final judgment or order from a court of law described in paragraph "33 " This paragraph shall not apply a and litigation fees shall not be awarded based on an order or otherwise final a judgment that results from the parties' mutual settlement, arbitration, or mediation of the dispute 35 SEVERABILITY If any provision of this agreement is held by a court of a competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining Page 6 of 12 Packet Pg 71471 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES The locations for the camera systems are as follows • Civic Center & Public Works Yard • Richard Rollins Park • Pico Park • Gwen Karger Park Consultant will provide the following services Public Works Yard U • Install 4 High -Definition 1080P vandel dome cameras r L • Install 16 foot pole to mount cameras • Install 8-camera Hi -Definition DVR that holds at least 14 days of footage • Provide 20 inch LCD monitor to view DVR footage r9 City Hall • Install 7 Hi -Definition 720P interior dome cameras n • Install 1 Hi -Definition 1080P vandel dome camera d • Install 2 Hi -Resolution (650 TVL) long range bullet cameras • Install 16-camera High -Definition DVR that holds at least 14 days of footage = • Provide 20 inch LCD monitor to view DVR footage d d L Rollins Park a • Install 4 High -Definition 1080P vandel dome cameras • Install 8-camera High -definition DVR that holds at least 14 days of footage • Provide 20 inch LCD monitor to view DVR footage Pico Park c a • Install 4 High -Definition 1080P vandel dome cameras a • Install 1 High Resolution 650TVL long range bullet camera to capture footage at r the north baseball field E • Install 8-camera High -Definition DVR that holds at least 14 days of footage • Provide 20 inch LCD monitor to view DVR footage a Page 8 of 12 Packet Pg 143 EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION For performing and completing all services pursuant to Exhibit "A" Scope of Services, is a total amount not to exceed $22,566 00 (Twenty two thousand five hundred and sixty six dollars) BILLING At the end of each calendar month in which services are performed or expenses are incurred under this Agreement, Consultant shall submit an invoice to the City at the following address City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, Ca 92313 The invoice submitted pursuant to this paragraph shall show the 1) Purchase order number, n 2) Project name/description, 3) Name and hours worked by each person who performed services during -_ the billing period, 4) The title/classification under which they, were billed, N 5) The hourly rate of pay, 6) Actual out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the performance of services, and, �, 7) Other such information as the City may reasonably require x III METHOD OF PAYMENT Payment to Consultant for the compensation specified in Section I, above, shall be made after the Executive Director or designee determines that the billing submitted pursuant to Section II, above, accurately reflects work satisfactorily performed City shall pay Consultant within thirty (30) days there from Page 10 of 12 Packet Pg 145 insurance and to charge the Consultant for any premium due for such coverage +City has the option to deduct any such premium from the sums due to the Consultant Insurance is to be placed with insurers authorized and admitted to write insurance in California and with a current A M Best's rating of A- VII or better Acceptance of insurance from a carrier with a rating lower than A- VII is subject to approval by City 's Risk Manager Consultant shall immediately advise City of any litigation that may affect these insurance policies Page 12 of 12 Packet Pg 1477 ' LJl^u lcf% I @c/+i IC21ry (seciweS epej6dn wa;sAS ejawe0 AcluncieS VOLo a;igi4xg ;u9wyoe4V oo SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92402 a 9 , ACO46601C-10�999931 Tel: (909)885-2101 Fax: (909)885-2102 t e a Proposal Client Information CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Proposal Number 565 FINANCE DEPT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT Date 4/30/2015 Expires 6/30/2015 22795 BARTON ROAD Salesperson MIKE ALLAGAS GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 Qty Description Total 16 CAMERA HYBRID HI-DEF DVR 6TB HARD DRIVE INFRARED CAMERA WITH 300' RANGE 1 INFRARED VANDEL DOME HI-RES CAMERA 7 INFRARED HI-DEF INTERIOR DOME CAMERA 1 MISC(COAX,CONN,ETC) 1 20" LCD MONITOR 16 LABOR CHARGE X 2 Cal $50 OOHR l 1 TAX $995 00 $700 00 RECEIVED $698 DO MAY 07 2015 $249 00 $1,393 00 Community Development Department $250 00 $149 00 $1,600 00 $365 81 Total This Proposal $6,399 81 THIS PROPOSAL COVERS CITY HALL BLDG ONLY -DOES NOT INCLUDE MAINTENANCE BLDG • MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT TO COVER ALL LABOR WOULD BE $30 00 PER MONTH -EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PROVIDED AT A DISCOUNT WITH MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT • ONE YEAR WARRANTY ON PARTSILABOR • SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME @ (951)833-5698 Notice of Cancellation You may cancel this transaction without any penalties or obligation within three business days from the date above if you cancel any payment made by you under this contract or sale and any negotiable instrument executed by you will be returned within 10 days following receipt by the Company of your cancellation notice I hereby cancel this transaction Subscribers Signature Date Acceptance of Proposal -The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted You are authorized to do the work as specified Please pnnt name here Proposal 565 Please sign name here Date Approved LJ1f_U TCr%U Q=nl 1171TV (seoweS epea6dn we;sAS e.iawe0 A4unoeS VOLO a;tgl4x3 lueu143e}Id r Q ........... _... LID co SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92402 Im ACO 4660/C-10 �99931 (- } Tel: (909)885-2101 Fax: (909)885-2102 R Proposal tL Client Information CITY OF GRAND TERRACE POCKET PARK GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 Proposal Number 562 Date 4/30/2015 Expires 6/30/2015 Salesperson MIKE ALLAGAS Qtty Description Total 1 4 CAMERA HYBRID HI-DEF DVR 2 2TB HARD DRIVE 2 HI-DEF INFRARED VANDEL DOME CAMERA 1 LICENSE PLATE CAMERA 6 LABOR CHARGE 1 TAX $399 00 $280 00 $498 00 $1,995 00 $480 00 $26169 Total This Proposal $3,913 69 • MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT TO COVER ALL LABOR WOULD BE $20 00 PER MONTH -EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PROVIDED AT A DISCOUNT WITH THE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT • ONE YEAR WARRANTY ON PARTS/LABOR • SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME @ (951)833-5698 Notice of Cancellation -You may cancel this transaction without any penalties or obligation within three business days from the date above If you cancel, any payment made by you under this contract or sale and any negotiable Instrument executed by you will be returned within 10 days following receipt by the Company of your cancellation notice I hereby cancel this transaction Subscribers Signature Date Acceptance of Proposal -The above prices specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted You are authorized to do the work as specified Please print name here Please sign name here Proposal 562 Date Approved (seciweS epea6dn wais/(S e.lewe0 /(ItanoaS VOLE) a ltgtux3 Iuewyoe4d P 0. BUX 1s116Lo Co SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92402 a ACO 46601C 10 999931 Tel. (909)885-2101 Fax: (909)885-2102 a Proposal EJ Client Information CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PICO PARK GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 1 8 CAMERA HYBRID HI-DEF DVR 1 6TB HARD DRIVE 4 HI-DEF INFRARED VANDEL DOME CAMERA 1 INFRARED CAMERA WITH 300' RANGE 1 MISC(COAX,CONN,CONDUrF,ETC) 1 20" LCD MONITOR 10 LABOR CHARGE 1 TAX Proposal Number 564 Date 4/30/2015 Expires 6/30/2015 Salesperson MIKE ALLAGAS $549 00 $350 00 $996 00 $349 00 $250 00 $149 00 $800,00 $218 05 EToThis Proposal $3,66105 . MAINTENANCE AGREEMEN�TO COVER ALL LABOR WOULD BE $25 00 PER MONTH EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PROVIDED AT A DISCOUNT WITH MAINTENA E AGREEMENT ' PRICE INCLUDES INSTALLIlb CAMERA ON LIGHT POLE TO VIEW BACK FIELDI . nry 1 ruff I rirm UUt1 I IUNJ I'LtAbt I-ttL rtttt I U CAN rACT ME @ (951)833-5698 Notice of Cancellation You may cancel this transaction without any penalties or obligation within three business days from the date above If you cancel any payment made by you under this contractor safe and any negotiable Instrument executed by you will be returned within 10 days following receipt by the Company of your cancellation notice I hereby cancel this transaction Subscribers Signature Date Acceptance of Proposal -The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted You are authonzed to do the work as specified Please print name here Proposal 564 Please sign name here Date Approved POUG WILSON a PROJECT MANAGEMENT - LAND DEVELOPMENT - COORDINATION & EXPEDITING MEMORANDUM Date 06 09 15gj From Doug Wilson 6� To Grand Terrace City Manager Re Misinterpretation of Minutes 1 J 2' Commencing at 148 33 12168 OBSERVATION DRIVE GRAND TERRACE CA 923135531 909 520 8428 CELL BAMPA DOUG@YAHOO COM Doug Wilson Speaking "City Manager— I really appreciate all the information I appreciate all this effort that was put Into this I'm not seeing the linkage between the "Cafeteria" Benefit Plan, and the Option 3, Implementation of Classification Salary Range Schedule I do know that there has been some discussion about us being competitive in the marketplace and a re -vamping various descriptions of work Give this onerous time, it is counterproductive to segregate work with situations where you have a small staff and a large contract entity, it seems to me it's better to wear a lot of hats rather than wear Just one hat and segregate (unaudible) So can you give me what the linkage is or why it might be absolutely essential that we approve, not only two, but three ?" CM Carol Jacobs reply Doug Wilson Speaking "Thank you" Mayor ProTem Robles Speaking "What we are doing is starting this up to make sure we have updated Job descriptions, that we classified that was based on some kind of market, and then they tell you (undecipherable) I think the public heeds to recognize that in July, over 6 years that we don't have any merit increases or cost of living I'm tasked with having to participate in meetings that we can't compensate our employees— uh —anymore than this right now We can't afford it So you're not ever recommending that we look at this I Just want to express to the public the situation that I'm in We have employees that are working very hard, and I would find it extremely difficult to work somewhere where I wasn't getting a cost of living I was going further and further behind in what it cost to maintain a household And this is what we are asking these employees to do every day, what's going on 6 years So I wanna make sure that we highlight that we are in a crisis from the stand point that we are unable to compensate our employees for the work they are doing for this City And I Just want to make sure that it is brought forward" Doug Wilson Speaking "That's all well and fine, but, unfortunately, we're not alone in this circumstance when it comes to depressed salaries or depressed payments, and, so, I think, in the greater interests of the people of Grand Terrace If you were to ask anyone of those, if you were to walk the streets, you might find that they're in the same exact position If anything, if they hear that somebody has to suffer through a 6-year drought, and the fact that they have a job — uh — (noise) — and it's great that they have a job because there are an awful lot of people that are unemployed or underemployed So, I can't, in good conscience, support an increase" Mayor ProTem Robles Speaking "Well, I strongly disagree I get a cost of living increase every year and I'm retired A cost of living is a on contract between the public and the employee, and with going through a recovery we're not going to recover because we don't have the tax basis for it And I don't think it's appropriate for the tax payer to say that, "This is 0 K " How to treat employees OUG WILSON PROJECT MANAGEMENT - LAND DEVELOPMENT - COORDINATION & EXPEDITING MEMORANDUM Date 06 09 15 � From Doug Wilson A To Grand Terrace City Manager �/1 Re Misinterpretation of Minutes M" 7 Commencing at 148 33 (119 IZ o y 12168 OBSERVATION DRIVE GRAND TERRACE CA 92313 5531 909 520 8428 CELL BAMPA DOUG@YAHOO COM Doug Wilson Speaking "City Manager — I really appreciate all the Information I appreciate all this effort that was put into this I'm not seeing the linkage between the "Cafeteria" Benefit Plan, and the Option 3, Implementation of Classification Salary Range Schedule I do know that there has been some discussion about us being competitive in the marketplace and a re -vamping various descriptions of work Give this onerous time, it is counterproductive to segregate work with situations where you have a small staff and a large contract entity, it seems to me it's better to wear a lot of hats rather than wear Just one hat and segregate (unaudible) So can you give me what the linkage is or why it might be absolutely essential that we approve, not only two, but three ?" CM Carol Jacobs reply Doug Wilson Speaking "Thank you" Mayor ProTem Robles Speaking "What we are doing is starting this up to make sure we have updated Job descriptions, that we classified that was based on some kind of market, and then they tell you (undecipherable) I think the public heeds to recognize that in July, over 6 years that we don't have any merit increases or cost of living I'm tasked with having to participate in meetings that we can't compensate our employees — uh —anymore than this right now We can't afford it So you're not ever recommending that we look at this I Just want to express to the public the situation that I'm in We have employees that are working very hard, and I would find it extremely difficult to work somewhere where I wasn't getting a cost of living I was going further and further behind in what it cost to maintain a household And this is what we are asking these employees to do every day, what's going on 6 years So I wanna make sure that we highlight that we are in a crisis from the stand point that we are unable to compensate our employees for the work they are doing for this City And I Just want to make sure that it is brought forward" Doug Wilson Speaking "That's all well and fine, but, unfortunately, we're not alone in this circumstance when it comes to depressed salaries or depressed payments, and, so, I think, in the greater interests of the people of Grand Terrace If you were to ask anyone of those, if you were to walk the streets, you might find that they're in the same exact position If anything, if they hear that somebody has to suffer through a 6-year drought, and the fact that they have a job — uh — (noise) — and it's great that they have a job because there are an awful lot of people that are unemployed or underemployed So, I can't, in good conscience, support an increase" Mayor ProTem Robles Speaking "Well, I strongly disagree I get a cost of living increase every year and I'm retired A cost of living is a on contract between the public and the employee, and with going through a recovery we're not going to recover because we don't have the tax basis for it And I don't think it's appropriate for the tax payer to say that, "This is O K " How to treat employees CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • JUNE 9, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www grandterrace-ca gov <http 11www grandterrace-ca gov> CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee Name_ Present ; Absent -Late l Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe ❑ ❑ 0 Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ 0_{ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey ❑ ❑ ❑ A SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation of a Commendation to Child Care Services Teacher Dennise L Precie B CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial They will be acted upon by the City Council at one time without discussion Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent calendar for discussion City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Ap,enda Grand Terrace City Council June 9, 2015 1 Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 2 Approval of Minutes -Regular Meeting — 05/12/2015 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 3 Monthly Financial Report for April 2015 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the Monthly Financial Report for the period ending April 30, 2015 DEPARTMENT FINANCE C PUBLIC COMMENT This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the City Council may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification The Mayor may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe E PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE F UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 9, 2015 M rd 5 C FA N NEW BUSINESS Continued Deliberations and Adoption of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 RECOMMENDATION Continue Deliberations on and Adopt the City of Grand Terrace Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 DEPARTMENT FINANCE Adopt Resolution 2015- Establishing Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2015-16 RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution 2015- establishing Appropriations Limit of $11,991,632 for the City of Grand Terrace for Fiscal Year 2015-16 DEPARTMENT FINANCE Adoption of Resolutions Updating Bank and Investment Account Signature Authority RECOMMENDATION Adopt the attached Resolutions updating the Bank and Investment Account signature authority DEPARTMENT FINANCE Adopt Child Care Services Rates for FY2015-16 RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution No 2015- approving the 2 5% rate increase for Grand Terrace Child Care Services for Fiscal year 2015-2016 DEPARTMENT CHILD CARE SERVICES Approval of a Professional Services and Maintenance Agreement Between The City of Grand Terrace and High Tech Security for Security Camera Upgrade Services RECOMMENDATION 1 Approve a Professional Services and Maintenance Agreement between the City of Grand Terrace and High Tech Security for Security Camera Upgrade Services, and 2 Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Grand Terrace I Page 3 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 9, 2015 H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS ADJOURN The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 6 00 pm Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk's office no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF SAN BERNADINO) SS AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING CITY OF GRAND TERRACE) 1, Pat Jacquez-Nares, being duly sworn, depose and say that I am the duly appointed City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace and that on June 5, 2015 before the hour of 6 00 p m , I caused to be posted as required the above Agenda for the City Council Meeting scheduled to be held on June 9, 2015 at 6 00 p m in the City Council Chambers in the glty-Qf Grand Terrace, California City of Grand Terrace Page 4 AGENDA & STAFF REPORTS FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY & THE GRAND TERRACE HOUSING AUTHORITY J Tuesday, June,9, 2015 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER - 22795 BARTON ROAD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 Darcy McNaboe, Mayor r Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern Jackie Mitchell, Council Member Doug Wilson, Council Member Bill Hussey, Council Member G Harold Duffey, City Manager Richard L Adams, City Attorney Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk Sandra Molina, Community Development Director Linda Phillips, Child Care Director Cynthia A Fortune, Finance Director The Grand Terrace City Council meets on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 00 p m a A Council Chambers CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • JUNE 9, 2016 Regular Meeting Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road 6 00 PM The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www grandterrace-ca gov <http //www grandterrace-ca qov> CALL TO ORDER (p 1 0010 m• At this time, I will convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Council Member Wilson will offer the invocation Pledge of Allegiance Please join C in leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee Name Present Absent Late Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe Ct�� ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles 5/ ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson ❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey ❑ ❑ SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation of a Commendation to Child Care Services Teacher Dennise L Precie Mayor McNaboe will read the Commendation and introduce Linda Phillips, Child Care Director to present Ms Dennise Precie her retirement gift City of Grand Terrace Page 1 -Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 9, 2015 B CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial They will be acted upon by the City Council at one time without discussion Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent calendar for discussion Do I have a motion? mpr Do 1 have a second? lAujj Please vote Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda An DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK V 2 Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 05/12/2015 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 3 Monthly Financial Report for April 2015 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the Monthly Financial Report for the period ending April 30, 2015 DEPARTMENT FINANCE C PUBLIC COMMENT /�A) N6- This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the City Council may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification The Mayor may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time for City Council Communications Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Doug Wilson City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 9, 2015 Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe E PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE F UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE G NEW BUSINESS 4 Continued Deliberations and Adoption of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 RECOMMENDATION Continue Deliberations on and Adopt the City of Grand Terrace Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 DEPARTMENT FINANCE �2 p,/n May we have a staff report pleases Does Council have an Questions for Staff? Y Are there any Public Speakers? Y1,rt-Q-1 Do I have a motion? `Da Do I have a second? Council Discussion vtao-y' Please vote O 5 Adopt Resolution 015= , Establishing Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2015-16 RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution 2015-1721� establishing Appropriations Limit of $11,991,632 for the City of Grand Terrace for Fiscal Year 2015-16 DEPARTMENT FINANCE May we have a staff report pleaselk�*\MV--, Does Council have any Questions for Staff Are there any Public Speakers?v\, City of Grand Terrace Page 3 -Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 9, 2015 Do I have a motion? r/ Do I have a second? d /P Council Discussion 5L) 1�����'v LN Please vote "D6 � �5 yr � 6 Adoption of Resolutions Updating Bank and Investment Account Signature Authority RECOMMENDATION ",f 8 Adopt the attached 'Resolutions updating the Bank and Investment Account signature authority DEPARTMENT FINANCE May we have a staff report pleases _ Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public Speakers? Do I have a motion?i'YLPT' Do I have a second? Mz Council Discussion Please vote (� 7 Adopt Child Care Services Rates for FY2015-16 - RECOMMENDATION- IW Adopt e—so lution No 20�5- ,,, -j approving the 2 5% rate increase for Grand Terrace Child Care Services for Fiscal year 2015-2016 DEPARTMENT CHILD CARE SERVICES May we have a staff report please? Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public Speakers? J Do I have a motion? Do I have a second? 6j;)4jCU Council Discussion Please vote j, V City of Grand Terrace Page 4 -Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 9, 2015 8 Approval of a Professional Services and Maintenance Agreement Between The City of Grand Terrace and High Tech Security for Security Camera Upgrade Services RECOMMENDATION T`o\�>—kc� 1 Approve a iF tofessioaal Services and Maintenance Agr� between the City of Grand Terrace and High Tech Security for Security Camera Upgrade Services, and 2 Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT May we have a staff report please? 5)ani)e` Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public Speakers? l'1,6.,.,:p. Do I have a motion? W ik �5� Do I have a second?�� Council Discussion Please vote -5--0 H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS City Manager Duffey do you have any comments? ADJOURN Z P rn ` rWCtlalx�e- w- . t,-co- o& nOtJ i f Mayor McNaboe will adjourn the meeting in the Memory of Hugh Grant, former Mayor and City Council Member The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 600pm Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk's office no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 5 ­ . - -el � " o„ I ,--of I i 5=� p /1, YYl � Cor>2Yn -n ,mac-C°� � gzEw�.f(�'lls f�Pl�ai`dt�l-e ILIA � are �eBc� !=f-er�C Chime `� � CC CK tom- -� L(s��c• fFe � .ez�_�l�.e.. ti J Jill F � 1 1� i a MEN IMII �♦/ .' r ter/ 1 � 1 �� '1 01 _ / 'tv-k4D� cl- t Uan cc,-O� c `( Lco OP A4-a - dS wc`ta. AO;2 __ d, We �� u t-Lztrus, �- - L� C ,12s� I � � Ou- ftrwO-v G ► Il li- , 0,&e4v, a Oil UUU' P- W ��'►z(�Jwr�-ft1 q�� W IC aVWY �I I 6/9/2015 i, •� 201- Mean^'" r� Rove A WNmt =� Additi n _4 z _ THE BLUE MOUNTAIN CITY � ,OD TERRACE CALIFORNIA EST 1978 f Grand Terrace 15-16 Budget __ +ry = pny"da v7 1 6/9/2015 BRAND TF�) Cea! w-C.AanaGeneral Fund Fund Balance �u irntC, rl� � dLY.'fi•XIy P.• r. ... frld f1 C)[Cll:tCl'-cy.�u4 _ Fund Balance IF Description !,Amount Reserve Designations: Contingency Reserve Equipment Replacement Other Post Employ. Benefits Budget Stabilization Total Fund Balance Additional Fund Balance Revised Fund Balance $880,000 $4009000 $2619500 559 823 $2.101.323 $897 $2.102.220 3 6/9/2015 Fixed Asset Summary Equipment Replacement Fund Balance: $4009000 r Proposed Requests: 100 000 ` Revised Balance: MQ2000, P Fixed Asset Summary y Description Amount Budget Stabilization Reserve Requests: Council Chambers Upgrade 20 000 Total Requests ^ $2 �! Future Budget Stabilization Reserve _ Balance: $5609720 Approved Requests: 20 000 Revised Balance: 2 5 6/9/2015 FY2015-16 Budget • Additional Expenditure requests; • Fund Balance; t • Special Revenue Funds; and THE erUE� • Proposed Community BRA Do�R Workshops. En,9,R"' 13`� OF M. or,pW'`,,Oorw � 14 7 6/9/2015 Revenues • On May 26, 2015, City Council approved a resolution setting forth a public hearing date of July 28, 2015, to hear matters pertaining to proposed waste & recycle rate increases. 17 Revenues • Although staff will be returning to City Council to adjust the proposed waste & recycle rates, once approved, it is anticipated that this will result in increased franchise fees totaling $15,000. 18 6/9/2015 Revenues • Based on actual receipts received in FY2014-15, it is anticipated that RPTTF receipts will be approximately $80,000 higher than originally projected. • This increase will be added to the 2015-16 revenue budget & the General Fund 5-year projection. 21 Revenue Enha11 nc Add'l Dog L Ik zJ%`T S� Add'I Fr`"-�d Add'14 I TOTAL R -Amount �e Fees= `ems t1;6CtC 11 6/9/2015 Expenditure Requests Additional Expenditure Requests CITY MAPIAGER's OFFICE • Request to reinstate the following positions in the City Manager's office: • Executive Assistant; and • Administrative Intern. 25 Expenditure Requests CITY MANAGER's OFFICE • The Executive Assistant will enable the City Council & the City Manager to receive the support & administration required to keep them well-informed of ongoing community activities, programs, & events, and improve customer service. 26 13 6/9/2015 Add'l Fund Balance Designations 89 Iditional Fund Balance Fund Balance Requests • Request to establish a Community Benefits Fund to grant funds to: ➢Community events; ➢Youth programs; ➢Community fee waivers; ➢Economic development tool for small business development. 30 15 6/9/2015 General Fund's Long -Term Financial Performance Healthy o Sustainable qq it A 1t�� J� Rev'$5 2M5 Rev $4 5M] Rev �3W Vulnerable I 0 p jJ � Rev $4,7Ma Exp;4 @Mi ExP $'f 3MI Exp $4 SM 9 N r �lExpKOM� n 9 �� av$51Nk 07108 08109 09110 10/11 11/12 12/13 13114 14115 15116 Projected Proposed Healthy Revenues exceed expenditures continue to show growth year over year and the City maintains a 2-month reserves -rainy day fund Sustainable Revenues exceeds expenditures (2-month reserves -rainy day fund) Vulnerable Revenues exceed expenditures (less than the 2-month reserve -rainy day fund) UnsustainableMsolvent Revenues less than expenditures Fund Balance Idditional Fund Balance Requests • Request to establish a Community Benefits Fund to grantfunds to: ➢Community events; ➢Youth programs; ➢Community fee waivers; ➢Economic development tool for small business development. 34 17 6/9/2015 FY2015-16 Budget 0 pecial Revenue Funds • Streets & Roads • Facilities, Open Space & Air Quality • Comm Dev Block Grant T�FBV c•Supplement Law EnforeT�/91"�� 9g37 Special Revenue Funds ireets & Roads • These funds are restricted to the maintenance, construction, improvement & rehabilitation of streets & roads, traffic control devices, traffic laws AND"`- enforcement equipment CALIF RNIA RR9� F ,9Tg 38 LP 19 6/9/2015 FIR F (� 4 3 K ` 'PARK FUND AIR QUALIT FACILITIE.& LANDSC P alance as of JEu _ _ i ne 13ROV-(1.5, wilaa a` �S aylol �¢ " Amount- $2� {�4{1 Capital Improvement 'he IRS indicates what -constitutes a`- real property capital improvement as follows: • Fixing a defector design flaw; • Creating an addition, physical enlargement or expansion; • Creating an increase in capac4.. • NIANC'Y productivity or efficiency, GRAND 9RWRIC' '4 42 21 6/9/2015 apital Improvement vs. Repair --�-9--and/or Maintenance - -- - - Capital y Repair Extends the useful life of the property; { Improves the efficiency of the proper y, 1 Improves the quality of the property, �In reases the strength of the property; Increases the capacity of the property; Amends/betters a material condition or defect, Adapts the property to a new use. uFcti�vU T � . cA E`Fo NR45�c Special Revenue Funds tomunity Develen opmt Bloc mk Grant (CDBG) • These federal funds are restricted for community development activities related to neighborhood revitalizgt* improved community fao#oR�4 & services. ESJ19' Q6 23 6/9/2015 ' �� 1 1 - alance as of June .201 I'-- - -- -� _ Furid mount f _k _ - �� SLESF(13),� Proposed Community Workshops AND TO6dRpCE 50 25 San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department Grand Terrace Police invite For more information contact Sylvia Beasley, Sheriff's Service Specialist Central Station Phone (909) 387-3786 sbeasley@sbcsd org Hosted by McDonald's 22257 Barton Road Grand Terrace Come join us Tuesday morning and get to know your local law enforcement No agenda, just time to talk over a cup of cof fee San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department Grand Terrace Police invite For more information contact Sylvia Beasley, Sheriff's Service Specialist Central Station Phone (909) 387-3786 sbeasley@sbcsd org n Hosted by McDonald's 22257 Barton Road Grand Terrace Come join us Tuesday morning and get to know your local law enforcement No agenda, just time to talk over a cup of coffee 6/9/2015 City of Grand Terrace 1 f � _ f+ �. _ GitEiPfe� ER FiCE s a ,%r114 'rel �i L f San Bernardino County Sheriff's Dept w Department = 515 Million Contract City (14) =135 Million wCentral Station= 18 Million wCounty Operation - 95 mColton Unified School District wGrand Terrace - 4 mLoma Linda - 8 wSan Manuel Reservation - 1 mPublic Gathering 1 6/9/2015 Grand Terrace Police Lieutenant 21 Sergeant 90 Detective 56 Deputies 208 Hours = 5 76 Deputies Profess Staff 1 5 r Dispatch $152 730 Formula for deputies - 2080 160 vacation 40 sick=1880 208 week X 52 Week = 10 816 hours a year - 10 816 / 1880 = 5 7531 or 6 deputies Why Contract Is Hours Too small to fully fund a stand alone law enforcement operation Hours always filled wVacation wSick mTraining - Minimum 24 hours a year wService Injury wMilitary Deployment mPregnancy 3 6/9/2015 Retirement system wSafety increase 14/15 Fiscal 4% M 15/16 Fiscal 4% wProjected increase 3-4% next two years. wOnce position cut / Employment ends - no longer pay wAfter 30 years fully funded. No cost to Employee/ Tax Payer. Hiring /Training wBackground / 26 week Academy cost - $8,500.00 Field Training - 10 weeks wTraining Records wOn-going required training wUse of Force Training - 24 hours a year 5 6/9/2015 Recent Operations In Grand Terrace w2 - Sexual Registrant Compliance ®1- Gang Sweep Operation Safe Passage - 64 hours w Every 15 Minutes Program - 661 Hours Proposition 47 `The Safe Neighborhood & School Act" Reduced the possession of controlled substances from Felony to Misdemeanors arrests - Reduced a Judges ability to sentence a person to drug rehabilitation w Due to State and Federal confliction of laws, drastically reduced the availability of Federal Grants to enforce narcotic laws - Narcotic Street teams disbanded Identity Theft reclassified as Misdemeanor Possession of stolen gun value under $950, reclassified as misdemeanor h 6/9/2015 Body Cameras - Cost w$300-400 each $507k - $760k for department wStorage unknown w Bandwidth Legal Issues w Public Records Act w How long stored w Footage inside private residences ALPR- Automated License Plate Optical Character Recognition mDeveloped in the UK in 1976 wCommon on toll roads r w Repossession / Private Companies mParking Lots / Residential Communities E 6/9/2015 Computer Alert Rear _ a Srirt00010 02 19 A11 SMA921 S Alfa SMA821 OM8rAN 1ER 0 AM ERT '� 1� s �{ Srl u1 11 T 6/9/2015 Social Media mTwitter --- @SBCSDsdorsey mCrime Mapping - Sheriff's website ®Offender Watch - Sheriff's website A / w NIXLE - Sheriff's website ®TENS -Sheriff's website Questions 13 12168 OBSERVATION DRIVE GRAND TERRACE CA 92313 5531 O U G W I LS O N BA 8428 CELL MPA DOUG@YAHOO COM PROJECT MANAGEMENT - LAND DEVELOPMENT - COORDINATION & EXPEDITING MEMORANDUM Date 06 09 15 ��5 From Doug Wilson A I To Grand Terrace City Manager (.� Q V� 1' Re Misinterpretation of Minutes � flv Commencing at 148 33 S, I2�� Doug Wilson Speaking "City Manager — I really appreciate all the information I appreciate all this effort that was put into this I'm not seeing the linkage between the "Cafeteria" Benefit Plan, and the Option 3, Implementation of Classification Salary Range Schedule I do know that there has been some discussion about us being competitive in the market place and a re -vamping various descriptions of work Give this onerous time, it is counterproductive to segregate work with situations where you have a small staff and a large contract entity, it seems to me it's better to wear a lot of hats rather than wear Just one hat and segregate (unaudible) So can you give me what the linkage is or why it might be absolutely essential that we approve, not only two, but three ?" CM Carol Jacobs reply Doug Wilson Speaking "Thank you" Mayor ProTem Robles Speaking "What we are doing is starting this up to make sure we have updated Job descriptions, that we classified that was based on some kind of market, and then they tell you (undecipherable) I think the public heeds to recognize that in July, over 6 years that we don't have any merit increases or cost of living I'm tasked with having to participate in meetings that we can't compensate our employees— uh —anymore than this right now We can't afford it So you're not ever recommending that we look at this I just want to express to the public the situation that I'm in We have employees that are working very hard, and I would find it extremely difficult to work somewhere where I wasn't getting a cost of living I was going further and further behind in what it cost to maintain a household And this is what we are asking these employees to do every day, what's going on 6 years So I wanna make sure that we highlight that we are in a crisis from the stand point that we are unable to compensate our employees for the work they are doing for this City And I just want to make sure that it is brought forward" re 3rd Annual Invitational i Evem Sche 9ilaiV Time: Registration:]OAM Shotgun Start: Noon Game: Scramble (rules provided at sign -in) Cost: Foursome: $340 Individual:$90 Maximum 144 golfers The day will begin with a round of golf at the Calimesa Country Club where participants will enjoy various contests, lunch, dinner and a fun -filled raffle hosted by Mr. Radio, Joe Lyons from "The Spa" KSPA/AM 1510. U, Win a2015 �_-"�-- Toyota Camry XSE First Hole -In -One on Hole #10 Sponsored By% Toyota of Redlands 921 New York St Redlands CA 92374 Eiavry Foo lndudos: Range Balls, 18 Holes of golf (with cart), Hole -In -One Contest, Lunch, 2 Raffle Tickets, 1 Mulligan Ticket Longest Drive Contest, Western BBQ Additional fee of $20 per person, dinner only. Tee Sign Sponsor $50 Company name or logo on Tee Sign Closest To -The -Pin $100 Raffle Prize Sponsor A raffle prize donated by an organization or individual over the value of $50 will have the sponsors name attached to the prize and displayed prior to the dinner. ' -.��:aS -Y: /"p ! 1^.._�'�. Y}'G •�� r' �v�r4 is -his 0 I 101 PV 46i CITY OF GRA D TER ACC CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • MAY 12, 2015� Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER '/a IL 6, Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency V �" 0 Invocation was provided by Father Andrew Lesko, Chaplain for the San tBerna dino� County Sheriffs Department Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Hussey ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Darcy McNaboe Mayor Present Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern Present Jackie Mitchell Council Member Present Doug Wilson Council Member Present Bill Hussey - Council Member '- Present Carol Jacobs Interim City Manager Present Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Present Richard Adams City Attorney Present Sandra Molina Community Development Director Present Linda Phillips Director of Child Care Services Present Cynthia Fortune Finance Director Present Steve Lasiter Battalion Chief Present Robert O'Bnne Lieutenant Present SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation from the Lion's Club to the City Council for Veteran's Wall Deborah Seuylemezian, Lion's Club representative, provided a brief history on the fundraising done for this project and presented the members of the Veteran's Wall of Freedom with a check for $10,000 Presentation from Riverside Highland Water Company to Water Awareness Poster Contest Winners from Terrace View Elementary Don Hough, General Manager, Riverside Highland Water Company provided a brief history of their Water Awareness Poster contest and presented certificates to the Terrace View Elementary School winners City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Packet Pg 5 2 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 12, 2015 l ' 6 Active Transportation Program Cycle 2 Grant Application Patricia Farley, Grand Terrace resident, stated her concerns with the approval of this item without any project plans A Council and staff discussion ensued as to what had been done to fulfill the requirements of the grant, the various town hall meetings requesting resident input and the concerns with the lack of communication on the meetings and identified project plans for this funding Council direction was given to staff to provide the grant's guidelines, objectives, and the proposed project plans for this funding ITEM WAS CONTINUED TO THE MAY 26, 2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING. 7 Request by the Foundation of Grand Terrace for a Waiver of City Fees Related to Community Days Council Member Mitchell requested clarification on how the sponsors would be recognized She requested that the City be listed and recognized as a sponsor of this event Sally McGuire, Foundation of Grand Terrace representative, stated that in previous } years the City Manager did not want to have the City listed or recognized as a sponsor -- but would do so this year r City Attorney Adams stated that the City could be recognized as making a donation Council Member Hussey requested clarification on the waiving of business license fees Community Development Director Molina confirmed that this item does include the waiving of some vendor business license fees Patricia Farley, Grand Terrace resident, stated her concerns with the vendors not having a City business license Community Development Director Molina stated that the Chamber of Commerce verified the vendors' business license WAIVED SPECIAL EVENT, FACILITY USE, PERMITTING AND BUSINESS LICENSE FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,164 00 FOR COMMUNITY DAY 2015 RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member SECONDER Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packet Pg 7 Minutes Mayor Darcy McNaboe Grand Terrace City Council '2 May 12, 2015 Mayor McNaboe thanked the Historic and Cultural Committee on the Art Show Event, stating that it really showcased the community's talent and its' volunteers work She also thanked Council Members Mitchell and Hussey on the work they have been doing on the safety of the community She also reported that she attended the SANBAG Board of Directors meeting on May 6, 2015 The items discussed were February/March 2015 procurement, Measure I receipts, the executive director contract amendment, project invitation for bids on Alabama Street -Colton Avenue grade crossing, the HERO program contract amendment, the Freeway Service Patrol Program annual agreement, Council of Governments activities and action plan, and the Fiscal Year 2015/2016 budget with the public hearing and adoption set for June 3, 2015 She also recognized that May was National Bike Month, with May 11-15 being Bike to Work Week, and May 15th being the Bike to Work Day E PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE F UNFINISHED BUSINESS — NONE U G NEW BUSINESS 8 Consider Options and Authorize Relocation of Child Care Programs Interim City Manager Jacobs provided a brief summary of this item v Council Member Mitchell asked if the Child Care Community Room use would interfere with any other organization's use of the room Interim City Manager Jacobs informed Council that only ToastMasters group would be affected and they, along with the Lion's Club, have been notified that their last day would be July 15, 2015 Mayor Pro Tern Robles commended staff on the excellent work and appreciated everything that was done Kacy Carlsen, Cal Skate representative, offered to open the Cal Skate facility in the mornings for Tiny Tot use 2 By Council consensus, the item was approved as presented and direction was given to continue discussions with Cal Skate for future Tiny Tot use AUTHORIZED STAFF TO RELOCATE THE CHILD CARE OPERATION AT THE GRAND TERRACE LIONS COMMUNITY CENTER TO 1) GRAND TERRACE ELEMENTARY FOR BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE, 2) TERRACE VIEW ELEMENTARY FOR KINDERGARTEN PROGRAMS AND BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE AND 3) GRAND TERRACE CITY HALL FOR THE TINY TOT PROGRAM EFFECTIVE JULY 15, 2015 City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Packet Pg 9 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 12, 2015 3 APPROVE RESOLUTION 2015-09 APPROVING SALARY RANGE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2015, AND 4 APPROVE RESOLUTION 2015-10 AMENDING THE STATEMENT OF BENEFITS EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2015 AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION 2015-06 FP1=1=r_TIVF _1111 V 1 7n15 RESULT APPROVED [4 TO 11 MOVER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member SECONDER Bill Hussey, Council Member AYES Darcy McNaboe, Sylvia Robles, Jackie Mitchell, Bill Hussey NAYS Doug Wilson 10 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace Amending Title 9 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code by Adding Chapter 9 27 Regarding Psychoactive Bath Salts, Psychoactive Herbal Incense and Other Synthetic Drugs, Prohibiting the Distribution and Sale of Certain Intoxicating Chemicals Known as Synthetic Drugs City Attorney Adams presented the staff report for this item Mayor McNaboe asked why the ordinance did not state an age City Attorney Adams stated it was written to address all ages Council Member Hussey stated that he deals with this personally and fully supports the ordinance ti City Clerk Jacquez-Nares introduced and read by title only Ordinance No 282 as follows AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AMENDING TITLE 9 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 9 26 REGARDING PSYCHOACTIVE BATH SALTS, PSYCHOACTIVE HERBAL INCENSE AND OTHER SYNTHETIC DRUGS, PROHIBITING THE DISTRIBUTION AND SALE OF CERTAIN INTOXICATING CHEMICALS KNOWN AS SYNTHETIC DRUGS INTRODUCED FOR FIRST READING, READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVED FURTHER READING AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TITLE 9 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 9 26 PROHIBITING THE POSSESSION OF BATH SALTS AND OTHER SYNTHETIC DRUGS IN THE CITY, BY ANY PERSON AND FOR ANY PURPOSE, AND THE AUTHORIZATION OF PENALTIES RELATED TO THE SAME RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Doug Wilson, Council Member SECONDER Bill Hussey, Council Member AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey City of Grand Terrace Page 7 Packet Pg 11 2 _! Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 12, 2015 Council Member Wilson agrees with full outsourcing the planning services and supports this item Mayor McNaboe likes the option of the developer paid fast track process 1 APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT NO 2015-14 BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND MIG I HOGLE IRELAND FOR ON -CALL PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, 2 APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT NO 2015-15 BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND PMC FOR ON -CALL PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, AND 3 AUTHORIZE THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Doug Wilson, Council Member SECONDER Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 13 Continuation of Twenty -Second Amendment to Law Enforcement Services Contract No 94-797 with County of San Bernardino Finance Analyst Bougie presented this staff report r , Council Member Wilson stated that the four percent looks like a cost of living increase and wanted to know if staff has contacted the Sheriffs to discuss this amount He further asked Lt O'Brine if these discussions could be done before they approve this agreement Interim City Manager Jacobs stated that no discussion has been made with the Sheriff on this amount Lt O'Brine informed Council Member Wilson that the four percent increase is for the increase in the liability insurances needed to perform their duties Council Member Mitchell requested clarification on community oriented policing and if there is a level of service for the amount and the amount of deputies in Grand Terrace She requested to have the radar trailer fixed for use Lt O'Brine explained the community oriented policing and the amount of policing in Grand Terrace Mayor Pro Tern Robles requested to understand what services are being provided or have been cut that make up this agreement and requested the presence of the County's agreement specialist for the discussion of this item She requested the difference from 2009 to present on the number of deputies the City has had City of Grand Terrace Page 9 Packet Pg 13 U 2 CONTINUING THE LEGACY OF PROGRESS AND INN(C )1 /ATION POPULATION Over 2 MILLION people 3,300 total employees ANNUAL BUDGET $515 MILLION , COUNTYAIAGNITUDE o _ Largest county in the nation AVIATION h - 13 Aircraft (Fleet) Over 12,000 calls for service Over 3,600 flight hours 1 SHERIFF JOHN McMAH N PATROL/DISPATCH Close to 725,000 calls for service annually ' Over 30,000 arrests 15 patrol stations VOLUNTEERS Is Close to 1,800 volunteers �/z MILLION hours donated annually t� DETENTION 1 1 _ i Over 86,000 bookings annually 1 Over 7,100 jail beds t ! Over 1.3 MILLION square feet of total jail space i. Annual budget close to $180 MILLION TRAINING COURT SERVICES wnw-w, = Over 7,000 Basic Police 426,000 Criminal Filings annually NARCOTICS , r �W nW0,4111 Academy graduates since 1961 Seized ®R®NE�' � i4 Close to 200 Basic Academy Enforced $13 MILLION in Civil Judgements over *, ,,,,�.,, �' $100 MILLIONI classes held in over.50 years annually ;�•• y narcotics annual) Close to 10,000 cases y processed annually a Training Center sits on 650 acres "T!RZ i 01. '�!.. . 1.�° t, .,,} ,s • f ,F� .... g !f