06/23/2015CITY OF GJLt1ZNJLJ'' TERRACE AGENDA & STAFF REPORTS FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY l REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY & THE GRAND TERRACE HOUSING AUTHORITY Tuesday, June 23, 2015 6 00 p.m. Regular Meeting COUNCIL CHAMBERS r i GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER - 22795 BARYON ROAD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 r Darcy McNaboe, Mayor Sylvia -Robles, Mayor Pro Tem Jackie Mitchell, Council Member Doug Wilson, Council Member Bill Hussey, Council Member G Harold Duffey, City Manager Richard L Adams, City Attorney Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk Sandra Molina, Community Development Director Linda Phillips, Child Care Director Cynthia A Fortune, Finance Director The Grand Terrace City Council meets on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 00 p m CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • JUNE 23, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road A The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting Disabilities Act of 1990 If please call the City Clerk's If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www arandterrace-ca aov <http //www arandterrace-ca qov> CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee Name Present -Absent Late Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe ❑ ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey ❑ ❑ ❑ SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation from the Lion's Club to their Scholarship Recipients Presentation Healthy GT Update City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Agenda I Grand Terrace City Council June 23, 2015 D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe E PUBLIC HEARINGS — NONE F UNFINISHED BUSINESS — NONE G NEW BUSINESS 6 Adoption of a Resolution Resetting a Public Hearing Relating to Refuse Rate Adjustments RECOMMENDATION 1 Rescind Resolution No 2015-11 setting forth a Proposition 218 Public Hearing j scheduled for July 28, 2015 at 6 00 p m , and 2 Adopt Resolution No 2015- setting the Proposition 218 Public Hearing for proposed new waste and recycle rate adjustments for August 11, 2015 at 6 00 p m DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7 2015-2016 Landscape & Lighting Assessment District 89-1 RECOMMENDATION 1 Adopt RESOLUTION NO 2015- , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, COST ESTIMATE, DIAGRAM, ASSESSMENT AND REPORT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF DIVISION 15, PART 2 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT LEVY AFTER FORMATION OF A DISTRICT, 2 Adopt RESOLUTION NO 2015- , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S "REPORT" FOR THE ANNUAL LEVY OF ASSESSMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 - 2016 IN A DISTRICT WITHIN SAID CITY, and City of Grand Terrace Page 3 I x % CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • MAY 12, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road A CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation was provided by Father Andrew Lesko, Chaplain for the San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Hussey ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Darcy McNaboe Mayor Present Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern Present Jackie Mitchell Council Member Present Doug Wilson Council Member Present Bill Hussey £4 Council Member - Present Carol Jacobs Interim City Manager Present Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Present Richard Adams City Attorney Present Sandra Molina Community Development Director Present Linda Phillips Director of Child Care Services Present Cynthia Fortune Finance Director Present Steve Lasiter Battalion Chief Present Robert O'Brine Lieutenant Present SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation from the Lion's Club to the City Council for Veteran's Wall Deborah Seuylemezian, Lion's Club representative, provided a brief history on the fundraising done for this project and presented the members of the Veteran's Wall of Freedom with a check for $10,000 Presentation from Riverside Highland Water Company to Water Awareness Poster Contest Winners from Terrace View Elementary Don Hough, General Manager, Riverside Highland Water Company provided a brief history of their Water Awareness Poster contest and presented certificates to the Terrace View Elementary School winners City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Packet,Pg 5 2 r l` Minutes Grand Terrace City Council 6 Active Transportation Program Cycle 2 Grant Application May 12, 2015 Patricia Farley, Grand Terrace resident, stated her concerns with the approval of this item without any project plans A Council and staff discussion ensued as to what had been done to fulfill the requirements of the grant, the various town hall meetings requesting resident input and the concerns with the lack of communication on the meetings and identified project plans for this funding Council direction was given to staff to provide the grant's guidelines, objectives, and the proposed project plans for this funding ITEM WAS CONTINUED TO THE MAY 26 2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7 Request by the Foundation of Grand Terrace for a Waiver of City Fees Related to Community Days Council Member Mitchell requested clarification on how the sponsors would be recognized She requested that the City be listed and recognized as a sponsor of this event Sally McGuire, Foundation of Grand Terrace representative, stated that in previous years the City Manager did not want to have the City listed or recognized as a sponsor but would do so this year City Attorney Adams stated that the City could be recognized as making a donation Council Member Hussey requested clarification on the waiving of business license fees Community Development Director Molina confirmed that this item does include the waiving of some vendor business license fees Patricia Farley, Grand Terrace resident, stated her concerns with the vendors not having a City business license Community Development Director Molina stated that the Chamber of Commerce verified the vendors' business license WAIVED SPECIAL EVENT, FACILITY USE, PERMITTING AND BUSINESS LICENSE FEES IN I FIE AMUUN I OF $Z,764 UU FUK UUMMUNI I Y UAY ZU15 RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member SECONDER Sylvia Robles,,Mayor Pro Tem AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packet Pg 7 Minutes I Grand Terrace City Council I May 12, 2015 Mayor Darcy McNaboe Mayor McNaboe thanked the Historic and Cultural Committee on the Art Show Event, stating that it really showcased the community's talent and its' volunteers work She also thanked Council Members Mitchell and Hussey on the work they have been doing on the safety of the community She also reported that she attended the SANBAG Board of Directors meeting on May 6, 2015 The items discussed were February/March 2015 procurement, Measure I receipts, the executive director contract amendment, project invitation for bids on Alabama Street -Colton Avenue grade crossing, the HERO program contract amendment, the Freeway Service Patrol Program annual agreement, Council of Governments activities and action plan, and the Fiscal Year 2015/2016 budget with the public hearing and adoption set for June 3, 2015 She also recognized that May was National Bike Month, with May 11-15 being Bike to Work Week, and May 15th being the Bike to Work Day r c E PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE N 0 F UNFINISHED BUSINESS — NONE 0 G NEW BUSINESS 8 Consider Options and Authorize Relocation of Child Care Programs Interim City Manager Jacobs provided a brief summary of this item Council Member Mitchell asked if the Child Care Community Room use would interfere with any other organization's use of the room Interim City Manager Jacobs informed Council that only Toast Masters would be affected and they along with the Lion's Club have been notified that their last day would be July 15, 2015 r Mayor Pro Tem Robles commended staff on the excellent work and appreciated everything that was done a NN d Kacy Carlsen, Cal Skate representative, offered to open the Cal Skate facility in the mornings for Tiny Tot use By Council consensus, the item was approved as presented and direction was given to continue discussions with Cal Skate for future Tiny Tot use AUTHORIZED STAFF TO RELOCATE THE CHILD CARE OPERATION AT THE GRAND TERRACE LIONS COMMUNITY CENTER TO 1) GRAND TERRACE ELEMENTARY FOR BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE, 2) TERRACE VIEW ELEMENTARY FOR KINDERGARTEN PROGRAMS AND BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE AND 3) GRAND TERRACE CITY HALL FOR THE TINY TOT PROGRAM EFFECTIVE JULY 15, 2015 City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Packet Pg 9 Minutes Grand Terracle City Council May 12, 2015 Mayor McNaboe asked if the implementation of this plan would be a cost savings and allow for step increases in the future Interim City Manager Jacobs confirmed that yes, it would 1 APPROVE THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY TO INCLUDE POSITION DESCRIPTIONS AND A CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE SCHEDULE, 2 APPROVE THE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN AND ADJUSTMENTS TO THE CURRENT COMPENSATION PROGRAM AND BENEFITS EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2015, 3 APPROVE RESOLUTION 2015-09 APPROVING SALARY RANGE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2015, AND 4 APPROVE RESOLUTION 2015-10 AMENDING THE STATEMENT OF BENEFITS EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2015 AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION 2015-06 FFFF[_TIVF _I111 V 1 7(115 RESULT APPROVED [4 TO 1] MOVER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member SECONDER Bill Hussey, Council Member AYES Darcy McNaboe, Sylvia Robles, Jackie Mitchell, Bill Hussey NAYS Doug Wilson 10 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace Amending Title 9 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code by Adding Chapter 9 27 Regarding Psychoactive Bath Salts, Psychoactive Herbal Incense and Other Synthetic Drugs, Prohibiting the Distribution and Sale of Certain Intoxicating Chemicals Known as Synthetic Drugs City Attorney Adams presented the staff report for this item Mayor McNaboe asked why the ordinance did not state an age City Attorney Adams stated it was written to address all ages Council Member Hussey stated that he deals with this personally and fully supports the ordinance City Clerk Jacquez-Nares introduced and read by title only Ordinance No 282 as follows AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AMENDING TITLE 9 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 9 26 REGARDING PSYCHOACTIVE BATH SALTS, PSYCHOACTIVE City of Grand Terrace Page 7 Packet Pg 11 a V c m R U r c m U) c 0 U E i Minutes Grand Terrace City Council I May 12, 2015 1 APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT NO 2015-13 BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND J H DOUGLAS AND ASSOCIATES FOR HOUSING CONSULTANT SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $17,930, AND 2 AUTHORIZE THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Doug Wilson, Council Member SECONDER Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tem AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 12 Professional Service Agreements between the City of Grand Terrace and MIG I Hogle Ireland and the City of Grand Terrace and PMC for On -Call Planning and Environmental Services Community Development Director Molina provided a brief summary of this report Council Member Wilson agrees with full outsourcing the planning services and supports this item Mayor McNaboe likes the option of the developer paid fast track process 1 APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT NO 2015-14 BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND MIG I HOGLE IRELAND FOR OWCALL PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, 2 APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT NO 2015-15 BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND PMC FOR ON -CALL PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, AND 3 AUTHORIZE THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Doug Wilson, Council Member SECONDER Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 13 Continuation of Twenty -Second Amendment to Law Enforcement Services Contract No 94-797 with County of San Bernardino Finance Analyst Bougie presented this staff report Council Member Wilson stated that the four percent looks like a cost of living increase and wanted to know if staff has contacted the Sheriffs to discuss this amount He further asked Lt O'Brine if these discussions could be done before they approve this agreement City of Grand Terrace Page 9 Packet Pg 13 U 2 I I Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 12, 2015 H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS - NONE CLOSED SESSION - NONE ADJOURN Mayor McNaboe adjourned the meeting at 9 12 p m The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 6 00 pm Darcy McNaboe, Mayor Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk City of Grand Terrace Page 11 Packet Pg 15 Council Chambers 0 CALL TO ORDER CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • MAY 26, 2015 Regular Meeting Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road 600PM Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Mayor McNaboe called the meeting to order at 6 00 p m Invocation was provided by Mayor McNaboe Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Hussey ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Darcy McNaboe Mayor Present Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern Present Jackie Mitchell Council Member Present Doug Wilson Council Member Present Bill Hussey Council Member Present Carol Jacobs Interim City Manager Present Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Present Sandra Molina Community Development Director Present Linda Phillips Director of Child Care Services Present Cynthia Fortune Finance Director Present Steve Lasiter Battalion Chief Present Robert O'Brine Lieutenant Present SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation from Riverside Highland Water Company to Water Awareness Poster contest Winners from Grand Terrace Elementary Don Hough, General Manager, Riverside Highland Water Company provided a brief history of their Water Awareness Poster contest and presented certificates to the Grand Terrace Elementary School winners He also introduced Principal Neera Kohli who was in the audience Mayor McNaboe introduced the dignitaries in attendance Patt Haro, Joanne Thoring- Ojeda School Board Members, Pilar Tabera, School Board President, and Superintendent Jerry Almendarez City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Packet Pg 16 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 26, 2015 APPROVE CHECK REGISTER NO 04302015 IN THE AMOUNT $1,461,115 98, AS SUBMITTED, WHICH INCLUDES THE CHECK REGISTER ACCOUNT INDEX FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014-15 RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Darcy McNaboe, Mayor SECONDER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey C PUBLIC COMMENT Jerry Almendarez, Superintendent Colton Joint Unified School District introduced ScottIc Boggs, new Principal for Terrace Hills Middle School and James Western, new Principal for Grand Terrace High School Both are scheduled to start on July 1, 2015 James Western stated that he was excited and was looking forward to working with the y community His door was always open to discuss any items and thanked the Council for their support 0 Scott Boggs thanked the Council for their support and was looking forward to working with everyone in the community Mayor McNaboe welcomed both Principals k � v Council Member Mitchell welcomed both Principals and looks forward to working with them Council Member Hussey thanked and welcomed both Principals Jason Greeley, Grand Terrace resident, stated his concerns with the cost and procedures for trying to reopen his business He requested that he be placed on the = next Council agenda to request an expedited service on his business permits a d 0 Mayor McNaboe asked City Attorney Adams the procedure to add this item to the a agenda City Attorney Adams stated that he was not aware of Mr Greeley's protect and referred the matter to the City Manager Interim City Manager Jacobs stated that she had met with Mr Greeley to discuss his concerns with the fees and the time needed to review and issue his permits His business would need a conditional use permit and the fees have increased since the last time he had his business Mr Greeley requested a waiver or reduction of the fees and expedited service on the conditional use permit Interim City Manager Jacobs stated that staff could bring back Mr Greeley's item to the next Council meeting with potential options that the Council could consider City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packet Pg 18 Minutes E F Grand Terrace City Council Council Member Jackie Mitchell May 26, 2015 Council Member Mitchell reminded everyone of the Cal Skate 35th Anniversary Celebration on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 from 6 00 to 8 00 p m She also thanked the staff and residents that participated in the ATP grant process Council Member Mitchell also attended the Memorial Day celebration at Pico Park She recognized Girl Scout Venora Seay on her work with the art project as her gold metal project She also thanked Community Development Director Molina and Maintenance Lead Montano for the Fitness Park walk through Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles L Mayor Pro Tern Robles thanked Council Member Mitchell for taking the lead on the Fitness Park walk through She stated her appreciation to the Veteran's Wall of cc Freedom Committee, the Foundation of Grand Terrace, and the Mayor for all their determination and work on this project She stated that the widow of Sargent Clayton N Young provided a wonderful speech Mayor Pro Tern Robles reported that the Grand o Terrace Woman's Club had gone dark for the summer it had a new Board and Peggy 0 Reagan was the new President She also congratulated Nancy Austin on her retirement Mayor Darcy McNaboe Mayor McNaboe thanked Mayor Pro Tern Robles for her kind words She was very N happy with the turnout and support for the Memorial Day ceremony and the Veteran's N Wall project She also reported on the SANBAG Metro Valley Study Session on May 14, 2015 she attended where they approved the following construction management w contracts insurance requirements, the contracts for landscape maintenance on 1-10 at d Tippecanoe, Cherry, and Citrus Avenue interchanges She also reported that the ; Federal Department of Transportation had initiated a pilot program that allowed local S and veteran hiring preference on Federally funded contracts She reminded everyone of the Bi-County HOV project ribbon cutting ceremony on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 The = HOV lanes were open for use She further reported that SANBAG had a radio station with a program on Saturdays at 2 30 p m on AM590 On February 2012, the Council approved a Resolution to support the Ontario Airport and she was signing a letter of a support Mayor McNaboe requested that an item be placed on the agenda reaffirming the resolution of support for the Ontario Airport PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4 Adopt an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace Amending Title 9 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code by Adding Chapter 9 27 Regarding Psychoactive Bath Salts, Psychoactive Herbal Incense and Other Synthetic Drugs, Prohibiting the Distribution and Sale of Certain Intoxicating Chemicals Known as Synthetic Drugs City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Packet Pg 20 Minutes Grand Terrace Gty Council May 26, 2015 Mayor McNaboe asked what level of service was augmented by reserve deputies Lt O'Brine stated that the number of volunteer hours by the reservists was in the 1000's and they were used as a regular deputy Mayor Pro Tern Robles stated a deputy in traffic was cut in 2012 and that position was different than the 24/7 deputy position that was listed Council Member Mitchell requested clarification on the use of the reserve deputies as not being back up to but actually full deputy shift duties Lt O'Brine confirmed both Mayor Pro Tern Roble's and Council Member Mitchell's statements Council Member Mitchell asked about the radar trailer repairs Lt O'Brine stated they were still looking into the repairs to see if they were not more than what the radar trailer was worth Mayor Pro Tern Robles asked staff what percentage of the City's overall budget was the Sheriff's contract? Interim City Manager Jacobs stated it was about 50 percent which was average compared to other cities k Mayor Pro Tern Robles stated her concerns with the negative social media on this contract, the lack of public participation at the Council meetings, and the City's staff reductions, and the increase in the Sheriff's contract Council Member Wilson thanked staff for the presentation because it really provided the information on the Sheriffs services He restated the numbers and said that the numbers did not lie His concern was that the City did not continue to monitor its expenses until the economy caught up APPROVE TWENTY-SECOND AMENDMENT NO 2015-17 TO LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES CONTRACT NO 94-797 WITH COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern SECONDER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 1 Y 7 Approval of Active Transportation Program Cycle 2 Grant Application Community Development Director Molina presented the PowerPoint update for this item City of Grand Terrace Page 7 Packet Pg 22 3� Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 26, 2015 AYES Darcy McNaboe, Sylvia Robles, Jackie Mitchell, Bill Hussey NAYS Doug Wilson G NEW BUSINESS Mayor McNaboe moved Item 8 Introduction of Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2015- 2016 after Item 11 per staffs request 9 Resolution Establishing Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2015-16 Finance Director Fortune presented this item and read for the record a correction to recommendation number three of receive and file the resolution therefore striking the word adopt SELECT THE CHANGE IN PER CAPITA PERSONAL INCOME OF 3 82% AS THE PRICE FACTOR FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT CALCULATION, 2 SELECT THE CHANGE IN COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO POPULATION OF 1 09% AS THE POPULATION CHANGE FACTOR FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT CALCULATION, AND, 3 RECEIVE AND FILE THE RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT OF $11,991,632 FOR THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member SECONDER Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 10 Receive and File the FY2015-16 Fiscal Analysis of Child Care Fees Child Care Director Phillips provided a brief summary of this item Finance Director Fortune presented a PowerPoint presentation of the unforeseen additional expenditures and rate comparison for the Child Care Center Mayor McNaboe stated that the rates had been increased in the past and an assessment had been done at that time She asked whether other organizations had also raised their rates due to the minimum wage increase Mayor McNaboe asked what would happen if the rates were not increased? She also asked if the grant for food services had been received City of Grand Terrace Page 9 Packet Pg 24 u 2 r � I � I I Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 26, 2015 11 Adoption of a Resolution Setting a Public Hearing Relating to Refuse Rate Increases Community Development Director Molina provided the summary on the PowerPoint presentation of this item ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 2015-11 SETTING FORTH A PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF JULY 28, 2015, TO HEAR MATTERS PERTAINING TO PROPOSED WASTE AND RECYCLE RATE INCREASES RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member SECONDER Bill Hussey, Council Member AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey RECESS THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor McNaboe recessed the City Council meeting at 8 00 p m RECONVENE THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor McNaboe reconvened the City Council Meeting at 8 10 p m ITEM WAS TAKEN OUT OF ORDER 8 Introduction of Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-16 til Finance Director Fortune provided a summary of the PowerPoint presentation of this item Mayor Pro Tem Robles requested to see the general fund balance carry overs in the five year protections c Finance Director Fortune stated she would update the presentation with her request and a present it at the June 9, 2015 meeting a Council Member Hussey asked if the license plate reader was a shared system or just a for the City of Grand Terrace = Lt O'Brine answered it would be a shared resource throughout San Bernardino County and the State of California Council Member Mitchell asked if the maintenance of the Fitness Park was covered under the grant or was the City paying for it She further asked that for the license reader were there any grants available in the future for that item Community Development Director Molina stated that the City incurs the maintenance costs for the Fitness Park City of Grand Terrace Page 11 Packet Pg 26 3 I I Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 26, 2015 Mayor Pro Tern Robles agreed with both Mayor McNaboe and Council Member Mitchell's priorities She liked that MinuteTraq allowed for the meeting to be seen online She questioned cutting the parks maintenance and requested that the chamber chairs be replaced Community Development Director Molina stated that the reduction the Mayor Pro Tern was seeing on the park maintenance was to closer show the actual expenditures She was comfortable with the numbers presented and if additional programs would be available those programs would come to the Council for funding Council Member Wilson stated that the park maintenance included all the green areas within the City Council Member Hussey requested clarification on the increase in the Code Enforcement for animal control Community Development Director Molina stated that the increase shown was the cost of the new animal control services agreement Mayor Pro Tern Robles requested to see what the REC Center services were and she would like to see what kind of support the City could provide the REC Center She would like to do something for the youth of this community Council Member Mitchell thanked Mayor Pro Tern FRobles on her comments on being a good partner with the school district on the fields and further stated that the REC Center did provide valuable services to the community and anything that the Council could do would be very helpful and greatly appreciated Council Member Hussey stated that with Wholesale Electric leaving the City was losing $200,000 and asked if anyone was moving into that location Interim City Manager Jacobs stated that Wholesale Electric's office was still at that location but their point of sale was in Garden Grove With the approval of the Long Range Property Management Plan, there were potential sites for new businesses to acquire Mayor McNaboe stated that she understood Mayor Pro Tern Robles and Council Member Mitchell request to assist the youth in the community but did not support just providing to a sole source If the City would like to have a grant program, then an application process would need to be established Council Member Mitchell stated that the REC Center provides many services to the youth in the community Mayor Pro Tern Robles stated that she did not believe it was a sole source to the REC Center and that they already had the infrastructure to provide youth services City of Grand Terrace Page 13 Packet Pg 28 U 2 3 I ' Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 26, 2015 Council Member Mitchell thanked Council Member Wilson for his partnership in the Ad Hoc Committee and shared with the residents that they were very aware of the City's budget situation The City Council did the best that it could to ensure that Mr Duffey was a good fit for the community in addition to a good fit for the City's finances She also thanked the rest of the Council for instilling in them the trust to negotiate Mr Duffey's contract Mr G Harold Duffey introduced himself and stated that it would be a pleasure to serve as their City Manager He stated that he would place his introduction, the ICMA Code of Ethics, and his contract on the City's website He further stated that he had a list of items for the Finance Director and he would provide it to her before the end of the week Mayor McNaboe welcomed Mr Duffey d Mayor Pro Robles she has a long list of items for him when they meet c d N Council Member Mitchell requested that he not give Finance Director Fortune his list o over the weekend to allow her the weekend off 0 Council Member Hussey welcomed Mr Duffey He thanked Interim City Manager Jacobs for being with him at the beginning of his Council Member tenure He really appreciated how nice she was and how she explained processes to him Council Member Hussey stated that she had his number and he would provide her with a reference P Council Member Mitchell thanked Interim City Manager Jacobs and stated that she had w been there every step of the way these past six months and was a stellar individual Ms Jacobs made a commitment to and worked very hard for the City of Grand Terrace and 3 wished her well in her future endeavors d Council Member Wilson said ditto and that Interim City Manager Jacobs new his feelings That she had been a hard worker and a professional individual He also offered Q a recommendation a Mayor Pro Tern Robles stated that the City had been in a very fragile state and Interim a City Manager Jacobs came in with a long capable work history She provided some c creative ways to help the City Mayor Pro Tern Robles also stated that she could provide her a reference Mayor McNaboe stated that she appreciated working with Interim City Manager Jacobs since day one She appreciated her approach to things Mayor McNaboe had heard from the community that Ms Jacobs had helped them with their concerns She thanked her for her time City of Grand Terrace Page 15 Packet Pg 30 .4 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE June 23, 2015 Council & Successor Agency Item TITLE Approval of Check Register No 05312015 in the Amount of $299,446 12 PRESENTED BY Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director RECOMMENDATION Approve Check Register No 05312015 in the amount $299,44612, as submitted, which includes the Check Register Account Index for Fiscal Year 2014-15 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #1, "Ensuring Our Fiscal Viability", through the continuous monitoring of expenditure budgets, allocations and operational costs BACKGROUND The check register, for the period ending May 31, 2015, has been prepared in accordance with Government Code §37202 and is hereby submitted for the City Council's approval The check register lists all vendor payments for the preceding month, along with a brief description of the type of goods or services purchased and the account code(s) associated with each payment Check Register No 05312015 lists all payments made to vendors and employee reimbursements during the month of May The attached index to the Check Register is a guideline account list only and is not intended to replace the comprehensive chart of accounts used by the City and CRA Successor Agency Expenditure account number formats are XX-XXX-XXX [Fund - Department -Account] Expenditures may be made from trust/agency accounts (Fund 23-XXX-) or temporary clearing accounts which do not have a budgetary impact A total of $299,446 12 in accounts payable checks were issued during the period for services, reimbursements, supplies and contracts and are detailed in the attached check register Payments larger than $10,000 Check No Payee Description Amount 71537 City of San Bernardino April Animal Control Services $10,135 75 Packet Pg 22 09 CHILD CARE FUND 10 GENERALFUND 11 STREET FUND 12 STORM DRAIN FUND 13 PARKFUND 14 AB 3229 COPS FUND 15 AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FUND 16 GAS TAX FUND 17 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND/ TDA FUND 19 FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT FUND 20 MEASUREIFUND 21 WASTE WATER DISPOSAL FUND 22 COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT 26 LSCPG/ LGHTG ASSESSMENT DIST 44 BIKE LANE CAPITAL FUND 46 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 47 BARTON RD BRIDGE PROJECT 48 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 32 CRA-CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 33 CRA-DEBT SERVICE FUND 34 CRA-LOW & MOD HOUSING 110 CITY COUNCIL 120 CITY MANAGER 125 CITY CLERK n 140 FINANCE 160 CITY ATTORNEY 172 BUILDING & SAFETY 175 PUBLIC WORKS 180 COMMUNITY EVENTS 185 RENTAL INSPECTION PROGRAM 187 ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM 190 GENERAL GOVERNMENT (NON-DEPT) 195 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 370 COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEV 380 MGT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 410 LAW ENFORCEMENT 430 RECREATION SERVICES 440 CHILD CARE 450 PARKS MAINTENANCE 510 STREET & SIGNAL LIGHTING 600 WEST SIDE PARK 601 TRACT 14471 PICO & ORIOLE 602 FORREST CITY PHASE II 631 STORM DRAIN MAINTENANCE 801 PLANNING COMMISSION 802 CRIME PREVENTION UNIT 804 HISTORICAL & CULTURAL COMM 805 SENIOR CITIZENS PROGRAM 807 PARKS & REC COMMITTEE 808 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PROG 110 SALARIES/WAGES 139 EMPLOYEES' BENEFIT PLAN 140 RETIREMENT 142 HEALTH/LIFE INSURANCE 143 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 138/141 MEDICARE / SUI 210 OFFICE EXPENSE 218-219 NON -CAPITAL FURN/SMALL TOOLS 220 SPECIAL DEPARTMENTAL EXP 230 ADVERTISING 235 COMMUNICATIONS 238-239 UTILITIES 240-242 RENTS & LEASES 245-246 MAINT BLDG GRNDS EQUIPMNT 250-251 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 255-256 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 260 INSURANCE & SURETY BONDS 265 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 268 TRAINING 270 TRAVEL/CONFERENCES/MTGS 272 FUEL & VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 570 WASTEWATER TREATMENT 33-300 DEBT SERVICE 7XX FACILITIES IMPRV (NO CIP) 700 COMPUTER -RELATED 701 VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT Attachment A - Check Register Account Index (1653 Approval of Check Register No 05312015) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Check History Listing May 1 2015 - May 31 2015 Check # Date Vendor Invoice/Account Description Inv Date Amount Pald Check Total 71542 05/06/2015 011377 DID HANDYMAN SERVICES 1004 CHILD CARE CLASSROOM REPAIRS 04/17/2015 E 09-440-246-000-000 45900 45900 45900 71543 05/06/2015 002258 EMPIRE OFFICE MACHINES 98274 HP M3035 PRINTER MAINTENANCE E 10-380-701-000-000 71544 05/06/2015 011196 EYEMED/FIDELITY SECURITY LIFE 2747339 APR EMPLOYEE PAID VISION INSURANCE B 10-022-61-00 71545 05/06/2015 011061 EZ SUNNYDAY LANDSCAPE 71546 05/06/2015 002740 FRUIT GROWERS SUPPLY 71547 05/06/2015 011387 PAT JACQUEZ NARES 7922 ARP PARKS & PARKWAYS MAINT E 10-195-255-000-000 E 10-450-255-000-000 E 26-600-255-000-000 E 26-601-255-000-000 91658183 LANDSCAPE MAINT SUPPLIES E 10-450-245-000-000 04/21/2015 23485 23485 23485 05/06/2015 101 13 101 13 10113 04/22/2015 20000 3 870 00 16000 8000 4 310 00 4 310 00 04/22/2016 3090 3090 3090 05072015 PJN ELECTION CENTER TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTS 05/07/2015 E 10-125-270-000-000 44870 44870 c : ' 44870 Cr Attachment B - Check Register 05312015 pdf (1653 Approval of Check Register No 05312015) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Check History Listing May 1 2015 - May 31 2015 Check# Date Vendor Invoice/Account Description Inv Date Amount Paid Check Total 71551 05/06/2015 011389 RIVERSIDE SAN BERNARDINO 05042015 RSBCIH REFUND ASA 15-02 OVERPYMT 05/04/2015 R 10-420-11 4000 4000 4000 71552 05/06/2015 011175 SYLVIA ROBLES APR 2015 SR APR HEALTH INSURANCE REIM-ROBLES E 10-110-142-000 000 71553 05/06/2015 011277 SANTA FE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 13794 APR C CARE JANITORIAL SRVS E 09-440-244-000-000 71554 05/06/2015 011284 SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC 71555 05/06/2015 011275 SYSCO RIVERSIDE INC 5610002888 MAR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE E 16-510-255-000-000 504280925 C CARE LUNCHES & SNACKS E 09-441-220-000-000 504280924 C CARE LUNCHES & SNACKS E 09-440-220-000-000 05/04/2015 48541 48541 04/30/2015 98750 98750 04/13/2015 70200 70200 48541 — 98750 70200 04/28/2015 1,57735 1 57735 04/28/2015 45241 45241 2 029 76 71556 05/06/2015 011283 TODD PETERS ELECTRIC 0414015-01 CITYWIDE ELECTRICAL REPAIRS 04/14/2015 E 10-450-245-000-000 1,50000 1 50000 1 50000 N n fD � A W Cr Attachment B - Check Register 05312015 pdf (1653 Approval of Check Register No 05312015) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Check History Listing May 1 2015 - May 31 2015 Check# Date Vendor Invoice/Account Description Inv Date Amount Paid Check Total 71561 05/13/2015 011031 CINTAS CORPORATION 150 150472276 C CARE RESTROOM SUPPLIES 05/06/2015 E 09-440-228-000-000 15000 15000 15000 71562 05/13/2015 002740 FRUIT GROWERS SUPPLY 9200095481 LANDSCAPE MAINT SUPPLIES 05/0412015 E 10-450-245-000-000 1745 1745 1745 71563 05/13/2015 011012 G & G ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE GTERR-0215 FEB SEWER MGMT PLAN AUDIT SRVS 03/02/2015 E 21-175-250-000-000 1,48017 1 480 17 GTERR-0415 APR SEWER MGMT PLAN AUDIT SRVS 05/01/2015 E 21-175-250 000-000 1 05000 1 05000 2 530 17 71564 05/13/2015 011386 GRADUATION SOLUTIONS LLC S0645247 C CARE GRADUATION CAP & GOWNS 04/28/2015 B 23-200-14 00 e ^ 1 03941 1 039 41 1 039 41 71565 05/13/2015 010632 HIGH TECH SECURITY SYSTEMS 112037 JUN SECURITY CAMERA MONITORING 05/01/2015 E 10-195-247-000 000 2155 E 10-450-246-000 000 6000 71566 05/13/2015 011364 WILLIAM HUSSEY APR 2015 WH APR HEALTH INSURANCE REIM-HUSSEY 05/13/2015 E 10-110-142-000-000 15000 15000 15000 A fD � A A � O Attachment B - Check Register 05312015 pdf (1653 Approval of Check Register No 05312016) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Check History Listing May 1 2015 - May 31 2015 Check# Date Vendor Invoice/Account Description 71573 05/13/2015 011277 SANTA FE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 13792 APR JANITORIAL SRVS E 10-195-245-000-000 E 10-450-245-000-000 71574 05/13/2015 011284 SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC 71575 05/13/2015 006778 STAPLES 71576 05/13/2015 011243 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT INC Fr 5620003464 MAR SIGNAL RESPONSE CALL OUTS E 16-510-255-000-000 32384 OFFICE SUPPLIES E 10-175-210-000-000 233281 CITY SAFETY SIGNS Y E 16-900-220-000-000 234159 CITY TRAFFIC SIGNS E 10-195-245-000-000 71577 05/13/2015 007034 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING 1421-A FEB CIRCULATION FEE PROF SRVS E 10-175-250-010-000 1421-B FEB TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SRVS E 10-175-250-000-000 Inv Date Amount Paid Check Total 04/30/2015 50833 45000 95833 95833 04/13/2015 27930 27930 27930 05/05/2015 11389 11389 11389 04/14/2015 2 589 43 2 589 43 04/21/2015 14634 14634 2 735 77 03/25/2015 1,921 10 1921 10 03/25/2015 54820 54820 2 469 30 Attachment B - Check Register 05312015 pdf (1653 Approval of Check Register No 05312015) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Check History Listing May 1 2015 - May 31 2015 Check# Date Vendor Invoice/Account Description Inv Date Amount Paid Check Total 71584 05/20/2015 001950 DATA QUICK B1-2404531 APR PROPERTY DATA SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE 05/01/2015 E 10-172-250-000-000 4350 E 10-370-250-000-000 8700 13050 13050 71585 05/20/2015 011196 EYEMED/FIDELITY SECURITY LIFE 3090633 'MAY EMPLOYEE PAID VISION INSURANCE B 10-022-61-00 71586 05/20/2015 002500 FIREMASTER 253894 FIRE EXTINGUISHER MAINT E 10-805-246-000-000 71587 05/20/2015 010181 GOPHER PATROL 71588 05/20/2015 010773 KELLAR SWEEPING INC 131268 MAY GOPHER REMOVAL SERVICES E 10-450-245-000-000 J ) r, 9903 MAY STREET SWEEPING SRVS E 16-900-254-000-000 05/01 /2015 10719 10719 10719 05108/2015 14844 14844 14844 05/13/2015 30000 30000 30000 04/30/2015 4 200 00 4 200 00 4 200 00 71589 05/20/2015 011382 MUNISERVICES LLC 37365 APR BUSINESS LICENSE ADMIN SRVS 04/30/2015 E 10-140-250-000-000 1 29800 1 29800 1 298 00 t� -O m 0 rt �Q A Cr Attachment B - Check Register 05312015 pdf (1653 Approval of Check Register No 05312015) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Check History Listing May 1 2015 - May 31 2015 Check# Date Vendor Invoice/Account Description Inv Date Amount Paid Check Total 71593 05/20/2015 005702 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT PR END 05/19/15 PRS PR END 05/19/15 CONTRIBUTIONS 05/20/2015 B 10-022-62-00 90653 90653 90653 — 71594 05/20/2015 006720 SO CA EDISON COMPANY APR 2015 EDISON APR ENERGY USAGE 04/06/2015 E 09-440-238-000-000 95554 E 10-172-238-000-000 3769 E 10-175-238-000-000 3769 E 10-190-238-000-000 2 961 95 E 10-450-238-000-000 1 329 56 E 10-805-238 000-000 96369 E 16-510-238-000-000 6 139 08 E 26-600-238-000-000 4980 E 26-601-238-000-000 41 50 E 26-602-238-000-000 5810 12 574 60 12 574 60 71595 05/20/2015 007005 SO CAL LOCKSMITH 30375 FITNESS PARK GATES KEYS 05/12/2015 E 10-450-245-000-000 ,� 1782 1782 1782 71596 05/20/2015 011138 SPARKLETTS 963116 050115 APR BOTTLED WATER 05/01/2015 E 09-440-238-000-000 17890 E 10-190-238-000 000 16510 E 10-805-238-000 000 7931 42331 42331 71597 05/20/2015 011275 SYSCO RIVERSIDE INC 505120954 C CARE LUNCHES & SNACKS 05112/2015 E 09-441-220-000-000 1 431 28 1 431 28 a 1 431 28 m cD A. rn Attachment B - Check Register 05312015 pdf (1653 Approval of Check Register No 05312015) Cr CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Check History Listing May 1 2015 - May 31 2015 Check # Date Vendor Invoice/Account Description Inv Date Amount Paid Check Total 71604 05/27/2015 001213 AT & T MAY 2015 AT&T MAY PHONES & INTERNET SRVS 05/27/2015 E 09-440-235-000-000 65259 E 10-190-235-000-000 41467 E 10-450-235-000-000 8429 E 10-805-235-000-000 23462 E 10-808-235-000-000 14447 1 530 64 r 1 53064 71605 05/27/2015 010218 CHEVRON & TEXACO CARD SERVICES 44285215 APRIL VECHILE FUEL 04/13/2015 E 10-175-272-000-000 51732 E 10-185-272-000 000 1719 53451 53451 71606 05/27/2015 001867 COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 190772 MAINT SUPPLIES 05/20/2015 E 10-195-245-000-000 22536 E 10-450-245-000-000 22535 45071 45071 r 71607 05/27/2015 001930 DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION B2741624 ORDINANCE 281 PUBLICATION 04/20/2015 E 10-125-230-000-000 17380 17380 B2671720 ORDINANCE 275 PUBLICATION 03/30/2015 E 10-125-230 000-000 61 51 61 51 23531 71608 05/27/2015 011306 FLINT STRATEGIES 20-2572 JUN PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER SERVICES 05/27/2015 E 10-190-250-000 000 2 000 00 2 000 00 2 000 00 T 4 V d 0 Attachment B - Check Register 05312015 pdf (1653 Approval of Check Register No 05312015) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Check History Listing May 1 2015 - May 31 2015 Check# Date Vendor Invoice/Account Description Inv Date Amount Paid Check Total 770657815001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 05/14/2015 E 10-172-210-000-000 6463 6463 770657598001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 05/14/2015 E 10-370-210 000 000 5168 51 68 25854 71615 05/27/2015 011199 PRUDENTIAL MUNICIPAL POOL MAY 2015 PRU E 09-440-142-000-000 B 10-022-66-00 E 10-120-142-000-000 E 10-140-142-000-000 E 10-172-142-000-000 E 10-175-142-000-000 E 10-185-142-000-000 E 10-370-142-000-000 E 10-450-142-000-000 E 16-175-142-000-000 E 32-200-142-000-000 71616 05/27/2015 006310 ROADRUNNER SELF STORAGE INC 18732 E 10-140-241-000-000 Q- MAY EAP LIFE AD&D DEP LIFE STD&LTD JUN STORAGE RENTAL 71617 05/27/2015 006341 ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC 1000392 APR PROPERTY TAX CONSULTING SVCS E 32-200-250-000 000 05/01 /2015 14930 63973 578 595 879 1206 11 65 1228 608 1044 567 86773 05/18/2015 12400 12400 86773 12400 05/05/2015 1 59375 1 593 75 1 59375 A rr Attachment B - Check Register 05312015 pdf (1653 Approval of Check Register No 05312015) AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE June 23, 2015 Council Item TITLE Amendment of On -Call Traffic Engineer Services Contract with Transportation, Engineering, Planning, Inc (TEP) PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION 1) Extend the contract term to June 30, 2016 for the first one year extension allowed in the Professional Services Agreement BACKGROUND On October 8, 2013, the City Council approved on -call traffic engineering services with Transportation, Engineering, Planning, Inc (TEP) and Albert A Webb Associates (Webb) Webb, primarily, provides consulting services to the City for development related projects By contrast, TEP consulting services have focused on regional San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) issues, such as assisting with preparation of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and related growth forecasts, preparing the Measure I Capital Projects Needs Assessment, Measure I Capital Improvement Plan, and, currently, conducting an analysis of the Circulation Improvement Fee Program, and traffic warrant investigations, as needed The contract was initially executed on October 8, 2013, in the in the amount of $10,000, and amended in June 24, 2014, to increase the contract amount to $15,000 due to an increased need for services, the initial term was also extended to coincide with fiscal years, with the allowance for two one-year extensions, at the original annual amount of $10,000 is] 67M1P&7 [01L On May 27, 2014, the City Council approved a Senior Civil Engineer position in the Community Development Department The City's Senior Civil Engineer began employment and has taken over many of the services that were being provided by TEP, such as attending ongoing technical RTP meetings, attending ongoing 1-215/Barton Road Interchange meetings, preparing annual SANBAG reports, and meeting with neighboring jurisdictions on traffic related issues The Senior Engineer is proficient in the traffic engineering discipline, and many traffic engineering functions have been brought in house However, some responsibilities are still transitioning in-house In addition to the Circulation Improvement Fee Program analysis, which TEP is conducting, Staff anticipates situations where the services of TEP, will still be needed, such as preparation of traffic warrant studies, and regional growth forecasting Packet Pg 52 AMENDMENT NO 2 TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND TRANSPORTATION, ENGINEERING AND PLANNING, INC THIS AMENDMENT ("Amendment 2") is made and entered into this 23�d day of June, 2015, by and between the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ("City"), a Municipal Corporation, and Transportation, Engineering, and Planning Inc ("Professional'), a California Corporation WHEREAS, the City and the Professional entered into an Agreement for transportation engineering services ("Agreement") on or about October 8, 2013, and WHEREAS, on June 24, 2014, Amendment No 1 was approved amending amending Section 2 (Term) of the Agreement to extend the initial term of the agreement to June 30, 2015 so that the Agreement terms will coincide with the fiscal year for budgeting purposes, and amending Section 3 (Compensation/Payment) of the Agreement to cover increased services during the initial term of the Agreement and to provide funding for the extension of the initial term of the Agreement WHEREAS, the parties wish to amend Section 2 (Term) of the Agreement to extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2016, as provided for in the initial Agreement and Amendment No 1, and WHEREAS, all other terms contained in the Agreement and Amendment No 1 shall remain in full force and effect NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree to amend the Agreement as follows Section 1 TERM is hereby amended to read as follows This Agreement shall be effective on the date first written above and the Agreement shall remain in effect until June 30, 2016, unless otherwise terminated pursuant to the provisions herein The City Manager is authorized to execute a maximum of a one year extension, provided that all other terms of the Agreement remain unchanged IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment No 2 to be executed by and through their respective authorized officers, as of the date first above written E a Packet Pg 54 Page 1 of 2 5 b AMENDMENT NO 1 TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING AND PLANNING, INC THIS AMENDMENT ("Amendment 1") is made and entered into this 24th day of June, 2014, by and between the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ("City"), a Municipal Corporation, and Transportation Planning and Engineering, Inc ("Professional"), a California Corporation WHEREAS, the City and the Professional entered into an Agreement for transportation engineering services ("Agreement") on or about October 8, 2013, and WHEREAS, the parties wish to Amend Section 2 (Term) of the Agreement to extend the initial term of the agreement to June 30, 2015 so that the Agreement terms will coincide with the fiscal year for budgeting purposes, and WHEREAS, the parties wish to amend Section 3 (Compensation/Payment) of the Agreement to cover increased services during the initial term of the Agreement and to provide funding for the extension of the initial term of the Agreement NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree to amend the Agreement as follows Section 1 Section 2 TERM is hereby amended to read as follows This Agreement shall be effective and shall commence on the date first written in the initial contract and continue for an initial period of one year, except that Initial Term shall be extended to June 30, 2105, unless terminated earlier pursuant to the provisions herein ("Initial Term") A maximum of two one year extensions, from the June 30, 2015 date, may be granted by the City Section 2 Section 3 COMPENSATION/PAYMENT is hereby amended to read as follows Professional shall perform the Services under this Agreement for the total sum not to exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) for the Initial Term (which reflects an increase of $15,000 over the original contract amount of $10,000), and Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) for each subsequent term Payment shall be made in accordance with City's usual accounting procedures upon receipt and approval of an itemized invoice setting forth the services performed The invoices shall be delivered to City at the address set forth in Section 4, hereof Packet Pg 56 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Transportation Engineering and Planning Inc. (TPE) THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made,and entered into this October 8. 2013 , ("Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ("City"), a Municipal Corporation, and Transportation Engineering and Planning Inc, TPE ("Professional'), a California Corporation I Scope of Services City agrees to retain Professional and Professional does hereby agree to provide the services more particularly described in Exhibit "A", "Scope of Services" ("Services"), attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, in conjunction with On —Call Traffic Engineering ("Services') 2 Term. This Agreement shall be effective and shall commence on the date first written above and continue for an initial period of one year unless terminated earlier pursuant to the provisions herein ("Initial Term") A maximum of two one year extensions maybe granted by the City 3 Compensation/Payment. Professional shall perform the Services,under this Agreement for the total sum not to exceed Ten Thousand Dollars, $10,000 for the Initial Term Payment shall be made in accordance with City's usual accounting procedures upon receipt and approval of an itemized invoice setting forth the services performed The invoices shall be delivered to City at the address set forth in Section 4, hereof 4 Notices Any notices required to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be personally served or given by mail Any notice given by marl shall be deemed given when deposited in the United States Mail, certified and postage prepaid, addressed to the party to be served as follows To Ci To Professional City of Grand Terrace Transportation Engineering and Planning Inc, TPE 22795 Barton Rd Bldg B P O Box 18355 Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Irvine CA 92606 5 Prevailing Wage If applicable, Professional and all subcontractors are required to pay the general prevailing wage rates of per diem wages and overtime and holiday wages determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations under Section 1720 et seq of the California Labor Code and implemented the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace The Director's determination is on file and open to inspection in the office of the City Clerk and is referred to and made a part hereof, the wage rates therein ascertained, determined, and specified are referred to and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein 6 Contract Administration. A designee of the City will be appointed to administer" this Agreement on behalf of City and shall be referred to herein as Contract Administrator 7_ Standard of Performance While performing the Services, Professional shall exercise the reasonable care and skill customarily exercised by reputable members of Professionals in the Packet Pg 58 12 Indemnifications I2 1 Xndemnity. Except as to the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the City, Professional shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, and its officers, employees and agents, harmless from any and all loss, damage, claim for damage, liability, expense or cost, including attorneys' fees, which arises out of or is in any way connected with the performance of work under this Agreement by Professional or any of the Professional 's employees, agents or subcontractors and from all claims by Professional 's employees, subcontractors and agents for compensation for services rendered to in the performance of this Agreement, notwithstanding that the City may have benefitted from their services This indemnification provision shall apply to any acts or omissions, willful misconduct or negligent conduct, whether active or passive, on the part of Professional or of Professional's employees, subcontractors or agents r 0 U iL 12 2 Attorney's Fees The parties expressly agree that any payment, attorneys' fees, costs or w expense that the City incurs or makes to or on behalf of an injured employee under the City's self- c administered workers' compensation is included as a loss, expense or cost for the purposes of this Section, and that this Section shall survive the expiration or early termination of the Agreement E c 13 Insurance E e 13 1 General Provisions Prior to the City's execution of this Agreement, Professional shall provide satisfactory evidence of, and shall thereafter maintain during the term of this Agreement, such i insurance policies and coverages in the types, limits, forms and ratings required herein The rating and a. required insurance policies and coverages may be modified in writing by the City's Risk Manager or City H Attorney, or a designee, unless such modification is prohibited by laws 13 1 1 Limitations These minimum amounts of coverage shall not constitute any limitation or cap on Professional's indemnification obligations under Section 12 hereof 13 12 Ratings. Any insurance policy or coverage provided by Professional as required by this Agreement shall be deemed inadequate and a material breach of this Agreement, unless such policy or coverage is issued by insurance companies authorized to transact insurance business in the State of California with a policy holder's rating of A- or higher and a Financial Class of VH or higher 13 13 Cancellation The policies shall not be canceled unless thirty (30) days prior written notification of intended cancellation has been given to City by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid = 13 14 Adequacy The City, its officers, employees and agents make no representation that the types or limits of insurance specified to be carried by Professional pursuant to this Agreement are adequate to protect If Professional believes that any required insurance coverage is inadequate, Professional will obtain such additional insurance coverage as deems adequate, at Professional's sole expense 3 Packet Pg 60 13 4 Subcontractors' Insurance. Professional shall require all of its subcontractors to carry insurance, in an amount sufficient to cover the risk of injury, damage or loss that may be caused by the subcontractors' scope of work and activities provided in furtherance of this Agreement; including, but without limitation, the following coverages Workers Compensation, Commercial General Liability, Errors and Omissions, and Automobile liability Upon City's request, Professional shall provide City with satisfactory evidence that Subcontractors have obtained insurance policies and coverages required by this section 14 Business Tax. Professional understands that the Services performed under tins Agreement constitutes doing business in the City of Grand Terrace, and Professional agrees that Professional will register for and pay a business tax pursuant to Chapter 5 04 of the Grand Ter"tace Municipal Code and keep such tax certificate current during the terns of this Agreement 15 Time of Essence Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement 16 City's Right to Employ Other. City reserves the right to employ other to connection with the Services 17 Solicitation Professional warrants that they have not employed or retained any person or City to solicit or secure this Agreement, nor has it entered into any agreement or understanding for a commission; percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee to be paid to secure this Agreement For breach of -this warranty, City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without liability and pay only for the value of work has actually performed, or, in its sole discretion, to deduct from the Agreement price or otherwise recover from Professional the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage or commission fee The remedies specified in this section shall be in addition to and not in lieu of those remedies otherwise specified in this Agreement_ 1$ General Compliance with Laws Professional shall keep fully informed of federal, state and local laws and ordinances and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by Professional, or in any way affect the performance of services by professional pursuant to this Agreement Professional shall at all times observe and comply with all such laws, ordinances and regulations, and shall be solely responsible for any failure to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations 19 Amendments This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a written Agreement and/or change order executed by the Professional and the City 20 Ter-mination City, by notifying professional in writing, shall have the right to terminate any or all of professional's services and work covered by this Agreement at any time, with or without cause In the event of such termination, professional may submit s ffinal written statement of the amount of's services as of the date of such termination based upon the ratio that the work completed bears to the total work -required to make the report complete, subject to the City's rights under Sections 16 and 21 }hereof In ascertaining the work actually rendered through the termination date, City shall consider completed work, work in progress and complete and incomplete reports and other documents only after delivered to City 20 1 Other than as stated below, City shall give Professional thirty (30) days prior written notice prior to termination 61 E a Packet Pg 62 25 Nondiscriminatiotn Durin- Professional's performance of this Agreement, Professional shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, including the medical condition of Acquired immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or any condition related thereto, marital status, sex, or sexual orientation, in the selection and retention of employees and subcontractors and the procurement of materials and equipment, except as provided in Section 12940, of the California Government ;Code Further, Professional agrees to conform to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the performance of this Agreement 26 Severability. Each provision, term, condition, covenant and/or restriction, in whole and in part, of this Agreement shall be considered severable in the ,event any provision, term, condition, covenant and/or restriction, in whole and/or in part, of this Agreement is declared invalid, unconstitutional, or void for any reason, such provision or part thereof shall be severed from this Agreement and shall not affect any other provision, term, condition, covenant and/or restriction of this Agreement, and the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect 27 Authority The individuals executing this Agreement and the instruments referenced herein on behalf of Professional each represent and warrant that they have the legal power, right and actual authority to bind professional to the terms and conditions hereof and thereof 28 Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the final, complete, and exclusive statement of the terms of the agreement between the parties pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous understandings or agreements of the parties Neither party has been induced to enter into this Agreement by, nor is neither party relying on, any representation or warranty outside those expressly set forth in this Agreement 29 Interpretation. City and Professional acknowledge and agree ,that this Agreement is the product of mutual arms -length negotiations and accordingly, the rule of construction, which provides that the ambiguities in a document shall be construed against the drafter of that document, shall have no application to the interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement. 291 Titles and captions are for convenience of reference only and do not define, describe or limit the scope or the intent of the Agreement or any of its terms References to section numbers are to sections in the Agreement unless expressly stated otherwise 292 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California in effect at the time of the execution of this Agreement 293 In the event of a conflict between the body of this Agreement and Exhibit "A" ("Scope of Services") hereto, the terms contained in Exhibit "A" shall be controlling 30 Exhibits The following exhibits attached hereto are incorporated herein to this Agreement by this reference Exhibit "N' - Scope of Services and fees Exhibit `B" - Key Personnel 7 r c 0 U a w F- 0 m E d a Packet Pg 64 EXHIBIT "p7f SCOPE OF SERVICE The consulting Staff supplied by the firm will be considered as City Staff and will be expected to conduct all duties normally assigned to the Traffic Engineer This includes routine traffic engineering duties such as traffic counts, signal timing, striping plans and the review of,submitted signal and/or striping plans as well as more complex items such as review of Traffic Impact Analysis, studies for major protects, project review of development applications for the purposes of establishing conditions of approval, establishing program goals and budgets for, long range planning of traffic impacts, w checking and insuring compliance with regional Congestion Management Programs and c coordinating with regional and adjacent local agencies a E a c m The following services are typically requested on an as needed bans 0 Complete traffic engineering studies, designs and surveys, plan and coordinate traffic operational programs within the City e Work closely with City Staff, CALTRANS, SANBAG, adjacent Cities, law enforcement agencies in analyzing traffic related issues and mitigation, as requested ® Meet with protect applicants and developers as requested'by Director and Deputy Director of Community Development Department e In the capacity of the City Traffic Engineer, advise the City regarding all traffic related matters s As requested, oversee consulting maintenance contractor who provides monitoring and maintenance of the City's synchronized traffic signals on Barton Road When requested, prepare and present engineering reports related to pedestrian traffic patterns, traffic control devices such as stop signs signals, crosswalks, speed zones, traffic control, trdffic signing and striping, traffic control plan preparation and similar matters V. Packet Pg 66 EXHIBIT "B" Transportation Engineering and Planning Inc. (TEP) Key Personnel (09111113) Craig S Neustaedter Moses Katz Kamal McHantaf Ed Studor Mark Minard Isa Neustaedter Jeannine Taillac I Principal Master Designer Designer TEP Consultant Engineering Assistant Technician Clerical ao PacketPg 68 Gr � ���fE AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE June 23, 2015 Council Item TITLE Adoption of a Resolution Resetting a Public Hearing Relating to Refuse Rate Adjustments PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION (1) Rescind Resolution No 2015-11 setting forth a Proposition 218 Public Hearing scheduled for July 28, 2015 at 600 p m , and (2 ) Adopt Resolution No 2015- setting the Proposition 218 Public Hearing for proposed new waste and recycle rate adjustments for August 11, 2015 at 6 00 p m 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #1 "Ensure Our Fiscal Viability" by ensuring appropriate cost recovery for services BACKGROUND On May 26, 2015, City Staff requested that the Council adopt a resolution to set a Public Hearing pertaining to solid waste and recycle rate adjustments for July 28, 2015 at 6 00 p m Since that time, City Manager G Harold Duffey and City Staff have met with Burrtec Vice President, Mike Arreguin During the meeting, Mr Arreguin indicated he reviewed he conducted an additional review of the adjustments and found an error on the calculations Mr Arreguin stated that the adjusted rate calculations previously provided to the City reflected a recoup of the cost of services from the last three years as opposed to a "walk up" of rates Corrected calculations were provided to the City Manager and City Staff reflecting significantly lower rate adjustments for residential and commercial customers Additionally, the revised Multi -Family Housing rates include a fee for the Household Hazardous Waste program, as multi family residents have access to the program, in addition to single family residents The corrected rates result in an approximate 4 8% increase in residential rates, and an approximate 13% increase in commercial rates DISCUSSION Residential Refuse Rate Adiustments Burrtec has absorbed the 2012, 2013 and 2014 rate increases that should have been charged to customers Exhibit A of the Resolution shows the proposed residential rate adjustments The Exhibit shows the 2011 rates that are currently Packet Pg 69 The Council is being asked to direct staff to undertake the appropriate measures to notify the citizens of the City regarding the proposed refuse rate adjustments as necessary under Proposition 218 Staff will work with Burrtec to prepare and mail out notices of the proposed rate adjustments, and to schedule a Public Hearing, to be conducted on August 11, 2015, at the hour of 6 00 p m at the City Council Chambers, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace California, at which time all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed solid waste and recycling rate adjustments will be heard FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact to the City by the rate adjustment as it is anticipated that the cost of services will be offset by Burrtec customers ATTACHMENTS • Resolution Setting a Public Hearing to Adjust Refuse Rates (2)(DOCX) • Exhibit A (Corrected) (PDF) • Exhibit B (Corrected) (PDF) • Exhibit C (PDF) APPROVALS Sandra Molina Completed 06/12/2015 10 54 AM Finance Completed 06/12/2015 12 24 PM City Attorney Completed 06/16/2015 7 45 AM Community Development Completed 06/16/2015 8 22 AM City Manager Completed 06/17/2015 2 07 PM City Council Pending 06/23/2015 6 00 PM Packet Pg 71 6a I RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO 2015-11 AND DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ADJUST THE RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING RATES AND SETTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO THE PROPOSED RATE ADJUSTMENTS NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace as follows Section 1 That the Council has determined that due to changes in operating and program costs, an adjustment in the service rates for the provision of refuse and recycling collection is hereby deemed appropriate and that the proposed refuse rate adjustments set forth in "Exhibit A", " E x h i b i t B" a n d" E x h i b i t C" are hereby deemed appropriate and reasonable All other rates existing and not separately identified in "Exhibit A", "Exhibit B" and "Exhibit C" shall remain the same M Section 2 That a Public Hearing is to be conducted on the 11th day of August, 2015, at the hour of 6 00 p m at the City Council Chambers, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace California,,,at which time all persons.,, interested in or objecting to the proposed solid waste and recycling rate adjustments will be heard Section 3 Notices of said solid waste and recycling rate adjustments shall be provided via U S Postal Service Mail to all residential and commercial customers of record by Burrtec Waste Industries Section 4 That said solid waste and recycling rate adjustments shall become effective on September 1, 2015, upon final adoption by the Council PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at a regular meeting held on the 28th day of April, 2015 AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN ATTEST Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Darcy McNaboe Mayor PacketPg 72 6b I Exhibit A - Solid Waste & Recycling Rates Table 2 - Residential Rates (64 Gallon) Standard Residential - 64 Gallon Memo Gen 1 2011 Rate 2012 Rate 2013 Rate 2014 Rate 2015 Rate Rate Components Ref 10/1/11 7/1112 7/1113 7/1/14 7,10 Change Service $ 1241 $ 1265 (a) $ 1290 (a) $ 1296 (a) $ 1297 (a) $ 056 Disposal Refuse (1) 229 228 233 230 225 Greenwaste (2) 238 247 260 273 274 032 Total Disposal 467 475 493 503 499 Franchise Fees (3) 256 261 257 270 269 013 Pavement Impact Fee (4) 060 061 062 063 063 003 Household Haz Waste (5) 032 032 032 032 032 - Street Sweeping Customer Rate (6) 0 96 li2d�52 096 $ 2190 096 $ 2240 096 $ 2260 096 $K22 56 - $ 1 04 Shortfall $ (0 38) $ (0 88) $ (1 08) General References (1) 2015 Rate 0 6070 tons/home/year at $39 38/ton 2014 Rate 0 7080 tons/home/year at $39 06/ton 2013 Rate 0 7195 tons/home/year at $38 90/ton 2012 Rate 0 7038 tons/home/year at $38 79/ton (2) 2015 Rate 0 8450 tons/year at $38 90/ton 2014 Rate 0 8471 tons/year at $38 62/ton 2013 Rate 0 8163 tons/year at $38 18/ton 2012 Rate 0 7910 tons/year at $37 46/tan (3) All Rates 15% of sum of service and disposal (4) 2011 2015 Rate 3 5% of sum of service and disposal (5) 2011 - 2015 Rate $0 32 per customer (6) 2011 - 2015 Rate $0 96 per customer Other Notes (a) February 2015 CPI was 0 1 % (90% is 0 1 %) February 2014 CPI was 0 5% (90% is 0 5%) February 2013 CPI was 2 2°% (90°% is 2 0%) February 2012 CPI was 2 1% (90% is 1 9%) Using Feb CPI rather than Mar CPI due to 218 Notification process PacketPg 74 Exhibit A- Solid Waste & Recycling Rates Table 4 - Residential Rates (Additional Services) Additional Services and Fees Residential Gent 2011 Rate 2012 Rate 2013 Rate 2014 Rate IN ale Coin onents Ref 10/1/11 711/12 7/1/13 7/1/14 7,G1/,15 Extra Cart - 64 Gal Service and Disposal $ 756 $ 772 (a) $ 787 (a) $ 791 (a) $ 792 (a) Franchise Fees (1) 1 14 1 16 1 18 119 119 Pavement Impact Fee (2) 027 027 028 028 028 Customer Rate $ 915 $ 938 $1�9T39�11 Extra Cart - 96 Gal Service and Disposal $ 931 $ 949 (a) $ 968 (a) $ 973 (a) $ 974 (a) Franchise Fees (1) 140 142 145 146 146 Pavement Impact Fee (2) 033 033 034 034 034 Customer Rate $i11F04 $ 11 24 $ 1147 $ 1153 $1i1(1�5411 Extra Cart Recycling Service and Disposal $ 175 $ 178 (a) $ 182 (a) $ 183 (a) $ 183 (a) Franchise Fees (1) 026 027 027 027 027 Pavement Impact Fee (2) 006 006 006 006 006 Customer Rate 2 07 $ 211 $ 215 $ 216 2 16 Extra Cart - Greenwaste Service and Disposal $ 175 $ 178 (a) $ 182 (a) $ 183 (a) $ 183 (a) Franchise Fees (1) 026 027 027 027 027 Pavement Impact Fee (2) 006 006 005 006 006 Customer Rate 2 07 $$�2 1111 $ 215 $ 216 WNW 16 Backyard/Sideyard Service and Disposal $ 1077 $ 1097 (a) $ 11 19 (a) $ 1125 (a) $ 1126 (a) Franchise Fees (1) 162 165 168 169 169 Pavement Impact Fee (2) 038 038 039 039 0 39 Customer Rate $ 1326 $ 1333 B $ 1G3 41 General References (1) 15% or sum of service and disposal (2) 3 5% of sum of service and disposal Other Notes (a) February 2012 CPI was 2 1% (90% is 1 9%) February 2013 CPI was 2 2% (90% 1s 2 0%) February 2014 CPI was 0 5% (90% is 0 5%) February 2015 CPI was 0 1 % (90% is 0 1 %) Using Feb CPI rather than Mar CPI due to 218 Notification process Memo Rate Change $ 040 $ 050 $ 009 $ 009 $ 057 Packet Pg 76 Exhibit B Solid Waste and Recycling Rates Table 1 - Commercial Rates (Commercial Bin Service) Bh film sox f CPI 21F S k 110.% 1&0% $ 3692 Fran hi DI I F 35F Pw m I Imp d F S 0254 SV 1 S- p p F T.1 R t %% 1 CPI 19% S 11000 15AF $ 3879 F r.H I 15% P m K Imp I F $ 021 St 1 S r ping Trial R t Box f CPI 30b 6 110% 150E $ 3&90 F. hl wl 3S% P m 1 Imp. t F $ 0254 Sim 1 Sweepl p F Total I 90A I CPI 05% 8 rvm 1f0% 150% $ 39M Fm lase q Fe 3S% P m 1 Imp d F b $ 0254 Stre 1 Svre p 9 F T I 1 eoa r CPI O1% 6 1 id2% 3 3938 F-41 I 150% F 35F P mot Imp 1 F $ 0254 Str d S. pop F 6t61 R I CM p 2 1 51 a. 1T 60 1.82 _53 220 - i 55 % 18 49 it 11 L59 2 20 69 % 56 71 18 S4 11 29 2 fi3 220 9137 5689 18 62 11 34 2 fi5 2 20 9180 57 05 2423 1119 2 84 2.2 9L, 1.80 2 2 2 3 2 4 %38 1%91 2.49 3520 5280 70A0 197] 3056 4130 460 713 as. 440 661 881 iG ? -6,7 119 15378 20939 3698 5547 73% 20.28 3139 4250 473 732 992 d40 &61 &01 16458 25457 340.50 1%15 15686 21158 37 D8 0Q 7416 2058 3187 431fi 480 7.d4 1007 4A0 6.61 Brit 16701 25&40 34975 100.65 15764 21465 3724 5&a6 74A8 2D fie 3203 433J 483 T47 1012 440 661 881 167% 25961 35143 1%75 15J80 21486 48A6 7169 9692 T23a 3457 4877 5.21 807 1091 440 fi61 841 8 i tl '1 / 2092 3173 42.S3 2 5 2W 55 8&00 5213 12.16 11A1 4 8 T64A8 9205 5154 1249 1101 43197 26977 9270 5437 120 11301 440.54 27112 9110 54.fi3 -75 1101 44261 27139 11115 188 1114 11A1 3 t 5332 6413 2 6 Add P kW at) 31436 65d 105.6D 4os 62.99 159 1470 037 1321 0% f{0'� �56' 32033 666 11094 427 6469 1f4 1509 038 1321 0% 52d26 1295 32&74 679 11124 42B 65 J0 10 151 039 1321 0% 0 2 13.12 32837 642 11172 430 6601 1fi1 15.40 01 1321 01 53471 1318 32870 683 14538 5.59 7111 166 1GS9 043 1321 D00 0. j 215 Add P kW lw d� d) 20AZ 40a 367 088 0.00 01 2081 427 376 088 &00 2972 21M 428 3. 089 om 3023 2134 430 385 090 0% 3039 2138 549 404 094 000 SYi 292 3 1 M. 26A0 14- 337 3.3q t 711 2773 11 347 -D 12069 7L76 2781 i 16M 352 330 122AB 7312 2793 1516 354 330 661 12305 T 19 3635 M70 1643 3D92 383 721 330 661 C� 2.0w 1557 30A7 3 2 12759 S280 7920 27. 631 969 &61 22037r 13001 201A2 046 MIS 27V 4269 &49 9% &61 %a 22639 34717 13Z61 205A5 5562 03 2823 43.33 659 1011 661 991 22966 35223 13317 2080 558G 8179 2.7 4354 662 1016 991 T%73 353 BB 13340 2Do 109A5 4736 1105 9.1 33V._O-C..II 46A7 3 3 3 4 19766 27589 10560 4153 5723 1335 9al 1321 { 4652] 28113 11092 5&Bt 1112 1321 4]779 28&T3 11124 59 ]0 1393 1321 48483 20&18 11112 5999 14AD 1321 48T 10 280A7 I.A. 6508 1&19 1321 T-r7 6208 3 5 33776 131.S9 70A6 8489 1&44 1651 , C%38 .41. 41530 13864 7242 W25 la. 2036 1651 1982 58&65 70911 35106 42161 13904 16686 7352 8857 1715 2067 1851 1982 5972E 71953 35L82 42573 13964 16768 7387 8900 1724 2177 tfi 51 1982 fi0008 722% 35317 42618 18174 21839 BD.24 %64 1&72 2255 1651 1982 in_ nt,y2 7722 9L79 3 6 Add Pidwp( elt) 4.756 6S4 158A0 6% 189 19.1 OA4 lam 000 1 666 16638 6.. 1% D46 0.% 15.48 679 642 ia8 0A6 0% 1565 682 fi45 199 046 0% 1572 683 839 228 053 DAO Ac 307 Add P kW Um h d) 20A2 609 398 093 0.% 4 2081 6.40 408 0.95 0.00 3224 2123 642 415 0.97 040 3277 2134 645 0.17 097 D00 3293 2138 -a 4A8 I" 0% 103 d 1 9233 3522 1913 4A6 -I t 9 94 OB 3fi 98 19 fib 4.59 4.40 15971 95% 37% 19% 466 4A0 16206 9S." 3724 2D05 469 4to IQ 81 9654 48A6 2175 509 440 2071 4 2 4 3 1]2f0 26452 70A0 105.6D 3638 5552 8A9 1-5 &81 1321 ?4 4SS.BD 17537 No 55 73% 11094 3740 SJ DJ 8l3 1332 &81 1321 304.27 4.W 178.BB 27494 7416 11124 37% 571 BAG 1352 881 1321 30867 47084 17977 2J631 74A8 11172 3814 5820 &% 1358 881 1321 3101D 47302 17995 27659 9692 I.S. 4153 I3 . 969 10.77 881 13.2 9 &�dJl 4} 1 4072 61A5 4 4 4 5 35695 451Aa 14060 176A0 7466 9.a 1712 21.95 1761 22A2 [4 'fi5 ll 363 T3 45a 65 14792 1. D 7&75 9&68 1791 2L56 1761 2202 62M 78531 37100 46- 14s. 18540 7790 9a 14 1818 22% 17XI 2L02 633.01 797.30 37L86 47118 14856 18620 7&27 9861 1826 23A1 1761 22M IS 96 80102 37321 4710 1084 M30 8506 10709 1985 2499 1761 2202 fi3f5'9') tibo(� 8215 10L94 d 6 54083 21120 112% 26M 2SA2 3i'I Sj 55111 22168 11595 27. 2fi 42 W2A1 56113 222g8 1170 2746 I. 95618 56494 223A4 1181fi 27.59 2642 9%65 56550 2%76 128.4d 2997 26A2 10y1'tfa� 12352 Add P kupl sl) Aid P kfN (un h d) 654 20.42 812 012 2.20 428 061 1A0 0.% 0.00 743J� 8? 6' 2.81 853 81 228 CIS 0,1 i&l 0.00 D% 1&% 34n 679 2123 856 856 230 447 054 104 000 000 1819 3530 682 2134 859 859 -1 "a 054 105 000 0% IS 26 3547 683 2136 111. 1118 270 488 00 114 000 am k'14 397 47q 6 1 1317T 5280 2769 6A8 6.61 >5 1. 7 55A7 2846 &64 &61 231A5 13&% 55 fi3 2889 &74 661 23483 13T 64 5586 2903 6T7 661 23591 13778 7270 3157 737 a61 $6603 30.T0 6 2 6 3 25080 38307 105.6D 15BA0 53A6 8122 12.47 1&95 1321 1982 414`i G6L4 25557 39035 11094 i6fiA1 5498 83.51 120 1849 1321 1802 44753 67958 26068 ]9&16 11126 16689 5579 84.76 la. 1878 1321 1982 45396 68941 26198 400.15 11172 18758 Sfi Ofi 851fi 13A8 1987 1]21 1882 45805 69258 262.24 40055 14540 21810 6115 9280 1427 2165 1321 1982 3 i'�2 %73 91A8 6 4 8 5 51438 64811 21120 264% 10883 1]eS2 2539 3189 26A2 ]]03 6610 1f11'B'41 52413 BSBA1 2218E 27735 ill 90 14038 2&11 3275 26.42 310] .10A4 1141% SX61 fi71SB 22252 2]815 11357 142A8 26% 3326 2642 3]03 1 Q 115BA6 53728 670.94 223A4 2T930 11411 14314 26.6:i 3LW 2642 3303 93788 116381 53782 6756f 2%80 36350 12439 155.Bi 2&00 3&3T 2642 3303 9 1754 12L13 15285 6 6 71T 91 31660 1-1 3831 39G3 13� 792 fig 332.82 1-3 3939 3963 137336 808.5d 3317E 1]135 3990 3963 13932E B12S8 ]351fi 1R 16 401] 069 3963 000 139970 81339 663 43830 1678 18JAd 354 4174 083 39063 000 At 18354 579 Add Rkup( sd) &54 1218 281 06S 0% ; 66G 12% 292 068 000 2306 679 1284 294 069 000 000 23.26 4037 682 2134 1L89 1289 296 513 120 0% 2336 4056 2136 1.7. 572 133 000 4 1x 656 Add Pdmp(00 h d) 2DA2 1218 US 114 0% 2001 12% 504 11. &% 3983 2123 1284 5.11 119 Addi CM1amec T-& 3yN (COO) 20A2 2-0 7. 1% N/A 2081 2171 718 170 WA 5752 2123 1711 738 172 N/A SB 12 2134 2793 739 172 NIA 5838 2138 3835 868 202 WA 66'ir 1291 %G ICD bakdR q 19 MI; WC WC NIC NIC WA E Da R 4y 81p Bart 1 1.7 Z.7 207 7 0.% L93h$ B-dBl 259A3 3&85 NIA N/A iY 0 2fi3I 3959 WA NIA 30354 26923 40M WA WA 3o961 27058 4059 WA NIA 11117 370.85 4D INIA WA ttg8 1360 . h 09 5458 819 N/A N/A J 5562 834 WA NIA fi3% 5fi 73 851 WA WA .24 57M 855 NIA NIA 6556 5707 856 WA NIA o 286 L kR Kai 1M h 1110 1B7 NIA N/A 1)77 1131 170 WA WA 1901 1154 5E 1J3 WA WA 13.27 1160 174 WA NIA 1334 11.1 174 NIA N/A 13 05& LD t SI k Bh 4Q.a5 6938 N/A N/A 93 47134 T070 WA NIA 54204 48D 77 J212 WA N/A 0289 48117 7248 WA NIA S5565 48365 72M NIA WA 556, 2427 Ov np 3107 1 S WA WA ,3 3166 I. WA WA 3641 3229 684 WA WA 3713 32A5 4A7 NIA NIA 3732 33A8 11 WA NIA 7, $ 162 Rph dRy 463 069 NIA N/A 3' 472 0,71 WA WAS'0 6.81 0.72 WA WA 55; 483 072 WA NIA 555 483 012 N/A WA .23 R ph -Lod[ 2313 -7 NIA WA 26 0 2357 3. WA WA 2711 2404 361 WA WA 2765 20.16 3. WA WA 27T81 2418 3.3 N/A NIA 121 5 rvi f i dl I d t90% /CPI ( )15% 1me wn 1 rvi -di.p sal (b)3SF IN uen f-- ddf p .1 p �� Attachment Exhibit R (Corrected) (1713 Resolution Resetting a Public Hearing Relating to Refuse Rate Adjustments) Exhibit B Solid Waste and Recycling Rates Table 3 - Commercial Rates (Rolloff Service) rc >nrte �S.Ki A�S.n'1^. xrFeihnt �21 ryF� Memo St,. 90/ of CPI 21/ S Ice $ 4892 Franchise Ds ISO/ 35A Pavement Impact b Total R I 90/ of CPI 19/ S rvJoe $ 5079 Des os ISO/ Franchise Fee a 35/ Pave. nt Impact e b Total ate 90A of CPI 20/ S I $ 5090 DI 150/ Franchise 35/ Pavement Impact Fe b Total Rate 90/ of CPI OSA service $ 6106 Franchise Disposal 150/ 35A P v isnt Impact Fee b Total t 90/ of CPI 01/ S ry $ 5138 DI is OV Franchise 35/ Pavement F bChange Impact105 Rate P rm m 40 16847 Actual 2527 590 '64 17167 Actual 2575 601 20343 17510 Actual 2627 613 20750 17598 Actual 2640 616 20854 17616 Actual 2642 617 911 20 16847 Actual 2527 590 4 171 67 Actu 1 2575 601 20343 17510 Actual 2627 613 20750 17528 Actu 1 2640 616 20854 17616 Actual 2642 617_ 911 10 16847 Actual 2527 590 6 17167 Actual 2575 601 203 43 17510 Actual 2627 613 20750 17598 Actual 2640 616 20854 17616 Actual 2642 6175 911 40 18827 Actual 2824 659 19185 Actual 2878 671 22734 19569 Actual 2935 685 23189 19667 Actual 29 SO 688 23305 19687 Actual 2953 6899 1019 (Compactor) 40 16847 Actual 2527 590 171 67 Actual 2575 601 20343 17510 Actual 2627 613 20750 17598 Actual 2640 616 208 S4 17616 Act a1 2642 617911 (Recycling) 40 188 27 Actual 2824 659 1 191 85 Actual 2878 671 22734 195 69 Actual 2935 685 23189 19667 Actual 2950 688 23305 19687 ACWeI 2953 6898 1019 (Green Waste) Temocrary 40 6 18827 29352 7227 1686 3 191 85 30474 7449 1738 58846 19569 30540 7516 1754 59379 19667 30636 7545 1761 59609 19687 30828 7577 1768D 2768 20 6 18877 29352 72.27 1686 191 85 30474 7449 1738 58846 19569 30540 7516 1754 59379 19667 30636 7545 1761 59609 19687 30828 7577 17680 27 68 10 6 18827 29352 72.27 1686 0 191 85 30474 7449 1738 58846 19569 30540 7516 1754 59379 19667 30636 7545 1761 59609 19687 30828 7577 1768 27 fi8 40 (Rent per Day) 2246 WA 337 079 2289 WA 343 080 2712 2335 WA 350 082 2767 2347 N/A 352 0B2 2781 2349 N/A 352 082121 Dump Fee 4892 734 171 5079 762 178 6019 5090 764 178 6032 5106 766 179 6051 513E 771 180GO 292 Addtl nal Over S Tons) 4892 734 171 37 5079 762 178 6019 5090 764 178 6032 5106 766 179 6051 5138 771 1805 292 Service fee is adjusted at 90/ of CPI (a) 15 A of the sum of service and disposal (b) 3 5 A of the service Perm Box serviced a minimum offour (4) times per month and left on premises fun time Temp. Box serviced a minimum of one time a cry seven (7) d ye (t9 i, C'> Attachment Exhibit B (Corrected) (1713 Resolution Resetting a Public Hearing Relating to Refuse Rate Adjustments) Exhibit B Solid Waste and Recycling Rates Table 5 - Residential & Commercial Rates (Special Services) Push Bin Rates Per Pick -Up Fr 1/week 2/week 3/week 0-25feet N/C N/C N/C 26-50 feet $ 7,29 $ 14 9 $ 21 88 51-75 feet MON 8 76-100 feet $ 1. ®42 $ 20 84 $ 3 26 101-125 feet $ 1 46 $ 2>2 92 $ 3_4 39 126-150 feet 151-175 feet 176-200 feet 4 5J $ 29 8 $ 43 76 Over 200 feet $ 15 63 $ �1s2 46 89 Packet Pg 81 Burrtec Waste Industries Inc P6 d City of Grand Terrace EXHIBIT C July 2015 Multi -Family Commercial Bin Service Bin Size Fre 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 d Pickup (on -site) d Pickup (unsched) 3 3 3 3 3 3 Pickup (oi Pickup (ui 1 2 3 4 5 6 i-site) isched) 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 Pickup (on -site) Pickup (unsched) 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 Pickup (on -site) Pickup (unsched) 3 5% $ 0 160 $ 0 254 14200 15 0% Pavement Street $ 3938 Franchise Impact HHW Sweeping Service* Disposal Fee a Fee b Fee Fee 5705 2423 1219 284 1 39 220 10075 4846 2238 522 277 440 15780 7269 3457 807 416 661 21486 9692 4677 1091 555 881 27139 121 15 5888 1374 693 11 01 32870 14538 71 11 1659 832 1321 683 559 1 86 043 000 000 21 36 559 404 094 000 000 7319 3635 1643 383 208 330 13340 7270 3092 721 416 661 20669 10905 4736 11 05 624 991 28847 14540 6508 1519 832 1321 35317 18174 8024 1872 1040 1651 42616 21810 9664 2255 1248 1982 683 839 228 053 000 000 21 36 839 446 1 04 000 000 9654 4846 21 75 508 277 440 17995 9692 41 53 969 555 881 27659 14538 6330 1477 832 1321 37323 19384 8506 1985 11 09 1761 471 65 24230 10709 2499 1387 2202 56550 29076 12844 2997 1664 2642 683 11 18 270 063 000 000 21 36 11 18 488 1 14 000 000 13778 7270 31 57 737 416 661 26224 14540 61 15 1427 832 1321 40055 21810 9280 21 65 1248 1982 53782 29080 12429 2900 1664 2642 67561 36350 15587 3637 2080 3303 81339 43620 18744 4374 2496 3963 683 1678 354 083 000 000 21 36 1678 572 133 000 000 '-Bins - 3 yards (COD) 1 6 Gal Commingled Recycling :xtra Recycling Barrel Burned Bin Exchanges Lock Rental (Monthly) Lost or Stolen Bin Overage Replaced Key Replaced Lock 21 36 I 3635 866 202 N/A N/A 27085 4063 N/A N/A N/A 5707 856 N/A N/A N/A 11 61 174 N/A N/A N/A 48365 7255 N/A N/A N/A 3248 487 N/A N/A N/A 483 072 N/A N/A N/A 2418 363 N/A N/A N/A Service fee is adjusted at 90% of CPI (a) 15% of the sum of service and disposal (b) 3 5% of the sum of service and disposal Grand Terrace 2015 Commercial Rate Calculation 6-4-15 xlsx MF Comm Packet Pg 83 0 MEETING DATE June 23, 2015 Council Item TITLE 2015-2016 Landscape & Lighting Assessment District 89-1 PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION 1 Adopt RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, COST ESTIMATE, DIAGRAM, ASSESSMENT AND REPORT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF DIVISION 15, PART 2 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT LEVY AFTER FORMATION OF A DISTRICT, 2 Adopt RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S "REPORT" FOR THE ANNUAL LEVY OF ASSESSMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 - 2016 IN A DISTRICT WITHIN SAID CITY, and 3 Adopt RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO PROVIDE FOR AN ANNUAL LEVY AND COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR CERTAIN MAINTENANCE IN AN EXISTING DISTRICT, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF DECISION 15, PART 2 OF THE STREET AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND SETTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING THEREON 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #1 to Ensure our Fiscal Viability by ensuring appropriate cost recovery for services BACKGROUND In 1989, the City Council required developers of Tract 13364 to form an Assessment District for the purpose of maintaining the landscaping and lighting serving the project, as required by the conditions of approval Subsequently, two other developments were required to be included in this program The developments were annexed into the original assessment district as Annexation No 1 Packet Pg 84 APPROVALS Sandra Molina Completed 06/12/2015 11 34 AM Finance Completed 06/12/2015 12 28 PM City Attorney Completed 06/16/2015 7 33 AM Community Development Completed 06/16/2015 8 27 AM City Manager Completed 06/17/2015 2 01 PM City Council Pending 06/23/2015 6 00 PM Packet Pg 86 16131;1z1<9] �739Z�011". CITY OF GRANDTERRACE LANDSCAPING AND STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT NO 89-1 DATE OF MEETING June 23, 2015 STAFF Present map showing the general boundaries of the area of the District, and showing in general terms the work of improvement to be maintained CITY COUNCIL Adopt RESOLUTION ORDERING CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, COST ESTIMATE, DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT STAFF Present to the City Council the "Report," pursuant to the "Landscaping and Street Lighting Act of 1972 " Consisting of the following 1 Plans and specifications, 2 Estimates of cost, 3 Diagram of proposed District, 4 Assessment of costs CITY COUNCIL Adopt RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEER'S "REPORT " CITY COUNCIL Adopt RESOLUTION OF INTENTION (For purpose of setting the public hearing on July 14, 2015) Packet Pg 87 lwo Cr Iv 0 Pr (D `o Co 00 Co" of C&RMO I VEIRMCF9 5AN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA °URLU IIS TO 0IY151011 15 PART 2 OR SSREMENtT�IOHN^T RICT C OE 89-1 OSCAPIHG AVO LIGHTING 1 iRAC f HO 13�64 — TEtZRACE PINES ACT OF 197Z .•�'A It 1'� -tnr 0 / r d 017t �9 II L of 1] j 101 tor 1 I a ORIT7D►1 Inn.,n •.1 • / � W4Y _� W 1 • 1a1u�1/\1111 (l�'yf4 II IM( [�11 (OVt(Il 1,I n 111 _ YI v b1 A 1 MY 1 v nn �- n111 V.n -1 �. v1�. • / -- �'o,o NII 'l Of IM( 1YI IAIAI [.o Ll 0AI OIl V,ja� Ittl PACE 20 ,a 'An1 �4 •lal •J_ f lilfll lMOVt�7--' i••I a •.��.,y�tR''1 p�tl;jnr��r�_ Inl COWI [ 1, IM( OTf I(1 t/ Iplilla 11411 •1 t4► rpA•IA1�1 t0Y•1{ [/ IAI, ICA•44�{.p Wa11 lI [OAO(A 0i 1N ItANAAOIOO COVIII 11 or VI Attachment 2 Landscape LlghtmgTractMap pdf (1710 2015-2016 Landscape 8( Lighting Assessment District 89-1) 0 i �7 c RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, COST ESTIMATE, DIAGRAM, ASSESSMENT AND REPORT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF DIVISION 15, PART 2 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT LEVY AFTER FORMATION OF A DISTRICT WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, desires to initiate proceedings for the annual levy of assessments for a landscaping and street lighting district pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Landscaping and Street Lighting Act of 1972," being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, in what is known and designated as LANDSCAPING AND STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT NO 89-1 (hereinafter referred to as the "District"), and, WHEREAS, the proceedings for the annual levy of assessments shall relate to the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2015, and ending June 30, 2016, and, i WHEREAS, there has been submitted to this City Council for its consideration at this time, a map showing the boundaries of the territory affected by the levy of the assessment for the above referenced fiscal year, said map further showing and describing in general the works of improvement proposed to be maintained in said District, said description being sufficient to identify the works of improvement and the o areas proposed to be assessed for said maintenance thereof, and, Lo WHEREAS, the provisions of said Division 15, Part 2 require a written "Report," consisting of the following 1 Plans and specifications of the area of the works of improvement to be maintained, 2 An estimate of the costs for maintaining the improvements for the above referenced fiscal year, 3 A diagram of the area proposed to be assessed, E 4 An assessment of the estimated costs for maintenance work for said fiscal year �a a Packet Pg, 90 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ) I, , City Clerk of the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution, being Resolution No 2015- was duly passed, approved and adopted by the City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested by the City Clerk, all at the regular meeting of said City Council held on the 14th day of July, 2015, and that the same was passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN EXECUTED this 23rd day of June, 2015, at Grand Terrace, California [SEAL] City Clerk for the City of Grand Terrace PacketPg 92 r Go ri L i+ N 0 n � N City of Grand Terrace J Landscaping and,, Lighting Assessment District No. a 89-1 N 0 N i Q f 2016/2016 ENGINEER'S REPORT 0 o Intent Meeting, June 23, 2015 Public Hearing July 14, 2015M ► r, LU ;. RF t4 E d .S tYr r AN, WANWULL ` Financial Services, t, fN Packet Pg 93 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Section I PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Improvements Authorized by the 1972 Act Plans and Specifications Section II METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT Proposition 218 Benefit Analysis Benefit Analysis Special Benefit General Benefit Assessment Methodology Section III ESTIMATE OF IMPROVEMENT COSTS Section IV ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM Section V ASSESSMENT ROLL 1 3 3 4 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 11 0 14 0 N t O O N d Gf C C W C d t tt R V Zo Packet Pg 95 WILLDAN 7°a � Financial Services according to the provisions of the landscaping and Lighting Act` of 1972, Part 2, Division'15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California This report is being prepared to provide for the annual assessment within these boundaries Payment for the assessment for each parcel will be made in the same manner and at the same time as payments are made for property taxes for each Property The proceedings will be conducted under the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, Part 2, Division 15, Sections 22500 through 22679, of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California This annual Report is presented for the purpose of levy of annual assessment to the above described properties for the purpose of maintaining the lighting and landscaping during the Fiscal Year 2015/16 This report contains the necessary data required to conduct the proceedings and is submitted to the Clerk of the City for filing The word "parcel," for the purposes of this Report, refers to an individual property assigned its own Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) by the San Bernardino County Assessor's Office The San Bernardino County Auditor/Controller uses Assessor's Parcel Numbers and a dedicated fund number established for the District to identify properties to be assessed on the tax roll and the allocation of the funds collected This Report consists of the following sections G ti Section I Plans and Specifications Description of the District's improvements are filed herewith o and made a part hereof Said plans and specifications are on file in the Office of the CM Clerk of the City Q CD W Section II L d d Method of Apportionment A discussion of the general and special benefits associated with the overall landscaping street lighting improvements provided within the w District (Proposition 218 Benefit Analysis) This section also includes a determination of the proportional costs of the special benefits and a separation of costs considered to be of general benefit (and therefore not assessed) This section of the Report also outlines r the method of calculating each property's proportional special benefit a Section III Estimate of Improvement Costs An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvements, including incidental costs and expenses in connection therewith, is as 2015/2016 City of Grand Terrace AD No 89-1 ` Packet Pg 97 WWILLDAN ��4b^M7 aFinancial Services i • The acquisition of any existing improvement otherwise authorized pursuant to this section Incidental expenses associated with the improvements including, but not limited to • The cost of preparation of the report, including plans, specifications, estimates, diagram, and assessment, • The costs of printing, advertising, and the publishing, posting and mailing r y of notices, o d • Compensation payable to the County for collection of assessments, y N d • Compensation of any engineer or attorney employed to render services, a • Any other expenses incidental to the construction, installation, or maintenance and servicing of the improvements, • Any expenses incidental to the issuance of bonds or notes pursuant to Section 22662 5 • Costs associated with any elections held for the approval of a new or increased assessment o am H` N a` The 1972 Act defines "maintain" or "maintenance" to mean furnishing of services o and materials for the ordinary and usual maintenance, operation, and servicing N of any improvement, including • Repair, removal, or replacement of all or any part of any improvement • Providing for the life, growth, health, and beauty of landscaping, including cultivation, irrigation, trimming, spraying, fertilizing, or treating for disease or injury • The removal of trimmings, rubbish, debris, and other solid waste • The cleaning, sandblasting, and painting of walls and other improvements to remove or cover graffiti Plans and Specifications The District provides the necessary funding source for the annual maintenance, operation and servicing of the improvements that have been constructed and installed for the benefit of properties within the District Landscaping and appurtenant facilities generally include trees, shrubs, plants, turf, 2015/2016 City of Grand Terrace AD No 89-1 Packet Pg 99 (b) Tract 14471 (a) (b) V WILLDAN Financial Services assessments for the landscape maintenance during Fiscal Year 2015/16 Lighting Poles, fixtures, bulbs, conduits, equipment, posts, pedestals, metering devices and appurtenant facilities as required to provide lighting in public right-of-ways and easements within the proposed boundaries of the District A total of 7 street lights are included in the boundaries of this development Landscapinq Landscaping, planting shrubbery, trees, and vines with Lot "A" of said Tract 14471, along with irrigation system for the improvements within Lot "AU Lighting Poles, fixtures, conduits, equipment, posts, pedestals, metering devices and appurtenant facilities as required to provide lighting in public right-of- ways and easements within the boundaries of the District A total of 6 street lights are maintained within the boundaries of this development Y t Section II. METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT The 1972 Act permits the establishment of assessment districts by agencies for the purpose of providing certain public improvements, including the acquisition, construction, installation, and servicing of street lighting improvements and related facilities The 1972 Act requires that the cost of these improvements be levied according to benefit rather than assessed value "The net amount to be assessed upon lands within an assessment district may be apportioned by any formula or method which fairly distributes the net amount among all assessable lots or parcels in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by each such lot or parcel from the improvements " The formulas used for calculating assessments reflect the composition of parcels within the District (which are all residential properties) and the improvements and activities to be provided, and have been designed to fairly apportion costs based on a determination of the proportional special benefits to each parcel, consistent with the requirements of the 1972 Act and the provisions of Proposition 218 and Article XIII D of the California Constitution 2015/2016 City of Grand Terrace AD No 89-1 [:Ti:::, Packet Pg 101 VWI LLDANLAt Financial Services • Enhanced quality of life and working environment within the area that is promoted by well -maintained landscaped areas and amenities • Reduced criminal activity and property -related crimes (especially vandalism) against properties in the District through well -maintained surroundings and amenities within public areas • Increased social opportunities and leisure activities for customers residents and families, provided by a well -maintained neighborhood destination place for relaxation, socializing, and entertainment that is within easy walking distance • Enhanced environmental quality of the parcels by moderating temperatures, providing oxygenation and attenuating noise The preceding special benefits contribute to the overall aesthetic value and desirability of each of the assessed parcels within the District and thereby provide a special enhancement to these properties Furthermore, it has been determined that the lack of funding to properly service and maintain the improvements would ultimately result in the deterioration of the improvements and facilities, which in turn could negatively impact the properties within the District As such, the annual costs of ensuring the ongoing maintenance and operation of these improvements are considered a distinct and special benefit to the properties within the District and are therefore considered the financial obligation of those properties The cost of any improvement or portion thereof that is considered to be of general benefit shall not be included as part of the special benefit assessments allocated to properties within the District 0 General Benefit �o General Benefit costs and are not included as part of the budgets and assessments for Lh properties within the District These improvements and associated incidental expenses N will be funded through other revenue sources available to the City r_ 0 a Assessment Methodology This District was formed to establish and provide for the improvements that enhance the presentation of the surrounding properties and developments These improvements will directly benefit the parcels to be assessed within the District The assessments and w method of apportionment is based on the premise that the assessments will be used to construct and install landscape and lighting improvements within the existing District as well as provide for the annual maintenance of those improvements, and the r assessment revenues generated by District will be used solely for such purposes a The costs of the proposed improvements have been identified and allocated to properties within the District based on special benefit The improvements to be provided by this District and for which properties will be assessed have been identified as an essential component and local amenity that provides a direct reflection and extension of 2015/2016 City of Grand Terrace AD No 89-1 Packet Pg ;103 Tract 14264 — Forrest City Phase II Energy Costs — Street Lighting Landscaping Water Supply Mowing and Trimming etc Replacement Parts Contract Maintenance Contingencies Legal Engineering Auditor Controller Charges Administrative Cost Shortage (Last fiscal year) Tract 14471 — Oriole Energy Costs — Street Lighting Landscaping Water Supply Mowing and Trimming etc Replacement Parts e Contract Maintenance Contingencies Legal Engineering Auditor Controller Charges Administrative Cost . Shortage (Last fiscal year) Total Assessment for Fiscal Year 2015/16 $12,121 44 AWILLDAN x'7 a Financial Services $697 00 z 000 000 000 000 b h` 316 79 19685 500, 0 00 000 40962 000 000 96000 1,01750 571 50 1800 000 1,78460 00 V N_ a U) U) d a aM ,J ad d a R N7 LID f� J CO 0 N P 40 N 0 ti Lb 10TM. N 0 a h d d c w r c m E �a t; 2015/2016 City of Grand Terrace AD No 89-1 ln 11 Packet Pg 105 �' WILLDAN 7 d IMFinancial Services I N— — I ivly Ivv I I v AZ),)tJJIVIt1V I U15 I KIC,1 PURSUANT TO DIVISION 15 PART 2 OF STRE-TS a HIGHWAYS CC DE L ND:tCAPING AND 1,'ChT,NG ACT OF 1972 r>�wd �Ara[ma.r ofNa•X raf� ••�• alrnlu ltJLC � � �_ �X @=1w I uwQl(lo 11 iK 41T Y .t ,�� tfn Ip sf r[ eI fxllar/ 1 � / �sTf aw �� tour(X' r .'Iy�ws WIC [tvf l [,iL rt t—.C�C" orulf au�t)r !rl r[ •.rr- �rawo , Or14 s IK!I^u-; �114—r IN1.11 y.,'4a�N[j/'M W/gel �if[ti�iYel[ rw[ •�ii `wNp AfR2fKXr qL �1X[ rttborl Ir fN a✓/t�0�tr rK �Y[�1/r�4�[4r Y 4l[[I[ a/ [r [II wtnM! �t,rur['i� 'A 1 IKwV%IK d N ,K fylAr two a/ [ wlt IY rK [t.c Wr d 4d IArt4 4r� 0 Iwlt ALf[ [ Iw..r FTJ aNmr, 9 rrar LPL I I�� •S`b 1 ii.� IaAt7 _ Q Iw y u W U I Q a a�J✓N 31 ,n.y :t. t0 'Mr a a } I " a fRaNKLIN STREET I.[ f , 1 2 K p.1$4- O)d+t/& rZ,wzz I � .21 - L ro.L naa [ on•c aroc l f ' PICO STREET I f I14101 ' Y 1 NO 6 " lit � o c a V ICINIT`L MAP t - 91 F[.EO R[OI/EST OF aN fi I n OOOX� tAG Ttn rUW-0C'-^• CQIX7T ['C. KICAK A ASSOCIATES CI IT OF CR 0 TE RACE ASSESSrtENr OIACnAM l ❑ Il [ cI K[Xf I ANNEXATION NO 1 TO ASMSTIENT OIsrRICr 89 1 ANDSCAP MC ANO EiCMI INC A..X ..0 1 ai)CCr e•LI/er"RAR"rrtl if IIo Irr vIf ECr OF 19T2 1 OY 11 a, S XEX A01 a S, fE OF CALIFRnw IA Page 21 40 al 2015/2016 City of Grand Terrace AD No 89-1 Packet Pg 107 7d inancial 'FWI LLDAN services ,j IX Section V. ASSESSMENT ROLL The description of each lot or parcel is part of the records of the Assessor of the County of San Bernardino and these records are, by reference, made part of this Report The proposed assessment and the amount of assessment for Fiscal Year 2015/16 apportioned to each lot or parcel is shown below 13364 0275-301-08 $282 33 13364 0275-301-09 $282 33 13364 0275-301-10 $282 33 13364 0275-301-11 $282 33 13364 0275-301-12 $282 33 13364 0275-301-13 $282 33 13364 0275-301-14 $282 33 13364 0275-301-15 $282 33 13364 0275-301-16 $282 33 13364 0275-301-17 $282 33 13364 0275-301-18 $282 33 13364 0275-301-19 $282 33 13364 0275-301-20 $282 33 13364 0275-301-21 $282 33 13364 0275-301-22 $282 33 13364 0275-301-23 $282 33 13364 0275-301-24 $282 33 13364 0275-301-25 $282 33 13364 0275-301-26 $282 33 13364 0275-301-27 $282 33 14264 0275-251-81 $1,21564 14471 1178-181-16 $309 36 14471 1178-181-17 $309 36 14471 1178-181-18 $309 36 14471 1178-181-19 $309 36 14471 1178-181-20 $309 36 14471 1178-181-21 $309 36 14471 1178-181-22 $309 36 14471 1178-181-23 $309 36 14471 1178-181-24 $309 36 14471 1178-181-25 $309 36 14471 1178-181-26 $309 36 14471 1178-181-27 $309 36 14471 1178-181-28 $309 36 14471 1178-181-29 $309 36 14471 1178-181-30 $309 36 14471 1178-181-31 $309 36 2015/2016 City of Grand Terrace AD No 89-1 0 ti co Lh 0 N V- 0 c. d w m d c a� c w v c m E s �o a Packet Pg 109 f^ RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S "REPORT" FOR THE ANNUAL LEVY OF ASSESSMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 — 2016 IN A DISTRICT WITHIN SAID CITY WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, pursuant to the provisions of Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, did, by previous Resolution, order the preparation of an Engineer's "Report" for the annual levy of assessments, consisting of plans and specifications, an estimate of the cost, a diagram of the district, and an assessment relating to what is now known and designated as CITY OF GRAND TERRACE LANDSCAPING AND STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT NO 89-1 (hereinafter referred to as the "District"), and, WHEREAS, there has now been presented to this City Council the "Report" as required by said Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code and as previously directed by Resolution, and, k _, WHEREAS, this City Council has now carefully examined and reviewed the "Report" as iq Lh presented, and is satisfied with each and all of the items and documents as set forth V- therein, and is satisfied that the assessments, on a preliminary basis, have been spread N in accordance with the benefits received from the maintenance to be performed, as set o forth in said "Report " NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace does hereby resolve, determine and order as follows N c SECTION 1 That the above recitals are all true and correct ° 0 SECTION 2 That the "Report" as presented, consisting of the following LO A Plans and specifications, c B Estimate of cost, E s C Diagram of the District, D Assessment of the estimated cost, a is hereby approved on a preliminary basis, and is ordered to be filed in the Office of the City Clerk as a permanent record and to remain open to public inspection PacketPg 110 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ) I, Pat Jacquez-Nares, Interim City Clerk of the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution, being Resolution No 2015- was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested by the City Clerk, all at the regular meeting of said City Council held on the 23rd day of June, 2015, and that the same was passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Executed this 23`d day of June, 2015, at Grand Terrace, California Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk for the City of Grand Terrace [SEAL] Packet Pg 112 RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO PROVIDE FOR AN ANNUAL LEVY AND COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR CERTAIN MAINTENANCE IN AN EXISTING DISTRICT, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF DECISION 15, PART 2 OF THE STREET AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND SETTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING THEREON WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, desires to form a landscaping maintenance district pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Landscaping and Street Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, to be known and designated as CITY OF GRAND TERRACE LANDSCAPING AND STREET LIGHITNG DISTRICT NO 89-1 (hereinafter referred to as the "District"), and, WHEREAS, at this time, this City Council is desirous to provide for the annual levy of assessments for the territory within the District for the next ensuing fiscal year, to provide for the costs and expenses necessary for continual maintenance of improvements within said District, and, WHEREAS, at this time there has been presented and approved by this City Council, the Engineer's "Report" as required by law, and this City Council is desirous of proceeding with the proceedings for said annual levy NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace does hereby resolve, determine and order as follows SECTION 1 That the above recitals are all true and correct PUBLIC INTEREST SECTION 2 That the public interest and convenience requires, and it is the intention of this City Council, to undertake proceedings for the annual levy and collection of special assessments for the continual maintenance of certain improvements, all to serve and benefit said District as said area is shown and delineated on a map as previously approved by this City Council and on file in the Office of the City Clerk, open to public inspection, and herein so referenced and made a part hereof, and proposed changes thereto are set forth in the "Report" of the Engineer, incorporated herein as a part hereof Packet Pg 113 said improvement and maintenance, and to be further assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof Said District shall include each and every parcel of land within the boundaries of said District, as said District is shown on a map as approved by this City Council and on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and so designated by the name of the District SECTION 9 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2015, AT THE HOUR OF 6 00 O'CLOCK P M , IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS LOCATED AT 22795 BARTON ROAD, GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, IS THE TIME AND PLACE FIXED BY THIS CITY COUNCIL FOR THE HEARING OF PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS IN REFERENCE TO THE ANNUAL LEVY OF ASSESSMENTS, TO THE EXTENT OF THE MAINTENANCE, AND ANY OTHER MATTERS CONTAINED IN THIS RESOLUTION BY THOSE PROPERTY OWNERS AFFECTED HEREBY ANY PERSONS WHO WISH TO OBJECT TO THE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD FILE A WRITTEN PROTEST WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO THE TIME SET AND SCHEDULED FOR SAID PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE SECTION 10 The City Clerk is directed to publish this Resolution of Intention pursuant to Government Code Section 6061, said publication to be completed no later than ten (10) days prior to the date set for the Public Hearing EFFECTIVE DATE SECTION 11 That t6s Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption - PROCEEDINGS INQUIRIES SECTION 12 For any and all information relating to the proceedings, protest procedure, any documentation and/or information of a procedural or technical nature, your attention is directed to the below listed person at the local agency or department so designated Sandra Molina, Director of Community Development CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, California 92324 zl Packet Pg 115 7f I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ) I, Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk of the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution, being Resolution No 2015- was duly passed, approved and adopted by the City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested by the City Clerk, all at the regular meeting of said City Council held on the 23`d day of June, 2015, and that the same was passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN EXECUTED this 23`d day of June, 2015, at Grand Terrace, California Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk for the City of Grand Terrace [SEAL] Packet Pg 117 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE June 23, 2015 Council Item TITLE Approval of Information Systems Support Agreement Renewal with City of Loma Linda PRESENTED BY Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director RECOMMENDATION Approve the attached Information Systems Support Agreement with the City of Loma Linda and authorize the City Manager to sign the Agreement after making any minor administrative revisions that may be needed in order to finalize the document 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #4 — Develop and Implement Successful Partnerships by working collaboratively with other Public Sector agencies to facilitate the delivery of services benefitting youth, seniors and our community BACKGROUND On May 13th of 2014 the City of Grand Terrace entered in an agreement with the City of Loma Linda for the provision of Information Systems services Prior to that, the City's computers, and other information systems infrastructure support was provided by a Management Information Systems (MIS) Specialist, who retired from the City effective April 30, 2014 Over the past year Loma Linda has advanced information systems capabilities and provided insightful computer -related services for Grand Terrace Accomplishments • Phone Circuit/System Upgrade o Avaya Office phone system configuration (Symmetry Data Inc) • Exchange Server o Created a new domain name "grandterrace-ca gov" o Created new Microsoft Outlook mailboxes for all users and restored GroupWise content to each user's new exchange mailbox • Replaced and Rebuilt Staff PCs o City Hall and Child Care replaced personal computers were rebuilt or • Server Replacement o Purchased a new server for the phone system to act as the City's voicemail and phone system administrator Packet Pg 118 City Council Pending 06/23/2015 6 00 PM Packet Pg 120 GRAND TERRACE & LOMA LINDA INFORMATION SYSTEMS SUPPORT AGREEMENT 1 PARTIES AND DATE This Agreement is made and entered into this day of June, 2015 by and between the City of Grand Terrace (hereinafter called "Grand Terrace") and the City of Loma Linda (hereinafter called "Loma Linda") Grand Terrace and Loma Linda may hereinafter be referred to individually as "Party" or collectively as the "Parties" 2 RECITALS 21 Both Grand Terrace and Loma Linda, as part of their municipal services, provide and maintain computer, phone and other information systems technology within their respective jurisdictions 22 Grand Terrace and Loma Linda are neighboring cities with similar technical needs Loma Linda has personnel and expertise that can meet Grand Terrace's needs for information systems support The personnel of both Parties have participated in joint training programs and have worked together in emergency situations in the past 23 The Parties now desire to expand the scope of cooperation between the Parties by having Loma Linda provide information systems support pursuant to an Information Systems n Operational Support Plan as described herem Under this plan, employees of Loma Linda will set up and maintain equipment, software and systems acquired and owned by Grand Terrace In doing so, it is not expected or understood that Loma Linda will offer or provide any equipment, Lh software or warranties to Grand Terrace 24 The Parties are authorized to contract for the provision of municipal services, including information systems services, pursuant to California Government Code Section 54981 3 TERMS 3 1 Recitals The Recitals listed above are incorporated into and hereby made a part of this Agreement 32 Representatives Grand Terrace and Loma Linda hereby designate their respective City Managers, or their designees, to act as their representatives for the performance E of thus Agreement Each representative shall have the power to act on behalf of their respective J w Party for all purposes under this Agreement E t 3 3 Scope of Information Systems Operational Support Plan The scope of the c Information Systems Operational Support Plan (Plan) is described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto Q and incorporated herem by reference Further operational details of the Plan shall be determined by the Grand Terrace and Loma Linda City Managers, or their designees The City Managers or their designees shall meet at least annually for the purpose of considering revisions to the Plan Each Party agrees to work closely with each other in the performance of this Agreement, to be Packet Pg 121 8a I Grand Terrace, including but not limited to, eligibility to enroll in PERS as an employee of Grand Terrace, and entitlement to any contribution to be paid by Grand Terrace for employer contribution and/or employee contributions for PERS benefits 39 Notices Any notices required to be given under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been properly delivered, served, or given for all purposes when personally delivered to the Party to whom it is directed to, or in lieu of such personal service, when mailed, postage prepaid to the following addresses GRAND TERRACE Lom LINDA City of Grand Terrace City of Loma Linda Attn City Manager Attn City Manager 22795 Barton Rd 25541 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Loma Linda, CA 92354 Any Party may change its address for the purposes of this paragraph by giving written notice of such change in the manner prescribed by this paragraph 3 13 Third Party Rights Grand Terrace and Loma Linda agree that the provisions of this Agreement are not intended to create or clarify any rights in third parties not a party to this Agreement In addition, no third party shall have any right of action hereunder This Agreement shall not be enforceable by any parties other than Grand Terrace and Loma Linda Lo 3 14 Privileges and Immunities All privileges and immunities of Grand Terrace and Loma Linda provided by state or federal law shall remain in full force and effect 3 15 Entire Agreement This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings or agreements 3 16 Governing Law This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California Venue shall be in San Bernardino County 3 17 Successors and Assigns This Agreement shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the Parties, and shall not be assigned by either Party without the prior written consent of the other 3 18 Counterparts This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original 3 19 Amendments The Information Systems Operational Support Plan (Exhibit "A") _ may be amended by mutual agreement by and between the City Managers and/or their designees E as confirmed in writing Such amendments may include the addition of services beyond the to scope of the specified hours and specific duties set forth in the Plan All other amendments to this Agreement must be made in a signed writing by all of the Parties hereto, or their respective a successors or assigns Packet Pg 123 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF "INFORMATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONAL SUPPORT PLAN" Loma Linda employees will provide the following technical support services to Grand Terrace Ongoing Maintenance and Support • City of Loma Linda will provide the maintenance and support of City of Grand Terrace's enterprise environment and network during City of Loma Linda's normal operating hours (Monday through Thursday from 7 AM to 5 30 PM, closed Fridays and holidays) Such support is expected to average 20 hours per week and will be billed on a 20-hour per week basis, regardless of the actual support hours worked Some services will be performed at Loma Linda City Hall, including initial set up of hardware and online system maintenance Services will include the following 1 Coordinate and perform a variety of work activities and duties relative to c City's information systems operations, provide hardware and software installation and general support Ln .. n 2 Provide evaluation, maintenance and troubleshooting of City personal computers, research and evaluate whether problems are hardware or software related and `° implement corrective solutions 3 Administer and coordinate user access and control, install, maintain, and delete users, assign user rights 4 Orient new users and provide technical support to existing users on the correct operation of personal computers, network communications devices and telephones 5 Install new or relocate existing PC hardware and software, including connecting hardware to the networks, installing software, transferring data and testing 6 Perform preventative maintenance on City's personal computers, network communications devices and telephone system 7 Evaluate and recommend web technologies to enhance current and future d information technologies II Response Times Q The following table identifies various levels of support situations and the target response tunes to be provided to Grand Terrace (City) by Loma Linda Responses do not necessarily need to be Packet Pg 1275 ] EXHIBIT "B" COMPENSATION TO LOMA LINDA Capital Expense (One Time) Hardware Replacement (vendor) $20,000 00 10% Contingency (LL)* 2,00000 15% Project Management (LL)* 3,00000 Total $25,000 00 Maintenance/Service (Yearly, based on average of 20 hours per week) Personnel $ 25,783 78 15% Project Management $ 502784 Total $ 30,811 62 ($2567 64 per month) * To be billed at fixed amount of $2,600 00 per month * Hardware and phone system hardware will be ordered by Loma Linda Information Systems employees from vendor, but will be billed directly to Grand Terrace Capital - Expense contingency and project management fees will be added to the one-time setup cost invoiced by Loma Linda to Grand Terrace Packet Pg 127 I H AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE June 23, 2015 Council & Successor Agency Item TITLE Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget PRESENTED BY Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution 2015- adopting the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports City Council Goal #1 "Ensure our Fiscal Viability" through the continuous monitoring of revenue receipts and expenditure disbursements against approved budget appropriations BACKGROUND The Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-16 was introduced on May 26, 2015 and deliberations continued on June 9, 2015 The City Council was presented with the 2015-16 Proposed Budget and any additional revenue enhancements with corresponding expenditure requests, if any General Fund Revenues and Expenditures Proposed General Fund Revenues $4,493,001 Revenue Enhancements Dog License Fees $1,600 Franchise Fees 15,000 Residual Receipts, RPTTF 78.935 95,535 TOTAL REVENUES $4.588.536 Proposed General Fund Expenditures ($4,492,104) Approved Expenditure Requests City Council ($4,000) City Manager (91,500) 95 500 Expenditure Adjustments ($4.587.6041 Net $932 The FY2015-16 departmental budgets presented to City Council on June 9th included additional expenditure adjustments for several departments PacketPg 128 General Fund Balance Designation / Explanation Amount General Contingency Reserve as established in the City's Reserves Policy (the reserve amount is based on 2 months of the FY2013-14 $880,000 $5 286m actual revenues) Equipment Replacement Fund City Council approved the establishment of the fund Funds in the amount of $400,000 has been will be transferred $400,000 to an Equipment Replacement Fund Any City Council approved fixed- ($400,000) asset items using the Equipment Replacement Reserve funds will be $0 deducted from this fund Other Post -Employment Benefits (OPEB) The City provides medical plan coverage for retirees The annual required contribution (ARC) was calculated by Bartel & Associates, the City's actuarial valuation consultant, in accordance with GASB Statement No 45 The ARC represents a level $261,500 $261,500 of funding that, if paid on an ongoing basis, is projected to cover normal cost each year and any unfunded actuarial liabilities City Council approved a $261,500 reserve for OPEB Reserve for Future Budget Stabilization This amount would be reserved to address future operating deficits, temporary service increases, one-time $560,755 expenditures, or other funding needs such as funding for Leave Cash - outs City Council has approved the following items • City Council Chamber upgrades (20,000) • Community Benefits Fund establishing this fund would set aside reserves to implement a City program that would grant funding to community events, youth programs, community fee waivers, and (25,000) $515,755 also use these funds as an economic development tool for small business development in the City REVISED GENERAL FUND Fund Balance $1,657,255 Additional Budget Approvals During the budget presentation, City Council was provided with additional detail on special revenue funds their definitions, sources of revenues, and the restrictions on the uses of these funds City Council was also provided with an in-depth presentation of the public safety services provided by the Sheriff's department and the importance and impact of license plate reader system cameras As a result of their deliberations, City Council approved the use of Traffic Safety funds to purchase a License Plate Reader System (LPRS) camera for the Sheriff's department to be installed in a patrol car as shown below Traffic Safety Fund LPRS Camera $22,000 Total Packet Pg 130 Finance Completed City Attorney Completed City Manager Completed City Council Pending 06/17/2015 12 06 PM 06/17/2015 12 20 PM 06/17/2015 2 28 PM 06/23/2015 6 00 PM Packet Pg 132 RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 WHEREAS, A Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 was introduced during a regularly scheduled City Council meeting on May 26, 2015, and WHEREAS, Continued Deliberations for the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2015- 2016 was continued during a regularly scheduled City Council meeting on June 9, 2015, and WHEREAS, the City Manager has heretofore submitted to the City Council a Proposed Budget for the City for Fiscal Year 2015-2016, a copy of which, as may have been amended by the City Council, is on file in the City Clerk's Department and is available for public inspection, and WHEREAS, the said Proposed Budget contains estimates of the services, activities and projects comprising the budget, and contains expenditure requirements and the resources available to the City, and WHEREAS, the said Proposed Budget contains the estimates of uses of fund balance as required to stabilize the delivery of City services during periods of operational deficits, and WHEREAS, the City Council has made such revisions to the Proposed Budget as so desired, and WHEREAS, the Proposed Budget conforms with the City's 2030 Vision and 2014-2020 Strategic Plan, and WHEREAS, the Proposed Budget, as herein approved, will enable the City Council to make adequate financial plans and will ensure that City officers can administer their respective functions in accordance with such plans NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS 1 The Proposed Budget, as Attachment A to this Resolution and as on file in the City Clerk's Department and as may have been amended by the City Council, is hereby approved and adopted as the Annual Budget of the City of Grand Terrace for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 2 The amounts of proposed expenditures, which include the uses of fund balance specified in the approved budget, are hereby appropriated for the various budget programs and units for said fiscal year PacketPg 133 I, PAT JACQUES-NARES, CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 23rd day of June, 2015, by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT Pat Jacques-Nares, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM City Attorney Packet Pg 135 Attachment A CITY-WIDE Fund Balance 2015-16 Adopted Budget Packet Pg 136 City of Grand Terrace Citywide Fund Balance Adopted Adopted Fixed Asset Proiected Revenues Expenditures Transfers & Fund Balance FY2015 16 FY2015 16 Approvals June 30. 2016 Fund $ 4 588 536 $ 4 587 604 $ 445 000 $ 1 657 255 10 GENERAL FUND SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 1 237 609 1 210 984 - 80 404 09 CHILD CARE CENTER FUND 800 - - 1 248 934 11 STREET IMPROVEMENT FUND 5 600 - - 89 120 12 STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT FUND 800 - - 225 154 13 PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND 100 000 100 000 - - 14 SUPPL LAW ENFORCE SVCS FUND (SLESF) 14 000 - - 47 948 15 AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FUND 372 500 372 484 - 243 972 16 GAS TAX FUND 18 000 22 000 - 37 304 17 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 4 250 - - 243 717 19 FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT FUND 180 000 436 885 - 112 811 20 MEASURE I FUND 59 296 59 296 - 7,948 22 COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) - - - 194 700 10 000 7 800 - 7 479 26 LANDSCAPE & LIGHTING ASSESS DISTRICT CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 355 350 355 350 - 55 627 46 =CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS - STREETS - - _ - 2 331 47 CAP PRJ BARTON/COLTON BRIDGE - - - (348) 48 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND - - - - 50 CAPITAL PROJECT BOND PROCEEDS ENTERPRISE FUND - 13 500 - 941 906 21 WASTE WATER DISPOSAL FUND SUCCESSOR AGENCY (S/A) 2 346 270 - - 6 966 632 31 S/A RDA OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND - 355 561 - (703 578) 32 S/A CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND - 1 751 170 - (3 502 340) 33 S/A DEBT SERVICE FUND - - - - 34 S/A LOW INCOME HOUSING FUND = 52 241 500 - (652,374) 37 S/A CRA PROJECTS TRUST - 6200 - 10 731 52 HOUSING AUTHORITY 25 000 25 000 - - 61 COMMUNITY BENEFITS FUND 420 000 120 000 - 300 000 70 FIXED ASSET FUND $ 9,738,011 $ 9,665,334 $ 445,000 7,615,333 Packet Pg 1378 ] +3 13 0 0 m m r y Attachment Attachment -A to Resolution (1716 Adoption of Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget) City of Grand Terrace FY 2015 16 Adopted Expenditure Summary by Fund Fund Fund Title 09 CHILD CARE CENTER FUND 10 GENERALFUND 11 STREET FUND 12 STORM DRAIN FUND 13 PARKFUND 14 SLESF (AB3229 COPS) 15 AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FUND 16 GAS TAX FUND 17 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 19 FACILITIES FUND 20 MEASURE I FUND 21 WASTE WATER DISPOSAL FUND 22 CDBG 25 SPRING RANCH TRAFFIC MITIGATION 26 LNDSCP & LGTG ASSESSMENT DIST 31 S/A RDA OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND 32 S/A CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 33 S/A DEBT SERVICE FUND 34 S/A LOW INCOME HOUSING FUND 37 S/A CRA PROJECTS TRUST 46 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS - STREETS 47 CAP PRJ BARTON/COLTON BRIDGE 48 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 50 CAPITAL PROJECT BOND PROCEEDS 52 HOUSING AUTHORITY 61 COMMUNITY BENEFITS FUND 70 FIXED ASSET FUND 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 201516 Actuals Actuals Proiected Adopted $ 1 083 694 $ 1 104 354 $ 1 141 804 $ 1 210 984 3 531 471 4 843 673 4 377 047 4 587 604 262 793 49 207 49 200 - 2,361 1 584 17 300 - 100495 99 091 100 000 100 000 (7) - 64 000 - 336,753 343 885 402 490 372 484 17 915 4 890 5200 22 000 (14 258) 232 857 170 000 436 885 1579,517 1 578 036 1 200 000 13 500 25 724 19 783 49 530 59 296 12 966 7 385 7 800 7 800 - 283 853 - - 2 200 327 c 296 586 353 600 355 561 1 346 589 4 326 269 1 751 170 1 751 170 228,092 - - - - - 411250 241500 216,559 143 277 50 000 355 350 897 493 202 526 - 198009 - - - 134 142 5200 6200 25 000 120 000 Total Expenditures $ 12.026.627 $ 13.537.398 $ 10.155.591 S 9.665.334 Increase (Decrease) over(under) 2014-15 Projected 6 06% 481% 0 00% -7 46% 323 08% 156 99% -98 88% 19 72% 0 00% 0 55% 0 00% -41 28% 610 70% 19 23% -4 83% Packet Pg 142 City of Grand Terrace FY 2015 16 Adopted Revenue & Expense Summary by Category SUCCESSOR TRUST COMMUNITY FIXED ASSET AGENCY FUND BENEFIT FUND FUND Revenues $ 2 346 270 $ - $ - $ - Property Tax - - - - Sales Tax m - - - - Franchise Fees - - - - Licenses Fees & Permits c - - - - Residual Receipts - RPTTF N LO - - - - Gas Tax 0 - - - - Wastewater Receipts L - - - - Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants - - - - Charges for Services - - - - Use of Money & Property - - - - Fines & Forfeitures y LL - - - - Miscellaneous - - - 25 000 420 000 Transfers In c 0 2 346 270 - 25 000 420 000 Total Revenues -P Q 0 .a Q a Expenditures 171549 - - - Salaries ti 50 412 - - - Benefits - - - - Materials & Supplies 0 2 126 270 6200 25 000 120 000 Professional/Contractual Services - - - - Utilities 0 N - - - - Lease of Facility/Equipment m - - - - Equipment 0 - - - - Capital Projects Q - - - - Debt Service - - - - Overhead Cost Allocation m t - - - - Transfers Out 2 348 231 6200 25 000 120 000 Total Expenditures M a Impact to Fund Balance m E 2 346 270 - 25 000 420 000 Revenues 0 2 348 231 6200 25 000 120 000 Expenditures cc (1,961) (6,200) - 300,000 Net - Increase to or (Use of) Fund Balance a Packet Pg 144 Property Tax $ 3 907 789 Sales Tax 1 080 000 Franchise Fees 495 000 Licenses Fees & Permits 424 450 Residual Receipts RPTTF 860 077 Gas Tax 281 000 Wastewater Receipts 300 000 Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants 164 296 Charges for Services 1 341 609 Use of Money & Property 23 640 Fines & Forfeitures 54 800 Miscellaneous 5 000 Transfers In 800 350 $ 9 738 011 9b I PacketPg 146 03 M CD OD Attachment Attachment -A to Resolution (1716 Adoption of Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget) City of Grand Terrace FY 2015 16 Adopted Revenue & Expense Detail by Fund CATEGORY SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL ER VENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE FUND NUMBER & TITLE 13 14 15 16 AIR QUALITY PARK SLESF IMPROVEMENT GAS TAX FUND (AB3229 COPS) FUND FUND Revenues $ - $ - $ - $ - Property Tax Sales Tax - Franchise Fees 800 - 14 000 91 500 Licenses Fees & Permits - - - - Residual Receipts - RPTTF 281 000 Gas Tax - Wastewater Receipts 100 000 - - Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants - - - Charges for Services - - - Use of Money & Property - - - Fines & Forfeitures - - - Miscellaneous z - - - Transfers In 800 100 000 14 000 372 500 Total Revenues 66 390 23 694 99 500 - 158 400 - - 80,000 - 500 - 44 000 100 000 - 372 484 Expenditures Salaries Benefits Materials & Supplies Professional/Contractual Services Utilities Lease of Facility/Equipment Equipment Capital Projects Debt Service Overhead Cost Allocation Transfers Out Total Expenditures I Impact to Fund Balance 800 100 000 14 000 372 500 Revenues - 100 000 - 372 484 Expenditures $ 800 $ - $ 14,000 $ 16 Net - Increase to or (Use of) Fund Balance d 3 m m T 0 N 0 N L is 0 W LL 4- 0 c 0 c- 0 Q eo ti c O r 0 0 fA 0 fY O Q c m E s V R Q c m E s Packet Pg 150 I City of Grand Terrace FY 2015-16 Adopted Revenue & Expense Detail by Fund CATEGORY SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SUCCESSOR REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE GA ENCY FUND NUMBER & TITLE 22 25 26 31 S/A RDA SPRING RANCH LNDSCP & LGTG OBLIGATION CDBG TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT RETIREMENT MITIGATION DIST FUND Revenues 10 000 $ 2 346 270 Property Tax - - Sales Tax - - Franchise Fees - - Licenses Fees & Permits - - Residual Receipts - RPTTF - - Gas Tax - Wastewater Receipts 59 296 - - - Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants - - - - Charges for Services - - - - Use of Money & Property - - - - Fines & Forfeitures - - - - Miscellaneous - - e Transfers In 59 296 - 10 000 2 346 270 Total Revenues 13 695 - - - 7419 - - - 27 342 - - - - - 4 900 - 10 840 - - - 2 900 - 59 296 - 7 800 - Expenditures Salaries Benefits Materials & Supplies Professional/Contractual Services Utilities Lease of Facility/Equipment Equipment Capital Projects Debt Service Overhead Cost Allocation Transfers Out Total Expenditures Impact to Fund Balance 59 296 - 10 000 2 346 270 Revenues 59 296 - 7 800 - Expenditures $ - $ - $ 2,200 $ 2,346,270 Net - Increase to or (Use of) Fund Balance PacketPg 152 City of Grand Terrace FY 2015 16 Adopted Revenue & Expense Detail by Fund CATEGORY TRUST COMMUNITY FIXED FUND BENEFITS ASSET FUND NUMBER & TITLE 52 61 70 HOUSING COMMUNITY FIXED ASSET TOTAL AUTHORITY BENEFITS FUND FUND Revenues $ - $ - $ - $ 3 907 789 Property Tax - - - 1 080 000 Sales Tax - - - 495 000 Franchise Fees - - - 424 450 Licenses Fees & Permits - - - 860 077 Residual Receipts - RPTTF - - - 281 000 Gas Tax - - - 300 000 Wastewater Receipts - - - 164 296 Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants - - - 1 341 609 Charges for Services - - - 23 640 Use of Money & Property - - - 54 800 Fines & Forfeitures - - - 5 000 Miscellaneous - e 25 000 420 000 800 350 Transfers In - 25 000 420 000 9 738 011 Total Revenues 1 603 579 642 793 - - - 387 350 6200 25 000 120 000 5,719 072 - - - 233 300 - 8 400 366 190 - - 257 800 - - - 446 850 6200 25 000 120 000 9 665 334 Expenditures Salaries Benefits Materials & Supplies Professional/Contractual Services Utilities Lease of Facility/Equipment Equipment Capital Protects Debt Service Overhead Cost Allocation Transfers Out Total Expenditures zo Impact to Fund Balance - 25 000 420 000 9 738 011 Revenues 6200 25 000 120 000 9 665 334 Expenditures $ (6,200) $ - $ 300,000 $ 72,677 Net - Increase to or (Use of) Fund Balance PacketPg 154 W X iy Attachment Attachment -A to Resolution (1716 Adoption of Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget) G) m z m D r mn c z v ■ I"' g"' n nil Ra — a/G en O1% ■ R. .d a Re« P RPTTF 187%_ ■ Lana F.. & Pa 67% City of Grand terrace 2015-16 Genarar, Fund Adopted Revenues ($4,588,536) ■ Fine & F. ■ C� as .e So „��a III o o. M. & P .P¢ Y /� 0 8% ,. 23% O5%_ / ■ F nab. a Fae 10 8% Property Tax $ 1 551 519 Sales Tax $ 900 000 Franchise Fees $ 495 000 Licenses Fees & Permits $ 308 300 Residual Receipts RPTTF $ 860 077 Wastewater Receipts $ 300 000 Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants $ 5 000 Charges for Services $ 104 000 Use of Money & Property $ 22 840 Fines & Forfeitures $ 36 800 Miscellaneous $ 5,000 $ 4 588 536 ■SI T. 19 6% ■ P o P. y T.,. 33 8% Packet Fig 158 City of Grand terrace 2015-16 Generai Fund Adopted Expenditures by Department ($4,587,604) o C, vA a .oy v City C..,..11 ® C. v M.—, 1 4% 1 3% 8 8% C, v file k , r 3 5% 0 Public Saraty I 36 5%� 6 i Comma.,, Y Da o No., DaPenma.,ta, r ■ i.,ro me ,o., To�n„oiosv 1 2% 10 9% City Council $ 60 878 City Manager 401 719 City Attorney 64 000 City Clerk 161 828 Community Dev 1 249 409 Finance 501 035 Information Technology 56 570 Non Departmental r 415 965 Public Safety 1 676 200 $ 4 587 604 Packet Fig 160 goo M> XX M -n �c � z r4kv ,1 Cr N Attachment Attachment -A to Resolution (1716 Adoption of Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget) Revenues Tiny Tot Program After School Program Pre -School Program Nutrition Program Grant Revenue Expenditures Salaries Benefits Professional/Contractual Services Materials & Supplies Lease of Facility/Equipment Equipment Capital Projects Utilities Overhead Cost Allocation City of Grand Terrace Child Care Fund FY2015-16 Approved Budget 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 Year -End Dept Total Actuals Proiections Base Budget Request Approved 82 824 84 000 78,823 1971 80 794 354,941 355 000 392,172 9 804 401 976 655,329 740 000 707 160 17,679 724,839 - - - 30 000 30 000 1 093 094 1 179 000 1 178155 59 454 1 237 609 549 914 575 223 601 990 - 601,990 235144 263 381 265,394 - 265,394 37,842 23 664 39,300 4 400 43 700 57,206 59 770 57,500 23,600 81 100 8 000 - 8 000 (4,000) 4 000 - 5 000 - - - 17,419 15 967 17,100 (1 100) 16,000 198 829 198 800 198 800 - 198 800 1 104 354 1 141 805 1 188 084 22 900 1,210 984 Net (Revenues less Expenditures) 11 260 37 195 9 929 36 554 26 625 r Packet Pg 164 /+ City.of df Granterrace 2015-16 CH.id flare /'adopted Expendntures by Category ($1,210,984) t 01. naaa Co Anocauen r 0 Loe a of Feclll y/Cqulpmant 16 4% 0 3% Utllltlo ® Sala la 1 3% _ 49 7% 14 Meta lal & SuPPlla 6 7% (� 6 1 r a { � t j i fi j i .fi�E P ofa tonal/ 3 f C.— S. vlca 3 6% ' Banaflt 21 9% Salaries $ 601 990 49 7% Benefits $ 265 394 21 9% Professional/Contractual Services $ 43 700 3 6% r i Materials & Supplies $ 81 100 6 7% Lease of Facility/Equipment $ 4 000 0 3% Utilities $ 16 000 1 3% Overhead Cost Allocation $ 198 800 16 4% $ 1 210 984 a, Packet Pg 166 00 m O ■ Attachment Attachment -A to Resolution (1716 Adoption of Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget) City of Grand Terrace FY 2015-16 Authorized Summary of Positions Child Care Services Increase (Decrease) ecreas e) Position 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 r) Approved 201415 Actual Actual Proiected Requests Adopted Projected 1 Child Care Services Director 1 0 10 1 0 - 1 0 0 00% 2 Assistant Child Care Director 20 20 20 - 20 0 00% 3 Lead Teacher 2 0 3 0 3 0 - 3 0 0 00% 4 Teacher 150 150 140 - 140 0 00% 5 Teaching Assistant 30 30 30 - 30 0 00% 6 Substitute Teacher (P/T) 20 2 0 20 - 2 0 0 00% 7 Cook - - 1 0 - 1 0 0 00% Total 25 0 260 260 - 260 0 00% 9b I EA Packet Pg 170 C C) M �z M �r o• -n Mc � z -• v 0 n UAttachmentlJ Attachment -A to Resolution (1716 Adoption of Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget) City of Grand Terrace General Fund FY2015-16 Five -Year Protection 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Adopted Protected Protected Protected Protected REVENUES Property Tax 1 551 519 1,554,879 1 558 340 1 561,905 1 565 576 Residual Receipts - RPTTF 860 077 885 879 912,456 939 829 968 024 Franchise Fees 495 000 495 000 495,000 495 000 495 000 Licenses Fees & Permits 308,300 317,549 327 075 336,888 346 994 Sales Tax 900,000 927 000 897,712 817 546 859,975 Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants 5,000 5 150 5,305 5 464 5 628 Charges for Services 104 000 107,120 110 334 113,644 117 053 Fines & Forfeitures 36,800 37 904 39,041 40,212 41 419 Miscellaneous 5,000 5150 5 305 5 464 5,628 Use of Money & Property 22 840 23,525 24 231 24,958 25 707 Wastewater Receipts 300 000 300 000 300 000 300 000 300 000 4 588 536 4 659 157 4 674 798 4 640 909 4 731 003 EXPENDITURES City Council 60 878 60 891 60,906 60,920 60 935 City Mgr - Administration 362 719 363,631 364 574 365 551 366,561 Senior Citizens Program 33 100 33 100 33 100 33,100 33 100 Emer Ops Center 5,900 5 900 5,900 5,900 5 900 City Attorney 64 000 64,000 64 000 64 000 64,000 City Clerk - Administration 160 628 175,874 161 129 176 394 161,667 Hist & Cultural Comm 1200 1,200 1200 1200 1,200 Building & Safety 156,764 156 861 156,962 157,066 157174 Public Works 298,204 298 746 299,306 299,886 300 486 Community Events 40,514 40 514 40 514 40,514 40 514 Code Enforcement 24 758 25,131 25 517 25 917 26,331 Enforcement Programs 199 580 199 580 199 580 199 580 199 580 Facilities Maintenance 91,897 91 897 91,897 91,897 91 897 CDD - Planning 199,553 200 363 201,201 202 068 202 966 Park Maintenance 172 779 172,917 173,059 173 207 173,360 NPDES 42 900 42 900 42 900 42 900 42,900 Storm Drain Maintenance 16,000 16 000 16,000 16,000 16 000 Planning Commission 6,461 6 462 6,463 6,465 6 466 Finance -Administration 501035 501035 501,035 501,035 501035 Information Technology 56 570 56,570 56 570 56 570 56,570 Non -Departmental 697,700 697,700 697,700 697 700 697 700 Overhead CostAlloc (281 735) (281,735) (281 735) (281,735) (281 735) Law Enforcement 1,676 200 1 751 629 1,830,452 1 912 823 1,998 900 Every 15 Minutes - - - - - 4 587 604 4,681 165 4 748 231 4 848 956 4 923 506 NET (Revenues less Expenditures) 932 22 009 (73 432) 208 047 (192 503) Fund Balance, Beginning of Year NET (Revenues less Expenditures) Less Establishment of the Equipment Replacement Fund Approved Expenditures Budget Stabilization Fund Fund Balance, End of Year 2 101 323 1 657 255 1,635,246 1 561 813 1 353 766 932 (22,009) (73 432) (208 047) (192 503) (400 000) - - - - (45 000) - - - - 1 657 255 1 635 246 1 561 813 1 353 766 1 161 263 w m 00 m 0 N Lo 0 N W m } Ta ti 0 c 0 r c 0 V E1 Packet Pg 174 ,. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • JUNE 23, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www grandterrace-ca gov <http //www grandterrace-ca qov> CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee Name ` ' - I Present 'Absent' i Late' Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe ❑ ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey ❑ ❑ ❑ A SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation from the Lion's Club to their Scholarship Recipients Presentation Healthy GT Update City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 23, 2015 D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe E PUBLIC HEARINGS — NONE F UNFINISHED BUSINESS — NONE G NEW BUSINESS 6 Adoption of a Resolution Resetting a Public Hearing Relating to Refuse Rate Adjustments RECOMMENDATION 1 Rescind Resolution No 2015-11 setting forth a Proposition 218 Public Hearing scheduled for July 28, 2015 at 6 00 p m , and 2 Adopt Resolution No 2015- setting the Proposition 218 Public Hearing for proposed new waste and recycle rate adjustments for August 11, 2015 at 6 00 p m DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7 2015-2016 Landscape & Lighting Assessment District 89-1 RECOMMENDATION 1 Adopt RESOLUTION NO 2015- , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, COST ESTIMATE, DIAGRAM, ASSESSMENT AND REPORT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF DIVISION 15, PART 2 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT LEVY AFTER FORMATION OF A DISTRICT, 2 Adopt RESOLUTION NO 2015- , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S "REPORT" FOR THE ANNUAL LEVY OF ASSESSMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 - 2016 IN A DISTRICT WITHIN SAID CITY, and City of Grand Terrace Page 3 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • JUNE 23, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www grandterrace-ca gov <http //www grandterrace-ca gov> CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee Name Present Absent Late Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe ❑ ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey ❑ ❑ ❑ A SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation from the Lion's Club to their Scholarship Recipients Presentation Healthy GT Update City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 23, 2015 B CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial They will be acted upon by the City Council at one time without discussion Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent calendar for discussion Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 2 Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 05/12/2015 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 3 Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 05/26/2015 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 4 Approval of Check Register No 05312015 in the Amount of $299,446 12 RECOMMENDATION Approve Check Register No 05312015 in the amount $299,446 12, as submitted, which includes the Check Register Account Index for Fiscal Year 2014-15 DEPARTMENT FINANCE 5 Amendment of On -Call Traffic Engineer Services Contract with Transportation, Engineering, Planning, Inc (TEP) RECOMMENDATION Extend the contract term to June 30, 2016 for the first one year extension allowed in the Professional Services Agreement DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT C PUBLIC COMMENT This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the City Council may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification The Mayor may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 23, 2015 D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe E PUBLIC HEARINGS — NONE F UNFINISHED BUSINESS — NONE G NEW BUSINESS 6 Adoption of a Resolution Resetting a Public Hearing Relating to Refuse Rate Adjustments RECOMMENDATION 1 Rescind Resolution No 2015-11 setting forth a Proposition 218 Public Hearing scheduled for July 28, 2015 at 6 00 p m , and 2 Adopt Resolution No 2015- setting the Proposition 218 Public Hearing for proposed new waste and recycle rate adjustments for August 11, 2015 at 6 00 p m DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7 2015-2016 Landscape & Lighting Assessment District 89-1 RECOMMENDATION 1 Adopt RESOLUTION NO 2015- , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, COST ESTIMATE, DIAGRAM, ASSESSMENT AND REPORT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF DIVISION 15, PART 2 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT LEVY AFTER FORMATION OF A DISTRICT, 2 Adopt RESOLUTION NO 2015- , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S "REPORT" FOR THE ANNUAL LEVY OF ASSESSMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 - 2016 IN A DISTRICT WITHIN SAID CITY, and City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 23, 2015 3 Adopt RESOLUTION NO 2015- , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO PROVIDE FOR AN ANNUAL LEVY AND COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR CERTAIN MAINTENANCE IN AN EXISTING DISTRICT, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF DECISION 15, PART 2 OF THE STREET AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND SETTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING THEREON DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 8 Approval of Information Systems Support Agreement Renewal with City of Loma Linda RECOMMENDATION Approve the attached Information Systems Support Agreement with the City of Loma Linda and authorize the City Manager to sign the Agreement after making any minor administrative revisions that may be needed in order to finalize the document DEPARTMENT FINANCE 9 Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution 2015- adopting the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 DEPARTMENT FINANCE H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS ADJOURN The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 6 00 pm Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk's office no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF SAN BERNADINO) SS AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING CITY OF GRAND TERRACE} 1, Pat Jacquez-Nares, being duly sworn, depose and say that I am the duly appointed City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace and that on June 18, 2015 before the hour of 11 00 a m , I caused to be posted as required the above Agen,da for the City Council Meeting scheduled to be held on June 23, 2015 at 6 00 p m in the City Council Cha ef§ rfilt�e City of Grand T,y ace, California Clerk City of Grand Terrace Page 4 COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER - 22795 BARTON ROAD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 r Darcy McNab`oe, Mayor Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern Jackie Mitchell, Council Member Doug Wilson, Council Member l Bill Hussey, Council Member r G Harold Duffey, City Manager Richard L Adams, City Attorney Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk s Sandra Molina, Community Development Director Linda Phillips, Child Care Director Cynthia,A Fortune, Finance Director The Grand Terrace City Council meets on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 00 p m CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • JUNE 23, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center . 22795 Barton Road The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www grandterrace-ca gov <http //www grandterrace-ca qov> CALL TO ORDER D' 0()42' YYl At this time, I will convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency 4� Invocation Will Pastor Andy McRae of Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church please come forward and offer the Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Please join ; \� in leading us in the Pledge of � � Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee Name ► Present Absent I Late Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Z ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson ❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey ❑ ❑ A SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation from the Lion's Club to their Schola=ipReients �bm mo` Will the Kirk McVey of the Lion's CIA come to the podium for your presentation? City of Grand Terrace Page 1 r Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 23, 2015 Presentation Healthy GT Update Will the Pastor McRae representing Healthy GT come to the podium for your presentation'? Pastor McRae will introduce Ladi B CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial They will be acted upon by the City Council at one time without discussion Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent calendar for discussion City Clerk Jacquez-Nares requested clarifying language added to Item No 3 the 05/26/2015 Minutes on Packet Pages 18 and 19 The corrections have been placed on the dais She will read into the record Do I have a motionl'`(VV`� Do l have a second? Please vote � '-D Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK �¢ 2 Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 05/12/2015 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 3 Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 05/26/2015 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK q4 Approval of Check Register No 05312015 in the Amount of $299,446 12 6-� 4 RECOMMENDATION ��� Approve Check Register No 05312015 in the amount $299,446 12, as submitted, which ,y includes the Check Register Account Index for Fiscal Year 2014-15 '0 DEPARTMENT FINANCE 5 Amendment of On -Call Traffic Engineer Services Contract with Tr�'aportatio _Engin, eerrngPlanninEP) RECOMMENDATION. Q� Extend the contract term to June 30, 2016 for the first one year extension allowed in the If:ro. e'�'ssr aIES_er ices�A�gr�ee em nth DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 23, 2015 C PUBLIC COMMENT This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the City Council may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification The Mayor may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time for City Council Communications Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe E PUBLIC HEARINGS — NONE F UNFINISHED BUSINESS — NONE G NEW BUSINESS 6 Adoption of a Resolution Resetting a Public Hearing Relating to Refuse Rate Adjustments RECOMMENDATION 1 Rescind Resolution No 2015-11 setting forth a Proposition 218 Public Hearing scheduled for July 28, 2015 at 6 00 porn , and t/ 2 Adopt #F.ie_so�lwti-@J] �� setting the Proposition 218 Public Hearing for proposed new waste and recycle rate adjustments for August 11, 2015 at 6 00 p m DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 23, 2015 May we have a staff report please%K Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public^ Speakers? �'`� Do 1 have a motion? Do I have a second? nm:��A Council Discussion Please vote 5 .� 7 2015-2016 Landscape & Lighting Assessment District 89-1 0 RECOMMENDATION v 1 Adopt 4RESOLUTL0N1 4. J, 1� A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, COST ESTIMATE, DIAGRAM, ASSESSMENT AND REPORT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF DIVISION 15, PART 2 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR PROCEEDINGS FOR THE `k� ANNUAL ASSESSMENT LEVY AFTER FORMATION OF A DISTRICT, \�; �Jc 2 Adop ,�,ESOLU-TLO.N� 10__5-� i4 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL�`vl d!� APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S "REPORT" FOR THE ANNUAL LEVY OF Y ASSESSMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 - 2016 IN A DISTRICT WITHIN / SAID CITY, and 3 Adopt RES LO SON NO n2015 ;A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO PROVIDE FOR AN ANNUAL LEVY AND COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR CERTAIN MAINTENANCE IN AN EXISTING DISTRICT, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF DECISION 15, PART 2 OF THE STREET AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND SETTING A TIME AND PLACE FOF THEREON DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT , /,, , May we have a staff report please U Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public Speakers? Do I have a motion? Do I have a second? Council Discussion Please vote O City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 23, 2015 8 Approval of Information Systems Suppo'rtt Agreement Renewal with City of Loma Linda RECOMMENDATION�'� Approve the attached Iao,rmatso.n Systems Suppo, gregmi i en-towith the City of Loma Linda and authorize the City Manager to sign the Agreement after making any minor administrative revisions that may be needed in order to finalize the document DEPARTMENT FINANCE May we have a staff report please &Pc4k�� Does Council have any Questions for Staffl-�-& Are there any Public Speakers? `L� Do I have a motions Do I have a seconds Council Discussion Please vote `j - 0 9 Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget acow- RECOMMENDATION AdopiResolut 2015 Wopting the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 DEPARTMENT FINANCE May we have a staff report please? 641 � Does Council have any Questions for Staff Are there any Public Speakers'? Do I have a motion'? b2 Do I have a second? i pi4o Council Discussion P&jj- a - Please vote H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS City Manager Duffey do you have any comments?, o W.z Uj I, �. � �. City of Grand Terrace Page 5 ' Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 23, 2015 ADJOURN D 3)0 In' The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 600pm Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk's office no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 6 SAN BAG — Attended the Metro Valley Study Session on June 11 • Grade Separation Program Update & Major Projects Status Briefing (Grade Separation information and the Quarterly Major Projects Status Briefing are available for review on the SANBAG website) • Status of Surplus Property • SR210 Lane Addition and Base Line Interchange Project • Reviewed the Funding Allocation and Project List of the Valley Major Street Program/Artieral Sub -Program for FY 2015/16 Separate from the meeting I have received an 1-10/1-15 Corridor Projects Summary Binder This is a summary of the discussions and actions taken with respect to and consideration of carpool lanes or express lanes (toll roads) Key Issues and Findings • Cannot build our way out of congestion • R/W for only 2 more lanes • Traditional funding o One lane each direction on 1-10 o No Lanes on 1-15 • Optimize the resources • Express Lanes provide o Sustainable mobility o Revenue needed for improvements o Motorist choice • "Right -sized" express lane alternative is financially feasible Board Actions so Far —See Binder San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District — Advisory Commission on Water Policy • We have been receiving a series of reports by member agencies giving overviews of their projects and operations This quarter the presentation was given by the City of Redlands • Santa Ana River Conservation and Conjunctive Use Program Update —The project was initially presented to the Advisory Commission in July of 2013 Since that time the proposed project elements have been developed o Arundo removal and habitat creation/restoration projects for the Santa Ana Sucker — account for a 2,000 acre feet per year water save ngs o Water use efficiency savings of 7,439 AFY (Removeal of 15 million sqft of turf and assistance to 5 water agency in a switch to water budget based rate structure o Creation of water banks in the watershed —dry year yield 60,000 AFY —By creating diversified, upstream water bank that can be used to store wet year water and then pump that water during droughts, provides the dry year yield • 2015 Drought Update o On June 1, 2015 the first Statewide mandatory water use restrictions were enacted in California The Valley District Board conducted a press conference on that day to inform the public about the drought and what they need to do — That presentation was given to the advisory boards • Calfiornia WaterFix and State Water Project Allocation o Overview of the project that was previously call the Delta Bay Conservancy Project o Governor has declared his determination to make this project happen The project reduces environmental impacts and improves operations in the Bay Area Delta region that is so crucial to the state's water flow Senator Connie Leyva Visit to the City Budget Workshops M410b3 Li U Q-0 �- L,kro WL TPD� - GL - �(DC),C- C CZA-k n� d - -- � - c 715�7 Arc �N �"my TA `FDA L _S-G`� Li, 5'ss liza 1 Lle N - N � �2 61 Jr stIA C& UAI�A= SY�� d an 44 12 o-O Ie. 12tal(le e� co t- - - - rah (�L- as PLe 61_ 6�2e���ijzee., 61W �-�at� !ki/Gyc�, C 7 N� l Mam_ -e� -ram N _I NI ur\- 44u—�l��e- � d-kcL LIU u)i� w o�Y�s�� U- �b 5 40 cq IJ-a 6NZNI*A-ON4' 0 M E :4 M Woo 0 loll off re re 0 0 J ud 201 5ml 6 Proposed et Summary - May 26, 2015 Description Revenues Expenditures Surplus/(Deficit) Amount $494939001 '. ($4,9492,104) 3 M011M 201 5A 6 Proposed FBudq.et Summary - June 9, 2015 Descript40 ion Expenditures: 1 1 Additional Expend 1! itures: City Council Travel City Mgr - Exec. Sec. City Mgr-Adm. Intern TOTAL REVENUES: Amount $494929104 49000 642000 27.500 $4.587e604 5 r� ,i r.s 4 u ���ar _�l���?iirmen c >ral 1 1 ,.i�{ i� . } y i nJiJ"_ ? r 1��� e p I` t'Description i�,,°r Amount r----� i t - i ti3 (I t (, C$60987 -,8 ti -1t�� owl CN 401 971,91 r t �r t tit � ft _ t �._...-_ _ _ J i. l J 3 L3 I` (F ii } '^ 4_ _` Y ^ - i i y.,: s t� a "-' r ! -, -_ •-- - - _ _�__,..._ _ - •�- 4F {{ i� ` = jS '7 ^7 `t 'ir"` }_r.�....._r. - ,rFyx,A `It r (�F{`y `` 13 i ,� c � it i jj � I- � � r, {��'It �i j�� 7�3� fi;i r~3 k' I }�f� Ytw) � �1,.s �j, ic,i I i,l i{t _JA y o r A ; ; ,_i , i Ott i lY # } E of �AS,z ar �� !_1$'" 642000 r r i 3� tilt, it�'i'i 3'tu 1 � 7 it.,<k -Hill, i � l%3� Ct� 1 s � �-�i+ - �a�a-Y Cit Clerk - 161 828t � y W s �l Communit y .J - 1 j' Devel' ment t -< 2499409--- r Fixed IAsset i i i K+AII►'A'R'' -. FiTTt� IiR62Ti Z1L..JWWLj 6TS lANit.. t e 1 - Additi Rea u�� iiyQ�` { fi Kg .H rl 7� t1 ti i f e J r f � r Y Additional Fixed Asset Description License Plate Reader System 'I (LPRS) Camera Amount $229000 Traffic Safety Funds (Fund 17) are fines and forfeitures collected from any person charged with a misdemeanor and which are used for traffic control devices, equipment and supplies for traffic law enforcement and traffic accident prevention. 13 eneral Fund - Fund Balance Description Contingency Reserve Equip. Replacement Fund ,'Other Post Employment Benefits Budget Stabilization Reserve Base Amount Approved Asset Comm. Ben. Fund Projected Fund Balance $5609755 ($209000) $25200Q) Amount $880900011$ 01 $261 9500' $515,755 $1.657.255 IV City Representative Successory Agency Board Implement Successful Partnerships Allocate Resources/ Budget Provide Policy Direction Establish Priorities for the City Represent Community's Point of View Conduct Public Meetings C*1 Counc*11 ty 17% 8% 33% 42% 50% I 33% i 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0 Priority 1 ■ Priority 2 0 Priority 3 ❑ Priority 4 ❑ Priority 5 0 Priority 6 ❑ Priority 7 0 Priority 8 Emergency Operations Committee Senior Citizens Program Purchasing Agent Human Resources Risk Management Successor Agency Executive Director Oversight of Resources City Administration City ivl e i 8% 0 8% I 8% I 42% I 33% V 4 , 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0 Priority 1 0 Priority 2 ® Priority 3 ❑ Priority 4 0 Priority 5 0 Priority 6 ❑ Priority 7 11 Support City Council & City Manager Records Management Oversee Communication Services Conduct Local Elections Maintain Record of City Council Meeting ■ Priority 1 Colt, Clerk 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ■ Priority 2 ® Priority 3 ❑ Priority 4 ❑ Priority 5 Tiny Tots Before & After School Care Quality Care Pre-school Child Care 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% ■ Priority 1 ■ Priority 2 0 Priority 3 Administer Zoning Ordinance Staff to Planning Commission General Plan Administration Enforce State & Local Land Use Laws Process Redevelopment Applications ■ Priority 1 & tet, 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ■ Priority 2 IR Priority 3 ❑ Priority 4 ❑ Priority 5 1J I ubllc Works - Maint. Storm Dram 8i 25i Maintenance ! t Parks Maintenance I Maintenance of Public Buildings r Traffic Signal Maintenance Street Light Repair Debris Removal 8% 17% 17% � f I � Streets & Pot -hole 17/0 o 0 % 58/0 17/0 Repair - 25% 4 3 0% 10% 90% 100% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 0 Priority 1 0 Priority 2 ® Priority 3 0 Priority 4 ❑ Priority 5 0 Priority 6 ❑ Priority 7 Public Works - n Coordination w/ $� Regional Govts Public Right -of -Way Improvements Land Development Traffic Control Measures Pavement Mgmt Design Parks Capital Improvements Streets Capital Improvements 17% I 17% I 58% E 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ■ Priority 1 ■ Priority 2 0 Priority 3 ❑ Priority 4 ❑ Priority 5 ❑ Priority 6 ❑ Priority 7 F _ Special Funds Administration Annual Audits City Investments Payroll Accounts Payable Budget Monitoring Preparation of City Budget Finance _ 17% - 8% I 17% I 17% I 42% V 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 0 Priority 1 ■ Priority 2 IR Priority 3 ❑ Priority 4 ❑ Priority 5 ❑ Priority 6 ❑ Priority 7 her*Iff's De rt ent d Ensure observance 17% 17% 17% 33% 17% of motor vehicle laws Partner with community to insure safe neighborhoods Deploy technology to increase public safety i Crime prevention & k public awareness T i Receive and address citizen concern Respond to request for 17% so% s% s% s% to safety services I - I Maintain presence to 42% 17% I 25% 8% s% reduce criminal activity z-, 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ■ Priority 1 0 Priority 2 ® Priority 3 ❑ Priority 4 ❑ Priority 5 0 Priority 6 0 Priority 7 O sum y 1����11i _ 9.,. 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Z �� ^ i L �'_ �''� mot` •'" - _,,.,,.{....✓"` � � ..�.--"'� .--_ ._.� `\ Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 26, 2015 James Baca, Riverside resident, stated his support for the synthetic drug ordinance He stated his opposition to Congressman Pete Aguilar He also stated his opposition to the toll lanes proposed by SANBAG Sally McGuire, Foundation of Grand Terrace, reminded everyone of the Grand Terrace Community Day scheduled for June 6, 2015 at 9 00 a m with the theme of "Let's get moving" There would also be a pancake breakfast at the fire station on June 6, 2015 from 7 00 a m to noon They had several sponsors but were accepting more with the title sponsor still open The Chamber of Commerce was hosting the Business Expo during the Community Day event and the Chamber was still looking for vendors for that day anyone interested could contact the Chamber directly Ms McGuire further reminded everyone that Cal Skate was celebrating 35 years of business in Grand Terrace between with an open house from 6 00 to 8 00 p m Congressman Pete Aguilar introduced himself and his district representative Sarah Wright Ms Wright has office hours at Grand Terrace City Hall every fourth Tuesday of the month from 1 30 p m to 5 30 p m He announced that he was also doing coffee outreach meetings on Saturdays He offered his assistance with any concerns and grants that the Council may want to pursue Jeffrey Allen, Grand Terrace resident, stated his opposition to Mr Baca's comments because he was not a resident of Grand Terrace D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Hussey thanked everyone in the audience for attending the meeting and Congressman Aguilar for speaking He stated he was part of the Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant and thanked staff for the hours spent on this project He further thanked the residents for their input on this grant He would like to have staff provide Mr Greeley the help needed to open his business Council Member Hussey thanked the Foundation of Grand Terrace for the Memorial Day event He ; requested that the name of Pico Park be changed to Freedom or Veteran's Park and to agendized this item for Council discussion He urged everyone get their pets, licensed Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Wilson stated that he loved this country because everyone can stand up and say what they want without getting shot He enjoyed the Memorial Day celebration He would like to place a plaque to honor his forefather on the Veteran's Wall He reported that the monument sign on the north end of the City was used as a poster wall, that the Lion's Club placard was removed because it was loose, it was being repaired, and would be reinstalled He believes the City should be business friendly He also reported Hugh Grant, former Mayor, was very ill and asked that Mr Grant be kept in their prayers City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 26, 2015 APPROVE CHECK REGISTER NO 04302015 IN THE AMOUNT $1,461,115 98, AS SUBMITTED, WHICH INCLUDES THE CHECK REGISTER ACCOUNT INDEX FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014-15 RESULT. APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] ` MOVER Darcy McNaboe, Mayor SECONDER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey C PUBLIC COMMENT Jerry Almendarez, Superintendent Colton Joint Unified School District introduced Scott Boggs, new Principal for Terrace Hills Middle School and James Western, new Principal for Grand Terrace High School Both are scheduled to start on July 1, 2015 James Western stated that he was excited and was looking forward to working with the community His door was always open to discuss any items and thanked the Council for their support Scott Boggs thanked the Council for their support and was looking forward to working with everyone in the community Mayor McNaboe welcomed both Principals Council Member Mitchell welcomed both Principals and looks forward to working with them Council Member Hussey thanked and welcomed both Principals Jason Greeley, Grand Terrace resident, stated his concerns with the cost and procedures for trying to reopen his business He requested that he be placed on the next Council agenda to request an expedited service on his business permits Mayor McNaboe asked City Attorney Adams that he heard the content of the last speaker and was there anything beyond asking her colleagues to place this item on the agenda City Attorney Adams stated that he was not aware of Mr Greeley's project and referred the matter to the City Manager Interim City Manager Jacobs stated that she had met with Mr Greeley to discuss his concerns with the fees and the time needed to review and issue his permits His business would need a conditional use permit and the fees have increased since the last time he had his business Mr Greeley requested a waiver or reduction of the fees and expedited service on the conditional use permit Interim City Manager Jacobs stated that staff could bring back Mr Greeley's item to the next Council meeting with potential options that the Council could consider City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Healthy Grand Terrace 2014-2015 I Healthy GT Start a Healthy Communities Initiative and the Randall Lewis Health Policy Fellowship b Loma Linda University School of Public Health 11 Healthy GT Events a Grand Terrace Community Day 2014 Health and Fitness b Grand Terrace Community Day 2015 Let's Get Moving' c Health and Fitness Weekend Sept 26, 27, 28 i Friday Sept 26 Health and Fitness Vendor Fair ii Saturday Sept 27 Free Fitness classes iii Sunday Sept 28 Collaborated with the Grand Terrace Lions 5K Walk III Healthy GT Action Items a Formed a Healthy GT Organizational Chart, complete with board members and "pillars of focus " i Chairman Pastor Andy McRae n Community Coordinator Sally McGuire in Marketing Kacy Carlsen iv Randall Lewis Fellowship Preceptor Dr Ernie Medina v Yvonne Williams vi Dr Shirley Tan vn Claudia Cooley viii Manny Baltierra ix Karen Contreras b Pillars of focus include 1 Social, mental and physical health 2 Education and family support 3 Nutrition 4 Community safety and disaster preparedness IV Healthy GT Community -Wide Survey a First response received on Oct 13th b Goal Receive at least 150 survey submissions by February 2015 c About 200 surveys submitted as of June 2015 V Community Forum #1 Family Fun Health Night, Thursday February 26th a Discussed Healthy GT goals and mission b Board members introduced c Survey results revealed d Resident priority list created VI Community Forum #2 Community Stakeholder Meeting a Local health and fitness organizations, schools and churches invited b Discussed top three priorities of organization c How can Healthy GT support these initiatives? (marketing, outreach, etc ) VII Homeless Point-m-Time Count VIII Nutrition Class, facilitated by Dr Shirley Tan April 12th IX Mobile Fresh A Z 1A CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • JUNE 23, 2016 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www grandterrace-ca gov <http //www grandterrace-ca gov> CALL TO ORDER At this time, I will convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Will Pastor Andy McRae of Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church please come forward and offer the Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Please join Allegiance ROLL CALL in leading us in the Pledge of Attendee Name Present Absent Late ° Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe ❑ ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson 1 ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey ❑ ❑ ❑ SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation from the Lion's Club to their Scholarship Recipients Will the Kirk McVey of the Lion's Club come to the podium for your presentation? City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 23, 2015 Presentation Healthy GT Update Will the Pastor McRae representing Healthy GT come to the podium for your presentation? Pastor McRae will introduce Ladi B CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial They will be acted upon by the City Council at one time without discussion Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent calendar for discussion City Clerk Jacquez-Nares requested clarifying language added to Item No 3 the 05/26/2015 Minutes on Packet Pages 18 and 19 The corrections have been placed on the dais She will read into the record Do I have a motion? Do 1 have a second? Please vote Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 2 Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 05/12/2015 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 3 Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 05/26/2015 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 4 Approval of Check Register No 05312015 in the Amount of $299,446 12 RECOMMENDATION Approve Check Register No 05312015 in the amount $299,446 12, as submitted, which includes the Check Register Account Index for Fiscal Year 2014-15 DEPARTMENT FINANCE 5 Amendment of On -Call Traffic Engineer Services Contract with Transportation, Engineering, Planning, Inc (TEP) RECOMMENDATION Extend the contract term to June 30, 2016 for the first one year extension allowed in the Professional Services Agreement DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 23, 2015 C PUBLIC COMMENT This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the City Council may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification The Mayor may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time for City Council Communications Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe E PUBLIC HEARINGS — NONE F UNFINISHED BUSINESS — NONE G NEW BUSINESS 6 Adoption of a Resolution Resetting a Public Hearing Relating to Refuse Rate Adjustments RECOMMENDATION 1 Rescind Resolution No 2015-11 setting forth a Proposition 218 Public Hearing scheduled for July 28, 2015 at 6 00 p m , and 2 Adopt Resolution No 2015- setting the Proposition 218 Public Hearing for proposed new waste and recycle rate adjustments for August 11, 2015 at 6 00 p m DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 23, 2015 May we have a staff report please? Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public Speakers? Do l have a motion? Do I have a second? Council Discussion Please vote 7 2015-2016 Landscape & Lighting Assessment District 89-1 RECOMMENDATION Adopt RESOLUTION NO 2015- , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, COST ESTIMATE, DIAGRAM, ASSESSMENT AND REPORT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF DIVISION 15, PART 2 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT LEVY AFTER FORMATION OF A DISTRICT, 2 Adopt RESOLUTION NO 2015- , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S "REPORT" FOR THE ANNUAL LEVY OF ASSESSMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 - 2016 IN A DISTRICT WITHIN SAID CITY, and 3 Adopt RESOLUTION NO 20157, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO PROVIDE FOR AN ANNUAL LEVY AND COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR CERTAIN MAINTENANCE IN AN EXISTING DISTRICT, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF DECISION 15, PART 2 OF THE STREET AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND SETTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING THEREON DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT May we have a staff report please? Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public Speakers? Do I have a motion? Do I have a second? Council Discussion Please vote City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 23, 2015 8 Approval of Information Systems Support Agreement Renewal with City of Loma Linda RECOMMENDATION Approve the attached Information Systems Support Agreement with the City of Loma Linda and authorize the City Manager to sign the Agreement after making any minor administrative revisions that may be needed in order to finalize the document DEPARTMENT FINANCE May we have a staff report please? Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public Speakers? Do I have a motion? Do I have a second? Council Discussion Please vote 9 Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution 2015- adopting the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 DEPARTMENT FINANCE May we have a staff report please? Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public Speakers? Do I have a motion? Do I have a second? Council Discussion Please vote H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS City Manager Duffey do you have any comments? City of Grand Terrace page 5 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council June 23, 2015 ADJOURN The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 600pm Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk's office no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 6 3 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council ..Iyy A.W , J APPROVE CHECK REGISTER NO 04302015 IN THE AMOUNT $1,461,115 98, AS SUBMITTED, WHICH INCLUDES THE CHECK REGISTER ACCOUNT INDEX FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014-15 RESULT. APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Darcy McNaboe, Mayor SECONDER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey C PUBLIC COMMENT Jerry Almendarez, Superintendent Colton Joint Unified School District introduced Scott Boggs, new Principal for Terrace Hills Middle School and James Western, new Principal for Grand Terrace High School Both are scheduled to start on July 1, 2015 James Western stated that he was excited and was looking forward to working with the community His door was always open to discuss any items and thanked the Council for their support Scott Boggs thanked the Council for their support and was looking forward to working with everyone in the community Mayor McNaboe welcomed both Principals Council Member Mitchell welcomed both Principals and looks forward to working with them Council Member Hussey thanked and welcomed both Principals Jason Greeley, Grand Terrace resident, stated his concerns with the cost and procedures for trying to reopen his business He requested that he be placed on the next Council agenda to request an expedited service on his business permits Mayor McNaboe asked City Attorney Adams that he heard the content of the last speaker and was there anything beyond asking her colleagues to place this item on the agenda City Attorney Adams stated that he was not aware of Mr Greeley's project and referred the matter to the City Manager Interim City Manager Jacobs stated that she had met with Mr Greeley to discuss his concerns with the fees and the time needed to review and issue his permits His business would need a conditional use permit and the fees have increased since the last time he had his business Mr Greeley requested a waiver or reduction of the fees and expedited service on the conditional use permit Interim City Manager Jacobs stated that staff could bring back Mr Greeley's item to the next Council meeting with potential options that the Council could consider City of Grand Terrace Paw 3 Packet Pg 18 3 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council ..Suy James Baca, Riverside resident, stated his support for the synthetic drug ordinance He stated his opposition to Congressman Pete Aguilar He also stated his opposition to the toll lanes proposed by SANBAG Sally McGuire, Foundation of Grand Terrace, reminded everyone of the Grand Terrace Community Day scheduled for June 6, 2015 at 9 00 a m with the theme of "Let's get moving" There would also be a pancake breakfast at the fire station on June 6, 2015 from 7 00 a m to noon They had several sponsors but were accepting more with the title sponsor still open The Chamber of Commerce was hosting the Business Expo during the Community Day event and the Chamber was still looking for vendors for that day anyone interested could contact the Chamber directly Ms McGuire further reminded everyone that Cal Skate was celebrating 35 years of business in Grand Terrace between with an open house from 6 00 to 8 00 p m Congressman Pete Aguilar introduced himself and his district representative Sarah Wright Ms Wright has office hours at Grand Terrace City Hall every fourth Tuesday of the month from 1 30 p m to 5 30 p m He announced that he was also doing coffee outreach meetings on Saturdays He offered his assistance with any concerns and grants that the Council may want to pursue Jeffrey Allen, Grand Terrace resident, stated his opposition to Mr Baca's comments because he was not a resident of Grand Terrace D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Hussey thanked everyone in the audience for attending the meeting and Congressman Aguilar for speaking He stated he was part of the Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant and thanked staff for the hours spent on this project He further thanked the residents for their input on this grant He would like to have staff provide Mr Greeley the help needed to open his business Council Member Hussey thanked the Foundation of Grand Terrace for the Memorial Day event He requested that the name of Pico Park be changed to Freedom or Veteran's Park and to agendized this item for Council discussion He urged everyone get their pets, licensed Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Wilson stated that he loved this country because everyone can stand up and say what they want without getting shot He enjoyed the Memorial Day celebration He would like to place a plaque to honor his forefather on the Veteran's Wall He reported that the monument sign on the north end of the City was used as a poster wall, that the Lion's Club placard was removed because it was loose, it was being repaired, and would be reinstalled He believes the City should be business friendly He also reported Hugh Grant, former Mayor, was very ill and asked that Mr Grant be kept in their prayers City of Grand Terrace - Pnan d Packet Pg.19 Healthy Grand Terrace 2014-2015 I Healthy GT Start a Healthy Communities Initiative and the Randall Lewis Health Policy Fellowship b Loma Linda University School of Public Health II Healthy GT Events a Grand Terrace Community Day 2014 Health and Fitness b Grand Terrace Community Day 2015 Let's Get Movingi c Health and Fitness Weekend Sept 26, 27, 28 i Friday Sept 26 Health and Fitness Vendor Fair ii Saturday Sept 27 Free Fitness classes iii Sunday Sept 28 Collaborated with the Grand Terrace Lions 5K Walk III Healthy GT Action Items a Formed a Healthy GT Organizational Chart, complete with board members and "pillars of focus " i Chairman Pastor Andy McRae ii Community Coordinator Sally McGuire iii Marketing Kacy Carlsen iv Randall Lewis Fellowship Preceptor Dr Ernie Medina v Yvonne Williams vi Dr Shirley Tan vii Claudia Cooley viii Manny Baltierra ix Karen Contreras b Pillars of focus include 1 Social, mental and physical health 2 Education and family support 3 Nutrition 4 Community safety and disaster preparedness IV Healthy GT Community -Wide Survey a First response received on Oct 13th b Goal Receive at least 150 survey submissions by February 2015 c About 200 surveys submitted as of June 2015 V Community Forum #1 Family Fun Health Night, Thursday February 26th a Discussed Healthy GT goals and mission b Board members introduced c Survey results revealed d Resident priority list created VI Community Forum #2 Community Stakeholder Meeting a Local health and fitness organizations, schools and churches invited b Discussed top three priorities of organization c How can Healthy GT support these initiatives? (marketing, outreach, etc ) VII Homeless Point -in -Time Count VIII Nutrition Class, facilitated by Dr Shirley Tan April 12th IX Mobile Fresh C7Q/V �-