09/08/2015CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AGENDA & STAFF REPORTS L FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY & THE GRAND TERRACE HOUSING AUTHORITY Tuesday, September 8, 2015 6.00 p.m Regular Meeting J COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER - 22795 BARTON ROAD GRANDTERRACE, CA 92313 Darcy McNaboe, Mayor Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern Jackie Mitchell, Council Member Doug Wilson, Council Member Bill Hussey, Council Member < J G Harold Duffey, City Manager Richard L Adams, City Attorney Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk Sandra Molina, Community Development Director Linda Phillips, Child Care Director Cynthia A Fortune, Finance Director The Grand Terrace City Council -meets on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 00 p m 30 I ;-- CITY OF GRAND TERRACE r CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www grandterrace-ca qov <http //www arandterrace-cagov> CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee Name Present 'Absent Late Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe ❑ ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey ❑ ❑ ❑ A SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation of a Certificate of Recognition to the Family of Jessica Douglas for Celebrating her 100th Birthday Acknowledgement for the Presentation of the Certificate of Recognition to Kathryn Ford for Celebrating her 100th Birthday Update from the Foundation of Grand Terrace City of Grand Terrace Page 1 l Agenda Grand Terrace City Council September 8, 2015 1 E PUBLIC HEARINGS To speak on Public Hearing Items, please fill out a Request to Speak Form and give it to the City Clerk Each person will be allowed 3 minutes to address the City Council If you challenge in court any action taken concerning a Public Hearing item, you may be limited to raising only those issues you, or someone else, raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the Public Hearing All Public Hearings will be conducted following this format a) Public Hearing opened b) Written communication c) City Council questions/staff comments d) Applicant's comments (applicant not limited to 3 minutes) e) Oral - favor and opposition (speakers limited to 3 minutes) f) Applicant's rebuttal (applicant not limited to 3 minutes) g) Public Hearing closed h) City Council deliberation 4 Zoning Code Amendment 15-01 Establishing a New Chapter 18 80 Signs RECOMMENDATION. Introduce an Ordinance to Amend Title 18 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code by Repealing and Replacing Chapter 18 80 (Signs) in its Entirety DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT F UNFINISHED BUSINESS — NONE G NEW BUSINESS 5 Approval of Revisions to the City's Fiscal Policies RECOMMENDATION Approve the proposed revisions to the attached fiscal policies DEPARTMENT FINANCE 6 Cooperative Agreement between the City of Grand Terrace and City of Colton For the La Cadena Drive/Litton Avenue Traffic Signal Project RECOMMENDATION 1 Approve a Cooperative Agreement between the City of Grand Terrace and the City of Colton for the Installation and Maintenance of Traffic Signal at the Intersection of La Cadena Drive and Litton Avenue, 2 Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement, DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Grand Terrace Page 3 MEETING DATE September 8, 2015 Council Item TITLE Monthly Financial Report for July 2015 PRESENTED BY Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the Monthly Financial Report for the period ending July 31, 2015 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports City Council the continuous monitoring of revenue approved budget appropriations BACKGROUND Goal #1, "Ensure Our Fiscal Viability," through receipts and expenditure disbursements against The Finance Department has developed a Monthly Financial Report (MFR), which will be submitted to the City Council each month The attached MFR is for the period ending July 31, 2015 The purpose of the MFR is to identify actual revenues received, and expenditures incurred, for the current fiscal year and compare them to the Approved Budget and fiscal` year-to-date (YTD) expected amounts The MFR encompasses the City's two major funds General Fund and Child Care Fund DISCUSSION The Fiscal Year (FY) 2014-15 Approved Budget amounts are presented in the attached MFR for reference purposes Any adjustments to the Approved Budget that may occur during the fiscal year will also be reflected in the report The "expected" revenues reflect an analysis of revenue receipts that have, historically, been received as of this month in the fiscal year The resulting positive or negative variances shown in the MFR are in comparison to these "expected" receipts The timing of expenditures is more evenly distributed during the fiscal year than revenue receipts, however, it is not entirely straight-line in nature For example, some months have three pay periods rather than two Also, debt service payments are only made twice a year Additionally, certain expenditure postings, such as the cost allocation plan, are made quarterly rather than monthly All of these factors are reflected in the YTD "expected" expenditures shown in the MFR As part of the MFR, staff will include explanations of significant variances between YTD actual revenues and expenditures, and those that are "expected" at that point in the Packet Pg 5 • Monthly Financial Report July 2015 (PDF) APPROVALS Cynthia Fortune Completed 08/31/2015 4 52 PM Finance Completed 08/31/2015 4 52 PM City Attorney Completed 08/31/2015 5 29 PM City Manager Completed 08/31/2015 5 32 PM City Council Pending 09/08/2015 6 00 PM Packet,Pg 7 City of Grand Terrace Monthly Financial Report For the Period Ending July 31, 2015 V 0 N 7 7 w t O M d a' l0 C R C LL t w C O 2 Packet Pg 8 w Gi m z m r mn c z v X M M z c M N G1 Attachment Monthly Financial Report July 2015 (1765 Monthly Financial Report for July 2015) City of Grand Terrace FY 2015-16 General Fund Monthly Financial Report For the Period Ending July 31, 2015 REVENUES Positive (Negative) July Variance YTD July YTD JUIy July YTD from Approved Expected Approved YTD Approved YTD Revenue Budget Receipts Budget Actuals Budget Expected Property Tax 1,551,518 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 Residual Receipts - RPTTF 860,077 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 LO Franchise Fees 495,000 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 N Licenses, Fees & Permits 308,300 16,591 54% 17,017 55% 426 3 Sales Tax 900,000 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 c Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants 5,000 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 Charges for Services 104,000 9,763 9 4% 15,062 14 5% 5,298 d Fines & Forfeitures 36,800 4,021 10 9% 4,265 11 6% 244 Miscellaneous 5,000 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 Use of Money & Property 22,840 1,665 7 3% 975 4 3% (690) Waste Water Receipts 300,000 300,000 1000% 300,000 1000% 0 U- a 4,588,535 332,041 72% 337,319 74% 5 278 0 w h N T N 7 7 O G. d M v C 10 C lL a s c 0 Y C d E t ai Q r 5 Packet Pg 12 i MONTHLY REVENUE - Sales Tax (2015-16 vs 2014-15) JUN MAY APR MAR FEB �7 JAN DEC NOV OCT SEP AUG JUL 50 000 100 000 150 000 200 000 250 000 M 2015 16 ■ 2014 15 $o $z3o a31 $o $s71oo $o $4 800 $0 6 232 $0 $60 300 $0 $ssa oas $o $o $o $73 900 $0 $55 400 $0 $4 941 $o f $0 $0 $0 Packet Pg 14 2a MONTHLY REVENUE - Franchise Fees (2015-16 vs 2014-15) JUN MAY APR MAR FEB JAN DEC NOV OCT SEP AUG JUL 20 000 40 000 60 000 80 000 100 000 120 000 140,000 160 000 180 000 0 2015 16 ■ 2014 15 $9 $84 917 $0 $5 341 � $0 56 812 $ $0 $26 937 $0 $43 954 ` $0 $24 665 1 1 $0 $14 62 $� t $29 344 � Z7$23 81 $� 1$41 514 e $0 � M1 yf } 1 'S a 1 $0 1 y FY2015 16 Expected FY2015 16 Actuals FY2014 15 Actuals 400 000 420 000 440 000 460 000 480 000 500 000 520 000 ■ FY201415 Actuals M FY2015 16 Actuals ■ FY2015 16 Expected 9 Packet Pg 16 00 v M -v n X M z G) M z M M c z v M x M M z v c X M Attachment Monthly Financial Report July 2015 (1765 Monthly Financial Report for July 2015) vii Parks Maintenance viii Storm Drain Maintenance ix National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) x Planning Commission 13 Packet Pg 20 MAY APR MAR FEB JAN DEC NOV i OCi SEP AUG MONTHLY EXPENDITURE - General Government (2015-16 vs 2014-15) $17 018 $44 46Z y _ Y 20 000 40 000 60 000 60 000 100 000 120 000 140 000 ■ 2015 16 Actuals ® 2014 15 Actuals Packet Pg z2 MONTHLY EXPENDITURE - Finance (2015-16 vs 2014-15) Packet Pg 24 CD to N G) M z M n r c z v M x M M z v c X M Attachment Monthly Financial Report July 2015 (1765 Monthly Financial Report for July 2015) MONTHLY EXPENDITURE - Salaries (2015-16 vs 2014-15) er GI+w° a :a � � r•n an.r�, � x $91 028 7 909 $80465 t $52455 $ 51656 � $50 350 k�1° 4 ...�'+ .t- +'Y .� - �i'� WFi APi. �.i�i4 $52 637 'its •�A' i!'g $ $12434 48 890 7 975 $59 381 y� JUN t I l I MAY APR MAR i FEB JAN I I I DEC NOV t i OCT SEP f AUG JUL 10 000 20 000 30 000 40 000 50 000 60 000 70 000 80 000 90 000 100 000 i 2015 16 Actuals © 2014 15 Actuals r Packet Pg 28 EXPENDITURE - Professional/Contractual Services JUN MAY APR MAR FEB JAN DEC NOV OCTg SEP AUG JUL s' ry �a"� ay✓ wry x '"riw"�r. bk..'f i' T`ltt' x< yt; 5��...t'7 t arr s at x �& $400 951 763 Y{x�k� ,,. Yu -i $412 208 �r3%� . s �r x"� $18 Z 753 4303 i s _ Jr-r£a Yy �,ti N"�}4•e $8 k',u is • `� ,� L `hi i• a r r r.� F 1C' 4¢ ¢Ae IFxc"i a, $ �• �` b� :� eSP $°'.� �.9`i '.' $ $98305 $109616 a ,, $317366 YY� pp t i n � a :Y fa $'� �fiA.�# $260 929 '�ti .a� L� ti .,�� $258 492 $265 92 C } a �,+isk ay,iv+• a ..iea C rt"i g $37 827 x Tay sA•: ' +�,2-t A' 100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000 600 000 ® 2015 16 Actuals © 2014 15 Actuals Pocket Pg 30 N ()7 n X W N m C m z c m z v m x T m z v -1 c X m n r v 0 m mn c z v Attachment Monthly Financial Report July 2015 (1765 Monthly Financial Report for July 2015) MONTHLY REVENUE - Child Care (2015-16 vs 2014-15) JUN $132 1 I MAY $100 083 APR $80 620 I MAR i 98 08Z FEB ~ $ 17118 JAN _ $72 Oa7 i DEC — _ $79 587 NOV $82 320 i 1 t i OCT _ _ $S5879 I i SEP _ $94 2 I 1 AUG $101770 I $94 4 JUL _ $61 872 V a 20 000 40 000 GO 000 80 000 100 000 120 000 140 000 ■ 2015-16 Actuals ® 2014 15 Actuals i Packet Pg 14 r?AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE September 8, 2015 Council Item TITLE Amendment No 1 to Traffic Signal Maintenance Contract PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION Approve Amendment to Traffic Signal Maintenance and Emergency On -Call Services Contract with Siemens F--yT93:(r73e11111`L The City currently uses Siemens for traffic signal maintenance and on -call emergency services for seven of the nine traffic signals located in Grand Terrace Two additional traffic signals located on Main Street are serviced by Riverside County Transportation Department through a separate agreement approved by City Council when the Grand Terrace High School street improvements were made The Contractor Agreement was approved on November 12, 2013, with the option for two one year extensions At this time, it is expedient to formalize the first year time extension and approve the second one-year time extension DISCUSSION Seimens performs traffic signal maintenance and emergency on -call services The City's insurance group, California Joint Powers Insurance Agency, requires that the City have its traffic signals on a routine maintenance schedule which reduces traffic signal malfunctions that may lead to increased traffic accidents and fatalities In addition to the monthly maintenance, -Staff occasionally calls Siemens to make repairs on the traffic signal equipment which is an additional charge to the monthly maintenance charges Circuit boards, signal light bulbs and backup batteries typically fail and need to be changed, these services fall under the on -call emergency services Staff is recommending that Council approve the amendment to the Contractor Agreement extending the term of the Agreement to November 12, 2016 FISCAL IMPACT The Community Development 2015-2016 proposed budget has funds available for Amendment #1 at $16,000 in the budget line item listed below FY2015-16 PROPOSED BUDGET LINE ITEM FUND ACCOUNT ACCOUNT TITLE AVAILABLE I BUDGET 11 Packet Pg 36 AMENDMENT NO 1 TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL ROUTINE MAINTENANCE AND ON -CALL SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND SEIMENS THIS AMENDMENT ("Amendment 1") is made and entered into this 8th day of September, 2015, by and between the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ("City"), a Municipal Corporation, and Seimens ("Professional'), a California Corporation WHEREAS, the City and the Professional entered into an Agreement for traffic signal routine maintenance and on -call services ("Agreement") on or about November 12, 2013, and , WHEREAS, the parties wish to Amend Section 2 (Term) of the Agreement to extend the term of the agreement to November 12, 2016, and NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree to amend the Agreement as follows Section 2 TERM is hereby amended to read as follows This Agreement shall be effective and commence on the date first written above and the Agreement shall remain in effect until November 12, 2016, unless otherwise terminated pursuant to the provisions herein IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment Number 1 to be executed by and through their respective authorized officers, as of the date first above written THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, A Municipal Corporation By G Harold Duffey City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM Richard L Adams II, City Attorney Jill Petrie, , Service Op Supervisor n T 0 N d W T 0 Z _ d E c a� E c m E s 0 a Packet Pg 38 CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SE)ll!'MENS THIS CONTRACTORS AGREEMENT ('Agreement ) is made and entered into this 12 day of November 2013, ("Effective Date') by and between the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ("City'), a Municipal Corporation, and Seimens, ("Contractor"), a California Corporation I Scope of Services City agrees to retain Contractor and Contractor does hereby retain and agree to provide the services more particularly described in Exhibit "A', "Scope of Services" ("Services'), attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, in conjunction with Traffic Signal Routine Maintenance and On -Call Services ("Services' ) 2 Term This Agreement shall be effective and commence on the date first written above and continue for a period of one year unless terminated earlier pursuant to provisions herein ("Initial Term") A maximum of two one year extensions may be granted by the City 3 Compensation/Payment Contractor shall perform the Services under this Agreement for the total sum not to exceed costs listed for services in Exhibit "A' of the Cathedral City contract approved by the Grand Ierrace City Council though a `piggyback purchase' Payment shall be made in accordance with City's usual accounting procedures upon receipt and approval of an itemized invoice setting forth the services performed The invoices shall be delivered to City at the address set forth in Section 4, hereof 4 Notices Any notices required to be given hereunder shall be in wi iting and shall be personally served or given by mail Any notice given by mail Shall be deemed given when deposited in the United States Mail, certified and postage prepaid, addressed to the party to be served as follows To Cft To City of Grand 1 eriace Seimens 22795 Barton Rd Bldg B 1266 N La Loma Circle Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Anaheim, CA 92&06 5 Prevailing rage If applicable, Contractor and all subcontractors are required to pay the general prevailing wage Cates of per diem wages and overtime and holiday wages determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations under Section 1720 et seq of the California Labor Code and implemented the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace The Director's deterinination is on file and open to inspection in the office of the City Clerk and is tefeired to and made a part hereof, the wage rates therein ascertained, determined and specified are referred to and made a part hereof as though fully set faith helcin 6 Contract Administration A designee of the City will be appointed to administer tills Agreement on behalf of City and shall be referred to herein as Contract Administrator Packet Pg 39 subcontractors and agents for compensation for services rendered to in the performance of this Agreement, notwithstanding that the City may have benetitted from their services This indemnification provision shall apply to any acts or omissions, willful misconduct or negligent conduct, whether active or passive, on the part of Contractor or of Contractor's employees, subcontractors or agents 12 2 Attorney's Fees The parties expressly agree that any payment, attorneys' fees, costs or expense that the City incurs or males to or on behalf of an injured employee under the City's self- administered workers' compensation is included as a loss, expense or cost for the purposes of this Section, and that this Section shall survive the expiration or early termination of the Agreement 13 Insurance 13 1 General Provisions Prior to the City s execution of this Agreement, Contractor shall provide satisfactory evidence of, and shall thereafter maintain during the term of this Agreement, such insurance policies and coverage's in the types, limits, forms and ratings required herein The rating and required insurance policies and coverage's may be modified in writing by the City s Risk Manager or City Attorney, or a designee, unless such modification is prohibited by law 13 L 1 Limitations These minimum amounts of coverage shall not constitute any limitation or cap on Contractor s indemnification obligations under Section 12 hereof 13 1 2 Ratings Any insurance policy or coverage provided by Contractor as required by this Agieement shall be deemed inadequate and a material breach of this Agreement, unless such policy or coverage is issued by insurance companies authorized to transact insurance business in the State of California with a policy holder s rating of A- or higher and a Financial Class of VII or higher 13 1 3 Cancellation The policies stall not be canceled unless thirty (30) days prior written notification of intended cancellation has been given to City by certified or registered marl, postage prepaid 13 14 Adequacy The City, its officers, employees and agents make no representation that the types or limits of insurance specified to be carried by Contractor pursuant to this Agreement are adequate to protect If Contractor believes that any required insurance coverage is inadequate, Contractor will obtain such additional insurance coverage as deems adequate at Contractor's sole expense 132 Workers' Compensation Insurance By executing this Agreement, certifies that Contractor is aware of and will comply with Section 3700 of the Labor Code of the State of California requiring every employer to be insured against liability for woikers' compensation, or to undertake self- insurance before commencing any of the work Contractor shall carry the insurance or provide for self- insurance required by California law to protect said Contractor from claims under the Workers' Compensation Act Prior to City's e\eeution of this Agreement, Contractor shall file with City either (1) a certificate of insurance showing that such insui ante is in effect, or that Contractor is self -insured for such coverage, or (2) a certified statement that Contractor has no employees, and acknowledging that if Contractor does employ any person, the necessary certificate of insurance will immediately be filed with 3 Packet Pg 41 3b 14 Business Tax Contractor understands that the Services performed tinder this Agreement constitutes doing business in the City of Grand Terrace, and Contractor agrees that Contractor will register for and pay a business tax pursuant to Chapter 5 04 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and keep such tax certificate current during the term of this Agreement 15 Time of Essence Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement 16 City's Right to Employ Other City reserves the right to employ other in connection with the Services 17 Solicitation Contractor warrants that they have not employed or retained any person or City to solicit or secure this Agreement, nor has it entered into any agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee to be paid to secure this Agreement For breach of this warranty, City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without liability and pay only for the value of work has actually performed, or, in its sole discretion, to deduct from the Agreement price or otherwise recover from Contraetoi the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage or commission tee The remedies specified in this section shall be in addition to and not in lieu of those remedies otherwise specified in this Agreement 18 General Compliance with Laws Contractor shall keep fully informed of federal, state and local laws and ordinances and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by Professional, or in anyway affect the performance of services by Contractor pursuant to this Agreement Conti actor shall at all times observe and comply with all such laws, ordinances and regulations, and shall be solely responsible for any failure to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations 19 Amendments This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a wrtten Agreement and/or change order executed by the Contractoi and the City 20 Termination City, by notifying Contractor in writing shall have the right to terminate any or all of professional's services and work covered by this Agreement at any time, with or without cause In the event of such termination Contractor may submit s final written statement of the amount of Contractor's services as of the date of such tennination based upon the ratio that the work completed bears to the total work required to make the ieport complete, subject to the City's rights under Sections 16 and 21 hereof In ascertaining the work actually rendered through the termination date, City shall consider completed work, work in progress and complete and incomplete reports and other documents only after delivered to City 20 1 Other than as stated below, City shall give Contractor thirty (30) days prior written notice prior to termination 20 2 City may terminate this Agreement upon fifteen (15) days written notice to Contractor, in the event 20 2 1 Contractor substantially fails to perform or materially breaches the Agreement, of E Packet Pg 43 the selection and retention of employees and subcontractors and the procurement of materials and equipment, except as provided in Section 12940 of the Californ►a Government Code Further, Contractor agrees to conform to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the performance of this Agreement 26 Severability Each provision, term, condition, covenant and/or restriction, in whole and in part, of this Agreement shall be considered severable In the event any provision, term, condition, covenant and/or restriction, in whole and/or in part, of this Agreement is declared invalid, unconstitutional, or void fat any reason, such provision or part thereof shall be severed from this Agreement and shall not affect any other provision, term, condition, covenant and/or restriction of this Agreement, and the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect 27 Authority The individuals executing this Agreement and the instruments referenced herein on behalf of Contractor each represent and warrant that they have the legal power, tight and actual authority to bind Contractor to the terms and conditions hereof and thereof 28 Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the final, complete, and exclusive statement of the terms of the agreement between the parties pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous understandings or agreements of the parties Neither party has been induced to enter into this Agreement by, nor is neither party relying on, any representation or warranty outside those expressly set forth in this Agreement 29 Interpretation City and Contractor acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is the product of mutual arms -length negotiations and accordingly, the rule of construction, which provides that the ambiguities in a document shall be construed against the drafter of that document, shall have no application to the interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement 29 1 Titles and captions are for convenience of reference only and do not define, describe or limit the scope or the intent of the Agreement or any of its terms References to section numbers are to sections in the Agreement unless expressly stated otherwise 292 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California in effect at the time of the execution of this Agreement 293 In the event of a conflict between the body of this Agreement and Exhibit `A" ("Scope of Services') hereto, the terms contained in Exhibit "A" shall be conti olling 30 El Nhibits The following exhibits attached hereto are incorporated herein to this Agreement by this reference Exhibit ` A' - Scope of Services and fees IN WITNESS WHEREOF City and Contractor have caused this Agreement to be duly executed the day and year first above written 7 Packet Pg 55 1.1 Attachment Seimens Contract (1751 Amendment No 1 to Traffic Signal Maintenance Contract) M x w 7 1 Replace Type D Detector Loop (7 or more loops) $450 00 I Per Loop 3 b SCOPE OF WORK Services Provided to Grand Terrace Siemens will provide a comprehensive routine preventative maintenance program which includes on -call services and extraordinary maintenance for The City of Grand Terrace Services will be provided for signalized intersections, synchronized signals and safety lights Preventative maintenance services will be provided on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual basis The program is designed to eliminate or reduce incidences of malfunctions complaints and extend the useful life of the City's traffic signal equipment the program includes monthly inspection, testing, record keeping, cleaning, repair and replacement of equipment Jill Petrie will be the Service Manager dedicated to the City of Grand Terrace Jill will be responsible for maintaining communication with the City regarding daily operation and maintenance of all traffic signal equipment Siemens will notify the City of the scheduled dates for preventive maintenance prior to performing the service Our maintenance visits, findings and recommendations will be noted in our electronic database and on the City's check list forms, if required "Ihese completed forms will be sent to the City each month Monthly Inspections The proposed program includes routine maintenance for traffic signals, monthly inspection, cleaning of cabinets, cleaning and realignment of signal indications, continuity checks, and the testing of the City's interconnect or fiber optic system to maintain existing operation Siemens will inspect clean, adjust and make a routine inspection to each traffic siganl locations once per month per the approved proposal Technicians will maintain a record of each controller cabinet showing the date and time checked Controllers will not be replaced, except for repair, without prior approval of The City of Grand Terrace The routine maintenance of safety lights will include one night-time inspection each month, as well as the replacement of lamps, photocells, starters, ballasts and standard cobra fixtures within S working days of a notice of an outage Repair and Rc]21acement Siemens will replace or repair any and all defective parts of the signal system which cause signal failure or malfunction, as the occasion arises, such as the signal controllers and cabinet, flashers, detector loops, video detection cameras, push buttons, communication internal modems, etc at the contract price for labor, equipment and materials Siemens will complete all work within a timely manner, notifying the City within twenty-four (24) hours of the next working day when any equipment is replaced with temporary replacements and pending permanent repairs 0 z d E d E Ln 1- r U c 0 U w _ d E a) c m E U cc Q Packet Pg 49 Extraordinary Maintenance/On-Call Services In addition to the previously mentioned routine maintenance activities, Siemens will provide the City with extraordinary maintenance services on an as needed basis Extraordinary maintenance may include S Repairing damage relating to signal knockdowns, vandalism or other activities e Repair of damages from natural disasters 0 Repair of conduit and conductors damaged by construction activities 6 Complete intersection re -wire (scheduled and emergency) c Upgrading of equipment that has failed due to age or deterioration o Replacing LED Modules and pedestrian indications e Painting cabinet or signal heads Replacing lenses, detectors video detection cameras, CCTV cameras ® Replacement of tailed detector loops ® Installing interconnect * Responding to Underground Service Alert requests e Assisting in inspection of new installations Siemens will not perform any extraordinary maintenance without approval of the Director of Public Works or his authorized representative If Siemens staff encounters a situation wherein extraordinary maintenance is needed, Siemens will supply the City with a description of the work required as well as a proposed estimate for approval Packet Pg 51 i •1,4 J ON r •w:,, MEETING DATE TITLE PRESENTED BY AGENDA REPORT September 8, 2015 Council Item Zoning Code Amendment 15-01 Establishing a New Chapter 18 80 Signs Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION Introduce an Ordinance to Amend Title 18 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code by Repealing and Replacing Chapter 18 80 (Signs) in its Entirety 2030 VISION STATEMENT This item supports Goal #3, "Promote Economic Development", by updating the Sign Code and aligning it with the City's 2030 Vision and Economic Development Implementation Plan BACKGROUND In July 2014, the City Council conducted a workshop on the City's existing sign code During the workshop, it was discussed that a City's appearance is a major component of its economic viability Aesthetically pleasing roadways and business districts are critical to attracting new investment and to maintaining and enhancing the local economy Therefore, to ensure the City's success in this area, some level of sign control is necessary for economic, as well as aesthetic, reasons A basic premise was established that the proper balance must be struck between a City's desire to promote aesthetically pleasing, vision -compliant signage and a business's desire to effectively promote itself Additionally, proliferating signs can be difficult to tell apart from each other from a moving vehicle, having a counterproductive effect for the businesses being promoted, and be distracting to drivers The workshop focused on those signs that have been problematic temporary signs and window signs It also discussed the problematic trend of inconsistent enforcement At the conclusion of the workshop, the Council remanded the sign code to Planning Commission for review and update The Commission held three workshops and one public hearing The first two workshops were intended to introduce the current sign provisions to the Planning Commission, focus the discussion to window and temporary signs, and review initial provisions for these types of signs At the third workshop a full revision was presented, and at that meeting the Commission asked staff to revisit the offsite subdivision directional program, which per Council Resolution, requires participation in the Building Industry Association subdivision directional kiosk program At the June 18, 2015, public hearing the Commission recommended City Council adoption of a new sign code DISCUSSION Packet Pg 52 sign types, such as freestanding, directory, and wall signs Standards for permanent on -site signs Section 18 80 130 (Development standards for permanent on site signs) identifies the permitted signage for each zone district and service stations It includes the type, number and size of permitted signs, and any other special development standards These provisions were taken from the existing codes, with minor changes Staff added provisions for drive through lanes One significant change is that the current code contained allowances for monument and walls signs for multi -tenant facilities to allow the center to advertise the center's name, and then allowed additional wall and monument signs for each tenant In staff's experience when there are multi -tenant facilities the sign program will design a monument sign that allows the center name to be advertised within the monument sign, and additional sign area is provided for it Therefore, staff condensed the sign provisions for these types of uses Temporary signs and window signs Temporary signs The provisions for temporary signs and windows signs are in addition to permitted permanent signage Businesses are allowed installation of wall signs based on building frontage, and signage on freestanding signs The existing code also allows window signs (up to 25% of window coverage) and one temporary banners/flag for up to 120 days in a calendar year, when associated with a special event The updated sign code continues to allow these advertising opportunities, and in many ways has simplified the process Section 18 80 140 provides for temporary signs, either a banner, feather banner or flag sign or portable A -frame sign The number of permitted temporary signs remains at one in order to reduce sign clutter However, the time frame for a temporary sign has changed from 90 days to 120 days, to run consecutively, with the opportunity for a one- time 30 day extension, as directed by the Commission Staff added language that at the end of the calendar year, remaining time is forfeited The display days are proposed to run consecutively in order to minimize the amount of staff resources that would be needed to ensure compliance Staff met with Chamber representatives who requested 180 display days and that instead of running consecutively, that the time period run in 30 day intervals, to allow business owners greater advertising flexibility There is merit to both positions Therefore, staff recommends a revision that keeps the time period at 120 days, but adds that if the temporary sign is to be displayed intermittently, that it in 60 consecutive day intervals In regard to banners, Chamber representatives also requested that there be consideration for business that are set back from the street, and do not have as much visibility as others The current size limit for banners is 25 square feet In consideration, Section 18 80 140 B was revised to allow banners up to 32 square feet in size, when a business is in a building that is located at least 100 feet back from the street With regard to human signs, Chamber representatives requested that Staff consider Packet Pg 54 4 section outlines the process for citation and removal Non-conformina and abandoned scans A non -conforming sign is a sign that was legally permitted and which becomes non- compliant as a result of a change in the code The existing chapter required immediate compliance of signs not compliant with the sign code The draft chapter would require compliance or removal when the nonconforming sign is substantially altered An abandoned sign is a sign that remains in place at least 90 days after a use has ceased operation The draft chapter would allow the sign to be abated Compliance and penalt Section 18 80 200 allows the City to require applicants to bring non -conforming signs into compliance with the sign code as a condition of approval of any redevelopment, re- use, use permit of a property, and other permits and approvals Additionally, Section 18 80 210 provides that the sign code may be enforced pursuant to Chapter 1 16 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code Definitions This section has been comprehensively updated Definitions have been re -written, added and modified, reflective of the new chapter The definitions of "sign"," banner', and "temporary sign" have been revised, and definitions of "sign area", "sign face", and "banner flag" have been added, just to name a few Conclusion The proposed sign code is a modern set of constitutional regulations compliant with sign law, and although the entire chapter has been updated the focus has been on temporary and window signs Staff believes that the proposed code strikes the balance between the City's desire to promote aesthetically pleasing, vision -compliant signage and a business's desire to effectively promote itself , Therefore, the Planning Commission and Staff recommend that the City Council adopt the attached Ordinance, establishing a Chapter 18 80 (Signs) FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact to the General Fund as a result of the adoption of this ordinance ATTACHMENTS • Draft Sign Ordinance _Sept 1 (DOC) • Email from D Moore subdivision signs (PDF) Packet Pg 56 ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 15-01, AMEND TITLE 18 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE BY REPEALING AND REPLACING CHAPTER 18 80 SIGNS IN ITS ENTIRETY WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace, pursuant to its police power, has the authority to take appropriate action to address concerns regarding traffic safety and aesthetics, as they relate to signs (Metromedia Inc v City of San Diego, 453 U S 490 (1981)), and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that signs constitute speech protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and by Art 1, Sec 2, of the Constitution of the State of California and that its regulation of signs must be consistent with these protections, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that an uncontrolled proliferation of signs within the City is harmful to the public's health, safety and welfare, in that such signs are aesthetically displeasing and constitute a traffic hazard, as drivers will be distracted by attempting to read an excessive number of signs that are placed in a haphazard manner, and WHEREAS, the City has a substantial interest in regulating signs in the manner set forth in this Ordinance, and the regulations modified and adopted hereby further the City's substantial interests in traffic safety and aesthetics, in particular (National Advertisinq Co v City of Orange, 861 F 2d 246, 248 (9th Cir 1988), Fob v City of Menlo Park, 146 F 3d 629 (9th Cir 1998)), and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that businesses have an interest in having signage that effectively advertises goods or services, and that is visible to potential customers, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the citizens of Grand Terrace and members of the public have an interest in identifying businesses, and the goods and services they provide, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the citizens of Grand Terrace and visitors to the City have a substantial interest in visiting, living and working in an aesthetically pleasing city, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the citizens of Grand Terrace and all those who travel in and through the City have a substantial interest in traffic safety within the City, and a. Packet Pg 58 WHEREAS, the City Council finds that a proliferation of temporary signs in the public right-of-way can be detrimental to the aesthetic quality of the streets and sidewalks, can interfere with traffic safety, pedestrian access to public sidewalks and streets, and can obstruct the entrance to businesses and residences, and WHEREAS, the City Council specifically finds that temporary real estate sale directional signs and temporary garage or estate sale directional signs are signs that relate to businesses for which on -premises signage does not provide adequate advertising of the goods or services sold because the nature of these businesses is such that effective advertising by way of permanent on -premises signage is impractical the business is of a transitory and temporary nature, the business' primary and most effective way to notify people of the available goods or services is by directing passers- by to the location of the goods or services, and the business does not have a fixed place of business or the goods or services themselves cannot practically be viewed and/or sold out of one business location or any business location, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that human advertisements (as defined in this ordinance), constitute a traffic hazard by their conduct, which distracts the attention of drivers away from the road and to a business or service, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that prohibiting commercial conduct that is intended to, or that does in fact, attract the attention of drivers, furthers the city's substantial interest in traffic safety (see, e g , Sanctity of Life Network v California Highway Patrol, 105 Cal App 4th 858, 862 (2003) (holding that protected First Amendment speech can be restricted if it interferes with traffic)) NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS Section 1 Chapter 18 80 (Signs) of Title 18 (Zoning) of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code is hereby repealed and replaced in its entirety with the following "CHAPTER 18 80 SIGNS Sections 18 80 010 Purpose 18 80 020 Policies for Sign Regulations 18 80 030 Signs on Public Property 18 80 040 Permit Required 18 80 050 Application Review Procedures 18 80 060 Application Requirements 18 80 070 Appeal of decision to Planning Commission 18 80 080 Judicial Review of Planning Commission's Decision 18 80 090 Exempt Signs 18 80 100 Prohibited Signs 18 80 110 General Provisions 18 80 120 Design Standards 18 80 130 Development Standards for Permanent On -Site Signs d E �o d E a d 0 U c a� ao Packet Pg 60 A Regulatory Interpretations The requirements of this chapter shall not be interpreted to nullify any easements, covenants, or other,private agreements that provide for more restrictive sign regulations than are required by this chapter B Message Neutrality It is the city's policy and intent to regulate signs in a viewpoint -neutral and/or content -neutral manner The message of the sign shall not be reviewed except to the minimum extent necessary to identify the type of sign C Message Substitution A noncommercial message of any type may be substituted in whole or in part for the message displayed on any sign for which the sign structure or mounting device is authorized pursuant to this chapter The purpose of this requirement is to prevent any inadvertent favoring of commercial speech over noncommercial speech, or favoring of any particular noncommercial message over any other noncommercial message D General Prohibition Any permanent or temporary sign not expressly permitted by this chapter is prohibited E Off -site signs are prohibited, except those expressly permitted in section 18 80 030 C (Real estate signs in public right of way) and section 18 80 170 (Temporary off -site subdivision signs) Section 18 80 030 Signs on public property A General Prohibition Except as provided for in this section, no signs may be displayed on city property by private parties Any sign posted on city property in violation of this section may be summarily removed by the city B The following signs are exempt from the provisions of this sign code 1 Traffic control and traffic directional signs erected by the city or another governmental unit 2 Official notices required or authorized by law 3 Signs placed by any governmental agency, utility or special district, in furtherance of these entities' official functions C Real Estate Signs in the Public Right -of -Way The City hereby allows for private party real estate signs that identify the location of real property in the city for sale or lease temporarily within the public right-of-way Such signs shall not require the issuance of a sign permit, temporary sign permit, or other planning permit or entitlement Such signs shall be consistent with the following standards Up to four (4) signs to direct traffic to the subject property are allowed Each sign shall be a maximum of four (4) square feet to area and three and one- half feet (3 F) in height 2 All signs shall be located outside the required clear sight visibility triangle a� E V d E a d 0 U c 0) a Packet Pg 62 2 Approval authority The designated approving authority for temporary sign permits shall be the director 3 Approval findings A temporary sign permit shall be granted when the director finds the proposal to be in conformance with all applicable provisions of this title C Sign Program 1 Purpose and intent A sign program provides a process for the city's review of, and decisions related to, requests for signs for multi -tenant projects The intent of a sign program is to allow for the integration of a project's signs with the design of the structures so as to achieve architectural consistency 2 Applicability A sign program shall be required for all new multi -tenant shopping centers, office parks, and other multi -tenant, mixed -use, or otherwise integrated developments of three (3) or more separate tenants/uses that share buildings, public spaces, landscape, and/or parking facilities 3 Approval authority The designated approving authority for sign programs shall be the planning commission acting as the site and architectural review committee 4 Approval findings A sign program, or revisions thereto, may be approved only when the site and architectural review committee makes all of the following findings a That the proposed sign program is 'consistent with the development standards for signs as provided in this chapter, and b The design, location, and scale of proposed signs for the integrated development are in keeping with the architectural character of the development 5 Conditions of approval The designated approving authority may impose conditions in order to ensure compliance with this title and to prevent adverse or detrimental impacts to the surrounding neighborhood Section 18 80 050 Application review procedures A Method of Application An application for a sign permit, temporary sign permit, sign program shall be made on the form(s) prescribed by the community development department The application shall be accompanied by any fees' as specified by city council resolution B Levels of Review All sign permit applications shall be reviewed by the director Appeals of the director's decision on a sign permit application shall be submitted to the planning commission The planning commission's decision regarding such appeals Packet Pg 64 K Judicial Review Following final decision by the planning commission, any affected party may seek judicial review of the final decision on a sign application pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure §1094 8 L Permits Issued in Error Any approval or permit issued in error is invalid M Additional permits A sign permit shall not be valid unless all applicable building and electrical permits are lawfully issued and finaled by inspection by the appropriate department Section 18 80 060 Application requirements A Sign Permit The application for a sign permit shall be made on the form provided by the community development director and shall be accompanied by a processing E fee established by resolution of the city council The application shall contain all of = the following information and materials, except that some requirements may be E waived by the director when not applicable to the type of sign being proposed a 1 Site Plan Three sets of a scaled and dimensioned site plan showing d a North arrow, scale, date drawn, applicant, contact person and phone c N number(s), b Property lines and fronting streets, with street names labeled, h c Location and dimensions of the building(s) upon which wall sign(s) are d proposed, N� d Relationship of the proposed sign to existing or proposed adjacent d U buildings, structure, signs, property lines, streets, and driveways on or adjacent to the parcel where the sign is to be located (may not be o needed for wall -mounted signs) C CO e Where directional signs are proposed, the location of off-street parking V facilities, including major points of entry and exit for motor vehicles a 2 Building Elevations Three sets of scaled and dimensioned building 2 elevations of each side of a building where signs are proposed depicting each proposed sign a 3 Landscape Plan Three sets of scaled and dimensioned landscape plan showing all landscaped areas required for freestanding signs, and shall indicate the location of all proposed plant material, common and botanical names, quantities and sizes 4 Sign specifications Three sets of scaled and dimensioned sign specifications showing proposed design, size, exact colors, materials and location of the sign or sign structure Packet Pg 66 d Methods by which signs will be attached to buildings and structures, e Methods and levels of illumination, f Choice of colors and lettering styles, and g Those items identified in subsection 18 80 060 A(1), (2), (7), (8) and (9) of this section , Section 18 80 070 Appeal of decision to planning commission 0 0 Director's decision appealable to the planning commission A decision by the director to conditionally grant, deny, or revoke a sign permit may be appealed to the planning commission The applicant must submit a written request for an appellate hearing by the planning commission to the city clerk within 10 days of the date the director's decision is delivered to the applicant The written request must be accompanied by a processing fee, as determined by city council resolution Failure to timely appeal a decision to the planning commission, or submission of a written request without the processing fee, is deemed a waiver of the right to appeal the decision 2 Within 10 days of receipt of the written request and processing fee, the city clerk must notify the applicant of a hearing date The hearing date must be within 30 days of the date of mailing of the notice for the hearing Content and Conduct of Hearing Rights of the Parties The parties (the appellant and the City) have the right to (i) be present at the hearing, (ii) represent themselves or be represented by counsel, (iii) testify in their own behalf, (iv) call and examine witnesses, regardless of which party first called the witness to testify, and (v) rebut any adverse evidence 2 Admissibility of Evidence The planning commission will hear all evidence that is relevant and material to the issues raised by the appeal Any relevant evidence is admissible if it is the type of evidence on which responsible persons are accustomed to rely on in the conduct of serious affairs, regardless of any common law or statutory rule of evidence that might make admission improper over objection in civil actions in courts of competent jurisdiction in the State of California All witnesses must be sworn in by the Recording Secretary prior to giving testimony Relevant hearsay evidence is admissible, but may not be solely relied upon by the planning commission to reach a determination 3 Degree and Burden of Proof The city has the burden to prove its case by a preponderance of the evidence, that is, evidence which has more convincing force and the greater probability of truth than the evidence which is offered in YZ Packet Pg 68 4 Noncommercial utility company signs identifying cables, conduits, and dangerous situations 5 Street address signs on buildings and building identification signs consistent with the City -adopted building code or relevant provisions of the City Municipal Code Notwithstanding anything in this Section, street address signs may be illuminated and may contain reflective paint or material 6 Signs and advertising for the California state lottery as authorized by California Government Code §8880 et seq 7 Any sign located entirely within a building and not within three feet of a window, and which is not visible from the exterior of the building, is exempt from the requirements of this chapter B Exempt Signs with Limitations The following signs are exempt from Sign Permit and City review, provided that they meet the size, height, duration, and/or maximum number limitations listed Signs on property undergoing construction or remodeling not exceeding thirty- two (32) square feet each in area, eight feet (8') in height, and set back a minimum of ten (10') feet from the property line One such sign is permitted per site Such signs shall not be illuminated and shall be removed within thirty (30) days of the earliest of the following events final building inspection approval, issuance of a valid certificate of occupancy, opening for business to the public, or expiration of the building permit 2 Signs on property for sale, lease, or rental as follows a On residential property, one (1) sign not exceeding four (4) square feet and not exceeding a height of five feet (6) b On multi -family property with more than twelve (12) dwelling units, one (1) sign per street frontage, not exceeding twenty-four (24) square feet in area attached to the building or freestanding All signs shall be located outside the public right-of-way and shall not be illuminated c On nonresidential and mixed -use property, one (1) sign per street frontage, not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area or eight feet (8') in height The sign shall not be illuminated One noncommercial flag per street frontage, per property 3 Window signs consistent with the development standards of this chapter Any sign located entirely within a building and not within three feet of a window, and which is not visible from the exterior of the building, is exempt from the requirements of this chapter YZ Packet Pg 70 Section 18 80 110 General Provisions This section describes the provisions applicable to all signs regulated by this chapter Certain types of signs may also be subject to additional provisions A Sign Area Measurement Procedures Sign area shall be computed by including the entire area within a single, continuous, rectilinear perimeter of not more than eight (8) straight lines, or a circle or an ellipse, enclosing the extreme limits of the writing, representation, emblem, or other display, together with any material or color forming an integral part of the background of the display or used to differentiate the sign from the backdrop or structure against which it is placed, but not including ,any supporting framework or bracing that is clearly incidental to the display itself Backing plates shall count as part of the sign area unless they are transparent In the case of two-sided, multi -sided, or three-dimensional signs, the area shall be computed as including the maximum single display surface which is visible from any ground position at one time B Sign Height Measurement Sign height shall be measured as the greatest vertical distance measured from the grade at the point the sign supports intersect the ground and any accompanying architectural features of the sign However, if the sign is constructed upon an artificial berm, the height of the signs, as measured from the toe of slope or berm, shall not exceed one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the maximum height allowed by this chapter C Calculation For wall signs, the permitted area for any sign shall be calculated based only on the frontage or side of a building on which the sign is located 2 When more than one business is located in a building, the allowable sign area for each business shall be based upon the length of the lineal building frontage occupied by that business D Construction Requirements Every sign and all parts, portions, and materials thereof shall be manufactured, assembled, and erected in compliance with all applicable state, federal, and city laws and regulations, including the locally adopted building code All signs shall comply with the following criteria All transformers, equipment, programmers, and other related items shall be screened and/or painted to match the building or shall be concealed within the sign 2 All permanent signs shall be constructed of quality, low -maintenance materials such as metal, concrete, natural stone, glass, and acrylics Techniques shall be incorporated during construction to reduce fading and damage caused by exposure to sunlight or degradation due to other elements The application of graffiti resistant coating is recommended Packet Pg 72 2 b The minimum spacing distance between permanent freestanding signs, excluding on -site directory signs, shall be 50 feet The director will review a proposed sign location on a case -by -case basis to ensure the sign is located outside the required clear sight triangle and does not otherwise inhibit motorist safety Maintenance Requirements Every sign, and all parts, portions, and materials thereof shall be maintained and kept in proper repair The display surface of all signs shall be kept clean, neatly painted, and free from rust and corrosion Any cracked, broken surfaces, malfunctioning lights, missing sign copy, or other poorly maintained or damaged portions of a sign shall be repaired or replaced within 30 days following notification by the city r d Sign Removal or Replacement When a sign is removed or replaced, all brackets, -Ea poles, and other structural elements that support the sign shall also be removed Affected building surfaces shall be restored to match the adjacent portion of the a structure This requirement does not apply to routine maintenance 0 Clear Sight Triangles 1 View Obstructions Adequate visibility for vehicular and pedestrian traffic N shall be provided at clear sight triangles at all 90 degree angle intersections of public rights -of -way and private driveways a Prohibited The following shall be prohibited within a clear sight triangle (1) Monument signs c (2) Hedges or shrubbery cc b Maximum Height Requirements The following shall not be erected, 0 placed, planted, or allowed to grow over 30 inches in height above the T nearest street curb elevation within a clear sight triangle (1) Signs c (2) Mounds of earth E r (3) Other visual obstructions a c Exceptions The requirements for clear sight triangles shall not apply to (1) Freestanding signs when the lower edge of the sign face is at least eight feet above grade and when there are no more than two posts or columns, each with a maximum width or diameter of 12 inches, supporting the sign 2 Dimensions and Location Clear sight triangles are right triangles that shall be measured as follows a The 90-degree angle is formed by the intersection of either Packet Pg 74 rights -of -way and properties The following requirements shall apply to all illuminated signs a External light sources shall be directed and shielded to limit direct illumination of an object other than the sign b The light from an illuminated sign shall not be of an intensity or brightness that will create glare or other negative impacts on residential properties in direct line of sight to the sign c Signs shall not have blinking, flashing, or fluttering lights, or other illumination devices that have a changing light intensity, brightness, or color d Colored lights shall not be used at a location or in a manner so as to be confused or constructed as traffic control devices e Light sources shall utilize energy -efficient fixtures to the greatest extent possible and shall comply with Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations The use of energy efficient lighting features, such as solar - powered or light -emitting diodes (LED), are encouraged 4 Landscaping Each monument, directory and/or freeway sign shall be located within a planted landscaped area which is of a shape and design that will provide a compatible setting and ground definition to the sign, incorporating the following ratio of landscape area to total sign area a Monument sign, four square feet of landscaped area for each square foot of sign area (one side only), b Directory sign, two square feet of landscaped area for each square foot of sign area (one side only) c Freeway sign, One square foot of landscaped area for each square foot of sign area (one side only) B Development and Design Standards for Specific Sign Types In addition to the general sign design requirements in subsection 18 80 120 A above, the following requirements shall apply to the specific sign types 1 Awning and Canopy Signs Awning and canopy signs may be permitted only as an integral part of the awning or canopy to which they are attached or applied and shall be considered wall signs for signage area calculation purposes The following requirements shall apply a Only permanent signs that are an integral part of the awning or architectural projection shall be allowed Temporary signs shall not be placed on awnings Packet Pg 76 f Sign structure Sign supports and brackets shall be compatible with the design and scale of the sign g Encroachment Projecting signs shall not encroach into the public right- of-way or be located above it, or into a designated emergency vehicle/fire access lane h Spacing Projecting signs shall be spaced to maximize the visibility of signage 4 Wall Signs a Wall signs shall be compatible with the predominant visual architectural elements of the building fagade b Wall signs shall not project more ,than 12 inches from the building fagade c Wall sign raceways shall be concealed from public view (e g, within the building wall or otherwise integrated with the design of the sign and building) so as to not detract from the architectural character of the building d Letter types are limited to the following (i) Channel letters (ii) Reverse channel letters (iii) Foam letters with a hard surface (iv) Sculpted cabinet signs e Signage containing multiple elements (e g , logo and text) on one fagade shall be designed so that the multiple elements are located and scaled in relationship to each other 5 Neon Signs Neon signs are only permitted as identified in section 18 80 150 (Window signs) 6 Window Signs Window signs are only permitted as identified in section 18 80 150 (Window signs) Section 18 80 130 Development standards for permanent on -site signs The provisions in this section provide the development standards for on -site signs on private property Regulations are listed based upon zoning district and sign type Format and Organization of Standards The signage standards listed below are summarized, where applicable, in table format for ease of use and organization Concepts described in these tables are as follows E Packet Pg 78 Table 18 80 130-2 Sign Standards in AP Zone District Development Standards Class Type Maximum number Maximum Maximum Location area sign height Single Tenant Facilities 1 per Below street or 1 sgft 1 If, roofline or Parapet, or Wall parking max 50 sgft 20 ft, canopy lot Max whichever is Business frontage 3 less • 5' from Identification total 1 per signs property line Monument street or 24 sgft 6 ft *Min 100' frontage street frontage Multi -Tenant Facilities Below 1 per street 1 sgft 1ft, roofline or Not Wall frontage max 40 sgft whichever is specified Business less Identification Monument 1 per street 24 sgft 6' 5' from frontage rty line Adjacent to Nameplate(2) 1 per tenant 4 sgft 8' tenant entrance To be determined Business Wall or by the Community 15 s ft q 6' Outside of Directory monument Development setbacks Director Remarks (1) Subject to section 18 80 120 Design standards (2)Signs shall not be illuminated M Packet Pg 80 Table 18 80 130-4 Sign Standards in MR and M2 Zones Development Standards Class Type Maximum number Maximum Maximum Location area sign height Single Tenant Facilities • 1 single Below faced per 10% of roofline or Wall or street building 20 ft Parapet or canopy frontage face, 100 whichever canopy • Max 3 per sqft max is less business • 5 'from Max 3 Business total 24 sqft property Identification Monument 1 per street signs sig (may be 6, line frontage double- • Min 100 faced) street frontage 75 sqft • 5' from Freeway(') 1 per site 50' Property doublee faced) • Multi -tenant Facilities • 24 sqft • 5 'from 1 double • 32 sqft if property Monument faced per 300' or 6' line street Max 3 greater • Min 150' frontage total street street frontage fronts e Business signs 1 per . 5' from Identification Freeway(') commercial 75 sqft(z) 75' property center line Wall or 1 single 10% of Below Parapet or canopy face per Max 2 building roofline or canopy street or per face, 150 20 ft, parking lot business sqft max whichever frontage is less Business Wall or To be determined by Outside of Directory monument the Community 15 sqft 61 setbacks Development Director Remarks (1) Subject to Site and Architectural Review and Conditional Use Permit, shall only be permitted within 250 feet of the right of way of Interstate 215 (2) May only identify 2 tenants (3) Subject to section 18 80 120 Design standards It- Packet Pg 82 vehicles off of streets and highways in a safe and orderly manner Such signs contain the words "entrance," "enter," "exit," "in," "out" or other similar words or a sign containing arrows or characters indicating traffic direction and used either in conjunction with such words or separately Directional signs shall be limited in number to four signs, or three signs per frontage for any business premises that has more than one frontage The maximum dimensions for such signs shall not exceed two square feet in area per sign and three feet in height to the top of the sign Section 18 80 140 Temporary on -site signs A The following temporary on -site signs are permitted, except that the following temporary signs may be displayed in all nonresidential zones subject to the following rules 1 The business must have permanent wall or freestanding signage, except that new businesses may apply for temporary sign while permanent sign permits are being processed 2 Each business may display one temporary sign for not more than 120 days in any one calendar year, whether displayed consecutively or intermittently If run intermittently, display shall be in 60 day intervals A one-time 30 day extension may be granted At the end of the calendar year any time remaining shall be forfeited 3 Off -site temporary signs are prohibited 4 Temporary signs shall not be illuminated 5 Signs shall not impede or obstruct pedestrian walkways or parking spaces, nor shall they obstruct clear sight triangles 6 Signs shall be cleaned, updated and/or repaired, as necessary, to maintain an attractive appearance and to ensure safe operation of the sign Unacceptable sign conditions include broken or missing sign faces, broken or missing letters, chipped or peeling paint, and missing or broken fasteners Failure to respond to a written request from the city to perform maintenance work shall result in revocation of the sign's permit 7 Temporary signs may not be affixed to utility poles, fences, trees, rocks, permanent signs, awnings or decorative elements of landscaping 8 Temporary signs shall not be counted towards the total allowable sign area for a use B In addition, the following provisions apply to banners 1 The maximum area of a banner shall not exceed 25 square feet r c 0 E �a d E a d 0 U c 0 Y. Packet Pg 84 5 A window sign includes any interior sign within three feet of a window which is visible from the exterior of the business 6 Window area shall be computed by calculating each window pane or panel The area shall be separate for each building face and for each window A group of window panes or panels may be considered one window if they are adjoining on the building face and are less than 6 inches apart 7 Window signs may cover no more than 25% of the total transparent window area of the business, as defined in subsection 5 of this section 8 Window signs shall not be illuminated except for signs constructed of neon tube letters and/or symbols In such instances, window signs may include up to two neon signs per business E a 9 Signs shall be cleaned, updated and/or repaired as necessary to maintain an E attractive appearance and to ensure safe operation of the sign Unacceptable a sign conditions include broken or missing sign faces, broken or missing c letters, chipped or peeling paint, and missing or broken fasteners Failure to U respond to a written request from the city to perform maintenance work shall result in code compliance action o� Section 18 80 160 Temporary on -site subdivision signs A Temporary on -site subdivision signs require issuance of a sign permit and shall be a permitted in all districts as follows 1 One temporary on -site freestanding of sign, not to exceed 32 square feet per d i side, maximum of two sides 64 square feet total, and a total overall height of c 15 feet, may be permitted per street frontage of the boundary of the project, o not to exceed two signs for all phases of any subdivision C 2) 2 A maximum of 6 flags with a maximum sign area of 15 square feet per flag, Co not to exceed 15 feet in height is permitted o 3 All signs shall be permitted for 12 months, and may be extended for an d additional 12 months, except that within 10 days after all lots in the E subdivision are sold, all signs must be removed 4 Signs shall not be illuminated a 5 Signs shall be maintained in good repair at all times 6 A cash deposit of $500 00 per sign shall be deposited with the sign application to ensure compliance with this chapter and removal of such sign, as necessary The deposit shall be refunded to the applicant upon sign removal If the city causes the removal of any sign for a violation of this section, the cost of removal shall be deducted from the deposit Packet Pg 86 that carries, pulls, or transports a sign or billboard and is for the primary purpose of advertising B No person shall park or convey any mobile billboard advertising display as defined herein, either standing alone or attached to a motor vehicle, upon any public street or public lands in the City of Grand Terrace C Removal of Mobile Billboard Advertising Displays Authorized Pursuant to Section 22651 (v) and (w) of the California Vehicle Code, a peace officer, or any regularly employed and salaried employee of the City, who is authorized to engage and is engaged in directing traffic or enforcing parking laws and regulations, may remove, or cause to be removed, the mobile billboard advertising display, or anything that the mobile billboard display is attached to, including a motor vehicle, located within the territorial limits of the City when the mobile advertising display is found upon any public street or any public lands, if all of the following requirements are satisfied 1 When a mobile billboard advertising display either standing alone or attached to a motor vehicle, is parked ordeft standing in violation of this Code, and the registered owner of the vehicle or display was previously issued a warning notice or citation for the same offense, 2 A warning notice or citation was issued to a first-time offender at least 24 hours prior to the removal of the vehicle or display The City is not required pursuant to Section 22651(v)(2) and Section 22651(w)(2) of the California Vehicle Code to provide further notice for a subsequent violation prior to enforcement, and 3 The warning notice or citation advised the registered owner of the vehicle or display that he or she may be subject to penalties, upon a subsequent violation of the ordinance that may include removal of the vehicle or display D Permanent Advertising Signs Excepted Pursuant to Section 21100(p)(2) and (p)(3) of the California Vehicle Code, this section does not apply to advertising signs that are permanently affixed in a manner that is painted directly upon the body of a motor vehicle, applied as a decal on the body of a motor vehicle, or placed in a location on the body of a motor vehicle that was specifically designed by a vehicle manufacturer for the express purpose of containing an advertising sign, such that they are an integral part of, or fixture of a motor vehicle for permanent decoration, identification, or display and that do not extend beyond the overall length, width, or height of the vehicle E Post Storage Impound Hearing Section 22852 of the California Vehicle Code applies to this Section with respect to the removal of any mobile billboard advertising display vehicle Section 22852 is incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein and provides, in summary, that whenever an authorized employee of the City directs the storage of a vehicle, the City shall direct the storage operator to provide the vehicle's registered and legal owner(s) of record, or ai Packet Pg 88 4 A nonconforming sign may remain in use provided no additions or enlargements are made thereto and no structural alterations are made therein, except as permitted for customary maintenance in subsection 18 80 100 1 (Maintenance Requirements) of this chapter B Abandoned Signs Abandoned signs may be abated by the city For regulatory purposes, any factors indicating abandonment shall not begin occurring until 120 days after the effective date of this ordinance Section 18 80 200 Compliance with Sign Code as Condition of Permit Approval Any existing -legal nonconforming sign may be required to be brought into compliance with current applicable code requirements, or removed as a condition of approval of any redevelopment, building, conditional use, or other permit or approval required under any provision of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code for the same property where the nonconforming sign is located, so long as a nexus exists between the permit or approval and the sign that must be removed or brought into compliance Section 18 80 210 Penalty Any violation of or failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter may be enforced pursuant to Chapter 1 16 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code Section 18.80 220 Definitions A The following words and phrases have the meanings set forth herein, unless it is apparent from the context that another meaning is intended Abandoned sign Any display or sign remaining in place or not maintained for a period of ninety (90) calendar days which no longer identifies an ongoing business, product, or service available on the premises where the display or sign is located or where the building, business, or establishment to which the display or sign is related has ceased operation For purposes of this definition, abandonment for the applicable period shall be deemed conclusive evidence of abandonment regardless of the property, business, or sign owner's intent 2 A -frame sign See Portable freestanding sign 3 Alteration Any change of size, shape, illumination, position, location, construction or supporting structure of an existing sign 4 Animated sign A sign with action or motion, rotating, flashing or color changes, excepting therefrom wind -actuated elements such as flags, banners, streamers, whirligigs or other similar nature -activated devices 5 Awning' A roof -like cover that projects from the wall of a building for the purpose of shielding a doorway or window from the elements _ d a d M 0 U _ a Packet ,Pg 90 fagade A logo may also be considered a channel letter or sculpted can sign provided it is clearly distinguishable from other sign elements 17 City The City of Grand Terrace 18 City Engineer The City Engineer of the City of Grand Terrace, or designee 19 Commercial message Any sign, wording, logo, or other representation that names or advertises a business, product, service, or other commercial activity 20 Convenience sign Means a sign not larger than two square feet which conveys information, such as "restrooms," "no parking," "entrance" and the like, but does not contain land, trade, advertising or business identification, 0 and is designed to be viewed on site by pedestrians and/or motorists W 21 Copy Any written words, letters, symbols, emblems, designs, figures, and a logos used to attract attention to, or identify, a land use 0 22 Decorative banner or flag A festive graphic display that is made of durable cloth, plastic or similar non -rigid material, and that either displays no message y or displays only a predominantly pictorial message that does not directly identify or advertise a business on the premises 23 Directional sign Any sign intended to be permanently affixed and utilized a only for the purpose of indicating the direction of any object, place, or area d i 24 Director The Director of Community Development of the City of Grand Terrace, including designee 25 Directory sign A pedestrian -oriented sign, or set of similarly designed individual signs, placed or displayed in sequence, located at a multi -tenant y building or within a shopping center, to list all or part of the businesses within a building or shopping center The copy of a directional sign is not readable o from the public roadway or parking lot d 26 Drive -through menu board A single -sided sign located in the drive -through z area of a fast-food restaurant, typically containing an attached or detached to speaker and/or verification screen for communicating orders a 27 Electronic message sign An electronic sign, typically comprising a liquid crystal diode (LCD), light -emitting diode (LED), plasma, or other digital illuminated display that contains one or more messages An electronic message sign is different from an illuminated sign in that the illumination of the display creates the message, rather than an internal or external light source illuminating the message 28 Exempt Sign A sign which is not subject to a sign permit Packet Pg 92 in accordance with the ordinances and other applicable laws in effect on the date of construction 40 Illuminated Sign A sign with an artificial light source incorporated internally or externally for the purpose of illuminating the sign, includes signs made from neon or other gas tube(s) that are bent to form letters, symbols, or other shapes An illuminated sign excludes electronic message signs, which are separately defined 41 Inflatable balloon sign A sign consisting of balloons and inflatables made of metallic and/or cloth material, regardless of the size that is used, for the purpose of attracting attention 42 Logo A visual symbol, representation, or character identifying the business or service provided 43 Linear frontage The horizontal distance measured along the building frontage facing the street In cases where a business has no building frontage facing a street, the building frontage with the primary business entrance shall be considered the primary building frontage (e g an entrance facing a courtyard) For multi -tenant buildings, ground floor tenants may have their primary frontage determined independently from the rest of the building based on the aforementioned rules 44 Maintenance Replacement of copy, change of color, maintenance, or repair made to a sign 45 Menu/Order board sign A sign installed in a drive -through facility and oriented so as to be visible primarily by drive -through customers 46 Modification Any alteration, repair or refurbishing of any sign that alters its physical dimensions, or any integral component of the sign including, but not limited to, alterations to exterior cabinets, bases, poles or sign copy 47 Monument sign See "Freestanding Sign" 48 Noncommercial Sign A sign that displays noncommercial speech, e g , commentary or advocacy on topics of public debate and concern 49 Nonconforming Sign A sign lawfully erected that does not comply with the provisions of this chapter 50 Off -Site Sign A sign that directs attention to a business, profession, commodity, service, or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered at a location other than where the sign is located 51 On -Site Sign A sign which directs attention to a business, profession, commodity, service, or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered upon the lot or parcel on which the sign is placed In the case of multiple -tenant commercial or industrial development, a sign is considered on -site whenever w c E c 01 E a d 0 U c 0 Z Packet Pg 94 c Is visible from the outside of a building 62 Sign area The entire area within a single continuous perimeter which enclose the extreme limits of writing, representation, emblem, or any figure of similar character, background area, trim, or other material, light or color forming an integral part of the display or used to differentiate such sign from the background against which it is placed In the case of a sign designed with more than one exterior surface, the area shall be computed as including only the maximum single display surface which is visible from any ground position at one time The supports, trim, frame, or uprights on which any such sign is supported shall not be included in determining the sign area 63 Sign face That area or portion of a sign on which copy is intended to be d placed -£a 64 Sign program A detailed graphic and narrative plan that establishes the 1 a specific sign regulations and common aesthetic design characteristics that d apply to all signs for a particular ownership parcel, or for a particular area that 0 may include two or more separate but contiguous ownership parcels, and C which may include a development project, shopping center, or business complex 65 Temporary Subdivision Sign A temporary or otherwise limited -term sign for v the purpose of providing direction for vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic to the new home sale of multiple lots or dwelling units with a single builder within a master planned community, including both single-family and multi -family for- wi sale products All other home sales signs are included within the definition of Real estate sign 66 Temporary sign A structure or device used for the public display of visual 0 messages or images, which is easily installed with or without common hand a, tools and which is not intended or suitable for long-term or permanent display due to lightweight or flimsy construction materials Examples include banners, flags, or similar ground mounted nonpermanent signs made of paper, cloth, canvas, lightweight fabric, or other non -rigid material, with or without frames E s 67 Wall sign A sign attached to or erected against the wall of a building or U a structure with the exposed face of the sign parallel to the plane of such wall 68 Window sign Any permanent or temporary sign, picture, letter, character, or combination thereof, designed to communicate information about an activity, business, commodity, event, sale, or service that is placed upon and/or inside and/or within 3 feet of a window for the purpose of being visible from the ` exterior of the window " Packet Pg 96 I, Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the of , 2015, by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN c E d E Pat Jacquez-Nares a d City Clerk c U c Approved as to form CD Richard L Adams, II City Attorney d� c ca c a> ?, Packet Pg 98 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE September 8, 2015 Council & Successor Agency Item TITLE Approval of Revisions to the City's Fiscal Policies PRESENTED BY Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director RECOMMENDATION Approve the proposed revisions to the attached fiscal policies 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports City Council Goal #1, "Ensure Our Fiscal Viability," through the continuous monitoring of revenue receipts and expenditure disbursements against approved budget appropriations BACKGROUND In May 2014, the City's fiscal policies were approved by City Council These core fiscal policies provide a solid framework for the financial administration of the City However, like all policies, they are subject to update and revision as operational needs and circumstances change Likewise, there will be a need to add or revise policies over time to reflect new operational areas DISCUSSION The Finance Department has committed to developing a core set of fiscal policies to improve the City's internal controls, accountability and overall financial management The following is a listing of the policies that have been approved and those in bold and highlighted in red have been revised for City Council review and approval Policies Related to Safeguarding of Assets (Section 1) • Cash Handling & Control (1 01) (changes made on pg 3) • Petty Cash Funds & Change Boxes (1 02) • Accounts Receivable (1 03) • Investments (1 04) • Fixed Assets (1 05) • Disposition of Surplus Property (1 06) • Fraud Prevention & Detection (1 07) Policies Related to Liability (Section 2) • Accounts Payable (2 01) Policies Related to General Fiscal Management (Section 3) • Purchasing (3 01) (changes made on pg 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5) Packet Pg 100 Attachment Fiscal Policies revised 2015 09 08 (1764 Approval of Revisions to the City's Fiscal Policies) City of Grand Terrace Policy No 1 01 Fiscal Policy Effective Date 5113/14 Subject Cash Handling & Control Page 1 of PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to establish the practice by which all cash receipts, or cash equivalents, tendered to the City will be accepted, documented, recorded, safeguarded and deposited This policy is also intended to provide staff with acceptable practices in the handling and safekeeping of cash or cash equivalents DEFINITIONS Cashier Anyone who accepts payments on behalf of the City Cash Receipts Includes coin, currency, checks, money orders, or other cash equivalents that may be processed by a financial institution (Debit and credit card payments are also considered Cash Receipts, although they are not currently accepted by the City ) Cash Receipt Location (CRL) A physical location, other than the Main Cashier at City Hall, which has been designated as a location to collect and receipt cash for the City of Grand Terrace Main Cashier Located at the front counter of the Finance Department in City Hall Point of Sale System (POS) A software program that can be run either on a stand-alone computer or on a network and allows for the recording of cash collection and receipting related to payments for goods or services Remote Deposit The process for scanning and transmitting checks to the bank electronically for deposit Returned Items Transactions that have been presented to the bank for deposit and returned to the City due to account balance or status issues Such transactions could include but are not limited to Non -Sufficient Funds (NSF) or closed accounts Starter Checks Checks that are issued to a bank depositor upon the opening of a new checking account These checks typically do not contain any address or telephone information related to the depositor POLICY Resaons ibility m A The Finance Director has oversight, fiduciary, and administrative responsibility for all cash collections performed by City staff or on behalf of the City by contractors a B The Finance Director has the responsibility and authority to ensure that all cash handling is performed according to this policy C This responsibility shall include Packet Pg 104 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 1 01 Fiscal Policy Subject Cash Handling & Control Effective Date 5/13/14 Page 3 of 8 Remote Deposit Deposits processed by the Child Care Center require a deposit slip submitted to Finance for bank reconciliation purposes When the appropriate account coding is not immediately available, the payment should be deposited and coded to a suspense account until such time that the coding is identified and communicated to Finance staff Items placed in suspense need to be identified and reclassified to their correct account within ten working days or by the calendar month -end C Any request for the collection of cash receipts at a location other than the Main Cashier, CDD counter or Child Care Center must be authorized by the Finance Director and should include the following information 1 How customer service will be improved through the processing of payments c r 2 The cash custodian(s) c 0 3 How cash activities will be accounted for (for example, cash register, hand 0 receipts, etc) m 4 How cash receipts will be safeguarded (for example, safe or lockbox) c - 5 How deposits will be managed cc D A list of approved collection locations will be maintained by the Finance Department E All Cash Receipts will be maintained in a secured area with limited access F The establishment of change ,funds to support collection operations will follow the guidelines set forth in Fiscal Policy No 1 02 (Petty Cash Funds & Change Boxes) G All City employees who handle cash will be included under the City's insurance coverage V Methods of Payment A The following methods of payment will be accepted 1 Cash - 2 Checks 3 Money Orders 4 Traveler's Checks 5 Wires / Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) 6 Other forms of tender as approved by the Finance Director and the City's bank 7 Credit Card Payments (Visa, Mastercard, or Discover) 7-8 Note Debit and GFedit card payments are currently not accepted but afe-will be recognized as an allowable payment method once the City has established the procedures to process such payments B Checks 1 Checks, Money Orders and Traveler's Checks are to be made payable to the Packet Pg 106 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 1 01 Fiscal Polk Subject Cash Handling & Control Effective Date 5/13114 Page 5 of 8 When checks are received through the mail the following requirements will be met i Checks will be restrictively endorsed The first employee at a Cash Receipt Location to come in contact with a check is responsible to have the check restrictively endorsed Endorsement stamps will be obtained from the Finance Director or his/her designee In the case of checks processed through the Remote Deposit process, the endorsement is automatically generated ii If the check is payable to the City but lacks sufficient information to identify the appropriate general ledger account number, write "SUSPENSE" on the deposit form and present to the Main Cashier or Finance Department staff The check will then be deposited into the bank When the appropriate general ledger account number is identified, provide the coding to Finance so that the funds can be properly applied to the account The appropriate account should be identified prior to the month -end closing 4 Business Checks Company checks will be inspected to ensure that multiple signatures are in place if required or if a "not valid over $" statement is included 5 Traveler's Checks a Traveler's checks are treated as cash but will require the following actions i Cashier must witness the customer write in the payee ii Cashier must witness the customer countersign the check iii Signature and countersignature should be compared b Identification will be required c No traveler's checks drawn on foreign funds will be accepted 6 Cashier's Checks / Personal Money Orders a Cashier's Checks and Personal Money Orders will be accepted b Identification will be required v m n 7 Currency d E s a Anyone receiving cash payments is responsible for exercising reasonable care in screening cash transactions for counterfeit currency a b Mutilated currency is still legal tender Staff may ask customers to substitute another bill for the mutilated bill If they cannot substitute the bill staff must accept the mutilated bill Packet Pg 108 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 1 01 Fiscal Polk Subject Cash Handling & Control Effective Date 5/13/14 Page 7 of 8 E When City of Grand Terrace manual receipts are issued, copies will be distributed in the following manner 1 Customer 2 Issuing department 3 Cash drawer/transaction 4 Receipt book VII Balancing and Reconciling A It is the responsibility of each cashier to balance and reconcile his/her cash drawer(s) daily Cash drawer(s) should be equal to the change fund plus the balance of cash receipt activity for the day or shift B Cash drawer(s) should be reconciled against the daily cash receipts report, cash register tape or calculator tape depending on whether the site uses a POS system, a cash register, or manual receipts C Overage / Shortage 1 When the amount in the cash drawer does not balance with the daily report, n staff will report an Overage or a Shortage as appropriate C 2 When an Overage or Shortage is identified, staff will complete the City of Grand Terrace Overage/Shortage Form and submit with their deposit 3 The Overage/Shortage form will require the following information a Date of Deposit co b Amount of overage/shortage c Reason for overage/shortage o d Signature of staff responsible for drawer "' e Signature of supervisor N 4 The Overage/Shortage Form must accompany deposit to the Main Cashier m 5 Overages or Shortages in excess of $10 must be immediately brought to the N attention of the Finance Director or his/her designee upon identification ip 6 Under no circumstances is City staff allowed to balance overages by keeping 01 r the overage out of the deposit or balance shortages by taking money from m other sources, such as out of pocket or money held back from a previous c overage a VIII Requirements for Deposit A All cash receipts will be deposited into the City's bank account in a timely manner to ensure the proper posting of accounts and to ensure the safety of staff and City E funds c, ea 1 Deposits can be made at the Main Cashier during City Hall business hours Q 2 Deposits not taken to the bank the same day will be secured by Finance staff in a fireproof and locked cabinet or safe A drop safe is utilized at the Child Care Center for checks not processed the same day as received No cash is to be dropped off Packet Pg 110 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 1 02 Fis6al Policy Subject Petty Cash Funds & Change Boxes Effective Date 5/13/14 Page 1 of 4 PURPOSE For Petty Cash — To authorize the use of petty cash funds for emergency purchases and minor out-of-pocket expense reimbursement For Change Boxes — To authorize change boxes for the sole purpose of making change DEFINITIONS Petty Cash is defined as a small fund of cash that is maintained for the payment of incidental expenses It may also be advanced to employees on an exception basis to make small, incidental purchases where payment by check is not possible or not feasible given the circumstances It is also available on an exception basis to reimburse City officials or employees for prior -approved, City business -related purchases which were originally paid out-of-pocket, and where reimbursement by check is not feasible under the circumstances Change Box is defined as a small fund of cash requiring a particular mix of denominations of dollar bills and coinage for the explicit purpose of making change Reimbursements and advances for incidental City purchases may not be made from a change fund POLICY Approval to Make Purchases or Receive Reimbursement from Petty Cash A Advance approval from the employee's department head must always be obtained to make a Petty Cash purchase or to be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses from Petty Cash Without prior approval, there should be no expectation that an out-of-pocket expense will be reimbursed by Petty Cash For recurring purchases, a standing approval may be given by the department head so that advance approval is not needed for each transaction B Use of Petty Cash is considered an exception to the standard means of procuring supplies Issuance of a City check shall be the preferred method of procurement Establishment and Authorization of Petty Cash Funds A Petty Cash funds have been established in the following amounts City Hall (Finance Department) $550 Child Care Center $500 Community Services * $100 * Maintained in the Finance Department and used for special events such as Animal Licensing B Increasing the above amounts or establishing any additional Petty Cash funds requires written recommendation by the applicable department head and Finance Director, and approval by the City Manager Zo Packet Pg 112 �5a City of Grand Terrace Fiscal Policy Policy No 1 02 Subject Petty Cash Funds & Change Boxes Effective Date 5/13/14 Page 3 of 4 5 If the purchase was for more than the advanced amount, the recipient must submit a new and approved Petty Cash Request Form for the total amount of the purchase The fund custodian will reimburse the recipient for his/her out-of-pocket amount and return the original Petty Cash Request Form previously submitted C Procedure for Use of Petty Cash for Out -of -Pocket Reimbursement 1 The requesting department or individual must complete the Petty Cash Request Form for review and approval The completed form shall provide date, dollar amount requested, description, account number to be charged, and the appropriate signature approvals prior to presentation 2 Actual receipts of the out-of-pocket purchase must be attached to the Petty Cash Request Form 3 In the event the amount requested exceeds the limits set forth in Section III A of this Policy, the signature of the Finance Director or his/her designee shall be obtained to approve the disbursement D Replenishment of the Petty Cash Fund To replenish the Petty Cash fund, the fund custodian will attach all receipts and the applicable Petty Cash Request Forms, complete a payment request form, obtain the appropriate authorization signatures, and submit the reimbursement request to the Finance Department V Approval to Establish or Increase a Petty Cash Fund A The Finance Director shall be responsible for review of any request to establish or increase a Petty Cash fund, however, approval to establish a new fund or increase an existing fund requires approval of the City Manager B Such requests shall be submitted in writing to the Finance Director by the department head responsible, and shall include justification for the request If the Finance Director is in agreement with the request, he/she will indicate his/her approval and forward the request to the City Manager for final approval VI Change Boxes A Authorization and Control Three (3) Change Boxes are currently authorized in the Finance Department and integrated with the cash register 2 Each Change Box maintains cash and coin totaling $200 3 Each Cash Box has a separate custodian with individual password security and daily reconciliation Packet Pg 114 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 1 03 Fiscal Policy Effective Date 5/13/14 Subject Accounts Receivable Page 1 of 5 PURPOSE To establish uniform guidelines and principles for the recognition, recording, collection and write-off of accounts receivable related to goods or services provided by the City or for citations issued by or administered by the departments of the City DEFINITIONS Accounts Receivable A debt owed to the City that arises in the normal course of business dealings and not supported by negotiable paper, a claim against a debtor usually arising from sales or services rendered Accounts receivable include but are not limited to, rent, concession fees, permit fees, license fees, citations, and payments for goods and services Allowance for Doubtful Accounts A valuation account (i a contra asset) that is subtracted from the trade receivable on the balance sheet Bad Debt A past due account receivable that, despite best efforts by the City, o remains unsatisfied and for which there is reasonable doubt that the underlying R debt will be satisfied in whole or in part The expense for a bad debt is c recognized when the account receivable becomes doubtful, which typically L CL occurs prior to the write-off of the receivable The recording of Bad Debt is for a accounting purposes only and this action does not discharge the debt The debt is still owed to the City, however, the amount shown as owed to the City has been adjusted off the financial statement to reflect the doubtful collection Cognizant Department The department within the City that negotiated the agreement or contract, or issued the citation or invoice giving rise to the particular account receivable Debt In the context of this policy, debt refers to a sum of money due by express agreement between the City and another party or parties Debt may be owed the City by an individual or by a business entity Past Due Refers to an account receivable for which payment has not been received by the established due date Unearned Revenue An accounting transaction where items are not recognized N as revenue in the current period because they do not meet the "availability" or u= "collectability" standards in order to be recorded in the current period = m Write -Off An accounting transaction that removes an account receivable from M the accounting books and records, and signals the end of any further collection efforts related to that account receivable a 13 Packet Pg 116 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 1 03 Fiscal Policy Subject Accounts Receivable Effective Date 5/13/14 Page 3 of 5 8 In conjunction with the Finance Department, annually review the collectability of outstanding accounts at fiscal year-end C Contractors working on behalf of the City to collect for goods or services provided or for citations issued are responsible to perform the following functions 1 Provide to the Finance Department a monthly aging schedule of all Accounts Receivable including an accounting of current billings, collections and any other activity conducted on accounts related to City services or citations 2 Maintain a system that tracks the history and status of customer accounts III Payment Terms / Collections A The following payment terms and collection process shall be followed 1 Payments will be due within 30 days from the invoice date 2 Interest/Penalty/Late Fees will be charged in a manner consistent with applicable ordinances or policies The imposition of interest charges, penalties or late fees will be communicated to the customer through the following methods a A warning notice or statement will be sent out thirty (30) days in advance of the penalty effective date b A new statement will be sent out with the amended invoice/citation amount including the appropriate interest, penalty or late fee 3 Statements will be issued on a monthly basis unless there are circumstances that warrant some other billing cycle Exceptions from the monthly billing cycle must be approved by the Finance Director 4 The Cognizant Department may be requested to assist Finance staff in collection efforts on accounts more than 60 days outstanding 5 Accounts more than 60 days outstanding may be assigned to a collection agency as determined by the Finance Director IV Financial Reporting for Accounts Receivable A The Finance Department will record the revenues and associated accounts receivable in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles B Periodically, at least annually in conjunction with the fiscal year-end audit, open accounts receivable balances will be reviewed in order to ensure that the City's financial statements accurately and appropriately reflect the status of these accounts C The collectability of open accounts receivable will be estimated so that they can be reflected in the City's financial statements at their net realizable value, which is consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles These amounts will be reflected in the following manner 15 m 2 0 a �a w d_ V! V m z 0 N 0 fA m w 0 �a 0 a a a Packet Pg 118 `5a City of Grand Terrace Policy No 1 03 Fiscal Policy Subject Accounts Receivable Effective Date 5/13/14 Page 5 of 5 D E 1 A detailed account aging (listing of date of service/citation and amount owed by account), 2 A description of collection efforts undertaken, 3 Explanation of reason(s) account(s) is/are determined to be uncollectible, 4 A signed Application for Discharge of Accountability form (Exhibit A) Applications for Discharge of Accountability that have been deemed by the Finance Director to be appropriate to forgo further collection actions will be submitted to the City Manager for final approval A copy of the completed Application for Discharge of Accountability and the supporting documentation will be forwarded to Finance staff for entry into the City's financial system ` ,7 N 01 -o ILL �a N c� m _ w 0 UN 0 m 0 R 0 a Q a �r 0 0 0 N 'C 4) UN d I d v ILL R c m E Packet,Pg 120 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 1 04 Fiscal Policy Effective Date 5/13/14 Subject Investments Page 1 of PURPOSE To establish a policy for the management and oversight of the City's investments POLICY It is the policy of the City of Grand Terrace to invest funds in a manner which will provide the highest investment return with the maximum security while meeting the daily cash flow demands of the City and conforming to all statutes s governing the investment of City funds III SCOPE This investment policy applies to all financial assets of the City These funds are audited annually and accounted for in the Annual Financial Report Funds include the General Fund, Capital Projects Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Enterprise Funds and Trust Funds, including funds held by the Successor Agency to the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency IV PRUDENCE Investments shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived The o standard of prudence to be used shall be the "prudent person" standard and shall be a, applied in the context of managing an overall portfolio Investment officers acting in accordance with written procedures and the investment policy and exercising due o diligence shall be relieved of personal responsibility and/or liability for an individual N security's credit risk or market price changes a V OBJECTIVES The primary objectives, in order of priority, of the investment program shall be A Safety Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the investment program Investments of the City shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure N the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio To attain this objective, LL diversification is required in order that potential losses in individual securities do not exceed the income generated from the remainder of the portfolio t B Liquidity The investment portfolio will remain sufficiently liquid to enable the City to meet all operating requirements which might be reasonably anticipated C Yield The investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining a market rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, taking into account the investment risk constraints and the cash flow characteristics of the portfolio 19 Packet Pg 122 �5a City of Grand Terrace Policy No 1 04 Fiscal Policy Effective Date 5/13/14 Subject Investments Page 3 of 4 C Certificates of Deposit with State Banks, National Banks, State or Federal Savings Associations, State and Federal Credit Unions in California that are fully insured by federal deposit insurance The Treasurer (Finance Director) may waive collateralization in lieu of deposit insurance D Negotiable Certificates of Deposit, Collateralized with U S Treasury Obligations Having a Market Value of 110% The Treasurer (Finance Director) may, at his/her discretion, waive security for that portion of a deposit that is already covered by federal deposit insurance E Passbook Savings Accounts Placed with Federal or State Banks or Credit Unions that are fully insured by federal deposit insurance The Treasurer (Finance Director) may waive collateral ization in lieu of federal deposit insurance F Securities Issued by Federal Agencies G Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) 1 This is a special fund of the State Treasurer, in which local agencies are o "allowed to pool their funds for investment purposes up to a maximum of Q $50 million, with no restrictions on the amount of bond proceeds that can a be invested m 2 LAIF is part of the Pooled Money Investment Account (PMIA) The PMIA began in 1955 and oversight is provided by the Pooled Money Investment co Board (PMIB) and an in-house Investment Committee The PMIB members are the State Treasurer, Director of Finance, and State o Controller r 3 All securities are purchased under the authority of Government Code Section 16430 and 16480 4 The State Treasurer's Office takes delivery of all securities purchased on a delivery -versus -payment (DVP) basis using a third -party custodian All investments are purchased at market and a market valuation is conducted monthly Additionally, the PMIA has policies, goals and objectives for the portfolio to ensure that the goals of Safety, Liquidity and Yield are not jeopardized and that prudent management prevails These policies are formulated by Investment Division staff and reviewed by both the PMIB and the LIAB on an annual basis 4 The State Treasurer's Office is audited by the Bureau of State Audits on an annual basis and the resulting opinion is posted to the State s Treasurer's Office website following its publication The Bureau of State Audits also has a continuing audit process throughout the year All a investments and LAIF claims are audited on a daily basis by the State Controller's Office as well as an in-house audit process involving three separate divisions 21 Packet Pgs 124 �5a City of Grand Terrace Policy No 1 05 Fiscal Policy Effective Date 5/13/14 Subject Fixed Assets - Page 1 of 3 PURPOSE To establish the criteria for determining fixed assets, as well as their physical control, accountability, and depreciation DEFINITIONS Fixed Assets refers to land, buildings, equipment, furniture, vehicles, and improvements other than buildings, acquired by the City of Grand Terrace for use in the provision of goods and services to its citizens Not all Fixed Assets are required to be reported on the balance sheet Fixed Assets with very short useful lives, or of small monetary amounts, can be "expensed" in the period in which they are acquired Fixed Assets reported on the balance sheet are said to be "capitalized", meaning the capital outlay is recorded as an addition to the asset account, and will have an expected useful life of at least two years The monetary criteria by which governments decide to report Fixed Assets on the balance sheet, is known as the "capitalization threshold " Governments may utilize separate thresholds for different classes of fixed assets, or establish a single threshold for all of its fixed assets Capitalization is a financial reporting issue It addresses the material Q, expenditure level by which users of the City's financial reports are informed of a the policy decision to account for Fixed Assets It does not eliminate the City's responsibility for maintaining adequate control over all of its assets, or other n equipment below the capitalization threshold, to minimize the risk of loss or misuse co POLICY Fixed Asset Capitalization Threshold Criteria A Land Land will be capitalized at actual cost There is no specific dollar threshold B Improvements to Land Improvements to land with a value of $25,000 or more will be capitalized Improvements valued at less than $25,000 will be expensed in the current year r C Buildings and Building Improvements s 1 Buildings and building improvements with a value of $25,000 or more will be capitalized Buildings and improvements valued at less than $25,000 will a be expensed in the current year 2 Capitalized cost generally includes such items as site clearance and excavation, architectural fees, initial landscaping, building construction and others 23 Packet Pg 126 City of Grand Terrace Fiscal Policy Policy No 1 05 Subject Fixed Assets Effective Date 5/13/14 Page 3 of 3 III Depreciation A Financial Statement Basis Fixed Assets will be depreciated over their estimated useful lives, as reflected in the City's Annual Financial Report, in accordance with GASB Statement No 34 The straight-line method of depreciation will be used for all Fixed Assets, unless it is determined by the Finance Director or his/her designee, and confirmed by the City's outside auditor, that another depreciation method is more appropriate for a given Fixed Asset or a Fixed Asset class B Budgetary Basis Depreciating Fixed Assets over their useful lives for budgetary purposes is not required but is a recommended practice in that it establishes an Asset Replacement Account for each Fixed Asset Such a practice increases the City's annual operating costs, in that depreciation charges become a budgeted expense, however, it levels operating expenses over time because when Fixed Assets are replaced, the funds (or a portion of the funds) have already been set aside and therefore do not need to be re - budgeted 2 While the City has not previously depreciated Fixed Assets for budgetary purposes, it is the City Council's intent to do so beginning with the FY 2014- 15 budget, and to continue the practice on a go -forward basis thereafter 25 Packet Pg 1 88 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 1 06 Fiscal Policy Subject Disposition of Surplus Property Effective Date 5/13/14 Page I of 1 PURPOSE To define the process for identification and disposal of surplus City supplies, materials and equipment (collectively referred to as property) POLICY Identifying Surplus Property A Departments will be responsible for identifying surplus property within work areas assigned to their control B Departments will notify the Finance Director of surplus property by completing a Surplus Property Form (Exhibit A) Such form will include descriptive information on the property (i e , license number, model number, serial number, condition of the item, reason the item is no longer needed, etc ), along with the location of the property The form must be approved by the respective department head, Finance Director and City Manager before disposition of the item is authorized C If the surplus property is a Fixed Asset, as defined in Fiscal Policy No 1 05, the Fixed Asset identification number must also be included on the Surplus Property Form, so that the City's Fixed Asset records can be adjusted accordingly D If a Fixed Asset is being declared as surplus before its useful life (as reflected in le the City's Fixed Asset records) has been exhausted, detailed justification for the n requested disposal must be provided on the Surplus Disposal Form E Finance staff, in consultation with the City Manager's Office, will be responsible for making arrangements to warehouse surplus property, as needed, or determining if the item can be used by another department F Information Technology staff will be advised if any of the surplus property is computer or telephone equipment II Disposition of Surplus Property A Supplies, materials and equipment which are determined to be surplus and to have no further use by the City will be disposed of by Finance staff through trade- in, sale, auction, or donation .r B The City Manager or his/her designee will be responsible for determining which method of disposition will be most advantageous to the City E r, ca C The method of disposition will be reflected on the Surplus Property Form Q 27 Packet Pg 330 City of Grand Terrace Fiscal Policy Policy No 1 07 Subject Fraud Prevention & Detection Approval Date 1/28/14 Page 1 of 7 PURPOSE AND SCOPE To establish a policy and procedures for identifying acts that might be fraudulent, and to describe the steps to be taken when fraud or other dishonest activities are suspected, and to establish procedures to follow in accounting for missing funds, investigating other irregularities, and providing for restitution and recoveries II DEFINITIONS A Fraud — the intentional false representation, or concealment of material fact for the purpose of personal gain for oneself or others, or inducing another to act similarly Fraud and other similar irregularities include, but are not limited to 1 Claim for reimbursement of expenses that are not job -related or authorized by City policy 2 Forgery or unauthorized alteration of documents (checks, promissory notes, time sheets, agreements, purchase orders, budgets, etc ) 3 Misappropriation of City assets (funds, securities, supplies, furniture, equipment, etc ) 4 Improprieties in handling or reporting of financial transactions 5 Authorizing or receiving payment for goods not received or services not performed 6 Computer -related activity involving unauthorized alteration, destruction, forgery, or manipulation of data or misappropriation of City -owned software 7 Misrepresentation of information on documents 8, Misrepresentation of authority 9 Any apparent violation of Federal, State, or Local laws related to dishonest activities or fraud 10 Seeking or accepting anything of material value from those doing business with the City including vendors, consultants, contractors, lessees, applicants, and grantees B Employee — In this context, employee refers to any individual or group of individuals who receive compensation, either full-time or part-time, from the City of Grand Terrace The term also includes any volunteer who provides services to the City through an official arrangement with the City or a City organization, as well as Council Members, consultants, vendors, 29 Packet Pg 71372 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 1 07 Fiscal Policy Subject Fraud Prevention & Detection Approval Date 1/28/14 Page 3 of 7 G Investigator, in conjunction with the City Manager, has the primary responsibility for the investigation of all activity as defined in this policy H Should the City ME(nager be a subject of the investigation, the City Attorney will be substituted for the City Manager in references throughout this policy Employees or other individuals suspecting any fraudulent activity by the City Manager should report his/her concern directly to the City Attorney Should the City Manager and City Attorney both be subjects of the investigation, the Mayor will be substituted for the City Manager and City Attorney in references throughout this policy Employees or other individuals suspecting any fraudulent activity by both the City Manager and City Attorney should report his/her concern directly to the Mayor, who will in turn advise the other members of the City Council J Throughout the investigation, the Investigator will inform the City Manager and others that he/she designates, of pertinent investigative findings The c City Council shall also be immediately advised of the investigation and kept 7 apprised of its status throughout the investigation c ►. a 0. K Employees will be granted whistle -blower protection when acting in Q accordance with this policy When informed of a suspected impropriety, I, neither the City nor any person acting on behalf of the City shall 1 Dismiss or threaten to dismiss the Employee, o 0 2 Discipline, suspend, or threaten to discipline or suspend the o Employee, r 0 N 3 Impose any penalty upon the Employee, or N 4 Intimidate or coerce the Employee Violations of the whistle -blower protection will result in discipline up to and including dismissal L Upon the conclusion of the investigation of an allegation of fraud said to have been committed by an employee or official, the City Council shall be N informed by the City Manager, or by the official whom received the �+- complaint and authorized the investigation, of the outcome of the investigation This shall be done in manner cognizant of the privacy right, if m any, of the accused employee or official, as advised by the City Attorney ca M The City Manager, following review of investigation results, will take a appropriate action regarding Employee misconduct Disciplinary action can include termination, and referral of the case to an appropriate law enforcement agency and District Attorney's Office for possible arrest and prosecution 31 Packet Pg 334 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 1 07 Fiscal Polk Subject Fraud Prevention & Detection Approval Date 1/28/14 Page 5 of 7 9 In dealing with suspected dishonest or fraudulent activities, great care must be taken Therefore, management should avoid the following a False accusations b Alerting suspected individuals that an investigation is underway c Treating Employees unfairly d Making statements that could lead to claims of false accusations or other offenses 10 In handling dishonest or fraudulent activities, Management has the responsibility to a Make no contact (unless requested) with the suspected individual to determine facts or demand restitution Under no circumstances should there be any reference to "what you did", "the crime", "the fraud", "the misappropriation", etc b Avoid discussing the case, facts, suspicions, or allegations with anyone outside the City, unless specifically directed to do so by the City Attorney c Avoid discussing the case, facts, suspicions, or allegations with anyone other than employees who have a need to know such as the City Manager, City Attorney, Department Head, Finance Director, Investigator, or law enforcement personnel — and should direct any City Council inquiries to the City Manager d Direct all inquires from the suspected individual, or his or her representative, to the Investigator All inquires from the media should be directed to the City Manager e Take appropriate corrective and disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, after consulting with the City Manager, in conformance with the City's Personnel Rules and Regulations and the appropriate Memorandum of Understanding, as applicable B Investigator Responsibilities 1 Upon assignment by the City Manager, the Investigator will promptly investigate the allegations of fraud or other dishonest activities 33 Packet Pg 1376 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 1 07 Fiscal Policy Subject Fraud Prevention & Detection Approval Date 1/28/14 Page 7 of 7 9 Unless exceptional circumstances exist, a person under investigation for fraud is to be given notice in writing of essential particulars of the allegations following the conclusions of the audit Where notice is given, the person against whom allegations are being made may submit a written explanation to the Investigator no later than seven calendar days after notice is received 10 The Investigator will be required to make recommendations to the appropriate department for assistance in the prevention of future similar occurrences 11 Upon completion of the investigation, including all legal and personnel actions, all records documents, and other evidentiary material obtained from the department under investigation will be returned to the City Manager 35 Z, Packet Pg 1378 City of Grand Terrace Fiscal Policy Policy No 2 01 Subject Accounts Payable Effective Date 5/13/14 Page 1 of 3 PURPOSE To define the process for review, authorization and payment of vendor invoices DEFINITIONS Check Register A report provided to the City Council on a monthly basis listing payments made to the various City vendors for the preceding month Discount A percentage or fixed amount that may be deducted from payment of a vendor's invoice if payment is made by a date determined by the vendor A common discount term is 1% 10", meaning that one percent (1 %) may be deducted from the invoice amount if payment is made with 10 days of the invoice date EFT Electronic Funds Transfer, may be used as a payment alternative to City check when authorized by the Finance Director Invoice A bill rendered to the City by a vendor requesting payment for goods or services provided to the City Net 30 A specific type of trade credit where the payment is due in full 30 days after the item is purchased and an invoice received Purchase Order A City document authorizing a specified quantity of goods and/or services to be provided to the City at specified prices and terms Receiving Document A document provided to the City by a vendor attesting to the delivery of goods and/or services Statement A summary provided by a vendor showing amounts previously billed, paid, and the unpaid balance Vendor A business entity or agency providing goods and/or services to the City POLICY Payment Terms A In order to maintain good business relations with the City's Vendors, it is the policy of the City of Grand Terrace to pay Invoices for authorized goods or services within 30 days of Invoice receipt, (i e , on a Net 30 basis) unless specified otherwise by City Purchase Order or contract 37 Packet Pg 440 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 2 01 Fiscal Policy Subject Accounts Payable Effective Date 5/13/14 Page 3 of 3 offering Discount terms, which would be paid sooner than 28 days from receipt to order to qualify for the Discount (also allowing two days for mail processing and delivery) and payments made by EFT If the City's business software system allows a "three-way matching" process, such that a Purchase Order, Invoice and Receiving Document are electronically matched, this process should be implemented since it is considered to be an industry "best practice" and eliminates the need for Invoices to be manually verified or provided to another department for review and approval IIII City Council Approval A A Check Register will be prepared by the Finance Department and submitted to the City Council for review and approval on a monthly basis during a regularly scheduled City Council meeting B The Check Register will list all vendor payments for the preceding month along with a brief description of the type of goods or services purchased and the account code(s) associated with each payment C In order to meet the Net 30 payment terms, and to take advantage of Discounts a offered by Vendors, payment of Invoices will not be delayed pending approval of the Check Register m 39 Packet Pg 442 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 3 01 Fiscal Policy Subject Purchasing Effective Date 5/13/14 Page 1 of64 PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the City's purchasing practices are carried out in accordance with the Purchasing Ordinance, which was approved by the City Council on November 27, 2012 DEFINITIONS Notice Inviting Bids A document issued to specified potential bidders, or posted on the City's website, inviting bids for specified merchandise or service The subsequent contract is generally awarded to the lowest responsible bidder Purchase Order A document which authorizes the delivery of specified merchandise or the rendering of certain service and the making of a charge for such merchandise or service Purchase Requisition A document submitted by a department requesting approval to purchase specified merchandise or service Upon its approval, a Purchase Order is issued to the selected vendor or service provider Purchasing Officer The Purchasing Ordinance designates a Purchasing Officer, to be appointed by the City Manager The City Manager has currently appointed the City's Finance Director as the Purchasing Officer Under the a direction of this position, the Finance Department is charged with the Q responsibility of administering the Purchasing Ordinance a m Request for Proposals (RFP) A document issued to specified potential service providers, or posted on the City's website, requesting proposals for o services The subsequent contract is awarded based on a number of factors c including professional expertise, experience, service level, references and In pricing Consideration of factors other than pricing differentiates an RFP c process from a "Notice Inviting Bids" process .`±; POLICY & PROCEDURES Informal Purchases ($0 - $500) The following procedures apply A Funds must be budgeted for the goods or services to be purchased B A Purchase Order (P O ) is not required for purchases LL C Price quotes are not required for purchases, although they are encouraged when easily obtainable E t D Payment for purchases is made by submitting a Request for Payment form with approval by the applicable Department Head or designee (per the Authorized a Approval Listing) E Use of City credit card or petty cash may be appropriate for certain low -value purchases, with separate guidelines applying to these purchases 41 Packet Pg 144 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 3 01 Fiscal Policy Subject Purchasing Effective Date 5/13/14 Page 3 of 64 B Formal contracting procedures must be followed as enumerated in Section 3 24 080 of the Purchasing Ordinance, including 1 Notice Inviting Bid 2 Bidders' List 3 Bidders' Security 4 Bid Opening Procedure 5 Performance Bonds as applicable 6 Formal Award of Contract by the City Council C Following award of contract, a Purchase Requisition should be submitted by the applicable department, with a copy of the executed contract and City Council staff report attached as backup Purchase Requisitions require approval of the applicable Department Head or designee (per the Authorized Approval Listing) D Following Finance review of the Purchase Requisition, a P O will be issued by w Finance and mailed to the vendor, with a copy returned to the originating department Funds will also be encumbered in the financial system at this time (Note P O s are signed by the Finance Director signifying that funds are available and that the purchasing requirements have been met) > E Invoices to be paid against an approved P O do not require a Request for a Payment form Instead, to expedite processing, an approval stamp may be 0 utilized on the invoice referencing the applicable P O number (The account code to be charged does not need to be referenced on the invoice unless the P O is allocated to multiple account numbers, as the invoice will be charged per the P O ) Department Head or designee signature is required on the invoice (per the co Authorized Approval Listing) c W-V Professional Services A Professional Services are not awarded via formal bidding, since there are a number of factors other than pricing used to determine the company that is best suited to provide the service Such factors include professional expertise, experience, service level and references B Although not formally bid, it is recommended that professional services with an expected value greater than $10,000 sheuld utilize a competitive selection process via a Request for Proposals (RFP) C RFPs should be posted on the City's web page and distributed to known companies with expertise in the applicable service area Generally, at least 30 days should be allowed for proposal submittal following the RFP issuance date It may also be appropriate to schedule a pre -submittal conference to clarify the RFP and respond to the interested parties' questions D Contracts for professional services with a value of $10,000 or less may be awarded by the City Manager E Contracts for professional services with a value greater than $10,000 must be awarded by the City Council 43 c m E Q a Packet Pg 146 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 3 01 Fiscal Policy Effective Date 5/13/14 Subject Purchasing Page 5 of 64 a specific company are unique in quality. performance, or use specifications li Time Sensitive The need for the desired good/service is needed to correct or prevent an emergency, iii Intrinsic Value When a aood or service is determined by its historic, artistic, or educational value D If the Citv has determined that another municipality (host agencv) has completed the competitive bid/RFP process awarding a contract within the last 6 months for goods and/or services that the City may require, in order to avoid time and costs, aE)E)F8val must be A-h-tained {F^^R the G'tV GeUR^I' the City has the option to "piaavback" on the public aaencv's existina contract provided the followina requirements are met i Approval must be obtained from the City Council ° ii The other public agency's bid and contract award process meet's the > City's bid and contract award requirements, III The host agency and the City (piggybacking agency) must sign an c agreement allowina the piggyback, @ IV The vendor/contractor must agree to the piggyback, offering the same o terms and conditions written in their contract to the piggyback aaencv, a v The vendor must inform both the host agency and the piggybacking a agency in writing that they agree to the piagyback d m n r W-VII Contract Requirements A If a purchase involves work to be performed on City premises or the public right of way, regardless of the dollar amount, a City contract is recommended to adequately address liability issues If there is uncertainty regarding whether or not a contract is needed for a given purchase, the City Attorney should be consulted B Contracts up to $10,000 in value may be approved by the City Manager, following City Attorney approval as to legal form Whenever possible, the standard City contract form should be used C Contracts over $10,000 in value require City Council approval via the agenda process E t D Contracts should include a requirement for the service provider to obtain a City Business License The department administering the contract is responsible for coordinating with Finance to ensure that a Business License is obtained if the a contract value is $10,000 or less (City Manager approval) If the contract value is greater than $10,000 (City Council approval), the City Clerk's Office will coordinate with Finance to ensure that a Business License is obtained 45 Packet Pg 148 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 3 02 Fiscal Policy Effective Date 5/13/14 Subject Budget Appropriation Adjustments Page 1 of 3 PURPOSE To establish policies and procedures regarding changes to appropriation amounts after adoption of the Annual Budget by the City Council DEFINITIONS Type A Adjustments New or increased appropriations necessary to fund service level changes, new programs, fixed assets, and expenditures in excess of approved budget amounts Type B Adjustments New or increased appropriations with offsetting revenues such that there is no net budgetary impact Type C Adjustments Transfer of budget amounts from one operating program to another in different funds and/or departments Type D Adjustments Transfer of budget amounts from a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) project to another, regardless of fund Type E Adjustments Transfer of budget amounts from one division, program, or object code to another within the same fund and department POLICY Responsibility A Budget adjustments shall be processed at such time it is determined that additional funds are needed in a program (business unit) so that expenditures will not exceed the City Council approved appropriation for the program (business unit) This shall apply to operating programs as well as capital projects B Every budget adjustment request requires the completion of a Budget Appropriation Adjustment (BAA) Form Written justification is required on the BAA Form for all requests II Procedures and Required Approvals A Type A New or increased appropriations from reserves or fund balance New or increased appropriations from reserves or fund balance shall require City Council approval A properly completed BAA Form must be submitted as a) an attachment to the City Council staff report describing the appropnation t request The Finance Department will retain the BAA Form follo ping its review and verification, it will not be included as an attachment to the final staff Q report 2 These adjustments must be approved by the City Council prior to commitment of funding in excess of budgeted amounts 47 Packet Pg 150 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 3 02 Fiscal Policy Subject Budget Appropriation Adjustments Effective Date 5/13/14 Page 3 of 3 IV Routing and Follow-up A Type A adjustments (City Council approval required) The department requesting the appropriation adjustment is responsible for completing the BAA request form and attaching it to the corresponding City Council staff report 2 The Finance Director will retain the BAA Form following its review and verification, it will not be forwarded with the staff report for subsequent reviews and approvals, nor included as an attachment to the staff report 3 Upon Council approval, the Finance Department will process the budget adjustment, with no further approvals on the BAA Form required B All Other Types of Adjustments The department shall prepare the BAA Form and specify in the justification box of the form, the reason for the adjustment request If there is insufficient room for the justification, an additional Word document specifying the purpose or need for the adjustment may be attached 2 After departmental staff signatures are obtained, the BAA Form should be d routed to the Finance Director for review and final processing V City Council Staff Reports A The recommendation and fiscal impact sections of the report to City Council should include specific reference to the nature of the appropriation adjustment If the adjustment is to increase an amount of an existing budgeted project or program, the proper account codes must be included in the recommended action If the request is for a new project or program, the report should indicate the proposed funding sources and amounts of appropriations required 3 In addition, if new revenue sources are associated with the proposed N project/program (i e , grants, special revenues, etc ) these should be included "- and identified in the recommended City Council action so that appropriate as revenue accounts can be adjusted E 4 A properly completed BAA Form must be submitted as an attachment to the V City Council staff report describing the appropriation request The Finance a Department will retain the BAA Form following its review and verification, it will not be included as an attachment to the final staff report 49 Packet Pg 152 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 3 03 Fiscal Policy Subject Travel & Related Business Expenses Effective Date 5/13/14 Page 1 of10 PURPOSE This policy establishes the basic guidelines for travel on City business It defines the City s expectations of its employees (and other City officials) who are required to travel in connection with their work responsibilities, identifies which expenses will be advanced or reimbursed to the employee by the City, and which expenses are considered the personal responsibility of the employee Business travel is defined as authorized attendance at conferences and seminars, or authorized travel for any other purpose in connection with official City responsibilities Business travel includes one -day trips and trips requiring one or more overnight stays As a general rule, this policy is not intended to cover business meetings of less than one day involving travel of less than 150 miles round trip, even though employees may be reimbursed for their cost of meals and travel In such cases Department Head discretion is required and departments may decide that such travel fits within the scope of this policy As an example, a day trip to Los Angeles to attend a business meeting will likely involve meals and transportation expense reimbursement However, such travel may involve less than $100 of expenditures and are generally not considered as part of the scope of this policy POLICY General Standards ,d co A Mandatory Use of the Travel Authorization & Expense Reporting Form (Exhibit A) The Travel Authorization & Expense Reporting Form (Travel Form) is a mandatory document for all employees, whether or not one expects to receive a travel advance or reimbursement for business related travel expenses It serves as an estimate of the total cost of attending conferences, meetings and seminars, and provides documentation of cash advances, vendor payments and credit card purchases Equally important, it serves as documented authorization to travel on City business and helps identify when the employee is traveling on behalf of the City in case of an accident or other incident The requirement to submit a Travel Form also applies to City Council Members and other appointed officials (such as Planning Commissioners), who will coordinate travel with the City Managers Office and obtain City Manager approval of the Travel Form as a prudent internal control measure B Policy Emphasizes Economy and Practicality with Reasonable Subsistence and Accommodations while on City Business d E 1 This policy provides for reasonable subsistence, modes of travel, and lodging and accommodations while on City business The intent is to allow employees to eat in moderately priced restaurants, stay an moderately priced hotels, and travel comfortably Employees are responsible for using good judgment in making reservations and travel decisions should emphasize economy and efficiency at all times For example 51 Packet Pg 154 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 3 03 Fiscal Policy Subject Travel & Related Business Expenses Effective Date 5/13/14 Page 3 of 10 4 Determining Methods of Payment for Travel Expenses a The City will pay for legitimate and reasonable travel -related business expenses, including transportation, lodging, registration fees, meals, and any other related expenses if they are for official business and fit within these guidelines b There are four methods of payment for travel -related expenses (1) direct payment to vendors by check, (2) payment by City credit card (secured in the Finance Department), (3) reimbursement to the employee for out-of- pocket expenses, and (4) cash advances, which include per diem c Direct payments to vendors are made by the City to an organization to pay for specific costs related to the trip These costs usually include registration fees, lodging and airfare d City credit card (may be used to prepay travel expenses, including registration fees, lodging and airfare, or may be used to cover expenses as they arise on the trip Credit cards may not be used to advance per diem e The employee will be reimbursed for actual, reasonable and allowable a out-of-pocket expenses related to travel on City business The employee must account for out-of-pocket expenses with receipts f Cash advances, including per diem, are lump sum payments made to the employee prior to one's travel based on reasonable estimated expenses Ground transportation is often difficult to estimate, but may be advanced to the employee using reasonable estimates based on the itinerary Upon the employee's return, and with the exception of per diem expenses, the employee must account for advanced expenses with receipts Advances exceeding substantiated expenses must be returned to the City If authorized expenses (excluding meals and incidentals covered by per diem) exceed the amount advanced, the City will reimburse the employee for the difference Note Receipts are not needed to justify meals and incidental expenses covered by per diem To obtain direct vendor payments or to receive a cash advance, the, c employee must do the following prior to his trip m E s 1) Complete the appropriate sections of the Travel Form 2) Attach documentation for all payments requested This would include copies of registration forms, announcements, itineraries, and copies of seminar brochures that provide detail of costs 53 Packet Pg 156 City of Grand Terrace Fiscal Policy Policy No 3 03 Subject Travel & Related Business Expenses Effective Date 5/13/14 Page 5 of 10 e Partial per diem for travel of more than one day may be advanced depending on the employee's departure time and return time The request for partial or full per diem will be based on the employee's itinerary and will be granted based on a "fair and reasonable" request Partial days per diem will be prorated as follows 1) Travel of less than 12 hours in a day will be prorated to one-half day of per diem 2) Travel of 12 hours or more in a day will count as a full day for per diem For example, assuming a daily per diem of $45, if an employee leaves on Monday at 6 00 A M to San Francisco for a business conference and returns to work at 1 00 P M on Tuesday, the per diem advance would be $90 6 Other Expenses a Alcoholic Beverages — Expense reimbursement for alcoholic beverages will not be allowed Spouses and Guests — Spouses and guests are welcome to accompany employees on City travel and at conferences, seminars and meetings However, any additional costs associated with the participation of a spouse or guests are the responsibility of the employee 77 7 Method of Travel When planning the transportation portion of the trip, the employee must consider all aspects of cost to the City, such as daily expenses, overtime, lost work time, and actual transportation costs In general, common carrier (bus, train or plane) is preferred mode of transportation The City will only pay or reimburse employees for the cost of coach class flights Employees shall be responsible for canceling any airline or hotel a reservations they will not use Any charge for an unused reservation shall be considered the employees personal expense, unless failure to N cancel the reservation was due to circumstances beyond the employee's LL control E If available, a City -owned vehicle should be used for travel unless the employee receives a mileage allowance a If a City vehicle is not available, or if there is another reason why the employee should drive his/her personal automobile, the City will reimburse the employee with either the cost of the most appropriate 55 Packet Pg 558 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 3 03 Fiscal Policy Subject Travel & Related Business Expenses Effective Date 5/13/14 Page 7 of 10 In order to drive a privately -owned vehicle on City business, the employee must 1) Possess a valid California driver's license 2) Carry liability insurance, as required by the State of California 3) Realize that any damage to the employee's personal vehicle and/or service or repair occurring on the trip will be the employee's responsibility, as insurance costs are factored in the IRS per mile cost reimbursement j If local ground transportation is needed during the trip, the use of public transit such as airport shuttles, buses, streetcars, and subways is appropriate k Ground transportation must be efficient and cost effective Use of taxis, hotel courtesy buses and local shuttles are allowed when other public transit or common carriers are not reasonably available Requests for advances of ground transportation costs (including tips) should be substantiated whenever possible If the cost cannot be Q. substantiated, advances will be based on a fair and reasonable estimate c. of expenses a m m Ground transportation receipts are required for reimbursement Employee requests for out-of-pocket reimbursement of ground transportation costs without receipts are subject to review and approval o by the Finance Director o n The use of a rental car is authorized in cases where it is economical or more feasible relative to using ground transportation o If a car rental is required, the employee may request reimbursement for out-of-pocket costs including fuel, upon return from business travel Receipts are required The optional car rental agency -provided insurance is not a reimbursable cost Since employees are normally insured by their own automobile insurance carrier for use of a rental vehicle, employees may opt for this coverage at their own expense p The City will reimburse all reasonable business travel expenses, " including bridge tolls and parking fees incurred as a result of an employee's authorized use of a private vehicle or City vehicle while E traveling on City business Receipts are required ca q Without receipts, any employee request for out-of-pocket reimbursement a of costs incurred as a result of an employee's authorized use of a private vehicle or City vehicle while traveling on City business is subject to review and approval by the Finance Director and additional approval by the City Manager 57 Packet Pg 160 City of Grand Terrace Fiscal Policy Policy No 3 03 Subject Travel & Related Business Expenses Effective Date 5/13/14 Page 9 of 10 spouse or guest at no additional cost to the City However, if double occupancy of a room by a non -City employee results in an increased room rate, the difference will be the employee's personal expense Furthermore, incurring a non -business related expense using advanced City funds is prohibited 10 Incidental Expenses a Incidental expenses include but are not limited to tips for persons who provide services, such as waiters, maids, porters, and baggage handlers Incidental expenses incurred while on an overnight business trip are covered by per diem To receive reimbursement on incidental expenses incurred on a day business trip, receipts should be submitted whenever possible If the employee is unable to obtain a receipt, the costs should be documented on the Travel Form as a reimbursement request, along with an explanation of why a receipt was not available Reimbursement of such unsupported expenses will require approval by the Finance Director and City Manager c Business -related expenses such as telegrams and telephone calls, a copying and faxing, computer accessories, tapes and other training materials purchased at a conference are reimbursable with receipts, and become property of the City Whenever possible, employees should anticipate the need for supplies and should take whatever they need with CO them instead of purchasing these supplies at their destination, where the o� cost may be significantly more than what the City would normally pay N d Tips are generally an allowable and reimbursable cost of business travel, but they must be reasonable 1) For business trips not involving per diem, they should never exceed 15% of the cost of the meal 2) For ground transportation, they should not exceed 10% of the fare 11 Non -Reimbursable Expenses Personal entertainment costs are not reimbursable These include '1 headphones or alcoholic beverages purchased on airplanes, video rentals c and refreshment bars in hotel rooms, spas and gyms, laundry or dry E cleaning and other items of a personal nature �a B Travel Expense Report Q When returning from a trip, a final accounting of all expenses related to the trip must be approved by the Supervisor and Department Head, and then submitted to the Finance Department within 15 working days Department 59 Packet Pg 1672 ] EXHIBIT A - City of Grand Terrace - Travel Authorization & Expense Reporting Form Instructions Pnor to travel or training, complete Part ! to have anticipated expenses approved Submit a copy of this approved form with each payment expense submitted Complete Part ll to confirm total travel expenses including any approved adjustments if paid with a procurement card submit a copy of this approved form with the appropriate bank statement, otherwise submit to Accounts Payable within 15 workdays of the travel end date Part t -Travel Authorization Pre Trip Employee Signature7 Pre -Trip Supervisor Signature (where applicable) Name Purpose of Trip Job Title Destination Out of�f�State? Division Enter below the departing date and time then the return date and time Per diem travel days will automatically be calculated Business Units % Split Split Total Equals °Date Departure Example Date & Time 4122114 7 30 AM 100% Return Example & Time 4124114a PM Expense Type Account # Description of Expenses Amount Registration Lodging Mileage Miles X Rate $0 560 Airfare *Per Diem Check box to optionally decline Per Diem r whereby actual receipts (up to the preset limits) must be submitted Total Travel Days (Enter of Days) >» *To receive per diem, travel must include an overnight stay = Total Per Diem Misc Other Business Meals Supervisors Approval X Date X Total Anticipated Expenses City Manager Approval (as required) X Date X Department Head Approval X Date X Part II - Expense Reporting (Please check the appropriate box below and provide details) No adjustments are necessary Anticipated expenses match actual expenses incurred L� Advance payments exceeded the actual expenses incurred Attached is my receipt as evidence of reimbursement to the City (Explain below use negative numbers) Actual expenses exceeded the anticipated original request, Additional funds are required as listed below Expense Details Expenditure Code Amount CAL -Card? i Post -Trip Employee i Business I cerbfy that this document Signature' I Unit Split is a true and accurate I Totals Date record of travel expenses Ext —®^®-- — -- — — — — --- 'for ofliaaiCity business Final Total Expenses Supervisor's Approval Date City Manager Approval (as required) Date �. X Department Head Approval Date X X X X y d V 0 a Ta N LL N a V m t 0 r N 0 rn 0 iC O fl. >z Q le cfl r` o 0 as 0 in P O N d N Nl 2 0 a Ta N LL c m E t 'Packet Pg 164 d5a City of Grand Terrace Policy No 3 04 Fiscal Polk Subject Grants Effective Date 5/13/14 Page 1 of 5 PURPOSE To clarify, standardize and identify the benefits of seeking potential grants and the process to properly manage and maximize the use of grants GOALS To seek grant funding that will enhance, support and provide additional services to the City, which will clearly provide a positive benefit to the community or needed infrastructure improvements that may not be provided at adequate levels due to limited City revenues POLICY To perform cost/benefit analysis of a grant request and to identify potential financial impacts relating to costs associated with the hiring of new personnel, equipment and technology and other related costs during the term of grant and after expiration of grant Pre -Application Process — Review of Grant/Grant Proposal Information Form A Upon notification of a potential grant, the City Manager shall assign it to the o: applicable department A department that receives direct notification of a grant 46 opportunity may also initiate the grant application process after notifying and > receiving concurrence from the City Manager's office The department shall designate a Grant Protect Manager to identify and review potential grant sources, C obtain grant application materials and related regulations This process is not applicable for ongoing direct allocation grants such as the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program Sections II, IV and V of the Grant Policy shall not apply to potential grants of less than $25,000 which the Grant Protect Manager determines have) matching or administrative requirements which o can be handled within the approved City budget and current staffing resources c 1 Federal Grants identify all requirements needed prior to and after approval of grant such as public hearings, notification of public clearinghouse, advisory boards, lobbying efforts, monitoring/audits and type of reporting requirements Address issues dealing with supplanting of local funds which restrict funding or existing staff/technology and limit funding to only new hires and new technology 2 State Grants identify state requirements including mandatory quarterly/annual reports and monitoring 3 The annual CDBG entitlement process is not addressed in this policy " because the procedures and regulations are outlined under 24 CFR Part, 570 Individual protects funded under CDBG shall be applicable to certain E provisions of this policy relating to Federal grants cc Z a II Completion of Grant Proposal Information Form & Cost/Benefit Worksheet A Based on information obtained, the Grant Protect Manager shall complete the Grant Proposal Information Form (Exhibit A) and Grant Cost/Benefit Worksheet (Exhibit B) The grant funding identified in Exhibit B should be based on a five- 63 Packet Pg m166 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 3 04 Fiscal Policy Effective Date 5/13/14 Subject Grants Page 3 of 5 2 Verify the source and amount of the required local match for term of grant Ensure that all direct costs or in -kind services are identified and included in the grant as eligible expenses or City matching funds to the extent possible IV City Council Review A A City Council staff report describing and justifying the benefits of the grant application request shall be presented to the Council prior to grant submittal In the event of agenda scheduling conflicts due to untimely notification by funding agency of grant deadline, the City Council shall be advised by memo (or other communication such as the City Manager's Report) of the grant submittal A staff report shall be submitted after grant award notification requesting acceptance of grant award B Complete resolution for City Council approval if required by grant V Finance Director/City Manager Review A The completed grant application shall be reviewed by the Finance Director and City Manager (or designee) prior to submittal Review completed grant proposal and staff report to evaluate cost/benefit of receiving administering grant, assure consistency with program goals and identification of personnel, equipment, technology and other related costs 2 Verify all costs associated with the grant are identified and fully accounted for throughout the term of the grant 3 The City Manager (or designee) shall have the exclusive authority to execute grant agreements, to sign financial reports and grant applications VI Grant Award Notification A Upon notification of award the Grant Project Manager shall take the following steps 1 Prepare a staff report to City Council for acceptance of grant award, if the City Council had not previously approved the grant application The staff report must include a Budget Appropriation Adjustment Form to record grant revenues and expenditures, as further defined in Fiscal Policy No 3 03 (Budget Appropriation Adjustments) Coordinate with Finance to establish/set up fund accounts for grant, if necessary 65 Packet Pg 168 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 3 04 Fiscal Policy Effective Date 5/13/14 Subject Grants Page 5 of 5 VII Grant Expiration/Project Completion A The Grant Project Manager and assigned department shall notify other departments of project completion 1 Review departmental grant file for completeness of all required documentation and mandatory reports Complete final assessment report if required 2 Retain records for the required time period 3 Participate in grant audit or monitoring 4 Prepare News Release regarding completion of project if appropriate 5 Schedule and attend grant close-out meetings (construction projects) 67 Packet Pg 17 ] 4 Identify Grant Project Manager and other departments/staff who will be responsible for implementing the grant and providing project oversight List procedural requirements for grant such as public hearing, advisory board setup, Davis Bacon, environmental reviews, etc and describe any potentially costly monitoring or compliance issues Identify required reports (quarterly, semi-annual, annual) to be completed after grant award and what department/staff would be assigned reporting requirements 7 Describe the cost/benefit aspects of the grant 8 Complete Attachment B — Grant Cost/Benefit Worksheet 69 Packet Pg 172r City of Grand Terrace Policy No 3 05 Fiscal Policy Effective Date 5/13/14 Subject Donations Page 1 of 4 PURPOSE To establish policy and procedures for the solicitation and/or acceptance of donations made to or for the City A uniform set of procedures shall be followed in the acceptance of all donations Proper approval shall be obtained prior to acceptance All cash and capital goods donated to the City shall be accounted for in accordance with the procedures set forth within this policy DEFINITIONS Donor An individual, organization or business entity that is offering a monetary contribution, personal property or real property to the City as a gift Gifts For purposes of this policy, the terms gift and donation shall be synonymous Gifts may be a monetary contribution or a personal and real property item which the City has accepted, and for which the donor has not received anything of value in return from the City other than a tax benefit Included within the scope of this policy are donations whereby a private business sponsors or co-sponsors an event on behalf of or in partnership with the City POLICY I Legal Basis 14 A (Ref Government Code, Section 37354, Gifts and Bequests ) The City Council, n or its designated representative, may accept or reject any gift made to or by the City for any public purpose The City may utilize the gift as prescribed by the o donor or, providing use of the gift or the income from it is not restricted, the gift 0 CD may be used for any purpose that furthers City goals and objectives as stated at to the time of acceptance o B (Ref California Code of Regulations, Section 18944 2) A gift will be deemed a gift to a public agency, and not a gift to a public official, if all of the following requirements are met (a) the agency receives and controls the payment, (b) the payment is used for official agency business, (c) the agency determines the specific official or officials who shall use the payment, and (d) the agency memorializes the payment in a written public record and the filing is done within 30 days of receipt of the payment by the agency II Donations to the City m A Responsibility Donations with an estimated value of $5,000 or less may be ,E authorized by the City Manager Donations with an estimated value exceeding $5,000 must be approved by City Council The Finance Director shall be responsible a for managing all donations of cash and for the accounting and inventory of all donated items 71 Packet Pg 174 City of Grand Terrace Policy No 3 05 Fiscal Policy Effective Date 5/13/14 Subject Donations Page 3 of 4 5 Is required accounting of acceptance or use of the item excessively burdensome'2 6 Would the item require extensive repair or maintenance, and if so, are ` City means readily available to do so? 7 Does use of the item require the purchase of additional material or equipment to serve the purpose of the gift? 8 Would acceptance of the item present a conflict of interest for the City or any of its employees? Regardless of the value of the donation, if the donor is a contractor, potential contractor or there is reason to believe there may be a conflict of interest, then the offer shall be referred to the City Manager who will determine if the gift will be accepted, rejected or submitted to the City Council for approval III Procedures A Non -monetary gifts valued at $5,000 or less Any single donation whose total value, as determined by the donor, is $5,000 or less 1 A Donation Receipt Form (Exhibit A) will be completed when donations are received, with the form completed by City staff 2 The City will not place any value on the gift for the donor The donor shall provide proof of current market value If real property is donated, a current appraisal report will be required 3 The City Manager will promptly acknowledge each gift by letter, thanking the donor for the gift % 4 The Finance Director shall be notified of the acceptance of any capital asset Finance shall make the necessary entries on the respective accounts and property records to ensure that the property is recorded to the account of the proper City program This reporting must take place no later than 30 days after the receipt of the donated item B Non -monetary gifts valued at more than $5.000 1 Any gift valued at more than $5,000, as determined by the donor, cannot be accepted without City Council approval Subsequent to Council's acceptance, procedures for acceptance of gifts in excess of $5,000 shall be the same as those in Section A above C Cash Gifts 1 Depositing Cash Gifts All cash gifts shall be deposited immediately with the Finance Department in accordance with the City's Cash Handling & Control Policy (Fiscal Policy No 1 01) and shall be accompanied by a 73 J 1. Packet Pg 176 EXHIBIT A DONATION RECEIPT FORM Date Donor Telephone ( 1 Address City DONATION DESCRIPTION CASH CHECK (amount) Description (be specific) UNRESTRICTED RESTRICTED (identify restrictions) State (amount) Total estimated value (estimated by Donor) Received by Signature of City Employee/Department Donor Signature The donation was classified and handled in the following manner Item was issued a City I D number and is located at Item has short life span Not classed as a fixed asset Unrestricted cash or check deposited in General Fund, account number Restricted cash or check placed in General Fund account number _ for use in Other (explain) Finance Director Date City Manager 75 Zip COMMODITY Date Date Date N C1 V O a Ta rn LL N a t� m t w 0 r rn c 0 U) d w O is O c. Q Q 0 n 0 Co a> Co 0 N d I N ILL V O a Ta r c m E 0 R Q PacketPg 178 �5ra City of Grand Terrace Policy No 3 06 Fiscal Policy Subject Reserves Approval Date 2/25/14 Page 1 of 2, PURPOSE AND SCOPE To define the policy for establishing and maintaining cash reserves needed for prudent financial management of the City II POLICY A Introduction The City will maintain cash balances to preserve the City's credit worthiness and to adequately provide for 1 Economic uncertainties, local disasters or catastrophic events, and other financial hardships or downturns in the local or national economy 2 Contingencies for unforeseen operating needs 3 Future debt service requirements 4 Fixed asset replacements 5 Cash flow requirements 6 Legal requirements B Budgetary Reserves A contingency account will be budgeted each fiscal year in the Non - Departmental cost center to provide for unanticipated expenditures of a nonrecurring nature Authorization to expend funds from this account will require approval of the City Manager 2 A General Fund Contingency Reserve account will be established and maintained at the level recommended by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States & Canada (GFOA), which is a minimum of two months of regular General Fund operating revenues or expenditures (whichever is considered most predictable), to serve as a buffer against unexpected local disasters or catastrophic events, and other financial hardships or downturns in the local or national economy The City will use General Fund operating revenues as the basis for establishing the two - month reserve target C Fund Balance Reserves 1 An Equipment Replacement Reserve will be maintained in an Equipment Replacement Fund to fund replacement costs of existing equipment, vehicles, computers and office furnishings as they reach the end of their useful lives n Packet Pg 180 k5a City of Grand Terrace Policy No 3 07 Fiscal Policy Subject Unclaimed Money Approval Date 1/14/14' Page 1 of 3 PURPOSE AND SCOPE To establish a policy and related procedures for escheatment and accounting of unclaimed money in accordance with California Government Code Sections 50050 through 50056 11 DEFINITIONS A Escheatment - The reversion of property to a government entity in the absence of legal claimants or heirs B Unclaimed Money - Money which is not the property of the City but that remains in the City's treasury, including funds related to uncashed checks III POLICY A Unclaimed Money that remains unclaimed for at least three (3) years will become the property of the City if after proper notification the money remains unclaimed Unclaimed Money becoming the property of the City, which is in a special fund, will be transferred to the City's General Fund, unless otherwise restricted B Unclaimed Money items less than fifteen dollars ($15), or any amount if the owner is unknown, which remain unclaimed for one (1) year will become the property of the City without notification and will be transferred to the City's General Fund, unless otherwise restricted a C All escheated money originating from the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace (Agency) will revert to the appropriate fund IV AUTHORITY This policy is established in California Government Code Sections 50050 through 50056 V PROCEDURES A Individual checks/deposits equal to or greater than fifteen dollars ($15) 1 On July 1st, the Finance Department will compile a list of outstanding checks and/or deposits which are equal to or greater than fifteen dollars ($15) and at least three years old, such checks will be deemed stale dated The Finance Department will proceed as follows a A stop payment shall be placed with the bank on all stale -dated checks b Accounts Payable will void stale -dated checks c Accounting will post a Journal Entry to record the stale -dated check liability 7s Packet Pg 182 f r5a City of Grand Terrace Policy No 3 07 Fiscal Policy Subject Unclaimed Money Approval Date 1/14/14 Page 3 of 3 i Property Escheats to City 1 On the forty-fifth day after the first publication of the notice, those checks and/or deposits on which no claims were filed escheat to the, City The Finance Department will follow procedures identified in the preceding section 2 On July 1st, the Finance Department will compile a list of outstanding checks and/or deposits which are less than fifteen dollars ($15), or any amount if the owner is unknown, and have remained Unclaimed in the City treasury for a period of one (1) year, such checks will be deemed stale dated Money identified on the list will escheat to the City and will be transferred to the General Fund, unless otherwise restricted The Finance Department will proceed as follows a A stop payment shall be placed with the bank on all stale -dated checks b Accounts Payable will void stale -dated checks c Accounting will reclassify the voided check as a credit to Revenue d Accounting will record the transfer of escheated special fund cash to the General Fund e Any escheated money related Agency/Trust funds will revert to the appropriate originating fund and not the General Fund 9 81 Packet Pg 184 EXHIBIT B CITY OF GRAND TERRACE UNCLAIMED MONEY CLAIM FORM Claimants Name Taxpayer Identification No or Social Security No Address City/State/Zip Code e ep one Number Pursuant to California Government Code Section 50052, 1 am filing a claim for previously unclaimed money in the amount of $ which was published in the on / / (MM/DD/YY) The grounds on which I am filing this claim are Please attach copies of all support documentation to this claim Do not attach originals as the City will retain all documents I hereby certify under penalty and perjury that the information contained and attached to this claim is true and correct and is being submitted to the City of Grand Terrace to substantiate my claim to money held by the City I further certify that I have the authority and right to claim and receive payment of money and hereby release the City of Grand Terrace, its directors employees representatives attorneys and agents from all liability and further obligation with respect to this claim Printed Name of Claimant Mail Completed Forms to City of Grand Terrace Finance Department 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace CA 92313 CITY USE ONLY Payee Name Check No Accepted Check Date Finance Department Signature Denied Signature of Claimant 83 Account Code Check Amount Date Date a Packet Pg 186 L.J AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE September 8, 2015 Council Item TITLE Cooperative Agreement between the City of Grand Terrace and City of Colton For the La Cadena Drive/Litton Avenue Traffic Signal Project PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION 1 Approve a Cooperative Agreement Between the City of Grand Terrace and the City of Colton for the Installation and Maintenance of Traffic Signal at the Intersection of La Cadena Drive and Litton Avenue, 2 Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement, 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #2 "Maintain Public Safety" by investing in improvements to public infrastructure, and Goal #4 "Develop and Implement Successful Partnerships" by working with local, regional and state agencies BACKGROUND The intersection of La Cadena Drive and Litton Avenue is a three way intersection located in the combined jurisdiction of the City of Grand Terrace and the City of Colton with the southwest corner of the intersection in Grand Terrace La Cadena is a heavily traveled north south thoroughfare with a speed limit of 50 mph, and Litton Avenue is a residential street that tees onto La,Cadena Drive However, due to the steep slope adjacent to La Cadena Drive (north of Litton Avenue) and the retaining wall on the northwest corner of the intersection, the line of sight on La Cadena Drive is reduced to 262 feet, rather than the standard line of sight of 430 feet cited by the California Department of Transportation, in order to make a reasonable stop I In order to have safe traffic flow through the intersection, traffic in all directions must be required to stop The existing stop sign at Litton Avenue is not very effective to facilitate the traffic stops and a more controlled traffic measure is required To create a safe intersection at La Cadena Drive and Litton Avenue, the City of Colton conducted a traffic engineering study to evaluate the installation of all way stop controls The traffic study determined that a traffic signal is warranted, mainly based on the sight distance deficiency DISCUSSION. Subsequent to the traffic engineering study, Colton representatives contacted City staff regarding the need for the signalized intersection and requesting that the City share the construction costs of the signal However, City staff expressed that the City was not in a Packet„Pg — COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF COLTON AND CITY OF GRAND TERRACE FOR THE LA CADENA DRIVE/LITTON AVENUE TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECT 1 PARTIES AND DATE This Cooperative and Maintenance Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into this day of , 2015, by and between the City of Colton, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of California with its principal address located at 650 North La Cadena Drive, Colton, California 92324 ("COLTON") and the City of Grand Terrace, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Califonua4with its principal address located at 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California 92313 ("GRAND TERRACE") COLTON and GRAND TERRACE are sometimes referred to individually as "party" and collectively as "parties" herem 2 RECITALS 2 1 The intersection of La Cadena Drive and Litton Avenue is currently shared equally by COLTON and GRAND TERRACE 2 2 COLTON and GRAND TERRACE have jointly determined that intersection improvements and a traffic signal are warranted at the intersection of La Cadena. Drive and Litton Avenue 2 3 COLTON and GRAND TERRACE recognize the benefits to the public to improve traffic operation and safety at this intersection 2 4 The improvements to the intersection of La Cadena Drive and Litton Avenue (see Exhibit A 1 - Project Location) shall consist of installing a new traffic signal, striping and markmgs, and other necessary improvements (the "Project") NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows 3 TERMS 3 1 COLTON AGREES 3 1 1 To be the lead agency for environmental, design/engmeermg and construction of the Project 3 12 To prepare and obtain environmental clearance for Project 1 Packet Pg 190 6 a" means replacing defective bulb, repair of defective loops, defective push button, signal tuning modification, and missing signage Major repair means replacing defective controller, and damaged poles, controller cabinets, any detection system and signal heads 3 3 IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS 3 3 1 The estimated cost of the Project (design and construction) is $122,163 3 3 2 COLTON shall fund the design and construction of the Project and GRAND TERRACE shall maintain the traffic signal system upon acceptance of the Project 3 3 2 COLTON shall require coordination with GRAND TERRACE to ensure adequate traffic control during the construction of the Project 3 3 3 Prior to the commencement of construction of the Project, COLTON shall ensure that GRAND TERRACE, their officers and employees, are named as additional insured for the liability insurance coverage for the Project 3 3 4 COLTON and GRAND TERRACE agree to split the cost of any major repair necessary for the continuous operation of the traffic signal, as provided in Section 3 2 3 3 3 5 COLTON and GRAND TERRACE agree to cooperate on any project necessary for any future upgrade of the traffic signal 3 3 6 COLTON and GRAND TERRACE agree to equally share the cost of maintenance and repair of the traffic signal after thirty (30) years 3 3 7 Ownership and title to all materials, equipment, and appurtenances installed as part of this agreement will automatically be vested with the jurisdiction for which the improvements reside and no further agreement will be necessary to transfer ownership 3 3 8 COLTON and GRAND TERRACE shall each defend, indemnify and hold the other party and its officials, officers, employees, consultants, subcontractors, volunteers and agents free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, costs, expenses, liability, loss, damage or mjury, in law or equity, to property or persons, including wrongful death, to the extent arising out of or incident to any negligent acts, omissions or willful misconduct of the indemnifying party or its officials, officers, employees, consultants, subcontractors, volunteers and agents arising out of or in connection with the performance of this agreement, including without limitation, the payment of all consequential damages and attorney's fees and other related costs and expenses 3 3 9 This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts and when a counterpart shall have been signed by each party hereto, each shall be deemed an original, but all of which constitute one and the same instrument 3 Packet Pg 192 ,s a CITY OF COLTON By Richard DeLaRosa, Mayor City of Colton Attest By City Clerk Approved as to Form City Attorney 5 Awall 0[9471z"I I WR7t9i - 0, By Darcy McNaboe, Mayor City of Grand Terrace Attest By City Clerk Approved as to Form By City Attorney Packet Pg 194 EXHIBIT A A 1 Project Location A 2 Cost Breakdown Item Description Total Design and Engineering $15,000 Construction $113,663 Construction Engineering $10,000 Contingencies $11,366 Total Cost $150,029 3 Packet Pg 195 `` �. ,.�•AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE September 8, 2015 Counctl Item TITLE Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Interwest Consulting Group to Provide Engineering and Transportation Infrastructure Development Services for 1-215 Project Management Services and Preparation of a Pavement Management Plan PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION 1 Approve a Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Grand Terrace and Interwest Consulting Group for I- 215 Interchange Project Management Services and Preparation of a Citywide Pavement Management Program, 2 Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement, and 3 Appropriate $68,230 00 from Gas Tax Fund 16 for purposes of the Professional Services Agreement 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff, report supports Goal #2 "Maintain Public Safety" by investing in improvements to public infrastructure, Goal #3 to "Promote Economic Development", and Goal #4 "Develop and Implement Successful Partnerships" by working with local, regional and state agencies BACKGROUND - 1-215 Interchange The City's major road or arterial is Barton Road and it is the only freeway interchange in Grand Terrace, and serves as a primary, access to the City Due to traffic growth and increasing traffic congestion at this interchange, San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG), Caltrans and the Cities of Grand Terrace and Colton have been working cooperatively to design improvements to this interchange and adjacent local streets The proposed Interchange Project will accommodate the widening of Interstate 215, realign the on -ramps and off -ramps, and modify local streets to improve traffic flow and safety This project will be the largest in the City of Grand Terrace's history In order to facilitate the expansion of the existing Barton Road/1-215 Interchange and necessary re- alignment of a local street, relocation of several businesses will be required There will also be significant impacts to existing traffic and local businesses during construction of Packet Pg 197 r� The City of Grand Terrace staff is faced with significant infrastructure and transportation projects that will shape the economic future of the City, with over $250,000,000 in development projects ($50,000,000 High School, $100,000,000 for 1-215 Interchange Project, $100,000,000 economic development projects and over $10,000,000 in infrastructure projects) City staff is unable to address all aspects of projects of this magnitude and it is not fiscally prudent to hire the large number of staff needed to protect the City's interest because after 2020, we anticipate a significant reduction in the need for these types of engineering services Interwest staff has direct public sector experience serving in senior and executive management positions with public agencies throughout California Their Project Manager is a former Chief Engineer with a local public agency with extensive experience in the delivery of high visibility and politically sensitive interchange projects on the State highway system Interwest also has extensive experience managing sensitive and challenging right of way acquisitions Interwest has carefully crafted their scope of work in consideration of the City's needs and limited resources and once the engineering phase or the operational infrastructure has been developed Interwest can reduce their resources The City received a cost proposal in the amount of thirty three thousand dollars ($33,000) from Interwest to provide Project Management and Engineering Support Services for the Interchange Project Interwest will attend technical design and right of way meetings conducted by SANBAG and Caltrans, review design plans and various agreements, will prepare the necessary reports, and ensure that construction activities consider City interest Pavement Management Index Program To create an effective Pavement Management Program, the City reached out to a firm with experience developing such programs for municipal agencies, especially ones with limited funding sources Interwest Consulting Group has developed numerous Pavement Management Plans for municipal agencies with limited resources and possesses specialized training and skill in the utilization of Metropolitan Transportation Commission's Streetsaver Pavement Management software The Streetsaver program is used to determine the most cost effective street maintenance program Interwest recently completed similar work in newly incorporated cities with small budgets In fact, Interwest carefully crafted the scope of work in consideration of the City's needs according to the City needs and resources The City received a cost proposal in the amount of thirty five thousand two hundred and thirty dollars ($35,230) from Interwest to create a Pavement Management Plan for the City, and to identify damaged frontage improvements and missing ADA compliance ramps throughout the City (Given that Interwest would already be conducting a visual survey of city streets, it is appropriate to have them also assess and program needed frontage and ADA compliance ramp improvements ) The final work product will include budget scenarios based on City funding sources, budget needs and a mulct -year (5-10 Packet Pg' 199 A • Agreement for Consultant Services-Interwest Consulting (PDF) • PSA_Interwest Services (v2r) (DOC) • Scope of Services - Project Management (DOC) • Exhibit A-2 - Scope of Services - PMP Services-modified-08-12-15(DOC) APPROVALS Sandra Molina City Attorney Finance Community Development City Manager City Council Completed 09/01/2015 6 55 AM Completed 09/01/2015 7 40 AM Completed 09/01/2015 4 41 PM Completed 09/01/2015 4 44 PM Completed 09/01/2015 4 09 PM Pending 09/08/2015 6 00 PM Packet Pg 001 1 AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as of this 8th day of September, 2015 by and between the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ("City") and INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP ("Consultant") CONSULTANT'S SERVICES Consultant agrees to perform during the term of this Agreement, the tasks, obligations, and services set forth in the "Scope of Services" attached to and incorporated into this Agreement as Exhibit A-1 and Exhibit A-2 (the "Services") 2 TERM OF AGREEMENT (a) 1-215 Interchange Project Management Services (Exhibit A-1) (1) The initial term of this Agreement for Protect Management Services shall be for one year commencing on September 9, 2015 and — terminating on September 8, 2016, or on the date that the Services contemplated by this Agreement are satisfactorily completed, v whichever occurs first ('Termination Date") At the end of the term period, the City Manager may, in writing, renew this Agreement for up r to two term periods of one year each, provided that the annual compensation amount shall not exceed $30,000 00 c (b) Pavement Management Services (Exhibit A-2) (1) The term of this Agreement for Project Management Services shall be for twelve weeks commencing on September 9, 2015 and terminating on December 8, 2016, or on the date that the Services contemplated by this Agreement are satisfactorily completed, whichever occurs first ('Termination Date"), At the end of the term period, the City Manager may, in writing, grant a 30 day extension 3 FAMILIARITY WITH WORK By execution of this Agreement, Consultant warrants that (1) It has thoroughly investigated and considered the work to be performed, based on all available information (2) It carefully considered how the work should be preformed, and (3) It fully understands the difficulties and restrictions attending the performance of the work under this Agreement a r (4) It has the professional and technical competency to perform the a work and the production capacity to complete the work in a timely Page 1 of 14 Packet Pg 202 City) and without limitation by enumeration, all other claims or demands of every character occurring or arising directly out of the negligent acts, recklessness or willful misconduct of Consultant in the performance of its services under this Agreement This provision is not intended to create any cause of action in favor of any third party against Consultant, or the City or to enlarge in any way the Consultant's liability but is intended solely to provide for indemnification of the City for liability for damages or injuries to third persons or property arising from Consultant's negligent performance hereunder 8 INSURANCE Consultant shall procure and maintain at all times during the term of this Agreement insurance as set forth in Exhibit "C" attached hereto Proof of insurance shall consist of a Certificate of Insurance provided on IOS-CGL form No GG 0001 1185 or 88 executed by Consultant's insurer and in a form approved by, the City's City Attorney and City's Legal Counsel 9 LICENSES, PERMITS, AND FEES Consultant shall obtain a City of Grand Terrace Business License and any and all other permits and licenses required for the services to be performed under this Agreement 10 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS City and Consultant agree that v Consultant, in performing the Services herein specified, shall act as an independent Contractor and shall have control of all work and the manner in r which it is performed Consultant shall be free to contract for similar services to N be performed for other entities while under contract with City Consultant is not c an agent or employee of City, and is not entitled to participate in any pension r plan, insurance, bonus or similar benefits City provides for its employees d Consultant shall be responsible to pay and hold City harmless from any and all payroll and other taxes and interest thereon and penalties, therefore, which may c become due as a result of services performed hereunder H 11 ASSIGNMENT This Agreement is for the specific services with Consultant as set forth herein Any attempt by Consultant to assign the benefits or burdens of this Agreement without written approval of City is prohibited and shall be null and void, except that Consultant may assign payments due under this Agreement to a financial institution 12 STANDARD Consultant agrees that the services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed in accordance with the standards customarily provided by an experienced and competent professional organization render ing the same or similar services Consultant shall re -perform any of said services, which are not in conformity with standards as determined by the City 13 CONFIDENTIALITY Consultant covenants that all data, documents, discussion, or other information developed or received by Consultant or provided for = performance of this Agreement are deemed confidential and shall not be a disclosed by Consultant without written authorization by City City shall grant a Page 3 of 14 6 Packet Pg 204 18 APPLICABLE LAWS, CODES AND REGULATIONS Consultant shall perform all services described in accordance with all applicable laws, codes and regulations required by all authorities having jurisdiction over the Services Consultant agrees to comply with prevailing wage requirements as specified in the California Labor Code, Sections 1770, et seq 19 RIGHT TO UTILIZE OTHERS City reserves the right to utilize others to perform work similar to the Services provided hereunder 20 BENEFITS Consultant will not be eligible for any paid benefits for federal , social security, state workers' compensation, unemployment insurance, professional insurance, medicalldental, retirement PERS or fringe benefits offered by the City of Grand Terrace 21 PERS ELIGIBILITY INDEMNITY In the event that Consultant or any employee, agent, or subcontractor of Consultant providing services under this Agreement claims or is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction or the California = Public Employees Retirement System ("PERS") to be eligible for enrollment in PERS as an employee of the City, Consultant shall indemnify, defend, and hold v harmless City for the payment of any employee and/or employer contributions for PERS benefits on behalf of Consultant or its employees, agents, or r subcontractors, as well as for the payment of any penalties and interest on such N contributions, which would otherwise be the responsibility of City c Notwithstanding any other agency, state or federal policy, rule, regulation, law or ordinance to the contrary, Consultant and any of its employees, agents, and subcontractors providing service under this Agreement shall not qualify for or become entitled to, and hereby agree to waive any claims to, any compensation, benefit, or any incident of employment by City, including but not limited to eligibility to enroll in PERS as an employee of City and entitlement to any contribution to be paid by City for employer contribution and/or employee contributions for PERS benefits 22 TRAVEL EXPENSES Any reimbursement expenses must be pre -authorized and shall be based upon the approved rates of the San Bernardino CountyAuditor- Controller 23 CONFLICT OF INTEREST Consultant agrees that any conflict or potential E conflict of interest shall be fully disclosed prior to execution of contract and Consultant shall comply with all applicable federal, state and county laws and a regulations governing conflict of interest c a� 24 ECONOMIC INTEREST STATEMENT Consultant hereby acknowledges that pursuant to Government Code Section 87300 and the Conflict of Interest Code o adopted by City hereunder, Consultant is designated in said Conflict of Interest a Page 5 of 14 Packet Pg 206 only to the extent required by law Consultant shall be entitled to payment for work satisfactorily completed to date, based on proration of the monthly fees set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto Such payment will be subject to City's receipt of a close-out billing 33 GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with laws of the State of California In the event of litigation between the parties, venue in state trial courts shall lie exclusively in the County of San Bernardino in the event of litigation in a U S District Court, exclusive venue shall lie in the Central District of California 34 LITIGATION FEES Should litigation arise out of this Agreement for the d performance thereof, the court shall award costs and expenses, including c attorney's fees, to the prevailing party In awarding attorney's fees, the court shall ` a not be bound by any court fee schedule but shall award the full amount of costs, a expenses and attorney's fees paid and/or incurred in good faith "Prevailing Party" shall mean the party that obtains a favorable and final judgment or order c from a court of law described in paragraph "33 " This paragraph shall not apply — and litigation fees shall not be awarded based on an order or otherwise final judgment that results from the parties' mutual settlement, arbitration, or mediation of the dispute =, 35_ SEVERABILITY If any provision of this agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions nevertheless will continue in full force and effect without being impaired or invalidated in any way 36 FORCE MAJEURE The respective duties and obligations of the parties hereunder shall be suspended while and so long as performance hereto is prevented or impeded by strikes, disturbances, riots, fire, severe weather, government action, war acts, acts of God, or any other cause similar or dissimilar to the foregoing which are beyond the control of the party from whom the affected performance was due 37 INTEGRATED AGREEMENT This Agreement, together with Exhibits "A-1", "A- 2", "13-13s, "B-2" and "C" supersede any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representation by any party, which is not embodied herein, nor any other agreement, statement or promise not contained in this Agreement shall be valid and binding Any modification of the Agreement shall be effective only if it is in writing and signed by all parties Page 7 of 14 Packet Pg 208 - N U1 'D O C., Cl) mn n0 (n �m z w 0 D C) o G7 m K: < z n - - IM CO m C� m n X, :' V N 181— Attachment Agreement for Consultant Services-Interwest Consulting (1766 Interwest Professional Services Agreement) INTBRWBST' CO NSU tTiNG GROUP Fee It assumed that approximately 20 hours per month on average will be needed to perform the above stated scope of work Our services will be billed on an hourly time and materials basis per the Rate Schedule below Due to the nature and demands of this assignment, our Project Manager can be on - site as requested to attend meetings perform project reviews and respond to City staff Council, and public issuesand concerns All travel and travel related costs will be the responsibility of Interwest Consulting Group The total not to exceed amount is $33,000 RATE SCHEDULE The rates displayed in the fee schedule below reflect Interwest's current fees Hourly rates are typically reviewed yearly on July 1 and may be subject to revision unless under specific contract obligations In addition there is no charge for travel shipping supply or material costs r CLASSIFICATION Engineering Principal in Charge Project / Municipal Manager Traffic Engineer Supervising Engineer Senior Engineer Engineering Associate III Engineering Associate II Engineering Associate I Engineering Technician III Engineering Technician II Engineering Technician I Student Trainee Acii—ni strat— Management Analyst II Management Analyst I Senior Administrative Administrative III Administrative II Administrative Real Estate Real Estate Property Manager Senior Real Property Agent Real Property Agent III Real Property Agent II Real Property Agent I HOURLY BILLING RATE 9300 WESTSTOCKTON BOULEVARD I SUITE 105 • ELK GROVE, CALIFORNIA 95758 TEL 916 683 3340 • FAx 916 683 3375 • www interwestgrp com $160 150 130 125 120 105 100 85 75 70 65 30 $90 80 65 58 54 48 $120 115 105 100 90 Packet Pg 112 GTE 1 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP PROJECT SPEC IF I C EXPER I ENCE Publio Works Transp—tat on Eng near Chief Design Engineer 2004 2008 County of Sacramento Principal C.va Engineer 2001 2004 County of Sacramento Son —Engineer 1995 2001 CountyofSacramento With 23 years of public service with Sacramento County Theron progressed through various public works disciplines These included Construction Management Wastewater Collection Design Traffic Engineering and Transportation Operations and Maintenance As Chief Eng near in the Department of Transportation Theron personally updated and developed detailed processes policies and funding strategies to accomplish the Department's delivery of their $34 million annual Capital Improvement Program (CIP) through an engineering staff of 34 and use of consultants This was guided by Theron's clear and concise policy direction use of a strateg c plan and effect ve communicat on w th purposeful delegation Theron also implemented the necessary management systems to track a fiscally prudent and conservative capital improvement budget based upon available funding sources and revenues He was responsible for public involvement for the CIP projects while maintaining a positive image for the department in the community through collaboration and transparency in a pol t cally savvy manner Consulting Transportat on Engineering Manager 2008 —2012 Jacobs Engineering 2012 —2015 Quincy Engineering March 2015 to Present Interwest Consulting Group As a consulting engineer for the past / years Theron knows what consulting firms can provide and what municipalities should expect He can bring a realistic and nuanced perspective of the Industry from both s des wh ch makes his experience invaluable in municipal management Theron has been instrumental in delivering comprehensive services on roadway improvement projects from initial corridor studies and ProjectApprova]/Environmental Documentation (PA/ED) to final Plans Specifications and Estimates constructability rev ew and 1 quality assurance/quality control for major roadways interchanges and bridges Highlighted below are a few of his projects State of Californ a CaiRecycia Racyeioci Asphalt Concrete (RAC) Program Beginning in August 2009 and continuing to the current date Theron has been the Program Manager for the CalRecycle's Rubberized Asphalt Concrete (RAC) C Engineering and Technical Assistance Contract Under the contract with .,Recycle Theron has led a team of professionals to provide training technology transfer and technical assistance to over 100 California pub] c agencies and associations and has grown the RAC market Statewide Cap tai SomthEast Connector Jo nt Powers Aiuthority, Sacrarr,anto, CA The Cap ta] SouthEast Connector s a proposed $334 Million 35-mile long multi modal transportation expressway in southwest Sacramento County Theron assisted the JPA Executive Director on numerous tasks and either managed and/or participated in the following JPA act vities • Principal author ofthe Real Property and Utility Policy and Procedure Manual • Prepared Sustainable Grant application • General Plan updates ofthe JPA member agencies Packet Pig 2174 m co a 0 D m m z D z G) m M z -o 0 G) D Attachment Agreement for Consultant Services-Interwest Consulting (1766 Interwest Professional Services Agreement) Y'a INTERWEOT I C11N I IT NG GROUP PMPFee Proposal The level of effort required to complete the listed Pavement Management Program services is as follows Effort (Hours) Project Pub�p� GIS Task pp pp IVlanager Srng.neer Observer Analyst Direct Total $150/hr $12U/hr III $100/hr Costs $85/1— Task1 Streetsaver I Program Installation and 2 8 $2 500* 10 Set up Task 2 Pavement 20 80 110 210 Condition and Report Total (Hours) 22 88 110 220 Total ($) $3,300 $10,560 $9,350 $2,500 $25,710 *Streetsaver frosts - $2 500 total StreetSaver subscription = $1 500 /year Software Support = $1 000/year Optional Identification of Damaged Frontage Improvements and M.ss.ng ADA Ramp Conformance Services While the PMP assessment is underway assessment tasks will Include, but are not limited to ✓ On PMP roadway segments quantities of damaged curb gutter and sidewalk will collected noting street address and preliminary cost estimates Avisual observation of non- ADA compliant curb ramps will also be noted This data will be presented in a report with an Excel Spreadsheet with a preliminary replacement cost estimate Optional Identification of Damaged Frontage Improvements and Missing ADA Ramp Conformance Services Schedule These services will add 2 weeks to the schedule portrayed in the PMP above 9300 WEST STOCKTON BOULEVARD I SUITE 105 • ELK GROVE, CALIFORNIA 95758 TEL 916 683 3340 • FAx 916 683 3375 • www interwestgrp com to to c N C O U r N d C d ti to 2 C 14 O 402 L i d E d 2 L Im Q d E t V Packet Pg 2178 Y,M l"TORY113 T1 CONSULTING GROUV The rates displayed in the fee schedule below reflect Interwests current fees for all services Hourly rates are typically reviewed yearly on July 1 and may be subject to revision unless under specific contract obligations In addition, there is no charge for shipping, supply, or material costs CLASSIFICATION HOURLY BILLING RATE Engineering Principal in Charge $160 Project Manager 150 Traffic Engineer 130 Supervising Engineer 125 Senior Engineer 120 Engineering Associate III 105 Engineering Associate II 100 Engineering Associate 1 85 Engineering Technician III 75 Engineering Technician II 70 Engineering Technician 1 65 Student Trainee 30 Plan R—i.w Senri.es Certified Building Official $130 Senior Plan Review Architect 125 Senior Structural Engineer 120 Senior Plans Examiner 80 Fire Plans Examiner 90 CASp 85 Permit Technician 55 Inspector 111 v 80 inspector 11 65 inspector 50 Code Enforcement Officer 80 C—st—tion Management Construction Manager $125 Assistant Construction Manager 110 Supervising Public Works Observer 105 Senior Public Works Observer 95 Public Works Observer 111 85 Public Works Observer 11 80 Public Works Observer 1 75 Transportation Q Supervising Transportation Planner $120 r C Senior Transportation Planner 110 d rm Associate Transportation Planner 111 95 Associate Transportation Planner 11 85 a Associate Transportation Planner 1 80 Q 9300 WEST STOCKTON BOULEVARD I SUITE 105 • ELK GROVE, CALIFORNIA 95758 TEL 916 683 3340 • FAx 916 683 3375 • www interwestgrp com Packet Pg 220 EXHIBIT "B-1" SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION r d 1-215 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES d d a AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION For performing and completing all services pursuant to Exhibit "A-1" Scope of Services, is a total amount not to exceed $33,000 00 (Thirty-three Thousand Dollars) plus reimbursable expenses which y will be charged at cost 0 BILLING At the end of each calendar month in which services are performed or expenses are incurred under this Agreement, Consultant shall submit an invoice c to the City at the following address a` City of Grand Terrace r U) r-22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, Ca 92313 = Attn Sandra Molina Community Development Director The invoice submitted pursuant to this paragraph shall show the 1) Purchase order number, 2) Project name/description, 3) Name and hours worked by each person who performed services during the billing period, 4) The title/classification under which they were billed, 5) The hourly rate of pay, 6) Actual out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the performance of services, and, 7) Other such information as the City may reasonably require III METHOD OF PAYMENT Payment to Consultant for the compensation specified in Section I, above, shall be made after the Executive Director or designee determines that the billing submitted pursuant to Section II, above, accurately reflects work satisfactorily performed City shall pay Consultant within thirty (30) days there from Page 11 of 14 Packet Pg 222 EXHIBIT "C" The Consultant shall maintain throughout the duration of the term of the Agreement, liability insurance covering the Consultant and, with the exception of Professional Liability Insurance, designating City and City including its elected or appointed officials, directors, officers, agents, employees, volunteers, or consultants, as additional insured against any and all claims resulting in injury or damage to persons or property (both real and personal) caused by any aspect of the Consultant's work, in amounts no less than the following and with such deductibles as are ordinary and reasonable in keeping with industry standards It shall be stated, in the Additional Insured Endorsement, that the Consultant's insurance policies shall be primary as respects any claims related to or as the result of the Consultant's work Any insurance, pooled coverage, or self-insurance maintained by the City and City, its elected or appointed officials, directors, officers, agents, employees, volunteers, or consultants shall be non-contributory Professional Liability Insurance $1,000,000/$2,000,000 General Liability n T a General Aggregate $2,000,000 b Products Comp/Op Aggregate $2,000,000 E. c Personal & Advertising Injury $1,000,000 U) d Each Occurrence $1,000,000 0 e Fire Damage (any one fire) $ 50,000 f Medical Expense (any one person) $ 5,000 Workers' Compensation a Workers' Compensation Statutory Limits b EL Each Accident $1,000,000 c EL Disease - Policy Limit $1,000,000 d EL Disease - Each Employee $1,000,000 Automobile Liability a Any vehicle, combined single limit $1,000,000 The Consultant shall provide thirty (30) days advance notice to City in the event of material changes or cancellation of any coverage Certificates of insurance and additional insured endorsements shall be furnished to City thirty (30) days prior to the a effective date of this Agreement Refusal to submit such certificates shall constitute a = material breach of this Agreement entitling City to any and all remedies at law or in E equity, including termination of this Agreement If proof of insurance required under this Agreement is not delivered as required or if such insurance is canceled and not adequately replaced, City shall have the right but not the duty to obtain replacement a Page 13 of 14 f Packet Pg 224 ydg INTBRINEST CONSULTING GROUP Scope of Services City of Grand Terrace for Project Management Interstate 215/Barton Road Interchange Improvement Interwest Consulting Group will serve as the Project Manager for the City of Grand Terrace We will provide technical assistance and support to the Community Development Director, City Manager, City Council and staff, and the community on the Interstate 215/Barton Road Interchange Improvement Project (PROJECT) Interwest Consulting Group will provide management and administrative services necessary to review and condition the design for the City of Grand Terrace in partnership with Caltrans, the San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) and the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) Specific duties will include, but are not limited to ✓ Act as an extension of City staff, advocating the interests of the City and its residents through the PS&E phase of the PROJECT ✓ Serve as the City's Project Manager and primary local engineering reviewer for the PROJECT ✓ Prepare written staff reports and presentations to the Community Development Director, City Council, and community ✓ Attend monthly Project Development Team meetings, community meetings, and other meetings as directed with City staff, on PROJECT issues, or other matters of interest to the City ✓ Represent the City of Grand Terraces' interests in disseminating information to public officials, community leaders, developers and the general public relevant to the PROJECT ✓ Provide technical assistance to City staff on matters related to PROEJCT including civil, right of way, and traffic ✓ Proactively establish working relationships and coordination with Caltrans, SANBAG, and RCTC, other public agencies and utility companies related to PROJECT ✓ Working under direction of the Community Development Director, provide technical recommendation on policy issues relevant to the PROJECT ✓ Review PROJECT cooperative agreements, improvement plans and specifications for conformance with published City and County regulations and engineering standards of practice, including ADA requirements, bridge architecture/hardscaping, stage construction/traffic handling and other specialty reviews ✓ Work with the Public Works staff and other City departments during the PROEJCT review process Schedule Final design and right of way appraisals are estimated to be completed by summer of 2016 Right of way acquisitions will extend past this date Interwest shall provide project management support services, as directed through July 1, 2016 9300 WEST STOCKTON BOULEVARD I SUITE 105 • ELK GROVE, CALIFORNIA, 95758 TEL 916 683 3340 • FAX 916 683 3375 • www mterwestgrp com Packet Pg 226 11 INTERWEST CONSULTISG GROUP Exhibit A Scope of Services City of Grand Terrace Pavement Management Program Interwest Consulting Group will create a Pavement Management Program (PMP) for the City of Grand Terrace utilizing Streetsaver Software, which is an online software system and provided by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) The software with be purchased through MTC and data will be collected from field observations Streetsaver is used to determine the most cost-effective street maintenance program, and reports of the pavement condition index (PCI), which is a m measurement of the pavement condition and ranges from 0 to 100 - where 0=failed road and 100=new pavement The City may then evaluate maintenance priorities and make informed recommendations for improvements This will include an annual Streetsaver subscription and Software Support Service Plan .� Specific PMP tasks will include, but are not limited to ✓ Purchase Streetsaver Program, installation and set up ✓ Perform visual field pavement condition assessment on roadway segments Assumes 42 road - miles Pavement data will be collected and integrated into the PMP Using Streetsaver, PCI calculations will be conducted and a PCI report (hard and electronic copy) will be provided for all street segments ✓ Reports generated will include inventory reports of the PMP database, budget scenarios based on limited funds, budget needs, and a 5 and 10 year work plan An Executive Summary report will be prepared for the City that will summarize the overall condition of the City's pavement network and will include all the reports listed above ✓ Two meetings with City staff are anticipated to present the PMS to present budget scenarios for a multi -year work plan Schedule Task Weeks Streetsaver Program Installation and 3 Set u Pavement Condition Assessment and Reports 5 Reports Total 8 9300 WEST STOCKTON BOULEVARD I SUITE 105 • ELK GROVE, CALIFORNIA 95758 TEL 916 683 3340 • FAx 916 683 3375 • www mterwestgrp corn Packet Pg 228 gym INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP Optional identification of Damaged Frontage Improvement and Missing ADA Conformance Services Fee Proposal The level of effort required to complete the listed Damaged Frontage Improvement and ADA Conformance Assessment services is as follows Effort (Hours) roject Manager Manage Sr Engineer PW Observer GIS Analyst Direct Total Task $150/hr $120/hr III $100/hr Costs $85/hr Task 1 Inventory and 8 24 64 96 Report Total (Hours) 8 24 64 96 Total ($) $1,200 $2,880 $5,440 $9,520 9300 WEST STOCKTON BOULEVARD I SUITE 105 • ELK GROVE, CALIFORNIA 95758 TEL 916 683 3340 • Fax 916 683 3375 • www mterwestgrp com Packet Pg 230 ya INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP Real Estate Real Estate Property Manager Senior Real Property Agent Real Property Agent I I I Real Property Agent II Real Property Agent I GIS GIS Manager Senior GIS Analyst GIS Analyst III GIS Analyst II GIS Analyst I Administrative Management Analyst 11 Management Analyst I Senior Administrative Administrative III Administrative II Administrative I 9300 WEST STOCKTON BOULEVARD I SUITE 105 • ELK GROVE, CALIFORNIA 95758 TEL 916 683 3340 • FAx 916 683 3375 • www mterwestgrp com $120 115 105 100 90 $120 115 100 90 80 $90 80 65 58 54 48 Packet Pg 232 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE September 8, 2015 Successor Agency Item TITLE Successor Agency's Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) 15-16B in the amount of $1,300,365 PRESENTED BY Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director RECOMMENDATION 1 Adopt the Successor Agency's Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) 15-16B in the amount of $1,300,365 2 ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 2015-XX, A RESOLUTION OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE APPROVING A RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE COVERING THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2016 TO JUNE 30, 2016 (ROPS 15-16B) AS REQUIRED BY HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34177 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports City Council Goal #1, "Ensuring Our Fiscal Viability" through the continuous monitoring of revenue receipts and expenditure disbursements against approved budget appropriations 1i,T19i 201:Ze1K`.I k� Redevelopment dissolution and wind -down legislation (ABx1 26 and AB 1484) requires successor agencies to submit a Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) covering each six-month period, following review and approval of the ROPS by their respective Oversight Boards The Agency has submitted 6-month ROPS requests to the California Department of Finance (DOF) since February 1, 2012 The next ROPS is due to the DOF on October 1, 2016, and covers the reporting period January 1, 2016 — June 30, 2016 The attached ROPS is designated as "ROPS 15- 1613" which represents the report for the second half of Fiscal Year 2015-16 Following approval by the Successor Agency, ROPS 15-16B will be submitted to the Oversight Board for review and approval prior to submittal to the DOF DISCUSSION The primary purpose of each ROPS is to identify enforceable obligations to be paid from former property tax increment receipts, which are held by the County Auditor -Controller Packet Pg 2373 ] ATTACHMENTS • Resolution Approving ROPS 15-16B • Grand Terrace ROPS 15-16B (DOC) (PDF) APPROVALS Cynthia Fortune Completed 09/01/2015 3 11 PM Finance Completed 09/01/2015 3 11 PM City Attorney Completed 09/01/2015 3 49 PM City Manager Completed 09/01/2015 4 03 PM City Council Pending 09/08/2015 6 00 PM Packet Pg 2375 ] RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING A RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE COVERING THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2016 TO JUNE 30, 2016 (ROPS 15-16B) AS REQUIRED BY HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34177 WHEREAS, the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency, Grand Terrace, California ("Agency") was formed for the purpose of revitalizing areas within the City of Grand Terrace pursuant to Health and Safety Code (HSC) Section 33000, et Seq , and WHEREAS, AB x1 26 required the dissolution of all redevelopment agencies in the state, and WHEREAS, on January 10, 2012, the City adopted Resolution 2012-01 electing to serve as the Successor Agency to the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency ("Successor Agency") pursuant to HSC Section 34176, and WHEREAS, a Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) is defined in HSC Section 34171(h) as the minimum payment amounts and the due dates of payments required by enforceable obligations for a six-month period, and WHEREAS, the ROPS identifies the payment source of enforceable obligations as payable from the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) and payable from Other Sources of the Successor Agency, and N W WHEREAS, the California Department of Finance has required a submittal of the ROPS covering the period January 1, 2016 to June 30, 2016 (ROPS 15-16B), in accordance with AB 1484 to be submitted by October 1, 2015, and WHEREAS, on September 8, 2015, the ROPS for the period January 1, 2016 to June 30, 2016 (ROPS 15-16B) was reviewed and approved by the City as Successor Agency, and NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE, FIND AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1 The City as Successor Agency finds that the above recitations are true and correct and, accordingly, are incorporated as a material part of this Resolution Packet Pg 236 Attachment A Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) For the Period January 1, 2016 to June 30, 2016 (ROPS 15-1613) Grand Terrace Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS 15-166) ROPS Detail January 1 2016 through June 30 2016 (Report Amounts in Whole Dollars) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Fundlnq Source Nan -Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund Non-RPTTF RPTTF Contract/Agreement Contract/Agreement Total Outstanding Item f! Project Name Debt Obligation Obis abon T Execution Date Termination Date Payee Descn oon/Pro ect Scope Project Area Debt or Obligation Retired Bond Proceeds Reserve Balance Other Funds Non-Admin Admin Six Month Total $ $ $ 93,794 $ 1 031 571 $ 125,000 $ t .300365 1 2011 A Tar Allocation Bontl Bonds Issued After 1/ 2011 9/1 033 US S k Bond Principle and merest on RDA Grand Terr se N 403 923 403,923 2 2011 B Tax Allocabon Bond Bonds Issued After 1/1r2011 9112026 US Bank Bond Principle and Interest on RDA Grand Terrace N 174 755 $ 174 755 12f31/10 Bonds 3 Trustee Fees Fees 1/12011 9112033 US Bank Trustee Fees Grand Terrace N 1 250 $ 125 "-'4 Zlun Loan " City/County Loans 7n2005 9/1r2020 Zion First National Bank Private Refunding of I.RA Debt Grand Terrace N $ On or Betcre 5 Repayment of Debt Service Miscellaneous 1282012 1/282021 SB Valley Muni Water Repayment Incorrect debt service Grand Terrace N 234 652 $ 234 652 d air by SBC ATC rA7 Consulting Servces .r""' "Profess anal"""' 7M2010• 113WO13 Chamber of Commerce' Business Development Services' Gfand'ferfaee N- z -.. $ 4 Services .,a ProfessimelsorvIm. Profes lanai' 2/112012 6/302034 Professional Appraisers Properly Appraisal Service Grand Terrace N $ 5rrvlces 9 Professional Services Property 4/122011 6/302016 Cal Dreamsppe Weed abatement for Agency owned Grand Terrace N 10 000 $ 10 000 Maintenance Landscape/Rlverside property & water H ghl.nd W 1 r 10 Professional Services Professional 2/12012 6/3012034 Urban Futures S E C Rule 15c2 12 Compliance Grand Terrace N 1 250 $ 1 250 Services Requirement Bonds Agency Ovmed Property " `" ' =Property'" ' - 2111'2012 6/302034 Van —contra. am Property Maintenance and Insurance- Grand Terrace N S Maihtena— Agency Property 13 2D11A TABS Debt Service Reserve Reserves 1112011 9112033 US Bank DSR Bond Covenant Requirement Grand Terrace N $ 14 201IS TABS Debt Service Reserve Reserves 1/12011 9/72026 US Bank DSR Bond Covenant Requirement Grand Terrace N $ 15 Profess onai Services -RDA wind Dssoiuhon Audits 9/12012 1/312013 Rogers Anderson Malady Due Diligence Repoding/ReviewH&S Grand Terrace N $ doom 341795 16 SA Legal conschinq Admin Casts 10/1/2011 6/302034 Jones & Ma er Legal Counsel under H&S 34177 3 b Grand Terrace N 12 000 S 12,00 17 2011A TneS bond Projects Professfnal 3/1312012 3/13/2016 Webb &Assoc im Michigan Street provementsesi design (,ratio Terrace N $ % Servces,. and ROW 2cq ' 16 2011AATASS BondlProjacts '^ Professional - i12011 -11/2033 -' ContractorvStaff Soutnwest project area tntrasvualure Grand Terrace N $ .. 4 Study and design 2011A's1A8S B rnd Pia)ects ,y2 in provementllnhavr 1lN2011 9/1/2013: Contiadorsl5taft Souttlwest pro/act area infrastructure Grand Terrace N $ :•:''' ?�:'a `'.m uctur %'^=_ i,g construction 201M1A�TABS Bond Pro/acts*=�^ INmpmvemenntRnfra_str 1ff/vM 1': """""9fl/031" Contractor`slStaff. Barton Road infrastructure Giand-Tevam N "" S s:� s.{;'nd�.'.:b i a rw+ ucture�<... im rovcmems ` IX' 21 2011A'ITABSiBond Projects . Im roovement/lafrastr aM2011Y 9112033 ContraaorslStaft Michigan Street improvements Grantl.Tefrace N $ `Y ��' a'wrlki kit S 11 _ k' u lure j k construction „ +4 201„�v,`TASS n' I" I/mppr Imafrastf 1/112g111 9/112033 ma Contmct.MISTaff Unto, Paioficl6arton Road bridge Grand Terrace N $ PvemenP . 'Pt'23 .<'-. , 2011A`*TABS/Bo+�fProiects 6 12-a DVS—o"� E'a%s f�y s• Imprpvemen finfrast[ ucture :i'�=�-r:� n. f/1(2011 • 9/112033 _r Contractors/Staff Storm drain & street rehab' Van Buren Pico and Main St Grand Terrace N $ :k,'24 2013A7iABS'Bo di rojectrt:�art* ImprovemenN ❑asa 1. 1112Di1'x 9/1/21133 - : Contract? s/5taft ML Vernon slope stab lastion Grand Terrace N $ , A�°.f-,- -0 ;.4'. .-m A �:25 2rltlq%,TABS Bond Projects'] ImprovementRNfastk 31112011' 91IrM3 Comrac ors7Statt Vista G Ande Park construction G_2nd Terrace N ° $ v.d " ucture 29 Staler Brothers OPA Bus ness Incentive 2/22/2011 222/2021 Stater Brothers Markets Payment on participation agreement Grand Terrace N 93 794 222 081 $ 315 875 Artreements ' 30 Re3idubf Receipts Miscellaneous 224=09 7J242033 City of Grandrenece Affordable housing payment Grand Terrace N S riregiment-F1'201213 31 Employee Costs Admin Costs 2112012 6/302034 Personnel Costs Agency direct employee costs-salartes Grand Terrace N 61 290 $ 61 290 32 Employee Cols-PERS Admin Costs 2/1/2012 6/302034 Personnel Costs Acencv direct era to ee costs-PERS Grand Terrace N 18,38 18387 133 Employee Costs -other benefits Admin Costs 2/12012 6/302034 Personnel Costs Agency direct employee costsbther Grand Terrace N 12 258 S 12258 benefite 34 Employee Costs -insurance Admin Costs 2/12012 6/302034 Personnel Costs Agency direct employee costs- Grand Terrace N 3 065 $ 3 065 workers compensation insurance (unemployment workers compensation) 36 Conschin Services lAdmin Costs 7/12D14 6/302015 RSG Property Tax Re din Services Grand Terrace N 10,000 $ 10,000 37 Ofrce Casts/Su Iies/Misc Adm n Costs 2/12012 6/302034 Various Administrative su I es and costs lGrand T nace I I N 1 1 $ 38 Annual Audit and Reporting Admin Costs l8r2612014 1812612019 Lance s a r 7-75 hard Required annual duna send es lGrand Terrace I I N I 8,00DI $ 8,000 00 Attachment Grand Terrace_ROPS_15-1613 (1762 Successor Agency's Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) 15-166) Grand Terrace Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS 15-16B) Report of Cash Balances (Report Amounts in Whole Dollars) Pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 34177 (1) Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) may be listed as a source of payment on the ROPS but only to the extent no other funding source is available or when payment from property tax revenues is required by an enforceable obligation For tips on how to complete the Report of Cash Balances Form see Cash Balance Tips Sheet A B C D E I F G H I Fund Sources Bond Proceeds Reserve Balance Other RPTTF Prior ROPS Prior ROPS penod balances RPTTF Bonds Issued on and DDR RPTTF distributed as Rent Non Admin or before Bordsissued on balances reserve for future Grants and Cash Balance Information by ROPS Period 12/31/10 or after 01/01/11 retained enod s Interest Etc Admin Comments ROPS 14 15B Actuals 01/01/15 06/30/15 1 Beginning Available Cash Balance (Actual 01/01115) 19 639 913 1 401 663 60 013 2 Revenuelincome (Actual 06130115) RPTTF amounts should tie to the ROPS 14 15B distribution from the CountyAuditor Controller during January 2015 17 392 3 Expenditures for ROPS 14-15B Enforceable Obligations (Actual 06130115) RPTTF amounts H3 plus H4 should equal total reported actual expenditures in the Report of PPA Columns L and Q 1 367 261 4 Retention of Available Cash Balance (Actual 06/30115) RPTTF amount retained should only include the amounts distributed as reserve for future penod(s) 5 ROPS 14 15B RPTTF Prior Period Adjustment RPTTF amount should tie to the self reported ROPS 14-15B PPA in the Report of PPA Column S No entry required 6 Ending Actual Available Cash Balance 1 CtoG�(1+2 3 4) H=(1+2 3 4 5) $ $ 19639913 $ 34402 $ $ 17392 1 $ 60013 ROPS 15 16A Estimate 07/01/15 12/31/15 7 Beginning Available Cash Balance (Actual 07/01115) (C D E,G=4+6 F=H4+F4+F6 andH=5+6) $ $ 19639913 $ 34402 $ $ 17392 $ 60013 8 RevenueMcome (Estimate 12131115) _ RPTTF amounts should lie to the ROPS 15-16A distribution from the County Auditor Controller during June 2015 1 447 785 9 Expenditures for ROPS 15 16A Enforceable Obligations (Estimate 12/31/15) 1 465 798 10 Retention of Available Cash Balance (Estimate 12/31/15) RPTTF amount retained should only include the amounts distributed as reserve for future penod(s) 11 Ending Estimated Available Cash Balance (7 + 8 9 10) $ $ 19 639 913 $ 34 402 $ $ 17 392 $ 42 000 00 Cr Attachment Grand Terrace_ROPS_15-16B (1762 Successor Agency's Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) 15-166) 1f -Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS 15-1613) - Summary Filed for the January 1 2016 through June 30, 2016 Period Name of Successor Agency Grand Terrace Name of County San Bernardino Current Period Requested Funding for Outstanding Debt or Obligation Six -Month Total Enforceable Obligations Funded with Non -Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) Funding A Sources (B+C+D) $ 93,794 B Bond Proceeds Funding (ROPS Detail) C Reserve Balance Funding (ROPS Detail) 4 93 794 D Other Funding (ROPS Detail) E Enforceable Obligations Funded with RPTTF Funding (F+G) $ 1,206,671 F Non -Administrative Costs (BOPS Detail) 1,081 571 c G Administrative Costs (BOPS Detail) 125 000 H Total Current Period Enforceable Obligations (A+E) $ 1,300,365 Successor Agency Self -Reported Prior Period Adjustment to Current Period RPTTF Requested Fundm I Enforceable Obligations funded with RPTTF (E) 1,206,571 J + Less Prior Period Adjustment (Report of Prior Period Adjustments Column S) - K Adjusted Current Period RPTTF Requested Funding (1-1) $ 1,206,571 County Auditor Controller Reported Prior Period Adjustment to Current Period RPTTF Requested Fundm t L Enforceable Obligations funded with RPTTF (E) 1,206 571 M Less Prior Period Adjustment (Report of Prior Period Adjustments Column AA) - N Adjusted Current Period RPTTF Requested Funding (L-M) 1,206,671 Certification of Oversight Board Chairman Pursuant to Section 34177 (m) of the Health and Safety code, I hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the above named agency Name Title /s/ Signature Date CITY OF GLAND TERRACE AGENDA & STAFF REPORTS , FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY & THE GRAND TERRACE HOUSING AUTHORITY Tuesday, September 8, 2015 6 00 p.m. Regular Meeting COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER - 22795 BARTON ROAD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 Darcy McNaboe, Mayor Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern Jackie Mitchell, Council Member Doug Wilson, Council Member Bill Hussey, Council Member G Harold Duffey, City Manager Richard L Adams, City Attorney Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk Sandra Molina, Community Development Director Linda Phillips, Child Care Director Cynthia A Fortune, Finance Director The Grand Terrace City Council meets on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 00 p m *1:�'7x r'irI;4�C�3 Council Chambers CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 Regular Meeting Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road 6 00 PM The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www grandterrace-ca qov <http //www grandterrace-ca aov> CALL TO ORDER (P' ©O e. (A At this time, I will convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Will Father Andrew Lesko, Chaplain for the San Bernardino County Sheriff Department, please come forward and offer the Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Please join Kin leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee Name Present Absent ' Late I Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Bill Hussey _ , I.S' ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ A SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation of a Certificate of Recognition to the Family of Jessica Douglas for Celebrating her 100ih Birthday City of Grand Terrace Page 1 41 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council September 8, 2015 / Acknowledgement for the Presentation of the Certificate of Recognition to Kathryn Ford N1 for Celebrating her 100th Birthday y& Update from the Foundation of Grand Terrace Will the Members of the Foundation of Grand Terrace please step to the podium for your presentation B CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial They will be acted upon by the City Council at one time without discussion Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent calendar for discussion Do I have a motion? �f Do I have a second? Please vote .5 0 Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 2 Monthly Financial Report for July 2015 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the Monthly Financial Report for the period ending July 31, 2015 DEPARTMENT FINANCE 3 Amendment Nol 1 to raffic Signal Maintenance Contract RECOMMENDATION Approve Amendment to Traffic Signal Maintenance and Emergency On -Call Services Contract with Siemens DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT C PUBLIC COMMENT This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the City Council may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification The Mayor may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council September 8, 2015 A E 4 F CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time for City Council Communications Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe PUBLIC HEARINGS To speak on Public Hearing Items, please fill out a Request to Speak Form and give it to the City Clerk Each person will be allowed 3 minutes to address the City Council If you challenge in court any action taken concerning a Public Hearing item, you may be limited to raising only those issues you, or someone else, raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the Public Hearing All Public Hearings will be conducted following this format a) Public Hearing opened b) Written communication c) City Council questions/staff comments d) Applicant's comments (applicant not limited to 3 minutes) e) Oral - favor and opposition (speakers limited to 3 minutes) f) Applicant's rebuttal (applicant not limited to 3 minutes) g) Public Hearing closed h) City Council deliberation Zoning Code Amendment 15-01 Establishing a New Chapter 18 80 Signs RECOMMENDATION l Introduce an Ordinance Amend Title 18 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code by Repealing ana Replacing Chapter 18 80 (Signs) in its Entirety DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ,�x e Do I have a motion? ft4-k� YL ¢d Do I have a second W � lSa�- Council Discussion Please vote 5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS — NONE City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council September 8, 2015 G NEW BUSINESS 5 Approval of Revisions to the City's Fiscal Policies RECOMMENDATION Approve the proposed revisions to the attached fiscal policies DEPARTMENT FINANCE ""� May we have a staff report please? C l Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public Speakers? C1,a�v2� Do I have a motion?'Mpl- P41tde4 Do I have a second? /ki¢� Council Discussion m,a-•_2, Please vote 5 0 6 • • pera Agreemen between the City of Grand Terrace and Wt* • tt For the RECOMMENDATION Approve a Cooperative Agreement between the City of Grand Terrace and the City of Colton for the Installation and Maintenance of Traffic Signal at the Intersection of La Cadena Drive and Litton Avenue, 2 Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement, DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT May we have a staff report please? :5I4004 Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public Speak rs? 41 Do I have a motion? Wfl dLP-� COW Do I have a second? Council Discussion Please vote 5 0 �� ► �01 �j �3f 7 Approval of a tPr�of, wSe u=§ZAarem�n ►with brit rives. * • _ .utting �.r�ou 1 to Provide Engineering and Transportation Infrastructure Development Services for 1-215 Project Management Services and - repay row o a Pauemerri� nagem nn F RECOMMENDATION 1 Approve a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Grand Terrace and e►.. _ . �e.n . Group for 1-215 Interchange Project Management Services and Preparation of a Citywide Pavement Management Program, 2 Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement, and City of Grand Terrace Page 4 f Agenda Grand Terrace City Council September 8, 2015 3 Appropriate $68,230 00 from Gas Tax Fund 16 for purposes of the Professional Services Agreement DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT May we have a staff report please? aCvyL(,�u Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public Speakers? Do I have a motions jn, Do I have a second9 W Council Discussion Please vote S o 8 Successor Agency's Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) 15-16B in the amount of $1,300,365 RECOMMENDATION 1 Adopt the Successor Agency's Recopn zi ed Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) 15-16B in the amount of $4=198;3% I� 343, --110 2 ADOPT + ll• MM 1 1MA RESOLUTION OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE APPROVING A RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE COVERING THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2016 TO JUNE 30, 2016 (ROPS 15-16B) AS REQUIRED BY HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34177 DEPARTMENT FINANCE May we have a staff report please? Nro&,— Does Council have any Questions for Staff? nAA-R Are there any Public Speakers? Do I have a motion?-YK4� Do I have a second? i4ukto Council Discussion Please vote H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS r City Manager Duffey do you have any comments ADJOURN �.�� V - �,6lJt.r(� The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 22, 2015at600pm Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk's office no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 5 c III - I Iout" 44+�wu- roll,Is - l� J hr� • � I YU,��%.P - ��iY�-�( �6-ttiz��„�-e-e .ram. ��.rc-e¢. `� Mat II a +r, -7 O PT I sir -Mmo - Uq4 - Cat c ' 4 40 s R Cam- / -1,L)C ko-d-$ 4-t J�Lu ® � � U � 1 � � � �� `�� LVYLti� � ✓�k�.Y7�Y�/�'�`9Y1�0 1 ��-e��- t 5 �20 �JF-OzC.IrSIO�.� a 40 4 00 ou� JA-Q- moo, wo�-lL s U)J' Q_9. o �'D©C uqd-�- cbi:& 02� MPT- o ^� � .e 4z kdF� °l If q—� W Qrr ` ` - ne)'L -roo Lg-- 1�,� .� ��i� 02.3� C:E" • •�..w_c� i�J,a�� CIZ dz�.2 �� Y _T Tt �lS NI g.Nl LAS Cam— NI thmtu OLZ 0- Az Nl��a u l o NI III I I I N N! II II I I I 1-Thanks to all those that took the time to participant in tonight meeting, it's always nice to see people in the seats 2-Thank the city staff for their continued dedicated service to the city of grand terrace and congratulate all those that reached tenure anniversaries 3-The Gang and Drug task force meeting resumed their meetings last Wednesday Rich Randolp presented on Colton At Risk Teens -CART program The program was started about 5 years ago but had to go dark for the past 3 years due to lack of funding However, funding has been secured and the program is up and running again The program targets at risk youth within the local immediate areas of Colton, including Grand Terrace, Loma Linda and San Bernardino It provides classroom instruction and mentorship for those youth and parents that may benefit from programs works that includes effective ways to deal with hardships within the home, gang violence, poor academics and citizenships and career preparation You can contact the Colton Police department for more information or contact Summit Career College in Colton for more information Review resources flyers from the meeting K&W!Ux'Vi� DIM& SHOP= US'' 01 1st Annual Resource Fair Location: Washington High School 900 East C St. Colton, Ca 92324 Time: 5pm - 8pm September23rd, 2015 i Information on the following topics: - Dream Act / ab540 - Attendance (SART/SARB) - Mental Health - Understanding your students - Special Education placement - Signs of Drug and Alcohol Other Community Agencies will also be there. (Job Corps, Bethune Center, South Coast, Loma Linda Dentistry, Etc) CONCESSIONS HANDS ON ' ` Of 1,KSHO S — RESOURCES, FREE- HAIIRZ,CU` S For any questions feel free to contact Ernesto Frias @ 909-580-5821 Ernesto_frias@clusd net K&W!Ux'Vi� DIM& SHOP= US'' 01 1st Annual Resource Fair Location: Washington High School 900 East C St. Colton, Ca 92324 Time: 5pm - 8pm September23rd, 2015 i Information on the following topics: - Dream Act / ab540 - Attendance (SART/SARB) - Mental Health - Understanding your students - Special Education placement - Signs of Drug and Alcohol Other Community Agencies will also be there. (Job Corps, Bethune Center, South Coast, Loma Linda Dentistry, Etc) CONCESSIONS HANDS ON ' ` Of 1,KSHO S — RESOURCES, FREE- HAIIRZ,CU` S For any questions feel free to contact Ernesto Frias @ 909-580-5821 Ernesto_frias@clusd net SAN BERNARD/NO COUNTY SHERIFF�s DEPARTMENT WOMEN WARRIORS HEAL TH AND, FiTNESS _ CHALLENGE u BENEFITING THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION r ��- Saturday, September 12, 2015 _ Whatever your fitness level, join us and challenge your inner warrior, r , This FREE event consists of presentations about women's heart health, nutrition, CPR, and career opportunities The'physical fitness challenge includes a 15 mile run, pursuit and rescue obstacle course, - push-ups and sit-ups Participate in as many events as you would like' Awards given to the top finishers in each event There is also a 4-person team challenge and awards given to the top three overall teams All teams must pre -register by September 10th Demonstrations by the San Bernardino County5heriff's Department and many great vendors ' join the Legacy - Pre -register at: �.. rt WwwSheriffsjobs.com El Rally para la Lectura en Familia es un evento patroclnado por la oficina del Superintendente de Escuelas del Condado de San Bernardino y la Universldad del Estado de California, San Bernardino Ano con ano hemos celebrado este evento pars entuslasmar tanto a los nlnos como a sus famlllas para que aumenten su interes por la lectura Este ano, el programs visidn de/ Condado de San Bernardino dara a conocer la campana VisionMead, una campana disenada pars promover programas y servlclos pars la lectura y alfabetlzaclon Fecha: S6bado,19 de septiembre, 2015 Hora: 8 00 a m a 100 p m Lugar: Universidad del Estado de California, San Bernardino - Facultad de Educaclon 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 Quienes pueden participar: Estudiantes del Pre -Kinder al 12avo grado y familiares (Ninos menores de edad deberan it acompanados por un adulto) Costo: G RAT I S AMIGOS! Actividades durante el evento • Llbros gratis • Talleres y actividades Interactivas • Y ademas de todo Imucha, muchlslma diversion' Estacionamiento: Estructura Este del estacionamiento de la universidad dirigiendose hacia la calle Little Mountain Drive Transporte: Cupo limitado Reserve su lugar antes del 10 de septiembre, 2015 en http //sbcss k12oms org/15-103036 Preguntas: Llame al (909) 386-2630 o vlsite www sbcss k12 ca us/FamllyReadingRally php cture Nuestro mas sincero agradeamiento a la Fundaclon Molina por su donativo de libros para los prlmeros 5,000 ninos que particlpen en el evento San Bernardino • . County Superintendent of Schools led Ale]antlre County Supedntenoenl CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY SAN BERNARDINO CITY OF GLAND TERRACE AGENDA & STAFF REPORTS , FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY & THE GRAND TERRACE HOUSING AUTHORITY Tuesday, September 8, 2015 6 00 p.m. Regular Meeting COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER - 22795 BARTON ROAD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 Darcy McNaboe, Mayor Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern Jackie Mitchell, Council Member Doug Wilson, Council Member Bill Hussey, Council Member G Harold Duffey, City Manager Richard L Adams, City Attorney Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk Sandra Molina, Community Development Director Linda Phillips, Child Care Director Cynthia A Fortune, Finance Director The Grand Terrace City Council meets on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 00 p m *1:�'7x r'irI;4�C�3 Council Chambers CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 Regular Meeting Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road 6 00 PM The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www grandterrace-ca qov <http //www grandterrace-ca aov> CALL TO ORDER (P' ©O e. (A At this time, I will convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Will Father Andrew Lesko, Chaplain for the San Bernardino County Sheriff Department, please come forward and offer the Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Please join Kin leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee Name Present Absent ' Late I Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Bill Hussey _ , I.S' ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ A SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation of a Certificate of Recognition to the Family of Jessica Douglas for Celebrating her 100ih Birthday City of Grand Terrace Page 1 41 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council September 8, 2015 / Acknowledgement for the Presentation of the Certificate of Recognition to Kathryn Ford N1 for Celebrating her 100th Birthday y& Update from the Foundation of Grand Terrace Will the Members of the Foundation of Grand Terrace please step to the podium for your presentation B CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial They will be acted upon by the City Council at one time without discussion Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent calendar for discussion Do I have a motion? �f Do I have a second? Please vote .5 0 Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 2 Monthly Financial Report for July 2015 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the Monthly Financial Report for the period ending July 31, 2015 DEPARTMENT FINANCE 3 Amendment Nol 1 to raffic Signal Maintenance Contract RECOMMENDATION Approve Amendment to Traffic Signal Maintenance and Emergency On -Call Services Contract with Siemens DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT C PUBLIC COMMENT This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the City Council may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification The Mayor may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council September 8, 2015 A E 4 F CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time for City Council Communications Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe PUBLIC HEARINGS To speak on Public Hearing Items, please fill out a Request to Speak Form and give it to the City Clerk Each person will be allowed 3 minutes to address the City Council If you challenge in court any action taken concerning a Public Hearing item, you may be limited to raising only those issues you, or someone else, raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the Public Hearing All Public Hearings will be conducted following this format a) Public Hearing opened b) Written communication c) City Council questions/staff comments d) Applicant's comments (applicant not limited to 3 minutes) e) Oral - favor and opposition (speakers limited to 3 minutes) f) Applicant's rebuttal (applicant not limited to 3 minutes) g) Public Hearing closed h) City Council deliberation Zoning Code Amendment 15-01 Establishing a New Chapter 18 80 Signs RECOMMENDATION l Introduce an Ordinance Amend Title 18 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code by Repealing ana Replacing Chapter 18 80 (Signs) in its Entirety DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ,�x e Do I have a motion? ft4-k� YL ¢d Do I have a second W � lSa�- Council Discussion Please vote 5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS — NONE City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council September 8, 2015 G NEW BUSINESS 5 Approval of Revisions to the City's Fiscal Policies RECOMMENDATION Approve the proposed revisions to the attached fiscal policies DEPARTMENT FINANCE ""� May we have a staff report please? C l Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public Speakers? C1,a�v2� Do I have a motion?'Mpl- P41tde4 Do I have a second? /ki¢� Council Discussion m,a-•_2, Please vote 5 0 6 • • pera Agreemen between the City of Grand Terrace and Wt* • tt For the RECOMMENDATION Approve a Cooperative Agreement between the City of Grand Terrace and the City of Colton for the Installation and Maintenance of Traffic Signal at the Intersection of La Cadena Drive and Litton Avenue, 2 Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement, DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT May we have a staff report please? :5I4004 Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public Speak rs? 41 Do I have a motion? Wfl dLP-� COW Do I have a second? Council Discussion Please vote 5 0 �� ► �01 �j �3f 7 Approval of a tPr�of, wSe u=§ZAarem�n ►with brit rives. * • _ .utting �.r�ou 1 to Provide Engineering and Transportation Infrastructure Development Services for 1-215 Project Management Services and - repay row o a Pauemerri� nagem nn F RECOMMENDATION 1 Approve a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Grand Terrace and e►.. _ . �e.n . Group for 1-215 Interchange Project Management Services and Preparation of a Citywide Pavement Management Program, 2 Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement, and City of Grand Terrace Page 4 f Agenda Grand Terrace City Council September 8, 2015 3 Appropriate $68,230 00 from Gas Tax Fund 16 for purposes of the Professional Services Agreement DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT May we have a staff report please? aCvyL(,�u Does Council have any Questions for Staff? Are there any Public Speakers? Do I have a motions jn, Do I have a second9 W Council Discussion Please vote S o 8 Successor Agency's Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) 15-16B in the amount of $1,300,365 RECOMMENDATION 1 Adopt the Successor Agency's Recopn zi ed Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) 15-16B in the amount of $4=198;3% I� 343, --110 2 ADOPT + ll• MM 1 1MA RESOLUTION OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE APPROVING A RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE COVERING THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2016 TO JUNE 30, 2016 (ROPS 15-16B) AS REQUIRED BY HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34177 DEPARTMENT FINANCE May we have a staff report please? Nro&,— Does Council have any Questions for Staff? nAA-R Are there any Public Speakers? Do I have a motion?-YK4� Do I have a second? i4ukto Council Discussion Please vote H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS r City Manager Duffey do you have any comments ADJOURN �.�� V - �,6lJt.r(� The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 22, 2015at600pm Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk's office no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 5 c III - I Iout" 44+�wu- roll,Is - l� J hr� • � I YU,��%.P - ��iY�-�( �6-ttiz��„�-e-e .ram. ��.rc-e¢. `� Mat II a +r, -7 O PT I sir -Mmo - Uq4 - Cat c ' 4 40 s R Cam- / -1,L)C ko-d-$ 4-t J�Lu ® � � U � 1 � � � �� `�� LVYLti� � ✓�k�.Y7�Y�/�'�`9Y1�0 1 ��-e��- t 5 �20 �JF-OzC.IrSIO�.� a 40 4 00 ou� JA-Q- moo, wo�-lL s U)J' Q_9. o �'D©C uqd-�- cbi:& 02� MPT- o ^� � .e 4z kdF� °l If q—� W Qrr ` ` - ne)'L -roo Lg-- 1�,� .� ��i� 02.3� C:E" • •�..w_c� i�J,a�� CIZ dz�.2 �� Y _T Tt �lS NI g.Nl LAS Cam— NI thmtu OLZ 0- Az Nl��a u l o NI III I I I N N! II II I I I 1-Thanks to all those that took the time to participant in tonight meeting, it's always nice to see people in the seats 2-Thank the city staff for their continued dedicated service to the city of grand terrace and congratulate all those that reached tenure anniversaries 3-The Gang and Drug task force meeting resumed their meetings last Wednesday Rich Randolp presented on Colton At Risk Teens -CART program The program was started about 5 years ago but had to go dark for the past 3 years due to lack of funding However, funding has been secured and the program is up and running again The program targets at risk youth within the local immediate areas of Colton, including Grand Terrace, Loma Linda and San Bernardino It provides classroom instruction and mentorship for those youth and parents that may benefit from programs works that includes effective ways to deal with hardships within the home, gang violence, poor academics and citizenships and career preparation You can contact the Colton Police department for more information or contact Summit Career College in Colton for more information Review resources flyers from the meeting ,y , a CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ( j REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM D �T' ` AND TERRA DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council DATE J � NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested ) �) d f -� AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON SUBJECT c7 L J o CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Q REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Couicil DATE NAME V I'(" L 07 G 6� ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) �dC ` �5 5— � .10 AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON SUBJECT ��� 2 "` / � � 15 Council Report - September 8, 2015 Y\Pq e R, S 0-0 SANBAG - Board of Directors Meeting A Closed Session Conference with legal counsel - update on 8 items Conference with legal counsel - anticipate litigation on 2 items Conference with Real property negotiations - Rail Line segment BNSF Conference with Labor negotiators - unrepresented employees B Consent Calendar - Administrative Matters 1 May/June/ July 2015 Procurement report 2 Selection of San Bernardino Santa Fe Depot Property and Facilities Management Firm 3 Santa Fe Depot First Floor Modifications 4 Measure I Revenue Report 5 Investment Policy Modifications 6 Status of Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Audit 7 Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Work Goals and Objectives C Consent Calendar - Air Quality / Traveler Services 8 Amendment to Freeway Service Patrol Contract to increase amount and extend term D Consent - Project Delivery 9 SR210 Lane Addition and Base Line Interchange Project - release of RFP 10 PS&E Funding Agreement Amendment for North Vineyard Grade Separation 1 Interstate 215 Barton PS&E and ROW Agreement Amendment coo, 12 San Bernardino Valley Coordinated Traffic Signal System - RFP for coordinated timing & maintenance 13 On Call Right of Way Legal Services Request for Proposals E Consent - Regional / Subregional Planning 14 Cooperative agreement SANBAG and Rim of the World Recreation and Park District - active transport plan 15 Development of Countywide Points of Interest Pedestrian Plan 16 SANBAG Countywide Transportation Plan Update F Consent - Transit / Rail 17 May and June Right of Way Grants of Use Reports 18 Transit and Rail FY 2015/2016 Department Budget Amendments 19 Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Project Phase 2B Agreement with City of Montclair 20 Release RFP for Redlands Passenger Rail ROW legal services 21 Release RFP for Maintenance Facility Design for Redlands Passenger Rail Project 22 Award Contract for Redlands Passenger Rail Program Maintenance Services G Consent - Council of Governments 23 State and Federal Legislative Update 24 Agreements with SCE and Gas Company for Implementing the San Bernardino Regional Energy Leadership Partnership Council Report - September 8, 2015 Y\Pq e R, S 0-0 SANBAG - Board of Directors Meeting A Closed Session Conference with legal counsel - update on 8 items Conference with legal counsel - anticipate litigation on 2 items Conference with Real property negotiations - Rail Line segment BNSF Conference with Labor negotiators - unrepresented employees B Consent Calendar - Administrative Matters 1 May/June/ July 2015 Procurement report 2 Selection of San Bernardino Santa Fe Depot Property and Facilities Management Firm 3 Santa Fe Depot First Floor Modifications 4 Measure I Revenue Report 5 Investment Policy Modifications 6 Status of Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Audit 7 Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Work Goals and Objectives C Consent Calendar - Air Quality / Traveler Services 8 Amendment to Freeway Service Patrol Contract to increase amount and extend term D Consent - Project Delivery 9 SR210 Lane Addition and Base Line Interchange Project - release of RFP 10 PS&E Funding Agreement Amendment for North Vineyard Grade Separation 1 Interstate 215 Barton PS&E and ROW Agreement Amendment coo, 12 San Bernardino Valley Coordinated Traffic Signal System - RFP for coordinated timing & maintenance 13 On Call Right of Way Legal Services Request for Proposals E Consent - Regional / Subregional Planning 14 Cooperative agreement SANBAG and Rim of the World Recreation and Park District - active transport plan 15 Development of Countywide Points of Interest Pedestrian Plan 16 SANBAG Countywide Transportation Plan Update F Consent - Transit / Rail 17 May and June Right of Way Grants of Use Reports 18 Transit and Rail FY 2015/2016 Department Budget Amendments 19 Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Project Phase 2B Agreement with City of Montclair 20 Release RFP for Redlands Passenger Rail ROW legal services 21 Release RFP for Maintenance Facility Design for Redlands Passenger Rail Project 22 Award Contract for Redlands Passenger Rail Program Maintenance Services G Consent - Council of Governments 23 State and Federal Legislative Update 24 Agreements with SCE and Gas Company for Implementing the San Bernardino Regional Energy Leadership Partnership 5 H Consent - Transportation Programming Fund 25 Needles Short Range Transit Plan 26 Valley Transportation Services Fiscal Year Budget 27 FY 2014/2015 Resolution for California Transit Security Grant Program 28 Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 Impact on Transit Funding 29 Allocation to Baker Blvd Bridge over Mojave River Project and Project Funding Agreement 30 Termination of State Route 138 Phase 2 Cooperative agreement Discussion Items Regional /Subregional Planning 31 SCAG update on 2016 - 2040 Regional Transportation Plan/ Sustainable Communities Strategy Council of Governments 32 Presentation by San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Ted Alejandrea and CSUSB Provost Dr Juan Delgado Vision2Read initiative Administrative Matters 33 Appointment to and Vacancy on Valley Transportation Services Board of Directors 34 Report from the Independent Taxpayer Oversight Committee on Measure I expenditure plan and audit for FY 2013/2014 35 Statutory Entity Ad Hoc Committee Update Air Quality/ Traveler Services 36 CARB Multi -Source Facility Demonstration Project Grant Project Delivery 37 MonteVista Avenue Grade Separation Project 38 Investment Grade Traffic and Revenue Study services for I-10 & I-15 Corridor Projects Honored to be invited to celebrate the 100th birthdays of two extraordinary ladies Kathryn Ford - Mother of Arlene Weaver - On August 27 And Jessica Douglas whose family were longtime landowners and residents Grand Terrace -On September 5 It was evident that each woman had touched the lives of others in such positive ways by the gathering of loved ones at each of these celebrations Last meeting I extended an invitation to all who are interested in understanding about the state of our local water resources - to attend the SBVMWD Advisory Commission on Water Policy on September 10 at 6 30 380 E Vanderbilt Way, San Bernardino