10/13/2015CITY OF G TERRACE t AGENDA & STAFF,R'EPORTS FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY & THE GRAND TERRACE HOUSING AUTHORITY Tuesday, October 13, 2015 d 6 00 p.m. Regular Meeting COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER - 22795 BARTON ROAD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 Darcy McNaboe, Mayor Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern Jackie Mitchell, Council Member Doug Wilson, Council Member Bill Hussey, Council Member G Harold Duffey, City Manager Richard L Adams, City Attorney Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk Sandra Molina, Community Development Director Linda Phillips, Child Care Director Cynthia A Fortune, Finance Director J , The Grand Terrace City Council meets on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 00 p m CITY OF GRAND TERRACE R CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • OCTOBER 13, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www arandterrace-ca qov <http //www grandterrace-ca qov> CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee Name Present Absent Late 'Arrived _ Mayor Darcy McNaboe _ ❑ _ ❑ ❑-__ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey ❑ ❑ ❑ A SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation of a Proclamation for Binational Health Week City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council October 13, 2015 r _ \ D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe E PUBLIC HEARINGS 7 Zoning Code Amendment 15-01 Revising Chapter 18 80 Signs RECOMMENDATION Continue Introduction of the Proposed Ordinance Public Hearing to November 10, 2015 DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT F UNFINISHED BUSINESS— NONE G NEW BUSINESS 8 2013-2021 Housing Element, Status and Future Actions RECOMMENDATION 1 Receive staff report and recommendations, and 2 Initiate amendments to the General Plan and Zoning Code DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 9 An Ordinance Amending Title 8 Chapter 8112 (Fireworks) of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code RECOMMENDATION Adopt ORDINANCE NO 285, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AMENDING CHAPTER 8 112 FIREWORKS OF TITLE 8 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Grand Terrace Page 3 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • AUGUST 25, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER A Mayor McNaboe called the meeting to order at 6 00 p m Invocation was led by Pastor Andy McRae of Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Wilson ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Darcy McNaboe Mayor Present Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tem Present Jackie Mitchell Council Member Present Doug Wilson Council Member Present Bill Hussey Council Member Remote G Harold Duffey City Manager Present Richard Adams City Attorney Present Cynthia Fortune Finance Director Present Sandra Molina Community Development Director Present Linda Phillips Director of Child Care Services Present Steve Lasiter Battalion Chief Present Robert O'Bnne Lieutenant Present SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation of a Commendation to Pastor Andy McRae of Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church for his years of service Mayor McNaboe and the City Council presented Pastor McRae with a Commendation thanking him for all his years of service in the Grand Terrace community Mayor McNaboe further presented to Pastor McRae a sweatshirt with the Grand Terrace City Seal Pastor McRae thanked the Council Council Member Mitchell thanked Pastor McRae for all that he did for the City of Grand Terrace She wished him the best of luck in his retirement City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Packet Pg 5 c c a� c 0 U a 0 0 0 N V N a w 0 U) r 0 c d r a 0 a c 2 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 25, 2015 Council Member Jackie Mitchell Council Member Mitchell had no Council Member communications Mayor Pro Tem Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern Robles reported that on Monday she attended the grand opening for the Omnitrans Transit Center in San Bernardino She was impressed with the design, and thought it would help increase mass transit She encouraged everyone to go see the Center and their services were scheduled to begin in September Mayor Darcy McNaboe Mayor McNaboe reported that she attended the SANBAG Metro Valley Study Session on August 13, 2015 the items discussed were as follows Received a report on construction contract change orders for ongoing SANBAG construction contracts 2 State Water Conservation Mandate Update on the impacts to ongoing and proposed landscape projects 3 San Bernardino Valley Coordinated Traffic Signal System (SBVCTSS) In 2002 a master plan was developed by SANBAG and other local agencies to implement signal coordination on major arterial corridors on a valley -wide scale Tiers 1 & 2 were completed in 2008 - Barton Road was part of this Signal Coordination Tiers 3 & 4 were completed in 2012 (The Tier 1 program began engineering, design and equipment procurement in 2002 using Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ) funds Construction and timing implementation was completed in September 2008 Tier 1 improved and coordinated 299 signals on east -west arterials along the 1-10 and SR-60 corridors and north - south arterial segments that would improve traffic flow between the east -west arterials and linkages to the freeway The remaining two tiers (Tier 3 & 4) are estimated at $6 5 million Tier 3 program would improve and coordinate 145 signals on north -south major street between Route 210, Interstate 10 and Route 60 Tier 4 of the program would improve and coordinate 325 signals along other major streets in the San Bernardino Valley Funding for Tier 3 & 4 would be a combination of CMAQ funds and Traffic Light Synchronization Program (TLSP) funds under the Proposition 1 B Bond A Request for Proposal for design and develop of a signal -timing plan was issued in November 2008 upon SANBAG Board approval Tier 3 & 4 was expected to be completed by December 2011 ) • Request for proposal for coordinated timing plans, daily maintenance, on call system support and assessment of SBVCTSS City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packet Pg 7 U of 0 U E Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 25, 2015 Mayor McNaboe opened the public hearing at 6 30 p m There being no speakers in favor or in opposition of this item, Mayor McNaboe closed the public hearing at 6 31 pm City Attorney Adams read Ordinance No 284 by title only as follows AN INTERIM URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, EXTENDING FOR AN ADDITIONAL TWELVE (12) MONTHS A CITYWIDE MORATORIUM ADOPTED PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65858 TEMPORARILY PROHIBITING EXPANSION OF EXISTING OR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW TOBACCO AND ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE RETAIL BUSINESSES, SMOKE SHOPS, AND VAPOR LOUNGES (A) ADOPT THIS AGENDA REPORT AS THE OFFICIAL WRITTEN REPORT REQUIRED BY GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65858(D), AND, (B) READ BY TITLE ONLY, WAIVE FURTHER READING AND ADOPT AN INTERIM URGENCY ORDINANCE NO 284 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, EXTENDING FOR TWELVE (12) MONTHS A CITY-WIDE MORATORIUM ADOPTED PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65858, TEMPORARILY PROHIBITING EXPANSION OF EXISTING, OR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF, NEW TOBACCO AND ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE RETAIL BUSINESSES, SMOKE SHOPS, ANU VAPUK LUUNGtS RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Doug Wilson, Council Member SECONDER Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey F UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE G NEW BUSINESS 5 Approval of Check Register No 07312015 in the Amount of $1,053,818 41 Finance Director Fortune provided a brief summary of this item Mayor McNaboe asked about check no 71849 on packet page 143 for Vology, what computer equipment was purchased and if it was budgeted for Finance Director Fortune answered that the computer equipment was budgeted for in FY 2014-2015 and was paid from that budget The invoice was received late, therefore, it was placed on this register but paid with funds from last year's budget Council Member Mitchell asked Finance Director Fortune to provide for the record the explanation for check no 71821 City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Packet Pg 9 U z Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 25, 2015 City Manager Duffey stated that staff was redefining what the true costs were Council Member Mitchell stated that she did not think the City could ever be precise in the numbers for each staff member's time spent on the Child Care Center The Center was a benefit to have and it had always run lean Mayor Pro Tern Robles stated that the report showed an unaudited surplus and asked if the amount would be brought to the Council for potential uses City Manager Duffey confirmed that the surplused amount would come back at the first quarter review with potential uses no later than the first of October RECEIVE AND FILE THE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ii=tinitir, _nitiG angnir% RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Darcy McNaboe, Mayor SECONDER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey City Manager Duffey stated that he passed out a memorandum regarding the 2030 Vision Plan update and attached a calendar with potential weekend dates He also suggested having three (three-hour) hearings to specifically target Council's goals City Manager Duffey further reported that he and the Finance Director met with the sales tax consultant HdL and he provided Council with an update memorandum with attached tax information CLOSED SESSION - NONE ADJOURN Mayor McNaboe adjourned the meeting at 7 10 p m The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 600pm Darcy McNaboe, Mayor City of Grand Terrace Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk Page 7 Packet Pg 11 2 A Council Chambers A F-1 IWteZe77Up] : 1.11 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 Regular Meeting Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road 600PM Mayor McNaboe called the meeting to order at 6 00 p m Invocation was led by Father Andrew Lesko, Chaplain for the San Bernardino County Sheriff Department Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Hussey ROLL CALL 1 Attendee Name Title i Status I Arrived Darcy McNaboe Mar _ yo Present Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern Present Jackie Mitchell Council Member Present Doug Wilson Council Member Present Bill Hussey Council Member Present G Harold Duffey City Manager Present Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Present Richard Adams City Attorney Present Sandra Molina Community Development Director Present Cynthia Fortune Finance Director Present Steve Lasiter Battalion Chief Present Robert O'Brine Lieutenant Present Cathy Toth Assistant Director Present Saba Engineer Senior Civil Engineer Present SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation of a Certificate of Recognition to the Family of Jessica Douglas for Celebrating her 100th Birthday Mayor McNaboe and the City Council presented the Certificate of Adjournment to the Family of Jessica Douglas for her 100th Birthday Juliet Lynch, Ms Douglas' sister in law, thanked the Mayor and the Council for this recognition Acknowledgement for the Presentation of the Certificate of Recognition to Kathryn Ford for Celebrating her 100th Birthday City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Packet Pg 12 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council September 8, 2015 to Pico Park and found a homeless encampment which has subsequently been removed Council Member Hussey thanked the Lion's Club for all they do for the community Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Wilson had no Council Member communications, Council Member Jackie Mitchell Council Member Mitchell thanked the members in the audience for attending the Council meeting She further thanked the staff for the employee picnic, it was a very tv nice event Council Member Mitchell attended the Gang and Drug Taskforce meeting on Wednesday, September 2, 2015 there was a special presentation by Rich Randolph on Colton At Risk Teens -CART program The program was started about five years ago but had to go dark for the past three years due to lack of funding However, funding has y been secured and the program was up and running again The program targets at risk c youth within the local immediate areas of Colton, including Grand Terrace, Loma Linda and San Bernardino It provides classroom instruction and mentorship for those youth a and parents that may benefit from the its programs which include effective ways to deal o with hardships within the home, gang violence, poor academics and citizenships, and W career preparation You can contact the Colton Police Department for more information r or contact Summit Career College in Colton for more information N Council Member Mitchell announced the following events Washington High School 1s' N Annual Resource Fair on September 12, 2015 from 5 00 to 8 00 p m for more c information contact Ernesto Frias (909) 850-5821 or ernesto frias(a)_ciusd net, San Bernardino County Family Reading Rally on September 19, 2015 from 8 00 a m to 1 00 c p m at Cal State san Bernardino College of Education for more information call (909) 386-2630 or www sbcss k12 ca us/FamilyReadinaRally PhD, and San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department Women Warriors Health and Fitness Challenge on September 12, 2015 registration begins at 7 00 a m and the award ceremony is at d 12 00 p m pre -register at www sheriffsiobs com a U! Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles G Mayor Pro Tern Robles reported that she attended the September Omnitrans meeting a and the staff recognition luncheon She enjoyed the luncheon very much and appreciated the event Mayor Darcy McNaboe Mayor McNaboe reported that she attended the SANBAG Board meeting the items discussed were as follows A Closed Session Conference with legal counsel - update on 8 items City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packet Pg 14 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council September 8, 2015 H Consent - Transportation Programming Fund 25 Needles Short Range Transit Plan 26 Valley Transportation Services Fiscal Year Budget 27 FY 2014/2015 Resolution for California Transit Security Grant Program 28 Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 Impact on Transit Funding 29 Allocation to Baker Blvd Bridge over Mojave River Project and Project Funding Agreement 30 Termination of State Route 138 Phase 2 Cooperative agreement Discussion Items Regional /Subregional Planning 31 SCAG update on 2016 - 2040 Regional Transportation Plan/ Sustainable Communities Strategy Council of Governments 32 Presentation by San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Ted Alejandrea and CSUSB Provost Dr Juan Delgado Vision2Read initiative Administrative Matters 33 Appointment to and Vacancy on Valley Transportation Services Board of Directors 34 Report from the Independent Taxpayer Oversight Committee on Measure I expenditure plan and audit for FY 2013/2014 35 Statutory Entity Ad Hoc Committee Update Air Quality / Traveler Services 36 CARB Multi -Source Facility Demonstration Project Grant Project Delivery 37 MonteVista Avenue Grade Separation Project 38 Investment Grade Traffic and Revenue Study services for 1-10 and 1-15 Corridor Projects Mayor McNaboe was honored to be invited to celebrate the 100th birthdays of two extraordinary ladies Kathryn Ford, mother of Arlene Weaver, On August 27, and Jessica Douglas whose family were long time land owners and residents of Grand Terrace on September 5 It was evident that each woman had touched the lives of others in such positive ways by the gathering of loved ones at each of these celebrations She further stated that at the last Council meeting she extended an invitation to all who were interested in understanding the state of our local water resources to attend the SBVMWD Advisory Commission on Water Policy on September 10 at 6 30 380 E Vanderbilt Way, San Bernardino z Mayor McNaboe asked Mayor Pro Tem Robles if a representative from Omnitrans would come to a Council meeting to provide an update on their bus routes in Grand Terrace Mayor Pro Tem Robles stated that she would contact Wendy Williams in marketing for Omnitrans Mayor McNaboe wished Council Member Wilson a Happy Birthday City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Packet Pg 16 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council September 8, 2015 Community Development Director He was also concerned with 18 80 060 application requirements and requested picture exhibits to help clarify the requirements Council Member Wilson read packet page 66 the Judicial Review item K and asked that the City Manager along with the City Attorney review this and items L and M for proper language He also requested that on packet page 65 Item D 2 a the language be reviewed City Attorney Adams clarified for the record California Code of Civil Procedures §1094 8 and provided the Ordinance recitals that reference message neutrality, substitution, and human signs Mayor McNaboe asked if the recitals would be lost when the code was codified in the municipal code = d City Attorney Adams stated that the recitals are not codified but that the whole ordinance could be placed online Nf C O Mayor McNaboe would like to have this clarifying language added to the code She also 0 would like to look at allowing human signs 2 Mayor Pro Tern Robles requested additional information on the Sanctity of Life Network v California Highway Patrol case She also reported that the City's electronic sign was extremely bright at night Council Member Mitchell requested clarification on painted signs Community Development Director Molina stated that it was the actual painting of the sign on the building and the Planning Commission preferred to have a manufactured sign d Mayor McNaboe stated that General Provisions section would benefit from graphic images a d 0 Mayor McNaboe asked if packet page 76 item c was referencing the open neon signs a that some businesses have These signs assist with business visibility when they are further set back from the street c Community Development Director Molina answered the reference was to the larger blinking signs and that she would further review the language in the section Council Member Wilson also reported the City's flashing sign was bright and requested that it be dimmed He further stated his concerns with packet page 73 items F 4, H 2 a, E , and asked that the language be reviewed and corrected Council Member Wilson requested that the definitions be placed in the front instead of the back of the ordinance City of Grand Terrace Page 7 Packet Pg 18 Minutes F G 11 Grand Terrace City Council September 8, 2015 City Manager Duffey further clarified that the author of the email wanted to have additional signage Mayor Pro Tern Robles supports having freeway signs Mayor McNaboe would like to see what could be done to have signage along the freeway She wants to work with this developer and other developers to see what would work Council Member Mitchell asked if the City had limited the signage for this developer Community Development Director Molina stated the old code did not but the new code would limit to only four signs Council Member Mitchell asked about the parked vehicle signs City Manager Duffey stated that the vehicle ownership could be checked and if it was owned by the business, this use would be ok Mayor Pro Tern Robles stated that Libertarians say that the government was not there to restrict commerce She was concerned with how City would restrict the use of the owner's vehicle Mayor McNaboe opened the public hearing at 7 45 p m GUNTINUE ITEM TD UU] UBEK 13, ZU15 RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member SECONDER Doug Wilson, Council Member AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE NEW BUSINESS Mayor McNaboe recessed the City Council Meeting at 7 49 p m and reconvened at 758pm Approval of Revisions to the City's Fiscal Policies Finance Manager Fortune provided a brief summary of this item APPROVE THE PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE FISCAL POLICIES AS AMENDED RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern City of Grand Terrace Page 9 Packet Pg 20 2 ,3 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council September 8, 2015 H. 1:l Successor Agency's Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (BOPS) 15-16B in the amount of $1,300,365 Finance Director Fortune provided a brief summary and corrected the total amount to $1,343,240 A Council and staff discussion ensued on the Stater Brothers payments, parking easement, and full-time resident workers 1 ADOPT THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY'S RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (ROPS) 15-16B IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,300,365 2 ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 2015-05, A RESOLUTION OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE APPROVING A RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE COVERING THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2016 TO JUNE 30, 2016 (ROPS 15-16B) AS REQUIRED BY HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34177 RESULT APPROVED [4 TO 1] MOVER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member SECONDER Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern AYES Darcy McNaboe, Sylvia Robles, Jackie Mitchell, Bill Hussey NAYS Doug Wilson CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS - NONE ADJOURN Mayor McNaboe adjourned the meeting at 8 46 p m in the memory of Jessica Douglas and Kathryn Ford r a The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at 600pm a N d 7 C Darcy McNaboe, Mayor Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk City of Grand Terrace Page 11 Packet Pg 22 0, CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • SEPTEMBER 22, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road A CALL TO ORDER Invocation was given by Council Member Hussey Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Mitchell ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title ! Status Arrived Darcy McNaboe Mayor Present Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern Present Jackie Mitchell Council Member Present Doug Wilson Council Member Present Bill Hussey Council Member Present G Harold Duffey_ City Manager Present Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Present Baron J Bettenhausen Assistant City Attorney Present Sandra Molina Community Development Director Present Cynthia Fortune Finance Director Present Cathy Toth Assistant Child Care Director Present Steve Lasiter Battalion Chief Present Robert O'Brine Lieutenant Present Ed Noble Captain Present Saba Engineer Civil Engineer Present Adreane Freeman _Senior Management Analyst Present�p� SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation of Certificate of Recognition to Jacob Brunk Captain Noble, San Bernardino County Fire Department, provided a brief summary of Jacob Brunk's bravery and quick action on putting out a fire with his beach towel and presented him with a medal and certificate Mayor McNaboe on behalf of the entire Council presented Jacob Brunk a certificate of recognition for his bravery and quick action Ashley Jones on behalf of Assembly Member Brown presented Jacob Brunk a certificate of recognition City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Packet Pg 23 2 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council September 22, 2015 Cassandra Arellano, resident of Grand Terrace, stated her concerns with the Van Buren/Oriole intersection and blocks leading to that intersection as follows speeding, running stop signs, illegal u-turns, cars running into homes, and parents double parked dropping off kids at the bus stop She provided a signed petition to install speed bumps Jeffrey McConnell, resident of Grand Terrace, invited everyone to the Lion's Club 2nd Annual 5K Run on Sunday and their Pot of Gold event on Saturday, November 21, 2015 Robert Souter, resident of Grand Terrace, stated his concerns with the hiking of Blue Mountain and the parking on Westwood Ashley Jones, Assembly Member Cheryl Brown Field Representative, introduced herself to the Council and community She also announced a Public Hearing and Informational Small Business event on Friday, September 25, 2015 at the San Bernardino County Government Center Board of Supervisors Chambers, located at 385 N Arrowhead Avenue, San Bernardino D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Hussey thanked everyone in the audience for attending the meeting He attended the chamber's ribbon cutting for Butler's Racing He also stood guard at a sink hole and stated that the pipe was corroded Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Wilson stated that he was aware of the plans for the pipelines but because of the dissolution of the Redevelopment Agency (RDA) those plans stopped He was looking forward to the rise of the economy to be able to do these and other items Council Member Jackie Mitchell Council Member Mitchell thanked everyone that attended the meeting She thanked City staff for their quick response in cleaning Pico Street after the rains and requested that staff look into some preparation plans for the El Nino that may hit this winter Council Member Mitchell also attended the chamber Butler event She would like staff to look into a trash receptacle for the Walgreens, there was a lot of trash and clutter that affected Wells Fargo Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern Robles stated that she provided to the SANBAG City/County Conference planners that she would like expansion of regional parks in the County, City City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packet Pg 25 L R V c m R U c a� W c 0 U 2 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council September 22, 2015 process - each member agency will be asked to review the legislation and take a position, of support hopefully, on the item The Board make up and voting rights will be similar what it is today SANBAG's role as a Council of Governments - Envisioning of the future of the County SANBAG's Role as a Transportation Commission - Transportation needs - current projects planned and suggested new projects that are not currently part of the plan - such as rail to Ontario Airport Projected revenues of Measure I through the life of the measure SANBAG's Role in Redlands Passenger Rail Operations - Review of options for running and maintaining the rail service once it has been completed Discussion of contracting with agencies - Omnitrans and Metrolink for maintenance of way, dispatch, and other operations Mayor McNaboe attended the San Bernardino Valley Water District Advisory Commission on Water Policy • Presentation by Riverside Highland Water Co • Enhanced Infrastructure Districts • Valley Districts Hydroelectic Generation Projects • Update of Drought Conditions • 2015 Regional Water Management Plan Statement Mayor McNaboe also attended the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Former Grand Terrace Redevelopment Agency on September 16, 2015 1 Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule - 15-16B in the amount of $1,343,240 Adopted by unanimous vote of the Board Members present D PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE 4 Cooperative Agreement between the City of Grand Terrace and City of Colton For the La Cadena Drive/Litton Avenue Traffic Signal Project Senior Civil Engineer Engineer presented this item A Council, City staff, and Amer Jakher, City of Colton Public Works Director, discussion ensued on the benefits of having this signal, the safety liability and the City's legal exposure Other traffic calming options were discussed, such as, reducing the speed along this street including the proximity of the additional traffic signals that would be installed along this street The Council was concerned with the conflicting information provided in the engineering warrant study reports which led to the lack of confidence in the City staff's report Council was further concerned that this item had not been presented formally to the Council for their input in the past and how to maintain the relationship with the City of Colton City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Packet Pg 27 U 2 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council September 22, 2015 The following speakers spoke in support of this item Michael and Beverly Ault, Dog Park Chair, Mark Severston, President of Little League, Dan Flores, Grand Terrace resident, Dwayne Zappe, Grand Terrace resident, Jane Block, Riverside resident, Dennis Kidd, Grand Terrace resident, Jackie Relph, Grand Terrace resident, Joe Neno, Colton resident, Robert Bond, Colton resident, Jeff McConnell, Grand Terrace resident, and Julia Firnkoess, Grand Terrace resident 1 APPROPRIATE $40,000 IN QUIMBY FEES FOR REGULATORY AND ADA UPGRADES TO RICHARD ROLLINS AND PICO PARK(S) 2 APPROPRIATE $110,000 IN QUIMBY FEES FOR ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING PARKS AND FOR THE DESIGN AND COST ESTIMATES THREE NEW PARKS 3 AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A SOLE SOURCE AGREEMENT NO 2015-36 WITH MIG INC LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING CITY PARKS, THEIR ABILITY TO SUPPORT EXPANDED RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS, DESIGN, PLANNING AND COST ESTIMATES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THREE NEW PARKS (DOG PARK, SKATE PARK AND BLUE MOUNTAIN NATURE TRAI RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member SECONDER Bill Hussey, Council Member AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey ITEMS 6 AND 7 ON THE AGENDA WERE TAKEN OUT OF ORDER 7 Treasurer's Report as of June 30, 2015 Finance Manager Fortune presented the PowerPoint for this item RECEIVE AND FILE THE TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDING _n itiF ,zngn1 r% RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member SECONDER Doug Wilson, Council Member AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 6 Award of September-2015 Community Benefit Funds to the Foundation of Grand Terrace and the Terrace View Elementary Parent -Teachers Association (PTA) Finance Director Fortune presented this item 1 APPROVE THE AWARD OF $350 00 OF THE CITY'S COMMUNITY BENEFITS FUND TO THE FOUNDATION OF GRAND TERRACE FOR GT COMMUNITY CLEAN-UP DAY ON OCTOBER 10, 2015, AND City of Grand Terrace Page 7 Packet Pg 29 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council September 22, 2015 Fire Marshall Horton further clarified their enforcement and the age of the injuries He supports a higher age to purchase fireworks Council Member Wilson requested the correction to the ordinance on section 8 112 080 as follows It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge fireworks of any type within the no fireworks safety zone established in Exhibit A attached Ord No 249 a far as the Exhibit A reflects the very high fire hazard seventy zone of the General Plan Community Development Director Molina corrected the ordinance number on the exhibit map to reflect this adopted Ordinance Further Council and staff discussion ensued on an additional day to discharge fireworks on July third and the hours of discharge Also discussed was a citywide fireworks show at the high school with the ability to have the sports league's use this as their fundraiser INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE NO 285 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AMENDING CHAPTER 8 112 FIREWORKS OF TITLE 8 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE AS AMENDED IN SECTIONS 8 112110 AND 8 112 080 RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Doug Wilson, Council Member SECONDER Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey b H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS - NONE RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION Mayor/Chair McNaboe recessed the City Council into Closed Session at 9 50 p m to discuss the item as listed in the agenda CLOSED SESSION 10 Conference With Real Property Negotiators - Pursuant to Government Code Section 549568 Property Address 22201 Barton Road City/Agency Negotiators G Harold Duffey, City Manager/Agency Director Negotiating Parties Stater Bros Under Negotiation Parking Easement RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION Mayor/Chair McNaboe reconvened to open session at 10 22 p m City of Grand Terrace Page 9 Packet Pg 31 0 V d U r _ d N _ 0 9 2 ►T0441�0[CIIJ-1" TITLE PRESENTED BY RECOMMENDATION AGENDA REPORT October 13, 2015 Council & Successor Agency Item Approval of Check Register No 09302015 in the Amount of $1,566,941 92 Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director Approve Check Register No 09302015 in the amount $1,566,941 92, as submitted, which includes the Check Reaister Account Index for Fiscal Year 2015-16 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #1, "Ensuring Our Fiscal Viability", through the continuous monitoring of expenditure budgets, allocations and operational costs BACKGROUND The check register, for the period ending September 30, 2015, has been prepared in accordance with Government Code §37202 and is hereby submitted for the City Council's approval The check register lists all vendor payments for the preceding month, along with a brief description of the type of goods or services purchased and the account code(s) associated with each payment Check Register No 09302015 lists all payments made to vendors and employee reimbursements during the month of September The attached index to the Check Register is a guideline account list only and is not intended to replace the comprehensive chart of accounts used by the City and CRA Successor Agency Expenditure account number formats are XX-XXX-XXX [Fund - Department -Account] Expenditures may be made from trust/agency accounts (Fund 23-XXX-) or temporary clearing accounts which do not have a budgetary impact A total of $, 1,566,941 92 in accounts payable checks were issued during the period for services, reimbursements, supplies and contracts and are detailed in the attached check register Payments larger than $10,000 Check Payee Description Amount No 71943 CA PUB EMPLOYEES SEP PERS HEALTH INSURANCE $11,293 12 RETIRE SYSTEM Packet Pg 33 City Council Pending 10/13/2015 6 00 PM Packet Pg 35 � 5b Check Register Page 1 10/05/2015 8 15AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 9/30/2015^ Bank code bola N 0 Check # Date Vendor Invoice # Invoice Description Inv Date Amount Paid Check Total M 0 71942 09/02/2015 ACCENT GRAPHICS AND DESIGN 150565 # 10 ENVELOPES GT SEAL 08/20/2015 Z E 10-370-210 000-000 10692 L 10692 N 15-0570 BUSINESS CARDS SANDRA MOLINA 08/26/2015 E 10-370-210 000-000 5400 5400 v 16092 t U 71943 09/02/2015 CA PUB EMPLOYEES RETIRE SYSTEM 1822 SEP PERS HEALTH INSURANCE 09/01/2015 w O E 09-440-142-000 000 1 614 82 @ B 10-022-61-00 2 502 07 p E 10-120-142-000 000 2 279 51 Q E 10-125-142-000-000 36406 Q' Q E 10-175-142-000 000 1 548 45 E 10-190-265-000-000 4453 00 E 10-370-142-000-000 36406 E 10-380-142-000-000 14562 E 10-450-142-000-000 12621 - C E 16-175-142-000-000 31552 "' C E 32-200 142-000-000 1 98827 rn 11 293 12 c 11 29312 Z 71944 09/02/2015 CINTAS CORPORATION 150 150531790 PAPER SUPPLIES & OPERATIONAL ITEMS 08/26/2015 L E 09 440-220 000-000 28871 N 0) 28871 28871 v 71945 09/02/2015 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 2016-10000003 AUG ANIMAL CONTROL SRVCS & SHELTER 08/19/2015 V E 10-187-256 000-000 12 461 00 1 12 461 00 m 12 461 00 _ m 71946 09/02/2015 EZ SUNNYDAY LANDSCAPE 8578 BARTON FRONT PALM TO VICTORIA 08/20/2015 E E10-195-255-000-000 20000 v E 10-450-255 000 000 3 750 00 Q E 26 600-255 000 000 16000 4 110 00 Packet Fig 37 10/05/2015 8 15AM Check Register CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 9/30/2015 � 5b Page 3 Bank code bofa 0 Check # Date Vendor Invoice # Invoice Description Inv Date Amount Paid Check Total c M 71952 09/02/2015 METLIFE GROUP BENEFITS AUG 2015 METLIFI AUG EMPLOYEE/DEP DENTAL INSURANCE 08/31/2015 0 B 10-022 61-00 56491 0 56491 56491 N 71953 09/02/2015 MUNISERVICES LLC 0000038611 JULY BUSINESS LICENSEADMIN SRVS 07/31/2015 F" E 10-140-250 000 000 58624 Y 58624 N 58624 U 71954 09/02/2015 OFFICE DEPOT 786906962001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/14/2015 w. 0 E 10-120-210-000 000 2252 > E 10 125-210-000 000 51 60 Q. 7412 Q 787038705001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/14/2015 E 10-120-210-000 000 41 90 N 00 E 10 125-210-000-000 1320 5510 786907521001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/14/2015CNI 0 E 10-120-210-000-000 1962 p 1962 M c 786907520001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/14/2015 0 E 10 120 210-000-000 409 z 409 L. (; 15293 T d 71955 09/02/2015 ON TRAC 8259153 JULY DELIVERY SERVICES 08/01/2015 E 10 172-210-000-000 2835 v d 2835 2835 V m 71956 09/02/2015 SYLVIAROBLES AUG SR AUG HEALTH INSURANCE REIM ROBLES 08/31/2015 E 10-110-142-000 000 48541 = 0 48541 E t 48541 0 Q Packet Pg 39 10/05/2015 815AM Check Register CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 9/3012015 5b Page 5 Bank code bofa 0 Check # Date Vendor Invoice # Invoice Description Inv Date Amount Paid Check Total cv 0 M 71962 09/02/2015 THE COMPUTERIZED EMBROIDERY CO 23195 HOODIE FOR PASTOR MCRAE 08/25/2015 0 E 10 110-220-000 000 3618 Z 3618 3618 N 71963 09/09/2015 ACCELA INC 774375 10875 AUG MINUTE TRAO SUBSCRIPTION & HOSTING 09/01/2015 E 10-125-250-000 000 55000 Y 55000 d 55000 U 71964 09/09/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY ASSURANCE CO B338090 AUG EMP PAID ACCIDENT/SUPP LIFE/SUPP STD 08/01/2015 w- O B 23-250-20-00 49138 > O 491 38 Q. B350736 SEPT EMP PAID ACCIDENT/SUPP LIFE/SUPP STD 09/01/2015 O- a B 23-250-20-00 39310 39310 00 884 48 � 71965 09/09/2015 ARROWHEAD UNITED WAY PR END 08/28/201E PR END 08/28/2015ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS 08/28/2015 T- B 10 022-65-00 500 CD N 0 500 M rn 500 0 O 71966 09/09/2015 ATAND T SEP 2015 AT&T SEP 2015 AT&T 09/01/2015 z L E 09-440-235-000 000 69832 E 10-190-235-000 000 44075 N m E 10-450-235-000 000 92 82 (D E 10-808-235-000 000 14261 Y 1 374 50 v d 1 37450 U 71967 09/09/2015 CALIFORNIA OFFICE FURNITURE D80621 EXECUTIVE CHAIRS FOR COUNCIL 08/31/2015 m E 70-110-700-001-000 5 861 16 5 861 16 5 861 16 t PacketPg 41 ` Sb Check Register Page 7 10/05/2016 8 15AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 9/30/2015 Bank code bofa 0 Check # Date Vendor Invoice # Invoice Description Inv Date Amount Paid Check Total o M 71975 09/09/2015 JONES AND MAYER 74042 CITY ATTORNEY LEGAL SERVICES RLA SUCCESS 08/31/2015 0 E 10-160 250-000-000 5 167 00 Z 5 167 00 740043 CITYATTORNEY LEGAL SERVICES RLA SUCCESS 08/31/2015 N E 32-200-251-000 000 1 424 50 r 1 424 50 6 591 50 v N 71976 09/09/2015 KELLAR SWEEPING INC 10251 KELLAR SWEEPING INC JULY 2015 07/31/2015 _ U E 16-900-254 000 000 4 200 00 p 4 200 00 io 10341 KELLAR SWEEPING INC AUG 2015 08/31/2015 O E 16-900-254 000-000 4 200 00 Q- Q 4 200 00 Q 8 400 00 CV 00 71977 09/09/2015 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 09032015 SR IE DIVISION BREAKFAST MTG-ROBLES 09/03/2015 v E 10-110-270-000-000 2500 2500 N 2500 Q rn 71978 09/09/2015 MIDAMERICAADMIN AND RETIRE PR END 08/28/15 A PR END 08/28/15 CONTRIBUTIONS 08/28/2015 c B 10 022-68 00 21899 G Z 21899 21899 N tM 71979 09/09/2015 OFFICE DEPOT 788850367001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/21/2015 E 10-175-210-000-000 89 08 -19 8908 a) 784807426001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/05/2015 U E 10-370 210-000-000 3326 m 3326 ++ 784807655001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 09/05/2015 d E 10-370 210-000-000 1458 t 1458 w 136 92 Q Packet Pg 43 10/05/2015 815AM Bank code bofa Check # Date Vendor Invoice # 71985 09/09/2015 SANTA FE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 14135 71986 09/09/2015 SO CA EDISON COMPANY 71987 09/09/2015 SO CAL LOCKSMITH 71988 09/09/2015 TIME WARNER CABLE 71989 09/09/2015 VERIZON WIRELESS 71990 09/09/2015 WILLDAN 71991 09/09/2015 WILLDAN FINANCIAL SERVICES Check Register CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 9/30/2015 5b Page 9 W) 0 Invoice Description Inv Date Amount Paid Check Total o M AUG CITY HALL & PARKS JANITIONAL SRVS 08/31/2015 O E10-195-245-000-000 50833 0 E 10 450-245-000-000 45000 95833 Nl -- 95833 p� AUG 2015 EDISON AUG 2015 ENERGY USAGE 09/05/2015 .Y E 09-440-238 000-000 2 236 52 v d E 10-805-238 000-000 1 95327 Jr U E 16-510-238 000 000 5 234 69 E 26-600-238 000-000 4980 E 26-601-238 000-000 4150 cc > E 26-602-238 000 000 5810 Q. 9 573 88 CL Q 9 573 88 N 30702 KEYS FOR CHILD CARE CODE MAINT 08/27/2015 n E 10-195-245-000 000 3512 3512 LID _- 3512 N 0 8448 7245 SEPT CABLE SRVS SENIOR CENTER 09/07/2015 Cl) E 10-805-238-000-000 14652 0 14652 z 14652 d to 9749668889 JULY CDD/C CARE CELL PHONES 08/20/2015 0 E 10 175-240-000-000 2806 w 2806 0 2806 CD V 002-15810 JULY BLDG OFFICIAL & PERMIT TECH SVCS 08/06/2015 ' m E 10-172-250-100-000 2 730 00 r 2 730 00 0 2 730 00 t 010-28652 AUG FINANCE DEPARTMENT SERVICES 09/04/2015 E 10-140-250-000-000 31 07540 Q 31 07540 Packet Pg 45 10/05/2015 815AM Bank code bofa Check # Date Vendor Invoice # 71997 09/16/2015 CA PUB EMPLOYEES RETIRE SYSTEM 1844 71998 09/16/2015 CINTAS CORPORATION 150 71999 09/16/2015 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 72000 09/16/2015 DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION 72001 09/16/2015 FIREMASTER 150539258 Check Register CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 9/30/2015 1 5b Page 11 141) T- 0 Invoice Description Inv Date Amount Paid Check Total N M OCT PERS HEALTH INSURANCE 09/16/2015 in O E 09 440-142-000 000 2 232 34 Z B 10 022-61-00 4 993 14 1- E 10-120 142-000-000 1 214 06 S E 10-125 142-000-000 38465 --- N E 10-175-142-000-000 1 63604 9 E 10-370 142-000-000 38465 Y E 10-380 142-000-000 15386 v d E 10-450-142-000 000 1 15909 U E 16-175-142-000-000 33337 E 32-200-142-000-000 90633 O 13 397 53 13 397 53 CL CI PAPER SUPPLIES & OPERATIONAL ITEMS 09/09/2015 Q E 09-440-220 000 000 28871 N 00 28871 n T- 288 71 in T- 2016-10000005 SEP ANIMAL CONTROL SRVCS & SHELTER 09/09/2015 N 4 E 10 187-256 000 000 12 461 00 M 12 461 00 rn 0 12 461 00 C Z B2781567 ORDINANCE 283 PUBLICATION 08/06/2015 d E 10 125-230-000 000 25300 N 25300 d B2784327 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 89900 08/17/2015 Y E 10 125-230-000-000 211 20 v d 21120 U 46420 03 0000276313 SENIOR CENTER MAIN FOR KITCHEN HOOD 09/01/2015 E 10 805-246-000-000 28500 28500 0000276299 ANNUAL MAINTENANCE FEE & SERVICE CHARGE 09/01/2015 V E 10 805 246-000-000 10700 a 10700 Packet Pg 47 10/05/2015 8 15AM Check Register CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 9/30/2015 Page 13 Bank code bofa 0 Check # Date Vendor Invoice # Invoice Description Inv Date Amount Paid Check Total c M 72007 09/16/2015 HONEYWELLACS SERVICE 5233829265 2ND QTR HVAC MAINT & REPAIR 10/01-12/31/2015 08/26/2015 0 E 10 195-257-000-000 6 275 53 Z 6 275 53 6 275 53 N 72008 09/16/2015 WILLIAM HUSSEY AUG 2015 WH AUG HEALTH INSURANCE REIMBURSEMENT 09/14/2015 E 10-110-142-000 000 15000 19 15000 N 15000 U 72009 09/16/2015 IRRIGATOR TECH TRAINING SCHOOL 4434 CERT IRRIGATOR REPAIR TECH-RUBEN 08/1812015 w O 72010 09/16/2015 MUNISERVICES LLC 0000038827 72011 09/16/2015 NORTHERN SAFETY AND INDUSTRIAL 901620833 72012 09/16/2015 OFFICE DEPOT E 10-175-268 000 000 82500 > O 82500 Q. 82500 C AUG BUSINESS LICENSE ADMIN SRVS 08/31/2015 N E 10-140-250-000-000 53442 n 53442 r,- 534 42 0 SAFETY VEST & HAT FOR SR ENGR 07/17/2015 C M E 10 195-245-000-000 1789 C 1789 O 1789 Z d 786338817001 KITCHEN SUPPLIES 08/12/2015 N E 10-190-220 000 000 17822 17822 788767756001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/21/2015 v d E 10 140-210 000 000 9581 .0 U 9581 1 790717036001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 09/01/2015 m E 10-140-210 000 000 6409 d 6409 E 786339149001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/12/2015 E 10-140-210 000 000 543 543 Q Packet Pg 49 10/05/2015 815AM Bank code bola Check # Date Vendor Invoice # 72018 09/16/2015 WILLDAN 002-15925 002-15926 72019 09/23/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY ASSURANCE CO B363469 72020 09/23/2015 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 72021 09/23/2015 ARROWHEAD UNITED WAY Check Register CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 9/30/2015 Invoice Description Inv Date Amount Paid AUG PLAN REVIEW INSPECTION & SRVCS 09/07/2015 E 10 172-250 000 000 5 495 00 5 495 00 AUG BLDG OFFICIAL & PERMIT TECH SVCS 09/07/2015 E 10 172-250-100 000 2 600 00 2 600 00 OCT EMP PAID ACCIDENT/SUPP LIFE/SUPP STD 10/01/2015 B 23 250 20 00 651 68 651 68 AUG/SEP 2015 VIE AUG/SEP 2015 VISA CHARGES 09/10/2015 E 09-440-210 000 000 CHILD CARE OFFICE SUPP 70649 E 09-440-220 000 000 CHILD CARE FOOD SUPP 2893 E 09-440-221 000 000 CHILD CARE FOOD SUPP 37990 E 09 440-223 000 000 CHILD CARE PRGM SUPP 31 95 E 09-440-228 000 000 CHILD CARE OFFICE SUPP 18565 E 09 440-245 000 000 CHILD CARE OFFICE SUPP 81 75 E 09 441-220 000 000 CHILD CARE FOOD SUPP 43546 E 10-120-210 000 000 CITY MGR OFFICE SUPP 111 99 E 10 120-220-000 000 SUPPLIES - EMPL PICNIC 87562 E 10 120-270-000 000 CITY CLK REGIS - ARTS CONN 17500 E 10-140-270 000-000 FINANCE OFFCRS LUNCHEON 6000 E 10-175-268-000 000 IRRIGATOR TECH MEMBERSHIP 10000 E 10-175-272-000 000 PROPANE 2229 E 10-195-245-000-000 MAINT SUPPLIES 10942 E 10-380-210-000-000 PROJECTOR FOR CHAMBERS 35470 E 10 380-249-000-000 SERVER MONITORING SYSTEM 48580 E 10 450-246-000-000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 24443 4 389 38 PR END 09/11/2015 PR END 09/11/2015 CONTRIBUTIONS 09/11/2015 B 10-022-65 00 500 500 � 5b Page 15 0 Check Total o 09 W O O Z L N 8 095 00 v d U w O 651 68 O L CL CL Q N 0 u) o N 0 M Q1 0 O Z L d w N Y v d s U m 4 389 38 = d E t t1 a 500 Packet Pg 51 r 5b Check Register Page 17 10/05/2016 8 15AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 9/30/2016 Bank code bofa Check # Date Vendor Invoice # 72028 09/23/2015 PROGREEN BUILDING MAINTENANCE 15010 15011 72029 09/23/2015 PROTECTION ONE 72030 09/23/2015 PRUDENTIAL MUNICIPAL POOL 72031 09/23/2015 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT 31891344 O Invoice Description Inv Date Amount Paid Check Total c Cl) AUG 2015 JANITORIAL SERVICE 08/13/2015 O E 09-440-244-000-000 99000 Z 99000 SEP 2015 JANITORIAL SERVICE 09/13/2015 N E 09-440-244-000-000 99000 c 99000 IY 1 98000 v d 2ND QTR ALARM MONITORING SERVICES 09/02/2015 V E10-195-247-000-000 15476 p 15476 w 15476 O L C. SEP 2015 PRU SEP EAP LIFE AD&D DEP LIFE,STD&LTD 09/23/2015 rL Q E 09-440-142-000-000 13511 B 10-022-66-00 1 06097 N ao E 10-120-142-000-000 4160 E 10-125-142-000-000 2048 ... E 10-172-142-000-000 1033 E 10-175-142-000-000 3394 _ E 10-185-142-000-000 1007 «Q E 10-370-142-000-000 1932 0 E 10-450-142-000-000 624 p E 16-175-142-000-000 1704 Z E 22-425-142-000-000 336 a; E 32-200-142-000-000 3029 N rT 1 38875 1 38875 Y v PR END 09/11/15 P PR END 09/11/2015 CONTRIBUTIONS 09/11/2015 .0 B 10 022-62-00 8 392 63 V 72032 09/23/2015 ROADRUNNER SELF STORAGE INC 19188 8 392 63 in 8 392 63 d SEP STORAGE RENTAL 09/16/2015 t E10-140-241-000-000 12400 12400 Q 12400 PacketPg 53 10/05/2015 8 15AM Check Register CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 9/30/2015 Page 19 Bank code bola 'n T_ 0 Check # Date Vendor Invoice # Invoice Description Inv Date Amount Paid Check Total G 1 30337 0 72038 09/23/2015 VERIZON WIRELESS 9751478517 AUG/SEP CDD/C CARE CELL PHONES 09/01/2015 Z E 09-440-235-000-000 6000 L E 10-175-240-000-000 27007 ++ N 33007 33007 Y 72040 09/30/2015 ATAND T SEP-OCT 2015 AT& SEP-OCT 2015 AT&T CHILD CARE SERVICES 09/14/2015 E 09-440-235 000 000 14052 U 14052 — 14052 72041 09/30/2015 DATATICKET INC 64457 AUGUST PARKING CITATION PROCESSING 09/15/2015 E 10-140-255 000 000 45783 Q Q 45783 45783 CM n 72042 09/30/2015 EZ SUNNYDAY LANDSCAPE 8929 SEPTEMBER PARKS & PARKWAYS MAINTENANCE 09/20/2015 v E 10-195-255-000-000 20000 E 10-450-255-000 000 3 300 00 N E 26-600-255-000-000 16000 M E 26-601-255-000-000 8000 C 3 740 00 G 3 740 00 Z 72043 09/30/2015 FIREMASTER 0000276300 C CARE ANNUAL MAINT FEE 09/01/2015 L N E 09 440-247-000-000 15350 15350 tY 15350 v d 72044 09/30/2015 DIANA FONSECA 09292015-DF REFUND CANCELLED PARK RESERVTN-- 09/24/2015 V R 10-450 01 4000 00 4000 4i 4000 d E 72045 09/30/2015 HYDRO SCAPE PRODUCTS INC 9308195 00 PARK MAINT SUPPLIES 09/01/2015 v E 10-450-245-000-000 391 56 391 56 Q Packet Pg 55 Check Register Page 21 10/05/2015 8 15AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 9/30/2015 Bank code bofa 0 Check # Date Vendor Invoice # Invoice Description Inv Date Amount Paid Check Total c M 72050 09/30/2015 SO CA EDISON COMPANY SEP 2015 EDISON SEP 2015 ENERGY USAGE 09/26/2015 0 E 10-450-238-000 000 35610 0 E 16-510-238-000 000 11608 ti 47218 N 47218 p� a� 72051 09/30/2015 TERRACE VIEW ELEMENTARY PTA TVE PTA 2015-001 RED RIBBON WEEK ITEMS 09/29/2015 Q' .Y E 61-461-100-000 000 1 00000 v d 1 00000 L) U 1 00000 I 72052 09/30/2015 THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 1 GT COMMUNITY CLEANUP DAY- 10/10/2015 09/29/2015 > E 61-461-200-000 000 35000 2 rL 35000 Q 35000 N 72053 09/30/2015 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-142615 AP CHECK HISTORY/ MODIFICATION OF REV/ EXP 09/01/2015 00 E 10 140-250-000-000 3 000 00 3 000 00 0 T- 3 000 00 N 0 72054 09/30/2015 VERIZON WIRELESS 9751320269 JUL-AUG EOC TOWER CHARGE CCD 08/25/2015 0 E 10-808-235 000-000 2004 0 2004 z 2004 `m T 9012015 09/01/2015 US BANK TRUST NATL ASSOC GTTAB2011A&B09C DEBT SERVICE PYMT GTTAB2011A & B DUE 09011' 07/03/2015 d E 33-300-209 010-000 409 822 50 w E 33-300-209 011 000 295 000 00 Y c� E 33-300-209 020-000 184 340 00 d t E 33-300-209 021-000 270 000 00 U B 36 010 05-00 16024 1 159 002 26 1 159 002 26 y bofa Total 1 566,941 92 Q 113 checks in this report Total Checks 1,566,941 92 Packet Pg 57 MEETING DATE October 13, 2015 Council item TITLE Monthly Financial Report for August 2015 PRESENTED BY Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the Monthly Financial Report for the period ending August 31, 2015 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports City Council Goal #1, "Ensure Our Fiscal Viability," through the continuous monitoring of revenue receipts and expenditure disbursements against approved budget appropriations BACKGROUND The Finance Department has developed a Monthly Financial Report (MFR), which will be submitted to the City Council each month The attached MFR is for the period ending August 31, 2015 The purpose of the MFR is to identify actual revenues a received, and expenditures incurred, for the current fiscal year and compare them to the Approved Budget and fiscal year-to-date (YTD) expected amounts The MFR encompasses the City's two major funds General Fund and Child Care Fund DISCUSSION The Fiscal Year (FY) 2014-15 Approved Budget amounts are presented in the attached MFR for reference purposes Any adjustments to the Approved Budget that may occur during the fiscal year will also be reflected in the report The "expected" revenues reflect an analysis of revenue receipts that have, historically, been received as of this month in the fiscal year The resulting positive or negative variances shown in the MFR are in comparison to these "expected" receipts The timing of expenditures is more evenly distributed during the fiscal year than revenue receipts, however, it is not entirely straight-line in nature For example, some months have three pay periods rather than two Also, debt service payments are only made twice a year Additionally, certain expenditure postings, such as the cost allocation plan, are made quarterly rather than monthly All of these factors are reflected in the YTD "expected" expenditures shown in the MFR As part of the MFR, staff will include explanations of significant variances between YTD actual revenues and expenditures, and those that are "expected" at that point in the Packet Pg 58 • Monthly Financial Report August 2015 APPROVALS Cynthia Fortune Completed Finance Completed City Attorney Completed City Manager Completed City Council Pending (PDF) 09/24/2015 7 58 PM 09/24/2015 7 59 PM 10/05/2015 11 25 AM 10/08/2015 10 56 AM 10/13/2015 6 00 PM Packet Pg 60 City of Grand Terrace Monthly Financial Report For the Period Ending August 31, 2015 Packet Pg 61 w W CD Gi m z rn r m c z v X m m z c m Attachment Monthly Financial Report August 2015 (1775 Monthly Financial Report for August 2015) City of Grand Terrace FY 2015-16 General Fund Monthly Financial Report For the Period Ending August 31, 2015 REVENUES Positive (Negative) August Aucust August Variance YTD YTD August yT from Approved Expected Approved YTD Approved YTD Revenue Budget Receipts Budget Actuals Budget Expected Property Tax 1,551,518 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 Residual Receipts - RPTTF 860,077 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 LO N Franchise Fees 495,000 0 0 0/ 0 0 0/ 0 U) Licenses, Fees & Permits 308,300 23,553 7 6% 27,470 8 9% 3,917 Sales Tax 900,000 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 c Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants 5,000 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 V- Charges for Services 104,000 17,244 16 6% 19,213 18 5% 1,969 d Fines & Forfeitures 36,800 5,939 16 1% 9,891 26 9% 3,952 w Miscellaneous 5,000 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 R Use of Money &Property 22,840 3,341 14 6% 2,655 116/ (686 ) 1O S Waste Water Receipts 300,000 300,000 too o% 300,000 100 0% 0 LL a 4,588 535 350 077 7 6% 359,228 7 8% 9,152 0 E n ti 0 N r N 7 7 Q O C d m C7 C R C U. A L r+ C O Y d E L lV r+ Q 5 PacketPg 65 MONTHLY REVENUE - Sales Tax (2015-16 vs 2014-15) $ JUN o $230 431 l FY2015 16 Expected 1 $0 11 }} FY2015 16 Actuals i $0 1 FY2014 15 Actuals ■ $7¢3 152 200 000 400 000 600 000 800 000 1 000 000 S FY2014-15 Actuals 0 FY2015 16 Actuals B FY2015 16 Expected 1 200 000 Packet Pg 67 MONTHLY REVENUE - Franchise Fees (2015-16 vs 2014-15) $ o $84 917 $s 3a1 So $ 66 812 $0 $25 937 $0 $43 954 $24 665 $0 $14 62 $0 $29 344 $0 $23 181 $0 $41 514 $0 $O $a FY2015 16 Expected FY2015 16 Actuals FY2014 15 Actuals 400 000 420 000 440 000 460 000 ■ FY2014-15 Actuals N FY2015 16 Actuals I i � I $499 827 t 480 000 500 000 ■ FY2015 16 Expected 520 000 9 Packet P9 69 FY2015 16 Expected FY2015 16 Actuals FY2014 15 Actuals 400 000 420 000 440 000 460 000 ■ FY2014-15 Actuals N FY2015 16 Actuals I i � I $499 827 t 480 000 500 000 ■ FY2015 16 Expected 520 000 9 Packet P9 69 n w V mn c z v rn x m rn z v c X rn Attachment Monthly Financial Report August 2015 (1775 Monthly Financial Report for August 2015) City of Grand Terrace FY 2015-16 General Fund Monthly Financial Report For the Period Ending August 31, 2015 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT Positive Ne ative August August Au o Variance YTD T August T from Approved Projected Approved YTD Aooroved YTD Department Budget Expenditures Budget Actuals Budget Expected City Council 60,877 11,366 18 7% 10,168 16 7% 1,198 City Manager 401,719 56,489 14 1% 72,872 18 1% (16,383)2 City Attorney 64,000 5,333 8 3% 5,167 8 1% 166 City Clerk 218,398 31,947 14 6% 28,133 12 9% 3,814 Community Development 1,249,409 196,840 158% 175,106 140% 21,734 3 Finance 501,035 55,833 111% 45,640 91% 10,194 3 Public Safety 1,676,200 276,825 16 5% 277,610 16 6% (785) Non -Departmental 415,965 145,271 34 9% 142,774 34 3% 2,498 4,587,603 779,905 17 0% 757,469 16 5% 22,435 1 Projected expenditures are based on last years actuals City Council had a vacant seat last fiscal year vs a complete Council this year 2 Projected expenditures are based on last years actuals The City Managers Office hired an Interim City Manager last fiscal year who did not receive any benefits vs a filled City Manager positron with salary and benefits this year 3 Projected expenditures are based on last years actuals Invoices for professional services for the Community Development and Finance departments for the months of July & August of the current year were received & processed later than that of last fiscal year 13 Packet Pg 73 MONTHLY EXPENDITURE - Community Development Dept (2015-16 vs 2014-15) $0 JUN EMEMEW $ 95 345 $0 MAY $85 470 $0 APR RRIMMMMEW 98 386 $0 MAR 97 799 $0 FEB $66 396 $0 JAN $893 7 $0 DEC WM $68 631 $0 NOV Im $56 463 $0 OCT $103 646 $0 SEP $63 027 $115 360 AUG $75 297 $59 746 JUL g $50 215 50 000 100 000 150 000 200 000 250 000 2015 16 Actuals ® 2014 15 Actuals 15 Packet Pg 75 MONTHYL EXPENDITURE - Public Safety (2015-16 vs 2014-15) FY2015 16 Expected 76 825 i FY2015 16 Actuals ® 77 610 Z i i I � I ' , FY2014 15 Actuals 1585 597 100 000 300 000 500 000 700 000 900 000 1 100 000 1 300 000 1 500 000 1 700 000 ® FY2014-15 Actuals ■ FY2015 16 Actuals M FY2015 16 Expected ,7 Packet Pg 77 Gi m z m r mn c z v m x m m z v c X m Attachment Monthly Financial Report August 2016 (1775 Monthly Financial Report for August 2015) MONTHLY EXPENDITURE - Salaries (2015-16 vs 2014-15) s0 ' JUN MAY APR MAR FEB 1 JAN i DEC i NOV OCT t SEP i AUG JUL p .4 4. im , 110350 +4h nn"1V�•+ �.".. f' ,�•1e Nvgit C'_`.° c f F^''ems Y'i.__`�'. •�.v .�%�^ �s�di� x 'c^'^t►�i pan ^+ti{WaS!'5���J'r'n,tik� r'.s},fir, :'t'°'M•a ^:s'� i t4,'�; �',; ,. •�. ,,,,kk o •'.fir:,• ",x�.= � i�•�•. � , 10 000 20 000 30 000 40 000 50 000 60 000 70 000 80 000 90 000 100 000 ■ 2015 16 Actuals ® 2014 15 Actuals Yf Packet Pg 81 EXPENDITURE - Professional/Contractual Services $0 JUN 400951 $0 MAY $8 763 $0 APR $411208 $0 MAR $209 683 $0 FEB $18 753 $0 ]AN MAN$414303 $0 DEC $98 305 $0 NOV $109 616 $0 OCT $260 929 $0 T SEP grim $258 492 $257 687 AUG $37 827 $166 40 JUL $317 366 100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000 600 000 p 2015 16 Actuals 0 2014 15 Actuals FY2015 16 Expected ®442 934 i a I FY2015 16 Actuals 424 094 f� j � 4 FY2014 15 Actuals 2 857 146 � 3 100 000 600 000 1 100 000 1 600 000 2 100 000 2 600 000 3 100 000 0 FYZ014-15 Actuals © FYZ015 16 Actuals M FY2015 16 Expected 23 Packet Pg 83 N (71 CD 00 01 m m z c m z v m -v m z v q c X m 0 m mn c z v Attachment Monthly Financial Report August 2015 (1775 Monthly Financial Report for August 2015) JUN I MAY I APR I I I MAR FEB I JAN I DEC —� NOV i OCT ' SEP I AUG FY2015 16 Expected FY2015 16 Actuals FY2014 15 Actuals MONTHLY REVENUE - Child Care (2015-16 vs 2014-15) 20 000 40 000 60 000 80 000 100 000 120 000 140 000 0 2015 16 Actuals ID 2014 15 Actuals 116 708 i 200 000 400 000 600 000 800 000 1 000 000 0 FY2014-15 Actuals 0 FY2015 16 Actuals ■ FY2015 16 Expected 27 MEETING DATE TITLE PRESENTED BY RECOMMENDATION AGENDA REPORT October 13, 2015 Council Item Zoning Code Amendment 15-01 Revising Chapter 18 80 Signs Sandra Molina, Community Development Director Continue Introduction of the proposed Ordinance Public Hearing to November 10, 2015 2030 VISION STATEMENT This item supports Goal #3, "Promote Economic Development", by updating the Sign Code and aligning it with the City's 2030 Vision and Economic Development Implementation Plan BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION On September 8, 2015, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the updated Zoning Code The City Council held a robust conversation on the item and ultimately voted to continue this item to October 13, 2015, meeting to allow staff the opportunity to address requested revisions, provide clarity on some items and incorporate graphics to visually demonstrate proposed sign standards and definitions Staff is making the directed changes, but is requesting that the Council continue this item to November 10, 2015, to allow additional time to complete the changes FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with this item APPROVALS Sandra Molina Completed 10/04/2015 6 06 PM City Attorney Completed 10/05/2015 4 47 PM Finance Completed 10/06/2015 5 28 PM Community Development Completed 10/06/2015 5 36 PM City Manager Completed 10/07/2015 5 16 PM City Council Pending 10/13/2015 6 00 PM Packet Pg 89 MEETING DATE TITLE PRESENTED BY RECOMMENDATION AGENDA REPORT October 13, 2015 Council Item 2013-2021 Housing Element, Status and Future Actions Sandra Molina, Community Development Director 1) Receive staff report and recommendations, and 2) Initiate amendments to the General Plan and Zoning Code 2030 VISION STATEMENT A compliant Housing Element supports Goal #1, Ensuring Fiscal Viability and Goal #3, Promote Economic Development by providing an internally consistent General Plan BACKGROUND Housing Element Requirements State law requires that each city adopt a General Plan to guide land use and development Among the various "elements" of the General Plan is the Housing Element, which provides an overarching statement of City policies and programs for maintaining and improving existing housing, and accommodating development of new housing to meet the needs of the region's growing population Housing Elements must be updated on a regular schedule, and cities in San Bernardino County are required to adopt updates for the 2013-2021 planning period State law establishes detailed requirements that cities must address in their Housing Elements HCD Review and Certification The state legislature has delegated authority to the Department of Housing and Community Development ("HCD") to review Housing Elements and issue opinions regarding their compliance with state law A finding of compliance by HCD is referred to as Housing Element "certification " Certification is important to enhance cities' eligibility for grant funds and to support local control of land use Current Status of the Grand Terrace Housing Element In 2013 City staff prepared an updated Housing Element and submitted the draft element to HCD for review In response to HCD's comments, several revisions were made to the draft element, and on November 21, 2013 HCD issued a letter (Attachment 1) stating that additional revisions would be necessary for the element to fully comply with state law The most significant issue raised by HCD was the availability of sites with appropriate zoning to accommodate the City's share of new housing for lower -income families as assigned in the Regional Housing Needs Assessment ("RHNA") On January 16, 2013 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing and recommended adoption of the 2013-2021 Housing Element and on January 28, 2014 the City Council adopted the Housing Element The adopted element was then submitted to HCD for final review pursuant to state law In its review letter of March 17, Packet Pg 90 Program 5 Provided the Housing Authority is allowed to keep properties transferred to them, make a 0 63-acre parcel available for development of low income housing units Program 12 Periodically review residential development standards and regulations, ordinances, processing procedures, and fees to identify and mitigate constraints that may impede 4 Programs to Assist Housing for Extremely -Low -Income Households The Housing Element must include programs that address the needs of the households with incomes at or below 30% of the county median This may also require revisions to the Zoning Code provisions for transitional housing 5 Public Participation Interested organizations representing the needs of lower -income households and persons with special needs must be included in the Housing Element update process RECOMMENDED ACTIONS The following actions are recommended to address HCD's concerns and facilitate Housing Element certification 1 Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 18 90 020 B, initiate amendments to the Zoning Code to a Amend the Zoning Map to designate additional sites totaling at least 2 1 acres for multi -family housing at a density of 20-24 units/acre, and b Amend the Zoning Code to modify off-street parking requirements for multi- family housing, definitions of "family", "supportive housing" and "transitional housing", and transitional housing in conformance with fair housing law 2 Direct staff to prepare amendments to the Land Use, Public Health & Safety and Housing Elements of the General Plan to maintain consistency with the Zoning Code, provide additional specificity regarding housing program actions, and conform to housing law, and 3 Direct staff to present these amendments to the Planning Commission for consideration at a public hearing, and notify persons and organizations with an interest in housing issues regarding the hearing FISCAL IMPACT On May 12, 2015 the City Council authorized execution of a consulting agreement with J H Douglas & Associates to assist staff in processing the amendments described above No other impact to the General Fund is anticipated ATTACHMENTS • HCD Review Letter_11 212013 • HCD Letter 3 17 2014 (PDF) (PDF) Packet Pg 92 8a DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF HOUSING POLICY DEVELOPMENT o�e ' 2020 W El Camino Avenue, Suite 500 �u Sacramento, CA 95833 (916) 263 2911 / FAX (916) 263 7453 www hcd ca gov November 21, 2013 Sandra Molina, Deputy Director City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Dear Ms Molina RE Review of the City of Grand Terrace's 5t" Cycle (2013-2021) Draft Housing Element Thank you for submitting Grand Terrace's draft housing element received for review on September 30, 2013, along with additional revisions received on November 19, 2013 U) Pursuant to Government Code Section 65585(b), the Department is reporting the results = of its review A telephone conversation on November 13, 2013 with you, facilitated the review The draft element addresses many statutory requirements, however, revisions will be necessary to comply` with State housing element law (Article 10 6 of the Government Code) In particular, the element must demonstrate adequate sites to accommodate the regional housing needs allocation for lower -income households The enclosed Appendix describes these and other revisions needed to comply with State housing element law To remain on an eight year planning cycle, pursuant to Senate Bill 375 (Chapter 728, Statutes of 2008) the City must adopt its housing element within 120 calendar days from the d statutory due date of October 15, 2013 for SCAG localities If adopted after this date, City will be required to revise the housing element every four years until adopting at least two consecutive revisions by the statutory deadline (Government Code Section 65588(e)(4)) For information on housing element adoption requirements, please visit our website at d _http //www hcd ca qov/hpd/hrc/plan/he/he review adoptionstensl 10812 pdf E 0 a Packet Pg 94 APPENDIX CITY OF GRAND TERRACE The following changes would bring Grand Terrace's housing element into compliance with Article 10 6 of the Government Code Accompanying each recommended change, we cite the supporting section of the Government Code Housing element technical assistance information is available on the Department's website at www hcd cagov/hpd Among other resources, the Housing Element section contains the Department's latest technical assistance tool, Building Blocks for Effective Housing Elements (Building Blocks), available at www hcd ca gov/hpd/housing element2/index php and includes the Government Code addressing State housing element law and other resources A Housing Needs, Resources, and Constraints Include an inventory of land suitable for residential development, including vacant sites and sites having the potential for redevelopment, and an analysis of the relationship of zoning and public facilities and services to these sites (Section 65583(a) (3)) The inventory of land suitable for residential development shall be used to identify sites that can be developed for housing within the planning period (Section 65583 2) Grand Terrace has a regional housing need allocation (RHNA) of 118 housing units, of which 47 are for lower -income households The City also has an unaccommodated need of 11 from the previous planning period pursuant to Government Code Section 65584 09 (AB 1233) To address this need, the element relies on vacant and underutilized residential sites To demonstrate the adequacy of these strategies to accommodate the City's RHNA, the element must include complete analyses Zoning to Encourage and Facilitate Housing for Lower -Income Households The element indicates the maximum allowed density in both the R-3 zone and Barton Road Specific Plan is 12 units per acre (pages 28-30) Pursuant to Section 65583 2(c)(3)(A) and (B), the element must identify zoning and densities appropriate to encourage and facilitate the development of housing for lower -income households based on factors such as market demand, financial feasibility and development experience within zones For communities with densities that meet specific standards (at least 20 units per acre for Grand Terrace), this analysis is not required (Section 65583 2(c)(3)(B)) See the Building Blocks' website and sample analysis at http //www hcd ca ciov/hpd/housmg element2/SIA zoning php#zoninq c 0 w NN N_ a� E w c 0 x ti Packet Pg 96 F8a -3- Programs should be revised for compliance with Government Code Section 65583 in order to ensure the beneficial impacts of the programs within the planning period To address the program requirements of Government Code Section 65583(c)(1-6), and to facilitate implementation, programs should include (1) a description of the City's specific role in implementation, (2) definitive implementation timelines, and (3) objectives, quantified where appropriate Programs to be revised include the following Pro rq am 1 Describe how the City will make the sites inventory available to Developers Program 5 Does the City have any current plans to work with the housing authonty to provide low-income housing on the 0 63-acre parcel? Program 12 Provide a specific timeframe for the periodic review of development standards 2 Identify adequate sites which will be made available through appropriate zoning and = development standards and with public services and facilities needed to facilitate and encourage the development of a variety of types of housing for all income levels, x° including rental housing, factory -built housing, mobdehomes, and emergency shelters and transitional housing Where the inventory of sites, pursuant to paragraph (3) of ti subdivision (a), does not identify adequate saes to accommodate the need for groups r' of all household income levels pursuant to Section 65584, the program shall provide o for sufficient sites with zoning that permits owner -occupied and rental multifamily N residential use by right, including density and development standards that could N accommodate and facilitate the feasibility of housing for very low- and low-income �i households (Section 65583(c)(9)) 2 As noted in Finding Al, the element does not include a complete site analysis and therefore, the adequacy of sites and zoning were not established Based on the >> results of a complete sites inventory and analysis, the City may need to add or revise W programs to address a shortfall of sites or zoning available to encourage a variety of housing types = _ d Where the inventory does not identify adequate sites pursuant to Government Code E Sections 65583(a)(3) and 65583 2, the element must provide a program to identify sites in accordance with subdivision (h) of 65583 2 for 100 percent of the remaining a lower -income housing need with sites zoned to permit owner -occupied and rental multifamily uses by -right during the planning period These sites must also be zoned with minimum density and development standards that permit at least 16 units per site at a density of at least 20 units per acre Also, at least 50 percent of the remaining need must be planned on sites that exclusively allow residential uses In addition, as the City failed to rezone adequate sites available to accommodate the regional housing need in the prior planning period, the City must zone or rezone sites to accommodate the unaccommodated need within the first year of the 2013-2021 planning period (Section 65584 09) Packet Pg 98 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF HOUSING POLICY DEVELOPMENT 2020 W El Camino Avenue, Suite 500 Sacramento CA 95833 (916) 263-2911 / FAX (916) 263-7453 www hcd ca gov March 17, 2014 Betsy M Adams City Manager City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Dear Ms Adams RE Grand Terrace's 5th Cycle (2013-2021) Adopted Housing Element Thank you for submitting Grand Terrace's housing element adopted January 28, 2014 that was received for review on February 28, 2014 Pursuant to Government Code Section 65585(h), the Department is reporting the results of its review The review was facilitated by a telephone conversation on March 12, 2014 with Ms Sandra Molina, Interim Community Development Director The adopted housing element needs further revision to comply with State housing element law (Article 10 6 of the Government Code) While the adopted element reflects revision of the public participation component of housing element law, it does not address the remaining findings described in the Department's November 21, 2013 Refer to the Department's previous letter identifying all necessary revisions at http //www hcd ca gov/hpd/hrc/plan/he/he review letters/sbdgrand terracel 12113 pdf Please note, as the City adopted its housing element within 120 calendar days from the statutory due date of October 15, 2013 for SCAG localities, the City continues to remain on an eight year planning cycle, pursuant to Senate Bill 375 (Chapter 728, Statutes of 2008) The Department is committed to assisting Grand Terrace in addressing all statutory requirements of housing element law If you have any questions or need additional technical assistance, please contact Melinda Coy, of our staff, at (916) 263-7425 Sincerely, Glen A Campora Assistant Deputy Director 8b IF 0 N 7 U) 0 2 E W 0 _ 0 x Packet Pg 100 MEETING DATE TITLE PRESENTED BY AGENDA REPORT October 13, 2015 Council Item An Ordinance Amending Title 8 Chapter 8 112 (Fireworks) of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION Adopt ORDINANCE NO , AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AMENDING CHAPTER 8112 FIREWORKS OF TITLE 8 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports the City's adopted Mission to preserve and protect our community and its exception quality of life through thoughtful planning, within the constraints of a fiscally responsible government On September 22, 2015, the City Council introduced an ordinance to amend Chapter 8 112 (Fireworks) of the Municipal Code to regulate the sale and use of safe and sane fireworks, including the establishment of a temporary fireworks stand for retail sale of safe and sane fireworks, and the dates that the fireworks can be sold and discharged As part of the motion, revisions to Sections 8 112 080 and 8 112 090 were included, as part of the motion Section 8 112 080 Establishment of a No Fireworks Safety Zone been revised to include reference to Exhibit 5-3 of the Public Safety Element of the General Plan Exhibit 5-3 is the Very High Fire Hazard Seventy Zone The "No Fireworks Safety Zone Map" is based off of Exhibit 5-3, the difference being that the "No Fireworks Safety Zone Map" uses streets as the boundaries for the safety zone The title of Section 18 112 030 was revised to read as follows Authorized Seizure by the San Bernardino County Fire District and San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department During the discussion Councilmember Mitchell had inquired about the process for collecting fines The City anticipates having fines collected by a vendor such as Data Ticket, which currently collects fines related to parking citations Staff will work with Sheriff's and Fire representatives to establish a collection process which would require the person paying the fine to work directly with the vendor FISCAL IMPACT No adverse fiscal impact to the General Fund will occur as a result of the adoption of Packet Pg 101 ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AMENDING CHAPTER 8112 FIREWORKS OF TITLE 8 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, according to the 2014 Fireworks Annual Report prepared by U S Consumer Products Safety Commission Fireworks were involved in an estimated 10,500 injuries treated in U S hospital emergency departments during calendar year 2014, and • An estimated 7,000 fireworks -related injuries were treated in U S hospital emergency departments during between June 20, 2014 and July 20, 2014, and • Children 5 to 9 years of age had the highest estimated rate of emergency department -treated fireworks -related injuries to T WHEREAS, according to the National Fire Protection Agency, in 2011, fireworks caused an estimated 17,800 reported fires, including 1,200 total structure fires, 400 vehicle fires, and 16,300 outside and other fires, and i ` WHEREAS, according to the National Fire Protection Agency, on July 4th in a typical year, far more U S fires are reported than on any other day, and fireworks account for two out of five of those fires, more than any other cause of fires, and WHEREAS, in 2007, the California Legislature enacted SB 839 amending the State Fireworks Law to authorize local jurisdictions, as of January 1, 2008, to prohibit the possession of dangerous fireworks in the amount of 25 pounds or less and to assess a civil fines for the unlawful possession of 25 pounds or less of dangerous fireworks, and WHEREAS, SB 839 mandates the amendment of any ordinance of a local jurisdiction in effect on or after January 1, 2008, that is related to dangerous fireworks to • Include provisions for cost reimbursement to the Office of the State Fire Marshal and the collection of disposal costs as part of an administrative fines, and • Provide that fines collected pursuant to the ordinance shall not be subject to the = disbursement required by section 12706 of the California Health & Safety Code, and t; Limit the prohibition on the possession of dangerous fireworks to those persons a who possess 25 pounds or less, Packet Pg 103 8 112 070 - Permit - Prerequisites to issuance 8 112 080 - Suspension of permit - Appeal procedure 8 112 090 - Operation of stand 8 112 100 - Temporary fireworks stands 8 112 110 - Public advertisement 8 112 120 - General requirements for permitees 8 112 130 - Temporary sales tax permit required 8 112 140 - Display of permit and sales tax permit 8 112 150 - Permissible locations for discharge 8 112 160 - Prohibition on discharge 8 112 170 - Fireworks defined 8 112 180 - Establishment of a no fireworks safety zone 8 112 190 — Authorized seizure authorized by the San Bernardino County Fire District and San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department 8 112 200 - Administrative fines and penalties Section 8112 010 - Dates and hours of sale and discharge Safe and sane fireworks as defined by Section 12529 of the California Health and Safety Code may be sold within the city during the period of June 28th through July 4th, twelve noon to nine p m by persons possessing an appropriate permit pursuant to Section 8 112 020 The selling of fireworks without a permit is prohibited Safe and sane fireworks maybe discharged solely on July 4th, between the hours of twelve noon to eleven p m Section 8112 020 Dangerous Fireworks Prohibited It shall be unlawful for any person to possess, store, manufacture, transport, give, hold for others, offer for sale, expose for sale, sell at retail or wholesale, or use, discharge or explode, within the City, any fireworks which are classified as dangerous fireworks, as that term is defined by subsections 12505 and 12561 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California, except as provided in Section 8 112 030 Section 8112 030 Exemption — Certain public displays A It shall be unlawful to cause, allow, permit, aid, abet, or suffer any discharge of "dangerous fireworks", including a public display or any use of special effects without having first obtained a permit therefore from the fire chief and community development director ' B Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the community development director may conditionally grant a permit for the supervised public display of fireworks in the city at an approved site to any organization who desires to conduct a public display of fireworks for the general public and citizens of the city Such display of fireworks within the city shall be allowed only upon a permit being granted by the community development director, which permit shall be issued subject to such rules, regulations and conditions as the director may impose, including but not limited to, the competency N Y L 3 U- N -T- ooL d c. R r U 0 r r- d E V 0 E a ti d s a Packet Pg 105 "9 a f Section 8112 060 — Permit - Land use application —Public liability insurance All applications for a permit to sell fireworks shall A Be made in writing via a land use application to the community development H department accompanied by a filing fee and inspection fee in the amounts set forth by c resolution of the Council and a deposit pursuant to Section 8 112 090 In addition, a three percent surcharge of the gross receipts shall be paid by the permittee to the city LL within thirty days following the close of sales by applicant as partial reimbursement for N extra law enforcement All fees required hereunder are not for the purpose of revenue 00 but shall be used to defray the reasonable regulatory costs of processing and issuing the permits contemplated herein, investigations, inspections, audits, enforcement, C and adjudication thereof U 0 B Set forth the proposed location of the fireworks stand applied for The stands must r be on private property located in the commercial, industrial or manufacturing zones E and the written permission of the owner of record or lessee must accompany the application according to Zoning Code Section 18 73 21, Temporary Uses Allowed E a C Be accompanied by an assurance that if the permit is issued to applicant, applicant shall, at the time of receipt of the permit, deliver to the city clerk's office a certificate evidencing an occurrence -based policy with the following minimum limits $1,000,000 00 public liability and property damage, and general aggregate coverage = of $2,000,000 00 and with a certificate of endorsement designating the City of Grand 0 Terrace as an additional insured under this chapter No policy will be acceptable which contains a provision allowing a deductible amount A copy of the requisite state W retail sales permit from the Office of the California State Fire Marshal shall also be = attached D Be routed to the fire chief, building and safety director, and the sheriffs department The community development department will evaluate the location of the fireworks stand and related issues Section 8112 070 - Permit —Prerequisites to issuance c 3 The following qualifications must be met by each applicant for a license issued under L this chapter N A No permit shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation except nonprofit L associations or corporations organized primarily for youth sports n B Each such organization must have its principal and permanent meeting place in 0 the corporate limits of the city and must have been organized and established in the city's corporate limits for a minimum of one year continuously preceding the filing of E the application for the permit, and must have a bona fide membership of at least one hundred fifty members a Packet Pg 1077 ] '9 a Section 8112 100 - Temporary fireworks stands All retail sales of safe and sane fireworks shall be permitted only from within a temporary fireworks stand, and sales from any other building, or structure is hereby prohibited Temporary stands shall be subject to the following provisions Y L A No fireworks stand shall be located within twenty-five feet of any other building nor within one hundred feet of any gasoline pump LL N B Fireworks stands need not comply with the provisions of the building code of the CO city, provided, however, that all stands shall be erected under the supervision of the building and safety director, who shall require that stands be constructed in a manner �. that will reasonably insure the safety of attendants and patrons The applicant shall pay an inspection fee to recover the cost of inspection 0 4.1 C No stand shall have a floor area in excess of three hundred square feet E D Each stand in excess of twenty-four feet in length must have at least two exits Each stand in excess of forty feet in length must have at least three exits spaced a approximately equidistance apart, provided, however, that in no case shall the distance between exits exceed twenty-four feet ti E Each stand shall be provided with two two -and -one-half gallon soda -and -acid or water pressure type fire extinguishers, underwriter approved, in good working order c -� and easily accessible for use in case of fire F The permittee shall post on the fireworks stand a minimum of two maps depicting the Grand Terrace "No Fireworks Safety Zone" The maps shall measure a minimum S of 24 inches by 36 inches The Permittee shall also post current notices and fines at d the fireworks stand and copies of the rules and fines handed out with the sale of fireworks Section 8112 110 - Public advertisement The permittee shall deposit $500 00 with the City at the time of the land use application for the purpose of placing a published advertisement in the local paper of general circulation advising Grand Terrace residents of the provisions regulating the discharging of safe and sane fireworks, including the prohibition of discharging fireworks within the No Fireworks Safety Zone Any portion of said deposit in excess of the cost to the City for placing said advertisement shall be returned to permittee no later than July 14th Section 8 112 080 - General requirements for permitees d A All weeds and combustible material shall be cleared from the location of the stand E including a distance of at least twenty feet surrounding the stand r w a B "No smoking" signs shall be prominently displayed on the fireworks stand Packet Pg 1 9 1 Section 8 112 190 — Authorized Seizure by the San Bernardino County Fire District and San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department The San Bernardino County Fire Department and San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department, acting together or separately, are authorized and directed to seize, take, remove or cause to be removed at the expense of the owner any fireworks offered or exposed for sale, stored or held or possessed in violation of the provisions of this chapter and Section 7802 of the California Fire Code Section 8112 200 — Administrative fines and penalties A Purpose 1 This chapter authorizes the imposition of administrative fines on any person who c violates any provision of this chapter in order to encourage and obtain compliance with Y the provisions of this chapter for the benefit and protection of the entire community This section governs the imposition, enforcement, collection and administrative review of all c administrative fines, related to the possession, use, storage, sale and/or display of those fireworks classified as "dangerous fireworks" in California Health and Safety Code a § 12500, et seq , with the exception of a pyrotechnic licensee when operating pursuant n to that license, and the use of "safe and sane fireworks" as defined in California Health and Safety Code § 12500 et seq on or at dates, times and/or locations other than those permitted by this chapter Said administrative fines are imposed under authority of = Government Code § 53069 4, Health and Safety Code § 12557, and police power of the LA city d 2 The issuance of citations imposing administrative fines may be performed at the discretion of the officials of the city authorized hereunder, and the issuance of a citation to any person constitutes but one remedy of the city to redress violations of this Code by any person By adopting this chapter, the city does not intend to limit its authority to employ any other remedy, civil or criminal, to redress any violation of this Code by any person, which this city may otherwise pursue 3 The imposition of fines related to "dangerous fireworks" under this chapter shall be limited to persons who posses, sell, use and/or display, or the seizure of, less than 25 pounds (gross weight) of such "dangerous fireworks" 4 Fines collected pursuant to this chapter related to "dangerous fireworks" shall not r be subject to Health and Safety Code § 12706, which section provides that certain fines 016. collected by a court of the state be deposited with, and disbursed by, the county n treasurer However, the city shall provide cost reimbursement to the state fire marshal pursuant to regulations to be adopted by the state fire marshal addressing the state fire marshal's cost for the transportation and disposal of "dangerous fireworks" seized by the city, which costs will be part of any administrative fine imposed Unless and until r said regulations have been adopted by the state, the city shall hold in trust $250 00 or 25 percent of any fine collected, whichever is greater, to cover the cost reimbursement a to the state fire marshal for said cost of transportation and disposal of the "dangerous fireworks " PacketPg 111 at the time of its issuance The refusal of a citee to sign a citation shall not affect its validity or any related subsequent proceedings, nor shall signing a citation constitute an admission that a person is responsible for a violation of the code, and i Any other information deemed necessary by the director for enforcement or collection purposes C Administrative fines 1 Each person who violates any provision of this chapter as it relates to the possession, use, storage, sale and/or display of "dangerous fireworks" shall be subject to the imposition and payment of an administrative fine or fines as provided below Number of Offenses in One-year Period Amount of Administrative Penalty Late Charge Total Amount of Penalty Plus Late Charge First $2,500 00 $250 00 $2,750 00 Second 5,00000 50000 5,50000 Third 10,000 00 11,00000 1 1,00000 2 Each person who uses "safe and sane fireworks" on or at dates, times and/or locations other than those permitted by this ordinance shall be subject to the imposition and payment of an administrative fine or fines as provided below Number of offenses in 1- Amount of Late Total Amount of year Administrative Charge Penalty period Penalty Plus Late Charge First $250 00 $75 00 $325 00 Second 50000 150 00 65000 Third 75000 1300001 1,05000 3 In the case of a violation of any of the provisions listed above, the administrative U fine(s) shall be due and payable within 30 calendar days from the issuance of the administrative fine citation, and the citee shall be required to abate the violation, and r surrender all "dangerous fireworks" to the CEO, immediately For penalties not paid in full within that time, a late charge in the amount set forth above is hereby imposed and a must be paid to the city by the citee Fines not paid within the time established by this chapter shall accrue interest at the prevailing established rate On the second and each subsequent time that a person is issued a citation for the same violation in any 12- Packet Pg 1173 d The dates and signature of the citee(s) 5 The city shall notify all persons who filed a request for a hearing in writing by first- class mail of the date, time and place set for the hearing at least ten calendar days prior to the date of the hearing Service of this notice is deemed complete at time of mailing Y The failure of a citee to receive a properly addressed notice shall not invalidate the 3 citation or any hearing, city action or proceeding conducted pursuant to this chapter ` U_ 6 The hearing shall be conducted within 60 days of the date a timely and complete request is received by the city clerk Go 7 If the CEO submits an additional written report concerning the citation to the city c. for consideration at the hearing, the CEO shall also serve a copy of such report by first- class mail on the person requesting an administrative hearing no less than seven calendar days prior to the date of the hearing Failure to receive said report shall not invalidate the citation or any hearing, city action or proceeding pursuant to this chapter E E Administrative hearing —Procedures a 1 The hearing officer designated or appointed by the city manager shall hear all requests for administrative hearings of administrative fines in accordance with the procedures established herein 2 Administrative hearings are informal, and formal rules of evidence and discovery do not apply The city bears the burden of proof to establish a violation and responsibility therefore by a preponderance of evidence The citation is prima facie evidence of the violation, however, and the CEO who issued the citation is not required to attend or participate at the hearing The citee(s) and CEO, if present, shall have an opportunity to present evidence and witnesses and to cross-examine witnesses A citee may bring an interpreter to the hearing provided there is no expense to the city therefore The hearing officer may question any person who presents evidence or who testifies at any hearing 3 A citee may appear at the hearing in person or by written declaration executed under penalty of perjury Said declaration and any documents in support thereof shall be tendered to and received by the city at least seven business days prior to the hearing If the citee fails to attend or does not submit a written declaration in a timely manner, he or she shall be deemed to have waived the right to a hearing In such an instance, the hearing officer shall cancel the hearing and not render a decision In such instances, the citation shall be deemed confirmed 4 Hearings may be continued once at the request of a citee or the officer who issued the citation The hearing officer may also continue the hearing for cause E F Hearing decision —Right of appeal a Packet Pg 115 SECTION 5 + First read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 22nd of September, 2015, and finally adopted and ordered posted at a regular meeting of said City Council on the 13th of October, 2015 ATTEST Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Darcy McNaboe Mayor I, Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the of , 2015, by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Approved as to form Richard L Adams, II City Attorney Packet Pg 1177 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE a AGENDA & STAFF REPORTS - FOR THE -REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AN,D THE CITY COUNCIL AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY & THE GRAND TERRACE HOUSING AUTHORITY Tuesday, October 13, 2015 6:00 p.m Regular Meeting - COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER - 22795 BARTON ROAD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 e S�0 R IY� TES DACE - t ' Darcy McNaboe, Mayor Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern Jackie Mitchell, Council Member ' Doug Wilson, Council Member Bill Hussey, Council Member G Harold Duffey, City Manager , Richard L Adams, City Attorney Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk Sandra Molina, Community Development Director Linda Phillips, Child Care Director , Cy. -this A FortLlne, Fw3nce rirector r A ' The Grand Terrace City Council meets on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 00 p m A CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA a OCTOBER 13, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center a 22795 Barton Road The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-66,21 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www grandterrace-ca gov <http //www grandterrace-ca gov> CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee Name Present Absent Late Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe ❑ ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey ❑ ❑ ❑ SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation of a Proclamation for Binational Health Week City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council October 13, 2015 B CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial They will be acted upon by the City Council at one time without discussion Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the (Consent calendar for discussion Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 2 Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 08/25/2015 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 3 Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 09/08/2015 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 4 Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 09/22/2015 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 5 Approval of Check Register No 06302015 in the Amount of $1,566,941 92 RECOMMENDATION Approve Check Register No 09302015 in the amount $1,566,941 92, as submitted, which includes the Check Register Account Index for Fiscal Year 2015-16 DEPARTMENT FINANCE 6 Monthly Financial Report for August 2015 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the Monthly Financial Report for the period ending August 31, 2015 DEPARTMENT FINANCE C PUBLIC COMMENT This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the City Council may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification The Mayor may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 2 • cy Agenda Grand Terrace City Council October 13, 2015 D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 0 Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tem Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe E PUBLIC HEARINGS 7 Zoning Code Amendment 15-01 Revising Chapter 18 80 Signs 4--- RECOMMENDATION Continue Introduction of the proposed Ordinance public hearing to October 27, 2015 DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT F UNFINISHED BUSINESS— NONE G NEW BUSINESS 8 2013-2021 Housing Element, Status and Future Actions RECOMMENDATION 1 Receive staff report and recommendations, and 2 Initiate amendments to the General Plan and Zoning Code DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 9 An Ordinance Amending Title 8 Chapter 8112 (Fireworks) of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code RECOMMENDATION Adopt ORDINANCE NO 285, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AMENDING CHAPTER 8 112 FIREWORKS OF TITLE 8 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council October 13, 2015 10 Contract Agreement with Sysco Riverside Inc RECOMMENDATION Award the agreement to Sysco, subject to the approval of the City Attorney, and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement for one (1) year in the annual amount not to exceed $37,000 00 with the option of two (2) one (1) year extensions for a total of (3) three years DEPARTMENT CHILD CARE SERVICES H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION CLOSED SESSION Conference with Labor Negotiators — Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 6 Agency Negotiator G Harold Duffey, City Manager Unrepresented employee Management Employees RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION ADJOURN The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 600pm Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk's office no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 4 r d It ki City of Grand Terrace Housing Element City Council workshop October 13, 2015 tery ..Key Points ✓Housing Element has the most detailed requirements of any General Plan Element and it is the only element subject to state review ✓Most noteworthy Housing Element requirement is zoning to accommodate the RHNA (not development) ✓HCD "certification" is important 1 GY Income Categories County Median Income r Affordable Affordable Income = $65,000 Limits Rent Pace (est.) Extremely Low (<30%) $20,100 $503 $90,000 Very Low (31-50%) $33,500 $838 $150,000 Low (51-80%) $53,600 $1,340 $250,000 Moderate (81-120%) $78,000 $1,950 $350,000 Above Mod (>120%) $78,000+ $1,950+ $350,000+ Assumpbons Based on a family of 4 309yo of gross income for rent or PIT! 10% dawn payment, 4% Interest, 12% taxes & insurance, $250 HOA dues c� x} _. RHNA vs, Land Inventory Zoning Distri ct Very Low/ Low Moderate Above Moderate Unaccommodated Need 11 0 0 2014-2021 RHNA 47 22 49 Total RHNA 58 22 49 RH, R1-20 0 29 100 R1-10 0 20 0 RI-7 2 - 0 - 29 0 R2 0 65 0 R3 0 74 0 R3-20 16 0 0 BRSP & MU 0 194 0 Total Site Capacity 16 411 100 Surplus (shortfall) (42) 389 51 3 C� w Ir Program Schedule HCD comments: Pro r4 am 1: Describe how the City will make the sites inventory available to developers. -Pro ra► am S. Does the City have any current plans to work with the Housing Authority to provide low- income housing on the 0.63-acre parcel? Program 12; Provide a specific timeframe for the periodic review of development standards, ELI Households • Definition of "family" (Code amendment) • Transitional & supportive housing (Code amendment) • Development assistance (Housing Element program) " E CV.51 Or_ DIZ R) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA a OCTOBER 13, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER 6: UO P' M 0. Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Pastor Jordan Barker Grand View Baptist Church on the Hill Pledge of Allegiance was led by W 1 I s D 1\/ ROLL CALL Attendee Name Present Absent Late Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe COY ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell 4V ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson GY ❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey ftl/ ❑ ❑ A SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation of a Proclamation for Binational Health Week B CONSENT CALENDAR Motion Second Vote 1 Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 2 Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting25/2015 3 Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting --6Q9/08/20155 4 Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting '09%22/2�015 7 City of Grand Terrace Page 1 5 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council October 13, 2015 5 Approval of Check Register No 09302015 in the Amount of $1,566,941 92 RECOMMENDATION Approve Check Register No 09302015 in the amount $1,566,941 92, as submitted, which includes the Check Register Account Index for Fiscal Year 2015-16 6 Monthly Financial Report for August 2015 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the Monthly Financial Report for the period ending August 31, 2015 C PUBLIC COMMENT65R,2GekK4�2— D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe E PUBLIC HEARINGS 7 Zoning Code Amendment 15-01 Revising Chapter 18 80 Signs RECOMMENDATION Continue Introduction of the Proposed Ordinance Public Hearing to November 10, 2015 Staff PresentationCouncil Questions Motion �M Second Vote F UNFINISHED BUSINESS— NONE G NEW BUSINESS 8 2013-2021 Housing Element, Status and Future Actions RECOMMENDATION 1 Receive staff report and recommendations, and 2 Initiate amendments to the General Plan and Zoning Code City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council October 13, 2015 Staff Presentation -54a 44kouncil Questions Motion M Second Vote 9 An Ordinance Amending Title 8 Chapter 8 112 (Fireworks) of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code RECOMMENDATION Adopt ORDINANCE NO 285, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AMENDING CHAPTER 8 112 FIREWORKS OF TITLE 8 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE Staff Presentation '� Council Questions V Motion Second Vote D VAV H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION % 0- 011 CLOSED SESSION Conference with Labor Negotiators — Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 6 Agency Negotiator G Harold Duffey, City Manager Unrepresented employee Management Employees RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION 9. zq REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION RWd�& l/Y� ADJOURN S ' W The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 600pm Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk's office no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 3 -- �G�zars� -aa-y� � �72�'✓1 1fi/i— eW,40—CL *r ec�h�� CP NLS i ik�s tc7 Q,d aT sib u IV ejR v-k"M"Eoj�- I -At MJwc- c0 OZ 0 ,�o vt ohs G-a P-� bbo�v�-4 ILL �I hl -30' •ob1 - CCU- oto n&W- qaf WJ44ca;40YA- 4(X—Lj-) nw.7,t 4kL Oa-,e-Vich, ALM 41- VXR d)C)W 1 01? - -b�k--J6 w - 5ktu� _ "t� -- op o+P- v - aA Cy-a o —haRCV-T A� 4-0 �-�n-e l �c u� e- _kAad �-I�.e 4AoL �°d ►�t-e,�g�-s. s W ! isgg�� o " yt.� 9'Vl i �� Can '41 aw�k , A, U�u aeo LI*OCL U/- s 5A b- d&eso KaJ- 4AZ o, 7/-u r �o '2 4AIA4 /dt� YAAk - 9262� 4,4s+ ocJ- -4L. o �it �ot odidaLa c �a`�O G� tom. ! 1"`-' �Q/��� � i�'�''� ` v"' Y •mac "" l______ i���C.�Op� 0 N - �iscu�s a4,k e k f nPT, %he a � n asd��� Co� � C&f� " (Yl C�r�e ""c �Q &/'LW- 3Ahj6��S�+`cle �V�- C C Unabe- k is +tl 65 ogLRe rnu� OUL R CIS n63� %Qsa,,t C&Kft6l- AA-L OG, CoA�aq AH-hae �-�' r�o NI � O'Pezrp-l" �e,o / wpm I��i�� �'�7` Gpu� 00 ./ � � �1 /�J Y rv� 1 •1 ��/� ,V' Omnitrans Two Types of Service A Omni -Go A fixed route system B Access Service A door to door system for disabled who meet federal eligibility requirements The City Manager and I met with the Omnitrans CEO, Scott Graham and operations staff, to discuss current transit service within Grand Terrace The Omnitrans will provide a presentation, at a later date, when invited by the City Manager when the agenda has room But here are some key points 1 GT has a ridership of 1500-1600 passengers per month, 2 Average weekday ridership is 73 passengers, 3 The VA Hospital is the most frequent destination on the northbound trip, and the intersection at Center and Michigan (the end of the line) is the most frequent southbound trip, 4 A sampling of 81 trips reveals the most frequent stop and boarding were to and from the Stater Bros Market on Washington Avenue, in Colton The second was the Blue Mountain Villas Access Service is a mandated American with Disabilities Act transportation service for individuals who are unable to independently use the fixed route system Currently, 61 disabled individuals who are eligible use this service and 15 of this total are active riders League of Cities Conference I attended the following workshops Cap and Trade What Cities Need to Know Future of Economic Engines -Complete Park Systems Rethinking, Repositioning & Reinventing Retail Centers Tax Increment Financing is Backl Using the New EIFD Tool The Inland Division Breakfast to Recognize, Dennis Michael, Mayor of Rancho Cucamonga, as the incoming President of the League of Cities I learned many features of the cap and trade program that I feel may benefit Grand Terrace, Cap and Tarde has distributed funs to various state agencies to deal with recycling and reduction of organic waste within local areas to reduce transportation costs A 100 new sites are needed in the state, they are difficult to site Projects that will be funded are those projects ready to roll under 5 years ]came away wondering if our potential partnership with Lewis Corporation to develop a mixed use retail center could include a housing -mass transportation element and large community park that could include organic waste recycling I am told by a member of our planning commission that Gage Park is within our boundaries and has rail tracks Other grant opportunities are for tree plantings to reduce carbon gas To be brief, I will end with discussing the parks workshop It was conducted by "Change Labs Solutions", a Berkeley, California based research organization They said cities with an abundant parks system see their property values go up 30 percent They also reported we are using the wrong metrics of calculating parkland requirements The Vice Mayor of the City of Stockton, a gym teacher, in presenting her recreation innovations within her city reminded us that diabetes is affecting our youth are alarming rates, we need to them get them outdoors and moving, parks are no longer just an extra or an amenity for communities, it is now a life and death issue V A V } City of Grand Terrace Housing Element City Council Workshop October 13, 2015 c :- Key Points ✓Housing Element has the most detailed requirements of any General Plan Elemeii and it is the only element subject to state review ✓Most noteworthy Housing Element requirement -is zoning to accommodate the RHNA (not development) ✓HCD '"certification" is important /- r 1 l y Income Categories County Median Income Affordable Affordable Income = $65,000 Limits Rent Price (est.) Extremely Low (<30%) $20,100 $503 $90,000 Very Low (31-50%) $33,500 _ $838 $150,000 Low (51-80%) $53,600 $1,340 $250,000 Moderate (81-1206/0) $78,000 ` $1,950 $350,000 Above Mod (>120%) $78,000+ $1,950+ $350,000+ Assumptlons Based on a family of 4 30% ofgmss Income forrent or PIT! 10% down payment 4% mterest, 12% taxes & insurance, $250 HOA dues - �6:.y d`�L J'. "'�`dd`��tiJ.lr.J.,.� dA.'�'x'Cs�'uiA atJa1��.'k`.L` 4..+. �2J+t✓ .�Jr.K.+.3sC'i`J3 �r .. RHNA vs, _Land .Znventoty �' Zoni r ng District Very Low/ Low Moderate Above Moderate Unaccommodated Need 11 J 0 0 2014-2021 RHNA 47 22 49 Total RHNA 58 22 49 - RH, R1-20 0 29 100 R1-10 0 20 0 R1-7 2 0 29 0 R2 0 65 0 R3 0 74 0 R3-20 16 0 0 BRSP & MU 0 194 0 Total Site Capacity 16 411 100 'Surplus (shortfall) (42) 389 51 s .L tJJd*/ft. JJ.t.J _.* JJ V4 ` J Program Schedule HCD comments: Program 1; Describe how the City will make the sites inventory available to developers, ' Program S; Does the City have any current plans to work with the Housing Authority to provide low- income housing on the a63-acre parcel? Program 12; Provide a specific timeframe for the periodic review of development standards, 1 Al Households • Definition of "family" (Code amendment) • Transitional & supportive housing (Code amendment) • Development assistance (Housing Element program) 5 cry 10 07 15 SANBAG MEETING 1 1 REQUESTED THAT THE SANBAG CLERK REMOVE ITEM 22D FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 22D WAS PROPOSED TO RE -PROGRAM THE REGIONAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR THE 1-215 BARTON ROAD INTERCHANGE PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $22 611 MILLION FROM FISCAL YEAR 2016/2017 TO 2017/2018 FOR THE SAME AMOUNT I ASKED THE CALTRANS PROJECT MANAGER ANDREA ZUREICK IF SHE COULD GUARANTEE THAT THE MONEY THAT IS BEING MOVED BY THE PROPOSED ACTION WOULD BE AVAILABLE WHEN IT IS NEEDED THE PROJECT MANAGER VERIFIED THAT SHE COULD NOT GUARANTEE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS, BUT CALTRANS DID NOT ANTICIPATE ANY SCHEDULE DELAY I STATED (FOR THE RECORD) THAT, AS THE SANBAG BOARD AND THE CALTRANS REPRESENTATIVES KNOW, GRAND TERRACE HAS BEEN STRUGGLING WITH FINANCIAL HARDSHIP WE BELIEVED IN THE PROMISES MADE BY CALTRANS AND THE SANBAG BODY I INFORMED THE ROOM THAT, AT THIS POINT A SIGNIFICANT MULTI -USE PROJECT THAT I AM NOT AT LIBERTY TO DETAIL HINGES ON THE TIMING OF THE SCHEDULED IMPROVEMENT I DESPARATELY URGED THE SANBAG MEMBERS NOT TO APPROVED THE AMENDMENT TO RE- PROGRAM FUNDS AND RALLIED THE BODY TO PROCEED "FULL STEAM AHEAD"I I VOTED AGAINST 22D 2 A NUMBER OF ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS WERE APPROVED AS PART OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR - PROCUREMENT REPORTS, BUDGET TO ACTUAL REPORTS, PENSION LIABILITY REPORTS, APPOINTMENTS, ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES AND PERSONNEL ADDITIONS/ADJUSTMENTS 3 THE FREEWAY SERVICE PATROL PROGRAM BEAT ANALYSIS AND CHANGES WERE REVIEWED AND RE -ORGANIZATION OF THE FREEWAY SERVICE PATROL BEATS ADDED A BEAT ALONG THE SR-210 FROM THE LA COUNTY LINE TO CHERRY AVENUE AND COMBINED BEATS 6 AND 7 ON 1-215 WITH TWO TOW TRUCKS AND ONE SERVICE TRUCK FOR BETTER COST BENEFIT AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT C13142 WITH CASE SYSTEMS, INC TO CONTINUE PROVIDING CALL BOX MAINTENANCE SERVICES AND CONVERT THE NETWORK FROM 2G TECH TO 3G TECH, INCREASING THE CONTRACT AMOUNT BY $17 MILLION, EXTENDING THE DATE TO JUNE 30, 2017 4 A CONSTRUCTION COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SANBAG BOARD, ACTING IN THE CAPACITY OF THE SAN BERNARDINIO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION AND CALTRANS WAS APPROVED FOR THE SR-210 PEPPER AVENUE INTERCHANGE PROJECT DEFINING CONSTRUCTION PHASE ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND FUNDING WITH A NTE OF $40K APPROVAL WAS GRANTED TO SOLICIT SEALED BIDS FOR 7 47 ACRES OF CREDITS TO MITIGATE IMPACTS TO KANGAROO RAT HABITAT AUTHORIZATION WAS GRANTED FOR THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE A P 0 FOR THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE FOR THE KANGAROO RAT CREDITS FOR AN AMOUNT NTE $1750 MILLION THE BOARD, ACTING IN ITS CAPACITY AS THE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, APPROVED AN MOU WITH MONTCLAIR FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE 1-10 MONTE VISTA AVENUE INTERCHANGE ALSO APPROVED WAS A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH MONTCLAIR FOR DELIVERY OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PHASE OF THE 1-10 MONTE VISTA AVENUE INTERCHANGE FOR NTE COST OF $983,600 THE BOARD, ACTING AS THE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, APPROVED A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH CALTRANS DEFINING ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND FUNDING FOR THE 1-10 EASTBOUND TRUCK CLIMBING LANE EXTENSION PROJECT, WITH CALTRANS AS LEAD AND SANBAG REIMBURSING CALTRANS A MAXIMUM OF $350K OF MEASURE 1, FUNDS ALSO ACTING AS THE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, APPROVED AMENDMENT 1 TO THE COOP AGREEMENT WITH THE COLTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR BUS SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE LAUREL STREET GRADE SEPARATION PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $168,630 FOR A REVISED TOTAL OF $597,416 ALSO ACTING AS THE COUNTY TRANS AUTHORITY, AUTHORIZED THE RELEASE OF RFP'S FOR ON CALL PUBLIC OUTREACH SREICES FOR THE COUNTY AUTHORITY'S MAJOR PROJECTS PROGRAM 5 UNDER THE HEADING OF REGIONAL/SUBREGIONAL PLANNING -SANBAG RECEIVED AND FILED INFORMATION ON THE ADVANCED REGIONAL RAIL INTERGRATED VISION - EAST (ARRIVE) CORRIDOR PROJECT UPDATE THEY APPROVED THE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (SCAG) FOR SANBAG TO CONTRACT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR THE PHASE II COUNTYWIDE HABITAT PRESERVATION/CONSERVATION FRAMEWORK STUDY FOR N AMOUNT NTE $275K, INCLUDING SANBAG PROJECT MANAGEMENT COSTS NTE $25K 6 UNDER THE HEADING OF TRANSIT/RAIL- RECEIVED THE JULY 2015 RIGHT-OF-WAY GRANTS OF USE REPORT AND FILED THE BOARD, ACTING AS THE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION AND THE COUNTY TRANSPORATION AUTHORITY, APPROVED AMENDMENT 1 TO A CONTRACT WITH THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGIONAL RAIL AUTHORITY AND SANBAG FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT FOR THE EASTERN MAINTENANCE FACILITY AND THE DOWNTOWN PASSENGER RAIL PROJECT FOR AN ADDITIONAL $1774 MILLION FOR A TOTAL NTE OR $2 562 MILLION AND EXTENDED TO JUNE 30, 2017 ALSO APPROVED A BUDGET AMENDMENT TO INCREASE FY 2015/2016 BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $15 MILLION FOR A NEW TASK TOTAL OF $52 661 MILLION 7 THE BOARD, ACTING AS THE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, APPROVED A CONTRACT FOR $25 197 MILLION FOR FINAL MAINLINE DESIGN SERVICES ON THE REDLANDS PASSENGER RAIL PROJECT A 10% CONTINGENCY AMOUNT WAS ALSO AUTHORIZED FOR THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 8 THE BOARD, ACTING AS THE COUNTY TRANSPORATION AUTHORITY, APPROVED A CONTRACT FOR NTE $500k FOR PUBLIC OUTREACH AND BRANDING SERVICES FOR THE REDLANDS PASSENGER RAIL PROJECT 9 UNDER THE HEADING OF COUNCIL OF GORVERNMENTS, A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR GRANT WRITING SERVICES WAS AUTHORIZED, AND A STATE AND FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE UPDATE WAS RECEIVED AND FILED 10 UNDER THE HEADING OF TRANSPORTATION PROGRAMMING AND FUND ADMINISTRATION, THE OTHER ACTIONS LISTED UNDER ITEM 22 PERTAINING TO THE 2016 STATE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, WERE AS FOLLOWS • $1 119 MILLION FOR 2019/2020 FOR PLANNING, PROGRAMMING AND MONITORING ACTIVITIES • $38 523 MILLION OF REGIONAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR 2018/2019 FROM 1-215 MOUNT VERNON /WASHINGTON STREET INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PLUS $25 MILLION OF REGIONAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CONSTRUCTION FUNDS IN 2017/2018 FROM STATE ROUTE 210 THE WIDENING PROJECT WERE RE -PROGRAMMED • $39 745 MILLION FOR THE INTERSTATE 10 EXPRESS LANE PHASE 1 PROJECT WAS REDUCED TO $30 588 MILLION • THE REDLANDS PASSENGER RAIL PROJECT FOR $22 611 MILLION IN 2016/2017 AND THE 1-15 EXPRESS LAND PROJECT, WITH $48 950 MILLION RECEIVED THE BENEFIT OF ALL THE RE -PROGRAMMED STATE TRANSPORATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MONEY THROUGH 2O20/2021 11 STILL A CONSENT ITEM, AS THE COUNTY TRANSPORATION AUTHORITY, A BUDGET INCREASE OF NEARLY A MILLION DOLLARS WAS APPROVED FOR MEARSURE I FUNDING TO REIMBURSE RIALTO FOR THE 1-10/RIVERSIDE AVENUE INTERCHANGE LANDSPAING COSTS 12 AS THE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, A REVISED PROJECT LIST FOR THE MEASURE I VALLY MAJOR STREET PROGRAM/ARTERIAL SUB -PROGRAM FOR 2015/2016 WAS APPROVED 13 A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN OMNITRANS AND SANBAG OUTLING THE SUB -RECIPIENT RESPONSIBILITIES AND PAYMENTS FOR WORK COMPLETED FOR EACH AGENCY ` WAS APPROVED 14 ALLOCATION OF $14,285 TO THE MORONGO BASING TRANSIT AUTHORITY AND $500K OF STATE TRANSIT ASSISTANCE FUNDS TO VICTOR VALLEY TRANSIT AUTHORITY WAS APPROVED A BUDGET AMENDMENT TO THE SANBAG 2015/2016 BUDGET FOR ELDERLY AND HANDICAPPED TRANSIT FUNDS FROM VICTOR VALLEY - $308k, NORTH DESERT - $89k, COLORADO RIVER - $9K, MORONGO BASIN - $90, AND MOUNTAINS - $27k DISCUSSION ITEMS PRESENTATION MADE BY GIVE BIG - SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY CAM PAIGN 2016 AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE UPDATE NEW STATUTORY ENTITY LEGISLATION - CREATED A NEW STATUTORY ENTITY TITLED THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY SWALLOWING UP THE RIGHTS, OBLIGATIONS, POWERS, AND DUTIES OF THE COUNTY TRANSPORATION AUTHORITY, THE TRANSPORATION COMMISSION, THE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITYFOR FREEWAY EMERGENCIES, AND THE COUNTY CONGESTION MANAGEMENT AGENCY AMEMDED SOURTHERN CALIFORNIA REGIONAL RAIL AUTHORITY BUDGET REQUEST FOR 2015/2016 - INCREASED SO CAL REG RAIL AUTHORITY OPERATING ASSISTANCE ALLOCATION FROM $12 848 MILLION TO $15 011 MILLION ALSO APPROVED AN EXPENSE BUDGET FOR COMMUTER RAIL OPERATING BY $2 163 MILLION TGO A TOTAL OF $20 646 MILLION CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council DATE 10EXT51 ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER provide rovide if information is being requested) / 3 ( ) 6— AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON SUBJECT 4- 1 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM DECORUM AND ORDER - PUBLIC - The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council DATE �t / NAME / ul c Ue�I "/—, " L ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON SUBJECT CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM rel DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Comcil DATE /0 1 NAME / / P("-- �Z1(� ADDRESS �� '{���. 1� PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) 5d cl - f:/— ,p ? ,/ AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON SUBJECT /" U& 4 A11'/ ; CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM (V DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council DATE NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON SUBJECT 40A �jY J J y1 1 �b 6j �, N CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council DATE NAME ADDRESS M "100 PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON SUBJECT