10/27/2015I CrFY, OF GRAND TERRACE AGENDA & STAFF REPORTS FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY & THE GRAND TERRACE HOUSING AUTHORITY Tuesday, October 27, 2015 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER - 22795 BARTON ROAD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 Darcy McNaboe, Mayor Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern Jackie Mitchell, Council Member Doug Wilson, Council Member Bill Hussey, Council Member G Harold Duffey,'City Manager Richard L Adams, City Attorney Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk Sandra Molina, Community Development Director Linda Phillips, Child Care Director Cynthia A Fortune, Finance Director The Grand Terrace City Council meets on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 00 p m . Yr. O CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • OCTOBER 27, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www grandterrace-ca gov <http //www grandterrace-ca gov> CALL TO ORDER f` Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee Name ,Present Absent Late Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe ❑ ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey ❑ ❑ ❑ A SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE B CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial They will be acted upon by the City Council at one time without discussion Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent calendar for discussion City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council October 27, 2015 F UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5 An Ordinance Amending Title 8 Chapter 8112 (Fireworks) of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code RECOMMENDATION Adopt ORDINANCE NO 285, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AMENDING CHAPTER 8 112 FIREWORKS OF TITLE 8 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT G NEW BUSINESS 6 Amendment of Contract for Street Maintenance Services with Roquet Paving, Inc RECOMMENDATION 1 Extend the contract term to August 27, 2016 for the one year extension allowed in the Professional Services Agreement, 2 Increase the Roquet Paving -purchase order by $50,000, and 3 Amend the Roquet Paving contract to reflect the name change of the vendor DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7 Public Convenience and Necessity Finding for Gourmet Beer Wine and Foods RECOMMENDATION Direct staff to issue a Public Convenience or Necessity Letter to the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control in support of the license ` DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 8 Approve a Professional Services Agreement with RSG Group, Inc for Long Range Property Management Plan Services RECOMMENDATION Approve Profess ional'JServices Agreement with Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc for a one year term and authorize the Executive Director to administratively renew this agreement for up to two renewal term periods of one year each DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Grand Terrace Page 3 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • OCTOBER 13, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER Mayor McNaboe convened the City Council Meeting at 6 00 p m Invocation was given by Pastor Jordan Barker Grand View B �ptist Church on the Hill Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Wilson ROLL CALL Attendee Name ; Title Status Arrived Darcy McNaboe Mayor Present Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern Present Jackie Mitchell Council Member Present Doug Wilson Council Member Present Bill Hussey Council Member Present G Harold Duffey City Manager Present Pat Jacquez-Nares City,Clerk Present Richard Adams City Attorney Present Sandra Molina Community Development Director Present Linda Phillips Director of Child Care Services Present Cynthia Fortune Finance Director Present Robert O'Bnne Leiutenenant I Present A SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation of a Proclamation for Binational Health Week Mayor McNaboe acknowledged and read for the record the Binational Health Week Proclamation B CONSENT CALENDAR All Consent Calendar Items RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern SECONDER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey w City of Grand Terrace J Page 1 Packet Pg 5 2 (r_L Minutes Grand Terrace City Council October 13, 2015 stated that the information was already on the City's channel 3 and that staff would work with the Water Company for additional methods Sally McGuire, spoke on behalf of the Chamber and Foundation, the Chamber would like to set up a meeting with the City Manager They would like to discuss the Chamber's interaction with the City, how the Chamber currently operates and how the Chamber can help the City and businesses succeed She further provided an update on Healthy Cities, stating she had interviewed two potential fellows Ms McGuire announced their Halloween event on October 31, 2015 at Richard Rollins Park from approximately 5 00 to 8 00 p m She requested volunteers and candy donations for this event Candy donations could be taken to CalSkate L l0 Pastor Alger Keough, Azure Hills Seventh Day Adventist Church, introduced himself d and was looking forward to working with everyone D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS H 0 Council Member Bill Hussey 0 Council Member Hussey thanked everyone who attended the meeting He reported that o he attended the League of California Cities Conference on September 30th through October 2"d in San Jose and provided the highlights of the conference Conference materials could be downloaded on the League of Cities website Council Member CD N Hussey thanked City staff that attended, Mayor Pro Tern Robles, and City Attorney Adams He reported that the League has a new president the Mayor of Rancho Cucamonga, Dennis Michael Council Member Hussey learned at the conference that 46 0 Grand Terrace was not the only city with financial problems and that new legislation was coming out for vapes (vapor electronic smoking) Greg Lucas, State Librarian and key note speaker, was available to go to any library, Council Member Hussey wanted to see if he would come to our library to provide insight and speak to the Council Council Member Hussey voted on the following resolutions League By -Laws and Amendments on successor to fill vacancies, Regulation of Treatment Facilities to avoid over a saturation in residential zones Support for SB593 Temporary Rentals to allow for a TOT tax for rentals under 30 days Council Member Hussey thanked staff for the three a day study session on the 2030 Vision He was involved in the GT Clean-up on the a weekend and requested that City staff look into maintenance of the orange trees by the Senior Center He also thanked everyone who participated in the GT Clean-up Day Event Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Wilson reported on the October 7, 2015 SANBAG meeting as follows 1 He requested that the SANBAG Clerk remove Item 22D from the Consent Agenda Item 22D was proposed to re -program the Regional Improvement Program Construction Funds for the 1-215 Barton Road Interchange Project in the amount of $22 611 million from Fiscal Year 2016/2017 to 2017/2018 for the same amount City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packet Pg 7 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council October 13, 2015 The Board, acting as the County Transportation Authority, approved a Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans defining roles, responsibilities, and funding for the 1-10 Eastbound Truck Climbing Lane Extension Protect, with Caltrans as lead and SANBAG reimbursing Caltrans a maximum of $350K of Measure I funds Also acting as the County Transportation Authority, approved Amendment 1 to the Coopertive Agreement with the Colton Unified School District for bus services during construction of the Laurel Street Grade Separation Protect in the amount of $168,630 for a revised total of $597,416 Also acting as the County Transportation Authority, authorized the release of Requests for Proposals (RFP's) for On Call Public Outreach Services for the County Authority's Major Protects Program 5 Under the heading of Regional/Subregional Planning - SANBAG received and filed information on the advanced Regional Rail Integrated Vision - East (arrive) Corridor y Protect update - c U They approved the Cooperative Agreement with the County Of San Bernardino And a The Southern California Association Of Governments (SCAG) for SANBAG to 0 contract for consultant services for the Phase II Countywide Habitat Preservation/ to Conservation Framework Study for an amount NTE $275K, including SANBAGLO protect management costs NTE $25K N 6 Under the heading of Transit/Rail - received the July 2015 Right -of -Way Grants of Use report and filed The Board, acting as the County Transportation Commission and -the county Transportation Authority, approved Amendment 1 to a contract with the Southern California Regional Rail Authority and SANBAG for design and construction support for the Eastern Maintenance Facility and the Downtown Passenger Rail Protect for an additional $1 774 million for a total NTE or $2 562 million and extended to June a 30, 2017 a Also approved a Budget Amendment to increase FY 2015/2016 Budget in the amount of $1 5 million for a new task total of $52 661 million c 7 The Board, acting as the County Transportation Authority, approved a contract for $25 197 million for final mainline design services on the Redlands Passenger Rail Protect A 10% contingency amount was also authorized for the Executive Director 8 The Board, acting as the County Transpiration Authority, approved a contract for NTE $500K for public outreach and branding services for the Redlands, Passenger Rail Protect City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Packet Pg 9 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council October 13, 2015 New statutory entity legislation - created a new statutory entity titled the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority swallowing up the rights, obligations, powers, and duties of the County Transportation Authority, the Transportation Commission, the County Service Authority For Freeway Emergencies, and the County Congestion Management Agency Amended Southern California Regional Rail Authority Budget request for 2015/2016 - Increased So Cal Regional Rail Authority Operating Assistance allocation from $12 848 million to $15 011 million Also approved an Expense Budget for Commuter Rail Operating by $2 163 million for a total of $20 646 million Council Member Jackie Mitchell Council Member Mitchell thanked Mayor Pro Tern Robles and Council Member Hussey for attending the League of California Cities Conference She also thanked Mayor McNaboe, Council Member Hussey and all of the volunteers that were out on Saturday for GT Clean-up Day Event Council Member Mitchell announced the Chamber's 2015 Golf Tournament on November 6, 2015 at Arrowhead Country Club, you may contact the Chamber to secure a sponsorship or register as a participant She stated that she went shopping to Stater Brothers and received a decorated shopping bag done by Terrace View Elementary for Red Ribbon Week Her bag was decorated by Celina Knox a third grader at the school and the bag read "your life is in your hands" what a great message She also commended the Terrace View PTA for all their hard work Council Member Mitchell requested that the City develop a recognition program for businesses hitting anniversary milestones in the City of Grand Terrace She also volunteered to be part of the Chamber meeting with the City Manager Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern Robles reported that she and the City Manager met with the Omnitrans CEO, Scott Graham and operations staff, to discuss current transit service within Grand Terrace Omnitrans would provide a presentation, at a later date, when invited by the City Manager and when the agenda had room Some key points discussed were as follows 1 GT has a ridership of 1500-1600 passengers per month, 2 Average weekday ridership is 73 passengers, 3 The VA Hospital is the most frequent destination on the northbound trip, and the intersection at Center and Michigan (the end of the line) is the most frequent southbound trip, 4 A sampling of 81 trips reveals the most frequent stops and boardings were to and from the Stater Bros Market on Washington Avenue, in Colton The second was the Blue Mountain Villas City of Grand Terrace Page 7 Packet Pg 11 d U d fA c 0 U IEI Minutes Grand Terrace City Council October 13, 2015 E PUBLIC HEARINGS 7 Zoning Code Amendment 15-01 Revising Chapter 18 80 Signs Community Development Director Molina provided a brief presentation CONTINUE INTRODUCTION OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE PUBLIC HEARING IU NUVtMbk:K 1U, 21015 RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member SECONDER Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey F UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE G NEW BUSINESS V 8 2013-2021 Housing Element, Status and Future Actions Community Development Director Molina introduced consultant John Douglas John Douglas, Consultant, presented a PowerPoint presentation for this item A Council, staff, and consultant discussion ensued on the repercussions of not having a certified Housing Element which included a lack of grant funding, potential legal issues, and lawsuits Council requested information on demographics to show how many people met the criteria where the City had the shortfall Also discussed, was the ability to have developer's lnfill the City's potential areas and residents not wanting high density apartments in their neighborhood Further discussed was the ability to hold complex management responsible for good tenants and the possibility of having existing complexes make more units low mod housing Clarification was provided on the State's regulations on existing complexes and future complexes Council asked if there was the possibility of using modular homes or mobile homes and the potential of additional land from the 1-215 Barton Interchange Another options discussed was mixed used zoning and senior housing a City Manager Duffey stated that staff was asking for direction and recapped the Council discussion on the possible housing which included the City's available land inventory, the demographics, Cap and Trade, live work lofts, veteran housing, and studenl housing RECEIVE STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS, AND 2 INITIATE AMENDMENTS TO THE GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING CODE RESULT APPROVED [4 TO 01 City of Grand Terrace Page 9 Packet Pg 13 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council a5 2t October 13, 2015 monthly roundup newsletter of the Council approved actions that would be provided monthly but did not replace the Citywide newsletter Mr Duffey acknowledged the work that staff did last week on the three day 2030 Vision Plan workshops and a special thanks to Finance Director Fortune for her assistance Mr Duffey stated that the revised 2030 Vision, Plan would be brought back to the Council within the next 60 days He further stated that the Council would be receiving a flyer from the Child Care Center informing them of their efforts to fill the child vacancies He and Child Care Director Phillips were working on providing a corporate discount Mayor McNaboe asked the Council Members if they would allow time for Ashley Jones to address the Council By Council consensus, Ms Jones was allowed to address the Council Ashley Jones, Field Representative for Assembly Member Cheryl Brown, announced that their San Bernardino District Office was looking to hire interns, for information call (909) 381-3238 She further announced and invited everyone to Assembly Member Brown's Annual Public Forum on Sickle Cell Anemia on Friday, October 16, 2016 at the Fontana Kaiser off of Slover Avenue from 6 00 p m to 8 00 p m Ms Jones further stated that Cover California open enrollment began on November 1, 2015 for assistance call (909) 381-3238 RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION Mayor McNaboe recessed the City Council into Closed Session at 8 12 p m to discuss the item as listed on the agenda CLOSED SESSION Conference with Labor Negotiators - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 6 Agency Negotiator G Harold Duffey, City Manager Unrepresented employee Management Employees RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION Mayor McNaboe reconvened the City Council to Open Session at 8 29 p m a REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION Mayor McNaboe reported that the Council met in Closed Session, received a briefing, Council provided staff direction, and there was no further reportable action ADJOURN Mayor McNaboe adjourned the meeting at 8 30 p m City of Grand Terrace Page 11 Packet Pg 15 `F 3 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE October 27, 2015 Council Item TITLE Request by the Foundation of Grand Terrace for a WaiveL r of City Special Event and Facility Use Fees Related to the Annual Halloween Festival PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION Waive Special Event and Facility Use fees in the amount of One Thousand One Hundred and Thirtv Dollars ($1.130 00) BACKGROUND As they have for the last few years, the Foundation of Grand Terrace will be putting on the annual Halloween Festival This is another activity that the Foundation took over from the City when the City scaled back on City -funded events The event will be from 5 00 p m to 8 00 p m at Richard Rollins Park with set up activities beginning at 2 00 pm As in previous years, activities include music, snacks, game booths and a dog costume contest On October 8, 2015, the Foundation submitted the Special Event and Facility Use Applications The associated filing and facility use fees total $1,130 00 The bulk of the fees are the new Special Event filing fee of a deposit of $620 (actual costs) The Foundation is requesting that the City Council waive these fees Calculation of the fees includes maintenance staff to ensure that our facilities are clean and working properly DISCUSSION The Foundation of Grand Terrace was founded to develop resources that would strengthen the community and has formed several committees to better address specific programs and projects The committee members are volunteers who offer their time and expertise to accomplish certain community projects The Halloween Festival is an ongoing community event because of the commitment of the Foundation Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council support the Foundation's efforts, and waive the filing and facility use fees in the amount of $1,130 00 The anticipated City fees are as follows Item Fee Special Event Filing Fee $620 00 Use of fields $70 00 Public Works Maintenance (5 hours) $440 00 Packet Pg 17 W-rzrp-�Crrus- MEETING DATE TITLE FWV AGENDA REPORT October 27, 2015 Council Item Purchase Order Authorization for Progressive Solutions, Inc Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION Authorization to increase a Purchase Order in an amount not to exceed $1,000 00 for a new annual total of $11,123 68 with Progressive Solutions, Inc 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #1 Ensuring Fiscal Viability by exploring creative means to provide services BACKGROUND The City has an ongoing software maintenance contract with Progressive Solutions, Inc (PSI) for Code Track, Pet Track, License Track and Cashier Track, all of which are PSI software systems Code Track encompasses the rental inspection program The annual PSI software maintenance costs are shared by Code Enforcement and Finance budgets, and the maintenance fee for FY 2015-2016 has already been paid 1-11 i�&1*91.I In order to facilitate, the reporting of Code Enforcement activities, Staff met with PSI to review the Code Track software PSI has provided a price quote to the City to add a Dashboard Interface to the existing software Dashboard provides advanced graphical statistics reports and would provide greater efficiency, since the statistical would no longer need to be manually compiled The Dashboard software would add an additional $1,000 to the � PSI software maintenance cost Staff is recommending that City Council authorize a $1,b00 increase to the existing purchase order totaling $11,123 68 annually for Progressive Solutions, Inc FISCAL IMPACT The Community Development Department 2015-2016 budget has funds available for the increase of this purchase order in the budget line item listed below FY2015-16 PROPOSED BUDGET LINE ITEM FUND ACCOUNT ACCOUNT TITLE AVAILABLE BUDGET General 10-187-246 Enforcement Programs - Maintenance $10,900 00 Packet Pg i 971 Budgetary Quote for Grand Terrace from Progressive Solutions Inc. 9/18/2015 CodeTrack Dashboard PSI Dashboard see pncing notes n m' Dashboard Interface $1000* Annual Maintenance $1000 *Initial 1000 dollar configuration fee also pays for Software maintenance until July 1st 2016 PRICING NOTES PSI Dashboard A The Standard PSI Dashboard comes with up to 10 data graphs to graphically display -a data, a user manager to display requested analytics on workers, and an account O d tracker to view specific sensitive accounts U) B The Standard Code Enforcement graphs are Number of Incidents over a period/of Time (line), Different types of violations (Pie), Year over Year Comparison Incident a' (Line), Total Revenue Year over Year (bar), Cases Closed by Officer (Pie) 00 C Users are allowed to add up to 5 additional graphs for data presentation, from 00 request it can take between 3-10 business days and will require a software update to add an additional graph c 2 Packet Pg 21 5 J MEETING DATE TITLE PRESENTED BY AGENDA REPORT October 27, 2015 Council Item An Ordinance Amending Title 8 Chapter 8 112 (Fireworks) of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION Adopt ORDINANCE NO , AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AMENDING CHAPTER 8112 FIREWORKS OF TITLE 8 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports the City's adopted Mission to preserve and protect our community and its exception quality of life through thoughtful planning, within the constraints of a fiscally responsible government BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION On October 13, 2015, the City Council introduced an ordinance to amend Chapter 8 112 (Fireworks) of the Municipal Code to regulate the sale and use of safe and sane fireworks, including the establishment of a temporary fireworks stand for retail sale of safe and sane fireworks, and the dates that the fireworks can be sold and discharged The attached ordinance is ready for adoption FISCAL IMPACT No adverse fiscal impact to the General Fund will occur as a result of the adoption of the ordinance ATTACHMENTS • Chapter 8 112 Fireworks —Second Reading (DOCX) • No Fireworks Safety Zone GT_9 22 2015 (PDF) APPROVALS Sandra Molina Completed 10/14/2015 8 05 AM Finance Completed 10/16/2015 4 45 PM City Attorney Completed 10/19/2015 2 18 PM Community Development Completed 10/22/2015 10 38 AM City Manager Completed 10/22/201511 48 AM Packet Pg 22 ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AMENDING CHAPTER 8112 FIREWORKS OF TITLE 8 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, according to the 2014 Fireworks Annual Report prepared by U S Consumer Products Safety Commission • Fireworks were involved in an estimated 10,500 injuries treated in U S hospital emergency departments during calendar year 2014, and • An estimated 7,000 fireworks -related injuries were treated in U S hospital emergency departments during between June 20, 2014 and July 20, 2014, and • Children 5 to 9 years of age had the highest estimated rate of emergency department -treated fireworks -related injuries WHEREAS, according to the National Fire Protection Agency, in 2011, fireworks caused an estimated 17,800 reported fires, including 1,200 total structure fires, 400 0 vehicle fires, and 16,300 outside and other fires, and N WHEREAS, according to the National Fire Protection Agency, on July 4th in a typical year, far more U S fires are reported than on any other day, and fireworks account for two out of five of those fires, more than any other cause of fires, and WHEREAS, in 2007, the California Legislature enacted SIB 839 amending the State Fireworks Law to authorize local jurisdictions, as of January 1, 2008, to prohibit the possession of dangerous fireworks in, the amount of 25 pounds or less and to assess a civil fines for the unlawful possession of 25 pounds or less of dangerous fireworks, and WHEREAS, SB 839 mandates the amendment of any ordinance of a local jurisdiction in effect on or after January 1, 2008, that is related to dangerous fireworks to • Include provisions for cost reimbursement to the Office of the State Fire Marshal and the collection of disposal costs as part of an administrative fines, and • Provide that fines collected pursuant to the ordinance shall not be subject to the = disbursement required by,section 12706 of the California Health & Safety Code, E and • Limit the prohibition on the possession of dangerous fireworks to those persons a who possess 25 pounds or less, , `Packet Pg 24 8 112 070 - Permit - Prerequisites to issuance 8 112 080 - Suspension of permit - Appeal procedure 8 112 090 - Operation of stand 8 112 100 - Temporary fireworks stands 8 112 110 - Public advertisement 8 112 120 - General requirements for permitees 8 112 130 - Temporary sales tax permit required 8 112 140 - Display of permit and sales tax permit 8 112 150 - Permissible locations for discharge 8 112 160 - Prohibition on discharge 8 112 170 - Fireworks defined 8 112 180 - Establishment of a no fireworks safety zone 8 112 190 — Authorized seizure authorized by the San Bernardino County Fire District and San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department 8 112 200 - Administrative fines and penalties Section 8112 010 - Dates and hours of sale and discharge Safe and sane fireworks as defined by Section 12529 of the California Health and Safety Code may be sold within the city during the period of June 28th through July 4th, twelve noon to nine p m by persons possessing an appropriate permit pursuant to Section 8 112 020 The selling of fireworks without a permit is prohibited Safe and sane fireworks may be discharged solely on July 4th, between the hours of twelve noon to eleven p m I Section 8112 020 Dangerous Fireworks Prohibited It shall be unlawful for any person to possess, store, manufacture, transport, give, hold for others, offer for sale, expose for sale, sell at retail or wholesale, or use, discharge or explode, within the City, any fireworks which are classified as dangerous fireworks, as that term is defined by subsections 12505 and 12561 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California, except as provided in Section 8 112 030 Section 8112 030 Exemption — Certain public displays A It shall be unlawful to cause, allow, permit, aid, abet, or suffer any discharge of "dangerous fireworks", including a public display or any use of special effects without having first obtained a permit therefore from the fire chief and community development director B Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the community development director may conditionally grant a permit for the supervised public display of fireworks in the city at an approved site to any organization who desires to conduct a public display of fireworks for the general public and citizens of the city Such display of fireworks within the city shall be allowed only upon a permit being granted by the community development director, which permit shall be issued subject to such rules, regulations and conditions as the director may impose, including but not limited to, the competency Y F 3 U- N 16. c. U 0 c d E c a� E a J ti 00 ti 21 Packet Pg 26 Section 8112 060 — Permit - Land use application —Public liability insurance All applications for a permit to sell fireworks shall A Be made in writing via a land use application to the community development department accompanied by a filing fee and inspection fee in the amounts set forth by resolution of the Council and a deposit pursuant to Section 8 112 090 In addition, a three percent surcharge of the gross receipts`shall be paid by the permittee to the city within thirty days following the close of sales by applicant as partial reimbursement for extra law enforcement All fees required hereunder are not for the purpose of revenue but shall be used to defray the reasonable regulatory costs of processing and issuing the permits contemplated herein, investigations, inspections, audits, enforcement, and adjudication thereof B Set forth the proposed location of the fireworks stand applied for The stands must be on private property located in the commercial, industrial or manufacturing zones and the written permission of the owner of record or lessee must accompany the application according to Zoning Code Section 18 73 21, Temporary Uses Allowed C Be accompanied by an assurance that if the permit is issued to applicant, applicant ,. shall, at the time of receipt of the permit, deliver to the city clerk's office a certificate evidencing an occurrence -based 'policy with the following minimum limits $1,000,000 00 public liability and property damage, and general aggregate coverage of $2,000,000 00 and with a certificate of endorsement designating the City of Grand 0 Terrace as an additional insured under this chapter No policy will be acceptable d which contains a provision allowing a deductible amount A copy of the requisite state retail sales permit from the Office of the California State Fire Marshal shall also be = attached D Be routed to the fire chief, building and safety director, and the sheriffs department The community development department will evaluate the location of the fireworks stand and related issues Section 8112 070 - Permit —Prerequisites to issuance The following qualifications must be met by each applicant for a license issued under this chapter A No permit shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation except nonprofit associations or corporations organized primarily for youth sports B Each such organization must have its principal and permanent meeting place to 5 the corporate limits of the city and must have been organized and established in the city's corporate limits for a minimum of one year continuously preceding the filing of the application for the permit, and must have a bona fide membership of at least one cc hundred fifty members a Packet Pg 28 ' z5a Section 8 112 100 - Temporary fireworks stands All retail sales of safe and sane fireworks shall be permitted only from within a temporary fireworks stand, and sales from any other building, or structure is hereby prohibited Temporary stands shall be subject to the following provisions A No fireworks stand shall be located within twenty-five feet of any other building nor within one hundred feet of any gasoline pump B Fireworks stands need not comply with the provisions of the building code of the city, provided, however, that all stands shall be erected under the supervision of the building and safety director, who shall require that stands be constructed in a manner that will reasonably insure the safety of attendants and patrons The applicant shall pay an inspection fee to recover the cost of inspection C No stand shall have a floor area in excess of three hundred square feet D Each stand in excess of twenty-four feet in length must have at least two exits Each stand in excess of forty feet in length musChave at least three exits spaced a approximately equidistance apart, provided, however, that in no case shall the distance between exits exceed twenty-four feet E Each stand shall be provided with two two -and -one-half gallon soda -and -acid or water pressure type fire extinguishers, underwriter approved, in good working order and easily accessible for use in case of fire F The permittee shall post on the fireworks stand a minimum of two maps depicting the Grand Terrace "No Fireworks Safety Zone" The maps shall measure a minimum of 24 inches by 36 inches The Permittee shall also post current notices and fines at the fireworks stand and copies of the rules and fines handed out with the sale of fireworks Section 8 112 110 — Public advertisement The permittee shall deposit $500 00 with the City at the time of the land use application for the purpose of placing a published advertisement in the local paper of general circulation advising Grand Terrace residents of the provisions regulating the discharging of safe and sane fireworks, including the prohibition of discharging fireworks within the No Fireworks Safety Zone Any portion of said deposit in excess of the cost to the City for placing said advertisement shall be returned to permittee no later than July 14th Section 8112 080 - General requirements for permitees A All weeds and combustible material shall be cleared from the location of the stand including a distance of at least twenty feet surrounding the stand r a B "No smoking" signs shall be prominently displayed on the fireworks stand Packet•Pg 30 Section 8 112 190 — Authorized Seizure by the San Bernardino County Fire District and San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department The San Bernardino County Fire Department and San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department, acting together or separately, are authorized and directed to seize, take, remove or cause to be removed at the expense of the owner any fireworks offered or exposed for sale, stored or held or possessed in violation of the provisions of this chapter and Section 7802 of the California Fire Code Section 8112 200 — Administrative fines and penalties A Purpose 1 This chapter authorizes the imposition of administrative fines on any person who V violates any provision of this chapter in order to encourage and obtain compliance with r the provisions of this chapter for the benefit and protection of the entire community This section governs the imposition, enforcement, collection and administrative review of all administrative fines, related to the possession, use; storage, sale and/or display of those fireworks classified as "dangerous fireworks" in California Health and Safety Code a § 12500, et seq , with the exception of a pyrotechnic licensee when operating pursuant t- to that license, and the use of "safe and sane fireworks" as defined in California Health and Safety Code § 12500 et seq on or at dates, times and/or locations other than those permitted by this chapter Said administrative fines are imposed under authority of c Government Code § 53069 4, Health and Safety Code § 12557, and police power of the H cityIn 2 The issuance of citations imposing administrative fines may be performed at the discretion of the officials of the city authorized hereunder, and the issuance of a citation to any person constitutes but one remedy of the city to redress violations of this Code by any person By adopting this chapter, the city does not intend to limit its authority to employ any other remedy, civil or criminal, to redress any violation of this Code by any person, which this city may otherwise pursue 3 The imposition of fines related to "dangerous fireworks" under this chapter shall be limited to persons who posses, sell, use and/or display, or the seizure of, less than 25 pounds (gross weight) of such "dangerous fireworks" 4 Fines collected pursuant to this chapter related to "dangerous fireworks" shall not 00 be subject to Health and Safety Code § 12706, which section provides that certain fines collected by a court of the state be deposited with, and disbursed by, the county n treasurer However, the city shall provide cost reimbursement to the state fire marshal pursuant to regulations to be adopted by the state fire marshal addressing the state fire marshal's cost for the transportation and disposal of "dangerous fireworks" seized by d the city, which costs will be part of any administrative fine imposed Unless and until said regulations have been adopted by the state, the city shall hold in trust $250 00 or 25 percent of any fine collected, whichever is greater, to cover the cost reimbursement a to the state fire marshal for said cost of transportation and disposal of the "dangerous fireworks " Packet Pg 32 at the time of its issuance The refusal of a citee to sign a citation shall not affect its validity or any related subsequent proceedings, nor shall signing a citation constitute an admission that a person is responsible for a violation of the code, and i Any other information deemed necessary by the director for enforcement or collection purposes C Administrative fines 1 Each person who violates any provision of this chapter as it relates to the possession, use, storage, sale and/or display of "dangerous fireworks; shall be subject to the imposition and payment of an administrative fine or fines as provided below Number of Offenses in One-year Period Amount of Administrative Penalty Late Charge Total Amount of Penalty Plus Late Charge First $2,500 00 $250 00 $2,750 00 Second 5,00000 50000 5,50000 F7Third 10,000 00 1,00000 1,00000 2 Each person who uses "safe and sane fireworks" on or at dates, times and/or locations other than those permitted by this ordinance shall be subject to the imposition and payment of an administrative fine or fines as provided below Number of offenses in 1- Amount of Late Total Amount of year Administrative Charge Penalty period Penalty Plus Late Charge First $250 00 $75 00 $325 00 F_ Second 50000 15000 65000 Third 75000 1300001 1,05000 3 in the case of a violation of any of the provisions listed above, the administrative U fine(s) shall be due and payable within 30 calendar days from the issuance of the administrative fine citation, and the citee shall be required to abate the violation, and E surrender all "dangerous fireworks" to the CEO, immediately For penalties not paid in 0 full within that time, a late charge in the amount set forth above is hereby imposed and a must be paid to the city by the citee Fines not paid within the time established by this chapter shall accrue interest at the prevailing established rate On the second and each subsequent time that a person is issued a citation for the same violation in any 12- Packet Pg 34 `5a d The dates and signature of the citee(s) 5 The city shall notify all persons who filed a request for a hearing in writing by first- class mail of the date, time and place set for the hearing at least ten calendar days prior to the date of the hearing Service of this notice is deemed complete at time of mailing The failure of a citee to receive a properly addressed notice shall not invalidate the citation or any hearing, city action or proceeding conducted pursuant to this chapter 6 The hearing shall be conducted within 60 days of the date a timely and complete r request is received by the city clerk to 7 If the CEO submits an additional written report concerning the citation to the city c. for consideration at the hearing, the CEO shall also serve a copy of such report by first- class mail on the person requesting an administrative hearing no less than seven 0 calendar days prior to the date of the hearing Failure to receive said report shall not c invalidate the citation or any hearing, city action or proceeding pursuant to this chapter E E Administrative hearing —Procedures a 1 The hearing officer designated or appointed by the city manager shall hear all requests for administrative hearings of administrative fines in accordance with the c° procedures established herein 2 Administrative hearings are informal, and formal rules of evidence and discovery 0 do not apply The city bears the burden of proof to establish a violation and responsibility therefore by a preponderance of evidence The citation is prima facie evidence of the violation, however, and the CEO who issued the citation is not required to attend or participate at the hearing The citee(s) and CEO, if present, shall have an S opportunity to present evidence and witnesses and to cross-examine witnesses A citeetv may bring an interpreter to the hearing provided there is no expense to the city therefore The hearing officer may question any person who presents evidence or who 0 testifies at any hearing 3 A citee may appear at the hearing in person or by written declaration executed under penalty of perjury Said declaration and any documents in support thereof shall be tendered to and received by the city at least seven business days prior to the hearing If the citee fails to attend or does not submit a written declaration in a timely manner, he or she shall be deemed to have waived the right to a hearing In such an instance, the hearing officer shall cancel the hearing and not render a decision In such instances, the citation shall be deemed confirmed 4 Hearings may be continued once at the request of a citee or the officer who issued the citation The hearing officer may also continue the hearing for cause �E F Hearing decision —Right of appeal - a Packet.Pg 36 SECTION 5 First read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 13th of October, 2015, and finally adopted and ordered posted at a regular meeting of said City Council on the 27th of October, 2015 ATTEST Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Darcy McNaboe Mayor I, Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the of , 2015, by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Approved as to form Richard L Adams, II City Attorney t- oo ti d E Packet Pg 38 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE October 27, 2015 Council Item TITLE Amendment of Contract for Street Maintenance Services with Roquet Paving, Inc PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION 1) Extend the contract term to August 27, 2016 for the one year extension allowed in the Professional Services Agreement, 2) Increase the Roquet Paving purchase order by-$50,000, and 3) Amend the Roquet Paving contract to reflect the name change of the vendor 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #1 "Maintain Public Safety" by investing in critical improvements to infrastructure BACKGROUND Because of limited maintenance staffing and equipment to make repairs to City streets, City staff secured on -call street maintenance services The City street maintenance contract involves asphalt paving throughout the City along with emergency services for street repairs that include street paving, sidewalk repair, street striping and sealing pavement cracks Emergency work can also include maintenance of other right-of-way facilities such as repairs to storm drains, curb gutters and disabled access ramps The City Council approved a contract with Roquet Paving (now RP Construction) in the amount of $40,000 annually for on call street maintenance service The contract was executed on August 27, 2013, for a two year term with an option for one 12-month extension On June 24, 2014, the City Council approved Amendment No 1 to the street maintenance contract increasing the contract amount by Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) to a total sum not to exceed Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000) DISCUSSION RP Construction, formerly Roquet Paving, has done general maintenance activities, such as large pothole repairs and general streets Repairs this fiscal year include major citywide pothole repair on Barton Road, Michigan Street, Palm Avenue and Main Street, and striping Additional repair work was completed on a sinkhole repair and routine road maintenance The extent of pothole repair work along our main corridors was substantial and expended a signification portion of the contract amount ° Packet Pg 40 AMENDMENT NO 2 TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR STREET MAINTENANCE REPAIRS BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND RP CONSTRUCTION FORMERLY KNOWN AS ROQUET PAVING THIS AMENDMENT ("Amendment 2") is made and entered into this 27th day of October, 2015, by and between the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ("City"), a Municipal Corporation, and RP Construction formerly known as Roquet Paving, Incorporated ("Professional"), a California Company WHEREAS, the City and the Professional entered into an Agreement for street maintenance services ("Services") on or about August 27, 2013 for a two year term with a one year extension, and WHEREAS, the parties amended the Agreement on June 24, 2014 to increase the contract amount from,Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) to Seventy Thousand Dollars occasioned by the need for emergency repair work, and WHEREAS, the parties wish to amend Section 2 (Term) of the Agreement to extend the term to August 27, 2P16, and WHEREAS, the parties wish to amend Section 3 (Compensation/Payment) of the Agreement by Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) occasioned by the need for sinkhole and extensive pot hole repair as well as routine road maintenance NOW THEREFORE; in consideration of the foregoing and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows Section 2 TERM is hereby amended to read as follows This Agreement shall be effective on the date first written above and shall remain in effect until August 27, 2016 This Agreement may be terminated pursuant to provisions herein Section 3 COMPENSATION/PAYMENT is hereby amended to read as follows Professional shall perform the Services under this Agreement for the total sum not to exceed Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000) (this reflects an increase of Fifty Thousand Dollars over the original Agreement amount of Forty Thousand Dollars) Payment shall be made in accordance with City's usual accounting procedures upon receipt and approval of an itemized invoice setting forth the services performed The invoices shall be delivered to City at the address set forth in Section 4, hereof Section 4 All other,terms, provisions and conditions of the Original Agreement, to the extent not modified by this Amendment, shall remain in full force and effect Packet Pg, 42 '6 b Page 1 of 2 AMENDMENT NO 1 TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR STREET MAINTENANCE REPAIRS BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND ROQUET PAVING, INCORPORATED THIS AMENDMENT ("Amendment 1") is made and entered into this 24th day of June, 2014, by and between the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ("City"), a Municipal Corporation, and Roquet Paving, Incorporated ("Professional"), a California Corporation WHEREAS, the City and the Professional entered into an Agreement for street maintenance services, in conluction with Street Maintenance Program ("Services") on or about August 27, 2014, and WHEREAS, the parties wish to amend Section 3 (Compensation/Payment) of the Agreement by Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) occasioned by the need for unanticipated emergency repair work NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows Section 1 Section 3 COMPENSATION/PAYMENT is hereby amended to read as follows Professional shall perform the Services under this Agreement for the total sum not to E exceed Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000) for the first 12 months (this reflects an a increase of Thirty Thousand Dollars over the original Agreement amount of Forty Thousand Dollars), and shall not exceed Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) for each subsequent 12-month term Payment shall be made in accordance with City's usual accounting procedures upon receipt and approval of an itemized invoice setting forth C the services performed The invoices shall be delivered to City at the address set forth Z in Section 4, hereof 1 Section 3 All other terms, provisions and conditions of the Original Agreement, to the extent not modified by this Amendment, shall remain in full force and effect a IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment Number 1 to be executed by and through their respective authorized officers, as of the date first E above written a Packet Pg 44 THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, A Municipal Corporation Kenneth J Henderson Interim City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM M City Attorney By Michael J R q t President 0 ti ti 0 z m E c m E Q r c m E �a Q Packet Pg 46 A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Roquet Paving Incorporated THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into this 9- ("Effective Date") by and between the City of Grand Terrace ("City"), a ------public entity, and Roquet Laving Incorporated, -(''''Professional"); a Californ{a--Corporation---- -- - -- 0 d 1 Scope of Services City agrees to retain Professional and Professional does hereby retain and agree to provide the services more particularly described in Exhibit "A", "Scope of a Services" ("Services"), attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, in conjunction with Street Maintenance Program, ("Services") d a� 2 Term. This Agreement shall be effective on the date first written above and shall N remain in effect for two years from the effective date with a one year extension if agreed upon r by both parties This Agreement may be terminated pursuant to provisions herein E 3 Compensation/Payment. Professional shall perform the Services under this ,a Agreement for the total sum not to exceed Exhibit "A" attached Payment shall be made in E accordance with City's usual accounting procedures upon receipt and approval of an itemized a invoice setting forth the services performed The invoices shall be delivered to City at the address set forth in Section 4, hereof 4 Notices Any notices required to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be ' personally served or given by mail Any notice given by mad shall be deemed given when deposited in the United States Mail, certified and postage prepaid, addressed to the party to be served as follows To City TO City of Grand Terrace Roquet Paving Inc 22795 Barton Rd Bldg B P Q Box 887 Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Colton, CA 92324 5 Prevailing Wage If applicable, Professional and all subcontractors are required to pay the general prevailing wage rates of per diem wages and overtime and holiday wages determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations under Section 1720 et seq of the California Labor Code and implemented the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace The Director's determination is on file and open to inspection in the office of the City Clerk and is referred to and made a part hereof, the wage rates therein ascertained, determined, and specified are referred to and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein 6 Contract Administration. A designee of the City will be appointed to administer this Agreement on behalf of City and shall be referred to herein as Contract Administrator 7 Standard of Performance. While performing the Services, Professional shall exercise the reasonable care and skill customarily exercised by reputable members of 1 Packet Pg 47 �6 c �` any contribution to be paid by City for employer contribution and/or employee contributions for iiPERS benefits 12 Indemnifications 12 1 Indemnity. Except as to the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the City, r E Professional shall defend indern fj+ and_ hold the City, end ;Its officers,.! mrrip es and agents, o w harmless from any and all loss, damage, claim for damage, liability, expense or cost, including _ _ 0 attorneys' fees, which arises out of or is in any way connected with the performance of work under this Agreement by Professional or any of the Professional 's employees, agents or subcontractors and from all claims by Professional's employees, subcontractors and agents for a compensation for services rendered to in the performance of this Agreement, notwithstanding S that the City may have benefiited from their services This indemnification provision shall apply to any acts or omissions, willful misconduct or negligent conduct, whether active or passive, on the part of Professional or of Professional's employees, subcontractors or agents in 0 12 2 Attorney's Fees The parties expressly agree that any payment, attorneys' fees, costs or expense that the City incurs or makes to or on behalf of an injured employee under the City's self-administered workers' compensation is included as a loss, expense or cost for the purposes of this Section, and that this Section shall survive the expiration or early termination of a the Agreement n 13 Insurance T r 13 1 General Provisions Prior to the City's execution of this Agreement, Professional shall provide satisfactory evidence of, and shall thereafter maintain during the term of this Agreement, such insurance policies and coverages in the types, limits, forms and ratings S required herein The rating and required insurance policies and coverages may be modified in writing by the City's Risk Manager or City Attorney, or a designee, unless such modification is 2 prohibited by law 13 1 1 Limitations These minimum amounts of coverage shall not constitute any limitation or cap on Professional's Indemnification obligations under Section 12 hereof c 13 1 2 Ratings Any insurance policy or coverage provided by Professional as required 6 by this Agreement shall be deemed inadequate and a material breach of this Agreement, unless �° such policy or coverage is issued by insurance companies authonzed to transact insurance business in the State of California with a policy holder's rating of A- or higher and a Financial N Class of VII or higher w 13 1 3,Cancellation. The policies shall not be canceled unless thirty (30) days prior E wntten notification of intended cancellation has been given to City by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid a 13 14 Adequacy The City, its officers, employees and agents make no representation that the types or limits of insurance specified to be carried by Professional pursuant ,to this ,t Agreement are adequate to protect if Professional believes that any required insurance 3 Packet Pg 49 It is agreed that the City of Grand Terrace and its officers, employees and agents, are added as additional insures under this policy, solely for work done by and on behalf of the`named insured for the City of Grand Terrace 13 4 Subcontractors' insurance Professional shall require all of its subcontractors to carry insurance, in an amount sufficient to cover the risk of injury, damage or loss that may be o --caused -by- the -subcontractors' W-scope-of-work -and-activities- provided -in-furtherance-of this -~ 0 - Agreement, including, but without limitation, the following coverages Workers Compensation, Commercial General Liability, Errors and Omissions, and Automobile liability Upon City's = request, Professional shall provide City with satisfactory evidence that Subcontractors have obtained insurance policies and coverages required by this section 14 Business Tax Professional understands that the Services performed under this r L Agreement constitutes doing business in the City of Grand Terrace, and Professional agrees N that Professional will register for and pay a business tax pursuant to Chapter 5 04 of the Grand w Terrace Municipal Code and keep such tax certificate current during the term of this Agreement 15 Time of Essence Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement a 16 City's Right to Employ Other. City reserves the right to employ other in connection with the Services 17 Solicitation. Professional warrants that they have not employed or retained any �' person or City to solicit or secure this Agreement, nor has it entered into any agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent free to be paid to secure this Agreement For breach of this, warranty, City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without liability and pay only for the value of work has actually performed, or, in its sole discretion, to deduct from the Agreement price or otherwise recover from Professional the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage or commission fee The remedies specified in this section shall be in addition `to and not in lieu of those remedies otherwise specified in this Agreement 18 General Compliance with Laws. Professional'shall keep fully informed of federal, a state and local laws and ordinances and regulations which in any manner affect those employed �° by Professional, or in any way affect the performance of services by professional pursuant to a. this Agreement Professional shall at all times observe and comply with all such laws, y ordinances and regulations, and shall be solely responsible for any failure to comply with all w applicable laws, ordinances and regulations a� 19 Amendments This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a written Agreement and/or change order executed by the Professional and the City a 20 Termanation City, by notifying professional in writing, shall have the right to terminate any or all of professional's services and work covered by this Agreement at any time, with or without cause in the event of such termination, professional may submit s final written ' statement of the amount of 's services as of the date of such termination based upon the ratio 5 Packet Pg 51 parties If they do not reach settlement within a period of 60 days, the matter shall be submitted to an alternative dispute resolution process, either nonbinding arbitration or mediation, ("Process) by written notice from either party to the other The parties shall meet and confer in good faith and select a Process and an arbitrator or a mediator that is agreeable to both sides The selected Process shall be completed no later that 120 days ("Process Period") after tender of the aforementioned written notice, unless the Parties mutually agree to an extension of the _ `W V Process Period- If the matter ►s nnot successfully resofve� by the selected Process, w►thm the _ ci Process Period, the parties are free to commence litigation in a court of competent jurisdiction as defined in Section 23 herein Any litigation commenced without both parties' consent prior = to the end of the Process Period, shall be subject to a stay until the end of the Process Penod The Parties further agree to equally bear the cost of the Process 25 Nondiscrimination During Professional's performance of this Agreement, Professional shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, religious creed, color, national origin, n ancestry, age, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, including the medical r condition of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or any condition related thereto, E marital status, sex, or sexual orientation, in the selection and retention of employees and = subcontractors and the procurement of materials and equipment, except as provided in Section 12940 of the California Government Code Further, Professional agrees to conform to the a requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the performance of this Agreement ti h 26 Severability Each provision, tern, condition, covenant and/or restnction, in whole v and in part, of this Agreement shall be considered severable In the event any provision, term, condition, covenant and/or restriction, in whole and/or in part, of this Agreement is declared invalid, unconstitutional, or void for any reason, such provision or part thereof shall be severed from this Agreement and shall not affect any other provision, term, condition, covenant and/or restriction of this Agreement, and the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect 27 Authority The individuals executing this Agreement and the instruments referenced herein on behalf of Professional each represent and warrant that they have the legal power, right and actual authority to bind professional to the terns and conditions hereof and thereof 28 Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the final, complete, and exclusive statement of the terms of the agreement between the parties pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous understandings or agreements of the parties Neither party has been induced to enter into this Agreement by, nor is neither party relying on, any representation or warranty outside those expressly set forth in this Agreement 29 Interpretation. City and Professional acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is the product of mutual arms -length negotiations and accordingly, the rule of construction, which provides that the ambiguities in a document shall be construed against the drafter of that document, shall have no application to the interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement 7 Packet Pg 53 N EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICE This project involves minor asphalt paving of failures throughout the City along with emergency r service standby for street repairs that may vary in size for street patching to sidewalk repair, -street-stripping-and-sealing-pavement cracks_Tbls project wdi Include maintenance of asphalt 0- on specific streets throughout the City Typically the City budgets approximately $40,000 for L) maintenance d c The work shall be done under the supervision of the Director of Public Works / City Engineer c c No work or portion of the work shall be paid for until it is approved for payment by the Director of Public Works / City Engineer, but this shall not prevent approval of and payment for completed .� portions of the work as it progresses, payment acceptance of these portions or of the completed protect 0 The Contractor will be required to be on- call to make emergency repairs or set up emergency traffic control devices at the request of the City if the City is not able to provide the traffic control E The Contractor will respond to City request to make emergency repairs within 4 hours of receiving the requests from the City a The Contractor shall not commence construction or order equipment until the City has given the ti Contractor a Notice to Proceed The Contractor may make temporary repairs to the paving and base pave the area if more time is needed to complete the paving The unit cost for maintenance will vary depending on the specifics of the repair Before each a repair, the Contractor and the Public Works Director or representative shall agree to the pace of the work The City and Contractor understands that underground or unknown conditions at the time of the cost estimate can increase or decrease the estimate for the work performed Zo Packet Pg 55 c� DATE 081)3 t;kV /3 STATE CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE NO CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO (if available) CORPORATE SEAL Corporation incorporated under the State of c' a t- 4,, f Y\ , vN BIDDER'S NAME, ADDRESS & PHONE 1?51--4 ; :� -30T k TELEPHONE (Area Code) BY Signature M (chae ► ,J Pg U vA Print or type name TITLE PtV 6A d t c't, t Names and addresses of all members of copartnership or names and titles of all officers of the corporation . cAi, ct- t� c , cp,, e T - {�wwnru41 in•� C-2 Jac L_. (eC,�L-eT �f t�l c's ,�1r Ccacc>a��� kurilsr4G i Packet Pg 57 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS UNIT UNIT FR)CE 5a 3" Asphalt Overlay 500-1000 SF SF 3 L 5b F 5b 1001-5000 SF SF D $/S F 5c 5001 - Greater SF j , r S F 6a ,� Asphalt Leveling Course 0-10 TN j '1 �, d p / Tb ri tab 10-50 TN 105 0,D/Tb yt, 6c 50 - Greater TN $0 U p PTO r) 7a Petromat 500-1000 SF ?01$F 7b 1001-5000 SF Ss'/Sp 7c 5001 - Greater SF , 18 f S F Ba 6' Wide x 2" Deep Asphalt Header Cut 0-200 LF 1 4 D /LF Sb 200-500 LF 9 ID /LF Sc 500 - Greater LF %0 fur 9 Rout and Seal Pavement Cracks LF 10 Pothole Patching SF !U 0/ S F EQUIPMENT HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE. (Attached additional sheets as necessary) C-4 PacketPg 59 R t ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGMENT The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the following ADDENDA and the cost if any, or such revisions have been included in the TOTAL. BID of the Bidding Schedule (s) ADDENDUM NO IN A a 12 b I i cA htL , DATED ADDENDUM NO , DATED ADDENDUM NO ,DATED ADDENDUM NO , DATED _ Name of Bidder Address State License No Date the day of Telephone No By Signafure C-6 9.1-1,L 2C bU 6%,+, Title Packet Pg 61 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, BIDDER executes and submits this proposal with the names, title, hands, and seals of all aforenamed principals this _ _ day of , 20 Subsc stf Q-Ff�ii'�ed JG�za. C-8 Packet Pg 33 DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work, and to procure materials and equipment from suppliers and vendors as follows NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE NUMBER, AND LICENSE NO OF SUBCONTRACTORS ITEMS OF WORK N K Prior to award of contract, Contractor shall submit a list of suppliers and vendors in writing to the City Engineer. C-9 al Packet Pg 55 N NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) SS COUNTY OF (NAME), M i C N � affiant being first duly that he epsl4e is the og u4A deposes and says 64nt (sole owner, partner, other proper title 90 q U Ct Layl klC 1 n c , the party making the foregoing bid and (Contracting Firm Name) that the Bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation, that the Bid is genuine and not collusive or sham, that the Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to put in a false or sham Bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any Bidder or anyone else to put in a sham Bid, or that anyone shalt refrain from bidding, that the Bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix ,the bid price of the Bidder or any other Bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other Bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the Contract of anyone interested in the proposed Contract, that all statements contained in the Bid are true, and, further, that the Bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company associations, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham Bid (Public Contract Code Section 7106) Bidder's Name U p I.LL t rci V( Mc I Yi C Bidder's Address A v H g M A N Kno i I D r 1 Y't - *PC) 50z o l iol4-un . Co- I 314 Telephone No ( 9 09) 2� 3 q N "7 2 (Signatur of der) (Title) ,t All signatures must be notarized and securely attached to thisform C-11 c d E cc r Zo Packet Pg 67 MEETING DATE TITLE PRESENTED BY AGENDA REPORT October 27, 2015 Council Item Public Convenience and Necessity Finding for Gourmet Beer Wine and Foods Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION Direct staff to issue a Public Convenience or Necessity Letter to the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control in support of the license 2030 VISION STATEMENT This item supports Goal #3, "Promote Economic Development" by supporting a local business BACKGROUND On April 8, 2015, the City of Grand Terrace Community Development Department approved Land Use 15-10 at 12210 Michigan St, Unit 13 for Mr Anshu Pathak The approval allowed a "warehouse" type retail use As approved, the business owner would stock exotic meats, other foods, beers and wines in the warehouse portion of the tenant space, customers place orders at the front office portion of the space and the employees fill the orders by pulling the items from warehouse stock Items can also be purchased online and orders filled in the same manner The applicant sales exotic meets such as iguana, kangaroo, alligator, buffalo and more, and would like to sell specialty beers and,wines made from exotic fruits and spices (microbrewed) along with its specialty products The Zoning Code does not require a Conditional Use Permit for retail alcohol sales, however, Condition of Approval No 7 of the Land Use approval, required the applicant to obtain the appropriate license from the State of California of Alcoholic Beverage, Control ("ABC') prior to selling alcohol The sale of beer and wine for off site consumption is subject to the issuance of a Type 20 Beer and Wine license from the ABC Type 20 licenses only allow the off -sale of beer and wine, as opposed to Type 21 licenses which includes hard liquor and spirits The applicant has applied to the ABC for a Type 20 license, and was informed by the ABC that in order to issue the license the applicant must obtain a finding of Public Convenience or Necessity (PCN) from the City Attachment 1 is a letter from "Gourmet Beer, Wine and Foods " A determination of public convenience or necessity is required when the ABC PacketPg 69 • ABC Letter of Internt (PDF) • Census Tract 71 06 Map (PDF) • ABC Form 245 (PDF) • Amended Conditions_LU 15-10 (DOC) APPROVALS Sandra Molina Completed 10/18/2015 5 16 PM Finance Completed 10/19/2015 10 40 AM City Attorney Completed 10/19/2015 2 17 PM Community Development Completed 10/19/2015 2 51 PM City Manager Completed 10/22/2015 11 51 AM City Council Pending 10/27/2015 6 00 PM Packet Pg 71 Gourmet Beer Wine and Foods 12210 Michigan St, Unit 13 Grand Terrace, CA 92313 October 15, 2015 To City Of Grand Terrace RE LETTER OF INTENT This business is a specialty Gourmet Market provides all types of exotic meats, seafood and cheese The specialty meats provided includes iguana, kangaroo, alligator, water buffalo and more There is no other business like this in City of Grand Terrace I would like this option to sell specialty beer and wine along with the exotic products 1 carry Thank Anshu Pa 2 Packet Pg 72 i ""„ R {y - g€,,, _.- tl•4, ti r - a� ''�." 4� - ` '..�'� ! -` �r zd �`'' _ a` I., Ar Ell tg a' y -- • {- yak * �'}, '� Y l.. 'F ,e r r'c. � _ i ��4.. nc5 % yy 1 f�y.:'r'_ _ a" ,;.t ,.. t d � y s. � j -a� KK � "`-•. -� �, 4{ � r i . t � r '�.-'-� `dam .. +. s jS�-�-"` I +'^ i{ ` e t I • ¢�§ z P ta4 „ ,,a.t-gym - yt Ix=.�:'.�..- ,�„�.w.,t,,. , ;v rt w=».z'`�.:.a ' F y - r .. rand '-"`"• � +' t`ft r y� Terj race 40.04 - '3} r i �a 4 ' y -�,. k F' „ems �...........� `'-• Xt `"' j err s""" § L' iS Fig Pear -ill � "r EJ t , - A r^•' � JY ,- �..�.� J E F a ��r.o 9t ,-^^�- f ..m--� , �� � ry 41 v a T 6 Fen ,+-# a T d! r w l "' ay 1 �%l fi' �, � � n f..+ l L;t°� 1 ,• �.j �r-`� ��i j '}y �@��( iA 51y���{¢•'i_�L f , ...i} fi "- '....`L Lynn ^,� � Highgrov ;1 - "+�"+�-i,r > 5 mac. 9i IL gyq 6�_ �6 v' x 1 a ,Pan gig yy' � �r� A «» T, a� �. 'a.z . m a3y .. v '- Cr J � a T I Attachment Census Tract 71 06 Map (1792 Public Convenience and Necessity Fmding_Gourment Beer, Wine & Foods) —fli-- -� i -- 3FS.mV"'U1 1V-r-+ x'�— I %iY LW --- ,4. it-11 V%-a c.S ty.B R:; � Fu0it-L�T L*r it xS srti Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS - SECTION 23958 4 B&P State of California 7 C Edmund G Brown Jr Governor Instructions This form is to be used for all applications for original issuance or premises to premises transfer of licenses • Part I is to be completed by an ABC employee, given to applicant with pre -application package, with copy retained in holding file or applicant`s district file • Part 2 is to be completed by the applicant, and i eturned to ABC Part 3 is to be completed by the local governing body or its designated subordinate officer or body, and returned to ABC 9 - TO BE COMPLETED BY ABC _PART t APPLICANTS NAP IE ANSHU PATH_AK _ 2 PROASESADDRESS(Streetnumberandname city npcode) 3 L{CENSETYPE 12210 MICHIGAN ST, STE 13, GRAND TERRACE CA 92313-5473 20 4 TYPE OF BUSINESS Full Service Restaurant F11-1ofbraulCafetedaCocktail LoungePrivate Club Deli or Specialty Restaurant Comedy ClubNight Club Veterans Club ,Cafe/Coffee Shop Brew Pub Tavern Beer Fraternal Club r,Bed & Breakfast Theater Tavern Beer & WineWine Tasting Room u Wine only DAII Supermarket Membership StoreService Station Swap Meet/Flea Market �LiquorStore Department Store Convenience Market �Drive inDairy Drug/Variety Store FlonstlGift Shop Convenience Market w/Gasoline Other - describe GOURMET BEER & WINE & FOODS 5. COUNTY POPULATION 6 TOTAL NUMBER OF LICENSES IN COUNTY nOnSale QOff-Sale 7 RATIO OF LICENSES TO POPULATION IN COUNTY �On Sale aOff Sale 8 CENSUS TRACT NUMBER 9 NO OF LICENSES ALLOWED IN CENSUS TRACT 10 NO OF LICENSES EXISTING IN CENSUS TRACT 12 1111 7106 On-SaleOff-Sale 6 On-SaleOff-Sale 11 IS THE ABOVE CENSUS TRACT OVERCONCENTRATED WITH LICENSES? (I a does the ratio of licenses to population In the census tract exceed the rabo of licenses to popwatlon for the entire ceunry FX Yes the number of existing licenses exceeds the number allowed 11 No, the number of existing licenses is lower than the number allowed 12 DOES LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY MAINTAIN CRIME STATISTICS? []Yes (Go to Item #13) X❑No (Go to Item #20) 13 CRIME REPORTING DISTRICT NUMBER 14 TOTAL NUMBER OF REPORTING DISTRICTS 15 TOTAL NUMBER OF OFFENSES IN ALL REPORTING DISTRICTS /A I I _N_ 16 AVERAGE NO OF OFFENSES PER DISTRRIICTT 4417 1205, OF AVERAGE Nu61BER OF OFFENSES I18 TOTAL NUMBER OF OFFENSES IN REPORTING DISTRICT 19 IS THE PREMISES LOCATED IN A HIGH CRIME REPORTING DISTRICTS (I a has a 20% greater number of reported crimes Nan the average number of reported crimes as determinedfrom all cdme reporting disincts within the funsdretion of the 1=1 law enforcement agency) Yes the total number of offenses in the reporting district equals or exceeds the total number in item #17 11No, the total number of offenses in the reporting district is lower than the total number in Item #17 20 CHECK THE BOX THAT APPLIES (check only one box) Ela If No is checked in both Hem 911 and item #19 Section 23958 4 B&F does not apply to this application and no additional information wmll be needed on this issue Advise the applicant to bring this completed form to ABC when filing the application b if "Yes is checked in either item #11 Qr Item #19 and the applicant is applying for anon retail license a retail bona fide public eating place license a retail license issued for a hotel motel or other lodging establishment as defined In Section 25503 16(b) S&P or a retail license issued in con)uction with a beer manufacturer's license or winegrowar's license advise the applicant to complete Section 2 and bring the completed form to ABC when filing the application or as soon as possible thereafter c if "Yes is checked in either item #11 or item #19 and the applicant is applying for an off -sale beer and wine license an off sale general license an on sale beer license an on sale beer and wine (public premises) license Oran on sale general (public premises) license advise the applicant tot this form to the local governing body, or its designated subordinate o�cer or body to have them complete Section 3 Tile completed form will need to be provided to ABC in order to process the application Governing Body/Designated Subordinate Name FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY _ PREPARED BY(Name of Depaament Employee) BEATRIZ LOZADA ABC 245 (rev 01 11) Packet Pg 75 FART 2 - TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APi ,ANT (If box #20b Is checked) _ 21 Based on the information on the reverse, the Department may approve your application if you can show that public convenience or necessity would be served by the Issuance of the license Please describe below the reasons why Issuance of another license is justified In 7� c_ _k �cn "/�,C4-_y p Ott yrr�(-` ar�,� /I.- 7�J/Oev_ _ / C -o mac_,yt ?e - ��+-�- tij��Ei c�(..�,� ��el.�✓ �c�YD it r.C�c� r tic �craLc ��'uR n a, _ .���2�� ; t-» L C i 60)v1-- 19 -_ Cc ! _p C_�/ 4 ArN &1iT oIGNATURC i • .... _ a - [21 DATE S ,.IIE14-- PART 3 -TO BE COMPLETED BY LOCAL OFFICIALS (If box #20c is -checked) — The applicant named on the reverse is applying for a license to sell alcoholic beverages at a premises where undue concentration exists (i e , an over -concentration of licenses andlor a higher than average crime rate as defined in Section 2395E 4 of the Business and Professions Code) Sections 23958 and 23958 4 of the Business and Professions Code requires the Department to deny the application unless the local governing body of the area in which the applicant premises are located or its designated subordinate officer or body determines within 90 days of notification of a complelvd application that public convenience or necessity would be served by the issuance Please complete items #24 to #30 below and certify or affix an official seal or attach a copy of the Council or Board resolution or a signed letter on official letterhead stating whether or not the Issuance of the applied for license would serve as a public convenience or necessity Zt NILL RULIC 1eiW NIEh i FIR Nt_(.LSSI rY t;C sLftvED sy —i ,v cf nr i, U;,i (Tti_our rF,%iiTvA iFL t , E? ;yes I 'No See Attached (i a letter resolution etc) a 1ODITIONAL COMMPN' tC 1 CS REn in zy u16lgye +c t,o+ s fa 3ppro�al a denhl e' pupin CjrtcrnPnC4 n ram!; rtf� - - -- -_ _ _ _._.r _ ,_..,—_T 2t C7TY/cov%rY orFIL.AL NAME I^T CITYr OMM OFr FUM TITLF _ 1-8 CITY CO ltri Y OrriC AI PHf7htE hUMpEr{ " + -J C11WC0UNIY Ot 1 IAL �1( '1ATURE _-� f X DATE SIC.NED� t ABC 245 AL -VERSE (rev 01 11) 2 Packet Fig 77 Attachment ABC Form 245 (1792 Public Convenience and Necessity Finding_Gourment Beer, Wine & Foods) 7d a �1 HQ 6Rt ACCEPTANCE OF AMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL APPROVAL OF LAND USE REVIEW 15-10 TO ESTABLISH A RETAIL BUSINESS (GOURMET BEER WINE AND FOODS) LOCATED AT 12210 MICHIGAN STREET, UNIT 13 Land Use Review 15-10 is hereby approved to establish a retail business within 2,600 square feet of tenant space located at 12210 Michigan Street, Unit 13 This approval allows a "warehouse" style of operation where customers place orders to employees and employees pull items from warehouse stock This approval is based upon the application and materials submitted on March 11, 2015, including the Letter of Intent The applicant shall not change the business use and/or operations, except as may be approved by the Community Development Director 2 In the event the applicant proposes to provide access to the warehouse stock area to the public for retail purposes, the applicant shall demonstrate that the commercial center has sufficient parking to support all onsite uses 3 This approval shall expire twelve (12) months from the date of acceptance of the conditions, unless the use which is the subject of this action has taken place and all conditions of approval have been met, a business license has been issued, or a time extension has been granted by the City 4 The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Grand Terrace and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, a action, or proceeding against the City of Grand Terrace, its officers, employees, o or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or condition of approval of the City of Grand Terrace concerning this project, including but not o limited to any approval or condition of approval of the Planning Commission, or Lh Community Development Director The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter The City reserves the right, at its r- own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter 5 The applicant shall obtain satisfactory completion of an occupancy inspection by the Building and Safety Division prior to building occupancy and the commencement of business activities 6 Prior to beginning any tenant improvements or alterations, the applicant shall d obtain an electrical permit for the new electrical panel and shall obtain a E plumbing permit for the new mop sink a C IuserslpnareslappdataVocalltemplminutetraglgrandterraceatyca@grandterraceatyca igm2 comkworklattachments13003 doc Packet Pg 80 0 `►.�AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE October 27, 2015 Successor Agency Item TITLE Approve a Professional Services Agreement with RSG Group, Incl For Long Range Property Management Plan Services PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION Approve Professional Services Agreement with Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc for a one year term and authorize the Executive Director to administratively renew this agreement for up to two renewal term periods of one year each 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #1 "Ensure Fiscal Viability" and Goal #3 "Promote Economic Development" by providing professional consulting services to assist the Agency in implementing the adopted Long Range Property Management Plan (PMP) BACKGROUND Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34191 5, the Successor Agency has an adopted and approved Long -Range Property Management Plan ("LRPMP") that addresses the disposition and use of the real properties of the former redevelopment agency The California Department of Finance (DOF) approved the LRPMP on April 23, 2015 Now that the LRPMP is approved the Agency can begin taking the steps outlined in LRPM to dispose of the remaining SA properties The Table below identifies Property #1, #2, #3 and #4 (discussed in the LRPMP), their approved disposition, and status As depicted in the table, the Successor Agency has taken several actions in accordance with the approved LRPMP Property Location Size Disposition Status #1 22100 Block of Barton 0 88 acres Liquidate TBD Road (north side) #2 22747 Barton Road (south 0 33 acres Liquidate TBD side) #3 22720 Vista Grande Way 0 35 acres Transfer to City for Transfer governmental use complete " #4 Mixed Use area (east of 1- 55 acres Transfer to City for _ of 215) future development agreements have been approved " Subject to compensation agreements Packet Pg 82 before it becomes effective This is due to the fact that it is an agreement with the Successor Agency and is funded with redevelopment funds It should be noted that Agency Staff has received inquiries from brokers on the property In the event that a purchase offer is received for an acceptable use, then the scope of work can be modified accordingly FISCAL IMPACT The cost to the Agency would be $33,660 00 per year The State of California must approve the funding for this service The Agency's ROPS 15-16B report was submitted and identified a proposed budget for LRPMP implementation services ATTACHMENTS • SA Resolution (DOCX) • PSA_Grand Terrace Real Estate Services - Sept 2015 (PDF) • Real Estate Services (DOCX) APPROVALS Sandra Molina Completed l 10/18/2015 1 50 PM Finance Completed 10/19/2015 10 24 AM City Attorney Completed 10/19/2015 2 21 PM Community Development Completed 10/19/2015 5 55 PM City Manager Completed 10/22/2015 11 45 AM City Council Pending 10/27/2015 6 00 PM Packet Pg 84 ' 8a RESOLUTION NO _ A RESOLUTION OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY AND RSG, INC FOR LONG RANGE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES WHEREAS, the State Legislature dissolved redevelopment agencies by enacting Assembly Bill Nos 1 x 26 and 1484, relating to redevelopment dissolution, ("Dissolution Statutes") which became effective on June 28,2011 and June 27,2012, respectively, WHEREAS, Health and Safety Code § 34191 5 requires a successor agency to prepare and submit a Long -Range Property Management Plan ("PMP") to the California Department of Finance ("DOF") within six (6) months of receiving its Finding of Completion from the DOF, WHEREAS, the Successor Agency on August 13, 2013 contracted with Kosmont & Associates, Inc ("Kosmont") to prepare the PMP, WHEREAS, on November 6, 2013, the Successor Agency adopted Resolution No 13-14 approving the PMP, which was submitted to the State of California Department of Finance ("DOF") for approval, and which the DOF began review in May 2014, WHEREAS, on November 25, 2014, the Successor Agency adopted a Resolution approving a revised PMP, which was subsequently approved by the Oversight Board on December 17,' 2014 and submitted to the State of California Department of Finance ("DOF") for approval WHEREAS, on April 23, 2015, the DOF approved the Successor Agency's PMP, WHEREAS, in order to implement the approved PMP, it is necessary to enter into a contract for professional real estate advisory services, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section V B of the City's Purchasing Policy, the)Agency waives the competitive selection process and approves the contract for professional services with RSG, Inc upon a finding and determination that said waiver and approval serves the public interest, and WHEREAS, on September 8, 2015, the Successor Agency to the City of Grand Terrace Redevelopment Agency considered said agreement at a public meeting �o c 0 N! 0 c 0 .a 0 0 m o: a to c E PacMt,Pg 85 AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as of this _ day of October, 2015 by and between the SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ("Successor Agency") and ROSENOW SPACEVEK GROUP, INC ("Consultant') This Agreement is subject to the approval of the Department of Finance (see Section 4 herein) CONSULTANT'S SERVICES Consultant agrees to perform during the term of this Agreement, the tasks, obligations, and services set forth in the "Scope of Services" attached to and incorporated into this Agreement as Exhibit A (the "Services") 2 TERM OF AGREEMENT The initial term of this Agreement shall be for one year Ca starting on January 1,2016 ("Effective Date") and terminating on December 31, CL 2016 or on the date that the Services contemplated by this Agreement are satisfactorily completed, whichever occurs first ('Termination Date") At the end of the term period, the Executive Director may, in writing, renew this Agreement for o up to two term periods of one year each, provided that the annual compensation amount shall not exceed $33,660 00 3 FAMILIARITY WITH WORK By execution of this Agreement, Consultant warrants that (1) It has thoroughly investigated and considered the work to be performed, based on all available information (2) It carefully considered how the work should be preformed, and (3) It fully understands the difficulties and restrictions attending the performance of the work under this Agreement (4) It has the professional and technical competency to perform the ' work and the production capacity to complete the work in a timely manner with respect to the schedule included in the scope of services Page 1 of 13 c a� E Packet Pg 87' 8b Consultant, the City, or the Successor Agency or to enlarge in any way the Consultant's liability but is intended solely to provide for indemnification of the City and Successor Agency for liability for damages or injuries to third persons or property arising from Consultant's negligent performance hereunder Notwithstanding the above, Successor Agency will release, indemnify and hold r harmless Consultant from any and all losses, claims, liens, demands and causes of action of every kind and character including but not limited to the amounts of a� judgment, interests, court costs, legal fees and other expenses incurred by Q- E Consultant concerning claims, demands or causes of action related to alleged or o. actual environmental contamination, environmental liability and corresponding z IL obligations Successor Agency acknowledges that Consultant is reliant upon Successor Agency for information related to the environmental condition of the c subject properties, to the extent known by Successor Agency If environmental a analysis is necessary related to the completion of the PMP and/or to the ultimate disposition of the subject properties, Successor Agency understands that such a cL environmental analysis will not be prepared by Consultant, as Consultant is not 0 licensed in this professional discipline It is acknowledged by Successor Agency that any such environmental analysis would be contracted separately by n Successor Agency with an outside firm 8 INSURANCE Consultant shall procure and maintain at all times during the term of this Agreement insurance as set forth in Exhibit "C" attached hereto Proof of insurance shall consist of a Certificate of Insurance provided on IOS-CGL form No CG 0001 II 85 or 88 executed by Consultant's insurer and in a form approved by, the Successor Agency's Successor Agency Attorney and Successor Agency's Legal Counsel 9 LICENSES, PERMITS, AND FEES Consultant shall obtain a Successor Agency of Grand Terrace Business License and any and all other permits and licenses, - required for the services to be performed under this Agreement 10 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS Successor Agency and Consultant agree that Consultant, in performing the Services herein specified, shall act as an independent Contractor and shall have control of all work and the manner in which it is performed Consultant shall be free to contract for similar services to be performed for other entities while under contract with Successor Agency Consultant is not an agent or employee of Successor Agency or Successor Agency, and is not entitled to participate in any pension plan, insurance, bonus or N similar benefits Successor Agency or Successor Agency provides for its a employees Consultant shall be responsible to pay and hold Successor Agency or Successor Agency harmless from any and all payroll and other taxes and E interest thereon and penalties, therefore, which may become due as a result of services performed hereunder a Page 3 of 13 Packet Pg 89 �8b Successor Agency G Harold Duffey, Executive Director City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, Ca 92313 Consultant RSG, Inc Alexa Smittle, Principal 309 W 4th Street Santa Ana, CA 92701 If the name of the principal representative designated to receive the notices, demands or communications, or the address of such person, is changed, written notice shall be given within five (5) working days of said changes 17 T AXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Consultant shall provide Successor Agency with a complete Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification, Form W -9, as issued by the Internal Revenue Service 18 APPLICABLE LAWS, CODES AND REGULATIONS Consultant shall perform all services described in accordance with all applicable laws, codes and regulations required by all authorities having jurisdiction over the Services Consultant agrees to comply with prevailing wage requirements as specified in the California Labor Code, Sections 1770, et seq 19 RIGHT TO UTILIZE OTHERS Successor Agency reserves the right to utilize others to perform work similar to the Services provided hereunder 20 BENEFITS Consultant will not be eligible for any paid benefits for federal , social security, state workers' compensation, unemployment insurance, professional insurance, medical/dental, retirement PERS or fringe benefits offered by the Successor Agency of Grand Terrace 21 PERS ELIGIBILITY INDEMNITY In the event that Consultant or any employee, agent, or subcontractor of Consultant providing services under this Agreement claims or is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction or the California Public Employees Retirement System ("PERS") to be eligible for enrollment in PERS as an employee of the City or Successor Agency, Consultant shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless City and Successor Agency for the payment of any employee and/or employer contributions for PERS benefits on behalf of Consultant or its employees, agents, or subcontractors, as well as for the payment of any penalties and interest on such contributions, which would otherwise be the responsibility of City or Successor Agency Page 5 of 13 a 0 N c. d d 0 2-1 d w N W m d 2 Packet P9 91 27 AUDIT OR EXAMINATION Consultant shall keep all records of funds received from Successor Agency and make them accessible for audit or examination for a period of three years after final payments are issued and other pending matters 28 MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement may not be modified, nor may any of the terms, provisions or conditions be modified or waived or otherwise affected, except by a written amendment signed by all parties 29 WAIVER If at any time one party shall waive any term, provision or condition of this Agreement, either before or after any breach thereof, no party shall thereafter be deemed to have consented to any future failure of full performance hereunder 30 COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS Each term and each provision of this Agreement to be performed by Consultant shall be construed to be both a covenant and a condition 31 RIGHT TO TERMINATE Successor Agency may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, in its sale discretion, with thirty (30) days written notice 32 EFFECT OF TERMINATION Upon termination as stated in Paragraph "31" of this Agreement, Successor Agency shall be liable to Consultant only for work performed by Consultant up to and including the date of termination of this Agreement, unless the termination is for cause, in which event Consultant need be compensated only to the extent required by law Consultant shall be entitled to payment for work satisfactorily completed to date, based on proration of the monthly fees set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto Such payment will be subject to Successor Agency's receipt of a close-out billing 33 GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with laws of the State of California In the event of litigation between the parties, venue in state trial courts shall lie exclusively in the County of San Bernardino In the event of litigation in a U S District Court, exclusive venue shall lie in the Central District of California 34 LITIGATION FEES Should litigation arise out of this Agreement for the cc performance thereof, the court shall award costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, to the prevailing party In awarding attorney's fees, the court shall not be bound by any court fee schedule but shall award the full amount of costs, IL expenses and attorney's fees paid and/or incurred in good faith "Prevailing Party" shall mean the party that obtains a favorable and final judgment or order .EE from a court of law described in paragraph "33 " This paragraph shall not apply and litigation fees shall not be awarded based on an order or otherwise final a judgment that results from the parties' mutual settlement, arbitration, or mediation of the dispute Page 7 of 13 Packet Pg 93 Dated Dated r APPROVED AS TO FORM Richard L Adams It Successor Agency Attorney ATTEST Pat Jacques-Nares City Clerk "SUCCESSOR AGENCY" By G Harold Duffey Executive Director "CONSULTANT" Page 9 of 13 e Packet Pg 95 EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION For performing and completing all services pursuant to Exhibit "A" Scope of Services, is a total amount not to exceed $33,660 00 (Thirty-three Thousand and Six Hundred and Sixty Dollars) plus reimbursable expenses which will be charged at cost BILLING At the end of each calendar month in which services are performed or expenses are incurred under this Agreement, Consultant shall submit an invoice to the Successor Agency at the following address Successor Agency to CRA of the City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, Ca 92313 The invoice submitted pursuant to this paragraph shall show the 1) Purchase order number, 2) Project name/description, 3) Name and hours worked by each person who performed services during the billing period, 4) The title/classification under which they were billed, 5) The hourly rate of pay, 6) Actual out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the performance of services, and, 7) Other such information as the Successor Agency may reasonably require III METHOD OF PAYMENT Payment to Consultant for the compensation specified in Section I, above, shall be made after the Executive Director or designee determines that the billing submitted pursuant to Section II, above, accurately reflects work satisfactorily performed Successor Agency shall pay Consultant within thirty (30) days there from Page 11,of 13 PacketPg 97 insurance is canceled and not adequately replaced, Successor Agency shall have the right but not the duty to obtain replacement insurance and to charge the Consultant for any premium due for such coverage Successor Agency has the option to deduct any such premium from the sums due to the Consultant Insurance is to be placed with insurers authorized and admitted to write insurance in California and with a current A M Best's rating of A- VII or better Acceptance of insurance from a carrier with a rating lower than A- VI is subject to approval by City 's Risk Manager Consultant shall immediately advise Successor Agency of any litigation that may affect these insurance policies Page 13 of 13 Packet Pg 99 to}C RSG DRAFT SCOPE OF SERVICES AND BUDGET CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Task 1 Market Research Collection RSG would perform high-level research on the market demand for retail and other potential uses for Property 1 on the LRPMP Research may include the following • Property research and comparable sales data • Vacancy rates • Rents • Recent new construction projects • Pipeline projects (approved) • Potential for site consolidation with adjacent properties • Demographic statistics (U S Census, Bureau of Labor Statistics, ESRI, and SCAG) • Retail leakage analysis via ESRI Any data collected by the City within the last year could be used to limit the scope of this task, however, a certain amount of information would need to be confirmed by RSG to proceed with the next tasks Task 2 Broker Opinion of Value A Broker Opinion of Value ("BOV") is a report produced by a licensed real estate broker that includes pricing and financial evaluations to identify the range of the indicated property value based on current comparable market conditions and available financing alternatives RSG would utilize the data collected in Task 1, the 2011 appraisal done on Property 1, and additional research, to provide the Successor Agency with a current valuation of the Property To the extent they are available, RSG should be provided with all Phase 1 environmental reports both conducted by the former RDA and O'Reilly, or the ability to contact the soils engineer to get a good understanding of potential remediation costs for the Property A BOV will help ensure DOF approval of an accepted offer, as DOF has been accepting BOVs to substantiate sales values Task 3 Prepare a Property Disposition Strategy RSG will prepare a brief Property Disposition Strategy consisting of background information, market analysis, development recommendations, and disposition procedures that may be adopted by the Successor Agency and/or the Oversight Board Task 4 Real Estate Advisory Services RSG would act as a real estate advisor to help the Successor Agency market the properties, solicit offers, review and analyze offers and potential buyers, and make a final purchase offer selection RSG would then work with the City Attorney to prepare the purchase and sale agreement ("PSA") and assist with Successor Agency, Oversight Board, and DOF approvals of the purchase offer RSG is a licensed broker and essentially, RSG would be performing the functions of a broker, with the benefit of also providing advisory services throughout the process to the City, Successor Agency, and Oversight Board However, RSG would be working on a time and materials basis and not on a commission basis 0 Q: ZOI • RSG BETTER COMMUNITIES BOLDER FUTURES Packet Pg, 100 +cwn4�� MEETING DATE October 27, 2015 Council Item TITLE FY2014-15 Year -End & FY2015-16 1 St Quarter Financial Report PRESENTED BY Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director RECOMMENDATION 1 Receive and file the FY2014-15 year-end updated financial report, 2 Receive and file the 1st Quarter Financial Report for the period ending September 30, 2015, 3 Approve the proposed appropriations as detailed in the Discussion section of the report 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports City Council Goal #1, "Ensure Our Fiscal Viability," through the continuous monitoring of revenue receipts and expenditure disbursements against approved budget appropriations BACKGROUND The Finance Department has developed a Monthly Financial Report (MFR), which are submitted to City Council each month Beginning in FY2015-16, Finance will be submitting Quarterly Financial Reports in -lieu of the monthly financial reports at the end of each quarter as follows 1 1 st Quarter Financial Report — for the quarter end September 30, 2015, 2 2nd Quarter Financial Report (Mid -Year Review) — for the quarter/mid-year end December 31, 2015, 3 3rd Quarter Financial Report — for the quarter end March 31, 2015, and 4 4th Quarter Financial Report (Year -End) — for the quarter/year-end June 30, 2016 The purpose of these reports is to provide City Council with the following 1 Budget -to -actual results for each month or quarter throughout the year (to identify actual revenues received and expenditures incurred, for the current fiscal year and compare them to the Approved Budget and fiscal year-to-date (YTD) expected amounts, 2 Projections for year-end (will include causes/reasons for the variances and recommendations to address these variances if any), and J 3 Proposed budget adjustments or appropriations for consideration to enhance the Packet Pg 71072 Category Approved Budget June YTD Expected Receipts June Actuals as of 08/15/2015 June Actuals as of 10/15/2015 Variance Increase/ Decrease Services 176,400 4,049 I 0 0 139,997 254,848 (245,961) 90,927 $ 951 Materials & Supplies 239,461 196,810 179,366 (2,966) Lease of Facility/Eqpt 4,400 3,400 4,049 0 Equipment 0 0 0 0 Capital Projects 0 0 0 0 Utilities 135,800 134,300 140,239 (242) Debt Service 254,900 254,900 254,848 0 Overhead Cost Allocation (249,800) (244,700) (245,961) 0 Transfers Out 91,500 94,500 90,927 Q TOTAL S $ •450�.247 LF,AZ&W $4,883,011 4,391,951 F $4� Revenues $4,409,470 $4,619,505 $4,818,781 $64,240 Less Expenditures 4,591,493 4,450,247 4,373,923 18,028 Net (Surplus or Deficit) ($182.0231 $JW= $44L$ The General Fund's Revenue and Expense statement for FY2014-15 shows a surplus of $491,061 General Fund — Fund Balance During the FY2014-15 Mid -Year Budget Review, City Council was presented with the General Fund's projected fund balance for FY2014-15 of $2,101,323 Subsequent to the Mid -Year Review, City Council approved fund balance designations and additional appropriations consistent with the City's 2030 vision and core values Table 2 below provides an updated fund balance summary showing actual revenues and expenditures for FY2014-15 and a summary of proposed budget appropriations for FY2015-16 Table 2 General Fund — Fund Balance as of June 30th Fund Balance FY2015-16 Proiected Fund Fund Fund (if all proposed Balance Balance Balance budget FY2013-14 FY2014-15> FY2014-15 appropriations Category Actual Estimated Actual are approved) Beginning Fund Bal , July 1st $1,493,781 $1,936,964 $1,936,964 $2,028,024 Packet Pg 104 9 Fund Balance FY2015-16 Proiected Fund Fund Fund (if all proposed Balance Balance Balance budget FY2013-14 FY2014-151 FY2014-15 appropriations Category Actual Estimated Actual are approved) Equipment Replacement Fund 400,000 06,956 To continue with City Council's 2030 Vision to preserve and protect our community and its exceptional quality of life and preserve the FY2014-15 beginning fund balance of approximately $1 5m, staff is proposing the following budget appropriations listed in Tables 3 and 4 Table 3 Proposed Budget Appropriations Priori t Title Description Allocation Amount A 1 Public Safety Attempt to maintain two on -duty law $200,000 Enhancements enforcement officers at all times 2 City Camera Input surveillance cameras throughout the 50,000 Projects city or just at major entry/exit points of the city 3 Weekend Code Hire part-time code enforcers to work 30,000 Enforcement weekends 4 Summer Youth Creation of a summer youth program that 30,000 Recreation and would employ teen counselors and provide Employment activities for children Program 5 Senior Bus Create a "Senior Center Pick-up Program" 15,000 Program to transport seniors to and from the center Upgrade of the Child Care bus for senior use 6 Community Hold a community fireworks show to 10,000 Fireworks reduce likelihood of illegal firework purchases and public safety calls 7 Child Care Purchase of toys necessary to help 5,000 Equipment children develop necessary socialization and motor skills Packet Pg 1 66 It is good to note that all proposed budget, appropriations preserve the FY2014-15 beginning fund balance of approximately $1 5m as shown in Table 2 The total requests only use the surplus funds from FY2014-15 actual revenues less expenditures General Fund Loans In addition, staff is providing City Council with the General Fund's outstanding loans as of June 30, 2015 It is City Council's prerogative to approve payments of the outstanding loans should they so desire Table 5 General Fund Outstanding Loans Category Loan Balance as of June 30, 2015 Advance from the Grand Terrace Successor Agency $925,272 Advance from Grand Terrace Housing Authority 168,205 Total Loan Balance t 1.093.477 Successor Agency Loan Any payments to the Grand Terrace Successor Agency would be considered excess redevelopment property tax trust fund (RPTTF) receipts which will be distributed to the Agency's taxing entities, the General Fund being one of those taxing entities The General Fund would receive approximately 20% of any loan payment amount to the Agency However, when City Council approved the accelerated payment of $2,000,000 against the loan, this eliminated the need to pay any annual amounts against this loan for the next 13 years The next required payment would be in FY2026-27 Housing Authority Loan The City's General Fund originally owed the Housing Authority a total of $300,205 A City -owned parcel was transferred to the Housing Authority valued at $132,000 reducing the loan to its current balance of $168,205 The Loan Agreement between the City and the Successor Agency and Housing Authority states the following 1 The annual payment is contingent upon a determination by City Council that it has sufficient funds to make annual payments, 2 Should funds not be available in any fiscal year, the City shall make a payment in the amount the City is able to pay as determined by the City Council, 3 The loan shall be repaid in full on or before July 1, 2034, 4 Interest shall not accrue on any remaining balance On an outstanding balance of $168,205, annual payments of $10,000 may be made until FY2033-34 to satisfy the loan agreement Packet Pg 108 Benefits 295,873 89,652 77,041 12,611 Professional/Contractual Services 3,118,260 746,307 720,498 25,808 Materials & Supplies 219,150 38,561 48,013 (9,453) Lease of Facility/Eqpt 4,400 1,021 1,000 21 Equipment 0 0 0 0 Capital Projects 0 0 0 0 Utilities 132,400 30,218 28,411 1,807 Debt Service 257,800 128,560 127,424 1,137 Overhead Cost Allocation (281,735) (70,457) (70,434) (23) Transfers Out _ 91,500 25.364 22.875 2.489 TOTAL j •58= IUAUE UM4A. $Za Revenues $4,588,535 $480,722 $474,315 ($6,407) Less Expenditures 4,587,603 1,140,637 1,114,198 25.639 Net (Surplus or Deficit) I M ($659.9151 ($639.883) $1 FISCAL IMPACT Revenues The City's General Fund revenue receipts of $474,315 through September are slightly below the expected amount of $480,722, reflecting a slight deficit of $6,407 This is mainly due to the decrease in license, fee and permit applications received during the first quarter Expenditures General Fund expenditures of $1,114,198 are below the expected amount of $1,140,637 reflecting a positive variance of $25,639 Since it is only the first quarter of the fiscal year, actual revenues and expenditures below or above the expected amounts may be due to the time of recording of receipts and invoices compared to last fiscal year RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending that City Council 1 Receive and file the Year-end report, 2 Provide direction on which programs to move forward on (approval of proposed budget programs), Packet,Pq 11 ] :9a QL ENHANCEMENTS FROM 2014/15 FUND Program Value, $305,000 BALANCE TO 2015/16 PROJECT Public Safety & Code Enforcement City Allocation $200,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION IPublic Safety Enhancements The City Council of Grand Terrace is committed to providing residents with a Quality of Life that includes the availability of adequate public safety services when needed Throughout the year, the City Council receives quarterly reports from the Sheriff's Department (service provider), the Sheriff has indicated that adequate service for the City could be achieved by trying to maintain a minimum of 2 law enforcement officers on duty at all time Currently the City pays for 1 officer on duty 24 hours per day and 1, 40 hour officer per week Staff suggests that the Council allocate $200,000 in overtime from the 2014/15 fund balance to allow the Sheriff Department to supplement services during the year to achieve adequate service levels FUNDING SOURCE(S) Staff is recommending that the City Council create a Public Safety and Code Enforcement Enhancement Fund from the 2014/15 Fund balance MAJOR MILESTONE(S) Staff will return with the Sheriff Department and provide an update to the Council on the Sheriff's strategy to deploy resources from the Public Safety and Code Enforcement and Enhancement Fund Although the goal is to have a minimum of 2 officers on duty at all time, the Sheriff's data over the years, shows that crime can be seasonal and can increase during certain times of the day The Sheriff's Department must have the flexibility to program resources based on their professional expertise Staff will return By 15t meeting in December to outline Sheriffs strategy PROJECT MANAGER Phone 909-824-6621 Ext 212 G Harold Duffey hduffev@srandterrace-ca eov E 0 o. m R R c U- L m t= ca U Lh 0 N } LL c w a m } 0 N } LL Packet Pg 112 at:, QL ENHANCEMENTS FROM 2014/15 FUND Project Value $305,000 BALANCE TO 2015/16 PROJECT Weekend Code Enforcement City Allocation $30,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Weekend Code Enforcement As a bedroom community, a significant amount of QL violations occur during evenings and weekends However, Code Enforcement of Grand Terrace normally ends after 6 00 p m , and is primarily enforced from Monday — Thursday, which are normal City Hall operating hours NOTE the evening population of Grand Terrace increases during the same time Grand Terrace's Code Enforcement operations end, which leads to slow or no response regarding loud music, barking dogs, yard sales, cars for sale, and illegal construction Quality of Life (QL) code compliance requires consistency in enforcement and one Code Enforcement Officer can't address QL issues that occur in off peak (City Hall operating hours) hours A solution could be found by the City hiring part time Code Enforcement Officers to work weekends Larger cities have experienced code enforcement officers that don't work on weekends and would rather work in a City like Grand Terrace on a part time basis or the City could hire an annuitant The City could obtain seasoned Code Enforcement Officers to help maintain compliance of QL codes in neighborhoods In addition, the City should also invest in technology, allowing citizens to access on-line QL code violation forms, pay code enforcement fines, check the status of construction permits that have been issued, and receive email reminders to move their vehicles on street sweeping days This type of technology will increase public awareness and help more residents stay in compliance FUNDING SOURCE(S) Staff is recommending that the City Council create a Public Safety and Code Enforcement Enhancement Fund from the 2014/15 fund balance MAJOR MILESTONE(S) Recruitment of Part -Time Code Enforcement Officer — December 1, 2015 Develop Weekend Code Enforcement Schedule —January 1, 2016 PROJECT MANAGER Phone (909)824-6621 Sandra Molina Smolina@GrandTerrace-ca eov 0 a m a: Ta c �a 6: m �a c� T ui 0 N } ILL 06 V _ w 0 U) 0 N ILL M co ti 0 r_ 0 w Lu a 0 a a a m Z 0 m �a m N 0 c. 0 a d �a CJ Lh 0 N r C d E t 0 a Packet Pg 71174 x9 a QL ENHANCEMENTS FROM 2014/15 FUND Balance Project Value $70,000 to 2015/16 PROJECT Senior Bus Program City Allocation $ 15,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Grand Terrace Senior Center has a total membership of 160members and the Grand Terrace Senior Center provides a full spectrum of services and activities Arts & Crafts, Bingo, Bridge Card games, Educational classes, Guitar lessons, Health screenings & services, Senior boutique, Senior service advising, Support groups, and Workshops The center also has a wide variety of social gatherings including a monthly general meeting, with entertainment on the second Friday of every month at 10 00 am The center is open from 8 00 am -, 3 00 pm, Monday - Friday The Senior Center also provides daily lunch from 1130 AM - 12 30 PM at a costs of a $3 00 donation for seniors aged 60+ and for those under 60 the lunch donation is $5 All adults are welcome However, the Senior Center is underutilized and staff believes some seniors may not have transportation to the Senior Center Staff proposes to use Measure I funds (8% of funds were set aside for senior transportation programs) to establish a Senior Center Pickup program Measure I funds will pay for the full operations costs for the City to establish its point to point bus program Seniors would need to call in to make a reservation and the bus would pick the seniors up and1return them to their home later in the day The program is designed for two purposes 1 Allow seniors greater access to enjoy the classes offered at the senior center and 2 Insure seniors can participate in the Community Development Block Grant lunch program at the senior center The City will examine contracting out the services for the bus pickup program or the City could utilize an upgraded bus (child care has a bus and driver that are underutilized but the bus is not wheel chair accessible, so the bus would need to be upgraded) VTrans is the 501( c )3 created by SanBag to administer the 8% Senior Transportation Funds The cost for the program is fully funded Staffs request for funding would be a onetime cost for the City to upgrade its existing bus FUNDING SOURCE(S) �- Staff is recommending that the City Council create a line item in City Managers budget for Senior Transportation from the 2014/15 Fund balance In addition, VTrans would approve additional Funding for the operations of the Senior Bus Program and staff would return to council for acceptance of VTrans proceeds and or any other contracts to operate the bus service MAJOR MILESTONE(S) Staff will determine best operations method of service and budget to VTrans — November 10, 2015 Staff will return to Council November 24, 2015 Program Starts January PROJECT MANAGER Phone (909)824-6621 G Harold Duffey Hduffey@grandterrace-ca gov E La 0 N LL 0 W t- N c 0 La a 0 a a a d a� V 0 m V m U) 0 a 0 a m cc 0 cY y m 0 N a+ c m E L t� R Q Packet. Pg 116 '9a QL ENHANCEMENTS FROM 2014/15 FUND Project Value $5,800 BALANCE TO 2015/16 PROJECT Child Care Equipment City Allocation 5,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City's Child Care Program has been in existence for over 30 years, providing generations of service to families that return year after year The Child Care Program has a number of older toys, some of which were donated to the City many years ago Some of the toys are over 10 years old Toys can also be used as a development tool, allowing children to develop motor skills and cognitive processes It's a proven fact that children that can play together and socialize are very successful when they enter the Colton Unified School District The Child Care program needs updated and or must replace the following types of toys Radios, Legos/building sets, Race Track Rug, Board & Card Games, Balls, Dolls, Doll clothes & Accessories, Trucks/cars, Action Figures, Barbie's, toy washer/dryer, Crawl through Caterpillar, tubes, and cuddly dolls Although the Child Care Program is not a part of the general fund, staff felt that the additional resources from the fund balance for the Child Care Program would greatly enhance the experience of the students in the child care program, thereby insuring that children continue to return to the City's program each year and securing revenue to support the solvency of the Child Care program FUNDING SOURCE(S) Staff is recommending that the City Council create a Public Safety and Code Enforcement Enhancement Fund from the 2014/15 fund balance MAJOR MILESTONE(S) PROJECT MANAGER Phone (909)824-6621 Linda Phillips Iphillips@srandterrace-ca gov O a m m �a �a LL L O O CY m T �o r 0 } U- od w L R m } LO �t 0 N } U- 0 N C O r Lu a 0 L a. a m a� m a d UN O Q O L a L d C3 N T Lh 0 N w C d E L 0 R Packet Pg 4118 E 9a QL ENHANCEMENTS FROM 2014/15 FUND Project Value $25,000 BALANCE TO 2015/16 PROJECT New Internet Site City Allocation $25,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION A City's webpage represents the City and you never have a second chance to make that first impression Although the City recently migrated from its former website to a brand new free website, staff has some concerns about the limitation of the existing free website Staff proposes the City Join other leading cities in California and change providers to make our webpage user friendly and a portal to the soul of Grand Terrace _ Staff would like to deploy a webpage that has an "Email Module" that is a full -service mass email and text communication distribution solution, digitally connecting Grand Terrace to groups as large as (20,000+) individuals There are systems available that allow your emails to go out in newsletter format by using built in customized templates With so many forms of social media, it is hard to determine which way is best to communicate Twitter, Snapchat, email New webpages require one click to share information like calendar events and news across popular social media streams including RSS, Facebook and Twitter Webpages now have features that build awareness and maintain government transparency through a constant feed of news and information From emergency alerts to simple announcements and social media sharing, imagine visiting the City's webpage and seeing the latest newsfeeds for the City and the region It is also a place where residents would be able to see the Calendar Module of all city related events, meetings, or any public activity with ease Event posts can be featured on the homepage or simultaneously on multiple calendars Keeping residents informed and connected has never been easier with APIs and RSS feeds, as well as through social media channels like Facebook and Twitter Directly connected to the News & Alerts Module, the Social Media Module would instantly pull all socially distributed content into a simple dashboard Staff can launch surveys and register people for events and integrate payment as well as incorporate GIS mapping Webpages are so sophisticated now, that they have built in mapping applications with ESRI software that interface with GIS systems to create a number of mapping applications, including crime mapping, parcel- and address -based information displays, capital improvement planning, business development mapping, and a number of client -specific customized displays New webpages take transparency to another level FUNDING SOURCE(S) Staff is recommending that the City Council appropriate $2,000 in City Managers budget from the 2014/15 Fund balance MAJOR MILESTONE(S) Staff would return November 10, 2015 with a demonstration and request to award contract PROJECT MANAGER Phone (909)824-6621 G Harold Duffey hduffev@GrandTerrace-ca gov E 0 a d o: �a R LL `m W 0 a r co 0 N LL Ca �a w �a m 0 0 N LL 0 0 ti w _ 0 r T a 0 L a a m a� 0 m m N O O. O L a L R Ci N T 0 Lh 0 N c m E t R a Packet P9' 120 QL ENHANCEMENTS FROM 2014/15 FUND Project Value $40,000 BALANCE TO 2015/16 PROJECT Business Incubator City Allocation $20,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Grand Terrace desires to start a Business Incubator (GTBI) program with the overall mission of assisting start-up and early stage companies in being successful by linking them to a network of services from SBA, Chamber of Commerce and other community sources The incubator will assist in providing the infrastructure for small businesses to develop, sustain, and begin to prosper within an agreed upon time frame with the goal of having them graduate with a sound financial foundation The overall impact of the incubator is expected to be small business formation and Job creation, establishment of an entrepreneurial environment, and contribute to the diversification of the economy The City has yet to establish the specific characteristics and advantages it could offer an incubator Staff anticipates focusing on small businesses that need access to fiber optics Staff will work with the City of Loma Linda to expend the joint fiber westward on Barton Road, the goal is to locate the incubator site on Barton Road so companies can take advantage of fiber optics Staff will also work with SBA, San Bernardino County and local universities to develop the incubator program The majority of this allocation will be for further expansion of the fiber optics FUNDING SOURCE(S) Staff is recommending that the City Council create a line item in the City Manager Budget under Economic Development as the "Incubator Fund" from the 2014/15 Fund balance MAJOR MILESTONE(S) Establish costs for fiber expansion and meeting with SBA — November 20 Identify location and project manager —December 1, 2015 Release incubator site location January 2016 Present update to Council —April 2016 PROJECT MANAGER Phone (909)824-6621 G Harold Duffey hduffev@GrandTerrace-ca gov L t O a 0 o: Ta C W c d_ to Cr Lh 0 N } LL c w �a v 0 N M co ti W C O La a 0 L. Q a a a V 0 m �a m N! 0 a O L a L d cc 0 C� w H Ll� 0 N rr C d E t 0 W r. Packet Pg 222 3 QL ENHANCEMENTS FROM 2014/15 FUND Project Value $5,000 BALANCE TO 2015/16 PROJECT Holiday Decorations City Allocation $5,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION As the Holiday Season approaches, a number of cities in the Inland Empire will utilize holiday decorations as a way to lure customers into local shops and increase their overall sales tax base Holiday shopping is one of the most significant opportunities that cities have to increase their overall sales tax While Grand Terrace does not have the capacity to light up its city like the City of Riverside, it can still utilize its existing lights and decorations that have not been on display for a number of years In addition, there are more efficient lights and easier to install holiday street signs and banners, which the City could purchase for its holiday decorations Staff is recommending that the City Council authorize the decoration of Barton Road from Mt Vernon to the Michigan intersection and several other intersections throughout the City as well as City Hall The goal is to create a festive environment so residents and businesses feel the holiday spirit within the City of Grand Terrace and spend more money locally FUNDING SOURCE(S) Staff is recommending that the City Council create a Public Safety and Code Enforcement Enhancement Fund from the 2014/15 fund balance MAJOR MILESTONE(S) Staff will inventory existing equipment and make plans to decorate are by November 25, 2015 4 PROJECT MANAGER Public Works t O c. m Ta 0 C cc C 6: as t= R Ci, r T 0 N LL Ca C w �a m LO 0 N LL ao 00 C O La c. O a Q Q co ca a m U) O Q O L. a L � R Ci N <O N O N r C d E t v !0 Em 11 Packet,Pg 124 QL ENHANCEMENTS FROM 2014/15 FUND Project Value $3,000 BALANCE TO 2015/16 PROJECT Youth in Government City Allocation $3,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City Council recently discussed the formation of a "Youth Commission," and staff proposed the following program to develop a youth platform in Grand Terrace Staff proposes to meet with the Colton Unified School District and develop a survey for students to complete about their experience in Grand Terrace and what they would like to see in Grand Terrace, and if they intend on remaining in Grand Terrace when they are adults Staff proposes to engage Grand Terrace Middle School and elementary schools and have the students write letters to their Council members (High School Students) in order to develop a "Youth Platform" for Grand Terrace Grand Terrace High School Students will run for Office (Mayor, and 4 Council members) The Mayor and the Council members (Youth Council) will work with City staff to develop a policy based on information received from the Middle School Policy items will be developed and voted on at a televised City Council meeting Once the items are passed, the City Council (Youth) members will appear before the Grand Terrace City Council and present the Grand Terrace Youth Platform City Staff will utilize the adopted policy as a guide to increase services to youth within the City of Grand Terrace Staff will also solicit nonprofit youth organizations to see if they would like to help the City manage the program for the schools (teachers and YMCA or other nonprofits, although staff may have a student intern administer the project) FUNDING SOURCE(S) Staff is recommending that the City Council create a Youth Commission line item in the City Manager's budget from the 2014/15 Fund balance MAJOR MILESTONE(S) Contact with Colton Joint Unified School District — December 1, 2015 Meet with Teachers —January 18, 2016 Conduct Assembly, Elections —week of March 7, 2016 Shadow Day —April 25, 2016 Youth Council meeting —May 2, 2016 Youth present to Council — May 9, 2016 PROJECT MANAGER Jesse Smith E O Q d o: c �a c 6= d t: �a Ci T t- Lh 0 N } LL Ca w R m } 0 N } LL M 00 I- Vl c 0 4� T c. 0 a c a m 0 �a 0 m m H O Q. O aL.. d R CY T 0 N C d E .c C1 R V 2 Packet Pg 126 �9a QL ENHANCEMENTS FROM 2014/15 FUND Project Value $2,000 BALANCE TO 2015/16 PROJECT City Hall Plant Maintenance City Allocation $2,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION City Hall's award winning design of'1986 is adorned with plants in the central atrium Over the years the City cut back on maintenance of these plants and started caring for them with internal staff Some of the plants are very valuable and are in need of treatment to insure they remain healthy Preventative maintenance through proper pruning and supply of supplemental nutrients will allow the plants to flourish Staff is recommending that the City take the course of preventive maintenance for the care of the plants Dead plants will lead to infestation of bugs and costly replacement of plants FUNDING SOURCE(S) Staff is recommending that the City Council appropriate $2,000 in City Managers budget from the 2014/15 Fund balance MAJOR MILESTONE(S) Staff will inter into contact for short term treatment and care of plants in atrium and office areas PROJECT MANAGER Phone (909)824-6621 Patricia Jacquez-Nares pnares@grandterrace-ca goy E O Q. d 12 I cc C U. m t= �a U N T o 0 N } LL off C w Ca m } �t 0 N } LL Packet Pg 128 mn C/) 0 CD rF �=r (D W 0 0 M N 0 CL to 0 U) —I i� r M MI mn 0 M 0 milk rh 0 ...h CL N � tO Attachment Monthly Financial Report September 2015 (1789 FY2014-15 Year -End & FY2015-16 1St Quarter Financial Report) Gi m z rn r mn z v X M M z c M Cr Attachment Monthly Financial Report September 2015 (1789 FY2014-15 Year -End & FY2015-16 1St Quarter Financial Report) ' 9b City of Grand Terrace FY 2015-16 General Fund 1st Quarter Financial Report For the Period Ending September 30, 2015 REVENUES Revenue Property Tax Residual Receipts - RPTTF Franchise Fees Licenses, Fees & Permits Sales Tax Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants Charges for Services Fines & Forfeitures Miscellaneous Use of Money & Property Waste Water Receipts e Positive (Negative) September Sept Sept Variance YTD YTD September % from Approved Expected Approved YTD Anproved YTD Budget Receipts Budget Actuals Budget Expected 1,551,518 13,813 0 9% 19,750 1 3% 5,937 860,077 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 495,000 30,806 6 2% 26,663 5 4% (4,143) 308,300 57,153 185% 43,314 140% (13,838)' 900,000 35,325 3 9% 29,595 3 3% (5,730) 5,000 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 104,000 26,787 25 8% 26,911 25 9% 124 36,800 10,942 29 7% 12,727 34 6% 1,785 5,000 604 121% 11,020 220 4% 10,415 2 22,840 5,291 23 2% 4,335 19 0% (956) 300,000 300,000 100 0% 300,000 100 0% 0 4,588,535 480,722 10 5% 474,315 10 3% (6,407) 1 Decrease in Licenses, Fees & Permits due to a reduction in construction permits received and processed for the quarter 2 Increase in miscellaneous revenue due to the reimbursement of state mandated clams (SB90) submitted to the State Controller's Office prior to 2004 Packet,Pg 133 MONTHLY REVENUE - Sales Tax (2015-16 vs 2014-15) $ JUN MAY APR MAR FEB 7 JAN DEC NOV OCT SEP AUG JUL 50 000 100 000 150 000 200 000 250 000 ■ 2015 16 0201415 o $230 431 $0 $n loo $o $4 800 $0 $ 6 232 $0 $60 300 $0 $lsa aas $o $73 900 $o $ss a90 $29 595 $4 941 $0 $0 $0 $0 Packet Pg 135 MONTHLY REVENUE - Franchise Fees (2015-16 vs 2014-15) $p $84 917 $D $5 341 $p f t $ 6 612 $0 $25 937 ' $0 $43 954 $p $24 665 $p $14 $p 62 $29 344 $p $23 181 $26 663 r $41514 $p t $0 i $p $p JUN MAY APR MAR FEB JAN DEC NOV OCT SEP AUG JUL 20 000 40 000 60 000 80 000 100 000 120 000 140 000 160 000 180 000 E3 2015 16 0201415 FY2015 16 Expected $30 806 FY201516Actuals $26663 FY2014-15 Actuals $499 827 I 100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000 600 000 S FY2014-15 Actuals 0 FY2015 16 Actuals ■ FY2015 16 Expected PackM Pg 137 0 M z M 00 '° D -< r v -n M c v z v M M M M z z � v c X M Attachment Monthly Financial Report September 2015 (1789 FY2014-15 Year -End & FY2015-16 1St Quarter Financial Report) City of Grand Terrace FY 2015-16 General Fund 1st Quarter Financial Report For the Period Ending September 30, 2015 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT Positive (Negative) September SeDtSept Variance YTD YTD T September T from Approved Projected Approved YTD Approved YTD Department Budget Expenditures Budoet Actuals Budget Expected City Council 60,877 15,726 25 8% 13,801 22 7% 1,925 City Manager 401,719 88,821 221% 97,652 243% (8,832)' City Attorney 64,000 10,743 16 8% 10,334 16 1% 409 City Clerk 218,398 45,308 20 7% 43,398 19 9% 1,910 Community Development 1,249,409 309,215 24 7% 286,266 22 9% 22,950 2 Finance 501,035 96,680 19 3% 89,033 17 8% 7,647 Public Safety 1,676,200 413,850 24 7% 418,163 24 9% (4,313) Non -Departmental 415,965 160,294 38 5% 156,351 37 6% 3,943 4,587,603 1,140,637 249% 1,114,998 243% 25,639 1 Projected expenditures are based on last year s actuals The City hired an Interim City Manager last fiscal year who did not receive any benefits vs a filled City Manager position with salary and benefits this year 2 Projected expenditures are based on last year s actuals Some invoices for professional services for the Community Development department for the month September of the current year were received & processed later than that of last fiscal year Packet Pg 141 MONTHLY EXPENDITURE - Community Development Dept (2015-16 vs 2014-15) JUN $ 95 345 $0 MAY $85 470 $0 APR 98 386 $0 MAR 97 799 $0 FEB $66 396 $0 JAN $893 7 $0 DEC $68 632 $0 NOV $56 463 $0 OCT $103 646 $111260 SEP $115 360 AUG $75 247 $59746 JUL $50 215 50 000 100 000 150 000 200 000 250 000 0201516Actuals M 2014 15 Actuals Packet Pg �43 MONTHYL EXPENDITURE - Public Safety (2015-16 vs 2014-15) $0 JUN $13 037 $0 MAY $1000 $0 APR $272 716 $0 MAR $131 806 $0 FEB HN $125 622 $0 JAN $376 86 SO DEC $0 $0 NOV $11841 $0 OCT $125 622 $1 0 553 I SEP lr$125.72 $132 57 AUG $0 r 145 553 JUL $272 465 50 000 100 000 150 000 200 000 250 000 300 000 350 000 400 000 M 2015 16 Actuals El 2014 15 Actuals E E r `0 E Packet Pg 145 00 0 M 0 O �o Gi rn z rn r Mn z v M x M M z v c X M Attachment Monthly Financial Report September 2015 (1789 FY2014-16 Year -End & FY2015-16 1St Quarter Financial Report) MAY APR MAR FEB JAN DEC NOV Ocr SEP AUG MONTHLY EXPENDITURE - Salaries (2015-16 vs 2014-15) •'�Gh ... 7975 10 000 20,000 30 000 40,000 50 000 60 000 70 000 80 000 90,000 100 000 ■201516Actuals 0 2014 15 Actuals FY2015 1d Expected $151,4 1 FY2015 16 Actuals $160, 69 FY2014 15 Actuals 5648 23 100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000 600 000 700 000 0 FY2014-15 Actuals ■ FY2025 16 Actuals ■ FY2015 16 Expected Pnckat Pg 749 EXPENDITURE - Professional/Contractual Services so $400 951 ��eirrsrr^,�'4� �3n tKr $ t MAY $0 763 $8 APRant"tttg $0 '$411208 MAR $0 $ 209 693 FEB $0 2 753 $15 JAN $0 $414303 � DEC $0 $98 305 NOV $0 t3�£�ie ,��j�, ���i: x $309 636 OCT $0 .. r�vt. + 260929 i SEP $296238 u0I. '+ $2.5849Z AUG $257 737 $37 B27 JUL $166 5ZI r� �Idki $317 366 100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000 600 000 G3 2015 16 Actuals (32014 15 Actuals Packet Pg 151 , CITY OF G TERRACE AGENDA & STAFF REPORTS FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY & THE GRAND TERRACE HOUSING AUTHORITY Tuesday, October 27, 2015 6 00 p.m. Regular Meeting COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER - 22795 BARTON ROAD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 Darcy McNaboe, Mayor Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern Jackie Mitchell, Council Member Doug Wilson, Council Member Bill Hussey, Council Member G Harold Duffey, City Manager Richard L Adams, City Attorney Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk Sandra Molina, Community Development Director Linda Phillips, Child Care Director Cynthia A Fortune, Finance Director, The Grand Terrace City Council meets on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 00 p m CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 0 0 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • OCTOBER 27, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER Invocation Pastor Jordan Barker Grand View Baptist Church on the Hill Pledge of Allegiance was led by ill C Aol AO(a4v ,a-, ROLL CALL Attendee Name Present Absent Late Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe I ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson CY' ❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey Ev'-7 ❑ ❑ A SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE B CONSENT CALENDAR Motion v/ ( Second Z-M -o Vote 1 Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 2 of Minutes — Regular Meeting — /r13/r2015 ` 3 Request by the Foundation of Grand Terrace for a Waiver of City Special Event and Facility Use Fees Related to the Annual Halloween Festival RECOMMENDATION Waive Special Event and Facility Use fees in the amount of One Thousand One Hundred and Thirty Dollars ($1,130 00) 4 Purchase Order Authorization for Progressive Solutions, Inc RECOMMENDATION Authorization to increase a Purchase Order in an amount not to exceed $1,000 00 for a new annual total of $11,123 68 with Progressive Solutions, Inc City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council October 27, 2015 C PUBLIC COMMENT TOTAL SPEAKERS / D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey y Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe E PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE F UNFINISHED BUSINESS No Staff Presentation rnOTOv) M197 D� 5 An Ordinance Amending Title 8 Chapter 8 112 (Fireworks) of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code �c,+H'GiCe.. FRJ, �oip/fie I,�JJ`1-s�V� RECOMMENDATION )'f1 P 7- /LtO A4 — -�-f 4-Q Adopt AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AMENDING CHAPTER 8 112 FIREWORKS OF TITLE 8 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE G NEW BUSINESSCJ 6 endure fjC� �trae for Street Maintenance Services wit Roquet P urn ,Inc RECOMMENDATION 1 Extend the contract term to August 27, 2016 for the one year extension allowed in the Professional Services Agreement, 2 Increase the Roquet Paving purchase order by $50,000, and 3 Amend the Roquet Paving contract to reflect the name change of the vendor Staff Presentation C,iJf,!/![Gf' Council Questions Motion Second M42 Vote City of Grand Terrace Page 2 1� Agenda Grand Terrace City Council October 27, 2015 7 Public Convenience and Necessity Finding for Gourmet Beer Wine and Foods RECOMMENDATION Direct staff to issue a Public Convenience or Necessity Letter to the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control in support of the license Staff Presentation Council Questions l Motion �l ID�%� Second &—i / Vote `--5 \ 7- 1 8 Approve a Professional Services •,reeme with y85ZRZ for Long Range Property Management Plan Services RECOMMENDATION Approve Professional Services Agreement with Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc for a one year term and authorize the Executive Director to administratively renew this agreement for up to two renewal term periods of one year each Staff Presentation '��Pf'ice Council Questions Motion �Tr l Second Vote 5-o 9 F Y2014-15 Year -End & FY2015-16 1st Quarter Financial Report®� COMMENDATION ` r,,,✓ 1 Receive and file the FY2014-15 year-end updated financial report, �V V 2 eceive and file the 1st Quarter Financial Report for the period ending September 30, 2015, ' 3 Approve the proposed appropriations as detailed in the discussion section of the report L \ Staff Presentation Council Questions Motion Second Vote H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS i I ��I .�Gtasho�.- y u ""0 - C td.q Coot YKA4 4-boc t3t.t QR I P � DYE City of Grand Terrace Page 3 a P. Agenda Grand Terrace City Council October 27, 2015 ADJOURN 1�140m, The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 600pm Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk's office no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Council Notes: Meetings Omnitrans committee Fuel conversation Discussion on electric vehicles and potentially Buses. Members sitting on AQMD discussed barrier with Edison to electric car use on mass scale. Attended Chamber meeting on SANBAG and future improvements of local freeways. We had good discussion on toll road options and limits of Current funding to add lanes without toll option. Toll revenue will be used for local system upgrades. Metrolink Unacceptable level of service in ticket kiosk area. San Bernardino is home base of SANBAG. West Valley cities have excellent kiosk system. Ox" 6-V 4," � z^-., ,4-e4- N e- CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City elected by the public must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council DATE NAME Gj ADDRESS 0 PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON (22�- pl� I Y�, Cion mjy L, SUBJECT CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM 9 DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City elected by the public must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council DATE ✓ NAME fJ4✓` (C ADDRESS j PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON SUBJECT T, fro .vJ 6 ✓' CMT � a � I � 04 Ito 1-70 I I 1 - I I nAt , (LoLO 1 i' UAJ-- A - � r -..t 4 _ 5-0 -,8 `',�� one C� lvr<< i�i%?�Cl� i e��f'Ilidtk�e q.ruarl 104 I � Sm m. I I Cnrrvo7v 9p -tv" -A*a-eq j"l / A on ��� � _ Lug �o�•l ��-l�-�j WLU 1,4 vl m� I°?7uo A C Council Report - October 27, 2015 1. SANBAG - Metro Valley Study Session - October 15, 2015 • Review of change orders to existing projects with respect to project contingency and supplemental costs • Received an update on the next top 10 list of Interchange Program Projects - These projects are in various different phases from Concept, planning environmental, and construction o Interstate 10/Cedar o State Route 210/13aseline o State Route 60/Central o Interstate 10/University o Instate 215/University o Instate 10/Alabama o Instate 15/Baseline o Instate 10/Mount Vernon o Instate 60/Archibald o Instate 10/Monte Vista • Recommend approval of budget amendment was requested for staff time and legal support services for Instate 215 Mount Vernon/Washington project - Lawsuit filed by City of Colton over the withdrawal of funding from the project • Recommend approval of Interstate 215 / University Parkway Interchange Memorandum of Understand and Cooperative Agreement with the City of San Bernardino • Recommend approval of request for Cooperative Work Agreement from California Department of Finance to extend budget authority for project funds for Palm Avenue grade separation right away phase because of a lawsuit related to properties associated with the project (BNSF - City of San Bernardino) • Recommended approval of Valley Freeway Interchange Prioritization d and Phasing Options Discussion with Duane Baker regarding I215/Barton Road interchange project schedule and funding 2 Lions Club Pancake breakfast - Boy Scouts and Foot ball players - feedback V1� about service provided b both groups of young men etc ,� P Y g P Y g - 3 Attended the Colton Joint Unified School District board meeting on October 15 along with City Manager Duffey The voted to Approve the Execution of the Agreement for Taxing Entity Compensation with the City of Grand Terrace as part of the consent calendar - there were no issues raised, Mr Duffey and I were thanked for being there t � y 10/27/2015 resentation October 27, 2015 Purpose of Report • Review of Budget-to-Actuals for the 1 st quarter in FY2015-16 and year-end in FY2014-15; • Inform City Council of any significant variances in both prior & current fiscal years, & its effect on the remainder of the current fiscal year, if any; 2 1 10/27/2015 FY 2014-15 Revenue _ 4une June li une I Variance Category Approved `YTD Ff Actuals Actuals 11 Inc / Bud et J� Expected 1 as of h as of ;,Receipts 1108/15/2015;410/15/20151 }Dec REVENUES' r ` Property Tax $1.4:0 ,_1=00 $1 lgj89 $1,515,189=$0 `_ ei Q al_Recp- 306,370 760,256 761,318 761,318 0 Re Franchise Fees _ 4801000 478,200 49%828 499,828 Licenses, Fees & Permitsl 290,900 284,890 305,877 305,957 80 Sales Tax- ~_ 1,047,000843,960 763,151 827,251 64,100 Intergovernmental ~ 35,000 14,999 14,762 14,762 0 Revenue/Grants _j Charges_for Services 81,200 78,000 127,937 ,� 127,987 50 K6r e:§-& Forfeitures _; 25,000 _25,000 53,825 53,825 0 _Miscellaneous _ 5,000'L 8,800 54,418 54,4181 0 Use of Money 8 Property; 25,000 18,500 22,476 22 476 0 Waste Water Receipts 700,000 700.000 700.000 700.000��0 _- - PTO AT L FY 2011445 Expense l - ---- T __ _---i� - _ �� June , June f�June ` +l Variance I Category Approved { YTD j Actuals Actuals Inc / Budget J� Expected f Receipts 108/15/2015,l10/15/2015� as of I as of Dec f $711,730 $666,484 $648,238 $642,583 ($5,655) EXPENDITURES �� �Salaries _ [Benefits V� 388,380 359,052 445,021 441,558�(3,4 kProfess�onal/Cont�'T 'jServices - j 3,015,122 2,985,501 2,857,196 2,887,550 $30354I ' {Materials & Supplies _ 239,46 �196,810 179 366 176,400 �(2,966) , ,Lease of Facility/Eqpt �� ~~_ 4,400 3,400 4,049 4,049 0 Ut_dities 135 800 , _134,3 00 =0,239 139,997 2--2- _ _ �ebt S_e_rvice_ _ 254,900 254,900 254,848 254,848 0 Overhead Cost (249,800) 44,700) (245,961) (245,961)= Allocation LTransfers Out �,` , 91.500 90.927 90.927 �S l _ _ _ _ _TOTAL; '' A A94,500 10/27/2015 a� FIY 2014-15 Projected { - ---- - Category -=- - - - iL ___ A Amount_; Fund Balance (Actual), June 30, 20131 July 1, 2013 $1,493,781 i~ 2013-14 Revenues (actual) $5,286,772�~~!-^� �L013_14 Expenditures (actual) (4,843,589) 1 _ 443,183 Tund Balance (Actual), June 30, 2014 / 1, 2014 l $1,936,964� 'July ____ _ —_ - _ -- _ __ ___J 2014-15 Revenues (projected) _ r201d-1-16 Expenditures ro ected _ j (4,843,673) 164,459 *Fund Balance, (Projected), June 30, 2015 /; July 1,,,2015 $2,101,323 s FY 2014-15 Actual �_�;__-_ _—_ =i�-Amount - Fund Balance (Actual), June 30, 2013 / $1,493,781 SJuly 1, 2013 A� 2013-14 Revenues (actual) $5,286,772, ^� 2013-14 Expenditures (actual) (4,843,589) �443,183f rFund Balance (Actual), June 30, 2014/ 1 '{July_1. 2014_� $1,936,964 2014-15 Revenues (actual) = 4 883,011 L��� _= �2014-15 Expenditures (actua)^(4,391,951) 491,060 Fund Balance, (Projected), June 30,2015 // $2,428,024 July 1, 2015— 10 10/27/2015 General Fund Outstanding Loans 13 Outstanding Loans E i Loan Balance Category ff as of t f June 30, 2015 'Advance from the Grand Terrace 11 ,,Successor Agency _ _ _ { $925,272 ! Advance from Grand Terrace 168,205 Housing Authority Total Loan Balance � $1,093,477 14 10/27/2015 FY2015-16 I st Quarter 17 FY 2015-16 Revenue �_ 5r__ �- - j� September Approved ! YTD September Variance Category I� f� 3� (Increase/ Budget Expected , Actuals {i Decrease), Receipts ,,_ ;REVENUES .� re Tax � Prop_rty___ ! ��f $1,551,518 $13,813 $19,750 $5,937 LRPTTF - :]860,077 ==0 (-==O 0]� Franchise 495,000 30,806 26,663 (4,143) i Licenses Fees Per mits_ [-308,300 57 553; `— 43, 1-4 3,838)1I) _&_ 3Sales Tax^� 1 900,000 35,325 29,595 (5,730) I __ _ Inter overnmental Revenue/Grants [�y-�- � 01 5,000 (� l jCh_arges for Services �� 104,000 26,787 26,911 124 Fines & Forfeitures IL 36,800 10 942 12,727 _ �1,785 rMiscellaneous T _i 5,000 604 11,020 10,415 Use of Money & Property IL 22,840 5,291 4,335 L_� __(956)1 Waste Water R_eceipts____] 300,000 300,000 300,000 0 _ _ -TOTAL $4.588,535 $4Z4 ($6.4071 10/27/2015 ommen-d-ab Staff is recommending that City Council approve the proposed appropriations by category as follows: 21 Recommendations - -- iI ----- -- - - Category A - - --- -- f!- - ---- -- - , # J (if approved, City Manager will Ii Amount implement all programs as authorized in the City's fiscal policies) i 1 Public Safety Enhancements $200,000 F,-=6Community Fireworks 10,00011 [ _ 7 Child Care Equipment 5,000 _ 10 Emergency Operations Coordination I 10,000 I$ Holiday Decorations 5,000 =15]Youth in Government 11 3,0001 -- - `, 17, City Hall Plant Maintenance 2,000 j a TOTAL 11 10/27/2015 4"( -, 25 13