11/24/2015CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 4 AGENDA & STAFF REPORTS FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, AND THE CITY COUNCIL AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY & THE GRAND TERRACE HOUSING AUTHORITY Tuesday, November 24, 2015 6 00 p.m. Regular Meeting ` COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER - 22795 BARTON ROAD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 y C M� TIER DACE Darcy McNaboe, Mayor Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern Jackie Mitchell; Council Member Doug Wilson, Council Member Bill Hussey, Council Member G Harold Duffey, City Manager Richard L Adams, City Attorney Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk Sandra Molina, Community Development Director Linda Phillips, Child Care Director Cyatwq- A FortunC, F-^:!^ce ^irecwr The Grand Terrace City Council meets on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 00 p m ' CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • NOVEMBER 24, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www arandterrace-ca aov <http //www arandterrace-ca gov> CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee Name °,Present `Absent Late Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe ❑ ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey ❑ ❑ ❑ A SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE B CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial They will be acted upon by the City Council at one time without discussion Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent calendar for discussion City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council November 24, 2015 G NEW BUSINESS 4 Committee for Naming or Renaming City Facilities (City- owned land, buildings and facilities) RECOMMENDATION Forward request for the renaming of Pico Park to appropriate Council Committee or appointment of Council Subcommittee to be called (Facility Naming Committee) DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER 5 Mayor's Appointment to the Oversight Board RECOMMENDATION: RESOLUTION NO 2015- , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RATIFYING AND APPROVING THE APPOINTMENT BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE OF ONE MEMBER TO THE OVERSIGHT BOARD OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY FOR THE FORMER GRAND TERRACE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PURSUANT TO HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION 34179 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 6 1-215/Barton Road Interchange Decorative Street Lighting Council Direction RECOMMENDATION 1) Provide direction as noted DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION CLOSED SESSION 7 Conference with Labor Negotiators - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 6 Agency Negotiator G Harold Duffey, City Manager Unrepresented employee Child Care Employees 8 Public Employee Performance Evaluation — Pursuant To Government Code Section 54957(b) (1) Title City Manager RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION City of Grand Terrace Page 3 MEETING DATE TITLE PRESENTED BY RECOMMENDATION AGENDA REPORT November 24, 2015 Council Item Monthly Financial Report for October 2015 Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director Receive and file the Monthly Financial Report for the period ending October 31, 2015 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports City Council Goal #1, "Ensure Our Fiscal Viability," through the continuous monitoring of revenue receipts and expenditure disbursements against approved budget appropriations BACKGROUND The Finance Department has developed a Monthly Financial Report (MFR), which will be submitted to the City Council each month The attached MFR is for the period ending October 31, 2015 The purpose of the MFR is to identify actual revenues received, and expenditures incurred, for the current fiscal year and compare them to the Approved Budget and fiscal year-to-date (YTD) expected amounts The MFR encompasses the City's two major funds General Fund and Child Care Fund DISCUSSION The Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-16 Approved Budget amounts are presented in the attached MFR for reference purposes Any adjustments to the Approved Budget that may occur during the fiscal year will also be reflected in the report The "expected" revenues reflect an analysis of revenue receipts that have, historically, been received as of this month in the fiscal year The resulting positive or negative variances shown in the MFR are in comparison to these "expected" receipts The timing of expenditures is more evenly distributed during the fiscal year than revenue receipts, however, it is not entirely straight-line in nature For example, some months have three pay periods rather than two Also, debt service payments are only made twice a year Additionally, certain expenditure postings, such as the cost allocation plan, are made quarterly rather than monthly All of these factors are reflected in the YTD "expected" expenditures shown in the MFR As part of the MFR, staff will include explanations of significant variances between YTD actual revenues and expenditures, and those that are "expected" at that point in the U Packet Pg 5 Miscellaneous 17,800 Higher by $13k due to reimbursement receipt of state mandated clams (SB90) submitted to the State Controller's Office pnor to 2004 Use of Money & Property 6,692 Minimal variance from expected revenues Waste Water Receipts 300,000 1 Minimal variance from expected revenues TOTAL Expenditures General Fund expenditures of $1,412,285 are below the expected amount of $1,469,015 reflecting a positive variance of $56,730 Below are the General Fund's expenditure categories and the status of each expenditure line Item Ex enditure October YTD Actuals Status Salaries $212,484 Minimal variance from expected expenditures Benefits 92,576 Retirement Benefits are less due to the payment of the C►ty's Ca/PERS liability in FY2014-15 Professional/Contractual Services 925,025 Payments for professional services were processed later this current year than that of last fiscal year Materials & Supplies 56,161 Minimal variance from expected expenditures Lease of Facility/Equipment 1,343 Minimal variance from expected expenditures Equipment 0 Minimal variance from expected expenditures Capital Projects 0 Minimal variance from expected expenditures Utilities 44,832 Minimal variance from expected expenditures Debt Service 127,424 Minimal variance from expected expenditures Overhead Cost Allocation 70,434 Minimal variance from expected expenditures Transfers Out 22,875 Minimal variance from expected expenditures CHILD CARE FUND The Child Care Fund's revenue receipts of $314,619 are below the expected level of $357,535 The Child Care Services Department has seen a decline in child care enrollment within the last few months This is primarily due some parents losing employment and some families whose jobs have them relocating to other communities To address this deficit, the department has implemented cost-cutting measures in response to declining revenues These include Packet ;Pg 7 �2 a t �1 City of Grand Terrace Monthly Financial Report For the Period Ending October 31, 2015 Packet Pg 9 G) m z m m c z v X m m z c m N 01 Attachment Monthly Financial Report October2015 (1802 Monthly Financial Report for October 2015) City of Grand Terrace FY 2015-16 General Fund Monthly Financial Report For the Period Ending October 31, 2015 REVENUES Positive (Negative) October YTo Variance YTD o DD % October % from Approved Expected Approved YTD Approved YTD Revenue Budget Receipts Budget Actuals Budaet Expected Property Tax 1,551,518 13,813 0 9% 22,436 1 4% 8,623 Residual Receipts - RPTTF 860,077 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 Franchise Fees 495,000 39,410 8 0% 38,624 7 8% (785) Licenses, Fees & Permits 308,300 79,330 257% 56,548 183% (22,782)' Sales Tax 900,000 79,772 8 9% 72,095 8 0% (7,677) Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants 5,000 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 Charges for Services 104,000 30,444 293% 34,377 33 1% 3,933 Fines & Forfeitures 36,800 15,169 41 2% 21,622 58 8% 6,453 Miscellaneous 5,000 4,230 84 6% 17,800 356 0% 13,570 2 Use of Money & Property 22,840 7,061 30 9% 6,692 29 3% (369) Waste Water Receipts 300,000 300,000 100 0% 300,000 100 0% 0 4,588,535 569,229 124% 570,194 124% 965 Decrease in Licenses, Fees & Permits due to a reduction in construction permits received and processed during the period from July 2015 to October 2015 2 Increase in miscellaneous revenue due to the reimbursement receipt of state mandated clams (SB90) submitted to the State Controller's Office prior to 2004 Packet Pg 13 MONTHLY REVENUE - Sales Tax (2015-16 vs 2014-15) $0 JUN $230 431 $0 MAY $57 100 r $0 APR $42,800 $0 MAR $ 6 232 $0 FEB $60 300 7m7 JAN $154 048 $0 DEC $0 $0 NOV $73 900 $42 500 OCT $55 400 SEP $29595 $4 941 $0 AUG $0 Y _ - u $0 i JUL y t 50 000 100 000 150 000 200 000 250 000 02015 16 ®2014 15 I FY2015 16 Expected FY2015 16 Actuals FY2014 15 Actuals 100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000 600 000 700 000 800 000 ■FY2014-15 Actuals 9 FY2015 16 Actuals OIFY201516 Expected f JUN MAY APR MAR FEB JAN DEC NOV OCT SEP AUG JUL MONTHLY REVENUE - Franchise Fees (2015-16 vs 2014-15) $0 $84 917 $0 $5 341 1$0 $ 56 812 $0 $25 937 $0 $43 954 $0 $24 665 $0 $14 L62 $0 $29 344 $11 9 $23 181 $26 663 $41 514 $0 $0 $0 $0 m { r 20 000 40 000 60,000 0201516 80 000 100 000 120 000 140 000 160 000 180 000 0201415 FY2015 16 Expected $39 410 FY2015 16 Actuals $38 625 FY2014 15 Actuals $499 827 100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000 600 000 ■FY2014-15 Actuals 0 FY2015 16 Actuals O FY2015 16 Expected Packet Pg 77 00 v m -v X m z Gi rn z m r c z v m x m m z v c X m Attachment Monthly Financial Report October2015 (1802 Monthly Financial Report for October 2015) City of Grand Terrace FY 2015-16 General Fund Monthly Financial Report For the Period Ending October 31, 2015 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT Positive (Negative) October Oct t Variance YTD T October YTD oT from Approved Proiected Approved YTD Approved YTD Department Budget Expenditures Budget Actuals Budget Expected City Council 60,877 19,025 31 3% 17,173 28 2% 1,853 City Manager 401,719 127,410 317% 116,289 289% 11,121 City Attorney 64,000 16,076 251% 15,520 24 2% 557 City Clerk 218,398 63,939 29 3% 63,898 29 3% 41 Community Development 1,249,409 399,820 320% 360,487 289% 39,333 ' Finance 501,035 121,294 242% 122,190 244% (896) Public Safety 1,676,200 539,254 32 2% 535,910 32 0% 3,343 Non -Departmental 415,965 182,197 43 8% 180,819 43 5% 1,378 4,587,603 1,469,015 32 0% 1,412,285 30 8% 56,730 Projected expenditures are based on last years actuals Some invoices for professional services for the Community Development department for the penod from July 2015 to October 2015 of the current year were received & processed later than that of last fiscal year Packet Pg 21 MONTHLY EXPENDITURE - Community Development Dept (2015-16 vs 2014-15) so JUN $ 95 345 $0 MAY $85 470 $0 APR 98 386 $0 MAR 97 799 $0 FEB 11111111111111111111111 $66 396 $0 JAN $893 7 $0 DEC $68 632 $0 NOV $56 463 $74 511 OCT $103 646 $111 153 SEP $63 027 t $115 360 a AUG ------------------------- $75 247 $59463 JUL $50 215 50 000 100 000 150 000 200 000 250 000 02015 16 Actuals 132014 15 Actuals Patket Pg 23 JVIV MAY APR MAR FEB JAN DEC NOV OCT SEP AUG JUL MONTHYL EXPENDITURE - Public Safety (2015-16 vs 2014-15) $376 86q 50 000 100 000 150 000 200,000 250 000 300 000 350 000 400 000 S 2015 16 Actuals 02014 15 Actuals J Packet Pg 26 00 0 m G) O 70 m x m m z v c X m Attachment Monthly Financial Report October2015 (1802 Monthly Financial Report for October 2015) JUN MAY APR MAR FEB JAN DEC NOV OCT SEP AUG JUL MONTHLY EXPENDITURE - Salaries (2015-16 vs 2014-15) $0 F, of5*w.w .. i �..'' x c ✓ r « tv t =gs i x,. s " k's r,� it •zaFc'a,« ' <r-rNs- x �. $91028 .`A- v �T s " .�- sui � '� e r � b � •"S �`S+ � i�i� M � �as3�'�sf,�"YiBr $0 szass $0 4 ,�, 9 '"•:*.i ,a-:.lr,,v:�#ri"Y.�a;,. , •.K�*r .�.Y� ��n� i S . Z s:,i5a,.w �'�'�-. $51656 $0 • •v +w.atu "ae 1 i' �' ` '• P� *ai �� �! w $50 350 $0 r tF' x=3- . waz•:r $ciy";r#c • 3 �F v"`�Sr�E'^�w,r- $52 637 $0 $o $12 434 $0 48 890 $52 322 a"ti �+ # `�k^•k A ; r+.0 ' tiv�e--n.+g q. �+ rrxxd+:vd r ..' $50 644 $52 468 ,,� D' ,,°a� � �; �d�d�� ._ �s e 1 14`ku"`•�'�'r � s � � y§r � pr x $ 7 975 $51814 driJiv"Yi" ; .wig $BO 465 r y 4 r ,� p ,fo rW �a.r, na ".r�Y rzr',ti� fix. $31,794 10 000 20,000 30 000 40 000 50 000 60 000 70 000 80 000 90 000 100 000 W 2015 16 Actuals 0 2014 15 Actuals FY2015 16 Expected FY2015 16 Actuals FY2014-15 Actuals 100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000 600 000 700 000 0 FY2014-15 Actuals 81 FY2015 16 Actuals EFY201516 Expected m Packet Pg 29 EXPENDITURE - Professional/Contractual Services $o JUN .. s-•,� r�.�. tikes 1 s' ' :.�iF'* �',:z ': ` 'z.,i s'W w h S"'. i 'w" ri 400 951 $0 MAY $8 763 APR .S i �'s, N^yt:•�r'e ii, Vz k? ��` # �sN y ai;»,r.�r< ry., ?a -° h "' kir' .r. a'.'4+ $411208 $0 MAR511 209 683 $0 FEB ,a4 t•; aGs $18 753 $0 JAN 4 303 �'" y +'' i . �,�?,,. : G a r x rr w p �} ` 'kw ;{A#, ".�w � `JA � '�#�X.�.� 1 * s'+'r s�,n �s' $ $0 DEC $98305 c $0 NOV 6 21 $209021 OCT air+ h 91744 SEP y $258 492 $257 737 AUG yy °.�• ; $37 827 f $1665 JUL d�kt,It � ''e�'4":+fi. n.,ixkw' Y x 7xa�'7S 'ft" 5�'.:r4 s $317 366 r 4`ir,i'!ti-„. •"�".3 `#"•.>."�"r� 100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000 600 000 ©2015 16 Actuals 02014 15 Actuals Packet Pg 31 m m z c m z v m x m m z v q c X m n r v 0 n �o m mn c z v Attachment Monthly Financial Report October2015 (1802 Monthly Financial Report for October 2015) JUN MAY APR MAR FEB JAN DEC NOV OCT SEP AUG JUL MONTHLY REVENUE - Child Care (2015-16 vs 2014-15) $80 620 $100 083 082 $79 587 $82 320 iiilll $84 033 gi 879 $92 4i $94 $83 420 $101770 ` $13211,7 118 20 000 40 000 60 000 80 000 100 000 120 000 140 000 W 201516 Actuals 0 2014 15 Actuals Packet Pg 35 3 ia AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE November 24, 2015 Council Item TITLE Amendment to Chapter 5 80 (Non -Owner Occupied/Rental Property Program) PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION Adopt Ordinance No , AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDING SECTIONS 5 80 050 AND 5 80 060 OF CHAPTER 580 (NON -OWNER OCCUPIED/RENTAL PROPERTY PROGRAM) OF TITLE 5 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #1 Ensuring Fiscal Viability by ensuring appropriate cost recovery for services BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION On November 10, 2015, the City Council introduced an Ordinance to amend Chapter 5 08 Non -Owner Occupied/Rental Property Program, as it relates to annual inspection fees and the education program The Council moved the proposed Ordinance, as drafted, to second reading for adoption FISCAL IMPACT The General Fund would receive additional revenues from the small increase to the annual fees for properties in the Good Landlord program ATTACHMENTS • Rental Inspection Ordinance_10 6 2015 (v3r) (3) APPROVALS Sandra Molina Completed City Attorney Completed Finance Completed Community Development Completed (DOC) 11/16/201512 33 PM 11 /16/2015 2 15 PM 11 /17/2015 1140 AM 11 /17/2015 12 24 PM Packet pg 37 ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDING SECTIONS 5 80 050, 5 80 060, 5 80 120 OF CHAPTER 5 80 (NON -OWNER OCCUPIED/RENTAL PROPERTY PROGRAM) OF TITLE 5 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace has a substantial interest in promoting W minimum building and housing code standards, and exterior maintenance standards in 9 order to ensure safe housing for its residents, and 3 WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace recognizes the need to implement reasonable regulations to not only ensure safe housing for its residents but to also 3 improve the City's housing stock, and o 0 WHEREAS, on October 13, 2015, the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace c introduced the herein ordinance to revise Chapter 5 80 (Non -owner Occupied/Rental r_ Property Program) of Title 5 of the Municipal Code, and 0 d WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred r M 0 w v NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the City M Council of the City of Grand Terrace, as follows L M SECTION 1 Subsections A, C and D of Section 5 80 050 (Annual Inspection Fee) of Chapter 5 80 of Title 5 are amended to read as follows N "Section 5 80 050 Annual Inspection Fee A Good Landlord/Tenant Program Well -maintained properties that have passed inspections for three consecutive years may qualify to participate in the good V.. landlord/tenant program For qualifying participants, the property owner will pay O an annual inspection fee that is one-half of the City inspection program's annual c r fee, provided conditions do not deteriorate to the point where the property would Q no longer meet eligibility standards for program participation Well -maintained properties that have passed inspections for four consecutive years will pay an annual inspection fee of 30 percent of the City inspection program's annual fee For properties eligible under the program, a drive -by inspection will be conducted to ensure satisfactory maintenance E s R a L Packet Pg 39 SECTION 6 First read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 13th day of October, 2015, and finally adopted and ordered posted at a regular meeting of said City Council of the day of , 2015 ATTEST Pat Jacquez-Nares Darcy McNaboe City Clerk Mayor M 0 0 1 Packet Pg 41 MEETING DATE TITLE PRESENTED BY AGENDA REPORT November 24, 2015 Council Item Committee for Naming or Renaming City Facilities (City - owned land, buildings and facilities) G Harold Duffey, City Manager RECOMMENDATION Forward request for the renaming of Pico Park to appropriate Council Committee or appointment of Council Subcommittee to be called (Facility Naming Committee) 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #4 to develop and implement successful partnerships, work collaboratively with community groups, private and public sector agencies, to facilitate the delivery of services benefitting youth, seniors and our community, work with local, regional and state agencies to secure funding for programs and projects BACKGROUND On July 28, 2015, the City Council approved Resolution No 2015-30 establishing policies and procedures for the naming of City -owned land, buildings, and facilities (Attachment 1) The procedure establishes the guidelines and processes the Council will use for naming or renaming City -owned land, buildings, and facilities The procedures calls for the Mayor to send any request for the naming or renaming of City -owned land, buildings and facilities to the appropriate City Council subcommittee or establish especial Council subcommittee called (Facility Naming Committee) DISCUSSION City staff received a request on August 8, 2015 from Council Member William Hussey to rename Pico Park, Veteran's Park (Attachment 2) Because this was a renaming request, staff needed to conduct due diligence and review City records to insure that the renaming would not jeopardize previous funding restrictions In addition, staff would normally review renaming request to review original name's historical or emotional significance to the community before the request is forwarded to the Mayor along with the request for the name change The City Clerk reviewed all records associated with Pico Park and was unable to discover any significant reason why Pico Park is named "Pico Park" other than it is on Pico Street Council Member Hussey also indicated in subsequent discussions that his objective for the name change is to honor the men and women that serve our country and he would be amenable to modifications to his request as long as the final name Packet Pg 43 ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION NO 2015-30 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE NAMING OF CITY - OWNED LAND, BUILDINGS, AND FACILITIES WHEREAS, on October 8, 2013, the City Council adopted a Facility Use Policy establishing policies, procedures and regulations for the use of parks, sports fields, and facilities, and WHEREAS, the City has determined the need to establish formal guidelines for the naming of City -owned land, buildings and facilities, and WHEREAS, the Community Development Department has prepared a Policy to determine appropriate names for City -owned land, buildings and facilities, whether, and under what circumstances, such land, buildings, and facilities should be named or renamed, and the duration of naming rights of City -owned land, buildings and facilities NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE, FIND AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS Section 1 The City Council finds that all of the above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference Section 2 The City Council hereby establishes Policies and Procedures for the Naming of City -owned Land, Buildings and Faculties, attached hereto as Attachment A PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace at a regular meeting held on the 281h day of July, 2015 AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN ATTEST Council Members Mitchell, Hussey, Wilson, Mayor Pro Tern Robles, Mayor McNaboe None None None ..c RESOLUTION NO 2015-30 PAGE 1 OF 4 JULY 28, 2015 Packet Pg 45 ti 0 co n 0 z r_ 0 r 0 0 N d L C� Q IV Exhibit A City -owned land, buildings and facilities°may be named in honor of persons who have served the nation, the State of California and/or the, City of Grand Terrace in an exceptional and distinguished manner, and, where such action is warranted by a contribution or service which is deemed to be of major significance The naming of City -owned land, buildings and facilities in honor of a deceased person shall generally not take place until after a minimum of one-year waiting period unless the City Council determines that there are overriding considerations deviating from this policy guideline This particular policy guideline is not intended in any way to reflect on the merits of any deceased individual who may have been a prominent civic leader However, it is felt appropriate to establish some type of waiting period to ensure that an individual's accomplishments or contributions will stand the test of time, and that a decision shall not be made on an emotional basis immediately following a person's death 4 City -owned land, buildings and facilities may be named after individuals or families who have donated the land or funds for the capital project, particularly if such naming is set forth as a condition of the donation The City Council may approve the naming of City -owned land, buildings, or facilities based on an organization or individual's monetary contribution to the City for that purpose The funds from that contribution may be used for any purpose E deemed appropriate by the City Council unless there is a specified use as a condition v of the contribution The duration of the name is on a case -by -case basis at the o discretion of the City Council unless otherwise set forth as a condition of the 00 contribution approved by the Council 6 The names of City -owned land, buildings and facilities shall not normally be named in honor of individuals when they have previously been named for other individuals However, if the Council deems it appropriate, they may vary from this guideline on a case -by -case basis PROCEDURES A Requests for naming or renaming of City -owned land, buildings and facilities shall be filed with the City Clerk for transmittal to the Mayor in writing, accompanied by a statement summarizing the justification for the recommended name(s) B The Mayor will forward the request to the appropriate Council subcommittee or may N establish a special Council subcommittee called the Facility Naming Committee Such Z committee shall meet within 30 days of receiving a name request and return to the City c Council with a recommendation, no later than 3 meetings from the original assignment date The meeting is open to the public and gives members of the community an y opportunity to give input to the process ix d E Page 2 of 3 a RESOLUTION NO 2015-30 PAGE 3 OF 4 JULY 28, 2015 Packet Pg 47 ATTACHMENT 2 Harold Duffey From. Bill Hussey Sent Wednesday, August 5, 2015 7 42 PM To Harold Duffey Subject Name change from Pico Park to Veterans Park Mr Duffey This is a formal request to change the name of Pico Park and to Honor our Veterans here in GT and throughout the IE I would like to request the new name of Veterans Park Our city owns it to our Veterans and by honoring them I believe the name is appropriate I would like this request brought)up to the Sub -committee and then the council If need be I would present it to the council myself Lets honor our Men and Women Thank You Council Member Hussey 0 0 r Packet Pg 49 i}Wi41;r1 �.j. ..... •+'AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE November 24, 2015 Council Item TITLE Mayor's Appointment to the Oversight Board PRESENTED BY Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk RECOMMENDATION RESOLUTION NO 2015- , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RATIFYING AND APPROVING THE APPOINTMENT BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE OF ONE MEMBER TO THE OVERSIGHT BOARD OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY FOR THE FORMER GRAND TERRACE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PURSUANT TO HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION 34179 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #4 "Develop and Implement Successful Partnerships" by ensuring that the City is represented on the Oversight Board BACKGROUND The Mayor has the authority to appoint a member of the Oversight Board Pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 34179(a)(7), one member may be appointed by the Mayor for the City that formed the Redevelopment Agency, representing the employees of the former Redevelopment Agency In order to preserve the City's opportunity to have the seat on this body, the Mayor has decided to appoint Management Analyst Adreane Freeman, to the Oversight Board The need for the City Council's approval of the Mayor's appointment to the Oversight Board is not addressed in Health & Safety Code Section 34179 As previously determined by the City Attorney, the City should follow Government Code 40605 with regard to this matter, which would require the Mayor's appointments to be approved by the City Council Staff has prepared a Resolution for approval and ratifying the Mayor's appointment of Adreane Freeman to the Oversight Board FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact with associated with the appointment of Adreane Freeman to the Oversight Board ATTACHMENTS Packet Pg 50 RESOLUTION NO 2015-XX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RATIFYING AND APPROVING THE APPOINTMENT BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE OF ONE MEMBER TO THE OVERSIGHT BOARD OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY FOR THE FORMER GRAND TERRACE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PURSUANT TO HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION 34179 WHEREAS, ABX1 26 operated to dissolve all redevelopment agencies in California, and WHEREAS, ABX1 26 allows the city that authorized the creation of a redevelopment agency to become the successor agency to that redevelopment agency, and WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace has opted to become the successor agency to the Grand Terrace Redevelopment Agency and, therefore, an oversight board exists for the successor agency to the Grand Terrace Redevelopment Agency, and WHEREAS, Health & Safety Code Section 34179(a)(7) provides that the Mayor of the city that authorized the creation of a redevelopment agency may appoint one at -large member to La the Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to represent employees of the former c 00 redevelopment agency, and WHEREAS, on March 13, 2012, the Grand Terrace City Council adopted Resolution 2012-17 ratifying and approving the Mayor's appointment of Mayor Walt Stanckiewitz to the Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to the Grand Terrace Redevelopment Agency pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 34179(a)(2) and the Mayor's appointment of Joyce Powers to the Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 34179(a)(7), and WHEREAS, on August 28, 2013, the Grand Terrace City Council accepted the resignation of Joyce Powers and adopted Resolution 2012-47 ratifying the Mayor's appointment of Richard Shields to the Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 34179(a)(7), and WHEREAS, on December 10, 2013, the Grand Terrace City Council accepted the " resignation of Richard Shields, and adopted Resolution 2013-50 ratifying the Mayor's appointment of Matt Wirz to the Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to the = Redevelopment Agency pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 34179(a)(7), and WHEREAS, on July 15, 2014, Matt Wirz submitted his letter of resignation to the Oversight Board, and WHEREAS, on December 9, 2014, Walt Stanckiewitz was no longer an elected official of the City of Grand Terrace, and RESOLUTION NO 2015-XX PAGE 1 OF 3 NOVEMBER 24, 2015 Packet Pg 52 "5a Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM City Attorney I, PAT JACQUEZ-NARES, CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No 2015-XX was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 241h day of November, 2015 by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Pat Jacquez Nares City Clerk Lo 0 Go RESOLUTION NO 2015-XX PAGE 3 OF 3 NOVEM 3ER 24, 2015 Packet Pg 54 MEETING DATE TITLE PRESENTED BY RECOMMENDATION AGENDA REPORT November 24, 2015 Council Item 1-215/Barton Road Interchange Decorative Street Lighting Council Direction Sandra Molina, Community Development Director 1) Provide direction as noted 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #2 "Maintain Public Safety" by investing in critical improvements to infrastructure, and Goal #3 Promote Economic Development by investing in infrastructure needed to support business attraction and retention BACKGROUND On November 10, 2015, staff provided City Council and update on the 1-215/Barton Road Interchange Project This report highlighted several items that would need future Council direction 1 The Project is funded through the San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG), and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has the lead role on the design and right of way phases DISCUSSION The street lighting that is currently proposed for the project is the standard metal Caltrans poles at the proposed roundabout and on Barton Road No lighting is proposed across the bridge by standards Staff has inquired if a decorative street light could be used thought-out the project Decorative street lights could be used, but the installation and maintenance costs would be borne by the City A preliminary estimate for eight decorative street lights is $80,000 Caltrans will provide the design for these facilities The design of the bridge structure is on the critical path of the project Should the City Council desire decorative street lighting, the foundations and conduit will alter the current bridge design Therefore, City Council direction is requested at this time This threshold decision is only to allow the bridge structure design to proceed and Staff will report back with color, pole and lighting globe type options at later time It should be noted that once the decision on the installation of decorative street lights is made, it cannot be changed as the bridge design cannot be revised without significant costs that Packet,:Pg 55 i AGENDA & STAFF REPORTS FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY & THE GRAND TERRACE HOUSING AUTHORITY Tuesday, November 24, 2015 6 00 p.m. Regular Meeting COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER - 22795 BARTON ROAD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 r v t Darcy McNaboe, Mayor, Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern Jackie Mitchell, Council Member Doug Wilson, Council Member Bil Hussey, Council Member G Harold Duffey, City Manager ` Richard L Adams, City Attorney Pat Jacquez-Nares; City Clerk Sandra Molina, Community Development Director Linda Phillips, Child Care Director Cynthia A Fortune, Finonce Director The Grand Terrace City Council meets on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 00 p m 31 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL ' AGENDA • NOVEMBER 24, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER 6.00 P M Invocation was given by Pastor Alger Keough of Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church please come forward and offer the Invocation Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Jackie Mitchell ROLL CALL Attendee Name # Present € Absent I Late Arrived �_ Mayor Darcy McNaboe ® ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ® ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell © ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson Em 1❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey © ❑ ❑ PLEASE ALSO LIST ALL OF STAFF THAT WAS PRESENT ON BACK OF PAGE STAFF ATTENDEES 1 Linda Phillips 2 Cynthia A Fortune 3 Sandra Molina 4 Sergeant Mariedth 5 Chief Steve Lasiter 6 Captain Steve Dorsey 1. A SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE B CONSENT CALENDAR ALL ITEMS 1 PULLED ITEMS NONE Motion Mayor Pro -tern Robles Second Councilmember Wilson Vote 5 ayes 1 Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 2 Monthly Financial Report for October 2015 City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council November 24, 2015 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the Monthly Financial Report for the period ending October 31, 2015 DEPARTMENT FINANCE C PUBLIC COMMENT TOTAL SPEAKERS 1 — Sally McGuire submitted the speaker slip but President of Chamber spoke on her behalf D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey ,(some notes on his discussion) 1 Discussed the success of the Freedom memorial dedication, 2 Requested commendation/thanks be given to the Terrace View Elementary 2"d graders who wrote letters to the Veterans, of which Councilmember Hussey was a recipient, 3 Attended the Meet & Greet at the Morales home with Senator Leyva in attendance Council Member Doug Wilson (some notes on his discussion) 1 Discussed the success of the Freedom memorial dedication, and 2 Discussed Mr J McConnell bringing his father to the ceremony, 3 J McConnell's father is also a Veteran who was very pleased with the ceremony Council Member Jackie Mitchell (some notes on his discussion) 1 Discussed the success of the Freedom memorial dedication, 2 Stated that the City Manager will provide an update on the Grand Terrace Tree Lighting Ceremony, 3 Wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles (some notes on his discussion) 1 Discussed the success of the Freedom memorial dedication, 2 Discussed her father's passing 60 years ago, she was 3 then, 3 Attended the Meet & Greet for Mr Ramos, 4 Attended the Lion's Club's Pot of Gold Mayor Darcy McNaboe (some notes on his discussion) 1 Discussed the success of the Freedom memorial dedication, 2 Mentioned all the dignitaries in attendance, 3 Discussed SANBAG meeting results (attached file for add'I information) 4 Discussed cancellation of Oversight Board meeting due to lack of quorum, 5 Meeting in Riverside with City Manager, 6 SCAQMD District Committee Meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 2 ` - Agenda Grand Terrace City Council November 24, 2015 E PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE F UNFINISHED BUSINESS 3 Amendment to Chapter 5 80 (Non -Owner Occupied/Rental Property Program) RECOMMENDATION V-D", k-le- Adopt Ordinance No �" AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDING SECTIONS 5 80 050 AND 5 80 060 OF CHAPTER 5 80 (NON -OWNER OCCUPIED/RENTAL PROPERTY PROGRAM) OF TITLE 5 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE WAS INTRODUCED AT THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 1 OTH CITY COUNCIL MEETING, AND MOVED TO SECOND READING WITHOUT CHANGES STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT THE COUNCIL VOTE TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE, AND A PRESENTATION WILL NOT BE PROVIDED UNLESS REQUESTED BY THE COUNCIL DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Staff Presentation None Council Questions Speakers Motion J Michell Second B Hussey Vote 4 ayes / 1 nay — D Wilson G NEW BUSINESS 4 Committee for Naming or Renaming City Facilities (City- owned land, buildings and facilities) RECOMMENDATION Forward request for the renaming of Pico Park to appropriate Council Committee or appointment of Council Subcommittee to be called (Facility Naming Committee) The Mayor nominated B Hussey & S Robles to the Facility Naming Subcommittee DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council November 24, 2015 Staff Presentation• Harold Duffey Council Questions S Robles Speakers None Motion D McNaboe Second D Wilson Vote 5 ayes 5 Mayor's Appointment to the Oversight Board RECOMMENDATION V/ RESOLUTION NO 2015- A , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RATIFYING AND APPROVING THE APPOINTMENT BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE OF ONE MEMBER TO THE OVERSIGHT BOARD OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY FOR THE FORMER GRAND TERRACE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PURSUANT TO HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION 34179 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK Staff Presentation Harold Duffey Council Questions Speakers None Motion D Wilson Second J Michell? Vote 5 ayes 6 I-215/Barton Road Interchange Decorative Street Lighting Council Direction RECOMMENDATION 1) Provide direction as noted DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Staff Presentation Sandra Molina Council Questions. Hussey, Robles, Wilson Speakers None Motion S. Robles Second D Wilson Vote 5 ayes City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council November 24, 2015 H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 640 PM I CLOSED SESSION 7 Conference with Labor Negotiators - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 6 Agency Negotiator G Harold Duffey, City Manager Unrepresented employee Child Care Employees 8 Public Employee Performance Evaluation — Pursuant To Government Code Section 54957(b) (1) Title City Manager RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION 706 PM REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION Mayor McNaboe's Report • In relation to the Conference with Labor Negotiators — no reportable action, • In relation to the Public Employee Performance Evaluation — no reportable action ADJOURN 707 PM The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 600pm Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk's office no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 5 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • NOVEMBER 24, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER P M Invocation was given by Pastor Alger Keough of Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church please come forward and offer the Invocation Pledge of Allegiance was led by `- ROLL CALL Attendee Name 1 Present Absent ; Late 'Arrived Na Mayor Darcy Mcboe__ _ � s E _ Mayor Pro Tem_Syivia_Robles_ Rr - _❑_ ❑ _❑� V ElI �Coun& Member Ja_ekie Mitchell_ _ ��~ _ _ � ❑ _� ❑ _ �� � v tl~ Co_un_& Member Doug Wilson ®'~ ~ " ❑ Council Member Bdl'Hussey__M_ ❑ " ❑ { PLEASE ALSO LIST ALL OF STAFF THAT WAS PRESENT ON BACK OF PAGE A SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE !/ B. CONSENT CALENDAR ALL ITEMS V PULLED ITEMS .�� Motion � Second IC-7 g�kVote `S 1 Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 2 Monthly Financial Report for October 2015 RECOMMENDATION. Receive and file the Monthly Financial Report for the period ending October 31, 2015 DEPARTMENT FINANCE e- 9,Q5 C. PUBLIC COMMENT TOTAL SPEAKERS._ City of Grand Terrace Page 1 F Grand Terrace City Council November 24, 2015 D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey fea.ti VL �gijd94 77T4't/s - i�- A VA.---1 Council MeMber Doug + Wilson U.".p ^ J. fi"Le WLa-s (it Ie_"Ptq V � e max Council Member Jackie Mitchell W(� Mayor Pro Tem Sylvia Robles�'f�'y 0-11 11...r tt' s Mayor D c�y�M�cNabo / Q _ PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE � E U ' � �.� lL �.�-i- F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS v 3 Amendment to Chapter 5 80 (Non -Owner Occupied/Rental Property Program) RECOMMENDATION Adopt Ordinance No ; AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDING SECTIONS 5 80 060 AND 5 80 060 OF CHAPTER 5 80 (NON -OWNER OCCUPIED/RENTAL PROPERTY PROGRAM) OF TITLE 5 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE Staff Presentation ' Council Questions- Motion Vote ilia 1rd AID ktC City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council November 24, 2015 The proposed ordinance was introduced at the meeting of November 10ei City Council meeting, and moved to second reading without changes Staff recommends that the Council vote to adopt the ordinance, and a presentation will not be provided unless requested by the Council G NEW BUSINESS 4 Committee for Naming or Renaming Ci Facdi s (City- owned I u ings nd� facilities) RECOMMENDATION Forward request for the renaming of Pico Park to appr riate Council Committee or appointment of Council Subcommittee to be called (Facility Naming Committee) DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER Staff Presentation __ DDi Council Guezcd4ts ns. IL (" Spea Motion e— Second - Vote 0 5 Mayor's Appointment to the Oversight Board RECOMMENDATION. RESOLUTION NO. 2015- , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RATIFYING AND APPROVING THE APPOINTMENT BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE OF ONE MEMBER TO THE OVERSIGHT BOARD OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY FOR THE FORMER GRAND TERRACE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PURSUANT TO HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION 34179 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK Staff Presentation. Council Quest tons Motion l I Second City of Grand Terrace Page 3 �. L4) vr. n.ae ,�Qy °T ° ti' } Agenda Grand Terrace City Council November 241 2015 I 6 1-215/13arton Road Interchange Decorative Street Lighting Council Direction 7 N RECOMMENDATION: 1) Provide direction as noted Staff Presentation C-®b rlw&"&- Council Questions Speakers Motion Second Vote. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS U U RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION P.M _ CLOSED SESSION Conference with Labor Negotiators - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 6 Agency Negotiator G Harold Duffey, City Manager Unrepresented employee Child Care Employees Public Employee Performance Evaluation — Pursuant To Government Code Section 54957(b) (1) Title City Manager RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION P M REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION Mayor McNaboe's Report: C ADJOURN :?% P.M i The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 600pm Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk's office no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Council Report November 24, 2015 1 SANBAG — Metro Valley Study Session—11/12/15 - Closed session - Conference with Real Property Negotiators regarding 1 property - 21900 Barton Road in Grand Terrace - Consent - Project delivery change orders for on -going SANBAG projects - Discussion - Project Delivery -Recommended approval of 1-215 Bi-County Project Right of Way Cooperative Agreement Amendment /This is the HOV lane completion between Riverside and San Bernardino - Increase in funding allocation for the right-of-way phase - mostly needed for utility relocation - Recommended approval of Financial Advisor Services for the 1-10 and 1-15 Corridor Projects - This is part of the proposed HOV and Express Lane projects - Reviewed and recommended for approval the Preview of the Hearings to Consider Resolutions of Necessity for Parcels for the Interstate 215 Barton Road Interchange Improvement Project in the City of Grand Terrace (eminent domain proceedings on two properties) - Reviewed and recommended for approval the California Department of Toxic Substance Control Agreement for the 1-215 Barton Interchange Project - Recommended for approval SR-210 Lane Addition and Base Line Interchange Project - Recommended approval of SR210/Baseline Avenue Term Loan Agreement with the City of Highland 2 Oversight Board Meeting 11/18/15 —Approval of Professional Services Agreement with RSG Group, Inc for Long Range Property Management Plan Services - adjourned for lack of a quorum Next meeting is December 2 0 plxa4't� V/�' I-) , r.7 :�� � � 11 U R-0 -to'o.- lVWarj 3 City Manager Duffey and I met with Mayor Baily of Riverside, General Manager of Riverside Public Utilities, Deputy General Manager — member of GAGE Canal Board, Interim Public Works Director, Planning Director and a member of Riverside Public Utilities board The meeting was set to discuss Grand Terrace's desire to consider the Gage Canal as it runs through the City as a linear park The recent ATP grant received covers the cost of performing a feasibility study for active transportation, recreation, and safe routes to school within the City The Gage Canal as a linear park is an integral part of the ideas described in the grant proposal It was a successful meeting We learned history of the Gage Canal, we learned how the City of Riverside has created linear parks in Riverside where the canal is covered as it is in Riverside They were very supportive of Grand Terrace creating more parkway on the Gage Canal and gave an overview of the steps that will need to be taken if we are going to move past the feasibility stage 4 Wish all a Blessed Thanksgiving I Ad OkC,�? a U-ems err RGCj, I I '4t '�&-k' C DATE NAME CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City elected by the public must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council 3/r5' ADDRESS /a 7Z-CD PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON dxlo7c<7-- SUBJECT