12/08/2015o CITY OF GRAND TERRACE r n as E� CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • DECEMBER 8, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting If you desire to address the City Council during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www arandterrace-ca aov <http 11www arandterrace-ca gov> CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Attendee Name Present Absent Late Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe ❑ ❑ ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson ❑ ❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey ❑ ❑ ❑ B SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department Quarterly Statistics Report - Lt O'Brine City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council December 8, 2015 C PUBLIC COMMENT This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the City Council may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification The Mayor may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe E PUBLIC HEARINGS To speak on Public Hearing Items, please fill out a Request to Speak Form and give it to the City Clerk Each person will be allowed 3 minutes to address the City Council If you challenge in court any action taken concerning a Public Hearing item, you may be limited to raising only those issues you, or someone else, raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the Public Hearing 6 Truck Route Ordinance RECOMMENDATION Introduce by title only, waive further reading an ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDING CHAPTER 10 04 OF TITLE 10 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE BY RELOCATING AND RENUMBERING ARTICLE X VIOLATIONS IN ITS ENTIRETY AS ARTICLE XI AND REPLACING ARTICLE X IN ITS ENTIRETY WITH A NEW ARTICLE X ENTITLED DESIGNATED TRUCK ROUTE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Grand Terrace Page 3 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AGENDA & STAFF REPORTS FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY & THE GRAND TERRACE HOUSING AUTHORITY Tuesday, December 8, 2015 6.00 p.m. Regular Meeting COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER - 22795 BARTON ROAD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 Darcy McNaboe, Mayor Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern Jackie Mitchell, Council Member `Doug Wilson, Council Member Bill Hussey, Council Member G Harold Duffey, City Manager Richard L Adams, City Attorney Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk Sandra Molina, Community Development Director, Linda Phillips, Child Care Director Cyr�h,a A Fo-*une, avarice D-i actor The Grand Terrace City Council meets on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 00 p m , Agenda Grand Terrace City Council December 8, 2015 11 Approval of a Contractor Agreement Between The City of Grand Terrace and Tree Pros, Inc for On -Call Citywide Tree Trimming Services RECOMMENDATION 1 Approve a Contractor Agreement Between the City of Grand Terrace and Tree Pros, Inc For On -Call Citywide Tree Trimming Services, 2 Appropriate $15,000 from Gas Tax Fund 16, and 3 Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 12 Grand Terrace Facility Use Policy (Clarifications) RECOMMENDATION Receive and File or Request Staff return to Council with Formal Rate Schedule for Use of City Facilities during Non -Operating Hours and a Specific Policy for the Senior Center and Ann Peta Park DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS ADJOURN The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 600pm Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk's office no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 5 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • NOVEMBER 10, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center . 22795 Barton Road A B CALL TO ORDER Mayor McNaboe convened the meeting at 6 00 p m Invocation was given by Council Member Wilson Pledge of Allegiance was led by Child Care Services Director Phillips ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Darcy McNaboe Mayor Present Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern Present Jackie Mitchell Council Member Present Doug Wilson Council Member Present Bill Hussey Council Member Present G Harold Duffey City Manager Present Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Present Ivy Tsai Assistant City Attorney Present Sandra Molina Community Development Director Present Linda Phillips Child Care Present Cynthia Fortune Finance Director Present Steve Lasiter Battalion Chief Present Robert O'Brine Lieutenant Present SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation from Omnitrans Frank Watts, Omnitrans Director, presented the PowerPoint Presentation outlining their services available to the residents of the City of Grand Terrace CONSENT CALENDAR Item number 3 was removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion as requested by resident Jeff Allen City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Packet Pg 6 2 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council November 10, 2015 Jeff Allen, Grand Terrace resident, requested that the City look into the current violations during the weekdays before the additional Code Enforcement Officers start citing on the weekends He further requested that volunteers be used instead of these additional staff members Ashley Jones, Assembly Member Brown's field representative, announced their Holiday Open House and Toy Drive on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 from 5 30 to 7 30 p m at 290 North D Street, Suite 903, San Bernardino, CA 92401 To RSVP call (909) 381- 3238 or email Josue castillo@asm ca gov Bobbie Forbes, Grand Terrace resident, stated that Assembly Member Browns was also looking for four students She also stated her concerns with the rave that was held over the weekend and for residents to call City Hall with their concerns Ms Forbes stated that the Country Fair was a great event D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Hussey thanked everyone that came to the meeting and for their public comments He congratulated the Grand Terrace High School Football Team for making the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) play-offs They will be playing on this Friday at Monrovia High School at 7 00 p m tickets can be purchased at the high school or at the gate Council Member Hussey wished the U S Marine Corp a Happy 240th Birthday He reminded everyone that tomorrow was Veteran's Day and that it would be an honor to attend the Freedom Wall dedication at Pico Park Council Member Hussey remembered his journey as a Marine He thanked all Veteran's, the current enlisted service individuals and their families for their sacrifices and for their service to our nation He reminded everyone that Freedom was not free it was an ongoing payment until all service individuals return He requested that the renaming of Pico Park to Veteran's Park be placed on a Council meeting agenda Council Member Hussey thanked Mr McNaboe for his work on the Freedom Wall He asked God to bless the active service people and the Veterans Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Wilson echoed Council Member Hussey's statements He attended the Country Fair and he was the master of ceremony The fair was a great event Council Member Wilson also attended the Seniors and City Manager's luncheon on November 9, 2015, there was great jazz music being played on the piano from one of the Seniors who was accompanied by Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director He also reported that his neighbors had been burglarized last Thursday or Friday City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packet 'Pg 8 a Minutes Grand Terrace City Council November 10, 2015 Air Quality / Traveler Services • Approved amendments to Freeway service patrol contracts and extended contract terms to second year options Regional / Sub regional Planning • Review and approval of Final Countywide Transportation Plan • Adopted Active Transportation Program Award List - ATP Grant for Grand Terrace was included • Received information on Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Submittal • Approved Valley Freeway Interchange Priontization and Phasing Options Transit / Rail • Approved a Management Analyst II Position for Railroad right of way Management • Approved Amendment 2 to Contract for Downtown San Bernardino Passenger Rail Project and Eastern Maintenance Facility Project • Received the August 2015 Right of Way Grants of Use Report • Approved the Redlands Passenger Rail Project Operations and Maintenance Approach • Approved the requested Cash Advance to Southern California Regional Rail { Authority for Locomotive Procurement Down Payment `-- Approved Omintrans E Street Corridor sbX/Bus Rapid Transit Project • Approved Sub -recipient funding Agreement with Omnitrans for SANBAG County - Wide Vanpool Program Council of Governments • Approved the Purchase and Sale Agreement for HERO Assessment Receivables Discussion Items • Insurance Premium - approved the recommended policy renewals and authorized Executive Director to execute • Approved a Budget Amendment for Advance Expenditure Agreement with City of Big Bear Lake • Approved the Contract Amendment for 1-40 Needles Connector Project • Received the Congestion Management Program Monitoring Update and Awarded Contract for Monitoring Tool (application) maintenance and hosting • Approved Allocation to the High Desert 'Corridor Joint Powers Authority for the Investment Grade Passenger Rail Revenue Study • Reconfirmed Locally Preferred Alternative for the 1-10 Corridor Project o The project is in the environmental impact study process o The next steps of the environmental process include circulating the environmental documents for public review and comments, responding to the comments and the approval of the final environmental document by Caltrans City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Packet Pg 10 U Minutes Grand Terrace City Council November 10, 2015 N. Patricia Farley, Grand Terrace resident, stated that the City of Grand Terrace needed to coordinate with both SANBAG and the County of Riverside to help pay for this project RECEIVE AND FILE THE SANBAG UPDATE RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] , , MOVER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member SECONDER Bill Hussey, Council Member 1 AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey Update for the 1-215/Barton Road Interchange Project and Council Direction Community Development Director Molina introduced Interwest Civil Engineer, Theron Rochon Engineer Rochon presented the PowerPoint Presentation for this item City Manager Duffey stated that staff would meet with Mr Rochon and bring back to Council all of the action items at a future meeting Patricia Farley, Grand Terrace resident, stated her concerns with this project Jeff McConnell, Grand Terrace resident, suggested that the project enhancements receive anti -graffiti treatment Terry Lambert, Grand Terrace resident, requested that the project landscape be treated against weeds 1 RECEIVE THE UPDATE, AND 2 PROVIDE DIRECTION AS NOTED RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member SECONDER Doug Wilson, Council Member AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey cc c m R 0 d H c O U 2 7 Discussion of Roadway Related Projects Community Development Director Molina provided a brief summary of the PowerPoint Presentation and introduced TEP Traffic Engineer, Craig Neusteter A Council, staff, and engineer discussion ensued on the speeding issues on Oriole and Van Buren, the traffic calming measures needed to move forward, and the need for the traffic study Also discussed were the type of traffic calming measures, the traffic on Observation affecting the traffic on Van Buren, and the timeline for the traffic survey completion City of Grand Terrace Page 7 Packet Pg 12 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council allowed to move forward RECEIVE THE STAFF REPORT AND PROVIDE STAFF DIRECTION 'RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Darcy McNaboe, Mayor AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 12 Contract Agreement with Sysco Riverside Inc Child Care Director Phillips provided a brief summary for this item November 10, 2015 AWARD AGREEMENT NO 2015-40 TO SYSCO, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY, AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY ATTORNEY TO APPROVE NON -MATERIAL REVISIONS, AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT FOR ONE (1) YEAR IN THE ANNUAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $35,000 00 WITH THE OPTION OF TWO (2) ONE (1) YEAR EXTENSIONS FOR A TOTAL OF (3) THREE YEAR5 RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern SECONDER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 13 Award of October-2015 Community Benefit Funds to the Friends of the Grand Terrace Branch Library Finance Director Fortune presented the staff report for this item APPROVE THE AWARD OF $1,750 00 OF THE CITY'S COMMUNITY BENEFITS FUND TO THE FOUNDATION OF GRAND TERRACE FOR CHILDREN SUPPLIES FOR THE PRE-SCHOOL ACTIVITY PROGRAM RESULT APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern SECONDER Jackie Mitchell, Council Member AYES McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS City Manager Duffey encouraged everyone to sign up for the City's E-Blast to receive these and other City announcements on the City's website www arandterrace-ca aov The Holiday Tree Lighting event was scheduled for December 3, 2015 at 6 00 p m on the corner of Palm and Barton Road He also announced the City's Anniversary event on December 9, 2015 City Manager Duffey provided the dates that City Hall would be closed over the Thanksgiving holiday November 25, 26, and 27, 2015 He also stated that 57 people attended the Seniors and City Manager luncheon on November 9, 2015 The Senior Center serves lunch Monday through Friday from 11 30 a m to 1 00 p m City of Grand Terrace Page 11 Packet Pg 16 2 J t�i;GCaL��L�� - y�AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE December 8, 2015 Council Item TITLE Amendment of On -Call Traffic Engineer Services Contract with Transportation, Engineering, Planning, Inc (TEP) PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION 1) Increase the TEP purchase order by $10,000 for increased traffic engineering consulting services, and 2) Authorize the City Manager to execute the Contract 2030 VISION STATEMENT _ This staff report supports Goal 2 Maintain Public Safety and Goal 3 Promote Economic Development BACKGROUND On June 23, 2015, the City Council approved Amendment No 2 with Transportation, Engineering, Planning, Inc (TEP) for traffic engineering consultant services TEP services include regional transportation planning, such as the Regional Transpiration Plan (RTP) and related growth forecasts, the Measure I Capital Improvement Plan, representation and at ongoing Transportation Technical Advisory Committee meetings, and traffic surveys studies requested by City staff to address city-wide traffic/transportation issues Amendment No 2 approved the first 12-month time extension pursuant to the Original Contract and Amendment No 1, which provided for a contract amount of $10,000 for the extension period DISCUSSION TEP has spent considerable time in assisting the City with its response to the RTP and related growth forecasts, the Measure I CIP and CPNA, has attended meetings, assisted in planning efforts, and prepared documents and correspondence on the City's behalf related to the aforementioned projects Additionally, TEP has prepared several local engineering surveys and studies for the City, and assisted Staff with various projects Staff is recommending a $10,000 increase to the contract amount for the extension period to allow Staff to continue to address local traffic issues that require traffic engineering services, such as speeding and visibility issues along Palm Avenue and Van Buren Street Van Buren Street in particular requires the preparation of conceptual alternatives that if implemented would impede speeding on Van Buren Packet Pg 18 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Transportation Engineering and Planning Inc. (TPE) THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into this October 8. 2013 , ("Effective bate") by and between the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ("City"), a Municipal Corporation, and Transportation Engineering and Planning Inc, TPE ("Professional"), a California Corporation 1 Scope of Services City agrees to retain Professional and Professional does hereby agree to provide the services more particularly described in Exhibit "A", "Scope of Services" ("Services"), attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, in conjunction with On —Call Traffic Engineering ("Services") 2 Term. This Agreement shall be effective and shall continence on the date first written above and continue for an initial period of one year unless terminated earlier pursuant to the provisions herein ("Initial Term") A maximum of two one year extensions maybe granted by the City 3 Compensation/Paymoent. Professional shall perform the Services under thus Agreement for the total sum not to exceed Ten Thousand Dollars, $10,000 for the Initial Term Payment shall be made in accordance with City's usual accounting procedures upon receipt and approval of an itemized invoice setting forth the services performed The invoices shall be delivered to City at the address set forth in Section 4, hereof 4 Notices. Any notices required to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be personally a served or given by mail Any notice given by mail shall be deemed given when deposited in the United 00 States Mail, certified and postage prepaid, addressed to the party to be served as follows o To City To Professional r City of Grand Terrace Transportation Engineering and Planning Inc, TPE v 22795 Barton Rd Bldg B P O Box 18355 Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Irvine CA 92606 sa 5 Prevailing Wage If applicable, Professional and all subcontractors are required to pay the O r general prevailing wage rates of per diem wages and overtime and holiday wages determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations under Section 1720 et seq of the California Labor t Code and implemented the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace The Director's determination is on file and open to inspection in the office of the City Clerk and is referred to and made a part hereof, the Q wage rates therein ascertained, determined, and specified are referred to and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein 6 Contract Administration A designee of the City will be appointed to administer this Agreement on behalf of City and shall be referred to herein as Contract Administrator 7 Standard of Performance While performing the Services, Professional shall exercise the reasonable care and skill customarily exercised by reputable members of Professionals in the Packet Pg 20 12 Indemnifications I2 1 Indemnity. Except as to the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the City, Professional shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, and its officers, employees and agents, harmless from any and all loss, damage, claim for damage, liability, expense or cost, including attorneys' fees, which arises out of or is in any way connected with the performance of work under this Agreement by Professional or any of the Professional 's employees, agents or subcontractors and from all claims by Professional's employees, subcontractors and agents for compensation for services rendered to in the performance of this Agreement, notwithstanding that the City may have benefitted from their services This indemnification provision shall apply to any acts or omissions, willful misconduct or negligent conduct, whether active or passive, on the part of Professional or of Professional's employees, subcontractors or agents 12 2 Attorney's Fees The parties expressly agree that any payment, attorneys' fees, costs or expense that the City incurs or makes to or on behalf of an injured employee under the City's self- administered workers' compensation is included as a loss, expense or cost for the purposes of this Section, and that this Section shall survive the expiration or early termination of the Agreement 13 Insurance 131 General Provisions Prior to the City's execution of this Agreement, Professional shall provide satisfactory evidence of, and shall thereafter maintain during the term of this Agreement, such E insurance policies and coverages in the types, limits, forms and ratings required herein The rating and required insurance policies and coverages may be modified in writing by the City's Risk Manager or City CO Attorney, or a designee, unless such modification is prohibited by law 13 1 1 Limitations These minimum amounts of coverage shall not constitute any limitation or r cap on Professional's indemnification obligations under Section 12 hereof v 13 12 Ratings. Any insurance policy or coverage provided by Professional as required by this a Agreement shall be deemed inadequate and a material breach of this Agreement, unless such policy or a coverage is issued by insurance companies authorized to transact insurance business in the State of O California with a policy holder's rating of A- or higher and a Financial Class of VII or higher E 13 13 Cancellation The policies shall not be canceled unless thirty (30) days prior written notification of intended cancellation has been given to City by certified or registered mail, postage a prepaid 13 14 Adequacy The City, its officers, employees and agents make no representation that the types or limits of insurance specified to be carried by Professional pursuant to this Agreement are adequate to protect If Professional believes that any required insurance coverage is inadequate, Professional will obtain such additional insurance coverage as deems adequate, at Professional's sole expense Packet Pg 22 13 4 Subcontractors' Insurance. Professional shall require all of its subcontractors to carry insurance, in an amount sufficient to cover the risk of injury, damage or loss that may be,caused by the subcontractors' scope of work and activities provided in furtherance of this Agreement, including, but without limitation, the following coverages Workers Compensation, Commercial General Liabihty; Errors and Omissions, and Automobile liability Upon City's request, Professional shall provide City with satisfactory evidence that Subcontractors have obtamed msurande,policies and coverages required by this "section 14 Business Tay. Professional understands that the Services performed under this Agreement constitutes doing business in the City of Grand Terrace, and Professional agrees that Professional will register for and pay a business tax pursuant to Chapter 5 04 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and keep such tax certificate current during the term of this Agreement 15 Time of Essence Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement J 6 City's Right to Employ Other. City reserves the right to employ other in connection with the Services 17. Solicitatioii. Professional warrants that they have not employed or retained any person or City to solicit or secure this Agreement, nor has it entered into any agreement or understanding for a commission, 'percentage, Irokerage, or contingent fee to be paid to secure this Agreement For breach of this warranty, City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without liability and pay only for the value of work has actually performed, or, in its sole discretion, to deduct from the Agreement price or otherwise recover from Professional the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage or commission fee The remedies specified in this section shall be in addition to and not in lieu of those remedies otherwise specified in this Agreement_ 18 `General Compliance with Laws. Professional shall keep fully informed of federal, state and local laws and ordinances and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by Professional, or in any way affect the performance of services by professional pursuant to this.Agreement Professional shall at all times observe and comply with all such laws, ordinances and regulations, and shall be solely responsible for any failure to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations 19 Amendments. This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a written Agreement and/or change order executed by the Professional and the City 20 'Termination. City, by notifying professional in writing, shall have the right to terminate any or all of professional's services and work covered by this Agreement at any time, with or without cause In the event of such termination, professional may submit s final written statement of the amount of's services as of the date of such termination based upon the ratio that the work completed beans to the total work required to make the report complete, subject to the City's rights under Sections 16 and 21 Hereof In ascertaining the work actually rendered through the termination date, City' shalt consider completed work, work in progress and complete and incomplete reports and other documents only after delivered to City 20 1 Other than as stated below, City shall give Professional thirty (30) days prior written notice prior to termination S E Packet�P.g 24 25 Nondiscrimination During Professional's performance,of this Agreement, Professional shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, including the medical condition of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or any condition related thereto, marital status, sex, or sexual orientation, in the selection and retention of employees and subcontractors and the procurement of materials and equipment, except as provided in Section 12940, of the California Government Code Further, Professional agrees to conform to the, requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the performance of this Agreement. 26 Severability. Each provision, term, condition, covenant and/or restriction, in whole and in part, of this Agreement shall be considered severable In the event any provision, term, condition, covenant and/or restriction, in whole and/or in part, of this Agreement is declared invalid, c unconstitutional, or void for any reason, such provision or part thereof shall be severed from this E Agreement and shall not affect any other provision, tern, condition, covenant and/or restriction of this Agreement, and the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect 27. Authority The individuals executing this Agreement and the instruments referenced herein r 0 on behalf of Professional each represent and warrant that they have the legal power, right and actual W authority to bind professional to the terns and conditions hereof and thereof r 28 Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the final, complete, and exclusive statement r E of the terms of the agreement between the parties pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous understandings or agreements of the parties. Neither party has °' E J been induced to enter into this Agreement by, nor is neither party relying on, any representation or Q warranty outside those expressly set forth in this Agreement o CO 29 Interpretation. City and Professional acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is the T +; product of mutual arts -length negotiations and accordingly, the rule of construction, which provides that L the ambiguities in a document shall be construed against the drafter of that document, shall have no c application io the interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement v R c 291 Titles and captions are for convenience of reference only and do not define, describe or limit the scope or the intent of the Agreement or any of its terms References to section numbers are to _ O sections in the Agreement unless expressly stated otherwise E 292 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Q State of Califomia in effect at the time of the execution of this Agreement a 293 In the event of conflict between the body of this Agreement and Exhibit "A" ("Scope of Services") hereto, the terms contained in Exhibit "A" shall be controlling 30 Exhibits. The following exhibits attached hereto are incorporated herein to this Agreement by this reference Exhibit `°A" - Scope of Services and fees Exhibit " B" - Key Personnel 7 Packet Pg 26 i EXHIBIT "XI SCOPE OF SERVICE The consulting Staff supplied by the firm will be considered as City Staff and will be' expected to conduct all duties normally assigned to the Traffic Engineer This includes routine traffic engineering duties such as traffic counts, signal timing, striping plans and the review of submitted signal and/or striping' plans as well as more complex items such as review of Traffic Impact Analysis, studies for major protects; protect review of development applications for the purposes of establishing conditions of approval, establishing program goals and budgets for long range planning of traffic impacts, checking and insuring compliance with regional Congestion Management Programs and coordinating with regional and adjacent local agencies The following services are typically requested on an as needed bans • Complete traffic engineering studies, designs and surveys, plan and coordinate traffic operational programs within the City. • Work closely with City Staff, CALTRANS, SANBAG, adjacent Cities, law enforcement agencies in analyzing traffic related iss-de' s and mitigation, as requested ® Meet with project applicants and developers as requested by Director and Deputy Director of Community Development Department e In the capacity of the City Traffic Engineer, advise the City regarding all traffic related matters • As requested, oversee consulting maintenance contractor who provides monitoring and maintenance of the City's synchronized traffic signals on Barton Road • When,requested, prepare and present engineering reports related to pedestrian traffic patterns, traffic control devices such as stop signs signals, crosswalks, speed zones, traffic control, traffic signing and striping, traffic control plan preparation and similar matters 9 E a co 0 co 0 U o` E s Z Packet Pg 28 , EXHIBIT "B" Transportation Engineering and Planning Inc. (TIP) Craig S Neustaedter Moses Katz Kamal McHantaf Ed Studor Mark Minard Isa Neustaedter Jeannine Taillac Key Personnel (0911Ill 3) Principal Master Designer Designer TEP Consultant Engineering Assistant Technician Clerical c 0 E a r 0 U o. w i- 0 c d E �a c Q E a 00 0 CO R _ 0 U is _ C O r c m E t en v Packet Pg 30 IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment Number 1 to be executed by and through their respective authorized officers, as of the date first above written THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, A Municipal Corporation By (AkS k&,'l Kenneth J Hen erson Interim City Man ger APPROVED AS TO FORM By Richard L Adams II, City Attorney By Cr Neustaedter, P E Principal L co 0 co 0 z d E V c m E a _ E a Packet Pg 32 THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, A Municipal Corporation By G H of Duff e City ager APPROVED AS TO FORM By Richard L Adams II, City Attorney By Crzf Neustaedter, P E Principal r 0 E a 0 U a w F- 0 c m E c m E a 0 0 0 N 0 Z r c d E v c d E a c d E i V (Q a Packet Pg 34 IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment 3 to be executed by and through their respective authorized officers, as of the date first above written THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, A Municipal Corporation By By G Harold Duffey S Neustaedter, P E City Manager Principal APPROVED AS TO FORM 30 Richard L Adams II, City Attorney E Q co 0 co c O N d M O Z c d E _ d E Q d Ul O Q O L a r c m E s 0 Q Packet Pg 66 MEETING DATE TITLE PRESENTED BY AGENDA REPORT December 8, 2015 Council & Successor Agency item Approval of Check Register No 11302015 in the Amount of $309,844 72 Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director RECOMMENDATION Approve Check Register No 11302015 in the amount $309,844 72, as submitted, which includes the Check Register Account Index for Fiscal Year 2015-16 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #1, "Ensuring Our Fiscal Viability", through the continuous monitoring of expenditure budgets, allocations and operational costs BACKGROUND The check register, for the period ending November 30, 2015, has been prepared in r accordance with Government Code §37202 and is hereby submitted for the City Council's approval The check register lists all vendor payments for the preceding month, along with a brief description of the type of goods or services purchased and the account code(s) associated with each payment Check Register No 11302015 lists all payments made to vendors and employee reimbursements during the month of November The attached index to the Check Register is a guideline account list only and is not intended to replace the comprehensive chart of accounts used by the City and CRA Successor Agency Expenditure account number formats are XX-XXX-XXX [Fund - Department -Account] Expenditures may be made from trust/agency accounts (Fund 23-XXX-) or temporary clearing accounts which do not have a budgetary impact A total of $309,844 72 in accounts payable checks were issued during the period for services, reimbursements, supplies and contracts and are detailed in the attached check register Payments larger than $10,000 Check Payee Description Amount No 72158 CA PUB EMPLOYEES NOV PERS HEALTH INSURANCE $11,206 02 RETIRE SYSTEM Packet Pg 37 City of Grand Terrace Check Register Index No Fund Name 09 CHILD CARE FUND 10 GENERAL FUND 11 STREET FUND 12 STORM DRAIN FUND 13 PARK FUND 14 AB 3229 COPS FUND 15 AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FUND 16 GAS TAX FUND 17 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND/ TDA FUND 19 FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT FUND 20 MEASURE IFUND 21 WASTE WATER DISPOSAL FUND 22 COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT 26 LSCPG/ LGHTG ASSESSMENT DIST 44 BIKE LANE CAPITAL FUND 46 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 47 BARTON RD BRIDGE PROJECT 48 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 32 CRA-CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 33 CRA-DEBT SERVICE FUND 34 CRA-LOW & MOD HOUSING A No Department Name/Cost Center 110 CITY COUNCIL 120 CITY MANAGER 125 CITY CLERK 140 FINANCE 160 CITY ATTORNEY 172 BUILDING & SAFETY 175 PUBLIC WORKS 180 COMMUNITY EVENTS 185 RENTAL INSPECTION PROGRAM 187 ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM 190 GENERAL GOVERNMENT (NON-DEPT) 195 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 370 COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEV 380 MGT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 410 LAW ENFORCEMENT 430 RECREATION SERVICES 440 CHILD CARE 450 PARKS MAINTENANCE 510 STREET & SIGNAL LIGHTING 600 WEST SIDE PARK 601 TRACT 14471 PICO & ORIOLE 602 FORREST CITY PHASE II 631 STORM DRAIN MAINTENANCE 801 PLANNING COMMISSION 802 CRIME PREVENTION UNIT 804 HISTORICAL & CULTURAL COMM 805 SENIOR CITIZENS PROGRAM 807 PARKS & REC COMMITTEE 808 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PROG kcct No General Account Numbers 110 SALARIES/WAGES 139 EMPLOYEES' BENEFIT PLAN 140 RETIREMENT 142 HEALTH/LIFE INSURANCE 143 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 138/141 MEDICARE / SUI 210 OFFICE EXPENSE 218-219 NON -CAPITAL FURN/SMALL TOOLS 220 SPECIAL DEPARTMENTAL EXP 230 ADVERTISING 235 COMMUNICATIONS 238-239 UTILITIES 240-242 RENTS & LEASES 245-246 MAINT BLDG GRNDS EQUIPMNT 250-251 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 255-256 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 260 INSURANCE & SURETY BONDS 265 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 268 TRAINING 270 TRAVEL/CONFERENCES/MTGS 272 FUEL & VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 570 WASTEWATER TREATMENT 33-300 DEBT SERVICE 7XX FACILITIES IMPRV (NO CIP) 700 COMPUTER -RELATED 701 VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT Attachment A -Check Register Account Index (1813 Approval of Check Register No 11302015) 12/01/2015 9 38 AM Bank code bola Check # Date Vendor 72156 11/04/2015 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION Check Register CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 11/30/2015 Invoice # SEP/OCT 2015 VISA Invoice Description Inv Date SEP/OCT 2015 VISA CHARGES 10/10/2015 E 09-440 210 000 000 CHILD CARE OFFICE SUPP E 09-440 220 000 000 CHILD CARE FOOD SUPP E 09-440 221-000 000 CHILD CARE PRGM SUPP E 09-440 223 000 000 CHILD CARE PRGM SUPP E 09-440 228 000 000 CHILD CARE OFFICE SUPP E 09-440-230 000 000 CHILD CARE ADVERTISING E 09-440-272 000 000 CHILD CARE OFFICE SUPP E 09-441-220 000 000 CHILD CARE BUS REPAIR E 10-110-270 000 000 LEAGUE OF CA CONFERENCE E 10-120-210 000 000 CITY MGR OFFICE SUPP E 10-120 270 000 000 LEAGUE OF CA CONFERENCE E 10 125-265 000 000 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES E 10 140 270 000 000 LEAGUE OF CA CONFERENCE E 10-175-246 000 000 CDD DESIGN DEPOSIT E 10 190-210 000 000 POSTAGE MACHINE INK E 10-370-210 000 000 CDD OFFICE SUPPLIES E 10-370-268 000 000 CDD STAFF TRAINING E 26-600-238 000 000 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE E 26-601-238 000 000 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE E 26 602-238-000 000 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Peg. 1 Amount Check Total 32387 8724 1312 11763 55456 51912 7536 42849 1 111 47 21799 1 63813 7500 42831 19250 17495 3456 52652 13593 13600 13600 6 926 75 6 926 75 72157 11/04/2015 ARROWHEAD UNITED WAY PR END 10/23/2015 UW PR END 10/2312015 CONTRIBUTIONS 11/03/2015 B100226500 500 T 00 500 72158 11/04/2015 CA PUB EMPLOYEES RETIRE SYSTEM 1868 NOV PERS HEALTH INSURANCE 10/14/2015 E 09440-142 000 000 1 69268 B 10 022-61-00 4 123 47 E 10-120-142-000-000 1 15628 E 10-125-142-000-000 36635 E 10-175-142-000-000 1 55818 E 10-370-142-000-000 36635 E 10-380-142 000 000 14654 E 10450-142-000-000 61546 E 16-175-142 000 000 31750 E 32 200-142-000 000 86321 11 20602 11 206 02 Attachment B - Check Register No 11302015 (1813 Approval of Check Register No 11302015) .p Cr 12/01/2015 9 38 AM Bank code bofa Check # Date Vendor 72165 11/04/2015 OFFICE DEPOT 72166 11/04/2015 PRUDENTIAL MUNICIPAL POOL Peg. 3 Check Register CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 11/30/2015 Invoice # Invoice Description Inv Date Amount Check Total 797694834001-B OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/02/2015 E 10-190-220-000-000 24217 24217 797694834001-A OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/02/2015 E 10-140-210 000 000 5892 58 92 801567947001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/22/2015 E 10-370 210 000 000 5423 5423 798240275001-A KITCHEN SUPPLIES 10/06/2015 E 10 190 220 000 000 31 89 31 89 798240275001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/06/2015 E 10-140 210 000 000 2411 2411 797694834001 KITCHEN SUPPLIES 10/02/2015 E 10-190-220-000-000 2405 24 05 801568043001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/22/2015 E 10-370-210-000-000 1056 1056 44593 NOV 2015 PRU NOV EAP LIFE AD&D DEP LIFE STD&LTD 10/22/2015 E 09-440-142-000-000 13511 B 10 022-66-00 951 71 E 10-120-142-000-000 31 72 E 10-125-142-000-000 2048 E 10-172-142 000-000 1033 E 10-175-142-000-000 1843 E 10-185-142-000-000 1007 E 10-370-142-000-000 1932 E 10-450-142-000-000 624 E 16-175-142 000-000 11 87 E 22-425-142-000-000 336 E 32-200-142-000-000 3030 1 24894 1 248 94 Attachment B - Check Register No 11302015 (1813 Approval of Check Register No 11302015) 4h Cr 12/01/2015 9 38 AM Bank code bola Check # Date Vendor Invoice # 72173 11/04/2015 WILLDAN 002-1 0043 002-16049 72174 11/04/2015 WILLDAN FINANCIAL SERVICES 010-29300 72175 11/11/2015 ACCENT GRAPHICS AND DESIGN 15-0613 72176 11/11/2015 AT AND T 72177 11/11/2015 CHAMPION FIRE SYSTEMS INC 72178 11/11/2015 DATA QUICK 72179 11/11/2015 HIGH TECH SECURITY SYSTEMS NOV 2015 AT&T 37284 B1-2465577 113925 P.q. 5 Check Register CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 1113012015 Invoice Description Inv Date Amount Check Total SEP PLAN REVIEW INSPECTION & SRVS 10/1212015 E 10-172-250-000 000 4 285 00 4 285 00 SEP BLDG OFFICIAL SRVS 10/12/2015 E 10-172-250-100-000 3 250 00 3 250 00 ^ 7 535 00 OCT FINANCE DEPARTMENT SRVS 11/04/2015 E 10-140-250 000 000 27 768 80 27 768 80 27 768 80 BUSINESS CARDS OWENS 11104/2015 E 10-370-210-000 000 3240 3240 3240 NOV 2015 AT&T 11/01/2015 E 09-440 235-000-000 70708 E 10 190 235-000-000 44432 E 10-450 235-000-000 9399 E 10 805-235-000-000 25207 E 10-808-235 000-000 151 29 1 64875 1 64875 2ND QTR FIRE ALARM MONITORING 09/26/2015 E 10-195-246 000 000 14400 14400 14400 OCT PROPERTY DATA SUBSCRIPTION SRVS 11/02/2015 E 10-172-250-000-000 4350 E 10-370-250-000-000 8700 13050 13050 C CARE FIRE SYSTEM MONITORING 12/01 12 3012015 11/02/2015 E'09-440 247-000-000 9000 9000 9000 UAttachment B - Check Register No 11302015 (1813 Approval of Check Register No 11302015) Page 7 Check Register 12/01/2015 9 38 AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 11/30/2015 Bank code bola Check # Date Vendor Invoice # Invoice Description Inv Date Amount Check Total 72186 11/11/2015 SO CA EDISON COMPANY OCT 2015 EDISON OCT 2015 ENERGY USAGE 11106/2015 E 09-440 238 000 000 1 12313 E 10 805 238 000 000 1 112 41 E 16 510-238 000 000 5 683 78 E 26 600-238 000 000 4980 E 26 601-238 000 000 41 50 E 26 602-238 000 000 5810 8 068 72 8 068 72 72187 11/11/2015 SO CA GAS COMPANY OCT 2015 GAS OCT FUEL & NATURAL GAS USAGE 11/04/2015 E 09-440 238 000 000 2724 E 09-440-272-000 000 273 E 10-175-272 000 000 799 E 10-185-272 000 000 273 E 10-190-238 000 000 2497 E 10 805-238 000 000 21695 28261 28261 72188 11/11/2015 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-145637 GL STATUS & MULTI YEAR REPORTS 10/20/2015 E 10-140-250-000-000 2 625 00 2 625 00 2 625 00 72189 11/11/2015 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 1020150293 NOV DIG ALERT TICKETS 11/01/2015 E 16-900-220-000-000 5700 5700 5700 72190 11/11/2015 WESTERN EXTERMINATORS CO 3524123 A ROLLINS PARK SERVICED 09/30/2015 E 10-450-245-000-000 16500 16500 16500 .P a Attachment B - Check Register No 11302015 (1813 Approval of Check Register No 11302015) Peg. 9 Check Register 12/01/2015 9 38 AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 11/30/2015 Bank code bofa Check # Date Vendor Invoice # Invoice Description Inv Date Amount Check Total 72198 11/18/2015 CINTAS CORPORATION 150 150569291 PAPER SUPPLIES 11/04/2015 E 09-440-220-000-000 28871 28871 28871 72199 11/18/2015 COLTON PUBLIC UTILITIES JUL-SEP 2015 SEWER JUL SEP SEWER BILLING 11/18/2015 E 09-440-238 000-000 19038 E 10-190-238-000-000 32142 511 80 511 80 72200 11/18/2015 DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION B2814401 PUBLIC NOTICE HEARING SB CNTY SUN 11/09/2015 E 10-370-230 000-000 20460 20460 20460 72201 11/18/2015 EYEMED FIDELITY SECURITY LIFE 7477285 NOV2015 EMPL VISION INSURANCE 11/01/2015 B 10-022-61-00 10587 10587 10587 72202 11/18/2015 EZ SUNNYDAY LANDSCAPE 8776 HIGH SCHOOL DRAINAGE DITCH WEED ABATEMENT 09/03/2015 E 10-631-255-000-000 65000 65000 9205 DRAINAGE CLEAN UP - GT HIGH SCH 10/31/2015 E 10-450 255 000-000 26000 26000 91000 72203 11/18/2015 FEDEX 5-223 02722 OCT2015 DELIVERY SVCS 11/13/2015 E 10-140-210-000-000 61 36 61 36 6136 .p rr Attachment B - Check Register No 11302016 (1813 Approval of Check Register No 11302015) Check Register 12/01/2015 9 38 AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 11/30/2015 Bank code bofa Check # Date Vendor Invoice # Invoice Description Inv Date Amount Check Total 72210 11/18/2015 OFFICE DEPOT 803062508001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/30/2015 E 10-140-210 000-000 5743 5743 5743 72211 11/18/2015 ON TRAC 8315779 PLAN CHECK DELIVERY SVCS 10/31/2015 E 10 172-210 000 000 641 641 641 72212 11/18/2015 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT PR END 11162015 PERS PR END 11062015 PERS CONTRIBUTIONS 11/16/2015 B 10 022-62-00 7 545 17 7 545 17 7 545 17 72213 11/18/2015 SHELL FLEET MANAGEMENT 8000209687511 OCT 2015 VEHICLE FUEL 11/18/2015 E 10-175-272-000 000 10713 10713 10713 72214 11/18/2015 SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC 5610009359 OCT2015 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINT SVCS 11/11/2015 E 16-510-255 000 000 70200 70200 70200 72215 11/18/2015 SPECTRATURF DR104-4722 TURF MATTING REPAIR PICO & FITNESS PRK 07/16/2015 E 10450-246 000 000 2 596 00 2 596 00 2 596 00 72216 11/18/2015 TIME WARNER CABLE 8448 7046 NOV 2015 NOV 2015 CITY HALL CABLE SERVICES 11/16/2015 E 10-190-238 000-000 6421 6421 6421 72217 11/18/2015 VERIZON WIRELESS 9754764078 OCT2015 MOBILE CELL PHONE CHRGS 11/0112015 E 09440-235-000-000 6000 E 10-175-240-000-000 79097 85097 9754607389 SEP/OCT EOC TOWER CHARGE COD 10/25/2015 E 10-808-235 000 000 2008 y 2008 A � 871 05 �D tC �a Cn Cr O Attachment B - Check Register No 11302015 (1813 Approval of Check Register No 11302015) I P.,. 13 Check Register 12/01/2015 9 38 AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 11130/2016 Bank code bofa Check # Date Vendor Invoice # Invoice Description Inv Date Amount Check Total 72223 11/25/2015 AT AND T NOV-DEC 2015 AT&T NOV DEC 2015 AT&T C CARE PHONE AND INTERNET 11/14/2015 E 09-440 235 000 000 141 82 141 82 141 82 72224 11/25/2015 CA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION SL160211 JUL SEP INTERCHANGE MAINT 10/13/2015 E 16 510-238-000-000 34143 34143 34143 72225 11/25/2015 CINTAS CORPORATION 150 150576846 PAPER SUPPLIES 11/18/2015 E 09440-220-000-000 28970 28970 28970 72226 11/25/2015 CITY OF LOMA LINDA 2464 DEC 2015 INFO SYSTEMS SUPPORT 11/10/2015 E 10-380-250 000 000 2 567 64 2 567 64 2 567 64 72227 11/25/2015 DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION B2812679 PUBLIC NOTICE ORDINANCE 285 ADOPTION 11/06/2015 E 10-125-230 000-000 19800 19800 B2806726 PUBLIC NOTICE ORDINANCE 285 INTRODUCTION 10/19/2015 E 10-125-230-000-000 18260 18260 38060 72228 11/25/2015 EZ SUNNYDAY LANDSCAPE 9227 NOV LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 11/18/2015 E 10-195-255 000-000 20000 E 10-450-255 000-000 4 160 00 E 26 600-255-000-000 16000 E 26 601-255-000-000 8000 4 600 00 4 600 00 72229 11/25/2016 FOX OCCUPATIONAL MEDICAL CTR 68679 64110 OCT C CARE PRE EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS 11/03/2015 E 09-440-228 000-000 6300 6300 6300 Ot 72230 11/25/2015 FRUIT GROWERS SUPPLY 91714892 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 11/18/2015 n 7C E 10 195 245 000 000 2200 ,�. 2200 Q 2200 P. cn Cr N Attachment B - Check Register No 11302015 (1813 Approval of Check Register No 11302015) Page 15 Check Register 12/01/2016 9 38 AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE As of 11/30/2016 Bank code bola Check # Date Vendor Invoice # Invoice Description Inv Date Amount Check Total 72237 11/25/2015 SWRCB FEES WD 0113333 FY 2015 16 WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD FEES 11/02/2015 E 10 625 220 000-000 6 869 00 6 869 00 WD 0114239 FY 2015-16 WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD FEE: 11/02/2015 E 21-572-255 000-000 2 088 00 2 088 00 8 957 00 72238 11/25/2015 TIME WARNER CABLE 8448 4289 DEC 2015 DEC C CARE CABLE SRVS 11/17/2015 E 09-440-238-000-000 29998 29998 8448 3825 DEC 2015 DEC SENIOR CENTER CABLE SRVS 11/13/2015 E 10 805-238-000-000 5891 5891 35889 72239 11/25/2015 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT INC 252473 GENERAL TRAFFIC SUPPLIES & SIGNS E 16-900-254-000 000 250188 GENERAL TRAFFIC SUPPLIES & SIGNS E 16-900-254-000 000 72240 11/25/2015 TW TELECOM 08822288 NOV PHONE & INTERNET SRVS E 10-190-235 000 000 72241 11/25/2015 WEST COAST ARBORISTS INC 1-2151 72242 11/25/2015 WILLDAN 002-16113 TREE BRANCH REMOVAL E 10-195-245 020 000 OCT PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION SRVS E 10-172-250 000 000 09/02/2015 39874 39874 08/26/2015 29808 29808 11/10/2015 1 30954 1 30954 10/22/2015 96000 96000 11/09/2015 5 215 00 5 215 00 Attachment B - Check Register No 11302015 (1813 Approval of Check Register No 11302015) 69682 1 30954 96000 5 215 00 A a MEETING DATE TITLE PRESENTED BY AGENDA REPORT December 8, 2015 Council Item Request by the Grand Terrace Little League for a Waiver of Facility Use Fees Related to the Use of Pico Park G Harold Duffey, City Manager RECOMMENDATION Waive Facility Use fees in the amount of One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty -Five Dollars ($1,625 00) 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports the following City Council Goals • Goal #1 - Ensure Our Fiscal Viability, through the continuous monitoring of revenue receipts and expenditure disbursements against approved budget appropriations, and • Goal #4 - Develop and Implement Successful Partnerships through productive collaboration with community groups, youth programs and senior organizations BACKGROUND The Grand Terrace Little League is required to pay $5 00 per child, plus a lighting fee to the City in Facility Use Fees for the season This year the League had a 10% increase in participants and a total of 325 players The League owes the City $1,625 00 in fees This represents a significant increase to the League as a result of their renewed effort to have more youth play baseball The League provides youth with the opportunity to play T-ball, baseball and softball DISCUSSION On November 26, 2015, Grand Terrace Little League submitted a fee waiver request of Facility Use Fees The League states that a fee waiver is requested due to unexpected expense, due to vandalism of the fields and equipment failure If the League is required to pay the Facility and light rental fees, it would impact their ability to keep cost low for children to participate in the program Currently, it costs $65 00 for T-ball and $90 00 for baseball and softball The League's mission is to provide training, instruction, teamwork, and good sportsmanship, along with fundamental skills of the game Players are encouraged to respect teammates and opponents, and to develop a sense of self- esteem The League did not turn any child away because of financial need and fears that if the fee waiver is not granted, they will need to adjust their fees to a level where it may impact the number of children participating The City Council can approve this item tonight or can have staff direct the applicant Packet Pg 56 Harold Duffey From Mark Severtson <marksevertson@yahoo com> Sent Thursday, November 26, 2015 5 30 PM To Harold Duffey Subject Fee s for the 2015 season Dear Grand Terrace city council I graciously ask you to wave the fees we occurred this past baseball season We had a great season with 325 kids in attendance We are charged a fee of $5 00 per child plus lighting charges The $5 00 fee totals $1625 00 We had a few large expenses this pass season We purchased a field cart because our old one needed repairs that would cost more than it was worth Plus had many repairs to fields due to vandalism We are asking for your assistance in this matter to keep our sign up fees reasonable We are still the lowest -priced community sports program in the local area and we've never turn down a child because their parents were unable to pay Every year new equipment needs to be purchased and every year the prices increase Please help us keep our league reasonably priced Thank you for your time and consideration sincerely Mark Severtson president of Grand Terrace little league Sent from Yahoo Mail on Andioid CO d d J _d J E O L U) d ty Nd I.i C d E cv yR Q Packet Pg 58 MEETING DATE TITLE AGENDA REPORT December 8, 2015 Truck Route Ordinance Council Item PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION Introduce by title only, waive further reading an ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDING CHAPTER 10 04 OF TITLE 10 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE BY RELOCATING AND RENUMBERING ARTICLE X VIOLATIONS IN ITS ENTIRETY AS ARTICLE XI AND REPLACING ARTICLE X IN ITS ENTIRETY WITH A NEW ARTICLE X ENTITLED DESIGNATED TRUCK ROUTE 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports 2030 Vision Goal #2 to maintain public safety by investing in critical improvements to infrastructure BACKGROUND The establishment of a City Truck Route is warranted to restrict noise and traffic pollution and address safety concerns in residential areas DISCUSSION The designated truck route shall establish that all residential streets within Grand Terrace are prohibited for use as an official truck route by trucks that are 10,000 pounds (5 tons) or more The following streets and portions of streets are designated and established as commercial vehicle truck routes 1 Barton Road (within Grand Terrace city limit) 2 Mount Vernon Avenue from Barton Road to Main Street 3 Main Street from the westerly City limit to Mount Vernon Avenue 4 La Cadena Drive (within Grand Terrace City limit) Staff has contacted the City of Colton and the County of Riverside regarding the streets listed above that are also within their jurisdiction The City of Colton informed staff that La Cadena is designated unofficially as one of their truck routes, and the County of Riverside informed staff that Main Street is one of their truck routes Therefore, the Packet Pg 59 Finance Completed City Attorney Completed Community Development Completed City Manager Completed City Council Pending 12/02/2015 5 00 PM 12/03/2015 8 54 AM 12/03/2015 11 55 AM 12/03/2015 12 32 PM 12/08/2015 6 00 PM Packet Pg 61 B When any such truck route is established and designated by appropriate signs, the operator of any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight limit of ten thousand (10,000) pounds shall drive on such route and none other, except that the operator of any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight of ten thousand (10,000) pounds coming from a truck route may use restricted streets when necessary for the purpose of making pickups or deliveries of goods, wares and merchandise from or to any building or structure located on such restricted streets or for the purpose of delivering materials to be used in the actual and bona fide repair, alteration, remodeling or construction of any building or structure upon such restricted streets for which a building permit has previously been obtained The phrase "maximum gross weight" used in this section shall have the same meaning as the phrase "manufactured gross vehicle weight rating" defined in the California Vehicle Code Section 390 C The provisions of this section shall not apply to 1 Passenger buses under the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission, Metropolitan Transit Authority, or 2 Any vehicle owned by a public utility while necessarily in use in the construction, installation of or repair of any public utility D The following streets and portions of streets are designated and established as commercial vehicle truck routes 1 Barton Road (within Grand Terrace City limit) 2 Mount Vernon Avenue from Barton Road to Main Street 3 Main Street from the westerly City limit to Mount Vernon Avenue 4 La Cadena Drive (within Grand Terrace City limit) E The use of any street or part of any street not established as part of the truck route is hereby prohibited by any commercial vehicle (as defined by California Vehicle Code Section 260) exceeding a maximum gross weight of ten thousand (10,000) pounds, except as allowed in subsections B and C above Appropriate signs shall be posted as designated by the California Department of Transportation "Traffic Manual" in accordance criteria established by the Public Works Director of the City of Grand Terrace, showing which streets are truck route It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or park, or cause to be operated or parked, any vehicle in violation of this provision SECTION 2 Chapter 10 04 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code is hereby amended with the addition of an Article XI as follows "ARTICLE XI —VIOLATIONS 10 04 640 - Infraction —Fine co r T 0 N d u 0 N M N d c R c o` w 0 W Y L r c d E U M a Packet Pg 63 ATTEST Patricia Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Darcy McNaboe Mayor I, Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 8th of December 2015, and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 12th day of January 2016, by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Approved as to form Richard L Adams, II City Attorney L LL 0 v 0` w 0 W 0 L c 0 LA G1 Y'1 0 N M N d v C cc C 0 0 W Y V 3 _ d E V cc r, a Packet Pg 55 MEETING DATE TITLE AGENDA REPORT December 8, 2015 Art in Public Places Ordinance Council Item PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION Introduce by title only, waive further reading an ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 15-03 AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 18 74 (ART IN PUBLIC PLACES) ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC ART REQUIREMENT OR IN LIEU FEE EQUIVALENT FOR ALL NEW NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports our Vision Grand Terrace is an exceptionally safe and well managed City, known for its natural beauty and recreational opportunities, a vibrant and diverse local economy, a place where residents enjoy an outstanding quality of life that fosters pride and an engaged community, encouraging families to come and remain for generations BACKGROUND Public art is a critical element of providing a diverse and culturally rich environment to residents and visitors to the City of Grand Terrace and provides quality of life that promotes the general public welfare Public art provides the following 1) Increases quality of life, 2) Improves aesthetic appeal of the City, and 3) Promotes healthy living by drawing residents, visitors and workers to the outdoor space DISCUSSION As required by the City's Zoning Code, the Planning Commission first hears a proposed ordinance amending the City's Zoning Code and forwards a recommendation to the Council At the October 15th and November 19th Planning Commission meetings, Staff presented the Art in Public Places Ordinance to the Planning Commission At the second meeting, Commissioners passed a resolution recommending with reservations that the City Council discuss the proposed ordinance and consider whether the public art fee should be phased in over time and whether a cap should be placed on the fee The Chairman of the Planning Commission was not present at the meeting, but submitted a letter for the public record stating his concerns with the ordinance, and urging that the Commission and Council vote "no" Before passing their resolution, the Packet Pg 67 acres • The developer has the option to opt out of the public art requirement and instead pay the equivalent in lieu fee which shall be one-half percent (0 5%) fee of the total estimated construction cost • Creates a Public Art Fund as a separate fund to receive monies from any source by the Public Art Fund • The Public Art fee shall apply to the total estimated construction cost (labor and materials) of all new non-residential development projects • Funds shall be expended solely for the costs associated with projects that result in the creation, purchase, installation, security or maintenance of art in public places • Public art on private property shall be vested in the owner and pass to the successive owners of the development project Public art installed on public property is owned by the City of Grand Terrace • The proposal for public art in a construction project shall be considered as an element of the site and architectural design review Approval of all public art shall require a review of the City of Grand Terrace Planning Commission which shall make a recommendation to the City Council for the final approval or denial \ _ The proposed ordinance is not a taking or tax under state law because there are court cases that hold that regulations imposing aesthetic requirements through zoning enactments are valid exercises of the police power and do not constitute impermissible takings merely because they may restrict uses or impose costs in conjunction with the development of property (ie Ehrlich v City of Culver City (1996), Agins v Tiburon (1980), and Penn Central Transportation Company v New York City (1978) In addition, because the public art contribution is being legislatively imposed as a generally applicable conditional of development it must only bear a reasonable relationship to the burden created by the development instead of the heightened judicial scrutiny imposed upon conditions imposed in individual cases which must have a substantial relationship between the burden created by the development and the condition imposed The public art contribution is a zoning requirement that furthers aesthetic objectives under the authority of the City's general police power In Ehlich v City of Culver City (1996), the court upheld the imposition of an art in public place ordinance with a 1 % fee, similar to the proposed ordinance herein, as a valid exercise of the City's powers Public notice of this public hearing was provided in accordance with state law Staff is recommending that the City Council conduct the first read of the ordinance to amend Title 18 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code by adding Chapter 18 74 (Art in Public Places) establishing a public art requirement or in lieu fee equivalent for all new non- residential development projects Packet Pg 69 ;7a ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 15-03 AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 18 74 (ART IN PUBLIC PLACES) ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC ART REQUIREMENT OR IN LIEU FEE EQUIVALENT FOR ALL NEW NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that public art is a critical element of providing a diverse and culturally rich environment to residents and visitors to Grand Terrace that promotes the general public welfare, and WHEREAS, a well -conceived work of art can increase the value of a development project, help to lease space more quickly, enhance the corporate image of the community, promote cultural tourism and provide a visible and lasting contribution to the community in return for the ability to build, and WHEREAS, in order to ensure that public art is present throughout the community it is necessary to require that all new non-residential development in the City of Grand Terrace include an element of public art, or where appropriate, contribute to a City fund for public art, in an amount to be determined by the City Council, in lieu of providing said art, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission takes legislative notice of court cases holding that regulations imposing aesthetic requirements through zoning enactments are valid exercises of the police power and do not constitute impermissible takings merely because they may restrict uses or impose costs in conjunction with the development of property (see e g , Ehrlich v City of Culver City (1996)12 Cal 0 854, 885-886, Metromedia Inc v San Diego (1980) 453 U S 490, 508 fn 13, Penn Central Transp Co v New York City (1978) 438 U S 104, 124, Agins v Tiburon, (1980) 447 U S 255), and WHEREAS, the requirement that applicants for development projects provide either public art or an in lieu equivalent is a legitimate and valid land use regulation that has been compared by the California courts as akin to traditional land use regulations imposing minimal setbacks, parking and lighting conditions, landscaping requirements and other design conditions, and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that the public art contribution is thus neither a "development fee" subject to the requirements of the California Mitigation Fee Act, California Government Code 66000 et seq, nor a development exaction subject to the heightened scrutiny of relevant rules set forth in Nollan v California Coastal Commission 483 U S 825 (1987) and Dolan v City of Tigard 512 U S 374 (1994), but rather, that the public art contribution is a zoning requirement that furthers aesthetic objectives under the authority of the City's general police power, and c a 0 co c 0 Lh 0 o: d c 0 U) d U W a v IL c t a c d s a Packet Pg 71 sr7 a public places throughout the City A standard is hereby established to direct the inclusion of works of art in new non-residential development projects and establishing a fund used solely for the creation, purchase, installation, security and maintenance of art in public spaces throughout the City Section 18 74 020 Definitions A "Artist" means a practitioner in the Arts, generally recognized by critics and peers as one who produces works of art through a record of exhibitions, public commissions, sale of works, or educational attainment B "Art" means all forms of original creations of visual arts, including but not limited to 1 sculpture in any material or combination of materials 2 painting — all media including portable and permanently affixed works, such as murals and frescoes 3 graphic arts — print making and drawing 4 mosaics 5- photography 6 crafts in clay, fiber and textiles, wood, metal, plastics, and other materials, 7 calligraphy 8 stained glass 9 mixed media — any combination of forms or media, including collage C "City" means the City of Grand Terrace D "Development Project" means a proposal for the development of improved or unimproved real property, including but not limited to offices, hotels, motels, restaurants, but excluding all residential developments and `live -work" units E "Public Art Fund" means a separate fund established to receive monies from any source by the Public Art Fund F "Public Place" means any area or property (public or private) which is accessible or visible to the general public a minimum of eight (8) hours during a business day 3 Packet pg 73 c a Section 18 74 070 Use of Funds A All amounts collected from the in lieu fee shall be placed in said Public Art Fund and expended by the City Manager or his/her designee solely for the costs associated with projects that result in the creation, purchase, installation, security or maintenance of art in public spaces that include but are not limited to paintings, mural decorations, inscriptions, stained glass, statues, reliefs or other sculptures, monuments, frescoes, mosaics or drawings B Furnishings or fixtures affixed to the building or its grounds, including architectural features of the building or landscaping that have been uniquely enhanced to be visually appealing, may qualify as art Works of art may be temporary as well as permanent Section 18 74 080 Ownership & Maintenance of Art A Title to all public art required by and installed pursuant to this section on private property shall be vested in the owner and pass to the successive owners of the development project B Each successive owner shall be responsible for the custody, protection and t 1� maintenance of such works of art C Public art installed on public property is owned by the City of Grand Terrace and maintenance, removal or protection is the responsibility of the City Section 18 74 090 Review Process / Standards A The developer shall submit a narrative proposal and artistic rendering of the public art in satisfaction of the requirements imposed by this section, including any additional information, plans or maps prescribed by the Director of Community Development at the time of submission of their development application, or indicate an intention to pay the in lieu fees B The proposal for the public art shall be considered as an element of the site and architectural design review C The approval of all public art to be created, purchased, installed, secured and maintained under this section shall require a review of the City of Grand Terrace Planning Commission which shall make a recommendation to the City Council for final approval or denial D The decision of the City Council shall be final Packet Pg 75 The replacement public art shall be installed within 180 days of the removal of the existing public art piece, unless the period is extended by the Director of Planning and Development Services g The owner may choose to pay an in lieu fee equivalent to the cost of the replacement of the existing public art M d Section 18 74 110 Annual Report L_ A The City Manager or his/her designee shall annually prepare and present a report to the Grand Terrace City Council indicating the amount of revenues accumulated in the Art in Public Places Fund and the expenditures made by 5 the City in the preceding fiscal year o a Section 18 74120 Authority for Additional Mitigation tv a 0 A Fees collected pursuant to this section do not replace existing development M fees or other charges or limit requirements or conditions to provide additional a mitigation of impacts imposed upon development projects as part of the normal development review process a 0 00 Section 18 74 130 Waiver c 0 A The City Manager may request that the City Council exclude certain capital a improvement projects from the provisions of this ordinance by the passage of a resolution authorizing such a waiver " c tu c a Section 2 Any provision of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code or appendices 0 thereto are inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance, to the extent of such inconsistencies and no further, is hereby repealed or modified to that extent necessary to a effect the provisions of this Ordinance Section 3 If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this °- ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any S court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining a portions of this Ordinance The City Council of the City of Grand Terrace hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, E phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, cc subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases or portions be declared invalid or a unconstitutional Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect thirty days from the date of adoption Section 5 First read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 8th of Packet Pg7 77 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2016 ATTEST Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Darcy McNaboe Mayor I, Patricia Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 12th day of January, 2016 AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Pat Jaquez-Nares City Clerk Approved as to form Richard L Adams, II City Attorney c a 0 co v r _ 0 d d U c -o 0 U) W n. a a r c d E R a Packet Pg 79 MEETING DATE November 19, 2015 TITLE Ordinance Art in Public Places PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution No 2015 - _ A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace Recommending that City Council of the City of Grand Terrace Amend Title 18E. of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code by Adding Chapter 18 74 (Art in Public Places) : U) a- a 0 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports 2030 Vision Mission and Vision .c a To preserve and protect our community and its exceptional quality of life through thoughtful planning, within the constraints of fiscally responsible government a Grand Terrace is an exceptionally safe and well managed City, known for its natural 0 o beauty and recreational opportunities, a vibrant and diverse local economy, a place where residents enjoy an outstanding quality of life that fosters pride and an engaged c community, encouraging families to come and remain for generations CL BACKGROUND o Public art is a critical element of providing a diverse and culturally rich environment to NN E residents and visitors to the City of Grand Terrace and provides quality of life that c promotes the general public welfare As such, the City Council directed Staff to prepare U an Art in Public Places Ordinance c As required by the City's Zoning Code, the Planning Commission first hears the c a proposed ordinance and forwards a recommendation to the Council On Thursday, n. October 15, 2015, Staff presented the Art in Public Places Ordinance to the Commission Commissioners expressed several concerns and motioned to continue L the meeting to the next Planning Commission meeting for further discussion E DISCUSSION c At the October 15th Planning Commission meeting there were several questions and z concerns raised by the Commissioners that Staff will seek to answer = d E 1 For the cities that were referenced in the previous presentation, when did they s pass their ordinances and what are the sizes of those cities? The cities of Oroville, Cathedral City and Emeryville were used as benchmarks in researching the implementation of Art in Public Places in cities comparable in size or ............. Packet Pg 80 • Expands opportunities for citizens of the City of Grand Terrace to experience public art resulting from the creative expression of visual artists throughout the City • The cost of public art must be equal to at least one percent (1 %) of the estimated total construction cost to the developer • The developer has the option to opt out of the public art requirement and instead pay the equivalent in lieu fee which shall be a one percent (1 %) fee of the total estimated construction cost • Creates a Public Art Fund as a separate fund to receive monies from any source by the Public Art Fund • The Public Art fee shall apply to the total estimated construction cost (labor and materials) of all new non-residential development projects • Funds shall be expended solely for the costs associated with projects that result in the creation, purchase, installation, security or maintenance of art in public places • Public art on private property shall be vested in the owner and pass to the successive owners of the development project Public art installed on public property is owned by the City of Grand Terrace ' • The proposal for public art in a construction project shall be considered as an element of the site and architectural design review Approval of all public art shall require a review of the City of Grand Terrace Planning Commission which shall make a recommendation to the City Council for the final approval or denial The proposed ordinance is not a taking under state law because there are court cases that hold that regulations imposing aesthetic requirements through zoning enactments are valid exercises of the police power and do not constitute impermissible takings merely because they may restrict uses or impose costs in conjunction with the development of property (ie Ehrlich V City of Culver City (1996), Aains v Tiburon (1980), and Penn Central Transportation Company v New York City (1978) In addition, because the public art contribution is being legislatively imposed as a generally applicable conditional of development it must only bear a reasonable relationship to the burden created by the development instead of the heightened judicial scrutiny imposed upon conditions imposed in individual cases which must have a substantial relationship between the burden created by the development and the condition imposed The public art contribution is a zoning requirement that furthers aesthetic objectives under the authority of the City's general police power ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The art in public places requirement is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15061 (b)(3) general rule in that there c 0 co 0 a m o_ 0 W W E E 0 v c c c m a t w CD d E 0 z c d E t 0 W Packet P9 82 RESOLUTION NO 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AMEND TITLE 18 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 18 74 (ART IN PUBLIC PLACES) ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC ART REQUIREMENT OR IN LIEU FEE EQUIVALENT FOR ALL NEW NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 65800 and 65850 of the California Government Code, the City may adopt ordinances to regulate the use of buildings, structures, and land as between industry, business, residences, and open space, and other purposes, to regulate the location, height, bulk, number of stones and size of buildings and structures, the size and use of lots, yards, courts and other open spaces, the percentage of a lot which may be occupied by a building or structure, and the intensity of land use, and to establish requirements for off-street parking, in compliance with the California Government Code WHEREAS, this policy has been determined to be exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Title 14, California Code of Regulations, Section 15061(b)(3), commonly known as the "General Rule " WHEREAS,f on November 19, 2015, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing on Zoning Code Amendment 15-03 at the Grand Terrace Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California 92313 and concluded the hearing on said date WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace The Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to Zoning Code Amendment 15-03 a The proposed zoning amendment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the neighborhood of the proposed amendment or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or within the City because the regulations are intended to protect the public health, safety, and welfare and provide for the integrity and preservation of community aesthetics through modern implementation of a uniform set of rules and regulations Page 1 of 5 7b • -..—I M ob v 0 N 0 z c 0 0 N d 0 N E v tM c c c as a t c CD 0 M a ............. Packet Pg 84 �a a� LL d c R c 7E O Nl (D 0 a IL L 0 co 0 a c 0 U) N_ E E 0 v c c a d .c E 0 z c d E 0 a PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at a regular meeting held on the 19th day of November, 2015 AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN ATTEST Pat Jacques-Nares City Clerk Tom Comstock Chairman Page 3 of 5 Packet Pg 86 v c0 cu 0 h v, Q 00 00 a Attachment Planning Commission Resolution No 2015 - (1799 Ordinance Art in Public Places) Attachment November 19th Planning Commission Report (1810 Art in Public Places Ordinance First Read) WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 18 90 (Amendments) of the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on any proposed amendment to the Zoning Code, and WHEREAS, at their November 19, 2015 meeting, the Grand Terrace Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the ordinance at 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California 92313, reviewed the draft version of the Art in Public Places ordinance and forwarded a recommendation to the Grand Terrace City Council to adopt the proposed ordinance with their modifications included WHEREAS, on December 8, 2015, the City Council conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the ordinance at the Grand Terrace Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California 92313 and conducted second reading on January 12, 2016, and WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, as follows Section 1 Chapter 18 74 (Art in Public Places) is added to Title 18 of the Municipal Code as follows "CHAPTER 18 74 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES Sections 18 74 010 Purpose 18 74 020 Definitions 18 74 030 Applicability 18 74 040 Public Art Contribution Requirements 18 74 050 Execution of Installation / Time of Payment 18 74 060 Public Art Fund 18 74 070 Use of Funds 18 74 080 Ownership & Maintenance of Art 18 74 090 Review Process / Standards 18 74 100 Removal of Public Art 18 74 110 Annual Report 18 74 120 Authority for Additional Mitigation 18 74 130 Waiver Section 18 74 010 Purpose The purpose of this chapter is to expand the opportunities for citizens of the City of Grand Terrace to experience public art resulting from the creative expression of its visual artists in c_ Q 0 o t 0 c. _o W U) E E 0 U c c c 0 a a� m E as 0 z d E Packet Pg 90 G "Planning Commission" means the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace Section 18 74 030 Applicability This chapter shall apply to the total estimated construction costs (labor and N materials) of all new non-residential development protects u Section 18 74 040 Public Art Contribution Requirements H d A All new non-residential development protects subject to the requirements of U a = 0 this section shall install public art on the protect site in a public place as approved by the City Councilcc a c a B The cost of the public art must be equal to at least one percent (1 %) of the t estimated total construction cost a as a c C The creator of public art shall be an artist, defined as a person who has a a reputation among peers as a person of artistic excellence, through a record a of exhibitions, public commissions, sale of works, or educational attainment o M C o D The developer has the option to opt out of this requirement and instead pay v the equivalent in lieu fee which shall be a one percent (1 %) fee of the total c estimated construction costs Section 18 74 050 Execution of Installation / Time of Payment c a o = o y A If the developer chooses to pay the in lieu fee, payment in full shall be N E required at the time all fees are due on any project processed through the 0 City or upon completion of the project, whichever occurs first B The payment of all outstanding fees shall be required priorto the issuance of a c c a Certificate of Occupancy Q f C For the developers choosing to provide art as part of their protect, the 4d c E � developer shall provide the City with proof of installation of the required public art on the development site prior to the issuance of a Certificate of a� Occupancy a z Section 18 74 060 Public Art Fund d E A The City Manager is hereby directed to create a special interest -bearing fund cc entitled Public Art Fund, or other appropriate accounting mechanism a B The City Manager or his/her designee shall administer the Public Art Fund .. ......... . Packet Pg 92 .„..7b L' E Review of all proposed artwork shall be considered based on the following criteria a Conceptual compatibility of the design with the immediate environment of the site, d a_ b Appropriateness of the design to the function of the site, 151 LL c Compatibility of the design and location within a unified design Q character or historical character of the site, cc d Creation of an internal sense of order and a desirable environment for L a _ p the general community by the design and location of the work of art, `-' a e Preservation and integration of natural features with the project, a f Appropriateness of the materials, textures, colors and design to the r a expression of the design concept, = c g Representation of a broad variety of tastes within the community and c � a the provision of a balanced inventory of art in public places to insure aCO o variety of style, design and media throughout the community that will be representative of the eclectic tastes of the community, t: Section 18 74 100 Removal of Public Art o CD c a � o A If, for any reason, the current owner or successor in interest shall choose to o y replace any public art installed pursuant to this section, the following a E requirements shall be met before the art is replaced a E C � U a The replacement of public art must go through the site review process c established above, unless the replacement will be identical to the a existing art work and in the same location a a = b The cost of the replacement shall be equal to, or greater than, the c M initial cost of the existing public art to be removed adjusted for time E E c The location of the replacement public art shall meet the requirement for public visibility in effect at the time of the replacement o z d The replacement of public art shall conform, in every respect, to all r standards in effect at the time of the replacement e The replacement public art, location and installation shall violate no Q other ordinance f The replacement public art shall be installed within 180 days of the 6 ......... ... Packet Pg 94 `tr 00 r n Attachment Art in Public Places Ordinance (1799 Ordinance Art in Public Places) a o� Attachment November 19th Planning Commission Report (1810 Art in Public Places Ordinance First Read) 3062 I don't see a staff recommendation and I would like the recommendation to include the following Approve Art in Public Places Fee of 1% for all nonresidential commercial development project with a project cap of no more than $25,000 per 0-25 acres or the developer can contribute 5% to the Cities art and historical fund for the City to commission art in public places (no cap) - this is done to try and allow the development to incorporate the art If they choose the donation option the art can actually go anywhere in the City Page 1 t: Packet Pg 98 AGENDA REPORT December 8, 2015 Council Item Update and Direction on Implementation of Video Camera's in the Public -Right -Of- Way and City Parks G Harold Duffey, City Manager RECOMMENDATION Provide Staff Direction on Next Steps to Implement Video Camera's in the Public -Right -Of -Way and City Parks K11TOXV1611I:s] �� i,I LIIi This staff report supports Goal #2, Maintain Public Safety, by investing in Critical improvements to infrastructure BACKGROUND On October 27, 2015, the Council approved additional resources for increasing Public Safety Services One of the concepts was developing a video security system around Grand Terrace The Council authorized $50,000 in this year budget for the development of a video surveillance system Staff was directed to work with the Sheriffs Department to determine the most effective tool to enhance law enforcement services in the City (Attachment 1) On November 1, 2015 Security Lines US installed a A -POD Camera on the corner of Barton Road and Mt Vernon The Camera has four lenses and covers all traffic in the intersection The Camera can be accessed via smartphone, tablet or computer The video from the camera is stored on a DVR for 14 days (options are available to extend recording time for up to 90 days) Security Lines US has also developed a plan to place camera's throughout the City to create a digital fence around Grand Terrace, so any vehicle entering or exiting the City would be captured on video (Attachment II) The cameras can be adjusted (zoom in or out) via smartphone, tablet or computer at any time Staff envisioned the Sherriffs Department with 24 hour access to the Camera system However, the City can also provide others access to monitor live footage or recorded data The Sheriffs Department, currently has access to the camera on Baron and Mt Vernon The Sheriff personnel indicated that the Department is very active with LPR camera, as the data collected from LPR cameras feeds directly into their data base, which is linked to state and national data The Sheriff's LPR system could be deployed within the City It is estimated that each LPR camera will costs $15,000 per lane Packet P9 99 (2) 8a ATTACHMENT I 06 P# �� oo'XJo QL ENHANCEMENTS FROM 2014/15 FUND Project Value $305,000 BALANCE TO 2015/16 PROJECT Camera Project City Allocation $50,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION City Camera Protects Staff is requesting $50,000 be allocated to further investigate the development of a surveillance system throughout the City Staff is currently demoing a "City Shield" system that provides coverage of all entry and exit points in the City The video footage can be viewed live or via recording from a smartphone, computer, or IPad The Sheriff Department, City staff, and even neighborhood watch groups may be granted access to video feeds The system is an independent system and is not tied into any existing camera system or with the Sheriffs LPR Cameras However, the Sheriff has indicated that the City could install LPR Cameras throughout the City at a cost of approximately $15,000 for each lane This program will certainly enhance the City's ability to fight crime, as the Sheriff will be alerted anytime a stolen vehicle enters into the City (that crosses the camera lane) However, the project will only cover a few sections of the City and focus more on vehicles vs other types of identity information FUNDING SOURCE(S) Staff is recommending that the City Council create a Public Safety and Code Enforcement Enhancement Fund from the 2014/15 Fund balance FUND PUBLIC SAFETY & CODE ENF FUND (PSCEF)— ACCOUNT #64-175-710-000-000—$50,000 CATEGORY EQUIPMENT MAJOR MILESTONE(S) Staff will review its finding with of the Camera System(s) consult with the Sheriffs Department on the most effective system for the City and return within 90 days with a recommendation and purchase request PROJECT MANAGER Phone 909-824-6621 Ext 212 G Harold Duffey hduffey@erandterrace-ca eov 2 Packet Pg 101 CALIFORNIA CITIES WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT UTILIZING SECURITY LINES US CAMERAS 8c ATTACHMENT III California Cities by Population City Population Rank 361 Arroyo Grande 17,908 427 California City 13,263 75 Compton 98,597 420 Grover ®each 13,505 591 Fowler 6,042 100 Hemet 83,032 117 Milpitas 73,672 68 Santa Maria 103,410 197 San Luis Obispo 46,730 463 Sierra Madre 11,165 N 10 0 2 a c_ (A d E U 0 m co r c m E Q c m E 0 m Q Packet Pg 1073 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE December 8, 2015 Council Item TITLE Amendment to the Statement of Benefits to Maintain Compensation for Grandfathered Employees PRESENTED BY G Harold Duffey, City Manager RECOMMENDATION Approve Resolution 2015-XX amending the Statement of Benefits Effective December 8, 2015 and rescinding Resolution 2015-10 effective December 8, 2015 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #1, "Ensuring Fiscal Viability", by seeking to retain and motivate qualified employees by offering a compensation plan that is consistent with past practice and will help promote and maintain the adopted Core Value of maintaining a "Positive and Productive Work Environment" BACKGROUND i Effective July 1, 2015, employees were switched from a Benefit Allowance based on a percentage of salary, to a flat rate Benefit Allowance In order to keep their pay whole, employees were given a salary adjustment to make up the difference In administering these changes, it has come to staff's attention that there are two employees who are grandfathered in under longevity provisions who have inadvertently suffered a loss of pay and benefits DISCUSSION The two Child Care employees were grandfathered in with a medical benefit equal to that of City Hall employees based on their having more than 10 years of service prior to June 30, 2010 This medical benefit is greater than what is contracted for Child Care The employees were given a salary adjustment to compensate them for the difference between the contracted amount for Child Care employees and what they had been receiving This salary adjustment was calculated based on the 2015 rate of $485 41/month for single coverage under the CalPERS NetValue Plan While it made the employees whole in 2015, it does not keep them whole moving forward as medical premiums change Packet Pg 104 =9a City of Grand Terrace Employee Statement of Benefits December 8, 2015 Retirement A Ca1PERS - The City of Grand Terrace provides retirement benefits through the California Public Employees Retirement System (Ca1PERS) All regular employees budgeted a minimum of 20 hours per week shall be enrolled in this Plan 1 The City's current formula is 2 7% at 55, for employees hired prior to January 1, 2013 2 All employees hired after January 1, 2013 and who are eligible under the Public Employees Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) shall be enrolled in the 2% at 60 retirement formula 3 All other employees hired after January 1, 2013 shall be enrolled in the 2% at 62 retirement formula in accordance with PEPRA CO 4 The City pays 1 418% of the 8% Member Contribution to Ca1PERS Retirement for U) all employees enrolled prior to January 1, 2013 All employees enrolled after January 1, N 2013 shall pay the full Member Contribution The retirement contract also includes the following provisions Available to Employees Enrolled Before 01/01/2013 After 01/01/2013 Single Highest Year Yes No Three Year Final Compensation No Yes 1959 Survivor Benefit (0 Level) Yes Yes Military Service Credit Yes Yes B 457 Deferred Compensation - All employees shall be entitled to participate in the City's 457 Deferred Compensation Plan C Alternate Retirement System - Except where required by law or by contract, all employees R budgeted less than 20 hours per week or employees who have been placed on the City payroll on a 0 temporary basis shall participate in the City's Alternate Retirement System (ARS) m 1 The ARS plan is provided in lieu of participation in Social Security, and as such shall be updated as necessary to comply with current regulations -1— a Packet Pg 006 4 Any employee whose current accrued Sick Leave is in excess of 480 hours shall c retain the hours they currently have No additional hours will be accrued until their Sick 2 Leave bank drops below 480 hours 5 Any employee who separates from the City after five (5) years of service, for reasons other than disciplinary cause, shall be compensated for 40% of all unused sick leave 6 Family Sick Leave — An employee shall be entitled to use up to half of their annual m c m sick leave accruals to care for a child or spouse who is injured or ill c 7 Bereavement Leave — An employee may use up to 3 days of sick leave in any c E twelve-month period as bereavement leave for the death of a family member A family member is defined as a spouse/domestic partner, parent, sibling, child, grandchild, or co grandparent of the employee or of the employee's spouse/domestic partner w 8 Options on Retirement — CalPERS rules have additional provisions for unused sick . leave All employees who are retiring under the CalPERS plan are eligible to participate in aci such provisions in accordance with the CalPERS regulations which are current at the time of E the employee's retirement 0 E 9 Reimbursement for Unused Sick Leave During Employment — Suspended (See a Furlough Provisions) o w a) Any regular full -rime regular employee who has used 40 hours or less sick ,o leave during the calendar year shall be entitled to be reimbursed for up to 40 hours N of unused accrued sick leave so long as the employee's remaining accrued sick 06' leave balance does not fall below 80 hours as a result of the reimbursement b) Regular part-time employees that are budgeted to work 20 or more hours per week shall be entitled to be reimbursed for a percentage of their accrued sick leave based on a prorated percentage of hours worked as compared to 40 hours for a full- time employee so long as the employee's remaining accrued sick leave balance does not fall below the same prorated percentage of 80 hours c) Reimbursement for accrued sick leave for a calendar year shall not be available to employees terminating on or before December 31 of that same calendar year d) Sick Leave Sell Back Form - In order to receive reimbursement for accrued sick leave, all eligible employees shall complete a Sick Leave Sell Back Form, which is available in the Human Resources office The completed form must be provided to the Personnel Officer by no later than the first week of January of the following calendar year G Vacation - Each regular full-time and regular part -rime employee budgeted for 20 or more hours per week, with the exception of non-exempt Child Care employees, shall be credited with annual vacation leave according to their number of years of service as follows w 1 Full -Time Employees shall accrue vacation leave according to the following C schedule E 4 Y Q -3— Packet Pg 1 88 :9a New Year's Day Veteran's Day Martin Luther King's Birthday Day before Thanksgiving President's Day Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Christmas Eve Independence Day Christmas Day Labor Day New Year's Eve Columbus Day 2 Floating Holidays 1 For Full -Tune Employees credited with Floating Holiday Leave after April 14,W. o 2015, a floating holiday shall equal 8 hours E 2 Part -Time Employees budgeted at least 20 hours per week shall receive floating holidays on a pro-rata basis co d 3 Any employee scheduled to work on a City Holiday and who works the holiday, c shall be credited with additional floating holiday hours equal to the hours actually worked on F the holiday 4 At the City Manager's discretion, floating holidays may be used for the closure of City Hall during the Christmas holidays E a 5 In order to receive Holiday Pay, an employee must be in a paid status on the day before and the day after the holiday 77 to IV Employee Health Plan o A City of Grand Terrace Employee Health Plan includes major medical, dental, and vision insurances, the Employee Assistance Program, and the Cafeteria Plan To be considered a part of the City's Employee Health Plan, the City must have a negotiated contract with the benefit provider to include specific rates for City of Grand Terrace employees B All regular employees budgeted 20+ hours per week are eligible to participate in the City's Employee Health Plan C The Benefit Allowance as paid under the City's Cafeteria Plan is intended to offset the employee's out-of-pocket expenses under this plan D All aspects of the Employee Health Plan are eligible for continuation under Federal COBRA regulations Further, if the employee qualifies for such, the major medical insurance maybe eligible for further continuation provisions under Cal -COBRA 1 Eligibility — All individuals who meet the following criteria are eligible to participate in the Employee Health Plan a) City of Grand Terrace employees budgeted for 20 or more hours a week t= b) Spouse or registered domestic partner of a participating employee c) Legally qualifying dependents of a participating employee and/or of the employee's spouse or registered domestic partner E s ` Q -5— Packet Pg 110 3 Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) Employees may contribute pre-tax dollars to the following FSA options a) Medical Reimbursement Account b) Dependent Care Reimbursement Account c) Adoption Assistance Account d) The type(s) of FSAs available is determined by the IRS and is thus subject to change by the Federal Government e) FSA's are subject to annual contribution limits as established by the IRS f) Expenses paid from an FSA may not be claimed as a deduction on an employee's tax return F Major Medical Insurance — The City is currently contracted with Ca1PERS for major medical insurance In accordance with the terms of the contract, the City shall pay for insurance for an eligible employee as follows Type of Employee Years of Service Amount Paid City Hall — Non -Exempt N/A Amount equal to the Regular Employee budgeted 20+ Net Value Plan, hours, Employee Only Coverage Exempt Employee Child Care — Non -Exempt N/A Set by Ca1PERS in Regular Employee, budgeted accordance with GC 20+ hours §22892 (2) G Dental Insurance — The City has contracted for a choice of either an HMO or a PPO plan Premiums are paid by the employee H Vision Insurance — The City has contracted for Vision Insurance Premiums are paid by the employee I Employee Assistance Plan — The City offers an Employee Assistance Plan at no cost to the employee The Employee Assistance Program provides confidential counseling referrals and other services to employees V Other Insurances 0 0 The City is contracted for the following additional insurance plans These insurance plans are available to all regular employees budgeted 20 or more hours per week and are not considered a part of the Employee Health E Plan !0 -7— Q Packet Pg 112 D Longevity Medical Benefit - Full-time, non-exempt, Child Care employees with 10 years of service prior to June 30, 2010 and who were already receiving the benefit on June 30, 2010, are entitled to additional compensation for medical insurance equal to the amount of the Ca1PERS NetValue Plan, Single Coverage Effective July 1, 2015, said compensation is provided as follows a Eligible Employees received an hourly wage increase equal to the value of the 2015 Ca1PERS NetValue Plan, Single Coverage ($485 41) minus the City -paid amount for Child Care Employees ($122 00) b As premiums change, eligible employees shall receive an additional Benefit Allowance amount equal to the current premium for the Ca1PERS NetValue Plan, Single Coverage, minus the amount listed above c Such benefit allowance amount shall be adjusted on the same -pay period as the premium change VIII Employees Hired Under Employment Agreement A Employees who are working under an Employment Agreement approved by the City Council may be subject to different employment benefit provisions than those contained in this Statement of Benefits IX Furlough Provisions 00 c The City of Grand Terrace employees are under mutually agreed furlough provisions These provisions are a temporary cost savings measure and shall remain in force as follows until such time as the budget permits abolishing this section A City Hall Employees — City Hall employees have agreed to the following 1 No Merit Increases — Became effective July 1, 2009 2 No COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) — Became effective July 1, 2009 Sick Leave Sell Back Program Suspended — Became effective July 1, 2010 4 Ten Percent (10%) Reduction in Hours — Became effective May 17, 2010 This changed employee hours from 40/week to 36/week This resulted in a 10% decrease in work schedule, wages, and benefits based on wages This applies to full-time employees only 5 Part -Tune Employees — No work week reduction for part-time employees with no benefits, or for part-time employees for which such a reduction would terminate a current benefit (e g health insurance) B Child Care Employees — Child Care employees have agreed to the following 1 No Merit Increases — Became effective July 1, 2009 = m E 2 No COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) — Became effective July 1, 2009 -9— a Packet Pg 114 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AMDNEDING THE STATEMENT OF BENEFITS WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized and directed under the provisions of Chapter 2 24 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code to adopt provisions for compensation of personnel created in said Municipal Code Chapter, and, WHEREAS, the objectives of the Statement of Benefits are to attract to municipal service the best and most competent persons available and to provide for an equitable system of personnel compensation, and, WHEREAS, at the same time, within the limits of administrative feasibility, considerable latitude shall be given to the City Manager in the interpretation and application of these benefits so that they are applied equitably, and, WHEREAS, from time to time these benefits must be revised due to budgetary changes NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS Section 1 The -Statement of Benefits, attached hereto as Exhibit A, are hereby adopted Section 2 Resolution 2015-10 is hereby rescinded c Go PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of Grand Terrace at a regular H meeting held on the 8th day of December, 2015 by the following vote AYES c m 00 0 NOES d E 0 ABSENT y ABSTAIN d E Q c 0 r 0 y d ATTEST t c d E a Pat Jacquez-Nares Darcy McNaboe City Clerk Mayor Packet Pg 1 66 MEETING DATE TITLE PRESENTED BY RECOMMENDATION AGENDA REPORT December 8, 2015 Council Item Palm Avenue and Van Buren Street Traffic Measures with Recommendations and Request for Approval Sandra Molina, Community Development Director 1) Receive the Status Report and Preliminary Recommendations, and 2) Authorize the City Manager to Approve and Implement Final Recommendations 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports our 2030 Mission, "To preserve and protect our community and its exceptional quality of life through thoughtful planning, within the constraints of fiscally responsible government" and Goal #2, Maintain Public Safety, and Goal #3 Promote Economic Development by investing in infrastructure BACKGROUND On November 10, 2015, Staff presented a report on City-wide transportation related items including a discussion of the intersections of Palm Avenue/Country Club Drive and Van Buren Street/Oriole Avenue The Council directed Staff to expand its focus of these intersections to include the street segments of Palm Avenue and Van Buren Avenue DISCUSSION Palm Avenue A Traffic Engineering Study was completed at the intersection of Palm Avenue and Country Club Lane, and due to visibility concerns installation of additional stop signs was warranted However, Staff became aware of additional other Studies conducted in 2009 along Palm Avenue at its intersections with Preston Street, Dos Rios Avenue, Honey Hill Drive, Observation Drive and Paradise Street Staff and the Traffic Consultant conducted a comprehensive review of the three studies to avoid, to the extent feasible, stop signs at each intersection Taking this comprehensive approach Staff determined that line of sight issues can be addressed with a combination of installation of stop signs, red curb painting, and/or removal of visual obstructions (mainly vegetation) Staff's preliminary recommendations are shown in the chart below Some information will need to be updated before final recommendations are made, such as collision Packet Pg 118 1"0 Figures will be prepared to show the location where these measures may be deployed and a cross -sectional perspective In addition, prospective construction costs for these measures will also be provided FISCAL IMPACT No impact to the General Fund APPROVALS Sandra Molina Completed Finance Completed City Attorney Completed Community Development Completed City Manager Completed City Council Pending 12/01 /2015 1 57 PM 12/02/2015 6 34 PM 12/03/2015 9 45 AM 12/03/2015 10 26 AM 12/03/2015 12 11 PM 12/08/2015 6 00 PM Packet Pg 120 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE December 8, 2015 Council Item TITLE Approval of a Contractor Agreement Between The City of Grand Terrace and Tree Pros, Inc for On -Call Citywide Tree Trimming Services PRESENTED BY Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION 1 Approve a Contractor Agreement Between the City of Grand Terrace and Tree Pros, Inc For On -Call Citywide Tree Trimming Services, 2 Appropriate $15,000 from Gas Tax Fund 16, and 3 Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports Goal #2 "Maintain Public Safety" by investing in critical improvements to infrastructure BACKGROUND The City of Grand Terrace has been using an informal bid process during emergencies i to secure the services of arbonst firms for tree trimming and tree removal services It is imperative that the City secure a vendor for on -call, citywide tree trimming services with fixed rates through a formal contract By securing a vendor the City will be prepared to properly maintain our trees and address any arboncultural issues that may arise from the inclement weather of winter, El Nino in particular DISCUSSION On October 26, 2015 a Notice Inviting Bids for citywide on -call tree trimming services was advertised on the City website and emailed to various arboricultural firms Two (2) proposals were received on November 19, 2015 The City Clerk conducted the bid opening witnessed by the Management Analyst The bid schedules from the two vendors were analyzed and the lowest, responsive bidder was Tree Pros, Inc The vendor was able to provide the services requested at a lower price than the second bidder on all line items except one, but the difference is nominal (Reference Attachment A Exhibit B Bid Schedule to review bids) The vendors who submitted proposals and a list of their hourly work charges that include one (1) trimmer, two (2) ground workers, an aerial tower, chipper and dump truck are as follows • Tree Pros, Inc $80 per hour with two (2) hour minimum • West Coast Arbonsts $210 per hour with two (2) hour minimum The Notice Inviting Bids requested bids to provide on -call, citywide tree trimming services in the City rights of way and on City property As an overview, the on -call services include full trims, clearance trims, tree and stump removal, root pruning and tree planting The Scope of Work also provides for emergency tree trimming services Staff called the references that were provided by Tree Pros, Inc and received good J, Packet P9 121 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND TREE PROS, INC FOR CITYWIDE ON -CALL TREE TRIMMING SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO THIS 8T" DAY OF DECEMBER, 2015 BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ("CITY") AND TREE PROS, INC (CONTRACTOR) FOR CITYWIDE ON -CALL TREE TRIMMING SERVICES RECITALS WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR is a Licensed and Qualified Contractor to perform the services required of Tree Trimming and Arboricultural Services for the City of Grand Terrace, and WHEREAS, CITY desires to utilize the services of CONTRACTOR to implement Tree Trimming and Arboricultural Services NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS 1 Scope of Services Contractor shall perform all the services as described as follows A For and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned to be made and performed by said City, said Contractor agrees with said City to perform and complete in a workmanlike manner all work required under the Bidding Schedule of the City's Specification, in accordance with the Specifications therefor, to furnish at his own expense all labor, materials, equipment, tools and services necessary therefor, except those materials, equipment, tools and services as may be stipulated in said specification to be furnished by said City and to do everything required by this Agreement and the said Specifications B The Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Bid proposal, Information required of Bidder, Specification, and all addenda issued by the City with respect to the foregoing prior to the opening of bids, are hereby incorporated in and made a part of this Agreement 2 Term This Agreement shall be effective on the date first written above unless otherwise provided in Exhibit "A" Scope of Services and the Agreement shall remain in effect for two years, unless otherwise terminated pursuant to the provisions herein A maximum of two one year extensions may be granted by the City N r co r c 0 E 4) 4) a `0 c 0 U a a) E 0 a Packet Pg 123 assignee expressly assumes the obligations of assignor under this Agreement, in writing satisfactory to the parties Contractor shall not subcontract any portion of the work required by this Agreement without prior written approval by the responsible City's Contract Administrator Subcontracts, if any, shall contain a provision making them subject to all provisions stipulated in this Agreement, including without limitation, the insurance obligations set forth in Section 12 Contractor acknowledges that any transfer of rights may require City Manager and/or City Council approval 10 Independent Contractor In the performance of this Agreement, Contractor, and Contractor's employees, subcontractors and agents, shall act in an independent capacity as independent contractors, and not as officers or employees of the City or the City of Grand Terrace Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the a City or the City has no obligation to pay or withhold state or federal taxes or to provide workers' compensation or unemployment insurance to Contractor, or to Contractor's employees, subcontractors and agents Contractor, as an independent contractor, shall be responsible for any and all taxes that apply to Contractor as an employer E 11 Indemnification c ~ d d L 11 1 Indemnity Except as to the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the City, Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, and its officers, employees and agents, harmless from any and all loss, damage, claim for damage, liability, o expense or cost, including attorneys' fees, which arises out of or is in any way N connected with the performance of work under this Agreement by Contractor or -any of the Contractor's employees, agents or subcontractors and from all claims by Contractor's employees, subcontractors and agents for compensation for services d rendered to Contractor in the performance of this Agreement, notwithstanding that the City may have benefitted from their services This indemnification provision shall apply to any acts or omissions, willful misconduct or negligent conduct, whether active or a passive, on the part of Contractor or of Contractor's employees, subcontractors or L agents r c 0 11 2 Attorney's Fees The parties expressly agree that any payment, attorneys' fees, costs or expense that the City incurs or makes to or on behalf of an injured employee under the City's self-administered workers' compensation is included as a E loss, expense or cost for the purposes of this Section, and that this Section shall survive the expiration or early termination of the Agreement a 12 Insurance 12 1 General Provisions Prior to the City's execution of this Agreement, Contractor shall provide satisfactory evidence of, and shall thereafter maintain during the term of this Agreement, such insurance policies and coverages in the types, limits, forms and ratings required herein The rating and required insurance policies and coverages may be modified in writing by the City's Risk Manager or City Attorney, or a designee, unless such modification is prohibited by law Packet Pg 125 12 3 1 Contractor's commercial general liability insurance policy shall cover both bodily injury (including death) and property damage (including, but not limited to, premises operations liability, products -completed operations liability, independent Contractor's liability, personal injury liability, and contractual liability) in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and a general aggregate limit in the amount of not less than $2,000,000 12 3 2 Contractor's automobile liability policy shall cover both bodily injury and property damage in an amount not less than $500,000 per occurrence and an aggregate limit of not less than $1,000,000 All of Contractor's automobile and/or commercial general liability insurance policies shall cover all vehicles used in connection with Contractor's performance of this Agreement, which vehicles shall include, but are not limited to, Contractor owned vehicles, Contractor leased vehicles, n Contractor's employee vehicles, non -Contractor owned vehicles and hired vehicles E 12 3 3 Prior to City's execution of this Agreement, copies of insurance policies or original certificates and additional insured endorsements evidencing the coverage required by this Agreement, for both commercial general and automobile liability insurance, shall be filed with City and shall include the City and the City and its officers, employees and agents, as additional insureds Said policies shall be in the usual form 9 of commercial general and automobile liability insurance policies, but shall include the o following provisions N It is agreed that the City of Grand Terrace and its officers, employees and agents, are r added as additional insureds under this policy, solely for work done by and on behalf of d the named insured for the City of Grand Terrace and the Redevelopment Agency for the d City of Grand Terrace 2 a L 0 i+ 13 Business Tax Contractor understands that the Services performed under V this Agreement constitutes doing business in the City of Grand Terrace, and Contractor c agrees that Contractor will register for and pay a business tax pursuant to Chapter 5 04 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and keep such tax certificate current during the term of this Agreement E 14 Time of Essence Time is of the essence for each and every provision of a this Agreement 15 City's Right to Employ Other Contractors City reserves the right to employ other Contractors in connection with the Services 16 Conflict of Interest Contractor, for itself and on behalf of its employees, represents and warrants that by the execution of this Agreement, they have no interest, present or contemplated, in the Services affected by the above -described Services Packet, Pg 127 r,11a 21 Offsets Contractor acknowledges and agrees that with respect to any business tax or penalties thereon, utility charges, invoiced fee or other debt which Contractor owes or may owe to the City, City reserves the right to withhold and offset said amounts from payments or refunds or reimbursements owed by City to Contractor Notice of such withholding and offset shall promptly be given to Contractor by City in writing In the event of a dispute as to the amount owed or whether such amount is owed to the City and/or the City, City will hold such disputed amount until either the appropriate appeal process has been completed or until the dispute has been resolved 22 Successors and Assigns This Agreement shall be binding upon City and its successors and assigns, and upon Contractor and its permitted successors and assigns, and shall not be assigned by Contractor, either in whole or in part, except as otherwise provided in paragraph 9 of this Agreement 23 Venue and Attorneys' Fees Any action at law or in equity brought by either of the parties hereto for the purpose of enforcing a right or rights provided for by this Agreement shall be tried in a court of competent jurisdiction in the County of San Bernardino, State of California, and the parties hereby waive all provisions of law providing for a change of venue in such proceedings to any other county In the event either party hereto shall bring suit to enforce any term of this Agreement or to recover any damages for and on account of the breach of any term or condition of this Agreement, it is mutually agreed that the prevailing party in such action shall recover all costs thereof, including reasonable attorneys' fees, to be set by the court in such action 24 Nondiscrimination During Contractor's performance of this Agreement, Contractor shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, including the medical condition of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or any condition related thereto, marital status, sex, or sexual orientation, in the selection and retention of employees and subcontractors and the procurement of materials and equipment, except as provided in Section 12940 of the California Government Code Further, Contractor agrees to conform to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the performance of this Agreement 25 Severability Each provision, term, condition, covenant and/or restriction, in whole and in part, of this Agreement shall be considered severable In the event any provision, term, condition, covenant and/or restriction, in whole and/or in part, of this Agreement is declared invalid, unconstitutional, or void for any reason, such provision or part thereof shall be severed from this Agreement and shall not affect any other provision, term, condition, covenant and/or restriction of this Agreement, and the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect 26 Authority The individuals executing this Agreement and the instruments referenced herein on behalf of Contractor each represent and warrant that they have the legal power, right and actual authority to bind Contractor to the terms and conditions hereof and thereof d d IM E E d d U _ 0 N co r d E d 2. 0 r 0 U r d E 7 Packet Pg, 129 11a IN WITNESS WHEREOF City and Contractor have caused this Agreement to be duly executed the day and year first above written THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, A public body 0 Attest G Harold Duffey City Manager Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM as City Attorneyt Company TREE PROS, INC By George Olekszak, President [Printed Name] [Title] A 9 Packet Pg 131 11b EXHIBIT B BID SCHEDULE for TREE TRIMMING AND ARBORICULTURAL SERVICES FOR GRAND TERRACE We, the undersigned, agree to Tree Trimming and Arboricultural Services for City of Grand Terrace per the specifications at the proposal prices below We further agree to provide all services as required in the specifications and instructions to proposers Bidder West Coast Arbonsts, Inc (Company Name) Indicate charges for work to be performed in accordance with the appropriate trunk diameter at breast height A FULL TRIM (Block Type Trim) 0-4" $ 34 00 B FULL TRIM (Scatter Type Trim) 0-4" $ 44 00 C CLEARANCE TRIM (Block Type Trim) D CLEARANCE TRIM (Scatter Type Trim) E TREE & STUMP REMOVAL CHARGES F STUMP GRINDING CHARGES G ROOT PRUNING H TREE PLANTING (15 GAL) TREE PLANTING (24" BOX) $ 5800 4" and larger $ 68 00 4" and larger $ 148 00 PALM SKINNING $ 14 00 LINEAR FOOT $ 2900 PER INCH DBH $ 1200 PER INCH $ 1400 PER FOOT $ 14800 PER TREE $ 24800 PER TREE J EMERGENCY WORK CHARGES (Nights, Weekends and Holidays) Emergency work charges shall include one (1) tree trimmer and two (2) ground workers, an Aerial tower, chipper and dump truck * Minimum service charges shall be at the rate of $ 28500 per hour with two (2) hour minimum Charges beyond minimum time shall be at the rate of $ 285 00 per hour K HOURLY WORK CHARGES (Monday through Friday — 7 00 A M until 5 00 P M ) Hourly work charges shall include one (1) trimmer and two (2) ground workers, an aerial tower, chipper and dump truck * Minimum service charges shall be at a rate of $ 210 00 per hour with two (2) hour minimum Charges beyond minimum time shall be at the rate of $ 210 00 per hour L SPECIALTY EQUIPMENT (Crane, 95-ft Aerial Tower with operator) at the rate of $140 00 per hour PER N d V z d 0 c E E L W L R U c 0 N 00 W d _ m m x w a c m E _ a a� E cc a Packet Pg 133 f AGENDA REPORT December 8, 2015 Council Item Grand Terrace Facility Use Policy (Clarifications) G Harold Duffey, City Manager RECOMMENDATION Receive and File or Request Staff return to Council with Formal Rate Schedule for Use of City Facilities during Non - Operating Hours and a Specific Policy for the Senior Center and Ann Peta Park 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff report supports the following City Council Goals Goal #1 - Ensuring Our Fiscal Viability, to ensure appropriate cost recovery for services, and Goal #4 - Develop and Implement Successful Partnerships to facilitate the delivery of services benefitting seniors and our community BACKGROUND On July 24, 2012 and again on October 8, 2013, the City Council adopted a Facility Use Policy to govern the use of public facilities, such as Pico and Rollins Park, the Community Room, and Senior Center Recently, the City received a number of request to use the Senior Center and Petta Park for a private evening function The adopted Policy contains various regulations relating to the use of public facilities, and specifically it restricts the use of the Senior Center to senior groups only from 8 a m to 5 p m The Policy allows the City Council or City Manager to waive regulations and/or restrictions within the Policy DISCUSSION As staff researched the use of Senior Center by a non -senior group we consulted with Corporation for Better Housing ("CBH") The Blue Mountain Senior Villas, Senior Center and Petta Park were constructed by CBH The City owns the land, but CBH owns the structures They maintain and operate the Senior Villas, and maintain the grounds of the Senior Center and Park A ground lease between the City and CBH states that these improvements are the property of CBH for the life of the lease (65 years) Construction of these facilities was funded, in part, by Low -Mod Housing Funds and Low Income Housing Tax Credits CBH has stated that because of this financing, the Senior Center is available to Senior Villa residents, including the ability to attend private Packet Pg 134 core mission of the Senior Center If at any point, the use or potential use of the Senior Center by non -senior groups threatens the core mission of the facility, staff will cease all rentals FISCAL IMPACT The City will seek full cost recovery for rentals at all facilities Any proceeds from rental of the Senior Center shall be return to the Senior Center to defer City's operating costs ATTACHMENTS • Revised Facility Use Policy_Revised 10 8 2013 (PDF) • Excerpt from City Municipal Code Section 2 08 160 (PDF) APPROVALS G Harold Harold Duffey Completed 12/03/2015 1 12 PM Finance Completed 12/03/2015 3 46 PM City Attorney Completed 12/03/2015 3 59 PM City Manager Completed 12/03/2015 4 04 PM City Council Pending 12/08/2015 6 00 PM Packet Pg 136 12a City of Grand Terrace Facility Use Policy Park, Sports Fields, and Facility Policies, Procedures and Regulations October 8, 2013 U Packet P.g 137 GENERAL INFORMATION Statement of Policy City of Grand Terrace staff coordinates the use of all City parks and athletic and building facilities available to organizations and the general public for cultural, social, and recreational activities and programs The City attempts to accommodate all requests for use of City facilities with the limited space available The continued increase in demand for use of facilities makes it necessary to emphasize sharing in the use of facilities This policy is to provide clarification in facility polices regarding regulations, procedures, fees, and priority systems These policies and procedures are designed to facilitate the safe, efficient and equitable use of City facilities The City works to ensure that the programs and facilities offered meet the needs of the community and that access to them is as economically feasible as possible Fees, when charged, are used to offset public expenses and to operate, maintain, supervise, and administer the use of the park and City facilities The City is responsible for the initiation, review, and recommendation of plans for the acquisition and improvement of parklands and facilities and to recommend program r improvements or additions when necessary The City takes into consideration present and -' future needs of the community and recommends plans to meet those needs When making recommendations, the City considers the needs of the entire community without bias towards special interest groups With the approval of the City Council, the statements, rules and regulations, which follow, constitute the policy of the City regarding the use of the facilities under the jurisdiction of the City of Grand Terrace It shall be the responsibility of the City Manager or his/her authorized representative to grant use of the facilities to individuals or groups according to the terms and conditions set forth in this policy 3 Facility Use Policy -October 8, 2013 If .b Packet Pg 139 12a Category Descriptions and Priority System Rental of facility space is available per the following priority system Priority Category Order 1 • City functions 2 • Public schools with joint use agreement 3 . Non -Profit Organizations • Open Membership Recreation Group /Government Agencies • Local community service clubs 4 • Special chant 5 • Residential — private party 6 • Commercial usage (any type) 5 Facility Use Policy -October 8, 2013 7 Packet Pg 141 3 4 5 Insurance Insurance is required for any group using City facilities when an admission, donation, charge, or gift is collected Insurance shall be as follows USER shall procure and maintain, at its own cost, comprehensive general liability insurance from an acceptable insurance provider in an amount not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence which shall be determined to be acceptable by the CITY ATTORNEY covering USER against all claims for injuries against persons or damage to property resulting from USER's actions in the performance of USER's obligations under this Agreement This requirement shall not apply for meetings only involving discussion and verbal presentations, with an attendance of 15 persons or less, and no fees, charges, gifts or donations are collected A certificate evidencing that the USER has procured the above - referenced required insurance and that the insurance names the CITY, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers as an additional insured shall be delivered to and approved by the CITY prior to the execution of the agreement and the commencement of services Such insurance shall be primary to and not contributing with any other insurance maintained by the CITY Insurance must cover all contractors The CITY must receive insurance certificate and endorsement five business days prior to the rental use Fund-raising Prior approval of the City must be obtained prior to the sale of goods or services Any groups selling food items must also follow San Bernardino County Health Department regulations Groups may be charged a fee for use of facility All California laws must be complied with raffle, drawing, or other games of chance use of City facility shall not be deemed a other games of chance Advertising/Sales n in regards to the conducting of any City approval of the application for approval of any raffle, drawing, or No commercial advertising shall be exhibited, and no solicitation or sales shall be made in the building or on the grounds without prior approval if approved, a City business license will be required oo 7 ��,, Facility Use Policy -October 8, 2013 rt� r; Packet,,Pg 143 ;,4�;12ga C C E 4 Cleaning/Damage Deposit The applicant shall be responsible for the condition of the facility used In cases where property has been damaged or abused, the cost of repair or replacement will be charged to the applicant by withholding deposit fees Any additional charges over the deposits must be paid within five working days Failure to do so may result in suspended usage and steps taken to collect fees Any usage beyond agreement will be deducted from deposits Processing of the refundable portion of the cleaning and damage fees will not be initiated until all cleaning costs have been determined Cancellations/No Shows In the event that a reservation is to be cancelled by the applicant, the City must be notified 20 calendar days prior to the reservation • No fee will be charged for cancellations with more than 2 business days notice • Cancellations with less than two days notice and all no-show reservations will be charged a $25 cancellation fee and any staff time In the case of a non-paying applicant or organization, no shows will be charged for any staff cost incurred by the City Excessive cancellations or no shows may result in further penalties up to and including denial of future facility use Revoked or Denied Applications Reservations for groups meeting on a recurring basis may be cancelled in favor of programs sponsored or conducted by the City at any time The City will make every effort to provide ample notice If an accidental conflict in scheduling reservations occurs or an urgent City need arises requiring the use of the facility, every attempt will be made to relocate the permitee 2 An application may be revoked/or denied at any time under any of the following circumstances • If the application is found to contain false or misleading information • Should an individual or group, member or guest, willfully or through gross negligence or improper use mistreat the equipment or facilities or violate any of the regulations established for use of the facilities Kitchen/Kitchenette Use Conditions • Kitchen facilities are available at the Senior Center only • Kitchen shall not be opened for any group, other than a senior group, and unless specific written approval is granted, and the kitchen rental fees are paid co M O N O O 0 d d of 0 a d UN LL �a d N r d S a 9 Facility Use Policy -October 8, 2013 Packet Pg 145 12a RULES AND REGULATIONS Basic Rules In order for the activities and facilities to be enjoyed by everyone, the following basic rules of c good conduct must be observed at all City facilities 1 All persons or organizations using a facility must abide by all municipal, state, and 2 federal laws and regulations 2 2 Responsible adults, 21 years or older, must be present at all times when groups of a minors are using the facilities Security may be required y 3 Unruly behavior such as, but not limited to, shouting, running, quarreling, fighting, and profane language are prohibited and subject to removal from facility Possession of or use of alcohol or drugs is prohibited Betting and/or other forms of gambling shall not LL be allowed cc L 4 Skateboards, scooters, rollerblades, and bikes are not allowed in facilities L d V cc L 5 No materials shall be attached to curtains, walls, ceiling or doors without prior approval Groups using the facilities for dancing shall not use any wax or other preparation on the floors co M 6 The serving of red -based punch is strictly prohibited on carpeted areas N 7 Decorations are subject to staff approval Fireproof decorations must be used No co group may hammer, tape, stick or staple anything to floors, walls, or ceilings N Decorations may only be placed as designated by a City representative All set-up a and take -down of decorations are the responsibility of the renter 2 8 The use of rice, birdseed, confetti, or the like, or candles is strictly prohibited a 9 Supplies or equipment such as tables, chairs, dishes, silverware, cooking utensils, etc d shall not be removed from the facility to which assignedLL 10 Persons in attendance shall restrict their activities to those facilities or portions thereof, which their application entitles them y 11 The City shall not approve the following events for outdoor use motorized sporting d events, aircraft and ballooning events, pyrotechnical uses, concerts with over 500 attendees, mechanical amusement devices, animal shows (including dog shows), equestrian events, carnivals, circuses, boxing, car shows, swap meets, flea markets and religious events that are a regular recurring use by a single congregation or a religious group, etc 11 Facility Use Policy -October 8, 2013 73 Packet Pg 1 77 12a Pico Park Baseball Fields/Basketball Courts Use of Facility Pico Park is located at 21950 Pico Street This facility is normally open every day from 7 00 am to dusk This facility is available with approval of a Facility Use Agreement (Exhibit "B") If a group is approved for rental outside the normal operating hours, they may be required to pay City staff costs The Facility Use Agreement shall specify the duties and responsibilities of the user and the City No individual or group may alter the courts or fields in any manner without the written permission of the City Manager or his/her designee Any unauthorized modifications will be removed/corrected at the expense of the individual or group making such unauthorized modifications The grass areas shall not be used by the leagues between December 20 of each year through the last day of February the following year to allow for maintenance and recovery Keys for the City -owned snack bar must be signed out by City staff to League Board officers or any other non-profit group authorized by the City to use the snack bar Under no 00 circumstances shall any person change the locks to City -owned facilities - M 0 Facility Use Agreements shall be effective for one year, and will not be renewed until all prior co year fees have been paid in full 13 Facility Use Policy -October 8, 2013 Packet Pg 1 99 " 'r12 a City Hall Community Room Facility Schedule The Grand Terrace City Hall Community Room is located at 22795 Barton Road This facility is normally open Monday through Thursday from 7 30 a m to 5 30 p m The facility is available during non -operating hours with approval of the City and the availability of supervisory personnel If a group is approved for rental outside the normal operating hours, they will be required to pay City staff costs Grand Terrace Senior Center and Petta Park Facility Schedule The Grand Terrace Senior Center and Petta Park are located at 22627 Grand Terrace Road This facility is normally open Monday through Friday, 8 00 a m to 5 00 p m , The Senior Center, including Petta Park, are available Monday through Friday from 8 00 a m to 5 00 p m to senior citizen groups, only The use of the Senior Center and Petta Park outside of operating hours is not permitted (The operation, maintenance and use of the Grand Terrace Senior Center, including Petta Park, are subject to a Regulatory Agreement and tax credits, which restrict the use of the facility to senior groups ) 15 Facility Use Policy -October 8, 2013: Packet Pg 151 FEE SCHEDULE Facilities Rental Fees Any person, group or organization desiring to use the facilities of the City shall pay rates as set forth below, these rates are set for hourly rental Fees shall be periodically reviewed and, if necessary, recommended for revision by the City Council Community Room or Senior Center Grand Terrace Residents $30 00 per hour Non Grand Terrace Residents $40 00 per hour Non -profits during business hours No Charge $150 00 Returnable deposit, as long as there are no damages, decorations, set ups or trash left behind $10 00 Registration Fee Picnic Shelters Grand Terrace Residents - $10 00 per hour, minimum 4 hour rental Non Grand Terrace Residents $15 00 per hour, minimum 4 hour rental All park applications/permits require the following $10 00 Registration fee $50 00 Returnable deposit, as long as there are no damages, decorations, or trash left behind Separate payments for registration and deposit are required Method of payments accepted, cash or check Court and Field Rental $15 00 per hour for private use Minimum 2 hours rental Soccer and Little League $5 per player per agreement year Due at the end of agreement term Basketball $3 per player peragreement year Due at the end of the agreement term Basketball Court Lighting $2 00 per hour Due at the end of the agreement term Field Lighting $16 00 per hour June — September, Due at the end of the agreement term $10 00 per hour October — May Due at the end of the agreement term * Lighting Fees will be discounted by 50% through August 31, 2013 Beginning September 1, 2013, the above rates will apply _ 2 cc 16. U_ a 0 a d fA LL d V L iu L co M 0 N co 0 a m fA d 0 a d U) w cc LL U) a) W t _ d E M 0 R 17 Facility Use Policy -October &, 2093 Packet Pg 153 „s12 a Exhibit B CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Facility Use Agreement It is desire of the City of Grand Terrace ("City”) that all patrons who periodically use a City building, room, land, park, area, or other City property (the "Facility") are able to enjoy the Facility This agreement has been set in place to achieve that goal The person signing this agreement and the organization on whose behalf the Facility rental is being made (collectively the "Renter") are responsible for compliance with this agreement All Renters are required to read and sign the Facility Use Agreement as part of the rental Please read carefully, fill out Facility, Renter, and event sections, initial at the bottom of each page, and sign in the signature page at the end of this document 1 FACILITY INFORMATION Name of Facility Address/Area/Location of Facility 2 RENTER INFORMATION Contact name Tel Home Work Organization Address, City, State, Zip 3 EVENT INFORMATION Description of event Date(s) of event Estimated attendance Start time (incl set up) End time (incl cleanup) For sports season, list hours and days of use Open to the public? Yes No Will minors be present? Yes No Admission fee charged? Yes No Will there be music? Yes No Will food be served? Yes No Will food be sold? Yes No 4 CONDITIONS OF USE A RESERVATIONS 1 Renters desirous of a Facility should make reservations well in advance of the intended date of use because demand for facilities is high and dates fill quickly k 1 2 A Facility is not considered rented until (1) Renter delivers to the City the Facility Use ` - Agreement, rental fee, deposit, certificate of insurance, written evidence of permits 19 Packet, Pg 155 or limits If a copy of the insurance certificate is not on file prior to the event, the City may deny access to the Facility 3 Renter shall report any personal injuries or property damage arising at any time during and/or arising out of or in any way connected with Renter's use or occupancy of the City's facilities and adjoining property to the City Manager or his/her designee, in writing and as soon as practicable C r 4 Renter waives any right of recovery against the City, its officers, employees, and agents for fires, floods, earthquakes, civil disturbances, regulation of any public lu authority, and other causes beyond the their control Renter shall not charge results of "acts of God" to the City, its officers, employees, or agents c a 5 Renter waives any right of recovery against the City, its officers, employees, and agents for indemnification, contribution, or declaratory relief arising out of or in any, way connected with Renter's use or occupancy of the Facility and adjoining property, even if the City, its officers, employees, or agents seek recovery against Renter ,L 0) 0 D SECURITY L L d 1 The City, at its sole discretion, may require a certain number of security officers for the event Renter shall be responsible for procuring and paying for security officers through the City or a private security agency c� 2 Renter is solely responsible for supervising all individuals at the Facility and adjoining o property during the event The City is not responsible for providing this supervision l' However, the City may evict individuals from the Facility during the event if their o conduct is not in the best interest of the public or is deemed to be detrimental in any way CD E SET UP / CLEAN UP V N 1 Renter, caterers, bands, transportation of rental equipment, and related individuals and activities will not be permitted access to the Facility prior to or after the reserved event time period Renter shall be responsible for arranging access during the time a requested for entry and exit of the Facility N 2 Renter shall not drive or permit to be driven nails, hooks, tacks, screws, poles, stakes Z� or other forms of fasteners into any part of the Facility and shall not make or allow to zi be made any alterations of any kind therein Renter shall not bring landscaping W materials, including soil and decomposed granite onto a park facility without the prior y written permission of the City Manager or his/her designee > 3 Renter shall be responsible for all clean up of the Facility, including adjacent grounds, at the end of the rental Renter shall pick up, bag, and remove all trash generated by E all activity in any way connected with its use of the Facility, leaving the Facility clean and free of all trash and litter Renter shall also leave all fixtures, if any, in good a working condition 4 Renter shall not store any equipment or materials at the Facility or adjoining property f without the prior written approval of the City Manager or his/her designee 21 Facility Use Policy -October 8, 2013 n Packet, Pg 157 12a 7 if Renter violates any part of this agreement or reports false information to the City, the City may refuse Renter further use of the Facility and Renter shall forfeit a portion of or all of the rental fee and/or the deposit 8 The City shall document any misuse of the Facility by Renter in writing and submit to Renter within three business days of confirmation of the misuse Such misuse may result in cancellation of Facility use by the Renter and the organization represented by w Renter w 9 The City may impose additional requirements as deemed necessary to protect the health, safety, and/or welfare of the community 10 Any person aggrieved by the City's decision with respect to this agreement may a appeal to the City Manager or his/her designee in writing no later than five (5) days after the City's decision has been communicated to the aggrieved party 11 If any provision of this agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining ,cc provisions shall remain in full force and effect Emergency Procedures 1 In the event of an emergency, Renter is required to call the City of Grand Terrace on - call maintenance services at 1-800-426-6689, enter pager #6205, and leave a call back number All required repairs shall be completed by the City of Grand Terrace and are not to be made by Renter o v I am an authorized agent of the organization submitting this agreement The information o provided in this Agreement is true and correct I have read and understand this N Agreement and the Facility Use Policy and agree to all of the rules, regulations, and conditions of use UN Signature >11 Print name 0 a Organization y Address Telephone Home Work a d d CITY USE ONLY Rental fee Deposit Total paid c a� s Approved by 0 a Title Date 23 Facility Use Policy -October 8 2013 Packet Pg 159 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AGENDA & STAFF REPORTS FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY & THE GRAND TERRACE HOUSING AUTHORITY Tuesday, December 8, 2015 6 00 p.m. Regular Meeting COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER - 22795 BARTON ROAD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 t Darcy McNaboe, Mayor Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tem Jackie Mitchell, Council Member Doug Wilson, Council Member Bill Hussey, Council Member G Harold Duffey, City Manager Richard, L Adams, City Attorney Pat Jacquez-Nares, City Clerk Sandra Molina, Community Development Director Linda Phillips, Child Care Director Cynthia H Fortune, finaace Director The Grand Terrace City Council meets on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 00 p m e try CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING H A REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM TR DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City elected by the public must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council DATE ( Z o t S NAME A Y ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON SUBJECT w�. DATE NAME ADDRESS CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City elected by the public must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON E - +— ( p SUBJECT T, U & kll� bt 0r d I'/? GI G2 /9 — PU,/ i /lL c�TYr o • A E ACE DATE NAME ADDRESS CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM L- V DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council C�C1i�Z1 Lu/j'l Aj L/-r A-✓tr PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON SUBJECT DATE NAME ADDRESS CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City to an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council 0 PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON SUBJECT /4 r + `�^ CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City, elected by the public, must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council DATE NAME fA � � 2Q)CA )C ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON SUBJECT V'] DATE NAME ADDRESS CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM DECORUM AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City elected by the public must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council E r�.19 I � 0 PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON SUBJECT V urT— DATE NAME ADDRESS CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM DECORUNI AND ORDER — PUBLIC — The City elected by the public must be free to discuss issues confronting the City in an orderly environment Public members attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council or while attending a Council meeting shall be requested to leave the room and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council �- o l 5--- ��6 PHONE NUMBER (Please provide if information is being requested) AGENDA ITEM NUMBER YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON a SUBJECT �10 rynmV77I-Pti6( 0;?4 �-0 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA a DECEMBER 8, 2015 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6 00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER d 0 P M Invocation was given by Pastor Alger Keough of Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church please come forward and offer the Invocation Pledge of Allegiance was led by PA_� ROLL CALL Attendee Name Mayor Darcy McNaboe Present Absent ❑ Late ❑ Arrived Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles ❑ ❑ Council Member Jackie Mitchell lir ❑ ❑ Council Member Doug Wilson D-1 ❑ ❑ Council Member Bill Hussey C� 10 ❑ B SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS San Bernardino County Sheriffs Departmentarterly Statistics Report - Lt O'Brine e, C CONSENT CALENDAR ALL ITEMS 14Q ULLED ITEMS 1 2 3 -PfA Motion Second Mel — Vote D Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting—11/10/2015 Amendment of On -Call Traffic Engineer Services Contract with Transportation, Engineering, Planning, Inc (TEP) RECOMMENDATION 1 Increase the TEP purchase order by $10,000 for increased traffic engineering consulting services, and 2 Authorize the City Manager to execute the Contract City of Grand Terrace Page 1 if Agenda Grand Terrace City Council December 8, 2015 4 Approval of Check Register No 11302015 in the Amount of $309,844 72 RECOMMENDATION Approve Check Register No 11302015 in the amount $309,844 72, as submitted, which includes the Check Register Account Index for Fiscal Year 2015-16 0 Request by the Grand Terrace Little League for a Waiver of Facility Use Fees Related T)(ft to the Use of Pico Park ���,�,���,� ,Q,,� RECOMMENDATION D t��`"" Waive Facility Use fees in the amount of One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty -Five Dollars ($1,625 00) C PUBLIC COMMENT TOTAL SPEAKERS D CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Jackie Mitchell Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Darcy McNaboe E PUBLIC HEARINGS 6 Truck Route Ordinance RECOMMENDATION Introduce by title only, waive further reading an ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDING CHAPTER 10 04 OF TITLE 10 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE BY RELOCATING AND RENUMBERING ARTICLE X VIOLATIONS IN ITS ENTIRETY AS ARTICLE XI AND REPLACING ARTICLE X IN ITS ENTIRETY WITH A NEW ARTICLE X ENTITLED DESIGNATED TRUCK ROUTE Staff Presentation �2'-� Public Hearing Open Council Questions Public Hearing Closed n? Speakers iil�j� Motion s" I Second �rn , Vote -� D M"P p- I C►ty of Grand Terrace Page 2 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council December 8, 2015 7 Art in Public Places Ordinance RECOMMENDATION WU � -4-� Introduce by title only, waive further reading an ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 15-03 AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 18 74 (ART IN PUBLIC PLACES) ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC ART REQUIREMENT OR IN LIEU FEE EQUIVALENT FOR ALL NEW NOW RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Staff Presentation AA04 1­� Council Questions Public Hearing Open �7' Public Hearing Closed 22jo,% Speakers Motion 'Y Y Vt' Second 1 r Vote ,-R. k-<D PC,,,, F UNFINISHED BUSINESS — NONE G NEW BUSINESS 8 Update and Direction on Implementation of Video Camera's in the Public -Right -Of- Way and City Parks RECOMMENDATION ' Provide Staff Direction on Next Steps to Implement Video Camera's in the Public -Right - Of -Way and City Parks DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER Staff Presentation . D[A *+E- f Council Questions Speakers Motion \1J\\GD Yl_ Second %Pf Vote W � L , R ,�W1z�A Wokoe City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council December 8, 2015 9 Amendment to the Statement of Benefits to Maintain Compensation for Grandfathered Employees n RECOMMENDATION �y' Approve Resolution 2015 XX amending the Statement of Benefits Effective December 8, 2015 and rescinding Resolution 2015-10 effective December 8, 2015 Staff Presentation )�lA: Council Questions vtflc Speakers 'wl Motion Second -b Vote 10 Palm Avenue and Van Buren Street Traffic Measures with Recommendations and Request for Approval RECOMMENDATION 1 Receive the Status Report and Preliminary Recommendations, and 2 Authorize the City Manager to Approve and Implement Final Recommendations DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Staff Presentation -5WPAV4 Council Questions Speakers Motion Second rn Vote WWI City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Agenda Grand Terrace City Council q1 'v yi December 8, 2015 i Z ku. -( 11 Approval of a Contractor Agreement Between The City of Grand Terrace and Tree Pros, Inc for On -Call Citywide Tree Trimming Services RECOMMENDATION 1 Approve a Contractor Agreement Between the City of Grand Terrace and Tree Pros, Inc For On -Call Citywide Tree Trimming Services, 2 Appropriate $15,000 from Gas Tax Fund 16, and 3 Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement Staff Presentation oe-NA o e Council Questions Speakers v �� Motion �J_ Y t Second 1, Vote 5-o 12 Grand Terrace Facility Use Policy (Clarifications) RECOMMENDATION Receive and File or Request Staff return to Council with Formal Rate Schedule for Use of City Facilities during Non -Operating Hours and a Specific Policy for the Senior Center and At Peta Park 5i~ Staff PresentationLl F�EI� Council Questions Speakersl'4-v Motion )> 1.0 Second Vote 6,0 H CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS - ADJOURN q - SJd P M In Memory of Consuelo P Ramirez V � �ytg Q�j g �� U c`c—)hmg The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 600pm Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk's office no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting City of Grand Terrace Page 5 I ! m am pu-b by— V N l Z N NI A Aoea-x� . a zoo w,� IC rn)O- r- L,4 aepgg�- ' ! C D o _irs 4 N u 4 L�.;Qd fll A-K s 8 - 'Z J4appq 9A VVI- to caZ4w - ' ' a t,4 o � s X�Ape- /mktc e� �Igt— Yt"4 —' Ys I ° I � Q n� 140 9,4v V, slla-� -,-1 'IQ-d L4 051,1 /'A TOW �q dd I� _^ Vol �u 1-9 4, �,,� w' VA q-f,,-p - - J Y Al C _lr S, �Nnl A �?/�t�-}-a�^�}-you S l S UWt/ O9_y�_ 49"5 -v _l 13 V T\MP�d i -' f� �L�S is Sonc��-2 �� i�� `�c0�► tru- c,a�e� o j4 son -- cQ�lc0 4-47 C � - A1a,�-�Y_i'�Akw dri- Cp vs lu u— 10 .c% —w►'4�, �.pP—`s MOM e , 1 I �_��_! �.. it/� � � • � o- / / ww, 69 i • N I • � 1�11 M A , II ,, I I , mu M�� ME I flip Ail /� �- L _ _..._-�d �I �I�• [r(/�-�� C `� �7 i 1 Ll/�J /CX��� � r/'i���U i' i �V l� / � � f ,, sn,�,�� _ �►�:�. - c� �-- �;a-ems- �,� .,d.�,c�r_w� cos � �,���,�� --- Cyja_-j�ao� roc -&� �►�e J 4-0 �l/�r a -ohs -✓ 4W -� �M-Wc-k t �U u61440 P , 1 SCOPE OF WORK & SPECIFICATIONS The City of Grand Terrace seeks the services of a qualified bidder to meet the needs of the City in the most cost-effective and efficient manner possible to provide citywide on - call tree maintenance, trimming, removal and arboricultural services in a thorough and professional manner, and to provide labor, tools, equipment, materials and supplies necessary to complete the work in a timely manner that will meet the City's requirements J A Pruning Standards and Specifications 1 The Contractor shall provide on -call citywide tree trimming services including personnel and vehicles that would be required to complete the project Prior to beginning work, the Contractor shall review with the Community Development Director and Maintenance Crew Leader the various methods, tools, and work scheduling to be used on the project 2 "On call services" includes trees in all public right of ways and on City properties 3 Pruning will include structural pruning, crown rising, and crown cleaning in accordance with the standards set forth by the International Society of Arboriculture Pruning Standards (Best Management Practices) and the ANSI A300 Standards 4 Contractor shall comply with Standards of CAL OSHA and the American Standard Institute, Z133 Safety Requirements 5 Clearance pruning consist of crown raising to fifteen (15) feet over the roadway and nine (9) feet over walkways and property 6 Maintenance pruning will remove all dead, broken, damaged, diseased or insect infested limbs back to a safe area of the tree, not creating a stub All cuts shall be clean, void of tearing, cracking or splitting 7 No gaffs, spurs, hooks or tree climbers shall be used in the pruning of trees, but are allowed in the removal of trees 8 Contractor shall maintain one (1) bilingual (English and Spanish) speaking foreman on site at all times 9 Removal of all trimmings shall be part of the work Furthermore, cleanup of branches, logs and all debris resulting from tree removal or pruning shall be -/ EXHIBIT A 3 Contractor shall provide and post temporary "No Parking" signs twenty four (24) hours in advance of the work All posting material will be removed when work is completed D Emergency On -Call Work 1 Work under this contract may include emergency on -call removal or emergency trim work as dictated by the City and weather conditions E Quality of Work 1 All work shall be performed to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director or her designee The Community Development Director or her designee will inspect all operations, and approve or reject the work performed and/or methods used 2 Contractor shall endeavor to maintain good customer relations at all times The work shall be conducted in a manner which will cause the least possible interference and annoyance to the public Work shall be performed by competent employees and supervised by an experienced, English speaking supervisor The Contractor shall be responsible to see that private property and vehicles at work locations are not endangered or damaged during the course of work 3 Contractor shall exercise all necessary precautions when adjacent to aerial and subterranean utilities In the event that aerial utility wires present a hazard to the Contractor's personnel or others near the work site, work is to immediately cease and the appropriate utility company notified Work shall then commence in accordance with instructions from the utility company 4 It is agreed and understood that if the Contractor fads to perform the work as specified herein, the Community Development Director may (1) consent to accept such unsatisfactory service with an appropriate adjustment in the contract price, based on established factor, or (2) may have such corrections made by City forces or otherwise, and charge the cost thereof to the Contractor Those discrepancies and deficiencies in the work that remain uncorrected after the date set for correction may be the necessary justification for a billing adjustment Unless otherwise negotiated, adjustment for this uncorrected work shall be retention of the cost for the tree work involved F Equipment 1 All bidders must have in their possession or available to them by formal agreement at the time of bidding trucks, devices, chippers, hand tools, aerial and other equipment and supplies which are necessary to perform the work as outlined in these specifications The City may inspect such equipment or agreements prior to the awarding of a contract From the City Manager Grand Terrace 11/30/2015 October City Council Roundup Council Appropriates More Money for 2015/16 Budget The City Council approved the use of an additional $471,000 for the 2015/16 budget The revenue was surplus from last year's budget Staff recommended the Council appropriate $471,000 into this year's budget, with $235,000 for immediate release to support $155,000 The programs in- clude A City Wide Camera Project, Weekend Code En- forcement, Summer Recrea- tion and Youth Employment Program, Senior Bus Pro- gram, Business Incubator and Soccer Field Mainte- nance Calls To Dispatch For the Week 3s 30 2s 20 °N is. _ 10 — s 0 21 Sep 4 Oct 11 Oct i&Oct 25•Oct 1 Nov r Emergency i 1 1 0 0 1 ■ Monty 1 29 29 24 31 16 26 apnonty2 20 20 20 9 14 9 an increase in Public Safety Services, Child Care Equip- ment, Holiday Decorations, Youth-m- Government Pro- grams and City Hall Plant Maintenance In that same action, staff will be returning to Council with Council reports to fund the following Council approved action at an estimated ex- pense of approximately An additional $87,000 was approved by Council but staff may have alternative funding sources The pro- grams consist of a Sidewalk Inspection Program, New Internet Site, Maintenance at the Fire Station, and Tree Trimming Inspection Pro- gram If alternate sources are found, the unused funds will be returned to City Fund Balance [Edition 1, Volume 2] o the Council l,. o arlup Newsletter z. t Cat` Council monthly brief descrip- o s oftl�e actions taken by la sty Council during the n mathResidents that want a or $,etailed description of e events that occurred dur- i g the Council meeting sold review minutes, watch council meetings live on �°hannel 3, or review meet - on demand at the City's YouTube Channel — hftp //tmyurl com/youtube- '!&andterrace-ca The Council Roundup news- lettei is not an official record of the Council's actions dur- ing the monthly meeting Council reports for all items within the newsletter can be reviewed by visiting the C1ty's webpage at www grandterrace-ca gov/ Thank you, G Harold Duffey City Manager Page 1 Amendment to Fireworks Ordinance On September 22, 2015, the City Council introduced an ordinance to amend Chapter 8112 (Fireworks) of the Municipal Code to regulate the sale and use of safe and sane fireworks, including the establishment of a tem- porary fireworks stand for retail sale of safe and sane fireworks, and the dates that the fireworks can be sold and discharged The Coun- cil also increased fines for use of illegal fireworks in the City of Grand Terrace This was the second reading of the Ordinance Due to staff error, the motion ap- proved by Council was not the item before Council and the item was reintroduced and at the October 13, 2015 meeting and approved on October 27, 2015 meeting Council Approves Fee Waiver for Foundation The City Council waived Special Event and Facility Use Fees of $1,130 00 for the Foundation of Grand Terrace's use of Richard Rollins Park for the com- munity's annual Halloween Festival The event includ- ed music, snacks, game booths and a dog costume contest The bulk of the fees include full cost recov- ery for staff time and clean- up of the park after the event Staff recommended the Council approve the fee waiver because the Founda- tion and other community volunteers are assisting with the City's overall mission to enhance citizens' quality of life with quality community programs within the City's overall fiscal constraints Marketing of Redevelopment Property The City Council approved an agreement to hire Rosenow Spevacek Group (RSG) to market former Re- development Agency Prop- erty, which was recently approved for the City to move forward to develop, when the State approved the City of Grand Terrace's Long Range Property Man- agement Plan (LRPMP) RSG will market the prop- erty for the highest and best commercial usage The State required all communi- ties with Redevelopment Agencies to submit an LRPMP if it held redevel- opment property and did not have an existing contract for development The total con- tract amount is $33,600 r or Wine the'Crty of Grand Go unary 'Development ent approved Land Use 15 :210 Michigan St, Unit 13 a "warehouse" type retail business sells exotic Daher °foods Customers ers at�,tbe front office por- ae space and the employ - Nor by pulling the warehouse stock Items be ;purchased online and 11ledtan the same manner I sells exotic meets ;liana, kangaroo, alligator, nd more, and would like pecialty beers and wines m exotic fruits and spices he 'applicant cannot receive the desired liquor license because of an1;over concentration of business- es�tliat sell alcohol within the cen- =sins tract Therefore the applicant must obtain a finding of Public y= Convenience or Necessity (PCN) h_ `,However, it should be rioted that Y over -concentration does not mean that the negative or adverse im- pacts have occurred within the census tract, lust that based on the ratio used, there are more licenses existing than mathematically per- mitted r Page 3 I �I 12/8/2015 .� THE BLUE MOUNTAIN CITY CsRp D TERRAC r y CALIFORNIA of ". EST 1978 RRND TIER S w�+ 3rd Quarter2015 City Of Grand Terrace ` .r.�: 1111 A, L rd 3 Quarter 2015 Part I & 11 Crimes Murder_ I 0 _ 1 _ Manslaughter _ Rape 1 _ .IL 0 Robbery__ Aggravated Assault ;� �7_ i ­8 Sim_ple_Assault _ Rr �19 ;_1428 Burglary Larceny _ _ _ _ _—s-_ 104 , 109 GTA 33- 1 f 12/8/2015 Proactive vs. Reactive Calls For Service • Reactive Calls are calls made by the public to our dispatch center that require a deputy to respond • 1 e A burglary call, burglary alarm, theft report • Proactive Calls are self initiated by the patrol deputy and don't require a response • 1 e A business check, pedestrian check or traffic stop Reactive Proactive TOTAL: Calls For Service by hour 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 Hours i 3 12/8/2015 Response Times Emergency 20147 2015 Difference Received to Dispatched 0 04 571 0 00 47 0 0410 Dispatched to Onscene Lo 04 23 1 0 05 08 0 00 45 TOTAL 0 09 20 0 05 55 0 03 25 Priority 1 Received to Dispatched 0 04 52 0 05 13 0 00 21 Dispatched to Onscene L0 06 49 00637 0 00 12 TOTAL 0 11417CO 11 50 0 00 09 Onscene to Clear 0 27 22 �0 26 27 0 00 55 v� m Response Times by Priority Annual Difference Emergency100(0 03 25 Priority 1 0 00 09 Priority 2 0 01.41 Priority 30 02 19 Priority 4 ' 2014 Received Dispatched to Dispatched to ONSCENE TOTAL 00457 00423001 0 00452 0064901141 01309 0105202401 02039 0112503 0 01336 0100202338 2015 Recewed atcedtoTOTAL LON 47 CENE 00508 00555 0 05 13 0 06 37 0� 0 01501 01041 02542 Eo :2(�) 06 0 09 39 Of 29 45 01747 00918 02705 5 2014 SEASON WITH REGISTRATION FEES OF $1001$105&$115, THE FOLLOWING DEMONSTRATES THE IMPORTANCE OF PARENTS & PLAYERS PARTICIPATION IN CANDY SALES, OBTAINING SPONSORS, AND SNACK BAR DUTY UNIFORMS EQUIPTMENT $64 UMPIRES $40 FIELD MAINTAINENCE $19 SCORE KEEPERS $7 INSURANCE $7 TROPHIES $5 PONY FEES $9 UTILITIES $5 SNACK BAR MAINTAIN ENCE/EQUIPTMENT $2 ADMIN $2 PRINTING $2 PROMOTION $2 MISC $4 SUBTOTAL $171 FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS $34 EXTREME TEAM $1 TOTAL $206 NOTE For 1999 season through 2012 seaon the following was spent with limited help from the City of Redlands* *The City of Redlands charges RBY $18,000 rental each season for the use of fields FIELD MAINTAINENCE $287,241 FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS $660,582 UTILITIES $97,372 SNACK BAR MAINTAINENCE/EQUIPTMENT $32,525 TOTAL $1,077,720 R November 13, 2015 To Sandra Molina, ECDD City of Grand Terrace Planning Comimssion and City Council Re New City Public Art "Fee" Greetings I'm sorry not to be able to attend the meeting on the public art I did feel the need to again voice my opinion about the proposal Having reviewed the most recent packet and upon further review of the last PC meeting, I am strongly opposed to adding another required 1 % "fee" to the cost of commercial/industrial development in our city I will attempt to outline my reasons 1) With the anemic economic recovery, I believe another mandatory fee would be a negative deciding factor in whether a project goes forward or not Artwork is non -essential to development of property And yet adding even 1 % to development fees in our city could send projects to near -by cities In the last 6 months, the planning commission has approved 2 multi -unit residential projects I have been told one is no longer financially viable because material costs have increased and the real estate market cannot bear the increase And based upon the projections presented by the 2nd developer, the other project seems headed in the same direction Adding costs, though they may seem small, often stops development in its tracks 2) Another look at the 3 cities used for comparison to Grand Terrace show they are far from similar (The following information was found through the 3 cities websites or wikipedia) — Oroville is a 13 sq mile city and the County Seat of Butte County It is 65 miles north of Sacramento It has a very large lake/rec area which has 1 million visitors annually There are 2 golf courses, 45+ miles of bike trails and at least 10 hotels The city budget is projected at $12 886 million for 2016 yet their population is only 16,000 Tourism and recreational business provide a large tax�base — Cathedral City has more than 3 times the population (53,000) of Grand Terrace and has one of the most affluent sections of Desert communities within it's border The downtown area was completely revitalized by 2005 a new city hall was built and 130 acres of stores were built or remodeled It has large hispanic, Jewish and LGBT communities Each year the city hosts events that cater to visitors of these communities Also the city boasts a large business tax base with one of the area's largest automotive malls leading the way Several famous people have retired to Cat City The city budget is projected to be $12 65 million for 2015 — Emeryville is located right on the San Francisco Bay next to Berkeley The City has a very large and dynamic arts and music community From their city website I counted 5 public art projects currently sponsored by and on going in the city They have several major employers including Pixar, IKEA, Novartis and AAA of Northern California They also have a very large tourism business with several hotels The city collects a 5 5% utility tax and recently their City Council increased the mimmum wage to $14 44 an hour for 2015 and on up to $15 60/hr by 2018 The city reported a whopping $65 5 million in revenue in 2014 for a population of almost 11,000 people — None of the 3 cities listed above can be seen as comparable to GT Their city budgets easily provide essential City services GT is fighting for survival To them, public art is a focus because it does much more than to "provide quality of life" to residents, public art draws visitors and tourists to their communities The city governments prosper because of additional revenue that comes to the city through tourism GT doesn't appear to have tourism in its foreseeable future 3) Of the 4 Inland Empire cities offered as comparable to GT, the respective annual revenues are reported to be Riverside $211 5 million, Fontana $97 4 million, Redlands $68 million and Yucaipa $18 1 million GT is around $4 5 million The larger cities of Riverside and Fontana encourage developers to include aesthetically appealing items, but add no additional development burden Again these cities revenues are solid Yet only Redlands requires an art tax on development Redlands, like Emeryville, has a large arts and music community 4) Artwork can be rather subjective By endorsing "public art", local government puts itself in position to alienate some residents Who will decide what "art" is acceptable for public display? One persons artistic painting another considers pornographic One person sees an expensive and beautiful sculpture, another sees an ugly hunk of metal where birds perch and create a maintenance nightmare What one person considers art, another may consider offensive and thereby defeats the purpose of "adding to the quality of their life" I believe nature's artwork is more beneficial to a city's residents than what some call "art" Maybe we should focus on that 5) We need to prioritize our City's needs I believe our number one priority is to make the city financially viable We need to grow reserves and snake sure essential City services are established Streets and roads need to be repaired Parks and green areas need more attention That means adding tax base Commercial development is vital to accomplishing these goals Our City Council just passed a $4 58 million budget for the coining year Those cities who promote art have up to 20 times the revenue we receive and are in little danger of default We have few commercial parcels available to draw from Our City being small in population has many built in hindrances to development Let's not add another obstacle by adding 1 % to the bottom line In conclusion, it wasn't too long ago that our then City Council was looking at major budget shortfalls and having to cut services and close parks The City became divided Some good City employees felt they needed to find employment elsewhere and left Staff was cut to the bone We are just now catching up on minutes and other important items our overworked and underpaid staff had to lay aside Our City barely survived the last election cycle We need to do all we can to make sure that doesn't happen again We must establish an increased tax base and reserves in the City coffers We have few options and desperately need to secure commercial development Adding another unnecessary fee/tax is not the way to do so I urge the Commission and the City Council to vote no on the 1 % art fee/tax on commercial and industrial development Thank you for including my thoughts into the public record Tom Comstock Chairman, Planning Commission 12/8/2015 Projects Scope 1. $50,000 Appropriations approved on October 27, 2015 2. Direction to work with Sheriff's Department. 3. Initiated Pilot Program on Barton/Mt Vernon. 4. City Staff and Sheriff access to camera via smartphones tablets and computer. 5. Return to Council for direction. 1 12/8/2015 3 a 12/8/2015 Shield, Around City Estimated Costs 1 Approximately $50,000 to create shield around city (8 cameras) 2 Approximately $4,000 additional dollars to add Parks Cameras T 1 3 Security Lines `US proposed to develop mesh network for City 4 Mesh network eliminates data fees, uses City network 5 LPR cameras $15,000 per lane (3 cameras can be purchased) 10 i 12/8/2015 Other Cities Comments Mob Io Wi FI 3 11PM 66%® r ooT Mobil ^^ 3 21 PMad 2 of 5 /� �/ < Thread 4 of 5ri —� `—� — --� -- ToHarold Duffey >ywork great as long as you can deliver power to �:�!`_i t„ CC Elaine Aguilar >,":�' them Make sure the poles you plan on putting them on are your poles or that you will have permission to usethem Cal Trans and PG&E poles create some obstacles - Security Lines US Today at 12 23 PM Our City Manager and I are Interested In purchasing 2 more POD systems in the beginning of next year -- Mr Duffy We are running a Wi FI system (antenna) from our water tower to the PODS We can see / use the water We haves used the Security Lines US Camera tower line of sight from anywhere in our City So the rl products for a couple of years now and I have option of moving the PODs as we need them Is a been extremely happy with their product and n maJorfactor in our purchasing plan i their customer service I Well built. easy software to use great picture i I am happy to speak to you or your staff in more I etad at any time My contact information is For us and our Infrastructure this wa the correct fit I I ncluded below 4 Any questions feel free to contact me i i Best Regards Chief Michael Brand Fowler Police Department Larry 128 South Filth Stree[ Fowler. Ca 93625 Chief Larry Giannone iM1 834 3254 Director of Public Safety I City of Sierra Madre hrandm(aimi.fowler.ea.us Police & Fire Office (62613555247_ 13 7