2017-39 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-39
WHEREAS,pursuant to Section 65300 of the State Planning and Zoning Law (Division
1 Title 7 of the California Government Code)on April 27,2010,the City of Grand Terrace adopted
Resolution 2010-10 adopting a General Plan to provide comprehensive, long-range planning
guidelines for future growth and development which incorporates the following nine elements:
Land Use, Circulation, Open Space and Conservation, Public Health and Safety, Noise, Public
Services, Housing, and Sustainable Development. Each element of the General Plan provides
Goals,Programs, and Policies as required by State Law; and
WHEREAS,pursuant to Sections 65800 and 65850 of the California Government Code,
the City may adopt ordinances to regulate the use of buildings, structures, and land as between
industry,business,residences, and open space,and other purposes;to regulate the location,height,
bulk, number of stories and size of buildings and structures,the size and use of lots,yards, courts
and other open spaces, the percentage'of a lot which may be occupied by a building or structure,
and the intensity of land use; and to establish requirements for off-street parking, in compliance
with the California Government Code; and
WHEREAS, Zoning Code Amendment 17-03 proposes to amend the Zoning Ordinance
to establish a new Agricultural-2 Overlay District as set forth in Exhibit A; and
WHEREAS, Zone Change 17-01 proposes to amend the Zoning Map to remove the
Agricultural Overlay and add the Agricultural-2 Overlay to the entire project area as shown in
Exhibit B; and
WHEREAS, a Final Environmental Impact Report ("FEIR") was certified by the City
Council on April 27, 2010, for the General Plan Update, and pursuant to Section 15164 of the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, an Addendum to the FEIR has been
prepared for Zoning Code Amendment 17-03 and Zone Change 17-01. The Addendum has
determined that none of the conditions requiring a subsequent EIR or Negative Declaration exists;
WHEREAS, on October 19, 2017 and November 16, 2017, the Planning Commission
conducted a duly noticed public hearing on Zoning Code Amendment 17-03 and Zone Change 17-
01 at the Grand Terrace Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, •
California 92313 and concluded the hearing on said date; and
WHEREAS,all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred.
RESOLUTION 2017-39 1 PAGE OF 1 NOVEMBER 16, 2017
cannot be determined from tentative plans at this
time and would have to be reviewed after more complete improvement plans and-profiles have
been submitted to this office. [F01A]
RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 14 NOVEMBER 16,2017
its officers,
employees, and agents in the defense of the matter.
The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers,
employees and attorneys for all costs incurred in additional investigation and/or study of,
or for supplementing,preparing, redrafting; revising, or amending any document(such as
a notice of exemption, negative declaration, EIR, specific plan or General Plan
RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of
Grand Terrace:
1. The Planning Commission hereby finds that the Addendum to the General Plan FEIR
prepared. for Zoning Code Amendment 17-03 and Zone Change 17-01 satisfies the
requirements of CEQA because:
a. No substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major
revisions of the previous EIR due to the involvement of new significant
environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously
identified significant effects;
b. No substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstances under which the
project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous EIR due to
the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase
in the severity of previously identified significant effects; and
c. No new information of substantial importance,which was not known and could not
have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous
EIR was certified shows that:
(i) The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the
previous EIR;
(ii) Significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe
than shown in the previous EIR;
(iii) Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible
would in fact be feasible, and would substantially reduce one or more
significant effects of the project,but the project proponents decline to adopt
the mitigation measure or alternative; or
(iv) Mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from
those analyzed in the previous EIR would substantially reduce one or more
significant effects on the environment,but the project proponents decline to
adopt the mitigation measure or alternative.
2. The Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to Zoning Code Amendment 17-
03 and Zone Change 17-01:
a. The proposed Zoning Code amendment and zone change will not be detrimental to
the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or
working within the neighborhood of the proposed amendment or injurious to
property or improvements in the neighborhood or within the City because they
promote land uses that are compatible with both the existing topography and land
ent 17-03 and Zone Change 17-
01 at the Grand Terrace Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, •
California 92313 and concluded the hearing on said date; and
WHEREAS,all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred.
RESOLUTION 2017-39 1 PAGE OF 1 NOVEMBER 16, 2017
cannot be determined from tentative plans at this
time and would have to be reviewed after more complete improvement plans and-profiles have
been submitted to this office. [F01A]
RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 14 NOVEMBER 16,2017
its officers,
employees, and agents in the defense of the matter.
The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers,
employees and attorneys for all costs incurred in additional investigation and/or study of,
or for supplementing,preparing, redrafting; revising, or amending any document(such as
a notice of exemption, negative declaration, EIR, specific plan or General Plan
RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017
use patterns in the vicinity. Specific provisions of the proposed regulations, such as
the maximum number of animals per parcel, minimum setbacks, required
screening, and prohibited uses, are intended to minimize adverse impacts on
adjacent properties that could result from agricultural uses. Further, the proposed
amendment will not alter the existing Floodplain Overlay zoning regulations on the
subject property,which serve to mitigate flood hazards.
b. The proposed Zoning Code amendment and zone change will be consistent with
the General Plan in that the property to be rezoned is designated Floodplain
Industrial in the Land Use Element,which is intended for light industrial and light
agricultural uses with rural residential use also allowed.
3. Based on the findings and conclusions set forth above, this Commission hereby
recommends that the City Council adopt the FEIR Addendum and further recommends that
the City Council adopt an Ordinance approving Zoning Code Amendment 17-03 and Zone
Change 17-01 to effectuate the changes shown on Exhibits A and B, attached hereto; and
in its deliberations that the City Council determine the appropriate lot size requirements
contemplated in Zoning Code Amendment 17-03.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace,California,
at a regular meeting held on the 16th day of November;2017.
AYES: Commissioner Goatcher and Chairman Comstock
NOES: Commissioner Allen
.f-"+ram lan�J�is�w L V ,
Jessica Lambarena Tom Comstock
Secretary Chairman
RESOLUTION 2017-39 1 PAGE OF 3 NOVEMBER 16, 2017
ious EIR would substantially reduce one or more
significant effects on the environment,but the project proponents decline to
adopt the mitigation measure or alternative.
2. The Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to Zoning Code Amendment 17-
03 and Zone Change 17-01:
a. The proposed Zoning Code amendment and zone change will not be detrimental to
the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or
working within the neighborhood of the proposed amendment or injurious to
property or improvements in the neighborhood or within the City because they
promote land uses that are compatible with both the existing topography and land
ent 17-03 and Zone Change 17-
01 at the Grand Terrace Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, •
California 92313 and concluded the hearing on said date; and
WHEREAS,all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred.
RESOLUTION 2017-39 1 PAGE OF 1 NOVEMBER 16, 2017
cannot be determined from tentative plans at this
time and would have to be reviewed after more complete improvement plans and-profiles have
been submitted to this office. [F01A]
RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 14 NOVEMBER 16,2017
its officers,
employees, and agents in the defense of the matter.
The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers,
employees and attorneys for all costs incurred in additional investigation and/or study of,
or for supplementing,preparing, redrafting; revising, or amending any document(such as
a notice of exemption, negative declaration, EIR, specific plan or General Plan
RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017
Exhibit A
Zoning Code Amendment 17-03
The purpose of the Agricultural-2 Overlay (AG-2) district is to permit limited commercial
agricultural uses with single-family residential as an accessory use to support the commercial
agricultural uses. In order to ensure a quality living environment and to protect the public health,
safety and general welfare, this chapter establishes certain regulations regarding the type, size,
number and location of such agricultural uses permitted in the overlay district. The regulations
contained in this chapter are in addition to the regulations of the underlying district. In the case of
a conflict between the regulations of the overlay district and the underlying district,the regulations •
of the overlay district shall prevail. The contents of this chapter shall in no way be interpreted to
relax any of the requirements of the San Bernardino County health code as adopted by the city.
18.56.020-Permitted uses.
Uses permitted in the AG-2 Overlay District are as follows:
A. Temporary uses which are determined by the community development director not to
have significant long-term impact on the environment. (Uses such as parking lot sales,
Christmas tree sales, seasonal sales, rummage sales, and others with review through the
land use approval or administrative site and architectural approval process in accordance
with Chapter 18.63, Site and Architectural Review.)
18.56.030 - Conditionally permitted uses.
Uses permitted in the AG-2 Overlay District with a conditional use permit are as follows:
A. Animal keeping and boarding. All animals, excepting household pets, shall be kept at a
minimum distance of seventy(70)feet from any structure or area used for human habitation
or public assembly (e.g. parks, churches, etc.) on adjoining property. The area of human
habitation shall not include cabanas,patios,attached or detached private garages or storage
buildings. The combined total number of animals kept on any one site shall not exceed the
maximum number and combination of animals allowable as identified in Table 18.56.030.
.B. Apiaries, provided that no hives or boxes housing bees are kept closer than two hundred
(200)feet from any dwelling other than that occupied by the property owner.
C. Orchards,groves,nurseries,field crops,tree crops,berry crops,bush crops,truck gardening
and commercial flower growing,including the drying,packing, canning, freezing,'or other
acceptable methods of processing of fruits,nuts,vegetables and other horticultural products
where such processing is primarily in conjunction with a farming operation and the
RESOLUTION 2017-39 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017
rom tentative plans at this
time and would have to be reviewed after more complete improvement plans and-profiles have
been submitted to this office. [F01A]
RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 14 NOVEMBER 16,2017
its officers,
employees, and agents in the defense of the matter.
The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers,
employees and attorneys for all costs incurred in additional investigation and/or study of,
or for supplementing,preparing, redrafting; revising, or amending any document(such as
a notice of exemption, negative declaration, EIR, specific plan or General Plan
RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017
structures used for such processing are located at least twenty (20) feet from the property
D. Sale of fruit, vegetables, produce and flowers and other similar products grown on the
property;provided,however,that roadside stands used for such sales shall not exceed two
hundred fifty(250) square feet.
E. Riding stables and academies; provided that the minimum lot size for such uses shall be
not less than five(5) acres,and that all buildings for the housing, feeding, or rental of such
animals shall be at least one hundred (100) feet from any property line, and five hundred
(500) feet from any residential zone, church, school,park or hospital.
F. Sheep grazing only for the purpose of clearing unharvested crops or stubble,with no limit
on the number of animals, for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days in any six-month
• period. Special application for such temporary grazing shall be made in writing, and
approved by the Planning Director prior to commencement.
G. Single-family residences, provided that such use is ancillary to a commercial agricultural
H. Accessory Structures and Uses. Private garages used by persons residing on the premises,
cabanas, laundry rooms, workshops, stables, barns, tack rooms, pens, corrals, and similar
animal keeping/ agricultural structures, provided these structures shall not be used as a
habitable dwelling or space, as defined by the adopted Uniform Building Code. Approval
shall be through a minor conditional use permit review.
I. Other uses which are determined by the Planning Commission to be similar in nature to a
use listed in this section.
18.56.040 -Prohibited uses
A. Commercial composting facilities
B. Commercial recycling facilities
C. Animal slaughtering
TABLE 18.56.030
Minimum Site Number
Type of Animal Area per Animal of
or Use Animals
(square feet) (per
Poultry .25 per acre 100
Cattle or buffalo 6,000 -
Horses, mules, donkey or pony 6,000 -
1 pond/acre
Fish raising Maximum pond -
size= 4 lot area •
RESOLUTION 2017-39 1 PAGE OF 5 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 -
dentified in Table 18.56.030.
.B. Apiaries, provided that no hives or boxes housing bees are kept closer than two hundred
(200)feet from any dwelling other than that occupied by the property owner.
C. Orchards,groves,nurseries,field crops,tree crops,berry crops,bush crops,truck gardening
and commercial flower growing,including the drying,packing, canning, freezing,'or other
acceptable methods of processing of fruits,nuts,vegetables and other horticultural products
where such processing is primarily in conjunction with a farming operation and the
RESOLUTION 2017-39 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017
rom tentative plans at this
time and would have to be reviewed after more complete improvement plans and-profiles have
been submitted to this office. [F01A]
RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 14 NOVEMBER 16,2017
its officers,
employees, and agents in the defense of the matter.
The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers,
employees and attorneys for all costs incurred in additional investigation and/or study of,
or for supplementing,preparing, redrafting; revising, or amending any document(such as
a notice of exemption, negative declaration, EIR, specific plan or General Plan
RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017
and maximum 4
ponds per parcel
Hogs 12,000 -
Sheep, female goats and similar 4,000
Adult male goats - 1
Rabbits and chinchillas 200 200
Ostriches, emus, alpacas, llamas 4,000 I -
1. Young animals born to a permitted animal may be kept until such
animals are weaned(cats and dogs: four months, large animals: six
months,horses: twelve months).
18.56.050—Existing Legal Non Conforming Residential Uses.
Existing legal nonconforming residential uses on Assessor Parcel Numbers 0275-191-58 and
0275-191-43 may continue;pursuant to Chapter 18. 76 Non Conforming Uses and Structures.
Animal keeping shall be pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 18.53 Agricultural Overlay
18.56.060 - Site development standards.
Animal keeping areas shall be limited to portions of the lot with no more than a four percent
(4%) grade. Other site development standards in the AG-2 Overlay District are as follows:
Development Issue Standard
Lot Area 1 acre
Lot Width 150
(Minimum linear feet)
Lot Depth 200
(Minimum linear feet)
(Minimum linear feet)
front yard 40
rear yard I 35
side yard (interior lot) 20
side yard(corner lot) 20
RESOLUTION 2017-39 1 PAGE OF 6 NOVEMBER 16, 2017
nning Commission to be similar in nature to a
use listed in this section.
18.56.040 -Prohibited uses
A. Commercial composting facilities
B. Commercial recycling facilities
C. Animal slaughtering
TABLE 18.56.030
Minimum Site Number
Type of Animal Area per Animal of
or Use Animals
(square feet) (per
Poultry .25 per acre 100
Cattle or buffalo 6,000 -
Horses, mules, donkey or pony 6,000 -
1 pond/acre
Fish raising Maximum pond -
size= 4 lot area •
RESOLUTION 2017-39 1 PAGE OF 5 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 -
dentified in Table 18.56.030.
.B. Apiaries, provided that no hives or boxes housing bees are kept closer than two hundred
(200)feet from any dwelling other than that occupied by the property owner.
C. Orchards,groves,nurseries,field crops,tree crops,berry crops,bush crops,truck gardening
and commercial flower growing,including the drying,packing, canning, freezing,'or other
acceptable methods of processing of fruits,nuts,vegetables and other horticultural products
where such processing is primarily in conjunction with a farming operation and the
RESOLUTION 2017-39 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017
rom tentative plans at this
time and would have to be reviewed after more complete improvement plans and-profiles have
been submitted to this office. [F01A]
RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 14 NOVEMBER 16,2017
its officers,
employees, and agents in the defense of the matter.
The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers,
employees and attorneys for all costs incurred in additional investigation and/or study of,
or for supplementing,preparing, redrafting; revising, or amending any document(such as
a notice of exemption, negative declaration, EIR, specific plan or General Plan
RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017
Height(primary structure) 35
(maximum linear feet)
Building Lot Coverage
(maximum percent, less the required parking, setbacks, and 40
18.56.070—Standards for Accessory Buildings
A. Accessory buildings shall not occupy more than ten percent(10%) of the rear yard.
B. Accessory buildings shall be a minimum of fifteen feet(15 ft.) from the main buildings
C. Accessory buildings shall be located no closer to the side and rear property lines than:
1. Ten(10) feet for one-story nonresidential accessory buildings
2. Fifteen (15) feet for two-story nonresidential accessory buildings and one- or two-
, story buildings used for residential purposes.
18.56.080—Screening and trash enclosures.
A. Trash storage areas shall be enclosed by a wall not less than six feet in height.If unroofed,
no such area shall be located within 40 feet of any district zoned for residential use.
B. All outdoor animal uses and/or animal enclosures shall be screened in a manner
determined by the planning commission in consideration of the type of animals being kept.
18.56.090 -Off-street parking.
The number of off-street parking spaces shall be determined by the Planning Commission as part
of the conditional use permit. The provisions of Chapter 18.60 shall apply in determining the size
and location of required parking spaces.
18.56.100 - Signs.
Signs in the A-1 district shall be limited to one unlighted sign per site not exceeding twelve(12)
square feet pertaining to products offered for sale on the premises.
g facilities
C. Animal slaughtering
TABLE 18.56.030
Minimum Site Number
Type of Animal Area per Animal of
or Use Animals
(square feet) (per
Poultry .25 per acre 100
Cattle or buffalo 6,000 -
Horses, mules, donkey or pony 6,000 -
1 pond/acre
Fish raising Maximum pond -
size= 4 lot area •
RESOLUTION 2017-39 1 PAGE OF 5 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 -
dentified in Table 18.56.030.
.B. Apiaries, provided that no hives or boxes housing bees are kept closer than two hundred
(200)feet from any dwelling other than that occupied by the property owner.
C. Orchards,groves,nurseries,field crops,tree crops,berry crops,bush crops,truck gardening
and commercial flower growing,including the drying,packing, canning, freezing,'or other
acceptable methods of processing of fruits,nuts,vegetables and other horticultural products
where such processing is primarily in conjunction with a farming operation and the
RESOLUTION 2017-39 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017
rom tentative plans at this
time and would have to be reviewed after more complete improvement plans and-profiles have
been submitted to this office. [F01A]
RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 14 NOVEMBER 16,2017
its officers,
employees, and agents in the defense of the matter.
The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers,
employees and attorneys for all costs incurred in additional investigation and/or study of,
or for supplementing,preparing, redrafting; revising, or amending any document(such as
a notice of exemption, negative declaration, EIR, specific plan or General Plan
RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017
Exhibit B
Zoning Map Change 17-01
Amend the zoning designation for the properties shown below from M2 Industrial/FP Floodplain
Overlay/AG Agricultural Overlay to M2 Industrial/FP Floodplain Overlay/AG-2 Agricultural-2
----c. . - ------
.X 5 ` T
..{ { i A t' tit. ; s Ate} V i` P.,.
1 „u ot#
1 a AVJrJ{CCY( ,.f 4 ::,� "..i.
i ¢ €/
);''j; '''.14: ' ., I ..."
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r .*,-..-.-.A__....... .w
I� . , , ,. -=,r - , -
fir {/' •,
i , . . , ' l'f .1 '4' 741'.' ,,,,''..-):rdir. ' jr.1'. -4.
'-4. - 1.. L1, « � 0275-191-01 ',1` -': 4 'N.*.A µ:
APN 0275-191-01
APN 0275-191-02
APN 0275-191-03
APN 0275-191-16 -
APN 0275-191-43 ,
APN 0275-191-58
APN 0275-191-06
APN 0275-191-30
s of Chapter 18.60 shall apply in determining the size
and location of required parking spaces.
18.56.100 - Signs.
Signs in the A-1 district shall be limited to one unlighted sign per site not exceeding twelve(12)
square feet pertaining to products offered for sale on the premises.
g facilities
C. Animal slaughtering
TABLE 18.56.030
Minimum Site Number
Type of Animal Area per Animal of
or Use Animals
(square feet) (per
Poultry .25 per acre 100
Cattle or buffalo 6,000 -
Horses, mules, donkey or pony 6,000 -
1 pond/acre
Fish raising Maximum pond -
size= 4 lot area •
RESOLUTION 2017-39 1 PAGE OF 5 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 -
dentified in Table 18.56.030.
.B. Apiaries, provided that no hives or boxes housing bees are kept closer than two hundred
(200)feet from any dwelling other than that occupied by the property owner.
C. Orchards,groves,nurseries,field crops,tree crops,berry crops,bush crops,truck gardening
and commercial flower growing,including the drying,packing, canning, freezing,'or other
acceptable methods of processing of fruits,nuts,vegetables and other horticultural products
where such processing is primarily in conjunction with a farming operation and the
RESOLUTION 2017-39 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017
rom tentative plans at this
time and would have to be reviewed after more complete improvement plans and-profiles have
been submitted to this office. [F01A]
RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 14 NOVEMBER 16,2017
its officers,
employees, and agents in the defense of the matter.
The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers,
employees and attorneys for all costs incurred in additional investigation and/or study of,
or for supplementing,preparing, redrafting; revising, or amending any document(such as
a notice of exemption, negative declaration, EIR, specific plan or General Plan
RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017