04/13/2021CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ● APRIL 13, 2021 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6:00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center ● 22795 Barton Road City of Grand Terrace Page 1 PUBLIC ADVISORY: THE COUNCIL CHAMBER IS NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!! Beginning June 15, 2020, the City of Grand Terrace will reopen its public meetings. Therefore, the regular meeting of the City Council for April 13, 2021, is now open to the public. Please be advised that face masks are required, social distancing will be practiced, and occupancy limits will be enforced. Please note that Pursuant to Section 3 of Executive Order N-29-20, issued by Governor Newsom on March 17, 2020, the regular meeting of the City Council for April 13, 2021, will also be conducted telephonically through Zoom and broadcast live on the City’s website. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC The public is encouraged to address the City Council on any matter posted on the agenda or on any other matter within its jurisdiction. If you wish to address the City Council, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the front entrance and present it to the City Clerk. Speakers physically present and participating via Zoom will be called upon by the Mayor at the appropriate time and each person is allowed three (3) minutes speaking time. If you would like to participate telephonically and speak on an agenda item, you can access the meeting by dialing the following telephone number and you will be placed in the waiting room, muted until it is your turn to speak: *67 1-669-900-9128 Enter Meeting ID: 863 5086 5546 Password: 371215 The City wants you to know that you can also submit your comments by email to ccpubliccomment@grandterrace- ca.gov. To give the City Clerk adequate time to print out your comments for consideration at the meeting, please submit your written comments prior to 5:00 p.m.; or if you are unable to email, please call the City Clerk’s Office at (909) 824-6621 x230 by 5:00 p.m. If you wish to have your comments read to the City Council during the appropriate Public Comment period, please indicate in the Subject Line “FOR PUBLIC COMMENT” and list the item number you wish to comment on. Comments that you want read to the City Council will be subject to the three (3) minute time limitation (approximately 350 words). Pursuant to the provisions of the Brown Act, no action may be taken on a matter unless it is listed on the agenda, or unless certain emergency or special circumstances exist. The City Council may direct staff to investigate and/or schedule certain matters for consideration at a future City Council meeting. PLEASE NOTE: Copies of staff reports and supporting documentation pertaining to each item on this agenda are available for public viewing and inspection at City Hall, 1st Floor Lobby Area and 2nd Floor Reception Area during regular business hours and on the City’s website www.grandterrace-ca.gov. For further information regarding agenda items, please contact the office of the City Clerk at (909) 824-6621 x230, or via e-mail at dthomas@grandterrace- ca.gov. Any documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk’s office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours. In addition, such documents will be posted on the City’s website at www.grandterrace-ca.gov. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s Office, (909) 824-6621 x230 at least 48 hours prior to the advertised starting time of the meeting. This will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Later requests will be accommodated to the extent feasible. Agenda Grand Terrace City Council April 13, 2021 City of Grand Terrace Page 2 CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council. Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Attendee Name Present Absent Late Arrived Mayor Darcy McNaboe    Mayor Pro Tem Bill Hussey    Council Member Sylvia Robles    Council Member Doug Wilson    Council Member Jeff Allen    A. REORDERING OF, ADDITIONS TO, OR REMOVAL OF ITEMS FROM THE AGENDA B. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Proclamation – Donate Life California Month Proclamation – Child Abuse Prevention Month Community Risk Reduction Applications presented by Fire Marshal/Deputy Fire Warden, Mike Horton and Deputy Fire Marshal, Adam Panos of the San Bernardino County Fire Department C. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon by the City Council at one time without discussion. Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent calendar for discussion. 1. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK 2. Approval of Minutes – Regular Meeting – 03/23/2021 DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK Agenda Grand Terrace City Council April 13, 2021 City of Grand Terrace Page 3 3. February 18, 2021, March 18, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, February 11, 2021 Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK 4. Treasurer's Report as of December 31, 2020 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file the Treasurer's Report for the period ending December 31, 2020. DEPARTMENT: FINANCE 5. Adoption of Resolutions Updating the Signature Authority for the City's & Successor Agency's (As Applicable) Bank of America, California Asset Management Program, LAIF, US Bank Safekeeping, Arrowhead Credit Union, MIDAmerica, and Empower Retirement Accounts RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached Resolutions updating the Signature Authority for the City’s and Successor Agency’s (as applicable) Bank of America, California Asset Management Program, LAIF, US Bank Safekeeping, Arrowhead Credit Union, MIDAmerica, and Empower Retirement Accounts DEPARTMENT: FINANCE 6. Notice to Council that City's Contract Officer Will be Issuing a Notice to Proceed in Accordance with Agreement #2019-15 with (MIG) Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Inc. in the Amount of $59,685. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File Notice to Council That City’s Contract Officer will be issuing a Notice to Proceed in accordance with Agreement #2019-15 with (MIG) in the amount of $59,685. MIG to Prepare Environmental Documentation for the Planning Commission to Review the Uniform Application Packet for a proposed Battery Energy Storage System Project. DEPARTMENT: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES D. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda. Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the City Council may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification. The Mayor may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting. Agenda Grand Terrace City Council April 13, 2021 City of Grand Terrace Page 4 E. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE G. NEW BUSINESS 7. Grand Terrace Special Events List for Calendar Year 2021 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File 2021 Community Events and Approve Inclusion of Class of 2021 Parade as a one Time City Sponsored Event DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER 8. Approval of Professional Services Agreement for Interim Finance Director and Administration Services with Rogers, Anderson, Malody and Scott, LLP RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve a Professional Services Agreement for Interim Finance Director and Administration Services with Rogers, Anderson, Malody and Scott, LLP with a not to exceed amount of $127,500. 2. Authorize the Mayor to execute the Professional Services Agreement subject to the City Attorney’s approval as to form. DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER 9. Professional Services Agreement with Michael Baker International for Environmental and Planning Services Related to the Barton Road Specific Plan (BRSP) and Town Center Master Plan (TCMDP) in an Amount Not to Exceed of $120,145 RECOMMENDATION: 1) Waive Competitive Bidding Requirements under Chapter 3.24 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code (GTMC) for the Professional Services Agreement with Michael Baker International (MBI) in an amount not to exceed $120,145 pursuant to GTMC Section 3.24.180(H); and 2) Approve the Professional Services Agreement with MBI in an amount not to exceed $120,145; and 3) Authorize the Mayor to Execute the Professional Services Agreement with MBI, subject to City Attorney Approval as to Form. DEPARTMENT: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Agenda Grand Terrace City Council April 13, 2021 City of Grand Terrace Page 5 H. REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS BY CITY COUNCIL Pursuant to City Council policy set forth in the 2030 Vision and 2014 ‐2020 Strategic Plan, if a City Council Member is interested in a task or project that will require more than one hour of staff time to complete, the item will be agendized to ask the City Council if time should be spent on preparing a report on the proposed item. In accordance with this policy, this is the opportunity for City Council Members to request that an item be placed on a future agenda and authorize staff to prepare an agenda report. To ensure compliance with the Brown Act, the request shall be submitted to the City Manager at least one week in advance of the meeting so that the topic can be included on the agenda under this section. In order for any listed item to be placed on a future agenda, the City Council must act by formal motion (i.e., requires a motion and a second) to direct the City Manager to place the item on a future agenda. Pursuant to the requirements of the Brown Act, no other items may be considered other than those listed below. 1. Policy on Banning Political Signs, Flyers, etc. in City Parks and Other City Owned Facilities During Election Period Requested by: Council Member Sylvia Robles 2. Policy on Filling Unexpired Vacancies on City Council With Next Candidate With Highest Voter Count if Vacancy Occurs Within One Year of Last Election Requested by: Council Member Sylvia Robles I. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Jeff Allen Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tem Bill Hussey Mayor Darcy McNaboe J. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS K. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION Agenda Grand Terrace City Council April 13, 2021 City of Grand Terrace Page 6 CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS, pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 Agency Designated Representatives: G. Harold Duffey, City Manager Adrian R. Guerra, City Attorney Colin Tanner, Deputy City Attorney Employee Organization: Teamsters Local 1932 Unrepresented Employees: City Manager, Assistant City Manager, City Clerk, Director of Public Works, Director of Planning & Development Services, Management Analyst (Two Positions), Principal Accountant, Assistant Planner 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION - Significant Exposure to Litigation, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c), (d)(2), e(3) A point has been reached where, in the opinion of the legislative body of the local agency, upon the advice of its legal counsel based on existing facts and circumstances, that there is significant exposure to litigation against the local agency. The existing facts and circumstances consist of a claim filed by Sunny Days, LLC, pursuant to the Government Claims Act, which alleges that the City improperly rescinded/terminated a business license for a wholesale business at the property located at 21600 Walnut Avenue. The claim seeks damages in excess of $25,000. The claim was denied by the City Council on February 9, 2021. A copy of the City Council agenda report, dated February 9, 2021, and subsequent claim rejection letter dated February 12, 2021, are included in this agenda package for public review and available for review in the City Clerk’s office upon request. 3. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION, pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 Title: City Manager RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION L. ADJOURN The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 6:00 PM. Any request to have an item placed on a future agenda must be made in writing and submitted to the City Clerk’s office and the request will be processed in accordance with Council Procedures. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ● MARCH 23, 2021 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6:00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center ● 22795 Barton Road City of Grand Terrace Page 1 CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Pastor Pat Bower of The Brook Church (via Zoom). PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by G. Harold Duffey, City Manager. Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Darcy McNaboe Mayor Present Bill Hussey Mayor Pro Tem Present Sylvia Robles Council Member Present Doug Wilson Council Member Present Jeff Allen Council Member Present G. Harold Duffey City Manager Present Adrian Guerra City Attorney Present Debra Thomas City Clerk Present Steven Weiss Planning & Development Services Director Present Robert Eisenbeisz Interim Public Works Director Absent Cynthia A. Fortune Assistant City Manager Present A. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Cynthia Fortune, Assistant City Manager introduced two (2) new employees: Brenda Angulo, Senior Accountant & Christine Clayton, Senior Accountant Both employees provided City Council with a brief introduction and employment background. C.2 Packet Pg. 7 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f M a r 2 3 , 2 0 2 1 6 : 0 0 P M ( C o n s e n t C a l e n d a r ) Minutes Grand Terrace City Council March 23, 2021 City of Grand Terrace Page 2 B. REORDERING OF, ADDITIONS TO, OR REMOVAL OF ITEMS FROM THE AGENDA G. Harold Duffey, City Manager announced that staff needed to add the introduction of two (2) new employees to City Council which would be presented under Agenda Item A. Special Presentations. C. CONSENT CALENDAR RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Doug Wilson, Council Member SECONDER: Jeff Allen, Council Member AYES: McNaboe, Hussey, Robles, Wilson, Allen 1. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 2. Approval of Minutes – Regular Meeting – 03/09/2021 APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 9, 2021. 3. City Department Monthly Activity Report - January 2021 RECEIVE AND FILE. 4. Approval of the February-2021 Check Register in the Amount of $365,325.10 APPROVE THE CHECK REGISTER NO. 02282021 IN THE AMOUNT OF $365,325.10 AS SUBMITTED, FOR THE PERIOD ENDING FEBRUARY 28, 2021. 5. First Quarter Financial Report (July-2020 - September-2020) RECEIVE AND FILE THE FIRST QUARTER FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE PERIOD JULY-2020 TO SEPTEMBER-2020. 6. Second Quarter Financial Report (October-2020 - December-2020) RECEIVE AND FILE THE SECOND QUARTER FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE PERIOD OCTOBER-2020 TO DECEMBER-2020. D. PUBLIC COMMENT The following residents requested the City Council consider building a skate park in the City for the local youth in the community: Mike Impson James Timony C.2 Packet Pg. 8 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f M a r 2 3 , 2 0 2 1 6 : 0 0 P M ( C o n s e n t C a l e n d a r ) Minutes Grand Terrace City Council March 23, 2021 City of Grand Terrace Page 3 E. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE G. NEW BUSINESS 7. Funding Agreement Between Omnitrans and the City of Grand Terrace for Measure "I" Funds for the City's Senior Transportation Program; Related Adjustment to FY 2020-21 Position Summary (Bus Driver Positions); and Related Adjustment to Budget Appropriations Cynthia Fortune, Assistant City Manager gave the PowerPoint presentation for this item. 1. APPROVE THE TWO-YEAR CONTRACT WITH OMNITRANS FOR THE FOLLOWING: A. A NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $190,900 IN OPERATING EXPENSES, WITH AN ANNUAL NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $95,902 IN CALENDAR YEAR 2021, AND $95,808 IN CALENDAR 2022; AND B. A NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $128,880 IN CAPITAL EXPENSES, WITH AN ANNUAL NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $87,840IN CALENDAR YEAR 2021, AND $41,040 IN CALENDAR YEAR 2022. 2. AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT; 3. APPROVE THE ADDITIONAL ADJUSTMENTS TO THE CITY’S FY2020-21 POSITION SUMMARY AS FOLLOWS: A. INCREASE THE EXISTING BUS DRIVER POSITION HOURS FROM A 35- HOUR WORK WEEK TO A 40-HOUR WORK WEEK; AND B. APPROVE THE ADDITION OF A PART-TIME, 20-HOUR WORK WEEK (SALARY AND BENEFITS) BUS DRIVER POSITION; AND 4. APPROVE THE ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS TO THE CITY’S FY2020-21 APPROVED BUDGET AS FOLLOWS: CAPITAL EXPENSES: A. REVENUE AND EXPENSE APPROPRIATIONS OF $74,800 TO THE SENIOR BUS FUND; AND B. TRANSFER OF $4,880 FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE SENIOR BUS FUND OPERATIONAL EXPENSES: A. ADDITIONAL REVENUE AND EXPENSE APPROPRIATIONS OF $54,430 TO THE SENOR BUS FUND; AND C.2 Packet Pg. 9 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f M a r 2 3 , 2 0 2 1 6 : 0 0 P M ( C o n s e n t C a l e n d a r ) Minutes Grand Terrace City Council March 23, 2021 City of Grand Terrace Page 4 B. TRANSFERS OF 4,385 AND 2,500 FROM THE GENERAL FUND AND AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (AQMD) FUNDS, RESPECTIVELY. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jeff Allen, Council Member SECONDER: Bill Hussey, Mayor Pro Tem AYES: McNaboe, Hussey, Robles, Wilson, Allen 8. Approval of an Oath of Office, Acceptable Code of Conduct, and Censure Policy to be Applicable to the City Council and All Commissions/Committees Adrian Guerra, City Attorney gave the presentation for this item. Council Member Robles moved, with a second from Council Member Wilson to approve the item but to also include the Oath of Office and Code of Conduct in each of the City Council’s Commission and Committee handbooks. APPROVE THE PROPOSED OATH OF OFFICE, ACCEPTABLE CODE OF CONDUCT AND CENSURE POLICY (PROPOSED TO BE APPLICABLE TO THE CITY COUNCIL AND ALL COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES) AND DIRECT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO INTEGRATE THE SAME INTO THE CITY COUNCIL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sylvia Robles, Council Member SECONDER: Doug Wilson, Council Member AYES: McNaboe, Hussey, Robles, Wilson, Allen 9. Transient Occupancy Tax Ballot Measure Discussion and Filing Deadlines Debra Thomas, City Clerk gave the PowerPoint presentation for this item. City Attorney Guerra recommended that the City Council also include a discussion regarding voter outreach, education, and cost. Council Member Wilson moved, with a second from Mayor Pro Tem Hussey to revisit the item in January 2022. PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF ON WHETHER TO RETURN TO THE CITY COUNCIL WITH A TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX (“TOT”) BALLOT MEASURE AND RELATED DOCUMENTS FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION ON WHETHER TO PLACE SUCH A MEASURE BEFORE THE VOTERS. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Doug Wilson, Council Member SECONDER: Bill Hussey, Mayor Pro Tem AYES: McNaboe, Hussey, Robles, Wilson, Allen C.2 Packet Pg. 10 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f M a r 2 3 , 2 0 2 1 6 : 0 0 P M ( C o n s e n t C a l e n d a r ) Minutes Grand Terrace City Council March 23, 2021 City of Grand Terrace Page 5 10. Housing Element and Surplus Lands Act Annual Progress Report for the 2020 Calendar Year Steve Weiss, Planning & Development Services Director gave the PowerPoint presentation for this item. ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RECEIVING AND ACCEPTING THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE HOUSING ELEMENT AND SURPLUS LANDS ACT ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT FOR THE 2020 CALENDAR YEAR RESULT: APPROVED [4 TO 0] MOVER: Jeff Allen, Council Member SECONDER: Bill Hussey, Mayor Pro Tem AYES: Darcy McNaboe, Bill Hussey, Sylvia Robles, Jeff Allen ABSTAIN: Doug Wilson 11. An Agreement Between the City of Grand Terrace and J. H. Douglas and Associates for Housing Element Consultant Services for the 2021-2029 Housing Element Preparation Steve Weiss, Planning & Development Services Director gave the PowerPoint presentation for this item. 1. APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND J. H. DOUGLAS AND ASSOCIATES FOR HOUSING ELEMENT CONSULTANT FOR THE 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT PREPARATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $68,950 WITH A 10% CONTINGENCY OF $6,895; 2. AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT SUBJECT TO THE CITY ATTORNEY'S APPROVAL AS TO FORM; AND 3. AUTHORIZE THE APPROPRIATION OF THE FOLLOWING FUNDING SOURCES: LOCAL EARLY ACTION PLANNING (LEAP) GRANT OF $65,000 AND GENERAL FUND OF $3,950. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sylvia Robles, Council Member SECONDER: Jeff Allen, Council Member AYES: McNaboe, Hussey, Robles, Wilson, Allen H. REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS BY CITY COUNCIL - NONE I. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Jeff Allen Nothing to Report. C.2 Packet Pg. 11 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f M a r 2 3 , 2 0 2 1 6 : 0 0 P M ( C o n s e n t C a l e n d a r ) Minutes Grand Terrace City Council March 23, 2021 City of Grand Terrace Page 6 Council Member Doug Wilson Nothing to Report. Council Member Sylvia Robles Nothing to Report. Mayor Pro Tem Bill Hussey Nothing to Report. Mayor Darcy McNaboe Mayor McNaboe wanted to share with the community the status of the Barton Road Bridge over the vacated railroad: Preliminary Engineering June 21, 2022 Right-of-Way Acquisition June 2021-June 2022 Construction July 2022 – June 2023 J. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS Nothing to Report. K. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION Mayor McNaboe recessed the regular meeting of the City Council at 7:30 p.m. CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Properties: 22317 Barton Road, APN 1167-231-01 22273 Barton Road, APN 1167-231-02 22293 Barton Road, APN 1167-311-01 City negotiators: G. Harold Duffey, City Manager Adrian Guerra, City Attorney Negotiating parties: Greens Group, Inc. Under negotiation: Price and terms of payment RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION Mayor McNaboe reconvened the regular meeting of the City Council at 7:45 p.m. C.2 Packet Pg. 12 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f M a r 2 3 , 2 0 2 1 6 : 0 0 P M ( C o n s e n t C a l e n d a r ) Minutes Grand Terrace City Council March 23, 2021 City of Grand Terrace Page 7 Report Out of Closed Session Mayor McNaboe announced there was no reportable action and direction was provided to staff. L. ADJOURN Mayor Darcy McNaboe adjourned the Regular Meeting of the City Council at 7:45 p.m. The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. _________________________________ Darcy McNaboe, Mayor _________________________________ Debra L. Thomas, City Clerk C.2 Packet Pg. 13 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f M a r 2 3 , 2 0 2 1 6 : 0 0 P M ( C o n s e n t C a l e n d a r ) AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: April 13, 2021 Council Item TITLE: February 18, 2021, March 18, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, February 11, 2021 Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes PRESENTED BY: Debra Thomas, City Clerk RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 2030 VISION STATEMENT: This staff report supports Goal #5, Engage in Proactive Communication. BACKGROUND: Beginning with the November 14, 2017 City Council meeting, the City Clerk was directed by the City Manager to provide Council with a copy of the Planning Commission, Historical & Cultural Activities Committee and Volunteer Emergency Operations Committee minutes to keep Council up-to-date on those Commission/Committee activities and on January 16, 2018, the City Manager requested that the Parks & Recreation Advisory minutes be included in the Committee/Commission Report. DISCUSSION: On March 18, 2021, the Planning Commission held its Regular Meeting and approved its February 18, 2021 Regular Meeting minutes. The minutes for this meeting are included as an attachment to this report (Attachment I). Additionally, on April 1, 2021, the Planning Commission held its Regular Meeting and approved its March 18, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes. The minutes for this meeting are included as an attachment to this report (Attachment II) The Planning Commission’s next Regular Meeting is scheduled for April 15, 2021. On March 11, 2021, the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee held its Special Meeting and approved its February 11, 2021 Regular Meeting minutes. The minutes for this meeting are included as an attachment to this report (Attachment III). The Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee’s next Regular Meeting is scheduled for April 8, 2021. Historical & Cultural Advisory Committee – Nothing to Report. FISCAL IMPACT: C.3 Packet Pg. 14 None. ATTACHMENTS: • Attachment I - 02-18-2021 PC Minutes (PDF) • Attachment II - 03-18-2021 PC Minutes (PDF) • Attachment III - 02-11-2021 P&R Minutes (PDF) APPROVALS: Debra Thomas Completed 04/07/2021 8:51 AM City Attorney Completed 04/07/2021 12:07 PM Finance Completed 04/07/2021 4:59 PM City Manager Completed 04/08/2021 9:03 PM City Council Pending 04/13/2021 6:00 PM C.3 Packet Pg. 15 C.3.a Packet Pg. 16 At t a c h m e n t : A t t a c h m e n t I - 0 2 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 1 P C M i n u t e s ( C o m m i t t e e a n d C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s ) C.3.a Packet Pg. 17 At t a c h m e n t : A t t a c h m e n t I - 0 2 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 1 P C M i n u t e s ( C o m m i t t e e a n d C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s ) C.3.a Packet Pg. 18 At t a c h m e n t : A t t a c h m e n t I - 0 2 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 1 P C M i n u t e s ( C o m m i t t e e a n d C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s ) C.3.b Packet Pg. 19 At t a c h m e n t : A t t a c h m e n t I I - 0 3 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 1 P C M i n u t e s ( C o m m i t t e e a n d C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s ) C.3.b Packet Pg. 20 At t a c h m e n t : A t t a c h m e n t I I - 0 3 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 1 P C M i n u t e s ( C o m m i t t e e a n d C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s ) C.3.b Packet Pg. 21 At t a c h m e n t : A t t a c h m e n t I I - 0 3 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 1 P C M i n u t e s ( C o m m i t t e e a n d C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s ) C.3.b Packet Pg. 22 At t a c h m e n t : A t t a c h m e n t I I - 0 3 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 1 P C M i n u t e s ( C o m m i t t e e a n d C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s ) C.3.b Packet Pg. 23 At t a c h m e n t : A t t a c h m e n t I I - 0 3 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 1 P C M i n u t e s ( C o m m i t t e e a n d C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s ) C.3.c Packet Pg. 24 At t a c h m e n t : A t t a c h m e n t I I I - 0 2 - 1 1 - 2 0 2 1 P & R M i n u t e s ( C o m m i t t e e a n d C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s ) C.3.c Packet Pg. 25 At t a c h m e n t : A t t a c h m e n t I I I - 0 2 - 1 1 - 2 0 2 1 P & R M i n u t e s ( C o m m i t t e e a n d C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s ) C.3.c Packet Pg. 26 At t a c h m e n t : A t t a c h m e n t I I I - 0 2 - 1 1 - 2 0 2 1 P & R M i n u t e s ( C o m m i t t e e a n d C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s ) C.3.c Packet Pg. 27 At t a c h m e n t : A t t a c h m e n t I I I - 0 2 - 1 1 - 2 0 2 1 P & R M i n u t e s ( C o m m i t t e e a n d C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s ) AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: April 13, 2021 Council & Successor Agency Item TITLE: Treasurer's Report as of December 31, 2020 PRESENTED BY: Cynthia Fortune, Assistant City Manager RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file the Treasurer's Report for the period ending December 31, 2020. 2030 VISION STATEMENT: This staff report supports Goal #1, “Ensuring Our Fiscal Viability”, through the continuous monitoring of actual cash on hand, receipts and disbursements incurred during the fiscal year. BACKGROUND: The Treasurer’s Report of funds held as cash or invested by the City and the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency should be provided to the governing body periodically. DISCUSSION: The purpose of the Treasurer’s Report is to provide the governing body with the following information: • Current cash position of the City and Successor Agency. • Identify where all cash is held and, if invested, provide information regarding the Book Value, PAR Value, Market Value, yield, and maturity: ▪ Book Value is the value of an asset as it is listed in the City’s balance sheet or statement of financial position. The book value of the City’s cash is the amount listed in the City’s bank statement as of December 31, 2020 and recorded in the City’s financial system. ▪ PAR value or face value is the value listed on an invested stock or bond. Had the City invested the cash in stocks or bonds, the PAR value would be the current value of the stocks or bonds. ▪ Market value of an investment is the amount that someone will pay for it now, or the sale price. The investment value calculates what the investment will earn and likely will be worth in the future. Had the City C.4 Packet Pg. 28 invested the cash in stocks or bonds, the investment would have both a PAR value and a Market value. ▪ Yield describes the amount in cash (in percentage terms) in the form of interest or dividends received from an investment in stocks or bonds. ▪ Maturity or maturity date refers to the payment date of a financial instrument (stock, bond, certificate of deposit (CD) at which point the principal (and all remaining interest) is due to be paid. ▪ The attached Treasurer’s Report as of December 31st indicates book, PAR and market value of total cash and investments. • Show that there are sufficient cash resources to make economic commitments for the next six months. One way the governing body can monitor the fiscal condition of the City and the Successor Agency is to review the cash position. The common benchmarks to do this, is to compare the current quarter to the prior quarter and the current quarter to the same quarter in the prior fiscal year. For the Treasurer’s Report of December 31, 2020, the quarter summary would be compared to September 30, 2020 and the annual summary would be compared to December 31, 2019. Information on the benefits of these two cash reporting comparison periods is provided below: Quarterly Change in Cash Position: This compares the cash position at the end of a quarter to the end of the prior quarter. The cyclical nature of revenues to the City and the Successor Agency versus the relatively constant nature of expenditures is shown in a quarterly comparison. An example of this would be property tax revenue of which the majority is received in December and May versus monthly labor and utility costs. Generally, the cash position tends to decrease in the first and second quarter of a fiscal year and to increase in the third and fourth quarters. One-time revenues such as bond proceeds may also be easier to highlight first in a quarterly change report. City of Grand Terrace CHANGE IN TREASURY POSITION Fiscal Year-to-Date Compared to Previous Quarter Table 1 Description September 30, 2020 December 31, 2020 $ Change % Chg Total Cash and Investments $10,488,233 $11,010,894 $522,661 4.98% Funds with Fiscal Agent $0 $0 $0 Total $10,488,233 $11,010,894 $522,661 4.98% • As shown in the Table 1 above, the Cash & Investments Report indicates an C.4 Packet Pg. 29 increase of $525,661. Below are the causes for the increase (revenue receipts) or decrease (expenditure disbursements) in the City’s cash balance. The increase in revenue and the disbursement to pay law enforcement services netted an increase of $525,661. ➢ Payment of $554,274 to SB County Sheriff for the October, November and December 2020 police services; and ➢ $1,082,648 in total Property Taxes collected during the 4nd quarter of 2020 City of Grand Terrace CHANGE IN TREASURY POSITION Fiscal Year-to-Date Compared to Previous Year (Same Quarter) Table 2 Description Dec 31, 2019 Dec 31, 2020 $ Change % Chg Total Cash and Investments $10,791,594 $11,010,894 $219,300 2.03% Funds with Fiscal Agent $0 $0 $0 0% Total $10,791,594 $11,010,894 $219,300 2.03% ▪ As shown in Table 2, the current cash position compared to a year ago on December 31, 2019 increased by approximately $219,300. The increase in cash for the quarter ending December 2020 compared to December 2019 was a result of grant receipts/reimbursements: o State Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of $153,425; o Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grant reimbursement of $36,200 and o Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) grant reimbursement (July- 2020 to Dec-2020) of $35,020. Cash Balance by Fund City of Grand Terrace CASH BALANCE by FUND As of December 31, 2020 Table 3 Category Fund Fund Title Cash Balances City CHILD CARE FUND 09 CHILD CARE CENTER FUND $152 C.4 Packet Pg. 30 City of Grand Terrace CASH BALANCE by FUND As of December 31, 2020 Table 3 Category Fund Fund Title Cash Balances GENERAL FUND 10 GENERAL FUND $4,084,705 GENERAL FUND 61 COMMUNITY BENEFITS FUND $38,664 GENERAL FUND 62 LIGHT UP GRAND TERRACE ($119) GENERAL FUND 63 GT ILLEGAL FIREWORKS ENFORCEMENT $224 GENERAL FUND 64 PUBLIC SAFETY FUND $22,082 GENERAL FUND 69 COMMUNITY DAY FUND $5 GENERAL FUND 70 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVE FUND $1,023 DEV IMPACT FEES (DIF) 11 STREET FUND $662,120 DEV IMPACT FEES (DIF) 12 STORM DRAIN FUND $290,862 DEV IMPACT FEES (DIF) 13 PARK FUND $94,295 DEV IMPACT FEES (DIF) 19 FACILITIES FUND $386,570 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 14 SLESF (AB3229 COPS) $88,940 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 15 AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FUND $1,501 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 16 GAS TAX FUND $41,141 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 17 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND $17,410 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 20 MEASURE "I" FUND $310,991 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 25 SPRING MOUNTAIN RANCH $726,459 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 26 LNDSCP & LGTG ASSESSMENT DIST $64,579 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 56 ROAD MAINT & REHAB ACCT FUND $347,904 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 67 PUBLIC, EDUCATIONAL & GOVT ACCESS $93,678 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 76 ENHANCED INFRA FIN DIST (EIFD) FUND ($10,368) ENTERPRISE FUND 21 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL FUND $629,645 GRANT FUND 22 CDBG ($9,839) GRANT FUND 65 SENIOR BUS PROGRAM FUND $15,275 GRANT FUND 66 CAL RECYCLE GRANT $8,314 GRANT FUND 73 ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION PRGRM FUND $0 GRANT FUND 74 HIGHWAY SFTY IMPROV PRGRM GRANT ($296,492) GRANT FUND 75 EMER MGMT PREP GRANT (EMPG) FUND $0 GRANT FUND 77 SCIP (SO. CA INCENTIVE PROJ) GRANT $0 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 45 COMMERCE WAY PROJECT $810,431 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 46 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS - STREETS $45,231 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 47 CAP.PRJ. BARTON/COLTON BRIDGE ($7,695) CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 49 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND- PARKS $248,136 COVID-19 FUNDS 90 COVID-19 EMERGENCY FUND $0 C.4 Packet Pg. 31 City of Grand Terrace CASH BALANCE by FUND As of December 31, 2020 Table 3 Category Fund Fund Title Cash Balances COVID-19 FUNDS 91 SB CNTY COVID-19 ALLOC FUND ($74,444) COVID-19 FUNDS 92 CDBG COVID-19 FUND $0 COVID-19 FUNDS 93 COVID-19 SB CNTY INFRA ALLOC FND ($274,200) HOUSING AUTHORITY 52 HOUSING AUTHORITY $1,114,680 TRUST FUNDS 23 REFUNDABLE DEPOSITS TRUST FUND $766,559 TRUST FUNDS 95 DOG PARK ENDOWMENT FUND $19,593 TOTAL CITY $10,258,010 Successor Agency 31 S/A RDA OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND $294,298 34 S/A LOW INCOME HOUSING FUND $0 36 2011 TABS A & B BOND PROCEEDS $458,586 37 S/A CRA PROJECTS TRUST $0 TOTAL SUCCESSOR AGENCY $752,884 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $11,010,894 The table below and the attached Treasurer’s Report also shows that the City of Grand Terrace (less Successor Agency funds) can meet its expenditure requirements for the next six months and that sufficient funds are available to meet its operating needs. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CASH AND INVESTMENT REPORT AGAINST ADOPTED BUDGET As of December 31, 2020 Table 4 Description Amount Total Cash and Investments, City $11,010,894 FY2020-21 Adopted Budget $8,042,957 Less: Successor Agency Budget ($602,876) Net, City budget $7,440,081 C.4 Packet Pg. 32 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CASH AND INVESTMENT REPORT AGAINST ADOPTED BUDGET As of December 31, 2020 Table 4 Description Amount Cash required for six (6) months: ($7,440,081 / 2) $3,720,041 At a cash balance of $11,010,894, the City has sufficient cash to cover operating expenditures for a six-month period. As stated earlier in the report, the cash balances shown above are as of a certain date in time, specifically, December 31, 2020. FISCAL IMPACT: The purpose of the Treasurer’s Report is to provide information regarding the current cash and investment position of the City and the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency. There is no fiscal impact to receiving and filing the report. ATTACHMENTS: • Treasurer's Report- December 2020 (XLSX) APPROVALS: Finance Completed 04/08/2021 10:38 AM Cynthia A. Fortune Completed 04/08/2021 3:00 PM Finance Completed 04/08/2021 3:00 PM City Attorney Completed 04/08/2021 4:00 PM City Manager Completed 04/08/2021 9:09 PM City Council Pending 04/13/2021 6:00 PM C.4 Packet Pg. 33 City of Grand Terrace & Successor Agency to the CRA of Grand Terrace Cash & Investment Report December 31, 2020 City Successor Agency Total PAR Market Yield (in %)Maturity California Asset Management Program $4,158,453 $4,158,453 $4,158,453 $4,163,444 0.120%N/A State Treasurer- LAIF: City Account $2,904,142 $2,904,142 $2,904,142 $2,919,824 0.540%N/A State Treasurer- LAIF: Successor Agency $104,420 $104,420 $104,420 $104,984 0.540%N/A TOTAL FUNDS IN INVESTMENT POOLS $7,062,595 $104,420 $7,167,015 $7,167,015 $7,188,252 US BANK - Safekeeping- First American Treasury Fund $1,186 $1,186 $1,186 $1,186 0.01%N/A Bank of America - Savings Acct. - Insured $50,308 $50,308 $50,308 $50,313 0.01%N/A TOTAL FUNDS OTHER INVESTMENTS $51,494 $0 $51,494 $51,494 $51,499 TOTAL INVESTMENTS $7,114,089 $104,420 $7,218,509 $7,218,509 $7,239,751 Bank of America - Gen. Operating Acct. - Collateralized $3,413,453 $377,579 $3,791,032 $3,791,032 $3,791,032 0.000%N/A CitiEscrow Client Checking Acct. (Data Ticket)$811 $811 $811 $811 0.000%N/A Bank of America - Successor Agency Acct. - Insured $542 $542 $542 $542 0.000%N/A TOTAL CASH $3,414,264 $378,121 $3,792,385 $3,792,385 $3,792,385 INVESTMENTS $7,114,089 $104,420 $7,218,509 $7,218,509 $7,239,751 CASH $3,414,264 $378,121 $3,792,385 $3,792,385 $3,792,385 TOTAL CASH & INVESTMENTS $10,528,353 $482,541 $11,010,894 $11,010,894 $11,032,136 CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT (RESERVE FUNDS) U.S. Bank - First American Treasury Obligations 2011A TABS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%N/A U. S. Bank - First American Treasury Obligations 2011B TABS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%N/A TOTAL FUNDS WITH FISCAL AGENT $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL CASH, INVESTMENTS & CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT $10,528,353 $482,541 $11,010,894 $11,010,894 $11,032,136 95.62%4.38%100.00% C.4.a Packet Pg. 34 At t a c h m e n t : T r e a s u r e r ' s R e p o r t - D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 0 ( T r e a s u r e r ' s R e p o r t a s o f D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 2 0 ) AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: April 13, 2021 Council & Successor Agency Item TITLE: Adoption of Resolutions Updating the Signature Authority for the City's & Successor Agency's (As Applicable) Bank of America, California Asset Management Program, LAIF, US Bank Safekeeping, Arrowhead Credit Union, MIDAmerica, and Empower Retirement Accounts PRESENTED BY: Cynthia Fortune, Assistant City Manager RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached Resolutions updating the Signature Authority for the City’s and Successor Agency’s (as applicable) Bank of America, California Asset Management Program, LAIF, US Bank Safekeeping, Arrowhead Credit Union, MIDAmerica, and Empower Retirement Accounts 2030 VISION STATEMENT: This staff report supports City Council Goal #1 – Ensuring our Fiscal Viability through the continuous monitoring of revenue receipts and expenditure disbursements against approved budget appropriations. BACKGROUND: The City must update bank and investment account signature authorizations on file with the various financial institutions that hold City and Successor Agency funds as personnel and organizational changes occur. DISCUSSION: With the recent resignation of Finance Department personnel that is effective April 2021, it is necessary to update the signature authority on all City and Successor Agency accounts (as applicable) with Bank of America, California Asset Management Program, LAIF, US Bank Safekeeping, Arrowhead Credit Union, MIDAmerica, and Empower Retirement. The attached Resolutions update the signature authority for each of the institutions mentioned above for the City and Successor Agency, as applicable. The Resolutions designate the City Manager/Successor Agency Executive Director and the Interim Finance Director/Interim Successor Agency Finance Director as the authorized signers. Staff therefore recommends the adoption of each of the attached Resolutions. C.5 Packet Pg. 35 FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with adopting the attached Resolutions. ATTACHMENTS: • Bank of America - City (DOC) • Bank of America - Succ Agcy (DOC) • CAMP (DOC) • LAIF - City (DOC) • LAIF - Succ Agcy (DOC) • US Bank safekeeping (DOC) • Arrowhead Credit Union (DOCX) • MIDAmerica (DOC) • Empower Retirement (DOC) APPROVALS: Cynthia A. Fortune Completed 04/08/2021 3:23 PM Finance Completed 04/08/2021 3:24 PM City Attorney Completed 04/08/2021 5:47 PM City Manager Completed 04/08/2021 9:05 PM City Council Pending 04/13/2021 6:00 PM C.5 Packet Pg. 36 RESOLUTION NO. 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING SIGNERS FOR THE CITY’S BANK OF AMERICA BANK ACCOUNTS WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace (“City”) is a municipal corporation established under the laws of the State of California; and WHEREAS, Bank of America is a federally chartered bank under the laws of the United States; and WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace needs to update its signature card(s) periodically with Bank of America due to changes in City staff or changes in staff duties; and WHEREAS, the City Council designates the City Manager and Interim Finance Director as authorized signers on the City’s Bank of America bank accounts; and WHEREAS, Bank of America requires the City to adopt a corporate resolution and authorization to designate authorized signers on the bank accounts; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, as follows: Section 1. All previous resolutions of designated authorized signers for the City of Grand Terrace with Bank of America are hereby revoked. Section 2. Authorized account signers on Bank of America accounts are as follows: Position Individual Name City Manager G. Harold Duffey Interim Finance Director Terry Shea Section 3. Any one of the individuals named as an authorized signer acting on behalf of the City of Grand Terrace is authorized to execute documents on behalf of the City. Section 4. Any two of the individuals named as authorized signers acting on behalf of the City of Grand Terrace are authorized to sign checks on behalf of the City. Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. C.5.a Packet Pg. 37 At t a c h m e n t : B a n k o f A m e r i c a - C i t y [ R e v i s i o n 6 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) Page 2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at its regular meeting held on the 13th day of April 2021. ____________________________ Darcy McNaboe Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________ Debra L. Thomas City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ Adrian Guerra City Attorney C.5.a Packet Pg. 38 At t a c h m e n t : B a n k o f A m e r i c a - C i t y [ R e v i s i o n 6 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) I, Debra Thomas, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 2021- was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace on the 13th day of April, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: _____________________________ City Clerk C.5.a Packet Pg. 39 At t a c h m e n t : B a n k o f A m e r i c a - C i t y [ R e v i s i o n 6 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) RESOLUTION NO. 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AUTHORIZING SIGNERS FOR THE BANK OF AMERICA BANK ACCOUNT FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WHEREAS, the Successor Agency to the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency (“Successor Agency”) is a public agency established under the laws of the State of California; and WHEREAS, Bank of America is a federally chartered bank under the laws of the United States; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Successor Agency desires to establish a separate bank account for funds of the Successor Agency of the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Successor Agency designates the Successor Agency Executive Director and Successor Agency Interim Finance Director as authorized signers on the Successor Agency’s Bank of America bank accounts; and WHEREAS, Bank of America requires the Successor Agency to adopt a corporate resolution and authorization to designate authorized signers on bank accounts; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Successor Agency to the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency, as follows: Section 1. All previous resolutions of designated authorized signers with Bank of America are hereby revoked. Section 2. Authorized account signers for the Successor Agency’s Bank of America accounts are as follows: Position Individual Name Successor Agency Executive Director G. Harold Duffey Successor Agency Interim Finance Director Terry Shea Section 3. Any one of the individuals named as an authorized signer acting on behalf of the Successor Agency, is authorized to execute documents on behalf of the City. C.5.b Packet Pg. 40 At t a c h m e n t : B a n k o f A m e r i c a - S u c c A g c y [ R e v i s i o n 5 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) Page 2 Section 4. Any two of the individuals named as authorized signers acting on behalf of the Successor Agency, are authorized to sign checks on behalf of the City. Section 5. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its adoption and the Successor Agency Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Successor Agency to the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency at its regular meeting held on the 13thth day of April 2021. _____________________________________ Darcy McNaboe Chair of the Board of the Successor Agency ATTEST: ___________________________ Debra L. Thomas Successor Agency Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ Adrian Guerra Successor Agency Counsel C.5.b Packet Pg. 41 At t a c h m e n t : B a n k o f A m e r i c a - S u c c A g c y [ R e v i s i o n 5 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) I, Debra Thomas, Successor Agency Secretary, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 2021- was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Successor Agency of the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency, on the 13th day of April, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Successor Agency Secretary C.5.b Packet Pg. 42 At t a c h m e n t : B a n k o f A m e r i c a - S u c c A g c y [ R e v i s i o n 5 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) RESOLUTION NO. 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING SIGNERS FOR CALIFORNIA ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace (“City”) is a municipal corporation established under the laws of the State of California; and WHEREAS, the California Asset Management Trust was established pursuant to and in accordance with Joint Powers Exercise of Powers Act, by a Declaration of Trust, made as of December 15, 1989 and as subsequently amended, as a vehicle for public agencies to jointly exercise their common power to invest bond proceeds and other funds; and WHEREAS, the California Asset Management Program is an authorized investment under the investment policy of the City and under Government Code Section 53600; and WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace periodically needs to update its authorized signers with the California Asset Management Program; and WHEREAS, authorized signers will have the authority to deposit and withdraw funds with the California Asset Management Program on behalf of the City; and WHEREAS, deposits and withdrawals may only come from designated, authorized City operating and City investment accounts; and WHEREAS, California Asset Management Program requires the City to adopt a resolution to change authorized signers on the account; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, as follows: Section 1. All previous resolutions of designated authorized signers with the California Asset Management Program are hereby revoked. Section 2. Authorized signers on the California Asset Management Program account are as follows: Position Individual Name City Manager G. Harold Duffey Interim Finance Director Terry Shea Page 2 C.5.c Packet Pg. 43 At t a c h m e n t : C A M P [ R e v i s i o n 4 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) Section 3. Any one of the named individuals is authorized to sign on behalf of the City of Grand Terrace and is authorized to execute documents on behalf of the City. Section 4. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its adoption and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at its regular meeting held on the 13th day of April 2021. ____________________________ Darcy McNaboe Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________ Debra L. Thomas City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ Adrian Guerra City Attorney C.5.c Packet Pg. 44 At t a c h m e n t : C A M P [ R e v i s i o n 4 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) I, Debra Thomas, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 2021- was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 13th day of April, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: City Clerk C.5.c Packet Pg. 45 At t a c h m e n t : C A M P [ R e v i s i o n 4 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) RESOLUTION NO. 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING SIGNERS FOR THE LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace (“City”) is a municipal corporation established under the laws of the State of California; and WHEREAS, the Local Agency Investment Fund was established by Chapter 730, Statutes of 1976. This fund enables local government agencies or trustees to remit surplus funds, not needed for immediate expenditures, to the State Treasurer for the purpose of investment on behalf of the agency. The State Treasurer will invest such funds as part of a pooled money investment account in order to derive the maximum rate of return possible; and WHEREAS, the Local Agency Investment Fund is an authorized investment under the investment policy of the City and under Government Code Section 53600; and WHEREAS, the City periodically needs to update its authorized signers with the Local Agency Investment Fund; and WHEREAS, authorized signers will have the authority to deposit and withdraw funds with the Local Agency Investment Fund on behalf of the City; and WHEREAS, deposits may only come from and withdrawals may only be made to designated, authorized signers on the City’s account. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, as follows: Section 1. All previous resolutions of designated authorized signers with the Local Agency Investment Fund are hereby revoked. Section 2. The following officers or their successors in office shall be authorized signers on the Local Agency Investment Fund account: Position Individual Name City Manager G. Harold Duffey Interim Finance Director Terry Shea C.5.d Packet Pg. 46 At t a c h m e n t : L A I F - C i t y [ R e v i s i o n 4 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) Page 2 Section 3. One of the individuals named as an authorized signer acting on behalf of the City is authorized to initiate transactions and execute documents on behalf of the City. Section 4. Interest payments, withdrawals and matured investments may only be transferred to an account of the City or paid by written demand to the City. Section 5. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its adoption and the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution, and it shall take effect and be in force. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at its regular meeting held on the 13th day of April 2021. ____________________________ Darcy McNaboe Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________ Debra L. Thomas City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ Adrian Guerra City Attorney C.5.d Packet Pg. 47 At t a c h m e n t : L A I F - C i t y [ R e v i s i o n 4 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) I, Debra Thomas, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 2021- was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 13th day of April, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: City Clerk C.5.d Packet Pg. 48 At t a c h m e n t : L A I F - C i t y [ R e v i s i o n 4 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) RESOLUTION NO. 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AUTHORIZING SIGNERS FOR THE LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND WHEREAS, the Successor Agency to the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency (“Successor Agency”) is a public agency established under the laws of the State of California; and WHEREAS, the Local Agency Investment Fund was established by Chapter 730, Statutes of 1976. This fund enables local government agencies or trustees to remit surplus funds, not needed for immediate expenditures, to the State Treasurer for the purpose of investment on behalf of the agency. The State Treasurer will invest such funds as part of a pooled money investment account in order to derive the maximum rate of return possible; and WHEREAS, the Local Agency Investment Fund is an authorized investment under the investment policy of the City and under Government Code Section 53600; and WHEREAS, on January 30, 2012, the City Council elected, by Resolution 2012- 08, to authorize the Successor Agency to the former Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency (Successor Agency), to invest in the Local Agency Investment Fund in accordance with the provisions of Section 16429.1 of the Government Code and approved a list of authorized signers to the account; and WHEREAS, the Successor Agency periodically needs to update its authorized signers with the Local Agency Investment Fund; and WHEREAS, authorized signers will have the authority to deposit and withdraw funds with the Local Agency Investment Fund on behalf of the Successor Agency; and WHEREAS, deposits may only come from and withdrawals may only be made to designated, authorized signers on the account. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Successor Agency to the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency, as follows: Section 1. All previous resolutions of designated authorized signers with the Local Agency Investment Fund are hereby revoked. Section 2. The following officers or their successors in office shall be authorized signers on the Local Agency Investment Fund account: C.5.e Packet Pg. 49 At t a c h m e n t : L A I F - S u c c A g c y [ R e v i s i o n 3 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) RESOLUTION NO. 2021- Page 2 Position Individual Name Successor Agency Executive Director G. Harold Duffey Successor Agency Interim Finance Director Terry Shea Section 3. One of the individuals named as an authorized signer acting on behalf of the Successor Agency is authorized to initiate transactions and execute documents on behalf of the City. Section 4. Interest payments, withdrawals and matured investments may only be transferred to an account of the Successor Agency or paid by written demand to the Successor Agency. Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption and the Successor Agency Secretary shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution, and it shall take effect and be in force. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Successor Agency to the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency at its regular meeting held on the 13th day of April 2021. ________________________________ Darcy McNaboe Chair of the Board of the Successor Agency ATTEST: ___________________________ Debra L. Thomas Successor Agency Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ Adrian Guerra Successor Agency Counsel C.5.e Packet Pg. 50 At t a c h m e n t : L A I F - S u c c A g c y [ R e v i s i o n 3 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) RESOLUTION NO. 2021- Page 3 I, Debra Thomas, Successor Agency Secretary to the Successor Agency to the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 2021- was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Successor Agency to the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency held on the 13th day of April, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Successor Agency Secretary C.5.e Packet Pg. 51 At t a c h m e n t : L A I F - S u c c A g c y [ R e v i s i o n 3 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) RESOLUTION NO. 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING SIGNERS FOR US BANK, SAFEKEEPING ACCOUNT WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace (“City”) is a municipal corporation established under the laws of the State of California; and WHEREAS, the US Bank is a federally chartered bank under the laws of the United States; and WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace needs to update its deposit agreement, signature card or notice of incumbency with US Bank; and WHEREAS, the City designates the City Manager and Interim Finance Director as authorized signers on the US Bank Safekeeping bank account; and WHEREAS US Bank requires the City to adopt a corporate resolution and Authorization to designate authorized signers on such accounts; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, as follows: Section 1. All previous resolutions of designated authorized signers with US Bank are hereby revoked. Section 2. Authorized signers on US Bank accounts are as follows: Position Individual Name City Manager G. Harold Duffey Interim Finance Director Terry Shea Section 3. Any one of the individuals named as authorized signers acting on behalf of the City of Grand Terrace is authorized to execute documents on behalf of the City. Section 4. Authorized investment held in US Bank Safekeeping account must be invested in accordance with permitted investments in California Government Code Sections 53601 and 53635. Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. C.5.f Packet Pg. 52 At t a c h m e n t : U S B a n k s a f e k e e p i n g [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) Page 2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at its regular meeting held on the 13th day of April 2021. ____________________________ Darcy McNaboe Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________ Debra L. Thomas City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ Adrian Guerra City Attorney C.5.f Packet Pg. 53 At t a c h m e n t : U S B a n k s a f e k e e p i n g [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) I, Debra Thomas, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 2021- was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, on the 13th day of April, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: City Clerk C.5.f Packet Pg. 54 At t a c h m e n t : U S B a n k s a f e k e e p i n g [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) RESOLUTION NO. 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING SIGNERS FOR THE ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION ACCOUNTS WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace (“City”) is a municipal corporation established under the laws of the State of California; and WHEREAS, the Arrowhead Credit Union is a not-for-profit financial cooperative established in 1949 and is governed by state credit union laws and regulations. The Arrowhead Credit Union is a cooperative, not-for-profit financial institution organized to promote thrift and provide credit to members; and WHEREAS, the City periodically needs to update its authorized signers with the Arrowhead Credit Union; and WHEREAS, the City Council designates the City Manager and Interim Finance Director as authorized signers on Arrowhead Credit Union accounts; and WHEREAS, authorized signers will have the authority to deposit and withdraw funds with the Arrowhead Credit Union on behalf of the City; and WHEREAS, deposits may only come from and withdrawals may only be made by designated, authorized signers on the account; and WHEREAS, Arrowhead Credit Union requires the City to adopt a corporate resolution and authorization to designate authorized signers on bank accounts; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, as follows: Section 1. All previous resolutions of designated authorized signers with the Arrowhead Credit Union are hereby revoked. Section 2. Authorized account signers on Arrowhead Credit Union accounts are as follows: Position Individual Name City Manager G. Harold Duffey Interim Finance Director Terry Shea C.5.g Packet Pg. 55 At t a c h m e n t : A r r o w h e a d C r e d i t U n i o n [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) Page 2 Section 3. Any one of the individuals named as an authorized signer acting on behalf of the City of Grand Terrace is authorized to initiate transactions and execute documents on behalf of the City. Section 4. Any two of the individuals named as authorized signers acting on behalf of the City of Grand Terrace are authorized to sign checks on behalf of the City. Section 5. Interest payments, withdrawals and matured investments may only be transferred to an account of the City or paid by written demand to the City. Section 6. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption and the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution, and it shall take effect and be in force. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at its regular meeting held on the 13th day of April 2021. ____________________________ Darcy McNaboe Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________ Debra L. Thomas City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ Adrian Guerra City Attorney C.5.g Packet Pg. 56 At t a c h m e n t : A r r o w h e a d C r e d i t U n i o n [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) I, Debra Thomas, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 2021-______ was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 13th day of April, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: City Clerk C.5.g Packet Pg. 57 At t a c h m e n t : A r r o w h e a d C r e d i t U n i o n [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) RESOLUTION NO. 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING SIGNERS FOR THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ACCOUNTS WITH MIDAMERICA ADMINISTRATIVE AND RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace (“City”) is a municipal corporation established under the laws of the State of California; and WHEREAS, MIDAMERICA is a retirement plan provider for seasonal, part-time, and temporary employees that replaces Social Security; and WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace needs to update its deposit agreement and signature card with MIDAMERICA; and WHEREAS, the City designates the City Manager and Interim Finance Director as authorized signers for Empower Retirement; and WHEREAS, MIDAMERICA requires the City to adopt a corporate resolution and authorization to designate authorized signers on the City’s retirement account on behalf of its plan participants; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, as follows: Section 1. All previous resolutions of designated authorized signers with Empower Retirement are hereby revoked. Section 2. Authorized signers on MIDAMERICA Admin and Retirement accounts are as follows: Position Individual Name City Manager G. Harold Duffey Interim Finance Director Terry Shea Section 3. Any one of the individuals named as authorized signers acting on behalf of the City of Grand Terrace is authorized to execute documents on behalf of the City. . C.5.h Packet Pg. 58 At t a c h m e n t : M I D A m e r i c a [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) Page 2 Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at its regular meeting held on the 13th day of April 2021. ____________________________ Darcy McNaboe Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________ Debra L. Thomas City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ Adrian Guerra City Attorney C.5.h Packet Pg. 59 At t a c h m e n t : M I D A m e r i c a [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) I, Debra Thomas, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 2021- was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, on the 13th day of April, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: City Clerk C.5.h Packet Pg. 60 At t a c h m e n t : M I D A m e r i c a [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) RESOLUTION NO. 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING SIGNERS FOR THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN WITH EMPOWER RETIREMENT WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace is a municipal corporation established under the laws of the State of California (“City”); and WHEREAS, Empower Retirement is a retirement services provider in the United States; and WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace needs to update its deposit agreement and signature card with Empower Retirement; and WHEREAS, the City designates the City Manager and Interim Finance Director as authorized signers on the City of Grand Terrace Deferred Comp Plan with Empower Retirement; and WHEREAS Empower Retirement requires the City to adopt a corporate resolution and authorization to designate authorized signers for the City’s Deferred Compensation Plan on behalf of its plan participants; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, as follows: Section 1. All previous resolutions of designated authorized signers with Empower Retirement are hereby revoked. Section 2. Authorized signers on EMPOWER Retirement accounts are as follows: Position Individual Name City Manager G. Harold Duffey Interim Finance Director Terry Shea Section 3. Any one of the individuals named as authorized signers acting on behalf of the City of Grand Terrace is authorized to execute documents on behalf of the City. . C.5.i Packet Pg. 61 At t a c h m e n t : E m p o w e r R e t i r e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) Page 2 Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at its regular meeting held on the 13th day of April 2021. ____________________________ Darcy McNaboe Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________ Debra L. Thomas City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ Adrian Guerra City Attorney C.5.i Packet Pg. 62 At t a c h m e n t : E m p o w e r R e t i r e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) I, Debra Thomas, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 2021- was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, on the 13th day of April, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: City Clerk C.5.i Packet Pg. 63 At t a c h m e n t : E m p o w e r R e t i r e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( U p d a t e t o B a n k a n d I n v e s t m e n t A c c o u n t S i g n a t u r e A u t h o r i t y ) AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: April 13, 2021 Council Item TITLE: Notice to Council that City's Contract Officer Will be Issuing a Notice to Proceed in Accordance with Agreement #2019- 15 with (MIG) Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Inc. in the Amount of $59,685. PRESENTED BY: Steven Weiss, Planning & Development Services Director RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File Notice to Council That City’s Contract Officer will be issuing a Notice to Proceed in accordance with Agreement #2019-15 with (MIG) in the amount of $59,685. MIG to Prepare Environmental Documentation for the Planning Commission to Review the Uniform Application Packet for a proposed Battery Energy Storage System Project. 2030 VISION STATEMENT: This staff report supports Goal #1, Ensuring Fiscal Viability. The cost for environmental services identified in the agenda report will be borne by the project proponent. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: On November 25, 2020, Condor Energy Storage, LLC represented by Keith Latham submitted an application proposing the construction of a 200-Megawatt Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), located on an approximately 10-acre parcel land, generally located near the intersection of Main Street and Taylor Street (Assessor’s Parcel Number 1167-151-77-0000), zoned M2-Industrial (“Project”). In 2019 and in accordance with the City’s purchasing ordinance, the City entered into a professional services agreement with Michael Baker International and Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Inc (MIG) for on-call planning and environmental services. Consistent with the provisions of both on-call agreements, Staff requested cost proposals from both firms to perform the environmental review and documentation for the Project on December 17, 2020. Staff received a response solely from MIG on January 15, 2021 and determined that the cost proposal was acceptable to the City. MIG’s proposal includes Optional Task 9 relating to services to adequately assess potential Project impacts on jurisdictional waters of the US and State ($9,720) and Optional Task 10 relating to peer review of fire protection/suppression plans for the Project ($13,200). The cost proposal was last updated on January 27, 2021 for a total amount of $59,865.00, which includes optional tasks mentioned above. Without the optional tasks, C.6 Packet Pg. 64 the cost would be $37,745. A $35,000 deposit has already been submitted by Condor Energy Storage, LLC towards these costs and, in addition, an administrative deposit fee of $4,600 to cover staff’s time associated with the Project review has been paid. The remaining balance of $2,745.00 is due upon approval of Notice to Proceed. If the optional tasks are needed, then the applicant will be required to make an additional deposit to cover those costs. As stated in Agreement #2019-15, Exhibit C, Section III between the City and MIG, any services that will be reimbursed by an applicant/developer, should follow the detailed work request procedure shown in Exhibit A, Section III: a) A Task to be performed shall be set forth in a written request produced by the City’s Contract Officer (the City Manager or his designee); b) Following receipt of the request, Consultant (MIG) prepares a Task Proposal with description, cost, and schedule of completion of Task; c) The Contract Officer approves the Task and issues a Notice to Proceed; d) The Task will be performed with a cost not to exceed the Task Budget; and e) Consultant shall complete the Task by the Task Completion Date, in accordance with the Task Completion Schedule, and deliver all deliverable to the Contract Officer. City staff is providing City Council with an update; the City’s Contract Officer will be issuing a Notice to Proceed in accordance with Agreement #2019-15 with MIG. The City’s Contract Officer is not approving or endorsing the project. The Notice to Proceed is an administrative process designed to expedite the delivery of required studies for Land Use Applications. The studies are developer funded but managed by the City of Grand Terrace staff. FISCAL IMPACT: There will be no fiscal impact to the City. The developer is required to pay for the contracted services. ATTACHMENTS: • NOTICE TO PROCEED - MIG (DOC) • Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Incorporated-2019-15 (1) (PDF) • RFP for Condor Energy IS (PDF) • MIG Task Proposal (Condor Scope of Work) (PDF) • MIG Task Proposal (Schedule of Compensation and Project Schedule) (PDF) APPROVALS: Steven Weiss Completed 04/09/2021 11:38 AM City Attorney Completed 04/09/2021 11:38 AM C.6 Packet Pg. 65 Finance Completed 04/09/2021 11:38 AM City Manager Completed 04/09/2021 11:52 AM City Council Pending 04/13/2021 6:00 PM C.6 Packet Pg. 66 DEPAR 01247.0005/697001.1 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, 92313-5295 909/824-6621 Fax 909/783-2600 Planning and Development Services Department _____, 2021 Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Incorporated Attn: Pamela D. Steel, Principal 1500 Iowa Avenue, Suite 110 Riverside, CA 92507 SUBJECT: Notice to Proceed – Environmental Review Services for the Condor Energy Storage Project in the City of Grand Terrace Dear Ms. Steel: As you are aware, the City of Grand Terrace (“City”) and Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Inc. (“MIG”) entered into that certain “Agreement for Contract Services by and between the City of Grand Terrace and Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Inc.,” dated May 14, 2019, (“Agreement”) for the provision certain on-call services, including, but not limited, to planning and environmental review services, as more particularly described in the Agreement. The Agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment 1. Pursuant to the Agreement, the City submitted a Task Order/Request for Proposals to MIG on December 17, 2020, relating to environmental review services as described therein, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as Attachment 2 (“Project Task Order”). MIG accordingly submitted a Task Proposal, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment 3 (“Project Task Proposal”). The Project Task Proposal includes Tasks 1 through 8 and optional tasks 9 and 10, which are more particularly described in the Project Task Proposal. Pursuant to the Agreement, this letter serves as the City’s written approval of the Project Task Proposal and notice to proceed subject to the terms of this letter. MIG shall carry out the Project Task Proposal subject to the following: 1. MIG’s total compensation for all services provided under the Project Task Proposal shall not exceed $59,685.00 (“Project Task Total Sum”). 2. The budgeted amounts for each Task within the Project Task Proposal shall not be shifted from one Task to another unless approved by the Contract Officer in writing and provided that the Project Task Total Sum is not exceeded. 3. MIG shall perform Tasks 1 through 8 as provided in the Project Task Proposal. MIG shall not perform optional Tasks 9 and 10 in the Project Task Proposal and shall not receive any compensation for the performance of optional Tasks 9 and 10 unless the Contract Officer requests and authorizes the performance of Task 9 and 10 in writing. 4. MIG shall commence services pursuant to the Project Task Order on ____, 2021 or such other date as may be mutually agreed upon between the Contract Officer and MIG. C.6.a Packet Pg. 67 At t a c h m e n t : N O T I C E T O P R O C E E D - M I G [ R e v i s i o n 3 ] ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y S e r v i c e s ) DEPAR 01247.0005/697001.1 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, 92313-5295 909/824-6621 Fax 909/783-2600 Planning and Development Services Department 5. MIG’s performance of the Project Task Order shall be in compliance with the following documents (in order of precedence), which are incorporated herein by this reference: a. Agreement (Attachment 1) b. Project Task Order (Attachment 2) c. Project Task Proposal (Attachment 3) We look forward to working with MIG on the Project. Should you have any questions, please contact Steven A. Weiss at (909) 824-6621 ext. 225. Sincerely, G. Harold Duffey City Manager C.6.a Packet Pg. 68 At t a c h m e n t : N O T I C E T O P R O C E E D - M I G [ R e v i s i o n 3 ] ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y S e r v i c e s ) AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND MOORE IACOFANO GOLTSMAN, INCORPORATED This "AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND MOORE IACOFANO GOLTSMAN, INCORPORATED (herein Agreement") is made and entered into this 14th day of May, 2019 by and between the City of Grand Terrace, a California municipal corporation ("City") and Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Incorporated, a California corporation ("Consultant"). City and Consultant are sometimes hereinafter individually referred to as "Party" and hereinafter collectively referred to as the Parties." RECITALS A. City has sought the performance of the services, defined and described particularly in Article 1 of this Agreement, pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code. B. Consultant was selected by the City to perform those services more particularly described in Article 1 of this Agreement.. C. Pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code, City has authority to enterintoandexecutethisAgreement. D. The Parties desire to formalize the selection of Consultant for performance of those services defined and described particularly in Article 1 of this Agreement and desire that the terms of that performance be as particularly defined and described herein. OPERATIVE PROVISIONS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants made by the Parties and contained herein and other consideration, the value and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. SERVICES OF CONSULTANT 1.1 Scope of Services. In compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Consultant shall provide those services specified in the "Scope of Services" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference, which may be referred to herein as the "services" or work" hereunder. As a material inducement to the City entering into this Agreement, Consultant represents and warrants that it has the qualifications, experience, and facilities necessary to properly perform the services required under this Agreement in a thorough, competent, and professional manner, and is experienced in performing the work and services contemplated herein. Consultant shall at all times faithfully, competently and to the best of its ability, experience and talent, perform all services described herein. Consultant covenants that it shall follow the highest professional standards in performing the work and services required 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 2- C.6.b Packet Pg. 69 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y hereunder and that all materials will be both of good quality as well as fit for the purpose intended. For purposes of this Agreement, the phrase "highest professional standards" shall mean those standards of practice recognized by one or more first-class firms performing similar work under similar circumstances. 1.2 Consultant's Proposal. The Scope of Service shall include the Consultant's scope of work or bid which shall be incorporated herein by this reference as though fully set forth herein. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of such proposal and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall govern. 1.3 Compliance with Law. Consultant shall keep itself informed concerning, and shall render all services hereunder in accordance with, all ordinances, resolutions, statutes, rules, and regulations of the City and any Federal, State or local governmental entity having jurisdiction in effect at the time service is rendered. 1.4 Licenses, Permits, Fees and Assessments Consultant shall obtain at its sole cost and expense such licenses, permits and approvals as may be required by law for the performance of the services required by this Agreement. Consultant shall have the sole obligation to pay for any fees, assessments and taxes, plus applicable penalties and interest, which may be imposed by law and arise from or are necessaryfortheConsultant's performance of the services required by this Agreement, and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its officers, employees or agents of City, against any such fees, assessments, taxes, penalties or interest levied, assessed or imposed against Cityhereunder. 1.5 Familiarity with Work. By executing this Agreement, Consultant warrants that Consultant (i) has thoroughlyinvestigatedandconsideredthescopeofservicestobeperformed, (ii) has carefully considered how the services should be performed, and (iii) fully understands the facilities, difficulties and restrictions attending performance of the services under this Agreement. If the services involve work upon any site, Consultant warrants that Consultant has or will investigate the site and is or will be fully acquainted with the conditions there existing, prior to commencement of services hereunder. Should the Consultant discover any latent or unknown conditions, which will materially affect the performance of the services hereunder, Consultant shall immediately inform the City of such fact and shall not proceed except at Consultant's risk until written instructions are received from the Contract Officer. 1.6 Care of Work. The Consultant shall adopt reasonable methods during the life of the Agreement to furnish continuous protection to the work, and the equipment, materials, papers, documents, plans, studies and/or other components thereof to prevent losses or damages, and shall be 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 3- C.6.b Packet Pg. 70 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y responsible for all such damages, to persons or property, until acceptance of the work by City, except such losses or damages as may be caused by City's own negligence. 1.7 Further Responsibilities of Parties. Both parties agree to use reasonable care and diligence to perform their respective obligations under this Agreement. Both parties agree to act in good faith to execute all instruments, prepare all documents and take all actions as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes of this Agreement. Unless hereafter specified, neither party shall be responsible for the service of the other. 1.8 Additional Services. City shall have the right at any time during the performance of the services, without invalidating this Agreement, to order extra work beyond that specified in the Scope of Services or make changes by altering, adding to or deducting from said work. No such extra work may be undertaken unless a written order is first given by the Contract Officer to the Consultant, incorporating therein any adjustment in (i) the Contract Sum for the actual costs of the extra work, and/or (ii) the time to perform this Agreement, which said adjustments are subject to the written approval of the Consultant. Any increase in compensation of up to ten percent (10%) of the Contract Sum or $25,000, whichever is less; or, in the time to perform of up to one hundred eighty (180) days, may be approved by the Contract Officer. Any greater increases, taken either separately or cumulatively, must be approved by the City Council. It is expressly understood by Consultant that the provisions of this Section shall not apply to services specifically set forth in the Scope of Services. Consultant hereby acknowledges that it accepts the risk that the services to be provided pursuant to the Scope of Services may be more costly or time consuming than Consultant anticipates and that Consultant shall not be entitled to additional compensation therefor. City may in its sole and absolute discretion have similar work done by other consultants. No claims for an increase in the Contract Sum or time for performance shall be valid unless the procedures established in this Section are followed. 1.9 Special Requirements. Additional terms and conditions of this Agreement, if any, which are made a part hereof are set forth in the "Special Requirements" attached hereto as Exhibit `B" and incorporated herein by this reference. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of Exhibit`B" and any other provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of Exhibit`B" shall govern. ARTICLE 2. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT. 2.1 Contract Sum. Subject to any limitations set forth in this Agreement, City agrees to pay Consultant the amounts specified in the "Schedule of Compensation" attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and incorporated herein by this reference. The total compensation, including reimbursement for actual expenses, shall not exceed the amounts set forth in Exhibit "C" (the "Contract Sum"), unless additional compensation is approved pursuant to Section 1.8. 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 4- C.6.b Packet Pg. 71 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y 2.2 Method of Compensation. The method of compensation may include: (i) a lump sum payment upon completion; (ii) payment in accordance with specified tasks or the percentage of completion of the services, less contract retention; (iii) payment for time and materials based upon the Consultant's rates as specified in the Schedule of Compensation, provided that (a) time estimates are provided for the performance of sub tasks, (b) contract retention is maintained, and (c) the Contract Sum is not exceeded; or(iv) such other methods as may be specified in the Schedule of Compensation. 2.3 Reimbursable Expenses. Compensation may include reimbursement for actual and necessary expenditures for reproduction costs, telephone expenses, and travel expenses approved by the Contract Officer in advance, or actual subcontractor expenses of an approved subcontractor pursuant to Section 4.5,and only if specified in the Schedule of Compensation. The Contract Sum shall include the attendance of Consultant at all project meetings reasonably deemed necessary by the City.Coordination of the performance of the work with City is a critical component of the services. If Consultant is required to attend additional meetings to facilitate such coordination, Consultant shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for attending said meetings. 2.4 Invoices. Each month Consultant shall furnish to City an original invoice for all work performed and expenses incurred during the preceding month in a form approved by City's Director ofFinance. By submitting an invoice for payment under this Agreement, Consultant is certifying compliance with all provisions of the Agreement. The invoice shall detail charges for all necessary and actual expenses by the following categories: labor (by sub-category), travel, materials, equipment, supplies, and sub-contractor contracts. Sub-contractor charges shall also be detailed by such categories. Consultant shall not invoice City for any duplicate services performed by more than one person. City shall independently review each invoice submitted by the Consultant to determine whether the work performed and expenses incurred are in compliance with the provisions of thisAgreement. Except as to any charges for work performed or expenses incurred by Consultant which are disputed by City, or as provided in Section 7.3, City will use its best efforts to cause Consultant to be paid within forty-five (45) days of receipt of Consultant's correct and undisputed invoice; however, Consultant acknowledges and agrees that due to City warrant run procedures, the City cannot guarantee that payment will occur within this time period. In the event any charges or expenses are disputed by City, the original invoice shall be returned by CitytoConsultantforcorrectionandresubmission. Review and payment by City for any invoice provided by the Consultant shall not constitute a waiver of any rights or remedies provided herein or any applicable law. 2.5 Waiver. Payment to Consultant for work performed pursuant to this Agreement shall not be deemed to waive any defects in work performed by Consultant. 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 5- C.6.b Packet Pg. 72 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y ARTICLE 3. PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE 3.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance ofthis Agreement. 3.2 Schedule of Performance. Consultant shall commence the services pursuant to this Agreement upon receipt of a written notice to proceed and shall perform all services within the time period(s) established in the "Schedule of Performance" attached hereto as Exhibit "D" and incorporated herein by this reference. When requested by the Consultant, extensions to the time period(s) specified in the Schedule of Performance may be approved in writing by the Contract Officer but not exceeding one hundred eighty(180) days cumulatively. 3.3 Force Maieure. The time period(s) specified in the Schedule of Performance for performance of the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be extended because of any delays due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Consultant, including, but not restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, unusually severe weather, fires, earthquakes, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, riots, strikes, freight embargoes, wars, litigation, and/or acts of any governmental agency, including the City, if the Consultant shall within ten (10) days of the commencement of such delay notify the Contract Officer in writing of the causes of the delay. The Contract Officer shall ascertain the facts and the extent of delay, and extend the time for performing the services for the period of the enforced delay whenandifinthejudgmentoftheContractOfficersuchdelayisjustified. The Contract Officer's determination shall be final and conclusive upon the parties to this Agreement. In no event shall Consultant be entitled to recover damages against the City for any delay in the performance of this Agreement, however caused, Consultant's sole remedy being extension of the Agreement pursuant to this Section. 3.4 Term. Unless earlier terminated in accordance with Article 7 of this Agreement, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until completion of the services but not exceeding one (1) years from the date hereof, except as otherwise provided in the Schedule of Performance Exhibit"D"). ARTICLE 4. COORDINATION OF WORK 4.1 Representatives and Personnel of Consultant The following principals of Consultant ("Principals") are hereby designated as being the principals and representatives of Consultant authorized to act in its behalf with respect to the work specified herein and make all decisions in connection therewith: 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 6- C.6.b Packet Pg. 73 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y Pamela D. Steele, Principal Name) Title) Name) Title) Name) Title) It is expressly understood that the experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of the foregoing principals were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this -Agreement. Therefore, the foregoing principals shall be responsible during the term of this Agreement for directing all activities of Consultant and devoting sufficient time to personally supervise the services hereunder. All personnel of Consultant, and any authorized agents, shall at all times be under the exclusive direction and control of the Principals. For purposes of this Agreement, the foregoing Principals may not be replaced nor may their responsibilities be substantially reduced by Consultant without the express written approval of City. Additionally, Consultant shall utilize only competent personnel to perform services pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall make every reasonable effort to maintain the stability and continuity of Consultant's staff and subcontractors, if any, assigned to perform the services required under this Agreement. Consultant shall notify City of any changes in Consultant's staff and subcontractors, if any, assigned to perform the services required under this Agreement, prior to and during any such performance. 4.2 Status of Consultant. Consultant shall have no authority to bind City in any manner, or to incur any obligation, debt or liability of any kind on behalf of or against City, whether by contract or otherwise, unless such authority is expressly conferred under this Agreement or is otherwise expressly conferred in writing by City. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that Consultant or any of Consultant's officers, employees, or agents are in any manner officials, officers, employees or agents of City. Neither Consultant, nor any of Consultant's officers, employees or agents, shall obtain any rights to retirement, health care or any other benefits which may otherwise accrue to City's employees. Consultant expressly waives any claim Consultant may have to any such rights. 4.3 Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall be G. Harold Duffey, City Manager, or such person as may be designated by the City Manager. It shall be the Consultant's responsibility to assure that the Contract Officer is kept informed of the progress of the performance of the services and the Consultant shall refer any decisions which must be made by City to the Contract Officer. Unless otherwise specified herein, any approval of City required hereunder shall mean the approval of the Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall have authority, if specified in writing by the City Manager, to sign all documents on behalf of the City required hereunder to carry out the terms of this Agreement. 4.4 Independent Contractor. 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 7- C.6.b Packet Pg. 74 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y Neither the City nor any of its employees shall have any control over the manner, mode or means by which Consultant, its agents or employees, perform the services required herein, except as otherwise set forth herein. City shall have no voice in the selection, discharge, supervision or control of Consultant's employees, servants, representatives or agents, or in fixing their number, compensation or hours of service. Consultant shall perform all services required herein as an independent contractor of City and shall remain at all times as to City a wholly independent contractor with only such obligations as are consistent with that role. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are agents or employees of City. City shall not in any way or for any purpose become or be deemed to be a partner of Consultant in its business or otherwise or a joint venturer or a member of any joint enterprise with Consultant. 4.5 Prohibition Against Subcontracting or Assignment. The experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of Consultant, its principals and employees were a substantial inducement for the City to enter into this Agreement. Therefore, Consultant shall not contract with any other entity to perform in whole or in part the services required hereunder without the express written approval of the City. In addition, neither this Agreement nor any interest herein may be transferred, assigned, conveyed, hypothecated or encumbered voluntarily or by operation of law, whether for the benefit of creditors or otherwise, without the prior written approval of City. Transfers restricted hereunder shall include the transfer to any person or group of persons acting in concert of more than twenty five percent 25%) of the present ownership and/or control of Consultant, taking all transfers into account on a cumulative basis. In the event of any such unapproved transfer, including any bankruptcy proceeding, this Agreement shall be void. No approved transfer shall release the Consultant or any surety of Consultant of any liability hereunder without the express consent of City. ARTICLE 5. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION 5.1 Insurance Coverages. The Consultant shall procure and maintain, at its sole cost and expense, in a form and content satisfactory to City, during the entire term of this Agreement including any extension thereof, the following policies of insurance which shall cover all elected and appointed officers, employees and agents of City: a) General Liability Insurance (Occurrence Form CG0001 or equivalent). A policy of comprehensive general liability insurance written on a per occurrence basis for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. The policy of insurance shall be in an amount not less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence or if a general aggregate limit is used, then the general aggregate limit shall be twice the occurrence limit. b) Worker's Compensation Insurance. A policy of worker's compensation insurance in such amount as will fully comply with the laws of the State of California and which shall indemnify, insure and provide legal defense for the Consultant against any loss, claim or damage arising from any injuries or occupational diseases occurring to any worker employed by 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 g- C.6.b Packet Pg. 75 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y or any persons retained by the Consultant in the course of carrying out the work or services contemplated in this Agreement. c) Automotive Insurance (Form CA 0001 (Ed 1/87) including `any auto" and endorsement CA 0025 or equivalent). A policy of comprehensive automobile liability insurance written on a per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage in an amount not less than 1,000,000: Said policy shall include coverage for owned, non-owned, leased, hired cars and any automobile. d) Professional Liability. Professional liability insurance appropriate to the Consultant's profession. This coverage may be written on a "claims made" basis, and must include coverage for contractual liability. The professional liability insurance required by this Agreement must be endorsed to be applicable to claims based upon, arising out of or related to services performed under this Agreement. The insurance must be maintained for at least 5 consecutive years following the completion of Consultant's services or the termination of this Agreement. During this additional 5-year period, Consultant shall annually and upon request of the City submit written evidence of this continuous coverage. e) Subcontractors. Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and certified endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall include all of the requirements stated herein. f) Additional Insurance. Policies of such other insurance, as may be required in the Special Requirements in Exhibit"B". 5.2 General Insurance Requirements. All of the above policies of insurance shall be primary insurance and shall name the City, its elected and appointed officers, employees and agents as additional insureds and any insurance maintained by City or its officers, employees or agents may apply in excess of, and not contribute with Consultant's insurance. The insurer is deemed hereof to waive all rights of subrogation and contribution it may have against the City, its officers, employees and agents and their respective insurers. Moreover, the insurance policy must specify that where the primary insured does not satisfy the self-insured retention, any additional insured may satisfy the self- insured retention. All of said policies of insurance shall provide that said insurance may not be amended or cancelled by the insurer or any party hereto without providing thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail return receipt requested to the City. In the event any of said policies of insurance are cancelled, the Consultant shall, prior to the cancellation date, submit new evidence of insurance in conformance with Section 5.1 to the Contract Officer. No work or services under this Agreement shall commence until the Consultant has provided the City with Certificates of Insurance, additional insured endorsement forms or appropriate insurance binders evidencing the above insurance coverages and said Certificates of Insurance or binders are approved by the City. City reserves the right to inspect complete, certified copies of and endorsements to all required insurance policies at any time. Any failure 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 9- C.6.b Packet Pg. 76 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y to comply with the reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches or warranties shall not affect coverage provided to City. All certificates shall name the City as additional insured (providing the appropriate endorsement) and shall conform to the following"cancellation"notice: CANCELLATION: SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATED THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY SHALL MAIL THIRTY 30)-DAY ADVANCE WRITTEN NOTICE T CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED HWIN.[ to be initialed] s City, its respective elected and appointed officers, directors, officials, employees, agents and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds as respects: liability arising out of activities Consultant performs; products and completed operations of Consultant; premises owned, occupied or used by Consultant; or any automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by Consultant. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to City, and their respective elected and appointed officers, officials, employees or volunteers. Consultant's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by City. At the option of City, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects City or its respective elected or appointed officers, officials, employees and volunteers or the Consultant shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration, defense expenses and claims. The Consultant agrees that the requirement to provide insurance shall not be construed as limiting in any way the extent to which the Consultant may be held responsible for the payment of damages to any persons or property resulting from the Consultant's activities or the activities of any person or persons for which the Consultant is otherwise responsible nor shall it limit the Consultant's indemnification liabilities as provided in Section 5.3. In the event the Consultant subcontracts any portion of the work in compliance with Section 4.5 of this Agreement, the contract between the Consultant and such subcontractor shall require the subcontractor to maintain the same policies of insurance that the Consultant is required to maintain pursuant to Section 5.1, and such certificates and endorsements shall be provided to City. 5.3 Indemnification. To the full extent permitted by law, Consultant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees and agents ("Indemnified Parties") against, and will hold and save them and each of them harmless from, any and all actions, either judicial, 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 10- C.6.b Packet Pg. 77 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y administrative, arbitration or regulatory claims, damages to persons or property, losses, costs, penalties, obligations, errors, omissions or liabilities whether actual or threatened(herein "claims or liabilities") that may be asserted or claimed by any person, firm or entity arising out of or in connection with the negligent performance of the work, operations or activities provided herein of Consultant, its officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, or invitees, or any individual or entity for which Consultant is legally liable ("indemnitors"), or arising from Consultant's or indemnitors' reckless or willful misconduct, or arising from Consultant's or indemnitors' negligent performance of or failure to perform any term, provision, covenant or condition of this Agreement, and in connection therewith: a) Consultant will defend any action or actions filed in connection with any of said claims or liabilities and will pay all costs and expenses, including legal costs and attorney's fees incurred in connection therewith; b) Consultant will promptly pay any judgment rendered against the City, its officers, agents or employees for any such claims or liabilities arising out of or in connection with the negligent performance of or failure to perform such work, operations or activities of Consultant hereunder; and Consultant agrees to save and hold the City, its officers, agents, and employees harmless therefrom; c) In the event the City, its officers, agents or employees is made a party to any action or proceeding filed or prosecuted against Consultant for such damages or other claims arising out of or in connection with the negligent performance of or failure to perform the work, operation or activities of Consultant hereunder, Consultant agrees to pay to the City, its officers, agents or employees, any and all costs and expenses incurred by the City, its officers, agents or employees in such action or proceeding, including but not limited to, legal costs and attorney'sfees. Consultant shall incorporate similar indemnity agreements with its subcontractors and if it fails to do so Consultant shall be fully responsible to indemnify City hereunder therefore, and failure of City to monitor compliance with these provisions shall not be a waiver hereof. This indemnification includes claims or liabilities arising from any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission, or reckless or willful misconduct of Consultant in the performance of professional services hereunder. The provisions of this Section do not apply to claims or liabilities occurring as a result of City's sole negligence or willful acts or omissions, but, to the fullest extent permitted by law, shall apply to claims and liabilities resulting in part from City's negligence, except that design professionals' indemnity hereunder shall be limited to claims and liabilities arising out of the negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of the design professional. The indemnity obligation shall be binding on successors and assigns of Consultant and shall survive termination of this Agreement. 5.4 Sufficiency of Insurer. Insurance required by this Agreement shall be satisfactory only if issued by companies qualified to do business in California, rated "A" or better in the most recent edition of Best Rating Guide, The Key Rating Guide or in the Federal Register, and only if they are of a financial category Class VII or better, unless such requirements are waived by the Risk Manager 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 11- C.6.b Packet Pg. 78 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y of the City ("Risk Manager") due to unique circumstances. If this Agreement continues for more than 3 years duration, or in the event the risk manager determines that the work or services to be performed under this Agreement creates an increased or decreased risk of loss to the City, the Consultant agrees that the minimum limits of the insurance policies may be changed accordingly upon receipt of written notice from the Risk Manager. ARTICLE 6. RECORDS, REPORTS,AND RELEASE OF INFORMATION 6.1 Records. Consultant shall keep, and require subcontractors to keep, such ledgers, books of accounts, invoices, vouchers, canceled checks, reports, studies or other documents relating to the disbursements charged to City and services performed hereunder (the "books and records"), as shall be necessary to perform the services required by this Agreement and enable the Contract Officer to evaluate the performance of such services. Any and all such documents shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be complete and detailed. The Contract Officer shall have full and free access to such books and records at all times during normal business hours of City, including the right to inspect, copy, audit and make records and transcripts from such records. Such records shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years following completion of the services hereunder, and the City shall have access to such records in the event any audit is required. In the event of dissolution of Consultant's business, custody of the books and records may be given to City, and access shall be provided by Consultant's successor in interest. Notwithstanding the above, the Consultant shall fully cooperate with the City in providing access to the books and records if a public records request is made and disclosure is required by law including but not limited to the California Public Records Act. 6.2 Reports. Consultant shall periodically prepare and submit to the Contract Officer such reports concerning the performance of the services required by this Agreement as the Contract Officer shall require. Consultant hereby acknowledges that the City is greatly concerned about the cost of work and services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement. For this reason, Consultant agrees that if Consultant becomes aware of any facts, circumstances, techniques, or events that may or will materially increase or decrease the cost of the work or services contemplated herein or, if Consultant is providing design services, the cost of the project being designed, Consultant shall promptly notify the Contract Officer of said fact, circumstance, technique or event and the estimated increased or decreased cost related thereto and, if Consultant is providing design services, the estimated increased or decreased cost estimate for the project being designed. 6.3 Ownership of Documents. All drawings, specifications, maps, designs, photographs, studies, surveys, data, notes, computer files, reports, records, documents and other materials (the "documents and materials"), including any electronic documents and materials, prepared by Consultant, its employees, subcontractors and agents in the performance of this Agreement shall be the property of City and shall be delivered to City in a format of the City's choice upon request of the Contract Officer or 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 12- C.6.b Packet Pg. 79 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y upon the termination of this Agreement, and Consultant shall have no claim for further employment or additional compensation as a result of the exercise by City of its full rights of ownership use, reuse, or assignment of the documents and materials hereunder. Any use, reuse or assignment of such completed documents for other projects and/or use of uncompleted documents without specific written authorization by the Consultant will be at the City's sole risk and without liability to Consultant, and Consultant's guarantee and warranties shall not extend to such use, reuse or assignment. Consultant may retain copies of such documents for its own use. Consultant shall have the right to use the concepts embodied therein. All subcontractors shall provide for assignment to City of any documents or materials prepared by them, and in the event Consultant fails to secure such assignment, Consultant shall indemnify City for all damages resulting therefrom. Moreover, Consultant with respect to any documents and materials that may qualify as "works made for hire" as defined in 17 U.S.C. § 101, such documents and materials are hereby deemed"works made for hire" for the City. 6.4 Confidentiality and Release of Information a) All information gained or work product produced by Consultant in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential, unless such information is in the public domain or already known to Consultant. Consultant shall not release or disclose any such information or work product to persons or entities other than City without prior written authorization from the Contract Officer. b) Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall not, without prior written authorization from the Contract Officer or unless requested by the CityAttorney, voluntarily provide documents, declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered voluntary"provided Consultant gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. c) If Consultant, or any officer, employee, agent or subcontractor of Consultant, provides any information or work product in violation of this Agreement, then City shall have the right to reimbursement and indemnity from Consultant for any damages, costs and fees, including attorney's fees, caused by or incurred as a result of Consultant's conduct. d) Consultant shall promptly notify City should Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed there under. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Consultant or be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Consultant. However, this right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. ARTICLE 7. ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT AND TERMINATION 7.1 California Law. 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 13- C.6.b Packet Pg. 80 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and governed both as to validity and to performance of the parties in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Legal actions concerning any dispute, claim or matter arising out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of San Bernardino, State of California, or any other appropriate court in such county, and Consultant covenants and agrees to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such court in the event of such action. In the event of litigation in a U.S. District Court, venue shall lie exclusively in the Central District of California, in the County of San Bernardino, State of California. 7.2 Disputes; Default. In the event that Consultant is in default under the terms ofthis Agreement, the City shall not have any obligation or duty to continue compensating Consultant for any work performed after the date of default. Instead, the City may give notice to Consultant of the default and the reasons for the default. The notice shall include the timeframe in which Consultant may cure the default. This timeframe is presumptively thirty (30) days, but may be extended, though not reduced, if circumstances warrant. During the period of time that Consultant is in default, the City shall hold all invoices and shall, when the default is cured, proceed with payment on the invoices. In the alternative, the City may, in its sole discretion, elect to pay some or all of the outstanding invoices during the period of default. If Consultant does not cure the default, the City may take necessary steps to terminate this Agreement under this Article. Any failure on the part of the City to give notice of the Consultant's default shall not be deemed to result in a waiver of the City's legal rights or any rights arising out of any provision of this Agreement. 7.3 Retention ofFunds. Consultant hereby authorizes City to deduct from any amount payable to Consultant whether or not arising out of this Agreement) (i) any amounts the payment of which may be in dispute hereunder or which are necessary to compensate City for any losses, costs, liabilities, or damages suffered by City, and (ii) all amounts for which City may be liable to third parties, by reason of Consultant's acts or omissions in performing or failing to perform Consultant's obligation under this Agreement. In the event that any claim is made by a third party, the amount or validity of which is disputed by Consultant, or any indebtedness shall exist which shall appear to be the basis for a claim of lien, City may withhold from any payment due, without liability for interest because of such withholding, an amount sufficient to cover such claim. The failure of City to exercise such right to deduct or to withhold shall not, however, affect the obligations of the Consultant to insure, indemnify, and protect City as elsewhere provided herein. 7.4 Waiver. Waiver by any party to this Agreement of any term, condition, or covenant of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other term, condition, or covenant. Waiver by any party of any breach of the provisions of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other provision or a waiver of any subsequent breach or violation of any provision of this Agreement. Acceptance by City of any work or services by Consultant shall not constitute a waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy by a non-defaulting party on any default shall impair such right or remedy or be 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 14- C.6.b Packet Pg. 81 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y construed as a waiver. Any waiver by either party of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of this Agreement. 7.5 Rights and Remedies are Cumulative. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by either party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other party. 7.6 Legal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may take legal action, in law or in equity, to cure, correct or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, to compel specific performance of this Agreement, to obtain declaratory or injunctive relief, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purposes of this Agreement. Notwithstanding any contrary provision herein, Consultant shall file a statutory claim pursuant to Government Code Sections 905 et. seq. and 910 et. seq., in order to pursue a legal action under this Agreement. 7.7 Termination Prior to Expiration of Term This Section shall govern any termination of this Contract except as specifically providedinthefollowingSectionforterminationforcause. The City reserves the right to terminate this Contract at any time, with or without cause, upon written notice to Consultant. In addition, the Consultant may terminate this Contract for cause, upon sixty (60) days' advance written notice to City. Upon receipt of any notice of termination, Consultant shall immediately cease all services hereunder except such as may be specifically approved by the Contract Officer. Except where the Consultant has initiated termination, the Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for all services rendered prior to the effective date of the notice of termination and for any services authorized by the Contract Officer thereafter in accordance with the Schedule of Compensation or such as may be approved by the Contract Officer, except as provided in Section 7.3. In the event the Consultant has initiated termination, the Consultant shall be entitled to compensation only for the reasonable value of the work product actually produced hereunder. In the event of termination without cause pursuant to this Section, the terminating party need not provide the non-terminating party with the opportunity to cure pursuant to Section 7.2. 7.8 Termination for Default of Consultant. If termination is due to the failure of the Consultant to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, City may, after compliance with the provisions of Section 7.2, take over the work and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and the Consultant shall be liable to the extent that the total cost for completion of the services required hereunder exceeds the compensation herein stipulated (provided that the City shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate such damages), and City may withhold any payments to the Consultant for the purpose of set-off or partial payment of the amounts owed the City as previously stated. 7.9 Attornev's Fees. 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 15- C.6.b Packet Pg. 82 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y If either party to this Agreement is required to initiate or defend or made a party to any action or proceeding in any way connected with this Agreement, the prevailing party in such action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief which may be granted, whether legal or equitable, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees. Attorney's fees shall include attorney's fees on any appeal, and in addition a party entitled to attorney's fees shall be entitled to all other reasonable costs for investigating such action, taking depositions and discovery and all other necessary costs the court allows which are incurred in such litigation. All such fees shall be deemed to have accrued on commencement of such action and shall be enforceable whether or not such action is prosecuted to judgment. ARTICLE 8. CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES: NON-DISCRIMINATION 8.1 Non-liability of City Officers and Employees No officer or employee of the City shall be personally liable to the Consultant, or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by the City or for any amount which may become due to the Consultant or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 8.2 Conflict of Interest. Consultant covenants that neither it, nor any officer or principal of its firm, has or shall acquire any interest, directly or indirectly, which would conflict in any manner with the interests of City or which would in any way hinder Consultant's performance of services under this Agreement. Consultant further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement, no person having any such interest shall be employed by it as an officer, employee, agent or subcontractor without the express written consent of the Contract Officer. Consultant agrees to at all times avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of any conflicts of interest with the interests of City in the performance of this Agreement. 8.3 Covenant Against Discrimination. Consultant covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry or other protected class in the performance of this Agreement. Consultant shall take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry or other protected class. 8.4 Unauthorized Aliens. Consultant hereby promises and agrees to comply with all of the provisions of the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C.A. §§ 1101, et seq., as amended, and in connection therewith, shall not employ unauthorized aliens as defined therein. Should Consultant so employ such unauthorized aliens for the performance of work and/or services covered by this Agreement, and should any liability or sanctions be imposed against City for such use of 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 16- C.6.b Packet Pg. 83 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y unauthorized aliens, Consultant hereby agrees to and shall reimburse City for the cost of all such liabilities or sanctions imposed, together with any and all costs, including attorney's fees, incurred by City. ARTICLE 9. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 9.1 Notices. Any notice, demand, request, document, consent, approval, or communication either party desires or is required to give to the other party or any other person shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first-class mail, in the case of the City, to the CityManagerandtotheattentionoftheContractOfficer (with her/his name and City title), City of Grand Terrace, 22795 Barton Rd, Grand Terrace, CA 92313, and in the case of the Consultant, to the person(s) at the address designated on the execution page of this Agreement. Either party may change its address by notifying the other party of the change of address in writing. Notice shall be deemed communicated at the time personally delivered or in seventy-two (72) hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this Section. 9.2 Interpretation. The terms of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the meaning of the language used and shall not be construed for or against either party by reason of the authorship of this Agreement or any other rule of construction which might otherwise apply. 9.3 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. 9.4 Integration; Amendment, This Agreement including the attachments hereto is the entire, complete and exclusive expression of the understanding of the parties. It is understood that there are no oral agreements between the parties hereto affecting this Agreement and this Agreement supersedes and cancels any and all previous negotiations, arrangements, agreements and understandings, if any, between the parties, and none shall be used to interpret this Agreement. No amendment to or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and approved by the Consultant and by the City Council. The parties agree that this requirement for written modifications cannot be waived and that any attempted waiver shall be void. 9.5 Severability. In the event that any one or more of the phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections contained in this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable by a valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections of this Agreement which are hereby declared as severable and shall be interpreted to carry out the intent 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 17- C.6.b Packet Pg. 84 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y of the parties hereunder unless the invalid provision is so material that its invalidity deprives either party ofthe basic benefit oftheir bargain or renders this Agreement meaningless. 9.6 Warranty& Representation ofNon-Collusion. No official, officer, or employee of City has any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, nor shall any official, officer, or employee of City participate in any decision relating to this Agreement which may affect his/her financial interest or the financial interest of any corporation, partnership, or association in which (s)he is directly or indirectly interested, or in violation of any corporation, partnership, or association in which (s)he is directly or indirectly interested, or in violation of any State or municipal statute or regulation. The determination of financial interest" shall be consistent with State law and shall not include interests found to be remote" or"noninterests"pursuant to Government Code Sections 1091 or 1091.5. Nor shall any such officer or employee participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which affects her/his financial interest or the financial interest of any corporation, partnership or association in which (s)he is, directly or indirectly, interested, in violation of any State statute or regulation, including but not limited to the Political Reform Act (Government Code Sections 81000, et seq.) Consultant warrants and represents that it has not paid or given, and will not pay or give, to any third party including, but not limited to, any City official, officer, or employee, any money, consideration, or other thing of value as a result or consequence of obtaining or being awarded any agreement. Consultant further warrants and represents that (s)he/it has not engaged in any act(s), omission(s), or other conduct or collusion that would result in the payment of any money, consideration, or other thing of value to any third parry including, but not limited to, any City official, officer, or employee, as a result of consequence of obtaining or being awarded any agreement. Consultant is aware of and understands that any such act(s), omission(s) or other conduct resulting in such payment of money, consideration, or other thing of value will render this Agreement void and of no force oWeffect. Consultant's Authorized Initia V l\ 9.7 Corporate Authority. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto warrant that (i) such parry is duly organized and existing, (ii) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of said parry, (iii) by so executing this Agreement, such party is formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement, and (iv) the entering into this Agreement does not violate any provision of any other Agreement to which said parry is bound. This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties. SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE] 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 18- C.6.b Packet Pg. 85 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date and year first-above written. CITY: City of Gr Terrac , a municipal corporation G. Harold D , City g nEST:11 ,4L,f Debra Thomas, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ALESHIRE & ". LLP Lac_ /c Adrian R. Guerra, City Attorney CONSULTANT: Moore ofano Gol sman, Incorporated, a Calif is o orati n By: Name: Title: v By. Name: WJ 'A'1, Title:V-I' n Address: 1500 Iowa Avenue, Suite 110 Riverside, CA 92507 Two corporate officer signatures required when Consultant is a corporation, with one signature required from each of the following groups: 1) Chairman of the Board, President or any Vice President; and 2) Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, Chief Financial Officer or any Assistant Treasurer. CONSULTANT'S SIGNATURES SHALL BE DULY NOTARIZED, AND APPROPRIATE ATTESTATIONS SHALL BE INCLUDED AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE BYLAWS, ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, OR OTHER RULES OR REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO CONSULTANT'S BUSINESS ENTITY. 19 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 C.6.b Packet Pg. 86 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness,accuracy or validity of that document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA FJ R G-w r,A FS COUNTY OF SA IiBA i piLvanl y On M--/ -7 , 2019 before me, 13'4' 'L-7"4 ersonally appeared ``` proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons whose names(g) Ware subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/W/thdy executed the same in his/her/thplr authorized capacity(*), and that by his/her/tloir signature(o) on the instrument the person(w), or the entity upon behalf of which the persons) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph istrueandcorrect. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NIIR. NK iiltbll IT4NQbryPubAC•Cd4i66EaSignaturtommiislion12Ldi9669 M Comm.E im Mt 16.Ei)20 OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENTALR,csL•r*- 7 -r/r- Cu,7.d-c7 r&+ jCy1jwrti..INDIVIDUAL Dy 3 4 7y CORPORATE OFFICER GG y TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT TITLE(S) PARTNER(S) LIMITED I GENERAL NUMBER OF PAGES ATTORNEY-IN-FACT TRUSTEE(S) GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR OTHER DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAM EOF ERSON(S)OR ENTITY(IES)) SIGNER(S)OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness,accuracy or validity of that document. 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 C.6.b Packet Pg. 87 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF On J 3 rr 2019 before me "'"`'' L 1o9•j Win f , rs personally appeared M, roved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(A whose names( is/,are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that kGshe/tly executed the same in higher/tI)k& authorized capacity(jes), and that by h}d/her/tWr signature(g) on the instrument the person(), or the entity upon behalf of which the persons acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NARESNKUMAA BNAKTA Notary Public•California Alameda County Slgnatur ram— ' Commission M 2149669 M Comm.Ea lies M'-,,16.2020 OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT INDIVIDUAL Sy G7 y CORPORATE OFFICER 7', '+ 'j '°. 1.44"'0~0 G X., y o 5e'nt1-eL-j I VQ TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT TITLE(S) I PARTNER(S) LIMITED GENERAL NUMBER OF PAGES ATTORNEY-IN-FACT TRUSTEE(S) GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR OTHER DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S)OR ENTITY(IES)) SIGNER(S)OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVEt-A I G- /n-rr- 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 C.6.b Packet Pg. 88 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES I.Consultant will provide on-call planning and environmental services to the City Services"). Depending on the needs of each individual project, the Services more specifically may include, but are not limited to, the following: A. Planning Services including, but not limited to: i. Initial Site Assessment ii. Review project for completeness and compliance with the General Plan, Zoning Ordinances, Barton Road Specific Plan (if applicable) Design Guidelines, and all applicable codes and ordinances iii. Prepare letters for Director's review iv. Attend Development Advisory Board meetings for the project V. Coordinate comments from members of the Development Advisory Board vi. Meet with applicants vii.Coordinate the Project Review with CEQA Review viii. Prepare public hearing notices, staff reports, resolutions and conditions of approval ix. Attend Planning and/or City Council meetings X. File management for the project xi. Plan Check review of projects including, but not limited to construction plans, grading plan, landscape and irrigation plans, lighting plans, etc. for compliance with conditions of approval. B. Environmental Review Services, including,but not limited to: i. Initial Site Assessment ii. CEQA Initial Study to determine whether project requires EIR, MND, ND, or CE iii. Nosie Studies iv. Air Quality V. Transportation Studies vi. Water Quality/Storm and Wastewater Control Management 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 A-22 C.6.b Packet Pg. 89 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y vii.Greenhouse Gas Emission Studies viii. Biological and Cultural Resources Studies ix. Environmental Mitigation Studies/Reports X. Coordinate and distribute environmental documents and notices Xi. Mitigation Monitoring xii.Preparation of Public Notices xiii. Presentations at public meetings xiv. Coordinate the CEQA Review with Project Review C. Staff Augmentation with AB 18 and AB 52 Consultation D. Prepare scope of work, budget, and schedule for assigned projects, to include project coordination meetings with City Staff and applicant and all public meetings and hearings. E. Coordination with applicable agencies, including San Bernardino County Departments, CalTrans, SCAQMD, Department of Fish and Wildlife, and any other regulatory or advisory agencies related to project processing. F. Assist City staff on City-initiated projects, as approved by the Contract Officer. II. The Consultant has been selected to provide the Services which will be readily available when needed for the fixed rates set forth in Exhibit C. However, before any work is performed, the Consultant must provide a specific written Task Proposal for any requested Services and get written approval of the terms of the Task Proposal from the City, as such process is more fully described in the Work Request Procedure below in Section III. Unless specifically defined, each category or type of work listed in Exhibit C shall be construed broadly to include all services customarily described under such category or type. III. Work Request Procedure A. Each task to be performed shall be set forth in a written request ("Request") produced by the Contract Officer with a description of the work to be performed, and the time desired for completion. All tasks shall be carried out in conformity with all provisions of this Agreement. B. Following receipt of the Request, the Consultant shall prepare a"Task Proposal" that includes the following components: 1) a written description of the requested task ("Task Description") including all components and subtasks, and including any clarifications of the descriptions provided in the Request; 2) the costs to perform the task("Task Budget"); 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 A-23 C.6.b Packet Pg. 90 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y 3) an explanation of how the cost was determined; and 4) a schedule for completion of the task ("Task Completion Schedule"), including a final completion date ("Task Completion Date"). C. Contract Officer shall approve, modify, or reject the Task Proposal in writing, and issue a Notice to Proceed when a written agreement has been reached on the Task Proposal. D. The task shall be performed at a cost not exceeding the Task Budget. E. Consultant shall complete the task and deliver all deliverables to Contract Officer by the Task Completion Date and in accordance with the Task Completion Schedule. IV. Consultant acknowledges that City has no obligation to request work from Consultant under this Agreement. City may establish a rotation schedule with multiple consultants, and may seek competing Task Proposals. V. In addition to the requirements of Section 6.2, during performance of the Services, Consultant will keep the City appraised of the status of performance by delivering the following status reports: A. Consultant shall provide to City a weekly written summary of progress on all approved Task Proposals for services lasting longer than one week. VI. As part of the Services, Consultant will prepare and deliver the following tangible work products to the City: A. Work products and timelines based on agreed upon scope of work for assigned projects. VII. All work product is subject to review and acceptance by the City, and must be revised by the Consultant without additional charge to the City until found satisfactory and accepted by City. VIH. Consultant will utilize the following personnel to accomplish the Services: A. Pamela D. Steele, Principal B. Lisette Sanchez-Mendoza, Senior Planner C. Mina Morgan, Associate Planner D. Bob Prasse, Project Manager E. John Campbell, PHD F. Christopher Purtell, RPA G. Chris Dugan H. Cameron Hile 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 A-24 C.6.b Packet Pg. 91 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y EXHIBIT "B" SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Superseding Contract Boilerplate) I.The following Sections are hereby added to Article 2: 2.6 Ca1PERS Exclusion. Under no circumstances shall any worker be assigned by Consultant to provide City with continued service in excess of six months in accordance with California Government Code section 20305. If a person is assigned by Consultant to perform work for the City on a per diem basis, such person cannot work for City in excess of 125 days within a calendar year. If a person is contracted to perform work for City by Consultant, in other than a per diem basis, such person cannot perform work for City in excess of hours of services within the fiscal year. 2.7 Ca1PERS Temporary Retired Annuitant. Unless approved by the Contract Officer, no personnel of Consultant assigned to perform Services under this Agreement shall be a "retired annuitant" from the California Public Employees Retirement System (Ca1PERS). Prior to assigning any personnel of Consultant to perform any work for the City, Consultant shall identify potential candidates to the Contract Officer that are "retired annuitants" from Ca1PERS. If approved by the Contract Officer, under no circumstances shall a retired annuitant work more than 960 hours within a fiscal year. The compensation for the retired person shall be an hourly pay rate that is within the salary schedule for the position and shall not exceed the maximum monthly base salary paid to other employees performing comparable duties as listed on a publicly available pay schedule divided by 173.333 to equal an hourly rate in accordance with California Government Code section 21224. A retired person appointed pursuant to this Agreement shall not receive any benefit, incentive, compensation in lieu of benefits, or other form of compensation in addition to the hourly pay rate. A retired annuitant will not accrue service credit or any additional retirement rights or benefits. 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 B-26 C.6.b Packet Pg. 92 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y EXHIBIT "C" SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION I.Consultant shall perform the on-call services at the rates listed in Exhibit "C-1". The rates provided in Exhibit "C-1" may not be escalated during the term of this Agreement. Consultant shall be compensated based upon the time and rates of the personnel performing the tasks and itemizing materials and equipment utilized and the costs thereof, which shall conform to the requirements provided in Exhibit"A". II. The City will compensate Consultant for the Services performed upon submission of a valid invoice. Each invoice shall be accompanied by all Task Proposal's for which Consultant is requesting compensation. Each invoice is to include: A. Line items for all personnel describing the work performed, the number of hours worked, and the hourly rate. B. Line items for all materials and equipment properly charged to the Services. C. Line items for all other approved reimbursable expenses claimed, with supporting documentation. D. Line items for all approved subconsultant labor, supplies, equipment, materials, and travel properly charged to the Services. III. The total compensation for the Services shall be as follows: A. For Services that will be reimbursed by an applicant/developer, the maximum amount of compensation shall be established in accordance with the procedure described in Section III of Exhibit"A". B. For Services provided under Section I.F of Exhibit"A" (City initiated projects), there shall be a maximum total compensation of$25,000 during the term of this Agreement. 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 C-27 C.6.b Packet Pg. 93 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y EXHIBIT "C-1" RATESCHEDULE Consultant shall perform the Services under Exhibit A based upon an hourly, time, and materials basis. Consultant shall also be compensated for reimbursements and out of pocket expenses, provided that City approves such reimbursements and out of pocket expenses in writing. Consultant's rates are as follows: Principal 205.00 Director of Environmental Services/Analyses $185.00 Senior Project Planner 125.00 Primary Analyst 125.00 Associate Project Planner 100.00 Assistant Project Planner 90.00 . Assistant Analyst 90.00 Word Processing 65.00 Reimbursable Expenses Black/White Prints O.10/page Color Prints 1.00/ a e 11"x 17" Color Prints 2.00/ a e Postage At Cost Other Cost plus 10% Expert Witness Fee If requested to be an expert witness by the City, the fees for deposition and testimony will be billed at$350.00/hour. 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 C-28 C.6.b Packet Pg. 94 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y EXHIBIT "D" SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE I.Consultant shall perform all Services timely to ensure the prompt and timely processing of all planning related applications and approval thereof by the planning department, Planning Commission, and/or City Council. II. Consultant shall timely deliver the any and all documents related to the Services, as described in Section I of Exhibit "A", to the City for the processing of, and approval, of any and all applications for development by the planning department, Planning Commission, and/or City Council. III. The Contract Officer may approve extensions for performance of the services in accordance with Section 3.2. IV. Unless earlier terminated in accordance with Article 7 of this Agreement, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect from and after the Effective Date of this Agreement for a term of three (3) years ("Term"). 01247.0005/553298.1 5/8/2019 D-29 C.6.b Packet Pg. 95 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y M March 25, 2019 Sandra Molina Planning and Development Services Director City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Rd. Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Via email: smolina@grandterrace-ca.gov Dear Ms. Molina: Thank you for requesting a proposal for MIG to provide on-call Case Planner Services for the City of Grand Terrace. We understand that the City is requesting assignment of a senior level planner to handle Planning Application review for a variety of projects as needed. We further understand that the City wishes the assigned planner to act as a member of the City staff and to handle all aspects of the processing of the project and review as if she were on the City's staff. At this time, MIG proposes to assign Ms. Lisette Sanchez-Mendoza,Senior Planner,to assist the City in this manner. Ms.Sanchez-Mendoza has over 13 years of experience in the planning field and has been a Planner on staff to the City of Hesperia and a contract Planner for the cities of Murrieta and Covina,and San Bernardino County.She is experienced in all facets of city planning and has processed numerous projects including general plan amendments and rezonings. I have attached her resume. PLANNING SERVICES SCOPE OF WORK Initial Site Assessment Review project for completeness and compliance with the General Plan, Zoning Ordinances, Specific Plan (if applicable), Design Guidelines,and all applicable codes and ordinances Prepare letters for Director's review Attend Development Advisory Board meetings for the project Coordinate comments from members of the Development Advisory Board Meet with applicants PLANNING I DESIGN I COMMUNICATIONS I MANAGEMENT I TECHNOLOGY 1500 Iowa Avenue, Suite 110 • Riverside, California 92507 • USA • 951 787 9222 .vww migcom.com C.6.b Packet Pg. 96 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y City of Grand Terrace March 25,2019 Case Planner Services Coordinate the Project Review with CEQA Review Prepare public hearing notices, staff reports, resolutions and conditions of approval Attend Planning and/or City Council meetings File management for the project Plan Check review of projects including, but not limited to construction plans,grading plan, landscape and irrigation plans, lighting plans,etc.for compliance with conditions of approval. BUDGET: Our work is performed on an hourly,time and materials basis,and only actual time and expenses will be billed.As identified in our On-Call contract with the City, our Senior Planner billing rate is$120 per hour. Reimbursements and any out of pocket expenses will be billed at cost plus 10 percent. Invoices are sent on a monthly basis and payments are due within 30 days. If there is anything more you need or wish to discuss this further, please contact me at either pams@migcom.com or 951-787-9222. Thank you again for this opportunity.We look forward to hearing from you and working with the City staff. Sincerely, Pamela Steele Principal Attachment: Resume for Lisette Sanchez-Mendoza 2 C.6.b Packet Pg. 97 At t a c h m e n t : M o o r e I a c o f a n o G o l t s m a n , I n c o r p o r a t e d - 2 0 1 9 - 1 5 ( 1 ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y 1 Request for Proposal Consultant Services Preparation of An Initial Study and (Mitigated) Negative Declaration Issued: December 17, 2020 Responses Due: January 15, 2021 by 1:00 p.m. RFP Contact: Steven A. Weiss, AICP Planning and Development Services City of Grand Terrace (909) 824-6621 x 225 sweiss@grandterrace-ca.gov C.6.c Packet Pg. 98 At t a c h m e n t : R F P f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y I S ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y S e r v i c e s ) 1 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PREPARATION OF AN INTIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION A. Introduction/Purpose 1. Desired Goals/Objectives/Outcomes The City’s objective is to contract for preparation of an Initial Study/(Mitigated) Negative Declaration resulting in a completed Initial Study/(Mitigated) Negative Declaration with appropriate supporting technical documentation, that objectively analyzes impacts of the Project, identifies mitigation and fulfills all of the requirements of the CEQA for the public, and by decision makers, when considering whether to approve the Project. 2. Project Description Condor Energy Storage, LLC (“Applicant”) is proposing to construct a 200-megawatt battery energy storage system (BESS) located at approximately 10-acre parcel land, generally located near the corner of Main Street and Taylor Street (APN: 1167-151-77-0000). The proposed project will consist of lithium-ion energy batteries installed in racks, inverters, switchgear, and other associated equipment to directly interconnect into the Southern California Edison (SCE) Highgrove Substation located directly north of the proposed property. The site will have remote operational control and periodic inspections and maintenance will be performed, as necessary. The project improvements will include, but are not limited to perimeter wall and fencing, perimeter landscaping, underground electrical cabling, concrete pad for the electrical equipment, and street improvements. The property is zoned M2 (Industrial) Attached please find project plans and materials. B. Statement of Requirements- Services Required of Successful Proposer The following is a summary of expected tasks related to the consulting services the City anticipates will be necessary. The descriptions set forth below are not exhaustive, and the City reserves the right to delete and/or request additional related services as necessary. Task 1 – Project Initiation, Work Program Refinement, and Project Management The Consultant shall: a. Review the submitted environmental documentation, prepare an Initial Study and identify if the project is exempt or identify the Environmental Review Necessary. b. Schedule and attend a kick-off meeting with the City to review goals and strategies, refine project scope and working objectives, and identify available data. c. Review all project related materials submitted to City to date. d. After project initiation, the selected Consultant will hold, on a monthly basis or as needed to C.6.c Packet Pg. 99 At t a c h m e n t : R F P f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y I S ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y S e r v i c e s ) 2 meet the project schedule, project conference calls with the City to update Staff on the progress of the Consultant's review; identify any issues; review and refine pending deliverables; and track the schedule of the Consultant's review. Task 2 – Data Collection, Review and Evaluation a. The selected Consultant will acquire, review and evaluate various existing documents in order to familiarize themselves with the environmental issues that apply to the project site. b. The selected Consultant will provide the City with a data needs list, if needed. Task 3 – Preparation of Technical Studies The Consultant shall: a. Review all technical documents prepared and submitted by Developer’s Consultant and shall make written recommendations to City staff on their content and validity. b. Identify the need for additional technical studies. The following studies will be prepared by the Developer’s environmental consultant: Noise Level Calculations, Health Risk (HRA), Trip Generation Memorandum, AQ-GHG Emission Modeling, and Cultural Resources Letter Report. Task 4 – Initial Study – Review a. The selected Consultant will prepare the draft Initial Study, (Mitigated) Negative Declaration and all technical documents that are prepared by the Developer’s environmental consultant to support the findings in the draft Initial Study. The review will be to determine/verify that the documents are the following: • Complete and accurate; • Consistent with the City's General Plan and Development Code; • Complies with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, rules, and requirements; and • Legally defensible and does not expose the City to liability due to any errors and/or omissions b. The selected Consultant will submit written comments (corrections, questions, requests for more information, etc.) to the City following the review of the draft documents. c. The selected Consultant will prepare the resubmitted draft Initial Study and/or resubmitted technical documents to ensure that the comments were addressed. Any remaining issues will be identified and sent to City Staff in written format. d. The selected Consultant will inform the City that the draft Initial Study is ready for public review. Task 6 –Response to Comments, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. a. The selected Consultant will review all comments received during the public review period of the environmental document. The selected Consultant will prepare responses completely and accurately and provide a list to the City of those comments. This list shall be provided as both a hardcopy and electronic copy. Assume two rounds of review. C.6.c Packet Pg. 100 At t a c h m e n t : R F P f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y I S ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y S e r v i c e s ) 3 Task 7 Attend Public Meetings and Hearings a. The selected Consultant will attend all Planning Commission public hearing(s) for the project, and as needed, provide responses to technical comments/questions regarding the environmental documentation (if any) from the Planning Commission. b. The selected Consultant will attend all City Council public hearing(s) for the project, and as needed, provide responses to technical comments/questions regarding the environmental documentation (if any) from the City Council. Task 8 –Staff Augmentation Consultant will prepare environmental findings to be included in the Resolution adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration and shall prepare the Environmental portion of the Staff Report. The Consultant shall also represent the City in AB 52 consultation, as needed. C. Schedule All work must be completed according to the City’s schedule of review and within all legal deadlines. D. Budget The proposal must include a budget with an itemized list of personnel tasks, their descriptions, and costs, and the hourly rates for time and materials. E. Submittal Requirements One (1) original copy and one (1) digital copy of the proposal must be submitted and must be signed by the individual or company official with the power to bind the company in its proposal. Proposals, including fee proposals, must be submitted to: City of Grand Terrace Planning and Development Services Department Attn: Steve A. Weiss, AICP 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Submit Proposals by 1:00 p.m. on January 15, 2021. Proposals received after this designated date and time will not be considered and will be returned to the submitting firm unopened and marked “Late Submittal.” Electronic transmittals of proposals will not be accepted in lieu of hard copies. C.6.c Packet Pg. 101 At t a c h m e n t : R F P f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y I S ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y S e r v i c e s ) 4 At a minimum, proposals should include: 1. Cover Letter. Provide a cover letter that includes the name, address, phone number, and email address of the primary contact with information that identifies the capacity of this person. 2. Statement of Qualifications. Describe the consulting firm's qualifications and experience related to environmental document review, including areas of expertise. Identify whether specific areas will be subcontracted and to whom. 3. Experience with Similar Projects: Provide a list of at least three (3) or more similar projects that the consulting firm and staff proposed for assignment and have successfully completed. 4. References: Please provide at least three (3) references for other similar work that has been performed. 5. Legal Entity: Describe the legal entity with which the City would contract including the structure of the anticipated partnership agreement(s) and ownership interests in the project. Include length of time in business and the number of employees. 6. Project Management: Identify the members of the project team, including the senior- level project manager, key consultants, and sub-consultants; include their names and positions, their qualifications, list of similar projects in which they assumed substantial roles, and responsibilities related to the assignment. It is expected that individuals identified as the project team will be actively involved throughout the project. 7. Scope and Budget: Provide a narrative that explains your approach to meeting the specifications stated in this Request for Proposal. Include a description of the approach for the project, including, but not limited to: • Detailed scope of work that incorporates the requirements provided in this Request for Proposal; • Ability to be responsive to the schedules of the City; • A budget that clearly shows a breakdown by tasks and products within the scope of work, including hourly rates for staff members, number of hours for each task or product, and the fee structure for additional work outside the scope of the contract for any optional items. 8. Capacity. A statement that the consultant firm(s) has sufficient staff resources and capability to perform the work contained within this Request for Proposal within the specified timeframe. F. Evaluation Each proposal will be evaluated by the City based on the following criteria: • Conciseness and clarity. • Professional qualifications, experience, and capability of the lead project manager and consultant team that is assigned to the project. • Ability of the consultant firm to commit the personnel and time necessary to complete the C.6.c Packet Pg. 102 At t a c h m e n t : R F P f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y I S ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y S e r v i c e s ) 5 project in the time frame outlined in this RFP. • Record of ability and experience with similar type projects. • Demonstration of a clear understanding of the project and the work to be performed. • Competitive cost and efficient use of the budget to deliver the requested work product. City staff will review all proposals received. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals submitted and is not liable for any precontractual expenses. The City reserves the right to negotiate the project deliverables and associated costs. Additionally, the City may, for any reason decide not to award an agreement as a result of this RFP process. Please submit all questions in writing to Steven A. Weiss, Planning and Development Services Director at sweiss@grandterrace-ca.gov by January 15, 2021, by 1:00 p.m. Written responses will be provided via email, and any subsequent changes in the RFP from the date of issuance to the date of submittal will result in an addendum by the issuing office. G. Professional Services Agreement The award of a professional services agreement resulting from the RFP shall include terms and conditions similar to those referenced in the City’s standard agreement, which is attached. Exceptions proposed by the consulting firm, if any, to the terms and conditions included in the City’s standard agreement should be included in the response. The City reserves the right to consider any proposed exceptions during its evaluation of the acceptability of a proposal. Estimated Timeline • Request for Proposals Issued December 17, 2020 • Proposals Due January 15, 2021 • City Council Approval (if needed) February 23, 2021 (The City Manager is authorized to approve all contracts of $10,000 or less) Attachments • Project Information • Professional Services Agreement Template C.6.c Packet Pg. 103 At t a c h m e n t : R F P f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y I S ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y S e r v i c e s ) C.6.d Packet Pg. 104 At t a c h m e n t : M I G T a s k P r o p o s a l ( C o n d o r S c o p e o f W o r k ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y S e r v i c e s ) C.6.d Packet Pg. 105 At t a c h m e n t : M I G T a s k P r o p o s a l ( C o n d o r S c o p e o f W o r k ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y S e r v i c e s ) C.6.d Packet Pg. 106 At t a c h m e n t : M I G T a s k P r o p o s a l ( C o n d o r S c o p e o f W o r k ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y S e r v i c e s ) C.6.d Packet Pg. 107 At t a c h m e n t : M I G T a s k P r o p o s a l ( C o n d o r S c o p e o f W o r k ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y S e r v i c e s ) C.6.d Packet Pg. 108 At t a c h m e n t : M I G T a s k P r o p o s a l ( C o n d o r S c o p e o f W o r k ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y S e r v i c e s ) C.6.d Packet Pg. 109 At t a c h m e n t : M I G T a s k P r o p o s a l ( C o n d o r S c o p e o f W o r k ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C o n d o r E n e r g y S e r v i c e s ) Environmental Services, Condor Energy Storage Project January 15, 2021 City of Grand Terrace, California 23 Condor Energy Storage Project, January 27,2021 Hrs@ $195 Hrs@ $125 Hrs@ $195 Hrs@ $135 Hrs@ $195 Hrs@ $150 Hrs@ $90 Task 1 Project Initiation/Data Collection 4 $780 8 $1,000 1 $195 $0 1 $195 $0 4 $360 18 $2,530 $2,530 2 Gen'l Bio. Resources Assessment $0 $0 10 $1,950 46 $6,210 $0 $0 5 $450 61 $8,610 $8,610 3 Admin Draft IS/MND 6 $1,170 48 $6,000 $0 $0 6 $1,170 26 $3,900 6 $540 92 $12,780 $12,780 4 Public Draft IS/MND 4 $780 12 $1,500 $0 $0 1 $195 2 $300 6 $540 25 $3,315 $3,315 5 Prepare Final Documents - MMRP, RTC, NOD 4 $780 16 $2,000 $0 $0 2 $390 $0 $0 22 $3,170 $3,170 6 Public Hearings & Staff Augmentation 8 $1,560 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 8 $1,560 $1,560 7 Project Management 16 $3,120 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $360 20 $3,480 $3,480 8 AB 52 Support $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 42 $8,190 84 $10,500 11 $2,145 46 $6,210 10 $1,950 28 $4,200 25 $2,250 246 $35,445 $1,500 $0 $36,945 Direct Costs/Expenses $800 $37,745 9 Jurisdictional Delineation $0 $0 12 $2,340 52 $7,020 $0 $0 4 $360 68 $9,720 $9,720 10 Peer Review of Fire Protection/Suppresion Plan $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $13,200 $13,200 0 $0 0 $0 12 $2,340 52 $7,020 0 $0 0 $0 4 $360 68 $9,720 $0 $13,200 $22,920 42 $8,190 84 $10,500 23 $4,485 98 $13,230 10 $1,950 28 $4,200 29 $2,610 314 $45,165 $1,500 $13,200 $59,865 OPTIONAL LABOR SUBTOTAL GRAND TOTAL Optional Tasks Professional Fees Totals MIG, Inc. MIG Admin. & WPAQ, Noise Director Ptrutner ES Dir ect or Kempton Revised Budget For Environmental Services Sr. AQ & Noise Analyst Bio. Resources Director TOTAL PROJECT COSTS MIG Totals Hile Analyst Prasse Sr. Biologist Dugan LABOR SUBTOTAL Campbell CRM Tech Gleason C.6.e Packet Pg. 110 At t a c h m e n t : M I G T a s k P r o p o s a l ( S c h e d u l e o f C o m p e n s a t i o n a n d P r o j e c t S c h e d u l e ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n Environmental Services, Condor Energy Storage Project January 15, 2021 City of Grand Terrace, California 25 SCHEDULE We anticipate that the review of the applicant-provided technical studies and the preparation of the General Biological Resources Assessment can be completed within five weeks following the kickoff meeting. If the preparation of a Jurisdictional Delineation is necessary, an additional two weeks (seven weeks total) will be needed. Once the review/preparation of technical studies is completed the Administrative Draft IS/MND could then be finished in another three weeks. We estimate that it will take another five (5) weeks to complete the final Public Draft IS/MND, including an estimated three (3) week review time for the City, and two (2) weeks for MIG to make final revisions based on the City’s review. The table below illustrates the estimated schedule for this project. Activities Weeks Cumulative Weeks Kick Off Meeting 1 1 Technical Analyses Complete (Except Cultural Resources Records Search) 6 7 Admin. Draft IS/MND 9 10 Public Draft IS/MND Completed 5 15 30 Day Public Review 4 15-19 Public Hearing TBD C.6.e Packet Pg. 111 At t a c h m e n t : M I G T a s k P r o p o s a l ( S c h e d u l e o f C o m p e n s a t i o n a n d P r o j e c t S c h e d u l e ) ( N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d - E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s P r e p a r a t i o n AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: April 13, 2021 Council Item TITLE: Grand Terrace Special Events List for Calendar Year 2021 PRESENTED BY: G. Harold Duffey, City Manager RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File 2021 Community Events and Approve Inclusion of Class of 2021 Parade as a one Time City Sponsored Event 2030 VISION STATEMENT: This staff report identifies the monthly tasks associated with the delivery of projects to support the City Council’s Goal #4 by highlighting the successful community partnerships and working collaboratively with community groups. BACKGROUND: Over the last several years, the City of Grand Terrace sponsored and supported many community activities and events. However, due to COVID-19 many community events were canceled in 2020. As our community begins to re-open, staff believes several of our annual community events can be held in 2021 with some additional safety precautions. Below is a list of activities for 2021: Community Events Date Managed by City / Provide Support Rabies Vaccination Clinic TBD Managed by City Walk on Blue Mountain 7-Mar-21 Managed by City American Red Cross Blood Drive 6-Apr-21 Provide Support Community Cleanup Day/Wall Painting 24-Apr-21 Provide Support State of the City TBD Provide Support Art Show Canceled Managed by City Household Hazardous Waste Collection 22-May-21 Managed by City Memorial Day 31-May-21 Provide Support Community Day Canceled Managed by City Bulky Item Pickup TBD Managed by City Summer Recreational Activities TBD Managed by City Movies in the Park TBD Managed by City Halloween Trunk or Treat 31-Oct-21 Managed by City Country Fair Canceled Managed by City Veterans Day TBD Provide Support Light Up Grand Terrace TBD Managed by City G.7 Packet Pg. 112 The City has an outstanding relationship with community partners and volunteers that do an outstanding job and spend hundreds of hours on these events that take place in community spaces. DISCUSSION: While the City of Grand Terrace canceled many of its special event for 2020, several impromptu parades popped up throughout the year (Class of 2020, Trump Rally, Christmas Classic Car Parade with Santa). None of the events applied for or received special event permits. However, to protect the public safety, the Sheriff’s Department provided some oversight of the events. Parents of the Class of 2021 requests the City host a parade to celebrate youth and the graduating Class of 2021. The parents approached the City because a significant portion of the parents are volunteers in many other civic activities and wanted to host a legitimate activity because students of the Class of 2021 was unable to attend school and missed out on all senior activities. The Class of 2021 is not an official nonprofit or business. Therefore, they are unable to secure necessary documents to receive a special events permit. Staff has determined the cost for the event would be less than $3,000 after insurance and Sheriff costs for traffic control. The parents of the Class of 2021 would like to have the parade start at Richard Rollins Park (Attachment I). Staff will work closely with Sheriff’s Department to determine safest route. Parents of the Class of 2021 will be required to meet with the City’s special events committee. If the Council approves the parade for the Class of 2021, staff will add the event to our community events calendar for 2021. Consistent with our existing planning process, each event will be planned by the City’s special event committee. City Staff, Police, Fire, Public Works staff convene with the event coordination team and determine resources needed to support the event. The City’s overall goal is to ensure residents are safe during the event and resources are available to ensure unexpected circumstances are easily addressed to allow the event to continue without disruption. FISCAL IMPACT: The City estimates the overall costs to sponsor and support the events is approximately $14,000. The estimated costs include staff time and additional materials for the events. The estimated costs are already included in the City’s approved budget. ATTACHMENTS: • Attachment I - Parade Map Options (PDF) City Birthday Potluck Canceled Managed by City 2021 Senior Class Parade 20-May-21 Provide Support G.7 Packet Pg. 113 APPROVALS: G. Harold Duffey Completed 04/08/2021 5:45 PM City Attorney Completed 04/08/2021 8:11 PM Finance Completed 04/09/2021 8:47 AM City Manager Completed 04/09/2021 10:10 AM City Council Pending 04/13/2021 6:00 PM G.7 Packet Pg. 114 G.7.a Packet Pg. 115 At t a c h m e n t : A t t a c h m e n t I - P a r a d e M a p O p t i o n s ( S p e c i a l E v e n t s a n d C l a s s o f 2 0 2 1 P a r a d e ) G.7.a Packet Pg. 116 At t a c h m e n t : A t t a c h m e n t I - P a r a d e M a p O p t i o n s ( S p e c i a l E v e n t s a n d C l a s s o f 2 0 2 1 P a r a d e ) AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: April 13, 2021 Council Item TITLE: Approval of Professional Services Agreement for Interim Finance Director and Administration Services with Rogers, Anderson, Malody and Scott, LLP PRESENTED BY: Cynthia Fortune, Assistant City Manager RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve a Professional Services Agreement for Interim Finance Director and Administration Services with Rogers, Anderson, Malody and Scott, LLP with a not to exceed amount of $127,500. 2. Authorize the Mayor to execute the Professional Services Agreement subject to the City Attorney’s approval as to form. 2030 VISION STATEMENT: This staff report supports the Goal #1 - To “Ensure our Fiscal Viability” through the continuous monitoring of revenue receipts and expenditure disbursements against approved budget appropriations. BACKGROUND: The Assistant City Manager/Finance Director will be leaving the City, effective in April- 2021. The City contacted several consulting firms to seek interim finance director and administration services until such time that the City can fill its vacant positions. DISCUSSION: At the exiting of the Assistant City Manager/Finance Director, the City will have two (2) vacant executive positions. The above-mentioned position and its Public Works Director position, which is currently filled by an interim consultant from Interwest Consulting. It is the City’s intent to fill both vacant position(s) and is contemplating seeking the assistance of firms whose objectives are to place qualified candidates in municipal executive positions. City staff will reach out to several firms and will return to City Council with a comprehensive recruitment plan to fill both executive positions. The City expects to complete recruitment and fill both positions prior to July 1, 2021. G.8 Packet Pg. 117 In order to continue the day-to-day operations of the Finance Department (including Finance Director), staff sought quotes from different firms to provide finance director and finance administration/consulting services to provide the following services: • Provide Interim Finance Director services, including supervision of Finance staff; • Be onsite at City Hall on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and as needed; • Attend City Council meetings; • Prepare and review Staff Reports for City Council meetings; • Review and submit the quarterly Treasurer’s Report, the monthly Check Register report, the Monthly/Quarterly Financial Report (General Fund) to City Council for approval; • Review and approve routine account and statement reconciliations, including but not limited to accounts receivable and cash account reconciliations; • Review monthly recurring journal entries; • Review and approve the weekly check register run; • Review or provide accounting assistance in closing the City’s books each month; • Prepare the Monthly Departmental Activity Reports; • Prepare or supervise staff in completing the auditors annual requested workpapers or providing requested documents; • Be available to work with the auditors; • Assist in the preparation of the annual budget; • Assist the City with the closing of the Successor Agency; • Attend staff meetings as required; • Advise and assist regarding compliance with federal, state, and local financial reporting. Below is a summary of the three (3) firms City staff contacted: Firm Average Hours per week Average Hourly Cost Average Monthly Cost Consideration Familiarity with Grand Terrace 1 Rogers, Anderson, Malody & Scott (RAMS) 30 $125.00 $15,000.00 Agrees to a fixed monthly fee, regardless if average hours are exceeded. Firm was City's prior auditors, very familiar with the City's finances; currently provides Interim Finance Director services to other cities (re: Canyon Lake, Rolling Hills). 2 MV Cheng / Associates 30 $120.00 $14,400.00 Only allows hourly billing. Proposed personnel’s last interim project was Interim Accounting Manager, managing day-to-day, not necessarily Director level. 3 Regional Government Services (RGS) 30 $135.00 $16,200.00 Only allows hourly billing. Firm only allows remote work (from home) at this time due to the pandemic. G.8 Packet Pg. 118 Staff is recommending that City Council approve a professional services agreement (Attachment A) with Rogers, Anderson, Malody and Scott, LLP to provide interim finance director and administration services and authorize the Mayor to execute the professional services agreement subject to City Attorney approval as to form. RAMS offers staff resources with direct public sector experience serving in senior and executive management Finance positions with public agencies throughout Southern California as shown in their attached proposal (Attachment B). It is staff’s intent that the vacant positions mentioned above be filled by July-2021; however, should this be delayed/extended for any reason, the personal services agreement will continue on a month-to-month basis until filled, or until December- 2021, whichever comes first. The professional services agreement will be capped at $127,500. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the agreement with RAMS for the Interim Finance Director and Finance Administration Services will be derived from salary savings of the newly vacated Assistant City Manager/Finance Director position. No additional appropriation is required. ATTACHMENTS: • Grand Terrace - RAMS for Interim Finance Director Agreement (2021) (DOCX) • City of Grand Terrace Proposal for Interim Finance Admin Svcs (PDF) APPROVALS: Cynthia A. Fortune Completed 04/07/2021 7:29 PM Finance Completed 04/07/2021 7:30 PM City Attorney Completed 04/08/2021 9:09 AM City Manager Completed 04/08/2021 9:05 PM City Council Pending 04/13/2021 6:00 PM G.8 Packet Pg. 119 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES By and Between CITY OF GRAND TERRACE and ROGERS, ANDERSON, MALODY & SCOTT, LLP for INTERIM FINANCE DIRECTOR AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES G.8.a Packet Pg. 120 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 -2- AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND ROGERS, ANDERSON, MALODY & SCOTT, LLP FOR INTERIM FINANCE DIRECTOR AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES This “AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND ROGERS, ANDERSON, MALODY & SCOTT, LLP FOR INTERIM FINANCE DIRECTOR AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES” (herein “Agreement”) is made and entered into this ____ day of ________, 2021 by and between the City of Grand Terrace, a California municipal corporation (“City”) and Rogers, Anderson, Malody & Scott, LLP (“Consultant”). City and Consultant are sometimes hereinafter individually referred to as “Party” and hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties.” RECITALS A. City has sought, by issuance of a Request for Proposals or Request for Qualifications, the performance of the services defined and described particularly in Article 1 of this Agreement. B. Parties desire to formalize the selection of Consultant for performance of those services defined and described particularly in Article 1 of this Agreement and desire that the terms of that performance be as particularly defined and described herein. OPERATIVE PROVISIONS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants made by the Parties and contained herein and other consideration, the value and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. SERVICES OF CONSULTANT 1.1 Scope of Services. In compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Consultant shall provide those services specified in the “Scope of Services” attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated herein by this reference, which may be referred to herein as the “services” or “work” hereunder. As a material inducement to the City entering into this Agreement, Consultant represents and warrants that it has the qualifications, experience, and facilities necessary to properly perform the services required under this Agreement in a thorough, competent, and professional manner, and is experienced in performing the work and services contemplated herein. Consultant shall at all times faithfully, competently and to the best of its ability, experience and talent, perform all services described herein. Consultant covenants that it shall follow the highest professional standards in performing the work and services required hereunder and that all materials will be both of good quality as well as fit for the purpose intended. For purposes of this Agreement, the phrase “highest professional standards” shall mean those standards of practice recognized by one or more first- class firms performing similar work under similar circumstances. G.8.a Packet Pg. 121 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 -3- 1.2 Consultant’s Proposal. The Scope of Service shall include the Consultant’s scope of work or bid which shall be incorporated herein by this reference as though fully set forth herein. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of such proposal and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall govern. 1.3 Compliance with Law. Consultant shall keep itself informed concerning, and shall render all services hereunder in accordance with, all ordinances, resolutions, statutes, rules, and regulations of the City and any Federal, State or local governmental entity having jurisdiction in effect at the time service is rendered. 1.4 Licenses, Permits, Fees and Assessments. Consultant shall obtain at its sole cost and expense such licenses, permits and approvals as may be required by law for the performance of the services required by this Agreement. Consultant shall have the sole obligation to pay for any fees, assessments and taxes, plus applicable penalties and interest, which may be imposed by law and arise from or are necessary for the Consultant’s performance of the services required by this Agreement, and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its officers, employees or agents of City, against any such fees, assessments, taxes, penalties or interest levied, assessed or imposed against City hereunder. 1.5 Familiarity with Work. By executing this Agreement, Consultant warrants that Consultant (i) has thoroughly investigated and considered the scope of services to be performed, (ii) has carefully considered how the services should be performed, and (iii) fully understands the facilities, difficulties and restrictions attending performance of the services under this Agreement. If the services involve work upon any site, Consultant warrants that Consultant has or will investigate the site and is or will be fully acquainted with the conditions there existing, prior to commencement of services hereunder. Should the Consultant discover any latent or unknown conditions, which will materially affect the performance of the services hereunder, Consultant shall immediately inform the City of such fact and shall not proceed except at Consultant’s risk until written instructions are received from the Contract Officer. 1.6 Care of Work. The Consultant shall adopt reasonable methods during the life of the Agreement to furnish continuous protection to the work, and the equipment, materials, papers, documents, plans, studies and/or other components thereof to prevent losses or damages, and shall be responsible for all such damages, to persons or property, until acceptance of the work by City, except such losses or damages as may be caused by City’s own negligence. G.8.a Packet Pg. 122 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 -4- 1.7 Further Responsibilities of Parties. Both parties agree to use reasonable care and diligence to perform their respective obligations under this Agreement. Both parties agree to act in good faith to execute all instruments, prepare all documents and take all actions as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes of this Agreement. Unless hereafter specified, neither party shall be responsible for the service of the other. 1.8 Additional Services. City shall have the right at any time during the performance of the services, without invalidating this Agreement, to order extra work beyond that specified in the Scope of Services or make changes by altering, adding to or deducting from said work. No such extra work may be undertaken unless a written order is first given by the Contract Officer to the Consultant, incorporating therein any adjustment in (i) the Contract Sum for the actual costs of the extra work, and/or (ii) the time to perform this Agreement, which said adjustments are subject to the written approval of the Consultant. Any increase in compensation of up to ten percent (10%) of the Contract Sum or $25,000, whichever is less; or, in the time to perform of up to one hundred eighty (180) days, may be approved by the Contract Officer. Any greater increases, taken either separately or cumulatively, must be approved by the City Council. It is expressly understood by Consultant that the provisions of this Section shall not apply to services specifically set forth in the Scope of Services. Consultant hereby acknowledges that it accepts the risk that the services to be provided pursuant to the Scope of Services may be more costly or time consuming than Consultant anticipates and that Consultant shall not be entitled to additional compensation therefor. City may in its sole and absolute discretion have similar work done by other consultants. No claims for an increase in the Contract Sum or time for performance shall be valid unless the procedures established in this Section are followed. 1.9 Special Requirements. Additional terms and conditions of this Agreement, if any, which are made a part hereof are set forth in the “Special Requirements” attached hereto as Exhibit “B” and incorporated herein by this reference. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of Exhibit “B” and any other provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of Exhibit “B” shall govern. ARTICLE 2. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT. 2.1 Contract Sum. Subject to any limitations set forth in this Agreement, City agrees to pay Consultant the amounts specified in the “Schedule of Compensation” attached hereto as Exhibit “C” and incorporated herein by this reference. The total compensation, including reimbursement for actual expenses, shall not exceed One Hundred Twenty Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($127,500) (the “Contract Sum”), unless additional compensation is approved pursuant to Section 1.8. G.8.a Packet Pg. 123 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 -5- 2.2 Method of Compensation. The method of compensation may include: (i) a lump sum payment upon completion; (ii) payment in accordance with specified tasks or the percentage of completion of the services, less contract retention; (iii) payment for time and materials based upon the Consultant’s rates as specified in the Schedule of Compensation, provided that (a) time estimates are provided for the performance of sub tasks, (b) contract retention is maintained, and (c) the Contract Sum is not exceeded; or (iv) such other methods as may be specified in the Schedule of Compensation. 2.3 Reimbursable Expenses. Compensation may include reimbursement for actual and necessary expenditures for reproduction costs, telephone expenses, and travel expenses approved by the Contract Officer in advance, or actual subcontractor expenses of an approved subcontractor pursuant to Section 4.5, and only if specified in the Schedule of Compensation. The Contract Sum shall include the attendance of Consultant at all project meetings reasonably deemed necessary by the City. Coordination of the performance of the work with City is a critical component of the services. If Consultant is required to attend additional meetings to facilitate such coordination, Consultant shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for attending said meetings. 2.4 Invoices. Each month Consultant shall furnish to City an original invoice for all work performed and expenses incurred during the preceding month in a form approved by City’s Director of Finance. By submitting an invoice for payment under this Agreement, Consultant is certifying compliance with all provisions of the Agreement. The invoice shall detail charges for all necessary and actual expenses by the following categories: labor (by sub-category), travel, materials, equipment, supplies, and sub-contractor contracts. Sub-contractor charges shall also be detailed by such categories. Consultant shall not invoice City for any duplicate services performed by more than one person. City shall independently review each invoice submitted by the Consultant to determine whether the work performed and expenses incurred are in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement. Except as to any charges for work performed or expenses incurred by Consultant which are disputed by City, or as provided in Section 7.3, City will use its best efforts to cause Consultant to be paid within forty-five (45) days of receipt of Consultant’s correct and undisputed invoice; however, Consultant acknowledges and agrees that due to City warrant run procedures, the City cannot guarantee that payment will occur within this time period. In the event any charges or expenses are disputed by City, the original invoice shall be returned by City to Consultant for correction and resubmission. Review and payment by City for any invoice provided by the Consultant shall not constitute a waiver of any rights or remedies provided herein or any applicable law. 2.5 Waiver. Payment to Consultant for work performed pursuant to this Agreement shall not be deemed to waive any defects in work performed by Consultant. G.8.a Packet Pg. 124 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 -6- ARTICLE 3. PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE 3.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. 3.2 Schedule of Performance. Consultant shall commence the services pursuant to this Agreement upon receipt of a written notice to proceed and shall perform all services within the time period(s) established in the “Schedule of Performance” attached hereto as Exhibit “D” and incorporated herein by this reference. When requested by the Consultant, extensions to the time period(s) specified in the Schedule of Performance may be approved in writing by the Contract Officer but not exceeding one hundred eighty (180) days cumulatively. 3.3 Force Majeure. The time period(s) specified in the Schedule of Performance for performance of the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be extended because of any delays due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Consultant, including, but not restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, unusually severe weather, fires, earthquakes, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, riots, strikes, freight embargoes, wars, litigation, and/or acts of any governmental agency, including the City, if the Consultant shall within ten (10) days of the commencement of such delay notify the Contract Officer in writing of the causes of the delay. The Contract Officer shall ascertain the facts and the extent of delay, and extend the time for performing the services for the period of the enforced delay when and if in the judgment of the Contract Officer such delay is justified. The Contract Officer’s determination shall be final and conclusive upon the parties to this Agreement. In no event shall Consultant be entitled to recover damages against the City for any delay in the performance of this Agreement, however caused, Consultant’s sole remedy being extension of the Agreement pursuant to this Section. 3.4 Term. Unless earlier terminated in accordance with Article 7 of this Agreement, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until June 30, 2021. Upon expiration of this initial term, or any subsequent term, this Agreement shall be automatically extended for succeeding terms of one (1) month each unless the City provides written notice to Consultant at least 14 days prior to the expiration of any term of the City’s intention not to extend the term of this Agreement. ARTICLE 4. COORDINATION OF WORK 4.1 Representatives and Personnel of Consultant. The following principals of Consultant (“Principals”) are hereby designated as being the principals and representatives of Consultant authorized to act in its behalf with respect to the work specified herein and make all decisions in connection therewith: Terry P. Shea, CPA Engagement Partner G.8.a Packet Pg. 125 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 -7- (Name) (Title) It is expressly understood that the experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of the foregoing principals were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement. Therefore, the foregoing principals shall be responsible during the term of this Agreement for directing all activities of Consultant and devoting sufficient time to personally supervise the services hereunder. All personnel of Consultant, and any authorized agents, shall at all times be under the exclusive direction and control of the Principals. For purposes of this Agreement, the foregoing Principals may not be replaced nor may their responsibilities be substantially reduced by Consultant without the express written approval of City. Additionally, Consultant shall utilize only competent personnel to perform services pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall make every reasonable effort to maintain the stability and continuity of Consultant’s staff and subcontractors, if any, assigned to perform the services required under this Agreement. Consultant shall notify City of any changes in Consultant’s staff and subcontractors, if any, assigned to perform the services required under this Agreement, prior to and during any such performance. 4.2 Status of Consultant. Consultant shall have no authority to bind City in any manner, or to incur any obligation, debt or liability of any kind on behalf of or against City, whether by contract or otherwise, unless such authority is expressly conferred under this Agreement or is otherwise expressly conferred in writing by City. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that Consultant or any of Consultant’s officers, employees, or agents are in any manner officials, officers, employees or agents of City. Neither Consultant, nor any of Consultant’s officers, employees or agents, shall obtain any rights to retirement, health care or any other benefits which may otherwise accrue to City’s employees. Consultant expressly waives any claim Consultant may have to any such rights. 4.3 Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall be the City Manager such person as may be designated by the City Manager. It shall be the Consultant’s responsibility to assure that the Contract Officer is kept informed of the progress of the performance of the services and the Consultant shall refer any decisions which must be made by City to the Contract Officer. Unless otherwise specified herein, any approval of City required hereunder shall mean the approval of the Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall have authority, if specified in writing by the City Manager, to sign all documents on behalf of the City required hereunder to carry out the terms of this Agreement. 4.4 Independent Contractor. Neither the City nor any of its employees shall have any control over the manner, mode or means by which Consultant, its agents or employees, perform the services required herein, except as otherwise set forth herein. City shall have no voice in the selection, discharge, supervision or control of Consultant’s employees, servants, representatives or agents, or in fixing their number, compensation or hours of service. Consultant shall perform all services required herein as an independent contractor of City and shall remain at all times as to City a wholly independent contractor with only such obligations as are consistent with that role. Consultant shall not at any G.8.a Packet Pg. 126 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 -8- time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are agents or employees of City. City shall not in any way or for any purpose become or be deemed to be a partner of Consultant in its business or otherwise or a joint venturer or a member of any joint enterprise with Consultant. 4.5 Prohibition Against Subcontracting or Assignment. The experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of Consultant, its principals and employees were a substantial inducement for the City to enter into this Agreement. Therefore, Consultant shall not contract with any other entity to perform in whole or in part the services required hereunder without the express written approval of the City. In addition, neither this Agreement nor any interest herein may be transferred, assigned, conveyed, hypothecated or encumbered voluntarily or by operation of law, whether for the benefit of creditors or otherwise, without the prior written approval of City. Transfers restricted hereunder shall include the transfer to any person or group of persons acting in concert of more than twenty five percent (25%) of the present ownership and/or control of Consultant, taking all transfers into account on a cumulative basis. In the event of any such unapproved transfer, including any bankruptcy proceeding, this Agreement shall be void. No approved transfer shall release the Consultant or any surety of Consultant of any liability hereunder without the express consent of City. ARTICLE 5. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION 5.1 Insurance Coverages. The Consultant shall procure and maintain, at its sole cost and expense, in a form and content satisfactory to City, during the entire term of this Agreement including any extension thereof, the following policies of insurance which shall cover all elected and appointed officers, employees and agents of City: (a) General Liability Insurance (Occurrence Form CG0001 or equivalent). A policy of comprehensive general liability insurance written on a per occurrence basis for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. The policy of insurance shall be in an amount not less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence or if a general aggregate limit is used, then the general aggregate limit shall be twice the occurrence limit. (b) Worker’s Compensation Insurance. A policy of worker’s compensation insurance in such amount as will fully comply with the laws of the State of California and which shall indemnify, insure and provide legal defense for the Consultant against any loss, claim or damage arising from any injuries or occupational diseases occurring to any worker employed by or any persons retained by the Consultant in the course of carrying out the work or services contemplated in this Agreement. (c) Automotive Insurance (Form CA 0001 (Ed 1/87) including “any auto” and endorsement CA 0025 or equivalent). A policy of comprehensive automobile liability insurance written on a per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage in an amount not less than $1,000,000. Said policy shall include coverage for owned, non-owned, leased, hired cars and any automobile. G.8.a Packet Pg. 127 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 -9- (d) Professional Liability. Professional liability insurance appropriate to the Consultant’s profession. This coverage may be written on a “claims made” basis, and must include coverage for contractual liability. The professional liability insurance required by this Agreement must be endorsed to be applicable to claims based upon, arising out of or related to services performed under this Agreement. The insurance must be maintained for at least 5 consecutive years following the completion of Consultant’s services or the termination of this Agreement. During this additional 5-year period, Consultant shall annually and upon request of the City submit written evidence of this continuous coverage. (e) Subcontractors. Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and certified endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall include all of the requirements stated herein. (f) Additional Insurance. Policies of such other insurance, as may be required in the Special Requirements in Exhibit “B”. 5.2 General Insurance Requirements. All of the above policies of insurance shall be primary insurance and shall name the City, its elected and appointed officers, employees and agents as additional insureds and any insurance maintained by City or its officers, employees or agents may apply in excess of, and not contribute with Consultant’s insurance. The insurer is deemed hereof to waive all rights of subrogation and contribution it may have against the City, its officers, employees and agents and their respective insurers. Moreover, the insurance policy must specify that where the primary insured does not satisfy the self-insured retention, any additional insured may satisfy the self-insured retention. All of said policies of insurance shall provide that said insurance may not be amended or cancelled by the insurer or any party hereto without providing thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail return receipt requested to the City. In the event any of said policies of insurance are cancelled, the Consultant shall, prior to the cancellation date, submit new evidence of insurance in conformance with Section 5.1 to the Contract Officer. No work or services under this Agreement shall commence until the Consultant has provided the City with Certificates of Insurance, additional insured endorsement forms or appropriate insurance binders evidencing the above insurance coverages and said Certificates of Insurance or binders are approved by the City. City reserves the right to inspect complete, certified copies of and endorsements to all required insurance policies at any time. Any failure to comply with the reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches or warranties shall not affect coverage provided to City. All certificates shall name the City as additional insured (providing the appropriate endorsement) and shall conform to the following “cancellation” notice: CANCELLATION: SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATED THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY SHALL MAIL THIRTY (30)-DAY G.8.a Packet Pg. 128 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 -10- ADVANCE WRITTEN NOTICE TO CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED HEREIN. [to be initialed] ______________ Consultant Initials City, its respective elected and appointed officers, directors, officials, employees, agents and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds as respects: liability arising out of activities Consultant performs; products and completed operations of Consultant; premises owned, occupied or used by Consultant; or any automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by Consultant. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to City, and their respective elected and appointed officers, officials, employees or volunteers. Consultant’s insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer’s liability. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by City. At the option of City, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects City or its respective elected or appointed officers, officials, employees and volunteers or the Consultant shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration, defense expenses and claims. The Consultant agrees that the requirement to provide insurance shall not be construed as limiting in any way the extent to which the Consultant may be held responsible for the payment of damages to any persons or property resulting from the Consultant’s activities or the activities of any person or persons for which the Consultant is otherwise responsible nor shall it limit the Consultant’s indemnification liabilities as provided in Section 5.3. In the event the Consultant subcontracts any portion of the work in compliance with Section 4.5 of this Agreement, the contract between the Consultant and such subcontractor shall require the subcontractor to maintain the same policies of insurance that the Consultant is required to maintain pursuant to Section 5.1, and such certificates and endorsements shall be provided to City. 5.3 Indemnification. To the full extent permitted by law, Consultant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees and agents (“Indemnified Parties”) against, and will hold and save them and each of them harmless from, any and all actions, either judicial, administrative, arbitration or regulatory claims, damages to persons or property, losses, costs, penalties, obligations, errors, omissions or liabilities whether actual or threatened (herein “claims or liabilities”) that may be asserted or claimed by any person, firm or entity arising out of or in connection with the negligent performance of the work, operations or activities provided herein of Consultant, its officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, or invitees, or any individual or entity for which Consultant is legally liable (“indemnitors”), or arising from Consultant’s or indemnitors’ reckless or willful misconduct, or arising from Consultant’s or indemnitors’ negligent performance of or failure to perform any term, provision, covenant or condition of this Agreement, and in connection therewith: G.8.a Packet Pg. 129 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 -11- (a) Consultant will defend any action or actions filed in connection with any of said claims or liabilities and will pay all costs and expenses, including legal costs and attorney’s fees incurred in connection therewith; (b) Consultant will promptly pay any judgment rendered against the City, its officers, agents or employees for any such claims or liabilities arising out of or in connection with the negligent performance of or failure to perform such work, operations or activities of Consultant hereunder; and Consultant agrees to save and hold the City, its officers, agents, and employees harmless therefrom; (c) In the event the City, its officers, agents or employees is made a party to any action or proceeding filed or prosecuted against Consultant for such damages or other claims arising out of or in connection with the negligent performance of or failure to perform the work, operation or activities of Consultant hereunder, Consultant agrees to pay to the City, its officers, agents or employees, any and all costs and expenses incurred by the City, its officers, agents or employees in such action or proceeding, including but not limited to, legal costs and attorney’s fees. Consultant shall incorporate similar indemnity agreements with its subcontractors and if it fails to do so Consultant shall be fully responsible to indemnify City hereunder therefore, and failure of City to monitor compliance with these provisions shall not be a waiver hereof. This indemnification includes claims or liabilities arising from any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission, or reckless or willful misconduct of Consultant in the performance of professional services hereunder. The provisions of this Section do not apply to claims or liabilities occurring as a result of City’s sole negligence or willful acts or omissions, but, to the fullest extent permitted by law, shall apply to claims and liabilities resulting in part from City’s negligence, except that design professionals’ indemnity hereunder shall be limited to claims and liabilities arising out of the negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of the design professional. The indemnity obligation shall be binding on successors and assigns of Consultant and shall survive termination of this Agreement. 5.4 Sufficiency of Insurer. Insurance required by this Agreement shall be satisfactory only if issued by companies qualified to do business in California, rated “A” or better in the most recent edition of Best Rating Guide, The Key Rating Guide or in the Federal Register, and only if they are of a financial category Class VII or better, unless such requirements are waived by the Risk Manager of the City (“Risk Manager”) due to unique circumstances. If this Agreement continues for more than 3 years duration, or in the event the risk manager determines that the work or services to be performed under this Agreement creates an increased or decreased risk of loss to the City, the Consultant agrees that the minimum limits of the insurance policies may be changed accordingly upon receipt of written notice from the Risk Manager. G.8.a Packet Pg. 130 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 -12- ARTICLE 6. RECORDS, REPORTS, AND RELEASE OF INFORMATION 6.1 Records. Consultant shall keep, and require subcontractors to keep, such ledgers, books of accounts, invoices, vouchers, canceled checks, reports, studies or other documents relating to the disbursements charged to City and services performed hereunder (the “books and records”), as shall be necessary to perform the services required by this Agreement and enable the Contract Officer to evaluate the performance of such services. Any and all such documents shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be complete and detailed. The Contract Officer shall have full and free access to such books and records at all times during normal business hours of City, including the right to inspect, copy, audit and make records and transcripts from such records. Such records shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years following completion of the services hereunder, and the City shall have access to such records in the event any audit is required. In the event of dissolution of Consultant’s business, custody of the books and records may be given to City, and access shall be provided by Consultant’s successor in interest. Notwithstanding the above, the Consultant shall fully cooperate with the City in providing access to the books and records if a public records request is made and disclosure is required by law including but not limited to the California Public Records Act. 6.2 Reports. Consultant shall periodically prepare and submit to the Contract Officer such reports concerning the performance of the services required by this Agreement as the Contract Officer shall require. Consultant hereby acknowledges that the City is greatly concerned about the cost of work and services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement. For this reason, Consultant agrees that if Consultant becomes aware of any facts, circumstances, techniques, or events that may or will materially increase or decrease the cost of the work or services contemplated herein or, if Consultant is providing design services, the cost of the project being designed, Consultant shall promptly notify the Contract Officer of said fact, circumstance, technique or event and the estimated increased or decreased cost related thereto and, if Consultant is providing design services, the estimated increased or decreased cost estimate for the project being designed. 6.3 Ownership of Documents. All drawings, specifications, maps, designs, photographs, studies, surveys, data, notes, computer files, reports, records, documents and other materials (the “documents and materials”), including any electronic documents and materials, prepared by Consultant, its employees, subcontractors and agents in the performance of this Agreement shall be the property of City and shall be delivered to City in a format of the City’s choice upon request of the Contract Officer or upon the termination of this Agreement, and Consultant shall have no claim for further employment or additional compensation as a result of the exercise by City of its full rights of ownership use, reuse, or assignment of the documents and materials hereunder. Any use, reuse or assignment of such completed documents for other projects and/or use of uncompleted documents without specific written authorization by the Consultant will be at the City’s sole risk and without liability to Consultant, and Consultant’s guarantee and warranties shall not extend to such use, reuse or assignment. Consultant may retain copies of such documents for its own use. Consultant G.8.a Packet Pg. 131 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 -13- shall have the right to use the concepts embodied therein. All subcontractors shall provide for assignment to City of any documents or materials prepared by them, and in the event Consultant fails to secure such assignment, Consultant shall indemnify City for all damages resulting therefrom. Moreover, Consultant with respect to any documents and materials that may qualify as “works made for hire” as defined in 17 U.S.C. § 101, such documents and materials are hereby deemed “works made for hire” for the City. 6.4 Confidentiality and Release of Information. (a) All information gained or work product produced by Consultant in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential, unless such information is in the public domain or already known to Consultant. Consultant shall not release or disclose any such information or work product to persons or entities other than City without prior written authorization from the Contract Officer. (b) Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall not, without prior written authorization from the Contract Officer or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide documents, declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered “voluntary” provided Consultant gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. (c) If Consultant, or any officer, employee, agent or subcontractor of Consultant, provides any information or work product in violation of this Agreement, then City shall have the right to reimbursement and indemnity from Consultant for any damages, costs and fees, including attorney’s fees, caused by or incurred as a result of Consultant’s conduct. (d) Consultant shall promptly notify City should Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed there under. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Consultant or be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Consultant. However, this right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. ARTICLE 7. ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT AND TERMINATION 7.1 California Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and governed both as to validity and to performance of the parties in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Legal actions concerning any dispute, claim or matter arising out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of San Bernardino, State of California, or any other appropriate court in such county, and Consultant covenants and agrees to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such court in the event of such action. In the event of litigation in a U.S. District G.8.a Packet Pg. 132 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 -14- Court, venue shall lie exclusively in the Central District of California, in the County of San Bernardino, State of California. 7.2 Disputes; Default. In the event that Consultant is in default under the terms of this Agreement, the City shall not have any obligation or duty to continue compensating Consultant for any work performed after the date of default. Instead, the City may give notice to Consultant of the default and the reasons for the default. The notice shall include the timeframe in which Consultant may cure the default. This timeframe is presumptively thirty (30) days, but may be extended, though not reduced, if circumstances warrant. During the period of time that Consultant is in default, the City shall hold all invoices and shall, when the default is cured, proceed with payment on the invoices. In the alternative, the City may, in its sole discretion, elect to pay some or all of the outstanding invoices during the period of default. If Consultant does not cure the default, the City may take necessary steps to terminate this Agreement under this Article. Any failure on the part of the City to give notice of the Consultant’s default shall not be deemed to result in a waiver of the City’s legal rights or any rights arising out of any provision of this Agreement. 7.3 Retention of Funds. Consultant hereby authorizes City to deduct from any amount payable to Consultant (whether or not arising out of this Agreement) (i) any amounts the payment of which may be in dispute hereunder or which are necessary to compensate City for any losses, costs, liabilities, or damages suffered by City, and (ii) all amounts for which City may be liable to third parties, by reason of Consultant’s acts or omissions in performing or failing to perform Consultant’s obligation under this Agreement. In the event that any claim is made by a third party, the amount or validity of which is disputed by Consultant, or any indebtedness shall exist which shall appear to be the basis for a claim of lien, City may withhold from any payment due, without liability for interest because of such withholding, an amount sufficient to cover such claim. The failure of City to exercise such right to deduct or to withhold shall not, however, affect the obligations of the Consultant to insure, indemnify, and protect City as elsewhere provided herein. 7.4 Waiver. Waiver by any party to this Agreement of any term, condition, or covenant of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other term, condition, or covenant. Waiver by any party of any breach of the provisions of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other provision or a waiver of any subsequent breach or violation of any provision of this Agreement. Acceptance by City of any work or services by Consultant shall not constitute a waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy by a non-defaulting party on any default shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. Any waiver by either party of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of this Agreement. 7.5 Rights and Remedies are Cumulative. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by either party G.8.a Packet Pg. 133 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 -15- of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other party. 7.6 Legal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may take legal action, in law or in equity, to cure, correct or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, to compel specific performance of this Agreement, to obtain declaratory or injunctive relief, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purposes of this Agreement. Notwithstanding any contrary provision herein, Consultant shall file a statutory claim pursuant to Government Code Sections 905 et. seq. and 910 et. seq., in order to pursue a legal action under this Agreement. 7.7 Termination Prior to Expiration of Term. This Section shall govern any termination of this Contract except as specifically provided in the following Section for termination for cause. The City reserves the right to terminate this Contract at any time, with or without cause, upon written notice to Consultant. In addition, the Consultant may terminate this Contract for cause, upon sixty (60) days’ advance written notice to City. Upon receipt of any notice of termination, Consultant shall immediately cease all services hereunder except such as may be specifically approved by the Contract Officer. Except where the Consultant has initiated termination, the Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for all services rendered prior to the effective date of the notice of termination and for any services authorized by the Contract Officer thereafter in accordance with the Schedule of Compensation or such as may be approved by the Contract Officer, except as provided in Section 7.3. In the event the Consultant has initiated termination, the Consultant shall be entitled to compensation only for the reasonable value of the work product actually produced hereunder. In the event of termination without cause pursuant to this Section, the terminating party need not provide the non-terminating party with the opportunity to cure pursuant to Section 7.2. 7.8 Termination for Default of Consultant. If termination is due to the failure of the Consultant to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, City may, after compliance with the provisions of Section 7.2, take over the work and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and the Consultant shall be liable to the extent that the total cost for completion of the services required hereunder exceeds the compensation herein stipulated (provided that the City shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate such damages), and City may withhold any payments to the Consultant for the purpose of set-off or partial payment of the amounts owed the City as previously stated. 7.9 Attorney’s Fees. If either party to this Agreement is required to initiate or defend or made a party to any action or proceeding in any way connected with this Agreement, the prevailing party in such action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief which may be granted, whether legal or equitable, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney’s fees. Attorney’s fees shall include attorney’s fees on any appeal, and in addition a party entitled to attorney’s fees shall be entitled to all other reasonable costs for investigating such action, taking depositions and discovery and all other necessary costs G.8.a Packet Pg. 134 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 -16- the court allows which are incurred in such litigation. All such fees shall be deemed to have accrued on commencement of such action and shall be enforceable whether or not such action is prosecuted to judgment. ARTICLE 8. CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES: NON-DISCRIMINATION 8.1 Non-liability of City Officers and Employees. No officer or employee of the City shall be personally liable to the Consultant, or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by the City or for any amount which may become due to the Consultant or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 8.2 Conflict of Interest. Consultant covenants that neither it, nor any officer or principal of its firm, has or shall acquire any interest, directly or indirectly, which would conflict in any manner with the interests of City or which would in any way hinder Consultant’s performance of services under this Agreement. Consultant further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement, no person having any such interest shall be employed by it as an officer, employee, agent or subcontractor without the express written consent of the Contract Officer. Consultant agrees to at all times avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of any conflicts of interest with the interests of City in the performance of this Agreement. 8.3 Covenant Against Discrimination. Consultant covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry or other protected class in the performance of this Agreement. Consultant shall take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry or other protected class. 8.4 Unauthorized Aliens. Consultant hereby promises and agrees to comply with all of the provisions of the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C.A. §§ 1101, et seq., as amended, and in connection therewith, shall not employ unauthorized aliens as defined therein. Should Consultant so employ such unauthorized aliens for the performance of work and/or services covered by this Agreement, and should any liability or sanctions be imposed against City for such use of unauthorized aliens, Consultant hereby agrees to and shall reimburse City for the cost of all such liabilities or sanctions imposed, together with any and all costs, including attorney’s fees, incurred by City. G.8.a Packet Pg. 135 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 -17- ARTICLE 9. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 9.1 Notices. Any notice, demand, request, document, consent, approval, or communication either party desires or is required to give to the other party or any other person shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first-class mail, in the case of the City, to the City Manager and to the attention of the Contract Officer (with her/his name and City title), City of Grand Terrace, 22795 Barton Rd, Grand Terrace, CA 92313, and in the case of the Consultant, to the person(s) at the address designated on the execution page of this Agreement. Either party may change its address by notifying the other party of the change of address in writing. Notice shall be deemed communicated at the time personally delivered or in seventy-two (72) hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this Section. 9.2 Interpretation. The terms of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the meaning of the language used and shall not be construed for or against either party by reason of the authorship of this Agreement or any other rule of construction which might otherwise apply. 9.3 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. 9.4 Integration; Amendment. This Agreement including the attachments hereto is the entire, complete and exclusive expression of the understanding of the parties. It is understood that there are no oral agreements between the parties hereto affecting this Agreement and this Agreement supersedes and cancels any and all previous negotiations, arrangements, agreements and understandings, if any, between the parties, and none shall be used to interpret this Agreement. No amendment to or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and approved by the Consultant and by the City Council. The parties agree that this requirement for written modifications cannot be waived and that any attempted waiver shall be void. 9.5 Severability. In the event that any one or more of the phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections contained in this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable by a valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections of this Agreement which are hereby declared as severable and shall be interpreted to carry out the intent of the parties hereunder unless the invalid provision is so material that its invalidity deprives either party of the basic benefit of their bargain or renders this Agreement meaningless. G.8.a Packet Pg. 136 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 -18- 9.6 Warranty & Representation of Non-Collusion. No official, officer, or employee of City has any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, nor shall any official, officer, or employee of City participate in any decision relating to this Agreement which may affect his/her financial interest or the financial interest of any corporation, partnership, or association in which (s)he is directly or indirectly interested, or in violation of any corporation, partnership, or association in which (s)he is directly or indirectly interested, or in violation of any State or municipal statute or regulation. The determination of “financial interest” shall be consistent with State law and shall not include interests found to be “remote” or “noninterests” pursuant to Government Code Sections 1091 or 1091.5. Nor shall any such officer or employee participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which affects her/his financial interest or the financial interest of any corporation, partnership or association in which (s)he is, directly or indirectly, interested, in violation of any State statute or regulation, including but not limited to the Political Reform Act (Government Code Sections 81000, et seq.) Consultant warrants and represents that it has not paid or given, and will not pay or give, to any third party including, but not limited to, any City official, officer, or employee, any money, consideration, or other thing of value as a result or consequence of obtaining or being awarded any agreement. Consultant further warrants and represents that (s)he/it has not engaged in any act(s), omission(s), or other conduct or collusion that would result in the payment of any money, consideration, or other thing of value to any third party including, but not limited to, any City official, officer, or employee, as a result of consequence of obtaining or being awarded any agreement. Consultant is aware of and understands that any such act(s), omission(s) or other conduct resulting in such payment of money, consideration, or other thing of value will render this Agreement void and of no force or effect. Consultant’s Authorized Initials _______ 9.7 Corporate Authority. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto warrant that (i) such party is duly organized and existing, (ii) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of said party, (iii) by so executing this Agreement, such party is formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement, and (iv) the entering into this Agreement does not violate any provision of any other Agreement to which said party is bound. This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE] G.8.a Packet Pg. 137 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 19 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date and year first-above written. CITY: City of Grand Terrace, a municipal corporation _____________________________________ Darcy McNaboe, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________________ Debra Thomas, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ALESHIRE & WYNDER, LLP _____________________________________ Adrian R. Guerra, City Attorney CONSULTANT: Rogers, Anderson, Malody & Scott, LLP By: _________________________________ Name: Title: By: _________________________________ Name: Title: Address: 735 E. CARNEGIE DRIVE, SUITE 100 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 Two corporate officer signatures required when Consultant is a corporation, with one signature required from each of the following groups: 1) Chairman of the Board, President or any Vice President; and 2) Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, Chief Financial Officer or any Assistant Treasurer. CONSULTANT’S SIGNATURES SHALL BE DULY NOTARIZED, AND APPROPRIATE ATTESTATIONS SHALL BE INCLUDED AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE BYLAWS, ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, OR OTHER RULES OR REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO CONSULTANT’S BUSINESS ENTITY. G.8.a Packet Pg. 138 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO On __________, 2021 before me, ________________, personally appeared ________________, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose names(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature: _____________________________________ OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE OFFICER _______________________________ TITLE(S) PARTNER(S) LIMITED GENERAL ATTORNEY-IN-FACT TRUSTEE(S) GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR OTHER_______________________________ ______________________________________ SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: (NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES)) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ___________________________________ TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT ___________________________________ NUMBER OF PAGES ___________________________________ DATE OF DOCUMENT ___________________________________ SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy or validity of that document. G.8.a Packet Pg. 139 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO On __________, 2021 before me, ________________, personally appeared ________________, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose names(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature: _____________________________________ OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE OFFICER _______________________________ TITLE(S) PARTNER(S) LIMITED GENERAL ATTORNEY-IN-FACT TRUSTEE(S) GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR OTHER_______________________________ ______________________________________ SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: (NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES)) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ___________________________________ TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT ___________________________________ NUMBER OF PAGES ___________________________________ DATE OF DOCUMENT ___________________________________ SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy or validity of that document. G.8.a Packet Pg. 140 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 A-1 EXHIBIT “A” SCOPE OF SERVICES I. Consultant will perform the following Services: A. Consultant will supplement and augment the City of Grand Terrace Finance Department by providing Principal Accountant, Management Analyst, and Budget Officer services on an as needed basis and, further, serve in the capacity of City’s Interim Finance Director (“Interim Finance Director Services”). Interim Finance Director Services includes, but is not limited to, the following: Consultant will provide technical assistance and support to the City Manager, City Council, City Commissions and community and business stakeholders on City Finance Department programs, policies, activities, accounting support, and projects and Consultant will provide an Interim Finance Director on-site as agreed upon and in consultation with the City Manager as well as being available off-site to respond to questions as needed. As provided below, subject to City Manager’s approval (as provided above), Consultant has currently assigned Terry P. Shea, CPA as Interim Finance Director. B. In providing Interim Finance Director Services, Consultant will also provide additional related services requested by the City including, but not limited to, accounting support to the City’s Finance Department. Specific services will include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Be onsite at Grand Terrace City Hall on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and as needed; 2. Attend City Council meetings; 3. Prepare and review staff reports for City Council meetings; 4. Review and provide routine account and statement reconciliations, including, but not limited to, accounts receivable and cash account reconciliations; 5. Review the general ledger monthly and provide routine journal entry adjustments to the general ledger; 6. Review and prepare monthly recurring journal entries; 7. Review and provide accounting assistance in closing the City’s books each month; 8. Prepare and review monthly financial reports; 9. Prepare, or supervise the City’s principal accountant, management analyst, and budget officer, as applicable, in completing the City’s auditors annual requested workpapers or providing requested documents; G.8.a Packet Pg. 141 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 A-2 10. Be available to work with the City’s auditors; 11. Provide guidance and coaching to City Finance Department staff (i.e., the principal accountant, management analyst, and budget officer, as applicable) as directed; 12. Supervise the City’s Finance Department (i.e., the principal accountant, management analyst, and budget officer, as applicable); 13. Assist in the preparation of the City’s annual budget; 14. Assist the City with the closing of the Successor Agency to the Grand Terrace Redevelopment Agency pursuant to California law; 15. Attend City staff meetings as necessary or requested; 16. Advise and assist regarding compliance with federal, state, and local financial reporting. C. As part of providing Interim Finance Director Services, Consultant will also utilize its knowledge and experience to identify and advise the City Manager on organizational initiatives and succession planning opportunities to provide meaningful and sustainable improvements compatible with the vision and direction of the City Manager. Accordingly, Consultant will establish credibility and trust, create a collaborative partnership with City staff, and utilize the knowledge of the organization to gain an understanding of the present and future needs of the City. Consultant will strive to become an integrated and trusted colleague for staff. D. During the performance of the work, Consultant will prepare and deliver tangible work products, including Reports, Studies, Project Updates or other appropriate work products as requested by the City as appropriate for the specific type of work assignment. E. Consultant shall assist in any audit of the Finance Department to identify and establishing better practices, including but not limited to, better management and oversight of financial transactions for routine expenditures, City’s compliance with regulatory reporting, recruiting for permanent department positions, and other areas Consultant finds are not well organized or operated in the Finance Department. II. As part of the Services and in addition to any other requirement to provide tangible work products to City pursuant to this Agreement, Consultant will prepare and deliver tangible work products as the City may require from time to time. III. In addition to the requirements of Section 6.2 or any other requirement to provide status reports in this Agreement, during performance of the Services, Consultant will keep the City appraised of the status of performance by delivering status reports as the City may require from time to time. G.8.a Packet Pg. 142 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 A-3 IV. All work product is subject to review and acceptance by the City, and must be revised by the Consultant without additional charge to the City until found satisfactory and accepted by City. V. Limitations on Consultant’s Employees, Agents, and Subcontractors. A. In providing services under this Agreement, Consultant shall not assign to the City any employee, agent, or subcontractor who is currently a member of CalPERS. B. In providing services under this Agreement, Consultant shall not assign to the City any employee, agent, or subcontractor for a duration of six (6) months or more per fiscal year if full time, or 1,000 hours or more per fiscal year if part time. C. Consultant shall assume all responsibility for ensuring that its employees, agents, subcontractors, or independent contractors who are CalPERS retired annuitants (“Retired Annuitants”) providing services to the City under this Agreement are in compliance with CalPERS retirement laws, including, but not limited to, provisions of the Government Code and regulations relating to CalPERS and the employment of retired annuitants (including, but not limited to, Government Code Sections 7522.56, 7522,57, 21220 to 21230) (“CalPERS Retired Annuitant Regulations”). D. Consultant warrants and represents that the personnel identified in Section VI of this Exhibit do not violate this Section V of this Exhibit. VI. Consultant will utilize the following personnel to accomplish the Services: A. Terry P. Shea, CPA B. Scott W. Manno, CPA, CGMA C. Charles De Simoni, CPA, CGMA G.8.a Packet Pg. 143 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 B-1 EXHIBIT “B” SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (Superseding Contract Boilerplate) I. Section 5.5 (Additional Indemnification) is hereby added to the Agreement as follows: “In addition to the requirements set forth in Section 5.3 above (Indemnification), in the event that Consultant or any employee, agent, subcontractor, or independent contractor of Consultant providing services under this Agreement claims or is determined by a federal or state agency, a court of competent jurisdiction, or the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (“CalPERS”) to be classified as other than an independent contractor for the City or subject to CalPERS retired annuitant requirements, then Consultant shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City for the payment of any and all assessed fines, penalties, judgments, employee and/or employer contributions to CalPERS, and any other damages and costs assessed to the City as a consequence of (including interest), or in any way attributable to, the assertion that Consultant or any of Consultant’s personnel used to provide the Services under this Agreement are other than independent contractors of the City or are subject to CalPERS retired annuitant requirements. Consultant shall also indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City against all employment related-claims, including wage claims, and from all applicable federal, state and local tax and insurance obligations (including but not limited to income tax withholding, unemployment taxes, FUTA, SDI, state unemployment insurance, Workers’ Compensation, disability, or other insurance), asserted against or imposed upon the City as a consequence of, or in any way attributable to, the assertion that Consultant or any of Consultant’s personnel used to provide services under this Agreement are other than independent contractors of the City.” G.8.a Packet Pg. 144 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 C-1 EXHIBIT “C” SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION I. Consultant shall perform the following the Services at following rates: Time Period Compensation April 14, 2021, to April 30, 2021 $7,500 May 1, 2021, to May 31, 2021 $15,000 June 1, 2021, to June 30, 2021 $15,000 Beginning July 1, 2021 $15,000/month* *This monthly rate shall be prorated for any partial month of Services rendered on a calendar day basis. II. The City will compensate Consultant for the Services performed upon submission of a valid invoice. Each invoice is to include: A. Line items for all personnel describing the work performed, the number of hours worked, and the hourly rate. B. Line items for all materials and equipment properly charged to the Services. C. Line items for all other approved reimbursable expenses claimed, with supporting documentation. D. Line items for all approved subcontractor labor, supplies, equipment, materials, and travel properly charged to the Services. III. The total compensation for the Services shall not exceed $127,500 as provided in Section 2.1 of this Agreement. G.8.a Packet Pg. 145 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 01247.0007/707586.5 4/7/2021 D-1 EXHIBIT “D” SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE I. Consultant shall perform all Services pursuant to the following schedules: Task Schedule Interim Finance Director Services 30 hours/week II. The Contract Officer may approve extensions for performance of the services in accordance with Section 3.2. G.8.a Packet Pg. 146 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - R A M S f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r A g r e e m e n t ( 2 0 2 1 ) [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Proposal for Professional Accounting Services Interim Finance Director/Accounting Support From April 14, 2021 to June 30, 2021 PREPARED BY: ROGERS, ANDERSON, MALODY AND SCOTT, LLP CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS CPA LICENSE NUMBER 2596 FEIN 95-2662063 735 E. CARNEGIE DRIVE, SUITE 100 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 (909) 889-0871 CONTACT: TERRY SHEA, PARTNER terry@ramscpa.net ALTERNATE CONTACT PERSON: SCOTT MANNO, PARTNER smanno@ramscpa.net April 5, 2021 G.8.b Packet Pg. 147 At t a c h m e n t : C i t y o f G r a n d T e r r a c e P r o p o s a l f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n S v c s ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n S e r v i c e s ) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES Table of Contents Page Transmittal Letter i Firm qualifications and experience 1 About our firm Range of services External quality control review Disciplinary action Equal opportunity employer Breadth of personnel and staffing 3 Assigned personnel Succession planning Continuing professional education References 5 Scope of services 6 Resumes of key engagement personnel 7 Cost proposal for accounting services 10 Attachment A: Recent government clients served G.8.b Packet Pg. 148 At t a c h m e n t : C i t y o f G r a n d T e r r a c e P r o p o s a l f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n S v c s ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n S e r v i c e s ) i April 5, 2021 City of Grand Terrace Attn: Cynthia Fortune, Finance Director 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313 I am pleased to respond, on behalf of Rogers, Anderson, Malody & Scott, LLP, (RAMS) to your request for proposal regarding professional accounting services. As a recognized industry leader, our goal for the past 73 years has been to provide honest, accurate, objective results to all our clients, including governmental organizations such as yours. Our success in this effort is witnessed by both the growth of our firm and the list of long-term clients who trust us. This proposal begins by providing some general information about our firm and its commitment to quality and value. Following the general firm information is a brief introduction to the team that will be providing the services, and then our understanding of the scope of work proposed. The attachment includes our cost proposal. We believe that our fee estimates, and arrangement provides a fair and reasonable cost, commensurate with the experience of the team members. We would like to emphasize that our accounting consulting services are highly customizable to meet the specific needs of the City and may evolve over time. One of our measures of success is seeing City staff grow their accounting skills and confidence through our training and coaching. Some of our clients have projects that are on-going and renew annually, and others have specific projects with a defined term, such as covering for and employee on temporary leave. Whatever the City’s short and long-term needs may be, we believe that we can add value and help you achieve your objectives. Mr. Shea and Mr. Manno, Partners, are authorized to act on behalf of Rogers, Anderson, Malody and Scott, LLP. They can be reached at: 735 E. Carnegie Drive, Suite 100, San Bernardino, CA 92408, (909) 889-0871, terry@ramscpa.net or smanno@ramscpa.net. Thank you for the opportunity to serve the City of Grand Terrace. We look forward to having a long and mutually beneficial association. Respectfully yours, ROGERS, ANDERSON, MALODY & SCOTT, LLP Terry Shea, Certified Public Accountant Partner G.8.b Packet Pg. 149 At t a c h m e n t : C i t y o f G r a n d T e r r a c e P r o p o s a l f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n S v c s ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n S e r v i c e s ) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES -1- Firm qualifications and experience About our firm RAMS was founded in 1948 and is located at 735 E. Carnegie Drive, Suite 100, San Bernardino, California and offers the full range of services expected of a full- service accounting firm. We are one of the oldest and most trusted and respected CPA firms in Southern California, with over 73 years of public practice experience, specializing in governmental agency and not-for-profit organization auditing, accounting, and management advisory services. Over twenty thousand hours per year are devoted to this area of our practice, which includes cities, redevelopment successor agencies, water districts, other special districts, not-for- profit corporations and joint power authorities. We do not use our government accounting and auditing practice as “fill work” for the firm, it is a primary focus of it. We understand that organizations desire that its CPA’s have a thorough understanding of the complex accounting and compliance issues confronting Cities such as yours. Our firm has a long history of governmental accounting and auditing. Over the years, we have gained valuable experience, acquired in-depth knowledge, and obtained the technical expertise needed for governmental accounting and auditing. This expertise has enabled us to provide exceptional, high quality service and to provide solutions at fees we feel represent our value to our clients. In addition, we use our participation in various industry associations to continuously update our knowledge with respect to issues relating to governmental accounting, auditing, and operations. Any insight we gain is immediately passed on to our clients if we feel they will benefit from it. Our firm has a total staff of thirty-three people, which includes eighteen certified public accountants. The staff consists of six partners, four managers, eight supervisors/senior accountants, ten staff accountants and five support staff. The primary proposed team assigned to the City’s engagement will consist of the following full-time staff: two partners and one manager and one staff. Range of services Our firm provides a wide range of diverse accounting and related services in addition to auditing and attest services to governmental and not-for-profit entities, including but not limited to:  Finance director and accounting support services  Accounting system setup and related software implementation  Study and evaluation of financial condition and fiscal policies  Transient Occupancy Tax Agreed Upon Procedures  Franchise (refuse, cable) Agreed Upon Procedures  Accounting policies and procedures  Capital improvement program procedures and policies  Franchise agreement assistance (ambulance, cable, television, refuse, etc.) G.8.b Packet Pg. 150 At t a c h m e n t : C i t y o f G r a n d T e r r a c e P r o p o s a l f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n S v c s ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n S e r v i c e s ) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES ____________________________________________________________________________ -2- Firm qualifications and experience (continued) External quality control review As a member of the AICPA Private Companies Practice Section, our firm has participated in “Peer Review” since 1993 and has been examined every three years since that date. Participation in this program ensures that all of our engagements meet the standards of the AICPA, the Yellow Book and the California State Board of Accountancy. Throughout our participation in this program, the firm has received pass ratings from the peer reviewers. The latest review below included reviews of specific governmental entities. During the current review, an independent firm reviewed our policies and procedures and then inspected a representative sample of engagement workpapers and reports, including governmental entities and engagements subject to single audit. For the year ended November 30, 2017, our firm received a rating of pass which indicates our auditing practice is suitably designed and complied with to provide reasonable assurance of performing and reporting in conformity with applicable standards. The results provide confirmation that the custom audit approach and procedures we use are technically sound and in compliance with applicable standards. The firm is not aware of any federal or state desk reviews or field reviews of its audits during the last three years. Disciplinary action The firm has never had any disciplinary action taken or pending against it with state regulatory bodies or professional organizations, nor has it ever had any pending or settled litigation, civil or criminal investigations. Our firm does not have a record of substandard work. In addition to the external quality control review, our firm performs in-house peer reviews over our audit and attest engagements annually. Equal Opportunity Employer Our firm is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified persons regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin or handicap. G.8.b Packet Pg. 151 At t a c h m e n t : C i t y o f G r a n d T e r r a c e P r o p o s a l f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n S v c s ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n S e r v i c e s ) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES ____________________________________________________________________________ -3- Breadth of personnel and staffing Assigned personnel It is our goal to provide the City with capable, competent, and personable individuals who offer an extensive background, not only in governmental accounting, but also in general business practices. We offer practical solutions, as well as provide technical support. This enables you to stay at the forefront of governmental accounting and provides you with the support you need in dealing with the complex issues confronting governments such as yours. We have a variety of professionals with specialized skills that may be involved with various aspects of this engagement. However, the primary individuals proposed to be assigned to the engagement are as follows: Terry Shea, CPA – Engagement Partner Terry is a municipal audit partner with the firm and will be the engagement partner. Mr. Shea has been in public accounting for 39 years serving local governments such as yours. Mr. Shea provides real world experience to all our governmental engagements. He has gained this experience by serving as interim/contract finance director for several cities over the years. He served as Interim Finance Director for the City of Perris from July 1998 to October 2001 and the City of Eastvale from October 2010 to December 2014. He currently serves as the Contract Finance Director for one Riverside County city and one Los Angeles County city. Scott W. Manno, CPA, CGMA – Secondary Partner Scott is a municipal audit partner with the firm and will be the secondary partner. He is licensed to practice as a certified public accountant in the State of California. He has been in public accounting for over 25 years specializing in serving local governments such as yours. As the secondary partner, he will be responsible to assist the City in case Mr. Shea is unavailable or on vacation. Scott will be kept up to date on all aspects of the engagement and will be able to step in if needed. Charles De Simoni, CPA, CGMA - Engagement Manager Charles is a manager with the firm. He is licensed to practice as a certified public accountant in the State of California. Charles has over 11 years of public accounting experience and has provided accounting, auditing, and consulting services for municipalities, special districts, water agencies, and various not-for-profit organizations. He will work directly with Scott and Terry and be available to assist the City with all aspects for the Finance Department. Other professional staff as needed. G.8.b Packet Pg. 152 At t a c h m e n t : C i t y o f G r a n d T e r r a c e P r o p o s a l f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n S v c s ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n S e r v i c e s ) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES ____________________________________________________________________________ -4- Succession planning Continuity of staff is a principal concern with our firm. Therefore, we plan to provide staff continuity for the length of the term of the contract, which is in the best interest of the City and our firm, thus ensuring an orderly, efficient, and less disruptive experience by competent professionals. Since we cannot guarantee that our staff will remain with us, principal supervisory and management staff, including engagement partners, managers, other supervisory staff, and specialists, may be changed if those personnel leave the firm or are promoted. Continuing professional education All professionals at our firm participate in continuing professional education programs which are sponsored by various organizations including the Government Finance Officers Association, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the California State Society of Certified Public Accountants, the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers, and the Association of Government Accountants. Participation in these classes helps us to ensure that our clients are receiving the best trained and proficient government accountants available. G.8.b Packet Pg. 153 At t a c h m e n t : C i t y o f G r a n d T e r r a c e P r o p o s a l f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n S v c s ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n S e r v i c e s ) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES -5- References 1. Entity: CITY OF CANYON LAKE Scope of Work: Finance Director and Monthly Accounting Services Date: January 2000 to present Engagement Partner: Mr. Terry Shea Contact Person: Mr. Chris Mann, City Manager, (951) 246-2025 chrismann@canyonlake.gov 2. Entity: CITY OF ROLLING HILLS Scope of Work: Finance Director and Monthly Accounting Services Date: January 2012 to present Engagement Partner: Mr. Terry Shea Contact Person: Ms. Elaine Jeng, City Manager, (310) 377-1521 ejeng@cityofrh.net 3. Entity: RUNNING SPRINGS WATER DISTRICT Scope of Work: Monthly and Annual Accounting Services Date: July 2010 to current Engagement Partner: Mr. Scott Manno Contact Person: Mr. Ryan Gross, General Manager, (909) 827-2766 rgross@runningspringswd.com 4. Entity: CRESTLINE SANITATION DISTRICT Scope of Work: Monthly and Annual Accounting Services Date: September 2010 to current Engagement Partner: Mr. Brad Welebir Contact Person: Mr. Rick Dever, General Manager, (909) 338-1751 redever@crestlinesanitation.com 5. Entity: INLAND EMPIRE RESOURCE CONSERVATION DISTRICT Scope of Work: Monthly and Annual Accounting Services Date: July 2017 to present Engagement Partner: Mr. Brad Welebir Contact Person: Ms. Mandy Parkes, General Manager, (909) 799-7407 mparkes@iercd.org G.8.b Packet Pg. 154 At t a c h m e n t : C i t y o f G r a n d T e r r a c e P r o p o s a l f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n S v c s ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n S e r v i c e s ) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES -6- Scope of services We will provide temporary Interim Finance Director services for the City from April 14, 2021 to June 30, 2021. Terry Shea, CPA will be assigned to that roll. In addition, we will provide additional accounting support to the City’s Finance Department as needed from other employees of the Firm. Based on discussion with City staff and services as requested we will perform the following services for the City: Provide Interim Finance Director services. Be onsite at City Hall on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and as needed. Attend City Council meetings. Prepare and review Staff Reports for City Council meetings. Review or provide routine account and statement reconciliations, including but not limited to accounts receivable and cash account reconciliations. Review the general ledger monthly and provide routine journal entry adjustments to the general ledger. Review or prepare monthly recurring journal entries. Review or provide accounting assistance in closing the City’s books each month. Prepare or review monthly financial reports. Prepare or supervise staff in completing the auditors annual requested workpapers or providing requested documents. Be available to work with the auditors. Provide guidance and coaching within the Finance department as directed. Supervise the Accounting Staff. Assist in the preparation of the annual budget. Assist the City with the closing of the Successor Agency. Attend staff meetings as necessary or requested. Advise and assist regarding compliance with federal, state, and local financial reporting. G.8.b Packet Pg. 155 At t a c h m e n t : C i t y o f G r a n d T e r r a c e P r o p o s a l f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n S v c s ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n S e r v i c e s ) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES -7- Key personnel Terry P. Shea, CPA Engagement Partner Professional experience Mr. Shea began his career with Thomas, Byrne and Smith in 1981. He spent five years with the firm primarily working on audits of municipalities, special districts, redevelopment and other governmental agencies. He joined Rogers, Anderson, Malody & Scott, LLP in 1987 where he has completed governmental audits including municipalities and provided financial consulting services for various cities. Education/licenses Bachelor of Arts degree from California State University, Fullerton Certified Public Accountant - State of California Related professional experience Partial listing of relevant governmental agencies served (*includes enterprise fund accounting): City of La Mesa* City of Loma Linda* City of Riverside* City of Grand Terrace* City of San Jacinto* City of El Cajon* City of Ojai City of 29 Palms City of Indian Wells City of Corona* City of Coachella City of Fillmore* City of Calabasas City of Goleta City of Redondo Beach City of Indio* City of Poway City of Menifee City of Aliso Viejo City of Lawndale Mr. Shea served as the Interim Finance Director for the City of Perris from July 1998 to October 2001. He served as the Contract Finance Director for the City of Eastvale from October 2010 to December 2014, which was a newly incorporated city. He currently serves as the Contract Finance Director for one Riverside County city and one Los Angeles County city. Continuing professional education Mr. Shea has completed over 120 hours of continuing professional education courses in the past three years, of which, the following select courses are relevant to this engagement:  American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Foundations in Governmental Accounting  American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Governmental and Not-for-Profit Conference  California Society of CPAs Education Foundation, Governmental Accounting Professional affiliations Mr. Shea is a member of the following professional organizations:  American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)  California Society of Certified Public Accountants (CalCPA)  Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)  California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) G.8.b Packet Pg. 156 At t a c h m e n t : C i t y o f G r a n d T e r r a c e P r o p o s a l f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n S v c s ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n S e r v i c e s ) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES -8- Key personnel (continued) Engagement team resumes Scott W. Manno, CPA, CGMA Secondary Partner Professional experience Mr. Manno began his career with Thomas, Bigbie and Smith in 1995 after serving in the United States Army. He spent six years with the firm primarily working on audits of municipalities, special districts and redevelopment agencies as well as various not-for-profit organizations. He joined Rogers, Anderson, Malody & Scott, LLP in July 2001. Currently, Mr. Manno serves as a technical reviewer for the GFOA CAFR Award program. Since 2010, Mr. Manno has been serving as a technical volunteer on the California Special Districts Association Audit Committee and is also on the Association’s fiscal committee providing accounting and fiscal program guidance. Also, Mr. Manno has done presentations on fraud. In addition, he is part of the California State Society of Certified Public Accountants Governmental Accounting and Auditing Committee which meets periodically to discuss current events, pronouncements, etc. Education/licenses Bachelor of Science degree from California State University, San Bernardino Certified Public Accountant - State of California Chartered Global Management Accountant - American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Related professional experience Partial listing of relevant governmental agencies served (*includes enterprise fund accounting): City of El Cajon* Town of Yucca Valley City of La Mesa* City of La Verne City of Sierra Madre* City of Fillmore* City of Chino* City of 29 Palms City of Moreno Valley* City of Beaumont* City of San Marcos* City of Loma Linda* City of Claremont City of Perris* City of Exeter* City of Woodlake* City of San Jacinto* City of Menifee City of Aliso Viejo City of Poway* Mr. Manno has completed over 220 hours of continuing professional education courses over the past three years of which the following select courses are relevant to this engagement:  Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Fraud Related Internal Controls  American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Governmental Accounting and Auditing Update  San Diego County Treasurer, Fraud Prevention and Ethics Synposium Professional affiliations Mr. Manno is a member of the following organizations:  American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)  California Society of Certified Public Accountants (CalCPA)  Association of Government Accountants (AGA)  Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE)  Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)  California Special Districts Association (CSDA)  California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) G.8.b Packet Pg. 157 At t a c h m e n t : C i t y o f G r a n d T e r r a c e P r o p o s a l f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n S v c s ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n S e r v i c e s ) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES -9- Key personnel (continued) Charles De Simoni, CPA, CGMA Audit Manager Professional experience Mr. De Simoni joined Rogers, Anderson, Malody & Scott, LLP in January 2009. He works primarily on audits of governmental agencies, small to mid-sized businesses, and nonprofit organizations. Prior to joining our firm, he worked at Jasper Engines, where he was assistant branch operations manager. Education/licenses Bachelor of Science, Business Administration – California State University, San Bernardino Certified Public Accountant – State of California Chartered Global Management Accountant – American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Related professional experience Partial listing of relevant governmental agencies served (*includes enterprise fund accounting): San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District Big Bear Area Regional Wastewater Authority Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Crestline-Lake Arrowhead Water Agency Valley Water Company East Valley Water District City of West Covina* City of Sierra Madre* City of Hawthorne* City of Loma Linda City of Redondo Beach* City of West Covina* City of Fillmore* City of Ojai* City of Beaumont* City of Calabasas* Continuing professional education Mr. De Simoni has completed over 120 hours of continuing professional education courses in the past three years of which the following select courses are relevant to this engagement:  California Society of Municipal Finance Officers, GASB Update  California Society of Municipal Finance Officers, GASB 75 Case Study  California Society of Municipal Finance Officers, OPEB  California Society of Municipal Finance Officers, GASB 87: Lease Accounting  Wolters Kluwer CPE Link, Governmental Accounting and Auditing Update  Wolters Kluwer CPE Link, Government Auditing: Current Developments  Wolters Kluwer CPE Link, Sub-recipient Monitoring Under Uniform Guidance Professional affiliations Mr. De Simoni is a member of the following professional organizations:  American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)  California Society of Certified Public Accountants (CalCPA)  Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)  California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) G.8.b Packet Pg. 158 At t a c h m e n t : C i t y o f G r a n d T e r r a c e P r o p o s a l f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n S v c s ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n S e r v i c e s ) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES -10- Cost proposal for accounting services The cost for the services provided is as listed below: Period Total April 14 to April 30, 2021 7,500$ May-21 15,000 June-21 15,000 Total 37,500$ If the City needs additional time after June 2021, it would be $15,000 per month, the amount would be prorated if it less than a month. Or after June 30, 2021 we could provide hourly services to the City and depending on the Staff level the hourly rates would be between $100 and $150 per hour. G.8.b Packet Pg. 159 At t a c h m e n t : C i t y o f G r a n d T e r r a c e P r o p o s a l f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n S v c s ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n S e r v i c e s ) Attachment A RECENT GOVERNMENT CLIENTS SERVED CSMFO/ GFOA Successor Housing Government Client Years Served Awards Agency Authority City of El Cajon 06/30/07 to 06/30/20 Yes Yes Yes City of Exeter 06/30/17 to 06/30/20 City of Woodlake 06/30/17 to 06/30/20 Town of Yucca Valley 06/30/08 to 06/30/20 Yes Yes Yes City of La Verne 06/30/11 to 06/30/20 Yes Yes Yes City of San Jacinto 06/30/11 to 06/30/20 Yes Yes City of Twentynine Palms 06/30/11 to 06/30/20 Yes Yes Yes City of La Mesa 06/30/11 to 06/30/20 Yes Yes City of Menifee 06/30/14 to 06/30/20 Yes City of San Marcos 06/30/14 to 06/30/20 Yes Yes Yes City of Redondo Beach 06/30/12 to 06/30/16 Yes Yes Yes City of Loma Linda 06/30/13 to 06/30/20 Yes Yes Yes City of Sierra Madre 06/30/12 to 06/30/20 Yes Yes Yes Successor Agency to the County of SB 06/30/14 to 06/30/20 City of Hawthorne 06/30/16 to 06/30/20 Yes Yes Yes City of West Covina 06/30/16 to 06/30/20 Yes Yes Yes City of Aliso Viejo 06/30/16 to 06/30/20 Yes No No City of Claremont 06/30/16 to 06/30/20 Yes Yes Yes City of Thousand Oaks 06/30/18 to 06/30/20 Yes Yes Yes City of South Pasadena 06/30/18 to 06/30/20 Yes Yes City of Rolling Hills Estates 06/30/19 to 06/30/20 City of Poway 06/30/14 to 06/30/19 Yes Yes Yes City of Capitola 06/30/12 to 06/30/18 Yes Yes Yes City of Fillmore 06/30/08 to 06/30/18 Yes Yes Yes City of Chino 06/30/11 to 06/30/16 Yes Yes Yes City of Rosemead 06/30/11 to 06/30/17 Yes Yes Yes City of Moorpark 06/30/12 to 06/30/17 Yes Yes Yes City of Calabasas 06/30/20 Yes Yes Yes City of Lawndale 06/30/20 Yes Yes Yes City of San Bernardino 06/30/20 Yes Yes Yes Town of Windsor 06/30/19 Yes Yes City of Ojai 06/30/20 Yes Yes City of Moreno Valley 06/30/20 Yes Yes Yes City of Beaumont 06/30/20 Yes Yes Crestline Village Water District 04/30/96 to 04/30/20 Crestline-Lake Arrowhead Water 06/30/98 to 06/30/20 San Bernardino Valley Muni Water District 06/30/04 to 06/30/20 Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District 06/30/15 to 06/30/20 Yes Ventura Regional Sanitation District 06/30/07 to 06/30/19 Yes Saticoy Sanitary District 06/30/07 to 06/30/19 Pine Cove Water District 06/30/10 to 06/30/20 Western Municipal Water District 06/30/11 to 06/30/16 Yes WRCRWA 06/30/11 to 06/30/16 Vista Irrigation District 06/30/11 to 06/30/16 Yes Idyllwild Water District 06/30/11 to 06/30/20 G.8.b Packet Pg. 160 At t a c h m e n t : C i t y o f G r a n d T e r r a c e P r o p o s a l f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n S v c s ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n S e r v i c e s ) Attachment A (continued) RECENT GOVERNMENT CLIENTS SERVED (continued) CSMFO/ GFOA Successor Housing Government Client Years Served Awards Agency Authority Vallecitos Water District 06/30/15 to 06/30/18 Yes Big Bear Area Regional Wastewater 06/30/12 to 06/30/20 Yes Beaumont Basin Watermaster 06/30/13 to 06/30/19 Mojave Water Agency 06/30/19 to 06/30/20 Costa Mesa Sanitary District 06/30/15 to 06/30/17 Yes Beaumont Cherry Valley Water District 12/31/17 to 12/31/20 Yes United Water Conservation Agency 06/30/15 to 06/30/19 Yes Inland Empire Resource Cons. District 06/30/04 to 06/30/16 Rosamond Community Services District 06/30/15 to 06/30/20 Rossmoor Community Services District 06/30/05 to 06/30/20 Rim of the World Park & Rec. District 06/30/06 to 06/30/20 Ventura County Regional Energy 06/30/07 to 06/30/19 Heartlands Communications Fac Auth 06/30/07 to 06/30/20 Heartlands Fire Training Authority 06/30/07 to 06/30/20 Consolidated Fire Agencies 06/30/14 to 06/30/20 Riverside County Habitat Con. Agency 06/30/15 to 06/30/20 Santa Ana Watershed Association 12/31/09 to 12/31/18 Capistrano Bay Community Services District 06/30/13 to 06/30/20 Ventura County Public Fin Authority 06/30/12 to 06/30/20 Nipomo Community Services District 06/30/16 to 06/30/20 Yes SBIAA 06/30/17 to 06/30/20 West Valley San Bernardino Water District 06/30/17 to 06/30/19 WRCOG 06/30/17 to 06/30/20 Yes San Diego Workforce Partnership 06/30/16 to 06/30/20 Rubidoux Community Services District 06/30/16 to 06/30/20 CSUSB - Student Union 06/30/05 to 06/30/19 CSUSB - Associated Students Inc. 06/30/10 to 06/30/19 CSUSB - Philanthropic Foundation 06/30/11 to 06/30/19 CSUSB - University Enterprise Corp. 06/30/11 to 06/30/19 Helendale Community Services District 06/30/10 to 06/30/18 Conejo Recreation and Park District 06/30/19 to 06/30/20 Upper San Gabriel Valley MWD 06/30/19 to 06/30/20 March Joint Powers Authority 06/30/19 to 06/30/20 Chino Basin Desalter Authority 06/30/19 to 06/30/20 Mountains Recreation and Conservation 06/30/19 to 06/30/20 Triunfo Sanitation 06/30/20 Yucca Valley Airport 06/30/20 Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains 06/30/15 to 06/30/20 North County Dispatch 06/30/19 to 06/30/20 G.8.b Packet Pg. 161 At t a c h m e n t : C i t y o f G r a n d T e r r a c e P r o p o s a l f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n S v c s ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n S e r v i c e s ) Attachment A (continued) RECENT GOVERNMENT CLIENTS SERVED (continued) CSMFO/ GFOA Successor Housing Government Client Years Served Awards Agency Authority West Basin Municipal Water District 06/30/20 Mission Springs Water District 06/30/20 Palos Verdes Transit Authority 06/30/19 to 06/30/20 San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District 06/30/17 to 06/30/20 Riverside County Regional Park & Open Space District 06/30/16 to 06/30/20 Running Springs Water District Accounting support Phelan Pinon Hills Community Services District Accounting support City of Canyon Lake Accounting support City of Rolling Hills Accounting support Crestline Sanitation District Accounting support Running Springs Water District Accounting support G.8.b Packet Pg. 162 At t a c h m e n t : C i t y o f G r a n d T e r r a c e P r o p o s a l f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n S v c s ( A g r e e m e n t f o r I n t e r i m F i n a n c e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n S e r v i c e s ) AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: April 13, 2021 Council Item TITLE: Professional Services Agreement with Michael Baker International for Environmental and Planning Services Related to the Barton Road Specific Plan (BRSP) and Town Center Master Plan (TCMDP) in an Amount Not to Exceed of $120,145 PRESENTED BY: Steven Weiss, Planning & Development Services Director RECOMMENDATION: 1) Waive Competitive Bidding Requirements under Chapter 3.24 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code (GTMC) for the Professional Services Agreement with Michael Baker International (MBI) in an amount not to exceed $120,145 pursuant to GTMC Section 3.24.180(H); and 2) Approve the Professional Services Agreement with MBI in an amount not to exceed $120,145; and 3) Authorize the Mayor to Execute the Professional Services Agreement with MBI, subject to City Attorney Approval as to Form. 2030 VISION STATEMENT: This staff report supports Goal #3, Promote Economic Development: by Updating Zoning and Development Codes to Support Business Attraction and Retention. BACKGROUND The BRSP has been in effect since 1990. While the Barton Road corridor has experienced improved development, implementation of the plan could be improved through strategic updates to better facilitate the development needs of the City in 2021 and beyond. The focus of the updates is to establish a policy environment promoting infill and comprehensive development of the Barton Road corridor with locally serving businesses, amenities, and urban living opportunities while eliminating the continual need for variances to accommodate modern development standards by maximizing the use of under-utilized parcels with outdated overabundant parking criteria. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to an on-call planning and environmental services agreement dated May 14, G.9 Packet Pg. 163 2019, City staff engaged a consultant team, Michael Baker International (MBI), to assist with and carry out preliminary work relating to the BRSP update under staffs’ direction. The BRSP update is underway and in draft form with public hearings commencing 2021. MBI has reviewed the development plans against the goals and objectives from the BRSP. Staff has directed them to update the BRSP: • Create a modern land use design. • Remove obsolete specific plan standards. • Update obsolete environmental documentation. MBI was hired May 14, 2019 to provide on-call planning and environmental services for the City and developer-initiated projects. They were retained for environmental and planning services project management support for the Greens Group Mixed Use project. By doing this, they have a thorough understanding of what is needed for this project to become a reality. ULTIMATE VISION: The policy direction for the BRSP update is to establish the framework for feasible development that provides an urban core of services and amenities while appreciating the change in trends around parking and land use. Although the BSRP is aged document with antiquated land use rules (deep setback and extreme height restrictions) that are inconsistent with modern day land use practices.it also included development tools to encourage the consolidation of long narrow lots that adorn the BSRP planning areas. The BRSP also offers bonus densities for developers that take certain actions and includes and affordable housing overlay for work force housing. The update of the Barton Road Specific Plan will also update the environmental studies and eliminate or fold the Town Center Master Plan requirements into the BRSP since they integrate functionally. The update of the BRSP will modernize the development standards for the City’s commercial corridor and allow for a uniform and streamlined process for all future developments along Barton Road. CIRCULATION AND PARKING: The recent adoption of the Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT) Ordinance and Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines with local screening tables needs to also be applied to the BRSP. The application of the VMT will have significant impacts on parking demand and will act as the broader circulation study for all future development along Barton Road. The update of the BRSP will also allow MBI to apply the Council’s Barton Road Landscape Enhancement standards and undergrounding of the remaining power poles G.9 Packet Pg. 164 along Barton Rd. COMPETITIVE BIDDING EXCEPTION: Staff is recommending the City Council waive the competitive bidding requirements of Chapter 3.24 of the GTMC pursuant to GTMC Section 3.24.180(H). This Section provides as follows: “3.24.180 - Exceptions to competitive bidding requirement. Notwithstanding any provision of this Chapter to the contrary, the competitive bidding provisions of this Chapter may be dispensed with when contracts which by their nature do not lend themselves to award by competitive bidding such as, but not limited to: … H. Such other circumstances as the City Council may determine and document that will result in cost savings greater than those which would result from the use of customary bidding process.” Pursuant to GTMC Section 3.24.180(H), the City would receive a cost savings that would be greater than if it engaged a bidding process under Chapter 3.24, because MBI has extensive knowledge of and is already familiar with the proposed plan amendments and needs along the Barton Road Specific Plan corridor; has carried out the preliminary work for the proposed plan amendments; and, consequently, MBI would not need familiarize itself with the needs of the City related thereto and would not need to re- assess and re-analyze work that has already occurred. RECOMMENDATION: The recommended updates to the plan would better enable the City to attract quality development by reducing barriers to entitlement, allowing the use of land to be used more efficiently, and promote economic feasibility via mixed-use development. Based upon the forgoing, Staff therefore recommends that the City Council waive the competitive bidding requirements of Chapter 3.24 of the GMTC pursuant to GTMC Section 3.24.180(H); Approve the Professional Services Agreement with MBI in an amount not to exceed $120,145; and Authorize the Mayor to execute the Professional Services Agreement with MBI subject to City Attorney approval as to form. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of the preparation of the planning and environmental document is $120,145 and is included in the FY2020-21 Approved Budget. No additional appropriation is required. Staff, however, is exploring options to assist in offsetting this cost, including G.9 Packet Pg. 165 related costs of updating and maintaining the General Plan and related Specific Plans, and will present possible options for consideration at a future City Council meeting. ATTACHMENTS: • Michael Baker Proposal - 03.12.21 (PDF) • Grand Terrace - Michael Baker - Barton Road Specific Plan Amendment Environmental Agreement (DOCX) • Barton Road Specific Plan_Amended_7.14.2020 (PDF) APPROVALS: Steven Weiss Completed 04/07/2021 11:44 AM City Attorney Completed 04/07/2021 3:05 PM Finance Completed 04/09/2021 11:58 AM City Manager Completed 04/09/2021 2:29 PM City Council Pending 04/13/2021 6:00 PM G.9 Packet Pg. 166 1 To: Steven Weiss, City of Grand Terrace From: Peter Minegar, AICP Senior Associate/Department Manager Date: March 12, 2021 Subject Additional Work Request: Greens Group Project Management Services Based on discussions with the City of Grand Terrace and the Greens Group on the appropriate approach to compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Michael Baker proposes the development of an Initial Study, with an anticipated Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND), for the proposed amendments to the Barton Road Specific Plan. To support the preparation of the IS/MND, we propose the development of limited technical studies to substantiate the IS/MND analysis. Additionally, we have included a scope for support services to complete updates to the Specific Plan document and create a new Specific Plan document in a printable and editable electronic file. SCOPE OF WORK TASK 1 SPECIFIC PLAN DOCUMENT Task 1.1 Specific Plan Preparation and Formatting Michael Baker’s graphics and technical editing team will convert the existing PDF of the Barton Road Specific Plan into a Microsoft Word document. We will create an updated editable version of the Specific Plan document to allow for the incorporation of edits into the Specific Plan. This task assumes development of the Microsoft Word template, incorporation of the updates to the Specific Plan into the template as directed by Michael Baker’s Senior Planner and the City. Once the draft amendments to the Specific Plan are complete and reviewed by City staff, Michael Baker will prepare a formatted document for Public Hearings. TASK 2 TECHNICAL STUDIES1 Task 2.1 Air Quality Analysis Existing Conditions/Regulatory Framework. The project is located within the South Coast Air Basin (SCAB), which is under the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). Baseline meteorological and air quality data developed through the California Air Resources Board (CARB) will be utilized for the description of existing ambient air quality. Air quality data from the nearest air quality monitoring station will be included to help highlight existing air quality local to the project area. The analysis will describe and address the requirements set forth by the SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook. Construction-Related Emissions. Construction emissions will be quantified with the California Emissions Estimator Model version 2016.3.2 (CalEEMod). A general description of the major phases of construction and their timing will be required. The air pollutant emissions during construction will be compared to the SCAQMD Regional Thresholds of Significance. Naturally occurring asbestos impacts will also be qualitatively discussed. 1 The scope for the Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas, Acoustical, and Energy Analyses includes preparation of the IS/MND Section to address the applicable questions from Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines. Standalone technical studies will not be prepared. G.9.a Packet Pg. 167 At t a c h m e n t : M i c h a e l B a k e r P r o p o s a l - 0 3 . 1 2 . 2 1 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g S e r v i c e s ) Green’s Group Project Management Services Additional Work Request (AWR) 1 2 Long-Term Emissions. Operational (i.e., area, energy, and mobile source) emissions will be quantified with CalEEMod and the CARB EMission FACtor Model (EMFAC2017) and compared to the SCAQMD regional thresholds of significance. Primary sources of emissions will be related to local/regional vehicle miles traveled. Project consistency with the 2016 Air Quality Management Plan will also be evaluated. Localized Emissions. The project is located within the SCAQMD’s Source Receptor Area (SRA) 34 (Central San Bernardino Valley). Based on localized meteorological data for SRA 34, Michael Baker will analyze localized impacts based upon the SCAQMD’s Localized Significance Thresholds (LST) methodology. Air Emissions Health Impacts. As a result of the California Supreme Court decision for Sierra Club vs. County of Fresno (Friant Ranch L.P.), the resultant human health impacts from the project’s short-term construction and long-term operational air emissions will be analyzed. Task 2.2 Greenhouse Gas Analysis Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Michael Baker will review the land use data and will prepare an inventory of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (i.e., nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide) from both direct (i.e., area and mobile sources) and indirect sources (i.e., energy/water consumption and wastewater/solid waste generation). In addition, total GHG emissions from construction activities will be amortized into the GHG emissions inventory. CalEEMod will be used to quantify GHG emissions. Reductions from recently adopted programs and regulations will be included, such as improvements in fuel efficiency, State building code energy efficiency, and water efficiency. The analysis will review project consistency with the Southern California Association of Governments 2020–2045 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (2020–2045 RTP/SCS), California Air Resources Board 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan, and other applicable plans for the purpose of reducing GHG emissions. Mitigation measures will be identified and incorporated, as necessary, to reduce potentially significant GHG impacts of the proposed project. Task 2.3 Acoustical Analysis Existing Conditions. The applicable noise and land use compatibility criteria for the project area will be reviewed and noise standards regulating noise impacts will be discussed for land uses on and adjacent to the project site. A site visit will be conducted, and short-term noise level measurements will be taken along the project area. The noise monitoring survey will be conducted at up to four separate locations to establish baseline noise levels in the project area. Noise recording lengths are anticipated to require approximately 10 minutes at each location. Construction-Related Noise and Vibration. Construction would occur during implementation of the proposed project. Noise impacts from construction sources will be analyzed based on the anticipated equipment to be used, length of a specific construction task, equipment power type (gasoline or diesel engine), horsepower, load factor, and percentage of time in use. The construction noise impacts will be evaluated in terms of maximum levels (Lmax) and hourly equivalent continuous noise levels (Leq) and the frequency of occurrence at adjacent sensitive locations. An analysis of vibration impacts will be based on the Federal Transit Administration’s vibration analysis guidance. Analysis requirements will be based on the sensitivity of the area, specific construction activities, and Noise Ordinance specifications. Operational Noise Sources. The project-generated off-site traffic noise levels will be compared to the applicable Noise Ordinance specifications and/or land use compatibility criteria for off-site uses. Compliance with applicable noise standards will be evaluated, with recommended mitigation measures included where appropriate. Task 2.4 Energy Analysis Michael Baker will analyze the energy implications of the project pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21100(b)(3) G.9.a Packet Pg. 168 At t a c h m e n t : M i c h a e l B a k e r P r o p o s a l - 0 3 . 1 2 . 2 1 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g S e r v i c e s ) Green’s Group Project Management Services Additional Work Request (AWR) 1 3 and Appendix G and Appendix F of the CEQA Guidelines. These statutes and guidelines require a project to describe, where relevant, the wasteful, inefficient, and unnecessary consumption of energy caused by a project. In addition, Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines requires a consistency analysis with state or local plans for renewable energy or energy efficiency. The analysis will analyze energy consumption associated with short-term construction activities, long- term operations, buildings, and transportation using CalEEMod based on the project’s land use data The analysis will also discuss the effects of the project on regional and local energy supply, demand, and resources, and the project’s consistency with energy standards and requirements. Task 2.6 Cultural Resources Record Search2 Michael Baker will complete a record search with the South-Central Coastal Information Center for a ½-mile radius around the Specific Plan area, literature and historic map review, and historical society consultation. The intent of the above- mentioned cultural resources identification efforts is to determine if there are previously identified historical resources, as defined in Section 15064.5(a) of the California Environmental Quality Act, within the plan area. The findings of the cultural and tribal cultural resources identification efforts will be summarized in a memo report that can be appended to the IS/MND and utilized during the tribal consultation process. Task 2.5 VMT Assessment A vehicle miles traveled (VMT) analysis will be conducted to support the CEQA process transportation metric. The VMT analysis will be based on the City-specific VMT guidance. Scoping Agreement. Michael Baker will coordinate the scope of the VMT analysis with City staff responsible for reviewing the analysis by preparing a VMT scoping memorandum. Specific details of the study scope that will be coordinated include initial screening results, trip generation analysis, study scenarios, modeling assumptions, and methodologies. The scoping agreement will be coordinated prior to initiation of any travel demand modeling work. Trip Generation Analysis. Michael Baker will conduct a trip generation analysis for the proposed Project using the Trip Generation (Institute of Transportation Engineers, 10th Edition Supplement or latest edition), or other data source as directed by City staff. The trip generation analysis will estimate the estimated number of project trips during the weekday, AM Peak Hour, and PM Peak Hour. Trip distributions and assignments will not be included in the analysis and instead it will focus on the number of project trips excluding pass-by trips. Project Screening. Michael Baker will examine the screening criteria to determine if the project can be determined to have a less than significant impact based on project location, size, or land use type. The project screening will include the use the screening tool. An initial review indicates that the project will not screen out and therefore, the project will require a VMT assessment. VMT Assessment. Michael Baker will utilize a contractor (Translutions) to conduct the travel demand model runs and VMT calculations. This scope of work assumes the modeling of one land use scenario for the full build-out condition. Additional scenarios may be evaluated as a separate task for an additional fee. Model Runs. Translutions will modify the RIVTAM to include the Project socio-economic data. Model runs will be conducted to calculate the VMT. This task will be conducted using the base and future year models. It is not anticipated that significant circulation network edits outside the Specific Plan area will be required as part of this task. It is assumed that four (4) Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs) will be modified to accommodate the Specific Plan land use. 2 The local information centers are currently experiencing extended turnaround times for records search requests. Michael Baker will notify the City of the expected turnaround time once the records search is submitted to the information center. G.9.a Packet Pg. 169 At t a c h m e n t : M i c h a e l B a k e r P r o p o s a l - 0 3 . 1 2 . 2 1 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g S e r v i c e s ) Green’s Group Project Management Services Additional Work Request (AWR) 1 4 VMT Calculation. This task will calculate the base and future modeled VMT for comparison. The model will also be modified so that the Project forms several discrete TAZs. Based on the requirements, VMT calculations for the following scenarios will be conducted: • Base Year without project • Future Year without project • Base Year with project (Proposed SP, Project Effect) • Base Year Project VMT (Proposed SP) • Future Year with project (Proposed SP, Project Effect) • Future Year Project VMT (Proposed SP) Determination of Impacts. The VMT analysis results will be compared to thresholds of significance to determine if impacts are anticipated. If required, the project will identify Transportation Demand Management (TDM) elements to help reduce reliance on autos or provide means by which to shorten vehicle trips in order to mitigate any Project transportation impacts. The VMT reductions will be based on California Air Pollutions Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measures (2010) report and will be clearly documented in the memorandum. Modifying the project characteristics (land use type and size) as a mitigation option may be considered, however the associated analysis would require separate task for an additional fee. Technical Memorandum. The VMT analysis will be summarized in a technical memorandum. This scope of work includes a total of two electronic submittals of the VMT technical memorandum (one draft report for City review and one final report with City comments addressed). Task 2.7 SCS Analysis (Optional Task) It appears that the previously approved project doesn’t appear to be part of the SCS. Since the future analysis is based on the approved SCS (which should have included the approved project), Translutions will modify the RIVTAM to include the project socioeconomic data as well as those of the approved plan for the following scenarios: • Base Year with project (Current SP, Project Effect) • Base Year Project VMT (Current SP) • Future Year with project (Current SP, Project Effect) • Future Year Project VMT (Current SP) The VMT comparison will be based on several metrics, including comparison of base year VMT with “Project” VMT. A comparison of the impacts of the existing Specific Plan with the proposed Specific Plan in terms of VMT changes will be provided to evaluate the VMT per capita (or employment). In addition, project VMT (per capita, population served, and employee) for the approved project will be compared to the VMT (per capita, population served, and employee) of the proposed project to identify if the proposed project increases VMT from the approved plan. This task assumes the same TAZs as the VMT Analysis task. This task is only anticipated if the comparison analysis in the main task shows a significant impact. Task 3: Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration Task 3.1 : Administrative Draft IS/MND Michael Baker will prepare a draft project description for the proposed Specific Plan amendments for review and comment G.9.a Packet Pg. 170 At t a c h m e n t : M i c h a e l B a k e r P r o p o s a l - 0 3 . 1 2 . 2 1 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g S e r v i c e s ) Green’s Group Project Management Services Additional Work Request (AWR) 1 5 by City staff. After receiving comments and making the appropriate changes, we will submit a revised version of the project description, which will be the basis for the project’s environmental analysis and project technical studies. Using the City’s latest CEQA Initial Study Checklist format, Michael Baker will prepare a Screencheck Draft IS/MND for review by City staff. The IS will provide written responses to each question on the Environmental Checklist that describe and qualitatively and/or quantitatively evaluate the project’s impact related to each topic. Each response will include a conclusion regarding the significance of the project’s impact, which may be determined to be potentially significant, potentially significant unless mitigated, less than significant, or nonexistent (i.e., no impact). The analysis conducted to support such conclusions will meet or exceed industry standards and will consider all applicable environmental regulations and policies as well as guidance provided by responsible, trustee, and oversight agencies. In accordance with Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines, this section will include a detailed review of the following issues: • Aesthetics • Land Use/Planning • Agriculture and Forestry Resources • Mineral Resources • Air Quality • Noise • Biological Resources • Population/Housing • Cultural Resources • Public Services • Energy • Recreation • Geology/Soils • Transportation • Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Tribal Cultural Resources • Hazards and Hazardous Materials • Utilities/Service Systems • Hydrology/Water Quality • Wildfire Each response will include a conclusion regarding the significance of the project’s impact, which may be determined to be potentially significant, potentially significant unless mitigated, less than significant, or no impact. The analysis conducted to support such conclusions will meet or exceed industry standards and will consider applicable environmental regulations and policies as well as guidance provided by responsible, trustee, and oversight agencies. Michael Baker will submit the Screencheck Draft IS/MND to the City for review and comment. In the event that the IS results in a finding that the project will result in a significant impact that cannot be mitigated, Michael Baker will work with the City to develop the appropriate CEQA approach. Task 3.2: Draft IS/MND After receiving the City’s comments on the Screencheck Draft IS and making the appropriate changes, Michael Baker will prepare a Screencheck version of the IS for the City’s consideration. We assume that the screencheck version will adequately address any substantive comments which the City had and that the City’s comments on the screencheck version will be limited to edits and clarifications of final points. Michael Baker will address such final edits/clarifications and prepare a final version of the IS. Task 3.3: Final IS/MND Responses to Comments Michael Baker will respond to environmental comments received on the Draft IS/MND during the public review period. Michael Baker will prepare thorough, reasoned, and sensitive responses to relevant environmental issues. The Draft Responses to Comments will be prepared for review by City Staff and submitted electronically. Michael Baker will submit an electronic “proofcheck copy” of the revised Responses to Comments, which will incorporate one complete set of G.9.a Packet Pg. 171 At t a c h m e n t : M i c h a e l B a k e r P r o p o s a l - 0 3 . 1 2 . 2 1 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g S e r v i c e s ) Green’s Group Project Management Services Additional Work Request (AWR) 1 6 comments received the City. It is assumed that substantive comments will be received as part of the initial review and any additional comments to the proofcheck document will be minimal. Upon receipt of comments on the proofcheck draft, Michael Baker will prepare the Final Responses to Comments. It is noted that the extent of public and agency comments resulting from the review process is currently unknown. We have conservatively budgeted this task based upon our understanding of the project and assume only minor supplemental technical support may be necessary. Should the level of comments exceed our estimate or require more substantial technical analysis, Michael Baker will advise the City and submit an additional funding request. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Michael Baker will prepare a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), which will provide a basis for monitoring identified mitigation measures during and upon project implementation. The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Checklist will serve as the foundation of the MMRP for the proposed project. The Checklist indicates the mitigation measure number as outlined in the Initial Study, a list of Mitigation Measures/Conditions of Approval (in chronological order under the appropriate topic), the Monitoring Milestone (at what agency/department responsible for verifying implementation of the measure), Method of Verification (documentation, field checks, etc.), and a verification section for the initials of the verifying individual date of verification, and pertinent remarks. Completion of the Final IS/MND If necessary, Michael Baker will prepare an Errata to the Public Review Draft document for City review and approval. The Errata will be a stand-alone document identifying any revised text in strikethrough and underline, as necessary to address comments received on the Public Review Draft document. The Final IS/MND will be comprised of the Responses to Comments, Errata, and MMRP. Task 3.4: CEQA Noticing Michael Baker will prepare for City the project CEQA Notices, as outlined below. The Notices will be distributed via certified mail to the State Clearinghouse and all responsible, trustee, and interested agencies, community groups, and individuals. All distribution will be based upon a City-provided distribution list. This scope assumes that the City will be responsible for distributing any required radius mailing or newspaper notices. • Notice of Availability/Notice of Intent (NOA/NOI) - Michael Baker will prepare the NOA/NOI for the project to initiate the 30-day public review period. This scope includes distribution of the NOA/NOI to 25 recipients. • Notice of Completion (NOC) - Michael Baker will prepare the NOC for submittal to the State Clearinghouse at the onset of the 30-day NOA/NOI public review period. The NOC will be filed electronically on the State Clearinghouse CEQANet website. • Notice of Determination (NOD) - Michael Baker will prepare the NOD to be filed with the County Clerk and State Clearinghouse within five (5) days after deciding to carry out or approve the project. This scope excludes payment of California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and County Clerk processing fees. This scope also assumes that the City will file the NOD with the County Clerk. SCHEDULE Michael Baker can proceed immediately upon written authorization to proceed. Michael Baker can submit the Administrative IS/MND within eight to ten weeks of receipt Notice to Proceed. G.9.a Packet Pg. 172 At t a c h m e n t : M i c h a e l B a k e r P r o p o s a l - 0 3 . 1 2 . 2 1 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g S e r v i c e s ) Green’s Group Project Management Services Additional Work Request (AWR) 1 7 Fee TASK Staff Position and Billing Rate Project Director Senior Engineer Lead PM CEQA Lead Entitlements Lead CEQA Planner Associate Planner Assistant Planner/ GIS Tech Editing Total Hours SUBS TOTAL COST $205 $195 $175 $150 $145 $165 $130 $110 $90 TASK 1 Specific Plan Document Task 1.1: Specific Plan Preparation and Formatting 8 40 48 $4,760 Task 1 Subtotal: $4,760 Task 2: Technical Studies Task 2.1: Air Quality Analysis 10 30 24 64 $9,670 Task 2.2: Greenhouse Gas Analysis 4 20 16 40 $5,900 Task 2.3: Acoustical Analysis 8 24 24 56 $8,360 Task 2.4: Energy Analysis 5 10 10 25 $3,825 Task 2.5: Cultural Resources Record Search 10 10 35 4 59 $7,010 Task 2.6: VMT Analysis 4 24 20 48 $9,500 $17,600 Task 2 Subtotal: $52,365 TASK 3: Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Task 3.1: Admin Draft IS/MND 40 10 20 40 40 30 180 $24,100 Task 3.2: Draft IS/MND 10 10 16 16 16 20 88 $11,530 Task 3.3: Final IS/MND 20 30 10 10 70 $10,550 Task 3.4: CEQA Noticing 4 4 4 20 32 $3,620 Task 3 Subtotal: $49,800 Other Direct Costs $2,000 Total Hours 31 74 148 8 46 164 710 Percent of Total Labor (Hours) 4% 10% 21% 1% 6% 23% TOTAL COST $108,925 Optional Tasks (Not Included in Total) Task 2.7: SCS Analysis 4 16 6 26 $6,500 $11,220 G.9.a Packet Pg. 173 At t a c h m e n t : M i c h a e l B a k e r P r o p o s a l - 0 3 . 1 2 . 2 1 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES By and Between CITY OF GRAND TERRACE and MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL G.9.b Packet Pg. 174 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 -2- AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL This “AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL” (herein “Agreement”) is made and entered into this ____ day of ________, 2021 by and between the City of Grand Terrace, a California municipal corporation (“City”) and Michael Baker International, a California corporation (“Consultant”). City and Consultant are sometimes hereinafter individually referred to as “Party” and hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties.” RECITALS A. Consultant has carried out preliminary environmental work related to a proposed amendment to the City’s Barton Road Specific Plan (“Proposed BRSP Amendment”) pursuant to a contract with the City dated May 14, 2019. B. City and Consultant now desire to enter into this Agreement to carry out further environmental review of a proposed amendment to the City’s Barton Road Specific Plan. C. Grand Terrace Municipal Code (“GTMC”) Section 3.24.180(H) authorizes the waiver of bidding requirements of Chapter 3.24 of the GTMC (“Chapter 3.24”) if the City Council determines that the cost savings would be greater if the City enters into a contract by waiving thereof than if the City utilized such bidding process. D. Pursuant to GTMC Section 3.24.180(H), the City would receive a cost savings that would be greater than if it engaged a bidding process under Chapter 3.24, because Consultant has extensive knowledge of and is familiar with the Proposed BRSP Amendment and needs along the Barton Road Specific Plan corridor; has carried out the preliminary work for the Proposed BRSP Amendment; and, consequently, Consutant would not need familiarize itself with the needs of the City related thereto and would not need to re-assess and re-analyze work that has already occurred. E. Based upon the forgoing, the City Council waived the bidding requirements of Chapter 3.24 for the services contemplated by this Agreement at its regular council meeting on April 13, 2021, and selected the Consultant to provide the services contemplated by this Agreement. F. Based upon the forgoing, pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code, City has authority to enter into and execute this Agreement. G. The Parties desire to formalize the selection of Consultant for performance of those services defined and described particularly in Article 1 of this Agreement and desire that the terms of that performance be as particularly defined and described herein. G.9.b Packet Pg. 175 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 -3- OPERATIVE PROVISIONS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants made by the Parties and contained herein and other consideration, the value and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. SERVICES OF CONSULTANT 1.1 Scope of Services. In compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Consultant shall provide those services specified in the “Scope of Services” attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated herein by this reference, which may be referred to herein as the “services” or “work” hereunder. As a material inducement to the City entering into this Agreement, Consultant represents and warrants that it has the qualifications, experience, and facilities necessary to properly perform the services required under this Agreement in a thorough, competent, and professional manner, and is experienced in performing the work and services contemplated herein. Consultant shall at all times faithfully, competently and to the best of its ability, experience and talent, perform all services described herein. Consultant covenants that it shall follow the highest professional standards in performing the work and services required hereunder and that all materials will be both of good quality as well as fit for the purpose intended. For purposes of this Agreement, the phrase “highest professional standards” shall mean those standards of practice recognized by one or more first- class firms performing similar work under similar circumstances. 1.2 Consultant’s Proposal. The Scope of Service shall include the Consultant’s scope of work or bid which shall be incorporated herein by this reference as though fully set forth herein. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of such proposal and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall govern. 1.3 Compliance with Law. Consultant shall keep itself informed concerning, and shall render all services hereunder in accordance with, all ordinances, resolutions, statutes, rules, and regulations of the City and any Federal, State or local governmental entity having jurisdiction in effect at the time service is rendered. 1.4 Licenses, Permits, Fees and Assessments. Consultant shall obtain at its sole cost and expense such licenses, permits and approvals as may be required by law for the performance of the services required by this Agreement. Consultant shall have the sole obligation to pay for any fees, assessments and taxes, plus applicable penalties and interest, which may be imposed by law and arise from or are necessary for the Consultant’s performance of the services required by this Agreement, and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its officers, employees or agents of City, against any such fees, assessments, taxes, penalties or interest levied, assessed or imposed against City hereunder. G.9.b Packet Pg. 176 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 -4- 1.5 Familiarity with Work. By executing this Agreement, Consultant warrants that Consultant (i) has thoroughly investigated and considered the scope of services to be performed, (ii) has carefully considered how the services should be performed, and (iii) fully understands the facilities, difficulties and restrictions attending performance of the services under this Agreement. If the services involve work upon any site, Consultant warrants that Consultant has or will investigate the site and is or will be fully acquainted with the conditions there existing, prior to commencement of services hereunder. Should the Consultant discover any latent or unknown conditions, which will materially affect the performance of the services hereunder, Consultant shall immediately inform the City of such fact and shall not proceed except at Consultant’s risk until written instructions are received from the Contract Officer. 1.6 Care of Work. The Consultant shall adopt reasonable methods during the life of the Agreement to furnish continuous protection to the work, and the equipment, materials, papers, documents, plans, studies and/or other components thereof to prevent losses or damages, and shall be responsible for all such damages, to persons or property, until acceptance of the work by City, except such losses or damages as may be caused by City’s own negligence. 1.7 Further Responsibilities of Parties. Both parties agree to use reasonable care and diligence to perform their respective obligations under this Agreement. Both parties agree to act in good faith to execute all instruments, prepare all documents and take all actions as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes of this Agreement. Unless hereafter specified, neither party shall be responsible for the service of the other. 1.8 Additional Services. City shall have the right at any time during the performance of the services, without invalidating this Agreement, to order extra work beyond that specified in the Scope of Services or make changes by altering, adding to or deducting from said work. No such extra work may be undertaken unless a written order is first given by the Contract Officer to the Consultant, incorporating therein any adjustment in (i) the Contract Sum for the actual costs of the extra work, and/or (ii) the time to perform this Agreement, which said adjustments are subject to the written approval of the Consultant. Any increase in compensation of up to ten percent (10%) of the Contract Sum or $25,000, whichever is less; or, in the time to perform of up to one hundred eighty (180) days, may be approved by the Contract Officer. Any greater increases, taken either separately or cumulatively, must be approved by the City Council. It is expressly understood by Consultant that the provisions of this Section shall not apply to services specifically set forth in the Scope of Services. Consultant hereby acknowledges that it accepts the risk that the services to be provided pursuant to the Scope of Services may be more costly or time consuming than Consultant anticipates and that Consultant shall not be entitled to additional compensation therefor. City may in its sole and absolute discretion have similar work done by other consultants. No G.9.b Packet Pg. 177 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 -5- claims for an increase in the Contract Sum or time for performance shall be valid unless the procedures established in this Section are followed. 1.9 Special Requirements. Additional terms and conditions of this Agreement, if any, which are made a part hereof are set forth in the “Special Requirements” attached hereto as Exhibit “B” and incorporated herein by this reference. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of Exhibit “B” and any other provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of Exhibit “B” shall govern. ARTICLE 2. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT. 2.1 Contract Sum. Subject to any limitations set forth in this Agreement, City agrees to pay Consultant the amounts specified in the “Schedule of Compensation” attached hereto as Exhibit “C” and incorporated herein by this reference. The total compensation, including reimbursement for actual expenses, shall not exceed One Hundred Twenty Thousand One Hundred Forty-Five Dollars ($120,145) (the “Contract Sum”), unless additional compensation is approved pursuant to Section 1.8. 2.2 Method of Compensation. The method of compensation may include: (i) a lump sum payment upon completion; (ii) payment in accordance with specified tasks or the percentage of completion of the services, less contract retention; (iii) payment for time and materials based upon the Consultant’s rates as specified in the Schedule of Compensation, provided that (a) time estimates are provided for the performance of sub tasks, (b) contract retention is maintained, and (c) the Contract Sum is not exceeded; or (iv) such other methods as may be specified in the Schedule of Compensation. 2.3 Reimbursable Expenses. Compensation may include reimbursement for actual and necessary expenditures for reproduction costs, telephone expenses, and travel expenses approved by the Contract Officer in advance, or actual subcontractor expenses of an approved subcontractor pursuant to Section 4.5, and only if specified in the Schedule of Compensation. The Contract Sum shall include the attendance of Consultant at all project meetings reasonably deemed necessary by the City. Coordination of the performance of the work with City is a critical component of the services. If Consultant is required to attend additional meetings to facilitate such coordination, Consultant shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for attending said meetings. 2.4 Invoices. Each month Consultant shall furnish to City an original invoice for all work performed and expenses incurred during the preceding month in a form approved by City’s Director of Finance. By submitting an invoice for payment under this Agreement, Consultant is certifying compliance with all provisions of the Agreement. The invoice shall detail charges for all necessary and actual expenses by the following categories: labor (by sub-category), travel, materials, equipment, G.9.b Packet Pg. 178 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 -6- supplies, and sub-contractor contracts. Sub-contractor charges shall also be detailed by such categories. Consultant shall not invoice City for any duplicate services performed by more than one person. City shall independently review each invoice submitted by the Consultant to determine whether the work performed and expenses incurred are in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement. Except as to any charges for work performed or expenses incurred by Consultant which are disputed by City, or as provided in Section 7.3, City will use its best efforts to cause Consultant to be paid within forty-five (45) days of receipt of Consultant’s correct and undisputed invoice; however, Consultant acknowledges and agrees that due to City warrant run procedures, the City cannot guarantee that payment will occur within this time period. In the event any charges or expenses are disputed by City, the original invoice shall be returned by City to Consultant for correction and resubmission. Review and payment by City for any invoice provided by the Consultant shall not constitute a waiver of any rights or remedies provided herein or any applicable law. 2.5 Waiver. Payment to Consultant for work performed pursuant to this Agreement shall not be deemed to waive any defects in work performed by Consultant. ARTICLE 3. PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE 3.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. 3.2 Schedule of Performance. Consultant shall commence the services pursuant to this Agreement upon receipt of a written notice to proceed and shall perform all services within the time period(s) established in the “Schedule of Performance” attached hereto as Exhibit “D” and incorporated herein by this reference. When requested by the Consultant, extensions to the time period(s) specified in the Schedule of Performance may be approved in writing by the Contract Officer but not exceeding one hundred eighty (180) days cumulatively. 3.3 Force Majeure. The time period(s) specified in the Schedule of Performance for performance of the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be extended because of any delays due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Consultant, including, but not restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, unusually severe weather, fires, earthquakes, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, riots, strikes, freight embargoes, wars, litigation, and/or acts of any governmental agency, including the City, if the Consultant shall within ten (10) days of the commencement of such delay notify the Contract Officer in writing of the causes of the delay. The Contract Officer shall ascertain the facts and the extent of delay, and extend the time for performing the services for the period of the enforced delay when and if in the judgment of the Contract Officer such delay is justified. The Contract Officer’s determination G.9.b Packet Pg. 179 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 -7- shall be final and conclusive upon the parties to this Agreement. In no event shall Consultant be entitled to recover damages against the City for any delay in the performance of this Agreement, however caused, Consultant’s sole remedy being extension of the Agreement pursuant to this Section. 3.4 Term. Unless earlier terminated in accordance with Article 7 of this Agreement, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until completion of the services but not exceeding one (1) years from the date hereof, except as otherwise provided in the Schedule of Performance (Exhibit “D”). ARTICLE 4. COORDINATION OF WORK 4.1 Representatives and Personnel of Consultant. The following principals of Consultant (“Principals”) are hereby designated as being the principals and representatives of Consultant authorized to act in its behalf with respect to the work specified herein and make all decisions in connection therewith: Peter Minegar, AICP Senior Associate/Department Manager (Name) (Title) It is expressly understood that the experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of the foregoing principals were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement. Therefore, the foregoing principals shall be responsible during the term of this Agreement for directing all activities of Consultant and devoting sufficient time to personally supervise the services hereunder. All personnel of Consultant, and any authorized agents, shall at all times be under the exclusive direction and control of the Principals. For purposes of this Agreement, the foregoing Principals may not be replaced nor may their responsibilities be substantially reduced by Consultant without the express written approval of City. Additionally, Consultant shall utilize only competent personnel to perform services pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall make every reasonable effort to maintain the stability and continuity of Consultant’s staff and subcontractors, if any, assigned to perform the services required under this Agreement. Consultant shall notify City of any changes in Consultant’s staff and subcontractors, if any, assigned to perform the services required under this Agreement, prior to and during any such performance. 4.2 Status of Consultant. Consultant shall have no authority to bind City in any manner, or to incur any obligation, debt or liability of any kind on behalf of or against City, whether by contract or otherwise, unless such authority is expressly conferred under this Agreement or is otherwise expressly conferred in writing by City. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that Consultant or any of Consultant’s officers, employees, or agents are in any manner officials, officers, employees or agents of City. Neither Consultant, nor any of Consultant’s officers, employees or agents, shall obtain any rights to retirement, health care or any other benefits which may otherwise accrue to City’s employees. Consultant expressly waives any claim Consultant may have to any such rights. G.9.b Packet Pg. 180 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 -8- 4.3 Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall be the City Manager or such person as may be designated by the City Manager. It shall be the Consultant’s responsibility to assure that the Contract Officer is kept informed of the progress of the performance of the services and the Consultant shall refer any decisions which must be made by City to the Contract Officer. Unless otherwise specified herein, any approval of City required hereunder shall mean the approval of the Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall have authority, if specified in writing by the City Manager, to sign all documents on behalf of the City required hereunder to carry out the terms of this Agreement. 4.4 Independent Contractor. Neither the City nor any of its employees shall have any control over the manner, mode or means by which Consultant, its agents or employees, perform the services required herein, except as otherwise set forth herein. City shall have no voice in the selection, discharge, supervision or control of Consultant’s employees, servants, representatives or agents, or in fixing their number, compensation or hours of service. Consultant shall perform all services required herein as an independent contractor of City and shall remain at all times as to City a wholly independent contractor with only such obligations as are consistent with that role. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are agents or employees of City. City shall not in any way or for any purpose become or be deemed to be a partner of Consultant in its business or otherwise or a joint venturer or a member of any joint enterprise with Consultant. 4.5 Prohibition Against Subcontracting or Assignment. The experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of Consultant, its principals and employees were a substantial inducement for the City to enter into this Agreement. Therefore, Consultant shall not contract with any other entity to perform in whole or in part the services required hereunder without the express written approval of the City. In addition, neither this Agreement nor any interest herein may be transferred, assigned, conveyed, hypothecated or encumbered voluntarily or by operation of law, whether for the benefit of creditors or otherwise, without the prior written approval of City. Transfers restricted hereunder shall include the transfer to any person or group of persons acting in concert of more than twenty five percent (25%) of the present ownership and/or control of Consultant, taking all transfers into account on a cumulative basis. In the event of any such unapproved transfer, including any bankruptcy proceeding, this Agreement shall be void. No approved transfer shall release the Consultant or any surety of Consultant of any liability hereunder without the express consent of City. ARTICLE 5. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION 5.1 Insurance Coverages. The Consultant shall procure and maintain, at its sole cost and expense, in a form and content satisfactory to City, during the entire term of this Agreement including any extension thereof, the following policies of insurance which shall cover all elected and appointed officers, employees and agents of City: G.9.b Packet Pg. 181 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 -9- (a) General Liability Insurance (Occurrence Form CG0001 or equivalent). A policy of comprehensive general liability insurance written on a per occurrence basis for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. The policy of insurance shall be in an amount not less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence or if a general aggregate limit is used, then the general aggregate limit shall be twice the occurrence limit. (b) Worker’s Compensation Insurance. A policy of worker’s compensation insurance in such amount as will fully comply with the laws of the State of California and which shall indemnify, insure and provide legal defense for the Consultant against any loss, claim or damage arising from any injuries or occupational diseases occurring to any worker employed by or any persons retained by the Consultant in the course of carrying out the work or services contemplated in this Agreement. (c) Automotive Insurance (Form CA 0001 (Ed 1/87) including “any auto” and endorsement CA 0025 or equivalent). A policy of comprehensive automobile liability insurance written on a per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage in an amount not less than $1,000,000. Said policy shall include coverage for owned, non-owned, leased, hired cars and any automobile. (d) Professional Liability. Professional liability insurance appropriate to the Consultant’s profession. This coverage may be written on a “claims made” basis, and must include coverage for contractual liability. The professional liability insurance required by this Agreement must be endorsed to be applicable to claims based upon, arising out of or related to services performed under this Agreement. The insurance must be maintained for at least 5 consecutive years following the completion of Consultant’s services or the termination of this Agreement. During this additional 5-year period, Consultant shall annually and upon request of the City submit written evidence of this continuous coverage. (e) Subcontractors. Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and certified endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall include all of the requirements stated herein. (f) Additional Insurance. Policies of such other insurance, as may be required in the Special Requirements in Exhibit “B”. 5.2 General Insurance Requirements. All of the above policies of insurance shall be primary insurance and shall name the City, its elected and appointed officers, employees and agents as additional insureds and any insurance maintained by City or its officers, employees or agents may apply in excess of, and not contribute with Consultant’s insurance. The insurer is deemed hereof to waive all rights of subrogation and contribution it may have against the City, its officers, employees and agents and their respective insurers. Moreover, the insurance policy must specify that where the primary insured does not satisfy the self-insured retention, any additional insured may satisfy the self-insured retention. All of said policies of insurance shall provide that said insurance may not be amended or cancelled by the insurer or any party hereto without providing thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail return receipt requested to the City. In the event any of said policies of insurance G.9.b Packet Pg. 182 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 -10- are cancelled, the Consultant shall, prior to the cancellation date, submit new evidence of insurance in conformance with Section 5.1 to the Contract Officer. No work or services under this Agreement shall commence until the Consultant has provided the City with Certificates of Insurance, additional insured endorsement forms or appropriate insurance binders evidencing the above insurance coverages and said Certificates of Insurance or binders are approved by the City. City reserves the right to inspect complete, certified copies of and endorsements to all required insurance policies at any time. Any failure to comply with the reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches or warranties shall not affect coverage provided to City. All certificates shall name the City as additional insured (providing the appropriate endorsement) and shall conform to the following “cancellation” notice: CANCELLATION: SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATED THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY SHALL MAIL THIRTY (30)-DAY ADVANCE WRITTEN NOTICE TO CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED HEREIN. [to be initialed] ______________ Consultant Initials City, its respective elected and appointed officers, directors, officials, employees, agents and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds as respects: liability arising out of activities Consultant performs; products and completed operations of Consultant; premises owned, occupied or used by Consultant; or any automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by Consultant. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to City, and their respective elected and appointed officers, officials, employees or volunteers. Consultant’s insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer’s liability. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by City. At the option of City, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects City or its respective elected or appointed officers, officials, employees and volunteers or the Consultant shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration, defense expenses and claims. The Consultant agrees that the requirement to provide insurance shall not be construed as limiting in any way the extent to which the Consultant may be held responsible for the payment of damages to any persons or property resulting from the Consultant’s activities or the activities of any person or persons for which the Consultant is otherwise responsible nor shall it limit the Consultant’s indemnification liabilities as provided in Section 5.3. In the event the Consultant subcontracts any portion of the work in compliance with Section 4.5 of this Agreement, the contract between the Consultant and such subcontractor shall require the subcontractor to maintain the same policies of insurance that the Consultant is required G.9.b Packet Pg. 183 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 -11- to maintain pursuant to Section 5.1, and such certificates and endorsements shall be provided to City. 5.3 Indemnification. To the full extent permitted by law, Consultant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees and agents (“Indemnified Parties”) against, and will hold and save them and each of them harmless from, any and all actions, either judicial, administrative, arbitration or regulatory claims, damages to persons or property, losses, costs, penalties, obligations, errors, omissions or liabilities whether actual or threatened (herein “claims or liabilities”) that may be asserted or claimed by any person, firm or entity arising out of or in connection with the negligent performance of the work, operations or activities provided herein of Consultant, its officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, or invitees, or any individual or entity for which Consultant is legally liable (“indemnitors”), or arising from Consultant’s or indemnitors’ reckless or willful misconduct, or arising from Consultant’s or indemnitors’ negligent performance of or failure to perform any term, provision, covenant or condition of this Agreement, and in connection therewith: (a) Consultant will defend any action or actions filed in connection with any of said claims or liabilities and will pay all costs and expenses, including legal costs and attorney’s fees incurred in connection therewith; (b) Consultant will promptly pay any judgment rendered against the City, its officers, agents or employees for any such claims or liabilities arising out of or in connection with the negligent performance of or failure to perform such work, operations or activities of Consultant hereunder; and Consultant agrees to save and hold the City, its officers, agents, and employees harmless therefrom; (c) In the event the City, its officers, agents or employees is made a party to any action or proceeding filed or prosecuted against Consultant for such damages or other claims arising out of or in connection with the negligent performance of or failure to perform the work, operation or activities of Consultant hereunder, Consultant agrees to pay to the City, its officers, agents or employees, any and all costs and expenses incurred by the City, its officers, agents or employees in such action or proceeding, including but not limited to, legal costs and attorney’s fees. Consultant shall incorporate similar indemnity agreements with its subcontractors and if it fails to do so Consultant shall be fully responsible to indemnify City hereunder therefore, and failure of City to monitor compliance with these provisions shall not be a waiver hereof. This indemnification includes claims or liabilities arising from any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission, or reckless or willful misconduct of Consultant in the performance of professional services hereunder. The provisions of this Section do not apply to claims or liabilities occurring as a result of City’s sole negligence or willful acts or omissions, but, to the fullest extent permitted by law, shall apply to claims and liabilities resulting in part from City’s negligence, except that design professionals’ indemnity hereunder shall be limited to claims and liabilities arising out of the negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of the design professional. The indemnity G.9.b Packet Pg. 184 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 -12- obligation shall be binding on successors and assigns of Consultant and shall survive termination of this Agreement. 5.4 Sufficiency of Insurer. Insurance required by this Agreement shall be satisfactory only if issued by companies qualified to do business in California, rated “A” or better in the most recent edition of Best Rating Guide, The Key Rating Guide or in the Federal Register, and only if they are of a financial category Class VII or better, unless such requirements are waived by the Risk Manager of the City (“Risk Manager”) due to unique circumstances. If this Agreement continues for more than 3 years duration, or in the event the risk manager determines that the work or services to be performed under this Agreement creates an increased or decreased risk of loss to the City, the Consultant agrees that the minimum limits of the insurance policies may be changed accordingly upon receipt of written notice from the Risk Manager. ARTICLE 6. RECORDS, REPORTS, AND RELEASE OF INFORMATION 6.1 Records. Consultant shall keep, and require subcontractors to keep, such ledgers, books of accounts, invoices, vouchers, canceled checks, reports, studies or other documents relating to the disbursements charged to City and services performed hereunder (the “books and records”), as shall be necessary to perform the services required by this Agreement and enable the Contract Officer to evaluate the performance of such services. Any and all such documents shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be complete and detailed. The Contract Officer shall have full and free access to such books and records at all times during normal business hours of City, including the right to inspect, copy, audit and make records and transcripts from such records. Such records shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years following completion of the services hereunder, and the City shall have access to such records in the event any audit is required. In the event of dissolution of Consultant’s business, custody of the books and records may be given to City, and access shall be provided by Consultant’s successor in interest. Notwithstanding the above, the Consultant shall fully cooperate with the City in providing access to the books and records if a public records request is made and disclosure is required by law including but not limited to the California Public Records Act. 6.2 Reports. Consultant shall periodically prepare and submit to the Contract Officer such reports concerning the performance of the services required by this Agreement as the Contract Officer shall require. Consultant hereby acknowledges that the City is greatly concerned about the cost of work and services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement. For this reason, Consultant agrees that if Consultant becomes aware of any facts, circumstances, techniques, or events that may or will materially increase or decrease the cost of the work or services contemplated herein or, if Consultant is providing design services, the cost of the project being designed, Consultant shall promptly notify the Contract Officer of said fact, circumstance, technique or event and the estimated increased or decreased cost related thereto and, if Consultant is providing design services, the estimated increased or decreased cost estimate for the project being designed. G.9.b Packet Pg. 185 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 -13- 6.3 Ownership of Documents. All drawings, specifications, maps, designs, photographs, studies, surveys, data, notes, computer files, reports, records, documents and other materials (the “documents and materials”), including any electronic documents and materials, prepared by Consultant, its employees, subcontractors and agents in the performance of this Agreement shall be the property of City and shall be delivered to City in a format of the City’s choice upon request of the Contract Officer or upon the termination of this Agreement, and Consultant shall have no claim for further employment or additional compensation as a result of the exercise by City of its full rights of ownership use, reuse, or assignment of the documents and materials hereunder. Any use, reuse or assignment of such completed documents for other projects and/or use of uncompleted documents without specific written authorization by the Consultant will be at the City’s sole risk and without liability to Consultant, and Consultant’s guarantee and warranties shall not extend to such use, reuse or assignment. Consultant may retain copies of such documents for its own use. Consultant shall have the right to use the concepts embodied therein. All subcontractors shall provide for assignment to City of any documents or materials prepared by them, and in the event Consultant fails to secure such assignment, Consultant shall indemnify City for all damages resulting therefrom. Moreover, Consultant with respect to any documents and materials that may qualify as “works made for hire” as defined in 17 U.S.C. § 101, such documents and materials are hereby deemed “works made for hire” for the City. 6.4 Confidentiality and Release of Information. (a) All information gained or work product produced by Consultant in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential, unless such information is in the public domain or already known to Consultant. Consultant shall not release or disclose any such information or work product to persons or entities other than City without prior written authorization from the Contract Officer. (b) Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall not, without prior written authorization from the Contract Officer or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide documents, declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered “voluntary” provided Consultant gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. (c) If Consultant, or any officer, employee, agent or subcontractor of Consultant, provides any information or work product in violation of this Agreement, then City shall have the right to reimbursement and indemnity from Consultant for any damages, costs and fees, including attorney’s fees, caused by or incurred as a result of Consultant’s conduct. (d) Consultant shall promptly notify City should Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed there under. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Consultant or be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with City and G.9.b Packet Pg. 186 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 -14- to provide City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Consultant. However, this right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. ARTICLE 7. ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT AND TERMINATION 7.1 California Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and governed both as to validity and to performance of the parties in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Legal actions concerning any dispute, claim or matter arising out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of San Bernardino, State of California, or any other appropriate court in such county, and Consultant covenants and agrees to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such court in the event of such action. In the event of litigation in a U.S. District Court, venue shall lie exclusively in the Central District of California, in the County of San Bernardino, State of California. 7.2 Disputes; Default. In the event that Consultant is in default under the terms of this Agreement, the City shall not have any obligation or duty to continue compensating Consultant for any work performed after the date of default. Instead, the City may give notice to Consultant of the default and the reasons for the default. The notice shall include the timeframe in which Consultant may cure the default. This timeframe is presumptively thirty (30) days, but may be extended, though not reduced, if circumstances warrant. During the period of time that Consultant is in default, the City shall hold all invoices and shall, when the default is cured, proceed with payment on the invoices. In the alternative, the City may, in its sole discretion, elect to pay some or all of the outstanding invoices during the period of default. If Consultant does not cure the default, the City may take necessary steps to terminate this Agreement under this Article. Any failure on the part of the City to give notice of the Consultant’s default shall not be deemed to result in a waiver of the City’s legal rights or any rights arising out of any provision of this Agreement. 7.3 Retention of Funds. Consultant hereby authorizes City to deduct from any amount payable to Consultant (whether or not arising out of this Agreement) (i) any amounts the payment of which may be in dispute hereunder or which are necessary to compensate City for any losses, costs, liabilities, or damages suffered by City, and (ii) all amounts for which City may be liable to third parties, by reason of Consultant’s acts or omissions in performing or failing to perform Consultant’s obligation under this Agreement. In the event that any claim is made by a third party, the amount or validity of which is disputed by Consultant, or any indebtedness shall exist which shall appear to be the basis for a claim of lien, City may withhold from any payment due, without liability for interest because of such withholding, an amount sufficient to cover such claim. The failure of City to exercise such right to deduct or to withhold shall not, however, affect the obligations of the Consultant to insure, indemnify, and protect City as elsewhere provided herein. G.9.b Packet Pg. 187 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 -15- 7.4 Waiver. Waiver by any party to this Agreement of any term, condition, or covenant of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other term, condition, or covenant. Waiver by any party of any breach of the provisions of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other provision or a waiver of any subsequent breach or violation of any provision of this Agreement. Acceptance by City of any work or services by Consultant shall not constitute a waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy by a non-defaulting party on any default shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. Any waiver by either party of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of this Agreement. 7.5 Rights and Remedies are Cumulative. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by either party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other party. 7.6 Legal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may take legal action, in law or in equity, to cure, correct or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, to compel specific performance of this Agreement, to obtain declaratory or injunctive relief, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purposes of this Agreement. Notwithstanding any contrary provision herein, Consultant shall file a statutory claim pursuant to Government Code Sections 905 et. seq. and 910 et. seq., in order to pursue a legal action under this Agreement. 7.7 Termination Prior to Expiration of Term. This Section shall govern any termination of this Contract except as specifically provided in the following Section for termination for cause. The City reserves the right to terminate this Contract at any time, with or without cause, upon written notice to Consultant. In addition, the Consultant may terminate this Contract for cause, upon sixty (60) days’ advance written notice to City. Upon receipt of any notice of termination, Consultant shall immediately cease all services hereunder except such as may be specifically approved by the Contract Officer. Except where the Consultant has initiated termination, the Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for all services rendered prior to the effective date of the notice of termination and for any services authorized by the Contract Officer thereafter in accordance with the Schedule of Compensation or such as may be approved by the Contract Officer, except as provided in Section 7.3. In the event the Consultant has initiated termination, the Consultant shall be entitled to compensation only for the reasonable value of the work product actually produced hereunder. In the event of termination without cause pursuant to this Section, the terminating party need not provide the non-terminating party with the opportunity to cure pursuant to Section 7.2. G.9.b Packet Pg. 188 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 -16- 7.8 Termination for Default of Consultant. If termination is due to the failure of the Consultant to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, City may, after compliance with the provisions of Section 7.2, take over the work and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and the Consultant shall be liable to the extent that the total cost for completion of the services required hereunder exceeds the compensation herein stipulated (provided that the City shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate such damages), and City may withhold any payments to the Consultant for the purpose of set-off or partial payment of the amounts owed the City as previously stated. 7.9 Attorney’s Fees. If either party to this Agreement is required to initiate or defend or made a party to any action or proceeding in any way connected with this Agreement, the prevailing party in such action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief which may be granted, whether legal or equitable, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney’s fees. Attorney’s fees shall include attorney’s fees on any appeal, and in addition a party entitled to attorney’s fees shall be entitled to all other reasonable costs for investigating such action, taking depositions and discovery and all other necessary costs the court allows which are incurred in such litigation. All such fees shall be deemed to have accrued on commencement of such action and shall be enforceable whether or not such action is prosecuted to judgment. ARTICLE 8. CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES: NON-DISCRIMINATION 8.1 Non-liability of City Officers and Employees. No officer or employee of the City shall be personally liable to the Consultant, or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by the City or for any amount which may become due to the Consultant or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 8.2 Conflict of Interest. Consultant covenants that neither it, nor any officer or principal of its firm, has or shall acquire any interest, directly or indirectly, which would conflict in any manner with the interests of City or which would in any way hinder Consultant’s performance of services under this Agreement. Consultant further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement, no person having any such interest shall be employed by it as an officer, employee, agent or subcontractor without the express written consent of the Contract Officer. Consultant agrees to at all times avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of any conflicts of interest with the interests of City in the performance of this Agreement. 8.3 Covenant Against Discrimination. Consultant covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry or other protected class in the performance of G.9.b Packet Pg. 189 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 -17- this Agreement. Consultant shall take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry or other protected class. 8.4 Unauthorized Aliens. Consultant hereby promises and agrees to comply with all of the provisions of the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C.A. §§ 1101, et seq., as amended, and in connection therewith, shall not employ unauthorized aliens as defined therein. Should Consultant so employ such unauthorized aliens for the performance of work and/or services covered by this Agreement, and should any liability or sanctions be imposed against City for such use of unauthorized aliens, Consultant hereby agrees to and shall reimburse City for the cost of all such liabilities or sanctions imposed, together with any and all costs, including attorney’s fees, incurred by City. ARTICLE 9. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 9.1 Notices. Any notice, demand, request, document, consent, approval, or communication either party desires or is required to give to the other party or any other person shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first-class mail, in the case of the City, to the City Manager and to the attention of the Contract Officer (with her/his name and City title), City of Grand Terrace, 22795 Barton Rd, Grand Terrace, CA 92313, and in the case of the Consultant, to the person(s) at the address designated on the execution page of this Agreement. Either party may change its address by notifying the other party of the change of address in writing. Notice shall be deemed communicated at the time personally delivered or in seventy-two (72) hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this Section. 9.2 Interpretation. The terms of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the meaning of the language used and shall not be construed for or against either party by reason of the authorship of this Agreement or any other rule of construction which might otherwise apply. 9.3 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. 9.4 Integration; Amendment. This Agreement including the attachments hereto is the entire, complete and exclusive expression of the understanding of the parties. It is understood that there are no oral agreements between the parties hereto affecting this Agreement and this Agreement supersedes and cancels any and all previous negotiations, arrangements, agreements and understandings, if any, between the parties, and none shall be used to interpret this Agreement. No amendment to or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and approved by the Consultant and by G.9.b Packet Pg. 190 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 -18- the City Council. The parties agree that this requirement for written modifications cannot be waived and that any attempted waiver shall be void. 9.5 Severability. In the event that any one or more of the phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections contained in this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable by a valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections of this Agreement which are hereby declared as severable and shall be interpreted to carry out the intent of the parties hereunder unless the invalid provision is so material that its invalidity deprives either party of the basic benefit of their bargain or renders this Agreement meaningless. 9.6 Warranty & Representation of Non-Collusion. No official, officer, or employee of City has any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, nor shall any official, officer, or employee of City participate in any decision relating to this Agreement which may affect his/her financial interest or the financial interest of any corporation, partnership, or association in which (s)he is directly or indirectly interested, or in violation of any corporation, partnership, or association in which (s)he is directly or indirectly interested, or in violation of any State or municipal statute or regulation. The determination of “financial interest” shall be consistent with State law and shall not include interests found to be “remote” or “noninterests” pursuant to Government Code Sections 1091 or 1091.5. Nor shall any such officer or employee participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which affects her/his financial interest or the financial interest of any corporation, partnership or association in which (s)he is, directly or indirectly, interested, in violation of any State statute or regulation, including but not limited to the Political Reform Act (Government Code Sections 81000, et seq.) Consultant warrants and represents that it has not paid or given, and will not pay or give, to any third party including, but not limited to, any City official, officer, or employee, any money, consideration, or other thing of value as a result or consequence of obtaining or being awarded any agreement. Consultant further warrants and represents that (s)he/it has not engaged in any act(s), omission(s), or other conduct or collusion that would result in the payment of any money, consideration, or other thing of value to any third party including, but not limited to, any City official, officer, or employee, as a result of consequence of obtaining or being awarded any agreement. Consultant is aware of and understands that any such act(s), omission(s) or other conduct resulting in such payment of money, consideration, or other thing of value will render this Agreement void and of no force or effect. Consultant’s Authorized Initials _______ 9.7 Corporate Authority. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto warrant that (i) such party is duly organized and existing, (ii) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of said party, (iii) by so executing this Agreement, such party is formally G.9.b Packet Pg. 191 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 -19- bound to the provisions of this Agreement, and (iv) the entering into this Agreement does not violate any provision of any other Agreement to which said party is bound. This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE] G.9.b Packet Pg. 192 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 20 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date and year first-above written. CITY: City of Grand Terrace, a municipal corporation ____________________________________ Darcy McNaboe, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ Debra Thomas, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ALESHIRE & WYNDER, LLP _____________________________________ Adrian R. Guerra, City Attorney CONSULTANT: Michael Baker International, a California corporation By: ___________________________________ Name Tanya Bilezikjian, P.E. Title: Vice President, Office Executive By: ___________________________________ Name: Michael A. Tylman Title: Assistant Secretary Address: 3536 Concours Street, Suite 100 Ontario, CA 91764 Two corporate officer signatures required when Consultant is a corporation, with one signature required from each of the following groups: 1) Chairman of the Board, President or any Vice President; and 2) Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, Chief Financial Officer or any Assistant Treasurer. CONSULTANT’S SIGNATURES SHALL BE DULY NOTARIZED, AND APPROPRIATE ATTESTATIONS SHALL BE INCLUDED AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE BYLAWS, ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, OR OTHER RULES OR REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO CONSULTANT’S BUSINESS ENTITY. G.9.b Packet Pg. 193 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO On __________, 2021 before me, ________________, personally appeared ________________, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose names(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature: _____________________________________ OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE OFFICER _______________________________ TITLE(S) PARTNER(S) LIMITED GENERAL ATTORNEY-IN-FACT TRUSTEE(S) GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR OTHER_______________________________ ______________________________________ SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: (NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES)) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ___________________________________ TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT ___________________________________ NUMBER OF PAGES ___________________________________ DATE OF DOCUMENT ___________________________________ SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy or validity of that document. G.9.b Packet Pg. 194 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO On __________, 2021 before me, ________________, personally appeared ________________, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose names(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature: _____________________________________ OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE OFFICER _______________________________ TITLE(S) PARTNER(S) LIMITED GENERAL ATTORNEY-IN-FACT TRUSTEE(S) GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR OTHER_______________________________ ______________________________________ SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: (NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES)) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ___________________________________ TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT ___________________________________ NUMBER OF PAGES ___________________________________ DATE OF DOCUMENT ___________________________________ SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy or validity of that document. G.9.b Packet Pg. 195 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 A-1 EXHIBIT “A” SCOPE OF SERVICES I. Consultant will perform the following Services: A. Task 1 – Specific Plan Document. (1) Task 1.1 – Specific Plan Preparation and Formatting. Consultant shall convert the existing PDF of the City’s Barton Road Specific Plan (“Specific Plan”) into a Microsoft Word document. Consultant shall create an updated editable version of the Specific Plan document to allow for the incorporation of edits into the Specific Plan. This task assumes development of the Microsoft Word template, incorporation of the updates to the Specific Plan into the template as directed by Consultant’s Associate, Project Manager Emily Elliott and the City. Once the draft amendments to the Specific Plan are complete and reviewed by City staff, Consultant shall prepare a formatted document for Public Hearings. B. Task 2 – Technical Studies.1 (1) Task 2.1 – Air Quality Analysis. Existing Conditions/Regulatory Framework. The proposed Specific Plan amendment (“Project”) is located within the South Coast Air Basin (“SCAB”), which is under the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (“SCAQMD”). Consultant shall utilize the baseline meteorological and air quality data developed through the California Air Resources Board (“CARB”) for the description of existing ambient air quality. Air quality data from the nearest air quality monitoring station shall be included to help highlight existing air quality local to the Project area. The analysis will describe and address the requirements set forth by the SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook. Construction-Related Emissions. Construction emissions shall be quantified with the California Emissions Estimator Model version 2016.3.2 (“CalEEMod”). A general description of the major phases of construction and their timing shall be required. The air pollutant emissions during construction will be compared to the SCAQMD Regional Thresholds of Significance. Naturally occurring asbestos impacts shall also be qualitatively discussed. Long-Term Emissions. Operational (i.e., area, energy, and mobile source) emissions shall be quantified with CalEEMod and the CARB EMission FACtor Model (“EMFAC2017”) and compared to the SCAQMD regional 1 The scope for the Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas, Acoustical, and Energy Analyses includes preparation of the IS/MND Section to address the applicable questions from Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines. Standalone technical studies will not be prepared. G.9.b Packet Pg. 196 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 A-2 thresholds of significance. Primary sources of emissions shall be related to local/regional vehicle miles traveled. Project consistency with the 2016 Air Quality Management Plan shall also be evaluated. Localized Emissions. The Project is located within the SCAQMD’s Source Receptor Area (“SRA”) 34 (Central San Bernardino Valley). Based on localized meteorological data for SRA 34, Consultant shall analyze localized impacts based upon the SCAQMD’s Localized Significance Thresholds (“LST”) methodology. Air Emissions Health Impacts. As a result of the California Supreme Court decision for Sierra Club vs. County of Fresno (Friant Ranch L.P.), Consultant shall analyze the resultant human health impacts from the Project’s short-term construction and long-term operational air emissions. (2) Task 2.2 – Green House Gas Analysis. Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Consultant shall review the land use data and will prepare an inventory of the greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions (i.e., nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide) from both direct (i.e., area and mobile sources) and indirect sources (i.e., energy/water consumption and wastewater/solid waste generation). In addition, total GHG emissions from construction activities shall be amortized into the GHG emissions inventory. CalEEMod will be used to quantify GHG emissions. Reductions from recently adopted programs and regulations shall be included, such as improvements in fuel efficiency, State building code energy efficiency, and water efficiency. This analysis shall review Project consistency with the Southern California Association of Governments 2020–2045 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (2020–2045 RTP/SCS), California Air Resources Board 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan, and other applicable plans for the purpose of reducing GHG emissions. Mitigation measures shall be identified and incorporated, as necessary, to reduce potentially significant GHG impacts of the Project. (3) Task 2.3 – Acoustical Analysis. Existing Conditions. Consultant shall review the applicable noise and land use compatibility criteria for the Project and noise standards regulating noise impacts shall be discussed for land uses on and adjacent to the Project site. Consultant, in coordination with the City, shall conduct a Project site visit, and Consultant shall take short-term noise level measurements along the Project area. The noise monitoring survey shall be conducted at up to four separate locations to establish baseline noise levels in the Project area. Noise recording lengths are anticipated to require approximately 10 minutes at each location. G.9.b Packet Pg. 197 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 A-3 Construction-Related Noise and Vibration. Construction would occur during implementation of the Project. Noise impacts from construction sources shall be analyzed based on the anticipated equipment to be used, length of a specific construction task, equipment power type (gasoline or diesel engine), horsepower, load factor, and percentage of time in use. The construction noise impacts shall be evaluated in terms of maximum levels (“Lmax”) and hourly equivalent continuous noise levels (“Leq”) and the frequency of occurrence at adjacent sensitive locations. An analysis of vibration impacts shall be based on the Federal Transit Administration’s vibration analysis guidance. Analysis requirements shall be based on the sensitivity of the area, specific construction activities, and Noise Ordinance specifications. Operational Noise Sources. The Project-generated off-site traffic noise levels shall be compared to the applicable City Noise Ordinance specifications and/or land use compatibility criteria for off-site uses. Compliance with applicable noise standards shall be evaluated, with recommended mitigation measures included where appropriate. (4) Task 2.4 – Energy Analysis. Consultant shall analyze the energy implications of the Project pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21100(b)(3) and Appendix G and Appendix F of the CEQA Guidelines. In summary, these statutes and guidelines require a project to describe, where relevant, the wasteful, inefficient, and unnecessary consumption of energy caused by a project. In addition, Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines requires a consistency analysis with state or local plans for renewable energy or energy efficiency. This analysis shall analyze energy consumption associated with short-term construction activities, long- term operations, buildings, and transportation using CalEEMod based on the Project’s land use data. This analysis shall also discuss the effects of the Project on regional and local energy supply, demand, and resources, and the Project’s consistency with energy standards and requirements. (5) Task 2.5 – Cultural Resources Records Search.2 Consultant shall complete a record search with the South-Central Coastal Information Center for a 1⁄2- mile radius around the Specific Plan area, literature and historic map review, and historical society consultation. The intent of the above-mentioned cultural resources identification efforts is to determine if there are previously identified historical resources, as defined in 15064.5(a) of the CEQA Guidelines, within the plan area. The findings of the cultural and tribal cultural resources identification efforts shall be summarized in a 2 The local information centers are currently experiencing extended turnaround times for records search requests. Consultant shall notify the City of the expected turnaround time once the records search is submitted to a local information center. G.9.b Packet Pg. 198 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 A-4 memo report that can be appended to the IS/MND and utilized during the tribal consultation process. (6) Task 2.6 – VMT Assessment. Consultant shall conduct a vehicle miles traveled (“VMT”) analysis to support the CEQA process transportation metric. The VMT analysis will be based on the City-specific VMT guidance. Scoping Agreement. Consultant shall coordinate the scope of the VMT analysis with City staff responsible for reviewing the analysis by preparing a VMT scoping memorandum. Specific details of the study scope that shall be coordinated include, but are not limited to, initial screening results, trip generation analysis, study scenarios, modeling assumptions, and methodologies. The scoping agreement shall be coordinated prior to initiation of any travel demand modeling work. Trip Generation Analysis. Consultant shall conduct a trip generation analysis for the Project using the Trip Generation (Institute of Transportation Engineers, 10th Edition Supplement or latest edition), or other data source as directed by City staff. The trip generation analysis shall estimate the estimated number of project trips during the weekday, AM Peak Hour, and PM Peak Hour. Trip distributions and assignments will not be included in the analysis and instead it will focus on the number of project trips excluding pass-by trips. Project Screening. Consultant shall examine the screening criteria to determine if the Project can be determined to have a less than significant impact based on project location, size, or land use type. The Project screening shall include the use the screening tool. Consultant’s initial review indicates that the Project will not screen out and therefore, the Project will require a VMT assessment. VMT Assessment. Consultant shall utilize a subconsultant (Translutions) to conduct the travel demand model runs and VMT calculations. This scope of work assumes the modeling of one land use scenario for the full build- out condition. Additional scenarios may be evaluated as a separate task for an additional fee. Model Runs. Consultant, through Translutions, shall modify the SBTAM to include the Project socio-economic data. Model runs shall be conducted to calculate the VMT. This task shall be conducted using the base and future year models. It is not anticipated that significant circulation network edits outside the Specific Plan area will be required as part of this task. It is assumed that four (4) Traffic Analysis Zones (“TAZs”) will be modified to accommodate the Specific Plan land use. G.9.b Packet Pg. 199 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 A-5 VMT Calculation. This task shall calculate the base and future modeled VMT for comparison. The model will also be modified so that the Project forms several discrete TAZs. Based on the requirements, VMT calculations for the following scenarios will be conducted: • Base Year without Project • Future Year without Project • Base Year with project (Proposed Specific Plan Amendment, Project Effect) • Base Year Project VMT (Proposed Specific Plan Amendment) • Future Year with project (Proposed Specific Plan Amendment, Project Effect) • Future Year Project VMT (Proposed Specific Plan Amendment) Determination of Impacts. The VMT analysis results shall be compared to thresholds of significance to determine if impacts are anticipated. If required, the Project shall identify Transportation Demand Management (“TDM”) elements to help reduce reliance on autos or provide means by which to shorten vehicle trips in order to mitigate any Project transportation impacts. The VMT reductions shall be based on California Air Pollutions Control Officers Association (“CAPCOA”) Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measures (2010) report and will be clearly documented in the memorandum. Modifying the Project characteristics (land use type and size) as a mitigation option may be considered, however the associated analysis would require separate task for an additional fee. Technical Memorandum. Consultant shall summarize the VMT analysis in a technical memorandum. Consultant shall submit a total of two electronic submittals of the VMT technical memorandum to the City (one draft report for City review and one final report with City comments addressed). (7) OPTIONAL Task 2.7 – SCS Analysis. Consultant shall carry out this Optional Task 2.7 only upon written direction of the Contract Officer and shall not be entitled to any compensation for this Optional Task 2.7 without such written direction. Consultant, through its subconsultant Translutions, shall modify the SBTAM to include the Project socioeconomic data as well as those of the Specific Plan for the following scenarios: G.9.b Packet Pg. 200 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 A-6 • Base Year with project (Current Specific Plan, Project Effect) • Base Year Project VMT (Current Specific Plan) • Future Year with project (Current Specific Plan, Project Effect) • Future Year Project VMT (Current Specific Plan) The VMT comparison will be based on several metrics, including, but not limited to, comparison of base year VMT with Project VMT. A comparison of the impacts of the existing Specific Plan with the proposed Specific Plan Amendment in terms of VMT changes shall be provided to evaluate the VMT per capita (or employment). In addition, Project VMT (per capita, population served, and employee) for the current Specific Plan will be compared to the VMT (per capita, population served, and employee) of the Project to identify if the Project increases VMT from the Specific Plan. This task assumes the same TAZs as the VMT Analysis task. This task is only anticipated if the comparison analysis in the main task shows a significant impact. C. Task 3 – Initial Study (“IS”)/Mitigated Negative Declaration (“MND”). (1) Task 3.1 – Administrative Draft IS/MND. Consultant shall prepare a draft project description for the Project (i.e., the proposed Specific Plan amendments) for review and comment by City staff. After receiving comments and making the appropriate changes, Consultant shall submit a revised version of the project description, which will be the basis for the Project’s environmental analysis and Project technical studies. Using the City’s latest CEQA Initial Study Checklist format, Consultant shall prepare a Screencheck Draft IS/MND for review by City staff. The IS will provide written responses to each question on the Environmental Checklist that describe and qualitatively and/or quantitatively evaluate the Project’s impact related to each topic. Each response shall include a conclusion regarding the significance of the Project’s impact, which may be determined to be potentially significant, potentially significant unless mitigated, less than significant, or nonexistent (i.e., no impact). The analysis conducted to support such conclusions shall meet or exceed industry standards and shall consider all applicable environmental regulations and policies as well as guidance provided by responsible, trustee, and oversight agencies. In accordance with Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines, this section shall include, but not be limited to, a detailed review of the following issues: • Aesthetics • Land Use/Planning • Mineral Resources • Noise G.9.b Packet Pg. 201 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 A-7 • Agriculture and Forestry Resources • Air Quality • Biological Resources • Cultural Resources • Energy • Geology/Soils • Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Hazards and Hazardous Materials • Hydrology/Water Quality • Population/Housing • Public Services • Recreation • Transportation • Tribal Cultural Resources • Utilities/Service Systems • Wildfire Each response shall include a conclusion regarding the significance of the Project’s impact, which may be determined to be potentially significant, potentially significant unless mitigated, less than significant, or no impact. The analysis conducted to support such conclusions shall meet or exceed industry standards and shall consider applicable environmental regulations and policies as well as guidance provided by responsible, trustee, and oversight agencies. Consultant shall submit the Screencheck Draft IS/MND to the City for review and comment. In the event that the IS results in a finding that the Project will result in a significant impact that cannot be mitigated, Consultant shall work with the City to develop the appropriate CEQA approach. (2) Task 3.2 – Draft IS/MND. After receiving the City’s comments on the Screencheck Draft IS and making the appropriate changes, Consultant shall prepare a Screencheck version of the IS for the City’s consideration. It is anticipated that the Sreencheck version will adequately address any substantive comments which the City would have and that the City’s comments on the Screencheck version will be limited to edits and clarifications of final points. Consultant shall address such final edits/clarifications and prepare a final version of the IS. (3) Task 3.3 – Final IS/MND. Responses to Comments Consultant shall respond to environmental comments received on the Draft IS/MND during the public review period. Consultant shall prepare thorough, reasoned, and sensitive responses to relevant environmental issues. The Draft Responses to Comments shall be prepared for review by City Staff and submitted electronically. Consultant shall submit an electronic “proofcheck copy” of the revised Responses to Comments, which shall incorporate one complete set of comments received by the City. It is G.9.b Packet Pg. 202 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 A-8 assumed that substantive comments will be received as part of the initial review and any additional comments to the proofcheck document will be minimal. Upon receipt of comments on the proofcheck draft, Consultant shall prepare the Final Responses to Comments. It is noted that the extent of public and agency comments resulting from the review process is currently unknown. Consultant has conservatively budgeted this task based upon its understanding of the Project and assumes only minor supplemental technical support may be necessary. Should the level of comments exceed Consultant’s estimate or require more substantial technical analysis, Consultant shall advise the City thereof, provide an estimated additional costs thereof to the City, and coordinate with the City to address and respond to such comments; however, Consultant shall not be entitled to any compensation greater than authorized by Section 2.1 of this Agreement without approval from the City Council. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Consultant shall prepare a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (“MMRP”), which will provide a basis for monitoring identified mitigation measures during and upon project implementation. The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Checklist will serve as the foundation of the MMRP for the proposed project. The Checklist indicates the mitigation measure number as outlined in the Initial Study, a list of Mitigation Measures/Conditions of Approval (in chronological order under the appropriate topic), the Monitoring Milestone (at what agency/department responsible for verifying implementation of the measure), Method of Verification (documentation, field checks, etc.), and a verification section for the initials of the verifying individual date of verification, and pertinent remarks. Completion of the Final IS/MND If necessary, Consultant shall prepare an Errata to the Public Review Draft document for City review and approval. The Errata shall be a stand-alone document identifying any revised text in strikethrough and underline, as necessary to address comments received on the Public Review Draft document. The Final IS/MND shall be comprised of the Responses to Comments, Errata, and MMRP. (4) Task 3.4 – CEQA Noticing. Consultant shall prepare for City the Project CEQA Notices, as outlined below. The Notices shall be distributed via certified mail to the State Clearinghouse and all responsible, trustee, and interested agencies, community groups, and individuals. All distribution will be based upon a G.9.b Packet Pg. 203 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 A-9 City-provided distribution list. The City will be responsible for distributing any required radius mailing or newspaper notices. • Notice of Availability/Notice of Intent (“NOA/NOI”) – Consultant shall prepare the NOA/NOI for the project to initiate the 30-day public review period. This includes distribution of the NOA/NOI to at least 25 recipients. • Notice of Completion (“NOC”) – Consultant shall prepare the NOC for submittal to the State Clearinghouse at the onset of the 30-day NOA/NOI public review period. The NOC will be filed electronically on the State Clearinghouse CEQANet website. • Notice of Determination (“NOD”) – Consultant shall prepare the NOD to be filed with the County Clerk and State Clearinghouse within five (5) days after the City determines to carry out or approve the Project. This excludes payment of California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and San Bernardino County Clerk processing fees. This also assumes that the City will file the NOD with the San Bernardino County Clerk. II. In addition to any tangible work products required to be prepared and delivered by this Agreement, as part of the Services, Consultant will prepare and deliver such tangible work products to the City as the City may require from time to time. III. In addition to the requirements of Section 6.2, during performance of the Services, Consultant will keep the City appraised of the status of performance by delivering such status reports as the City may require from time to time. IV. All work product is subject to review and acceptance by the City, and must be revised by the Consultant without additional charge to the City until found satisfactory and accepted by City. V. Consultant will utilize the following personnel to accomplish the Services: A. Peter Minegar, AICP, Senior Associate/Department Manager B. Emily Elliott, Associate, Project Manager G.9.b Packet Pg. 204 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 B-1 EXHIBIT “B” SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (Superseding Contract Boilerplate) G.9.b Packet Pg. 205 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 C-1 EXHIBIT “C” SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION I. Consultant shall perform the following Services provided in Exhibit A at the rates provided in Exhibit “C-1”. II. Within the budgeted amounts for each Task, and with the approval of the Contract Officer, funds may be shifted from one Task subbudget to another so long as the Contract Sum is not exceeded per Section 2.1, unless Additional Services are approved per Section 1.8. III. The City will compensate Consultant for the Services performed upon submission of a valid invoice. Each invoice is to include: A. Line items for all personnel describing the work performed, the number of hours worked, and the hourly rate. B. Line items for all materials and equipment properly charged to the Services. C. Line items for all other approved reimbursable expenses claimed, with supporting documentation. D. Line items for all approved subcontractor labor, supplies, equipment, materials, and travel properly charged to the Services. IV. The total compensation for the Services shall not exceed $120,145 as provided in Section 2.1 of this Agreement. G.9.b Packet Pg. 206 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 C-1 EXHIBIT “C-1” Task Project Director ($205/ hour) Senior Engineer ($195/ hour) Lead PM ($175/ hour) CEQA Lead ($150/ hour) Entitlements Lead ($145/hour) CEQA Planner ($165/ hour) Associate Planner ($130/ hour) Assistant Planner/ GIS ($110/ hour) Tech Editing ($90/ hour) Total Hours SUBS Total Cost TASK 1 – SPECIFIC PLAN DOCUMENT Task 1.1 – Specific Plan Preparation and Formatting 8 40 48 $4,760 TASK 1 SUBTOTAL $4,760 TASK 2 – TECHNICAL STUDIES Task 2.1: Air Quality Analysis 10 30 24 64 $9,670 Task 2.2: Greenhouse Gas Analysis 4 20 16 40 $5,900 Task 2.3: Acoustical Analysis 8 24 24 56 $8,360 Task 2.4: Energy Analysis 5 10 10 25 $3,825 Task 2.5: Cultural Resources Records Search 10 10 35 4 59 $7,010 Task 2.6: VMT Analysis 4 24 20 48 $9,500 $17,600 TASK 2 SUBTOTAL $52,365 TASK 3 – INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Task 3.1: Admin Draft IS/MND 40 10 20 40 40 30 180 $24,100 Task 3.2: Draft IS/MND 10 10 16 16 16 20 88 $11,530 Task 3.3: Final IS/MND 20 30 10 10 70 $10,550 Task 3.4: CEQA Noticing 4 4 4 20 32 $3,620 TASK 3 SUBTOTAL $49,800 G.9.b Packet Pg. 207 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 C-2 Other Direct Costs $2,000 Total Hours 31 74 148 8 46 164 710 Percent of Total Labor (Hours) 4% 10% 21% 1% 6% 23% TOTAL COST $108,925 OPTIONAL TASK 2.7: SCS Analysis (not included in TOTAL COST)*** 4 16 6 26 $6,500 $11,220 TOTAL COST (WITH OPTIONAL TASK 2.7) $120,145 ***Consultant shall carry out Optional Task 2.7 only upon written direction of the Contract Officer and shall not be entitled to any compensation for Optional Task 2.7 without such written direction. G.9.b Packet Pg. 208 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l 01247.0005/707098.2 4/6/2021 D-1 EXHIBIT “D” SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE I. Consultant shall immediately proceed with the Services upon issuance of a Notice to Proceed by the Contract Officer (“NTP”) and shall complete Tasks 1 through 3.1, including any associated tasks, within 10 weeks of issuance of the NTP. II. For Tasks 3.2 through 3.4, Consultant shall develop a project schedule in coordination with the Contract Officer, subject to the written approval of the Contract Officer. III. The Contract Officer may approve extensions for performance of the Services in accordance with Section 3.2. G.9.b Packet Pg. 209 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n d T e r r a c e - M i c h a e l B a k e r - B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n A m e n d m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t a l A g r e e m e n t [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o Barton Road Specific Plan CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Revision: September 18, 2003 August 9, 2011 July 14, 2020 City of Grand Terrace Community Development Department 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace 92324(909) 430-2247 G.9.c Packet Pg. 210 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 1 Table of Contents 1 I. Introduction 2 A. Purpose of the Plan 2 B. Project Location 2 C. Planning Areas 4 D. Authority 4 E. Relationship of the Specific Plan to the General Plan 4 F. Project Consistency with the Specific Plan 4 II. Land Use Plan 6 A. Opportunities and Constraints 6 B. Goals, Objectives 7 C. Project-wide Planning Standards 12 D. Site Planning 25 E. Parking and Circulation 28 F. Sign Regulations 32 G. Specific Freestanding Building Design Guidelines 33 H. Specific Strip Commercial Center Design Guidelines 35 I. Landscape Guidelines 37 J. Planning Areas 39 K. Lot Consolidation Incentives 48 III. Infrastructure 49 A. Transportation 49 B. Public Services 49 C. Other Public Services & Facilities 55 IV. CEQA Compliance 57 V. Specific Plan Administration 58 Appendix Land Use Matrix 59-64 G.9.c Packet Pg. 211 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 2 I. Introduction A. Purpose of the Plan Over the years, the Barton Road corridor has evolved into a mixed-use area defined by a variety of commercial, office, service, and residential land uses. The quality and condition of existing structures varies from exemplary contemporary projects to substandard and visibly deteriorating areas. The dominant use along the corridor is strip commercial that has developed over the years in a disjointed, incremental manner. Residential uses comprise a significant amount of the Specific Plan area and are found generally in the form of single-family homes, some of which have been converted to commercial/office uses. Multi-family uses are predominant in eastern end of the Plan Area south of Barton Road. Concern was documented during preparation of the City's General Plan in 1988 that the Barton Road commercial corridor was developing in an unplanned, disjointed manner and that unless the area was comprehensively planned for the future; the full economic potential of the corridor may not be realized. Of equal concern was the present physical appearance of the area and the need to upgrade its' image as Grand Terrace's "downtown". The original Barton Road Specific Plan was approved in 1990 and has been periodically amended to address specific development issues associated with individual projects. In 2002, it was determined that the Specific Plan required a comprehensive review to determine its consistency with current State planning law and its ability to address current and future need of the community. This need was supplemented by changing economic conditions and acceptable development concepts that affect potential development within the Plan area. The purpose of this Specific Plan document and the associated "BRSP" Barton Road- Specific Plan Zoning District is to assure the systematic implementation of the City of Grand Terrace's General Plan within the Specific Plan area as shown in Exhibit 1. To fulfill this purpose, the document provides a comprehensive plan of land use, development regulations, design guidelines, development incentives and other related actions aimed at implementing the goals and objectives set forth in the Plan. Upon adoption by ordinance of the City Council, this plan constitutes the legally established zoning for properties within the plan area. Moreover, it establishes certain development regulations, standards, and guidelines within the Barton Road corridor. This document supercedes all previous specific plans, technical master plans or similar documents related to properties within the Specific Plan area. B. Project Location The Specific Plan encompasses approximately a 1.3-mile long corridor along Barton Road extending from the Riverside Freeway (Interstate 215), on the west, to the intersection of Barton Road and Victoria Street on the east. Major intersecting streets include, from west to east; Michigan Street, Canal Street, Mt. Vernon Avenue, and Preston Street (see Exhibit I, Specific Plan Area Map). G.9.c Packet Pg. 212 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g BARTON RD. B A R T O N R D. PALM AVE. MT. VERNON VIVIENDA AVE. MICHIGAN AVE. PRESTON AVE. Specific Plan Area MapBarton Road Specific Plan City of Grand Terrace Community Development Department, August 9, 2011. This map is for reference only. For detailed information, please consult with the Community Development Department. Planning Area: Specific Plan Area Exhibit 1 3 N G.9.c Packet Pg. 213 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d 4 C. Planning Areas The primary land use along the corridor is commercial with some office and residential uses (see Exhibit 2, Existing Land Use Map). The corridor functions as Grand Terrace's "downtown” and primary commercial center. City Hall is located near the eastern end of the corridor. For these reasons, the quality and image of the area are extremely important to the City and its residents. D. Authority California Government Code Sections 65450 through 65457 provide the necessary authorization for the City of Grand Terrace to prepare and adopt this Specific Plan. Hearings are required by both the Planning Commission and City Council. Following these hearings, the Specific Plan is adopted by the Council either by resolution as policy or by ordinance as regulation. Due to the regulatory nature of this Plan, it has been adopted by ordinance. E. Relationship of the Specific Plan to the General Plan This Specific Plan has been prepared in compliance with the goals and policies of the City of Grand Terrace General Plan. The Specific Plan is designed to implement the General Plan’s various elements including Land Use and Circulation, among others. All proposed development projects found to be consistent with the Specific Plan shall also be deemed consistent with the City’s General Plan. The Specific Plan may be amended as many times as necessary to further the systematic implementation of the General Plan. F. Project Consistency with the Specific Plan The Barton Road Specific Plan is a regulatory plan that will serve as zoning law for properties within the boundaries of the Plan as depicted in Exhibit I. All administrative and discretionary development approvals must be consistent with this Specific Plan. These approvals include, but are not limited to the following: Subdivisions and parcel maps Conditional Use Permits Site and Architectural Review Land Use Permits Master Development Plans Development Agreements G.9.c Packet Pg. 214 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g BARTON RD. B A R T O N R D. PALM AVE. MT. VERNONVIVIENDA AVE. MICHIGAN AVE. PRESTON AVE. Existing Land Use MapBarton Road Specific Plan City of Grand Terrace Community Development Department, August 9, 2011. This map is for reference only. For detailed information, please consult with the Community Development Department. Planning Area: Specific Plan Area Exhibit 2 5 N Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Public/ Institutional Vacant Land Office Commercial General Commercial G.9.c Packet Pg. 215 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d 6 II. Land Use Plan A. Opportunities and Constraints As with any physical development program, especially in an area that has already experienced urban development, certain aspects of the environment act as constraints to the achievement of desired development goals while others offer opportunities which can be taken advantage of to promote the types of development envisioned for the area. The original Barton Road Specific Plan preparation included an analysis of the existing physical conditions of the plan area. Based upon that analysis, the following list of opportunities and constraints was prepared. 1. Development of quality commercial and office uses will be encouraged. 2. Incremental development of strip commercial uses on small lots will be strongly discouraged as will be the conversion of residential units to commercial or office uses. 3. The overall physical image of the area requires upgrading in order to attract and maintain quality development. 4. Existing General Plan land use designations and zoning should remain basically the same, but site development standards will change to achieve higher quality development and discourage strip-type development. 5. A variety of incentive programs will be necessary in order to achieve the desired level of quality development envisioned for by the City. When combined with public policy input (goals and objectives), the opportunities and constraints become the ingredients used in formulating the overall direction of the Specific Plan. The identified opportunities and constraints are as follows: Opportunities Capitalize on existing physical features and land uses that contribute to and reinforce a feeling of low density and pedestrian scale along the corridor. Implement a programmatic land use plan and urban design theme, which establishes a "village" character and provides Grand Terrace's downtown with a "sense of place". Recapture retail sales leakage to surrounding communities, including both local and community level goods and services with an emphasis on quality. Encourage the merger and development of small, underutilized properties along the corridor, especially west of Canal Street and at the northwest corner of Barton Road and Mt. Vernon Avenue. Preserve, whenever possible, significant existing trees along the corridor and emphasize the provision of trees in new development. G.9.c Packet Pg. 216 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 7 Constraints Lack of cohesiveness, land use consistency and community focal points; current strip commercial orientation lacks concentrated activity centers. Corridor lacks a sense of place. Lack of pedestrian areas and amenities, including plazas, courtyards, public parks, cultural or entertainment features. Location of existing potentially conflicting residential land uses and trailer park. Lack of freeway- and travel-related commercial land uses, such as family restaurants. Lack of a consistent and continuous urban design and landscape theme. Image of private developments requires upgrading. Majority of parcels are fragmented and under individual ownership. Many of the lots are of a long, narrow configuration, which is difficult to develop without merger with adjoining parcels. Conversion of single-family residences to office/commercial uses constrains higher quality development. Image of corridor is fragmented in terms of uses, setbacks, landscaping, right- of-way improvements and architectural style. Existing commercial centers in adjacent cities (Colton, Loma Linda) draw local market and its sales dollars. B. Goals, Objectives and Policies The purpose of this section is to articulate the Goals, Objectives, and Polices for the Barton Road Specific Plan and begin the foundation for subsequent sections of this Plan. GOALS: Broad statements that define the community's hope for the future. They are general in nature and do not indicate when and how these goals are to be accomplished. OBJECTIVES: Statements of intent that generally guide future decisions in specific topic areas. POLICIES: More specific statements of intent to deal with particular topics in a certain fashion. They begin to define the approach to achieve the Plan objectives, and are the first step in the development of a solution by forming the basis of standards and regulations. G.9.c Packet Pg. 217 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 8 OVERALL GOAL To create a dynamic "downtown" commercial center that is attractive and of high quality, unifying community design image, reflective of a "village" identity, and providing an economically viable setting for a balanced mixture of commercial and administrative/professional uses with safe, efficient circulation and access. In an effort to further define and prioritize this overall goal statement, the following Community Design, Land Use/Economic, Circulation, Environmental, and Infrastructure goals and objectives are provided. COMMUNITY DESIGN GOAL: Create the community design image that expresses and enhances a unique "village" scale, character and identity for Grand Terrace. OBJECTIVES: Provide a pedestrian-oriented circulation system that identifies a "village" center or downtown. Provide an entry statement at Interstate 215 and Barton Road intersection that enhances the village orientation of the community. Promote compatible building elevations that provide transition at, or linkages between, commercial, and residential areas while protecting adjoining established residential neighborhoods. Through continued implementation of the City street tree program, promote contemporary landscape treatments throughout the corridor. The landscaping should be of a drought-tolerant, low-maintenance nature and able to withstand occasional high winds and intense urban conditions, such as smog and automobile exhaust. Provide for the elimination or screening of visually objectionable views such as outdoor storage, utility cabinets, trash bins, roof-mounted equipment, blank side walls, recycling equipment, and loading areas through the implementation of design guidelines. POLICIES: Develop consistent streetscape and architectural palettes that are sensitive to the creation of a "village" statement for Barton Road. (It is not the intent of this thematic requirement to discourage innovative or contemporary architectural expressions or to imitate the architecture of the past, but to promote the harmonious coexistence of architectural styles varying from restoration to contemporary architectural themes.) Require compliance with the community design guidelines in plans for new development or expansion or redevelopment of existing development; incorporate community design as a major consideration in site plan review and approval. Utilize landscape materials on private property that are clean, safe, wind resistant, and relatively low maintenance. Informal landscape forms should be utilized in the corridor to emphasize the "village" atmosphere and scale. G.9.c Packet Pg. 218 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 9 Develop an incentive program that rewards private sector development for providing certain "extra" design amenities within their projects. Of particular interest are passive solar techniques such as building overhangs, arcades, awnings and extra tree plantings, especially in parking lot areas. Consideration should be given to special paving materials used in place of asphalt in vehicular areas. Provide incentives to expedite removal of signs that do not conform to the regulations of this Specific Plan. Consider economic incentives for owners who wish to architecturally rehabilitate, refurbish, or upgrade landscaping on existing properties. Designate special on-site landscape and architectural features at the Mt. Vernon/Barton Road intersection location, combining thematic plantings with complementary architectural statements designed to promote a distinctive thematic character for this activity node. Changes in paving materials, plant materials, lighting, signing, and sizing of adjacent structures should occur at this intersection to enhance its distinctiveness. Require that new development be sensitive to significant mature trees and views of natural landforms, such as Blue Mountain. LAND USE/ECONOMIC GOAL: Develop a Specific Plan that is responsive to community land use and fiscal needs. OBJECTIVES: Maximize the economic position of the Barton Road commercial activities, capturing neighborhood, sub-regional, as well as travel-related demand. Sales tax-generating uses should be emphasized. Promote distinctive commercial clusters (versus strip commercial) that are sensitive to a village-scale. Require master planning at key sites within the Specific Plan area to assure integrated development utilizing coordinated access, parking, building orientation/location, pedestrian and transit facilities. Encourage a mixed-use (retail/office) development concept to add variety throughout the commercial corridor. Ensure the gradual upgrade of underutilized parcels functioning at less than their market potential. Encourage consolidation of elongated parcels and improve vehicular access to deep lots along the corridor. Focus on attracting new commercial uses through economic development activities. POLICIES: Establish regulations and provide incentive bonuses that promote pedestrian oriented plazas and courtyards; encourage active retail commercial uses at key intersections along Barton Road. Prepare development regulations and guidelines that clarify the expectations of the City in terms of quality development. Establish regulations that assure compatibility of new commercial uses with the "village" design concept while employing specific, well- designed-buffers from adjacent residential development. G.9.c Packet Pg. 219 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 10 Establish and incentive/bonus program of lot consolidation along the corridor to encourage development into planned concentrations, as opposed to a linear strip commercial configuration. Establish redevelopment programs to assist business with property improvements. Develop incentives/regulations to encourage priority village oriented land uses at the Mt. Vernon/Barton Road intersection. Encourage the development of superior architectural and site planning design which, in time, will create an image of regional magnitude for Barton Road that attracts quality-oriented specialty shops as well as additional shoppers. Establish land uses that complement existing village orientation within the Specific Plan area. CIRCULATION GOAL: Maintain a circulation system that facilitates efficient, safe vehicular and pedestrian traffic and enhances the community design character along Barton Road. OBJECTIVES: Limit and/or consolidate vehicular access points onto Barton Road. Develop a mixture of land uses that reduce home/work trips within the corridor and the City. Provide for and phase necessary infrastructure improvements, such as under grounding utilities and landscaping to maximize the efficiency of traffic as well as add to the aesthetic quality of Barton Road. Encourage use of local transit programs wherever possible and enhance use of bus facilities. POLICIES: Establish the placement of bus shelters and bus turnouts to assist traffic safety and efficiency. Require pedestrian-oriented amenities at key activity nodes through private development improvements. Reduce the number of vehicular trips between individual sites that must use Barton Road by requiring private projects to secure reciprocal parking access agreements prior to development. Shared parking and access will facilitate efficient parcel usage and minimize traffic support facilities such as drives, parking spaces, etc. Discourage new developments from taking primary access from residential streets, by developing internal circulation systems that direct traffic away from adjacent neighborhoods. G.9.c Packet Pg. 220 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 11 ENVIRONMENTAL GOAL: Maintain the highest possible environmental quality within the Specific Plan area, by balancing the impacts of development with environmental concerns. OBJECTIVES: Establish regulations that preserve significant environmental features, such as mature trees and views of local mountains within the Barton Road corridor. Through the project approval process and the imposition of conditions or mitigation measures, ensure that all development within the Specific Plan area will not decrease environmental quality, and will wherever possible create a higher quality environment. POLICIES: Prepare a map of significant trees that may be considered for preservation. Require all new development to meet General Plan environmental regulations. Of particular concern are noise, lighting, and traffic impacts upon adjoining residential properties generated by commercial uses. INFRASTRUCTURE GOAL: Maintain a high level of public services and facilities to all businesses along Barton Road. OBJECTIVE: Coordinate all development activity with the construction of public infrastructure. POLICIES: Require that all public services and facilities be available or that other financial arrangements be instituted prior to issuing building permits. As a condition of approval, require developers to install needed public improvements, such as street lighting, landscaping, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters adjacent to their property during the first phase of development. Require that all utilities be installed underground as a condition of development approval. G.9.c Packet Pg. 221 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 12 C. Project-wide Planning Standards 1. Comprehensive Land Use Plan The primary concepts upon which preparation of the Land Use Plan are based are 1) the retention and upgrading of appropriate existing uses within the corridor, and 2) the expansion of opportunities for new quality development. In addition, the Plan is based on the following more specific planning concepts and ideas concerning the desired future for the Barton Road corridor. Heavier, general commercial uses and uses serving freeway motorists are appropriate near the freeway (Planning Area 1) while less intensive commercial (specialty) retail uses are more appropriate within the "village" atmosphere provided for in Planning Area 2. Moving further away from the freeway, office uses are provided for in Planning Area 3 (refer to Exhibit 3, Planning Area Map). The Barton Road corridor functions as the City's "downtown" commercial core. As such, its' image needs to be upgraded to reflect this important role in the community. Strip commercial development on small, disaggregated lots does not lend itself to the image, scale, or function desired for the Barton Road corridor. The conversion of residential structures to commercial/office uses needs to be regulated in such a way as to ensure compatibility with surrounding development and the over-all image and function of the corridor. The consolidation of small parcels needs to be required and "incentives" provided for exceptional consolidation schemes. 2. Project Wide Planning Standards Master Plan Areas The intent of a master development plan is to provide a tool to initiate pre- development planning in areas consisting of multiple ownerships and lots with narrow street frontages in order to avoid strip commercial development with its typical proliferation of curb cuts, signs, parking in the front of buildings, and general lack of visual and functional continuity. G.9.c Packet Pg. 222 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 13 Master Plan Area 1 A Master Development Plan shall be required for the area located south of Barton Road between Michigan Street and Canal Street, designated Master Plan Area 1. This area is characterized by numerous deep narrow lots with many existing driveways. The following special development regulations shall apply to Master Plan Area 1. In addition, two Development Concept Plans have been prepared for the area to guide future development. The concept plans are not mandatory, but provide potential developers and property owners with guidance as to the City's intent for the area (see Exhibit 4, Master Plan Area No. 1 – Development Concept Plan). a) Minimum street frontage -The minimum street frontage for any development site in Master Plan Area No 1. shall be 300 feet under single ownership. b) In lieu of providing 300 feet of street frontage under single ownership, an applicant may participate with adjoining property owners to prepare a master development plan, which encompasses a minimum of 300 feet of street frontage. The plan shall indicate how development of the proposed site integrates the various properties into a single comprehensively planned area. The plan shall contain, at a minimum, all of the components listed under item 10 of the General Provisions section. Development of individual parcels may only proceed in accordance with the approved master development plan. c) Front yard setback -A 25-foot front yard setback from Barton Road is required except as provided in item 3 below. The setback area shall be landscaped with a combination of rolling berms, low walls, clusters of trees, shrubs, and ground cover. Monument signs may encroach to within 5 feet of the front property line. Parking may not encroach into the front setback area. d) Street adjacent buildings -For each master planned development, a minimum of 35 percent of the street frontage along Barton Road shall be occupied by buildings located within 20 feet of the front property line. e) Lot consolidation bonus - Development applicants who successfully consolidate properties under different ownerships may be eligible to receive development bonuses in the form of relaxations of development regulations and/or processing fees. Lot consolidation bonuses are discussed in a later part of this section. f) The following regulations and standards are in addition to, and/or supersede, other regulations in this Specific Plan whenever a Master Development Plan is required. G.9.c Packet Pg. 223 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g BARTON RD. B A R T O N R D. PALM AVE. MT. VERNON VIVIENDA AVE. MICHIGAN AVE. PRESTON AVE. Planning Area MapBarton Road Specific Plan City of Grand Terrace Community Development Department, August 9, 2011.This map is for reference only. For detailed information, please consult with the Community Development Department. Planning Area: Specific Plan Area Exhibit 3 14 N Planning Area 1 Planning Area 2 Planning Area 3 PLANNING AREA 1 PLANNING AREA 2 PLANNING AREA3 (2)Master Plan Area (2) (1) (3)(4) (5) G.9.c Packet Pg. 224 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d 15 G.9.c Packet Pg. 225 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 16 Based upon specific site conditions, the Director of Community Development may determine that a Master Development Plan is required in other areas to ensure the proper development of a specific area. The Director’s decision to require a Master Development Plan may be appealed to the Planning Commission. These areas may include the following: Master Plan Area 2 – North side of Barton Road between Michigan Street and Canal Street Master Plan Area 3 – Northwest corner of Barton Road and Mt. Vernon Avenue Immediate properties surrounding the Barton Road/Mt. Vernon Avenue intersection. Although a Master Development Plan may not be required for proposed development within these designated areas, the following design guidelines should be implemented. Master Plan Area 2 The following special development regulations shall apply to Master Plan Area 2. 1) Minimum street frontage - If lots are consolidated, the minimum street frontage for any development site in Master Plan Area No.2 should be 300 feet under single ownership. In lieu of providing 300 feet of street frontage that is under single ownership, an individual property owner may be required to participate with adjoining property owners in reciprocal access easements designed to reduce the total number of driveways on Barton Road, as described under item a (1) above and the General Provisions section. 2) Front Yard setback - The minimum front yard setback in Master Plan Area 2 shall be 20 feet. Signs may encroach to within 5 feet of the front property line. Parking should not encroach into the required setback area. The entire setback area shall be landscaped. 3) Lot consolidation bonus - Development applicants who successfully consolidate properties under different ownerships may be eligible to receive development bonuses in the form of relaxations of development regulations and/or processing fees as determined appropriate by the Planning Commission. Master Plan Area 3 The following specific development regulations shall apply to Master Plan Area 3. 1) Street adjacent buildings required - Buildings may be located to within 5 feet of street right-of-way lines along Barton Road and Mt. Vernon Avenue within 100 feet of the corner. 2) Lot consolidation bonus - Development applicants who successfully consolidate properties under different ownerships may be eligible to receive development bonuses in the form of relaxations of development regulations and/or processing fees as determined appropriate by the Planning Commission. G.9.c Packet Pg. 226 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 17 Two additional areas within Planning Area 3 are encouraged to develop under Master Plans. Both areas currently contain mixed uses on several small often odd shaped parcels. The purpose of these Master Plans is to provide for quality cohesive office/commercial developments while limiting the number of driveways on Barton and promoting the efficient use of land through shared parking. Master Plan Area 4 Master Plan Area 4 is located at the northeast corner of the Barton Road and Palm Avenue, west of City Hall. The area is currently developed as mixed uses including offices, single family and multi-family residential, and vacant property. Proposed projects should be compatible with those of the Civic Center. Master Plan Area 5 Master Plan Area 5 is located at the southwest corner of Barton Road and Preston Street. The area is characterized by limited office/commercial uses and multi-family development. The proposed Master Plan will provide a design guideline that addresses the efficient development of mixed commercial and office professional uses and serve as an eastern gateway to the community. Development in both Master Plan Areas 4 and 5 shall be consistent with the design standards and permitted land uses of the Office Professional Zone. Lot consolidation, reciprocal access, and reciprocal parking shall be encouraged. If development of individual lots is proposed, the project will be evaluated based upon its ability to ultimately blend with existing and proposed adjacent parcel development to create a cohesive project. 3. Project Wide Design Guidelines All commercial and office development (new and rehabilitation) located within the Barton Road Corridor Specific Plan area is subject to the design guidelines/standards contained herein. The design guidelines will serve as general standards that should be used for design review when either of the following actions occur: Any new development Any major addition or enlargement of an existing structure or use GENERAL ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES FOR ALL DEVELOPMENT The following section provides numerous written and illustrated design directions related to the basic quality of commercial building, architecture, color, and scale. This portion of the Specific Plan addresses each of these elements in general terms and establishes the basic principles, which are expanded upon in much more detail through the application of the following "specific architectural guidelines and standards". This section "paints the overall picture" for the design principles felt to be important in Grand Terrace. They should not be viewed as standing alone but rather in concert with the more specific guidelines found in the subsequent section of these guidelines. G.9.c Packet Pg. 227 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 18 Each guideline should be considered for how it applies to a given project in creating a "village" atmosphere. The illustrated examples are intended as images, which communicate ideas and should not be viewed as design solutions necessitating strict adherence. 1. Desirable Elements The qualities and design elements for commercial buildings (including offices) on Barton Road that are potentially most desirable include: richness of surface and texture significant wall articulation (insets, canopies, wing walls, arcades, trellises, porches, dormers, etc.) multi-planed, pitched roofs roof overhangs regular or traditional window rhythm articulated mass and bulk interesting and articulated wall surfaces wood siding, wood shingles (wall) brick and stucco accents (wall) wood shingles and tile (roof) 2. Undesirable Elements Potentially undesirable elements include: highly reflective surfaces large blank, unarticulated stucco wall surfaces unpainted concrete precision block walls reflective glass corrugated metal siding on the main façade plastic siding irregular, modernistic window shapes and rhythm square "boxlike" buildings standing seam metal walls on the main façade mix of unrelated styles (i.e. rustic wood shingles and polished chrome) 3. Exterior Wall Materials Palette The following palette of exterior wall materials is strongly encouraged: wood siding (horizontal or vertical or diagonal) wood shake river cobble slate brick (natural colors) stucco (as an accent only, extensive use not appropriate) clay tile (natural colors) G.9.c Packet Pg. 228 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 19 The following materials are discouraged as primary exterior wall materials: natural, unfinished concrete stucco corrugated metal reflective glass standing seam metal walls plywood (painted or otherwise) corrugated Fiberglass illuminated sidings and awnings plastic laminate un-milled, bare aluminum painted white brick unpainted concrete block/precision block 4. Height Building heights should relate to open spaces to allow maximum sun and ventilation, protection from prevailing winds, enhance public views of surrounding rural hillsides and minimize obstruction of view from adjoining structures. Height and scale of new development should be compatible with that of surrounding development. New development height should "transition" from the height of adjacent development to the maximum height of the proposed building. G.9.c Packet Pg. 229 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 20 5. Bulk Large buildings which give the appearance of "square box" buildings are generally unattractive and detract from the overall scale of most buildings along Barton Road. There are several ways to reduce the appearance of excessive bulk in large buildings. Vary the planes of the exterior walls in depth and/or direction. Vary the height of the buildings so that it appears to be divided into distinct massing elements. Articulate the different parts of a building's facade by use of color, arrangement of facade elements, or a change in materials. Use landscaping and architectural detailing at the ground level to lessen the impact of an otherwise bulky building. Avoid blank walls at the ground floor levels. Utilize windows, trellises, wall articulation, arcades, change in materials, or other features. 6. Scale For purposes of this plan, “scale” is the relationship between building size and the size of adjoining permanent structures. It is also how the proposed building's size relates to the size of a human being. Large scale building elements may appear imposing if they are situated in a visual environment of a smaller scale as is typical in along Barton Road. The key idea here is "pedestrian scale". G.9.c Packet Pg. 230 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 21 Building scale can be reduced through window patterns, structural bays, roof overhangs, siding, awnings, moldings, fixtures, and other details. The scale of buildings should be carefully related to adjacent pedestrian areas (i.e. plazas, courtyards) and buildings. Large dominating buildings should be broken up by: 1) creating horizontal emphasis through the use of trim; 2) adding awnings, eaves, windows, or other architectural ornamentation; 3) use of combinations of complementary colors; and 4) landscape materials. Utilize "infill" structures to create transitions in bulk and scale between large buildings and adjacent smaller buildings. 7. Color Color can dramatically affect the visual appearance of buildings and must be carefully considered in relation to the overall design intent of the building. Color can also affect the apparent scale and proportion of buildings by highlighting architectural elements such as doors, windows, fascias, cornices, lintels, and sills. Dominant Building Color -Much of the existing color in Grand Terrace is derived from the primary building's finish materials such as brick, wood, stucco, and terra cotta tile. Also dominant are earth tones which match these natural materials. The dominant color of new buildings should relate to the inherent color of the primary building's finish materials. Large areas of intense white color should be avoided. While subdued colors usually work best as a dominant overall color, a bright trim color might be appropriate if it can be shown to enhance the nearby visual environment. The color palette chosen for a building should be compatible with the colors of adjacent buildings. An exception is where the colors of adjacent buildings strongly diverge from these design guidelines. Wherever possible, minimize the number of colors appearing on the building exterior. Small commercial buildings should use no more than three colors. G.9.c Packet Pg. 231 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 22 Accent Colors- Depending on the overall color scheme, an accent color may be effective in highlighting the dominant color by providing contrast or by harmonizing with the dominant color. Primary colors shall only be used to accent building elements, such as door and window frames and architectural details. Bright or intense colors (not including fluorescent colors) can also be used to accent appropriate scale and proportion or to promote visual interest in harmony with the immediate environment. In buildings of a particular historical character or village architectural style, exterior color should be similar to typical buildings of this type. Architectural detailing should be painted to complement the facade and tie in with adjacent buildings. Accent colors for trim should be used sparingly and be limited in number for each building. Accent colors on adjacent buildings should be chosen to complement one another. Color Palette - The dominant color of new buildings constructed on Barton Road shall be similar to the inherent color of eal1htones found in the area. The following colors should not be used as primary wall colors. Aquamarine bright or hunters orange chartreuse cherry or "fire engine" red chrome yellow all day-glo colors purple turquoise fluorescent colors The following soft earthtone colors are recommended as primary wall colors: almond bluegrass brick burgundy cedar beige chamois cobblestone cordovan cream driftwood gray gray Monterey pine peacock green puce rose quartz topaz Other colors within the above color scheme may also be acceptable. G.9.c Packet Pg. 232 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 23 8. Exterior Walls Buildings shall be designed to avoid simple "boxlike" structures. Horizontal or vertical wall articulation shall be expressed through the use of full roofs, projecting wing walls, wall offsets, recessed entries, awnings, roof overhangs, second floor setbacks, or covered arcades. All building sides should be painted and contain architectural treatment previously, discussed. Freestanding buildings with walls at or less than 100 feet from a curb line should not have continuous, visually unbroken walls. The front plane of the wall shall be a maximum of sixty feet in length, at which point horizontal or vertical articulation is required. This articulation could be established through the use of varying front wall setbacks, multi-planed roofs, second floor setbacks, porches, arcades, awnings, recessed entries, wing walls, roof overhangs, etc. Freestanding buildings should exhibit a minimum of a one to one "void to solid" ratio on at least two building facades. This means that two of the walls shall be at least 50% wall to 50% window or door opening. The remaining two walls shall be articulated in some manner. 9. Windows In general require the first floor of all commercial structures to have sufficient areas of glass to give an open, public character to Barton Road in keeping with the "village" atmosphere. Large, continuous expanses of glass without careful detailing give an urban character and should be avoided. Glass areas can be subdivided by mullions, panes, or decorative millwork to reduce a window to human scale. Horizontal repetition of single window elements over long distances should be avoided. G.9.c Packet Pg. 233 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 24 To maintain a distinction between upper and lower floors, the ground level facade should have larger patterns of glass than the upper. Bay, bow and box windows can be used to add visual interest to a facade by providing variety, shadow and texture. They also become focal points for merchandising and help reduce large windows to a more human scale. The pattern, size and type of window used should be appropriate to the character of the building. Tinted glass can be used to reduce solar gain; however, deeply tinted glass which stops views into the interior should be avoided. Highly reflective glass is not appropriate. Window frames can be constructed of numerous materials including steel, anodized aluminum, wood, wood and metal and vinyl-covered wood; however, the materials and finish of the frame should be appropriate to the overall building character. Silver and gold colored aluminum frames should be avoided in favor of black or brown anodized colors. 10. Roofs The roofline at the top of the structure should not run in continuous plane for more than 100' without offsetting or jogging the roof plane. Nearly vertical roofs (A-frames) and piecemeal mansard roofs (used on a portion of the building perimeter only) are discouraged. Mansard roofs, if utilized on commercial structures, shall wrap around the entire building perimeter. All roof top equipment shall be screened from public view by screening materials of the same nature as the building's basic materials. Mechanical equipment should be located below the highest vertical element of the building. The following roof materials are not acceptable: o corrugated metal o high contrast or brightly colored glazed tile o highly reflective surfaces o illuminated roofing G.9.c Packet Pg. 234 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 25 Dormers, when appropriate to the character of the building, can be used to add interest to the roofline and to introduce natural light into the building. Roofing materials that are most appropriate to the "village" character of Barton Road are heavy wood shingles and terra cotta tile. Concrete roof tiles in neutral colors may also be appropriate. 11. Awnings General use of awnings along a row of contiguous buildings shall be restricted to awnings of the same form and location. Color of the awnings shall be consistent and a minimum eight-foot vertical clearance is required. Signage on awnings shall be permanently attached to the awnings themselves and be restricted to the awning's flap (valance) or to the end panels of angled, curved, or box awnings. Plexiglas, metal, and glossy vinyl illuminated awnings are prohibited. Canvas, treated canvas, matte finish vinyl, and fabric awnings are encouraged. Internally lit awnings are not acceptable. D. Site Planning Placement of buildings should consider the existing built context of the commercial area, the location of incompatible land uses, the location of major traffic generators, as well as an analysis of a site's characteristics and particular influences. 1. General Design Principles Buildings should be sited in a manner that will complement the adjacent buildings. Building sites should be developed in a coordinated manner to provide order and diversity and avoid a jumbled, confused development. Whenever possible, new buildings should be clustered. This creates plazas or pedestrian malls and prevents long "barracks-like" rows of buildings. When clustering is impractical, a visual link between separate buildings should be established between buildings. This link can be accomplished through the use of an arcade system, trellis, or other open structure. G.9.c Packet Pg. 235 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 26 Locate buildings and on-site circulation systems to minimize pedestrian/vehicle conflicts where possible. Link buildings to the public sidewalk where possible with textured paving, landscaping, and trellises. Recognize the importance of spaces between buildings as "outdoor rooms" on the site. Outdoor spaces should have clear, recognizable shapes that reflect careful planning and are not simply "left over" areas between buildings. Such spaces should provide pedestrian amenities such as shade, benches, fountains, etc. Freestanding, singular commercial structures should be oriented with their major entry toward the street where access is provided, whenever feasible, as well as having their major facade parallel to the street. 2. Setback Standards To ensure the functional enhancement of major streets and safety of the traveling public as it pertains to adequate visibility, approval shall not be given for any building or structure to be located within the designated building setback of a major street as established by district regulations contained in this Specific Plan. Building setback lines are established by the Barton Road Corridor Specific Plan for front, side and rear yard provisions depending on the particular land use district designation. 3. Open Space Open space for purposes of these design guidelines is considered the portion of the lot where there are no buildings, parking, or area included in required setbacks. These areas shall be either fully landscaped or hardscaped in a decorative paving material utilizing patterned/colored concrete or pavers. Open space areas shall be clustered into larger, predominant landscape areas rather than equally distributing them into areas of low impact such as at building peripheries behind a structure or areas of little impact to the public G.9.c Packet Pg. 236 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 27 view, where they are not required as a land use buffer or as a required yard setback. 4. Land Use Buffering Commercial development on properties adjoining any residential zone shall incorporate the following standards in addition to those standards already specified in the site development standards of this Specific Plan. A six-foot opaque wall shall be placed on or just inside the property line. A five foot landscape strip area will be provided on the inside of the wall. The wall should be lowered to three feet within the front setback. Evergreen trees, having a minimum size of 15 gallons, shall be planted at least 20 feet on center, depending on species, or clustered in equal amounts to screen parking or architecture. 5. Lighting Maximum height for building and freestanding lighting shall not exceed 18'. If property is adjacent to a residential area or residentially zoned property, the lighting shall be screened from these areas. Lighting shall be directed away from adjacent roadways and shall not interfere with traffic or create a safety hazard. G.9.c Packet Pg. 237 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 28 6. Site Grading Site grading must recognize existing drainage patterns, while functionally solving drainage problems that may exist or result from ground plane alterations during construction. Likewise, site grading must be sympathetic to existing land forms while providing appropriate transition of architectural elements to grade. Site grading must also provide for an uninterrupted flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic through the development. The plan must direct and provide adequate flow of surface run-off to catch basins while gracefully contouring the land to blend with existing conditions at the boundaries of the site. E. Parking and Circulation Parking lot design can be a critical factor in the success or failure of a commercial use. In considering the possibilities for developing a new parking area, a developer should analyze the following factors: ingress and egress with consideration to possible conflicts with street traffic; pedestrian and vehicular conflicts; on-site circulation and service vehicle zones; and the overall configuration and appearance of the parking area. 1. General Design Principles All commercial parking areas shall be designed in accordance with Chapter 18.6 of the Zoning Ordinance unless otherwise stated in this Specific Plan. Office and commercial parking lots and access drives should be designed utilizing the criteria shown in the following exhibits. Parking lot plans shall incorporate the following as appropriate: Dimensions for internal spacing, vehicle circulation and landscaped areas Curbing, stall marking, signing, pedestrian crossings, and other vehicular devices. Location of lighting fixtures Location of trash enclosures Location of drainage inlets G.9.c Packet Pg. 238 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 29 Location of fire hydrants Location of landscaped areas Material design of perimeter walls Utility cabinets and transformers Bike racks Spot elevations If future expansion is expected, space must be reserved for future parking. Whenever a driveway is abandoned, the owner shall remove all driveway pavements, replace the curb, and landscape the area to match the adjacent landscaping. Any on-street parking shall not count in meeting parking spaces required. Parking areas shall be separated from buildings by either a raised concrete walkway or landscaped strip with a six inch curb. Situations where parking spaces directly abut the buildings shall be avoided. Where reciprocal parking and/or access agreement are planned, show how these situations relate to the proposed development. 2. Parking Area Design All parking spaces should be clearly and permanently outlined on the surface of the parking facility. Handicapped parking stalls shall be so located that a handicapped person is not compelled to wheel or walk behind parked cars other than their own. Also, the path of travel from the parking area to the building area for handicapped persons shall not exceed a maximum slope of 1:12. Parking lot design should provide for connection to adjacent parcels where uses are compatible and said connection is practical. Locate parking area to the sides and rear of buildings whenever possible. Parking facilities shall be designed in such a manner that any vehicle on the property will be able to maneuver as necessary so that it may exit from the property traveling in a forward direction. Off-street parking facilities shall be designed so that a car within a facility will not have to enter a street to move from one location to any other location within the same parking facility. Parking areas which accommodate a significant number of vehicles should be divided into a series of connected smaller lots. Landscaping and offsetting portions of the lot are effective in reducing the visual impact of large parking areas. G.9.c Packet Pg. 239 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 30 3. Entry Location/Design Where a corner location is being developed, locate parking lot entries on side streets (or the less busy street) to maximize landscaping and minimize pedestrian/vehicular conflicts whenever possible. Design major site entries with appropriately patterned concrete or pavers to differentiate them the sidewalks. Site access points, whether located on major or side streets should be located as far as possible from street intersections 100 feet is recommended and is required at the Barton Road/Mt. Vernon Avenue intersection along Barton Road. Encourage projects to incorporate reciprocal access easements to improve internal vehicular movements. Link individual projects and parking areas with on-site driveways which are clearly identified and easily recognized as connectors. Where parking areas are connected, interior circulation should allow for a similar direction of travel and parking bays in all areas to reduce conflict at points of connection. Access roads and/or driveways for commercial developments should be located at least 200 feet apart. Also, access drives and/or driveways should be located a minimum of 10 feet from property lines. G.9.c Packet Pg. 240 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 31 4. Circulation Design parking areas so that pedestrians walk parallel to moving cars. Minimize the need for the pedestrian to cross aisles. Design the parking lot so that drive aisles are perpendicular to the majority of buildings or major tenant. Vehicular circulation through a parking facility should be directed away from fire lanes (typically adjacent to the back of stores) to the outer edge of the parking lot where there is less pedestrian traffic. The parking area should be designed in a manner which links the building to the street sidewalk system as an extension of the pedestrian environment. This can be accomplished by using design features such as walkways with enhanced paving, trellis structures, and/or landscaping treatments. Driveway entry throats should be at least 25 feet wide, and preferably 30 to 35 feet wide, so that an entering vehicle does not interfere with an exiting vehicle. Narrower driveway throats lead to conflict between entering and exiting vehicles, causing one to stop and wait for the other. Parking areas should have a minimum number of entrances and exits to minimize conflicts at entries and reduce possible congestion at street intersections. The first parking stall which is perpendicular to a driveway or first aisle juncture, shall be at least 40 feet back from the curb. With larger centers, significantly more setback area may be required. The reason for this recommendation is to provide a queuing area off the street so that if a vehicle is parking in or leaving the stall nearest the street, there is room for at least one vehicle to queue while waiting for the other vehicle. Without this provision vehicles will queue into the street. Parking spaces shall not block access to the trash enclosure. Location of trash enclosures should not interfere with parking or circulation area and should be located to minimize their visibility while not hindering access for trash pick-up. G.9.c Packet Pg. 241 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 32 5. Screening of Parking Areas Where practical, lowering the grade of the parking lot from existing elevations may aid in obscuring views of automobiles while promoting views of architectural elements. Utilize a 36" high opaque wall or landscaping to screen any parking at the street periphery. A combination of walls, berms, and landscape material is highly recommended. 6. Bicycle and Pedestrian Linkage Whenever possible, linkages between commercial facilities and adjacent residential areas should be provided to encourage pedestrian and bicycle circulation and increase overall safety. Bicycle travel along Barton Road is not encouraged. Commercial facilities should provide bicycle storage racks at the rate of one rack per each thirty five (35) vehicle parking spaces. These should be provided in accordance with provisions contained in Appendix E. All bicycle and pedestrian linkages must be well lighted and designed to provide a high level of security. F. Sign Regulations 1. Required Compliance The purpose of the sign regulations is to provide the means for adequate identification of buildings and businesses by regulating and controlling the design, size, and location of all signs within the Specific Plan area. All signs within the Barton Road Specific Plan area shall comply with the sign provisions of Chapter 18.80 (Signs) of the City of Grand Terrace Zoning Code, but with the following exceptions: G.9.c Packet Pg. 242 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 33 Village Commercial (VC) District o Single Tenant Facilities – Wall or canopy signs shall not exceed 75 square feet based upon an area of one square foot of sign area per each lineal foot of building street frontage. o Multiple Tenant Facilities – Wall and canopy signs shall not exceed 50 square feet based upon one square foot of sign for each lineal foot of building street frontage. o Monument type signs shall not exceed 24 square feet for any parcel with less than 300 feet of street frontage and a maximum size of 32 square feet for any parcel with 300 feet or more of street frontage. They shall not exceed a height of six (6) feet above grade. General Commercial (GC) District o Multiple Tenant Facilities - Monument type signs shall not exceed 24 square feet for any parcel with less than 300 feet of street frontage and a maximum size of 32 square feet for any parcel with 300 feet or more of street frontage. They shall not exceed a height of six (6) feet above grade. 2. Sign Modifications The Community Development Director may approve a sign that does not strictly adhere to the sign provisions of the Chapter 18.80 of the City Zoning Code and an exception noted above where such sign is compatible with the surrounding development and is in harmony with the general aesthetics and welfare of the local area. The Planning Commission has the authority to allow deviations from the sign ordinance to approve creative and innovative sign programs or sign solutions under exceptional or unusual circumstances. G. Specific Freestanding Building Design Guidelines 1. Design Issues This category includes buildings housing a single use (possible two) which are designed to stand apart from adjacent buildings usually located in a center. These buildings may range in size from the tiny fast food drive-in to a hotel. Since various uses within freestanding buildings have different design problems or opportunities, these nuances must be considered. There are several design issues related to freestanding buildings which are not shared by the other categories: Freestanding buildings generally are viewed from all sides so that landscaping and building materials must be considered on all sides of the buildings. Freestanding buildings generally are smaller than the strip commercial centers or shopping centers and can be overshadowed by them. G.9.c Packet Pg. 243 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 34 Freestanding buildings have more opportunities for creative design since the design is directed toward a single use. Freestanding buildings have more opportunity for signs, but signs can easily overwhelm the building. A freestanding building usually has its own parking lot typically with its own access point(s) and often is segregated from adjacent lots. 2. Design Guidelines Use Distinctive Massing -Food service establishments, offices, and financial institutions offer the best opportunity for varied building massing and such variation is encouraged to add interest to the environment. Use Intimate Scale -Commercial establishments, offices, and financial institutions emphasize personal service as their primary products. These structures should reflect personal service by their architectural design which provides intimate, people-oriented scale at entries and interior spaces. Building components such as windows, wood doors, and decorative trim should emphasize the intimate scale in coordination with each other and the building scale. Limit Visual Impression of Height -The maximum height of proposed projects shall be consistent with the established regulations of this Specific Plan. However, commercial establishments should limit the visual impression of height by use of roof treatments, varying the plane of exterior walls and/or stepping back upper floors where feasible. Design for Public View -Each wall surface of a freestanding building which is visible to the public will be treated as a primary facade and will be designed for public view (i.e. public streets, right-of-ways, alleys, public parking areas, parks, etc.). Landscaping and screening of areas needed for services, such as deliveries or trash collection is required. Other appurtenances such as ground mechanical units, utility boxes, back-flow prevention devices, and similar equipment shall either be screened or blended with surrounding area. G.9.c Packet Pg. 244 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 35 Use Varied Textures -New buildings are encouraged to include alternative treatments where these promote an intimate scale and add to the "village" character identified for Barton Road. Utilize wood shingles, clapboard, or board and batten siding. The textures should be limited to one or two primary materials with roofs and glass making up the remainder of textural variety. Brick accents are appropriate. Use Related Colors -Buildings shall be reviewed in terms of colors used. Colors should be related to those dominant in the immediate sphere. The use of all earth tones (not just shades of brown) indigenous to Grand Terrace is strongly encouraged, including the natural colors of brick and tile. Screen Mechanical Equipment -All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be located at a distance from the edge of the building so as not to be visible from the pedestrian level or from adjacent roadways. If such units must be placed in a visible location for functional reasons, they shall be screened in a manner consistent with the building facade. H. Specific Strip Commercial Center Design Guidelines 1. Design Issues This category includes buildings housing more than two uses or tenants, which are designed as a single unit oriented to a central parking area. In responding to the needs of individual tenants, these buildings often have the greatest problems with maintaining consistency in material and signage. Design issues associated with strip developments include: G.9.c Packet Pg. 245 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 36 A need to provide storefront visibility and access for a number of tenants. A need to provide signage identifying a number of different tenants. A need for individuality in storefront designs and signage. A need to provide landscaping to soften the building bulk without hiding signage or architectural "features". A need to provide convenient shared parking often located between the street and the primary building facade. 2. Design Guidelines Use Similar Massing -The massing of new strip developments should emphasize in a change from the once monotonous, unarticulated building facades of many older 5O's type strip developments. The use of arches, arcades, porches, roof overhangs, full roofs, and varying facade setbacks are strongly encouraged to add variety to the simple block-like massing of many existing strip developments. Use Consistent Scale -The scale within a strip development snail be consistent throughout the development. Where anchor or major tenants require larger building areas, the larger scale of these units shall be broken-down into units comparable to the predominant unit in the development. The use of vertical focal points such as towers and cupolas are strongly encouraged to emphasize the village atmosphere of Barton Road. These, however, need to be carefully designed and integrated within the overall village theme. Fad architectural styles must be avoided. Use Consistent Textures and Colors -All storefronts within a strip development shall utilize a consistent palette of materials and textures. While generally this will mean a continuous treatment of the entire strip frontage, it is acceptable to vary individual storefronts within a given palette of materials. For example, brick bulkheads under shop windows could alternate with wood G.9.c Packet Pg. 246 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 37 treatments where there is a variation in the plane of the façade, which correlates to such changes in materials. Use Height for Balance -Anchor stores, which are typically taller than the strip stores, can be used to create balance within the development. The placement of anchor stores shall consider the overall effect of balance for the strip. Limit Emphasis -The height and scale of an anchor store will automatically create an emphasis for the strip development. The use of textures, colors and materials on the anchor store shall be consistent with that of the other stores in the center to avoid dissimilar massing and proportions. Maintain Similar Proportions -The proportion of the major elements of a development shall be consistent throughout. These elements include windows, doors, and storefront design. For example, if multi-paned windows are used, the entire development must use multi-paned windows. Screen Mechanical Equipment -All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be located at a distance from the edge of the building so as not to be visible from the pedestrian level or from adjacent roadways. If such units must be placed in a visible location for functional reasons, they shall be screened in a matter consistent with the building's facade. Many rooftops are also visible from adjacent properties; in such cases, all rooftop equipment shall be at least screened from view using opaque walls or other appropriate materials consistent with the building's walls. I. Landscape Guidelines Landscaping in the Barton Road Corridor Specific Plan Area shall achieve three specific ends: one, to unify and establish a village theme; two, to soften the auto oriented new commercial development; three, to unify Barton Road as a pleasant environment for residents and visitors alike. These three ends will be accomplished by a highly recognizable use of repeated planting treatments. Consistency and continuity within the street right-of-way and building setback areas is extremely important. New development in the Specific Plan Area shall comply with the following landscape guidelines. G.9.c Packet Pg. 247 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 38 1. Landscaped Area Ratio A minimum of one 15 gallon size tree (25 feet in height or more at maturity) for every 625 square feet of landscaping, and one shrub or vine for every 50 square feet of landscaping are considered necessary. 2. Irrigation Provide complete automatic sprinkler or drip irrigation systems for all projects. 3. Maintenance Keep all plantings healthy and growing with all planting areas free of weeds and debris. 4. Trees, shrubs, and vines Trees shall be 15-gallon size having a minimum height of eight feet at time of planting. Shrubs shall be a minimum of 1-gallon size at time of planting. The tree shall be adequate in trunk diameter to support the top. Trees, shrubs, and vines shall have body and fullness that is typical of the species. 5. Ground Cover The ground cover shall be healthy, densely foliated, and well-rooted cuttings, or one gallon container plants. Herbaceous and flat plant ground covers shall be planted no more than 12 inches on center and woody shrub ground cover shall be planted no more than four feet on center. 6. Spacing The spacing of trees and shrubs shall be appropriate to the species used. The plant materials shall be spaced so that they do not interfere with the adequate lighting of the premises or restrict access to emergency apparatus such as fire hydrants or fire alarm boxes. Proper spacing shall also insure unobstructed access for vehicles and pedestrians in addition to providing clear vision of the intersections from approaching vehicles. Plant material shall conform to the following spacing standards: A minimum of 25 feet from the property corner at a street intersection to the center of the first tree or large shrub. A minimum of 15 feet between center of trees and large shrubs to light standards. .A minimum of 15 feet between center of trees or large shrubs and fire hydrants. A minimum of 10 feet between center of trees or large shrubs and edge of driveway. G.9.c Packet Pg. 248 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 39 7. General Guidelines Save existing mature trees where possible (some may be moved and transplanted, i.e. palms, pines, etc.) Approval must be obtained for removal of all trees having a trunk diameter of 10 inches or more measured 48 inches above existing grade. Use specimen trees (boxed trees) for immediate effect and accent. Give consideration to rapidly growing trees. Emphasize use of varieties which require low maintenance and drought tolerant species in public and commercial areas and in large landscape areas. Use boxed and tubbed plants in clay or wood containers, especially for enhancement of sidewalk shops. Give preference to ground covers which require little maintenance. "Authentic" flower and vegetable gardens may be developed to add to the village character. Vines and climbing plants integrated upon buildings, trellises, and perimeter garden walls are strongly encouraged. A few plants to consider for this purpose are: bougainvillea, grape ivy, and wisteria vines. Use color plantings at the base of building, in planter boxes and focal points. J. Planning Areas For the purpose of presenting and discussing the Specific Plan’s land use concept, the plan area has been divided into three Planning Areas. Each Planning Area is characterized by a particular land use emphasis and different requirements related to land use and site planning. The three Planning Areas are shown in Exhibit 5, Zoning Map. Permitted uses within each Planning Area/Zoning District are summarized in Appendix 1, Land Use Matrix. If a proposed land use is not listed in the Land Use G.9.c Packet Pg. 249 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 40 Matrix, a determination of consistency may be made by the Community Development Director. If appropriate, the consistency finding may be referred to the Planning Commission for a finding. Planning Area 1 - General Commercial District (GC) Descriptive Summary Planning Area 1 is closest to the 1-215 Freeway and consists mainly of residential uses, a school and some strip commercial. It is an area in transition with several residential structures having been converted to commercial uses. Lot consolidation and new commercial development are the primary focus for Planning Area 1. This Planning Area will focus upon a wide variety of uses that typically include supermarkets, drug stores, variety stores, apparel shops, appliance and furniture stores, and commercial recreation uses. Because of its adjacency to the freeway, this district would also permit traveler related uses such as hotels, motels, and restaurants. Land Use and Development Standards a. Maximum Building Height The maximum allowable building height in the GC district shall be 28 feet. Architectural building elements such as towers and roof ridge lines may extend to 35 feet if no habitable space is provided above 28 feet. b. Minimum Street Frontage The minimum street frontage for any development site in the GC district is 100 feet. c. Maximum Lot Coverage The maximum allowable lot coverage by structures may be 100 percent less required parking, setbacks, and landscaping. Lot coverage shall include all enclosed building area. Atriums open to the sky or plazas, open parking, and hardscaped areas shall not constitute lot coverage. G.9.c Packet Pg. 250 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g BARTON RD. B A R T O N R D. PALM AVE. MT. VERNON VIVIENDA AVE. MICHIGAN AVE. PRESTON AVE. Zoning MapBarton Road Specific Plan City of Grand Terrace Community Development Department, August 9, 2011.This map is for reference only. For detailed information, please consult with the Community Development Department. Planning Area: Specific Plan Area Exhibit 5 41 N (GC) General Commercial (P.A.1) (VC) Village Commercial (P.A.2) (AP) Administrative Professional (P.A.3) (GC) GENERALCOMMERCIAL (VC) VILLAGE COMMERCIAL PLANNING AREA 3 PLANNING AREA 1 (P.A.1)PLANNING AREA 2 (P.A.2) (AP) ADMINISTRATIVEPROFESSIONAL G.9.c Packet Pg. 251 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d 42 d. Yards Setbacks for yards in the GC district shall be as follows: Front: The front yard setback shall be 20 feet for buildings. Monument signs may encroach to within 5 feet of the front property line. No parking may encroach into the front yard setback. All setbacks shall be landscaped. Minor parking encroachments are permitted. Side: No side yard setback is required, except where adjacent to a lot in an “R” district, then 10 feet. Where the side yard is adjacent to a public street, the building setback shall be 10 feet. Parking areas and monument signs may encroach 5 feet into a required setback. All setbacks shall be landscaped. Rear: No rear yard setback is required, except where adjacent to a lot in an R district, then 10 feet. Where the rear yard is adjacent to a public street, the setback shall be 10 feet. Parking and monument signs may encroach 5 feet into the setback. All setbacks shall be landscaped. e. Landscaping A minimum of 15 percent of the site area shall be landscaped in conformance with the design standards and guidelines of this Specific Plan. Required landscaping within parking areas may not be counted as contributing to this requirement. Required landscaping for setback areas may be counted as contributing to the 15 percent requirement. f. Parking The off-street parking provisions of Chapter 18.60 of the Zoning Ordinance shall apply in determining the number of parking spaces that must be provided for each use, the design and layout of the parking area, the amount of landscaping required and allowable methods of screening. g. Signs Signs in the GC district shall be permitted in accordance with the provisions of this Specific Plan (refer to Section F of this Chapter) and Chapter 18.72 of the Zoning Ordinance. G.9.c Packet Pg. 252 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 43 Planning Area 2 – Village Commercial (VC) Descriptive Summary Planning Area 2 is Grand Terrace's existing commercial core. It contains primarily commercial uses with some office type uses. The Stater Bros. neighborhood shopping center and the Town and Country Plaza, a mixed retail and office center, are two of the most significant developments in the area. The general quality of uses and structures in this Planning Area is good; however, several older structures will need to be upgraded or replaced. The main focus for Planning Area 2 will be the creation of a downtown "village" atmosphere with an upgrading of retail commercial uses to take advantage of identified opportunities in the community retail market. Some consolidation of parcels will be required at the northwest corner of Barton Road and Mt. Vernon in order for that area to develop with the type of quality development envisioned by this Specific Plan. The overall community design concept will emphasize the Barton Road/Mt. Vernon intersection as the "heart" of downtown with strong urban design features. The Village Commercial Planning Area is designed to accommodate specialty uses such as cafes, bakeries, gift shops, florist shops, bookstores, and other similar commercial retail uses of a scale and quality that are compatible with a pedestrian-oriented village atmosphere. Other, more general-type commercial uses, such as hardware, hobby, furniture, and appliance stores are also permitted, but subject to strict design standards. Similar uses requiring larger floor areas are more appropriate in the General Commercial District. a. Maximum Building Height The maximum allowable building height in the VC district shall be 28 feet. Architectural building elements such as towers and roof ridge lines may extend to 35 feet if no habitable space is provided above 28 feet. b. Minimum Street Frontage The minimum street frontage for any development site in the VC district shall be 100 feet c. Maximum Lot Coverage The maximum allowable lot coverage by structures may be 100 percent less required parking, setbacks, and landscaping. Lot coverage shall include all enclosed building area. Atriums open to the sky or plazas, open parking, and hardscaped areas shall not constitute lot coverage. d. Yards Setbacks for yards in the VC district shall be as follows: G.9.c Packet Pg. 253 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 44 Front: No front yard setback is required for buildings. Monument signs may encroach to within 5 feet of the front property line. Parking areas shall be set- back a minimum of 30 feet from the front property line. All setbacks shall be landscaped. Side: No side yard setback is required, except where adjacent to a lot in an “R” district, then 10 feet. Monument signs shall be setback a minimum of 5 feet from a side property line adjacent to a public street. Parking areas shall be setback a minimum of 5 feet from a side property line adjacent to a public street or R district. All setbacks shall be landscaped. Rear: No rear yard setback is required, except where adjacent to a lot in an “R” district, then 10 feet. Monument signs shall be setback a minimum of 5 feet from a rear property line adjacent to a public street. Parking areas shall be setback a minimum of 10 feet from a rear property line adjacent to a public street. All setbacks shall be landscaped. e. Landscaping A minimum of 25 percent of the site area shall be landscaped in conformance with the design standards and guidelines of this Specific Plan. Required landscaping within parking areas may not be counted as contributing to this requirement. Required landscaping for setback areas may be counted as contributing towards the 25 percent requirement. f. Parking The off-street parking provisions of Chapter 18.60 of the Zoning Ordinance shall apply in determining the number of parking spaces that must be provided for each use, the design and layout of the parking area, the amount of landscaping required and allowable methods of screening. g. Signs Signs in the VC district shall be permitted in accordance with the provisions of this Specific Plan (refer to Section F of this Chapter) and Chapter 18.72 of the Zoning Ordinance. G.9.c Packet Pg. 254 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 45 Planning Area 3 - Administrative and Professional Office (AP) Descriptive Summary Planning Area 3 is anchored by the City Hall and consists primarily of small office uses. West of City Hall uses are predominantly residential with a mixture of single family and multiple family dwellings. The main emphasis for Planning Area 3 will be the continued development of office uses and support service commercial uses. In recognizing the presence of existing multi-family residential projects south of Barton Road along side streets within the Planning Area, such uses will be permitted to remain and in-fill properties allowed to develop subject to strict design standards and permitting processes. Special provisions are provided for the development of infill multi-family properties. Opportunities exist to consolidate some single family lots for office development. This land use district is intended to accommodate professional/administrative office uses and personal service uses as opposed to other commercial retail uses. Typically, uses include medical and health care clinics, travel agencies, insurance agencies, and copy centers. Other consistent uses include executive, management, administrative, or clerical uses, including the establishment of branch offices, data processing centers, and the provision of professional consulting services. Service commercial uses may include restaurants, repair services, and retail commercial uses that cater to businesses and their employees. Land Use and Development Standards a. Maximum Building Height The maximum allowable building height in the AP district shall be 28 feet. Architectural building elements such as towers and roof ridge lines may extend to 35 feet if no habitable space is provided above 28 feet. b. Minimum Site Area The minimum building site area in the AP district shall be 10,000 square feet. c. Minimum Street Frontage The minimum street frontage for any development site in the AP district shall be 60 feet measured at the front property line. d. Maximum Lot Coverage The maximum allowable lot coverage by structures may be 100 percent less required parking, setbacks, and landscaping. Lot coverage shall include all enclosed building area. Atriums open to the sky or plazas, open parking, and hardscaped areas shall not constitute lot coverage. G.9.c Packet Pg. 255 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 46 e. Yards Setbacks for yards in the AP district shall be as follows: Front: The front yard setback shall be 15 feet for buildings. Monument signs may encroach to within 5 feet of the front property line. Parking areas may encroach to within 10 feet of the front property line. All setbacks shall be landscaped. Side: None required, except where adjacent to a lot in an “R” district, then 10 feet. When adjacent to a street, ground signs shall be set back 5 feet and parking areas shall be set back 10 feet. Setback areas shall be landscaped and may count towards the overall landscape requirement. Rear: None required, except where adjacent to a lot in an “R” district, then 10 feet. When adjacent to a street, ground signs shall be set back 5 feet and parking areas shall be set back 10 feet. Setback areas shall be landscaped and may count towards the overall landscape requirement. f. Landscaping A minimum of 15 percent of the site area shall be landscaped in conformance with the design standards and guidelines of this Specific Plan. Required landscaping within parking areas may not be counted as contributing to this requirement. Required landscaping for setback areas may be counted as contributing to the 15 percent requirement. g. Parking The off-street parking provisions of Chapter 18.60 of the Zoning Ordinance shall apply in determining the number of parking spaces that must be provided for each use, the design and layout of the parking area, the amount of landscaping required, and allowable methods of screening. h. Signs Signs in the AP district shall be permitted in accordance with the provisions of this Specific Plan (refer to Section F of this Chapter) and Chapter 18.72 of the Zoning Ordinance. Multi-Family Infill Special Provisions When a multi-family residential in-fill project is proposed within the Planning Area 3 (AP District), the following standards shall be applied: a. All proposed multi-family developments shall require the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit and Site and Architectural Review applications. b. No residential development other than a mixed use residential/commercial development shall be permitted on any parcel with Barton Road frontage. G.9.c Packet Pg. 256 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 47 c. Residential densities shall be consistent with those of the R3 (Medium Density) Zoning District including provisions for density bonuses. d. The development standards for multi-family residential development shall be consistent with those of the R3 (Medium Density) Zoning District. e. In granting approval of a Site and Architectural Review for residential projects within Planning Area 3 of the Barton Road Specific Plan, the Planning Commission must make all of the findings required by Section 18.63.060 of the City Zoning Code. f. In granting approval of a Conditional Use Permit for residential development within Planning Area 3 of the Barton Road Specific Plan, the Planning Commission must make the following findings: i. All of the findings required by Section 18.83.050 of the City Zoning Code. ii. The development of the subject site as residential uses will not hinder, impede, or discourage the future development of any adjacent parcels for commercial development. iii. The subject site has characteristics that have previously discouraged it development as commercial uses. Mixed Use Residential/Commercial Special Provisions Whenever a project proposes both residential and commercial uses on a single parcel, the following standards shall apply: a. All proposed mixed developments shall require the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit and Site and Architectural Review applications. b. Mixed use developments shall comply with the Design Standards of the AP Zoning District of the Barton Road Specific Plan. c. The residential component of a mixed use development shall not be permitted on the first or ground floor the structure(s). d. In granting approval of a Site and Architectural Review for a mixed use project within Planning Area 3 of the Barton Road Specific Plan, the Planning Commission must make the following findings: i. All of findings required by Section 18.63.060 of the City Zoning Code. ii. The residential component of the project is well integrated into the overall design of the project and complements the proposed commercial uses. e. In granting approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a mixed use project, within Planning Area 3 of the Barton Road Specific Plan, the Planning Commission must make all of the findings required by Section 18.83.050 of the City Zoning Code. G.9.c Packet Pg. 257 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 48 K. Lot Consolidation Incentives The Planning Commission shall have the discretionary authority to grant incentive “bonuses” through relaxed development regulations based upon the merits of the proposed project. Incentives may include: Reduction in required parking spaces Increase in building heights Other development standards as approved by the Planning Commission Merits that warrant incentive bonuses include: Consolidation of existing lots, Reduced access points (driveways) and/or reciprocal access agreements, Reciprocal parking agreements, and Provision of public or semi-public pedestrian open space The total reduction in required parking spaces shall be based upon the level of the qualifying merits, but in no case shall the bonus exceed 20% of the required standard. G.9.c Packet Pg. 258 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 49 III. Infrastructure A. Transportation 1. Transportation Plan Description Transportation is a key element to the Barton Road Specific Plan. The Barton Road corridor serves as the primary access corridor for the City. In addition, the objectives and policies of the Specific Plan promote pedestrian and bicycle access between development projects within the Plan Area as well as connections to the surrounding community. The existing transportation within the Barton Road Specific Plan is shown on Exhibit 6, Existing Transportation Map. Primary access is provided by Barton Road, a Major Highway (100’ R/W, 72” improvement). Mount Vernon Avenue and Michigan Street are designated as Secondary Highways (88’ R/W, 64’ improvement) that provide north/south access to the Plan Area. Canal Street, Grand Terrace Road, and Preston Street are designated as Collectors (66’ R/W, 44’ improvement) that provide access to the surrounding community. Highway and street design standards are shown on Exhibit 7, the Road Way Design Standards. 2. Transportation Plan Development Standards 1. All roads within the Plan Area shall be improved to the ultimate standard of the General Plan Circulation Element. 2. All road improvements shall comply with the standard specifications of the San Bernardino County Transportation Department unless otherwise amended by the City of Grand Terrace. 3. Driveway approaches onto City roadways within the Plan Area shall be designed to City standards. 4. Sidewalks shall be provided along all city roadways per City standard specifications. 5. Bikeways shall be provided in accordance with the City of Grand Terrace Bicycle Transportation Plan. B. Public Services 1. Water and Sewer Plan a. Water and Sewer Plan Description The Barton Road Specific Plan area is served by the Riverside Highland Water Company (RHWC). RHWC is a privately owned and operated water purveyor serving the City of Grand Terrace and the unincorporated community of Highgrove. Since the overall Plan area is generally developed as urban uses, the backbone domestic water system has already been installed. Exhibit 8 illustrates the overall domestic water system serving the area. G.9.c Packet Pg. 259 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 50 The entire Barton Road Specific Plan area is served by a sanitary sewer system owned and operated by the City of Grand Terrace. Wastewater treatment is provided by the Colton Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility through an agreement between the City of Grand Terrace and the City of Colton. Exhibit 9 illustrates the existing sanitary sewer system serving the area. b. Water and Sewer Plan Standards i. All existing and proposed development shall connect to the Riverside Highland Water Company domestic water system. ii. All proposed development shall provide adequate fire flows in accordance with the requirements of the County Fire Department. iii. All new water connections shall be in accordance with the standards of the Riverside Highland Water Company. iv. All existing and proposed development shall connect to the City of Grand Terrace sanitary sewer system. v. All new water and sewer connection shall be subject to the prevailing connections fees established by the Riverside Highland Water Company and City of Grand Terrace. 9. Storm Drain Plan a. Storm Drain Plan Description The Barton Road Specific Plan area is served by a series of storm drains maintained by the City of Grand Terrace. As illustrated in Exhibit 10, the Plan area flows in a general east to west direction The Plan area east of Mount Vernon Avenue flows through a series of storm drains east to Mount Vernon then south within the Mount Vernon right-of-way. The Plan area west of Mount Vernon flows west to the western edge of the Plan area then southwest to a County flood control channel. b. Storm Drain Plan Standards i. All proposed development shall be designed in a manner that adequately control surface flows and does not adversely impact the storm drain system. ii. All proposed development that requires grading activities shall comply with the prevailing standards of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and shall be required to prepare and implement a Stormwater Pollutant Protection Plan (SWPPP) G.9.c Packet Pg. 260 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g BARTON RD. B A RT O N R D. PALM AVE. MT. VERNON VIVIENDA AVE. MICHIGAN AVE. PRESTON AVE. Existing Transportation MapBarton Road Specific Plan City of Grand Terrace Community Development Department, August 9, 2011. This map is for reference only. For detailed information, please consult with the Community Development Department. Road Ways Specific Plan Area Exhibit 6 N Major Highway 51 Modified Major HighwaySecondary Highway CollectorLocal Street Bike Lane G.9.c Packet Pg. 261 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d 52 G.9.c Packet Pg. 262 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g BARTON RD. B A R T O N R D. PALM AVE. MT. VERNON VIVIENDA AVE. MICHIGAN AVE. PRESTON AVE. Existing Water Line MapBarton Road Specific Plan City of Grand Terrace Community Development Department, August 9, 2011. This map is for reference only. For detailed information, please consult with the Community Development Department. Water Line Diagram Specific Plan Area Exhibit 8 N Water Line 8" 8" 18" 18" 24" 24" 24"8" 53 8" 6" 8"10" 24" 12"8" 8"12"8" 24" 6" 24" 8" 8" 8" 8" 18"12" 18" 8" 8" 24" G.9.c Packet Pg. 263 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d BARTON RD. B A R T O N R D. PALM AVE. MT. VERNON VIVIENDA AVE. MICHIGAN AVE. PRESTON AVE. Existing Sewer Line MapBarton Road Specific Plan City of Grand Terrace Community Development Department, August 9, 2011. This map is for reference only. For detailed information, please consult with the Community Development Department. Sewer Line Diagram Specific Plan Area Exhibit 9 N Sewer Line 10" 8" 10" 8" 10" 10" 10" 8" 8" 8" 8"8"8" 8" 8" 8" 8"8"8" 8" 8" 8" 8"8" 8" 54 8"8"8" G.9.c Packet Pg. 264 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d 55 C. Other Public Services & Facilities 1. Schools The Barton Road Specific Plan area is located within the Colton Unified School District. It is served by two local elementary schools, one local middle school and Colton High School. Since the Plan area is predominantly commercial in nature, minimal impact is anticipated to the local school system. All new development shall be required to pay prevailing school fees as established by the Colton Unified School District. 2. Fire Service Fire protection and emergency response services for the Specific Plan area are served by the City of Grand Terrace Fire Department, a branch of the San Bernardino County Fire Department. The City Fire Station is located within the Specific Plan area on City Center Court near the southeast corner of Barton Road and Mount Vernon. All existing and new development shall comply with the fire protection standards of the City Fire Department. 3. Police Service Police service for the Specific Plan area is provided by the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s department under contract with the City of Grand Terrace. All proposed development in the Plan area shall comply with all requirements of the Sheriff’s Department. 4. Electricity Electric service to the Specific Plan area is provided by Southern California Edison. Although the majority of the power lines serving the area are currently overhead, efforts continue to underground distribution lines whenever possible. All proposed development within the Plan area shall comply with the requirements of Southern California Edison regarding electrical service and the location/relocation of power lines. 5. Telephone Telephone service is provided by SBC/Pacific Bell. All proposed development requesting telephone service shall comply with the requirements of SBC/Pacific Bell. 6. Natural Gas Natural gas service is provided by Southern California Gas Company. All proposed development requiring gas service shall comply with the requirements of the Gas Company. 7. Solid Waste Solid waste collection and recycling services are provided by Waste Management Inc. (WMI). The City of Grand Terrace is under franchise with WMI and waste collection service is mandatory for all commercial and residential land uses within the City. All proposed commercial and multi- family residential development within the Plan area shall be required to provide adequate enclosures for trash and recycling containers and to contract with WMI for waste collection and recycling services G.9.c Packet Pg. 265 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g BARTON RD. B A R T O N R D. PALM AVE. MT. VERNON VIVIENDA AVE. MICHIGAN AVE. PRESTON AVE. Existing Storm Drain MapBarton Road Specific Plan City of Grand Terrace Community Development Department, August 9, 2011.This map is for reference only. For detailed information, please consult with the Community Development Department. Storm Drain Diagram Specific Plan Area Exhibit 10 N Storm Drain C.M.P. 56 54" 48"24"42" 18" 18" 36" 36"30"24" 30"24" 18" 24" 18" 36" 27" Storm Drain R.C.P. G.9.c Packet Pg. 266 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d 57 IV. CEQA Compliance As required by CEQA, an environmental assessment for the Barton Road Corridor Specific Plan was completed as the basis for 1) determining whether or not potential environmental impacts would be sufficient to require and Environmental Impact Report and 2) specifying the scope of work for the subsequent Specific Plan in such a way that its impacts would be the same as or less than implementation of the General Plan policies and zoning currently in effect. G.9.c Packet Pg. 267 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 58 V. Specific Plan Administration 1. All regular provisions of the Grand Terrace Zoning Ordinance shall apply to all properties within the Barton Road Specific Plan boundaries, including but not limited to design review, use permits, various appeals, amendments, public notice, and hearing provisions. The provisions herein supplement the above referenced provisions. 2. The Barton Road Specific Plan will be implemented primarily through the use of Site and Architectural Review. This review process shall be required for all major rehabilitation, redevelopment, expansion of existing uses and/or structures, and new development within the Specific plan boundary. A Site and Architectural Review will not be required for rehabilitation of a structure where there is no square footage increase or use intensification. However, such an expansion may require other land use and building permit applications and subsequent review processes. Where applicable certain uses and activities may require review through the Conditional Use application process as defined in the Zoning Ordinance. G.9.c Packet Pg. 268 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 59 TABLE I, LAND USE MATRIX General Commercial Village Commercial Office/ Professional 1. Retail Commercial Uses PA 1 PA 2 PA 3 Ambulance Services C(5) Antique Shops P P Apparel Stores P P Appliance Stores and Repair P P Art, Music, and Photographic Studios and Supply Stores P P P Auditoriums C Athletic and Health Gyms and Weight Reducing Clinics P C C Auto Service Station P C (4) Auto Related (including motorcycles, boats, trailers, campers): a) Sales (with ancillary repair facilities in a totally enclosed area) b) Rentals c) Parts and Supplies d) Repair P P P P Bakeries (retail only) P P Barber and Beauty Shops P P P Bicycle Shops P P P Blueprint and Photocopy Services P P P G.9.c Packet Pg. 269 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 60 Boats Sales C Book & Stationary Stores (other than adult related material) P P P Bowling Alleys C Camera Shop (including processing) P P P Candy and Confectioneries C P P Car Washes C Catering Services P C China and Glassware Stores P P Cleaning & Pressing Establishments C C C Convenience Stores a) After-Hours Operation as defined by Grand Terrace Municipal Code Section 18.06.032. (5) P C(5) P C(5) C C(5) Costume Design Studios P Curtain and Drapery Shops P P Day Care Centers C C C Delicatessens / Specialty Food Stores P P P Department Stores P P Drug Stores and Pharmacies a) After-Hours Operation as defined by Grand Terrace Municipal Code Section 18.06.032. (5) P C(5) P C(5) P C(5) Equipment/Party Rental P Farmers Markets P P Feed and Grain Sales P Floor Covering Shops P Florist Shops P P P G.9.c Packet Pg. 270 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 61 Food Markets a) After-Hours Operation as defined by Grand Terrace Municipal Code Section 18.06.032. (5) P C(5) P C(5) Furniture Stores P P Garden Supply Stores P C Gift Shops P P P Hardware Stores P C Health Centers P C C Hobby and Craft Shops P P P H Household Goods P P Hotels/Motels C(5) Ice Creams and Yogurt Shops P P P Ice Sales P Jewelry Stores P P P Laundry (Self Service) P P P Leather Goods and Luggage Stores P P Liquor Stores P (3) P Locksmiths Shops P P P Mail Order Businesses P P Message Centers and P.O. Boxes P P P Mobile Home Sales C Music, Dance, and Exercise Studios C(5) C(5) C(5) Notions or Novelty stores P P Nurseries & Garden Supply Stores within enclosed area P C Office, Bus. Machine Sale & Repair P P P Pawn Shops C Computer & Software Stores P P P Paint, Glass, and Wallpaper Stores P Pet Shops P P P Recycling Collection Services C C G.9.c Packet Pg. 271 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 62 Record, Tape, & video Stores (including rental) P P P Restaurants (sit down): a) With entertainment and/or serving of alcoholic beverages b) Incidental serving of beer and wine (without a cocktail lounge, bar, entertainment, or dancing) c) Fast Food: without drive- thru d) Fast Food: with drive-thru e) After-Hours Operation as defined by Grand Terrace Municipal Code Section 18.06.032. (5) P P P P C(5) P C C C C(5) C C C C C(5) Schools, Business & professional C C C Shoe Stores, Sale and Repair P P P Smoke Shops P P Sporting Goods Stores P P Stained Glass Assembly P Supermarkets a) After-Hours Operation as defined by Grand Terrace Municipal Code Section 18.06.032. (5) P C(5) P C(5) Tailor Shops P P P Television, Radio, VCR, Stereo, and CD Component Sales P P Tire Stores P Toy Stores P P Travel Agencies P P P Variety Department Stores, Junior Department Stores P P Veterinary (domestic, non- boarding) C(5) Watch and Clock Repair Stores P P P Yardage Goods Stores P P G.9.c Packet Pg. 272 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 63 TABLE I, LAND USE MATRIX (cont.) General Commercial Village Commercial Office/ Professional 2. Entertainment and Cultural Uses PA 1 PA 2 PA 3 Cultural / Artist Exhibits: a. Indoor gallery and art sales b. Outdoor art exhibits P C P C Movie theaters P 3. Office and Administrative Uses Banks, Finance Services and Institutions P P P Business and Office Services P P P Interior Decorating Firms P P P (2) Medical / Dental Offices and Related Health Clinics P P P Medical Laboratories P P P Optician and Optometric Shops P P P Realtors and Real Estate Offices P P P Travel Agencies P P P 4. Public and Quasi Public Uses Government Offices and Facilities C C C Public Schools P Churches C P Private Schools Associated with a Church and located on same site C P G.9.c Packet Pg. 273 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g 64 Notes: (1) Outdoor displays/uses shall take place in front of business on site, which have been approved with a conditional use permit. Under special circumstances, outdoor uses/ displays are allowed without conditional use permits (refer to Development Regulations). (2) Permitted with no showroom facilities. (3) Conditional permit required for off sale of alcoholic beverages within 500 feet of a school. (4) An auto service station featuring the sales of gasoline with a convenience food market is permitted with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission at the southwest corner of Barton Road and Mount Vernon Avenue only. (5) A proposed After-Hours Operation use shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 18.84 – Administrative Conditional Use Permit subject to review and approval by the Planning and Development Services Director. Conditions of Approval specific to After-Hours Operations may be assigned, including but not limited to parking, security, lighting, noise, and property maintenance. A proposed After-Hours Operation use in excess of 2,000 square feet shall require compliance with a Conditional Use Permit pursuant of Chapter 18.83 – Conditional Use Permits subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission. For other uses proposing After-Hours Operations that are not identified on Table I Land use Matrix, the Planning and Development Services Director shall determine whether such use is a permitted use or conditionally permitted use on the basis of similarity to uses specifically permitted to operate as After-Hours Operations. Application for determination of such similar uses shall be made in writing to the Planning and Development Services Director in the form provided by the Planning and Development Services Director and shall include a detailed description of the proposed use and such other information as may be required by the Planning and Development Services Director to facilitate the determination. Such application shall also include payment for such application fees as may be adopted by Resolution of the City Council. The determination of the Planning and Development Services Director shall be appealable to the Planning Commission and the determination of the Planning Commission shall be appealable to the City Council. The determination by the City Council shall be final. (6) Existing businesses permitted to operate any time between the hours of 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. prior to the effective approval date of this Ordinance, shall be exempt from the Administrative Conditional Use Permit/Conditional Use Permit process. G.9.c Packet Pg. 274 At t a c h m e n t : B a r t o n R o a d S p e c i f i c P l a n _ A m e n d e d _ 7 . 1 4 . 2 0 2 0 ( A w a r d C o n t r a c t t o M i c h a e l B a k e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l - E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d P l a n n i n g AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2021 Council Item TITLE: Government Claim, Sunny Days LLC PRESENTED BY: Adrian Guerra, City Attorney RECOMMENDATION: Reject the Government Claim of Sunny Days LLC and direct staff to send a standard letter of rejection. 2030 VISION STATEMENT: This staff report supports City Council Goal #1, “Ensuring Our Fiscal Viability” by the continuous monitoring of expenditure disbursements through the thorough review of potential costs and its effect on City operations. SUMMARY OF CLAIM AND CONTENTS: On or around January 4, 2021, Ben Eilenberg on behalf of Sunny Days LLC submitted the attached Government Claim. The claim disputes the processing of Sunny Days LLC’s business license application submitted through the City’s vendor’s website, HdL Companies (“HdL”), on or about November 18, 2020. The Claim alleges that the proposed license “is permitted as a matter of right under the Municipal Code” and generally seeks damages in excess of $25,000, which is said to include “[t]he purchase price of the property if the sale is forced to go through” and the costs of obtaining the business license. (See Exhibit A.) The City Attorney’s office conducted a preliminary investigation and evaluated the claim. Based on its review, the City Attorney’s office recommends that the City Council reject the claim and direct staff to send a letter of rejection. The City Attorney’s office is available to answer questions from the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact to providing staff direction to send the letter. ATTACHMENTS: x Exhibit A - Government Claim Form Sunny Days (PDF) APPROVALS: Adrian Guerra Completed 02/03/2021 5:22 PM Finance Completed 02/03/2021 5:32 PM City Attorney Completed 02/03/2021 5:34 PM City Manager Completed 02/03/2021 8:40 PM City Council Pending 02/09/2021 6:00 PM