2019-50 • RESOLUTION NO. 2018-50 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING AN ENVIRONMENTAL ADDENDUM PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AND APPROVING SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 18-10 AND VARIANCE 18-02 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEVENTEEN SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES ON TRACT NO. 18071 LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF PICO STREET AND 150 FEET EAST OF KINGFISHER ROAD WHEREAS, Crestwood Communities., represented by Patrick J. Diaz ("Applicant"), has filed Site and Architectural Review (SA 18-10) for the approval of the construction of seventeen (17)single-family residences on Tract No.18071. Lot 1 requires a rear setback of 35-feet with 25-feet of flat area. Lot 1 has a rear yard setback of 44-feet and Variance 18-02 has been filed to allow 19-feet of flat area at the rear yard instead of 25 feet. Cumulatively, SA 18-10 and Variance 18-02 are referred to as the "Project". WHEREAS, the Project site is zoned--R1-10-Low Density and designated Low Density Residential on the General Plan Land Use Map, located along Pico Street, about 150 feet east of Kingfisher Road, identified as Tract No.18071; and WHEREAS, the Project site is vacant and has multiple easements, including a 100-foot wide Department of Water Resources easement traversing the site from north through south, a sixty-foot easement along the north side of the property belonging to California Electric Power Company, a thirty feet access easement by the Department of Water Resources for a road access identified as Bryce Court, a ten-feet easement located on the east side of the property for ingress and egress to Riverside Highland Water Company, a twenty-six road access easement identified as Bryce Court, a two-feet wide easement along the west side of the property, and additional easements for sewer, water, and drainage. The Project will create a Public Street identified as Jaden Court; and WHEREAS, on August 24, 2006, the City Council adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Initial Study, prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines approving Tract No.18071. Pursuant to Section 15164 of the CEQA Guidelines an Addendum to the previous adopted MND and Initial Study determining that a subsequent MND/IS was not required was adopted by the City Council in re-approving Tract No.18071; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 15162 and 15164 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, an Addendum No.2 to previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared that analyzes the effects of the proposed modifications to the Project; and RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 1 JANUARY 17, 2019 ength shall not exceed six hundred(600)feet;all RESOLUTION 2017-35 p &I OF07- 'OCTOBER 19,2017 ntial investment has occurred; all RESOLUTION 2017-35 1 PAGE OF 4 OCTOBER 19,2017 functional for the proposed project and are consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. The Project has included design elements supported by the Barton Road Specific Plan for commercial buildings, such as wall and height articulation, and brick and stucco accents. The project will include a scheme of brown earthy/neutral colors,. RESOLUTION 2017-35 1 PAGE OF 3 OCTOBER 19, 2017 Plan • RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 WHEREAS, on January 17, 2019, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing at the Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California and concluded the hearing on said date; and WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to, the adoption of this Resolution have . occurred. NOW THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The recitals set forth above are true and correct and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Based upon the forgoing and all oral and written presentations and testimony made by City staff and members of the public(including the staff report and exhibits), the Planning Commission hereby finds that pursuant to Section 15162 and 15164 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, a subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration is not required and herby adopts the second Addendum. A second Addendum has been prepared to reflect the technical change triggered by the requirement of a Variance for Lot 1. The rear yard setback requirement for Lot 1 is 35-feet with a flat area of 25-feet. Lot 1 exceeds the minimum rear setback requirement; however, the Variance has been filed to allow 19-feet of flat area instead of 25-feet. This requirement constitutes a technical change; therefore, substantial changes are not proposed, nor do substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstances under which the Project is undertaken, that would require major revisions to the previous Mitigated Negative Declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previous identified significant effects. The Project will not have significant effects not discussed in the previous Mitigated Negative Declaration; effects will not be substantially more severe than shown in the previous Mitigated Negative Declaration; and the applicant will comply with mitigation measures contained in the previous Mitigated Negative Declaration. 3. Based upon the forgoing and all oral and written presentations and testimony made by City staff and members of the public(including the staff report and exhibits), the Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to Variance 18-02 relating to setbacks for Lots 11 and 12: a. A special circumstance regarding the size, shape, topography, location or surroundings of the subject property exists. There are special circumstances regarding surroundings and topography. The location of Lot 1 is fixed by the west property line and Jaden Court. The surroundings of the Tract are at the base of Blue Mountain with downhill slopes from east to west. The required rear yard setback is 35-feet; however, where slopes exceed 5%, 25-feet must be flat. Overall, there is 44-feet from the rear of the house to the rear property line, and therefore the minimum'setback is exceeded. However, because of the topography there is only 19-feet of flat area from the rear of the house to the top of the slope, instead of the RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 2 JANUARY 17, 2019 l Code. The Project has included design elements supported by the Barton Road Specific Plan for commercial buildings, such as wall and height articulation, and brick and stucco accents. The project will include a scheme of brown earthy/neutral colors,. RESOLUTION 2017-35 1 PAGE OF 3 OCTOBER 19, 2017 Plan • RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 required 25-feet. Due to the surrounding topography, location of the lot and topography, special circumstances exist to support the variance. b. Because of the special circumstance, the strict application of the zoning ordinance deprives the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other • property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. The topography of Lot 1 poses a special circumstance that deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning classification and vicinity because the overall setback of 35-feet is met, and if not for the topography there would not be a need for the variance. Therefore, this finding can be met. c. The granting of the variance will not constitute the grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the property is situated. The granting of the Variance for the six-foot reduction of the flat rear area will not constitute the grant of special privileges, as the property is compliant with the overall minimum rear-setback and lot size requirement. d. The granting of the variance will not authorize a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the district governing the parcel of property. The six-foot reduction to the flat rear yard area will not authorize a use or activity not permitted in the underlying zone district. Overall the 35- foot rear yard setback is met and activities that would occur in the rear yard are those consistent with single family residential uses. e. The granting of the variance will not result in a situation inconsistent with the latest adopted General Plan. The granting of the Variance will not be inconsistent with the Low-Density Residential Designation on the General Plan Land Use Map. f. Conditions necessary to secure the above findings are made a part of the approval of the variance. 4. Based upon the forgoing and all oral and written presentations and testimony made by City staff and members of the public (including the staff report and exhibits), the Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to Architectural and Site Review 18-10: a. The Project site is consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and the General Plan. The Project is zoned R1-10 Low Density Single Family Residential and the proposal to construct seventeen detached single- family residences is consistent with the zoning designation which is intended for single-family detached housing. The proposed development is consistent with the design standards of the Zoning Code, except for Lot 1; which meets the overall rear yard structural setback, but only provides 19-feet of flat area as opposed to 25-feet. However, as stipulated in the Municipal Code, the Applicant has applied for a Variance to allow this RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 3 JANUARY 17, 2019 e topography there is only 19-feet of flat area from the rear of the house to the top of the slope, instead of the RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 2 JANUARY 17, 2019 l Code. The Project has included design elements supported by the Barton Road Specific Plan for commercial buildings, such as wall and height articulation, and brick and stucco accents. The project will include a scheme of brown earthy/neutral colors,. RESOLUTION 2017-35 1 PAGE OF 3 OCTOBER 19, 2017 Plan • RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 deviation. The Project complies with all other development standards including building height and coverage. The project site is designated Low Density Residential (LDR) on the General Plan Land Use Map. The Project is consistent with the Housing Element which encourages infill housing and private development of underutilized land for residential construction by maintaining the physical character of existing low-density residential neighborhood. The Project is consistent with the Land Use Element which goal is to preserve and enhance the quality and character of the City's residential neighborhoods and limits land uses to single family detached residential units. There is no dedication required with this proposal. The proposed development will be constructed in the very high fire hazard zone on the Public Health and Safety Element. The structure will be built in compliance with the requirements for fire resistive construction of the Building Code as well as the San Bernardino County Fire Department regulations for high fire zone areas. b. The location and configuration of all structures associated with this Project are visually harmonious with this site and surrounding sites and structures, that they do not interfere with the neighbors' privacy, that they do not unnecessarily block scenic views from other structures and/or public areas and are in scale with the townscape and natural landscape of the area. The proposed residential development will not interfere with the neighbor's privacy or block scenic views as it complies with the minimum lot size requirements of the zoning designation, including lot setbacks, height, and building coverage. Additionally, there is a minimum of 44 feet between the proposed residences and the adjacent residential lots along the west property line. The Project includes Spanish and Cottage style homes which will complement and enhance the surrounding neighborhood. c. The architectural design of structures, their materials and colors are visually harmonious with the surrounding development, natural landforms, are functional for the Project and are consistent with the Grand Terrace, Municipal Code. The proposed residential development includes Spanish and Cottage style homes. The proposed materials and colors will be visually harmonious and enhance the surrounding development. The Applicant is proposing an earth tone color palette, including multiple shades of brown, beige, and grays. Accents will include moldings around the windows and doors, decorative vents, decorative sconces, and shutters in accented colors. The front elevations "B" will include decorative stone. d. The plan for landscaping and open spaces provides a functional and visually pleasing setting for the structures on this site and is harmonious with the natural landscape of the area and nearby developments. The development site is proposing a drought tolerant landscaping within the RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 4 JANUARY 17, 2019 as included design elements supported by the Barton Road Specific Plan for commercial buildings, such as wall and height articulation, and brick and stucco accents. The project will include a scheme of brown earthy/neutral colors,. RESOLUTION 2017-35 1 PAGE OF 3 OCTOBER 19, 2017 Plan • RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 front yards and parkways, including a hydro seed mix for all the sloping areas. The front yard areas are proposed'to be a combination of shrubs and wood mulch. The streetscape will include a ground cover and street trees. In addition, the one-hundred-foot-wide Department of Water Resources easement traversing the project site from north to south will be enhanced with walking trails and landscaping. The landscape will be compliant with the Municipal Code and with the most recent Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance by the State of California. e. There is no indiscriminate clearing of property, destruction of trees or natural vegetation or the excessive and unsightly grading of hillsides, thus the natural beauty of the City, its setting, and natural landforms are preserved. The, subject site will have substantial grading to create new ground contours. The proposed development will remove a total of six existing trees, including, three palm trees, two willow trees, and one popular tree. The removed trees will be replaced by a beautifully drought tolerant landscape, which includes multiple trees, shrubs, mulch and hydro seed mix. f. Conditions of approval for this project necessary to secure the purposes of the Grand Terrace. Municipal Code and General Plan are made a part of this approval as set forth in the accompanying Resolution of Approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, based upon the forgoing and all oral and written presentations and testimony made by City staff and members of the public(including the staff report and exhibits), Site and Architectural Review 18-10 and Variance 18-02 are hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Site and Architectural Review 18-10 and Variance 18-02 is approved to construct seventeen (17) single-family homes on Tract No. 18071 lot located on the north side of Pico Street, approximately 150 feet east of Kingfisher Road. This approval is granted based on the application materials submitted by Patrick J. Diaz representing Crestwood Communities on October 23, 2018, including plans, color and materials concepts, Geotechnical Investigation Report, Water Quality Management Plan, and revised plans dated December 13, 2018. The application materials are approved as submitted and conditioned herein and shall not be further altered except as modified by these conditions of approval, and unless reviewed and approved by the affected departments. 2. If not appealed, this approval shall become effective on the eleventh (11th) day after the date of the Planning Commission's approval; or the next city business day following such eleventh (11 th) day when the eleventh (11 th) day is not a city business day. This approval shall expire twelve' (12) months from the date of adoption of this resolution unless building permits have been issued and a substantial investment in reliance of those permits has occurred; all conditions of approval have been met; or a time extension has been granted by the City, in RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 5 JANUARY 17, 2019 1 PAGE OF 4 JANUARY 17, 2019 as included design elements supported by the Barton Road Specific Plan for commercial buildings, such as wall and height articulation, and brick and stucco accents. The project will include a scheme of brown earthy/neutral colors,. RESOLUTION 2017-35 1 PAGE OF 3 OCTOBER 19, 2017 Plan • RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 accordance with Chapter 18.63 of the Zoning Code. Time extensions shall be filed at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date. 3. Minor modifications to this approval which are determined by the Planning and Development Services Director to be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, and which do not intensify or change the use or require any deviations from adopted standards, may be approved by the Planning and Development Services Director upon submittal of an application and the required fee. 4. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Grand Terrace and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Grand Terrace, its officers, employees, or agents to attack; set aside, void, or annul any approval or condition of approval of the City of Grand Terrace concerning this project, including but not limited to any approval or condition of approval of the Planning Commission, or Planning and Development Services Director. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 5. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding, the applicant must sign and return an "Acceptance of Conditions" form. The form and content shall be prepared by the Planning and Development Services Department. 6. In the event that exhibits, and written conditions are inconsistent, the written conditions shall prevail. 7. The applicant shall pay all applicable development impact fees and demonstrate the payment of school impact fees to the Building and Safety Department. 8. Construction and operational activities associated with the project shall comply with the regulations of the City's Noise Ordinance, Chapter 8.108 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. 9. All contractors shall acquire a valid City business license and be in compliance with all City codes 10. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the City of Grand. Terrace Building and Safety Division, including the conditions of approval contained in the Building Official's Memorandum dated November 14, 2018, attached hereto as Exhibit 1. 11. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the City of Grand Terrace Public Works Director, including the conditions of approval contained in the Director's Memorandum dated December 5, 2018, attached hereto as Exhibit 2. RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 6 JANUARY 17, 2019 proval shall expire twelve' (12) months from the date of adoption of this resolution unless building permits have been issued and a substantial investment in reliance of those permits has occurred; all conditions of approval have been met; or a time extension has been granted by the City, in RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 5 JANUARY 17, 2019 1 PAGE OF 4 JANUARY 17, 2019 as included design elements supported by the Barton Road Specific Plan for commercial buildings, such as wall and height articulation, and brick and stucco accents. The project will include a scheme of brown earthy/neutral colors,. RESOLUTION 2017-35 1 PAGE OF 3 OCTOBER 19, 2017 Plan • RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 12. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the San Bernardino County Fire Department; Office of the Fire Marshal Community Safety Division, including the conditions of approval contained in Memorandum dated November 8, 2018, Permit Number: FPLN-2018-00067, attached hereto as Exhibit 3. 13. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the City of Colton Public Works Department Water&Wastewater Department. 14. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide a will service letter and obtain all requisite permits and clearances from Riverside Highland Water Company (RHWCO). 15. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lots 11 and 12 a covenant shall be recorded on each Lot disclosing that in order for trash service to be established for those lots, that trash barrels must be placed on the west side of Bryce Court, across from Lot 11. 16. Prior to the issuance of any building and grading permits, the applicant shall provide to the Planning and Development Services Department and Building,and Safety Division a copy of the approved encroachment permit (EP 1858) from the State Department of Water Resources. 17. The applicant shall incorporate into the project design all existing easements within the project boundaries or obtain abandonment of said easement from the affected easement holder(s). If this requirement cannot be accomplished, the project shall be redesigned. 18. Four (4) copies of the construction plans, including grading and site plans shall be submitted to the Building and Safety Division for review and approval, which shall include approval by the Planning and Engineering Divisions. 19. The location and method of screening for all roof-mounted and building-mounted shall be demonstrated on the elevations, including but not limited to, air conditioning and heating units, and utility boxes. All equipment shall be screened from public view and designed to be an integral component of the building design. 20. All ground mounted equipment, including utility boxes and backflow devices shall comply with all utility and Fire Department requirements and be screened in a manner that does not impede traffic visibility. 21. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit three (3) copies of landscape and irrigation plans to the Planning and Development Services Department for review and approval. The landscape and irrigation plans shall be prepared in accordance with the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (contained in Chapter 18.60 of the Zoning Code and in compliance with the most RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 7 JANUARY 17, 2019 dated December 5, 2018, attached hereto as Exhibit 2. RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 6 JANUARY 17, 2019 proval shall expire twelve' (12) months from the date of adoption of this resolution unless building permits have been issued and a substantial investment in reliance of those permits has occurred; all conditions of approval have been met; or a time extension has been granted by the City, in RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 5 JANUARY 17, 2019 1 PAGE OF 4 JANUARY 17, 2019 as included design elements supported by the Barton Road Specific Plan for commercial buildings, such as wall and height articulation, and brick and stucco accents. The project will include a scheme of brown earthy/neutral colors,. RESOLUTION 2017-35 1 PAGE OF 3 OCTOBER 19, 2017 Plan • RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 recent version of the State Model Ordinance. The plans shall demonstrate the following: a. Include the total square footage of the proposed landscape area including grass areas, planter areas and ground cover area. b. Incorporation of drip irrigation. c. Provided that permission is obtained, the turnaround on Bryce Court shall include hydroseed treatment around the first ten feet from the circumference. d. The plant material adheres to spacing recommendations based on plant and shrub species. e. Ensure that proposed plant material, at maturity, will maintain clear line visibility at all intersections. f. Submit an initial deposit of $2,000.00 deposit for landscape review and inspections. g. The Applicant shall contact the Planning and Development Services Department for a final inspection a minimum one week prior to the inspection date requested. 22. During all project site construction, the construction contractor shall limit all construction-related activities that would result in high noise levels to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. No construction activities are allowed on Sundays and federal holidays except for emergencies, and/or subject to approval by the Building Official, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 23. Prior to the installation of any signs, a Sign Permit application shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Services Department for review and approval. All signs shall be conforming to the sign regulation of the R1-10 zone district, as contained in Chapter 18.80 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. 24. Approval from the California Electric Power Company (CEPC) shall be obtained, prior to the installation of the proposed tan vinyl fencing for the side yards of the properties encroaching on the sixty-foot CEPC easement. 25. The six-foot high block wall proposed along the west property line of Lot B and Lots 1 to 5 shall be decorative, which shall include a combination of tan precision masonry block with a split face cap and split face pilaster columns placed at approximate eighty (80) foot intervals, as approved by the Planning and Development Services Department 26. Prior to issuance of a building permit for any perimeter walls on shared property lines, the applicant shall submit an Encroachment Agreement signed by the RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 8 JANUARY 17, 2019 y's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (contained in Chapter 18.60 of the Zoning Code and in compliance with the most RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 7 JANUARY 17, 2019 dated December 5, 2018, attached hereto as Exhibit 2. RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 6 JANUARY 17, 2019 proval shall expire twelve' (12) months from the date of adoption of this resolution unless building permits have been issued and a substantial investment in reliance of those permits has occurred; all conditions of approval have been met; or a time extension has been granted by the City, in RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 5 JANUARY 17, 2019 1 PAGE OF 4 JANUARY 17, 2019 as included design elements supported by the Barton Road Specific Plan for commercial buildings, such as wall and height articulation, and brick and stucco accents. The project will include a scheme of brown earthy/neutral colors,. RESOLUTION 2017-35 1 PAGE OF 3 OCTOBER 19, 2017 Plan • RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 adjacent property owners authorizing construction of block walls on the shared property line. 27. Prior to issuance of a building permit for any building, all grading shall be completed and retaining and screen walls, dry and wet utilities, drainage facilities driveways shall be installed. 28. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding, the applicant must sign and return an "Acceptance of Conditions" form. The form and content shall be prepared by the Planning and Development Services Department. 29. A Map Correction for Lot B and Lot 1 shall be recorded, prior to the issuance of a Building Permit for Lot 1. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California. at a regular meeting held on the 17st day of January 2019. AYES: ommissioners McConnell, Giroux,Vice Chair Cesena and thairmgnmComstock NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Jessica Lambarena om Comstock Secretary Chairman RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 9 JANUARY 17, 2019 n high noise levels to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. No construction activities are allowed on Sundays and federal holidays except for emergencies, and/or subject to approval by the Building Official, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 23. Prior to the installation of any signs, a Sign Permit application shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Services Department for review and approval. All signs shall be conforming to the sign regulation of the R1-10 zone district, as contained in Chapter 18.80 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. 24. Approval from the California Electric Power Company (CEPC) shall be obtained, prior to the installation of the proposed tan vinyl fencing for the side yards of the properties encroaching on the sixty-foot CEPC easement. 25. The six-foot high block wall proposed along the west property line of Lot B and Lots 1 to 5 shall be decorative, which shall include a combination of tan precision masonry block with a split face cap and split face pilaster columns placed at approximate eighty (80) foot intervals, as approved by the Planning and Development Services Department 26. Prior to issuance of a building permit for any perimeter walls on shared property lines, the applicant shall submit an Encroachment Agreement signed by the RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 8 JANUARY 17, 2019 y's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (contained in Chapter 18.60 of the Zoning Code and in compliance with the most RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 7 JANUARY 17, 2019 dated December 5, 2018, attached hereto as Exhibit 2. RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 6 JANUARY 17, 2019 proval shall expire twelve' (12) months from the date of adoption of this resolution unless building permits have been issued and a substantial investment in reliance of those permits has occurred; all conditions of approval have been met; or a time extension has been granted by the City, in RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 5 JANUARY 17, 2019 1 PAGE OF 4 JANUARY 17, 2019 as included design elements supported by the Barton Road Specific Plan for commercial buildings, such as wall and height articulation, and brick and stucco accents. The project will include a scheme of brown earthy/neutral colors,. RESOLUTION 2017-35 1 PAGE OF 3 OCTOBER 19, 2017 Plan • RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 EXHIBIT 1 Memorandum Date: November 14, 2018 To: Haide Aguirre, Assistant Planner From: Jim Northcutt, Contract Building Official Subject: Proposed Residential Development Including seventeen (17) detached single-Family Residences, Both One-Story and Two-Story Homes on Tract No. 18071. The following items are Building & Safety Conditions of Approval. 1. All permanent structures shall comply with the current California Building Codes (CBC), and related Codes and Ordinances of the City of Grand Terrace. 2. The developer shall pay all applicable processing fees, permit fees, City development fees, school fees, drainage fees and other public entity fees in effect at the time of the issuance of the applicable permit. 3. The applicant shall submit four sets (4) of plans to the Building and Safety Department for plan review and approval. 4. Separate building permits are required for retaining walls, garden walls, landscaping, grading and street improvements. 5. Prior to final inspection, all required improvements shall be constructed and finalized and accepted by the appropriate agency prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 6. Final permit approvals shall be obtained, and any outstanding fees shall be paid to all City Departments/Divisions which may include Fire, Planning, Engineering, Building &Safety. 7. Construction hours shall be limited to Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No construction activities shall be permitted on Sundays or City-designated holidays. 8. The applicant and/or developer shall submit a pad elevation certification prepared by a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer to the Chief Building Official and Director of Community Development certifying that the pad elevation(s) and building location (setbacks) are pursuant to the approved plans, prior to receiving a foundation inspection for the structure. RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 10 JANUARY 17, 2019 shall include a combination of tan precision masonry block with a split face cap and split face pilaster columns placed at approximate eighty (80) foot intervals, as approved by the Planning and Development Services Department 26. Prior to issuance of a building permit for any perimeter walls on shared property lines, the applicant shall submit an Encroachment Agreement signed by the RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 8 JANUARY 17, 2019 y's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (contained in Chapter 18.60 of the Zoning Code and in compliance with the most RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 7 JANUARY 17, 2019 dated December 5, 2018, attached hereto as Exhibit 2. RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 6 JANUARY 17, 2019 proval shall expire twelve' (12) months from the date of adoption of this resolution unless building permits have been issued and a substantial investment in reliance of those permits has occurred; all conditions of approval have been met; or a time extension has been granted by the City, in RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 5 JANUARY 17, 2019 1 PAGE OF 4 JANUARY 17, 2019 as included design elements supported by the Barton Road Specific Plan for commercial buildings, such as wall and height articulation, and brick and stucco accents. The project will include a scheme of brown earthy/neutral colors,. RESOLUTION 2017-35 1 PAGE OF 3 OCTOBER 19, 2017 Plan • RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 9. Prior to demolition activities, the applicant shall receive Planning Department approval for compliance with conditions of approval. 10.The applicant/property owner shall contract with a City approved hauler to facilitate the recycling of all recoverable/recyclable material. Recoverable material shall include but shall not be limited to: asphalt, dirt and earthen material, lumber, concrete, glass, metals, and drywall. 11. Prior to the issuance of a building/demolition permit, an Affidavit and Certification to implement a Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan (WRRP) shall be signed by the Owner or Contractor and submitted to the City Environmental Sustainability Department. The WRRP shall indicate the agreement of the applicant to divert at least 65 percent of all construction waste generated by the project. 12. Upon plan check approval of demolition plans, the applicant shall secure a demolition permit from the City. The applicant shall comply with all conditions related to demolition imposed by the Deputy Building Official. 13. No demolition permit shall be issued until building permits are approved for issuance. 14. The project developer shall utilize licensed subcontractors and ensure that all asbestos containing materials and lead-based paints encountered during demolition activities are removed, transported, and disposed of in full compliance with all applicable federal, state and local regulations. 15. Project with new landscape areas of 500 square feet or more are subject to the 2015 Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance(MWELO). (4.304.1) RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 11 JANUARY 17, 2019 8. The applicant and/or developer shall submit a pad elevation certification prepared by a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer to the Chief Building Official and Director of Community Development certifying that the pad elevation(s) and building location (setbacks) are pursuant to the approved plans, prior to receiving a foundation inspection for the structure. RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 10 JANUARY 17, 2019 shall include a combination of tan precision masonry block with a split face cap and split face pilaster columns placed at approximate eighty (80) foot intervals, as approved by the Planning and Development Services Department 26. Prior to issuance of a building permit for any perimeter walls on shared property lines, the applicant shall submit an Encroachment Agreement signed by the RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 8 JANUARY 17, 2019 y's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (contained in Chapter 18.60 of the Zoning Code and in compliance with the most RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 7 JANUARY 17, 2019 dated December 5, 2018, attached hereto as Exhibit 2. RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 6 JANUARY 17, 2019 proval shall expire twelve' (12) months from the date of adoption of this resolution unless building permits have been issued and a substantial investment in reliance of those permits has occurred; all conditions of approval have been met; or a time extension has been granted by the City, in RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 5 JANUARY 17, 2019 1 PAGE OF 4 JANUARY 17, 2019 as included design elements supported by the Barton Road Specific Plan for commercial buildings, such as wall and height articulation, and brick and stucco accents. The project will include a scheme of brown earthy/neutral colors,. RESOLUTION 2017-35 1 PAGE OF 3 OCTOBER 19, 2017 Plan • RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 Exhibit 2 `N .aq,e ll ro A. o; Public Works Conditions of Approval Date: December 4, 2018, rev 1-17-2019 Applicant: Jason Karger represented by Patrick Diaz from Crestwood Homes Address of Applicant: 510 West Citrus Edge, Glendora, CA 91740 Site Location: Tract No.18071,APN 1178-181-01 Site and Arch.Review 18-10, Variance 18-02 and Environmental 18-10. Provide construction plans and required documentation for review of the proposed project as follows: (1) Grant Deed showing all easements. (1) Water Plans. . (1) Street Improvement'Plans prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. (1) Tract Map (1) Sewer Plans (1) Rough and Precise Grading Plans and Erosion Control Plan (1) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan All work performed in the public right of way shall comply with the San Bernardino County Public Works Standards or standards approved by the Public Works Director. All construction sites must be protected by a security fence and screening. The fencing and screening shall be maintained at all times to protect pedestrians. Toilet facilities shall be provided for construction workers and such facilities shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. Special Conditions: 1. Street cut permits are required before work begins in the public right of way. A street cut deposit will be collected for each street cut and held for two years. RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 12 JANUARY 17, 2019 ater Efficient Landscape Ordinance(MWELO). (4.304.1) RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 11 JANUARY 17, 2019 8. The applicant and/or developer shall submit a pad elevation certification prepared by a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer to the Chief Building Official and Director of Community Development certifying that the pad elevation(s) and building location (setbacks) are pursuant to the approved plans, prior to receiving a foundation inspection for the structure. RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 10 JANUARY 17, 2019 shall include a combination of tan precision masonry block with a split face cap and split face pilaster columns placed at approximate eighty (80) foot intervals, as approved by the Planning and Development Services Department 26. Prior to issuance of a building permit for any perimeter walls on shared property lines, the applicant shall submit an Encroachment Agreement signed by the RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 8 JANUARY 17, 2019 y's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (contained in Chapter 18.60 of the Zoning Code and in compliance with the most RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 7 JANUARY 17, 2019 dated December 5, 2018, attached hereto as Exhibit 2. RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 6 JANUARY 17, 2019 proval shall expire twelve' (12) months from the date of adoption of this resolution unless building permits have been issued and a substantial investment in reliance of those permits has occurred; all conditions of approval have been met; or a time extension has been granted by the City, in RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 5 JANUARY 17, 2019 1 PAGE OF 4 JANUARY 17, 2019 as included design elements supported by the Barton Road Specific Plan for commercial buildings, such as wall and height articulation, and brick and stucco accents. The project will include a scheme of brown earthy/neutral colors,. RESOLUTION 2017-35 1 PAGE OF 3 OCTOBER 19, 2017 Plan • RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 2. The applicant shall dedicate and construct all missing or damaged public improvements. The missing or damaged public improvements shall include, but are not limited to, pavement,curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveway approach, and street lights. 3. Provide half street width paving overlay on Pico after utility installations on the entire length of the project and a minimum of 2' south of the centerline a minimum 2-inch asphalt overlay with an asphalt grind. All Grindings shall be recycled. 4. The Applicant shall submit proposed sewer plans to the City of Colton for plan review. Applicant shall pay all plan review fees and permit fees for the sewer review to the City of Colton. Please provide a written "Will Serve" letter and approved sewer plans to the City of Grand Terrace before any permits are issued. 5. The applicant shall submit proposed water plans to the Riverside Highland Water Company for plan review. Applicant shall pay all plan review fees and permit fees for the water review to Riverside Highland Water Company. Please provide a written "Will Serve" letter and approved plans to the City of Grand Terrace before any permits are issued. 6. Applicant shall submit proposed water plans for fire hydrants to the County of San Bernardino Fire Department for plan review. Applicant shall pay all plan review fees and permit fees for the fire hydrant system review to the County of San Bernardino Fire Department. 7. Submit the proposed improvement plans to the •Department of Water Resources for conditions and approvals. This project may require an approach next to the DWR easement. Provide proof of 'a construction encroachment permit from DWR. 8. Provide 33-foot right of way dedication on Pico Street along the entire frontage of the property and provide paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lights, signage and stripping and repave to a half width street improvement. Street improvements will be required to extend beyond the frontage of the project to blend the street flows for drainage and traffic. 9. The street curb returns and ramps at the intersection on Jaden Court and Pico Street shall be constructed per San Bernardino County Standard 110. The radius of these curbs shall be a minimum of 30 feet. 10. Minimum driveway grades shall be consistent with San Bernardino County Standard 131. Riverside County Standard driveway approach can also be used. 11. Monumentation: If any activity on this project disturbs any survey monuments, the disturbed monumnetation shall be located and referenced by or under the direction of a licensed land surveyor or a registered civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying • RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 13 JANUARY 17, 2019 9 proval shall expire twelve' (12) months from the date of adoption of this resolution unless building permits have been issued and a substantial investment in reliance of those permits has occurred; all conditions of approval have been met; or a time extension has been granted by the City, in RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 5 JANUARY 17, 2019 1 PAGE OF 4 JANUARY 17, 2019 as included design elements supported by the Barton Road Specific Plan for commercial buildings, such as wall and height articulation, and brick and stucco accents. The project will include a scheme of brown earthy/neutral colors,. RESOLUTION 2017-35 1 PAGE OF 3 OCTOBER 19, 2017 Plan • RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 prior to commencement of any activity with the potential to disturb the monumnetation, and a corner record or record of survey of the references shall be filled with the County. 12. All existing easements must be shown on improvement plans. 13. Jaden Court and Bryce Court must be dedicated to the City as Public Access and Utilities Easements. 14. Provide a street light at the ingress to the property as well as every 200 feet along the frontage of the property and Jaden Court. 15. The annexation to the Lighting and Landscape Maintenance District must occur before the issuance of building permits. 16. "Jaden Court and Bryce Court" must be constructed per the County of San Bernardino's standard 104 for local roads modified to eliminate the east parkway and eliminate both for Bryce Court. 17. Parking shall be prohibited on Bryce Court and on the east side of Jaden Court due to the narrow street width. This includes signing the area with no parking signs per California Vehicle Code. 18. A bond shall be in-place for the cost of the improvements until construction is accepted by the City when Notice of Completion is filed. 19. Install street sweeping signs per City guidelines and as directed by the City Engineer. 20. Provide vehicular access to Lot B for maintenance. 21. Map correction is required to correct dimensions shown on map for lot B and lot 1. RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 14 JANUARY 17, 2019 osed improvement plans to the •Department of Water Resources for conditions and approvals. This project may require an approach next to the DWR easement. Provide proof of 'a construction encroachment permit from DWR. 8. Provide 33-foot right of way dedication on Pico Street along the entire frontage of the property and provide paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lights, signage and stripping and repave to a half width street improvement. Street improvements will be required to extend beyond the frontage of the project to blend the street flows for drainage and traffic. 9. The street curb returns and ramps at the intersection on Jaden Court and Pico Street shall be constructed per San Bernardino County Standard 110. The radius of these curbs shall be a minimum of 30 feet. 10. Minimum driveway grades shall be consistent with San Bernardino County Standard 131. Riverside County Standard driveway approach can also be used. 11. Monumentation: If any activity on this project disturbs any survey monuments, the disturbed monumnetation shall be located and referenced by or under the direction of a licensed land surveyor or a registered civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying • RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 13 JANUARY 17, 2019 9 proval shall expire twelve' (12) months from the date of adoption of this resolution unless building permits have been issued and a substantial investment in reliance of those permits has occurred; all conditions of approval have been met; or a time extension has been granted by the City, in RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 5 JANUARY 17, 2019 1 PAGE OF 4 JANUARY 17, 2019 as included design elements supported by the Barton Road Specific Plan for commercial buildings, such as wall and height articulation, and brick and stucco accents. The project will include a scheme of brown earthy/neutral colors,. RESOLUTION 2017-35 1 PAGE OF 3 OCTOBER 19, 2017 Plan • RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 EXHIBIT 3 ''��* .'� • San Bernardino County Fire Department San Bernardino Office— North Desert Office— East Valley Office— South Desert Office SBGC HDGC San Bernardino City (909)387-4140 (760)995-8201 (909)918-2201 (760)995-8201 Date: 11-08-2018 Expiration: Project Name: tr 18071 Crestwood Project Description: 17 unit single family detached residential development, 5 single story and 12 two story Permit Number: FPLN-2018-00067 Location: 0 PICO,GRAND TERRACE,CA 92313 APN: 1178-181-36-0000 Project Type: Conditional Use Permit(CUP) City Project Proposal: Dear Applicant, With respect to the conditions of approval regarding the above referenced project,the San Bernardino County Fire Department requires the following fire protection measures to be provided in accordance with applicable local ordinances,codes,and/or recognized fire protection standards. The Fire Conditions Attachment of this document sets forth the FIRE CONDITIONS and STANDARDS which are applied to this project. Sincerely, The Office of the Fire Marshall Community Safety Division San Bernardino County Fire Department • Page 1 of 2 RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 15 JANUARY,17, 2019 o correct dimensions shown on map for lot B and lot 1. RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 14 JANUARY 17, 2019 osed improvement plans to the •Department of Water Resources for conditions and approvals. This project may require an approach next to the DWR easement. Provide proof of 'a construction encroachment permit from DWR. 8. Provide 33-foot right of way dedication on Pico Street along the entire frontage of the property and provide paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lights, signage and stripping and repave to a half width street improvement. Street improvements will be required to extend beyond the frontage of the project to blend the street flows for drainage and traffic. 9. The street curb returns and ramps at the intersection on Jaden Court and Pico Street shall be constructed per San Bernardino County Standard 110. The radius of these curbs shall be a minimum of 30 feet. 10. Minimum driveway grades shall be consistent with San Bernardino County Standard 131. Riverside County Standard driveway approach can also be used. 11. Monumentation: If any activity on this project disturbs any survey monuments, the disturbed monumnetation shall be located and referenced by or under the direction of a licensed land surveyor or a registered civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying • RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 13 JANUARY 17, 2019 9 proval shall expire twelve' (12) months from the date of adoption of this resolution unless building permits have been issued and a substantial investment in reliance of those permits has occurred; all conditions of approval have been met; or a time extension has been granted by the City, in RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 5 JANUARY 17, 2019 1 PAGE OF 4 JANUARY 17, 2019 as included design elements supported by the Barton Road Specific Plan for commercial buildings, such as wall and height articulation, and brick and stucco accents. The project will include a scheme of brown earthy/neutral colors,. RESOLUTION 2017-35 1 PAGE OF 3 OCTOBER 19, 2017 Plan • RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017 FIRE CONDITIONS ATTACHMENT r;g* Date: 11-08-2018 Permit Number: FPLN-2018-00067 Location: 0 PICO, GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 APN: 1178181360000 FIRE CONDITIONS AND STANDARDS Expiration The expiration date for this project is set by the Planning Department. Fire Flow Required fire flow for this project shall meet the minimum requirements established in the California Fire Code. The required fire flow for this project is 500 GPM at 20 PSI for a 1/2 hour duration. Jurisdiction The referenced project is under the jurisdiction of the San Bernardino County Fire Department. Prior to any construction occurring on any parcel,the applicant shall contact the Fire Code Official for verification of current fire protection requirements.All new construction shall comply with the current San Bernardino County Fire Code requirements and all applicable statutes, codes, ordinances and standards of the Fire Department. Paved Access Paved access from ONE points shall be required for completion and occupancy. Proposal Changes Any changes to this proposal shall require new Fire Department condition letter. TRACT/SUBDIVISION 1. Shall comply with all current Building, Fire Codes and Fire Department Standards requirements based on occupancy classification. 2.Any changes to this proposal shall require new Fire Department condition letter. 3.Any changes to the approved life safety system shall require plans to be submitted to the FD prior to construction including the following; (Fire Sprinklers, Fire Alarms, Underground water supply for fire protection.). 4.An approved water supply system, complete with street fire hydrants complying with Fire Department Standard, shall be in place prior to any combustible construction. 5.Streets or access roads greater than 150' in length shall require cul-de-sacs or approved turnarounds per Fire Department standard. Any street exceeding 500'will require paved secondary access.(This includes construction phasing) "A" Street exceeds 600' in length. 6. Premise and Building identification and addressing shall be a minimum of 12 inch in height.Single Family Home addresses shall be a minimum of 4 inches in height and shall be internally illuminated during the hours of darkness. 7. NFPA 13D or CRC R313 compliant Fire Sprinklers systems are required in each residence for this project. Please submit all plans to County Fire Department. Page 2 of 2 RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 16 JANUARY 17, 2019 ny survey monuments, the disturbed monumnetation shall be located and referenced by or under the direction of a licensed land surveyor or a registered civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying • RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 13 JANUARY 17, 2019 9 proval shall expire twelve' (12) months from the date of adoption of this resolution unless building permits have been issued and a substantial investment in reliance of those permits has occurred; all conditions of approval have been met; or a time extension has been granted by the City, in RESOLUTION 2019-50 1 PAGE OF 5 JANUARY 17, 2019 1 PAGE OF 4 JANUARY 17, 2019 as included design elements supported by the Barton Road Specific Plan for commercial buildings, such as wall and height articulation, and brick and stucco accents. The project will include a scheme of brown earthy/neutral colors,. RESOLUTION 2017-35 1 PAGE OF 3 OCTOBER 19, 2017 Plan • RESOLUTION 2017-38 1 PAGE OF 4 NOVEMBER 16, 2017