2018-44 RESOLUTION NO.2018- 44
COUNCIL AMEND CHAPTERS 18.06,18.36,18.39 AND 18.40 AND ADD CHAPTER 18.74
WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace ("City") adopted a zoning code, which has been
amended from time to time; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Code, as it pertains uses in Commercial Manufacturing (CM),
Restricted Manufacturing (MR) and Industrial (M-2) zone districts, has not been updated in
several years;
WHEREAS,the City Council adopted a comprehensive General Plan on April 27, 2010,
which contains a Land Use Element that includes Industrial and Floodplain Industrial land use
WHEREAS,the General Plan Industrial land use designation is intended those uses that
can be made compatible with other surrounding uses within the City regarding noise, dust, odors,
vibration, glare, air quality, traffic, aesthetics, and hazardous materials. Typical uses may
include light manufacturing and assembly, small scale warehousing and distribution, research
and development, and administrative and service types of uses.
WHEREAS, properties within the Floodplain Industrial designation are planned for
ultimate development as light industrial, non-polluting uses similar to the Light Industrial
designation, and where those proposed developments demonstrate that adequate measures can be
implemented to ensure that the proposed use is effectively protected from identified flood
WHEREAS, state law requires that the City's Zoning Code (Title 18 of the Grand
Terrace Municipal Code) conform with the General Plan's goals and policies.
WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace City Council adopted a temporary moratorium
on the expansion, establishment or operation of outdoor storage and outdoor manufacturing uses.
WHEREAS,pursuant to Sections 65800 and 65850 of the California Government Code,
the City may adopt ordinances to regulate the use of buildings, structures, and land as between
industry, business, residences, and open space, and other purposes; to regulate the location,
height, bulk, number'of stories and size of buildings and structures, the size and use of lots,
yards, courts and other open spaces, the percentage of a lot which may be occupied by a
building or structure, and the intensity of land use; and to establish requirements for off-street
parking, in compliance with the California Government Code.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 1 MARCH 22, 2018
WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (hereinafter
"CEQA") (California Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et seq.) and State CEQA
guidelines (Sections 15000 et seq.) the Ordinance is exempt pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3)
of Title 14 the California Code of Regulations because the revisions to this ordinance
establish regulations for uses that are consistent with the General Plan and Zoning Code; and
WHEREAS, on March 1, 2018 and March 22, 2018, the Planning Commission of the;
City of Grand Terrace conducted a duly noticed public hearings on Zoning Code Amendment;
17-04 at the Grand Terrace City Hall Council Chambers located 22795 Barton Road and
concluded the hearing on that date.
WHEREAS,all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred.
NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning
Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, as follows
1. The Planning Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the:
above Recitals,are true and correct.
2. The Planning Commission hereby fmds that the Project is not subject to environmental
review pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of Title 14 the California Code of Regulations'
because the revisions are regulatory in nature and will not in themselves create impacts
to the environment.
3. Based on substantial evidence presented to the Planning Commission during the public
hearings, including public testimony, and written and oral staff reports, the Planning;
Commission specifically finds as follows with regard to Zoning Code Amendment 17-01:
a. It is in the best interest of the public to establish and update reasonable standards
relating to manufacturing and outdoor storage uses because the zoning code does
not, presently, adequately define or regulate these types of land uses, nor establish
adequate standards of development.
b. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals,
comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the
neighborhood of the proposed amendment or within the city or injurious to .
property because the amendment is intended to insure that outdoor uses and
activities are properly regulated to mitigate impacts.
c. The City Council finds that the proposed amendment is consistent with the latest
adopted general plan, because the proposed amendments conform and promote the ,
Grand Terrace General Plan. The proposed amendments are consistent with the
land use designation of Industrial and Floodplain Industrial and implement Goal
2.4 and its policies.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 2 MARCH 22,2018
4 1 PAGE OF 1 MARCH 22, 2018
land use designation of Industrial and Floodplain Industrial and implement Goal
2.4 and its policies.
4. Based upon the above findings and determinations, this Commission hereby recommends
that the City Council find the Project exempt from CEQA.
5. Based upon the above findings and determinations, this Commission further hereby
recommends approval of Zoning Code Amendment 17-04 to the City Council, as
contained in attached Exhibit 1 of this resolution and incorporated herein by reference.
Debra L. Thomas, CMC om Comstock
City Clerk Chairman
roved as to f .
Ric rd L. dams, II
• y Attorney
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 3 MARCH 22,2018
New Section 18.06.587 Outdoor Display
Outdoor display or storage means an outdoor arrangement of objects, items, products or other
materials,typically not in a fixed position and capable of rearrangement.
New Section 18.06.936 Warehousing
"Warehousing" means the use of a building or buildings primarily for the storage of goods of
any type, but excluding bulk storage of materials which are flammable or explosive or which
create hazardous or commonly recognized offensive conditions.
New Section 18.06.937 Warehousing and Distribution
"Warehousing and distribution" means businesses whose sole purpose is to store and then
distribute goods for sale as opposed to businesses whose sole purpose is to move goods by
New Section 18.06.939 Wholesale
"Wholesale" means the sale of goods by bulk for resale purposes and not for direct use or
consumption, including incidental storage and distribution.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1'PAGE OF 5 MARCH 22, 2018
eby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the:
above Recitals,are true and correct.
2. The Planning Commission hereby fmds that the Project is not subject to environmental
review pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of Title 14 the California Code of Regulations'
because the revisions are regulatory in nature and will not in themselves create impacts
to the environment.
3. Based on substantial evidence presented to the Planning Commission during the public
hearings, including public testimony, and written and oral staff reports, the Planning;
Commission specifically finds as follows with regard to Zoning Code Amendment 17-01:
a. It is in the best interest of the public to establish and update reasonable standards
relating to manufacturing and outdoor storage uses because the zoning code does
not, presently, adequately define or regulate these types of land uses, nor establish
adequate standards of development.
b. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals,
comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the
neighborhood of the proposed amendment or within the city or injurious to .
property because the amendment is intended to insure that outdoor uses and
activities are properly regulated to mitigate impacts.
c. The City Council finds that the proposed amendment is consistent with the latest
adopted general plan, because the proposed amendments conform and promote the ,
Grand Terrace General Plan. The proposed amendments are consistent with the
land use designation of Industrial and Floodplain Industrial and implement Goal
2.4 and its policies.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 2 MARCH 22,2018
4 1 PAGE OF 1 MARCH 22, 2018
18.36.010 -Purpose. •
The purpose of the CM district is to provide for the development of combined commercial
and light manufacturing uses. The regulations of this district are intended to allow limited light
manufacturing uses which operate free of objectionable noise, dust, odor or other nuisances to
locate in a mixed use development area along with commercial uses. Light manufacturing uses
do not involve large container truck traffic or transport of large bulky items. -
18.36.020 -Permitted uses.
Permitted uses in the CM district shall be as follows:
A. Business support services;
B. Communication services;
C. Public storage facilities; indoor
D. Research and development facilities;
E. Other uses which are permitted in the C2 district without a CUP;
F. Other uses which are determined by the planning commission to be similar in nature to,
a use listed in this section;
G. Temporary uses which are determined by the community development director not to
have significant long-term impact on the environment. (Uses such as parking lot sales,
Christmas tree sales, seasonal sales, rummage sales, and others with review through the
land use approval or administrative site and architectural approval process in
accordance with Chapter 18.63, Site and Architectural Review.)
18.36.030 - Conditionally permitted uses.
Uses permitted in the CM district with a conditional use permit are as follows:
A. Business and office facilities;
B. Building maintenance services;
C. Building supplies and'sales; ++
D. General assembly facilities;
E. Manufacturing-light facilities;
F. Public storage facilities,outdoor
G. Public utility facilities and services;
H. Recreational facilities;
I. Other uses which are permitted in the C2 district with a CUP;
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 6 MARCH 22,2018
The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals,
comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the
neighborhood of the proposed amendment or within the city or injurious to .
property because the amendment is intended to insure that outdoor uses and
activities are properly regulated to mitigate impacts.
c. The City Council finds that the proposed amendment is consistent with the latest
adopted general plan, because the proposed amendments conform and promote the ,
Grand Terrace General Plan. The proposed amendments are consistent with the
land use designation of Industrial and Floodplain Industrial and implement Goal
2.4 and its policies.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 2 MARCH 22,2018
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J. Other uses which are determined by the planning commission to be similar in nature to
a use listed in this section.
18.39.040—Prohibited uses
Uses that include the storage of hazardous and/or flammable material is prohibited. Such uses
include,but are not limited,to pallet yard, and other wood products, and tire storage.
18.36.050 - Site development standards.
Site development standards in the CM district are as follows:
Development Issue Standard
Lot Area 10,000
(Minimum square feet)
Lot Width 70
(Minimum linear feet)
Lot Depth 100
(Minimum linear feet)
Street Frontage 70
(Minimum linear feet)
(Minimum linear feet)
15, with 5' landscape
front yard
, setback
rear yard (except when adjacent to a lot in an R District, then 25 feet, 0
with 10 foot landscape setback)
side yard (except when adjacent to a lot in an R district, then 25 feet, 0
with 10 foot landscape setback)
street side yard) 15, with 5' landscape
Height 35
(minimum linear feet)
Lot Coverage (maximum percent, less the required parking, setbacks, 100
and landscaping)
18.36.060 - Storage and trash facilities.
A. Permitted outdoor storage shall be set back 25 feet when adjacent to residential
B. When permissible outdoor storage is utilized, such storage shall be visually screened
from all adjacent building sites, public view, and public streets and alleys by a solid decorative
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 7 MARCH 22, 2018
F. Public storage facilities,outdoor
G. Public utility facilities and services;
H. Recreational facilities;
I. Other uses which are permitted in the C2 district with a CUP;
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 6 MARCH 22,2018
The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals,
comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the
neighborhood of the proposed amendment or within the city or injurious to .
property because the amendment is intended to insure that outdoor uses and
activities are properly regulated to mitigate impacts.
c. The City Council finds that the proposed amendment is consistent with the latest
adopted general plan, because the proposed amendments conform and promote the ,
Grand Terrace General Plan. The proposed amendments are consistent with the
land use designation of Industrial and Floodplain Industrial and implement Goal
2.4 and its policies.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 2 MARCH 22,2018
4 1 PAGE OF 1 MARCH 22, 2018
masonry wall of a height sufficient to screen all materials;stored outdoors,but not less than 6 feet
in height, or by a building.
B. The screening herein required shall be established at or before the time any area is used
for outdoor storage.
C. Where topographical conditions or existing structures are such that strict compliance with
the requirements of this section would not be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this
section,the Planning Commission may waive compliance with all or part of such requirements.
D. Trash enclosures shall be required. Trash enclosures shall be screened by a six-foot-high
decorative block wall with metal gates. Metal gates shall be attached to metal posts.
18.36.070 - Off-street parking.
The provisions of Chapter 18.60 shall apply in determining the amount of parking space that
must be provided for each use located in the CM district.
18.36.080 - Signs.
The provisions of Chapter 18.80 shall apply to all signs in the CM district.
18.36.090 - Site and architectural review.
The provisions of Chapter 18.63 for site and architectural review shall apply in the CM;
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 8 MARCH 22, 2018
ing, setbacks, 100
and landscaping)
18.36.060 - Storage and trash facilities.
A. Permitted outdoor storage shall be set back 25 feet when adjacent to residential
B. When permissible outdoor storage is utilized, such storage shall be visually screened
from all adjacent building sites, public view, and public streets and alleys by a solid decorative
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 7 MARCH 22, 2018
F. Public storage facilities,outdoor
G. Public utility facilities and services;
H. Recreational facilities;
I. Other uses which are permitted in the C2 district with a CUP;
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 6 MARCH 22,2018
The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals,
comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the
neighborhood of the proposed amendment or within the city or injurious to .
property because the amendment is intended to insure that outdoor uses and
activities are properly regulated to mitigate impacts.
c. The City Council finds that the proposed amendment is consistent with the latest
adopted general plan, because the proposed amendments conform and promote the ,
Grand Terrace General Plan. The proposed amendments are consistent with the
land use designation of Industrial and Floodplain Industrial and implement Goal
2.4 and its policies.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 2 MARCH 22,2018
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18.39.010 -Purpose.
The purpose of the MR district is to provide for the development of low intensity. and low
impact light manufacturing and industrial uses. The regulations of this district are intended to
allow various manufacturing and industrial uses which operate free of objectionable noise, dust,
odor or other nuisances to other (nonindustrial uses) in planned architecturally' integrated
building groups.
18.39.020 -Permitted uses.
Permitted uses in the MR district shall be as follows:
A. Agricultural and nursery supplies and services;
B. Automotive related services (includes motorcycles, boats, recreational vehicles, trailers
and campers):parts and supplies;
C. Building maintenance services;
D. Building supplies sales; enclosed
E. Communication services;
F Equipment sales and services, indoor
G. Laundry and cleaning services;
I. Manufacturing-light facilities;
J. Mail order services;
K. Printing, blueprinting and reproduction services;
L. Public storage facilities; indoor
M. Research services;
N. Veterinary clinics (completely contained in a building);
O. Wholesale, storage and distribution facilities;
P Other uses which are permitted in the CM district without a CUP;
Q. Other uses which are determined by the planning commission to be similar in nature to
a use listed in this section;
R. Temporary uses which are determined by the community development director not to
have significant long-term impact on the environment. (Uses such as parking lot sales,
Christmas tree sales, seasonal sales, rummage sales, and others with review through the
land use approval or administrative site and architectural approval process in
accordance with Chapter 18.63, Site and Architectural Review.)
18.39.030 - Conditionally permitted uses.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 9 MARCH 22, 2018
y, morals,
comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the
neighborhood of the proposed amendment or within the city or injurious to .
property because the amendment is intended to insure that outdoor uses and
activities are properly regulated to mitigate impacts.
c. The City Council finds that the proposed amendment is consistent with the latest
adopted general plan, because the proposed amendments conform and promote the ,
Grand Terrace General Plan. The proposed amendments are consistent with the
land use designation of Industrial and Floodplain Industrial and implement Goal
2.4 and its policies.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 2 MARCH 22,2018
4 1 PAGE OF 1 MARCH 22, 2018
Uses permitted in the MR district with a conditional use permit are as follows:
A. Automotive related services (includes motorcycles, boats, recreational vehicles, trailers.
and campers):
1. Rentals,
2. Repair,
3. Sales (new and used vehicles),
4. Service stations;
B. Building supplies and sales, outdoor;
C. Contractor's office and storage yards, outdoor;
D. Funeral homes (without crematory services);
F. Public storage facilities;
G. Recreational facilities;
H. Public utilities
I. Modular units for office purposes only;
J. Other uses which are permitted in the CM district with a CUP;
K. Other uses which are determined by the planning commission to be similar in nature to.
a use listed in this section.
18.39.040—Prohibited uses
Uses that include the storage of hazardous and/or flammable material is prohibited. Such uses;
include, but are not limited,to pallet yard, and other wood products, and tire storage.
18.39.050 - Site development standards.
Site development standards in the MR district are as follows:
Development Issue Standard
Lot(Minimum square feet) Area 20,000
Lot Width 70
(Minimum linear feet)
Lot Depth 100
(Minimum linear feet)
Street Frontage 70
(Minimum linear feet)
(Minimum linear feet)
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 10 MARCH 22, 2018.
Temporary uses which are determined by the community development director not to
have significant long-term impact on the environment. (Uses such as parking lot sales,
Christmas tree sales, seasonal sales, rummage sales, and others with review through the
land use approval or administrative site and architectural approval process in
accordance with Chapter 18.63, Site and Architectural Review.)
18.39.030 - Conditionally permitted uses.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 9 MARCH 22, 2018
y, morals,
comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the
neighborhood of the proposed amendment or within the city or injurious to .
property because the amendment is intended to insure that outdoor uses and
activities are properly regulated to mitigate impacts.
c. The City Council finds that the proposed amendment is consistent with the latest
adopted general plan, because the proposed amendments conform and promote the ,
Grand Terrace General Plan. The proposed amendments are consistent with the
land use designation of Industrial and Floodplain Industrial and implement Goal
2.4 and its policies.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 2 MARCH 22,2018
4 1 PAGE OF 1 MARCH 22, 2018
front yard 25, with 10' landscape
rear yard (except when adjacent to a lot in an R District, then 25 feet, 0
with 10 foot landscape setback)
side yard (except when adjacent to a lot in an R district, then 25 feet, 0
with 10 foot landscape setback)
street side yard 15, with 5' landscape
Height 35
(minimum linear feet)
Lot Coverage
(maximum percent, less the required parking, setbacks, and 100
18.39.060 - Storage and trash facilities.
A. Permitted outdoor storage shall be set back 25 feet when adjacent to residential
B. When permissible outdoor storage is utilized, such storage shall be visually screened
from all adjacent building sites, public view, and public streets and alleys by a solid decorative
masonry wall of a height sufficient to screen all materials stored outdoors, but not less than 6 feet
in height, or by a building.
B. The screening herein required shall be established at or before the time any area is used
for outdoor storage.
C. Where topographical conditions or existing structures are such that strict compliance with
the requirements of this section would not be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this
section,the Planning Commission may waive compliance with all or part of such requirements.
D. Trash enclosures shall be required. Trash enclosures shall be screened by a six-foot-high
decorative block wall with metal gates. Metal gates shall be attached to metal posts.
18.39.070 - Off-street parking.
The provisions of Chapter 18.60 shall apply in determining the amount of parking space that
must be provided for each use located in the MR district.
18.39.080 - Signs.
The provisions of Chapter 18.80 shall apply to all signs in the MR district.
18.39.090 - Site and architectural review.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 11 MARCH 22,2018
, 2018
y, morals,
comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the
neighborhood of the proposed amendment or within the city or injurious to .
property because the amendment is intended to insure that outdoor uses and
activities are properly regulated to mitigate impacts.
c. The City Council finds that the proposed amendment is consistent with the latest
adopted general plan, because the proposed amendments conform and promote the ,
Grand Terrace General Plan. The proposed amendments are consistent with the
land use designation of Industrial and Floodplain Industrial and implement Goal
2.4 and its policies.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 2 MARCH 22,2018
4 1 PAGE OF 1 MARCH 22, 2018
The,provisions of Chapter 18.63 for site and architectural review shall apply in the MR,
18.39.100-Commercial modular units.
The provisions of Chapter 18.66 for commercial ;modular units shall apply in the MR,
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 12 MARCH 22, 2018:
s Commission further hereby
recommends approval of Zoning Code Amendment 17-04 to the City Council, as
contained in attached Exhibit 1 of this resolution and incorporated herein by reference.
Debra L. Thomas, CMC om Comstock
City Clerk Chairman
roved as to f .
Ric rd L. dams, II
• y Attorney
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 3 MARCH 22,2018
18.40.010 -Purpose.
The purpose of the M2 district is to provide for the development of medium manufacturing
and industrial uses. The regulations of this district are intended to allow various manufacturing
and industrial uses which operate free of overly excessive noise, dust, odor or other nuisances
and can be made compatible to other(nonindustrial) districts.
18.40.020 -Permitted uses.
Permitted uses in the M2 district are as follows:
A. Agricultural and nursery supplies and services;
B. Automotive related services (includes motorcycles, boats, recreational vehicles, trailers
and campers):
1. Parts and supplies(wholesale and retail),
2. Rentals,
3. Repair;
C. Bakery (wholesale);
D. Building maintenance services;
E. Building supplies and sales (wholesale and retail), indoor;
F. Communication services;
G. Contractor's office and storage yards, indoor;
H. Heavy equipment sales and services, indoor;
I. Laundry and dry-cleaning facilities;
J. Mail order services;
K. Manufacturing-light and medium facilities;
L. Photography and film processing facilities;
M. Printing, blueprinting and reproduction services;
N. Public storage facilities; indoor
O. Recreational vehicle storage, indoor
P. Veterinary clinics (completely contained in a building);
Q. Wholesale, storage and distribution facilities;
R. Emergency shelters.
S. Other uses which are determined by the Planning Commission to be similar in nature to
a use listed in this Section.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 13 MARCH 22,2018
must be provided for each use located in the MR district.
18.39.080 - Signs.
The provisions of Chapter 18.80 shall apply to all signs in the MR district.
18.39.090 - Site and architectural review.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 11 MARCH 22,2018
, 2018
y, morals,
comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the
neighborhood of the proposed amendment or within the city or injurious to .
property because the amendment is intended to insure that outdoor uses and
activities are properly regulated to mitigate impacts.
c. The City Council finds that the proposed amendment is consistent with the latest
adopted general plan, because the proposed amendments conform and promote the ,
Grand Terrace General Plan. The proposed amendments are consistent with the
land use designation of Industrial and Floodplain Industrial and implement Goal
2.4 and its policies.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 2 MARCH 22,2018
4 1 PAGE OF 1 MARCH 22, 2018
T. Temporary uses which are determined by the Community Development Director not to
have a significant long term impact on the environment. (Uses such as parking lot sales,;
Christmas tree sales, seasonal sales, rummage sales, and others with review through the
land use approval or administrative site and architectural approval process in'
accordance with Chapter 18.63, Site and Architectural Review).
18.40.030 - Conditionally permitted uses.
Uses permitted in the M2 district with a conditional use permit are as follows:
A. Automotive related services (includes motorcycles, boats, recreational vehicles, trailers
and campers):
1. Sales (new and used vehicles),
2. Service stations;
B. Funeral homes (with crematory services);
C Building supplies and sales (wholesale and retail), outdoor
D. Heavy equipment sales and repair, outdoor
E. Plant nurseries,wholesale, outdoor;
F Public storage facilities,with, outdoor;
G Public utilities and facilities
H. Recreational facilities;
I. Recreational vehicle storage, outdoor;
J. Modular units for business office or headquarter,purposes only;
K. Other uses which are determined by the planning commission to be similar in nature to
a use listed in this section.
18.39.040—Prohibited uses
Uses that include the storage of hazardous and/or flammable material is prohibited. Such uses
include,but are not limited,to pallet yard, and other wood products, and tire storage.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 14 MARCH 22, 2018
mmission to be similar in nature to
a use listed in this Section.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 13 MARCH 22,2018
must be provided for each use located in the MR district.
18.39.080 - Signs.
The provisions of Chapter 18.80 shall apply to all signs in the MR district.
18.39.090 - Site and architectural review.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 11 MARCH 22,2018
, 2018
y, morals,
comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the
neighborhood of the proposed amendment or within the city or injurious to .
property because the amendment is intended to insure that outdoor uses and
activities are properly regulated to mitigate impacts.
c. The City Council finds that the proposed amendment is consistent with the latest
adopted general plan, because the proposed amendments conform and promote the ,
Grand Terrace General Plan. The proposed amendments are consistent with the
land use designation of Industrial and Floodplain Industrial and implement Goal
2.4 and its policies.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 2 MARCH 22,2018
4 1 PAGE OF 1 MARCH 22, 2018
18.40.050 - Site development standards.
Site development standards in the M2 district are as follows:
Development Issue Standard
Lot Area 20,000
(Minimum square feet)
Lot Width 70
(Minimum linear feet)
Lot Depth 100
(Minimum linear feet)
Street Frontage 70
(Minimum linear feet)
(Minimum linear feet)
1525,with 10'
front yard landscape
rear yard (except when adjacent to a lot in an R District, then 25 feet, with 10 0
foot landscape setback)
side yard (except when adjacent to a lot in an R district, then 25 feet, with 10 0,
foot landscape setback)
Height 35
(minimum linear feet)
Lot Coverage 100
(maximum percent, less the required parking, setbacks, and landscaping)
18.40.060 - Storage and trash facilities.
A. Permitted outdoor storage shall be set back 25 feet when adjacent to residential
B. When permissible outdoor storage is utilized, such storage shall be visually screened
from all adjacent building sites, public view, and public streets and alleys by a solid decorative
masonry wall of a height sufficient to screen all materials stored outdoors,but not less than 6 feet
in height, or by a building.
B. The screening herein required shall be established at or before the time any area is used
for outdoor storage.
C. Where topographical conditions or existing structures are such that strict compliance with
the requirements of this section would not be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this
section,the Planning Commission may waive compliance with all or part of such requirements.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 15 MARCH 22,2018
hall apply to all signs in the MR district.
18.39.090 - Site and architectural review.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 11 MARCH 22,2018
, 2018
y, morals,
comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the
neighborhood of the proposed amendment or within the city or injurious to .
property because the amendment is intended to insure that outdoor uses and
activities are properly regulated to mitigate impacts.
c. The City Council finds that the proposed amendment is consistent with the latest
adopted general plan, because the proposed amendments conform and promote the ,
Grand Terrace General Plan. The proposed amendments are consistent with the
land use designation of Industrial and Floodplain Industrial and implement Goal
2.4 and its policies.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 2 MARCH 22,2018
4 1 PAGE OF 1 MARCH 22, 2018
D. Trash enclosures shall be required. Trash enclosures shall be screened by a six foot high
decorative block wall with metal gates. Metal gates shall be attached to metal posts.
18.40.070 - Off-street parking.
The provisions of Chapter 18.60 shall apply in determining the amount of parking space that.
must be provided for each use located in the M2 district.
18.40.080 - Signs.
The provisions of Chapter 18.80 shall apply to all signs in the M2 district.
18.40.090 - Site and architectural review.
The provisions of Chapter 18.63 for site and architectural review shall apply in the M2,
18.40.100—Commercial modular units.
The provisions of Chapter 18.66 for commercial modular units shall apply in the M2
18.04.110 Interim use standards
Where topographical or other conditions exist, the following standards shall apply to
industrial uses within the Floodplain Overlay District for interim uses, as approved by the
Planning Commission:
A. The minimum streetscape and parking setback requirement shall be contiguous with the
ultimate right-of-way line,but in no case less than ten feet.
B. There shall be no minimum landscape coverage requirements, except that which is
necessary for screening purposes as determined by the planning director.
C. All parking and storage areas shall be paved with slag, crushed aggregate, asphaltic
concrete, or concrete. The location, number, and design of said parking shall be in
accordance with Code requirements.
D. All parking and storage areas, and other interim uses which require screening as
determined by the planning director, shall be screened from public view through a
combination of landscaping and fencing. Fencing may include a six-foot chain-link color
coated fence with slats, masonry or concrete, wood, or decorative metal. Screening must
be maintained in good condition at all times.
E. Landscaping required for screening purposes shall include 15-gallon trees and five-;
gallon shrubs to provide a dense landscape buffer to afford maximum screening from the
public view, satisfactory to the planning director.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 16 , MARCH 22, 2018
es and
activities are properly regulated to mitigate impacts.
c. The City Council finds that the proposed amendment is consistent with the latest
adopted general plan, because the proposed amendments conform and promote the ,
Grand Terrace General Plan. The proposed amendments are consistent with the
land use designation of Industrial and Floodplain Industrial and implement Goal
2.4 and its policies.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 2 MARCH 22,2018
4 1 PAGE OF 1 MARCH 22, 2018
New Chapter 18.74
Chapter 18.74 Performance Standards
Applicability. The following requirements shall apply to the use of land throughout the
city. The City has the authority to establish any conditions of approval on land uses to ensure
conformance with these standards.
A. Property Maintenance. Property owners are responsible for the continuous maintenance
of all buildings, structures, yards, landscaping, signs, parking areas, and other
improvements in a manner which does not detract from the appearance of the
surrounding area.
B. Noise standards. All uses shall comply with the noise standards set forth in the City's
noise ordinance, contained in chapter 8.108.
C. Odor. No operation or activity shall be permitted to emit odorous gases or other
odorous matter in such quantities as to be dangerous, injurious, noxious, or otherwise
objectionable which is detectable with or without the aid of instruments at or, beyond
the property line
D. Particulate matter and air contaminants standards. The operation of facilities shall not
directly or indirectly discharge air contaminants into the atmosphere, including smoke,
sulfur compounds, dust, soot, carbon, noxious acids, gases, mist, odors, or particulate
matter, or other air contaminants or combinations which exceed any local, state or
federal air quality standards or which might be obnoxious or offensive to anyone
residing or conducting business either on.site or abutting the subject site. Particulate
matter shall not be discharged into the atmosphere in excess of the standards of federal
and state requirements
E. Vibration standards. Uses shall be operated in compliance with the following
1. The generation of vibration of a duration and intensity so as to be excessive,
disturbing, or objectionable to persons located offsite, shall not be permitted
2. Uses shall not generate ground vibration that interferes with the operations of
equipment and facilities of adjoining parcels.
F. Temperature. No operation or activity shall emit heat or cold which would cause a
temperature increase or decrease on any adjacent property in excess of ten (10) degrees
Fahrenheit, whether the change is in the air, on the ground, or in any structure
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 17 MARCH 22,2018
the proposed amendment is consistent with the latest
adopted general plan, because the proposed amendments conform and promote the ,
Grand Terrace General Plan. The proposed amendments are consistent with the
land use designation of Industrial and Floodplain Industrial and implement Goal
2.4 and its policies.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 2 MARCH 22,2018
4 1 PAGE OF 1 MARCH 22, 2018
G. Illumination. No operation,activity, sign, or lighting fixture shall create illumination on
adjacent property that exceeds three foot-candles, whether the illumination is direct or
indirect light from the source, as measured from the property line.
H. Electrical disturbance. No operation or activity shall cause any source of electrical or
electronic disturbance that adversely affects persons or the operation of any equipment
on any other lot and is not in conformance with the regulations of the Federal
Communication Commission.
Radioactive materials. No operation or activities shall be permitted which result at any
time in the release or emission of any fissionable or radioactive materials into the
atmosphere, the ground, or sewerage system.
J. Discharges. No operation or action shall discharge at any point into any public or
private street, public or private sewer, stream, body of water, or into the ground any,
materials of such nature or temperature as can contaminate any water supply, interfere
with bacterial processes in sewage treatment, or otherwise cause the emission of
dangerous or offensive elements, except in accord with applicable standards approved
by governmental agencies having jurisdiction. All grading, grubbing, clearing, soil
disturbance, an/or construction operations shall comply with the erosion control and
best management practices of the city's current permit for the National Pollution
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), as it may be amended from time to time.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 18 MARCH 22, 2018
and state requirements
E. Vibration standards. Uses shall be operated in compliance with the following
1. The generation of vibration of a duration and intensity so as to be excessive,
disturbing, or objectionable to persons located offsite, shall not be permitted
2. Uses shall not generate ground vibration that interferes with the operations of
equipment and facilities of adjoining parcels.
F. Temperature. No operation or activity shall emit heat or cold which would cause a
temperature increase or decrease on any adjacent property in excess of ten (10) degrees
Fahrenheit, whether the change is in the air, on the ground, or in any structure
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 17 MARCH 22,2018
the proposed amendment is consistent with the latest
adopted general plan, because the proposed amendments conform and promote the ,
Grand Terrace General Plan. The proposed amendments are consistent with the
land use designation of Industrial and Floodplain Industrial and implement Goal
2.4 and its policies.
RESOLUTION 2018-44 1 PAGE OF 2 MARCH 22,2018
4 1 PAGE OF 1 MARCH 22, 2018