AGENDA18, 2023
Council ChambersRegular Meeting6:30 PM
The public is encouraged to address the Planning Commission/Site & Architectural Review Boardon any
matter posted on the agenda or on any other matter within its jurisdiction. If you wish to address the
Planning Commission/Site & Architectural Review Board, please complete a Request to Speak Card and
hand it to the City Clerk. Speakers will be called upon by the Chair at the appropriate time and each
person is allowed three (3) minutes speaking time.
If you would like to participate telephonically and speak on an agenda item, you can access the meeting
by dialing the following telephone number and you will be placed in the waiting room, muted until it is your
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Enter Meeting ID: 863 1820 8641
Password: 373042
The City wants you to know that you can also submit your comments by email to
ccpubliccomment@grandterrace-ca.gov. To give the City Clerkadequate time to print out your comments
for consideration at the meeting, please submit your written comments prior to 5:00 p.m.; or if you are
unable to email, please call the City Clerkat (909) 954-5207by 5:00 p.m.
If you wish to have your comments read to the Planning Commission/Site & Architectural Review Board
during the appropriate Public C
Planning Commission/Site & Architectural Review Boardwill be subject to the three (3) minute time
limitation (approximately 350 words).
Pursuant to the provisions of the Brown Act, no action may be taken on a matter unless it is listed on the
agenda, or unless certain emergency or special circumstances exist. The Planning Commission/Site &
Architectural Review Boardmay direct staff to investigate and/or schedule certain matters for
consideration at a future Planning Commission/Site & Architectural Review Boardmeeting.
PLEASE NOTE: Copies of staff reports and supporting documentation pertaining to each item on this
agenda are available for public viewing and inspection at City Hall, 1 st Floor Lobby Area and 2 nd Floor
www.grandterrace-ca.gov. For
further information regarding agenda items, please contact the office of theCity Clerkat (909) 954-5207,
or via e-mail atdthomas@grandterrace-ca.gov.
Any documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission/Site & Architectural Review Board
City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours. In addition, such documents will be
t www.grandterrace-ca.gov.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this
meeting, please contact the City Clerk954-5207at least 48 hours prior to the advertised
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accessibility to this meeting. Later requests will be accommodated to the extent feasible.
City of Grand TerracePage 1
Agenda Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board May 18, 2023
Convene the Meeting of the Planning Commission and Site and Architectural Review
AB 2449 Disclosures
Remote participation by a member of the legislative body for just cause or emergency
Attendee Name Present Absent Late Arrived
Chair Edward A. Giroux
Vice-Chair Tara Cesena
Commissioner David Alaniz
Commissioner Aron Burian
Commissioner Scot Mathis
Public address to the Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by
the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written
request to be agendized to the Director of Planning and Development Services.
This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not
appearing on the regular agenda. Because of restrictions contained in California Law,
the Planning Commission may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but
may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification. The
Chairman may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public
comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting.
City of Grand Terrace Page 2
Agenda Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board May 18, 2023
1. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 03/16/2023
1. Conditional Use Permit 22-04, Site and Architectural Review 22-16, and Environmental
22-14, Proposing a Quick Quack, Located at the Southeast Corner of Commerce Way
and Michigan Street, Grand Terrace Town Square (Assessor's Parcel Number 1167-
1) Conduct a public hearing; and
(GRAND TERRACE TOWN SQUARE - APN: 1167-231-23-0000)
Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting of the Site and Architectural Review
Board/Planning Commission to be held on June 1 at 6:30 p.m.
City of Grand Terrace Page 3
Council ChambersRegular Meeting6:30 PM
Chair Edward Giroux convenes the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission and
Site and Architectural Review Board for Thursday, March 16, 2023, 6:30 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance
Chair Edward Giroux led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendee NameTitleStatusArrived
Edward A. GirouxChairPresent
Tara CesenaVice-ChairRemote
David AlanizCommissionerPresent
Aron BurianCommissionerPresent
Scot MathisCommissionerPresent
Jamie TraxlerAssistant City AttorneyPresent
Haide AguirreSenior PlannerPresent
Lanita PerezDepartment SecretaryPresent
1.Motion:March 16, 2023 Approval of Agenda
MOVER:Scot Mathis, Commissioner
SECONDER:Aron Burian, Commissioner
AYES:Giroux, Cesena, Alaniz, Burian, Mathis
1.Government Affairs Manager, Mark Cloud via Zoom introduced Senior Advisor,
Dave Intner, AIA, CEM, LEED AP who presented a PowerPoint
Chair Giroux asked for clarification on generating power with current and future
resources to sustain growth and transition to electric energy. Dave Intner, Senior
City of Grand TerracePage 1
Packet Pg. 4
Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board March 16, 2023
Advisor with Mark Cloud, Government Affairs Manager was able to assure with
clarity that the load has grown to accommodate the growing infrastructure.
A lengthy discussion between Chair Giroux, Dave Intner, Senior Advisor, and
Mark Cloud, Government Affairs Manager on present and future energy
Vice Chair Cesena asked about grants for homeowners that will be transitioning
to cleaner energy resources. Dave Intner, Senior Advisor mentioned there are a
few incentives for existing construction through the Inflation Reduction Act and
California Clean Tech as sources.
Haide Aguirre, Senior Planner assured that the City will consult energy aspects
with outside sources to confirm compliance.
Chair Giroux opened public comment at 7:39 p.m.
Chair Giroux closed public comment at 7:40 p.m.
Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting - 3/2/2023
2. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 03/02/2023
MOVER: David Alaniz, Commissioner
SECONDER: Edward A. Giroux, Chair
AYES: Giroux, Cesena, Alaniz, Burian, Mathis
Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 16, 2023 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR)
City of Grand Terrace Page 2
Packet Pg. 5
Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board March 16, 2023
Vice Chair Ceseña expressed her appreciation for the Blue Mountain Hike.
Commissioner Burian asked staff for the reporting requirements for the upcoming
Planning Commissioner
available. Haide Aguirre, Senior Planner responded with a brief verbal presentation that
can be presented at the next Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Regular
Commissioner Alaniz requested an update on the Blue Mountain Trail Head. Haide
Aguirre, Senior Planner responded with there are no updates at this time and Public
Works has made the project a priority for the City.
Chair Giroux attended the City Council ODS Workshop and expressed his appreciation
for the staff and the work they put into the plan.
Chair Giroux adjourned the regular meeting of the Planning Commission/Site and
Architectural Review Board at 7:44 p.m. The next scheduled meeting of the Planning
Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board is to be held on April 6, 2023, at 6:30
Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 16, 2023 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR)
City of Grand Terrace Page 3
Packet Pg. 6
MEETING DATE:May 18, 2023
TITLE:Conditional Use Permit 22-04, Site and Architectural Review
22-16, and Environmental 22-14, Proposing a Quick Quack,
Located at the Southeast Corner of Commerce Way and
Michigan Street, Grand TerraceTown Square (Assessor's
Parcel Number 1167-231-23-0000)
PRESENTED BY:Haide Aguirre, Senior Planner
RECOMMENDATION:1) Conduct a public hearing; and
APN: 1167-231-23-0000)
This item supports Goal 3 to Promote Economic DevelopmentandGoal 2.3 to Provide
a wide range of retail and service commercial opportunities designated to meet the
needs of the City's residents, businesses, and visitors while also providing employment
Vance Shannon("Applicant") representing Quick Quack, has filed a Conditional Use
Permit, Site and Architectural Review, Sign,and Environmental applications toconstruct
a 3,596square-foot carwashwith eighteenvacuum parking stations, five employee
parking spaces,anda three lane queuing capacity for approximately twenty-two
vehicleson a 1.37-acre site located at the southeast corner of Commerce Way and
Michigan Street, at Grand Terrace Town Square(APN: 1167-231-23-0000).
The site improvementsincludevacuum parking stations, employee parking stations,EV
charging,landscaping, trash enclosure, access, lighting, right-of-way landscape, a
Packet Pg. 7
demonstration garden, andpublic (artmosaic bench). The proposed Project signs will
be reviewed administratively with a Sign Application for compliance with the Municipal
Code Sign Chapter 18.80 and the Grand Terrace Town Square Sign Program. The
Projects hours of operation will be Monday through Sunday from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
It is anticipated there will be two to four employees on site at any given time.
The Project is zoned Barton Road Specific Plan ("BRSP"), General Commercial (GC).
The Project site is on the southeast corner of Michigan Street and Commerce Way,
located about 400-feet south of Barton Road and about 700-feet from Interstate-215
Freeway. The site consists of 1.37-acres of vacant land. The property gradually slopes
from the highest grade at the eastern property line towards Michigan Street. The grade
difference is of approximately eighteen feet in a span of 278-linear feet. The site has
seven existing palm trees along the south side of the property, all trees will be reused
as part of the Project. The site
adjacent to vacant land next to Stater Bros.
Surrounding uses are as follows:
Zoning General Plan Existing Land Uses
North BRSP-General General Commercial Commercial-Auto Zone Auto
Commercial Parts
East BRSP-General General Commercial Commercial Stater Bros.
Commercial Market
South R1-7.2-Single Family Low Density Single Family Residential
Residential Residential
West CM Commercial General Commercial Commercial Animal
Manufacturing Hospital
Land Use
The property is designated General Commercial ("GC") within the General Plan Land
Use Element. This designation encompasses the area between Interstate-215 and
Canal Street. The Project is consistent with the General Commercial Land Use
Designation which goal is to provide a wide range of retail services and commercial
Packet Pg. 8
The Project is consistent with the Circulation Element Policies. Michigan Street is a
Secondary Highway with 88-foot right-of-way. Secondary Highways connect to the local
street system, serving both local and non-local traffic as well as commercial areas. The
proposed Project will not require additional dedication; however, the Applicant will
provide the necessary street improvements as determined by the Public Works
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines established in July 2020, the project will not
require a TIA because all retail projects less than 50,000 square feet are screened and
presumed to have a less than significant impact absent substantial evidence to the
However, the Applicant provided a Trip Generation, Queuing, and Parking Analysis
prepared by Kimley Horn. The analysis evaluated three Quick Quack sites (Murrieta,
Yucaipa, and Corona).
The Trip Generation, the analysis indicates that
the two driveways with 60% of the trips coming from Commerce Way and 40% of the
89 trips during the AM peak hour, and 90 to 114 during the PM peak hour, and from 48
to 129 trips during the Saturday peak hour.
generate trips within the range observed at existing Quick Quack sites.
The Queuing Analysis anticipates a total of 22 vehicles could be accommodated from
the entrance to the carwash lane to the carwash tunnel. The queuing capacity for the
Project is more than vehicle queues observed at existing Quick Quack sites; therefore, it
can be concluded that no queuing impact with vehicles queues extending beyond the
The Parking Occupancy at Yucaipa, Murrieta, and Corona is of 21, 18, and 16 parking
twenty-three parking spaces.
Based on the parking occupancy surveyed, the number of parking spaces with vacuum
facility provided at the Project site are more than the maximum observed parking
The analysis indicates that the proposed onsite circulation, queuing, and parking
demand can support the Project and meets the intent of the Circulation Element.
The Project is consistent with the Noise Element. The hours of operation are from 7:00
a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The proposed building location has been oriented to direct sound
away from adjacent uses. The operating hydraulic wash equipment and electric blowers
are located inside the building. The entrance to the automated conveyor belt is located
over 100 feet from the existing residential zoning located to the south. The drying
blowers will be located at the building exit fronting Commerce Way approximately over
Packet Pg. 9
200-feet from the residential zoning. In addition, there is an existing thirty-foot wide alley
and a six-foot height decorative block wall separating and creating a noise barrier
between the residential zoning and shopping center. The
Grand Terrace Noise Element identifies 65dB as a normally acceptable noise level for
retail commercial and restaurant uses. Compliance with the Noise Ordinance is a
standard requirement and has been included in the Conditions of Approval. However,
based on the design features and distance of adjacent uses, the city does not anticipate
noise concerns regarding this Proposal.
Water Quality
In compliance with the Open Space and Conservation Element, the Applicant has
prepared a Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan and a Preliminary Soils
Engineering Investigation Report. The structure and site improvements will be built
strictly in compliance with the current Grand Terrace Building Code and the San
Bernardino County Fire Department Regulations.
The Project complies with the Barton Road Specific Plan, General Commercial
designation within which the This area is
in transition with several vacant properties being developed. The proposed Project is
consistent with the development standards established on the Barton Road Specific
Plan-General Commercial District (Planning Area 1 Mater Plan Area 1). The Project
complies with all other development standards including building height and lot
Conditional Use Permit
The use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare
of the persons residing or working within the neighborhood.
Quick Quack is an environmentally friendly business. The water usage is reclaimed
from the showroom, which filters the water and sends it back to the wash equipment to
be re-used. In addition, the soaps are biodegradable and water soluble. The carwash
cycle takes approximately three minutes.
The Trip Generation, Queuing, and Parking Analysis anticipates no impacts to the site
or neighboring properties. There are no noise issues. The Project is consistent with the
General Plan.
The Findings in support of the CUP are included in the attached Resolution for the
Grading/Site Plan/ Landscape
The site gradually slopes from the east (highest grade) to the west by approximately
eighteen feet. There is an existing underground system located on the east side of the
Packet Pg. 10
Terrace Town Square.A memo letter was prepared by Kimley Horn stating "the
proposed carwash is not going to create any adverse effects to the originally planned
stormwater . In addition, the site has seven existing palm trees, some of
which will be relocated; however, all will be protected.
The proposed 3,596-square foot building will be roughly center on the 1.37-acre land.
The ingress/egress access is located on the north side of the property. An immediate
right lane directs traffic into the three queuing lanes located on the west side of the
building. There is a secondary emergency access located on the south side of the
property allowing cars to exit the site.
The trash enclosure and equipment will be located on the east side of the project site
and will be enclosed with a decorative block wall.
The Project is proposing a total of 32.24% landscape areas, which exceeds the 25%
landscape requirement. The project will include perimeter landscape around the project
site and around the building. The landscaping will delineate the queuing vehicular
access, and a landscape median will enhance and separate the proposed vacuum
parking stations.
In addition, the project is proposing a demonstration garden fronting Michigan Street
creating a sixty-five-feet barrier between the public street and the carwash queuing
lanes. The demonstration garden will include a meandering path and dense vegetation
with a variety of species marked with a description plaque. The public art in the form of
a mosaic bench, will be located within the demonstration garden.
The public right-of-way fronting Commerce Way and Michigan Street will be conditioned
to be fully landscaped, irrigated, and maintained by the Applicant. The Project has been
conditioned to include four trees in front of Commerce Way.
There are four existing street trees at Michigan Street that will be conditioned to be
protected in place or replaced if damaged.
Some of the planting material
The landscape has been conditioned to be compliant with the Municipal Code and with
the most recent Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance by the State of California.
Architectural Floor Plans and Elevations
The Project is proposing a 3,596-square foot building roughly center on the 1.37-acre
land. The size of the building is small
Town Square
building has been oriented parallel to Michigan Street.
Packet Pg. 11
The proposed building architecture will be compatible with the adjacent development
and will include architecture accents such as wood cornice features and decorative
stone veneer. The building structure will be visually harmonious and include wall
articulation in the form of wall projections and height variations. The building proposes a
maximum height of 29-feet for the architectural building elements (tower) consistent with
the zoning.
architecture will complement the surrounding development.
Town Square The base building colors (white and beige) will match the shopping
center and the accent color palette will include earthy browns and muted yellow
(Sherwin Wi
In addition, the proposed trash enclosure and mechanical equipment will match the
buildings architecture and color.
o the
Planning Division. The location and number of all signs associated with this Project will
be reviewed for consistency with the scale and character of the building to which they
are attached or otherwise associated with and will be reviewed for consistency with the
Grand Terrace Municipal Code and Grand Terrace Town Square Sign Program.
The Project Plans were distributed to various agencies and City Departments for review
and comments have been included on the resolution from Building and Safety, Public
Works, San Bernardino County Fire, and Burrtec.
The Applicant will be required to obtain clearances from pertaining agencies, including
Riverside Highland Water Company and Colton Water and Wastewater Division.
The Project qualifies for a categorical exemption, pursuant to Section 15332 of the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, which exempts infill projects
that (a) are consistent with the general plan designation and zoning regulations; (b) the
development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres
substantially surrounded by urban uses; (c) the site has no value as habitat for
endangered, rare or threatened species; (d) approval of the Project would not result in
any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality; and (e) the
site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public service.
Public notice of the Project was published in Grand Terrace City News, posted at three
public places, and mailed to property owners within 500-foot radius of the site.
To date, staff has not received any comments.
Packet Pg. 12
The Project is consistent with the General Commercial Designation which goal is to
provide a wide range of retail services and promote economic development. The Project
is consistent with the zoning requirements. There are no anticipated impacts regarding
traffic, parking, queuing, and noise. The building architecture, landscape, demonstration
garden, and public art will enhance the downtown character. The findings in support of
this project are included on the Resolution.
Staff recommends adoption of the attached Resolution adopting and finding an
environmental exemption for the Project pursuant to section 15332 of the CEQA
guidelines and approving the Project.
Quick Quack Resolution (DOC)
Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (PDF)
Letter of Intent (PDF)
Site Photos (PDF)
Public Art, mosaic bench (PDF)
Elevation Renderings and Material Board (PDF)
Project Plans (PDF)
Notice of Exemption (DOC)
Haide Aguirre Completed 05/11/2023 1:00 PM
City Attorney Completed 05/12/2023 12:22 PM
Konrad Bolowich Completed 05/12/2023 12:59 PM
Planning Commission/Site And Architectural Review Board Pending 05/18/2023 6:30
Packet Pg. 13
WAY, (GRAND TERRACE TOWN SQUARE - APN: 1167-231-23-0000)
WHEREAS, Vance Shannon Applicantrepresenting Quick Quack Carwash,
has filed a Conditional Use Permit 22-04, Site and Architectural Review 22-16, Sign 22-
04, and Environmental 22-14 proposing to construct a 3,596 square-foot carwash with 18
vacuum stations and a queuing capacity for approximately a total of 22 vehicles on a
1.37-acre lot. The site improvements include, landscaping, a demonstration garden,
public art, trash enclosure, access, lighting, and street improvements; and
WHERAS, the Applicant has applied for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP 22-04)
pursuant of the Municipal Code, Barton Road Specific Plan, and General Commercial
zoning requirements for carwash uses; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has applied for a Site and Architectural Review (SA 22-
16) for the construction of the proposed development; and
WHERAS, the Applicant has applied for a Sign Application (SGN 22-04) for the
proposed wall signs, which has been conditioned to be reviewed and approved
administratively; and
WHEREAS, Conditional Use Permit (CUP 22-04), Site and Architectural Review
(SA 22-16), Sign (SPA 22-04), and Environmental (E 22-14) are collectively referred to as
the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Project site is zoned Barton Road Specific Plan (BRSP), General
Commercial, located at the southeast corner of Commerce Way and Michigan Street, at
Grand Terrace Town Square, APN: 1167-231-23-0000; and
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
WHEREAS, the Quick Quack hours of operation will be from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00
p.m., seven days per week, and there will be 2-4 team members on site depending on
the expected volume; and
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Packet Pg. 14
WHEREAS,the Project qualifies for a categorically exemption,pursuant to Section
15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, which exempts
infill projects that (a) are consistent with the general plan designation and zoning
regulations; (b) the development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than
five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses; (c) the site has no value as habitat for
endangered, rare or threatened species; (d) approval of the Project would not result in
any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality; and (e) the site
can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services; and,
WHEREAS, on May 18, 2023, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed
public hearing at a regular meeting on the Project at the Grand Terrace City Council
Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California 92313 and
concluded the hearing on said date; and
WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have
1. The recitals set forth above are true and correct and incorporated herein by this
2. Based upon the forgoing and all oral and written communications from members of
the public and City staff (including, but not limited to, all oral and written staff
reports and attachments) presented at the May 18, 2023, public hearing, the
Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board hereby finds that the
Project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15332, from the provisions of
the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and adopts Environmental 22-14.
The Notice of Exemption prepared in connection with the Project, attached hereto
as Exhibit #,has been reviewed and considered and reflects the independent
judgment of the Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board and is
hereby adopted.
3. Based upon the forgoing and all oral and written communications from members of
the public and City staff (including, but not limited to, all oral and written staff
reports and attachments) presented at the May 18, 2023, public hearing, the
Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board finds as follows with
respect to Conditional Use Permit 22-04:
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
a. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort,
or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the neighborhood
of the proposed Project or within the city. The proposed Quick Quack Carwash
(Project) is consistent with the Barton Road Specific Plan, General
Commercial District (BRSP,GC). This zoning is closest to the I-215 Freeway
conveniently located to provide general commercial uses to serve retail and
Page 2 of 22
Packet Pg. 15
needs of the communityand travelers.Quick Quack is environmentally friendly
as 100% of the water usage is reclaimed from the showroom, which filters the
water and sends it back to the wash equipment to be re-used. In addition, the
soaps are biodegradable and water soluble. The carwash conveyor keeps cars
continuously moving; the carwash cycle takes approximately three minutes,
and the vacuum stations will have an approximate use limit of five minutes.
The Trip Generation, Queuing, and Parking Analysis prepared by Kimley Horn
evaluated three Quick Quack sites located at Murrieta, Yucaipa, and Corona.
The analysis anticipates the following:
The Trip Generation: Project trips will be distributed between the two
driveways with 60% of the trips coming from Commerce Way and 40%
of the trips from Michigan Street. The number of trips observed at the
sites range from 64 to 89 trips during the AM peak hour, and 90 to 114
during the PM peak hour, and from 48 to 129 trips during the Saturday
peak hour. The proposed Project site is expected to generate trips
within the range observed at existing Quick Quack sites.
The Queuing Analysis: Assuming 25-feet per vehicle, a total of 22
vehicles could be accommodated from the entrance to the carwash lane
to the carwash tunnel. The queuing capacity for the Project is more than
vehicle queues observed at existing Quick Quack sites; therefore, it can
be concluded that no queuing impact with vehicles queues extending
beyond the carwash lane is anticipated at the proposed site.
The Parking Occupancy: at Yucaipa, Murrieta, and Corona is of 21, 18,
and 16 parking spaces, respectively. The proposed site has a total of
18 parking spaces with a vacuum facility and five additional parking
spaces for employees. Based on the parking occupancy surveyed, the
number of parking spaces with vacuum facility provided at the Project
site are more than the maximum observed parking occupancy demand;
therefore, no impact related to parking spaces is anticipated.
The Project is proposing hours of operations, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. It is
anticipated to have from 2-4 employees at any given time depending on
expected volume. On average each store employs a total of 18 Team
The operating equipment is located inside the building. Most of the wash
equipment is hydraulic except for the blowers that dry the car, which are
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
electric. The hydraulic pumps are contained inside the equipment room that
remains closed during operating hours. The blowers are located on the north
side of the building structure fronting Commerce Way and located at a distance
of about 200-feet from the existing residential zoning located to the south.
There are no noise concerns regarding this Proposal.
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Packet Pg. 16
Based on the items above stated, the Project will not be detrimental to the
health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the neighboring residents.
b. The proposed use will not be injurious to property or improvements in the
neighborhood or within the City. The Proposed use is consistent with the
zoning designation and meets the design standards. In addition, the Project will
not cause any impacts related to noise, parking, queuing, and traffic. The
Project frontage along Michigan Street and the corner of Commerce Way will
include a demonstration garden with a meandering path and native plants will
have a plaque with a description. In addition, the demonstration garden will
include a public art in the form of a mosaic bench. The Applicant will provide
the streetscape along the project frontages. The Project will be conditioned to
include a landscape and irrigation plan, the corner at Commerce Way and
Michigan Street will be conditioned to be fully landscaped and irrigated. The
Project will be conditioned to maintain all landscaping areas, including
maintenance of the landscape on the citys right-of-way. In addition, conditions
will be included for compliance with the citys Noise standards, the lighting
must remain on during the hours of operation, installation of security cameras,
on-site maintenance, and overall upkeep to the building exterior. The proposed
Project will not be injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or
City. The City has the authority to revoke a conditional use permit to ensure the
communitys health, safety, and welfare are protected, pursuant to Chapter
18.83-Conditional Use Permit.
c. The proposed use will be consistent with the latest adopted General Plan. The
proposed Quick Quack Carwash is consistent with the Barton Road Specific
Plan, General Commercial zoning designation and with the latest adopted
General Plan.
d. Conditions necessary to secure the purposes of the Barton Road Specific Plan,
General Commercial have been applied to the Project.
4. Based upon the forgoing and all oral and written communications from members of
the public and City staff (including, but not limited to, all oral and written staff
reports and attachments) presented at the May 18, 2023, public hearing, the
Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board finds as follows with
respect to Site and Architectural Review 22-16:
a. The Project is consistent with the intent of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code
and General Plan. The proposed Quick Quack Carwash is consistent with the
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
General Plan and is consistent with the Barton Road Specific Plan, General
Commercial designation, which supports carwash uses with a Conditional Use
Permit. The use is also consistent with the General Plan Land Use Element
Map which goal is to provide a wide range of retail and service commercial
opportunities designed to meet the needs of the Citys residents, businesses,
and visitors while also providing employment opportunities.
Page 4 of 22
Packet Pg. 17
The Project is consistent with the Circulation Element. Michigan Street is a
Secondary Highway with 88-foot right-of-way. Secondary Highways connect to
the local street system, serving both local and non-local traffic as well as
commercial areas. The proposed Project will not require additional dedication;
however, the Applicant will provide the necessary street improvements as
determined by the Public Works Department.
The Applicant provided a Trip Generation, Queuing, and Parking Analysis
prepared by Kimley Horn. The analysis evaluated three Quick Quack sites
located at Murrieta, Yucaipa, and Corona. However, pursuant to the Citys
Municipal Code Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Resolution and Traffic Impact
Analysis (TIA) Guidelines established in July 2020, the Project will not require a
TIA because all retail projects less than 50,000 square feet are screened and
presumed to have a less than significant impact absent substantial evidence to
the contrary.
The analysis prepared by Kimley Horn indicates that the Trip Generation
observed at the existing Quick Quack sites is expected to be within the same
range for this Proposed location. The queuing capacity for the Project is more
than the vehicle queues observed at existing Quick Quack sites; therefore, the
analysis concluded that no queuing impact with vehicles extending beyond the
carwash lane is anticipated. The Proposed parking occupancy totaling 23
parking spaces exceeds the parking demand observed during the analysis;
therefore, no impact related to parking spaces is projected.
The Project is consistent with the Noise Element. The hours of operation are
from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The proposed building location has been oriented
to direct sound away from adjacent uses. The operating hydraulic wash
equipment and electric blowers are located inside the building. The entrance to
the automated conveyor belt is located over 100 feet from the existing
residential zoning located to the south. The drying blowers will be located at
the building exit fronting Commerce Way approximately over 200-feet from the
residential zoning. In addition, there is an existing thirty-foot wide alley and a
six-foot height decorative block wall separating and creating a noise barrier
center. The Grand Terrace Noise Element identifies 65dB as a normally
acceptable noise level for retail commercial and restaurant uses. Compliance
with the Noise Ordinance is a standard requirement and has been included in
the Conditions of Approval. However, based on the design features and
distance of adjacent uses, the city does not anticipate noise concerns
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
regarding this Proposal.
In compliance with the Open Space and Conservation Element, the Applicant
has prepared a Water Quality Management Pan and a Preliminary Soils
Engineering Investigation Report. The structure will be built in compliance with
the Building Code and San Bernardino County Fire Department Regulations.
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Packet Pg. 18
The Project complies with the Barton Road Specific Plan, General Commercial
designation which overall goal is to create a dynamic downtown commercial
center that is attractive and of high quality, unifying community design image
and providing a balanced mixture of commercial and administrative
professional uses with safe, efficient circulation, and access. The General
Commercial designation is closest to the Interstate-215. This area is in
transition having several vacant properties being developed. The proposed
Project is consistent with the development standards established on the Barton
Road Specific Plan-General Commercial District (Planning Area 1 Mater Plan
Area 1). The Project complies with all other development standards including
building height and lot coverage.
b. The location and configuration of all structures associated with this Project are
visually harmonious with this site and surrounding sites and structures, as they
do not interfere with the neighbors privacy and do not unnecessarily block
scenic views from other structures and/or public areas and are in scale with the
townscape and natural landscape of the area. The proposed 3,596-square foot
building will be roughly center on the 1.37-acre land. The size of the building is
smaller than existing uses within the Grand Terrace Town Square. The
proposed building architecture will be compatible with the adjacent
development. The building structure will not interfere with neighbors privacy or
scenic views as the building has been oriented parallel to Michigan Street. The
building proposes a maximum height of 29-feet on the architectural building
elements (tower) and the height is consistent with the zoning. Overall, the
Project is consistent with the Barton Road Specific Plan goals and objectives to
create and enhance the downtown character, while promoting economic
development, and maintaining the community design character, environmental
quality, and a high level of public services. The proposed development is
consistent with surrounding uses, and it will help support the Goal to create a
dynamic commercial center.
c. The architectural design of structures, their materials, and colors are visually
harmonious with the surrounding development, natural landforms, are
functional for the Project and are consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal
Code. The proposed structure will comply with the Barton Road Specific Plan
Architectural guidelines. The proposed building architecture will be compatible
with the adjacent development on the Grand Terrace Town Square and will
include architecture accents such as wood cornice features and decorative
stone veneer. The building structure will be visually harmonious and include
wall articulation in the form of wall projections and height variations. The
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
proposed color palette is proposed to be in consistent with the zoning and
complementary with the Grand Terrace Town Square. The base building
colors (white and beige) will match the shopping center and the accent color
palette will include earthy browns and muted yellow (Sherwin Williams
Arresting Auburn, torchlight, and baguette). The proposed trash enclosure
and mechanical equipment will match the buildings architecture and color. The
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Packet Pg. 19
building lighting will include decorative metal sconces will highlight the building
architecture in the evening hours. The Projects architecture will complement
the surrounding development.
e. The plan for landscaping and open spaces provides a functional and visually
pleasing setting for the structures on this site and is harmonious with the
natural landscape of the area and nearby developments. The landscape will
enhance and complement the surrounding General Commercial area. The
Project is proposing a total of 32.24% landscape areas, which exceeds the
25% landscape requirement. The project will include perimeter landscape
around the project site, around the building, landscape will delineate the
entering and exiting queuing access, and a landscape median will enhance
and separate the proposed vacuum parking stations. In addition, the project is
proposing a demonstration garden fronting Michigan Street. The demonstration
garden will include a meandering path and dense vegetation with a variety of
species marked with a description plaque. The demonstration garden will also
include public art in the form of a mosaic bench. The entire public right-of-way
fronting Commerce Way will be conditioned to be landscaped, irrigated, and
maintained. The right-of-way path of travel from Commerce Way will provide
access to the project site and it will eventually connect with adjacent future
development. The street landscape fronting Michigan Street will also be
conditioned to be landscaped, irrigated, and maintained by the Applicant.
Pursuant to Municipal Code, Chapter 12.28, the project is required one tree for
each 40-feet of street frontage; therefore, the Project will be conditioned to
include four street trees in front of Commerce Way. There are four existing
street trees at Michigan Street that will be conditioned to be protected in place
or replaced if damaged. The proposed landscaping will include a variety of
trees, including Arbutus Marina, Coast Live Oak, Chitalpa Tashkentensis,
Ulmus Parvifolia, Western Redbud, California Buckle Eye and Arapaho.
The Proposed planting will include Bougainvillea, Agave Americana, Red
Yucca, Bush Ranger, Anigozanthos Bright Star, Penstemon,
Convoulvulus, to mention a few. The streetscape will be conditioned to be
compliant with the Municipal Code and with the most recent Model Water
Efficient Landscape Ordinance by the State of California.
e. There is no indiscriminate clearing of property, destruction of trees or natural
vegetation or the excessive and unsightly grading of hillsides, thus the natural
beauty of the City, its setting and natural landforms are preserved. The Project
site has seven existing palm trees, all the trees will be used as part of the
project at Commerce Way frontage. There will not be excessive and unsightly
grading of hills and clearing of property.
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
f. The design and location of all signs associated with this Project are consistent
with the scale and character of the building to which they are attached or
otherwise associated with and are consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal
Code. The Projects wall signs have been conditioned to be submitted for
review to the Planning Division. The location and number of all signs
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Packet Pg. 20
associated withthis Project will be reviewed for consistencywiththe scale and
character of the building to which they are attached or otherwise associated
with and will be reviewed for compliance with the Grand Terrace Municipal
Code and Grand Terrace Town Square Sign Program.
g. Conditions of approval for this Project necessary to secure the purposes of the
Grand Terrace Municipal Code and General Plan have been applied to the
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, based upon the forgoing and all oral and written
communications from members of the public and City staff (including, but not limited to,
all oral and written staff reports and attachments) presented at the May 18, 2023, Public
Hearing, Conditional Use Permit 22-04 and Site and Architectural Review 22-16 are
hereby approved subject to the following conditions:
Project Description
1. Conditional Use Permit 22-04 and Site and Architectural Review 22-16 are
approved to construct and establish a 3,596 square-foot Quick Quack carwash on
a 1.37-acre lot located at southeast corner of Commerce Way and Michigan Street
(APN:1167-231-23-0000), zoned Barton Road Specific Plan, General Commercial
(BRSP-GC). The Projects site improvements include three lanes with a queuing
capacity for approximately a total of twenty-two vehicles, eighteen vacuum parking
stations, five employee parking spaces some of which are EV charging,
landscaping, trash enclosure, access, lighting, right-of-way landscape, a
demonstration garden, and public art. The Projects hours of operation will be
Monday through Sunday from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. It is anticipated there will be
two-four employees on site at any given time. The proposed Project signs will be
reviewed administratively with a Sign Application for compliance with the Municipal
Code Sign Chapter 18.80 and the Grand Terrace Town Square Sign Program.
This approval is based on the application and materials submitted on October 21,
2022, including the latest revised plans and materials dated April 11, 2023. These
plans are approved as submitted and conditioned herein and shall not be further
altered except as modified by these conditions of approval, and unless reviewed
and approved by the affected City departments.
General Conditions
2. If not appealed, this approval shall become effective on the eleventh (11) day
after the date of the Planning Cproval; or the next city business
day following such eleventh (11) day when the eleventh (11) day is not a city
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
business day. This approval shall expire twelve (12) months from the date of
adoption of this resolution unless building permits have been issued and a
substantial investment in reliance of those permits has occurred; all conditions of
approval have been met; or a time extension has been granted by the City, in
accordance with Chapter 18.63-Site and Architectural Review and Chapter 18.83-
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Packet Pg. 21
Conditional Use Permitof the Zoning Code. Time extensionsshall be filed atleast
sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date.
3. Within 24 hours of this approval of the subject Project, the Applicant shall deliver a
payment of $50.00 and (check should be made out to the Clerk of the Board of
Supervisors) to enable the City to file the Notice of Exemption. If within such 48
hour period the payment has not been delivered to the Community Development
Department by the above-noted check, the statute of limitations for any interested
party to challenge the environmental determination under the provisions of the
California Environmental Quality Act could be significantly lengthened.
4. Construction shall be in substantial conformance with the plan(s) approved by the
Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board. Minor modification to
the plan(s) shall be subject to approval by the Planning and Development Services
Director upon submittal of the required application(s) and fee(s). Any modification
that exceeds 10% of the following allowable measurable design/site
considerations shall require the refiling of the original application and a
subsequent hearing by the appropriate hearing review authority if applicable:
a. On-site circulation and parking, loading and landscaping;
b. Placement and/or height of walls, fences and structures;
c. Reconfiguration of architectural features, including colors and modification of
finished materials that do not alter or compromise the previously approved
theme; and
d. A reduction in density or intensity of a development project.
5. Minor modifications to this approval which are determined by the Planning and
Development Services Director to be in substantial conformance with the
approved site plan, and which do not intensify or change the use or require any
deviations from adopted standards, may be approved by the Planning and
Development Services Director upon submittal of the required application(s) and
6. The Applicant shall indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless the City, and
any agency or instrumentality thereof, and its officers, officials, employees, or
agents thereof, from any and all claims, actions, suits, proceedings, or judgments
against the City, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, and any officers,
officials, employees, or agents thereof to attack, set aside, void, or annul, an
approval of the City, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, advisory agency,
appeal board, or legislative body, including actions approved by the voters of the
City, concerning the Project and the approvals granted herein. Furthermore, the
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Applicant shall indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless the City, or any
agency or instrumentality thereof, against any and all claims, actions, suits,
proceedings, or judgments against another governmental entity in which the
Applicants Project is subject to that other governmental entity's approval and a
condition of such approval is that the City indemnify and defend such
governmental entity.
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Packet Pg. 22
7.In the event that this approval is legally challenged, the City will promptly notify the
Applicant of any claim or action and will cooperate fully in the defense of the
matter. Once notified, the Applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold
harmless the city, their officers, agents and employees from any claim,
action or proceeding against the City of Grand Terrace. The Applicant further
agrees to reimburse the City of any costs and atto fees, which the City may
be required by a court to pay as a result of such action, but such participation shall
not relieve Applicant of his or her obligation under this condition.
8. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding, the
Applicant must sign e form and
content shall be prepared by the Planning and Development Services Department.
9. This permit or approval is subject to all the applicable provisions of the Grand
Terrace Municipal Code in effect at the time of approval, and includes
development standards and requirements relating to: dust and dirt control during
construction and grading activities; emission control of fumes, vapors, gases and
other forms of air pollution; glare control; exterior lighting design and control; noise
control; odor control; screening; signs, off-street parking and off-street loading;
and, vibration control. Screening and sign regulations compliance are important
considerations to the developer because they will delay the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy until compliance is met. Any exterior structural
equipment, or utility transformers, boxes, ducts, or meter cabinets shall be
architecturally screened by wall or structural element, blending with the building
design and include landscaping when on the ground.
10. During construction of the site, the Project shall comply with Grand Terrace
Municipal Code Section 8.108.040 (Special Activities) which prohibits construction
activities between the hours of 8:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday,
and no construction activity shall take place at any time on Sunday or national
11. Under no condition shall there be stockpiling of material prior to the issuance of
the first grading permit and related condition of approval for the grading permit
have been obtained.
12. Prior to the construction of perimeter fencing on shared property lines, the
Applicant shall submit a Fence/Wall agreement signed by the adjacent property
owners. As an alternative, the proposed wall and feces shall be constructed inside
the Projects property lines.
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
13. The Applicant shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System (NPDES).
14. The Applicant or assignee shall submit a lighting and security camera plan that
demonstrate onsite and offsite monitoring. The Security Plan shall be reviewed
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Packet Pg. 23
and approved by the Planning and Development Services Director prior to the
issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy.
15. The Applicant shall implement SCAQMD Rule 403 and standard construction
practices during all operations capable of generating fugitive dust, which will
include but not be limited to the use of best available control measures and
reasonably available control measures such as:
a. Water active grading areas and staging areas at least twice daily as needed;
b. Ensure that all disturbed areas are treated to prevent erosion until the site is
constructed upon.
c. Ensure that landscaped areas are installed as soon as possible to reduce
the potential for wind erosion.
d. Suspend grading activities when wind gusts exceed 25 mph;
e. Sweep public paved roads if visible soil material is carried off-site;
f. Enforce on-site speed limits on unpaved surface to 15 mph; and
g. Discontinue construction activities during Stage 1 smog episodes.
16. To reduce emissions, all equipment used in grading and construction must be
tuned and maintained to ths specification to maximize efficient
burning of vehicle fuel.
17. The Applicant shall ensure that existing power sources are utilized where feasible
via temporary power poles to avoid on-site power generation during construction.
18. The Project shall provide a public art as part of the development, such art shall be
reviewed and approved by the Planning Division.
19. The Applicant shall maintain and effectively utilize and schedule on-site equipment
in order to minimize exhaust emissions from truck idling.
20. Comply with all applicable SCAQMD rules and regulations including Rules 402
nuisance which require the implementation of Best Available Control Measures
(BACM) for each fugitive dust source; and the AQMP, which identifies Best
Available Control Technologies (BACT) for area sources and point sources,
21. All equipment used in earthwork must be tuned and maintained to the
manufacefficient burning of vehicle fuel.
22. Construction personnel shall be informed of ride sharing and transit opportunities.
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
23. Comply with all existing and future CARB and SCAQMD regulations related to
diesel-fueled trucks, which may include among others: (1) meeting more stringent
emission standards; (2) retrofitting existing engines with particulate traps; (3) use
of low sulfur fuel; and (4) use of alternative fuels or equipment.
24. If it is determined that hazardous wastes are or will be generated by the proposed
operation of the facility, the wastes shall be managed in accordance with the
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Packet Pg. 24
California HazardousWaste Control Law andthe Hazardous Waste Control
25. The Applicant franchised solid waste hauler to follow a
debris management plan to divert the material from landfills by the use of separate
recycling bins (e.g., wood, concrete, steel, aggregate, glass) during demolition and
construction to minimize waste and promote recycle and reuse of the materials
26. All future trash enclosures shall be roofed and match the future buildings in color
and finish.
27. All Development Impact fees shall be paid to the City of Grand Terrace prior to the
issuance of any building and/or construction permits. The Applicant shall pay all
required development impact fees to cover 100 percent of the pro rata share of the
estimated cost of public infrastructure, facilities, and services.
28. Prior to issuance of any Building and/or Construction Permits, the Applicant shall
submit to the Community Development Department proof of payment or waiver
from both the City of San Bernardino for sewer capacity fees and Colton Unified
School District for school impact fees.
29. Separate submittals and permits are required for all accessory structures such as,
but not limited to, trash enclosures, patios, block walls, and storage buildings.
30. In the event that exhibits, and written conditions are inconsistent, the written
conditions shall prevail.
31. Prior to the issuance of the first building permit, the Applicant shall provide a final
operations plan for the proposed extended hours of operation, including specific
information about security cameras, lighting, noise, and site maintenance. The
Operations Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning and
Development Services Director or designee.
32. Future changes to the hours of operation shall require a Minor Modification via an
Administrative Conditional Use Permit, for review and approval by the Planning
and Development Services Director. Such modifications shall require a revised
operational security plan, including but not limited to onsite security, lighting, noise,
and maintenance.
33. The Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board shall have the
authority to issue and revoke Conditional Use Permit 22-04 to ensure the
communitys health, safety and welfare by reviewing uses which may create
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
objectionable or undesirable effects upon nearby uses but may still be compatible
with the zoning.
34. The Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board may periodically
review, modify, or revoke a conditional use permit pursuant of Chapter 18.83 of
the Grand Terrace Municipal Code.
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Packet Pg. 25
35. Construction activities and business operational activities associated with the
Project shall comply with the regulations of e Ordinance, Chapter
8.108 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code.
36. The proposed business shall obtain a Business License from the Finance
Department and shall be renewed annually, at the beginning of each calendar
year, during the month of January, for as long as the business in operation.
37. The Applicant shall pay all applicable development impact fees and demonstrate
the payment of school impact fees to the Building and Safety Department.
38. All contractors shall acquire a valid City business license and be in compliance
with all City Codes.
39. The Applicant shall comply with all requirements of the City of Grand Terrace
Building and Safety Division, including the Conditions of Approval contained in the
Building and Safety Memorandum dated March 13, 2023, attached hereto as
Exhibit 1.
40. The Applicant shall comply with all requirements of the City of Grand Terrace
Public Works Division, including the Conditions of Approval contained in the Public
Works Memorandum dated April 20, 2023, attached hereto as Exhibit 2.
41. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall comply with the
Conditions of Approval contained in the San Bernardino County Fire Department,
permit number FPLN-2023-00021, attached hereto as Exhibit 3.
42. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall comply with Burrtecs
Conditions of Approval included in the Memorandum dated, November 7, 2022,
attached hereto as Exhibit 4.
43. Under no condition shall the Applicant, tenant or assignee contract for
construction, solid waste, recycling, or green waste services with any independent
disposal service.
44. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall obtain all clearances
by the San Bernardino County Division of Environmental Health Services (DEHS)
for food service tenants and comply with their conditions of approval, if applicable.
45. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall obtain all requisite
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
permits and clearances from Riverside Highland Water Company (RHWCO).
46. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall comply with all the
requirements of the City of Colton Public Works Department, Water and
Wastewater Division, and provide clearances to the Building and Safety Division.
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Packet Pg. 26
47.The Project shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
Systems (NPDES), and the San Bernardino County MS-4 Storm Water
48. Proposed lighting shall conform to the Development Code and shall not exceed
eighteen feet in height from the finished grade and shall be designed to reflect
away from residential district and public roadways.
49. The Project shall include a designed bike rack to be approved by the Planning and
Development Services Director or designee.
50. The trash enclosure shall be constructed of similar architecture and colors as the
project, include decorative block walls, with solid metal gates attached to posts,
embedded in concrete and roofed trellis.
51. The location and method of screening for all roof-mounted and building-mounted
equipment shall be demonstrated on the elevations. All equipment shall be
screened from public view and designed to be an integral component of the
building design. All roof-mounted equipment shall be screened from view by
parapet walls or other architectural means. The Applicant shall demonstrate to the
satisfaction of the Planning and Development Services Director that no roof-
mounted equipment will be visible from the public right-of-way.
52. All ground mounted equipment, including backflow devices, shall be screened in a
manner that does not impede traffic visibility. Ground mounted equipment such as
transmission boxes shall be wrapped in landscape print and screened with
landscape of decorative block walls.
53. Tenant Improvement plans shall be submitted separately and meet the submittal
requirements of the Building and Safety Division.
54. The Applicant shall be responsible for regular and ongoing upkeep and
maintenance of the site, including parking lot paving condition and striping,
clearing of trash, weeds and debris, lighting, right-of-way street frontage
landscape, and other site improvements. All parking facilities shall be maintained
in good condition. The maintenance thereof may include but shall not be limited to
the repaving, sealing, and striping of a parking area and the repair, restoration
and/or replacement of any parking area design features when deemed necessary
by the City to insure the health, safety, and welfare of the general public.
55. All easements shall be included in the Site Plan and Grading Plans. Easement
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Agreement documents shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney prior
to recordation and all cost for said review shall be borne by the Applicant. The
easement agreement shall run with the land and shall be recorded in the office of
the County Recorder for San Bernardino Recorders Office.
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Packet Pg. 27
56.Walls/retaining wallsshall be constructed of decorative blockwall, shallnot
obstruct vehicular visibility and the wall height shall be measured from the highest
57. Prior to issuance of building permits for the perimeter decorative block walls on
shared property lines, the Applicant shall submit a Fence/Wall Agreement signed
by the adjacent property owners authorizing construction of the wall on the shared
property line. In the absence of a Fence/Wall agreement, the construction plans
shall demonstrate the perimeter decorative block walls to be constructed entirely
inside the property.
58. The Applicant shall contact the Planning Division for a final inspection a minimum
two weeks prior to the inspection date requested.
59. Lot Line Adjustments involving public property shall be supported by the city in
order to be processed. Supported Lot Line Adjustments shall be processed
Administratively with the required Application and Fees, shall comply with Chapter
17.32 of the Municipal Code, and shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning
and Public Works Divisions prior to recordation.
60. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit three (3)
copies of the landscape and irrigation plan prepared by a state licensed landscape
architect, to be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Development
Services Department. The landscape and irrigation plans shall be prepared in
accordance with the Cis Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (Chapter 15.56)
Landscaping Standards contained in Chapter 18.60 of the Zoning Code and in
compliance with the most recent version of the State Model Ordinance. The plans
shall demonstrate the following:
a. Ensure that proposed plant material, at maturity, will maintain clear line
visibility at all intersections as determined by the Traffic Engineer.
b. Plant material adheres to spacing recommendations based on plant and
shrub species.
c. Note the material that will placed in planter areas, i.e. mulch, decorative
rock, etc.
d. Use drip irrigation system.
e. All trees shall be a minimum size of 15-gallon, full canopy, and having a
minimum height of eight feet at the time of planting.
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
f. Shrubs shall be a minimum of 1-gallon size at the time of planting.
g. Ground cover shall be healthy, dense foliage, and well routed cuttings, or
one-gallon container plants.
h. The spacing of trees and shrubs shall be appropriate for the species used.
i. Twenty percent of planting material shall be pollinating plants.
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Packet Pg. 28
j.Approval must be obtained for removal of alltrees having a trunk diameter
of 10 inches or more measured 48 inches above existing grade.
k. Show location and number of existing trees to be removed on the legend.
l. Submit an initial deposit of $2,000 deposit for landscape plan check review.
m. The final landscape inspection shall be scheduled a week prior to the
desired inspection date.
61. Final landscape and irrigation plans shall be in substantial conformance with the
approved conceptual landscape plan and these Conditions of Approval. Any and
all fencing shall be illustrated on the final landscape plan.
62. Landscape plans shall depict the utility laterals, concrete improvements, and tree
locations. Any modifications to the landscape plans shall be reviewed and
approved by the Public Works and Community Development Departments prior to
issuance of permits.
63. The Applicant and/or future property owner shall maintain the property and
landscaping in a clean and orderly manner and all dead and dying plants shall be
replaced with similar or equivalent type and size of vegetation within 60 days.
64. Tree removal or replacement shall be in accordance with the Tree Preservation
65. Pursuant to state law AB 827, all businesses are required to have indoor
containers in all common areas, lobby, front entrance, pool area, convention
rooms, dining room, kitchen, recreation room, courtyards, parking lot, etc. There
will need to be proper labeling and staff awareness of what is for Trash, Organic
and Recycle. Three (3) containers at each location.
66. Signs are not approved as a part of this permit. Prior to establishing any new
signs, the Applicant shall submit an application, and receive approval, for a sign
permit from the Planning Division (pursuant to Chapter 18.80 of the Grand Terrace
Municipal Code) and a building permit for construction of the signs from the
Building Division, as applicable.
Project Specific Conditions
67. The Projects approved hours of operation are Monday through Sunday from 7:00
a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Project site is anticipated two to four employees at any given
time. Change to the hours of operation shall require Administrative Conditional
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Use Permit, review, and approval by the Planning and Development Services
68. Loading and unloading delivery activities of motor trucks and other vehicles shall
be prohibited from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
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Packet Pg. 29
69.The plan check submittal plansshall include the revised location ofthe property
lines to the west, north, and east to match the Alta Survey and the Landscaping
Plan. The property line at Michigan Street shall not encroach onto the citys right-
of-way. The property line fronting Commerce Way shall be correctly depicted. The
property line located at the northeast corner needs to be revised at the access
70. The construction plans shall include description and location of all proposed
71. The citys right-of-way landscape area along Michigan Street shall be included in
the Landscape and Irrigation Plans for the project. The sidewalk landscape
material shall be similar as the proposed planting palette included in the proposed
Demonstration Garden.
72. The existing right-of-way trees at Michigan Street shall be protected in place and
shall be replaced if damaged during construction of the sidewalk improvements.
73. The Citys right-of-way frontage at Commerce Way along the path of travel shall
be included in the Landscape and Irrigation Plans for the project. The sidewalk
landscape material shall be similar as the proposed planning palette included in
the proposed Demonstration Garden.
74. Pursuant to Municipal Code, Chapter 12.28, the project shall include one tree for
each 40-feet of street frontage at Commerce Way and Michigan Street. Commerce
Way shall include four Southern Magnolia trees, full canopy, minimum 8-foot
height at the time of planting.
75. Streetscape on the right of way at Commerce Way and Michigan Street, shall
include white Iceberg Roses.
76. The Applicant shall be responsible for maintaining, irrigating, and replacing any
dead and struggling plants and trees located in the street landscape and in the
project site. The replanting of dead and struggling plans shall be completed within
seven days.
77. The Proposed Demonstration Garden shall include a minimum of 10 different plant
species with plaques. Solar spot lighting shall be included for the plaque and one
plant species depicted on the plaque.
78. The final design for the proposed public art bench with plaque shall be reviewed
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
and approved by the Planning Division.
79. The trash enclosure paint shall be revised to be consistent with the Barton Road
Specific Plan. The proposed Quick Quack Green shall be revised to a muted
green color and shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Division.
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Packet Pg. 30
80.The exterior building lightingshall be made off solidmetal decorative sconces.
An image of the sconces shall be included in the plan check set to be reviewed
and approved by the Planning Division.
81. Delivery trucks parked at Michigan Street and Commerce Way shall be prohibited
at any given time.
82. The sidewalk path of travel and ramps shall be reconstructed to meet the County
Mitigation Monitoring Program
83. The Applicant shall comply with all applicable Mitigation Monitoring Report
Program (MMRP) and shall comply with the Monitoring and Reporting Program
Checklist (if applicable).
84. In the event historic or prehistoric resources are discovered, a qualified
archaeologist shall be contacted to determine if reporting the finds is required and
if further monitoring during site earthwork is warranted. If, at any time, resources
are identified, the archaeologist shall make recommendations to the City of Grand
Terrace for appropriate mitigation measures in compliance with the guidelines of
the California Environmental Quality Act.
85. If human remains or funerary objects are encountered during any activities
associated with the Project, State Health and Safety Code 7050.5 states that no
further disturbance shall occur until the County Coroner has made a determination
of origin and disposition pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. The
County Coroner must be notified of the find immediately. If the remains are
determined to be Native American, the County Coroner will notify the Native
American Heritage Commission, which will determine and notify a Most Likely
Descendant. With the permission of the landowner or his/her authorized
representative, the MLD may inspect the site of the discovery. The MLD shall
complete the inspection within 48 hours of notification by the NAHC. The MLD will
have the opportunity to offer recommendations for the disposition of the remains.
86. In the event paleontological resources be uncovered during grading, a qualified
vertebrate paleontologist shall be contacted to perform a field survey to determine
and record any non-renewable paleontological resources found on-site. The
paleontologist shall determine the significance and make recommendations to the
City of Grand Terrace for appropriate mitigation measures in compliance with the
guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act. All identified and/or
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
recovered paleontological/fossil specimens must be professionally researched,
analyzed, reported, and curated in accordance with the San Bernardino County
Museum policies and guidelines.
87. A Native American Monitor from the interested tribe(s) along with an
archaeological monitor shall be present during all ground disturbing proceedings
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Packet Pg. 31
including but not limited to, all construction/demolition based activities, as well as
archaeological surveys, testing and data recovery.
88. Prior to the issuance of any ground disturbance-related permits, the City shall
contact interested tribes to facilitate and coordinate communications with the
contractor to develop a mutually acceptable Tribal Monitoring Agreement. This
agreement shall be approved by the City prior to the issuance of any ground
disturbance-related permits and its implementation in the field enforced by the City
89. If an archaeological deposit or tribal cultural resource is discovered with the
Project area, ground disturbing activities shall be suspended 100 feet around the
resource(s) and an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) physical
demarcation/barrier constructed. Representatives from interested tribes, the
contractor, and the City Planning and Development Services Department shall
confer regarding treatment of the discovered resource(s). A treatment plan shall
be prepared, reviewed and adopted by all Parties, and then implemented to
protect the identified resources from damage and destruction. The treatment plan
shall contain a research design to evaluate the resource for significance under
both NHPA and CEQA criteria. Then, should the resource be determined to be
significant under either federal- or state-level criteria, and should the resource not
be a candidate for avoidance or preservation in place, a data recovery plan shall
be developed, reviewed by all Parties, and implemented. The research design
and/or data recovery plan shall list the sampling procedures appropriate to
ascertain the boundaries, nature, and content of the resource in accordance with
current, professional archaeological best practices. Additionally, the data recovery
plan will be designed to exhaust the research potential of the resource in
accordance with current professional archaeology standards.
90. All draft reports containing the significance and treatment findings and data
recovery results shall be prepared by a SOI-qualified archaeologist and submitted
to the City of Grand Terrace Planning and Development Services Department and
the consulting Native American Tribes for their review and comment. All final
reports are to be submitted to the local CHRIS Information Center, the City of
Grand Terrace, and the consulting Native American Tribes.
91. All culturally-appropriate and professionally proper procedures shall be followed
with respect to all artifacts and remains affiliated with Native peoples whether
prehistoric, protohistoric, or historic. Any sacred/ceremonial objects or objects of
cultural patrimony discovered within the Project area are to be offered to the
NAHC-identified Most Likely Descendant (MLD) of record for appropriate
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
treatment and all claims of ownership to such materials waived by the
applicant/developer/landowner. All other artifacts shall be permitted to be either
(1) left in situ should avoidance or protection in place be guaranteed or (2)
reburied, on site, in a location that will be protected from future disturbance vis a
vis Project plans, conservation/preservation easements, deed riders, etc. In the
event avoidance, preservation in place, or on-site reburial are not an option for
Page 19 of 22
Packet Pg. 32
some artifacts, the applicant/developer/landowner shall relinquishall ownership
and rights to this material and provide the artifacts to representatives of interested
Tribes to jointly and collaboratively conduct proper treatments and delineate long-
term care protocols.
92. Where appropriate and agreed upon in advance by interested tribes, the SOI-
qualified archaeologist shall conduct analyses of certain artifact classes (including,
but not limited to, shell, non-human bone, ceramic, stone) if required by CEQA,
Section 106 of NHPA, the Prores, or conditions of approval
for the Project. Furthermore, upon completion of authorized and mandatory
archeological analysis, the contractor shall provide said artifacts to interested
tribesjointly and simultaneously --within sixty (60) days from the completion of
analyses and not to exceed one hundred and twenty (120) days after the initial
recovery of the items from the field.
93. In the event that any human remains are discovered during implementation of the
Project, the City of Grand Terrace and the Contractor shall immediately contact
the Coroner and interested tribes. If the Coroner recognizes the human remains to
be those of a Native American or has reason to believe that they are those of a
Native American, the Coroner shall ensure that notification is provided to the
NAHC within twenty-four (24) hours of the determination, as required by California
Health and Safety Code § 7050.5 (c).
94. The NAHC-identified MLD, shall be allowed under California Public Resources
Code § 5097.98 to inspect the site of the discovery and make determinations as to
how the human remains and funerary objects shall be treated and disposed of with
appropriate dignity. The MLD, applicant/developer/landowner, and Lead Agency
agree to discuss in good faith what constitutes "appropriate dignity" as that term is
used in the applicable statutes. As required by California Public Resources Code §
5097.98, the MLD shall complete its inspection within twenty-four (24) hours of
receiving notification from either the Contractor or the NAHC. All parties are aware
that the MLD may wish to rebury the human remains and associated ceremonial
and cultural items (artifacts) on or near the site of their discovery, in an area that
shall not be subject to future subsurface disturbances. The Contractor shall
accommodate on-site reburial in a location mutually agreed upon by the Parties.
The site of any reburial of Native American human remains or cultural artifacts
shall not be disclosed and shall not be governed by public disclosure requirements
of the California Public Records Act. The Coroner, parties, and Lead Agency, will
be asked to withhold public disclosure information related to such reburial,
pursuant to the specific exemption set forth in California Government Code § 6254
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
95. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding, the
Applicant must sign and return an cceptance of Conditions form. The form and
content shall be prepared by the Planning and Development Services Department.
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Packet Pg. 33
PASSED AND ADOPTEDby the Planning Commissionof the Cityof Grand Terrace,
California, at a public hearing/special meeting held on the 18 day of May 2023.
__________________________ __________________________
Debra L. Thomas Edward A. Giroux
City Clerk Chairman
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
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Packet Pg. 34
I Debra Thomas, City Clerk of the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA,
DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution, being Resolution No. 2023- was
duly passed, approved and adopted by the Planning Commission, approved and signed
by the Chairman, and attested by the City Clerk, at the regular meeting of said Planning
Commission held on the 18 day of May 2023, and that the same was passed and
adopted by the following vote:
NOES: None.
Executed this 18 day of May 2023, at Grand Terrace, California.
Debra Thomas
City Clerk
Attachment: Quick Quack Resolution (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
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Packet Pg. 35
Building and Safety Conditions of Approval
Date:March 13, 2023
File No:SA 22-16, CUP 22-04, andE 22-14
Applicant:Quick Quack Car Wash, Represented by Vance Shannon
Provide four (4) sets of construction plans and documentation for plan review of the
proposed project. Below you will find a list of the plans and documents Building and Safety
will need forplan review. The initialplan review will take approximatelytwo weeks on most
Providethe following sets of plans and documents.
Buildingand Safety submittalrequired at first plan review.
(4)ArchitecturalFloorPlans& Elevations
(2) Structural Plans
(2)Structural Calculations
(2) Electrical Plans
(2) Electrical Load Calculations
(2)Plumbing Plans/Isometrics, Water, Sewer and Gas
(2) Mechanical Plans
(2) Mechanical Duct Layout Plans
(2)Roof and Floor Truss Plans if applicable
(2)Title 24 Energy Calculations
(2) Precise Grading Plans(Reviewed by Public Works)
(2) Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP)(ReviewedbyPublic Works)
(2) Soils Reports
(2)Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)(Reviewed by Public Works)
(2)Best Management Plan (BMP)(Reviewed by Public Works)
Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Packet Pg. 36
Building and Safety Conditions of Approval
Building & Safety General Information
All structures shall be designed in accordance with thecurrently adopted building codesby
theState of Californiaand City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code as adoptedat time of plan
submittal.Note if a new code has been adopted priorto the submittal, then all structures
shall be designed to the current model code year.
The Developer/Owner is responsible for the coordination of the final occupancy. The
Developer/Owner shall obtain clearances from each department and division prior to
requesting a final building inspection from Building & Safety. Each agency shall signthe
bottom of theJob Cardor Certificate of Occupancy Clearance Form.
Building & Safety inspection requests can be made twenty-four(24) hours in advance for
next day inspection. Please contact 909-825-3825. You may also request inspections at
theBuilding & Safetycounter.
Allconstruction sites must be protected by a security fenceand screening. The fencing
and screening shall be maintained at all times to protect pedestrians.
Temporary toilet facilities shall be provided for construction workers.The toiletfacilities
shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. Construction toilet facilities of the non sewer
type shall conform toANSI ZA.3.
Construction projects which require temporary electrical power shall obtain an Electrical
Permit from Building & Safety. No temporary electrical power will be granted to a project
unless one of the following items isin place and approved by Building & Safety and the
Planning Division.
(A)Installation of a construction trailer,or,
(B)Security fenced area where the electrical power willbelocated.
Installation of construction/salestrailers must be located on private property. No trailers
can be located in the public street right of way.
Separate plan submittals and permits are required for allaccessory structuresincluding but
not limited topatios, block walls,storage buildings,community playgrounds, etc.
Pursuant to the CaliforniaBusiness and Professions Code Section 6735, most projects are
Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
required to be designed by a California Licensed Architect or Engineer.The project owner
Packet Pg. 37
Building and Safety Conditions of Approval
or developer should review the section ofthe California Codes and comply with the
Building & SafetyConditions
1.A building permit shall be required for theproposed development with
compliance to the currentlyadoptedCaliforniaBuilding Codesand City of
Grand Terrace Municipal Code.
2.Prior to theissuance of a building permit, the applicant shall pay any
associatedDevelopment ImpactFees tothe City; thisincludesbut not limited
toschool fees, Public Works fees,and outside agency feesincludingbut not
limited to Colton Wastewater,Riverside-HighlandWaterCo.,and utilities.
Copies of receipts shall be provided to Building & Safety priorto permit
3.All construction projectsshall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination Systems (NPDES), and the San Bernardino County MS-4 Storm
Water Permit.
4.Prior to building permit issuance,the applicant shall establish haul services
for construction wastewith Burrtec to facilitate the recycling of all
recoverable/recyclablematerial as required perthe California GreenCode
andCity of Grand Terrace Municipal Code.No self-hauling is allowed.
5.The applicant shall submit acompletedConstruction & Demolition (C&D)
WasteDiversion Program/ Waste Management Plan (WMP) form along with
the required C&D deposit based per square footage of construction and/or
demolitionprior tobuilding permit issuance.
6.Priorto issuance of building permits, site grading certification and pad
certifications shall be submitted to Building & Safety. Prior to concrete
placement, submit a certification for the finish floor elevation and setbacks of
the structures. The certification needs to reflect that the structureis in
conformance with the Precise Grading Plans. Compaction reports shall
accompany pad certifications. The certifications are required to be signed by
Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
the engineer(s)of record.
Packet Pg. 38
Building and Safety Conditions of Approval
7.Trash enclosure shall be accessible and include accessibility for wheelchair
access including a required 60”interior turning radius and accessible side
8.Review of the Building Plans shall not begin until an address has been
assigned to the site and completion of any lot mergers or splits (if applicable).
9.Truncated domes shall be placed atpedestrianpath of travel prior to entering
vehicular traffic areas.
10.Plans shall comply with the requirements ofthe 2022California Building
Code, Chapter 11B for site accessibility and not theADA. The City of Grand
Terrace Building Division does not enforce theADA.
11.Separate permits will be required for the following items including but not
limited to signs, grease interceptor,new building, trash enclosure, block walls,
accessory structures,electric vehicle (EV) chargingstations,and any
additional items requiringa permit as per CBC 105.1and the City of Grand
Terrace Municipal Code.
12.Installation ofoperatingelectric vehicle(EV)charging stations shall be
providedon siteas required in CGBSC to issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy.
13.Installation ofan operatingroof mounted photovoltaic(PV) solar andenergy
storage system shall be provided on siteprior to issuanceof a Certificate of
Occupancy.Panels shall be hidden from street viewby theroofparapet.
14.Installation of automatic fire sprinklers shall be equipped throughout the
building andallaccessory structures as perGrand Terrace Municipal Code
15.Wheels stops shall be installed at all parking spaces.
16.All areas open to the public shall be accessible and comply with CBC 11B-
Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
17.All employee areas includingbutnot limited tobreak rooms, restrooms,
lounges,andworkspaceareas shall be accessible as required in CBC 11B-
101.1 unless exempt as mentioned under CBC 11B-203.
Packet Pg. 39
Building and Safety Conditions of Approval
18.Exterior lighting shall be controlled with either an astronomical time clock or
programmed to remainon during hours of building occupancy during evening
and night hours. Lighting shall notbeturnedoff norprogrammedby motion
sensorsduring evening and night hours of building occupancy. Please
present compliance forms for exterior lighting prior toissuance of aCertificate
of Occupancy.
19.Copies of constructionand operatingpermits from exterior agencies
including, but not limited to San Bernardino CountyFire, City of Colton
Wastewater,Riverside-Highland Water Company,San Bernardino County
Department of Public Health (if selling packaged food), andState of California
Santa Ana Regional WaterQuality Control Board.
Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Packet Pg. 40
Public Works Comments
Date: April 20, 2023
Applicant:Quick Quack Car Wash –Vance Shannon
Site Location: Southeast Corner of Commerce Way and Michigan Ave
(APN 1167-231-23-000)
Subject:Construction of new car wash
Conditions of Approval:
1.All work shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Public
Works Construction (Green Book), County of San Bernardino Standards, and City of Grand
2.Design and construct all public utilities to serve the site in accordance with City standards and
requirements of the serving utility, including gas, electric, telephone, water, sewer and cable TV.
3.Proposed public sewer improvement plans shall be submitted to the City of Colton Wastewater
Department and Public Works for plan review and approval.
4.Proposed public water improvements plans shall be submitted to Riverside Highland Water
Company for review and approval.
5.Proposed water improvement plans for fire hydrants shall be submitted to the County of San
Bernardino Fire Department for plan review and approval.
6.Pavement restoration and trench repair for any street cuts shall be in conformance with San
Bernardino County standards or as approved by the City Engineer.
7.The developer shall restore any public improvements that are currently in disrepair or damaged
during construction.
Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
8.A drainage study will be required for the project and prepared in accordance with the San
Bernardino County hydrology manual. Any drainage improvements needed to mitigate increase
in runoff (for the 100-year storm event), mitigate downstream impacts, and protect the
development shall be designed and constructed at the developer’s expense.
Packet Pg. 41
9.Concentrated drainage directed to the public street shall not be conveyed across the sidewalk or
driveway approaches, but rather through parkway culverts/under sidewalk drains in accordance
with San Bernardino County, SPPWC standards plans or as approved by the City Engineer.
10.An LED street light shall be constructed along the Michigan Avenue frontage and be located near
the southwest corner of the site (at or near the ECR of the private driveway exit).
11.A final WQMP submittal will be required during final engineering stage. If an infiltration
treatment BMP is proposed as part of the design, site specific infiltration testing shall be
conducted to substantiate the design infiltration rate used in the WQMP calculations.
12.All construction projects shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems
(NPDES). Verification of coverage under the State Construction General Permit (CGP) will be
required before a grading permit will be issued by providing a copy of the Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and printing the WDID # on the Onsite Grading Plan.
13.All proposed pavement sections shall be substantiated with pavement section recommendations
(based on the appropriate R and TI values), which shall be included as part of the soils report.
14.An Onsite Improvement Plan shall be prepared by a California registered civil engineer and
include a grading plan, erosion control plan, onsite water and sewer improvements, onsite storm
drain system, onsite signing & striping, and all necessary details for construction of the proposed
15.If non-standard retaining walls are proposed for this project, supporting structural calculations
shall be submitted for review and approval.
16.Backflow preventers shall be installed for any building with the finished floor elevation below the
rim elevation of the nearest upstream manhole.
17.Reciprocal easements will be required between the different parcels involved with accessing this
18.A private SD easement will be required to allow maintenance of the existing basin/s that serve the
entire Grand Terrace Town Square site.
19.Survey Monumentation.If any activity onthis project will disturb any land survey monumentation,
including but not limited to vertical control points (benchmarks), said monumentation shall be located
and referenced byor under the direction of licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer
authorized to practice land surveying prior to commencement of any activity with the potential to
disturb said monumentation, and acorner record or record of survey of the references shall be filed
with the County Surveyor pursuant to Section 8771(b) Business and ProfessionsCode.
Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
20.RecordofSurveyorCornerRecord.PursuanttoSections8726(b)and/or8773oftheBusiness and
Professions Code, aRecord of Survey or Corner Record shall be filed under any of the following
a.Monuments set to mark property lines orcorners;
Packet Pg. 42
b.Performance of afield survey to establish property boundary lines for the purposes of
construction staking, establishing setback lines, writing legal descriptions, or for boundary
establishment/mapping of the subjectparcel;
c.Any other applicable circumstances pursuant to the Business and Professions Code that
would necessitate filing of aRecord ofSurvey.
Commerce Way(Existing Major Highway -100’ Right-of-way, 72’ Roadwayper General Plan)
20.No additional R/W dedication or roadway improvements are requested.
Michigan Street(Secondary Highway-88’ Right-of-way,64’Roadwayper General Plan)
21.No additional R/W dedication or roadway improvements are requested.
Required Submittalsfor Final Engineering Phase
Geotechnical Investigation
Onsite Improvement Plan (to include precise gradingplan, erosion control plan, onsite water &
sewer, and onsite storm drainsystem, onsite signing & striping).
Pad Certifications prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer registered in the State of California shall
be submitted and approved prior to issuance of building permits.
Upon completion of onsite construction, an onsite asbuilt plan shall be submitted and approved
for final project acceptance.
Drainage Study
Final Water Quality Management Plan(WQMP)
Structural Calculations (for non-standard retaining walls if applicable)
If there are questions, please contact Johnny Ghazal PE, QSD, consulting civil engineer, Willdan
Engineering.jghazal@willdan.com, 909-963-0563
Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Packet Pg. 43
San Bernardino County Fire Department
San Bernardino OfficeNorth Desert OfficeEast Valley OfficeSouth Desert Office
SBGCHDGCSan Bernardino City
(909) 387-4140(760) 995-8201(909) 918-2201(760) 995-8201
Project Name:Robert Chandler
Project Description:New 3,596 SF Car Wash Facility including but not
limited to concrete walks, drive aisles, curbs,
landscaping, vacuum stations, utilities and all
associated fixtures and equipment.
Permit Number:FPLN-2023-00021
Project Type:Conditional Use Permit (CUP)
City Project Proposal:New drive-thru car wash
Dear Applicant,
With respect to the conditions of approval regarding the above referenced project, the San Bernardino County Fire
Department requires the following fire protection measures to be provided in accordance with applicable local
ordinances, codes, and/or recognized fire protection standards.
The Fire Conditions Attachment of this document sets forth the FIRE CONDITIONS and STANDARDS which are
applied to this project.
The Office of the Fire Marshal
Community Safety Division
San Bernardino County Fire Department
Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Page 1 of 4
Packet Pg. 44
Permit Number:FPLN-2023-00021
Location: NE CORNER OF
F01 Jurisdiction
The above referenced project is under the jurisdiction of the San Bernardino County Fire Department herein Fire
DepartmentPrior to any construction occurring on any parcel, the applicant shall contact the Fire Department for
verification of current fire protection requirements. All new construction shall comply with the current California
Fire Code requirements and all applicable statutes, codes, ordinances, and standards of the Fire Department.
F02 Fire Fee
The required fire fees shall be paid to the San Bernardino County Fire Department/Community Safety Division.
F06 Inspection by Fire Department
Permission to occupy or use the building (Certification of Occupancy or Shell Release) will not be granted until the
Fire Department inspects, approves and signs off on the Building and Safety job card for fire final
F09 Building Plans
Building Plans shall be submitted to the Fire Department for review and approval. The required fees shall be paid at
the time of plan submittal.
F10 Combustible Protection
Prior to combustibles being placed on the project site an approved all-weather fire apparatus access surface and
operable fire hydrants with acceptable fire flow shall be installed. The topcoat of asphalt does not have to be
installed until final inspection and occupancy.
F16 Access
The development shall have a minimum of two points of vehicular access. These are for fire/emergency equipment
Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
access and for evacuation routes. a. Single Story Road Access Width. All buildings shall have access provided by
approved roads, alleys and private drives with a minimum twenty-six (26) foot unobstructed width and vertically to
fourteen (14) feet six (6) inches in height. b. Multi-Story Road Access Width. Buildings three (3) stories in height or
more shall have a minimum access of thirty (30) feet unobstructed width and vertically to fourteen (14) feet six (6)
inches in height.
Page 2 of 4
Packet Pg. 45
F19 Surface
Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and
shall be surfaced so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities. Road surface shall meet the approval of the Fire
Chief prior to installation. All roads shall be designed to 85% compaction and/or paving and hold the weight of Fire
Apparatus at a minimum of 80K pounds.
F26 Fire Flow Test
Please provide a fire flow test report from your water purveyor that has been completed in the last six months
demonstrating that the fire flow demand is satisfied.
F35 Hydrant Marking
Blue reflective pavement markers indicating fire hydrant locations shall be installed as specified by the Fire
Department. In areas where snow removal occurs, or non-paved roads exist, the blue reflective hydrant marker
shall be posted on an approved post along the side of the road, no more than three (3) feet from the hydrant and
at least six (6) feet high above the adjacent road.
F37 Fire Sprinkler-NFPA #13
An automatic fire sprinkler system complying with NFPA Pamphlet #13 and Fire Department standards is required.
The applicant shall hire a licensed fire sprinkler contractor. The fire sprinkler contractor shall submit plans with
hydraulic calculations, manufacturers specification sheets and a letter from a licensed structural (or truss) engineer
with a stamp verifying the roof is capable of accepting the point loads imposed on the building by the fire sprinkler
system design to the Fire Department for approval. The contractor shall submit plans showing type of storage and
use with the applicable protection system. The required fees shall be paid at the time of plan submittal.
F45 Fire Extinguishers
Hand portable fire extinguishers are required. The location, type, and cabinet design shall be approved by the Fire
F48 Material Identification Placards
The applicant shall install Fire Department approved material identification placards on the outside of all buildings
and/or storage tanks that store or plan to store hazardous or flammable materials in all locations deemed
appropriate by the Fire Department. Additional placards shall be required inside the buildings when chemicals are
segregated into separate areas. Any business with an N.F.P.A. 704 rating of 2-3-3 or above shall be required to
install an approved key box vault on the premises, which shall contain business access keys and a business plan.
F51 Commercial Addressing
Commercial and industrial developments of 100,000 sq. ft or less shall have the street address installed on the
building with numbers that are a minimum eight (8) inches in height and with a one (1) inch stroke. The street
address shall be visible from the street. During the hours of darkness, the numbers shall be electrically illuminated
Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
(internal or external). Where the building is two hundred (200) feet or more from the roadway, additional non-
illuminated address identification shall be displayed on a monument, sign or other approved means with numbers
Page 3 of 4
Packet Pg. 46
F69 Haz-Mat Approval
The applicant shall contact the San Bernardino County Fire Department/Hazardous Materials Division (909) 386-
8401 for review and approval of building plans, where the planned use of such buildings will or may use hazardous
materials or generate hazardous waste materials.
F70 Additional Requirements
In addition to the Fire requirements stated herein, other onsite and off-site improvements may be required which
cannot be determined at this time and would have to be reviewed after more complete improvement plans and
profiles have been submitted to this office.
F71 Proposal Changes
Any changes to this proposal shall require new Fire Department condition letter.
Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
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Packet Pg. 47
Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Packet Pg. 48
Quick Quack Car Wash Operational Summary
Operating Statement
Quick Quack is a growing chain of exterior-only, soft cloth car washes in California, Texas, Colorado,
Utah, and Arizona. We take pride in being environmentally friendly by conserving & recycling water.
Quick Quack's reclaim system uses as little as eighteen to twenty-three gallons of fresh water per car
and the environmentally friendly shampoos are water soluble and biodegradable. Quick Quack does not
use any of the acids or other corrosive materials that touchless car washes typically employ.
Quick Quack is a proud member of Water Savers, a car wash industry program dedicated to raising
awareness for water conservation and environmentally friendly practices at professional car washes.
Quick Quack is also the very first car wash in Northern California to be certified as a Sustainable Business
by the Sacramento Business Environmental Resource Center.
1. Hours of operation:
7am – 9pm
7 days per week
2. Team Members:
At any given time, we will have 2-4 Team Members on site depending on expected volume. Each
store typically employs up to 18 Team Members.
3. Water Usage:
100% of the water used is reclaimed from the showroom and recycled. The water is pumped back
into the showroom and through cleaning and filtering equipment, then back to the wash equipment
again to be re-used. On average, we are discharging about 18-23 gallons of water per vehicle back
into the sewer system. The annual water demand is anticipated to be 23 gallons x 350 cars / day x
364 days a year = ~2.9 million gallons a year. Compare that to washing the same number of vehicles
in the driveway at home. Driveway washing uses approximately 80-150 gallons of water per vehicle,
or in this example approximately 15.9 million gallons a year, with The soaps that we use are water-
soluble, biodegradable, and environmentally friendly.
4. How long does it take to get a car wash?
Unlike carwashes typically found at gas stations, Quick Quack Car Wash uses a conveyor that keeps
cars moving even if there are a few cars in line. The entire wash cycle lasts about THREE MINUTES
and since there is no waiting for the car in front of you to finish, you will rarely spend more than five
minutes from the time you pull in to and when you are back on your way.
Attachment: Letter of Intent (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
5. Fast, Clean, Loved… Everywhere!
Why do Quick Quack team members wear ties? Cleanliness is one of our company visions and we
believe that this extends beyond just a clean car. We feel that our facilities and team members
should also represent the highest standards of appearance. Unlike full-service car washes or other
automotive service centers where employees might be more hands-on, our team members are
primarily cashiers and customer service professionals who greet customers with a friendly smile and
clean appearance. Quick Quack Car Wash’s state-of the-art car wash equipment does the heavy
Packet Pg. 49
lifting and the “dirty work”. Our signature duck ties have become an important part of our brand
image that most of our customers appreciate and have come to expect and love. The Main Vision of
our Company is: Fast, Clean, Loved…Everywhere.
6. Traffic and Parking:
At any given time, there are two to four employees on site; they have their own parking stalls
including one accessible stall apart from the customer vacuum stalls which can also be used for
parking when needed.
We are an express wash and our desired site size for each location is +/- 1 acre and we are typically
over-parked per local codes. We are really a convenience stop for most of our customers; they are
expecting to be in and out quickly. We offer individual, varied washes, or we also offer an unlimited
program. With the unlimited program, those customers are waved through the line and can visit the
wash as many times as they want per month.
7. Sound and Equipment:
We have 165 operating stores and have always complied with local requirements relative to sound
standards. All our equipment is contained inside the building, and we take care to do our best to
design so that whatever sound is coming out of the building is directed away from any areas
considered a conflict. Most of the wash equipment in the showroom is hydraulic except for the
blowers that dry the car, which are electric. The hydraulic pumps are contained inside of our
equipment room that remains closed during operating hours unless we are completing some type of
maintenance. The blowers are also contained inside the building, along with several sound
attenuation elements, we are able to comply with sound guidelines at the property line.
8. Being a Good Neighbor:
Our goal is to always be a good neighbor. We employ people who live in the community, and we do
our best to contribute to the community in a positive and kind way for all our customers, team
members and neighbors. Once open, we also have a proven track record of being active members in
our communities. We participate in many of the local municipality’s programs for welcoming new
residents to the city, we participate in local events and fund raisers, we also offer a “Day at the
” where we offer an alternative from the typical group car washes with hoses and soaps
heading down the storm drain, to groups who want to have a fundraiser, but want us to do all the
work. We partner with local sports groups, local charities, and we open each new location by serving
one local family in need before we serve ourselves. The fund raiser consists of one day of free
washes where we only ask for donations for the family, Quick Quack will double the donations
received and present the family with a check the day of the ribbon cutting ceremony. Our efforts
have been successful, and we are very proud of how we give back.
Attachment: Letter of Intent (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Packet Pg. 50
Attachment: Site Photos (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Packet Pg. 51
Attachment: Site Photos (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Packet Pg. 52
Attachment: Site Photos (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
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Attachment: Site Photos (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Packet Pg. 54
Attachment: Site Photos (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Packet Pg. 55
Attachment: Site Photos (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Packet Pg. 56
Attachment: Public Art, mosaic bench (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Packet Pg. 57
Coronado Stone
Ledge stone Quick Stack
ÑCarmel MountainÒ
Attachment: Elevation Renderings and Material Board (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Quick Quack Carwash
Site# 44-310
Commerce Way and Michigan St
Grand Terrace, CA
Packet Pg. 58
Coronado Stone
Ledge stone Quick Stack
ÑCarmel MountainÒ
Attachment: Elevation Renderings and Material Board (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Quick Quack Carwash
Site# 44-310
Commerce Way and Michigan St
Grand Terrace, CA
Packet Pg. 59
Coronado Stone
Ledge stone Quick Stack
ÑCarmel MountainÒ
Attachment: Project Plans (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Quick Quack Carwash
Site# 44-310
Commerce Way and Michigan St
Grand Terrace, CA
Packet Pg. 88
Coronado Stone
Ledge stone Quick Stack
ÑCarmel MountainÒ
Attachment: Project Plans (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Quick Quack Carwash
Site# 44-310
Commerce Way and Michigan St
Grand Terrace, CA
Packet Pg. 89
TO: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors FROM: Planning and Development
County of San Bernardino Services Department
385 N. Arrowhead Avenue, 2 Floor City of Grand Terrace
San Bernardino, CA 92415-0130 22795 Barton Road
Grand Terrace, CA 92313
Project Title: Conditional Use Permit 22-04, Site and Architectural Review 22-16, and
Environmental 22-14
Project Location Specific: Southeast corner of Commerce Way and Michigan Street (APN:
1167-231-23-0000), City of Grand Terrace, County of San Bernardino
Description of Project: Construct a 3,596 square-foot carwash with a three lane queuing
capacity for approximately twenty-two vehicles and twenty-three parking spaces on a 1.37-
acre site. The site improvements include vacuum stations, EV charging, landscaping, trash
enclosure, access, lighting, streetscape, a demonstration garden, and public art. The
Projects hours of operation will be Monday through Sunday from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The
site is zoned Barton Road Specific Plan, General Commercial (BRSP-GC).
Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Grand Terrace Planning Commission
Name of Person or Agency Carrying out Project: Vance Shannon (Applicant) representing
Quick Quack Carwash
Exempt Status: California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15332, Infill Development
Reasons Why Project is Exempt: Pursuant to Section 15332 of the CEQA Guidelines, the
Planning Commission has found that the project is an infill project that is compatible with the
City of Grand Terrace General Plan and Zoning Code; is on less than five acres substantially
surrounded by urban uses within the City; the property has no value as habitat for rare,
endangered, or threatened species; the site is adequately served by all required public
utilities and services; and there are no significant impacts to traffic noise, air quality, or water
quality as a result of approval of the Project.
Lead Agency or Contact Person: Area Code/Telephone
Attachment: Notice of Exemption (CUP 22-04, SA 22-16, SGN 22-04, and E 22-14 - Quick Quack)
Haide Aguirre (909) 954-5177
______________________________ _________________
Senior Planner Date
Planning and Development Services
22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, 92313-5295 909/824-6621 Fax 909/783-2600
Packet Pg. 94