05-10-2021 - SP CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Council ChambersSpecial Meeting6:30 PM PUBLIC ADVISORY: THE COUNCIL CHAMBER IS NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!! Beginning June 15, 2020, the City of Grand Terrace will reopen its public meetings. Therefore, the special meeting of the Planning Commission for May 10, 2021is now open to the public. Please be advised that face masks are required, social distancing will be practiced, and occupancy limits will be enforced. Please note that Pursuant to Section 3 of Executive Order N-29-20, issued by Governor Newsom on March 17, 2020, the specialmeeting ofthe Planning Commission forMay 10, 2021will also be conducted COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC The public is encouraged to address the Planning Commission on any matter posted on the agenda or on any other matter within its jurisdiction. If you wish to address the Planning Commission, you are invited to provide your name to the City Clerk who will be compiling a list of speakers. Speakers will be called upon by the Chair at the appropriatetime and each person is allowed three (3) minutes speaking time. If you would like to participate telephonically and speak on an agenda item, you can access the meeting by dialing the following telephone number and you will be placed in the waiting room, muted until it is your turn to speak: *67 1-669-900-9128 Enter Meeting ID: 86778246027 Password: 623317 The City wants you to know that you can also submit your comments by email to ccpubliccomment@grandterrace-ca.gov. To give the City Clerk adequate time to print out your comments for consideration at the meeting, please submit your written comments prior to 5:00 p.m.; or if you are -6621 x230 by 5:00 p.m. If you wish to have your comments read to the Planning Commission during the appropriate Public you wish to comment on. Comments that you want read to the Planning Commission will be subject to the three (3) minute time limitation (approximately 350 words). Pursuant to the provisions of the Brown Act, no action may be taken on a matter unless it is listed on the agenda, or unless certain emergency or special circumstances exist. The Planning Commission may direct staff to investigate and/or schedule certain matters for consideration at a future Planning Commission meeting. PLEASE NOTE: Copies of staff reports and supporting documentation pertaining to each item on this agenda are available for public viewing and inspection at City Hall, 1 st Floor Lobby Area and 2 nd Floor www.grandterrace-ca.gov. For further information regarding agenda items, please contact the office of the City Clerk at (909) 824-6621 x230, or via e-mail at dthomas@grandterrace-ca.gov. Any documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made a City of Grand TerracePage 1 Agenda Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board May 10, 2021 www.grandterrace-ca.gov. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this -6621 x230 at least 48 hours prior to the advertised starting time of the meeting. This will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Later requests will be accommodated to the extent feasible. CALL TO ORDER Convene the Special Meeting of the Planning Commission and Site and Architectural Review Board. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Present Absent Late Arrived Chairman Edward A. Giroux Vice-Chairman Jeremy Briggs Commissioner Tara Cesena Commissioner Jeffrey McConnell Commissioner David Alaniz APPROVAL OF AGENDA PRESENTATIONS None. PUBLIC ADDRESS Public address to the Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Director of Planning and Development Services. This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda. Because of restrictions contained in California Law, City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Agenda Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board May 10, 2021 the Planning Commission may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification. The Chairman may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting. A.CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 04/01/2021 DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK B.ACTION ITEMS 1. Consideration of a General Plan Consistency Determination Pursuant to Government Code Section 65402 Regarding the Sale of a Successor Agency-Owned Property Located at 22747 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA (APN 0276-202-54)To the City of Grand Terrace. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, FINDING THAT THE GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY FINDING PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65402 FOR THE PROPOSED SALE OF SUCCESSOR AGENCY PROPERTY LOCATED AT 22747 BARTON ROAD (APN 0276-202-54) TO THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE IS NOT A PROJECT AND EXEMPT FROM CEQA PURSUANT TO CEQA GUIDELINES SECTIONS 15060(C)(3), 15378(B)(5), AND 15061(B)(3); AND FINDING GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65402 FOR SUCH PROPOSED SALE OF SUCCESSOR AGENCY PROPERTY LOCATED AT 22747 BARTON ROAD (APN 0276-202-54) TO THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DEPARTMENT: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES C.PUBLIC HEARINGS None. D.INFORMATION TO COMMISSIONERS City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Agenda Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board May 10, 2021 E. INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONERS ADJOURN Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting of the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission to be held on May 20, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. City of Grand Terrace Page 4 A.1 CITY OF GRANDTERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD MINUTES Council ChambersRegular Meeting6:30 PM arton Road CALL TO ORDER Chairman Edward Giroux convened the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board for Thursday, April 1, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Planning Commissioner Jeffrey McConnell. Attendee NameTitleStatusArrived Edward A. GirouxChairmanPresent Jeremy BriggsVice-ChairmanPresent Tara CesenaCommissionerPresent Jeffrey McConnellCommissionerPresent David AlanizCommissionerPresent Steven WeissPlanning & Development Services DirectorPresent Robert KhuuAssistant City AttorneyPresent Haide AguirreAssociate PlannerPresent Debra ThomasCity ClerkPresent APPROVAL OF AGENDA 1.Motion: April 1, 2021 Approval of Agenda RESULT:ADOPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] MOVER:Jeremy Briggs, Vice-Chairman SECONDER:Jeffrey McConnell, Commissioner AYES:Giroux, Briggs, Cesena, McConnell, Alaniz PUBLIC ADDRESS None. City of Grand TerracePage 1 Packet Pg. 5 A.1 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board April 1, 2021 A.CONSENT CALENDAR 2. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 03/18/2021 RESULT: ACCEPTED \[4 TO 0\] MOVER: Jeremy Briggs, Vice-Chairman SECONDER: Tara Cesena, Commissioner AYES: Edward A. Giroux, Jeremy Briggs, Tara Cesena, David Alaniz ABSTAIN: Jeffrey McConnell B.ACTION ITEMS None. C.PUBLIC HEARINGS None. D.PRESENTATIONS 1. Housing Element and Surplus Lands Act Annual Progress Report for the 2020 Calendar Year Steve Weiss, Planning & Development Services Director gave the PowerPoint presentation for this item. PUBLIC COMMENT Darryl Moore, Grand Terrace expressed his concern regarding the impossible number of affordable housing units the City has identified. He does not believe there is any possible way the City can achieve that number and in order for the housing to be affordable, it has to be affordable for the developer, otherwise it will not get built. RECEIVE AND FILE. Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Apr 1, 2021 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) RESULT: NO ACTION TAKEN E. INFORMATION TO COMMISSIONERS Director Weiss notified the Planning Commission that the League of California Cities held its Planning Commissioner Academy this week and that Planning Commissioner David Alaniz attended via Zoom. City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Packet Pg. 6 A.1 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board April 1, 2021 F. INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Alaniz attended the League of California Cities Planning Commissioner Academy this week where he found a lot of information being provided such as the Housing Element and RHNA needs. He believes the City can get creative to reach the housing numbers and encourages the community to get involved and provide ideas. Chairman Giroux asked if a Town Hall will be held for the public to express their ideas and comments on the Housing Element. Director Weiss explained that a Town Hall will not be built into the process however the community can attend the Planning Commission meeting to provide input. Commission McConnell requested updates on the following projects: Specific Plan Mixed Use Lewis Group 50 Acres ADJOURN Chairman Giroux adjourned the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board at 7:10 p.m. The next scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board to be held on April 15, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. _________________________________ _________________________________ Edward Giroux, Chairman of the Grand Debra L. Thomas, City Clerk Terrace Planning Commission Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Apr 1, 2021 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packet Pg. 7 B.1 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:May 10, 2021 TITLE:Consideration of a General Plan Consistency Determination Pursuant to Government Code Section 65402 Regarding the Sale of a Successor Agency-Owned Property Located at 22747 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA (APN 0276-202- 54)To the City of Grand Terrace PRESENTED BY:Steven Weiss, Planning & Development Services Director RECOMMENDATION:Adopt a RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, FINDING THAT THE GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY FINDING PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65402 FOR THE PROPOSED SALE OF SUCCESSOR AGENCY PROPERTY LOCATED AT 22747 BARTON ROAD (APN 0276-202-54) TO THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE IS NOT A PROJECT AND EXEMPT FROM CEQA PURSUANT TO CEQA GUIDELINES SECTIONS 15060(C)(3), 15378(B)(5), AND 15061(B)(3); AND FINDING GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65402 FOR SUCH PROPOSED SALE OF SUCCESSOR AGENCY PROPERTY LOCATED AT 22747 BARTON ROAD (APN 0276-202-54) TO THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 2030 VISION STATEMENT This staff reports supports Goal #4 to Develop and Implement Successful Partnerships by exploring creative means to provide City services. BACKGROUND California Government Code Section 65402(a) states that "If a General Plan has been adopted, no real property shall be disposed or acquired, until the location, purpose and extent of such disposition or acquisition, \[has\] been submitted to and reported upon by the planning agency as to conformity with said adopted general plan within forty (40) days after the matter was submitted to it." Therefore, for acquisition and disposition of property to occur, the Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board ormity of the proposed acquisition/disposition with the General Plan. Packet Pg. 8 B.1 The Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand 0276-202-. The City desires to acquire the land in order to potentially build a library or community center. The site is designated Public in the General Plan Land Use Map and it is within the Barton Road Specific Plan - Office Professional zoning district. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY The potential for a future library or community center is consistent with the Public Facilities Land Use Designation. This designation includes schools, parks, City Hall, and municipal facilities owned and operated by public entities. As noted above, the Successor Agency currently owns the Property. Though it is currently listed on Long- development purposes, the City desires to acquire and utilize the property for a potential municipal facility with the goal of maintaining and operating the facility with the expertise to operate the facility. The proposed use of the Property to potentially construct a municipal facility will support the Public Services and Facilities Element Goal 7.1 to coordinate and balance the provisions of public services with existing and planned development to eliminate service gaps, maximize the use of existing public facilities and services, provide a high level of quality public services. Maintaining the potential inclusion of a municipal facility (i.e., library or community center) located at 22747 Barton Road would be in conformity with the Grand Terrace General Plan in accordance with California Government Code Section 65402 and is consistent with the intent of the General Plan. Based upon the forgoing, Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the nicipal facility purposes conforms with the General Plan. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution (DOC) APPROVALS: Steven Weiss Completed 05/04/2021 9:35 AM City Attorney Completed 05/05/2021 9:11 AM Steven Weiss Completed 05/05/2021 1:00 PM Planning Commission/Site And Architectural Review Board Pending 05/10/2021 6:30 PM Packet Pg. 9 B.1.a RESOLUTION NO. 2021-XX RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, FINDING THAT THE GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY FINDING PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65402 FOR THE PROPOSED SALE OF SUCCESSOR AGENCY PROPERTY LOCATED AT 22747 BARTON ROAD (APN 0276-202-54) TO THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE IS NOT A PROJECT AND EXEMPT FROM CEQA PURSUANT TO CEQA GUIDELINES SECTIONS 15060(C)(3), 15378(B)(5), AND 15061(B)(3); AND FINDING GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65402 FOR SUCH PROPOSED SALE OF SUCCESSOR AGENCY PROPERTY LOCATED AT 22747 BARTON ROAD (APN 0276-202-54) TO THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE WHEREAS, the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace was dissolved in 2012; WHEREAS, pursuant to Health & Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace is the successor agency ( Agency of the City of Grand Terrace; and WHEREAS, the Successor Agency currently holds a .33-acre property located at 22747 Barton Road in the City of Grand Terrace (APN: 0276-202-54) (Property); WHEREAS, the Subject Parcel is designated Public on the General PlanLand Use Map; WHEREAS, the Public land use designation includes schools, parks, libraries, and maintenance facilities owned and operated by public utilities; WHEREAS, the City desires to acquire, and the Successor Agency desires to sell to the City, the Property for the Citys potential use; WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65402 requires that prior to the acquisition or disposition of real property by a government agency, the planning agency of the jurisdiction in which said property is located must first make the finding that the acquisition of said real property is in conformance with the adopted General Plan ofthe local jurisdiction; WHEREAS, this action is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines. The activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378(b)(5) of the CEQA Guidelines - Organizational or administrative activities of governments that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment. Further, even if it is a project, this Attachment: Resolution \[Revision 3\] (General Plan Conformance for Potential Public Use of Property Located at 22747 Barton Road) action is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) (when it can be seen with Packet Pg. 10 B.1.a certainty that there is no possibility that an action will have a significant effect on the environment, that activity is not subject to CEQA). The evaluation of General Plan consistency for the purchase and sale of the Property will not have any effect on the environment. Ownership will change; however, no physical changes are proposed or authorized with the purchase. Therefore, it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility of significant environmental effects and the purchase is not subject to CEQA. Any use (such as any potential use as library or community center) as determined by the City Council would be subject to a separate discretionary action and CEQA compliance review at that time. The full extent of the future use, design, and operations of the Property are speculative at this point and are therefore not yet ripe for evaluation. Potential environmental impacts will be evaluated at the time the City Council considers establishing the specific use for the Property; WHEREAS, on May 10, 2021, the Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board (Planning Commission) conducted a duly noticed special public meeting on this matter at the Grand Terrace Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California 92313 and concluded the meeting on said date; WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred; NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, as follows 1. The Planning Commission hereby specifically finds that all the facts set forth in the above Recitals, are true and correct, and incorporates the above Recitals herein by this reference. 2. Based upon the forgoing and written and oral presentations made by City staff and members of the public, the Planning Commission hereby finds that the General Plan conformance finding pursuant to Government Code Section 65402 as provided herein is not subject to environmental review pursuant to CEQA Regulations Section 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines. The activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378 (b) (5) - Organizational or administrative activities of governments that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment. Further, even if it is a project, this action is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) (when it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that an action will have a significant effect on the environment, that activity is not subject to CEQA). The evaluation of General Plan consistency for the purchase and sale of the Property will not have any effect on the environment. Ownership will change; however, no physical changes are proposed or authorized with the purchase. Therefore, it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility of significant environmental effects and the purchase is not subject to CEQA. Any use (such as any potential use as library or community center) as determined by the City Council would be subject to a separate discretionary action and CEQA compliance review at that time. The full extent of the future use, design, and operations of the Property are speculative at this point and are therefore not yet ripe for evaluation. Potential environmental impacts will be evaluated at the time the City Council considers Attachment: Resolution \[Revision 3\] (General Plan Conformance for Potential Public Use of Property Located at 22747 Barton Road) establishing the specific use for the Property. Page 2 of 4 Packet Pg. 11 B.1.a 3. Based on substantial evidence presented to the Planning Commission during the May 10, 2021, special public meeting, including written and oral public testimony, and written and oral staff reports, the Planning Commission specifically finds: a. The acquisition of the Property by the City for a potential library or community center is consistent with the Public Facilities Land Use Designation. This designation includes schools, parks, City Hall, libraries, and community centers owned and operated by a public entity. b. The Successor Agency owns the land upon which a library or community center is potentially proposed. Though it is currently listed on Long-Range Property Management Plan (LRPMP) as recommended to be sold for development purposes, the City instead desires to acquire the property for a potential municipal facility with the goal of maintaining and operating the facility with the expertise to operate the facility. c. The proposed use of the land to potentially construct a municipal facility will support the Public Services and Facilities Element Goal 7.1 to coordinate and balance the provisions of public services with existing and planned development to eliminate service gaps, maximize the use of existing public facilities and services, provide a high level of quality public services. 4. Based on the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above, this Planning Commission hereby determines and finds that the Successor Agencys sale of the Property to the City and the Citys acquisition thereof for the potential use as a municipal facility (e.g., library or community center) would be in conformity with the Grand Terrace General Plan in accordance with California Government Code Section 65402. 5. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, th California, at a regular meeting held on the 10 day of May 2021. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Attachment: Resolution \[Revision 3\] (General Plan Conformance for Potential Public Use of Property Located at 22747 Barton Road) __________________________ __________________________ Page 3 of 4 Packet Pg. 12 B.1.a Debra L. ThomasEdward Giroux City Clerk Chairman Attachment: Resolution \[Revision 3\] (General Plan Conformance for Potential Public Use of Property Located at 22747 Barton Road) Page 4 of 4 Packet Pg. 13