10-21-2021 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Council ChambersRegular Meeting6:30 PM PUBLIC ADVISORY: THE COUNCIL CHAMBER IS NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!! Beginning June 15, 2020, the City of Grand Terrace reopened its public meetings. Therefore, the regular meeting of the Planning Commission/Site & Architectural Review Board for October 21, 2021, is now open to the public. Please be advised that face masks are required, social distancing will be practiced, and occupancy limits will be enforced. Please note that Pursuant to Section 3 of Executive Order N-29-20, issued by Governor Newsom on March 17, 2020, the regular meeting of the Planning Commission/Site & Architectural Review Board for October 21, 2021, will also be conducted telephonically through Zo website. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC The public is encouraged to address the Planning Commission/Site & Architectural Review Board on any matter posted on the agenda or on any other matter within its jurisdiction. If you wish to address the Planning Commission/Site & Architectural Review Board, please complete a Request to Speak Card and hand it to the Planning Secretary. Speakers will be called upon by the Chair at the appropriate time and each person is allowed three (3) minutes speaking time. If you would like to participate telephonically and speak on anagenda item, you can access the meeting by dialing the following telephone number and you will be placed in the waiting room, muted until it is your turn to speak: 1-669-900-9128 Enter Meeting ID: ғƱƯҒƯҒғƯҒƯƲ Password: ғưƱҒƳƬ The City wants you to know that you can also submit your comments by email to ccpubliccomment@grandterrace-ca.gov. To give the Planning Secretary adequate time to print out your comments for consideration at the meeting, please submit your written comments prior to 5:00 p.m.; or if -6621 x212 by 5:00 p.m. If you wish to have your comments read to the Planning Commission/Site & Architectural Review Board during the appropriate Public Comment period, Planning Commission/Site& Architectural Review Board will be subject to the three (3) minute time limitation (approximately 350 words). Pursuant to the provisions of the Brown Act, no action may be taken on a matter unless it is listed on the agenda, or unless certain emergency or special circumstances exist. The Planning Commission/Site & Architectural Review Boardmay direct staff to investigate and/or schedule certain matters for consideration at a future Planning Commission/Site & Architectural Review Board meeting. PLEASE NOTE: Copies of staff reports and supporting documentation pertaining to each item on this agenda are available for public viewing and inspection at City Hall, 1st Floor Lobby Area and 2nd Floor Reception Area during regular business hours and on the Citwww.grandterrace-ca.gov. For further information regarding agenda items, pleasecontact the office of the Planning Secretary at (909) 824-6621 x212, or via e-mail at mduenas@grandterrace-ca.gov. City of Grand TerracePage 1 Agenda Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board October 21, 2021 Any documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission/Site & Architectural Review Board City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours. In addition, such documents will be www.grandterrace-ca.gov. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this s Office, (909) 824-6621 x230 at least 48 hours prior to the advertised starting time of the meeting. This will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Later requests will be accommodated to the extent feasible. CALL TO ORDER Convene the Meeting of the Planning Commission and Site and Architectural Review Board. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Attendee Name Present Absent Late Arrived Chairman Edward A. Giroux Vice-Chairman Jeremy Briggs Commissioner Tara Cesena Commissioner Jeffrey McConnell Commissioner David Alaniz APPROVAL OF AGENDA PRESENTATIONS None. PUBLIC ADDRESS Public address to the Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Director of Planning and Development Services. City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Agenda Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board October 21, 2021 This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda. Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the Planning Commission may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification. The Chairman may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting. A.CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 09/16/2021 DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK B.ACTION ITEMS 1. 2021-2029 Draft Housing Element RECOMMENDATION: 1. Receive staff presentation 2. Receive public comments 3. Provide comments to staff as appropriate DEPARTMENT: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES C.PUBLIC HEARINGS None. D.INFORMATION TO COMMISSIONERS E. INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONERS ADJOURN Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting of the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission to be held on November 04, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. City of Grand Terrace Page 3 A.1 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD MINUTES Council ChambersRegular Meeting6:30 PM CALL TO ORDER Chairman Edward Giroux convened the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission and Site and Architectural Review Board for Thursday, September 16, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Giroux. Attendee NameTitleStatusArrived Edward A. GirouxChairmanPresent Jeremy BriggsVice-ChairmanAbsent Tara CesenaCommissionerAbsent Jeffrey McConnellCommissionerPresent David AlanizCommissionerPresent Steven WeissPlanning & Development Services DirectorPresent Robert KhuuAssistant City AttorneyPresent Haide AguirreAssociate PlannerPresent Debra ThomasCity ClerkPresent APPROVAL OF AGENDA 1.Motion: September 16, 2021, Approval of Agenda RESULT:ADOPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] MOVER:Jeffrey McConnell, Commissioner SECONDER:David Alaniz, Commissioner AYES:Edward A. Giroux, Jeffrey McConnell, David Alaniz ABSENT:Jeremy Briggs, Tara Cesena PUBLIC ADDRESS None. City of Grand TerracePage 1 Packet Pg. 4 A.1 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board September 16, 2021 A.CONSENT CALENDAR 2. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 06/17/2021 RESULT: ACCEPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] MOVER: David Alaniz, Commissioner SECONDER: Jeffrey McConnell, Commissioner AYES: Edward A. Giroux, Jeffrey McConnell, David Alaniz ABSENT: Jeremy Briggs, Tara Cesena B.ACTION ITEMS None. C.PUBLIC HEARINGS None. PRESENTATIONS 1. Update to Vehicles Miles Traveled (VMT) Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines Steve Weiss, Planning & Development Services Director gave the PowerPoint presentation for this item. PUBLIC COMMENT Darryl Moore, Grand Terrace expressed his concern with the new law and believes it is a bad law that will provoke a lot of lawsuits. RECEIVE AND FILE - UPDATE VEHICLES MILES TRAVELED (VMT) TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS GUIDELINES RESULT: NO ACTION TAKEN Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Sep 16, 2021 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) D.INFORMATION TO COMMISSIONERS Steve Weiss, Planning & Development Services Director stated that staff has been working diligently on the Specific Plan Update, the Housing Element and the draft EIR process for the Lewis Gateway Project to bring back to the Planning Commission on an informational level in the next couple of months. City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Packet Pg. 5 A.1 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board September 16, 2021 E. INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Jeffrey McConnell went to the Colton Planning Commission meeting on September 14, 2021, regarding the proposed Barton Road Logistics Center. Several Grand Terrace residents attended and expressed their concerns with the project. Commissioner McConnell identified some of the project concerns as follows: Proposal to cut off Terrace Avenue South with no plans to replace it foot walls along Walnut Avenue and the back along Grand Terrace Avenue The project is proposing an $8.5 million contribution to build a new bridge and straighten out Barton Road up to Palm however the concern is when this would happen The Planning Commission did express its concern that the 1936 bridge would not hold three (3) large truck trailers without possibly failing. Area residents suggested that a U-shape or L-shape building be designed that would contain all traffic noise within the project. Local business owners along La Crosse and De Berry expressed their concerns that they did not receive notification regarding the proposition regarding Terrace Avenue and want it replaced. Commissioner McConnell stated the meeting was continued to October 26, 2021. Commissioner David Alaniz wants to make sure that staff is aware of SB 1383 to be implemented in January 2022. The nature of the bill is to reduce the number of organics into the landfill. He described some of the particulars of the bill and wanted to make sure the City is taking steps to comply. Chairman Giroux asked if the commissioners will be able to attend the Planning Commissioner Academy in March 2022. Director Weiss will review and get back to the Planning Commission. Equitable Housing. He stated Equitable Housing is not the same as Equal Housing for all. Equitable Housing is for some and not all. Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Sep 16, 2021 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packet Pg. 6 A.1 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board September 16, 2021 ADJOURN Chairman Giroux adjourned the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board at 7:30 p.m. The next scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board to be held on October 7, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. _________________________________ _________________________________ Edward Giroux, Chairman of the Grand Debra L. Thomas, City Clerk Terrace Planning Commission Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Sep 16, 2021 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Packet Pg. 7 B.1 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:October 21, 2021 TITLE:2021-2029 Draft Housing Element PRESENTED BY:Steven Weiss, Planning & Development Services Director RECOMMENDATION:1.Receive staff presentation 2.Receive public comments 3.Provide comments to staff as appropriate 2030 VISION STATEMENT: A compliant Housing Element supports Goal #1,Ensuring Fiscal Viability and Goal #3, Promote Economic Development by providing an internally consistent General Plan. BACKGROUND: State law requires each city to adopt a General Plan to guide land use and Element, which establishes City policies and programs for maintaining and improving existing housing, as well as accommodating developmentof new housing to meet the On June 17, 2021 the Planning Commission conducted a study session regarding the Housing Element. The staff report for that meeting and other background materials, including a Frequently Asked Questions, are posted on the City website at: <https://www.grandterrace-ca.gov/departments/planning_development_services> During the past few months staff has completed a draft Housing Element (Attachment Element from the Planning Commission and interested community stakeholders. The City Council will then conduct a public meeting to review the draft Housing Element prior to submittal to the California Department of Housing and Community Development DISCUSSION: Overview. The purpose of the Housing Element is to review current and projected housing needs and changes to other circumstances affecting housing, and revise City policies and programs as necessary to address housing needs. The Draft Housing Element is similar in format to the current Housing Element and includes the following sections: Packet Pg. 8 B.1 8.1 Introduction providing an overview of the Housing Element 8.2 Housing Needs Assessment and housing needs 8.3 Housing Resources identifying available land, financial resources and energy conservation opportunities 8.4 Constraints describing potential governmental and non-governmental constraints to meeting the City's housing needs 8.5 Housing Plan the 2021-2029 planning period Appendix 8-A containing an evaluation of the 2013-2021 Housing Element programs and accomplishments Appendix 8-B Sites Inventory new housing needs; and Appendix 8-C Public Participation describing opportunities for stakeholders to participate in the preparation of the Housing Element Section 8.5, the Housing Plan, is the most important part of the Housing Element because it identifies actions the City intends to take over the next 8 years to address the e existing Housing Element programs remain appropriate and are recommended for continuation. The following discussion describes the key issues where changes to the current Housing Element are necessary in order to comply with State housing law. Key Issues. The most significant issues addressed in the Housing Element are: 1) whether City plans and regulations comply with State laws regarding housing for persons with special needs; and 2) how the City will accommodate its share of regional housing needs assi process. 1. Housing for Persons with Special Needs. State law establishes specific requirements related to City regulation of housing for persons with special needs, including the homeless and persons with disabilities. The Constraints section of the Housing Element contains an analysis of City plans and regulations for a variety of housing types. The analysis concluded that while current City regulations are consistent with most State laws regarding special needs housing, some recently adopted laws will require amendments to the Municipal Code in order to ensure consistency with State law. The Housing Plan includes the following programs to ensure compliance with State requirements: Packet Pg. 9 B.1 o Program 9.Housing for Persons with Special Needs. The Zoning Code establishes standards and procedures for housing targeted for persons who are homeless or have disabilities. This program includes a commitment to process a Zoning Ordinance amendment in 2022 in conformance with recent changes to State law. These changes include revised parking standards for emergency shelters, allowing supportive housing meeting specified criteria in zones where multi-family and mixed uses are permitted, and allowing low barrier navigation centers meeting specified standards in areas zoned for mixed use and in non-residential zones permitting multi-family uses. Low -barrier, service- enriched shelters focused on moving people into permanent housing that provides temporary living facilities while case managers connect individuals experiencing homelessness to income, public benefits, health services, 2. Regional Housing Needs Assessment. The Regional Housing Needs Assessment determined for each city. On March 4, 2021 SCAG adopted the final RHNA Plan, which assigns Grand Terrace the following housing needs. 2021-2029 RHNA by Income Category - Grand Terrace Very Low Low Moderate Above Total Moderate 189 92 106 243 630 Source: SCAG, 3/4/2021 The RHNA identifies the amount of additional housing at different price levels a jurisdiction would need to fully accommodate its existing population plus its assigned share projected growth over the next 8 years while avoiding problems like overcrowding and overpayment. The RHNA is a planning requirement based upon housing need, not a construction quota or mandate. The primary significance of the RHNA is that jurisdictions are required to adopt land use plans and development regulations that create sufficient opportunities for additional housing development commensurate with the RHNA allocation. Under current law, cities are not penalized if actual housing production does not achieve the RHNA allocation, but cities may be required to streamline the approval process for qualifying housing developments that meet specific standards (such as affordability and prevailing wage labor requirements) if housing production falls short of the RHNA allocation. The Housing Element must demonstrate compliance with the RHNA by analyzing the Packet Pg. 10 B.1 development regulations, potential constraints (such as infrastructure availability and environmental conditions) and real estate market trends. The analysis must be prepared at a parcel- housing could be built under current regulations. State law requires that the sites analysis demonstrate that City land use plans and regulations provide adequate capacity to fully accommodate its RHNA allocation in each income category. If the current development capacity is not sufficient to fully accommodate the RHNA, the Housing Element must describe proactive steps the City will take to increase housing capacity commensurate with the RHNA - typically through amendments to land use plans and development regulations that could facilitate production of additional housing. Such amendments generally include increasing allowable residential densities, modifying other development standards, or allowing housing to be built in areas where residential development is not currently allowed, such as areas zoned for commercial use. It is important to note that neither cities nor property owners are required to develop additional housing on the sites identified in the Housing Element, or to provide funding for housing development. Future accessory dwelling units (ADUs) can also satisfy a portion of the RHNA allocation based on permit trends and city ADU regulations. As part of the Housing Element update, the current capacity for additional housing is analyzed to determine whether the RHNA allocation can be accommodated at each income level. For small cities like Grand Terrace, State law establishes an allowable density of at least 20 units per acre as necessary to accommodate the very-low- and low-income portion of the RHNA allocation. As shown in Appendix B of the draft Housing Element, there are not currently sufficient sites with appropriate zoning to fully accommodate the RHNA allocation. However, proposed developments that are currently in the planning process, primarily the Gateway Specific Plan, would provide sufficient additional capacity to accommodate the RHNA allocation. Program 1 in the Housing Plan includes the required commitment to housing needs for the 2021-2029 period. NEXT STEPS: After review of the draft Housing Element by the Planning Commission and City Council, the draft must be submitted to HCD for review. HCD has 60 days to review the draft and provide comments to the City. A revised draft Housing Element will then be prepared to address HCD comments and public hearings will be scheduled for the Packet Pg. 11 B.1 Planning Commission and City Council to consider adoption of the Housing Element. The adopted element must be submitted to HCD for a second review. The City will continue to accept comments from interested parties on the draft Housing Element via email to: sweiss@GrandTerrace-ca.gov PUBLIC NOTICE: Notice of this meeting was sent to organizations that may have an interest in housing issues. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No formal action subject to CEQA is proposed at this meeting. Prior to adoption of the Housing Element update, appropriate CEQA analysis will be prepared for review by the Planning Commission, City Council, and the public. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: 1. Receive staff presentation 2. Receive public comments 3. Provide comments to staff as appropriate ATTACHMENTS: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (PDF) APPROVALS: Steven Weiss Completed 10/14/2021 11:29 AM City Attorney Completed 10/14/2021 3:47 PM Steven Weiss Completed 10/14/2021 3:54 PM Planning Commission/Site And Architectural Review Board Pending 10/21/2021 6:30 PM Packet Pg. 12 B.1.a HousingElement Housing Element 2021-2029 Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 13 B.1.a HousingElement Contents 8.0 HOUSING ELEMENT ........................................................................................................... 1 8.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1 8.1.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................... 1 8.1.2 Background ..................................................................................................... 1 8.1.3 Relationship to Other Plans and Programs ...................................................... 2 8.2 Housing Needs Assessment .................................................................................................. 4 8.2.1 Population Trends ........................................................................................... 4 8.2.2 Household Composition, Size and Tenure ...................................................... 4 8.2.3 Age Characteristics ......................................................................................... 6 8.2.4 Extremely-Low-Income Households ................................................................ 7 8.2.5 Employment Characteristics ............................................................................ 7 8.2.6 Housing Characteristics .................................................................................. 8 8.2.7 Special Housing Needs ................................................................................. 14 8.2.8 Future Housing Needs .................................................................................. 20 8.3 Housing Resources .............................................................................................................. 21 8.3.1 Land Resources ............................................................................................ 21 8.3.2 Financial Resources ...................................................................................... 21 8.3.3 Energy Conservation ..................................................................................... 22 8.4 Constraints ............................................................................................................................ 25 8.4.1 Non-Governmental Constraints ..................................................................... 25 8.4.2 Market Constraints ........................................................................................ 26 8.4.3 Government Constraints ............................................................................... 27 8.5 Housing Plan ........................................................................................................................ 39 8.5.1 Goals and Policies......................................................................................... 39 8.5.2 Housing Programs......................................................................................... 41 8.5.3 Quantified Objectives .................................................................................... 46 Appendices Appendix 8-A Evaluation of the Prior Housing Element ............................................................... 48 Appendix 8-B Sites Inventory to Accommodate the RHNA .......................................................... 54 Appendix 8-C Public Participation Summary................................................................................. 60 Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 14 B.1.a HousingElement Figures Figure 8.1 Population Trends 2000-2020 Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region ....................................... 4 Figure 8.2 Household Size by Tenure Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region ............................................ 5 Figure 8.3 Housing Tenure Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region ............................................................. 5 Figure 8.4 Housing Tenure by Age Grand Terrace .............................................................................. 6 Figure 8.5 Population by Age and Gender Grand Terrace ................................................................... 6 Figure 8.6 Extremely-Low-Income Households by Race/Ethnicity and Tenure Grand Terrace .......... 7 Figure 8.7 Employment by Industry Grand Terrace ............................................................................. 8 Figure 8.8 Employment by Occupation Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region .......................................... 8 Figure 8.9 Housing Units by Type Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region .................................................. 9 Figure 8.10 Age of Housing Units Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region ................................................... 10 Figure 8.11 Overcrowding by Tenure Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region ............................................. 11 Figure 8.12 Median Existing Home Sales Prices Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region ........................... 12 Figure 8.13 Monthly Owner Costs for Mortgage Holders Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region ............... 12 Figure 8.14 Rental Cost by Income Category Grand Terrace .............................................................. 13 Figure 8.15 Overpayment by Income Category Grand Terrace ........................................................... 13 Figure 8.16 Disabilities by Type Grand Terrace ................................................................................... 14 Figure 8.17 Disabilities by Type for Seniors Grand Terrace ................................................................ 14 Figure 8.18 Developmental Disabilities Grand Terrace ........................................................................ 15 Figure 8.19 Elderly Households by Income and Tenure Grand Terrace.............................................. 16 Figure 8.20 Female-Headed Households Grand Terrace .................................................................... 17 Figure 8.21 Poverty Status for Female-Headed Households Grand Terrace ...................................... 18 Figure 8.22 Agricultural Employment Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region ............................................. 18 Tables Table 8.1 Affordable Housing Costs San Bernardino County ........................................................... 11 Table 8.2 Regional Housing Need Assessment, 2021-2029 ............................................................... 20 Table 8.3 General Plan Residential Designations ................................................................................ 27 Table 8.4 Housing Types Permitted by Zoning District ........................................................................ 28 Table 8.5 Minimum Development Standards for Residential Zones .................................................... 28 Table 8.6 Residential Planning, Building Permit and Development Impact Fees ................................ 36 Table 8.7 Summary of 2021-2029 Quantified Objectives .................................................................... 47 Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 15 B.1.a HousingElement 8.0 HOUSING ELEMENT 8.1 INTRODUCTION 8.1.1 Purpose The purpose of the City of Grand Terrace Housing Element is to provide the residents, development community and elected and appointed officials with a clear understanding of To achieve the ultimate goal of ensuring that every Grand Terrace resident secures a safe and decent place to live within a satisfactory environment, the Housing Element promotes a close coordination of housing policies and programs at local, state and federal levels. 8.1.2 Background Function of the Element The Hous of incorporated lands. The City balances the need to ensure adequate housing for all current and future residents against the need to provide infrastructure and services. The Housing Element includes a description of existing housing types, the condition of existing units, an analysis of overcrowding, overpayment, special housing needs, and the demand for affordable housing in the City. The Element also includes a discussion of the progress made over the previous planning period, and projections of needs for the next eight years. Public Participation California law requires that local governments include public participation as part of the housing element. Specifically, Government Code § a diligent effort to achieve public participation of all economic segments of the community in the tate law does not specify the means and methods for participation; however, it is generally recognized that the Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) participation must be inclusive. Appendix C includes a description of the public participation process for the 2021-2029 Housing Element update. VIII-1 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 16 B.1.a HousingElement 8.1.3 Relationship to Other Plans and Programs California Law The California Government Code requires every City and County to prepare a Housing Element as part of its General Plan. In addition, State law contains specific requirements for the preparation and content of Housing Elements. According to §65580, the Legislature has declared that: (1) The availability of housing is of vital statewide importance, and the early attainment of decent housing and a suitable living environment for every California family is a priority of the highest order. (2) The early attainment of this goal requires that cooperative participation of government and the private sector in an effort to expand housing opportunities and accommodate the housing needs of Californians of all economic levels. (3) The provision of housing affordable to low and moderate income households requires the cooperation of all levels of government. (4) Local and state governments have a responsibility to use the powers vested in them to facilitate the improvement and development of housing to make adequate provision for the housing needs of all economic segments of the community. (5) The legislature recognizes that in carrying out this responsibility, each local government also has the responsibility to consider economic, environmental, and fiscal factors and community goals set forth in the General Plan and to cooperate with other local governments, and the state, in addressing regional housing needs. Government Code §65583 outlines the required content of all housing elements including identification and analysis of existing and projected housing needs, and a statement of goals, policies, quantified objectives, and scheduled programs for the preservation, improvement, and development of housing. Specific requirements include the following: (1) An assessment of housing needs and an inventory of resources and constraints relevant to the meeting of these needs. The analysis should include population and employment trends; documentation of household characteristics; inventory of land suitable for residential development; governmental and other constraints to housing development; analysis of any special housing needs and an assessment of existing affordable housing developments. (2) A program that sets forth a schedule of actions the local government is undertaking or Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) intends to undertake to implement the policies and achieve the objectives of the housing element in order to meet the housing needs of all economic segments of the community. Relationship to the Grand Terrace General Plan In 2010, the City adopted a comprehensive update of the General Plan. The Housing Element is an integral part of the General Plan and holds strong relationships with other elements. Since residential development is a primary land use in the City, it is directly linked to the Land Use VIII-2 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 17 B.1.a HousingElement Element. The siting of housing is also dependent upon the location of streets and transportation systems to move people from their homes to jobs, shopping, schools, and recreation facilities and to provide goods and services to the residences (Circulation Element). Homes must also be located in areas free of hazards (Public Safety Element), and away from major noise generators (Noise Element). In addition, residents are dependent upon utilities, police, fire and other public services (Public Services & Facilities Element) and require recreation facilities (Open Space & Conservation Element). Because of the requirement for consistency between the various General Plan Elements, any proposed amendment to an Element will be evaluated against the other Elements of the General Plan to ensure that no conflicts occur, including the Safety and Conservation Elements pursuant to AB 162, SB 1241 and SB 379. Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-3 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 18 B.1.a HousingElement 8.2 HOUSING NEEDS ASSESSMENT To effectively determine the present and future housing needs for the City of Grand Terrace, population variables, such as demographic and socio-economic characteristics and trends must first be analyzed. The following description of the community of the City of Grand Terrace is a capsulation of available data from the U.S. Census Report, data from the California Department of Finance, projections from Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), and various other informational sources. 8.2.1 Population Trends Population trends over the last two decades are shown in Figure 8.1. Grand Terrace had a 2020 total population of 12,426 including 113 living in group quarters according to the California Department of Finance. The figure below shows the population trend in Grand Terrace from 2000 to 2020. Over this period Grand Terrace had an annual growth rate of 0.3% compared to 0.7% for the region as a whole. Figure 8.1 Population Trends 2000-2020 Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region 8.2.2 Household Composition, Size and Tenure Figure 8.2 illustrates the range of household sizes in Grand Terrace for owners, renters, and overall. The most commonly occurring household size is of two people (31.6%) and the second-most commonly occurring household is of one person (25.4%). Grand Terrace has a higher share of Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) single-person households than the SCAG region overall (25.4% vs. 23.4%) and a lower share of 7+ person households than the SCAG region overall (2.3% vs. 3.1%). VIII-4 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 19 B.1.a HousingElement Figure 8.2 Household Size by Tenure Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region Of the occupied housing units in the City of Grand Terrace, approximately 63% are owner-occupied and 37% are renter-occupied. Housing tenure is an indicator of the housing market. Communities need an adequate supply of both to be able to provide a range of housing alternatives for households with varying incomes, household sizes and compositions, and lifestyles. As shown in Figure 8.3 below, the home ownership rate in Grand Terrace is higher than for the SCAG region as a whole. Figure 8.3 Housing Tenure Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-5 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 20 B.1.a HousingElement Figure 8.4 shows that homeowners outnumber renters in Grand Terrace in all age groups except under 35 and seniors age 85 or over. Figure 8.4 Housing Tenure by Age Grand Terrace 8.2.3 Age Characteristics According to recent Census estimates the population of Grand Terrace is 48% male and 52% female (Figure 8.5). The share of the population of Grand Terrace under 18 years of age is 19.7%, which is lower than the regional share of 23.4%. Grand Terrace's seniors (65 and above) make up 15.5% of the population, which is higher than the regional share of 13%. Figure 8.5 Population by Age and Gender Grand Terrace Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-6 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 21 B.1.a HousingElement 8.2.4 Extremely-Low-Income Households Figure 8.6 shows recent HUD estimates of extremely-low-income households in Grand Terrace by race/ethnicity and tenure. The race/ethnicity with the highest share of extremely-low-income households in Grand Terrace is Hispanic (10.3% compared to 6.2% of total population). In the SCAG region, the highest share of extremely-low-income households is Black, non-Hispanic (27.1% compared to 17.7% of total households). Figure 8.6 Extremely-Low-Income Households by Race/Ethnicity and Tenure Grand Terrace 8.2.5 Employment Characteristics According to recent Census estimates, Grand Terrace has approximately 6,051 workers living within its borders who work across 13 major industrial sectors (Figure 8.7). The most prevalent industry is Education & Social Services with 2,015 employees (33.3% of total) and the second most prevalent industry is Retail trade with 719 employees (11.9% of total). Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-7 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 22 B.1.a HousingElement Figure 8.7 Employment by Industry Grand Terrace The most prevalent occupational category in Grand Terrace is Management, in which 2,299 (38% of total) employees work. The second-most prevalent type of work is in Sales, which employs 1,395 (23.1% of total) in Grand Terrace (Figure 8.8). Figure 8.8 Employment by Occupation Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) 8.2.6 Housing Characteristics Housing Units by Type Figure 8.9 shows recent Department of Finance estimates of housing type. The most prevalent housing type in Grand Terrace is single-family detached with about 62% of units. The share of all VIII-8 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 23 B.1.a HousingElement single-family units in Grand Terrace, including attached units, is approximately 66%, which is higher than the 62% share for the SCAG region as a whole. The total vacancy rate is approximately 5% and the average household size is approximately 2.7 persons per household. Figure 8.9 Housing Units by Type Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region Housing Age and Condition The age of a structure has a significant effect on its physical condition. Homes generally begin to show age after 30 years and require some level of maintenance. This typically includes roof repair, painting, landscaping, and exterior finishes. Homes between 30 and 50 years typically require more significant maintenance and even renovation. Generally, homes built 50 or more years ago (unless well maintained) are more likely to require substantial repairs or need renovation to meet current building codes. However, by itself, age is not a valid indicator of housing condition, since proper care and continued maintenance will extend the physical and economic life of a unit. One the other hand, a lack of normal maintenance coupled with an aging housing stock can lead to the serious deterioration of individual units and entire neighborhoods. Figure 8.10 shows the age of housing in Grand Terrace. According to recent Census estimates, over 80was built before 1990 and is more than 30 years old. Proper and continued maintenance of older housing is important in extending the life of a home. Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-9 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 24 B.1.a HousingElement Figure 8.10 Age of Housing Units Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region It is estimate that approximately 20% of the housing stock is in need of minor repairs while approximately 5% may require more substantial rehabilitation. This suggests that overall, for its Overcrowding The size of residential structures (number of rooms including bathrooms, halls, closets, and kitchens.) is an important factor in assessing whether the housing stock is adequately (kitchen, dining/family room, living room and two bedrooms) and can accommodate a family of up to five without being considered overcrowded. Overcrowding is said to occur when there is more than one resident per room, excluding bathrooms, and severe overcrowding exists when there are more than 1.5 residents per room. According to recent Census estimates, 5% of homeowners and 8% of renters in Grand Terrace are experiencing overcrowding, which is lower than for the region as a whole. Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-10 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 25 B.1.a HousingElement Figure 8.11 Overcrowding by Tenure Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region Housing Affordability Housing Affordability Criteria The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) publishes housing affordability guidelines annually for each county. These guidelines are used for determining eligibility of household incomes for housing programs. Affordability guidelines are based on the assumption that households should pay no more than 30 percent of gross income on housing. Table 8.1 shows affordable rent and home purchase limits by income category based on the County median income. These amounts are for 4-person households and are adjusted based upon household size. Affordable purchase prices are estimated based on typical costs but can vary widely depending on factors such as interest rates, down payment, and homeowners fees. Affordable sales prices are only estimate for the moderate-income level since most deed-restricted affordable ownership housing in the Grand Terrace market area is generally not feasible at lower income levels. Table 8.1 Affordable Housing Costs San Bernardino County Income Category Maximum Income Affordable Rent Affordable Price (est.) Extremely low $26,500 $663 * Very low $39,500 $988 * Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) Low $63,200 $1,580 * Moderate $93,000 $2,325 $375,000 Above moderate Over $93,000 Over $2,325 Over $375,000 Assumptions: -Based on a family of 4 and 2021 State income limits -30% of gross income for rent or principal, interest, taxes & insurance plus utility allowance -10% down payment, 3.75% interest, 1.25% taxes & insurance, $300 HOA dues *For-sale affordable housing is typically at the moderate-income level Source: Cal. HCD; JHD Planning LLC VIII-11 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 26 B.1.a HousingElement For-Sale Housing Between 2000 and 2018, median home sales prices in Grand Terrace increased 165% while prices in the SCAG region increased 151%. 2018 median home sales prices in Grand Terrace were $370,000 and the highest experienced since 2000 was $374,000 in 2006. Prices in Grand Terrace have ranged from a low of 58.7% of the SCAG region median in 2013 and a high of 68.2% in 2004 (Figure 8.12). Figure 8.12 Median Existing Home Sales Prices Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region As seen in Figure 8.13, about two-thirds of Grand Terrace homeowners with a mortgage pay $1,000-$2,000 per month for housing, which is lower than for the region as a whole. Figure 8.13 Monthly Owner Costs for Mortgage Holders Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) Across Grand Terraces 1,627 renter households, 893 (54.9%) spend thirty percent or more of gross income on housing cost, compared to 55.3% in the SCAG region. Additionally, 429 renter households in Grand Terrace (26.4%) spend fifty percent or more of gross income on housing cost, VIII-12 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 27 B.1.a HousingElement compared to 28.9% in the SCAG region. As seen in Figure 8.14, lower-income renters typically spend a much higher portion of their incomes for housing than those in higher income categories. Figure 8.14 Rental Cost by Income Category Grand Terrace Overpayment A household is considered to be overpaying for housing (or cost burdened) if it spends more than 30 percent of its gross income on housing. Severe housing cost burden occurs when a household pays more than 50 percent of its income on housing. The prevalence of overpayment varies significantly by income, tenure, household type, and household size. Figure 8.15 shows that households in lower income categories typically overpay for housing at a much higher rate than those with higher incomes. Figure 8.15 Overpayment by Income Category Grand Terrace Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-13 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 28 B.1.a HousingElement 8.2.7 Special Housing Needs There are households with identifiable special needs, as defined by California law, for which the City must plan. Such groups have a greater difficulty in finding affordable housing due to special circumstances, which may be related to employment, income, family characteristics, disability or other conditions. As a result, some residents may experience a higher prevalence of overpayment, overcrowding, or other housing problems. These groups include persons with disabilities, the elderly, large households, female-headed households, farm workers, and the homeless. Each special needs category is discussed in greater detail below. Persons with Disabilities In Grand Terrace, the most commonly occurring disabilities were ambulatory and independent living, both in the general population and among seniors 65 and older. Figure 8.16 Disabilities by Type Grand Terrace Figure 8.17 Disabilities by Type for Seniors Grand Terrace Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-14 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 29 B.1.a HousingElement Persons with disabilities have special housing needs. Depending on the disability their needs may be proximity to public transit, services, and the workplace. Housing needs may include ramps, lowered countertops, and widened doorways. Developmental Disabilities According to §4512 of the Welfare and Institutions Code a developmental disability means a disability that originates before an individual attains age 18 years, continues, or can be expected to continue, indefinitely, and constitutes a substantial disability for that individual which includes mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and autism. This term shall also include disabling conditions found to be closely related to mental retardation or to require treatment similar to that required for individuals with mental retardation, but shall not include other handicapping conditions that are solely physical in nature. Many persons with developmental disabilities can live and work independently within a conventional housing environment. More severely disabled individuals require a group living environment where supervision is provided. The most severely affected individuals may require an institutional environment where medical attention and physical therapy are provided. Because developmental disabilities exist before adulthood, the first issue in supportive housing for the appropriate level of independence as an adult. The Inland Regional Center (IRC) provides services to more than 25,000 people with developmental disabilities and their families in San Bernardino and Riverside counties. Recent data published by the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) for Grand Terrace is shown in Figure 8.18. Figure 8.18 Developmental Disabilities Grand Terrace Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-15 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 30 B.1.a HousingElement To address the needs of persons with disabilities, the City adopted Chapter 18.66 Reasonable Accommodations, which provides a simple and inexpensive process for persons with disabilities, including those with developmental disabilities, to request modifications to City codes and regulations, such as ramps or accessible room additions within building setbacks, if necessary to accommodate the disability. In addition, state-licensed facilities that house persons with disabilities are permitted within the residential zones of the City. The Elderly Federal housing data define a household type as elderly family if it consists of two persons with either or both age 62 or over. Recent Census estimates of elderly households in Grand Terrace by income and tenure are shown in Figure 8.19. This table shows that of Grand Terraces 1,070 such households, 10.7% earn less than 30% of the surrounding area income, (compared to 24.2% in the SCAG region), 21.5% earn less than 50% of the surrounding area income (compared to 30.9% in the SCAG region). It is likely that the elderly population will continue to increase due to two factors: (1) The U.S. population nationwide is aging as the baby boom population (born between 1946 and 1964) approaches their senior years; and (2) Many long-time residents chose to stay in the City. As people age, they often find themselves facing additional housing problems they may not have had to cope with previously. Senior households have special housing needs primarily due to three major concerns: physical disabilities/limitations, reduced income, and health care costs. Affordability can be an issue of special concern to the elderly, who are often on fixed retirement incomes. Many elderly owner-households reside in mobile homes, which are among the lowest-cost housing options in the City. In addition, the elderly may require assistance with housekeeping, maintenance, and repairs to remain in their own homes as long as possible. Special design features that may be needed include elimination of barriers such as steps and the provision of recreational and social amenities for the elderly. Figure 8.19 Elderly Households by Income and Tenure Grand Terrace Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-16 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 31 B.1.a HousingElement Large Family Households Large households are defined as those with 5 or more persons. Large households typically require larger units to avoid overcrowding. According to recent Census estimates, Grand Terrace has approximately 441 (10%) total households consisting of five or more persons. This suggests that the need for large units with four or more bedrooms is expected to be significantly less than the need for smaller units. Single Parent Households Single-parent households also have greater housing needs than other households due to their limited income and higher expenses. According to recent Census estimates (Figure 8.20) there are approximately 882 female-headed households in Grand Terrace, or about 20% of total households (compared to 14.3% in the SCAG region). Approximately 7.7% of households are female-headed with children (compared to 6.6% in the SCAG region), and 0.2% are female-headed with children under age 6 (compared to 1.0% in the SCAG region). Figure 8.20 Female-Headed Households Grand Terrace As seen in Figure 8.21, about 3.4 percent of Grand Terraces households are experiencing poverty, compared to 7.9 percent of households in the SCAG region. The majority of households in poverty are female-headed. Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-17 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 32 B.1.a HousingElement Figure 8.21 Poverty Status for Female-Headed Households Grand Terrace Single-family detached rentals and multifamily housing with child-oriented amenities, such as parent households. Affordable attached housing, such as condominiums, can also help meet the needs of female-headed and single-parent households Farmworkers Recent Census estimates reported a total of 9 persons in Grand Terrace employed in agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (Figure 8.22). Because the number of existing employees in Grand Terrace are identified as being farm workers is so small, it is anticipated that that their housing needs will be met through programs designed for lower-income households. Figure 8.22 Agricultural Employment Grand Terrace vs. SCAG Region Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-18 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 33 B.1.a HousingElement Homeless dependency, mental health problems, domestic violence, and other life-threatening conditions. Individuals and families experience homelessness for a variety of reasons, and therefore a homeless population may have a variety of needs. A homeless person may need medical care, childcare assistance, credit counseling, substance abuse treatment, job training, and/or English language education, among other services. 1 According to the 2020 San Bernardino County Homeless Count and Subpopulation Survey Report there were 3,125 persons who were counted as homeless in the county on Thursday, January 23, 2020. The previous homeless count and subpopulation survey was completed in 2019 when 2,607 homeless persons were counted. A comparison of the last two counts reveals that: 518 more persons were counted in 2020, which represents an increase of 19.9%; 470 more persons were counted as unsheltered in 2020 when compared to the unsheltered count in 2019, which represents an increase of 24.5%; and 48 more persons were counted as sheltered in 2020 when compared to the sheltered count in 2019, which represents an increase of 7.0%. The 2020 homeless count reported five unsheltered homeless persons in Grand Terrace. The City of Grand Terrace participates in the San Bernardino County Continuum of Care Plan, which helps bring homeless people into shelters, provides supportive services, and helps in the transition to permanent housing. Most of the homeless shelters in San Bernardino County are located in or near the City of San Bernardino where the largest number of homeless persons are located. At Risk Housing As required by Government Code §65583, the City must analyze the extent to which low-income, multi-family rental units are at risk of converting to market rate housing and, if necessary, develop programs to preserve or replace these assisted housing units. Assisted housing is considered to be at risk if it is eligible to convert to non-low income housing during the next 10 years due to: 1) the termination of a rental subsidy contract; 2) mortgage prepayment or 3) the expiration of affordability restrictions. Based on the information provided by the California Housing Partnership Corporation, there is one low-income project, Blue Mountain Senior Villas, with 107 affordable units in Grand Terrace. Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) Affordability restrictions on this project extend to 2063; therefore, this project is not at-risk of conversion. 1 https://wp.sbcounty.gov/dbh/sbchp/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/04/2020-SBC-Homeless-Count-Report.pdf VIII-19 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 34 B.1.a HousingElement 8.2.8 Future Housing Needs California law requires all local governments to plan to facilitate and encourage the production of housing to accommodate population and employment growth. To assist in that effort, SCAG prepares a Regional Housing Needs Assessment, often referred to as the RHNA. The RHNA is a key tool for local governments to plan for anticipated growth. The RHNA quantifies the anticipated need for housing within each jurisdiction for an 8-year period. Communities then determine how they will address this need through the process of updating the Housing Elements of their General Plans income categories: - less than 50 percent of the median income - 50 to 80 percent of the median income; - 80 to 120 percent of the median income; and Above Moderate- more than 120 percent of the median. In 2021, SCAG issued new RHNA allocations for the 2021-2029 planning period, as shown in Table 8.2. Table 8.2 Regional Housing Need Assessment, 2021-2029 Income Level RHNA Target Very Low* 189 Low 92 Moderate 106 Above Moderate 243 Total 630 Source: SCAG, 2021 *Includes 95 extremely-low-income units pursuant to Government Code §65583(a)(1) Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-20 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 35 B.1.a HousingElement 8.3 HOUSING RESOURCES 8.3.1 Land Resources Section 65583(a)(3) of the California Government Code requires Housing Elements to include an potential for redevelopment, and an analysis of the relationship of zoning and public facilities and services to these projects approved and the potential development of vacant and underutilized parcels, is sufficient to accommodate the RHNA for this planning period in all income categories. A discussion of public facilities and infrastructure needed to serve future development is contained -in Section 8.4.1. There are currently no known service limitations that would preclude the level of development described in the RHNA, although developers will be required to pay fees or construct public improvements prior to or concurrent with development. 8.3.2 Financial Resources In 2012 the state abolished all redevelopment agencies in California; therefore, this tool for community revitalization and affordable housing assistance is no longer available. Nevertheless, there are a variety of potential funding sources available to support affordable housing in the City of Grand Terrace, as summarized below. Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Program: HOME is a federal program, created as a result of the National Housing Affordability Act of 1990. Under HOME, HUD awards funds to localities on the basis of a formula, which takes into account tightness of the local housing market, inadequate housing, poverty and housing production costs. Localities must match HOME funds with 25% of funds from non-federal sources. The San Bernardino County Economic Development Agency, Community Development Division administers the HOME Program locally for County residents. The HOME Program serves individuals and households earning 80% or less of the area median income established by HUD, who reside within the County of San Bernardino HOME Consortium area. City residents are eligible to participate in this program. HOME funding is provided to jurisdictions to assist either rental housing or home ownership through acquisition, construction, reconstruction, and/or rehabilitation of affordable housing. Also possible is tenant-based rental assistance, property acquisition, site improvements, and other Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) expenses related to the provision of affordable housing and for projects that serve a group identified as having a special need related to housing. Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG): Through the federal CDBG program, HUD provides funds to local governments for funding a range of community development activities. CDBG grants are awarded to the City on a formula basis for housing activities, including acquisition, rehabilitation, homebuyer assistance, economic development, homeless services and public services. CDBG funds are subject to certain restrictions and cannot be used for new VIII-21 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 36 B.1.a HousingElement construction of housing. CDBG grants benefit primarily persons/households with incomes not exceeding 80 percent of the County Median Family Income. In the past the City has used CDBG funds to support rental, utility and transitional housing assistance through Lighthouse. Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program: This program was created by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 to provide an alternate method of funding low-and moderate-income housing. Each state receives a tax credit, based upon population, toward funding housing that meets program guidelines. The tax credits are then used to leverage private capital into new construction or acquisition and rehabilitation of affordable housing. Multifamily Mortgage Revenue Bonds: This funding source provides below-market interest rate loans for development, acquisition, or rehabilitation of existing multifamily rental units within San Bernardino County and its cooperating cities. California Housing Finance Agency (CHFA): O perated by the California Housing Finance Authority it is designed to provide up to 100% of home loan financing to prospective eligible first- time homebuyers. Generally, the loan consists of a standard 97% FHA - CHFA fixed-rate 30-year mortgage and a 3% CHFA down payment assistance second mortgage, which is also called a sleeping or silent second. The second mortgage is offered for 30 years at 3% simple interest. All payments are deferred on this second mortgage until one of the following happens: the CHAFA first mortgage becomes due and payable; the first mortgage is paid in full or refinanced; or the property is sold. Section 8 Rental Assistance Payments/Housing Certificates: The federal Section 8 voucher program is the federal government's major program for assisting very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled to rent decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market. Since the rental assistance is provided on behalf of the family or individual, participants are able to find and lease privately owned housing, including single-family homes, townhouses and apartments from landlords who accept vouchers. Eligible households pay 30% of their income toward rent with the balance paid by HUD. The San Bernardino County Housing Development Department, in cooperation with the Housing Authority, administers the Tenant Based (Rental) Assistance Program that includes Section 8 rental assistance. 8.3.3 Energy Conservation As non-renewable energy resources have been progressively depleted and energy costs continue to rise, homeowners have become increasingly aware of energy conserving measures primarily as a means to offset and control the rising costs of fuel. Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) California Subdivision Map Act: State law requires that a tentative tract map provide for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision, including designing the lot sizes and configurations to permit orienting structures to take advantage of a southern exposure, shade or prevailing breezes. These standards have been incorporated by reference Subdivision Ordinance. VIII-22 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 37 B.1.a HousingElement Building Code: The City enforces the State Energy Conservation Standards (California Code of Regulations Title performance standards. These requirements apply to all new residential and commercial construction and to remodeling and rehabilitation construction only where square footage is added. The City is also requiring 100% waste recycling on construction projects, and a commissioning plan certified by a mechanical engineer on energy systems. Zoning Code: Section 18.10.090 of the Zoning Code allows a multiple-family developer to apply for a density bonus when energy efficiency is incorporated into the project design. Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County (CAPSBC): Weatherization Program: Assists eligible low income customers by installing energy conservation measures that will reduce utility costs and conserve energy. Residents eligible for the Weatherization Program include single-family homes, condominiums, and multi-family homes, such as apartment complexes. This program is available to homeowners and renters. Examples of energy conservation measures include low flow shower heads, attic insulation, caulking, set back thermostat, and minor repairs, such as replacement of door (s), broken glass, patching of holes, door stops, and frames. Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP): The HEAP program provides, to eligible households, emergency and non-emergency utility assistance in the form of a credit on gas, electric, wood or propane bills. Emergency assistance is when the utility has already been turned off, whereas non-emergency is when a disconnection notice is received. California Alternative Rates for Energy (CARE): Southern California Edison and The Gas Company participate in the CARE program providing lower energy rates to eligible households. To inform residents about this program, the utility companies mail all customers brochures regarding the program. Conservation Garden at Grand Terrace Fitness Park: The landscaping at Grand Terrace Fitness Park was designed to be a water conservation demonstration garden. Most of the plant material within the park uses less water than a traditional landscape or park and much of it would survive on just the limited rainfall that falls in Grand Terrace. The local water purveyor, Riverside Highland Water Company, partnered with the City to provide plant identification signs so that park visitors can identify water conserving plants that they would like to use in their gardens and yards, and educational signs that speak to water efficiency through the use of water conserving plants and Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) smart irrigation. Energy Efficiency Audits: The Southern California Edison Company provides energy audits to local residents on request. The Southern California Gas Company also provides self-guided surveys for its customers on its website. Energy audits are extremely valuable in pinpointing specific areas in residences, which are responsible for energy losses. The inspections also result in specific recommendations to remedy energy inefficiency. In addition, these utility companies provide rebate programs for energy efficient improvements or purchase of energy efficient appliances. VIII-23 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 38 B.1.a HousingElement This page intentionally left blank Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-24 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 39 B.1.a HousingElement 8.4 CONSTRAINTS The ability of the private and public sectors to provide adequate housing to meet the needs of all economic segments of the community is constrained by various interrelated factors. For ease of discussion, these factors have been divided into two categories: governmental constraints and non- governmental constraints. 8.4.1 Non-Governmental Constraints Environmental Constraints Physical constraints to the development of affordable housing within the City of Grand Terrace focus upon the physical characteristics of the majority of the remaining undeveloped land within the City limits. The identified sites within the Hillside Residential (RH) and R1-20 zone districts are primarily located on the steep slopes of Blue Mountain. Physical constraints include the potential for land and rock slides, high fire hazards and flooding. Although it is possible to mitigate the physical constraints, the development constraints associated with developing on steep slopes and the provision of streets and utilities to hillside areas along with the environmental issues of landslides, high fire hazards and drainage issues substantially increases development costs and therefore make these areas unsuitable for affordable housing. The sites identified in the R1-10 are generally located along the foot of Blue Mountain and have milder slopes and fewer constraints than in the RH and R1-20 zone districts. The identified sites located in the R1-7.2 zone district are within areas with gradual slopes, if any. There are no known environmental constraints in these areas that could impede development. Identified sites within the multiple-family zone districts are located on the relatively flatter portions of the City. The identified sites located at the northwest portion of the City are located in proximity to Interstate 215 and an industrial line of the Union Pacific Railroad. The Interstate and railroad line are potential environmental areas of concern relating to noise. Noise impacts can generally be mitigated through enhanced construction measures such as sound attenuation walls and would not be considered a significant environmental impact. There are no other known environmental Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) constraints that could impede development on identified sites located in the multiple-family zone districts. The Barton Road Specific Plan area and the proposed Gateway Specific Plan area are relatively free of significant topographical and environmental constraints that would preclude development. VIII-25 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 40 B.1.a HousingElement 8.4.2 Market Constraints Market constraints to the development of housing include the cost of land, the cost of construction, and the availability of financing. Construction Cost Construction costs are influenced by the cost of materials and labor. Construction costs vary based on the type of material used, structural features present, and project characteristics such as the type and quality of the unit. Residential construction cost has increased significantly in recent years and is estimated to be $150 per square foot or more. Land Costs Grand Terrace is fortunate in that the cost of land for residential development is relatively affordable as compared to the adjacent counties of Orange, Los Angeles, and San Diego. Land prices are highly variable and depend on location, the density of development allowed, whether the site has environmental constraints, and whether an existing use must be removed. As real estate values have increased in recent years, land costs have also escalated. Financing Housing affordability is strongly affected by interest rates. First-time homebuyers are most impacted by financing requirements. Current mortgage interest rates for new home purchases are at historically low levels of under 4% for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, which increases housing affordability for purchasers with good credit. Although rates are currently low, they can change significantly and impact housing affordability. Infrastructure Availability Water Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) Water service is provided by the Riverside Highland Water Company (RHWCO). RHWCO is a private water company owned by its shareholders. It maintains water main transmission lines, wells, reservoirs, and service laterals throughout the City and is directly responsible for maintenance. The water supply for the Company is from five separate groundwater basins. The most recent Urban Water Management Plan prepared for the Company indicates that there is sufficient water supply to accommodate projected development within the City. VIII-26 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 41 B.1.a HousingElement Sewer Sanitary sewer service is provided by the City of Grand Terrace, and the City maintains all collections lines within its city limits. The City contracts with the City of Colton for wastewater treatment. Adequate sewer capacity is expected to be available to serve projected development during the 2021-2029 planning period. Dry Utilities Dry utilities such as electricity, telephone and cable are provided by private companies and are currently available in the areas where future residential development is planned. When new development is proposed the applicant coordinates with utility companies to arrange for the extension of service. There are no known service limitations that would restrict planned development during the planning period. 8.4.3 Government Constraints Land Use Controls General Plan These policies, together with existing zoning regulations, establish the amount and distribution of land to be allocated for various uses throughout the City. Residential development in the City of Grand Terrace is permitted under the land use categories shown in Table 8.3 in accordance with the Land Use Element of the General Plan: Table 8.3 General Plan Residential Designations Land Use Category Allowable Zones Gross Allowable Density Hillside Residential R-1 (20) 0 1 Du/Net Acre Low Density Residential R-1 (7.2), R-1 (10), R-1 (20) 1 5 Du/Net Acre Medium Density Residential R-2, R-3 1 12 Du/Net Acre Medium High Density Residential R3S, R3-20, R3-24 12 24 Du/Net Acre Source: Grand Terrace Community Development Department, 2021 Zoning and Development Standards General Plan land use policies are implemented by the Zoning Ordinance (Title 18 of the Grand Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) Terrace Municipal Code). Zoning districts and the types of housing permitted in each district are shown in Table 8.4. Development standards for each district are shown in Table 8.5. VIII-27 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 42 B.1.a HousingElement Table 8.4 Housing Types Permitted by Zoning District R-3-20/ Residential Use RH R1-20 R1-10 R-7.2 R-2 R-3 R-3-S R-3-24 SF-Detached P P P P P P -- -- SF-Attached 2-4 DU -- - -- -- P P -- P Multiple-Family Units -- -- -- -- P P -- P Residential Care <6 P P P P P P P P Residential Care >6 -- -- -- -- C C -- -- *Emergency Shelter -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Single Room Occupancy -- -- -- -- C C -- -- Manufactured /Mobile Home P P P P P P -- -- ADUs P P P P P P P P P=Permitted; C=Conditional Use; --=Not a listed use *Permitted in M2 zone Source: Grand Terrace Zoning Code General Plan and reflect an attempt to balance housing needs with infrastructure capacities and environmental considerations. Standards regulating development within the City are similar to those being used by other surrounding communities. Multi-family housing is permitted in the R-2, R-3, R-3-20 and R-3-24 zoning districts at densities up to 24 units per acre, excluding density bonus, which is considered appropriate for lower-income housing in small cities such as Grand Terrace pursuant to State law. Table 8.5 Minimum Development Standards for Residential Zones a Standard R1-7.2 R1-10 R1-20 RH R2 R3 R3-S R3-20/24 cg Units per acre (max.) 5 4 2 1 9 12 20/24 g Lot area (sq. ft.) 7,200 10,000 20,000 - 10,000 12,000 12,000 g Lot width (ft.) 60 60 100 - 60 60 60 g Lot depth (ft.) 100 100 150 - 100 100 100 g Street frontage (min. lineal feet) 40 40 50 - 40 40 40 bb bb bg b Setbacks front yard (min. lineal feet) 25 25 25 - 25 25 25 bbbb bg b Setbacks rear yard (min. lineal feet) 20 35 35 - 20 20 20 b bb bbgb Interior lot (with garage) 10 10 10 - 10 10 10 b b b b bg b Interior lot (without garage) 5 5 5 - 5 10 10 Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) bbbb bg b Corner lot (street side) 15 15 15 - 15 15 15 g Corner lot (no street side) 5 5 5 - 5 10 10 dddddg Living area single-family (minimum) 1,350 1,350 1,350 - 1,350 1,350 - ddg g Living area multi-family (one-bedroom) 800 800 ddg g Living area multi-family (two-bedroom) 1,000 1,000 f fg Building lot coverage (%) 50 50 40 - 60 60 60 ee ee eg e Building height (ft.) 35 35 35 - 35 35 35 Source: Grand Terrace Zoning Code, 2021 Footnotes: Refer to Zoning Code for footnote definitions. VIII-28 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 43 B.1.a HousingElement Specific Plans specific plans have been established allowing residential uses Barton Road Specific Plan, Forest City Dillon Specific Plan, and Kruse Specific Plan. The Forest City and Kruse Specific Plans are fully developed in only the Barton Road Specific Plan is expected to have opportunities for housing development in the foreseeable future. Barton Road Specific Plan Multiple-family infill development in the BRSP-OP zone is allowed at a density of up to 12 units per acre and is subject to the residential standards contained in Municipal Code Chapter 18.10 for the RH, R1, R2 and R3 Zones. Under the provisions of the Barton Road Specific Plan for mixed-use development, the residential component is not tied to the development standards shown in Table 8.38 but is restricted to the upper floors. Mixed-use development is subject to the standards of the underlying zone district, including lot coverage, height, parking and setbacks. Densities may not exceed those of the residential, commercial and industrial designations of the General Plan and zoning, or a maximum of 12 units per acre. Gateway Specific Plan The proposed Gateway Specific Plan area is comprised of vacant and non-vacant land, some currently owned by the Successor Agency to the City of Grand Terrace and includes the aggregation of multiple parcels and redevelopment of lands. The Plan encompasses 131 acres located north of Grand Terrace High School along the eastern side of I-215. This project is expected to include a mixed-use component with opportunities for multiple-family residential units. Because a specific plan is being proposed for the project it has the added benefit of creating customized development standards that would apply to the residential component. The Gateway Specific Plan was submitted to the City of Grand Terrace in December 2017 and is currently under review. Mixed uses including both commercial and residential projects, combined with recreational open space are envisioned to provide new housing opportunities in Grand Terrace. One of the key benefits of the Gateway Specific Plan is that it addresses many of the current infrastructure deficiencies by bringing new roads and utilities to the area. The focal point of the Gateway planning area will be the creation of a new major arterial connecting Commerce Way with Taylor Street. Projected to be an alternative to Michigan Avenue, this new 4-lane Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) divided road alignment will serve to lessen traffic, noise and congestion on existing city streets. The Gateway Specific Plan is expected to provide a significant component of new housing development during the 2021-2029 planning period, as further discussed in Appendix B. VIII-29 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 44 B.1.a HousingElement Zoning for a Variety of Housing Types Accessory Dwelling Units: Municipal Code Chapter 18.69 establishes regulations to encourage production of accessory dwelling units (ADUs). In recent years the State Legislature has adopted several amendments to State law to encourage ADU production. Program 8 is included in the Housing Plan to update City ADU regulations consistent with current State law. Manufactured Homes: The Zoning Code allows manufactured homes in all residential zone districts, subject to the same development standards and review process as conventional construction. The scope of review of single-family residences, including manufactured housing, is generally limited to the architecture of the residences, including design, materials, and landscaping. The process from submittal to issuance of building permits is approximately 6 weeks. Residential care facilities: Residential care facilities refer to a residential facility providing supervision and care of persons, such as a group home, or rehabilitation facility that provide non-medical care to persons in need of personal services, assistance, guidance, protection or training for daily living. Residential care facilities serving 6 or fewer persons are permitted by right in all residential zones. Facilities serving 7 or more persons are conditionally permitted in all residential zone districts. Residential care facilities include homes for persons with disabilities. Transitional and supportive housing: Transitional housing typically provides shelter for up to two years and may require residents to participate in a structured program to work toward established goals so that they can move on to permanent housing. Supportive housing may have no time limit and residents are typically provided with an array of supportive services to assist them in their daily lives. Pursuant to State law, the City allows transitional and supportive housing as a residential use subject only to the same requirements for other residential uses of the same type in the same zone. In 2018 AB 2162 amended State law to require that supportive housing be a use by-right in zones where multi-family and mixed uses are permitted, including non-residential zones permitting multi-family uses, if the proposed law. Program 9 is included in the Housing Plan to update City regulations for supportive housing consistent with current law. Single-room-occupancy (SRO) units provide another form of affordable housing for low- allows SROs subject to a conditional use permit in Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) the R2 and R3 zone districts. Emergency shelters: Emergency shelters are facilities that provide a safe alternative to the streets. State law requires jurisdictions to evaluate their need for emergency shelters compared to available facilities to address the need. If existing emergency shelter facilities are not sufficient to address needs, jurisdictions must designate at least one location where a year- VIII-30 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 45 B.1.a HousingElement round shelter can be accommodated. Code allows emergency shelters by- right in the M2 zone subject to the following standards. An emergency shelter shall be located at least 300 feet from any other emergency shelter. Each emergency shelter may have a maximum of 25 beds, with at least 35 square feet of sleeping area per bed. Each emergency shelter shall provide a client waiting and intake area of at least ten square feet per bed but at least 200 square feet in total floor area. The intake waiting area shall be in a location not visible from the adjacent right-of-way. If located at the exterior of a building, the area shall be visually separated from public view by a six-foot high decorative masonry wall and shall be covered for shade and rain considerations. Living, dining, and kitchen areas shall be physically separated from sleeping areas. Each emergency shelter shall provide facilities for personal care (i.e., bathroom and shower facilities). The shelter shall provide landline telephone services separate from the office phone in order to provide privacy. Any payphones provided shall allow call-out service only. One parking space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area shall be provided, unless it is demonstrated that a different parking ratio is appropriate based upon the submittal and approval of a parking study prepared by a qualified traffic engineer to justify the provision of a lesser number of spaces than that required by this Section, based on shared use of spaces, the nature of the use, or other factors. 1. The design of off street parking facilities shall comply with Chapter 18.60 (Off-Street Parking). 2. Non operational and unregistered vehicles shall not be kept on site and towing shall be the responsibility of the shelter operator. Parking and outdoor facilities shall be designed to provide security for residents, visitors and employees. The facility and/or the premises shall be accessed by one entrance. Adequate external lighting shall be provided for security purposes. The lighting shall be stationary, shielded, and directed away from adjacent properties and public rights-of- way, and of an intensity that is compatible with the neighborhood. Trash enclosures and refuse areas shall be provided. AB 139 (2019) revised State law regarding parking standards for emergency shelters. Program 9 is included in the Housing Plan to update City regulations consistent with current law. Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) Low Barrier Navigation Centers: In 2019 the State Legislature adopted AB 101 establishing requirements related to local regulation of low barrier navigation centers, which are defined as -barrier, service-enriched shelters focused on moving people into permanent housing that provides temporary living facilities while case managers connect individuals experiencing homelessness to income, public benefits, health services, shelter, and Low Barrier means best practices to reduce barriers to entry, and may include, but is not limited to: VIII-31 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 46 B.1.a HousingElement (1) The presence of partners if it is not a population-specific site, such as for survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault, women, or youth (2) (3) The storage of possessions (4) Privacy, such as partitions around beds in a dormitory setting or in larger rooms containing more than two beds, or private rooms Low barrier navigation centers meeting specified standards must be allowed by-right in areas zoned for mixed use and in nonresidential zones permitting multi-family uses. Current City regulations comply with this requirement. Program 9 is included in the Housing Plan to update City regulations consistent with current law. Housing for Persons with Disabilities City regulations related to housing for persons with disabilities are summarized below. Definition of Family The Zoning Ordinance defines family an individual or two or more persons living together as a single housekeeping unit. Residential Care Facilities Municipal Code Section 18.06.635 defines Residential care facility building that is maintained and operated to provide non-medical residential care as defined by State law, including, but not limited to, the physically handicapped, mentally impaired, incompetent persons, abused or neglected children and the elderly. The term "residential care facility" is limited to those facilities, places or buildings that are both subject to regulation and actually licensed by the State of California. No facility, place or building that may otherwise be regulated by the State of California, but which is not actually licensed by the State of California, shall be deemed a "residential care facility" for purposes of this Title. Whether or not unrelated persons are living together, a residential, community or group care facility licensed by the State of California that serves six or fewer persons shall be considered a residential use of property for the purposes of this Title. (A residential care facility that is not licensed by the State of California shall be dee Residential care facilities for six or fewer persons are permitted as a residential use in all districts, while residential care facilities for more than 6 residents are permitted in the R-2 and Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) R-3 districts by conditional use permit. The requirement for a conditional use permit has had no demonstrated negative impact on the development of large residential care facilities in the Commission. The public hearing for a conditional use permit for a group home is the same for any other conditional use permit with the same noticing requirements and agency notification. Therefore, the requirements for large care facilities are not considered to be a constraint to these uses. VIII-32 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 47 B.1.a HousingElement Separation Requirements. There are no separation requirements for the siting or separation requirements for special needs housing Reasonable Accommodation The Reasonable Accommodations Ordinance (Municipal Code Chapter 18.68) establishes procedures for reviewing and approving requests for modifications to City zoning or building codes to ensure equal access to housing and facilitate the development of housing for individuals with disabilities. Application procedures. Notice of the availability of reasonable accommodation is prominently displayed at public information counters in the Community and Economic Development Department, advising the public of the availability of the procedure for eligible individuals. Upon submittal of a request for reasonable accommodation, the application is forwarded to any applicable reviewing agencies, and notice of the application is mailed to all adjacent property owners including the specific zoning code, law, regulation, procedure or policy from which relief is being requested, the nature of the accommodation requested, and informing surrounding property owners that they may contact the City to request written notice of any decisions made, or hearings scheduled, regarding the application. The Community and Economic Development Director shall have the authority to consider and act on any application for a reasonable accommodation, and may deny, approve or conditionally approve the request in accordance with the required findings set forth in Section 18.68.090, and shall issue a written determination within 30 days of the date of receipt of a completed application. The Community and Economic Development Director may also refer the request for reasonable accommodation, in his or her sole discretion, to the Planning Commission. Such referrals, if made, shall occur within 15 days after the Community and Economic Development Director's receipt of a complete application. In which case, the Planning Commission shall render a decision on the application in the same manner as it considers an appeal. The written determination shall be made in accordance with the required findings set forth in Section 18.68.090. A request for reasonable accommodation submitted for concurrent review with another discretionary application shall be reviewed by the authority reviewing the discretionary land use application. The written determination on whether to grant or deny the request for reasonable accommodation shall be made by the applicable reviewing authority in compliance with the applicable review procedure for the discretionary review. A reasonable accommodation does not require the approval of any variance as the reasonable Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) accommodation. Findings for approval. Approval shall be based upon the following findings, which shall be made by the by the approval authority in approving or denying the application: 1. The person who will use the subject property is protected under the fair housing laws; VIII-33 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 48 B.1.a HousingElement 2. The requested exception to the zoning code, law, regulation, procedure or policy is necessary to make specific housing available to persons occupying the subject property; 3. The requested accommodation will not impose an undue financial or administrative burden on the City; 4. The requested accommodation will not require a fundamental alteration of the City's zoning laws, policies and/or procedures; 5. That alternative reasonable accommodations which may provide an equivalent level of benefit have been considered, and are not feasible. These procedures are consistent with applicable law and do not pose an unreasonable constraint on persons with disabilities. To date, only one resident has requested and received a reasonable accommodation to expand a residence. Off-Street Parking Standards Parking standards are currently similar to those used in other cities: a two-car garage required for each single-family dwelling. Multi-family developments require one parking space for studio units and two spaces for larger units, of which one space must be in a carport or garage. Guest spaces are required in a ratio of one guest parking space per four multi-family dwelling units. Design Review Standards The City does not have design standards or guidelines that constrain development in its residential districts. Single- and multi-family units are reviewed on a case-by-case basis for high quality construction and compatibility with existing surrounding architecture. The basic philosophy of the nd is financially feasible for the developer. The responsibility of the Site and Architectural Review Board is to provide comprehensive site plan is to consider the site plan in relation to the property and development standards (such as setbacks, lot coverage, building height, and parking), placement of structures, vehicle and pedestrian access, landscaping, police and fire services, grading and drainage, traffic, relationship to existing and planned uses of adjoining and surrounding properties, and relationship to nearby properties and structures and surrounding natural topography. It is also to consider the proposed architecture of buildings in terms of style and design, materials and colors, and size and bulk in relation to the Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) surrounding properties. Chapter 18.63 of the Zoning Code specifies the review authority of the Board with regard to site and building design. Given the smaller scale of development of a single-family residence in comparison to a multiple- -family residences is generally more focused on architecture of the residences and site layout. Review of multiple-family development projects typically involves a greater level of review in regard to site development. In addition to ensuring adherence to setbacks, height requirements, lot VIII-34 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 49 B.1.a HousingElement coverage, parking and other applicable development standards, the Board will also consider the Unlike larger cities, the City of Grand Terrace has only one board (i.e., its Planning Commission) that performs various review functions. Therefore, the design review process is shorter than in other cities in the area. However, smaller projects such as individual single-family units require Planning Commission approval, through Site and Architectural Review. The City has eliminated the public hearing requirement for very small projects, such as room additions and accessory structures. City staff processes these projects administratively . Other improvements that have been or are currently being made to streamline the design review/permit process are: Implementation of one-step review process whereby the applicant comes to one counter to receive information about the entire process. The Community Development Department routes the plans to other reviewing agencies and the case planner reports to the applicant within 30 days. Implementation of an applicant-friendly approach whereby staff provides significant attention to applicants, up front, to explain and inform them to the process and basically serve as an expediter instead of a regulator, while City standards are being enforced. These include preliminary design review meetings with City staff to work through design issues prior to formal application submittal. Implementation of a project management approach, whereby a case planner follows/monitors a project from initial sketches to issuance of a certificate of occupancy through all departments and agencies. This allows applicants to have more certainty about the status of their projects and to plan and acquire financing while a project is under review. The case planner is responsible for knowing the status of a project within the process at any point in time. This also assists the City in ensuring implementation of conditions of approval building plan check, thereby facilitating submission of complete applications and minimizing additional trips to the City. Building Codes and Compliance In addition to land use controls, local building codes also affect the cost of housing. As part of Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) Municipal Code Title 19, Grand Terrace has adopted the current 2019 California Building Codes that establishes minimum construction standards. The codes establish uniform standards, and no major modifications to standard building codes have been established. Code compliance activities within the City are intended to promote the safety and character of the City. The City encompasses approximately three square miles and there is one code compliance officer responsible for code enforcement activities in the City. Therefore, code enforcement VIII-35 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 50 B.1.a HousingElement activities are primarily reactive. In the residentially designated properties, code enforcement housing efforts generally focus on property maintenance, including the rental inspection program. Development Fees A summary of development fees is provided in Table 8.6. The fees that are charged by the City are a reflection of the time and effort required by City staff in order to review development plans. Development impact fees are charged on a per-unit basis to provide funds to offset the cost of providing public services to serve new development. Development impact fees are limited to the cost of providing the necessary services. As shown in Table 8.6 the total fees, including building permit and development impact fees for a 2,000-square-foot residential unit are approximately $33,000, and approximately $24,000 for a 1,200-square-foot multi-family unit. While the majority of the costs is attributable to development impact fees, the City assesses a lower impact fee for multiple-family development. A significant portion of these impact fees are assessed by entities separate from the City, over which the City has no control. Table 8.6 Residential Planning, Building Permit and Development Impact Fees 2,000 Square Foot Detached 1,200 Square Foot Attached Residential Unit Residential Unit Planning Fees Site and Architectural Review $2,200 per project Administrative Site and Architectural Review $650 per project Land Use Review $50 per project Conditional Use Permit $400 - $2,400 per project based on size of development CEQA review Dependent on CEQA requirements Building Construction Permit Fees (per unit) (per unit) Building Permit fee $1,872.95 $1,223.35 Plan Check fee $1,217.42 $795.18 Energy fee $75.00 $75.00 Sewer connection $300.00 $300.00 NPDES compliance verification $75.00 $75.00 Electrical fee $373.92 $144.96 Ventilation fee ($10/each) $60.00 $20.00 Lawn sprinkler system $15.00 $15.00 Water heater or vent $15.00 $15.00 Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) Private water distribution system ($4/each) $8.00 $6.00 Air handling unit $15.00 $15.00 Forced air/gravity type burner $20.00 $20.00 Gas piping system $4.00 $4.00 Drainage/vent pipe repair ($15/each) $210.00 $120.00 Fixture Trap fee ($10/each) $140.00 $80.00 Approximate Total Building Fee $4,386.00 $2,908.00 VIII-36 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 51 B.1.a HousingElement 2,000 Square Foot Detached 1,200 Square Foot Attached Residential Unit Residential Unit Development Impact Fees Arterial Improvement Fees $4,243.00 $2,599.00 Storm Drainage Fees $2,234.00 $429.00 General Facilities Fund $1,102.00 $1,102.00 Public Use Facilities Fund $373.00 $229.00 Parkland/Open Space Fund $7,241.00 $4,534.00 Traffic Signal Improvement Fee $666.36 $408.00 Sewer Connection Fee $2,700.00 $2,700.00 Riverside Highland Water Connection Fee $7,765.00 $7,765.00 School Fees (Colton Joint Unified School District) $6,900.00 $4,140.00 Approximate Total Development Impact Fees $33,232.00 $23,920.00 Estimated Total Fees $37,618.00 $26,828.00 Source: Grand Terrace Community Development Department Permit Processing The processing time needed to obtain development permits and required approvals is often cited as a prime contributor to the high cost of housing. Additional time may be necessary for environmental review, depending on the location and nature of a project. Unnecessary delays add to the cost of construction by increasing land holding costs, interest payments and inflation. Although these review processes may take a substantial amount of time, they are necessary to ensure public health and safety and integrate a new development into the local urban environment. In Grand Terrace, the average processing time for most development applications is two to three months with very small projects taking less than 30 days. The City has fully implemented the - permit coordination. All development services functions are consolidated into one department: Community Development. The divisions within the Community Development Department include Planning, Building and Safety, Code Enforcement, Engineering and Public Works. This administrative organization helps to ensure that development and permit issues are resolved efficiently. Moreover, the City has established a Site and Architectural Review Board that also serves as the Planning Commission. This Board is scheduled to meet twice per month to review all new construction proposals. Based on periodic surveys conducted by the City, local processing times are shorter than those experienced in surrounding communities. Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) The following summarizes application procedures that are utilized by the City for residential projects and their typical processing times: Land Use Application: This application is used for small ground floor room additions that are less than 500 square feet in size. The average processing time is 2 to 4 weeks from filing to issuance of building permit. VIII-37 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 52 B.1.a HousingElement Administrative Site and Architectural Review: The Administrative Site and Architectural Review application is used for two-story additions, larger room additions that are 500 square feet in size or larger but less than 65% of the floor area of the existing house. This application does not require a public hearing and can be approved by the Community Development Director. The average processing time is typically 6 weeks from filing to issuance of building permit. The Administrative Site and Architectural Review process is also used for the review and approval of second dwelling units, which greatly expedites the processing of these second units and is in conformance with State law. Site and Architectural Review: This application requires a public hearing before the Planning Commission and notification of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Site and Architectural review process is required for new single-family residences and for multiple-family developments. The average processing time for a single-family residence is 6- 8 weeks from filing to issuance of a building permit, and about 12 to 16 weeks from filing to issuance of building permit for multiple-family developments. If an environmental initial study is required to be prepared, the processing time would be extended by at least three months. To expedite the review process, the City offers concurrent review of the construction hearing, subject to a hold harmless agreement should the Commission impose major changes in the project at the public hearing. expedite the review process to facilitate new housing development. Conditional Use Permit: This application is heard concurrently with the Site and Architectural Review application, which results in processing time the same as for the Site and Architectural Review application. Tentative Parcel Map: This application is used to divide a site into four or fewer new parcels. This would allow for the infilling of larger parcels or an intensification of existing sites. The application is heard by both the Planning Commission and the City Council, as required by State law and vision Ordinance. The processing time from tentative parcel map filing to City Council approval is approximately 3 to 4 months. Tentative Tract Map: This application is used to divide or subdivide a site into more than four lots. This allows for the infilling of large parcels or an intensification of larger existing sites in the City. Tentative Tract Maps are heard by both the Planning Commission and the City Council. The processing time from the tentative map filing to the recording of the final map is 4 to 6 months. If an environmental initial study is required to be prepared than the Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) processing time would be extended by at least three months. Improvement Standards Projects including new residential construction are normally required to install necessary on- and off-site improvements, including a half-width of the adjacent street, concrete curbs, sidewalks, water connections and sewer connections. Roadway standards for local or neighborhood streets that allow parking on both sides of the street have paved widths of 36 to 44 feet. Infrastructure improvements are in place in most locations within the City limits. VIII-38 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 53 B.1.a HousingElement 8.5 HOUSING PLAN This Housing Plan provides direction for City decision makers to achieve the long-term housing goals set forth in the Grand Terrace Housing Element. The Plan is established to guide the development, revitalization and preservation of a balanced inventory of housing to meet the needs of present and future residents of the City. It is the overall goal of the City to ensure that all residents have decent, safe, sanitary and affordable housing regardless of income. In preparing the 2021-2029 Housing Plan, the City re-examined the goals, policies and programs of the previous planning period, in light of the dissolution of redevelopment agencies, shrinking County programs, and limited funding resources. The Housing Plan is responsive to State housing goals and reflects the desires and aspirations of the community within the constraints of the Ci available resources. The Housing Plan addresses the following areas: 1) providing adequate housing sites to accommodate future needs; 2) assisting the development and/or availability of affordable housing; 3) removing governmental constraints; 4) conserving and improving existing affordable housing; and 5) promoting equal housing opportunity. 8.5.1 Goals and Policies Goal 8.1 Provide adequate sites, with appropriate zoning and development standards and Policy 8.1.1: Promote and encourage development of housing, which varies by type, design, form of ownership and size. Policy 8.1.2: Maximize use of remaining residentially zoned vacant land suitable for residential development. Policy 8.1.3: Provide for a zoning category to permit a density of at least 20 units/acre, and allow for density bonuses pursuant to State housing law, which would qualify for very-low-income housing. Policy 8.1.4: Promote and encourage accessory dwelling units in accordance with State law. Goal 8.2: Assist in the availability and/or development of adequate housing to meet the needs of affordable housing. Policy 8.2.1: Promote and encourage infill housing development and use of underutilized land Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) for residential construction. Policy 8.2.2: Promote mixed-use and infill residential development in the Barton Road Specific Plan areas. Policy 8.2.3: Provide for housing set-aside funds to be committed to Habitat for Humanity for the development of low-income housing. VIII-39 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 54 B.1.a HousingElement Policy 8.2.4: Facilitate access to housing assistance programs. Policy 8.2.5: Emphasize and promote the role of the private sector in the construction and financing of affordable income housing. Policy 8.2.6: Continue to encourage the development of attached or detached accessory dwelling units, in accordance with the Zoning Code. Goal 8.3: Address and, where appropriate, remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement and development of housing. Policy 8.3.1: Provide for streamlined, timely, and coordinated processing of residential projects to minimize holding costs and encourage housing production. Policy 8.3.2: Periodically review residential development standards and regulations, ordinances, processing procedures, and fees to identify and mitigate constraints that may impede the development, improvement, and conservation of housing. Policy 8.3.3: Offer regulatory incentives and concessions for affordable housing, such as relief from development standards, density bonuses, or fee waivers where deemed to be appropriate. Goal 8.4 Conserve and improve the condition of existing affordable housing stock. Policy 8.4.1: Encourage the rehabilitation of deteriorating housing. Policy 8.4.2: Encourage the use of assistance programs to make residences more energy efficient. Policy 8.4.3: Continue to enforce building, land use, and property maintenance codes. Policy 8.4.4: Encourage the maintenance of sound owner-occupied and rental housing. Policy 8.4.5: Encourage the incorporation of energy conservation features in the design of all new housing developments and the addition of energy conservation devices/practices in existing residential developments. Goal 8.5: Promote fair housing opportunities for the residents of Grand Terrace. Policy 8.5.1: Provide reasonable accommodation for housing for persons with disabilities. Policy 8.5.2: Promote fair housing opportunities for residents of Grand Terrace. Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-40 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 55 B.1.a HousingElement 8.5.2 Housing Programs 21-2029 planning period, including the responsible agency, timeframe, funding source and objectives. It should be noted that where -kind staff services, expedited permit processing, and/or reduced permitting fees. Programs to Provide Adequate Sites for Housing Program 1: Adequate Sites to Accommodate Regional Housing Needs needs, amendments to the Land Use Element of the General Plan and the Zoning Code will be processed to provide sufficient capacity pursuant to Government Code §§65583.2(h) and (i). Rezoned parcels will be selected from the list of potential candidate sites identified in Table 8-B.3 (Appendix B) and will meet the following requirements: Zoning shall permit owner-occupied and rental multi review of the owner-occupied or multifamily residential use may not require a conditional use permit, planned unit development permit, or other discretionary local government review or approval that would constitute Sites shall accommodate at least 16 units Allowable density shall be a minimum of 20 units per acre At least 50 percent of the very-low- and low-income housing need shall be accommodated on sites designated for residential use and for which nonresidential uses or mixed-uses are not permitted, except that all of the very-low- and low-income housing need may be accommodated on sites designated for mixed uses if those sites allow 100 percent residential use and require that residential use occupy 50 percent of the total floor area of a mixed-use project The inventory of vacant and underutilized sites suitable for housing development will be made available at City Hall and on the City website. Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) Responsible Agency: Community Development Objective: Land Use Element and Zoning Code amendments to accommodate regional housing needs Timing: Amendments by October 2024; Ongoing implementation through the planning period Funding sources: General Fund, Filing fees VIII-41 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 56 B.1.a HousingElement Programs to Assist the Development and/or Availability of Affordable Housing Program 2: Facilitate Development of Affordable and Special Needs Housing The City will encourage and facilitate developments that provide affordable and special needs housing through the following means: Density bonus and other incentives consistent with state law Allow developers to use Planned Residential Development standards, which allows for density bonuses when energy efficient construction is incorporated into projects. Expedited processing Assistance in preparing grant funding applications Reduced development fees when feasible Responsible Agency: Community Development Objective: Support affordable and special needs housing production Timing: Ongoing through planning period Funding sources: Filing fees, General Fund Program 3: Housing Authority Property The City will facilitate development of the 0.63-acre parcel owned by the Housing Authority for low-income housing units, with priority for ELI units through expedited processing, modified development standards, and reduced development fees when feasible. Responsible Agency: Housing Authority, Community Development Objective: Support lower-income housing production Timing: 2022-2029 Funding sources: Possible Housing Authority funds, state and federal sources, private funding Program 4: Section 8 Rental Assistance The City will facilitate access to Section 8 Rental Assistance for lower-income households through the San Bernardino County Housing Authority by assisting the County with publicity whenever the waiting list is opened, by posting the phone number and website of the Housing Authority on the Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) Responsible Agency: Community Development/Planning Objective: Support housing availability Timing: Ongoing as notified by the San Bernardino County Housing Authority Funding sources: General Fund VIII-42 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 57 B.1.a HousingElement Program 5: First-Time Homebuyer Assistance The San Bernardino County CDH Department participates in the CRHMFA Homebuyers Fund (CHF) program that provides down payment, payment, and closing costs assistance to County residents. The Mortgage Credit Certificate Program provides a federal income tax credit for first- time homebuyers, which may be claimed as long as the homebuyer occupies the home and pays interest on the mortgage. Information on respective Programs and posted biennially in the local newspaper. San Bernardino County residents meeting income eligibility requirements may be eligible to participate in the CalHOME funding program that provides down payment assistance for first-time homebuyers. The CalHOME is administered by various organizations; locally Neighborhood Housing Services of the Inland Empire (NHSIE) and Neighborhood Partnership Housing Services, Inc. (NPHS) administer CalHOME programs. Prospective homeowners could qualify for down and NPHA websites, and posted biennially in the local newspaper. Responsible Agency: Community Development/Planning Objective: Production of affordable housing Timing: Throughout the planning period Funding sources: Federal and state grants Program 6: Multifamily Housing Bonds The San Bernardino County CDH Department operates a Multifamily Residential Rental Housing Revenue Bond program. This Program can be used for new construction, acquisition, and/or rehabilitation of multifamily housing developments. A specified number of units are required to remain affordable to eligible, low-income households for a specified number of years after the initial financing is provided. respective Programs and posted biennially in the local newspaper. Responsible Agency: Community Development Objective: Production of affordable multi-family housing Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) Timing: Continuously throughout the planning period Funding sources: Federal and state grants VIII-43 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 58 B.1.a HousingElement Programs to Mitigate Governmental Constraints on Housing for Low- Income Households and Persons with Special Needs Program 7: Reasonable Accommodation for Persons with Disabilities Chapter 18.68 (Reasonable Accommodations) of the Municipal Code provides a streamlined process for persons with disabilities to accommodate their disability. Over the planning period the City will continue to implement this program. Responsible Agency: Community and Economic Development Department Objective: Support fair housing for persons with disabilities Timing: Throughout the planning period Funding sources: Filing fees Program 8: Reduce Constraints to Housing Development Periodically review residential development standards and regulations, ordinances, processing procedures, and fees to identify and mitigate constraints that may impede the development, improvement, and conservation of housing. In recent years State law regarding accessory dwelling units (ADUs) has been amended substantially to encourage production. As part of this program the City will process a Code amendment in 2022 to update ADU regulations consistent with current law. Responsible Agency: Community Development/Planning Objective: Mitigate governmental constraints Timing: Annual review, ADU code amendment in 2022 Funding sources: General Fund, Filing fees Program 9: Housing for Persons with Special Needs The Zoning Ordinance allows emergency shelters by-right in the Light Industry (I) zone in compliance with state law. AB 139 (2019) amended parking standards that may be required for emergency shelters. State law requires that transitional and supportive housing be allowed as a residential use subject to the same standards as other residential uses of the same type in the same zone. In 2018 AB 2162 amended State law to require that supportive housing be a use by-right in zones where multi-family Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) and mixed uses are permitted, including non-residential zones permitting multi-family uses, if the proposed housing development meets specified criteria. AB 101 (2019) added the requirement that low barrier navigation centers meeting specified standards be allowed by-right in areas zoned for mixed use and in non-residential zones permitting multi-family uses pursuant to Government Code §65660 et seq. VIII-44 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 59 B.1.a HousingElement A Zoning Ordinance amendment will be processed in 2022 to update City regulations for emergency shelters, transitional and supportive housing, and low barrier navigation centers consistent with current state law. Responsible Agency: Community Development/Planning Objective: Mitigate governmental constraints Timing: Code amendment in 2022 Funding sources: General Fund Programs to Conserve and Improve Existing Housing Stock Program 10: Code Enforcement The City will continue code enforcement efforts to maintain the value and safety of structures. The program addresses substandard structures, accumulation of trash and debris, inoperable vehicles, graffiti, and land use violations. Programs include, but are not limited to non-owner occupied inspection program, and exploring new methods for eliminating deteriorated or unsightly property conditions in residential areas. Responsible Agency: Community Development/Code Enforcement Objective: Maintenance and conservation Timing: Ongoing throughout the planning period Funding sources: Self-funding inspection fees CDBG for enhanced services in CDBG census tracts Program 11: Home Improvement Neighborhood Housing Services of the Inland Empire (NHSIE) is a non-profit organization that operates a low-cost program designed to educate residents on minor home improvements and repairs. The four- plumbing and electric systems, repair methods, replacing and maintaining drywall, replacing window screens, fixing garbage disposals, toilet mechanisms, health and safety issues and tips for hiring a professional contractor for home repairs, etc. Neighborhood Partnership Housing Services, Inc. (NPHS) is a non-profit organization that operates a Healthy Homes Grant program. This program provides home safety repair grants to low-income senior homeowners and homeowners with permanent mobility disabilities. Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) Information on these programs web links to the NHSIE and NPHS websites, and posted biennially in the local newspaper. Responsible Agency: Community Development/Planning Objective: Maintenance and conservation Timing: Throughout the planning period Funding sources: Private funding VIII-45 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 60 B.1.a HousingElement Program 12: Home Improvement Technical Assistance The City provides technical drawing assistance to homeowners for simple improvements such as patio covers, retaining and block walls, and similar small projects; a home construction pamphlet, and information on hiring contractors. Responsible Agency: Community Development/Building and Safety Objective: Maintain and improve housing stock Timing: Ongoing throughout the planning period Funding sources: General Fund Programs to Promote Equal Housing Opportunities Program 13: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing The City will provide information Provide a link to the Inland Fair Housing and Mediation Board website. Advertise the information quarterly in the Blue Mountain Outlook. Responsible Agency: Community Development/Planning Objective: Support fair housing Timing: Throughout the planning period Funding sources: General Fund Program 14: Homeless Assistance and Coordination The City will continue to participate in and provide staff support for the various homeless programs operated by the San Bernardino County Homeless Partnership, including participation in the Point- in-Time Homeless Survey. Responsible Agency: Community Development/Planning Objective: Support efforts to reduce homelessness Timing: Ongoing throughout the planning period Funding sources: General Fund, Filing fees 8.5.3 Quantified Objectives ousing Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) during the 2021-2029 planning period are summarized in Table 8.7. These objectives recognize the significant reductions in City resources in recent years due to the dissolution of redevelopment agencies and cuts to other housing programs at the county level. VIII-46 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 61 B.1.a HousingElement Table 8.7 Summary of 2021-2029 Quantified Objectives Income Category New Construction Rehabilitation Conservation Extremely Low* 95 0 0 Very Low-Income 94 2 5 Low-Income 92 3 5 Moderate-Income 106 0 5 Above Moderate 243 0 5 Totals 630 5 25 *Local jurisdictions are required to establish an objective for extremely-low-income households and may determine that 50% of the very-low- income need is for extremely-low-income households. Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-47 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 62 B.1.a HousingElement Appendix 8-A Evaluation of the Prior Housing Element State Housing Element law requires each update to include an evaluation of the accomplishments in implementing the policies and programs to determine whether revisions are needed to better achieve goals and objectives. Table 8-A.1 contains a review of period. Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-48 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 63 Housing Table 8-A.1 Program Evaluation 2013-2021 Program Objective Timeline Accomp Program 1: Continue maintain an inventory of vacant and underutilized sites Support housing 2014 and annually An inventory of sites suitable for housing suitable for housing development, and make this information available to production development was made available at City Hall developers at City Hall and on the City website. and on the City website. Program 2: A new R3-20 zone district was created to allow multiple-family Land Use Element and Amendments in 2016; Land Use Element and Zoning Code development at a density of 20 units per acre, and which exclusively allows Zoning Code amendments; Ongoing implementation amendments were adopted in 2016 that multiple-family and senior residential uses and permits owner-occupied and Support low-income through the planning established an R3 rental multi-family residential uses by-right. To ensure the availability of affordable housing period and zoned approximately 2 acres R3 -income regional production 24 Overlay District was also created which was housing need, amendments to the Land Use Element of the General Plan applied on an additional 2 acres. and the Zoning Code will be processed to provide capacity for at least 42 additional lower-income units pursuant to Government Code §§65583.2(h) and (i). Rezoned parcels will be selected from the list of potential candidate sites identified in Table 8.30b and will meet the following requirements: -occupied and rental multifamily residential use Land Use Element and Amendments in 2016; Land Use Element and Zoning Code -Zoning Code amendments; Ongoing implementation amendments were adopted in 2016 that occupied or multifamily residential use may not require a conditional use Support low-income through the planning established an R3 permit, planned unit development permit, or other discretionary local affordable housing period and zoned approximately 2 acres R3 production 24 Overlay District was also created which was of CEQA. applied on an additional 2 acres. e very-low- and low-income housing need shall be accommodated on sites designated for residential use and for which nonresidential uses or mixed-uses are not permitted, except that all of the very-low- and low-income housing need may be accommodated on sites designated for mixed uses if those sites allow 100 percent residential use and require that residential use occupy 50 percent of the total floor area of a mixed-use project The City will continue to facilitate affordable housing development with priority for projects that provide extremely-low-income units. VIII-49 Grand Terrace General Plan Housing Program Objective Timeline Accomp consider, on a case-by-case basis, to allow Support housing Ongoing through planning A 17- unit project was approved utilizing the developers to use Planned Residential Development standards, where, in production period PRD standards in 2016. addition to density bonuses in accordance with state law, allows for density bonuses where energy efficient construction is incorporated into projects. Program 4: A City-owned parcel was acquired by Habitat for Humanity to Support housing 2017 Building plans were approved in 2016. The develop two lower non-senior income affordable housing units. Collaborate production project was completed in 2018. with Habitat for Humanity to construct the two units during the planning period. Program 5: Facilitate development of the 0.63-acre parcel owned by the Support lower-income 2019 Parcel is available for development, but no Housing Authority for low-income housing units, with priority for ELI units housing production activity has occurred. through expedited processing, modified development standards, and reduced development fees when feasible. Program 6: Ensure access to the Section 8 Rental Assistance program Support housing 2014, and Ongoing as The City has as operated by the San Bernardino County Housing Authority by assisting the availability notified by the San Authority by posting Section 8 information on County with publicity whenever the waiting list is opened, by posting the Bernardino County Housing Authority Program 7: The San Bernardino County CDH Department participates in the Production of affordable 2014, and biennially Information on this program was posted on the CRHMFA Homebuyers Fund (CHF) program that provides down payment, housing thereafter Cit payment, and closing costs assistance to County residents. The Mortgage Credit Certificate Program provides a federal income tax credit for first-time homebuyers, which may be claimed as long as the homebuyer occupies the home and pays interest on the mortgage. Information on this Program will be and posted biennially in the local newspaper. Program 8: The San Bernardino County CDH Department operates a Production of affordable 2014, and biennially Information on this program was posted on the Multifamily Residential Rental Housing Revenue Bond program. This multi-family housing thereafter Program can be used for new construction, acquisition, and/or rehabilitation of multifamily housing developments. A specified number of units are required to remain affordable to eligible, low-income households for a specified number of years after the initial financing is provided. Information uding links to the respective Programs and posted biennially in the local newspaper. VIII-50 Grand Terrace General Plan Housing Program Objective Timeline Accomp Program 9: San Bernardino County residents meeting certain income Production of affordable 2014, and biennially Information on this program was posted on the eligibility requirements may be eligible to participate in the CalHOME funding housing thereafter program that provides down payment assistance for first-time homebuyers. The CalHOME is administered by various organizations; locally Neighborhood Housing Services of the Inland Empire (NHSIE) and Neighborhood Partnership Housing Services, Inc. (NPHS) administer CalHOME programs. Generally, prospective homeowners could qualify for up $28,000 in down payment assistance to be paid back through a silent second with simple interest rates up to 3%. Information on this Program will websites, and posted biennially in the local newspaper. Program 10: The City adopted Chapter 18.68 (Reasonable Support fair housing Throughout the planning No reasonable accommodation requests were Accommodations) providing for a streamlined process for disabled persons period received in 2016 or 2017. A to request Accommodations request pursuant to Chapter period the City will continue to implement this program. 18.68 was approved in 2018 and one in 2020. Program 11: Continue to expedite the processing of plans for proposed Streamline production of Ongoing No extremely-low housing projects that are affordable to low- and moderate-income affordable housing proposed. households, with priority processing, modified development standards, and reduced fees, where feasible, for projects that include extremely-low-income units. Program 12: Periodically review residential development standards and Mitigate governmental Code amendment in 2016 A Zoning Code amendment to modify parking regulations, ordinances, processing procedures, and fees to identify and constraints standards for multi mitigate constraints that may impede the development, improvement, and adopted in 2016 conservation of housing. Process a Zoning Code amendment to allow required covered parking for multi-family developments to be provided with either carports or garages. Program 13: Amend the Zoning Code as it relates to transitional and Mitigate governmental Code amendment in 2016 A Zoning Code amendment to modify supportive housing in accordance with state law, so that such housing is constraints regulations for transitional and supportive subject only to those restrictions that apply to other residential uses of the housing consistent with state law was adopted same type in the same zone. Amend the definition of family in conformance in 2016 with state law. Program 14: The San Bernardino County PACE loan program provides Maintenance and 2014 and throughout the Information on this program was posted on the loans for weatherization and energy efficiency rehabilitation improvements, improvement planning period VIII-51 Grand Terrace General Plan Housing Program Objective Timeline Accomp such as air sealing, weather stripping, attic insulation, re-roofing, attic and house fans, and weatherized doors and windows. The Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County (CAPSBC) provides weatherization and energy conservation assistance to low income residents. Information on including links to the respective programs and posted biennially in the local newspaper. Program 15: Continue code enforcement efforts to enforce municipal codes Maintenance and Ongoing throughout the intended to maintain the value and safety of structures. The program conservation planning period inspection programs continue to be addresses substandard structures, accumulation of trash and debris, implemented inoperable vehicles, graffiti, and land use violations. Programs include, but are not limited to non-owner occupied inspection program, and exploring new methods for eliminating deteriorated or unsightly property conditions in residential areas. Program 16: Neighborhood Housing Services of the Inland Empire (NHSIE) Maintenance and 2014, biennially thereafter Information on this program was posted on the is a non-profit organization that operates a low-conservation program designed to educate residents on minor home improvements and repairs. The four- plumbing and electric systems, repair methods, replacing and maintaining drywall, replacing window screens, fixing garbage disposals, toilet mechanisms, health and safety issues and tips for hiring a professional contractor for home repairs, etc. Information on this Program will be provided biennially in the local newspaper. Program 17: Neighborhood Partnership Housing Services, Inc. (NPHS) is a Conservation and 2014, biennially thereafter Information on this program was posted on the non-profit organization that operates a Healthy Homes Grant program. This improvement program provides home safety repair grants to low-income senior homeowners and homeowners with permanent mobility disabilities. a link to the NPHS website, and posted biennially in the local newspaper. Provide mortgage 2014, biennially thereafter Information on this program was posted funded foreclosure prevention and loan modification program. Keep Your assistance to low-income Home California provides the following: Unemployment Assistance to assist first-time homebuyers VIII-52 Grand Terrace General Plan Housing Program Objective Timeline Accomp homeowners who have experienced involuntary job loss. Eligible homeowners may receive benefits up to $3,000 per household per month towards their mortgage payment for up to 6 months. Mortgage Reinstatement Assistance to assist homeowners who have defaulted on their mortgage payment. Eligible homeowners may receive benefits up to $15,000 per household towards their mortgage payment. Principal Reduction Program is intended to assist homeowners attain an affordable monthly payment. If eligible, homeowners may receive benefit assistance up to $50,000 per household, less monies previously received from other Keep Your Home California programs. Transition Assistance Program is intended to provide transition assistance benefits to homeowners who can no longer afford their home and want to avoid foreclosure. This program helps homeowners make a smooth transition to alternative housing by providing up to $5,000 per eligible household Information on Keep Your Home California will be posted on the City website and published biennially in the local newspaper. Program 19: Continue to provide technical drawing for simple improvements Maintain and improve Ongoing throughout the The City continued to provide technical such as patio covers, retaining and block walls, and similar small projects; a housing stock planning period assistance to applicants for minor home construction pamphlet, and information on hiring contractors. improvements. Support fair housing 2014 and every year Information on this program was posted on the Provide a link to the Inland Fair Housing and Mediation Board website. thereafter Advertise the information quarterly in the Blue Mountain Outlook. Program 21: Continue to participate in and provide staff support for the Support fair housing 2014 and ongoing The City continued to support County homeless various homeless programs operated by the San Bernardino County throughout the planning programs and the Point in Time Survey Homeless Partnership, including participation in the Point-in-Time Homeless period conducted in January of each year Survey. Program 22: An Ordinance No. 326 was approved by the City Council on Support single family Amendments in 2019; Residential zoning amendm May 28, 2019, Amending Section 18.10.040 of Chapter 18.10 (Residential housing on parcels that are Ongoing implementation Section 18.10.040 Zones) eliminating the Specific Plan requirement in the Hillside Residential one acre or less in the through the planning zone district for existing parcels that are on acre or less in size, are readily Hillside zone period served by existing infrastructure, have public access, and fire services can be readily provided. VIII-53 Grand Terrace General Plan B.1.a HousingElement Appendix 8-B Sites Inventory to Accommodate the RHNA The assumptions and methodology for the residential sites inventory are provided below. Methodology for the Sites Inventory Analysis The residential sites inventory is comprised of four components: 1) approved projects; 2) vacant and underutilized (non-vacant) sites with potential for additional residential development or redevelopment; 3) potential accessory dwelling units (ADUs); and 4) sites to be rezoned for residential or mixed-use development. Potential sites for residential development during the 2021-2029 planning period compared to the RHNA allocation are summarized in Table 8-B.1. As shown in this table, adequate capacity is g amendments are required to create additional capacity for housing in the lower-income categories (see Program 1 in Section 8.5.2). Additional analysis to support this finding is provided in the discussion below. Table 8-B.1 Residential Sites Summary Income Category Site Category VL Low Mod Above Mod Total Vacant and Underutilized Sites (Table B-2) 101 101 177 288 667 Potential ADUs 9 14 14 3 40 Total sites inventory 110 115 191 291 707 RHNA 2021-2029 189 92 106 243 630 Surplus (Shortfall) (79) 23 85 48 77 Candidate sites for rezoning (Table B-3) 80 - - 670 750 Adequate Sites? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Source: City of Grand Terrace, 2021 Vacant and Underutilized Sites Vacant and underutilized sites with potential for additional residential development or redevelopment are listed in Table 8-B.2. Sites that allow residential or mixed-use development at a Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) density of at least 20 units/acre are considered suitable for all income categories based on State default density, while sites allowing multi-family development at less than 20 units per acre were assigned to the moderate or above-moderate income categories. Sites zoned for single-family detached development we assigned to the above-moderate income category. Development standards for each zoning designation are described in Section VIII-54 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 69 B.1.a HousingElement Potential Accessory Dwelling Units Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) represent a significant opportunity for affordable housing within the fabric of existing neighborhoods, particularly for single persons or small households including the elderly, college students, young adults, and caregivers. Recent changes in State law have made the construction of ADUs more feasible for homeowners, and the City has seen an increase in ADU development applications recently. During 2018-2020 not ADU applications were received, but in 2021 there have been 5 ADUs approved showing that the recent amendments to City ADU regulations have had a substantial effect on encouraging ADU production. At that rate, it is estimated that approximately 40 additional ADUs will be approved during the 2021-2029 planning 2 period. Based on recent analysis conducted by SCAG, potential future ADUs have been assigned to income categories as shown in Table 8-B.1. Candidate Sites for Rezoning Grand Terrace has relatively little vacant land suitable for housing development. The proposed Gateway Specific Plan area is comprised of vacant and non-vacant land, some currently owned by the Successor Agency to the City of Grand Terrace and includes the aggregation of multiple parcels. The Plan encompasses 131 acres located north of Grand Terrace High School along the eastern side of I-215. This project is expected to include a mixed-use component with opportunities for multiple- family residential units. Because a specific plan is being proposed for the project it has the added benefit of creating customized development standards that would apply to the residential component. The Gateway Specific Plan was submitted to the City of Grand Terrace in December 2017 and is currently under review. Mixed uses including both commercial and residential projects, combined with recreational open space are envisioned to provide new housing opportunities in Grand Terrace. One of the key benefits of the Gateway Specific Plan is that it would bring new roads and utilities to the area. The focal point of the Gateway planning area will be the creation of a new major arterial connecting Commerce Way with Taylor Street. Projected to be an alternative to Michigan Avenue, this new 4-lane divided road alignment will serve to lessen traffic, noise and congestion on existing city streets. The Gateway Specific Plan is expected to provide a significant component of new housing development during the 2021-2029 planning period. Table 8-B.3 shows parcel-level data for the area and Figure 8-B.1 shows the conceptual site plan. Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) 2 SCAG, Regional Accessory Dwelling Unit Affordability Analysis, 2020 (https://scag.ca.gov/sites/main/files/file- attachments/adu_affordability_analysis_120120v2.pdf?1606868527) VIII-55 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 70 Housing Table 8-B.2 Vacant and Underutilized Sites Assessor Density Density Parcel Existing Above Address Parcel No. Zoning (Min) (Max) Size (Ac) Existing Use Units Lower Mod Mod 0276-491-03 RH 1.0 28.9 Vacant 28 0276-491-01 RH 1.0 5.5 Vacant 5 0276-491-02 RH 1.0 1.0 Vacant 0282-192-16 RH 1.0 2.2 Vacant 2 1178-061-01 RH 1.0 44.8 Vacant 44 1178-251-01 RH 1.0 42.9 Vacant 42 Subtotal - RH 0 0 0 122 0275-083-03 R1-20 1.0 2.0 3.4 SFD 1 5 0275-083-34 R1-20 1.0 2.0 3.1 SFD 1 5 0276-421-06 R1-20 1.0 2.0 2.7 SFD 1 4 0276-431-08 R1-20 1.0 2.0 3.2 SFD 1 5 0276-431-09 R1-20 1.0 2.0 2.7 SFD 1 4 1178-241-03 R1-20 1.0 2.0 10.0 Vacant 20 1178-161-76 R1-20 1.0 2.0 2.6 Vacant 5 1178-191-02 R1-20 1.0 2.0 18.0 SFD 1 35 1178-231-02 R1-20 1.0 2.0 1.8 Vacant 3 1178-241-01 R1-20 1.0 2.0 8.0 SFD 1 15 Subtotal R1-20 7 0 0 101 0276-401-12 R1-10 1.0 4.0 1.0 SFD 1 3 0276-401-16 R1-10 1.0 4.0 0.9 Vacant 3 0276-401-22 R1-10 1.0 4.0 0.2 Vacant 0276-411-02 R1-10 1.0 4.0 3.1 Vacant 12 0276-411-27 R1-10 1.0 4.0 1.7 Vacant 6 0267-411-28 R1-10 1.0 4.0 0.7 Vacant 2 Subtotal R1-10 1 0 0 27 1167-161-31 R1-7.2 1.0 5.0 0.9 Vacant 4 1167-201-03 R1-7.2 1.0 5.0 2.6 Vacant 13 1167-271-11 R1-7.2 1.0 5.0 0.5 Vacant 2 1167-271-12 R1-7.2 1.0 5.0 1 SFD 1 4 1167-281-03 R1-7.2 1.0 5.0 0.93 SFD 1 3 1167-291-02 R1-7.2 1.0 5.0 2.68 SFD 1 12 VIII-56 Grand Terrace General Plan Housing Assessor Density Density Parcel Existing Above Address Parcel No. Zoning (Min) (Max) Size (Ac) Existing Use Units Lower Mod Mod Subtotal R1-7.2 3 0 0 38 0275-211-05 R2 1.0 9.0 1.18 SFD 1 9 0275-211-09 R2 1.0 9.0 3.93 SFD 1 34 0275-211-17 R2 1.0 9.0 1.06 SFD 1 8 0275-211-58 R2 1.0 9.0 1.52 SFD 1 12 0275-223-12 R2 1.0 9.0 2 SFD 1 17 Subtotal R2 5 0 80 0 0275-251-77 R3 1.0 12.0 0.64 SFD 1 6 0275-331-01 R3 1.0 12.0 3.65 Vacant 43 1167-341-02 R3 1.0 12.0 0.38 SFD 1 3 1167-341-04 R3 1.0 12.0 0.5 SFD 1 5 1167-341-05 R3 1.0 12.0 1.04 SFD 1 11 1167-341-78 R3 1.0 12.0 1.33 Vacant 15 Subtotal R3 4 0 83 0 0275-251-04 20 24 0.81 Vacant 16 0275-223-12 R3-24 20 24 1.99 SFD 1 38 0275-223-59 R3-24(O) 20 24 0.5 SFD 1 9 0275-223-60 R3-24(O) 20 24 1.5 SFD 1 29 Subtotal R3-24 3 92 0 0 0276-202-45 BRSP 1 12 0.65 Underutilized 7 0276-202-46 BRSP 1 12 0.32 Underutilized 3 0276-202-70 BRSP 1 12 0.4 Vacant 4 Greens Group 1167-311-01 BRSP-MU 37 4.68 Vacant 110 1167-231-02 Subtotal BRSP 0 110 14 0 Grand Totals 23 202 177 288 VIII-57 Grand Terrace General Plan Housing Table 8-B.3 Candidate Sites for Rezoning Proposed Parcel Size Proposed Density APN (aces) Existing Use Existing Zoning Zoning (du/ac) Lower Mod 1167-151-22-0000 14.55 Vacant CM-Commercial Manufacturing SP PA 11 20 25 - 1167-181-12-0000 8.4 Vacant CM-Commercial Manufacturing SP PA 12 20 15 - 1167-151-21-0000 0.58 Abandoned CM-Commercial Manufacturing SP PA 14 20 2 - Pumping Station 1167-151-23-0000 0.37 Abandoned CM-Commercial Manufacturing SP PA 15 20 2 - Pumping Station 1167-181-13-0000 0.52 Vacant CM-Commercial Manufacturing SP PA 16 20 3 - 1167-151-74-0000 18.88 Vacant MR-Restricted Manufacturing SP PA 20 20 33 - Subtotals 80 - Note: All parcels are within the proposed Gateway Specific Plan VIII-58 Grand Terrace General Plan B.1.a HousingElement Figure 8-B.1 Proposed Gateway Specific Plan Map Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-59 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 74 B.1.a HousingElement Appendix 8-C Public Participation Summary California law requires that local governments include public participation as part of the housing element. Specifically, make a diligent effort to achieve public participation of all economic segments of the community in the development of the housing element, and the program shall describe this effo Early in the Housing Element update process the City created a webpage where meeting notices, draft documents and other housing references were posted. https://www.grandterrace-ca.gov/departments/planning_development_services In addition, a Housing Element Frequently Asked Questions was prepared and posted on the City website. The Planning Commission conducted a public workshop on June 17, 2021 to provide the Commission and interested stakeholders an overview of the purpose and statutory requirements governing Housing Elements. Notices of the workshop were posted at City Hall, on the City website, in the Blue Mountain Outlook, which is delivered to all property owners in the City, and was also sent to the organizations listed below that represent the housing interests of lower-income households and persons with special needs. After posting a draft Housing Element on October 15, 2021, public meetings were conducted by the Planning Commission on October 21 and the City Council on October 26, 2021. Notice of these meeting were also sent to organizations listed on the following page that have an interest in housing within the City. Following review by the Planning Commission, City Council and interested stakeholders, the draft Housing Element was submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for review pursuant to State law. HCD comments were received on __________, and a revised draft Housing Element was prepared addressing HCD comments. Duly noticed public hearings were held before the Planning Commission on ___________, and City Council on _____________ to consider HCD comments and the revised draft Housing Element. Notice of all meetings was sent to the list of interested parties shown below. Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-60 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 75 B.1.a HousingElement Housing Element Stakeholder List Corporation for Better Housing HDSI Management Jamboree Housing Corporation 15303 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 1100 3460 S. Broadway 17701 Cowan Ave. Suite 200 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 Los Angeles, CA 90007 Irvine, CA 92614 Affirmed Housing Group The Olson Company So. Calif. Housing Development 13520 Evening Creek Dr. North, Ste. 160 30200 Old Ranch Pkwy, #250 8265 Aspen Street, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92128 Seal Beach, CA 90740 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 RC Hobbs Company LINC Housing Corporation Palm Desert Development Co 1110 E. Chapman Ave., Suite 206 110 Pine Avenue, Suite 500 P.O. Box 3958 Orange, CA 92866 Long Beach, CA 90802 Palm Desert, CA 92261 Riverside Housing Development Corp. Inland Fair Housing and Mediation Board National CORE 4250 Brockton Ave. 10681 Foothill Blvd, Suite 101, 9421 Haven Avenue Riverside, CA 92501 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 San Bernardino County Community County of San Bernardino Development & Housing Dept City of Rialto Land Use Services 385 N. Arrowhead Ave., 3rd Floor 150 S. Palm Ave. 385 N. Arrowhead Ave. First Floor San Bernardino, CA 92415 Rialto, CA 92376 San Bernardino, CA 92415-0182 City of Riverside Public Utilities Department City of San Bernardino City of Loma Linda Water Engineering Division 290 N. D Street 25541 Barton Rd. rd 3750 University Ave. 3 FL San Bernardino, CA 92401 Loma Linda, CA 92354 Riverside, CA 92501 City of Colton Time for Change Foundation Development Services PO Box 25040 659 N La Cadena Drive San Bernardino, CA 92406 Colton, CA 92324 Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) San Bernardino County LAFCO San Bernardino County Housing Authority 1170 W 3rd St #150 715 E. Brier Drive San Bernardino, CA 92415 San Bernardino, CA 92408 VIII-61 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 76 B.1.a HousingElement Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-62 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 77 B.1.a HousingElement Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-63 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 78 B.1.a HousingElement Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-64 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 79 B.1.a HousingElement Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-65 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 80 B.1.a HousingElement Attachment: C8 Housing _2021-10-21_PC draft (2021-2029 Draft Housing Element) VIII-66 Grand Terrace General Plan Draft | October 2021 Packet Pg. 81