01-26-2017 - SP CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Council ChambersSpecial Meeting6:30 PM The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. If you desire to address the Planning Commission Site and Architectural Review Board during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk. Any documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission Site and Architectural Review Board regardingany item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours. In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www.grandterrace-ca.gov<http://www.grandterrace-ca.gov CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call Attendee NamePresentAbsentLateArrived Chairman Tom Comstock¨¨¨ Vice Chair Tara Ceseña¨¨¨ Commissioner Jeffrey Allen¨¨¨ Commissioner Edward A. Giroux¨¨¨ Commissioner Gregory A. Goatcher¨¨¨ APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC ADDRESS Public address to the Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Director of Planning and Development Services Department. This is the opportunity for members of thepublic to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda. Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the Planning Commission may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification. The Chairman may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting. City of Grand TerracePage 1 AgendaGrand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review BoardJanuary 26, 2017 1. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Minutes Special Meeting 09/29/2016 DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK 2. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 11/17/2016 DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK 2. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Administrative Site and Architectural Review 16-01-A1, Variance 16-03 and Environmental 16-05-A1 RECOMMENDATION: 1) Conduct a public hearing, and 2) Adopt A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ADOPTING A NOTICE OF EXEMPTION AND APPROVING VARIANCE 16-03 AND ADMINISTRATIVE SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 16-01-A1 APPROVING A REVISION TO THE HOUSING PRODUCT AND A SIDE YARD VARIANCE ON A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SMALL LOT SUBDIVISION LOCATED AT 22394 AND 22404 VAN BUREN STREET (APNS 1167-341-02, 78 AND 79) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 3. INFORMATION TO COMMISSIONERS 4. INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONERS ADJOURN Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting of the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission to be held on February 2, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting. City of Grand Terrace Page 2 1.1 Packet Pg. 3 1.1 Packet Pg. 4 1.1 Packet Pg. 5 1.1 Packet Pg. 6 1.2 Packet Pg. 7 1.2 Packet Pg. 8 1.2 Packet Pg. 9 1.2 Packet Pg. 10 2.1 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:January 26, 2017 TITLE:Administrative Site and Architectural Review 16-01-A1, Variance 16-03 and Environmental 16-05-A1 PRESENTED BY:Sandra Molina, Planning & Development Services Director RECOMMENDATION:1) Conduct a public hearing, and 2) Adopt ARESOLUTIONOFTHEPLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEWOF THECITYOFGRANDTERRACEADOPTINGANOTICE OFEXEMPTIONANDAPPROVINGVARIANCE 16-03 AND ADMINISTRATIVE SITEANDARCHITECTURAL REVIEW16-01-A1 APPROVING A REVISION TO THE HOUSING PRODUCT AND A SIDE YARD VARIANCE ON A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SMALL LOT SUBDIVISION LOCATED AT 22394 AND 22404 VAN BUREN STREET (APNS 1167-341-02, 78 AND 79) VISION STATEMENT Promote Economic Development. BACKGROUND: On September 1, 2016, the Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board conducted a public hearing on a proposed small lot subdivision filed by Aegis Builders, Inc. represented by Mr. Darryl Moore, as follows: Tentative Tract Map 16-01 (TTM 18604), Site and Architectural Review 16-01, Variance 16-01 and Environmental 16-05 to combine two parcels measuring a two acres and subdivide them into a small lot subdivision totaling seventeen lots, served by a private street, utilizing the Planned Residential Development standards contained in the Zoning Code for development of the subdivision. The proposed homes were all two-story varying in size between 1,950 square feet to 2,140 square feet. Also considered was Variance 16-01 to allow reduced setbacks on setbacks on Lots 11 and 12 and reduced lot size on Lot 11. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Commission adopted Resolution No. 16-16 recommending City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map 16-01 and Variance 16-01 to reduce the lot size of Lot 11. The Commission also adopted Resolution No. 16-17, Packet Pg. 11 2.1 approving Site and Architectural Review 16-01 including the plotting and architectural elevations of the 17 homes, and permitting 5-foot side yard setbacks for Lots 11 and 12. The September 1, 2016, Planning Commission staff report is provided, without the attachments noted in the original report. On September 27, 2016, the City Council conducted a public hearing and voted to adopt Resolution No. 2016-34 approving Tentative Tract Map 16-01 to create a small lot subdivision and approving Variance 16-01 to reduce the lot size of Lot 11. Currently, the Applicant has submitted the Final Map, Grading and Street Plans and Building Plans for technical review, as required by the adopted Conditions of Approval. PROPOSAL: Aegis Builders, Inc. is also the developer of a 12-lot subdivision on Pico Street. Aegis themselves. Through the marketing and sales of the Pico homes, Aegis has found there is a strong market for smaller homes, and single story homes with less square footage; therefore, Aegis is proposing to modify the product mix and incorporate single levels homes into the proposed Van Buren project to reduce the average house sizes to approximately 1,800 square feet. On November 30, 3016, Aegis submitted Administrative Site and Architectural Review 16-01-A1 requesting to modify the square footage of the product mix and incorporate a single level, 1,537 square foot housing product on six of the lots within the previously approved Project. The modification to the square footage is an administrative level of review as the revised square footage is less than the approved square footage and can be accommodated within the approved building footprint. However, the single level product has a larger footprint than a two story product. It is approximately three feet wider, and the Applicant has submitted Variance 16-03, to allow side yard setback of 5 feet on each side, instead of the required 5 feet on one side and 8 feet on the other. These six lots are in addition to the two that were already approved with 5 foot setbacks. As stated, the subdivision with its associated lot sizes, lot dimensions and street configuration have already been approved by the City Council. The Commission is being asked to consider granting a side yard variance for 6 lots, and approve the new housing mix and plotting. SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA: The Project Site is an irregular polygon shaped lot and relatively flat that gradually slopes from east to west. It fronts along Van Buren Street, a 66-foot wide collector street, at its south boundary. Along Van Buren Street the parcel measures 262 feet wide and narrows to about 136 feet wide at its north boundary. The site contains two existing Packet Pg. 12 2.1 residences which are proposed to be demolished. The Gage Canal is located along the west boundary. Surrounding uses are as follows: Zoning General Plan Existing Land Uses North R3 Medium Density Residential Multi-family residential East R3 Medium Density Residential Single family residential South R1-7.2 Low Density Residential Single family residential West R1-7.2 Low Density Residential Gage Canal and single family residential further west ANALYSIS: General Plan/Zoning Consistency The Project site is designated Medium Density Residential (MDR) on the General Plan Land Use Map. The MDR designation includes both single family detached and multiple family attached development, which may include small lot single family developments or attached multi-family developments including townhomes, condominiums, and apartments at densities of 6-12 dwelling units per acre. The site is zoned R3 Medium Family Residential. This district is intended for medium density multiple family development, at a density of 12 dwelling units per gross acre. Section 18.10.090 (Planned Residential Development) of the Zoning Code allows small lot subdivisions with lots measuring a minimum of 3,500 square feet. The building setbacks for small lot subdivisions are 15 feet at the rear, 5 feet and 8 feet side yards, and an average of 18 feet at the front, but no less than 16 feet. The Applicant is requesting approval of five foot side yard setbacks for Lots 2, 3, 5, 6, 15 and 16, instead of 8 feet and 5 feet. Lots 11 and 12 are already approved with five yard setbacks, and the result would be 8 lots with 5 yard setbacks. The irregular shape of the property limits the design of the subdivision. In addition there are special circumstances related to the general location of the Project in that single story homes are desirable, necessitating the slightly larger footprint. Granting of the variance provides the Applicant the ability to develop the site at comparable densities as adjacent properties and as anticipated in the General Plan. Architectural Elevations and Floor Plans The original approval included four housing plans, all two stories, and a combination of four and three bedroom homes. All had two car garages. The approved square footage mix was 1,950 square feet (4 lots), 2,005 square feet (3 lots), 2,051 square feet (5 lots) Packet Pg. 13 2.1 and 2,140 square feet (5 lots). Aegis is proposing to modify the housing mix as follows: 1,537 square feet (6 lots), 1,861 square feet (4 lots), 2,005 square feet (3 lots), 2,051 square feet (4 lots); thereby eliminating the largest product and incorporating 1,537 square feet and 1,861 square foot products. Revised floor plans and elevations for these two housing plans are attached. Each house will have a covered entry porch, and an attached two car garage. Architectural styles include options for Spanish, Country and Santa Barbara styles. A combination of four and three bedroom homes is still proposed. The Table below shows the modified square footages by lot: Lot Approved Proposed Stories SQFT SQFT 1 2,140 2,051 2 2 2,051 1,537 1 3 1,950 1,537 1 4 2,051 2,051 2 5 1,950 1,537 1 6 2,051 1,537 1 7 1,950 1,861 2 8 2,140 1,861 2 9 2,051 2,051 2 10 2,005 2,005 2 11 2,005 2,005 2 12 2,005 2,005 2 13 1,950 1,861 2 14 2, 051 1,861 2 15 2,140 1,537 1 16 2,140 1,537 1 17 2,140 2,051 2 Architecturally, there are still six color and material schemes corresponding with each Plan. The colors and materials are complementary to the surrounding area. Each Plan will include a tiled roof and will have either an architectural stone or contrasting stucco color treatment. Accent colors will be used on entry and garage doors, eves, sliding doors, shutters and windows/door border treatments. Packet Pg. 14 2.1 Site Plan The attached site plan shows the new plotting for the 17 lots. The reduction in square footage makes sense for a small lot subdivision, and is more in keeping with 3,500 square foot lot sizes. The single story product has a longer and wider footprint, as it must accommodate the entire square footage in one story. The width of the new footprint is 3 feet wider; thus the request for the variance. The Commission may recall that during the September 1, 2016, hearing members of the public expressed their concern with the smaller lot sizes, the shorter lot frontages, parking concerns, and traffic. The Project modifications do not modify the lot sizes and lot frontages, and is limited to the re-plotting and setback variance. As stated during the hearing, the Project is private development served by a private street and will have a Homeowners Association (HOA) and Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) recorded on the property to address parking within the Project. However, staff recommends that the Commission condition the Project so that the CC&Rs specifically state that the vehicles of the residents are parked within the garage, that recreational vehicles cannot be stored in the driveway. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Project to construct a single-story residence and garage is categorically exempt per the California Environmental Quality Act, Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15332, which exempts infill development when the project is compatible with the General Plan and Zoning Code, is on less than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses; is on a site of no value to endangered, threatened, or rare species; is served by public utilities and services, and there are no impacts to traffic noise, air quality or water quality. A Notice of Exemption has been included for adoption. PUBLIC NOTICE: Public notice of the Project was provided, including publishing in the Grand Terrace City News and mailing notices to property owners within 300 feet of the Project site, 10 days prior to the meeting date. In addition, a copy of the notice was posted in three public places. To date, City staff has not received any comments regarding the proposed Project. CONCLUSION: The irregularly shaped infill site presents many challenges to site design. However, given these constraints, the applicant has been able to design a subdivision with usable and functional lots that can support residential development. The Project will create 17 Packet Pg. 15 2.1 additional residential units that will assist the City accommodate its growth demands contained in the Housing Element. ATTACHMENTS: Letter of Intent_Van Buren Project.pdf (PDF) Staff Report_9.1.2016.pdf (PDF) PC Resolution_ASA 16-01-A1_VAR 16-03 (DOCX) NOE_ASA 16-01-A1 (DOC) APPROVALS: Sandra Molina Completed 01/16/2017 4:14 PM City Attorney Completed 01/19/2017 9:24 AM Sandra Molina Completed 01/19/2017 9:33 AM Planning Commission/Site And Architectural Review Board Pending 01/26/2017 6:30 PM Packet Pg. 16 2.1.a Attachment: Letter of Intent_Van Buren Project.pdf (2108 : Administrative SA 16-01-A-1 and Variance 16-03) Packet Pg. 17 2.1.a Attachment: Letter of Intent_Van Buren Project.pdf (2108 : Administrative SA 16-01-A-1 and Variance 16-03) Packet Pg. 18 2.1.b A.1 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:September 1, 2016 TITLE:Tentative Tract Map 16-01 (Tentative Tract Map No. 18604), Variance 16-01 and Site and Architectural Review 16-01 PRESENTED BY:Sandra Molina, Planning & Development Services Director RECOMMENDATION:1) Conduct a public hearing, and 2) Adopt A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ENVIRONMENTAL EXEMPTION AND APPROVE VARIANCE 16-01 AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 16- 01 (TENTATIVETRACT MAP NO. 18604) A SUBDIVISION OF ATWO ACRE SITE INTO A SMALL LOT SUBDIVISION TOTALING 17 LOTS LOCATED AT 22394 AND 22404 VAN BUREN STREET (APNS 1167-341-02, 78 AND 79) and 3) Adopt ARESOLUTIONOFTHEPLANNING COMMISSIONOFTHECITYOFGRANDTERRACE ADOPTINGANOTICEOFEXEMPTIONAND APPROVINGVARIANCE 16-01,SITEAND ARCHITECTURALREVIEW16-01,ANDAPLANNED RESIDENTIALDEVELOPMENTAPPROVING LOT LAYOUT AND ARCHITECTURAL AND FLOOR PLANSFOR A SMALL LOT SUBDIVISION CONSISTING OF 17 LOTSLOCATED AT 22394 AND 22404 VAN BUREN STREET (APNS 1167-341-02, 78 AND 79) VISION STATEMENT Development. PROPOSAL Attachment: Staff Report_9.1.2016.pdf (2108 : Administrative SA 16-01-A-1 and Variance 16-03) Mr. Darryl Moore, representing Aegis Builders, Inc. has submitted Tentative Tract Map 16-01 (TTM 18604), Site and Architectural Review 16-01, Variance 16-01 and Environmental 16-05 proposing to combine two parcels measuring approximately two acres and subdivide them into a small lot subdivision totaling seventeen lots, served by a private street. The Applicant is proposing to utilize the Planned Residential Packet Pg. 4 Packet Pg. 19 2.1.b A.1 Development standards contained in the Zoning Code for development of the subdivision. The homes proposed on the lots vary in size between 1,950 square feet to 2,140 square feet. Variance 16-01 is to deviate from the required setbacks on Lots 11 and 12 and the minimum lot size on Lot 11. The Project site is made up of two parcels located on the north side of Van Buren Street, adjacent to the Gage Canal. The site is an irregularly shaped parcel zoned R3- High Density Residential and is located at 22394 and 22404 Van Buren Street (APNs 1167-341-02, 78 and 79). A Letter of Intent is attached. authority ontentative tract maps. However, the Planning Commission has reviewing authority and makes a recommendation to the City Council on the tentative tract map. The Planning Commission has approval authority on Site and Architectural Review applications. BACKGROUND: Over the last year the City staff and the applicant have reviewed various iterations of the subdivision. The odd shape of the parcel has made designing the subdivision challenging. The shape of the parcel results in a unique hardship in developing the property. On April 14, 2016, the Applicant submitted the subject application. The application was reviewed by the Development Advisory Board and deemed incomplete on May 12, 2016 and August 4, 2016. On August 10, 2016, the Applicant submitted revisedplans and materials, and the application was deemed complete and scheduled for public hearing. SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA: The Project Site is an irregular polygon shaped lot and relatively flat that gradually slopes from east to west. It fronts along VanBuren Street, a 66-foot wide collector street, at its south boundary. Along Van Buren Street the parcel measures 262 feet wide and narrows to about 136 feet wide at its north boundary. The site contains two existing residences which are proposed to be demolished. The Gage Canal is located along the west boundary. Surrounding uses are as follows: ZoningGeneral PlanExisting Land Uses Attachment: Staff Report_9.1.2016.pdf (2108 : Administrative SA 16-01-A-1 and Variance 16-03) NorthR3Medium Density ResidentialMulti-family residential EastR3Medium Density ResidentialSingle family residential SouthR1-7.2Low Density ResidentialSingle family residential WestR1-7.2Low Density ResidentialGage Canal and single Packet Pg. 5 Packet Pg. 20 2.1.b A.1 family residential further west ANALYSIS: General Plan/Zoning Consistency The Project site is designated Medium Density Residential (MDR) on the General Plan Land Use Map. The MDR designation includes both single family detached and multiple family attached development, which may include small lot single family developments or attached multi-family developments including townhomes, condominiums, and apartments at densities of 6-12 dwelling units per acre. The site is zoned R3 Medium Family Residential.This district is intended for medium density multiple family development, at a density of 12 dwelling units per gross acre. which is intended for single and . In 2012, Ordinance No. 260 was adopted which established Section 18.10.090 Planned Residential Development standards intended, in part, to allow for flexibility and creativity in the development of infill lots otherwise constrained due to lot size, configuration and/or surroundings. The use of the PDR standards is permissible in the R3 zone district, as determined by the Planning Commission, and provided the site is at least 22,000 square feet in size. This site qualifies for use of the PDR standards and Staff recommends its applicability to the Project. The PDR standards allow small lot subdivisions with lots measuring a minimum of 3,500 square feet. The building setbacks for small lot subdivisions are 15 feet at the rear, 5 feet and 8 feet side yards, and an average of 18 feet at the front, but no less than 16 feet. The Applicant has filed Variance 16-01 to deviate from the required setbacks on Lots 11 and 12 and the minimum lot size on Lot 11. The Applicant is requesting approval of five foot side yard setbacks for Lots 11 and 12, instead of 8 feet and 5 feet, a lot size of 3,468 square feet for Lot 11 instead of 3,500 square feet. Staff believes that due to the odd shape of the Project Site, a strict application of the zoning ordinance would deprive the property owner of privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity. These deviations are do not impact the viability of the proposed lots and staff recommends approval of the Variance. Attachment: Staff Report_9.1.2016.pdf (2108 : Administrative SA 16-01-A-1 and Variance 16-03) Tentative Tract Map/Conceptual Grading The tentative tract map also serves as the conceptual grading plan. The tentative tract map shows grading, easements, public improvements, and the location of existing utilities (water, sewer, street lights, etc.). Pad elevations are indicated on each lot. Packet Pg. 6 Packet Pg. 21 2.1.b A.1 Generally, lots will be decreasing in elevation from south to north. Lots will drain to the private street and flow to an onsite basin. As shown on the tentative tract map there are two private easements on the property. Along the northand west property lines is a 10 foot wide easement for drainage and sewer purposes that serves the development to the north. There is a 24 inch storm drain pipe and an 8 inch sewer pipe that run within the easement. Along the west boundary the storm drainpipe runs very near to the property line. The City requires block walls to be constructed along the boundaries of tract map. In order to construct the wall along the west boundary, the storm drain pipe is proposed to be reconstructed to accommodate the block wall. The Applicant will be required to obtain authorization from the easement holder prior to work on the storm drain pipe. The Applicant also proposes to drain storm waters into the drain pipe within the easement and this would also require authorization from the easement holder. Code requires undergrounding of all public utilities in conjunction with development. The Applicant will underground the easterly powerpole, but is requesting to keep the westerly power pole in place. The Site and Architectural Review Board has the authority to allow this power pole to remain in place. Circulation/Access Along Van Buren Street, the applicant will be required to installstandard improvements along the project frontage, including curb,gutter, sidewalk, and street lighting, and repave Van Buren Street to the centerline. Tesoro Court is proposed to be 36 feet wide which is permissible for private streets. Parking will only be allowed on one side of the street. Because the Project Site is narrow on the north end, a standard cul de sac bulb cannot be accommodated to allow an emergency turn. Instead a hammerhead is proposed, and this is acceptable to County Fire. Additionally, give the small size of the Project, County Fire is not requesting a second access point. Along Van Buren Street, Staff has included a condition of approval that would restrict direct access onto Van Buren Street for Lots 1 and 17. Attachment: Staff Report_9.1.2016.pdf (2108 : Administrative SA 16-01-A-1 and Variance 16-03) Site Plan The site plan shows the plotting of the homes in relation to the subdivision design. The homes are proposed to be two story homes and a mix of four different housing plans. Thesite plan delineates the setbacks for each lot and demonstrates that each home, Packet Pg. 7 Packet Pg. 22 2.1.b A.1 with the exception of Lots 11 and 12 meet the structural setbacks. Lots 11 and 12 are proposed with two 5-foot wide side yard setbacks instead of 5 and 8 feet. The reduced setback is necessary because of the narrowness of the Project site and to accommodate the required hammerhead. Further, each home meets the required height, lot coverage, and parking requirements. The site plan depicts side yard easements which would extend the side yard of adjacent lots and allow greater usability. This is a concept that the Applicant indicates has been successful.While adjacent property owners would enjoy and maintain the easement area, structures would not be allowed to be constructedwithin the easement because restrict structures within the easement areas. Architectural Elevations and Floor Plans The four housing plans show that each house will have a covered entry porch, and an attached two car garage. Architectural styles include options for Spanish, Country and Santa Barbara styles. The Table below breaks down the floor plans. ProposedFloor Plans PlanLotsSquareStoriesBR/BathsGarage feet 1, 1R3, 5, 7, 131,950Two4 Bedrooms/3 Baths2-car 2, 2R1, 8, 15-172,140Two4 Bedrooms/3 Baths2car 3, 3R2, 4, 6, 9,142, 051Two4 Bedrooms/3 Baths2-car 4, 4R10-122,005Two3 Bedrooms/2.52-car Baths Architecturally, there are six color and material schemes corresponding with each Plan. The colors and materials are complementary to the surrounding area. Each Plan will include a tiled roof and will have either an architectural stoneor contrasting stucco color treatment. Accent colors will be used on entry and garage doors, eves, sliding doors, shutters and windows/door border treatments. The proposed color and materials board are attached to the report. Attachment: Staff Report_9.1.2016.pdf (2108 : Administrative SA 16-01-A-1 and Variance 16-03) Conceptual Landscape Plan: The applicant will be installing front yard landscaping on each lot, and on the street side yard of Lots 1 and 17 to create an enhanced landscape area. The conceptual landscape plan demonstrates adequate front yard landscaping. In an effort to conserve Packet Pg. 8 Packet Pg. 23 2.1.b A.1 water use, the applicant is proposing drought tolerant shrubs. A final landscape and Ordinance is required. Agency Review The Project Plans were distributed to various agenciesfor their comments. Conditions Works Department; and from County Fire and Colton Water and Wastewater Department have been obtained. The Conditions are included in theattached Resolution. Riverside Highland Water Company indicated that they can serve the Project and final water improvement plans will require their review and approval. A condition of approval to this effect has been incorporated into the resolution. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Project to construct a single-story residence and garage is categorically exempt per the California Environmental Quality Act, Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15332, which exempts infill development when the project is compatible with the General Plan and Zoning Code, is on less than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses; is on a site of no value to endangered, threatened, or rare species; is served by public utilities and services, and there are no impacts to traffic noise,air quality or water quality. A Notice of Exemption has been included for adoption. PUBLIC NOTICE: Public notice of the Project was provided, including publishing in the Grand Terrace City Newsand mailing notices to property owners within 300 feet of the Project site, 10 days prior to the meeting date. In addition, a copy of the notice was posted in three public places. To date, City staff has not received any comments regarding the proposed Project. CONCLUSION: The irregularly shaped infill Site presents many challenges to site design and creates a unique hardship for property owner with the result that strict application of the zoning Attachment: Staff Report_9.1.2016.pdf (2108 : Administrative SA 16-01-A-1 and Variance 16-03) code would deprive the property owner of privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity. However, given these constraints, the applicant has been able to design a subdivision with usable and functional lots that can support residential development. The Project will create 17 additional residential units that will assist the City accommodate its growth demands contained in the Housing Element. Packet Pg. 9 Packet Pg. 24 2.1.b A.1 ATTACHMENTS: Letter of Intent(PDF) PC Resolution_TTM 18604(DOC) Exhibits, Conditions of Approval(PDF) PC Resolution_SA 16-01(DOCX) Exhibits, Conditions of Approval(PDF) Notice of Exemption_SA 16-01(DOC) Color and Material Boards(PDF) APPROVALS: Sandra MolinaCompleted08/24/2016 4:30 PM City AttorneyCompleted08/25/2016 8:36 AM Sandra MolinaCompleted08/25/2016 10:37 AM Planning CommissionPending09/15/2016 6:30 PM Attachment: Staff Report_9.1.2016.pdf (2108 : Administrative SA 16-01-A-1 and Variance 16-03) Packet Pg. 10 Packet Pg. 25 2.1.b A.1.a ) ) 4 0 6 8 1 . o N p a M t c a r T e v i t a t n e T ( 1 0 - 6 1 p a M t c a r T e v i t a t n e T : 7 8 9 1 ( t n e t n I f o r e t t e L : t n e m h c a t t A Attachment: Staff Report_9.1.2016.pdf (2108 : Administrative SA 16-01-A-1 and Variance 16-03) Packet Pg. 11 Packet Pg. 26 2.1.c RESOLUTION NO. 2017- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ADOPTING A NOTICE OF EXEMPTION AND APPROVING VARIANCE 16-03 AND ADMINISTRATIVE SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 16-01-A1 APPROVING A REVISION TO THE HOUSING PRODUCT AND A SIDE YARD VARIANCE ON A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SMALL LOT SUBDIVISION LOCATED AT 22394 AND 22404 VAN BUREN STREET (APNS 1167- 341-02, 78 AND 79) WHEREAS, filed Administrative Site and Architectural Review 16-01-A1 and Variance 16-03 to revise the housing product on a previously approved subdivision and to reduce the side yard setback on six lots from eight feet to five feet WHEREAS, the Project site is zoned R3-Medium Density Residential and designated Medium Density Residential on the General Plan Land Use Map, located 22394 and 22404 Van Buren Street, identified as 1167-341- 02, -78, and -79). The Project site contains two single family residences. WHEREAS, Applicant previously filed and received approval of Tentative Tract Map 16-01 (Tentative Tract Map No. 18604) to subdivide two acres into a small lot subdivision totaling 17 lots; Variance 6-01 deviate from the lot standards for Lots 11 and 12; and Site and Architectural Review 16-01 for approval of the site layout, architectural plans and pursuant to Planned Residential Development standards WHEREAS, the Project qualifies for an environmental exemption pursuant to Section 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, which exempts infill projects when the project is compatible with the General Plan and Zoning Code, is on less than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses, the property has no value as habitat for any rare, endangered, or threatened species, the site is served by public utilities and services, and there are no impacts to traffic noise, air quality or water quality. WHEREAS, on January 26, 2017, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing at a special meeting at the Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California and concluded the hearing on said date. WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. Attachment: PC Resolution_ASA 16-01-A1_VAR 16-03 \[Revision 2\] (2108 : Administrative SA 16-01-A-1 and Variance 16-03) Packet Pg. 27 2.1.c NOW THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board hereby find that the Project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15332. The Notice of Exemption prepared in connection with the Project has been reviewed and considered and reflects the independent judgment of the Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board, and is hereby adopted. 2. The Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to Variance 16-03: a. A special circumstance regarding the size, shape, topography, location or surroundings of the subject property exists. The irregular polygon shaped parcel limits the design of the subdivision. There are special circumstances related to the general location of the Project, in that single story homes are desirable, necessitating the larger footprint. b. Because of the special circumstance, the strict application of the zoning ordinance deprives the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. The bility to design a single story home that meets the setbacks. Strict application of the zoning code would result in a lesser number of lots with lot sizes greater than the intent of the PDR standards for small lot subdivisions. c. The granting of the variance will not constitute the grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the property is situated. The granting of the variance would not grant a special privilege; rather it will provide the ability to develop the subject lot at comparable densities as adjacent properties and as anticipated in the General Plan. d. The granting of the variance will not authorize a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the district governing the parcel of property. The granting of the variance would not authorize an unpermitted use because small lot subdivisions are permitted in the R3 zone district. e. The granting of the variance will not result in a situation inconsistent with the latest adopted general plan. The density of 8.5 is consistent with the MDR General Plan designation which planned for a maximum density of 12 units per acre. f. Conditions necessary to secure the above findings are made a part of the approval of the variance. Attachment: PC Resolution_ASA 16-01-A1_VAR 16-03 \[Revision 2\] (2108 : Administrative SA 16-01-A-1 and Variance 16-03) Packet Pg. 28 2.1.c 3. The Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board finds as follows with respect to Administrative Site and Architectural Review 16-01-A1: a. The Project site is consistent with the Zoning Code and General Plan. The proposed Project has a density of 8.5 dwelling units per acre is consistent with the Medium Density Residential (MDR) General Plan designation. The MDR designation allows single and multiple family development. The plotting of single family residential housing products is consistent with the Zoning Code and General Plan. The Project conforms to several General Plan policies relating to the construction of roadways and utilities to serve the Project, and Housing Element policies to encourage housing development of various types and designs. The Project is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code, except for the six lots that will have a lesser side yard setback. However, consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code, the Applicant has filed a Variance application. b. The location and configuration of all structures associated withthis Project are visually harmonious with this site and surrounding sites and structures, that they do not interfere with the neighbors' privacy, that they do not unnecessarily block scenic views from other structures and/or public areas and are in scale with the townscape and natural landscape of the area. The design and appearance of the proposed homes complement and enhance the surrounding neighborhood.In addition, the site will be appropriately landscaped to enhance street views. c. The architectural design of structures, their materials and colors are visually harmonious with the surrounding development, natural landforms, are functional for the Project and are consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. The proposed buildingsare Mediterranean style with roof tiles, stucco finishes, arched doorways, and extensive architectural features on all four sides of the buildings. Primary colors are neutral earth tones, with use of accent colors on the window shutters and awnings. d. The plan for landscaping and open spaces provide a functional and visually pleasing setting for the structures on this site and is harmonious with the natural landscape of the area and nearby developments. The site will be landscaped with trees and shrubs, and will be visually pleasing. e. There is no indiscriminate clearing of property, destruction oftrees or natural vegetation or the excessive and unsightly grading of hillsides, Attachment: PC Resolution_ASA 16-01-A1_VAR 16-03 \[Revision 2\] (2108 : Administrative SA 16-01-A-1 and Variance 16-03) thus the natural beauty of the City, its setting, and natural landforms are preserved. The two houses on the site will be demolished. The site is Packet Pg. 29 2.1.c relatively flat and will be graded to support the Project. f. Conditions of approval for this project necessary to secure the purposes of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and General Plan are made a part of this approval as set forth in the accompanying Resolution of Approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Administrative Site and Architectural Review 16- 01-A1 and Variance 16-03 are hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Administrative Site and Architectural Review 16-01-A1 and Variance 16-03is approved to replot the housing products on the 17 previously approved lots to include 1,537 square foot, 1,861 square foot, 2,005 square foot, and 2,051 square foot housing products; and to grant five (5) foot side yard setbacks on Lots 2, 3, 5, 6, 15 and 16 on property located at 22394 and 22404 Van Buren 1167-341-02, -78, and -79). This approval is granted based on the application materials submitted by Aegis Builders, Inc. represented by Darryl Moore on November 30, 2016, and floor plans and architectural elevations dated January 18, 2017. The plans are approved as submitted and conditioned herein, and shall not be further altered except as modified by these conditions of approval, and unless reviewed and approved by the affected departments. 2. This approval shall expire twenty-four (24) months from the dateof adoption of this resolution unless the use has been inaugurated or atime extension has been granted by the City, in accordance with Chapter 18.63 of the Zoning Code. Time extensions shall be filed at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date. 3. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Grand Terrace and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Grand Terrace, its officers, employees, or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approvalor condition of approval of the City of Grand Terrace concerning this project, including but not limited to any approval or condition of approval of the Planning Commission, or Planning and Development Services Director.The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and the City shall cooperate fully in the defenseof the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 4. Any details which are inconsistent with requirements of state and local ordinances, conditions of approval, or City policies must be specifically modified to comply with state and local ordinances, conditions of approval, or City policies, or must be approved in the final map or improvement plan approvals Attachment: PC Resolution_ASA 16-01-A1_VAR 16-03 \[Revision 2\] (2108 : Administrative SA 16-01-A-1 and Variance 16-03) Packet Pg. 30 2.1.c 5. In the event that exhibits and written conditions are inconsistent, the written conditions shall prevail. 6. The Conditions of Approval contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 16-17 shall remain in full force and effect, except as may be modified herein. 7. In no instance may any eave, or covered porch extend closer than three (3) feet to any side yard setback. 8. responsible for regular and ongoing upkeep and maintenance of the site, including street paving and striping, clearing of trash, weeds and debris, lighting, landscaping, including parkway landscaping along the Project and Gage Canal frontage, and other site improvements. The private street shall be maintained in good condition. The maintenance thereof may include, but shall not be limited to the repaving, sealing, and striping when deemed necessary by the City to insurethe health, safety, and welfare of the general public. 9. Final landscape and irrigation plans will be required to demonstrate compliance with Chapter 15.56 Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. a. A legend shall be incorporated onto final landscape plan that clearly identifies the plant material to be installed. b. No trees shall be planted within the sewer and storm drain easements. c. Final landscape and irrigation plan will be required to incorporate parkway trees in compliance with Chapter 12.28 of the Municipal Code. d. Landscaping and irrigation plans shall include the frontage along the Gage Canal property. 10. Public frontage improvements shall be constructed along the Gage Canal frontage, consistent with the required improvements along the Project frontage. 11. The applicant shall submit a declaration of covenants, conditionsand restrictions (CC&R's) establishing a Home Owner's Association subject to review and approval by the Planning and Development Services Directorand the City Attorney approval. Such declaration shall set forth provisions for maintenance of all common areas, payment of taxes and all other privileges and responsibilities of the common ownership. The CC&R's shall include provisions prohibiting the homeowners' association (HOA) from quitclaiming, selling or otherwise transferring the land held in common ownership to private property owners. The shall include the following provisions: a. The City shall be made a party of the CC&R's. The City's participation shall be specifically limited to enforcement of the HOA's maintenance obligation. Attachment: PC Resolution_ASA 16-01-A1_VAR 16-03 \[Revision 2\] (2108 : Administrative SA 16-01-A-1 and Variance 16-03) b. The provisions of approved CC&R's shall not be amended without Packet Pg. 31 2.1.c the prior approval of the Planning and Development Services Director and City Attorney who at his or her discretion may refer the matter to the Planning Commission. Requests for amendments to existing CC&R's shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Services Department. c. The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall disclose the location of the existing ten (10) foot sewer and drainage easements,and shall state that no permanent structural encroachments shall be installed within the easements. d. Privacy fencing, concrete stoops or pavers, and plant material, excluding trees, shall be permitted within the easements. However, the property owner shall obtain an encroachment permit, and enter into a hold harmless agreement with the City of Grand Terrace, in the event that these improvements must be removed to access the easement. Replacement of these materials shall be at the expense of the property owner and/or association. e. All resident vehicles shall be parked within the enclosed garage. f. Recreational vehicles shall not be parked in the driveway or on the residential lots. g. CC&Rs shall include maintenance of landscaping and irrigation along the public frontage along the Gage Canal property. 12. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding, the applicant must sign and return an of form.The form and content shall be prepared by the Planning and Development Services Department. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, th California, at a special meeting held on the 26 day of January, 2017. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Attachment: PC Resolution_ASA 16-01-A1_VAR 16-03 \[Revision 2\] (2108 : Administrative SA 16-01-A-1 and Variance 16-03) __________________________ __________________________ Packet Pg. 32 2.1.c Pat Jacquez-Nares Tom Comstock City Clerk Chairman Attachment: PC Resolution_ASA 16-01-A1_VAR 16-03 \[Revision 2\] (2108 : Administrative SA 16-01-A-1 and Variance 16-03) Packet Pg. 33 2.1.d CITY OF GRAND TERRACE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION TO: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors FROM: Planning and Development County of San Bernardino Services Department nd 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue, 2 Floor City of Grand Terrace San Bernardino, CA 92415-0130 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Project Title: Administrative Site and Architectural Review 16-01-A1, Variance 16-03, and Environmental 16-05-A1 Project Location Specific: The project is located on lots APN: 1167-341-02, 1167-341-03 and 1167-341-38 in the County of San Bernardino. Description of Project: Revise the housing product on a previously approved subdivision and to reduce the side yard setback on six lots from eight feet to five feet. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Grand Terrace Planning Commission Name of Person or Agency Carrying out Project: Aegis Builders, Inc. Exempt Status: California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15332, Infill Development Projects Reasons Why Project is Exempt: Section 15332, This section exempts infill projects when the project is compatible with the General Plan and Zoning Code; is on less than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses; the property has no value as habitat for rare, endangered, or threatened species; the site is served by public utilities and services;and there are no impacts to traffic noise, air quality, or water quality. Lead Agency or Contact Person: Area Code/Telephone (909) 824-6621 Attachment: NOE_ASA 16-01-A1 (2108 : Administrative SA 16-01-A-1 and Variance 16-03) ______________________________ _________________ Sandra Molina Date Director of Planning and Development Services 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, 92313-5295 909/824-6621 Fax 909/783-2600 Packet Pg. 34