03-22-2018 - SP CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Council ChambersSpecial Meeting6:30 PM The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. If you desire to address the Planning Commission during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk. Any documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours. In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www.grandterrace- ca.gov<http://www.grandterrace-ca.gov CALL TO ORDER Convene the Meeting of the Planning Commission and Site and Architectural Review Board. Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call Attendee NamePresentAbsentLateArrived Chairman Tom Comstock Vice Chair Tara Ceseña Commissioner Jeffrey Allen Commissioner Edward A. Giroux Commissioner Gregory A. Goatcher APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC ADDRESS Public address to the Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Director of Community Development Department. This is the opportunity for membersof the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda. Because of restrictions contained in California Law, City of Grand TerracePage 1 Agenda Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board March 22, 2018 the Planning Commission may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification. The Chairman may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting. A.CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 11/16/2017 DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK 2. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 01/18/2018 DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK 3. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 03/01/2018 DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK B.PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. Zoning Code Amendment 17-04 RECOMMENDATION: 1) Continue the Discussion of Proposed Zoning Code Amendment 17-04; 2) Consider Adoption of a Resolution recommending to Council adoption of Zoning Code Amendment 17-04 amending certain chapters of the Zoning Code pertaining to outdoor uses and storage in the Commercial Manufacturing (CM), Restricted Manufacturing (MR) and Industrial (M2) zone districts. DEPARTMENT: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Agenda Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board March 22, 2018 C.INFORMATION TO COMMISSIONERS D.INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONERS ADJOURN Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting of the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission to be held on April 5, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting. City of Grand Terrace Page 3 This page left intentionally blank. A.1 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD MINUTES Council ChambersRegular Meeting6:30 PM The City of Grand Terrace complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's office at (909) 824-6621 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. If you desire to address the Planning Commission during the meeting, please complete a Request to Speak Form available at the entrance and present it to the City Clerk. Any documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours. In addition, such documents will be posted on the City's website at www.grandterrace- ca.gov<http://www.grandterrace-ca.gov CALL TO ORDER Chairman Comstock convened the Meeting of the Planning Commission and Site and Architectural Review Board. Pledge of Allegiance led by Chairman Comstock. Attendee NameTitleStatusArrived Tom ComstockChairmanPresent Tara CeseñaVice ChairAbsent Jeffrey AllenCommissionerPresent Edward A. GirouxCommissionerPresent Gregory A. GoatcherCommissionerPresent APPROVAL OF AGENDA 1.Motion: Agenda Approved November 16, 2016 RESULT:ADOPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] AYES:Tom Comstock, Jeffrey Allen, Edward A. Giroux, Gregory A. Goatcher ABSENT:Tara Ceseña PUBLIC ADDRESS City of Grand TerracePage 1 Packet Pg. 4 A.1 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board November 16, 2017 Public address to the Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Director of Community Development Department. This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda. Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the Planning Commission may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification. The Chairman may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting. A.CONSENT CALENDAR 2. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 06/01/2017 RESULT: ACCEPTED \[4 TO 0\] AYES: Tom Comstock, Jeffrey Allen, Edward A. Giroux, Gregory A. Goatcher ABSTAIN: Tara Ceseña 3. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 09/07/2017 RESULT: ACCEPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] AYES: Tom Comstock, Jeffrey Allen, Edward A. Giroux, Gregory A. Goatcher ABSENT: Tara Ceseña B.PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. Tentative Parcel Map 16-03, Variance 17-01, Administrative Site and Architectural Review 17-02 and Environmental 16-14 Assistant Planner Aguirre gave the PowerPoint presentation for this item. approval in 2008, but did not get built because of the collapse of the housing market. As Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Nov 16, 2017 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) a result, the owners made revisions, split the one existing lot into two parcels and created a second home. Chairman Comstock opens to questions from the Commission. There being none, Chairman Comstock opens the public hearing. City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Packet Pg. 5 A.1 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board November 16, 2017 Burt Cilimazon (neighbor) requests for this area to be zoned differently, perhaps into multi-family or multi-use. He is sandwiched between this property being built and Lewis Properties, which is in the process of building multiple sites and he would also like to build in this area, but would like a different zoning. Chairman Comstock explained that the City would be happy to discuss this further with Mr. Cilimazon. Commissioner Goatcher requested to return to the PowerPoint aerial view and asks Mr. his home. Commissioner Allen inquired when the next scheduled general plan use map update is to occur. Director Molina replied that there is not one currently scheduled, but rather would occur as needed. Chairman Comstock asked if there were any additional comments from the general public and there being none, closed the public hearing and asked for any additional comments from the Commission before deliberation. There being no additional comments, Chairman Comstock asked the Commission if they'd like to entertain a motion. Commissioner Giroux moved to adopt the resolution of the Commission and approve all points above. 1) CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING, AND 2) ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ENVIRONMENTAL EXEMPTION PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AND APPROVE VARIANCE 17-01 AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 16-03 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 18274) A SUBDIVISION OF A 0.42 ACRE INTO TWO LOTS LOCATED AT 22034 DE BERRY STREET (APN 1167-161-32) AND Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Nov 16, 2017 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) 3) ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AN ENVIRONMENTAL EXEMPTION PURSUANT TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL CALIFORNIA QUALITY ACT, AND APPROVING SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 17-02 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 2,290 SQUARE FOOT SINGLE FAMILY HOME ON A 0.25 ACRE LOT CREATED BY TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 18274, LOCATED AT 22034 DE BERRY STREET (APN 1167- 161-32) City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packet Pg. 6 A.1 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board November 16, 2017 RESULT: APPROVED \[UNANIMOUS\] MOVER: Edward A. Giroux, Commissioner SECONDER: Jeffrey Allen, Commissioner AYES: Tom Comstock, Jeffrey Allen, Edward A. Giroux, Gregory A. Goatcher ABSENT: Tara Ceseña C.CONTINUED ITEMS 1. Zoning Code Amendment 17-03 and Zone Change 17-01 Director Molina gave the presentation specifying the requirements of a conditional use permit in this flood plain zoned area. She mentioned that staff did not do a community wide survey, because the testimony that is needed is limited to the affected property owners. Although public testimony was not solicited, notification to the public was provided in the local newspaper. Director Molina pointed out that Vice Chair Ceseña is in favor of splitting the zoning and Amendment 17-03 and Zone Chance 17-01 and recommending the AG-2 Overlay District and New Zoning Chapter 18.56. It achieves the goals for allowing commercial agricultural uses with ranchette housing. Chairman Comstock opens to questions from the Commission. Commissioner Allen mentions that the parcel numbers that they received from the presentation made by Director Molina. He asked which properties are in question. Chairman Comstock opens the public hearing. Scott Heil (representing Mr. Davis from law firm Varner & Brandt) also clarified that the letter to the commissioners with the parcel number had errors. He wanted to reiterate that they do not oppose the adoption of the AG-2 overlay proposal, but do not necessarily support it either. Alternative options as proposed by the Commission would Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Nov 16, 2017 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) impact the development options that the owner has been working towards for many years. Resident Katie Guthrie (resident on Vivienda Avenue) wanted to state for the record that she does not approve of the AG-2 overlay. She wants this to be all agricultural. Light industrial is hard on the neighborhood and nothing so far has been neighborhood friendly. City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Packet Pg. 7 A.1 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board November 16, 2017 Resident Janet Rich (11701 Terrace Avenue) stated she is the oldest property owner in this area (1967). She objected to the zoning change back in 1984, in addition to several other neighbors, yet the zoning was changed. Since then nothing fruitful has come about and prefers the zoning to go back to agriculture zoning. She never received notice in the mail regarding the October meeting, neither did her neighbors. She wants all existing buildings to be grandfathered in under agricultural zoning, which was its original zoning. Owners of 24 acres who do not agree with her and her neighbors do not maintain their properties, properties are in 5-foot-tall weeds, and are responsible for several fires due to the significant amount of tumbleweeds. She has addressed this issue with weed abatement, but to no effect. Chairman Comstock acknowledged the tumbleweed code enforcement violation of the surrounding property owners who are trying to get the zoning overlay passed. Resident Janice Makshaoff (21816 Vivienda Avenue) a 20+ year resident has felt like she has had to defend her home on average every 3 years and is sick of it. She commented on the zoning of the last 30 years being light industrial, yet nothing has happened here because it is not feasible. She requested this area to be Ag-Residential as her experience with overlays has not been good. All existing buildings should be grandfathered in as the original zoning was agricultural. She would like staff to work with property owners for future zoning changes and wanted to be notified for all future meetings on this matter. Resident Jason Greeley (12279 Dos Rios Avenue) advocated for zoning the area as Agricultural and shared his experiences from growing up here. Since 1984, the agricultural land has been choked out of Grand Terrace. He expressed that he believes it should be agricultural again because there is nothing else that can be done with it. and is upset that she has not been a part of the planning of this city. In addition to all the negative environmental impacts of the current zoning on agriculture and wildlife, she expressed discontent that the community has not been a part of this zoning process. Although they are not the main property owners, they cycle, walk, and enjoy quality time in the area. She is concerned about the future transportation and environmental impacts. Resident William Mahaney (lives on Vivienda Avenue) stated the he and wife are dead Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Nov 16, 2017 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) set against industrial zoning and wants it to revert to the original agricultural zoning. He is concerned about the poor present property management and the tumbleweeds on the 24-acre property. Ron Kemper (1770 N. Arrowhead Avenue) stated he represented Highland Service Corporation / owners of 24 acres of the northern subject properties. He claimed all property owners are local residents who obtained a loan for this property based on the M-2 zoning. He is not opposed to the overlay. City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Packet Pg. 8 A.1 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board November 16, 2017 Resident Bobbie Forbes (Burns Avenue) advocated for five-acre minimum lot sizes, and that subdivision should not be allowed because of the flood plain and power lines pose a danger. She does not want to see development disturb existing residents. It should only be one house on the existing five-acre parcel that has been vacant for a long time. She stated that it may not be the intent to subdivide right now but it could happen in the future and that it could cause mayhem with traffic onto a dirt road without street lights or fire hydrants. Michael Simon, resident, stated the area should all be rezoned agricultural. Stated there is so much infrastructure that needs to be developed in order to be commercial/industrial, that it is cost-prohibitive, and it does not make sense to develop with overlay. Resident Jeffrey McConnell (Walnut Avenue) reiterated he has been fighting this for over a decade. He has practiced real estate for over 40 years - acknowledged that M-2 land is worth more that AG. Criticized the owners of the properties - owner has only built ill the property despite owning it for 14 years. Tumbleweeds were never cleaned up. Recommended that the Council change all 40 acres back to agriculture. Requested that the Commission please grandfather all existing buildings as the originally intended use. He asked the Commission to direct staff to work directly with property owners in the area for the details of the new A-1 zoning. He also asked the City Manager to please realize that this is the last battle and to please listen to the people who live in the area and not staff members that do not live in the town. There being no further testimony, Chairman Comstock closes the public hearing and invites the City Manager to take the floor for thoughts and a response to what citizens have shared. City Manager Duffey explained that the overlay was proposed in order to provide 1-acre ranchettes instead of the area only being 40 acres of green zone. He stated that he is a pro itself to future liabilities. He reassured the Commission that checks and balances existing on the part of the Council and staff ensure that no property is developed in a manner that negatively impacts the surrounding property owners. This overlay, instead, acts as a vehicle for the City to market this area. AG-2 zoning is the best way to methodically have this area come to fruition. Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Nov 16, 2017 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) Chairman Comstock opened the agenda item to the Commission for discussion. Commissioner Allen asked John H Douglass and Associates for their professional opinion and requested Mr. Douglass to come to the podium. Consultant John Douglass approached the podium but had nothing additional to share beyond what had already been shared by the City staff. City of Grand Terrace Page 6 Packet Pg. 9 A.1 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board November 16, 2017 want to keep an M-2 zoning and 1/4 who want to revert back to an AG-1 zoning. He does not want to hinder these property owners. Going back to AG-1 would restrict owners that want it M-2. He completed his own research to understand the history of this zoning change in 1984 and felt that previous meetings were given proper prior es. AG-1 is a restrictive zoning that does not allow many options. The overlay would allow more opportunities. He liked the idea of the ability to subdivide property into 1-acre lots and build homes on them. He mentioned that by placing an overlay on this area, as a city, they are officially declaring this area a - solution is an AG-2 overlay as it does not restrict property rights, allows additional options, and allows agricultural uses to continue. He believed that this was the best way to go. He reassured those in attendance that he has been on the Commission when manhole manufacturers and tractor-trailer companies have come in and try to open businesses in this area, that he has remained steadfast in protecting the rights of the citizens who live in the area and their health and safety. He understands that an AG-2 overlay would bring greener businesses into the community. Commissioner Allen referenced a staff report from 8/23/1984 to present the question today. Director Molina confirmed that it is indeed the same area. She clarified that the northern half of the property was not originally agriculturally zone, but rather Flood Plain under the County. When the city completed the general plan update, it was changed to M-2 Flood Plain. Commissioner Goatcher asked when did 1-acre ranchettes come about. Director Molina stated city residents requested the Council to potentially rezone for 1- acre ranchette development and the Council made revisions to move it forward. Chairman Comstock clarified that 1-acre ranchettes were also part of the conversation at the last meeting. City Manager Duffey confirmed that indeed the residents presented the 1-acre ranchettes proposal and not the Council. He explained that the original proposal was Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Nov 16, 2017 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) presented to the Council and was focused on turning the area into a green-belt. Although people may have changed their minds from that original proposal, the Council bought into the original proposal and hired a consultant and has been working to move that proposal forward ever since. But it was never the Council that conceptualized the 1- acre ranchettes. Chairman Comstock asked whether there are limitations in the zoning for that idea. City of Grand Terrace Page 7 Packet Pg. 10 A.1 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board November 16, 2017 Director Molina responded that the resolution accompanying the staff report includes a draft chapter for the AG-2 overlay district and identifies the uses that would be permitted and the standards that would be applied. It also requires a conditional use permit which would come before the Commission to evaluate to make determinations regarding use and conditions of approval. Commissioner Allen questioned how M-2 zoning there is there a distinction between green and non-green industry? Director Molina emphasized that the City Council has authority to enact a moratorium, which there is currently one in place, on outdoor industry within the industrial zone districts. This is something that would come back to the Commission and ultimately the City Council with recommendations for determining regulations and/or uses for a green industry. She pointed out that what the staff has put forward before the Commission is the AG-2 overlay and that the Commission if it so chooses can make a different recommendation as their final decision. Chairman Comstock reminded the Commission that the purchase of land in this area for e sense given the soil compaction required and how costly it would be. This alone is a difficult hurdle for development to come in and overcome. Commissioner Goatcher recommended a minimum of 2.5 acres per ranchette, instead of 1- acre ranchettes. Commissioner Allen asked Director Molina if there is the option of separating the property at the railroad access road and rezone the northern portion as M-2 and the southern portion as AG without an underlying M2 zone for those who are adamant for agricultural zoning. Director Molina confirmed this option was presented at the last Commission meeting. Significant public testimony has indicated a desire for AG zoning for the entire area, not just a portion. Chairman Comstock reiterated that citizens want all the acreage's to be AG zoning, not just a portion. Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Nov 16, 2017 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) Chairman Comstock made the motion to adopt a resolution recommending that the City Council adopt an environmental addendum and accept zoning code amendment 17-03 and zone change 17-01 amending the zoning code and revising the zoning map related to the AG-2 overlay district. He also added an additional suggestion for the Council to review the lot size for the ranchettes and further motioned for the Council to determine the wisest lot size per ranchette and wants to return this matter to the City Council. Commissioner Goatcher seconded the motion by Chairman Comstock. City of Grand Terrace Page 8 Packet Pg. 11 A.1 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board November 16, 2017 Chairman Comstock acknowledges there has been a motion and a second and asks the Commission to please vote. 1) OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED FROM OCTOBER 19, 2017 TO THE PRESENT DATE TO DISCUSS THE STAFF REPORT; AND 2) ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ENVIRONMENTAL ADDENDUM AND ADOPT ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 17-03 AND ZONE CHANGE 17-01 AMENDING THE ZONING CODE AND REVISING THE ZONING MAP RELATED TO THE AGRICULTURAL-2 OVERLAY DISTRICT RESULT: APPROVED \[2 TO 1\] MOVER: Tom Comstock, Chairman SECONDER: Gregory A. Goatcher, Commissioner AYES: Tom Comstock, Gregory A. Goatcher NAYS: Jeffrey Allen ABSTAIN: Edward A. Giroux ABSENT: Tara Ceseña D.INFORMATION TO COMMISSIONERS Chairman Comstock invited Commissioner Giroux back to the panel since he recused himself from the last issue. Director Molina informed the Commission about the Light Up Grand Terrace to be held on November 30th at 5p.m. E. INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONERS Chairman Comstock requested an update on tire recycling facility. Director Molina updated the Commission that the tire stock has been substantially Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Nov 16, 2017 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) reduced and that City staff are continuing on-going office meetings with the property owner. The next is scheduled for the week of November 28, 2017. Commissioner Giroux received an update on traffic signals while he was recused from voting on the last item. City of Grand Terrace Page 9 Packet Pg. 12 A.1 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board November 16, 2017 ADJOURN Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting of the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission to be held on December 7, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. _________________________________ _________________________________ Tom Comstock, Chairman of the Grand Sandra Molina, Director of Planning and Terrace Planning Commission Development Services Department Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Nov 16, 2017 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) City of Grand Terrace Page 10 Packet Pg. 13 A.2 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD MINUTES Council ChambersRegular Meeting06:30 PM CALL TO ORDER Chairman Comstock convened the Meeting of the Planning Commission and Site and Architectural Review Board. Pledge of Allegiance led by Chairman Comstock. Attendee NameTitleStatusArrived Tom ComstockChairmanPresent Tara CeseñaViceChairPresent Jeffrey AllenCommissionerPresent Edward A. GirouxCommissionerAbsent Gregory A. GoatcherCommissionerPresent APPROVAL OF AGENDA 1.Motion: APPROVAL OF AGENDA JANUARY 18, 2018 RESULT:ADOPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] AYES:Tom Comstock, Tara Ceseña, Jeffrey Allen, Gregory A. Goatcher ABSENT:Edward A. Giroux PUBLIC ADDRESS None. City of Grand TerracePage 1 Packet Pg. 14 A.2 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board January 18, 2018 A.CONSENT CALENDAR 2. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 04/06/2017 RESULT: ACCEPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] MOVER: Tom Comstock, Chairman SECONDER: Jeffrey Allen, Commissioner AYES: Tom Comstock, Tara Ceseña, Jeffrey Allen, Gregory A. Goatcher ABSENT: Edward A. Giroux 3. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 06/15/2017 Minutes accepted with typographical error corrected on page 14 of the agenda packet. RESULT: ACCEPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] MOVER: Tom Comstock, Chairman SECONDER: Jeffrey Allen, Commissioner AYES: Tom Comstock, Tara Ceseña, Jeffrey Allen, Gregory A. Goatcher ABSENT: Edward A. Giroux 4. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 11/02/2017 RESULT: ACCEPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] MOVER: Tom Comstock, Chairman SECONDER: Jeffrey Allen, Commissioner AYES: Tom Comstock, Tara Ceseña, Jeffrey Allen, Gregory A. Goatcher ABSENT: Edward A. Giroux 5. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 11/16/2017 On Packet Page 22, Chairman Comstock stated he did not ask Commissioner Giroux to entertain a motion. He asked all members of the Commission if anyone wanted to entertain a motion on the item. On Packet Page 24, Chairman Comstock recalled Bobbie Forbes statement that she was against one-acre ranchettes but was in favor of at least 2-1/2-acre ranchettes. On Packet Page 26, first paragraph, line 13 should read: "to go. He reassured those in attendance that he has been on the Council Commission when manhole" Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Jan 18, 2018 12:00 AM (CONSENT CALENDAR) On Packet Page 26, third paragraph from the bottom should read: "Chairman Comstock clarified that 1-acre ranchettes were also part of the conversation at the last meeting." Minutes tabled so staff can confirm Bobbie Forbes testimony. City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Packet Pg. 15 A.2 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board January 18, 2018 RESULT: TABLED \[UNANIMOUS\] MOVER: Tom Comstock, Chairman SECONDER: Tara Ceseña, Vice Chair AYES: Tom Comstock, Tara Cesena, Jeffrey Allen, Gregory A. Goatcher ABSENT: Edward A. Giroux 6. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 12/21/2017 RESULT: ACCEPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] MOVER: Tom Comstock, Chairman SECONDER: Jeffrey Allen, Commissioner AYES: Tom Comstock, Tara Ceseña, Jeffrey Allen, Gregory A. Goatcher ABSENT: Edward A. Giroux ACTION ITEM 7. Findings of Conformance with Government Code Section 65402 Sandra Molina, Planning and Development Services Director gave the PowerPoint presentation for this item. Chairman Comstock asked if any written communications were received on the item. Director Molina stated no written communication was received. Jeffrey McConnell, Grand Terrace supports the project however he asked the Commission to keep in mind that things are changing, i.e. brick and mortar stores are closing every day. Therefore, he would like the City to review the Barton Road Specific Plan. Commissioner Allen asked if the property was in conformity. Baron Bettenhausen, City Attorney explained the Planning Commission to determine whether the intended development is in conformity with the General Plan which is a statutory requirement. Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Jan 18, 2018 12:00 AM (CONSENT CALENDAR) Commissioner Allen does not want the Senior Center residents' lifestyle disturbed. Director Molina explained that the proper Public Hearing noticing will be performed at the appropriate time. Vice-Chair Ceseña asked when the commercial developer returns, will they have to identify the specific establishments for the location. Director Molina stated the Barton Road Specific Plan allows for various uses. City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packet Pg. 16 A.2 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board January 18, 2018 1)ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITYOF GRAND TERRACE, DETERMINING GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65402 FOR THE PROPOSED DISPOSITION OF APPROXIMATELY 0.88 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BARTON ROAD, 260 FEET EAST OF VIVIENDA AVENUE (APN 0276-242-10 & 0275-242-11); AND 2) ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, DETERMINING GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65402 FOR THE PROPOSED DISPOSITION OF APPROXIMATELY 4.80 ACRES LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF BARTON ROAD, BETWEEN MICHIGAN AND CANAL STREETS (APN 1167-231-01, 1167-231-02, AND 1167-311-01) RESULT: APPROVED \[UNANIMOUS\] MOVER: Tara Ceseña, Vice Chair SECONDER: Jeffrey Allen, Commissioner AYES: Tom Comstock, Tara Ceseña, Jeffrey Allen, Gregory A. Goatcher ABSENT: Edward A. Giroux B.INFORMATION TO COMMISSIONERS None. C.INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Allen asked the other Commissioners if they receive information via email from the American Planners Association regarding training. He encouraged the Commission to attend the trainings and described one that he recently attended at the Mission Inn regarding the history of Riverside. Chairman Comstock asked for a progress report on CB Tyres. Director Molina stated CB Tyres has made progress removing tires however a schedule will need to be established for the removal of the remaining tires and trailers on the Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Jan 18, 2018 12:00 AM (CONSENT CALENDAR) property. Chairman Comstock asked for clarification from Staff that CB Tyres can no longer establish a business at the location since their CUP was revoked. Director Molina confirmed that it could not. Director Comstock asked if the City is officially in the building stages of the Barton Road Interchange. City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Packet Pg. 17 A.2 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board January 18, 2018 Director Molina stated the City is in the building stages. Chairman Comstock asked for an approximately completion date. Director Molina advised sometime in late 2019, early 2020 however Staff will provide the Planning Commission with a schedule outlining the timeline for the project. ADJOURN Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting of the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission to be held on February 1, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. _________________________________ _________________________________ Tom Comstock Sandra Molina Chairman of the Grand Terrace Planning Director of Planning and Development Commission Services Department Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Jan 18, 2018 12:00 AM (CONSENT CALENDAR) City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Packet Pg. 18 This page left intentionally blank. A.3 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEWBOARD MINUTES Council ChambersRegular Meeting06:30 PM CALL TO ORDER Chairman Comstock convened the Meeting of the Planning Commission and Site and Architectural Review Board. Pledge of Allegiance led by Vice Chair Ceseña. Attendee NameTitleStatusArrived Tom ComstockChairmanPresent Tara CeseñaViceChairPresent Jeffrey AllenCommissionerPresent Edward A. GirouxCommissionerAbsent Gregory A. GoatcherCommissionerAbsent APPROVAL OF AGENDA 1.Motion: Approval of Agenda: March 1, 2018 RESULT:ADOPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] AYES:Tom Comstock, Tara Ceseña, Jeffrey Allen ABSENT:Edward A. Giroux, Gregory A. Goatcher PUBLIC ADDRESS None. A.ACTION ITEMS 1.Finding of Conformance with Government Code Section 65402 Sandra Molina, Planning and Development Services Director gave the PowerPoint presentation for this item. Commissioner Jeffrey Allen asked if the units would be attached or detached. City of Grand TerracePage 1 Packet Pg. 19 A.3 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board March 1, 2018 Director Molina stated there would be nine (9) detached ownership units. Chairman Comstock asked if AEGIS Builders are required to build affordable housing. He does not believe the size of the property will allow for nine (9) separate units. Director Molina stated that the site could use the planned residential development standards which allows smaller lots. 1) ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, DETERMINING GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65402 FOR THE PROPOSED DISPOSITION OF APPROXIMATELY 0.63 ACRES LOCATED AT 11695 CANAL STREET RESULT: APPROVED \[UNANIMOUS\] MOVER: Jeffrey Allen, Commissioner SECONDER: Tom Comstock, Chairman AYES: Tom Comstock, Tara Ceseña, Jeffrey Allen ABSENT: Edward A. Giroux, Gregory A. Goatcher B.PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Zoning Code Amendment 17-04 Chairman Tom Comstock opened the public hearing at 6:43 p.m. Sandra Molina, Planning and Development Services Director gave the PowerPoint presentation for this item. Chairman Comstock suggested replacing the term non-polluting industrial use to something less definitive. He believes industrial uses will have some sort of pollution. Vice-Chair Ceseña had concern regarding the section where it says, "to be obnoxious or offensive". She believes that term will be difficult to enforce. Director Molina stated those words could be deleted. Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 1, 2018 12:00 AM (CONSENT CALENDAR) Commissioner Allen has concerns that pollution could occur by the high school. Chairman Comstock does not want the code to change where a business owner cannot use their property in the future the way they have been using it in the past and are currently using it now. Director Molina reviewed the proposed list of uses and the changes made regarding outdoor uses and the ability to establish standards City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Packet Pg. 20 A.3 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board March 1, 2018 Baron Bettenhausen, Assistant City Attorney stated objectionable words or terms can be difficult to enforce. By defining standards and terms in the Municipal Code, the City can identify a business in a category that will need to go before the Planning Commission and City Council who will then be able to impose conditions to mitigate and address possible issues. Commissioner Allen asked if Staff considers the size of vehicles. Director Molina explained when an application comes in staff reviews the type of use, how much traffic it would generate, noise, operating hours, what roads it will use and through that process, staff looks at what level of improvements are needed, onsite or offsite. Director Molina continued with the presentation for this item. Vice Chair Ceseña asked what the property ratio is, building storage versus outdoor storage. Director Molina stated Staff is not proposing a property/building use ratio. Director Molina continued with the presentation for this item. Tony Harris, Grand Terrace purchased his property in 1997. He spends a great deal of money annually and is opposed to Zoning Code Amendment 17-04 and the affect he believes it will have on his property. Director Molina clarified no zoning changes are being made, only determination on what uses are permitted, uses that require a Conditional Use Permit and those that do not require a Conditional Use Permit. City Attorney Bettenhausen explained that existing tenants can continue to use the property for legal non-conforming uses. When the tenant no longer wishes to continue its business, the new zoning will apply to the new tenant. Discussion was held to consider the recommendation that heavy equipment sales and services fall under the Conditional Use Permit category. Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 1, 2018 12:00 AM (CONSENT CALENDAR) Commissioner Allen asked why heavy equipment sales and services and lumber yards removed from the M-2 District. General Plan and its build out vision, the City is looking at uses that are more light industry. Bobbie Forbes, Grand Terrace stated she did not receive notification of the public hearing and believed she should have. She would like to see more public input. City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packet Pg. 21 A.3 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board March 1, 2018 Jeffrey McConnell, Grand Terrace commented on the zoning designations in the area and asked the Planning Commission to consider for the floodplain area to include outdoor storage of non-toxic organic based materials. For the record, Mr. McConnell stated he received a ticket for doing agricultural and on the ticket, it said he had to go get a conditional use permit which he still has but he does not see that under conditional use permit, he sees that under permitted uses. Director Molina explained that the subject property has other overlay districts on it that also apply so it is a separate issue. Chairman Comstock recommended Mr. McConnell go into City Hall and discuss his concerns with Director Molina. City Attorney Bettenhausen explained when a property has an overlay district, the most restrictive provision applies. Discussion was held on whether the City Manager should have the decision-making power regarding what is allowed under interim uses. Janese Makshanoff, Grand Terrace provided her definition of interim. Chairman Comstock closed the public hearing at 8:04 p.m. Chairman Comstock would like to re-open the public hearing at 8:05 p.m. and continue the public hearing to March 22, 2018. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING TO COUNCIL ADOPTION OF ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 17-04 AMENDING CERTAIN CHAPTERS OF THE ZONING CODE PERTAINING TO OUTDOOR USES AND STORAGE IN THE COMMERCIAL MANUFACTURING (CM), RESTRICTED MANUFACTURING (MR) AND INDUSTRIAL (M2) ZONE DISTRICTS. RESULT: CONTINUED Next: 3/22/2018 6:30 PM C.INFORMATION TO COMMISSIONERS Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 1, 2018 12:00 AM (CONSENT CALENDAR) Sandra Molina, Planning and Development Services Director provided information on the 11th Annual Walk on Blue Mountain, Saturday March 3. She also stated there will be food vendors on Palm Avenue along with some other activities. City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Packet Pg. 22 A.3 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board March 1, 2018 D.INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONERS Tara Ceseña, Vice Chair requested information about bringing her opinion forward in writing when absent from a scheduled meeting. Baron Bettenhausen requested he meet with Vice Chair Ceseña first to obtain all of the facts before providing an opinion. Chairman Comstock noted that the agenda reflected the Planning Commission scheduled for 12:00 AM which should have been 6:30 PM. ADJOURN Adjourn to a Special Meeting of the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission to be held on March 22, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. _________________________________ _________________________________ Tom Comstock, Chairman of the Grand Sandra Molina, Director of Planning and Terrace Planning Commission Development Services Department Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 1, 2018 12:00 AM (CONSENT CALENDAR) City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Packet Pg. 23 This page left intentionally blank. B.4 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:March 22, 2018 TITLE:Zoning Code Amendment 17-04 PRESENTED BY:Sandra Molina, Planning & Development Services Director RECOMMENDATION:1)Continue the Discussion of Proposed Zoning Code Amendment 17-04; 2)Consider Adoption of a Resolution recommending to Council adoption of Zoning Code Amendment 17-04 amending certain chapters of the Zoning Code pertaining to outdoor uses and storage in the Commercial Manufacturing (CM), Restricted Manufacturing (MR) and Industrial (M2) zone districts. PROPOSAL: Zoning Code Amendment 17-04 proposes to amend certain chapters of the Zoning Code as it pertains to outdoor uses and storage in the Commercial Manufacturing (CM), Restricted Manufacturing (MR) and Industrial (M2) zone districts,and also revise definitions relating thereto and propose performance standards applicable city wide. BACKGROUND: On March 1, 2018, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed code amendments and continued the hearing to a special meeting of March 22, 2018. The code amendments are proposed to address the issues raised with the adoption of a temporary moratorium adopted by the City Council. The temporary moratorium was adopted to temporarily prohibit new or expansion of existing outdoor storage and outdoor manufacturing uses in the CM, MR, and M2 zone districts. The reason for the temporary moratorium is to allow the Zoning Code to be reviewed and revised, as needed, to address impacts from outdoor uses and activities. The agenda report, excluding attachments, from the March 1, 2018, Commission meeting is attached. ANALYSIS: The Zoning Code contains existing chapters for the CM, MR, and M2 zone districts. These are attached as they are currently written as Attachment 2. The zoning code classifies the industrial and manufacturing related districts as CM (Commercial Manufacturing), MR (Restricted Manufacturing) and M2 (Industrial), and the description Packet Pg. 24 B.4 In addi in Attachment 2, as well. The revisions proposed for the definitions clarify and provide further distinction between the three levels of manufacturing. As discussed in the previous meeting, this code amendment is intended to allow the City to place reasonable conditions on outdoor activities, and place development regulations on such uses to ensure adequate screening. The revisions would subject any use which includes outdoor storage or activities to a conditional use permit. If there is no outdoor component, then a CUP would not be required. For instance, if a business is for recreational vehicle storage and the storage is within enclosed buildings, no CUP would be required. If the storage is outdoors, then a CUP would be required. Any outdoor use currently existing could continue to operate as a legal non-conforming use and would not be required to obtain a CUP. However, a CUP would be required if there were an expansion or modification to activities or if the use is abandoned for a uses, but rather to provide a greater level of distinction to determine the appropriate application required moving forward. City Staff met with Mr. Harris to discuss the amendments and the reasoning behind the amendments. While Mr. Harris understands the reasoning, he has concerns on how the amendments could impact existing uses on his property. Mr. Harris owns approximately 8 acres at the southwest boundary of the City, at Main Street. He also expressed concern regarding the requirement for a block screen wall for outdoor uses. It should be noted that the proposed revisions allow the Commission to consider alternative screening methods when topographical conditions present themselves. As proposed, the zone amendment would provide for consideration of interim uses where topographical or other conditions exist within the Floodplain Overlay District located north of Vivienda Avenue. This proposed section has been revised to state that the Planning Commission makes the determination of allowable interim uses, directed by the Commission. In reviewing the codes of other cities, Staff came across this provision for interim uses based on topographical or other environmental constraints. Given recent discussion of the Floodplain Overlay area and its limitations based on existing easements, circulation, topography, and flooding, this type of provision seemed applicable. With regard to outdoor storage of organic materials Staff is recommending that wholesale plant nurseries be permitted in the M2 zone district, and this could be considered organic material. However, Staff would advise the Commission that there was an inquiry for the open stockpiling of wood chips and mulch of various sizes within Packet Pg. 25 B.4 this area. This proposal was one of the reasons that the moratorium was put in place. The Commission should direct Staff as to this type of use. Attachment 3 of this report contains the proposed changes to the Definitions, CM, MR, M2 zoning chapters and the new Performance Standards chapters. Staff kept this attachment in redline format so the Commission can follow the recommended changes to this chapters. Changes from the March 1, 2018, meeting date, are shown in black font with either a double strike through or double underline and are highlighted in yellow. Mailed notices were sent to property owners within the CM, MR and M2 zone districts, and published in the GT News and posted in three public places. The public hearing is being conducted in a workshop format allowing for public discussion of the proposed changes. CONCLUSION: The recommended changes address the issues that were raised at the time that the temporary moratorium was put in place. The distinction between different levels of manufacturing uses and establishment of standards implements the General Plan. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 PC Report_March 1, 2018 (DOC) Attachment 2- Existing Zoning Code Chapters (PDF) Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes (DOC) PC Resolution -3.15.2018 (DOC) APPROVALS: Sandra Molina Completed 03/15/2018 6:35 PM City Attorney Completed 03/16/2018 1:24 PM Sandra Molina Completed 03/16/2018 3:32 PM Planning Commission/Site And Architectural Review Board Pending 03/22/2018 6:30 PM Packet Pg. 26 This page left intentionally blank. B.4.a AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:March 1, 2018 TITLE:Zoning Code Amendment 17-04 PRESENTED BY:Sandra Molina, Planning & Development Services Director RECOMMENDATION:Discuss and Consider Adoption of a Resolution recommending to Council adoption of Zoning Code Amendment 17-04 amending certain chapters of the Zoning Code pertaining to outdoor uses and storage in the Commercial Manufacturing (CM), Restricted Manufacturing (MR) and Industrial (M2) zone districts. PROPOSAL: Zoning Code Amendment 17-04 proposes to amend certain chapters of the Zoning Code as it pertains to outdoor uses and storage in the Commercial Manufacturing (CM), Restricted Manufacturing (MR) and Industrial (M2) zone districts, and also revise definitions relating thereto and propose performance standards applicable city wide. BACKGROUND: On May 23, 2017, the City Council adopted a moratorium temporarily prohibiting the establishment or expansion of outdoor storage and outdoor manufacturing uses in the CM, MR, and M2 zone districts. The moratorium was extended for 12 months. The Council adopted the moratorium due to several inquiries regarding the establishment of outdoor storage and outdoor manufacturing uses. Such inquiries included contractor storage yards, with outdoor storage of construction equipment and materials; tractor/trailer storage; an asphalt manufacturing company that would combine and package materials; and outdoor storage of chipped material. Uses that include outdoor storage and outdoor manufacturing operations within theCity of Grand Terrace present unique challenges because the Grand Terrace Municipal Code does not adequately define or regulate these types of land uses. Manufacturing uses, and some outdoor storage uses, such as contractor storage yards, are permitted within certain zones but are not otherwise regulated. Meaning the zoning code does not contain regulatory or development standards, such as screening, restriction on hours of activity, or adequately define or differentiate between light, medium or heavy manufacturing. Without specific standards and zoning regulations, it is difficult to mitigate the secondary impacts generated by these types of uses. Grand Terrace is 3.2 square miles in size, predominantly made up of residential land Packet Pg. 27 B.4.a uses, with supportive commercial uses and pockets of industrial land and uses. The attached zoning map identifies with a red circle the areas that have CM, MR and M2 zoning that the amendments would regulate in the long term. (A large portion is shown as CM and MR on the zoning map; however, the General Plan identifies the area as Mixed Use and this zoning will change as part of the planned Specific Plan area. The proposed changes would affect this area in the short term.) The I-215/Barton Road Interchange is under construction, the Barton Road Bridge over the UPRR tracks will be reconstructed with an at-grade crossing and a 130-acre specific plan is underway for the properties adjacent (east) to the I-215 Freeway. The specific plan extends Commerce Way from the north to Main Street to the south. Barton Road and Main Street continue to be the two, main entry points in to the City of Grand Terrace. Much of the areas zoned CM, MR and M2 are located along these two highly visible and highly traveled roadways. ANALYSIS Grand Terrace General Plan General Plan. The General Plan serves as the blueprint for future land development and planning within the City limits. The General Plan is the City's vision for the future. The document is used by decision makers, both public and private, to guide them in decisions regarding land use and development throughout the City. The Land Use Element is often considered the most critical element of a General Plan. It provides overall guidance to all properties within the City through the distribution of land uses, by type, including residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, and open space. The Land Use Element translates the City's long range vision for development in the City and provides a Land Use Plan, goals, policies, and implementation programs to achieve that vision. The CM, MR and M2 zone districts are all designated Light Industrial or Floodplain Industrial in the Land Use Element. The Light Industrial designation identifies permitted uses for properties designated as Light Industrial include those uses that can be made compatible with other surrounding uses within the City regarding noise, dust, odors, vibration, glare, air quality, traffic, aesthetics, and hazardous materials. Typical uses may include light manufacturing and assembly, small scale warehousing and distribution, research and development, and administrative and service types of uses. Attachment: Attachment 1 PC Report_March 1, 2018 (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Properties designated with the Floodplain Industrial designation experience the potential for severe flooding resulting from their proximity to the Santa Ana River. Properties within this designation are planned for ultimate development as light industrial, nonpolluting uses. Proposed uses in the Floodplain Industrial designation must demonstrate that adequate measures can be implemented to ensure that the use is Packet Pg. 28 B.4.a effectively protected from identified flood hazards. The Land Use Element contains the following Goal and Policies relating to industrial uses: Goal 2.4: Provide for a mix of attractive industrial land uses designed to generate employment opportunities. Policy 2.4.1: The City shall promote the development of employment generating, light, nonpolluting industry, within the present land use pattern. Policy 2.4.2: The City shall promote the development of light, non-polluting industrial uses within the City. Policy 2.4.3: Whenever feasible, industrially designated areas shall be master Policy 2.4.4: Buffering to prevent potential land use incompatibilities between industrial areas and other areas shall be given special consideration. Specific features could include increased setbacks, walls, berms, and landscaping. ncy shall assist in the consolidation and assemblage of properties to assure adequate sized quality development with areas designated as light industrial. While the General Plan identifies the vision for the City, the zoning code implements the vision. The zoning districts, permitted uses and standards need to be consistent with the intent of the General Plan, including the intent of the industrial land use designations ANALYSIS: At the time the temporary moratorium was adopted it was anticipated that review of the existing code would include the following: 1. 2. 3. Revise the intent of the CM, MR and M-2 zone districts to align them with the adopted General Plan Attachment: Attachment 1 PC Report_March 1, 2018 (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) 4. Revise the list of permitted and conditionally permitted uses with the CM, MR and M-2 zone districts, with greater distinction of uses that would fall within the manufacturing and outdoor storage categories 6. Revise the zoning code to include land use regulations and operational Packet Pg. 29 B.4.a standards related to manufacturing and outdoor storage uses 7. Determine the permit and review process for these uses. Proposed code revisions Definitions - Attachment 2 Chapter 18.06 Definitions is proposed to be revised to better define and provide greater re those that include assembly, fabrication, or packaging and do not involve container truck traffic or transport bulky items. The resulting product is typically finished and ready for consumption. Light industrial does not generate offensive impacts. Medium manufacturing will have truck traffic, may have secondary impacts and the end product may go to another industrial user, or to another facility. Whereas heavy industrial will have frequent truck traffic, and the end product is semi-finished. Definition new definitions are also shown in Attachment 2. Chapters 18.36 -CM Commercial Manufacturing, 18.39 MR Restricted Manufacturing and 18.40 M2 Industrial zone district Attachment 3 contains the above referenced chapters, in redline format. The approach taken with the revisions to the CM, MR and M2 district were to ensure that the permitted outdoor uses are properly screened. Outdoor uses would require a conditional use permit and would require screen walls and landscaping, whereas the same use contained completely indoors would not require a conditional use permit. Manufacturing uses are only allowed in fully enclosed buildings. For all three chapters, proposed revisions to the development standards include provisions for landscape setbacks along public streets and when adjacent to residential uses; screening requirements for outdoor storage, and a general prohibition on uses that include the storage of hazardous and/or flammable material, such pallet yards and other wood products, and tire storage. CM zone district - For this chapter, very minor changes have been made to the list of permitted and conditionally permitted uses. In this zone district, C2 uses are allowed and this stays consistent. Attachment: Attachment 1 PC Report_March 1, 2018 (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) MR zone district - Again, in this chapter, uses that tend to have an outdoor component such as building supplies sales and public storage facilities (mini storage) are permitted without a CUP when storage is indoors. Where outdoors, then a CUP is required. A major change for this zone district is to allow uses listed in the CM zone, within this Packet Pg. 30 B.4.a zone district. This would allow for C2 and CM uses. Inclusion of public utility uses is also proposed. M2 zone district - Consistent throughout out is the distinction in permitting (CUP or no CUP) when uses with storage are proposed, as discussed above. In this zone district, public utility uses are included. This change is appropriate given that SCE has facilities in this district. Staff is also recommending the inclusion of wholesale plant nurseries and recreational vehicle storage. In the City there is one area zoned M2 that also has a Floodplain Overlay District. This area has topographical and other natural challenges, as well as easement constraints. Staff is recommending a provision that would allow for interim use standards, that would allow lesser development standards for uses that are interim. The determination as to whether a use is interim is made by the City Manager. New Chapter 18.74 Performance Standards New chapter 18.74 is proposed to establish performance standards applicable to all properties and uses within the City. The standards cover such items as noise, vibration, odors, discharges into sewer/storm drains. Most zoning codes have a chapter or section that covers these types of standards, so it would be reasonable for the Grand Terrace to contain such standards in the zoning code. Additionally, in the applicability statement, it is states that the City can place conditions of approval to ensure conformance with the performance standards. CONCLUSION: The recommended changes address the issues that were raised at the time that the temporary moratorium was put in place. The distinction between light, medium and heavy manufacturing uses allows staff and users to determine the appropriate zone district the use is allowed in. The development standards address the concerns relating to screening outdoor uses, and aesthetics are addressed through landscape setback requirement. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 - Zoning Map (PDF) Attachment 2 - Chapter 18.06 Definitions (DOCX) Attachment 3 - Chapters CM, MR, M2 (DOC) Attachment 4 - Ch. 18.74 Performance Standards (DOCX) Attachment 5 - PC Resolution (DOC) Attachment: Attachment 1 PC Report_March 1, 2018 (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Exhibit 1 to Resolution_Chapter 18.06 Definitions (DOCX) Exhibit 2 to Resolution_ Chapters CM, MR, M2 (DOC) Exhibit 3 to Reso_Ch. 18.74 Performance Standards (DOCX) Packet Pg. 31 B.4.a APPROVALS: Sandra Molina Completed 02/21/2018 7:40 PM City AttorneyCompleted02/22/2018 9:49 AM Sandra Molina Completed 02/22/2018 12:23 PM Planning Commission/Site And Architectural Review Board Completed 03/01/2018 12:00 AM Planning Commission/Site And Architectural Review Board Pending 03/22/2018 6:30 PM RESULT: CONTINUED Next: 3/22/2018 6:30 PM Attachment: Attachment 1 PC Report_March 1, 2018 (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 32 B.4.b ExistingZoning Code hapter 18.36CM (Commercialanufacturing)Chapter 18.3MR (RestrictedManufacturing) Chapter 18.M2(Industrial) Attachment: Attachment 2- Existing Zoning Code Chapters (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 33 B.4.b Attachment: Attachment 2- Existing Zoning Code Chapters (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 34 B.4.b Attachment: Attachment 2- Existing Zoning Code Chapters (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 35 B.4.b Attachment: Attachment 2- Existing Zoning Code Chapters (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 36 B.4.b Attachment: Attachment 2- Existing Zoning Code Chapters (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 37 B.4.b Attachment: Attachment 2- Existing Zoning Code Chapters (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 38 B.4.b Attachment: Attachment 2- Existing Zoning Code Chapters (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 39 B.4.b Attachment: Attachment 2- Existing Zoning Code Chapters (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 40 B.4.b Attachment: Attachment 2- Existing Zoning Code Chapters (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 41 B.4.b Attachment: Attachment 2- Existing Zoning Code Chapters (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 42 B.4.b Attachment: Attachment 2- Existing Zoning Code Chapters (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 43 B.4.b Attachment: Attachment 2- Existing Zoning Code Chapters (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 44 B.4.b Attachment: Attachment 2- Existing Zoning Code Chapters (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 45 B.4.c Attachment 3 Proposed Code Changes Attachment: Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 46 B.4.c Proposed Revisions to Chapter 18.06 Definitions New Section 18.06.182 Contractor storage yard Contractor storage yard Storage yards operated by, or on behalf of, a contractor for storage of large equipment, vehicles, or other materials commonly used in the individual as offices and repair facilities. New Section 18.06.518 Manufacturing Manufacturing means to assemble, fabricate, compound, treat, etc. in order to produce something. Revised Section 18.06.520 - Manufacturing, heavy. "Heavy manufacturing" means activities which typically include manufacturing, compounding of materials, assembly, fabrication, processing, packaging, treatment or fabrication activities, or repair processes which may involve substantial large container truck traffic, the transport of large scale bulky products or rail traffic Activities in this area may have frequent truck traffic and the transportation of heavy, large-scale products. Such activities may produce odors, noise, vibrations, illumination or particulates which may be obnoxious or offensive affect other uses on the same site and in the general vicinity. Uses typically utilize raw materials to fabricate semi-finished products, and The the resulting product may be semi-finished so as to become a component for further assembly and packaging. Revised Section 18.06.525 - Manufacturing, light. "Light manufacturing" means activities which typically include compounding of materialsmanufacturing, assembly, fabrication, processing, packaging or repair processes which do not involve large container truck traffic or the transport of large scale bulky products, but may include limited rail traffic. Such activities shall not produce odors, noise, vibration, hazardous waste material, illumination or particulates which adversely affect other uses on the same site. The resulting product may be finished in that it is ready for use, consumption or it may be semi-finished so as to become a component for further assembly and packaging. These types of business establishments are customarily directed to the wholesale market, inter-plant transfer, rather than direct sale to the consumer. Revised Section 18.06.530 - Manufacturing, medium. Attachment: Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) "Medium manufacturing" means activities which typically include manufacturing, compounding of materials, assembly, fabrication, processing, or packaging or repair Packet Pg. 47 B.4.c processes which may involve substantial frequentlarge container truck traffic, the transport of large scale bulky products or rail traffic. Such activities may produce odors, noise, vibrations, illuminationor particulates which may affect other uses on the same site or vicinity. The resulting product may be semi-finished so as to become a component for further fabrication, assembly and packaging and directed to inter plant transfer or to other industrial uses. New Section 18.06.587 Outdoor Display Outdoor display or storage means an outdoor arrangement of objects, items, products or other materials, typically not in a fixed position and capable of rearrangement. New Section 18.06.936 Warehousing imarily for the storage of goods of any type, but excluding bulk storage of materials which are flammable or explosive or which create hazardous or commonly recognized offensive conditions. New Section 18.06.937 Warehousing and Distribution means businesses whose sole purpose is to store and then distribute goods for sale as opposed to businesses whose sole purpose is to move goods by truck. New Section 18.06.939 Wholesale le purposes and not for direct use or consumption, including incidental storage and distribution. Attachment: Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 48 B.4.c Proposed Changesto Chapter 18.36 Chapter 18.36 - CM COMMERCIAL MANUFACTURING DISTRICT Sections: 18.36.010 - Purpose. The purpose of the CM district is to provide for the development of combined commercial and light manufacturing uses. The regulations of this district are intended to allow limitedvarious light manufacturing uses which operate free of objectionable noise, dust, odor or other nuisances to locate in a mixed use development area along with commercial uses. Light manufacturing uses do not involve large container truck traffic or transport of large bulky items. 18.36.020 - Permitted uses. Permitted uses in the CM district shall be as follows: A. Business support services; B. Communication services; C. Public storage facilities; indoor D. Research and development facilities; E. Other uses which are permitted in the C2 district without a CUP; F. Other uses which are determined by the planning commission to be similar in nature to a use listed in this section; G. Temporary uses which are determined by the community development director not to have significant long-term impact on the environment. (Uses such as parking lot sales, Christmas tree sales, seasonal sales, rummage sales, and others with review through the land use approval or administrative site and architectural approval process in accordance with Chapter 18.63, Site and Architectural Review.) 18.36.030 - Conditionally permitted uses. Uses permitted in the CM district with a conditional use permit are as follows: A. Business and office facilities; Attachment: Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) B. Building maintenance services; C. Building supplies and sales; ++ Packet Pg. 49 B.4.c D.General assembly facilities(other than church facilities); E. Manufacturing-light facilities; F.Public storage facilities, outdoor G. Public utility facilities and services; H. Recreational facilities; I. Other uses which are permitted in the C2 district with a CUP; J. Other uses which are determined by the planning commission to be similar in nature to a use listed in this section. 18.39.040 Prohibited uses Uses that include the storage of hazardous and/or flammable material is prohibited. Such uses include, but are not limited, to pallet yard, and other wood products, and tire storage. 18.36.040 050 - Site development standards. Site development standards in the CM district are as follows: Development Issue Standard Lot Area 10,000 (Minimum square feet) Lot Width 70 (Minimum linear feet) Lot Depth 100 (Minimum linear feet) Street Frontage 70 (Minimum linear feet) Setbacks (Minimum linear feet) 15, with front yard setback Attachment: Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) 0 rear yard (except when adjacent to a lot in an R District, then Packet Pg. 50 B.4.c 25 feet, with 10 foot landscape setback) side yard (except when adjacent to a lot in an R district, then 25 0 feet, with 10 foot landscape setback) 15 street side yard) setback Height 35 (minimum linear feet) Lot Coverage (maximum percent, less the required parking, 100 setbacks, and landscaping) 18.36.050 060 - Storage and trash facilities. A. Permitted outdoor storage shall be set back 25 feet when adjacent to residential properties. B. When permissible outdoor storage is utilized, such storage shall be visually screened from all adjacent building sites, public view, and public streets and alleys by a solid decorative masonry wall of a height sufficient to screen all materials stored outdoors, but not less than 6 feet in height, or by a building. B. The screening herein required shall be established at or before the time any area is used for outdoor storage. C. Where topographical conditions or existing structures are such that strict compliance with the requirements of this section would not be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this section, the Planning Commission may waive compliance with all or part of such requirements. D. Trash enclosures shall be required. Trash enclosures shall be screened by a six foot highsix-foot-high decorative block wall with metal gates. Metal gates shall be attached to metal posts. All storage of cartons, containers and trash in the CM district shall be shielded from view within a building or within an area enclosed by a wall not less than six feet in height. If unroofed, no such area shall be located within forty feet of any district zoned for residential use. Attachment: Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 51 B.4.c 18.36.060 070 -Off-street parking. The provisions of Chapter 18.60 shall apply in determining the amount of parking space that must be provided for each use located in the CM district. 18.36.070 080 - Signs. The provisions of Chapter 18.80 shall apply to all signs in the CM district. 18.36.080 090 - Site and architectural review. The provisions of Chapter 18.63 for site and architectural review shall apply in the CM district. Attachment: Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 52 B.4.c Proposed Changesto Chapter 18.39 Chapter 18.39 - MR RESTRICTED MANUFACTURING DISTRICT Sections: 18.39.010 - Purpose. The purpose of the MR district is to provide for the development of low intensity and low impact light manufacturing and industrial uses. The regulations of this district are intended to allow various manufacturing and industrial uses which operate free of objectionable noise, dust, odor or other nuisances to other (nonindustrial uses) in planned architecturally integrated building groups. 18.39.020 - Permitted uses. Permitted uses in the MR district shall be as follows: A. Agricultural and nursery supplies and services; B. Automotive related services (includes motorcycles, boats, recreational vehicles, trailers and campers): parts and supplies; C. Building maintenance services; D. Building supplies sales; enclosed E. Communication services; F Equipment sales and services, indoor FG. Laundry and cleaning services; GI. Manufacturing-light facilities; HJ. Mail order services; IK. Printing, blueprinting and reproduction services; JL. Public storage facilities; indoor KM. Research services; LN. Veterinary clinics (completely contained in a building); MO. Wholesale, storage and distribution facilities; P Other uses which are permitted in the CM district without a CUP; NQ. Other uses which are determined by the planning commission to be similar in Attachment: Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) nature to a use listed in this section; Packet Pg. 53 B.4.c OR.Temporary uses which are determined by the community development director not to have significant long-term impact on the environment. (Uses such as parking lot sales, Christmas tree sales, seasonal sales, rummage sales, and others with review through the land use approval or administrative site and architectural approval process in accordance with Chapter 18.63, Site and Architectural Review.) 18.39.030 - Conditionally permitted uses. Uses permitted in the MR district with a conditional use permit are as follows: A. Automotive related services (includes motorcycles, boats, recreational vehicles, trailers and campers): 1. Rentals, 2. Repair, 3. Sales (new and used vehicles), 4. Service stations; B. Building supplies and sales; outdoor BC. Contractor's office and storage yards; outdoor CD. Funeral homes (without crematory services); D. Heavy equipment sales and services; EF. Lumberyard and millPublic storage facilities; FG. Recreational facilities; H. Public utilities GI. Modular units for office purposes only; J. Other uses which are permitted in the CM district with a CUP; HK. Other uses which are determined by the planning commission to be similar in nature to a use listed in this section. 18.39.040 Prohibited uses Uses that include the storage of hazardous and/or flammable material is prohibited. Such uses include, but are not limited, to pallet yard, and other wood products, and tire storage. 18.39.040 050 - Site development standards. Attachment: Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Site development standards in the MR district are as follows: Development Issue Standard Packet Pg. 54 B.4.c Lot Area 10,00020,000 (Minimum square feet) Lot Width 70 (Minimum linear feet) Lot Depth 100 (Minimum linear feet) Street Frontage 70 (Minimum linear feet) Setbacks (Minimum linear feet) 25 front yard setback rear yard (except when adjacent to a lot in an R District, then 0 25 feet, with 10 foot landscape setback) side yard (except when adjacent to a lot in an R district, then 0 25 feet, with 10 foot landscape setback) 15, street side yard setback Height 35 (minimum linear feet) Lot Coverage (maximum percent, less the required parking, setbacks, and 100 landscaping) 18.39.050 060 - Storage and trash facilities. A. Permitted outdoor storage shall be set back 25 feet when adjacent to residential Attachment: Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) properties. B. When permissible outdoor storage is utilized, such storage shall be visually screened from all adjacent building sites, public view, and public streets and alleys by a Packet Pg. 55 B.4.c solid decorative masonry wall of a height sufficient to screen all materials stored outdoors, but not less than 6 feet in height, or by a building. B. The screening herein required shall be established at or before the time any area is used for outdoor storage. C. Where topographical conditions or existing structures are such that strict compliance with the requirements of this section would not be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this section, the Planning Commission may waive compliance with all or part of such requirements. D. Trash enclosures shall be required. Trash enclosures shall be screened by a six foot highsix-foot-high decorative block wall with metal gates. Metal gates shall be attached to metal posts. All storage of cartons, containers and trash in the MR district shall be shielded from view within a building or within an area enclosed by a wall not less than six feet in height. If unroofed, no such area shall be located within forty feet of any district zoned for residential use. 18.39.060 070 - Off-street parking. The provisions of Chapter 18.60 shall apply in determining the amount of parking space that must be provided for each use located in the MR district. 18.39.070 080 - Signs. The provisions of Chapter 18.80 shall apply to all signs in the MR district. 18.39.080 090 - Site and architectural review. The provisions of Chapter 18.63 for site and architectural review shall apply in the MR district. 18.39.090 100 - Manufactured housingCommercial modular units. The provisions of Chapter 18.66 for manufactured housingcommercial modular units shall apply in the MR district. Attachment: Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 56 B.4.c Proposed Changesto Chapter 18.40 Chapter 18.40 - M2 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT Sections: 18.40.010 - Purpose. The purpose of the M2 district is to provide for the development of medium manufacturing and industrial uses. The regulations of this district are intended to allow various manufacturing and industrial uses which operate free of overly excessive noise, dust, odor or other nuisances and can be made compatibleyet may be objectionable to other (nonindustrial) districts. 18.40.020 - Permitted uses. Permitted uses in the M2 district are as follows: A. Agricultural and nursery supplies and services; B. Automotive related services (includes motorcycles, boats, recreational vehicles, trailers and campers): 1. Parts and supplies (wholesale and retail), 2. Rentals, 3. Repair; C. Bakery (wholesale); D. Building maintenance services; E. Building supplies and sales (wholesale and retail), indoor; F. Communication services; G. Contractor's office and storage yards, indoor; H. Heavy equipment sales and services, indoor; I. Laundry and dry-cleaning facilities; J. Lumberyard and mill; K. Mail order services; L. Manufacturing-light and medium facilities; M. Photography and film processing facilities; Attachment: Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) N. Printing, blueprinting and reproduction services; O. Public storage facilities; indoor Packet Pg. 57 B.4.c Recreational vehicle storage, indoor P. Veterinary clinics (completely contained in a building); Q.Wholesale, storage and distribution facilities; R. Emergency shelters. S. Other uses which are determined by the Planning Commission to be similar in nature to a use listed in this Section. T. Temporary uses which are determined by the Community Development Director not to have a significant long term impact on the environment. (Uses such as parking lot sales, Christmas tree sales, seasonal sales, rummage sales, and others with review through the land use approval or administrative site and architectural approval process in accordance with Chapter 18.63, Site and Architectural Review). 18.40.030 - Conditionally permitted uses. Uses permitted in the M2 district with a conditional use permit are as follows: A. Automotive related services (includes motorcycles, boats, recreational vehicles, trailers and campers): 1. Sales (new and used vehicles), 2. Service stations; B. Funeral homes (with crematory services); C Building supplies and sales (wholesale and retail), indooroutdoor Heavy equipment sales and repair, outdoor D. Plant nurseries, wholesale, outdoor E Public storage facilities, with outdoor F Public utilities and facilities CG. Recreational facilities; H. Recreational vehicle storage, outdoor DI. Modular units for business office or headquarter purposes only; EJ. Other uses which are determined by the planning commission to be similar in nature to a use listed in this section. 18.39.040 Prohibited uses Uses that include the storage of hazardous and/or flammable material is prohibited. Attachment: Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Such uses include, but are not limited, to pallet yard, and other wood products, and tire storage. Packet Pg. 58 B.4.c 18.40.040 050 -Site development standards. Site development standards in the M2 district are as follows: Development Issue Standard Lot Area 10,00020,000 (Minimum square feet) Lot Width 70 (Minimum linear feet) Lot Depth 100 (Minimum linear feet) Street Frontage 70 (Minimum linear feet) Setbacks (Minimum linear feet) 15 landscape front yard setback rear yard (except when adjacent to a lot in an R District, then 25 0 feet, with 10 foot landscape setback) side yard (except when adjacent to a lot in an R district, then 25 0 feet, with 10 foot landscape setback) Height 35 (minimum linear feet) Lot Coverage (maximum percent, less the required parking, setbacks, and 100 landscaping) Attachment: Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) 18.40.050 060 - Storage and trash facilities. Packet Pg. 59 B.4.c A. Permitted outdoor storage shall be setback 25 feet when adjacent to residential properties. B. When permissible outdoor storage is utilized, such storage shall be visually screened from all adjacent building sites, public view, and public streets and alleys by a solid decorative masonry wall of a height sufficient to screen all materials stored outdoors, but not less than 6 feet in height, or by a building. B. The screening herein required shall be established at or before the time any area is used for outdoor storage. C. Where topographical conditions or existing structures are such that strict compliance with the requirements of this section would not be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this section, the Planning Commission may waive compliance with all or part of such requirements. D. Trash enclosures shall be required. Trash enclosures shall be screened by a six foot high decorative block wall with metal gates. Metal gates shall be attached to metal posts. All storage of cartons, containers and trash in the M2 district shall be shielded from view within a building or within an area enclosed by a wall not less than six feet in height. If unroofed, no such area shall be located within 40 feet of any district zoned for residential use. 18.40.060 070 - Off-street parking. The provisions of Chapter 18.60 shall apply in determining the amount of parking space that must be provided for each use located in the M2 district. 18.40.070 080 - Signs. The provisions of Chapter 18.80 shall apply to all signs in the M2 district. 18.40.080 090 - Site and architectural review. The provisions of Chapter 18.63 for site and architectural review shall apply in the M2 district. 18.40.090 100 - Commercial modular unitsManufactured housing. Attachment: Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) The provisions of Chapter 18.66 for commercial modular units manufactured housing shall apply in the M2 district. Packet Pg. 60 B.4.c 18.04.110 Interim use standards Where topographical or other conditions exist, the following standards shall apply to industrial uses within the Floodplain Overlay District for interim uses, as approved by the City Manager Planning Commission: A. The minimum streetscape and parking setback requirement shall be contiguous with the ultimate right-of-way line, but in no case less than ten feet. B. There shall be no minimum landscape coverage requirements, except that which is necessary for screening purposes as determined by the planning director. C. All parking and storage areas shall be paved with slag, crushed aggregate, asphaltic concrete, or concrete. The location, number, and design of said parking shall be in accordance with Code requirements. D. All parking and storage areas, and other interim uses which require screening as determined by the planning director, shall be screened from public view through a combination of landscaping and fencing. Fencing may include a six- foot chain-link color coated fence with slats, masonry or concrete, wood, or decorative metal. Screening must be maintained in good condition at all times. E. Landscaping required for screening purposes shall include 15-gallon trees and five-gallon shrubs to provide a dense landscape buffer to afford maximum screening from the public view, satisfactory to the planning director. Attachment: Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 61 B.4.c New Chapter 18.74 Chapter 18.74 Performance Standards Applicability. The following requirements shall apply to the use of land throughout the city. The City has the authority to establish any conditions of approval on land uses to ensure conformance with these standards. A. Property Maintenance. Property owners are responsible for the continuous maintenance of all buildings, structures, yards, landscaping, signs, parking areas, and other improvements in a manner which does not detract from the appearance of the surrounding area. B. Noise standards. All uses shall comply with the noise standards set forth in the C. Odor. No operation or activity shall be permitted to emit odorous gases or other odorous matter in such quantities as to be dangerous, injurious, noxious, or otherwise objectionable which is detectable with or without the aid of instruments at or beyond the property line D. Particulate matter and air contaminants standards. The operation of facilities shall not directly or indirectly discharge air contaminants into the atmosphere, including smoke, sulfur compounds, dust, soot, carbon, noxious acids, gases, mist, odors, or particulate matter, or other air contaminants or combinations which exceed any local, state or federal air quality standards or which might be obnoxious or offensive to anyone residing or conducting business either on site or abutting the subject site. Particulate matter shall not be discharged into the atmosphere in excess of the standards of federal and state requirements E. Vibration standards. Uses shall be operated in compliance with the following provisions: 1. The generation of vibration of a duration and intensity so as to be excessive, disturbing, or objectionable to persons located offsite, shall not be permitted 2. Uses shall not generate ground vibration that interferes with the operations of equipment and facilities of adjoining parcels. Attachment: Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) F. Temperature. No operation or activity shall emit heat or cold which would cause a temperature increase or decrease on any adjacent property in excess Packet Pg. 62 B.4.c of ten (10) degrees Fahrenheit, whether the change is in the air, on the ground, or in any structure G. Illumination. No operation, activity, sign, or lighting fixture shall create illumination on adjacent property that exceeds three foot-candles, whether the illumination is direct or indirect light from the source. H. Electrical disturbance. No operation or activity shall cause any source of electrical or electronic disturbance that adversely affects persons or the operation of any equipment on any other lot and is not in conformance with the regulations of the Federal Communication Commission. I. Radioactive materials. No operation or activities shall be permitted which result at any time in the release or emission of any fissionable or radioactive materials into the atmosphere, the ground, or sewerage system. J. Discharges. No operation or action shall discharge at any point into any public or private street, public or private sewer, stream, body of water, or into the ground any materials of such nature or temperature as can contaminate any water supply, interfere with bacterial processes in sewage treatment, or otherwise cause the emission of dangerous or offensive elements, except in accord with applicable standards approved by governmental agencies having jurisdiction. All grading, grubbing, clearing, soil disturbance, an/or construction operations shall comply with the erosion control and best management practices of the city's current permit for the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), as it may be amended from time to time. Attachment: Attachment 3 - Proposed Code Changes \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 63 This page left intentionally blank. B.4.d RESOLUTIONNO. 2018- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL MAKE A DETERMINATION THAT ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 17-04 IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA PURSUANT TO SECTION 15061(b)(3) AND RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL AMEND CHAPTER 18.06, 18.36, 18.39 AND 18.40 OF TITLE 18 (ZONING) OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, been amended from time to time; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Code, as it pertains uses in Commercial Manufacturing (CM), Restricted Manufacturing (MR) and Industrial (M-2) zone districts, has not been updated in several years; WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a comprehensive General Plan on April 27, 2010, which contains a Land Use Element that includes Industrial and Floodplain Industrial land use designations; WHEREAS, the General Plan Industrial land use designation is intended those uses that can be made compatible with other surrounding uses within the City regarding noise, dust, odors, vibration, glare, air quality, traffic, aesthetics, and hazardous materials. Typical uses may include light manufacturing and assembly, small scale warehousing and distribution, research and development, and administrative and service types of uses. WHEREAS, properties within the Floodplain Industrial designation are planned for ultimate development as light industrial, non-polluting uses similar to the Light Industrial designation, and where those proposed developments demonstrate that adequate measures can be implemented to ensure that the proposed use is effectively protected from identified flood hazards. WHEREAS, Terrace Municipal Code) conf. WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace City Council adopted a temporary Attachment: PC Resolution -3.15.2018 \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) moratorium on the expansion, establishment or operation of outdoor storage and outdoor manufacturing uses. WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 65800 and 65850 of the California Government Code, the City may adopt ordinances to regulate the use of buildings, structures, and land as between industry, business, residences, and open space, and Packet Pg. 64 B.4.d other purposes; to regulate the location, height, bulk, number of stories and size of buildings and structures, the size and use of lots, yards, courts and other open spaces, the percentage of a lot which may be occupied by a building or structure, and the intensity of land use; and to establish requirements for off-street parking, in compliance with the California Government Code. WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (hereinafter et seq.) and State CEQA guidelines (Sections 15000 et seq.) the Ordinance is exempt pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of Title 14 the California Code of Regulations because the revisions to this ordinance establish regulations for uses that are consistent with the General Plan and Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, on March 1, 2018 and March 22, 2018, the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace conducted a duly noticed public hearings on Zoning Code Amendment 17-04 at the Grand Terrace City Hall Council Chambers located 22795 Barton Road and concluded the hearing on that date. WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, as follows 1. The Planning Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the above Recitals, are true and correct. 2. The Planning Commission hereby finds that the Project is not subject to environmental review pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of Title 14 the California Code of Regulations because the revisions are regulatory in nature and will not in themselves create impacts to the environment. 3. Based on substantial evidence presented to the Planning Commission during the public hearings, including public testimony, and written and oral staff reports, the Planning Commission specifically finds as follows with regard to Zoning Code Amendment 17-01: a. It is in the best interest of the public to establish and update reasonable standards relating to manufacturing and outdoor storage uses because the zoning code does not, presently, adequately define or regulate these Attachment: PC Resolution -3.15.2018 \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) types of land uses, nor establish adequate standards of development. b. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the neighborhood of the proposed amendment or within the city or Packet Pg. 65 B.4.d injurious to propertybecause the amendment is intended to insure that outdoor uses and activities are properly regulated to mitigate impacts. c. The City Council finds that the proposed amendment is consistent with the latest adopted general plan, because the proposed amendments conform and promote the Grand Terrace General Plan. The proposed amendments are consistent with the land use designation of Industrial and Floodplain Industrial and implement Goal 2.4 and its policies. 4. Based upon the above findings and determinations, this Commission hereby recommends that the City Council find the Project exempt from CEQA. 5. Based upon the above findings and determinations, this Commission further hereby recommends approval of Zoning Code Amendment 17-04 to the City Council, as contained in attached Exhibit 1 of this resolution and incorporated herein by reference. ATTEST: ____________________________ ______________________________ Debra L. Thomas, CMC Tom Comstock City Clerk Chairman Approved as to form: ____________________________ Richard L. Adams, II City Attorney Attachment: PC Resolution -3.15.2018 \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 66 This page left intentionally blank. B.4.d Exhibit 1 Chapter 18.06 Definitions New Section 18.06.182 Contractor storage yard Contractor storage yard Storage yards operated by, or on behalf of, a contractor for storage of large equipment, vehicles, or other materials commonly used in the individual and as offices and repair facilities. New Section 18.06.518 Manufacturing Manufacturing means to assemble, fabricate, compound, treat, etc. in order to produce something. Revised Section 18.06.520 - Manufacturing, heavy. Heavy manufacturing" means activities which typically include manufacturing, compounding of materials, assembly, fabrication, processing, packaging, treatment or fabrication activities, Activities in this area may have frequent truck traffic and the transportation of heavy, large-scale products. Such activities may produce odors, noise, vibrations, illumination or particulates which may affect other uses on the same site and in the general vicinity. Uses typically utilize raw materials to fabricate semi- finished products, and the resulting product may be semi-finished so as to become a component for further assembly and packaging. Revised Section 18.06.525 - Manufacturing, light. "Light manufacturing" means activities which typically include manufacturing, assembly, fabrication, packaging or repair processes which do not involve large container truck traffic or the transport of large scale bulky products. Such activities shall not produce odors, noise, vibration, hazardous waste material, illumination or particulates which adversely affect other uses on the same site. The resulting product may be finished in that it is ready for use, consumption or it may be semi-finished so as to become a component for further assembly and packaging. These types of business establishments are customarily directed to the wholesale market, inter-plant transfer, rather than direct sale to the consumer. Attachment: PC Resolution -3.15.2018 \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Revised Section 18.06.530 - Manufacturing, medium. "Medium manufacturing" means activities which typically include manufacturing, compounding of materials, assembly, fabrication, processing, or packaging which may Packet Pg. 67 B.4.d involve frequent large container truck traffic, the transport of large scale bulky products or rail traffic. Such activities may produce odors, noise, vibrations, illumination or particulates which may affect other uses on the same site or vicinity. The resulting product may be semi-finished so as to become a component for further fabrication, assembly and packaging and directed to inter plant transfer or to other industrial uses. New Section 18.06.587 Outdoor Display Outdoor display or storage means an outdoor arrangement of objects, items, products or other materials, typically not in a fixed position and capable of rearrangement. New Section 18.06.936 Warehousing goods of any type, but excluding bulk storage of materials which are flammable or explosive or which create hazardous or commonly recognized offensive conditions. New Section 18.06.937 Warehousing and Distribution means businesses whose sole purpose is to store and then distribute goods for sale as opposed to businesses whose sole purpose is to move goods by truck. New Section 18.06.939 Wholesale or consumption, including incidental storage and distribution. Attachment: PC Resolution -3.15.2018 \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 68 B.4.d Chapter 18.36 - CM COMMERCIAL MANUFACTURING DISTRICT Sections: 18.36.010 - Purpose. The purpose of the CM district is to provide for the development of combined commercial and light manufacturing uses. The regulations of this district are intended to allow limited light manufacturing uses which operate free of objectionable noise, dust, odor or other nuisances to locate in a mixed use development area along with commercial uses. Light manufacturing uses do not involve large container truck traffic or transport of large bulky items. 18.36.020 - Permitted uses. Permitted uses in the CM district shall be as follows: A. Business support services; B. Communication services; C. Public storage facilities; indoor D. Research and development facilities; E. Other uses which are permitted in the C2 district without a CUP; F. Other uses which are determined by the planning commission to be similar in nature to a use listed in this section; G. Temporary uses which are determined by the community development director not to have significant long-term impact on the environment. (Uses such as parking lot sales, Christmas tree sales, seasonal sales, rummage sales, and others with review through the land use approval or administrative site and architectural approval process in accordance with Chapter 18.63, Site and Architectural Review.) 18.36.030 - Conditionally permitted uses. Uses permitted in the CM district with a conditional use permit are as follows: A. Business and office facilities; B. Building maintenance services; C. Building supplies and sales; ++ D. General assembly facilities; Attachment: PC Resolution -3.15.2018 \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) E. Manufacturing-light facilities; F. Public storage facilities, outdoor G. Public utility facilities and services; H. Recreational facilities; Packet Pg. 69 B.4.d I.Other uses which are permitted in the C2 district with a CUP; J. Other uses which are determined by the planning commission to be similar in nature to a use listed in this section. 18.39.040 Prohibited uses Uses that include the storage of hazardous and/or flammable material is prohibited. Such uses include, but are not limited, to pallet yard, and other wood products, and tire storage. 18.36.050 - Site development standards. Site development standards in the CM district are as follows: Development Issue Standard Lot Area 10,000 (Minimum square feet) Lot Width 70 (Minimum linear feet) Lot Depth 100 (Minimum linear feet) Street Frontage 70 (Minimum linear feet) Setbacks (Minimum linear feet) front yard setback rear yard (except when adjacent to a lot in an R District, then 0 25 feet, with 10 foot landscape setback) side yard (except when adjacent to a lot in an R district, then 25 0 feet, with 10 foot landscape setback) landscape street side yard) setback Height 35 (minimum linear feet) Lot Coverage (maximum percent, less the required parking, Attachment: PC Resolution -3.15.2018 \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) 100 setbacks, and landscaping) 18.36.060 - Storage and trash facilities. A. Permitted outdoor storage shall be set back 25 feet when adjacent to residential properties. Packet Pg. 70 B.4.d B. When permissible outdoor storage is utilized, such storage shall be visually screened from all adjacent building sites, public view, and public streets and alleys by a solid decorative masonry wall of a height sufficient to screen all materials stored outdoors, but not less than 6 feet in height, or by a building. B. The screening herein required shall be established at or before the time any area is used for outdoor storage. C. Where topographical conditions or existing structures are such that strict compliance with the requirements of this section would not be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this section, the Planning Commission may waive compliance with all or part of such requirements. D. Trash enclosures shall be required. Trash enclosures shall be screened by a six- foot-high decorative block wall with metal gates. Metal gates shall be attached to metal posts. 18.36.070 - Off-street parking. The provisions of Chapter 18.60 shall apply in determining the amount of parking space that must be provided for each use located in the CM district. 18.36.080 - Signs. The provisions of Chapter 18.80 shall apply to all signs in the CM district. 18.36.090 - Site and architectural review. The provisions of Chapter 18.63 for site and architectural review shall apply in the CM district. Attachment: PC Resolution -3.15.2018 \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 71 B.4.d Chapter 18.39 -MR RESTRICTED MANUFACTURING DISTRICT 18.39.010 - Purpose. The purpose of the MR district is to provide for the development of low intensity and low impact light manufacturing and industrial uses. The regulations of this district are intended to allow various manufacturing and industrial uses which operate free of objectionable noise, dust, odor or other nuisances to other (nonindustrial uses) in planned architecturally integrated building groups. 18.39.020 - Permitted uses. Permitted uses in the MR district shall be as follows: A. Agricultural and nursery supplies and services; B. Automotive related services (includes motorcycles, boats, recreational vehicles, trailers and campers): parts and supplies; C. Building maintenance services; D. Building supplies sales; enclosed E. Communication services; F Equipment sales and services, indoor G. Laundry and cleaning services; I. Manufacturing-light facilities; J. Mail order services; K. Printing, blueprinting and reproduction services; L. Public storage facilities; indoor M. Research services; N. Veterinary clinics (completely contained in a building); O. Wholesale, storage and distribution facilities; P Other uses which are permitted in the CM district without a CUP; Q. Other uses which are determined by the planning commission to be similar in nature to a use listed in this section; R. Temporary uses which are determined by the community development director not to have significant long-term impact on the environment. (Uses such as Attachment: PC Resolution -3.15.2018 \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) parking lot sales, Christmas tree sales, seasonal sales, rummage sales, and others with review through the land use approval or administrative site and architectural approval process in accordance with Chapter 18.63, Site and Architectural Review.) Packet Pg. 72 B.4.d 18.39.030 -Conditionally permitted uses. Uses permitted in the MR district with a conditional use permit are as follows: A.Automotive related services (includes motorcycles, boats, recreational vehicles, trailers and campers): 1. Rentals, 2. Repair, 3. Sales (new and used vehicles), 4. Service stations; B. Building supplies and sales, outdoor; C. Contractor's office and storage yards, outdoor; D. Funeral homes (without crematory services); F. Public storage facilities; G. Recreational facilities; H. Public utilities I. Modular units for office purposes only; J. Other uses which are permitted in the CM district with a CUP; K. Other uses which are determined by the planning commission to be similar in nature to a use listed in this section. 18.39.040 Prohibited uses Uses that include the storage of hazardous and/or flammable material is prohibited. Such uses include, but are not limited, to pallet yard, and other wood products, and tire storage. 18.39.050 - Site development standards. Site development standards in the MR district are as follows: Development Issue Standard Lot Area 20,000 (Minimum square feet) Lot Width 70 (Minimum linear feet) Attachment: PC Resolution -3.15.2018 \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Lot Depth 100 (Minimum linear feet) Street Frontage 70 (Minimum linear feet) Setbacks Packet Pg. 73 B.4.d (Minimum linear feet) front yard landscape setback rear yard (except when adjacent to a lot in an R District, then 0 25 feet, with 10 foot landscape setback) side yard (except when adjacent to a lot in an R district, then 0 25 feet, with 10 foot landscape setback) street side yard setback Height 35 (minimum linear feet) Lot Coverage (maximum percent, less the required parking, setbacks, and 100 landscaping) 18.39.060 - Storage and trash facilities. A. Permitted outdoor storage shall be set back 25 feet when adjacent to residential properties. B. When permissible outdoor storage is utilized, such storage shall be visually screened from all adjacent building sites, public view, and public streets and alleys by a solid decorative masonry wall of a height sufficient to screen all materials stored outdoors, but not less than 6 feet in height, or by a building. B. The screening herein required shall be established at or before the time any area is used for outdoor storage. C. Where topographical conditions or existing structures are such that strict compliance with the requirements of this section would not be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this section, the Planning Commission may waive compliance with all or part of such requirements. D. Trash enclosures shall be required. Trash enclosures shall be screened by a six- foot-high decorative block wall with metal gates. Metal gates shall be attached to metal posts. 18.39.070 - Off-street parking. The provisions of Chapter 18.60 shall apply in determining the amount of parking Attachment: PC Resolution -3.15.2018 \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) space that must be provided for each use located in the MR district. 18.39.080 - Signs. The provisions of Chapter 18.80 shall apply to all signs in the MR district. Packet Pg. 74 B.4.d 18.39.090 - Site and architectural review. The provisions of Chapter 18.63 for site and architectural review shall apply in the MR district. 18.39.100 - Commercial modular units. The provisions of Chapter 18.66 for commercial modular units shall apply in the MR district. Attachment: PC Resolution -3.15.2018 \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 75 B.4.d Chapter 18.40 -M2 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT Sections: 18.40.010 - Purpose. The purpose of the M2 district is to provide for the development of medium manufacturing and industrial uses. The regulations of this district are intended to allow various manufacturing and industrial uses which operate free of overly excessive noise, dust, odor or other nuisances and can be made compatible to other (nonindustrial) districts. 18.40.020 - Permitted uses. Permitted uses in the M2 district are as follows: A. Agricultural and nursery supplies and services; B. Automotive related services (includes motorcycles, boats, recreational vehicles, trailers and campers): 1. Parts and supplies (wholesale and retail), 2. Rentals, 3. Repair; C. Bakery (wholesale); D. Building maintenance services; E. Building supplies and sales (wholesale and retail), indoor; F. Communication services; G. Contractor's office and storage yards, indoor; H. Heavy equipment sales and services, indoor; I. Laundry and dry-cleaning facilities; J. Mail order services; K. Manufacturing-light and medium facilities; L. Photography and film processing facilities; M. Printing, blueprinting and reproduction services; N. Public storage facilities; indoor O. Recreational vehicle storage, indoor Attachment: PC Resolution -3.15.2018 \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) P. Veterinary clinics (completely contained in a building); Q. Wholesale, storage and distribution facilities; R. Emergency shelters. S. Other uses which are determined by the Planning Commission to be similar in nature to a use listed in this Section. Packet Pg. 76 B.4.d T.Temporary uses which are determined by the Community Development Director not to have a significant long term impact on the environment. (Uses such as parking lot sales, Christmas tree sales, seasonal sales, rummage sales, and others with review through the land use approval or administrative site and architectural approval process in accordance with Chapter 18.63, Site and Architectural Review). 18.40.030 - Conditionally permitted uses. Uses permitted in the M2 district with a conditional use permit are as follows: A. Automotive related services (includes motorcycles, boats, recreational vehicles, trailers and campers): 1. Sales (new and used vehicles), 2. Service stations; B. Funeral homes (with crematory services); C Building supplies and sales (wholesale and retail), outdoor D. Heavy equipment sales and repair, outdoor E. Plant nurseries, wholesale, outdoor; F Public storage facilities, with, outdoor; G Public utilities and facilities H. Recreational facilities; I. Recreational vehicle storage, outdoor; J. Modular units for business office or headquarter purposes only; K. Other uses which are determined by the planning commission to be similar in nature to a use listed in this section. 18.39.040 Prohibited uses Uses that include the storage of hazardous and/or flammable material is prohibited. Such uses include, but are not limited, to pallet yard, and other wood products, and tire storage. Attachment: PC Resolution -3.15.2018 \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 77 B.4.d 18.40.050 -Site development standards. Site development standards in the M2 district are as follows: Development Issue Standard Lot Area 20,000 (Minimum square feet) Lot Width 70 (Minimum linear feet) Lot Depth 100 (Minimum linear feet) Street Frontage 70 (Minimum linear feet) Setbacks (Minimum linear feet) front yard landscape setback rear yard (except when adjacent to a lot in an R District, then 25 feet, 0 with 10 foot landscape setback) side yard (except when adjacent to a lot in an R district, then 25 feet, 0 with 10 foot landscape setback) Height 35 (minimum linear feet) Lot Coverage (maximum percent, less the required parking, setbacks, and 100 landscaping) 18.40.060 - Storage and trash facilities. A. Permitted outdoor storage shall be set back 25 feet when adjacent to residential properties. B. When permissible outdoor storage is utilized, such storage shall be visually screened from all adjacent building sites, public view, and public streets and alleys by a solid decorative masonry wall of a height sufficient to screen all materials stored outdoors, but not less than 6 feet in height, or by a building. Attachment: PC Resolution -3.15.2018 \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) B. The screening herein required shall be established at or before the time any area is used for outdoor storage. C. Where topographical conditions or existing structures are such that strict compliance with the requirements of this section would not be necessary to accomplish Packet Pg. 78 B.4.d the purposes of this section, the Planning Commission may waive compliance with all or part of such requirements. D. Trash enclosures shall be required. Trash enclosures shall be screened by a six foot high decorative block wall with metal gates. Metal gates shall be attached to metal posts. 18.40.070 - Off-street parking. The provisions of Chapter 18.60 shall apply in determining the amount of parking space that must be provided for each use located in the M2 district. 18.40.080 - Signs. The provisions of Chapter 18.80 shall apply to all signs in the M2 district. 18.40.090 - Site and architectural review. The provisions of Chapter 18.63 for site and architectural review shall apply in the M2 district. 18.40.100 Commercial modular units. The provisions of Chapter 18.66 for commercial modular units shall apply in the M2 district. 18.04.110 Interim use standards Where topographical or other conditions exist, the following standards shall apply to industrial uses within the Floodplain Overlay District for interim uses, as approved by the Planning Commission: A. The minimum streetscape and parking setback requirement shall be contiguous with the ultimate right-of-way line, but in no case less than ten feet. B. There shall be no minimum landscape coverage requirements, except that which is necessary for screening purposes as determined by the planning director. C. All parking and storage areas shall be paved with slag, crushed aggregate, asphaltic concrete, or concrete. The location, number, and design of said parking shall be in accordance with Code requirements. D. All parking and storage areas, and other interim uses which require screening as determined by the planning director, shall be screened from public view through a combination of landscaping and fencing. Fencing may include a six- Attachment: PC Resolution -3.15.2018 \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) foot chain-link color coated fence with slats, masonry or concrete, wood, or decorative metal. Screening must be maintained in good condition at all times. E. Landscaping required for screening purposes shall include 15-gallon trees and five-gallon shrubs to provide a dense landscape buffer to afford maximum screening from the public view, satisfactory to the planning director. Packet Pg. 79 B.4.d New Chapter 18.74 Chapter 18.74 Performance Standards Applicability. The following requirements shall apply to the use of land throughout the city. The City has the authority to establish any conditions of approval on land uses to ensure conformance with these standards. A. Property Maintenance. Property owners are responsible for the continuous maintenance of all buildings, structures, yards, landscaping, signs, parking areas, and other improvements in a manner which does not detract from the appearance of the surrounding area. B. Noise standards. All uses shall comply with the noise standards set forth in the C C. Odor. No operation or activity shall be permitted to emit odorous gases or other odorous matter in such quantities as to be dangerous, injurious, noxious, or otherwise objectionable which is detectable with or without the aid of instruments at or beyond the property line D. Particulate matter and air contaminants standards. The operation of facilities shall not directly or indirectly discharge air contaminants into the atmosphere, including smoke, sulfur compounds, dust, soot, carbon, noxious acids, gases, mist, odors, or particulate matter, or other air contaminants or combinations which exceed any local, state or federal air quality standards or which might be obnoxious or offensive to anyone residing or conducting business either on site or abutting the subject site. Particulate matter shall not be discharged into the atmosphere in excess of the standards of federal and state requirements E. Vibration standards. Uses shall be operated in compliance with the following provisions: 1. The generation of vibration of a duration and intensity so as to be excessive, disturbing, or objectionable to persons located offsite, shall not be permitted 2. Uses shall not generate ground vibration that interferes with the Attachment: PC Resolution -3.15.2018 \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) operations of equipment and facilities of adjoining parcels. F. Temperature. No operation or activity shall emit heat or cold which would cause a temperature increase or decrease on any adjacent property in excess Packet Pg. 80 B.4.d of ten (10) degrees Fahrenheit, whether the change is in the air, on the ground, or in any structure G. Illumination. No operation, activity, sign, or lighting fixture shall create illumination on adjacent property that exceeds three foot-candles, whether the illumination is direct or indirect light from the source. H. Electrical disturbance. No operation or activity shall cause any source of electrical or electronic disturbance that adversely affects persons or the operation of any equipment on any other lot and is not in conformance with the regulations of the Federal Communication Commission. I. Radioactive materials. No operation or activities shall be permitted which result at any time in the release or emission of any fissionable or radioactive materials into the atmosphere, the ground, or sewerage system. J. Discharges. No operation or action shall discharge at any point into any public or private street, public or private sewer, stream, body of water, or into the ground any materials of such nature or temperature as can contaminate any water supply, interfere with bacterial processes in sewage treatment, or otherwise cause the emission of dangerous or offensive elements, except in accord with applicable standards approved by governmental agencies having jurisdiction. All grading, grubbing, clearing, soil disturbance, an/or construction operations shall comply with the erosion control and best management practices of the city's current permit for the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), as it may be amended from time to time. Attachment: PC Resolution -3.15.2018 \[Revision 1\] (2398 : Code Amendment 17-04_Industrial Zones) Packet Pg. 81