08-25-2016 - SP CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Council ChambersSpecial Meeting6:30 PM CALL TO ORDER Convene the Meeting of the Planning Commission and Site and Architectural Review Board. Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call Attendee NamePresentAbsentLateArrived Chairman Tom Comstock¨¨¨ Vice-Chairman Vacant¨¨¨ Commissioner Jeffrey Allen¨¨¨ Commissioner Tara Ceseña¨¨¨ Commissioner Edward A. Giroux¨¨¨ APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC ADDRESS Public address to the Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Director of Community Development Department. This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda. Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the Planning Commission may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification. The Chairman may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting. A.CONSENT CALENDAR 1.Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 04/21/2016 DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK 2.Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 06/02/2016 DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK City of Grand TerracePage 1 AgendaGrand Terrace Planning CommissionAugust 25, 2016 B.PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Tentative Parcel Map 16-02 (Tentative Parcel Map No. 19384), Site and Architectural Review 16-02, and Environmental 16-06, Located at 12569 Michigan Street RECOMMENDATION: 1) Conduct a public hearing, and 2) Adopt RESOLUTION NO. 2016-__, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ENVIRONMENTAL EXEMPTION AND APPROVE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 16-02 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 19384), A SUBDIVISION OF A 0.50-ACRE PARCEL INTO TWO SINGLE FAMILY LOTS LOCATED AT 12569 MICHIGAN STREET, and 3) Adopt RESOLUTION NO. 2016-__, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ADOPTING AN ENVIRONMENTAL EXEMPTION AND APPROVING SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 16-02 TO CONSTRUCT TWO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL HOMES ON THE LOTS CREATED BY TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 19384, LOCATED AT 12569 MICHIGAN STREET DEPARTMENT: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES C.INFORMATION TO COMMISSIONERS D.INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONERS ADJOURN ADJOURN TO THE NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD/PLANNING COMMISSION TO BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 1, 2016. than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting. City of Grand Terrace Page 2 A.1 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Council ChambersRegular Meeting6:30 PM CALL TO ORDER Chairman Comstock convened the Meeting of the Planning Commission and Site and Architectural Review Board. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Planning Commissioner Ceseña. Attendee NameTitleStatusArrived Tom ComstockChairmanPresent Ryan StephensVice-ChairmanAbsent Jeffrey AllenCommissionerPresent Tara CeseñaCommissionerPresent Edward A. GirouxCommissionerPresent A.AGENDA 1.Motion: APPROVAL OF AGENDA RESULT:ADOPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] AYES:Tom Comstock, Jeffrey Allen, Tara Ceseña, Edward A. Giroux ABSENT:Ryan Stephens B.PUBLIC ADDRESS None C.CONSENT CALENDAR 1.Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 02/20/2014 RESULT:ACCEPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] AYES:Tom Comstock, Jeffrey Allen, Tara Ceseña, Edward A. Giroux ABSENT:Ryan Stephens 2.Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 05/07/2015 City of Grand TerracePage 1 Packet Pg. 3 A.1 MinutesGrand Terrace Planning CommissionApril 21, 2016 RESULT: ACCEPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] AYES: Tom Comstock, Jeffrey Allen, Tara Ceseña, Edward A. Giroux ABSENT: Ryan Stephens 3. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 09/17/2015 RESULT: ACCEPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] AYES: Tom Comstock, Jeffrey Allen, Tara Ceseña, Edward A. Giroux ABSENT: Ryan Stephens 4. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 10/15/2015 RESULT: ACCEPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] AYES: Tom Comstock, Jeffrey Allen, Tara Ceseña, Edward A. Giroux ABSENT: Ryan Stephens 5. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 11/19/2015 RESULT: ACCEPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] AYES: Tom Comstock, Jeffrey Allen, Tara Ceseña, Edward A. Giroux ABSENT: Ryan Stephens 6. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 12/17/2015 RESULT: ACCEPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] AYES: Tom Comstock, Jeffrey Allen, Tara Ceseña, Edward A. Giroux ABSENT: Ryan Stephens D.PUBLIC HEARINGS 7. Amendment to 2013-2021 Housing Element Planning & Development Services Director, Sandra Molina identified that John Douglas, Housing Consultant, was present and could answer questions related to the hearing Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Apr 21, 2016 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) item. Housing Consultant, John Douglas, was called to speak. He presented details of item and pointed out some modifications needed in order for the City to be compliant with HCD standards. Commissioner Allen asked staff whether crime studies had been performed on multifamily units with carports and garages to determine which was safer. Mr. Douglas responded by saying that he was not aware of any studies performed and stated that developers w City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Packet Pg. 4 A.1 MinutesGrand Terrace Planning CommissionApril 21, 2016 Commissioner Giroux asked questions related to: (1) who would be responsible for maintaining roadways on the rezoned sites; (2) whether the code had a security requirement that would be imposed on future developers; (3) whether public notices were sent to surrounding owners. Ms. Molina responded to questions, indicating that the developer or HOA would be responsible for road maintenance. Secondly, she advised Mr. Giroux that the hearing item was to discuss housing programs but that there was opportunity to discuss modifications security on the next item. Lastly, she confirmed that public notices had been distributed to residents within a 300 ft radius of the proposed rezone sites and to the property owners. City Attorney, Baron Bettenhausen suggested that both hearing items be considered together but have separate resolutions. Chair Comstock preferred that the Commission postpone specific ordinance questions until the next hearing item and focus on finishing the first item. Commission Allen expressed his concerns about future developers being locked into building 24 units per acre densities for the rezoned parcels. Ms. Molina clarified that the high density residential requirement would allow between 20-24 units per acre and that HCD would not allow anything less than 20 units for that designation. Nancy Martinez was called to speak and expressed her concern for future traffic on Grand Terrace Road. Ron Gomez, was called to speak and expressed his concerns about increased traffic due to the rezone and stated he was against rezone change. He suggested that a different location be selected. 1) CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE THE STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS; AND 2) ADOPT RESOLUTION 2016-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 16-01 AMENDING THE 2013-2021 HOUSING ELEMENT Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Apr 21, 2016 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) RESULT: APPROVED \[UNANIMOUS\] AYES: Tom Comstock, Jeffrey Allen, Tara Ceseña, Edward A. Giroux ABSENT: Ryan Stephens 8. Amendment to Land Use Element of General Plan and Zoning Regulations in Conformity with 2013-2021 Housing Element City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packet Pg. 5 A.1 MinutesGrand Terrace Planning CommissionApril 21, 2016 Community Development Director, Sandra Molina briefly touched on the item. She answered a question about site development responding that no development was scheduled for the proposed rezoned sites. Commissioner Allen questioned why one rezone would have an overlay but the other does not. Ms. Molina directed the question to Mr. Douglas. Mr. Douglas was ca the state law requires that over 50% of parcels be zoned high density residential and the remaining parcels could have an overlay to provide flexibility to property owners. Chair Comstock asked how large the parcel on Michigan Avenue was. Ms. Molina clarified that it was 1.07 acres in size. Public Comment Jeffrey McConnell was called to speak. Commission Deliberations The Commission had questions for staff related to future buyer disclosures of rezoned sites and also requested further clarification of the Transitional versus Supportive Housing definition relating to people with disabilities. Staff responded that it was up to future buyers to verify disclosures prior to purchasing and that the State regulated the inclusion of disabilities into the definition. There was also brief discussion about CUP revocation relating to chapter 18.83 and density bonuses for developers 1) RECEIVE STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS, 2) CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING, AND 3) ADOPT RESOLUTION 2016-12; A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 16-02 AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT AND LAND USE MAP; ADOPT ZONE CHANGE 16-01 AND ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 16-01 REVISING THE ZONING MAP AND AMENDING THE ZONING CODE TO IMPLEMENT HOUSING ELEMENT RELATED AMENDMENTS Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Apr 21, 2016 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) E. INFORMATION TO COMMISSIONERS Director Molina briefed the Commission on changes within the Community Development Department and mentioned that a new Public Works Director and weekend Code Enforcement officer had been hired. She also mentioned a 3 year grant for a new Senior Bus Program with a new driver hired. City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Packet Pg. 6 A.1 MinutesGrand Terrace Planning CommissionApril 21, 2016 F. INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONERS Commission Allen asked how the public reach the weekend code enforcement officer and Ms. Molina responded that an online feature would be available on the city website. Mr. Allen expressed his desire to attend the State of CA Planning Commission Academy. He also asked whether there had been any AirBnb or Home Away complaints or complements to which Ms. Molina responded by saying she was not aware, nor had an complaints been received. Ms. Molina also clarified that the Planning Commission Academy is slated to begin at the end of October and she would follow up. Chair Comstock requested an update of the proposed roundabout and Ms. Molina advised that construction would begin in summer 2017. Mr. Comstock also asked whether the burned down building at the end of Commerce Way, would be a part of the freeway interchange and Ms. Molina responded that the property is being acquired by Caltrans and would be torn down as part of the project. ADJOURN Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting of the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission to be held on May 5, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. _________________________________ _________________________________ Tom Comstock Sandra Molina Chairman of the Grand Terrace Planning Planning & Development Services Director Commission Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Apr 21, 2016 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Packet Pg. 7 A.2 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Council ChambersRegular Meeting6:30 PM CALL TO ORDER Chairman Comstock convened the Meeting of the Planning Commission and Site and Architectural Review Board. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice-Chairman Stephens. Attendee NameTitleStatusArrived Tom ComstockChairmanPresent Ryan StephensVice-ChairmanPresent Jeffrey AllenCommissionerPresent Tara CeseñaCommissionerPresent Edward A. GirouxCommissionerPresent APPROVAL OF AGENDA RESULT:APPROVED \[UNANIMOUS\] AYES:Comstock, Stephens, Allen, Ceseña, Giroux 1.Motion: Approved Planning Commission Agenda, June 2, 2016 PUBLIC ADDRESS Jeffrey McConnell, Walnut Avenue provided a project update about the infill project on Burns Avenue; stating he spoke with the Engineer and the corrections are being worked on. The grading should start in about a month. A.PUBLIC HEARINGS 2.Site and Architectural Review 15-06, Administrative Conditional Use Permit 15-07 and Environmental 15-08 Located at 22805 Barton Road Planning & Development Services Director, Sandra Molina presented details of the project and answered questions regarding the limited amount of parking and ensuring there is enough room for emergency services. Ms. Molina identified that County Fire would service the site. Deborah Hong, applicant, responded to the Commissio City of Grand TerracePage 1 Packet Pg. 8 A.2 MinutesGrand Terrace Planning CommissionJune 2, 2016 Commissioner Giroux expressed concern about traffic visibility with the proposed landscaping. He suggested changing condition 19B to ensure that proposed plant material at maturity does not exceed 3 ft. above curb height. Esmond Dee, building owner and physician, expanded on the medical uses planned for the site, as well as the expected customer volume and behavior for the coffee shop. He advised that the coffee shop would be set up for to-go coffee, not for customers to stay. Dr. Dee answered questions about the intended use for the residence. Public Comment Jim Miller, 22996 Palm Ave, he voiced his concern about drainage from the proposed parking lot. Mr. Miller asked that a curb be added on the west side of parking lot to give any water runoff a directed place to flow. Jeffrey McConnell, Walnut Ave, inquired whether the residence on top would make the project mixed-use or sustainable development according to United Nations Agenda 21. Staff clarified that the project was designated as mixed-use in the Barton Road Specific Plan. Bobby Forbes, 11850 Burns Ave., expressed her concerns related to parking. She stated that the parking situation was horrible in that lot. She was strongly opposed to the coffee shop and said it would cause people to linger in the parking lot, causing more Commission Deliberations Commissioner Comstock inquired to staff about the future recourse the City would have if parking caused traffic hazards and public safety issues. Staff responded that once the site and architectural application for medical use was established, recourse would be limited, but that the CUP for the coffee shop could be re-evaluated in the future by the Commission. Staff suggested that the Public Works Director review traffic at the site and bring forward any recommendations. Vice-Chair Stephens and Chairman Comstock both emphasized that their concern with parking is only due to the coffee shop, not the medical facility. Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Jun 2, 2016 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) Commissioner Giroux stated that a full traffic study was needed on the lot. Chairman Comstock emphasized that his concern was only about eastbound lanes with low visibility due to the curve in the road. viable, so traffic to the coffee shop might not be a problem. She stated that getting rid of the coffee shop would only allow enough room for two extra parking spaces. Commissioner Stephens suggested that the Commission pass the CUP and then review the impact of the coffee shop several months from now. He also requested adding a City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Packet Pg. 9 A.2 MinutesGrand Terrace Planning CommissionJune 2, 2016 condition to limit the use of the residence above the facility to physicians only, and not allow renting to long-term residents in the future. City Attorney, Baron Bettenhausen, communicated that in order to revoke a CUP in future, the City would need to make a finding that there is a nuisance. He pointed out that the lot is zoned for a long term residence to be allowed with a CUP, but the lot Staff suggested that the Commission incorporate their concerns and recommended conditions into the motion. Motion: Adopt a RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A NOTICE OF EXEMPTION AND APPROVING SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 15-06 AND ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 15-07 TO ESTABLISH A medical office/OUTPATIENT SURGERY CENTER, RESIDENCE AND TAKE-OUT COFFEE SHOP, LOCATED AT -202-16. Adding conditions 1-6 as outlined by staff tonight. feet above Ms. Molina identified the following conditions to be added: Condition 27: Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the coffee shop, access along Barton Road shall be reviewed by the City's Traffic Engineer and all recommendations adhered to. Condition 28: The proposed residence shall be used as temporary doctor's quarters only and shall not be occupied for period of time longer then thrifty (30) consecutive days, or let out for rent. Condition 29: The applicant shall submit a grading plan demonstrating that parking lot drainage is being retained on site. Condition 30: No later than six (6) months after issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the coffee shop, the Planning and Development Services Director shall have the use Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Jun 2, 2016 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) evaluated by the City's Traffic Engineer for traffic related impacts. If adverse traffic impacts are identified, the Administrative Conditional Use Permit for the coffee shop shall be reviewed, pursuant to Section 18.80.032 (Revisions or modifications) 1) CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING; AND 2 ADOPT A RESOLUTION 2016-13 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A NOTICE OF EXEMPTION AND APPROVING SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 15-06 AND ADMINISTRATIVE City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packet Pg. 10 A.2 MinutesGrand Terrace Planning CommissionJune 2, 2016 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 15-07 TO ESTABLISH AN OUTPATIENT SURGERY CENTER, RESIDENCE AND TAKE-OUT COFFEE SHOP, LOCATED AT 22805 BARTON ROAD (ASSESSO76-202-16 RESULT: APPROVED \[UNANIMOUS\] MOVER: Tom Comstock, Chairman SECONDER: Ryan Stephens, Vice-Chairman AYES: Comstock, Stephens, Allen, Ceseña, Giroux B.INFORMATION TO COMMISSIONERS None C.INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONERS Vice-Chair Stephens informed the council that he tendered his letter of resignation and this was his last meeting with the commission. He expressed gratitude to the City, staff, and other commission members. Chairman Comstock thanked Vice-Chair Stephens for his service. ADJOURN Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting of the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission to be held on June 16, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Jun 2, 2016 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) _________________________________ _________________________________ Tom Comstock Sandra Molina Chairman of the Grand Terrace Planning Planning & Development Services Director Commission City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Packet Pg. 11 B.1 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:August 25, 2016 TITLE:Tentative Parcel Map 16-02 (Tentative Parcel Map No. 19384), Site and Architectural Review 16-02, and Environmental 16-06, Located at 12569 Michigan Street PRESENTED BY:Sandra Molina, Planning & Development Services Director RECOMMENDATION:1) Conduct a public hearing, and 2) Adopt RESOLUTION NO. 2016-__, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ENVIRONMENTAL EXEMPTION AND APPROVE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 16-02 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 19384), A SUBDIVISION OF A 0.50- ACRE PARCEL INTO TWO SINGLE FAMILY LOTS LOCATED AT 12569 MICHIGAN STREET, and 3) Adopt RESOLUTION NO. 2016-__, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ADOPTING AN ENVIRONMENTAL EXEMPTION AND APPROVING SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 16-02 TO CONSTRUCT TWO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL HOMES ON THE LOTS CREATED BY TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 19384, LOCATED AT 12569 MICHIGAN STREET PROPOSAL: The Applicant, Dennis Baxter, representing Habitat for Humanity is requesting approval of Tentative Parcel 16-02 (Tentative Parcel Map No.19384) to subdivide a 0.50-acre parcel into two single family lots, measuring 9,687 square feet and 11,160 square feet, respectively. The site is located at 12569 Michigan Street and it is zoned R1-7.2 Single Family Residential. The Applicant has also submitted Site and Architectural Review 16-02 requesting approval of the site and architectural concepts to construct the two residential units on the proposed lots. Pursuant to the City's Subdivision Ordinance, the City Council has final approval authority on tentative parcel maps. However, the Planning Commission has reviewing authority and makes a recommendation to the City Council. In addition, pursuant to the City's Zoning Code, all single family residential homes are subject to Site and Architectural Review and approval by the Planning Commission. Packet Pg. 12 B.1 BACKGROUND: Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit housing organization founded on the conviction that everyone should have a decent, safe affordable place to live. Habitat for Humanity builds homes target to provide homeownership opportunities for families at or below 80% AMI (Area Median Income), revitalizing neighborhoods and developing underutilized vacant lots. On May 24, 2011, the former Community Redevelopment Agency adopted Resolution No. CRA 2011-07 approving a Purchase and Sale Agreement and Grant Deed and Affordability Covenant between the former CRA and Habitat for Humanity San Bernardino Area, Inc. (Habitat) to sell a 0.50-acre parcel to Habitat and requiring the construction of the two owner-occupied affordable homes before June 30, 2014. Affordability of the two homes is earmarked for very low and low income households. On March 25, 2014, the Successor Agency to the former Community Redevelopment Agency extended the construction completion date to June 30, 2017. The affordability covenant runs with the land for a period of forty-five years, and any change in ownership when the homes are completed will not release it. If the homes are not constructed by June 30, 2017, the land automatically reverts back to the redevelopment agency; or as is the case, the Successor Agency. On May 5, 2016, Mr. Dennis Baxter, submitted the subject applications proposing the subdivision and residential development of two single family residential units. The applications and materials were reviewed by the Development Advisory Board and deemed incomplete on May 25, 2016. The revised plans were re-submitted on July 28, 2016, deemed complete and scheduled for a public hearing. SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA: The parcel is rectangular shaped and relatively flat; it gradually slopes from the east to the west. It fronts along Michigan Street at its west boundary, which is a 66-foot wide collector street. The property is 77.50 feet wide and 269 feet in length. The site is an empty lot containing existing trees and shrubs that will be demolished and cleaned up. The zoning surrounding the proposed project is R1-7.2 Single Family Residential. ANALYSIS: General Plan/Zoning Consistency The Project site is designated Low Density Residential (LDR) on the General Plan Land Use Map. The Low Density Residential designation limits land uses to single family detached residential units at a density on 0-5 dwelling units per acre; the project density is 2.4 dwelling units per acre. The site is Zoned R1-7.2 Single Family Residential, which allows one single family residence per lot. This zone district requires a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet. The minimum required lot dimensions are 100 feet deep and 60 feet wide, each Packet Pg. 13 B.1 proposed subdivided lot meets these dimensions. The proposed parcels will measure 9,687 square feet and 11,160 square feet thereby meeting the lot dimensions. Additionally, the plotting and architectural elevations show that the proposed residences will meet applicable building setbacks, lot coverage and height requirements. Therefore, the Project is consistent with the General Plan and Zoning Code. Tentative Parcel Map/Conceptual Grading The tentative parcel map also serves as the conceptual grading plan. The tentative parcel map shows grading, easements, public improvements, and the location of existing utilities (water, sewer, street lights, etc.). Pad elevations are indicated on each lot. The grading gradually decreases from the east to the west. Water and electric services will run along the south side of the property. The tentative parcel map also shows a 20 foot wide access easement running along the north side of Parcel 1. The access easement will provide access to both properties and is also emergency access fire lane to Parcel 2. Because it serves as emergency access a condition of approval has been added which precludes the installation of any gate or fencing that would restrict access to Parcel 2 without first obtaining City and County Fire approvals. Circulation/Access The Project site is bounded by Michigan Street, a 66-foot-wide collector street. The applicant will be required to dedicate an eleven feet easement along Michigan Street and install standard improvements along the project frontage, including pavement, driveway approach, curb, gutter, sidewalk and relocate an existing power pole. Site Plan The site plan shows the two proposed single-story homes, delineates the setbacks for each lot and demonstrates that each home meets the approved structural setbacks, lot coverage and parking requirements. The applicant is proposing a perimeter wooden fence. The residence on Parcel 2 will not be visible from the street and for identification purposes, a condition has been added requiring the address of the residence to be installed along the street frontage so that it is clearly visible. Floor and Architectural Plans The project proposal includes two houses; each house will have an attached two-car garage. Parcel 1 is proposing a three-bedroom home and Parcel 2 is proposing a four- bedroom home. The Table below is a simple breakdown of the standard floor plans. Proposed Floor Plans Plan Lot Square Stories BR/Baths Garage feet Packet Pg. 14 B.1 Residence 1 Parcel 1 1,370 Single 3 bedrooms / 2 bath 2-car Residence 2 Parcel 2 1,563 Single 4 bedrooms / 2 bath 2-car There is one color and material scheme corresponding with both residences. The colors and materials are complementary to the surrounding area. Each plan will include an "oak-ridge" color shingle roof, contrasting stucco color treatment in "sierra tan" and accent "sandstone" color for the trim. Conceptual Landscape Plan The applicant will be installing drought tolerant front yard landscaping on each lot, including drought tolerant ground cover plants, shrubs and trees, such as red oak, eastern red bud and fruit trees. The conceptual landscape plan demonstrates adequate front yard landscaping. In keeping with efficient water use, no turf is being proposed; however, a final landscape and drip irrigation plan demonstrating compliance with the Agency Review The project plans were distributed to various agencies for their comments. Conditions of approval relating to Engineering and Building and Safety are included in the memorandum dated May 23, 2016; included in the draft resolution as Exhibit 1. Conditions of approval relating to Pubic Works are included in the memorandum dated August, 16, 2016; included in the draft resolution as Exhibit 2. San Bernardino County Fire has reviewed the reconfigured lot and street layout, including the 20 feet access easement to be uses as fire lane. County Fire has provided conditions of approval in a memorandum, included in the draft resolution as Exhibit 3. A condition of approval has been incorporated to provide a "Will Serve" letter from the Riverside Highland Water Company and the City of Colton Waste Water. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Project, to construct 2 single family homes on the each tentatively approved lot, is categorically exempt per the California Environmental Quality Act, Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15332, which exempts infill development when the project is compatible with the General Plan and Zoning Code, is on less than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses, is devoid of habitat for biological resources, is served by public utilities and services, and there are no impacts to traffic noise, air quality or water quality. A Notice of Exemption has been included for adoption. PUBLIC NOTICE: Public notice the special meeting for the Project was provided, including publishing in the Grand Terrace City News and mailing notices to property owners within 300 feet of the project site, 10 days prior to the meeting date. In addition, a copy of the notice was Packet Pg. 15 B.1 posted in three public places. To date, City staff has not received any comments regarding the proposed Project. CONCLUSION: Habitat for Humanity has been able to design a subdivision that supports the proposed housing development and meets subdivision standards. The proposed housing project is consistent with the Zoning Code and General Plan. The construction of the two residences and water efficient landscape will complement and enhance the surrounding area. Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the attached resolution recommending the City Council approval of Tentative Parcel map 16-02 (TPM No. 19384), and staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopts of the attached resolution approving Site and Architectural 16-02. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution_Tentative Parcel Map (DOC) Exhibits to Tentative Parcel Map Resolution (PDF) Planning Commission Resolution_SA 16-02 (DOC) Exhibits to SA Resolution (PDF) Notice of Exemption_SA 16-02 (DOC) APPROVALS: Sandra Molina Completed 08/17/2016 6:28 PM Finance Skipped 08/17/2016 6:14 PM City Attorney Completed 08/18/2016 2:29 PM City Manager Skipped 08/17/2016 6:14 PM Planning Commission Completed 08/25/2016 6:30 PM Packet Pg. 16 B.1.a RESOLUTION NO. 2016- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ENVIRONMENTAL EXEMPTION AND APPROVE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 16-02 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 19384) A SUBDIVISON OF A 0.50-ACRE PARCEL INTO 2 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS LOCATED AT 12569 MICHIGAN STREET WHEREAS, Habitat for Humanity, represented by Dennis Baxter filed an application for Tentative Parcel Map 16-02 (Tentative Parcel Map No. 19384) to subdivide 0.50 acres into two (2) single family lots, with each lot measuring 9,687 square feet and 11,160 square feet, respectively. WHEREAS, Site and Architectural Review 16-02, was also filed to construct a single family home in each lot created by Tentative Parcel Map 16-02. WHEREAS, the Project site is zoned R1-7.2 Single Family and designated Low Density Residential on the General Plan Land Use Map, located 12569 Michigan Street, 1167-271-11. WHEREAS, the Project qualifies for an environmental exemption pursuant to Section 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, which exempts infill projects when the project is compatible with the General Plan and Zoning Code, is on less than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses, it is devoid of habitat for biological resources, the site is served by public utilities and services, and there are no impacts to traffic noise, air quality or water quality. WHEREAS, on August 25, 2016, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed special public hearing at the Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California and concluded the hearing on said date. WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. NOW THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council finds that the Project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15332. The Notice of Exemption prepared in connection with the Project has been reviewed and considered and reflects the independent judgment of the Planning Commission, and is recommended for adoption. 2. The Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to Tentative Parcel Map 16-02 (Tentative Parcel Map No. 19384): a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the City General Plan and any Attachment: Resolution_Tentative Parcel Map \[Revision 2\] (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Page 1 of 7 Packet Pg. 17 B.1.a applicable specific plan for the area. The proposed single family residential project at a density of 2.4 dwelling units per acre is consistent with the Low Density Residential (LDR) General Plan designation, which is intended for detached single family residential. It conforms to several General Plan policies relating to the construction of street improvements and utilities to serve the Project, and Housing Element policies to encourage affordable housing development. The Project is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code. b. The design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the City General Plan and any applicable specific plan for the area. The density of 2.4 dwelling units per acre conforms to the density limitation of 0- 5 dwelling units per acre of the LDR designation. c. The site is physically suitable for the type and proposed density of development proposed by the tentative parcel map. The site can support the proposed development, which is proposing one-story home at each lot ds. d. The design of the subdivision and proposed improvements are not likely to cause significant environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The Project is infill development and the Project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species and qualifies for an environmental exemption, pursuant to Section 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. e. The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems. The two lot subdivision will not result in significant effect to traffic, noise, air quality or water quality. f. The design of the subdivision provides for future passive or natural heating and cooling opportunities in the subdivision to the extent feasible. g. The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision, or the design of the alternate easements which are substantially equivalent to those previously acquired by the public will not be provided. h. In approving the subdivision the approving authority has considered its effects and the effects of adopted ordinances and actions relating to the review and approval of subdivisions on the housing needs of the region and balanced those needs against the public service needs of its residents and available fiscal and environmental resources. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT based on the findings and conclusions set forth above, this Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve the Tentative Parcel Map 16-02 (Tentative Parcel Map No. 19384); subject to the following conditions Attachment: Resolution_Tentative Parcel Map \[Revision 2\] (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) of approval. Page 2 of 7 Packet Pg. 18 B.1.a General Conditions of Approval: 1. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 16-02 (Tentative Parcel Map No. 19384) is granted to subdivide 0.50 acres into two (2) single family lots on the property located at 12569 Michigan Street. This approval is granted based on the application materials submitted by Habitat for Humanity, represented by Dennis Baxter on May 5, 2016, including the revised tentative parcel map and materials re-submitted on July 28, 2016. These plans are approved as submitted and conditioned herein, and shall not be further altered except as modified by these conditions of approval, and unless reviewed and approved by the affected city departments. 2. This approval shall expire twenty-four (24) months from the date of adoption of this resolution. This approval shall become null and void if a parcel map has not been timely filed prior to the expiration date in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. An extension of time may be granted by the Planning and Development Services Director upon submittal of a time extension request and appropriate filing fees. In granting any such time extension the City may impose new conditions and standards on the tentative parcel map, pursuant to Section 66452.6(e) of the California Government Code. 3. The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its agents, officers, attorneys and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding (collectively referred to as "proceeding") brought against the City or its agents, officers, attorneys or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul the City's decision to approve the tentative parcel map development, approval or authorization and approvals conditions or approval and certifications under CEQA and/or any mitigation monitoring program, but excluding any subdivision approval governed by California Government Code § 66474.9, and which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37. This indemnification shall include, but not limited to, damages, fees and/or costs awarded against the City, if any, and cost of suit, attorneys' fees and other costs liabilities and expenses incurred in connection with such proceeding whether incurred by applicant, the City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers, employees and attorneys for all costs incurred in additional investigation and/or study of, or for supplementing, preparing, redrafting, revising, or amending any document (such as a notice of exemption, negative declaration, EIR, specific plan or General Plan amendment), if made necessary by said proceeding and if applicant desires to pursue securing such approvals, after initiation of such proceeding, which are conditioned on the approval of such documents, and shall Attachment: Resolution_Tentative Parcel Map \[Revision 2\] (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Page 3 of 7 Packet Pg. 19 B.1.a Indemnify the City for all the City's costs, fees, and damages that the City incurs in enforcing these indemnification provisions. 4. Any details which are inconsistent with requirements of state and local ordinances, conditions of approval, or City policies must be specifically modified to comply with state and local ordinances, conditions of approval, or City policies, or must be approved in the final parcel map or improvement plan approvals 5. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, and Title 17 (Subdivisions) contained in the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. 6. In the event that exhibits and written conditions are inconsistent, the written conditions shall prevail. 7. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding, the content shall be prepared by the Planning and Development Services Department. 8. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Building and Safety Department, including the conditions of approval contained in the memorandum dated May 23, 2016, attached hereto as Exhibit 1. 9. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Public Works Department, including the conditions of approval contained in the memorandum dated August 16, 2016, attached hereto as Exhibit 2. 10. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the San Bernardino County Fire Department, office of the Fire Marshal Community Safety Division, including the conditions of approval contained in their letter identified as permit No. F201600568, attached hereto as Exhibit 3. Conditions Prior to Parcel Map Approval: 11. The applicant shall prepare improvement plans, in accordance with the City Subdivision Ordinance. 12. If any public improvement required as part of the approval of the subdivision will not be completed and accepted prior to approval of the final parcel map, then prior to a determination of a complete and timely filing of the final parcel map, the subdivider, at his expense, shall be required to enter into a subdivision improvement agreement, with the City to complete said public improvements in shall be guaranteed by the security specified in the Subdivision Ordinance (GTMC Title 17) and Section 66499 et seq. of the Subdivision Map Act. 13. 14. A parcel map prepared by, or under the direction of a registered civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying, or a licensed land surveyor, must be Attachment: Resolution_Tentative Parcel Map \[Revision 2\] (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) processed through the City prior to being filed with the County Recorder. Page 4 of 7 Packet Pg. 20 B.1.a 15. The applicant shall submit a title report and subdivision guarantee showing all fee interest holders, all interest holders whose interest could ripen into a fee; all trust deeds, together with the names of the trustee and all easement holders. The account for this title report shall remain open until the final parcel map is filed with the County Recorder. No easements shall be granted and recorded until after the parcel map is recorded, unless approved by the City Engineer and subordinated to any City easements by a certification upon the title sheet of the final map, prior to the grant. 16. The applicant shall incorporate into the project design all existing easements within the project boundaries. In the case where easements are proposed to be abandoned, the applicant shall obtain abandonment of said easements from the affected easement holder(s). If this requirement cannot be accomplished, the project shall be redesigned accordingly and as approved by the City. 17. Easements for all on-site facilities, public and private, shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to recordation. Such easements may include, but are not limited to, sewer, water, electric, gas, telephone, storm drains, detention basins, and landscaping. 18. Applicant shall a twenty (20) foot access easement along the entire north side of Parcel 1 for the benefit of Parcel 2. The easement shall also be identified as a fire lane for the benefit of County Fire. 19. No parking shall be permitted within the access easement/fire lane. 20. No gate or fencing shall be installed at the east end of the twenty (20) foot access easement without prior approval of the Planning and Development Services Department and County Fire Department. 21. Applicant shall show an eleven foot dedication along Michigan Street to the west side of the property and construct public improvements. 22. Pay all required fees for the processing and approval of the parcel map. 23. Prior to parcel map approval, all on-site and off-site curbs, gutters, paving, street lights, sewer laterals, water services, utilities, grading, storm drain improvements shall be installed or sufficient surety shall be posted to the satisfaction of the City to guarantee their installation. 24. Prior to parcel map approval, plans and specifications for the water system facilities shall be submitted for approval to the Riverside Highland Water Company. The subdivider shall submit an agreement and other evidence, satisfactory to the City, indicating that the subdivider has entered into a contract with the water purveyor guaranteeing payment and installation of the water improvements. Attachment: Resolution_Tentative Parcel Map \[Revision 2\] (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Page 5 of 7 Packet Pg. 21 B.1.a 25. Prior to the parcel map approval, there shall also be filed with the City Engineer, a statement from the water purveyor indicating subdivider compliance with the Fire 26. Improvement plans for utility connections and services, including water, fire hydrant and/or fire sprinklers, sewer, storm drain, gas, electric, phone, and television, shall be submitted to and approved by the City. 27. Sewer improvement plans must be approved by the City of Colton Wastewater & Utilities Department. 28. Access rights shall be granted to the City for the purpose of allowing access over private drives within the development for all City vehicles, including police, fire, and other emergency vehicles. The document(s) recording this access shall be prepared by the applicant for review and approval by the City Engineer, prior to recordation. 29. The parcel map shall be filed with the County recorder and one (1) Mylar copy of the filed map shall be submitted to the City offices prior to the issuance of any building permits. 30. The project shall be constructed in accordance with all the approved plans and conditions of approval, including but not limited to site plans, grading plans, wall plans, and building elevations. 31. Construction and operational activities associated with the project shall comply with the regulat Terrace Municipal Code. 32. Applicant shall install wooden perimeter fencing and shall meet height requirements. 33. Prior to installation of fencing on shared property lines, the applicant shall submit an Encroachment Agreement signed by adjacent property owners authorizing construction of block walls on the shared property line. 34. The developer shall pay all applicable development impact fees in effect at the time that construction permits are issued by the City. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, th California, at a special meeting held on the 25 day of August, 2016. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Attachment: Resolution_Tentative Parcel Map \[Revision 2\] (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Page 6 of 7 Packet Pg. 22 B.1.a ABSTAIN: ATTEST: __________________________ __________________________ Pat Jacquez-Nares Tom Comstock City Clerk Chairman Attachment: Resolution_Tentative Parcel Map \[Revision 2\] (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Page 7 of 7 Packet Pg. 23 B.1.b Building and Safety Conditions of Approval Date: May 23, 2016 Applicant:Habitat for Humanity Address of Applicant: 25948 Business Center Drive, Redlands, CA Site Location: 12569 Michigan Street, Grand Terrace, Ca W.O. # 12-2.1144 Provide four (4) construction plans and required documentation for review of the proposed project. Below is a list of the plans and documents Building and Safety will need for plan review. The initial plan review will take approximately three weeks on most projects. You have received a work order number:12-2.1144 for the proposed project, this number will be needed to obtain information regarding your plan review. Plan review fees and permit fees will be charged at the time plans are approved and are ready to issue. Provide the following sets of plans and documents. Engineering submittal’s required at first plan review. (1)Grant Deed showing all easements. (4)Street improvement plans prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. (4)Tentative Parcel Map plans (4)Utility Plan Sheets (4)Sewer Plan Sheets (4) Rough and Precise Grading Plans with Hydrology Report (2) Water Quality Management Plan, (WQMP) and Erosion Control Plan (2) Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Building and Safety submittal’s required at first plan review. (4)Architectural Plans (4)Structural Plans (2)Structural Calculations (4)Plot/Site Plans (4)Electrical Plans (4)Electrical Load Calculations (4) Plumbing Plans/Isometrics, Water, Sewer and Gas (4)Mechanical Plans Attachment: Exhibits to Tentative Parcel Map Resolution (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) (4)Mechanical Duct Layout Plans Packet Pg. 24 B.1.b Building and Safety Conditions of Approval (2)Roof and Floor Truss Plans (2)Title 24 Energy Calculations (2)Soils Reports Building & Safety General Information All structures shall be designed in accordance with the 2013California Building Code, 2013 California Mechanical Code, 2013California Plumbing Code, and the 2013California Electrical Code, 2013Residential Code and the 2013California Green Buildings Standardsadopted by the State of California. All work performed in the public right of way shall comply with the San Bernardino County Public Works Standardsor standards of the Greenbook 2015 Edition as approved by the Public Works Director. The Developer/Owner is responsible for the coordination of the final occupancy. The Developer/Owner shall obtain clearances from each department and division prior to requesting a final building inspection from Building & Safety. Each agency shall sign the bottom of the Building & Safety Job Card. Building & Safety inspection requests and Public Works inspection requests can be made twenty four (24) hours in advance for next day inspection. Please contact (909) 825-3825. You may also request inspections at the Building & Safety public counter. All construction sites must be protected by a security fenceand screening. The fencing and screening shall be maintained at all times to protect pedestrians. Toilet facilities shall be provided for construction workers and such facilities shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. Construction toilet facilities of the non sewer type shall conform to ANSI ZA.3. Prior to building permits, applicant shall enter into a recycling agreement for construction waste according to Ordinance No. 243.A deposit will be required as part of this ordinance. Recycling receipts from the recycled company responsible for accepting the materials shall be kept in the construction office for viewing by the City Inspector.Burrtec Waste Industries has a Franchise Agreement with the City to recycle waste. Waste from the project will need to be disposed at a Burrtec Waste Industries facility. No waste shall be disposed of at any other waste facility. If waste is disposed of at an unapproved facility, funds from the deposit willbe used to offset the waste stream. Attachment: Exhibits to Tentative Parcel Map Resolution (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 25 B.1.b Building and Safety Conditions of Approval Construction projects which require temporary electrical power shall obtain an Electrical Permit from Building & Safety. No temporary electrical power will be granted to a project unless one of the following items isin place and approved by Building & Safety and the Planning Department. (A)Installation of a construction trailer. or, (B)Security fenced area where the electrical power will be located. Installation of construction/sales trailers must be located on private property. No trailers can be located in the public street right of way. Building Permit Conditions 1.Prior to issuanceof Building Permits, on site water service shall be installed and approved by the responsible agency. On site fire hydrants shall be approved by the Fire Department. No flammable materials will be allowed on the site until the fire hydrants are established and approved. 2.Prior to issuance of permits, site grading certification and pad certifications shall be submitted to Building & Safety. Prior to concrete placement, submit a certification for the finish floor elevation and set backs of the structures. The certification needs to reflect that the structure is in conformance with the Precise Grading Plans. Compaction reports shall accompany pad certifications. 3.Prior to issuance of building permits, provide Building & Safety with a will service letter from Riverside Highland Water Companyand the City of Colton waste water Department. 4.All construction projects shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) and the current San Bernardino County MS4 permit. Attachment: Exhibits to Tentative Parcel Map Resolution (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 26 B.1.b Public WorksConditions of Approval Date: August 16, 2016 Appl icant:Habitat for Humanity Address of Applicant: 25948 Business Center Drive, Redlands, CA Si te Location: 12569 Michigan Street, Grand Terrace, Ca W.O. # 12- 2.1144 Provide 1 set of construction plans and required documentation for review of the proposed project. Below is a list of the plans and documents Public Workswill need forplan review. The initial plan review will take approximately three weeks on most projects. (1)Grant Deed showing all easements. (1) Street improvement plans prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. (1) Tentative Parcel Map plans (1) Utility Plan Sheets (1) Sewer Plan Sheets (1) Rough and Precise Grading Plans with Hydrology Report (1) Water Quality Management Plan, (WQMP) and Erosion Control Plan (1) Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan (1) Soils Reports All work performed in the public right of way shall comply with the San Bernardino County Public Works Standardsor standards of the Greenbook 2015 Edition as approved by the Public Works Director. Public Works inspection requests can be made twenty four (24) hours in advance for next day inspection. Please contact (909) 825-3825. Toilet facilities shall be provided for construction workers and such facilities shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. Construction toilet facilities of the non sewer type shall conform to ANSI ZA.3. Attachment: Exhibits to Tentative Parcel Map Resolution (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 27 B.1.b Public WorksConditions of Approval 1.All on site utilities shall be underground to the new proposed structure. 2.Street cut permits are required before work begins in the public right of way.A street cut deposit will be collected for each street cut and held for two years. 3.The existing Edison Power Pole located in the right of way of Michigan Street shall be removed with the street improvements. Show that the Edison pole will be removed on the proposed street plans. Please note that advanced application for pole relocation with Edison is necessary so there is not a hold on occupancy of the dwellings. 4.The applicant shall dedicate and/or construct all missing or damaged public improvements.The missing or damaged public improvements shall include, but are not limited to, pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveway approach, and street light. 5.Install centrally located concrete ornamental street light in the right of way and pay one year energy cost for street light. Coordinate with Southern California Edison and the City of Grand Terracefor cost and location. Street light shall be of the LED energy saving type. 6.Provide half street width paving overlay after utility installations on the entire length of the project.Minimum 2 inch asphalt overlay with an asphalt grind. All grindings shall be recycled. 7.The Applicant shall submit proposed sewer plans to the City of Colton Wastewater Department for plan review. Applicant shall pay all plan review fees and permit fees for the sewer review to the City of Colton. Please provide a written “Will Serve” letter and approved sewer plans to the City of Grand Terrace before any permits are issued. 8.The applicant shall submit proposed water plans to the Riverside Highland Water Company for plan review. Applicant shall pay all plan review fees and permit fees for the water review to Riverside Highland Water Company.Please provide a written “Will Serve” letter and approved plans to the City of Grand Terrace before any permits are issued. 9.Provide right of way paving, curb, and gutter, cross gutter, ramps, sidewalk, street lights, signage and striping. 10.Minimum driveway grades shall be consistent with SanBernardino County Standard 131. Riverside County Standard driveway approach can also be used. Attachment: Exhibits to Tentative Parcel Map Resolution (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 28 B.1.b Public WorksConditions of Approval 11.A truck haul permit shall be required if more than 50 cubic yards of earth is to be hauled on City Street. Additional conditions, such as truck route approval, traffic controls, bonding, and or street cleaning may be required by the City engineer. 12.The geotechnical report recommendations for on and off site excavation, compaction, slope stability and paving sections shall be placed on the title sheets of therough and precise grading plans along with the seal and signature of the geotechnical engineer. 13.Monumentation: If any activity on this project will disturb any land survey monuments, the disturbed monumnetation shall be located and referenced by or under the direction of a licensed land surveyor or a registered civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying prior to commencement of any activity with the potential to disturb the monumnetation, and a corner record or record of survey of the references shall be filled with the County. 14.Prior to grading permit and public works permit issuance, the final parcel map shall be recorded with the San Bernardino County Recorder’s office. The recorded parcelmap Mylar shall be provided to the Public Works Department. 15.Show all easements on improvement plans and tract map. 16.All construction projects shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) and the current San Bernardino County MS4 permit. 17.Developer must dedicate an 11-foot strip along the entire frontage of the property for Future Width Line. 18.Developer must dedicate a 20-foot access easement for the benefit of Residence 2 in the rear. Attachment: Exhibits to Tentative Parcel Map Resolution (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 29 B.1.b Attachment: Exhibits to Tentative Parcel Map Resolution (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 30 B.1.b Attachment: Exhibits to Tentative Parcel Map Resolution (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 31 B.1.b Attachment: Exhibits to Tentative Parcel Map Resolution (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 32 B.1.c RESOLUTION NO. 2016-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ADOPTING A NOTICE OF EXEMPTION AND APPROVING SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 16-02 AND ENVIRONMENTAL 16-06 TO CONSTRUCT TWO ONE-STORY FAMILY RESIDENTIAL HOMES WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 19384 LOCATED AT 12569 MICHIGAN STREET (APN 1167-271-11) WHEREAS, Dennis Baxter representing Habitat for Humanity, has filed applications for Site and Architectural Review 16-02 and Environmental 16-06 for approval of the site, architectural, and landscape concepts for two (2) single family homes to be constructed on Tentative Tract Map No. 19384 ( WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map 16-02, was also filed to subdivide Tentative Parcel Map No.19384 into two separate lots; and WHEREAS, the Project site is zoned R1-7.2 Single Family Residential and designated Low Density Residential on the General Plan Land Use Map; located at 12569 Michigan Street and identified as Assessor Parcel Number 1167-271-11; and WHEREAS, the Project qualifies for an environmental exemption pursuant to Section 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, which exempts infill projects when the project is compatible with the General Plan and Zoning Code, is on less than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses, it is devoid of habitat for biological resources and the Project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species, the site is served by public utilities and services, and there are no impacts to traffic noise, air quality or water quality. WHEREAS, on August 25, 2016, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed special public hearing on the Project at the Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California and concluded the hearing on said date. WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace: 1. The Planning Commission hereby finds that the facts set forth in the Recitals are true and the Project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15332. The Notice of Exemption prepared in connection with the Project has been reviewed and considered and reflects the independent judgment of the Planning Commission, and is hereby adopted. Attachment: Planning Commission Resolution_SA 16-02 \[Revision 1\] (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 33 B.1.c 2. The Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to Architectural and Site Review 16-02: a. The Project is consistent with the intent of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and the General Plan. The proposed Project to construct two (2) single family residences is consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and the General plan in that it meets the development standards of the R1-7.2 zoning and the Land Use Map, Low-Density Residential category. b. The location and configuration of all structures associated with this Project are visually harmonious with this site, surrounding sites and structures, that they do not interfere with the neighbors' privacy, that they do not unnecessarily block scenic views from other structures and/or public areas and are in scale with the townscape and natural landscape of the area. The design of the two proposed one-story single family residences are complementary with existing residential development in the City and surrounding area. All front yard areas will be appropriately landscape with drought tolerant plant material. c. The architectural design of structures, their materials and colors are visually harmonious with the surrounding development, natural landforms, are functional for the Project and are consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. The proposed residences will have a stucco finish with contrasting accent colors. Colors will be earth tone, and the design is complementary to surrounding properties. d. The plan for landscaping and open spaces provide a functional and visually pleasing setting for the structures on this site and is harmonious with the natural landscape of the area and nearby developments. The front yard of each residence will be landscaped with drought tolerant ground cover plants, shrubs and trees, and will be visually pleasing to the surrounding area and streetscape. e. There is no indiscriminate clearing of property, destruction of trees or natural vegetation or the excessive and unsightly grading of hillsides, thus the natural beauty of the City, its setting, and natural landforms are preserved. Trees and vegetation will be removed in accordance with the approved Tentative Parcel Map No.19384. However, front yard areas will be landscaped and trees will be planted, including fruit trees on the back yards. f. Conditions of approval for this project necessary to secure the purposes of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and General Plan are made a part of this approval as set forth in the accompanying Resolution of Approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Site and Architectural Review 16-02 is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: Attachment: Planning Commission Resolution_SA 16-02 \[Revision 1\] (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 34 B.1.c 1. Site and Architectural Review 16-02 is approved to construct two (2) single one-story family homes within the boundaries of Tentative Parcel Map No. 19384, including drought tolerant landscaping. The housing product includes a one-story home in each parcel measuring 1,370 square feet and 1,563 square feet, respectively. This approval is based on the application and materials submitted on May 5, 2016, including the tentative parcel map, site, floor, architectural, conceptual landscape plans; and color scheme dated July 11, 2016 and re-submitted materials dated July 28, 2016. These plans are approved as submitted and conditioned herein, and shall not be further altered except as modified by these conditions of approval, and unless reviewed and approved by the affected city departments. 2. This approval shall expire twelve (12) months from the date of adoption of this resolution unless the use has been inaugurated or a time extension has been granted by the City, in accordance with Chapter 18.63 of the Zoning Code. Time extensions shall be filed at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date. 3. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Grand Terrace and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Grand Terrace, its officers, employees, or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or condition of approval of the City of Grand Terrace concerning this project, including but not limited to any approval or condition of approval of the Planning Commission, or Planning and Development Services Director. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 4. The project shall be constructed in accordance with all the approved plans and conditions of approval, including but not limited to site plans, floor plans, wall plans, building elevations, and landscape plans except as modified by these conditions of approval. 5. In the event that exhibits and written conditions are inconsistent, the written conditions shall prevail. 6. The applicant shall pay all applicable development impact fees, and demonstrate the payment of school impact fees to the Building and Safety Department. 7. Construction and operational activities associated with the project shall comply with the Code. 8. All contractors shall acquire a valid City business license and be in compliance with all City codes. 9. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, Tentative Parcel Map 19384 must be recorded and a conforming copy delivered to the Building and Safety Division. Attachment: Planning Commission Resolution_SA 16-02 \[Revision 1\] (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 35 B.1.c 10. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the City of Grand Terrace Building and Safety Division memorandum dated May 23, 2016, attached hereto as Exhibit 1. 11. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall comply with all applicable requirements of the City of Grand Terrace Public Works Division, including the August 16, 2016, attached hereto as Exhibit 2. 12. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall comply with all applicable requirements of the San Bernardino County Fire Department, including the conditions of approval contained in the memorandum permit identified as permit number F201600568 included in the draft resolution as Exhibit 3. 13. Prior to the issuance of building permits the applicant shall submit three sets of a final site plan and three sets of architectural construction plans for review and approval. 14. Applicant shall a twenty (20) foot access easement along the entire north side of Parcel 1 for the benefit of Parcel 2. The easement shall also be identified as a fire lane for the benefit of County Fire. 15. No parking shall be permitted within the access easement/fire lane. 16. No gate or fencing shall be installed at the east end of the twenty (20) foot access easement without prior approval of the Planning and Development Services Department and County Fire Department. 17. Applicant shall include an eleven foot dedication along Michigan Street to the west side of the property and construct public improvements. 18. The applicant shall incorporate into the project design all existing easements within the project boundaries and obtain abandonment of said easements from the affected easement holder(s). If this requirement cannot be accomplished, the project shall be redesigned. 19. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain all requisite permits and clearances from Riverside Highland Water Company (RHWCO). 20. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain all requisite permits and clearances from the Colton Waste Water. 21. Air conditioning, heating and cooling units shall be ground mounted. 22. The location of all building-mounted light fixtures shall be shown on the elevations. A detail of said fixtures shall be shown on the elevations, and fixtures shall be decorative Attachment: Planning Commission Resolution_SA 16-02 \[Revision 1\] (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 36 B.1.c and complementary to the building architecture. Lighting shall not glare onto adjoining properties and may need to be shielded. 23. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall three (3) copies of the final landscape and irrigation plan to the Planning and Development Services Department for review and approval. The plans shall be prepared in conformance of the adopted Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, as modified by the State of California Model Ordinance. The plans shall include the following: a. Incorporate parkway trees in accordance with Chapter 12.10 Parkway Trees; b. Revise the plan to show curb, sidewalk and landscape parkway along Michigan Street; c. Ensure that proposed plant material, at maturity, will maintain clear line visibility at all intersections; d. Plant material adheres to spacing recommendations based on plant and shrub species; and e. Note the material that will placed in planter areas, i.e. mulch, decorative rock, etc. f. Incorporate drip irrigation. 24. Applicant shall install wooden perimeter fencing and shall meet height requirements. 25. Prior to installation of fencing on shared property lines, the applicant shall submit an Encroachment Agreement signed by adjacent property owners authorizing construction of block walls on the shared property line. 26. The applicant shall install an address sign for house located on Parcel 2 that is clearly visible from Michigan Street. 27. The applicant shall submit a utility plan with the final construction plans that depict the locations of utilities necessary to serve the residences. 28. The applicant shall be responsible for regular and ongoing upkeep and maintenance of the property, including weeds and debris, and all on-site and parkway landscaping shall be maintained by the applicant in good condition at all times. 29. All on-site utilities shall be placed underground, as determined by the Public Works Director. All frontage utilities shall be placed underground, as feasible, in coordination with the utility companies. 30. The applicant shall contact the Planning Division for a final inspection a minimum one week prior to the inspection date requested. 31. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding, the applicant prepared by the Community Development Department. Attachment: Planning Commission Resolution_SA 16-02 \[Revision 1\] (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 37 B.1.c PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, th California, at a special meeting held on the 25 day of August, 2016. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: __________________________ __________________________ Jessica Lambarena Tom Comstock Secretary Chairman Attachment: Planning Commission Resolution_SA 16-02 \[Revision 1\] (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 38 B.1.d Building and Safety Conditions of Approval Date: May 23, 2016 Applicant:Habitat for Humanity Address of Applicant: 25948 Business Center Drive, Redlands, CA Site Location: 12569 Michigan Street, Grand Terrace, Ca W.O. # 12-2.1144 Provide four (4) construction plans and required documentation for review of the proposed project. Below is a list of the plans and documents Building and Safety will need for plan review. The initial plan review will take approximately three weeks on most projects. You have received a work order number:12-2.1144 for the proposed project, this number will be needed to obtain information regarding your plan review. Plan review fees and permit fees will be charged at the time plans are approved and are ready to issue. Provide the following sets of plans and documents. Engineering submittal’s required at first plan review. (1)Grant Deed showing all easements. (4)Street improvement plans prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. (4)Tentative Parcel Map plans (4)Utility Plan Sheets (4)Sewer Plan Sheets (4) Rough and Precise Grading Plans with Hydrology Report (2) Water Quality Management Plan, (WQMP) and Erosion Control Plan (2) Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Building and Safety submittal’s required at first plan review. (4)Architectural Plans (4)Structural Plans (2)Structural Calculations (4)Plot/Site Plans (4)Electrical Plans Attachment: Exhibits to SA Resolution (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) (4)Electrical Load Calculations (4) Plumbing Plans/Isometrics, Water, Sewer and Gas (4)Mechanical Plans (4)Mechanical Duct Layout Plans Packet Pg. 39 B.1.d Building and Safety Conditions of Approval (2)Roof and Floor Truss Plans (2)Title 24 Energy Calculations (2)Soils Reports Building & Safety General Information All structures shall be designed in accordance with the 2013California Building Code, 2013 California Mechanical Code, 2013California Plumbing Code, and the 2013California Electrical Code, 2013Residential Code and the 2013California Green Buildings Standardsadopted by the State of California. All work performed in the public right of way shall comply with the San Bernardino County Public Works Standardsor standards of the Greenbook 2015 Edition as approved by the Public Works Director. The Developer/Owner is responsible for the coordination of the final occupancy. The Developer/Owner shall obtain clearances from each department and division prior to requesting a final building inspection from Building & Safety. Each agency shall sign the bottom of the Building & Safety Job Card. Building & Safety inspection requests and Public Works inspection requests can be made twenty four (24) hours in advance for next day inspection. Please contact (909) 825-3825. You may also request inspections at the Building & Safety public counter. All construction sites must be protected by a security fenceand screening. The fencing and screening shall be maintained at all times to protect pedestrians. Toilet facilities shall be provided for construction workers and such facilities shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. Construction toilet facilities of the non sewer type shall conform to ANSI ZA.3. Prior to building permits, applicant shall enter into a recycling agreement for construction waste according to Ordinance No. 243.A deposit will be required as part of this ordinance. Recycling receipts from the recycled company responsible for accepting the materials shall be kept in the construction office for viewing by the City Inspector.Burrtec Waste Industries has a Franchise Agreement with the City to recycle waste. Waste from the project will need to be disposed at a Burrtec Waste Industries facility. No waste shall be disposed of at any other waste facility. If waste is disposed of at an unapproved facility, funds from the deposit willbe used to offset the Attachment: Exhibits to SA Resolution (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) waste stream. Packet Pg. 40 B.1.d Building and Safety Conditions of Approval Construction projects which require temporary electrical power shall obtain an Electrical Permit from Building & Safety. No temporary electrical power will be granted to a project unless one of the following items isin place and approved by Building & Safety and the Planning Department. (A)Installation of a construction trailer. or, (B)Security fenced area where the electrical power will be located. Installation of construction/sales trailers must be located on private property. No trailers can be located in the public street right of way. Building Permit Conditions 1.Prior to issuanceof Building Permits, on site water service shall be installed and approved by the responsible agency. On site fire hydrants shall be approved by the Fire Department. No flammable materials will be allowed on the site until the fire hydrants are established and approved. 2.Prior to issuance of permits, site grading certification and pad certifications shall be submitted to Building & Safety. Prior to concrete placement, submit a certification for the finish floor elevation and set backs of the structures. The certification needs to reflect that the structure is in conformance with the Precise Grading Plans. Compaction reports shall accompany pad certifications. 3.Prior to issuance of building permits, provide Building & Safety with a will service letter from Riverside Highland Water Companyand the City of Colton waste water Department. 4.All construction projects shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) and the current San Bernardino County MS4 permit. Attachment: Exhibits to SA Resolution (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 41 B.1.d Public WorksConditions of Approval Date: August 16, 2016 Appl icant:Habitat for Humanity Address of Applicant: 25948 Business Center Drive, Redlands, CA Si te Location: 12569 Michigan Street, Grand Terrace, Ca W.O. # 12- 2.1144 Provide 1 set of construction plans and required documentation for review of the proposed project. Below is a list of the plans and documents Public Workswill need forplan review. The initial plan review will take approximately three weeks on most projects. (1)Grant Deed showing all easements. (1) Street improvement plans prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. (1) Tentative Parcel Map plans (1) Utility Plan Sheets (1) Sewer Plan Sheets (1) Rough and Precise Grading Plans with Hydrology Report (1) Water Quality Management Plan, (WQMP) and Erosion Control Plan (1) Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan (1) Soils Reports All work performed in the public right of way shall comply with the San Bernardino County Public Works Standardsor standards of the Greenbook 2015 Edition as approved by the Public Works Director. Public Works inspection requests can be made twenty four (24) hours in advance for next day inspection. Please contact (909) 825-3825. Toilet facilities shall be provided for construction workers and such facilities shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. Construction toilet facilities of the non sewer type shall conform to ANSI ZA.3. Attachment: Exhibits to SA Resolution (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 42 B.1.d Public WorksConditions of Approval 1.All on site utilities shall be underground to the new proposed structure. 2.Street cut permits are required before work begins in the public right of way.A street cut deposit will be collected for each street cut and held for two years. 3.The existing Edison Power Pole located in the right of way of Michigan Street shall be removed with the street improvements. Show that the Edison pole will be removed on the proposed street plans. Please note that advanced application for pole relocation with Edison is necessary so there is not a hold on occupancy of the dwellings. 4.The applicant shall dedicate and/or construct all missing or damaged public improvements.The missing or damaged public improvements shall include, but are not limited to, pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveway approach, and street light. 5.Install centrally located concrete ornamental street light in the right of way and pay one year energy cost for street light. Coordinate with Southern California Edison and the City of Grand Terracefor cost and location. Street light shall be of the LED energy saving type. 6.Provide half street width paving overlay after utility installations on the entire length of the project.Minimum 2 inch asphalt overlay with an asphalt grind. All grindings shall be recycled. 7.The Applicant shall submit proposed sewer plans to the City of Colton Wastewater Department for plan review. Applicant shall pay all plan review fees and permit fees for the sewer review to the City of Colton. Please provide a written “Will Serve” letter and approved sewer plans to the City of Grand Terrace before any permits are issued. 8.The applicant shall submit proposed water plans to the Riverside Highland Water Company for plan review. Applicant shall pay all plan review fees and permit fees for the water review to Riverside Highland Water Company.Please provide a written “Will Serve” letter and approved plans to the City of Grand Terrace before any permits are issued. 9.Provide right of way paving, curb, and gutter, cross gutter, ramps, sidewalk, street lights, signage and striping. Attachment: Exhibits to SA Resolution (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) 10.Minimum driveway grades shall be consistent with SanBernardino County Standard 131. Riverside County Standard driveway approach can also be used. Packet Pg. 43 B.1.d Public WorksConditions of Approval 11.A truck haul permit shall be required if more than 50 cubic yards of earth is to be hauled on City Street. Additional conditions, such as truck route approval, traffic controls, bonding, and or street cleaning may be required by the City engineer. 12.The geotechnical report recommendations for on and off site excavation, compaction, slope stability and paving sections shall be placed on the title sheets of therough and precise grading plans along with the seal and signature of the geotechnical engineer. 13.Monumentation: If any activity on this project will disturb any land survey monuments, the disturbed monumnetation shall be located and referenced by or under the direction of a licensed land surveyor or a registered civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying prior to commencement of any activity with the potential to disturb the monumnetation, and a corner record or record of survey of the references shall be filled with the County. 14.Prior to grading permit and public works permit issuance, the final parcel map shall be recorded with the San Bernardino County Recorder’s office. The recorded parcelmap Mylar shall be provided to the Public Works Department. 15.Show all easements on improvement plans and tract map. 16.All construction projects shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) and the current San Bernardino County MS4 permit. 17.Developer must dedicate an 11-foot strip along the entire frontage of the property for Future Width Line. 18.Developer must dedicate a 20-foot access easement for the benefit of Residence 2 in the rear. Attachment: Exhibits to SA Resolution (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 44 B.1.d Attachment: Exhibits to SA Resolution (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 45 B.1.d Attachment: Exhibits to SA Resolution (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 46 B.1.d Attachment: Exhibits to SA Resolution (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 47 B.1.e CITY OF GRAND TERRACE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION TO: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors FROM: Community Development County of San Bernardino Department nd 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue, 2 Floor City of Grand Terrace San Bernardino, CA 92415-0130 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Project Title: Site and Architectural Review 16-02, Tentative Parcel Map 16-02 and Environmental 16-06 Project Location Specific: The project is located at 12569 Michigan Street, in the County of San Bernardino, APN: 1167-271-11 Description of Project: Construct 2 single family residences and front yard landscaping within the boundaries of Tentative Parcel Map 19384, a 2 lot subdivision. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Grand Terrace Planning Commission Name of Person or Agency Carrying out Project: Mr. Dennis Baxter Exempt Status: California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15332, Infill Development Projects Reasons Why Project is Exempt: Section 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. This section exempts infill projects when the project is compatible with the General Plan and Zoning Code, is on less than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses, the property has no value as habitat for any rare, endangered, or threatened species and is devoid of habitat for biological resources, the site is served by public utilities and services, and there are no impacts to traffic noise, air quality or water quality. Lead Agency or Contact Person: Area Code/Telephone (909) 824-6621 ______________________________ _________________ Sandra Molina Date Planning and Development Services Attachment: Notice of Exemption_SA 16-02 (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Director C:\\users\\jlambarena\\appdata\\local\\temp\\minutetraq\\grandterracecityca@grandterracecityca.iqm2.com\\work\\attachments\\3499.doc 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, 92313-5295 909/824-6621 Fax 909/783-2600 Packet Pg. 48 B.1.e Notice of Exemption Project: SA 13-05 Grand Terrace Care Center Page 2of 2 Attachment: Notice of Exemption_SA 16-02 (1977 : Tentative Parcel Map16-02, Site and Architectural Review 16-02) Packet Pg. 49