09-04-2014 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AGENDA&STAFFREPORTS FORTHE REGULARMEETINGOFTHEPLANNINGCOMMISSION THURSDAY,September4,2014 6:30p.m.RegularMeeting COUNCILCHAMBERS GRANDTERRACECIVICCENTER22795BARTONROADGRANDTERRACE,CA92313 TomComstock,Chairman RyanStephens,ViceChair CommissionerJeffreyAllen CommissionerTaraCeseña CommissionerEdwardGiroux SandraMolina,CommunityDevelopmentDirector DeborahA.Harrington,InterimCityClerk IvyTsai,AssistantCityAttorney TheGrandTerracePlanningCommissionmeetsontheFirstandThirdThursdayofeachmonthat6:30p.m. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 2030VISIONand 20142020STRATEGICPLAN Our Mission Topreserveandprotectourcommunityanditsexceptionalqualityoflifethroughthoughtfulplanning,withinthe constraintsoffiscallyresponsiblegovernment. Our Vision GrandTerraceisanexceptionallysafeandwellmanagedCity,knownforitsnaturalbeautyandrecreational opportunities;avibrantanddiverselocaleconomy;aplacewhereresidentsenjoyanoutstandingqualityoflife thatfostersprideandanengagedcommunity,encouragingfamiliestocomeandremainforgenerations. Our Core Values OpenandInclusiveGovernmentExceptionalCustomerService HonestyandIntegrityInnovationandCreativity MutualRespectPositiveandProductiveWorkEnvironment Goals 1.EnsureOurFiscalViability CommittoaBalancedBudget IdentifyAdditionalRevenueSources ReviewExpendituresandSeekSavings ExploreCreativeMeanstoProvideServices EnsureAppropriateCostRecoveryforServices 2.MaintainPublicSafety EnsureStaffLevelsforPoliceServicesRemainAdequateforOurCommunity CriticalImprovementstoInfrastructure Investin 3.PromoteEconomicDevelopment DevelopProactiveEconomicDevelopmentPlantoAttractNewBusinesses InvestinInfrastructureNeededtoSupportBusinessAttractionandRetention PrepareforDevelopmentbyUpdatingZoningandDevelopmentCodesincludingtheSignCode 4.DevelopandImplementSuccessfulPartnerships WorkCollaborativelywithCommunityGroups,PrivateandPublicSectorAgenciestoFacilitate theDeliveryofServicesBenefittingYouth,SeniorsandOurCommunity WorkwithLocal,RegionalandStateAgenciestoSecureFundingforProgramsandProjects 5.EngageinProactiveCommunication DevelopandImplementaCostEffectiveProactiveCommunicationProgram UtilizeTechnologyandWebBasedToolstoDisseminateInformation EngagetheCommunitybyParticipation CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Council ChambersRegular Meeting6:30 PM CALL TO ORDER Convene the Meeting of the Planning Commission and Site and Architectural Review Board. Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call Attendee NamePresentAbsentLateArrived Chairman Tom Comstock Vice-Chairman Ryan Stephens Commissioner Tara Cesena Commissioner Jeffrey Allen Commissioner Edward A. Giroux PRESENTATION PUBLIC ADDRESS Public address to the Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to makea longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Director of Community Development Department. This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda. Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the Planning Commission may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification. The Chairman may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting. A.CONSENT CALENDAR 1.Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 08/07/2014 DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK City of Grand TerracePage 1 AgendaGrand Terrace Planning CommissionSeptember 4, 2014 B.ACTION ITEMS C.PUBLIC HEARINGS D.WORKSHOP 2.Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code RECOMMENDATION: Receive an Overview of Chapter 18.80 Signs, Discuss Sign Issues and Provide Direction on Areas Necessitating Further Review and Discussion DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT E. INFORMATION TO COMMISSIONERS F. INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONERS ADJOURN Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting of the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission to be held on August 21, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. Agenda item requests must be submitted in writing to the City days preceding the meeting. City of Grand Terrace Page 2 A.1 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Council ChambersRegular Meeting6:30 PM CALL TO ORDER Chairman Comstock convened the Meeting of the Planning Commission and Site and Architectural Review Board at 6:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice-Chairman Stephens. Attendee NameTitleStatusArrived Tom ComstockChairmanPresent Ryan StephensVice-ChairmanPresent Tara CesenaCommissionerPresent Jeffrey AllenCommissionerAbsent Edward A. GirouxCommissionerPresent Deborah HarringtonCity ClerkPresent Sandra MolinaCommunity Development DirectorPresent Kenneth J. HendersonInterim City ManagerPresent Richard AdamsCity AttorneyPresent PRESENTATION Chairman Comstock presented a Certificate of Appreciation to former Planning Commissioner Ohm Kongtang and acknowledged his many contributions to the Planning Commission and community. Former Planning Commissioner Robert Bailes was unable to attend the meeting. PUBLIC ADDRESS None. A.CONSENT CALENDAR None. B.ACTION ITEMS 1.City of Grand Terrace 2030 Vision and 2014-2020 Strategic Plan City of Grand TerracePage 1 Packet Pg. 3 A.1 MinutesGrand Terrace Planning CommissionAugust 7, 2014 City Manager Henderson provided an overview on the development of the Vision and 2014-20 Strategic Plan adopted by the City Council on May 13, 2014. The Implementation Plan was adopted on July 22, 2014. The Plan discusses promoting economic development. The Sign Code was remanded to the Planning Commission by the City Council on July 22 for review and public workshop discussions to establish sign related enforcement in a uniform, fair and timely manner. The goal is to have all the City Codes align with the Vision and Strategic Plan. City Manager Henderson noted the Plan does not want to be an impediment to economic development. The Council will consider approving a cost recovery study for City services as well as a classification and compensation review of City positions. He noted City staff has been reduced from 33 to 13 full time employees since 2008. Staff would like to work with the Planning Commissioners to subscribe to the Vision adopted by the City Council. City Manager Henderson extended a warm welcome to the newly appointed Planning Commissioners. 2.Selection of Planning Commission Chair and Vice-Chair for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 MOTION BY COMMISSIONER STEPHENS, SECOND BY COMMISSIONER GIROUX, TO NOMINATE TOM COMSTOCK FOR CHAIRMAN. THE MOTION CARRIED WITH COMSTOCK ABSTAINING. MOTION BY CHAIRMAN COMSTOCK, SECOND BY COMMISSIONER CESENA, TO NOMINATE RYAN STEPHENS FOR VICE-CHAIRMAN. THE MOTION CARRIED WITH STEPHENS ABSTAINING. C.PUBLIC HEARINGS None. D.DISCUSSION ITEMS 3.Planning Commission Briefing Community Development Director Molina introduced City Attorney Richard Adams. City Attorney Adams reviewed the Basics of Land Use Review, the Role of the Planning Commission, Conflict of Interest and Brown Act. E. INFORMATION TO COMMISSIONERS Community Development Director Molina noted the City Council remanded the review of the Sign Code to the Planning Commission for review and public input. She proposed to present the item to the st Commission on August 21. Ms. Molina welcomed the new members to the Planning Commission. Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Aug 7, 2014 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) F. INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONERS Chairman Comstock requested a status of the new McDonalds and I215/Barton Road Interchange. Community Development Director Molina noted the McDonalds site is currently under design and the Interchange Project is scheduled to start in 2017. ADJOURN City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Packet Pg. 4 A.1 MinutesGrand Terrace Planning CommissionAugust 7, 2014 Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting of the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission to be held tentatively on August 21, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Aug 7, 2014 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Packet Pg. 5 This page left intentionally blank. D.2 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:September 4, 2014 TITLE:Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code PRESENTED BY:Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION:Receive an Overview of Chapter 18.80 Signs, Discuss Sign Issues and Provide Direction on Areas Necessitating Further Review and Discussion 2030 VISION STATEMENT: This item supports Goal #3, "Promote Economic Development", by updating the Sign Code and aligning it with the City's 2030 Vision and Economic Development Implementation Plan. BACKGROUND: On July 22, 2014, the City Council received a report on the City's Sign Ordinance. The purpose of that report was to discuss sign issues, specifically those issues that have proven to be problematic over time. The Council discussed temporary signs, window signs and enforcement. A copy of the City Council staff report is attached. At the conclusion of the discussion, the City Council remanded the Sign Code to the Planning Commission for further review and possible revisions. As stated in the Council Report, the primary purpose of a sign ordinance is to ensure that signs enhance, rather than detract from, a community; that approved signage safeguards and protects public and private investment in structures and open spaces; that improves the appearance of a community as a place in which to live and work and serves as an attraction to non-residents who come to visit or trade. A sign ordinance is also developed and enacted for the purpose of avoiding excessive and confusing sign displays. pleasing roadways and business districts are critical to attracting new investment and to maintaining and enhancing the local economy. To ensure the City's success in this area, some level of sign control is necessary for economic, as well as aesthetic, reasons. Therefore, the proper balance must be struck between a City's desire to promote aesthetically pleasing, vision-compliant signage and a business's desire to effectively promote itself. Packet Pg. 6 D.2 DISCUSSION: The Sign Code regulates signs for residential and non residential uses, including permanent and temporary signs. The Code contains provisions that outline the application submittal, approval and appeal process, definitions, general and specific sign standards, prohibited signs, and exempt signs. Permanent signs, generally, include wall signs that are affixed to the exterior of a building, outdoor freestanding signs, and limited window signs and, once approved, do not have a time limit placed on them. Temporary signs, which are also permitted by the Sign Code, are allowed to be displayed for a specified time frame. The most common temporary signs used are banners, flags or pennants. In fact, the Sign Code discussion was precipitated by sign enforcement of temporary signs. Temporary signs and window signs constitute the majority of sign enforcement activities. These types of signs require permits, have size limitations and, for temporary signs, specific time limits by which the temporary sign must be removed or time limits before a permit can be renewed. As such, staff suggests that the discussion of possible revisions to the Sign Code focus, perience that permanent sign regulations relating to wall and monuments signs are fairly straightforward, and do not necessitate significant revisions, if any. Revisions to the Code should be for the following reasons: 1) to ensure the provisions are consistent sign law; 2) to ensure the regulations provide opportunities for economic viability for existing and future businesses in an aesthetically pleasing manner; and, 3) to ensure an updated Sign Code is aligned with the City's 2030 Vision. For purposes of this item, staff recommends that the Planning Commission review the attached Council report to verse themselves in the sign issues that were discussed. Staff also suggests that as the Commissioners drive around the City or commercial areas in other cities, they do so with an eye towards signage, and consider what our City should look like in terms of signs. During the discussion of this item, staff will go over with the Commission the Sign Code in its entirety, and temporary window and banner signs, as discussed in the Council report. ATTACHMENTS: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs APPROVALS: Sandra Molina Completed 08/26/2014 4:49 PM Packet Pg. 7 D.2 City Attorney Completed 08/27/2014 1:04 PM Community Development Completed 08/28/2014 10:51 AM Planning Commission Pending Packet Pg. 8 D.2.a9 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:July 22, 2014 TITLE:Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code PRESENTED BY:Sandra Molina, Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION:Receive and File the Report on the City's Sign Code and Remand to the PlanningCommission Chapter 18.80 "Signs" for Discussion and Possible Revision. 2030 VISION STATEMENT: This staff report supports Goal #3, "Promote Economic Development", by updating the Sign Code and aligning it with the City's 2030 Vision and Economic Development Implementation Plan. BACKGROUND: The primary purpose of a sign ordinance is to ensure that signs enhance, rather than detract from, a community; that approved signage safeguards and protects public and private investment in structures and open spaces; that improves the appearance of a community as a place in which to live and work and serves as an attraction to non- residents who come to visit or trade. Finally, a sign ordinance is developed and enacted for the purpose of avoiding excessive and confusingsign displays (also known as sign pollution). pleasing roadways and business districts are critical to attracting new investment and to maintaining and enhancing the local economy. To ensure the City's success in this area, some level of sign control is necessary for economic, as well as aesthetic, reasons. In accomplishing this objective, the proper balance must be struck between a City's desire to promote aesthetically pleasing, Vision-compliant signage and a business' desire to effectively promote itself by retaining existing patrons and attracting new customers. Many cities encounter difficulty in finding this balance, so this staff report is the first of a number of steps required to ensure Grand Terrace can emulate the success of other communities that have developed effective solutions to a problem that negatively impacts City/business community relationships if left unattended. DISCUSSION: A sign is, typically, defined as any card, cloth, paper, metal or painted characters visible from outside a structure for advertising purposes, mounted to the ground or any tree, Packet Pg. 127Packet Pg. 9 D.2.a9 wall, bush, rock, fence or structures, whether privately or publicly owned. This definition includes any object having a visual appearance primarily used for, or having the effect of, attracting attention from the streets, sidewalks, or other outside public areas, for identification purposes, which conveys a message, announces or directs attention to the name, nature, merits, availability, price, or type of goods, services, or products produced, sold, stored, furnished, or available at that location or at any other location. -residential uses. For purposes of this discussion, the focus will be on non-residential signs. The Sign Code contains provisions for both permanent and temporary signs. Permanent signs, generally, include wall signs that are affixed to the exterior of a building, outdoor freestanding signs, and window signs and, once approved, do not have a time limit placed on them. Temporary signs, which are also permitted by the Sign Code, are allowed to be displayed for a specified time frame. The most common temporary signs used are banners, flags or pennants. Attachment 1 is a copy of Chapter 18.80 Signs. The majority of sign enforcement activities, and probably the most controversial, is in two areas as follows: Temporary signs and window signs. Merchants want their businesses and locations to be seen, and signs near the street, or on windows, get them noticed. These types of signs require permits, have size limitations and, for temporary signs, specific time limits before the temporary sign must be removed or its permit renewed. Temporary Signs (non-window) A temporary sign is a sign erected for a temporary purpose, attracting attention to an activity. The Sign Code has different, and somewhat confusing, provisions for temporary signs but, where mentioned, the requirement for sign permit and duration of the temporary sign are constant. A sign permit is required, and temporary signs may be displayed for no more than 45 days within any 90-day period, not to exceed a total of 120 days out of the calendar year. Portions of the sign code allow for banners only with a special event; other provisions are not as specific, which also makes application confusing. For example: Section 18.80.110 General Standards D. No flags or pennants of any type may be utilized to draw attention to any use or structure on a permanent basis. Colored flags with or without writing, insignia or logos may be displayed for periods not to exceed 45 days within any 90 Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) day period, not to exceed a total of 120 days out of the calendar year. This does not preclude the display of national, state, or local government flags or other flags, pennants, or banners which may be erected by the City. Packet Pg. 128Packet Pg. 10 D.2.a9 M. Portable signs. Portable signs consist of A-frame signs, menu signs or other convenience-type signs which can be carried and are movable from place to place on an everyday basis. These signs can be used on a temporary basis to complement existing signs or advertise special events. The Community Development Department may issue permits for portable signs not to exceed 45 days out of a 90 day period, to a maximum of 120 days per year. Each business may apply for a maximum of one portable sign at a time, with the exception of gas stations, which are allowed four such signs at a time. Portable signs shall not be located on the public right-of-way and shall be located not to obstruct vehicular access, ingress and egress from property. The size and colors of such signs are to be proportional and compatible with the building. Table 18.80 for C2 zone: Additional regulations for temporary signs: 1. Temporary signs are limited to temporary messages such as sales or special events. No business identification is permitted except when new businesses are awaiting construction of permanent new or replacement signs, by temporarily announcing arrival of new businesses. 2. A sign permit is required for a temporary sign which may be displayed for no more than 45 days within any 90 day period, not to exceed a total of 120 days out of the calendar year. A review of nearby cities, including Loma Linda, Colton, Riverside, and San Bernardino revealed that those cities also require permits for temporary signs. Riverside only permits them with a special event. All the cities limit the display period, require permits and, in most cases, allow only one temporary sign. Window Signs (Permanent) The Sign Code allows permanent window signage that does not exceed 25% of the window area on which the sign is located. If the sign is visible to the public, and there is a commercial message, it is a sign, and a sign permit is needed. The issue here is that most business owners are unaware that a sign permit is required or that there are size provides hours of operation less than two square feet in size are exempt. Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) With respect to permanent window signs, the cities of Loma Linda, Colton, Riverside, and San Bernardino permit them. However, some limit such signs to one per business; others one per window pane; and, others allow such signs without a permit. Packet Pg. 129Packet Pg. 11 D.2.a9 Enforcement Historically, the City has sent mixed messages regarding Sign Code enforcement to both code enforcement staff and business owners. Once begun, and to ensure equal protection, enforcement activities must continue until compliance is obtained. Unfortunately, uniform, consistent and fair enforcement of the City's Sign Code has not occurred for some years, if ever. In fact, a number of business owners have expressed the sentiment they will comply with the Sign Code when every other businesses comply. This is an unfortunate approach to take; however, it exemplifies the frustration that is created when uniform and consistent enforcement is lacking. The City has only one code enforcement officer; however, the crux of the matter is not, necessarily, staffing in this regard. The core code enforcement issues, in the past, have been unclear, uncertain and inconsistent direction, which also lacked uniformity, consistency and fairness. Time and again, it has been shown that clear and reasonable regulations, uniformly and consistently enforced, are best practices that support the business community. The Sign Code was established soon after incorporation of the City and has been revised from time to time. It has, however been a number of years since a comprehensive review and update was conducted. It is appropriate to do so at this time for three primary reasons: 1) to ensure the provisions are consistent with state and case law; 2) to ensure the regulations provide opportunities for economic viability for existing and future businesses in an aesthetically pleasing manner; and, 3) to ensure an updated Sign Code is directly aligned with the City's 2030 Vision in its entirety. It is, therefore, appropriate for the City Council to remand to the Planning Commission the Sign Ordinance, for the purpose of the Commission conducting public workshops on the topics and issues discussed herein. The intent of these Planning Commission Sign Code workshops will be to develop and present to the City Council recommended solutions to the issues contained herein and to produce a Sign Code that is fully compliant with our 2030 Vision. FISCAL IMPACT: The discussion of this item does not impact the general fund. ATTACHMENTS: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs Temporary and Window Signs_Nearby Signs Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) APPROVALS: Sandra Molina Completed 07/10/2014 4:58 PM Finance Completed 07/13/2014 8:04 PM Packet Pg. 130Packet Pg. 12 D.2.a9 City Attorney Completed 07/14/2014 9:26 AM Community Development Completed 07/14/2014 9:29 AM City Manager Completed 07/14/2014 4:33 PM City Council Pending Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 131Packet Pg. 13 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 132Packet Pg. 14 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 133Packet Pg. 15 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 134Packet Pg. 16 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 135Packet Pg. 17 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 136Packet Pg. 18 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 137Packet Pg. 19 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 138Packet Pg. 20 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 139Packet Pg. 21 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 140Packet Pg. 22 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 141Packet Pg. 23 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 142Packet Pg. 24 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 143Packet Pg. 25 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 144Packet Pg. 26 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 145Packet Pg. 27 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 146Packet Pg. 28 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 147Packet Pg. 29 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 148Packet Pg. 30 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 149Packet Pg. 31 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 150Packet Pg. 32 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 151Packet Pg. 33 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 152Packet Pg. 34 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 153Packet Pg. 35 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 154Packet Pg. 36 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 155Packet Pg. 37 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 156Packet Pg. 38 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 157Packet Pg. 39 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 158Packet Pg. 40 D.2.a9.a Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 159Packet Pg. 41 D.2.a9.b CITY OF COLTON TEMPORARY SIGN Section 18.50.110 Allowed temporary promotional On-Premise Sign standards. This section describes standards for temporary promotional on-premise signs. These signs require the issuance of a temporary sign permit as described in Section 18.50.040. The development standards for temporary signs are listed in Table 18.50-3. The following general rules/standards apply to all Temporary Promotional Signs: A. Time duration. Display periods for Temporary Promotional Signs Shall be limited to a maximum of sixty days, continuous or non-continuous, within a one- hundred-and-eighty-day period not to exceed a total of one hundred and twenty days within a three-hundred-and-sixty-day period. B. Illumination. No Temporary Promotional Signs May be illuminated by lighting exclusively designed for the Temporary Promotional Sign. C. Encroachment. Temporary Promotional Signs Shall not encroach on or above the public right-of-way or be attached to utility poles, traffic signal, utility cabinets and street sign posts, except where all of the following criteria are met: a) the business is located in a Building built at property line with no setback to the public right-of-way, b) the business obtains an encroachment permit from the Public Works Department, and c) the sign conforms to the display specifications of in Section 18.50.110.F. D. Obstruction. Temporary Promotional Signs Shall not obstruct required paths, driveways, crosswalks, walkways for pedestrians and vehicles and views of vehicular traffic, including sight distances for vehicular traffic at corners. E. Maintenance. Temporary Promotional Signs Shall be maintained in good condition and free of tattering or tearing. F. Display specifications. All Temporary Promotional Signs Shall conform to the following standards: 1. Maximum of one of the following signs: wall Banner (maximum three hundred and twelve square feet), commercial flag (maximum ten feet high), or portable/A-frame (maximum six square feet sign face; maximum Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) two faces; height between three and four feet above grade). Attachment: Temporary and Window Signs_Nearby Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) 2. Maximum of one promotional sign per business storefront. 3. Sign May be displayed only during normal hours of the business. 4. Signs Shall be removed (placed indoors) when the business ceases operation for that day. Packet Pg. 160Packet Pg. 42 D.2.a9.b 5. Sign Shall not detract from the appearance of the Building and/or site as determined by the Director. 6. No illumination (lighting) exclusively designed for the sign is permitted. 7. Sign Shall be removed or replaced if tattered, torn, damaged, or otherwise not in good condition. 8.Sign Shall be kept clean and clear or graffiti. 9. No attachment to the sign, including balloons, streamers, lights, or other attention-getting devices. 10. Portable Sign Standards: a) Signs Shall leave at least four feet for pedestrian Access. b) Signs Shall not impede the sight distance of vehicular traffic. c) Signs Shall consist of durable materials (metal, wood, plastic) and the use of paper or cardboard is not allowed except as changeable copy within and safely fastened to a framed area made of durable rigid materials. Signs Shall be professionally made or have the appearance of a professionally made sign. Signs with wheels Shall be fixed (locked) in position. d) Sign Shall contain the name and phone number of the business and owner of the sign in order (not required on the sign face, but somewhere on the sign structure). Table 18.50-3: Temporary Sign Standards Use Type Maximum Maximum Area Maximum Height Temporary Number Nonresidential 1 / 32 sf total; 20% of 5 ft. freestanding; business window space if located roofline wall in window Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: Temporary and Window Signs_Nearby Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 161Packet Pg. 43 D.2.a9.b WINDOW SIGN Table 18.50-2: Allowed Permanent On-Site Sign Standards Sign Type Maximum Maximum Maximum Illumination Other Number Area Height Allowed Standards/ Permitted Notes 1 Nonresidential Signs Wall Sign 1 / Public Frontage three square Roofline Indirect or (2)(7) (8) for storefront tenants feet per one background with an exclusive lineal foot and exterior entrance. 70% wall length 3 Freestanding 1 / Street Frontage 50 sf 6 ft Indirect or (3)(5)(9) Monument Sign background Freestanding 50 sf 20 ft Indirect or (3)(5) (9) Pylon Sign background Window Sign 1 / establishment 20% of window - No area illumination 45 Freestanding 1 / site w/minimum 325 sf 50 ft Indirect or (4)(5)(6) Sign, freeway 150 ft freeway background oriented, pylon frontage Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: Temporary and Window Signs_Nearby Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 162Packet Pg. 44 D.2.a9.b CITY OF LOMA LINDA TEMPORARY SIGN 17.18.080 Temporary permits. A. Temporary sign permits are required for supplemental signs intended for temporary display. This section shall not authorize signs identified as prohibited by Section 17.18.250 of this chapter. Temporary sign permits shall be reviewed and issued by the community development department. The following requirements shall apply: 1. All banners must be fixed to a building and hung below a roof eave or mounted on metal, PVD or plastic poles in the ground within private property. 2. All banners shall be professionally made and constructed of cloth, canvas, vinyl, plastic or similar material and have slits for proper wind resistance, where necessary. 3. No banner may exceed thirty-two square feet in area. 4. One display banner is allowed per building or street frontage. In the case of a multi-tenant building, one display per storefront shall be allowed. As a substitute for a wall- mounted banner sign, one pole-mounted banner sign per property street frontage is permitted. B. Display time for business banners for purposes other than grand openings or for commercial uses shall be permitted for a period not to exceed thirty consecutive days and not more than four times in one calendar year. There shall be a minimum period of thirty days between banner displays. As an alternative, specific non-consecutive dates can be identified in writing to allow a business banner to be displayed no more than one hundred and twenty days per calendar year. C. Grand openings that involve exterior display, and/or activities shall be subject to a special events permit and shall not be subject to the requirements stated above. Special events permits shall be approved on a case-by-case basis with possible conditions by the administrative review committee (ARC). Festoons, inflatables, balloons, flags, and beacons may be approved as part of the special events permit subject to the approval of ARC. (Ord. 617 § 2, 2003: Ord. 370 § 1, 1987) WINDOW SIGN 17.18.140 Permitted signsC-1, C-2, C-G, C-F, C-N, C-M, I-C and M-R zones. A. Signs permitted without a sign permit: 6. Window signs: not more than twenty-five percent of the total transparent area of any Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) window shall be obscured. Attachment: Temporary and Window Signs_Nearby Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 163Packet Pg. 45 D.2.a9.b CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO TEMPOARARY SIGNS 19.22.070 TEMPORARY SIGNS Special event signs and civic event signs may be approved by the Director for a limited period of time as a means of publicizing special events such as grand openings, carnivals, parades, charitable events, holiday sales, and special promotions. Such special event signs shall be limited to the following provisions: A. No temporary sign shall be erected without a temporary sign permit. B. Temporary signs shall be limited to 90 continuous days per event within a 180-day period from the start date of the event. C. Temporary signs may include: promotional sales signs, banners, balloons, inflated devices, search lights, beacons, pennants, and streamers. D. All temporary signs shall be maintained in good condition; removed or replaced if torn, faded or dirty. E. Temporary banners shall be affixed to the walls of a building only. F. Auto dealerships may apply for a yearly temporary sign permit for ongoing special promotions. MC 1057 10/8/99 WINDOW SIGNS 19.22.050 EXEMPT SIGNS Table 022.00 identifies the signs that are exempt from the provisions of this Chapter. MC 1057 10/8/99 Sign Type Maximum Maximum Sign Maximum Sign Additional Number Area Height Requirements A. Permanent One sign per 25% of the glass Allowable Window signs window pane area upon which aggregate of MC 1393 12/2/13 the sign is window sign(s) located area shall include areas of allowable wall signs Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: Temporary and Window Signs_Nearby Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 164Packet Pg. 46 D.2.a9.b CITY OF RIVERSIDE TEMPORARY SIGNS 19.620.230 Temporary Signs. A. All paper signs, banners, balloons, streamers, placards, pennants or portable signs that direct, promote, attract, service or that are otherwise designed to attract attention are prohibited, except that the following temporary signs may be displayed in all nonresidential zones subject to the stated rules. Any calculations of sign measurements may be subject to review of the Planning Division, and the Planning Division may add conditions to address matters of public safety and welfare. 1. Grand Opening Banners. One banner not exceeding 60 square feet shall be allowed for a period not exceeding 30 consecutive days for newly opened or reopened establishments at the site where the banner is to be displayed. The banner shall be stretched and secured flat against the building surface and shall not extend higher than the building eave or the building parapet wall. 2. Temporary Commercial Event Signs. No more than three (3) temporary signs not exceeding a combined twenty-five (25%) percent of the total window area, or a combined area of forty (40) square feet, whichever area is less, may be displayed in the window area of each building frontage throughout the duration of an event. Such signs may be painted directly onto the window in water soluble paints or constructed of paper, wood, fabric, plastic, vinyl or similar materials and securely adhered to, or oriented toward the street or public right-of-way. All paper signs must be mechanically printed. Such signs must remain in good condition and shall be removed within 7 days of the conclusion of the event. There is no limit on the number of colors that can be used in these signs, however, fluorescent colors, as defined in Article X (Definitions), are prohibited. WINDOW SIGNS 19.620.070 Office, Commercial and Industrial Building Signs. B. Window Signs. For each use or occupancy, 1 window sign for each public entrance, not exceeding 9 square feet per sign, shall be permitted. Attachment: City Council Agenda Report_7.22.2014 (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Attachment: Temporary and Window Signs_Nearby Signs (1514 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 165Packet Pg. 47 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 48 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 49 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 50 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 51 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 52 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 53 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 54 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 55 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 56 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 57 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 58 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 59 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 60 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 61 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 62 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 63 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 64 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 65 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 66 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 67 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 68 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 69 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 70 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 71 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 72 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 73 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 74 D.2.b Attachment: Municode_Chapter 18.80 Signs (1535 : Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code) Packet Pg. 75