Council ChambersRegular Meeting6:30 PM
Convene the Meeting of the Planning Commission and Site and Architectural Review
Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendee NamePresentAbsentLateArrived
Chairman Tom Comstock
Vice-Chairman Ryan Stephens
Commissioner Tara Cesena
Commissioner Jeffrey Allen
Commissioner Edward A. Giroux
Public address to the Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by
the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written
request to be agendized to the Director of Community Development Department.
This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not
appearing on the regular agenda. Because of restrictions contained in California Law,
the Planning Commission may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but
may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification. The
Chairman may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public
comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting.
1.Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 11/06/2014
City of Grand TerracePage 1
AgendaGrand Terrace Planning CommissionDecember 18, 2014
1. Workshop on Grand Terrace Zoning Code Chapter 18.80 Signs
(1) Conduct a public workshop on Draft Chapter 18.80 Signs;
(2) Solicit public comments; and
(3) Provide input and direction on Draft Chapter 18.80 Signs.
Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting of the Site and Architectural Review
Board/Planning Commission to be held on January 8, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.
than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting.
City of Grand Terrace Page 2
Council ChambersRegular Meeting6:30 PM
Chairman Comstock called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice-Chairman Stephens.
Community Development Director Molina introduced Pat Jacquez-Nares as the new
City Clerk.
Attendee NameTitleStatusArrived
Tom ComstockChairmanPresent
Ryan StephensVice-ChairmanPresent
Tara CeseñaCommissionerAbsent
Jeffrey AllenCommissionerPresent
Edward A. GirouxCommissionerPresent
Sandra MolinaCommunity Development DirectorPresent
Pat Jacquez-NaresSecretaryPresent
Patricia Farley, resident of Grand Terrace, for the record, provided two documents to
the Planning Commission stating her opposition to the McDonald's Item removed from
Jeffrey McConnell, resident of Grand Terrace, announced that in a couple of week the
Lions Club would have their annual pot of gold in the amount of $20,000 and that he
had tickets if anyone was interested.
City of Grand TerracePage 1
Packet Pg. 3
MinutesGrand Terrace Planning CommissionNovember 6, 2014
1. Approval of Minutes Special Meeting 09/25/2014
MOVER: Jeffrey Allen, Commissioner
SECONDER: Edward A. Giroux, Commissioner
AYES: Tom Comstock, Jeffrey Allen, Edward A. Giroux
ABSTAIN: Ryan Stephens
ABSENT: Tara Ceseña
2. CUP 14-06: a Proposal by McDonald's USA LLC to Extend Hours of Operation to 24
Hours, Seven Days a Week Located at 22257 Barton Road, Within the Grand Terrace
Town Square Master Development Plan
1) Conduct a public hearing, and
2) Adopt a Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 14-06, subject to the conditions
of approval contained in the Resolution.
Community Development Director provided an update on the City's Sign Code. The City
Attorney was reviewing it and should come before the Planning Commission in
Chair Comstock requested the start date of the Barton Road Project.
Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Nov 6, 2014 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR)
Community Director Molina stated that it would begin in 2016.
Vice-Chair Stephens reported that the posted speed limits signs do not match the
painted speed limits on Palm Avenue and DeBerry Avenue.
Community Director Molina stated that staff would look into the discrepancies.
City of Grand Terrace Page 2
Packet Pg. 4
MinutesGrand Terrace Planning CommissionNovember 6, 2014
Chair Comstock adjourned the meeting at 6:44 p.m.
The next scheduled meeting of the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning
Commission to be held on November 20, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.
_________________________________ _________________________________
Chairman of the Grand Terrace Planning Sandra Molina, Community Development
Commission Director
Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Nov 6, 2014 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR)
City of Grand Terrace Page 3
Packet Pg. 5
This page left intentionally blank.
MEETING DATE:December 18, 2014
TITLE:Workshop on Grand Terrace Zoning Code Chapter 18.80
PRESENTED BY:Sandra Molina, Community Development Director
RECOMMENDATION:(1) Conduct a public workshop on Draft Chapter 18.80
(2) Solicit public comments; and
(3) Provide input and direction on Draft Chapter 18.80
This item supports Goal #3, "Promote Economic Development", by updating the Sign
Code and aligning it with the City's 2030 Vision and Economic Development
Implementation Plan.
On September 4, 2014, and September 25, 2014, the Planning Commission conducted
public workshops on the Grand Terrace sign code, to discuss sign issues, with focus on
those issues that have proven to be problematic over time. Several members of the
public were in attendance and provided public comment during the meetings.
At the September 25meeting, the Commission reviewed draft code language relating
to window and temporary signs, and provided staff direction. At the conclusion of that
meeting, staff indicated that a new sign code chapter would be drafted on which to have
a subsequent workshop on. Attached to this report are draft Chapter 18.80 Signs,and
the September 25agenda report which includes existing Chapter 18.80 Signs for
The draft Sign Code is a complete re-write of the existing sign code, for a number of
reasons. The new sign code is more comprehensive, and Vision 2030 compliant. It
contains very specific provisions that will make it easier to implement and easier to
understand. Also, it is also compliant with laws governing signs. While repetitive
language was removed, in order to have a comprehensive and current code, it is long
by necessity.
Early on in thi
Packet Pg. 6
component of its economic viability. Aesthetically pleasing roadways and business
districts are critical to attracting new investment and to maintaining and enhancing the
local economy. Therefore, to ensure the City's success in this area, some level of sign
control is necessary for economic, as well as aesthetic, reasons. A basic premise was
established that the proper balance must be struck between a City's desire to promote
aesthetically pleasing, vision-compliant signage and a business's desire to effectively
promote itself.
During the workshop, staff will review each section of the draft sign code. This report
will briefly cover sections of note.
Permits required, review procedures and requirements
Sections 18.80.040 through 18.80.080 identify the type of sign permits that are required
(temporary, sign permit, sign program), the review procedures, application
requirements, and the appeal process. These four sections are very detailed and
specific and provide applicants and staff a clear understanding of the permit process.
Exempt and prohibited signs
Section 18.80.090 identifies exempt signs. This section has changed significantly from
the existing code because of provisions in sign law. Subsection B identifies signs that
exempt with limitations, such as construction signs, and for sale or lease signs. Non-
commercial flags are limited to one flag. Section 18.80.3100 identifies prohibited signs
and includes can signs, painted signs, roof signs, signs in the public right of way, to
name a few.
General provisions and design standards
Section 18.80.110 (General Provisions) and Section 18.80.120 (Design Standards)
provide very clear and concise standards for signs, which the current code is lacking.
General provisions include, but are not limited to, sign area and height measurement,
sign area calculations, construction requirements, siting, setbacks, and clear sign
triangles to insure motorist visibility. Design standards include regulations for quality of
workmanship and materials, sign illumination, landscaping, and standards for specific
sign types, such as freestanding, directory, and wall signs.
Standards for permanent on-site signs
Section 18.80.130 (Development standards for permanent on site signs) identifies the
permitted signage for each zone district and service stations. It includes the type,
number and size of permitted signs, and any other special development standards.
These provisions were taken from the existing codes, with minor changes. Staff added
provisions for drive through lanes. One significant change is that the current code
Packet Pg. 7
contained allowances for monument and walls signs for multi-tenant facilities to allow
allowed additional wall and
facilities the sign program will design a monument sign that allows the center name to
be advertised within the monument sign, and additional sign area is provided for it.
Therefore, staff condensed the sign provisions for these types of uses.
Temporary signs and window signs
Temporary signs. The provisions for temporary signs and windows signs are in addition
to permitted permanent signage. Businesses are allowed installation of wall signs
based on building frontage, and signage on freestanding signs. The existing code also
allows window signs (up to 25% of window coverage) and one temporary banners/flag
for up to 120 days in a calendar year, when associated with a special event. The
updated sign code continues to allow these advertising opportunities, and in many ways
has simplified the process.
Section 18.80.140 provides for temporary signs, either a banner, feather banner or flag
sign or portable A-frame sign. The provisions have changed slightly since the
September 25th workshop. The number of permitted temporary signs remains at one in
order to reduce sign clutter. However, the timeframe for a temporary sign has changed
from 90 days to 120 days, with the opportunity for a one-time 30 day extension, as
directed by the Commission. Staff added language that at the end of the calendar year,
remaining time is forfeited. For standardization and ease of application and
enforcement, changes to the permissible sign area based on lot size are not
Window signs. A permit is not required for window signs, however, staff added
language that a permit will be required for any business with noncompliant window
signage. The provisions to allow increased coverage during the holidays was deleted
based upon City Attorney recommendation. Lastly, language was added prohibiting
s that the City consider prohibiting window signage.
However, as directed by the Commission, signage not to exceed 25% is proposed.
Parking of advertising vehicles
This is a new section (18.80.180) prohibits the use of mobile billboards. That is a vehicle
or other device that is used to transport a billboard or sign for the purpose of
advertising. This section is in conformance with the California Vehicle Code. The
section outlines the process for citation and removal.
Non-conforming and abandoned signs
Packet Pg. 8
A non-conforming sign is a sign that was legally permitted and which becomes non-
compliant as a result of a change in the code. The existing chapter required immediate
compliance of signs not compliant with the sign code. The draft chapter would require
compliance or removal when the nonconforming sign is substantially altered. An
abandoned sign is a sign that remains in place at least 90 days after a use has ceased
operation. The draft chapter would allow the sign to be abated.
Compliance and penalty
Section 18.80.200 allows the City to require applicants to bring non-conforming signs
into compliance with the sign code as a condition of approval of any redevelopment, re-
use, use permit of a property, and other permits and approvals. Additionally, Section
18.80.210 provides that the sign code may be enforced pursuant to Chapter 1.16 of the
Grand Terrace Municipal Code.
This section has been comprehensively updated. Definitions have been re-written,
added and modified, reflective of the new cha
DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (DOCX)
Planning Commission Workshop 9.25.14 (PDF)
Sandra Molina Completed 12/11/2014 12:49 PM
City Attorney Completed 12/11/2014 5:01 PM
Community Development Completed 12/11/2014 5:05 PM
Planning Commission Pending 12/18/2014 6:30 PM
Packet Pg. 9
18.80.010 Purpose
18.80.020 Policies for Sign Regulations
18.80.030 Signs on Public Property
18.80.040 Permit Required
18.80.050 Application Review Procedures
18.80.060 Application Requirements
18.80.070 Appeal of decision to Planning Commission
18.80.080 Judicial Review
18.80.090 Exempt Signs
18.80.100 Prohibited Signs
18.80.110 General Provisions
18.80.120 Design Standards
18.80.130 Development Standards for Permanent On-Site Signs
18.80.140 Temporary On-Site Signs
18.80.150 Window Signs
18.80.160 Temporary On-Site Subdivision Signs
18.80.170 Temporary Off-Site Subdivision Signs
18.80.180 Parking of Advertising Vehicles
18.80.190 Non-Conforming Signs and Abandoned Signs
18.80.200 Compliance with Sign Code as Condition of Permit Approval
18.80.210 Penalty
18.80.220 Definitions
18.80.010 Purpose.
A. These regulations are intended to protect the public health, safety, and welfare and
provide for the integrity of the
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
recognizes and strongly supports the needs of merchants and property owners to
identify their businesses through signage and other means of advertisement. The
city further recognizes that size, placement, number, and design of signs
environment and its economic health, and that signs should not become visual
distractions along public roadways. In addition, these regulations are intended to:
1. Promote an economically stable and visually attractive community consistent
with Vision 2030 goals and strategies.
Draft December 11, 2014
Packet Pg. 10
2. Promote signs and graphics that are attractive, pleasing, and harmonized with
the physical character of the environment and surrounding properties, while
serving the identification needs of the business community.
3. Eliminate visual clutter while providing reasonable opportunities for adequate
identification of businesses and the goods and services they offer
4. Prevent an inadvertent favoring of commercial speech over noncommercial
5. Direct the proper design and location of signs to reduce or eliminate potential
hazards and promote the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians
throughout the city.
6. Direct persons to various activities and enterprises, in order to provide for
maximum public convenience.
18.80.020 Policies for sign regulations.
The following policies regarding signage in the city are established:
A. Regulatory Interpretations. The requirements of this chapter shall not be interpreted
to nullify any easements, covenants, or other private agreements that provide for
more restrictive sign regulations than are required by this chapter.
B. Message Neutrality. It is the csigns in a viewpoint-
neutral and/or content-neutral manner. The message of the sign shall not be
reviewed except to the minimum extent necessary to identify the type of sign.
C. Message Substitution. A noncommercial message of any type may be substituted in
whole or in part for the message displayed on any sign for which the sign structure
or mounting device is authorized pursuant to this chapter. The purpose of this
requirement is to prevent any inadvertent favoring of commercial speech over
noncommercial speech, or favoring of any particular noncommercial message over
any other noncommercial message.
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
D. General Prohibition. Any permanent or temporary sign not expressly permitted by
this chapter is prohibited.
E. Off-site signs are prohibited, except those expressly permitted in section
18.80.030.C (Real estate signs in public right of way) and section 18.80.170
(Temporary off-site subdivision signs).
Draft December 11, 2014
Packet Pg. 11
Section 18.80.030 Signs on public property.
A. General Prohibition. Except as provided for in this section, no signs may be
displayed on city property by private parties. Any sign posted on city property in
violation of this section may be summarily removed by the city.
B. The following signs are exempt from the provisions of this sign code:
1. Traffic control and traffic directional signs erected by the city or another
governmental unit.
2. Official notices required or authorized by law.
3. Signs placed by any governmental agency, utility or special district, in
furtherance of official functions.
C. Real Estate Signs in the Public Right-of-Way. The City hereby allows for private
party real estate signs that identify the location of real property in the city for sale or
lease temporarily within the public right-of-way. Such signs shall not require the
issuance of a sign permit, temporary sign permit, or other planning permit or
entitlement. Such signs shall be consistent with the following standards.
1. Up to four (4) signs to direct traffic to the subject property are allowed. Each
sign shall be a maximum of four (4) square feet in area and three and one-
2. All signs shall be located outside of the required clear visibility triangle.
3. other
signs that identify the location of real property for sale or lease.
4. Signs shall only be placed in landscaped parkways, and shall not be placed
on the sidewalk or in the center street median Thursday through Sunday for a
maximum of eight consecutive (8) hours on each day.
5. No signs shall be placed on utility poles, light or traffic light poles, traffic signs
or traffic sign poles, or street trees.
6. Signs shall not be designed or constructed to cause undue distraction to
motorists. For example, temporary signs in the public right-of-way shall not
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
be illuminated, either internally or externally, shall not have flashing lights,
shall not have any moving parts, and shall not generate any source sounds
(including radio waves), and shall not release steam or smoke.
D. Human Advertisements. All human advertisement is prohibited in the City of
Grand Terrace, where such advertisement is intended to, or does in fact, attract
the attention of passing motorists to a business or service.
Draft December 11, 2014
Packet Pg. 12
Section 18.80.040 Permit required.
The following permits shall be required for signs:
A. Sign Permit.
1. Applicability. A sign permit shall be required for all permanent signs (building
attached or freestanding) prior to erection, relocation, alteration, or
replacement of a sign, unless otherwise exempted by this chapter. A Sign
Permit shall not be required for general maintenance of existing signs or the
replacement of the sign face (including message) when the area of the sign is
not being changed and a building permit is not required (e.g., the replacement
of a sign face on a can sign).
2. Approval authority. The designated approving authority for sign permits shall
be the director.
3. Approval findings. A sign permit shall be granted when the community
development director finds the proposal to be in conformance with all
applicable provisions of this chapter.
4. Additional permits. In addition to a sign Permit, a building permit may also be
B. Temporary Sign Permit.
1. Applicability. A temporary sign permit shall be required for all temporary
signs (building-attached or freestanding) prior to erection or placement,
unless otherwise exempted by this chapter.
2. Approval authority. The designated approving authority for temporary sign
permits shall be the director.
3. Approval findings. A temporary sign permit shall be granted when the director
finds the proposal to be in conformance with all applicable provisions of this
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
C. Sign Program.
1. Purpose and intent. A sign program
of, and decisions related to, requests for signs for multi-tenant projects. The
intent of a sign program
the design of the structures so as to achieve architectural consistency.
Draft December 11, 2014
Packet Pg. 13
2. Applicability. A sign program shall be required for all new multi-tenant
shopping centers, office parks, and other multi-tenant, mixed-use, or
otherwise integrated developments of three (3) or more separate
tenants/uses that share buildings, public spaces, landscape, and/or parking
3. Approval authority. The designated approving authority for sign programs
shall be the planning commission acting as the site and architectural review
4. Approval findings. A sign program, or revisions thereto, may be approved
only when the site and architectural review committee makes all of the
following findings:
a. That the proposed sign program is consistent with the development
standards for signs as provided in this chapter; and
b. The design, location, and scale of proposed signs for the integrated
development are in keeping with the architectural character of the
5. Conditions of approval. The designated approving authority may impose
conditions in order to ensure compliance with this title and to prevent adverse
or detrimental impacts to the surrounding neighborhood.
Section 18.80.050 Application review procedures.
A. Method of Application. An application for a sign permit, temporary sign permit,
uniform sign program shall be made on the form(s) prescribed by the community
development department. The application shall be accompanied by any fees as
specified by city council resolution.
B. Levels of Review. All sign permit applications are shall be reviewed by the
director. Appeals ermit application shall be
appealed to the planning commission.
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
C. Timely Decision. The director shall issue a decision in writing within thirty (30)
days of receipt of a completed application. The timely decision requirement may
be waived by the applicant. If a decision is not rendered within the required time,
then the application shall be deemed granted.
D. Processing of Applications.
Draft December 11, 2014
Packet Pg. 14
1. Completeness. If the director determines that the application is incomplete,
the director shall notify the applicant in writing within five days for sign
permits, and within 15 days for uniform sign programs, of receipt of the
application, and the reasons therefore, including any additional information
necessary to render the application complete.
2. Denial of permit. A permit application will be denied if any of the following
a. The applicant has installed a sign in violation of the provisions of this
chapter anywhere within the city and, at the time of submission of the
application, the illegal sign has not been legalized, removed, or included
in the application so as to be brought into compliance;
b. The applicant has not obtained any applicable required use permit for
the property where the proposed sign would be located.
E. Multiple Sign Applications. When an application proposes two or more signs, the
application may be granted either in whole or in part, with separate decisions as to
each proposed sign. When an application is denied in whole or in part, the
F. Right to Permit. When any sign application complies fully with all applicable
provisions of this chapter, and with all other applicable laws, rules, and regulations,
the permit shall be approved and issued within the required time.
G. Permit Denial. When a permit application is denied, the denial shall be in writing
shall state the
grounds for denial.
H. Appeal. The appeal right arises whenever a written decision is delivered to the
applicant. either when it is personally delivered
or 5 days after it is placed in the US mail, whichever occurs first.
I. Time for Appeal. Any affected party may appeal in writing any sign permit
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
decision, so long as the notice of appeal is delivered to the city within 10 calendar
J. Status Quo. Pending an appeal, the status quo of the subject sign(s) shall be
maintained. This does not apply whenever a sign, by virtue of its physical
condition, constitutes a significant and immediate threat to public safety.
Draft December 11, 2014
Packet Pg. 15
K. Judicial Review. Following final decision by the planning commission, any affected
party may seek judicial review of the final decision on a sign application pursuant
to California Code of Civil Procedure §1094.8.
L. Permits Issued in Error. Any approval or permit issued in error is invalid.
M. Additional permits. A sign permit shall not be valid unless all applicable building
and electrical permits are lawfully issued and finaled by inspection by the
appropriate department.
Section 18.80.060 Application requirements.
A. Sign Permit. The application for a sign permit shall be made on the form provided
by the community development director and shall be accompanied by a processing
fee established by resolution of the city council. The application shall contain all of
the following information and materials, except that some requirements may be
waived by the director when not applicable to the type of sign being proposed.
1. Site Plan. Three sets of a scaled and dimensioned site plan showing:
a. North arrow, scale, date drawn, applicant, contact person and phone
b. Property lines and fronting streets, with street names labeled;
c. Location and dimensions of the building(s) upon which wall sign(s) are
d. Relationship of the proposed sign to existing or proposed adjacent
buildings, structure, signs, property lines, streets, and driveways on or
adjacent to the parcel where the sign is to be located (may not be
needed for wall-mounted signs).
e. Where directional signs are proposed, the location of off-street parking
facilities, including major points of entry and exit for motor vehicles.
2. Building Elevations. Three sets of scaled and dimensioned building
elevations of each side of a building where signs are proposed depicting each
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
proposed sign.
3. Landscape Plan. Three sets of scaled and dimensioned landscape plan
showing all landscaped areas required for freestanding signs, and shall
indicate the location of all proposed plant material, common and botanical
names, quantities and sizes.
4. Sign specifications. Three sets of scaled and dimensioned sign specifications
showing proposed design, size, exact colors, materials and location of the
sign or sign structure.
Draft December 11, 2014
Packet Pg. 16
5. Construction plans. Three sets of scaled and dimensioned plans depicting
construction details, method of attachment and electrical specifications for
each sign; and
6. Any proposed lighting, including internal and external illumination. Information
on lighting intensity may be required, as determined necessary by the
community development director.
B. Temporary Sign Permit. The application for a sign permit shall be made on the
form provided by the director and shall be accompanied by a processing fee
established by resolution of the city council. The application shall contain all of the
following information and materials, except that some requirements may be waived
by the director when not applicable to the type of sign being proposed.
1. No temporary on-premises signs may be erected without a permit.
2. Temporary sign permits may be obtained at the Planning Division and are
issued pursuant to an expedited permit process. Permits for temporary signs
that are in conformance with the applicable provisions of this chapter will be
issued within 2 business days of application.
3. Temporary sign permit applications must contain all the following information:
a. Proposed sign dimensions, fabrication, colors, and fonts.
b. Number of temporary signs per business.
c. A plot plan showing the proposed placement of temporary signs.
d. Proposed time duration of sign placement.
C. Sign Program requirements.
1. Application. The application for a sign program shall be made on the form
provided by the community development director and shall be accompanied
by a processing fee established by resolution of the city council.
2. Contents. A Sign Program shall include the following information:
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
a. A coordinated design theme, incorporating uniform design elements for
various types of signs to be used in the project area, including wall signs,
freestanding signs, canopy and awning signs, directional signs, and
others as appropriate;
b. Desired use, design, location and size of temporary signs, including
window signs, special event signs, flags, banners, portable signs, and
others as appropriate;
Draft December 11, 2014
Packet Pg. 17
c. The desired size, area and location of signs to be located throughout the
project site;
d. Methods by which signs will be attached to buildings and structures;
e. Methods and levels of illumination;
f. Choice of colors and lettering styles;
g. Those items identified in subsection 18.80.060.A(1), (2), and (3) of this
Section 18.80.070 Appeal of decision to planning commission.
1. A decision by the director to conditionally grant, deny, or revoke a sign permit
may be appealed to the planning commission. The applicant must submit a
written request for an appellate hearing by the planning commission to the
city clerk within 10 days of the date the decision is delivered to the
applicant. The written request must be accompanied by a processing fee, as
determined by city council resolution. Failure to timely appeal a decision to
the planning commission, or submission of a written request without the
processing fee, is deemed a waiver of the right to appeal the decision.
2. Within 10 days of receipt of the written request and processing fee, the city
clerk must notify the applicant of a hearing date. The hearing date must be
within 30 days of the date of mailing of the notice for the hearing.
B. Content and Conduct of Hearing.
1. Rights of the Parties. The parties (the appellant and the City) have the right
to: (i) be present at the hearing; (ii) represent themselves or be represented
by counsel; (iii) testify in their own behalf; (iv) call and examine witnesses,
regardless of which party first called the witness to testify; and (v) rebut any
adverse evidence.
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
2. Admissibility of Evidence. The planning commission will hear all evidence
that is relevant and material to the issues raised by the appeal. Any relevant
evidence is admissible if it is the type of evidence on which responsible
persons are accustomed to rely on in the conduct of serious affairs,
regardless of any common law or statutory rule of evidence that might make
admission improper over objection in civil actions in courts of competent
Draft December 11, 2014
Packet Pg. 18
jurisdiction in the State of California. All witnesses must be sworn in by the
Recording Secretary prior to giving testimony.
Relevant hearsay evidence is admissible, but may not be solely relied upon
by the planning commission to reach a determination.
3. Degree and Burden of Proof. The city has the burden to prove its case by a
preponderance of the evidence, that is, evidence which has more convincing
force and the greater probability of truth than the evidence which is offered in
opposition to it; evidence which as a whole shows that the fact sought to be
proved is more probable than not.
4. Decision by the planning commission. After all the speakers have been heard
and all the evidence has been reviewed, the hearing shall be declared closed.
After close of the hearing, members of the planning commission may publicly
discuss the matter before them and may ask questions of persons who have
spoken before them. Upon the conclusion of the discussion, a commissioner
will ask for a motion declaring the decision of the planning commission. The
motion must be made and seconded, and voted upon by the planning
commission. An appeal is approved if a motion with appropriate findings is
carried by a majority vote of the members voting. The failure to carry a
motion to approve constitutes denial of the appeal. The planning
written decision and findings must be made within seven (7)
days of the hearing. The decision must forthwith be
delivered to the appellant.
Section 18.80.080 Judicial review of planning commissiondecision.
The decision is final. The decision is deemed final on the day
that it is deposited into the U.S. mail, addressed to the appellant at the address
provided on the sign permit application, or delivered in person to the appellant. The
notice of decision must provide that the appellant has the right to challenge the planning
decision in a court of law, in accordance with the provisions of Sections
1094.8 of the California Code of Civil Procedure.
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
Section 18.80.090 Exempt signs.
The following sign types are expressly exempted from the permit requirements of this
chapter but still must satisfy any and all other applicable permit requirements when
necessary (e.g., building, electrical, plumbing, grading, encroachment).
A. Exempt Signs Without Limitations. The following signs are exempt from sign
permit and City review requirements:
Draft December 11, 2014
Packet Pg. 19
this Title.
2. Official traffic signs or other municipal governmental signs, legal notices,
advertisements prescribed by law and placed by governmental entities, and
signs indicating the location of buried utility lines or any notice posted by a
governmental officer in the scope of his or her duties.
3. Direction, warning, or information signs or structures required or authorized
by law, or by federal, state, county, or City authority, including, but not limited
to, traffic control signs (e.g., stop, yield), highway route number signs, and
construction zone signs.
4. Noncommercial utility company signs identifying cables, conduits, and
dangerous situations.
5. Street address signs on buildings and building identification signs consistent
with the City-adopted building code or relevant provisions of the City
Municipal Code. Notwithstanding anything in this Section, street address
signs may be illuminated and may contain reflective paint or material.
6. Signs and advertising for the California state lottery as authorized by
California Government Code §8880 et seq.
7. Any sign located entirely within a building and not within three feet of a
window, and which is not visible from the exterior of the building, is exempt
from the requirements of this chapter.
B. Exempt Signs with Limitations. The following signs are exempt from Sign Permit
and City review, provided that they meet the size, height, duration, and/or
maximum number limitations listed:
1. Signs on property undergoing construction or remodeling not exceeding thirty-
One such sign is permitted
per site. Such signs shall not be illuminated and shall be removed within thirty
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
(30) days of the earliest of the following events: final building inspection
approval, issuance of a valid certificate of occupancy, opening for business to
the public, or expiration of the building permit.
2. Signs on property for sale, lease, or rental as follows:
a. On residential property, one (1) sign not exceeding four (4) square feet
and not exceeding a height of five feet (5').
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b. On multi-family property with more than twelve (12) dwelling units, one
(1) sign per street frontage, not exceeding twenty-four (24) square feet in
area attached to the building or freestanding. All signs shall be located
outside the public right-of-way and shall not be illuminated.
c. On nonresidential and mixed-use property, one (1) sign per street
frontage, not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area or eight feet
(8') in height. The sign shall not be illuminated. One noncommercial flag
per street frontage, per property.
3. Window signs consistent with the development standards of this chapter.
Any sign located entirely within a building and not within three feet of a window, and
which is not visible from the exterior of the building, is exempt from the requirements of
this chapter.
18.80.100 Prohibited signs.
A. The signs listed in this section are inconsistent with the purposes and
requirements of this chapter and as such are prohibited in all zoning districts.
Construction, installation, or placement of the following types of signs after the
effective date of this ordinance is prohibited:
1. Any sign erected without a permit, or erected not in compliance with this
chapter or with its predecessor sign code.
2. Animated signs.
3. Any sign containing fluorescent or Day-Glo colors.
4. Can and cabinet signs, except sculpted cabinet signs.
5. Flashing signs, except time and temperature signs.
6. Inflatable balloon signs, including, but not limited to, individual balloons,
balloon strings, and other inflatable objects made of a flexible material and
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
inflated so as to be lighter than air. This category also includes air-
activated or air-
7. Human advertisement signs.
8. Off-site signs, except as provided in section 18.80.030.C (Real Estate
Signs) and section 18.80.170 (Temporary off-site subdivision
signs).Section 18.80.___ (Off-Site Subdivision Signs).
9. Painted signs.
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10. Pennants.
11. Pole signs.
12. Roof signs.
13. Signs that produce smoke, sound, or other emissions.
14. Signs which are mobile, rotate, or move.
15. Signs which block a pedestrian path of travel or ingress and egress to a
business or driveway.
16. Signs placed on the public right-of-way or affixed to an element or
structure on the public right-of-way, or located on a publicly owned tree,
fence, or utility pole or otherwise posted on public property; or
17. Signs on private property affixed to fences, trees, shrubs, or rocks.
18. Signs that are dilapidated, abandoned, in disrepair or in a dangerous
Section 18.80.110 General Provisions
This section describes the provisions applicable to all signs regulated by this
chapter. Certain types of signs may also be subject to additional provisions.
A. Sign Area Measurement Procedures. Sign area shall be computed by including
the entire area within a single, continuous, rectilinear perimeter of not more than
eight (8) straight lines, or a circle or an ellipse, enclosing the extreme limits of the
writing, representation, emblem, or other display, together with any material or
color forming an integral part of the background of the display or used to
differentiate the sign from the backdrop or structure against which it is placed, but
not including any supporting framework or bracing that is clearly incidental to the
display itself. Backing plates shall count as part of the sign area unless they are
transparent. In the case of two-sided, multi-sided, or three-dimensional signs, the
area shall be computed as including the maximum single display surface which is
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
visible from any ground position at one time.
B. Sign Height Measurement. Sign height shall be measured as the greatest vertical
distance measured from the grade at the point the sign supports intersect the
ground and any accompanying architectural features of the sign. However, if the
sign is constructed upon an artificial berm, the height of the signs, as measured
from the toe of slope or berm, shall not exceed one hundred twenty-five percent
(125%) of the maximum height allowed by this chapter.
C. Calculation.
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1. For wall signs, the permitted area for any sign shall be calculated based only
on the frontage or side of a building on which the sign is located.
2. When more than one business is located in a building, the allowable sign area
for each business shall be based upon the length of the lineal building
frontage occupied by that business.
D. Construction Requirements. Every sign and all parts, portions, and materials
thereof shall be manufactured, assembled, and erected in compliance with all
applicable state, federal, and city laws and regulations, including the locally
adopted building code. All signs shall comply with the following criteria:
1. All transformers, equipment, programmers, and other related items shall be
screened and/or painted to match the building or shall be concealed within
the sign.
2. All permanent signs shall be constructed of quality, low-maintenance
materials such as metal, concrete, natural stone, glass, and acrylics.
Techniques shall be incorporated during construction to reduce fading and
damage caused by exposure to sunlight or degradation due to other
3. All freestanding signs that incorporate lighting shall have underground utility
4. All temporary signs and banners shall be made of a material designed to
maintain an attractive appearance for as long as the sign is displayed.
E. Clearance from Public Utility Facilities. The person erecting a sign and the owner
of the premises shall maintain any legally required clearance from communications
and electric facilities. A sign may not be constructed, erected, installed,
maintained, or repaired in any manner that conflicts with a rule, regulation, or order
of the California Public Utilities Commission pertaining to the construction,
operation, and maintenance of public utilities facilities.
F. Interference with Motorist Field of Vision.
1. No sign shall be located in a manner which may obstruct or interfere with the
view of a traffic signal or other traffic regulatory signs.
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
2. No sign shall, as determined by the city engineer, be located so as to create a
hazard to the life or property of any person using the public right-of-way.
3. Any required landscaping may be trimmed as needed to provide maximum
visibility of the sign or signs.
4. Signs shall not be located within the clear sight triangle.
G. Obstruction of Passage.
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1. No sign shall be constructed so as to obstruct any required exit, including
windows, doors, fire escapes or other emergency exit of any building.
2. No sign shall be constructed or located so as to obstruct any sidewalk.
H. Sign Siting.
1. Location of Signs Attached to Buildings. Building signs may be located along
any frontage of a building that faces directly onto a public right-of-way or an
internal parking area of the site. Orientation of signs such that they face
directly onto residential property is to be avoided and is allowed only when
there is no practical alternative and the visibility of the sign from the residence
is minimized.
2. Setback and Spacing of Freestanding Signs.
a. Where a setback exists, the minimum setback distance for freestanding
signs shall be measured from the back of the public right-of-way or side
of a driveway. Unless an encroachment permit is granted, all
freestanding signs shall be located outside of the public right-of-way and
any required clear visibility triangle.
b. The minimum spacing distance between permanent freestanding signs,
excluding on-site directory signs, shall be 50 feet. The director will
review a proposed sign location on a case-by-case basis to ensure the
sign is located outside the required clear visibility triangle and does not
otherwise inhibit motorist safety
I. Maintenance Requirements. Every sign and all parts, portions, and materials
thereof shall be maintained and kept in proper repair. The display surface of all
signs shall be kept clean, neatly painted, and free from rust and corrosion. Any
cracked, broken surfaces, malfunctioning lights, missing sign copy, or other poorly
maintained or damaged portions of a sign shall be repaired or replaced within 30
days following notification by the city.
J. Sign Removal or Replacement. When a sign is removed or replaced, all brackets,
poles, and other structural elements that support the sign shall also be removed.
Affected building surfaces shall be restored to match the adjacent portion of the
structure. This requirement does not apply to routine maintenance.
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
K. Clear Sight Triangles
1. View Obstructions. Adequate visibility for vehicular and pedestrian traffic
shall be provided at clear sight triangles at all 90 degree angle intersections of
public rights-of-way and private driveways.
a. Prohibited. The following shall be prohibited within a clear sight triangle:
(1) Monument signs.
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(2) Hedges or shrubbery.
b. Maximum Height Requirements. The following shall not be erected,
placed, planted, or allowed to grow over 30 inches in height above the
nearest street curb elevation within a clear sight triangle:
(1) Signs.
(2) Mounds of earth.
(3) Other visual obstructions.
c. Exceptions. The requirements for clear sight triangles shall not apply to:
(1) Freestanding signs when the lower edge of the sign face is at least
eight feet above grade and when there are no more than two posts
or columns, each with a maximum width or diameter of 12 inches,
supporting the sign.
2. Dimensions and Location. Clear sight triangles are right triangles that shall be
measured as follows:
a. The 90-degree angle is formed by the intersection of either:
(1) The intersection of the edges of two roadways as measured at the
edge of their ultimate planned right-of-way; or
(2) The intersection of the edge of a private driveway or alley and the
edge of the ultimate planned right-of-way of an intersecting
b. The two 45-degree angles of a clear sight triangle shall each be located
as follows:
(1) Roadway intersections - 30 feet from the roadway intersection.
(2) Private driveway or alleyway - ten feet from the intersection.
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
L. Electronic Signs. The city finds and declares that electronic display signs pose a
danger to the motoring public because of potential distraction from their change of
message, scale, format, and other physical qualities that differentiate them from
other sign types. All electronic display signs existing in the city as of the effective
date of this ordinance are declared legal nonconforming signs and may continue to
operate in accordance with section 18.80.190 (Nonconforming and abandoned
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1. The limitation established by this section shall not apply to manually
changeable copy signs.
2. Signs providing information on fuel price and grade and fueling stations, as
well as signs displaying time and temperature information shall be exempt
from this limitation on electronic display signs. Illumination levels shall
conform to section 18.80.120(A)(3) of this chapter.
Section 18.80.120 Design Standards.
A. General Sign Development and Design Requirements. The following general
design requirements shall apply to permanent on-site signs.
1. Design Compatibility with Building. Signs shall be compatible with the
architectural style of the main building or buildings upon the site where the
sign is located. Signs located on commercial sites but in a predominantly
residential area shall consider compatibility with such residential area.
2. Quality of Workmanship and Materials. Signs shall be of a quality
commensurate with professional design standards and shall be constructed of
durable materials designed to withstand the elements. No permanent sign
made out of paper, cardboard, cloth, plastic sheeting, or other non-durable
materials shall be permitted. Lettering, logos and other sign content shall be
professionally prepared and shall appear uniform and legible.
3. Sign Illumination. The artificial illumination of signs, either from an internal or
external source, shall be designed so as not to cast stray light on surrounding
rights-of-way and properties. The following requirements shall apply to all
illuminated signs:
a. External light sources shall be directed and shielded to limit direct
illumination of an object other than the sign.
b. The light from an illuminated sign shall not be of an intensity or
brightness that will create glare or other negative impacts on residential
properties in direct line of sight to the sign.
c. Signs shall not have blinking, flashing, or fluttering lights, or other
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
illumination devices that have a changing light intensity, brightness, or
d. Colored lights shall not be used at a location or in a manner so as to be
confused or constructed as traffic control devices.
e. Light sources shall utilize energy-efficient fixtures to the greatest extent
possible and shall comply with Title 24 of the California Code of
Regulations. The use of energy efficient lighting features, such as solar-
powered or light-emitting diodes (LED) are encouraged.
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4. Landscaping. Each monument, directory and/or freeway sign shall be located
within a planted landscaped area which is of a shape and design that will
provide a compatible setting and ground definition to the sign, incorporating
the following ratio of landscape area to total sign area
a. Monument sign, four square feet of landscaped area for each square
foot of sign area (one side only);
b. Directory sign, two square feet of landscaped area for each square foot
of sign area (one side only)
c. Freeway sign, One square foot of landscaped area for each square foot
of sign area (one side only)
B. Development and Design Standards for Specific Sign Types. In addition to the
general sign design requirements in subsection 18.80.120.A above, the following
requirements shall apply to the specific sign types:
1. Awning and Canopy Signs. Awning and canopy signs may be permitted only
as an integral part of the awning or canopy to which they are attached or
applied and shall be considered wall signs for signage area calculation
purposes. The following requirements shall apply:
a. Only permanent signs that are an integral part of the awning or
architectural projection shall be allowed. Temporary signs shall not be
placed on awnings.
b. Awning signs shall only be allowed for first- and second-story
2. Freestanding and Directory Signs. Monument signs shall only be permitted
as follows:
a. Voids between the sign face and the sign structure are prohibited. The
sign face shall utilize the full width of the sign structure or coverings that
are architecturally consistent with the rest of the sign to fill any voids.
b. Materials and design for freestanding signs shall be complementary to
the materials and design of the buildings for the related development.
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
For example, if the façade of the building is stucco with stone or stone
veneer, a complementary freestanding sign would also include stucco
and stone.
c. For freestanding signs in multi-tenant centers, the name of the center
shall not be calculated in the maximum sign area. Rather, the name of
the center shall have a separate maximum sign area of 8 square feet. All
tenant signs shall have a minimum lettThe
maximum number of tenants is 4 tenants on each sign face for centers
with less than 300 feet of street frontage, and 8 tenants for centers with
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300 feet or greater of street frontage. The two sign faces of a monument
sign are not required to be identical in terms of tenant identification.
d. Freestanding signs shall be located outside of clear line of sight triangle.
e. Freeway signs may identify a maximum of 8 tenants.
3. Projecting Signs. Projecting signs shall be considered wall signs for the
purposes of sign area calculations. Projecting signs shall only be permitted as
a. Location. Projecting signs shall be placed only on ground-floor façades,
except for businesses located above the ground level with direct exterior
pedestrian access.
b. Angle of projection. Projecting signs shall either be located at right
angles to the building front along the building façade, or, when located
on the corner of a building, at a 45-degree angle to the corner of the
c. Height. The lowest point the sign shall be a minimum of 8 feet above
d. Projection. The sign may project a maximum of 4 feet from the building.
e. Suspension. The sign shall be suspended with a clear space of at least
6 inches between the sign and the building.
f. Sign structure. Sign supports and brackets shall be compatible with the
design and scale of the sign.
g. Encroachment. Projecting signs shall not encroach into the public right-
of-way or be located above it, or into a designated emergency
vehicle/fire access lane.
h. Spacing. Projecting signs shall be spaced to maximize the visibility of
4. Wall Signs.
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
a. Wall signs shall be compatible with the predominant visual architectural
elements of the building façade.
b. Wall signs shall not project more than 12 inches from the building
c. Wall sign raceways shall be concealed from public view (e.g., within the
building wall or otherwise integrated with the design of the sign and
building) so as to not detract from the architectural character of the
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d. Letter types are limited to the following:
(i) Channel letters
(ii) Reverse channel letters
(iii) Foam letters with a hard surface
(iv) Sculpted cabinet signs
e. Signage containing multiple elements (e.g., logo and text) on one façade
shall be designed so that the multiple elements are located and scaled in
relationship to each other.
5. Neon Signs. Neon signs are only permitted as identified in section 18.80.150
(Window signs).
6. Window Signs. Window signs are only permitted as identified in section
18.80.150 (Window signs).
Section 18.80.130 Development standards for permanent on-site signs.
The provisions in this section provide the development standards for on-site signs
on private property. Regulations are listed based upon zoning district and sign type.
Format and Organization of Standards. The signage standards listed below are
summarized, where applicable, in table format for ease of use and organization.
Concepts described in these tables are as follows:
1. Sign Area Allowance. Allowable sign area is either a set square footage per
establishment or is based on a ratio of allowable sign area to building
frontage (e.g., one square foot of sign per one lineal foot of building frontage,
or 1 sqft:1 lf). Where a ratio is described, it applies to the maximum
permissible sign area listed in this section.
2. Mixed-Use Zoning Districts. In mixed-use zoning districts, signage for
residential uses shall be consistent with the standards for residential zoning
districts (e.g., as if the development were in a residential zoning district). For
nonresidential uses, signs shall be consistent with the standards for
commercial and office zoning districts.
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
B. All signs shall conform to applicable provisions of section 18.80.120 Design
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Table 18.80.130-1 Sign Standards in Residential Zones
Development Standards
Class Type
Maximum Maximum Maximum
number area sign height
Wall 12 sqft
Subdivision 2 per 6 ft
ID sign development
5 ft from
Monument 24 sqft
property line
1 wall or
roofline or 20
Wall Building wall
ft, whichever
Multi-family < sign per
12 sqft
is less
12 units street
frontage, 2
5 ft from
Monument 6 ft
property line
1 wall or
roofline or 20
Wall Building wall
ft, whichever
Multi-family > sign per
24 sqft
is less
13 units street
frontage, 3
5 ft from
Monument 6 ft
property line
roofline or 20
Wall 1 per site 20 sqft Building wall
ft, whichever
School or
is less
5 ft from
Monument 1 per site 24 sqft 6 ft
property line
Remarks: (1) Sign shall not be internally illuminated
(2) Ongoing maintenance entity required
(3) Subject to section 18.80.120 Design standards
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
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Table 18.80.130-2 Sign Standards in AP Zone District
Development Standards
Class Type
Maximum Maximum
Maximum number Location
area sign height
Single Tenant Facilities
1 per Below
street or roofline or
1 sqft:1 lf, Parapet, or
Wall parking 20 ft,
max. 50 sqft. canopy
lot whichever is
frontage less
Business 3
Identification total
1 per property line
Monument street or 24 sqft 6 ft.
Multi-Tenant Facilities
roofline or
1 per street 1 sqft:1ft, Not
Wall 20 ft,
frontage max. 40 sqft. specified
whichever is
1 per street 5
Monument 24 sqft.
frontage property line
Adjacent to
Nameplate 1 per tenant 4 sqft. tenant
To be determined
Business Wall or Outside of
by Planning 15 sqft
Directory monument setbacks
Remarks: (1) Subject to section 18.80.120 Design standards
(2)Signs shall not be illuminated
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
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Table 18.80.130-3 Sign Standards in C2 and CM Zone Districts
Development Standards
Class Type
Maximum Maximum
Maximum number Location
area sign height
Single Tenant Facilities
1 single
faced per
1 sqft:1 lf, roofline or
Wall or street Parapet or
max. 100 20 ft,
canopy frontage canopy
sqft. whichever
Max 3 per
is less
Max. 3
Business 24 sqft property
Identification 1 per street (may be line
Monument signs
or frontage double-
75 sqft
(may be property
Freeway 1 per site
Multi-tenant Facilities
1 double
faced per
Monument property
Max. 3
1 per
Business Freeway commercial 100 sqft
Identification center
Wall or 1 single 1 sqft:1 lf Below Parapet or
canopy face per Max. 2 (75 sqft. roofline or canopy.
street or per max.) 20 ft,
parking lot business whichever
frontage. is less
Remarks: (1) Subject to Site and Architectural Review and Conditional Use Permit; shall only
be permitted within 250 feet of the right of way of Interstate 215
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
(2) street frontage; 24 sf. to 60 sq if >
street frontage
(3) Subject to section 18.80.120 Design standards
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Table 18.80.130-4 Sign Standards in MR and M2 Zones
Development Standards
Class Type
Maximum Maximum
Maximum number Location
area sign height
Single Tenant Facilities
1 single
faced per 10% of
roofline or
Wall or street building Parapet or
20 ft,
canopy frontage face, 100 canopy
sqft. max
Max 3 per
is less
Max. 3
Business 24 sqft property
Identification 1 per street (may be line
Monument signs
frontage double-
75 sqft
(may be property
Freeway 1 per site
Multi-tenant Facilities
24 sqft
1 double property
32 sqft if
faced per line
Max. 3
street street
frontage frontage
1 per
Freeway commercial 75 sqft
Wall or 1 single 10% of Below Parapet or
canopy face per Max. 2 building roofline or canopy.
street or per face, 150 20 ft,
parking lot business. sqft. max whichever
frontage. is less
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
Remarks: (1) Subject to Site and Architectural Review and Conditional Use Permit; shall only
be permitted within 250 feet of the right of way of Interstate 215
(2) May only identify 2 tenants
(3) Subject to section 18.80.120 Design standards
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Table 18.80.130-5 Sign Standards for Service Station Uses
Development Standards
Class Type
Maximum Maximum
Maximum number Location
area sign height
1 per 10% of
roofline or
street building from
Wall 20 ft,
frontage face, 30 sqft property line
Max 2
Max. 3
is less
and Pricing
1 per 24 sqft for
street identification from
frontage property line
12 sfqftfor
Max 2 price sign
One for each island, 2 sf from
4 max. property line
on pole of
Special Fuel canopy
Service or ground
Special Window or 2 per station. 6 sf from
Advertisement ground property line
Remarks: (1) Additional tenants shall comply with the multiple tenant provisions of the
applicable zone district
(2) Subject to section 18.80.120 Design standards
(3) The identification and price signs shall be integrated into the design of the
monument sign.
C. Menu/Order Board Signs for Drive-In and Drive-Through Uses. In addition to the
signage permitted in the zone district that the use is located, each drive-in or drive-
through use is permitted two (2) menu/order board signs per drive-through lane.
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
The maximum height for a menu/order board sign shall be 6 feet and the maximum
area allowed is 50 square feet. No alterations or additions (e.g., rider signs) along
the exterior of the menu/order board sign are permitted.
Section 18.80.140 Temporary on-site signs
A. The following temporary on-site signs are permitted, except that the following
temporary signs may be displayed in all nonresidential zones subject to the
following rules.
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1. The business must have permanent wall or freestanding signage, except that
new businesses may apply for temporary sign while permanent sign permits
are being processed.
2. Each business may display one temporary sign for not more than 120 days in
any one calendar year, whether displayed consecutively or intermittently. A
one-time 30 day extension may be granted. At the end of the calendar year
any time remaining shall be forfeited.
3. Off-site temporary signs are prohibited.
4. Temporary signs shall not be illuminated.
5. Signs shall not impede or obstruct pedestrian walkways or parking spaces;
nor shall they obstruct clear line of sight triangles.
6. Signs shall be cleaned, updated and/or repaired as necessary to maintain an
attractive appearance and to ensure safe operation of the sign. Unacceptable
sign conditions include broken or missing sign faces, broken or missing
letters, chipped or peeling paint, and missing or broken fasteners. Failure to
respond to a written request from the city to perform maintenance work shall
result in revocation of the sign's permit.
7. Signs may not be affixed to utility poles, fences, trees, rocks, permanent
signs, awnings or decorative elements of landscaping.
8. Temporary signs shall not be counted towards the total allowable sign area
for a lot.
B. In addition, the following provisions apply to banners:
1. The maximum area of a banner shall not exceed 25 square feet.
2. Banners shall be attached to the wall of the building to which it relates and
shall not extend above the roof or eave line.
3. Banners shall not be hung from poles, trees, awnings, eaves or similar
structures. Banners shall be hung with permanent attachments, such as bolts
or screws. Banners shall not be tied to a structure with rope, string, twine, or
similar materials.
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
C. In addition, the following apply to feather banners (flag signs):
1. The maximum area of a flag sign shall not exceed 25 square feet.
2. No portion of a flag shall extend closer than 3 feet to the property line.
3. The height of the flag shall not exceed 8 feet.
4. Flag signs shall maintain a 5 foot separation from other signs.
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5. Feather banners shall be allowed for multiple family uses.
D. In addition, the following shall apply to portable signs:
1. The maximum area of a portable sign shall not exceed 12 square feet.
2. No portion of a portable sign shall extend closer than 3 feet to the property
3. The height of the portable sign shall not exceed three 3 feet.
4. A 5 foot separation from other temporary signs shall be maintained.
Section 18.80.150 Window Signs
A. Commercial and industrial zoning districts shall be permitted to display window
signs, subject to the following regulations:
1. No permit is required for window signs. Provided that, any business that is
found to have window signs not in conformance with this section may be
required to obtain permits for all window signs for a period of 12 months
following the violation to ensure compliance with the provisions of this section.
2. The business must have permanent wall or freestanding signage.
3. Opaque windows are prohibited.
4. No time limit is placed on the display of window signs.
5. A window sign includes any interior sign within three feet of a window which is
visible from the exterior of the business.
6. Window area shall be computed by calculating each window pane or panel.
The area shall be separate for each building face and for each window. A
group of window panes or panels may be considered one window if they are
adjoining on the building face and are less than 6 inches apart.
7. Window signs may cover no more than 25% of the total transparent window
area of the business, as defined in subsection 5 of this section.
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
8. Window signs shall not be illuminated except for signs constructed of neon
tube letters and/or symbols. In such instances, window signs may include up
to two neon signs per business.
9. Signs shall be cleaned, updated and/or repaired as necessary to maintain an
attractive appearance and to ensure safe operation of the sign. Unacceptable
sign conditions include broken or missing sign faces, broken or missing
letters, chipped or peeling paint, and missing or broken fasteners. Failure to
respond to a written request from the city to perform maintenance work shall
result in code compliance action.
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Section 18.80.160 Temporary on-site subdivision signs
A. Temporary on-site subdivision signs require issuance of a sign permit and shall be
permitted in all districts as follows:
1. One temporary on-site freestanding subdivision sign, not to exceed 32 square
feet per side, maximum of two sides 64 square feet total, and a total overall
height of 15 feet, may be permitted per street frontage of the boundary of the
project, not to exceed two signs for all phases of any subdivision
2. A maximum of 6 flags with a maximum sign area of 15 square feet per flag,
not to exceed 15 feet in height is permitted.
3. All signs shall be permitted for 12 months, and may be extended for an
additional 12 months, except that within 10 days after all lots in the
subdivision are sold, all signs must be removed.
4. Signs shall not be illuminated.
5. Signs shall be maintained in good repair at all times.
6. A cash deposit of $500.00 per sign shall be deposited with the sign
application to ensure compliance with this chapter and removal of such sign.
The deposit shall be refunded to the applicant upon sign removal. If the city
causes the removal of any sign for a violation of this section, then the cost of
removal shall be deducted from the deposit.
Section 18.80.170 Temporary off-site subdivision directional signs
Off-site subdivision directional signs shall be permitted in any district as follows:
A. Panel and sign structure design shall be approved by the community development
director, pursuant to city council resolution setting forth design criteria. The sign
structure shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height and five (5) feet in height. Each
sign panel shall not exceed ten (10) inches in height.
B. A sign structure shall be located not less than 600 feet from an existing or
previously approved sign site. Further, each sign panel may only contain the name
of the subdivision and a directional arrow.
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
C. The placement of each sign structure shall be reviewed and approved by the
community development director.
D. All signs are to be placed on private property or city right-of-way with written
consent of the property owner or a city encroachment permit obtained and filed
with the department of building and safety prior to issuance of a permit.
E. Any such sign approved for a particular subdivision within the city shall not be
changed to advertise another subdivision without approval of the community
development director.
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F. There shall be no additions, tag signs, streamers, devices, display boards or
appurtenances added to the signs as originally approved. Further, no other
directional signs may be used, such as posters or trailer signs.
G. All nonconforming subdivision directional signs associated with the subdivision in
question must be removed prior to the issuance of a new sign permit.
H. No subdivision signs shall be erected advertising subdivisions located outside the
city limits.
I. The signs shall be allowed until the subdivision is sold out or for a period of twelve
months, whichever comes first. Extensions of this twelve-month time limit can be
approved by the community development director in cases of hardship.
J. All subdivision signs shall be subject to provisions established by city council
Section 18.80.180 Parking of advertising vehicles.
A. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following words or phrases shall have
the following meanings:
1. Convey. To drive, carry, pull, or otherwise transport.
2. Mobile billboard advertising display. An advertising display that is attached to a
vehicle or any other mobile, non-motorized device, conveyance, or bicycle that
carries, pulls, or transports a sign or billboard and is for the primary purpose of
B. No person shall park or convey any mobile billboard advertising display as defined
herein, either standing alone or attached to a motor vehicle, upon any public street
or public lands in the City of Grand Terrace.
C. Removal of Mobile Billboard Advertising Displays Authorized. Pursuant to Section
22651 (v) and (w) of the California Vehicle Code, a peace officer, or any regularly
employed and salaried employee of the City, who is authorized to engage and is
engaged in directing traffic or enforcing parking laws and regulations, may remove,
or cause to be removed, the mobile billboard advertising display, or anything that
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
the mobile billboard display is attached to, including a motor vehicle, located within
the territorial limits of the City when the mobile advertising display is found upon
any public street or any public lands, if all of the following requirements are
1. When a mobile billboard advertising display either standing alone or attached to
a motor vehicle, is parked or left standing in violation of this Code, and the
registered owner of the vehicle or display was previously issued a warning
notice or citation for the same offense;
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2. A warning notice or citation was issued to a first-time offender at least 24 hours
prior to the removal of the vehicle or display. The City is not required pursuant
to Section 22651(v)(2) and Section 22651(w)(2) of the California Vehicle Code
to provide further notice for a subsequent violation prior to enforcement; and
3. The warning notice or citation advised the registered owner of the vehicle or
display that he or she may be subject to penalties upon a subsequent violation
of the ordinance that may include removal of the vehicle or display.
D. Permanent Advertising Signs Excepted. Pursuant to Section 21100(p)(2) and
(p)(3) of the California Vehicle Code, this section does not apply to advertising
signs that are permanently affixed in a manner that is painted directly upon the
body of a motor vehicle, applied as a decal on the body of a motor vehicle, or
placed in a location on the body of a motor vehicle that was specifically designed
by a vehicle manufacturer for the express purpose of containing an advertising
sign, such that they are an integral part of, or fixture of a motor vehicle for
permanent decoration, identification, or display and that do not extend beyond the
overall length, width, or height of the vehicle.
E. Post Storage Impound Hearing. Section 22852 of the California Vehicle Code
applies to this Section with respect to the removal of any mobile billboard
advertising display vehicle. Section 22852 is incorporated by reference as if set
forth in full herein and provides, in summary, that whenever an authorized
employee of the City directs the storage of a vehicle, the City shall direct the
their agent(s), with the opportunity for a post-storage hearing to determine the
validity of the storage. Notice of the storage shall be mailed or personally delivered
to the registered and legal owner(s) within 48 hours, excluding weekends, as
specifically provided for under Section 22852 of the California Vehicle Code. To
receive a post-storage hearing, the owner(s) of record, or their agent(s), must
request a hearing in person, in writing, or by telephone within ten days of the date
appearing on the notice. The City may authorize its own officer or employee to
conduct the hearing as long as the hearing officer is not the same person who
directed the storage of the vehicle.
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
F. Violation Penalties. After the initial warning citation, a subsequent violation of this
Section is a misdemeanor, punishable upon conviction by a fine of not less than
Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250), nor more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000),
or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than six months, or by both fine
and imprisonment. At the discretion of any person duly authorized by the Chief of
Police to issue a citation for any violation of this section, or the Grand Terrace City
f this section may be an infraction enforced through
the parking penalty process set forth in Section 40200 et seq. of the California
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Vehicle Code. The city council may establish from time to time by resolution an
increase in the amount of the fine.
Section 18.80.190 Nonconforming Signs and Abandoned Signs
A. Nonconforming Signs.
1. Except as otherwise provided by this section, all existing signs which do not
meet the requirements of this chapter shall be deemed nonconforming signs
and shall either be removed or brought into compliance with this chapter
when a substantial alteration to the sign is made. Change of copy shall not
be deemed a substantial alteration.
2. For purposes of this s
repair or refurbishing of any sign that alters its physical dimensions or height,
or replaces any integral component of the sign including, but not limited to,
alterations to exterior cabinets, bases, or poles. In addition, substantial
alteration shall also include any repair or refurbishing of a sign that exceeds
50% of the depreciated value of the sign and structure, but excepting
customary maintenance.
for the purpose of actively maintaining the sign in its existing approved
physical configuration and size dimensions at the specific location approved
by the City and includes the following:
a. Repainting the sign text, cabinet, or other component of the sign without
changing the advertising message; or
b. Routine replacement of border and trim with substantially the same
colors and materials.
4. A nonconforming sign may remain in use provided no additions or
enlargements are made thereto and no structural alterations are made
therein, except as permitted for customary maintenance in subsection
18.80.100.I (Maintenance Requirements) of this chapter.
B. Abandoned Signs. Abandoned signs may be abated by the city. For regulatory
purposes, any factors indicating abandonment shall not begin occurring until 120
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
days after the effective date of this ordinance.
Section 18.80.200 Compliance with Sign Code as Condition of Permit Approval
Any existing legal nonconforming sign may be required to be brought into compliance
with current applicable code requirements, or removed as a condition of approval of any
redevelopment, building, conditional use, or other permit or approval required under any
provision of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code for the same property where the
nonconforming sign is located, so long as a nexus exists between the permit or
approval and the sign that must be removed or brought into compliance.
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Section 18.80.210 Penalty
Any violation of or failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter may be enforced
pursuant to Chapter 1.16 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code.
Section 18.80.220 Definitions
A. The following words and phrases have the meanings set forth herein, unless it is
apparent from the context that another meaning is intended:
1. Abandoned sign. Any display or sign remaining in place or not maintained for
a period of ninety (90) days which no longer identifies an ongoing business,
product, or service available on the premises where the display or sign is
located or where the building, business, or establishment to which the display
or sign is related has ceased operation. For purposes of this definition,
abandonment for the applicable period shall be deemed conclusive evidence
2. A-frame sign. See Portable freestanding sign
3. Alteration. Any change of size, shape, illumination, position, location,
construction or supporting structure of an existing sign.
4. Animated sign. A sign with action or motion, rotating, flashing or color
changes, excepting therefrom wind-actuated elements such as flags,
banners, streamers, whirligigs or other similar nature-activated devices
5. Awning. A roof-like cover that projects from the wall of a building for the
purpose of shielding a doorway or window from the elements.
6. Awning sign. A sign displayed, written, silkscreened, or attached on an
7. Balloon, inflatable sign, or inflatable attention-getting device. Any air or gas
filled device located, attached, or tethered to the ground, site, merchandise,
building, or roof and used for the purposes of signage, advertising or
8. Banner. Any sign of durable cloth, plastic, or similar non-rigid material that is
attached to a building,
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
9. Banner, feather. Any sign of durable cloth, plastic, or similar non-rigid
material that is attached to a pole, commonly referred to as a feather banner.
10. Billboard. An outdoor advertising structure that advertises products, services
or activities not conducted or performed on the same site upon which the
outdoor advertising sign structure is located, and that is subject to the
provisions of Section 5490 et seq. of the Business & Professions Code.
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11. Building face. That portion of any exterior elevation of a building extending
vertically from grade to top of a parapet wall or eaves, and horizontally across
the entire width of the building elevation, excluding corners, bay windows,
balconies, or other architectural features which extend beyond the general
outermost surface of the exterior wall.
12. Cabinet sign. A sign constructed of a solid cabinet consisting of one or more
translucent panels containing sign copy, which are interchangeable and
which are affixed to an internally illuminated box or cabinet mounted on a
building or monument, and not sculpted to the shape of its contents.
13. Canopy. A structural or ornamental roof-like appendage attached to and
projecting from a building.
14. Canopy sign. A sign attached beneath or placed upon the structural
projection or canopy of a building.
15. Changeable copy sign. The changing of a commercial or non-commercial
message on a lawfully erected sign. A change of copy does not include the
following (all of which acts shall be considered as the placing of a new sign):
any alteration or reconfiguration of the outside dimensions of a sign, any
structural modifications of a sign and/or relocation of all or any portion of a
16. Channel letters. Individual letters that are independently mounted to a wall or
other surface and internally illuminated with a covered face.
between the letters is not part of the sign structure but rather of the building
façade. A logo may also be considered a channel letter or sculpted can sign
provided it is clearly distinguishable from other sign elements.
17. City. The City of Grand Terrace.
18. City engineer. The City Engineer of the City of Grand Terrace, or his/her
19. Commercial message. Any sign, wording, logo, or other representation that
names or advertises a business, product, service, or other commercial
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
20. Convenience sign. Means a sign not larger than two square feet which
conveys information such as "restrooms," "no parking," "entrance" and the
like, but does not contain land, trade, advertising or business identification,
and is designed to be viewed on site by pedestrians and/or motorists.
21. Copy. Any written words, letters, symbols, emblems, designs, figures, and
logos used to attract attention to, or identify, a land use.
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22. Decorative banner or flag. A festive graphic display that is made of durable
cloth, plastic or similar non-rigid material, and that either displays no message
or displays only a predominantly pictorial message that does not directly
identify or advertise a business on the premises.
23. Directional sign. Any sign intended to be permanently affixed and utilized
only for the purpose of indicating the direction of any object, place, or area.
24. Director. The Director of Community Development of the City of Grand
Terrace, including his/her designee.
25. Directory sign. A pedestrian-oriented sign or set of similarly designed
individual signs placed or displayed in sequence, located at a multi-tenant
building or within a shopping center, to list all or part of the businesses within
a building or shopping center.
26. Drive-through menu board. A single-sided sign located in the drive-through
area of a fast-food restaurant, typically containing an attached or detached
speaker and/or verification screen for communicating orders.
27. Electronic message sign. An electronic sign, typically comprising a liquid
crystal diode (LCD), light-emitting diode (LED), plasma, or other digital
illuminated display that contains one or more messages. An electronic
message sign is different from an illuminated sign in that the illumination of
the display creates the message, rather than an internal or external light
source illuminating the message.
28. Exempt Sign. A sign which is not subject to a sign permit.
29. Flag Sign. Any sign or device in the nature of a banner, flags or other object,
designed and installed in such a manner as to move upon being subject to
pressure by wind or breeze. Flag signs must be made of fabric or other
similar non-rigid material supported or anchored along only one edge. Also
referred to as a feather banner.
30. Freestanding sign. A permanent sign that is self-supporting in a fixed location
detached from any building or wall. Freestanding signs include, but are not
limited to, monument signs, pole signs, and pylon signs.
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
31. Freeway sign. A freestanding sign between 50 feet and 100 feet in height
located within 250 feet of the right of way of Interstate 215.
32. Frontage, building. The exterior building wall of a structure on the side or
sides of the structure fronting and oriented toward a public street or highway,
excluding eaves or roof overhangs. Building frontage shall be measured
continuously along the wall for the entire length of the business
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33. Frontage, street or highway. Any portion of a lot or parcel of land which abuts
a public street or highway. Street or highway frontage shall be measured
along the common lot line separating a lot or parcel of land from the public
street or highway.
34. Gasoline price sign. Sign located at fuel stations, which typically identify the
brand or type and price of gasoline sold.
35. Glare. The effect produced by brightness sufficient to cause annoyance,
discomfort, or loss in visual performance and visibility.
36. Height. The greatest vertical distance measured from the finished grade to
the top of a sign, a sign structure, or advertising display and any
accompanying architectural feature of the sign. However, if the sign is
constructed upon any artificial berm, the height of the sign, as measured from
the toe of the slope or berm, shall not exceed 125% of the maximum height
allowed by this title
37. Holiday and seasonal decoration. Lighting and other materials, including
festive flags, in the nature of decorations, clearly incidental to and customarily
and commonly associated with any national, state, local or religious holiday.
38. Human advertisement. Any person who is located anywhere within the city,
and whose intent is to advertise a business or service, by way of his or her
actions, including but not limited to, by holding a temporary sign, wearing a
costume, or wearing body paint.
39. Illegal sign. Any sign placed without all required government approvals and
permits at the time it was placed, or an existing sign that was not constructed
in accordance with the ordinances and other applicable laws in effect on the
date of construction.
40. Illuminated Sign. A sign with an artificial light source incorporated internally
or externally for the purpose of illuminating the sign; includes signs made
from neon or other gas tube(s) that are bent to form letters, symbols, or other
shapes. An illuminated sign excludes electronic message signs, which are
separately defined.
41. Inflatable balloon sign. A sign consisting of balloons and inflatables made of
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
metallic and/or cloth material, regardless of the size that is used, for the
purpose of attracting attention.
ЍЋ͵ Logo. A visual symbol, representation, or character identifying the business
or service provided
43. Linear frontage. The horizontal distance measured along the building
frontage facing the street. In cases where a business has no building frontage
facing a street, the building frontage with the primary business entrance shall
be considered the primary building frontage (e.g. an entrance facing a
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courtyard). For multi-tenant buildings, ground floor tenants may have their
primary frontage determined independently from the rest of the building
based on the aforementioned rules.
44. Maintenance. Replacement of copy, change of color, maintenance, or repair
made to a sign.
45. Menu/Order board sign. A sign installed in a drive-through facility and
oriented so as to be visible primarily by drive-through customers.
46. Modification. Any alteration, repair or refurbishing of any sign that alters is
physical dimensions, or any integral component of the sign including, but not
limited to, alterations to exterior cabinets, bases, poles or sign copy.
47. Monument sign.
48. Noncommercial Sign. A sign that displays noncommercial speech, e.g.,
commentary or advocacy on topics of public debate and concern.
49. Nonconforming Sign. A sign lawfully erected that does not comply with the
provisions of this chapter.
50. Off-Site Sign. A sign that directs attention to a business, profession,
commodity, service, or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered at a location
other than where the sign is located.
51. On-Site Sign. A sign which directs attention to a business, profession,
commodity, service, or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered upon the lot
or parcel on which the sign is placed. In the case of multiple-tenant
commercial or industrial development, a sign is considered on-site whenever
it is located anywhere within the development. In the case of a duly approved
Uniform Sign Program, a sign anywhere within the area controlled by the
program may be considered on-site when placed at any location within the
area controlled by the program. Any sign displaying a noncommercial
message constitutes an on-site sign.
52. Painted Sign. A sign that comprises only paint applied on a building or
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
53. Pennant. Any lightweight plastic, fabric, or other material, whether or not
containing a message of any kind, attached to a rope, wire, or string, usually
in a series, designed to move in the wind and attract attention.
54. Permanent sign. All signs referred to in Chapter 18.80, except for temporary
55. Portable sign. Any sign not permanently attached to the ground or to a
building, which is intended to be movable or capable to being moved from
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place to place, whether or not wheels or other special supports are provided.
This definition includes an A-frame sign.
56. Projecting sign. A sign that projects more than twelve (12) inches from the
exterior face of a building wall or façade and which uses the building wall as
its primary source of support.
57. Pylon sign. A freestanding sign designed with its vertical dimension greater
than its horizontal dimension and supported by a single pedestal base or
architecturally integrated support posts.
58. Readerboard. A sign containing, in whole or in part, electrical devices
allowing for changing copy, text, or content. Electric time and temperature
signs are not considered readerboards.
59. Real estate sign. A temporary sign advertising the sale or lease of real
property. The sign may include the identification and contact information of
the person and/or company handling such sale, lease, or rent.
60. Roof sign. A sign erected, constructed, painted, or placed upon or over a roof
or parapet wall of a building and which is wholly or partly supported by the
building or roof structure.
61. Sign. Any writing (including letter, word, or numeral), pictorial presentation
(including illustration or decoration), emblem (including device, symbol or
trademark), flag (including banner or pennant) or any other device, figure, or
similar character which:
a. Is a structure or any part thereof, or is attached to, painted on, or in any
other manner represented on a building, other structure or device; and
b. Is used to announce, direct attention to, or advertise; and
c. Is visible from the outside of a building.
62. Sign area. The entire area within a single continuous perimeter which
enclose the extreme limits of writing, representation, emblem, or any figure of
similar character, background area, trim, or other material, light or color
forming an integral part of the display or used to differentiate such sign from
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
the background against which it is placed. In the case of a sign designed with
more than one exterior surface, the area shall be computed as including only
the maximum single display surface which is visible from any ground position
at one time. The supports, trim, frame, or uprights on which any such sign is
supported shall not be included in determining the sign area
63. Sign face. That area or portion of a sign on which copy is intended to be
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64. Sign program. A detailed graphic and narrative plan that establishes the
specific sign regulations and common aesthetic design characteristics that
apply to all signs for a particular ownership parcel, or for a particular area that
may include two or more separate but contiguous ownership parcels, and
which may include a development project, shopping center, or business
65. Temporary Subdivision Sign. A temporary or otherwise limited-term sign for
the purpose of providing direction for vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic to the
new home sale of multiple lots or dwelling units with a single builder within a
master planned community, including both single-family and multi-family for-
sale products. All other home sales signs are included within the definition of
Real estate sign.
66. Temporary sign. A structure or device used for the public display of visual
messages or images, which is easily installed with or without common hand
tools and which is not intended or suitable for long-term or permanent display
due to lightweight or flimsy construction materials. Examples include
banners, flags, or similar ground mounted nonpermanent signs made of
paper, cloth, canvas, lightweight fabric, or other non-rigid material, with or
without frames
67. Wall sign. A sign attached to or erected against the wall of a building or
structure with the exposed face of the sign parallel to the plane of such wall.
68. Window sign. Any permanent or temporary sign, picture, letter, character, or
combination thereof, designed to communicate information about an activity,
business, commodity, event, sale, or service that is placed upon and/or inside
and/or within 3 feet of a window for the purpose of being visible from the
exterior of the window.
Attachment: DRAFT Chapter 18.80_12.11.2014 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
Draft December 11, 2014
Packet Pg. 47
MEETING DATE:September 25, 2014
TITLE:Discussion of City of Grand Terrace Sign Code
PRESENTED BY:Sandra Molina, Community Development Director
RECOMMENDATION:Discuss and provide direction to proposed revisions to
window and temporary signs, and provide direction on
freestanding signs.
This item supports Goal #3, "Promote Economic Development", by updating the Sign
Code and aligning it with the City's 2030 Vision and Economic Development
Implementation Plan.
On September 4, 2014, the Planning Commission conducted a public workshop on the
Grand Terrace sign code, to discuss sign issues, with focus on those issues that have
proven to be problematic over time. Specifically, there was a discussion on window
signs and temporary signs. Several members of the public were in attendance and
provided public comment.
Staff indicated to the Planning Commission that revisions would be necessary to bring
the sign code into compliance with sign laws, and also recommended that the revisions
focus on window and banner signs. At the conclusion of the workshop, the Planning
Commission directed staff to begin crafting sign code revisions regarding window and
temporary signs. However, the Commission also asked that staff look at possible
provisions that would allow businesses or property owners to obtain more signage, and
also to look at ways to reduce the length of the side code.
One of the points that staff made to the Planning Commission is that the sign code
needed to be simpler and more straightforward. One of the ways to do this is to
combine repetitive information into one section. For instance, each zone district has
language on window signs (temporary and permanent) and temporary (non-window)
signs, so instead of repeating these provisions, this will now be in its own section,
applicable City-wide. Currently, revisions to the sign code are being undertaken.
Packet Pg. 24Packet Pg. 48
window and temporary signs with the Planning Commission. However, it is important to
be aware of the amount of signage that is already permitted under the current code.
A business in the C-2 zone is permitted wall signs on building frontages that face a
street or parking lot, a freestanding monument sign, and in some instances, a freeway
sign. A total of three such signs are permitted. In addition, a business can have one
permanent window sign up to 25% of the window area. The allowable aggregate area
for a wall sign includes areas of allowed window signs, and vice versa.
The same business is also allowed temporary window signs, not to exceed 20% of the
window area. Temporary window signs are limited to 45 days in a 90 day period, not to
exceed 120 days in a calendar year. The same business is also allowed a temporary
flag, banner (25 square feet in area), or portable sign not to exceed 45 days in a 90 day
period, and not to exceed 120 days in a calendar year. A sign permit is required for
permanent and temporary signs.
Therefore, there are many opportunities for a business to advertise. However, there are
also many opportunities to streamline the process, and make it simpler to comply. At
the end of the day, the sign code will reflect compromises, but it will also provide the
balance previously discussed between a City's desire to promote aesthetically pleasing,
vision-compliant signage and a business's desire to effectively promote itself.
Window signs
The current provisions for temporary and permanent window signage create confusion
and make enforcement extremely problematic. (Is it a permanent sign or a temporary
sign? Is the sign area 20% or the 25%?) Therefore, staffs recommends eliminating the
and simply have provisions
for window signs. The business owner can determine best when and if the sign needs to
be changed.
The current provisions that limit the allowable aggregate area for a wall sign to include
the areas of allowed window signs, and vice versa, may also be problematic. Many
businesses have not obtained permits for window signs, and for those that may have, it
is unclear as to whether the aggregate area was considered. Whether this provision
Attachment: Planning Commission Workshop 9.25.14 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
should be continued is an area for discussion. The sign code also limits windows to
ground floor spaces. Lastly, consideration should be given to the sign permit
Proposed definition and standards for window signs could include the following:
Window Sign. Any permanent or temporary sign, picture, letter, character, or
Packet Pg. 25Packet Pg. 49
combination thereof, designed to communicate information about an activity, business,
commodity, event, sale, or service that is placed upon and/or inside and/or within three
purpose of being visible from the exterior of the window.
Standards: Window Signs
Businesses in commercial and industrial zoning districts shall be permitted to display
window signs, subject to the following regulations:
1. The business must have permanent wall or freestanding signage.
2. No time limit is placed on the display of window signs.
3. A window sign includes any interior sign within three feet of a window which is
visible from the exterior of the business.
4. alculating each window pane or panel.
The area shall be separate for each building face and for each window. A group
of window panes or panels may be considered one window if they are adjoining
on the building face and are less than six inches apart.
5. Window signs may cover no more than twenty percent (20%) of the total
transparent window area of the business, as defined in subsection 4 of this
6. Window signs shall not be illuminated except for signs constructed of neon tube
letters and/or symbols. In such instances, window signs may include up to two
neon signs per business
7. Between November 15 and January 10, window signs may cover up to fifty
percent (50%) of the total window area of the business.
8. No permit is required for window signs.
9. Window signs displaying a commercial message shall be limited to on-site
signage only. Off-site signage displaying a commercial message shall not be
Attachment: Planning Commission Workshop 9.25.14 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
10. Signs shall be cleaned, updated and/or repaired as necessary to maintain an
attractive appearance and to ensure safe operation of the sign. Unacceptable
sign conditions include broken or missing sign faces, broken or missing letters,
chipped or peeling paint, and missing or broken fasteners. Failure to respond to
a written request from the city to perform maintenance work shall result in code
compliance action.
Packet Pg. 26Packet Pg. 50
Temporary Banners and Flags
There are all manner of devices that can be used as temporary signage: banners,
balloons, streamers, placards, pennants, and portable a-frames, to name a few. The
existing sign code allows a business to have one banner with a maximum sign area of
25 square feet, one flag, or one portable sign subject to a sign permit and limited to 45
days in a 90 day period, not to exceed 120 days in a calendar year. Use of banners is
limited to special events. Concerns expressed at the September 4 workshop included
the time limitations and the cost of obtaining permits
Most business owners erect either a banner or banner flag. The use of these devices
warrants consideration and balance. They are highly visible, and the regulations need to
Therefore, staff is suggesting that the Commission consider prohibiting all temporary
sign devices, except for banners and flags. The number of flags/banners permitted per
business must be consistent and equitable, and staff does not recommend more than
one banner or banner flag. Limiting to one also reduces sign clutter. However, to
simplify the time period staff recommends that the banner/flag be permitted for a time
period not to exceed 90 days, either consecutive or intermittent. Should a business
owner require longer periods, a separate process could be established, such as a
conditional use permit.
Proposed definitions and standards for temporary signs could include the following:
Banner. Any type of fabric, vinyl, or similar sign attached to a building or other structure.
Flag Sign. Any sign or device in the nature of a banner, flags or other object, designed
and installed in such a manner as to move upon being subject to pressure by wind or
breeze. Banner signs permitted by this chapter which are not designed to be moved by
wind shall not be considered flag signs. Flag signs must be made of fabric or other
similar non-rigid material supported or anchored along only one edge.
Attachment: Planning Commission Workshop 9.25.14 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
Temporary Sign. A structure or device used for the public display of visual messages or
images, which is easily installed with or without common hand tools and which is not
intended or suitable for long-term or permanent display (e.g., less than 90 days), due to
lightweight or flimsy construction materials. Examples include banners, flags, or similar
ground-mounted nonpermanent signs made of paper, cloth, canvas, lightweight fabric,
or other non-rigid material, with or without frames.
Standards: Temporary Banner and Flags
Packet Pg. 27Packet Pg. 51
A. All paper signs, banners, balloons, streamers, placards, pennants or portable
signs that direct, promote, attract, service or that are otherwise designed to attract
attention are prohibited, except that the following temporary signs may be displayed
in all nonresidential zones subject to the following rules.
1. The business must have permanent wall or freestanding signage.
2. Each business may display one banner or flag sign for not more than ninety (90)
days in a calendar year.
3. Temporary signs displaying a commercial message shall be limited to on-site
signage only. Off-site signage displaying a commercial message shall not be
4. Temporary signs shall not be illuminated.
5. Signs shall be cleaned, updated and/or repaired as necessary to maintain an
attractive appearance and to ensure safe operation of the sign. Unacceptable sign
conditions include broken or missing sign faces, broken or missing letters, chipped
or peeling paint, and missing or broken fasteners. Failure to respond to a written
request from the city to perform maintenance work shall result in revocation of the
sign's permit.
6. A permit shall be issued by the community development director.
B. In addition, the following provisions apply to banners:
1. The maximum area of a banner shall not exceed 25 square feet.
2. The area of banner shall not be counted toward the maximum permitted area of
a permanent sign.
3. Banners shall be attached flat against the wall of the building to which it relates
and shall not extend above the roof or eave line.
4. Banners shall not be hung from poles, trees, awnings, eaves or similar
Attachment: Planning Commission Workshop 9.25.14 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
5. Banners shall be hung with permanent attachments, such as bolts or screws.
6. Banners shall not be tied to a structure with rope, string, twine, or similar
C. In addition, the following apply to flag signs:
1. The maximum area of a flag sign shall not exceed 25 square feet.
Packet Pg. 28Packet Pg. 52
2. No portion of the flag shall extend closer than five (5) feet to the property line.
3. The height of the flag shall not exceed eight feet.
4. Flag signs shall maintain a five foot separation from other signs.
Freestanding Signs
The Commission also requested that staff explore whether additional permanent
freestanding signage could be allowed for smaller properties. Using the C-2 zone as an
example, multiple tenant facilities are permitted one double-faced sign per frontage and
up to 36 square feet where street frontage is up to 150 feet with a maximum of 4 panels
and a maximum height of 6 feet, and up to 60 square feet of signage where the street
frontage is 300 feet or greater and up to eight panels with a maximum height of 8 feet.
Freestanding monument signs in the Barton Road Specific Plan are limited to: Twenty-
four square feet of sign area for any parcel with less than 300 feet of street frontage and
a maximum size of 32 square feet for any parcel with 300 feet or more of street
frontage, and a maximum height 6 feet above grade.
For comparison purposes, Rancho Cucamonga only allows more than one freestanding
sign per street frontage when they can be spaced more than 300 feet apart, or allows
more signage when there is over 500 feet of street frontage. The City of Highland
allows one per street frontage. Sign area starts at 24 square feet for lots with less than
100 feet of street frontage, up to 66 square feet of sign area for lots with more than 300
feet of street frontage.
It is standard practice to limit freestanding signs to one per street frontage for narrower
lots and allow more for those lots that have greater street frontage. It is also standard
practice to limit the number of tenant panels to ensure that all panels are readable.
There are many examples in Grand Terrace and other cities where freestanding signs
have so many panels with tiny lettering that a motorist traveling at 30 to 45 miles per
hour will not be able to read them; thereby defeating the purpose.
It would be more appropriate for these situations to be considered on a case by case
basis with the property owner submitting an application for a conditional use permit or
variance, and petitioning the Commission to allow additional signage. In this manner,
Attachment: Planning Commission Workshop 9.25.14 (1615 : Sign Code Workshop)
the placement of a second freestanding sign or increased area or height can be taken
into consideration in relation to site characteristics and line of sight.
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Sandra Molina Completed 09/17/2014 8:42 AM
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City Attorney Completed 09/17/2014 2:33 PM
Community Development Completed 09/17/2014 2:42 PM
Planning Commission Pending
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