Exhibit CTitle 18 - ZONING Chapter 18.09 DISTRICTS AND MAP Grand Terrace, California, Municipal Code Created: 2023-06-14 12:18:29 [EST] (Supp. No. 13) Page 1 of 3 Chapter 18.09 DISTRICTS AND MAP Sections: 18.09.010 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to establish the various zoning districts within the City. (Ord. 126 § 2, Exh. A(part), 1990) 18.09.020 Districts established. The following zoning districts are established: RH Hillside Residential District R1-20 Very Low Density Single Family Residential District R1-10 Low Density Single Family Residential District R1-7.2 Single Family Residential District R2 Low Medium Density Residential District R3 Medium Density Residential District R3-S Multiple Family Senior Citizen R3-20 Medium High Density Residential District R3-24 High Density Residential District BRSP Barton Road Specific Plan District AP Administrative Professional Office District C2 General Business District CM Commercial Manufacturing District MR Restricted Manufacturing District M2 Industrial District PUB Public Facilities District FP Floodplain Overlay District AG Agricultural Overlay District R3-24 GSP High Density Residential Overlay District The Gateway at Grand Terrace Specific Plan (Ord. No. 298 , § 7, 10-11-2016; Ord. No. 264, § 10, 6-12-2012 ; Ord. 126 § 2, Exh. A(part), 1990; (Ord. XXX , 202X) 18.09.030 Designation on map and adoption of map. The designations, locations and boundaries of the districts established are delineated upon the official zoning map on file with the Planning Department. This map and all notations and information thereon, which may be amended from time to time, are made a part of this Title by reference. (Ord. 126 § 2, Exh. A(part), 1990) Created: 2023-06-14 12:18:29 [EST] (Supp. No. 13) Page 2 of 3 18.09.040 Applicability of regulations. The uses described in this Title will be allowed and the regulations set out in this Title shall apply in the districts established in this Chapter. (Ord. 126 § 2, Exh. A(part), 1990) 18.09.050 Boundary uncertainties. Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of any districts shown on the zoning map, the following rules shall apply: A. Where such boundaries are indicated as approximately following street and alley lines, such lines shall be construed to be such boundaries. B. Where an uncertainty exists, the Planning Commission shall determine the location of boundaries. C. Where a public street or alley is officially vacated or abandoned, the regulations applicable to the parcel to which it reverts shall apply to such vacated or abandoned street or alley. (Ord. 126 § 2, Exh. A(part), 1990) Chapter 18.20 SPECIFIC PLAN DISTRICTS Sections: 18.20.010 Purpose. The specific plans as referenced in this chapter are intended to carry out the goals and objectives of the community's general plan, with respect to commercial, office industrial and residential development. To achieve this purpose the specific plans provide comprehensive plans for land use, development regulations, design guidelines, development incentives and other related actions. In the event a conflict exists between the specific plans and any previous technical master plan or any portion of this Title 18 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code as it may relate to properties within the specific plan area, the applicable specific plan for the planning area shall supersede. If a specific issue is not addressed in the applicable specific plan, the regulations as specified in this title shall apply. (Ord. 148 § 1(part), 1994: Ord. 134 § 1, Exhs. A, C, 1991; Ord. 126 § 2, Exh. A(part), 1990) 18.20.020 Barton Road specific plan. The Barton Road specific plan as referenced is located along Barton Road. It contains guidelines for commercial and office development within three subareas of the specific plan: General Commercial (GC), Village Commercial (VC) and Office/Professional (AP). The Barton Road specific plan, as adopted on January 11, 1990 and as may be amended thereafter, is made a part of this title in its entirety. (Ord. 148 § 1(part), 1994: Ord. 126 § 2, Exh. A(part), 1990) Created: 2023-06-14 12:18:30 [EST] (Supp. No. 13) Page 3 of 3 18.20.030 Forest City Dillon specific plans (Phase I and Phase II). The Forest City Dillon specific plans as referenced are located along Mt. Vernon Avenue. They contain guidelines for multiple density residential development. The project consists of two specific plans for the two phased development. Phase I contains two hundred forty-eight units and Phase II three hundred eight units. The Forest City Dillon Phase I specific plan (SP-84-02) was approved in 1985 and Phase II specific plan (SP-87-01) was approved in 1988 and as may be amended, thereafter, is made a part of this title in its entirety. (Ord. 148 § 1(part), 1994) 18.20.040 Kruse specific plan. The Kruse specific plan as referenced is located on the top of Blue Mountain, end of Blue Mountain Road. It contains guidelines for residential development on the hillside as required. The guidelines specifically address accessory structures as they pertain to residential districts. The project contains microwave tower and satellite dishes with two accessory structures. The Kruse specific plan as adopted on December 10, 1992 and as may be amended, thereafter, is made a part of this title in its entirety. (Ord. 148 § 1(part), 1994) 18.20.040 The Gateway at Grand Terrace Specific Plan The Gateway at Grand Terrace Specific Plan is approximately 112-acre site that is generally located east of Interstate 215 and is bounded by Commerce Way and an existing commercial parking lot to the north, the northern portion of Grand Terrace High School to the south, commercial and residential uses to the east, and I -215 to the west. The Specific Plan guidelines provide the general framework for future development of a mixed-use development that would consist of the following: Approximately 43 acres of residential development (up to 695 dwelling units); approximately 25 acres of general commercial development (up to 335,700 square feet); development and/or improvement of drainage facilities, utilities, and public streets with enhanced landscaping; a park that includes a lighted baseball field with a tot-lot/playground; and a detention basin with open space overlay. The Gateway at Grand Terrace Specific Plan (SP 17-01) as adopted on XXXX XX, 202X and as may be amended, thereafter, is made a part of this title in its entirety. (Ord. XXX , 202X)