2013-10 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-10
WHEREAS, AB x1 26 required the dissolution of all redevelopment agencies in
the state; and
WHEREAS, on January 10, 2012, the City adopted Resolution 2012-01 electing
to serve as the Successor Agency to the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment
Agency ("Successor Agency") pursuant to HSC Section 34176; and
WHEREAS, a Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) is defined in
HSC Section 34171(h) as the minimum payment amounts and the due dates of
payments required by enforceable obligations for a six-month period; and
WHEREAS, the ROPS identifies the payment source of enforceable obligations
as payable from the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) and payable
from Other Sources of the Successor Agency; and
WHEREAS, the California Department of Finance has required a submittal of the
ROPS covering the period January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014 (ROPS 13-14B), in
accordance with AB 1484 to be submitted by October 1, 2013; and
WHEREAS, on September 10, 2013, the ROPS for the period January 1, 2014 to
June 30, 2014 (ROPS 13-14B) was reviewed and approved by the City as Successor
Agency; and
WHEREAS, the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the Community
Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace ("Oversight Board") has met and
duly considered a Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the period January 1,
2014 to June 30, 2014 (ROPS 13-14B).
SECTION 1. The Oversight Board finds that the above recitations are true and
correct and, accordingly, are incorporated as a material part of this Resolution.
SECTION 2. The Oversight Board finds that all obligations listed on the ROPS
for the period January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014 (ROPS 13-14B) are true and correct
and, accordingly, are hereby considered enforceable obligations.
SECTION 3. Pursuant to HSC Section 34177, the ROPS for the period January
1, 2014 to June 30, 2014, incorporated herein as Attachment A, ("ROPS 13-1413") is
hereby approved and adopted in substantially the same form as shown in Attachment A
by the Oversight Board.
SECTION 4. The Executive Director is hereby authorized to make such non-
substantive changes and adjustments to ROPS 13-14B, as attached, which may be
necessary and appropriate.
SECTION 5. The Executive Director is hereby directed to take all necessary and
appropriate acts to submit the ROPS 13-148 to the California Department of Finance,
State Controller's Office, San Bernardino County Auditor-Controller, and any other
agency by the October 1 , 2013 submittal deadline. The Executive Director is further
authorized to perform all acts necessary and appropriate which may be required by the
California Health & Safety Code. This includes, but is not limited to the requirements set
forth by the California Department of Finance, the San Bernardino County Auditor-
Controller, or any other applicable agency.
SECTION 6. The Oversight Board Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this
PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 181h day of September, 2013 by the
following vote:
AYES: Board Members Forbes, Morga, Ferracone and Miranda; Vice-Chairman
Saks and Chairman Stanckiewitz
NOES: None
ABSENT: Board Member Shields
Walt Stanckie itz,
Oversight Board Chair
Tracey R. MMnidz,
Oversight Board Secretary
Attachment A
Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS)
For the Period January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014
(ROPS 13-14B)
Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS 13-14B) -Summary
Filed for the January 1,2014 through June 30, 2014 Period
Name of Successor Agency: Grand Terrace
Name of County: San Bernardino
Current Period Requested Funding for Outstanding Debt or Obligation Six-Month Total
Enforceable Obligations Funded with Non-Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund(RPTTF)Funding
A Sources(B+C+D): $ 1,759,533
B Bond Proceeds Funding(ROPS Detail) 480,000
C Reserve Balance Funding(ROPS Detail) 1,279,533
D Other Funding(BOPS Detail) -
E Enforceable Obligations Funded with RPTTF Funding(F+G): $ 1,166,700
F Non-Administrative Costs(ROPS Detail) 1,041,700
G Administrative Costs(ROPS Detail) 125,000
H Current Period Enforceable Obligations(A+E): $ 2,926,233
Successor Agency Self-Reported Prior Period Adjustment to Current Period RPTTF Requested Funding
I Enforceable Obligations funded with RPTTF(E): 1,166,700
J Less Prior Period Adjustment(Report of Prior Period Adjustments Column U) (161,920)
K Adjusted Current Period RPTTF Requested Funding(I-J) $ 1,004,780
County Auditor Controller Reported Prior Period Adjustment to Current Period RPTTF Requested Funding
L Enforceable Obligations funded with RPTTF(E): 1,166,700
M Less Prior Period Adjustment(Report of Prior Period Adjustments Column AB) -
N Adjusted Current Period RPTTF Requested Funding(L-M) 1,166,700
Certification of Oversight Board Chairman: Walt Stanckiewitz, Chairman
Pursuant to Section 34177(m)of the Health and Safety code, I
hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate Recognized Na a Title
Obligation Payment Schedule for the above named agency. /s! ` _1
Signature Date
Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule(ROPS)13-14B-Report of Fund Balances
(Report Amounts in Whole Oolfars)
Pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 34177(1),Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund(RPTTF)may be listed as a source of payment an the ROPS.but only to the extent no other funding source is available or when payment from property tax revenues is requred by
an enforceable obli anon.
Fund Sources
Bond Proceeds Reserve Balance Other RPTTF
Review balances
retained for
Bonds Issued Bonds Issued approved RPTTF balances Rent,
on or before on or after enforceable retained for bond Grants,
Fund Balance Information by ROPS Period 12131/10 0110//11 obligations reserves Interest.Etc, Non-Admin Admm Totat Comments
ROPS III Actuals 01101113-6130113
Beginning Available Fund Balance(Actual 01101113) "Column 1) balance of 2011A Tax Allocation
Note that for the RPTTF,1+2 should tie to columns L and Q in the Bonds(tax-exempt bonds(.
1 Re art of Prior Period Adjustments PPAs 13,124,044 25,98E 250,000 $ 13,400,032 'Column H+1=
Revenueflncome(Actual 06130113)Note that the RPTTF amounts
should tie to the ROPS lit distributions from the County Auditor-
s Controller 920,54E - $ 920,548
Expenditures for ROPS III Enforceable Obligations(Actual
06130113)Note Mat for the RPT-ri 3+4 should tie to columns N
3 land S.in the Report of Pi 906.G07 3n i i,F, 5 1.044.105
Retention of Available Fund Balance(Actual 06130113)Note that
the Non-Admin RPTTF amount should only include the retention of
4 reserves for debt service approved in ROPS III $ -
ROPS III RPTTF Prior Period Adjustment Nate that the net Non-
Admin and Admin RPTTF amounts should tie to columns 0 and T No entry required
5 in the Report of Pi 49 158 112,762 $ 161.920
6 Ending Actual Available Fund Balance 1+2-3-4-5 $ - $ 13,124,044 $ - $ - $ - $ 40,629 $ 111,902 1 S 13,114,555
ROPS 13-14A Estimate 0710111 3-1 701/1 3
Beginning Available Fund Balance(Actual 07101113)11 D,E,G,
7 and I=4+6,F=H4+F6,and H=4+6 $ - $ 13,124.044 $ - $ - $ - $ 40,529 $ 111,902 $ 13,276,475
Revenue8ncome(Estimate 12131113)
Note that the RPTTF amounts should tie to the ROPS 13-14A
a distributions from the Gaunt Auditor-Controller 1,223,281 130,250 $ 1,363,531
Expenditures for 13-14A Enforceable Obligations
9 J Estimate 12131/13 1.223.281 1 130,250 1 $ 1,353,531
Retention of Available Fund Balance(Estimate 12131113)
Note that the RPTTF amounts may include the retention of
10 reserves for debt service approved in ROPS 13-14A S
11 Ending Estimated Available Fund Balance 7+9-9-10 $ $ 13,124,044 $ $ $ - $ 40,529 $ 111,902 $ 13,276,475
Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule CROPS 113-14B-ROPS Detail
January 1,2014 through June 30r 2014
Ikeport Amounts In Whole Dollars)
A B C n E F G H I J R L M N O A
i=undi Source
NorsRedevelapmeat Property Tax Trµst Fund
ContracuABreemenl ContracVAgreement Total Outstanding
Rem Project Narrie I Debt Obligation opt-ton Type Fxecrit—Date Termination Dare P.— Ddsd,1ptxirdPraJtSco Piagedt Area Debt or Obli ation Retired Bond Proceed. Reserve Balance Other Funds N—Admin Admin Six-Month Total
3 61 990,41 S 480,000 S 1,279533 $ - $ 1,041,700 5 125,000 $ 2 M 233
1 2011 A Tax Allocalon Hord Bonds Issued AOer 11 V2011 91IM33 US Bank Bond Principle and Interest on RDA Grand Terrace 26,767.110 N 414,098 $ 414.090
12milic I Bonds
2 20118 Tax Allocation Bond Bards Issued After 1/112011 91112026 US Bank Bond Principle and Interest on RDA Grand Terrace 8.332,735 N 193,393 $ 193.393
1213100 Bonds
3 Trustee Fees Fear lIV2011 91t2C33 us Bank Tnstse Keen Grand Terrace 152 DDO N - $ -
4 Zion Loan CityfCounty Loans 71112OD5 911/2020 Zion Fire[N;banal Bank Priyare Refunding of CRA Debt Grand Terrace N $
On or Belpre=7111
a Repayment of Debt Service CitylCounty Loan. 112MO12 1r26Rf121 68 Valley Muni Water Repayment lncmred debt servce Grand Terraae 1,896672 N 240,000 $ 240.DDu
On or Before 527111 distrlb by-BBC ATC
6 Professional Services Pmfessianal 2112072 Si City Nevis Group AMertaingMohcing Grand Terrace N $
7 C.—Idng S—ieee Professional 71132010 11312013 Chamber of Commerce Business Development Services Grand Terrace N - $
B Piafaearonal Services Professional 2112012 61302D34 Professional Appraisers Property AppratsaE Services Grand Terrace 420.00o N in,one $ 10,D00
9 Professional 5ervicea Pmpedy 4112QCII 613 012 0 1 5 ACE Weed Abatement Weed abatement for Agency ovmed Grand Terrace 40.000 N 10,000 $ 10,000
Maintenance property
10 Professional Services Pnafessi...I WU2012 613=034 Urban Futures S.E.C.Rule 15c2-12 Compliance Grand Terrace 147.000 N 3,500 $ 3,500
Sn ices Requirement-E"rdl
T7 Prafeesional Services Professional 211I2012 6f302034 Crir ick IRC cec.148(f)Compliance-Arpitrage Grand Terrace 126.000 N 3,600 5 3.000
Services Rotate C.Liila8on
12 Agency Owned Property Property 2112012 W31312034 Various conlr.c . Property Mainrereance and insurance- Grand Terrace 420,000 N 10,000 S 10,000
Maintenance Ap.-V Property
13 2011ATABS Debt Service Reserve Bonds Issued Ater 11112011 91V2033 Us Hank DSR-bond Covenant Requiremenl Grand Terrace 1,280,903 N S
14 2011n TARS Debt Service Reserve Bonds Issued Ater 1J7r2011 9112026 US Bank DSR-bond Covenant Requlrement Grand Terrace 476,910 N $ -
15 Professional S—rd"-RUA sand DlsanUidn Audits 91112012 1/312013 Rogers Anderson Maludy Due Diligence RepormgReview H&S Grand Terrace N $
down 34179.5
16 SA Legal consulting Le I 1W712C11 /5/301034 Jones&M Legal Counael under H&S 34177. b Grand Terrace 1 250,000 N 40 iinu S 40.000
17 2011A TAPS Bond Projects Bonds Issued Ater 3H32012 W1312015 Webb&Assam Michigan Street improvements design Grand Terrace N $
1Z31110 an o ROW
18 2011A TABS Bond Projects Bonds Issued Ater 11112011 91V2033 Conhactorri Southwest prnjecr area.infrastructure Grand Terrace N $
12/31110 study and design
19 2011 A TABS Bond Projects Bonds Issued After 1f12011 RTM33 ConlractorslStat Seuthwestpmjectarea.infrastructure Grand Terrace N $
1Zl31110 crmshd ion
20 2011A TABS Bond Projects Bonds Issued Ater 10,2011 9112033 C-P.O."dr ah Barton Road Inhaapuclure Grand Terrace - IN $ -
1213100 its ovements
21 2011A TABS Bond Pi Bonds Issued Ater 11112011 IINQ033 eontrac[ers+Start Michigan Street improvements Grand Terrace - N $
1213910 conshuction
22 2011A TABS Bond Projects Bends Issued Ater 1112011 9/712033 Cant—barslstalf Union PacificlBadan Road bridge Grand Terrace - N $ -
12/31110 construction _
23 2011A TABS Band Projects Berrds Issued Ater Vf 12011 9MM33 ContractorslStat Storm drain&street rehab Van Buren. Grand Terrace - N $ -
12131f1t Pilo,and Main St.
24 2011A TABS Band Projects Brands ISeued Ater V12011 SPIM33 Conhaclerel5lat Mt.Vernon slope stabti-ton Grand Terrace - N S -
25 2011A TABS Bond Projects Bonds Issued Ater 1f12011 9112g33 ConhaclanlStat Vista Grande Park construction Grand Terrace - N $
12 31f10
Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule(ROPS 113-140-ROPS Detail
January 1,2014 through June 30,2014
(Report Amounts in Whale Dolla*
A n C O E F G H I J K L M N O P
Fund' Seer-
N.,Redeveiopment Property Tas Trust Fund
CantracllAgreement Contracpggreement Total Culatanding
hem* Pro t Name 1 Debt Obit anon Obligation Type Execution Date Terminalion()ate Pa ee Des .WPra I Sco a Project Area Debt or Dbf abon Retired Bond Proceed Rini—Bal Other Funds Non-Admin Ad— sir-Month Total
S 67 990 491 480 000 S anc 1,279533 $ - $ 1 G41.700 $ 125,000 S 2,926,233
26 2011A TABS Payment Reserve Bonds Issued After 111WIl 91V2033 US Bank Reserveasper H&S 34171(d((IXA)- Grand Terrace 698,208 N 698.296 $ 698,298
12131110 bald debt service
27 2011 B TABS Paymemt Reserve Bands Issued After 4172011 91112033 US Bank Reserve as pet H&S 34171(d((1((A)- Grand Terrace 436,735 N 436.735 $ 43fi,735
17J31110 bard delft$ervice
2B SERAF Loan LMIHF-RESERVE SERAFIFRAF 406Q011 4262021 LMIHF Repayment oNoan ror SERAF- Grand Terrace N $
29 Stater Brothers CPA Business In—wri 2rn2C11 2,12=021 Staler Brothers Markets Payment on participation agreement Grand Terrace 1.044,375 N 144500 $ 1.44.500
30 Resdual Receipts Miscellaneous 2R4R0119 21242G33 City of Grand Terrace Alloidable Musing payment agreement Grand Terrace N $
31 Fmplayse Costs Admin Costs 2Ir2012 &3MM4 Peernnnel Costs Agency direct employee costs-salaries Grand Terrace 3,207,COe N 76 357 $ 76,357
32 Employee Costa-PERS Admin Costs 2/112012 61302034 Personnel Costs A ens deed employ.. Grand Terrace 77427e N 15435 $ le435
13 Office Ren8C-I Allocation Ad—Costs 21112012 6MM34 Personnel Costs Agency direct employee cost—ther Grand Terra- 905,100 N $ 21,550
beneTts 21,550
34 Cost Allocaton-Atlm OM Lmb Ins Admin Gocts 2012012 61=2034 Psrsonnel Casts Agency dried employee costs- Grand Terrace 363,63Q N S 8.658
;—prurverb-I 6,658
35 Careehl Services Admin Costs 2112012 613MO15 RSG liepoiting and Administrative Services Grand Terrace N $
36 C.—firru Services Admin Costs W112012 613N2014 HOL Property Tax Reporting Services Grand Terrace - N $
37 10trice CestslSu iesfMlse. Admin Coots 2112012 N3Wm34 Va.lors Administrative sir Tres and costs Grand Terrace N S
3B Annual Aud t and Revolting Revoling Admin Costs 2 92012 W302014 kagen,Anderson Maody Required annual auditing services Grand Tenace - N $
39 Property Dmpo Ucet Plan Property Disl,itions B1122013 80212034 Contractor Preparation of property drsposi tion plan Grand Terrace - N $
I.,Muairr assets
40 2011A TABS Bond Projects Bonds Issued After 3113,2012 31132015 Webb&Assoc Miohioan Street improvements:design Grand Terrace 480.000 N 490.000 S 480 03G
12131110 and ROW. -Phase2
41 2011 A TABS Bond Projects Bondi,issued Ater 3/13/2012 31t3y2020 ContractonlBtatt Grand Terrace Project CIP(hems 18 Grand Terrace 12.644.944 N S
12131110 through 25
42 SERAF Loan LMIHF-Reserve SERAFIERAF 4126=11 42620116 LMIHF Repayment of loan lot SERAF- Grand Terrace - N $
41 Residual Receipts 212412009 7J2412O33 Clty of Grand Tenace AGordable horsing payment.91-Ment Grail Terrace - N - $
44 Property Management Property N.posdiorc 11112014 &3C2O34 Contractor Implementation at Property Dispreitron Grand Terrace 50,000 N 50,00E $ 5n,GOO
Im lememarieo Plan Plan upon a naval of DOF
45 D—Htion of single-family d—1,lg Remedwb- MU2014 dm(V2014 Contract., Demfte otsingle family dwelling on Grand Terrace 25.00E N 25 DOC S 25,00E
21992 D.B.11Y Street
46 Removal of concrete slab&sod pile Remediation 11IM14 613C2014 Contractor Re—I of concrete slab&soil pile at Gland Terrace 30.000 N 30,000 $ 30,000
APN IT275.242-10
47 Tases on Successor Agency Property Dispoilft a 1112012 60MI2014 San eemardwo Auditor Pmperly Tact on Successor Agency Grant Terrace 12,7G9 12,709 S 12.709
Pro cantraLLer Pm e
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Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule 13-14B - Notes
January 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014
Item # Notes/Comments
40 ROPS DETAIL FORM#40: Request funding for the Michigan Street Improvements -Phase 2; The Agency is
resubmitting this item as this phase of the project was established under ABx1 26 redevelopment dissolution
law, not AB1484.
44 ROPS DETAIL FORM#44: Request funding for the implementation of the Property Disposition Plan after
approval by the DOF.
45 ROPS DETAIL FORM#45: Request funding for the demolition of a single-family dwelling on 21992 DeBerry
Street; the agency owned property contains a single-family home that is old, dilapidated and uninhabitable.
Demolition will prepare the property for sale after approval of the Property Disposition Plan by the DOF.
46 ROPS DETAIL FORM#46: Request funding for the removal of a concrete slab and contaminated soil pile at
APN 0275-242-10. Removal will prepare the property for sale after approval of the Property Disposition Plan by
the DOF.
47 ROPS DETAIL FORM #47: Request funding for the property taxes due on the following properties: 22720 Vista
Grande Way and 22747 Barton Road in Grand Terrace.