Precision Concrete Cutting Recorded in Official Records,County of San Bernardino 8/29/2018 F BOB DUTTON O A 1 AM t, e„u� .. � AaTaacrvaau� 3 ASSESSOR — RECORDER — CLERK SAN RECORDING REQUESTED BY: -Debra L.Thomas,City Clerk F P Counter WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Titles 1 Pages 1 City of Grand Terrace DOC# 201 8-0315452 Fees 0.00 Taxes 0.00 22795 Barton Road CA SB2 Fee 0.00 Grand Terrace,CA 92313 Others 0.00 ATTENTION; Paid $0.00 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE'FOR RECORDER'S USE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Notice pursuant to Civil Code Section 3093, must be filed within 10 days after completion. Notice is hereby given that: 1.' The undersigned is owner or corporate officer of the owner of the interest or estate stated below.in the property hereinafter described: 2. The full name of the owner is City of ,rand T rra -_ 3, The full address of the owner is 22795 Barton Road,Grand Terrace,CA 92313 4. The nature if the interest or estate of the owner is;In fee. Of other than fee, strike "In fee" and insert, for example, "purchaser under contract of purchase," or"lease") 5, The-full names and full addresses of all persons, if any,who hold title with the undersigned as joint tenants in.common are: NAMES ADDRESSES 6, A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was completed on 5/21/18 The work done was: Sidewalk Inventory and leveling of uneven sidewalk through concrete cutting at various locations. APN:_None 7, The name of the contractor, if any, for such work of improvement was Pr cisinn GonerPta Cotting January 23"2018 ____ _ Of no contractor for work of improvements as a whole, insert"none") (Date of Contract) 8. The property on-which said work of improvement was completed is in the.City of Grand Terrace County'of San Bernardino , State of California,and,is described as.follows: 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace,CA 92313 9. The.street address of said property is 22795 Barton Road,Grand Terrace,CA 92313 (1f.no.street address-has been officially assigned, n ert "n ne") August 14,2018 Dated:- Signature ner or corporate officer of owner named i p graph 2 of his agent VERIFICATION I,the undersigned,say: I am the CITY MANAGER OF the declarent of the_foregoing notice of completion; ("President of", "Manager-of"., "-Owner of", etc. I have read said notice.of completion and know the contents thereof;the same is true of my own knowledge. I declare under penalty of perjury that the'foregoing is true and correct. Executed on R. ,, aD f�,at Grand Terrace , California. (Dale of signature) (City where signed) (Personal signature of a in v' ual who i earing at the contents of the notice of.comple once e.)