2015-34 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-34 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE MEASURE I FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, San Bernardino County voters approved passage of Measure I in November 2004, authorizing the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority to impose a one-half of one percent retail transactions and use tax applicable in the incorporated and unincorporated territory of the County of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, revenue from the tax can only be used for transportation improvement and traffic management programs authorized in the Expenditure Plans set forth in Ordinance No. 04- 1 of the Authority; and WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan requires each local jurisdiction applying for revenue from the Local Streets Program to annually adopt and update a Five-Year Capital Improvement Program, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Grand Terrace, State of California, hereby adopts the Measure I Five Year Capital Improvement Program, a copy of which is attached to this resolution. r' PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace at a regular meeting held on the 1 Oth day of November, 2015. Dar McNaboe j ATTEST: :_Pat Jac z-N r- C, r RESOLUTION NO. 2015-34 PAGE 1 OF 4 NOVEMBER 10, 2015 I, PAT JACQUEZ-NARES, CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 1 Och day of November, 2015 by the.following vote: AYES: Council Members Wilson, Hussey, Mitchell, Mayor Pro .Tem Robles, Mayor McNaboe NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Pat Jacqu a es oz City Clerk 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-34 PAGE 2 OF 4 NOVEMBER 10, 2015 Attachment4 • � • ," side of worksheeCto add rows rothecthan in Inserting lows to ensure formulas are carried through. ' Please do not change,alter or modify this template.Use plus signs along left .. _ " MEASURE I LOCAL STREET PASS-THROUGH FUNDS FIVENEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN PLAN-PERIOD: 2015/2016 to 2019/2020 "City of Grand Terrace TotoI Avaslab.le Y.NAME: PaorylAGENC 16/2017 FY 2017/2018 FY2018/2019 019/2020 esltmme- :. 'CARRYOVER BALANCE: $560,794.35..: ;'MEASURE I ESTIMATE: $190.730.70 $196;452:62. ... $202,837.33:..: $209,936.64 $218,334.10 $1,579085.74 � "Nexus.Proj6et4• FT20152016 "FY 20162017 FY 2017Q018' FY 20182019 '" FV20192020 Total Local aasurStreet. . Esgmated Total- --- - -•^ -"'-- - Pro'ct Cost FN k,.oiF, ;Car over Current Car over Current - .Carryover .Current Carryover Current Carryover Currant le ry ry Pm98ammed .. e::.. nds e�Estimate 'Funds:��., R,Esbmate' 'Funds `?Estmate' 'Funds"= ;Estimat ""Funds,. Estmate Barton Road Mount Vernon to 1 00'west of Canal Street $ 362,460.00 WA WA $ 280,397.00 $ 82,063.00 - .-$362.460 McClarren Street,Wends Court to Canal Street $ 377,900.00 WA NW $ 280,397.35 $ 97,502.65 ' 377 900 00 Robin Way and Warbler Avenue $ 203,500.00- WA WA $ 203,500.00 $203500.00 f#! -: Glendora Drive and Minona Drive •• $ 209 500.00 WA WA •... .:.. -.-. ... $ 209,600.00 $209,500.00 AM •" Palm Avenue-Slurry Seal .. .. .. .. .. $ 138,200.00 WA. WA .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .$ 138.200.00; .`:$138,200.00 Ra ....... .... .. .,..... ....... ....... ....... ..... .... ....... ...... ....... ...... ... ... - $0.00 .. .. .. .. 0.0 -- $0.00 .. ._ ' 4000 .. .. $0.00 .. =".':` .y•:..".,`'' ,Tdfal',Ca over+E st male:I$. :'A.:.1291'S60 "-" "'-' -"594.35 $1,291,560.00 Proled Count Name 0.00 $740, 0.D0 D.00 1 291,560.007 556 0 '%NmedProeds 38B/e 1104/ - O-A Catego`rical:Projects Total•?' ' Cltyvrid ADA Ramp Retrofit Pro ram $ 50.000.00 $"""'50,100.00 : "' i. ififf✓ER�L"' E.` "" ;: $50,00000" Ciryvrida Road Improvements Pro ram' $ 298.200.00. '- ,,,-, $ 98,200.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 100000.00 f $29820.,-- .. .. .. .S 1$0.00 1 $0.00 .. 90 .. -� $000 Cat orisalkojoct Ttal S 34820D 00 '$' S0000,00:;� $ 98,200p0: $` ,": $ ]00;000.00 $-.. 10000000 : $34B20000 ..... .. :. _ ..--%Cato`oriwl Pro et`s cannot seed 50%:'�.-, __ ;2a°5 �. :'%°60% - Ob AB% 46°fe Ca*verfunds may riot be used on Cafergoncaf ftjeds. ;••. _ _. ,,,, ,_, _ .., - Programm _ .... Total ed: $ : 1;639,760.00 Total Programmed:Carryover $ S60,794.35 In Accordance wNh'Measure I Simteaie Plan Pogiv4000]: Total Estimated .... _. ,,. ,., ,,, 7 -Esgmat Programmed. 1,0 8,96 1.If Measue I aDocated td project is z 5100,000,then list individually in Named Projects section. Check $ 1,639,760.00 2.There is a 50%limn on total categorical projects. .. programing teed 150/e 6 No " 150%of Estimated Measure I Pius carryover. $ 2,368,628 61' _ 3.There is a 150%constraint on total planned expenditures to Measurelestimated revenue. _ Doesamount ex limit. 4.EVenditums of Measure I Local Street funds must be detailed in the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan and adopted by resolution of the governing body. _ _ _ ,,_ ,, ".,, ,.,,, ....... 5.Revised Capilal Improvement Plans are due to SANBAG by the end of the fiscal year along Improvement llis resolution. - RESOLUTION NUMBER: .. RESOLUTION APPROVAL DATE:. : ... - ... '.. - ... .. ... .. ... ..• •.. .. ... ,.. CONTACT PERSON&TITLE: Sandra Molina communityDevelopment Director CONTACT PHONE: .. SOM24-6621 CONTACT EMAIL• Revised ru1Y 1,2cls .. .. .: .: .. .... ... .... ... RESOLUTION N0.'2015-34 PAGE 3 OF 4 NOVEMBER 10,2015 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE MEASURE I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN EXPENDITURE STRATEGY Fiscal Year 2015/2016—Fiscal Year 2019/2020 The City of Grand Terrace has adopted a Measure I expenditure strategy which focuses on the delivery of significant capital improvements on a pay-as-you-go basis.The City intends to accumulate Measure I revenues for arterial improvements.The City also plans to construct missing links,such as the Commerce Way extension,for vehicle capacity expansion as well as assistance with the Interstate 215 Barton Road Interchange improvements. RESOLUTION NO. 2015-34 PAGE 4 OF 4 NOVEMBER 10, 2015