2015-07 .... ... ... ..... RESOLUTION.NO.:2015-07 A :RESOLUTION OF ,THE CITY COUNCIL -OF :THE :CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DELEGATING: AUTHORITY TO THE CITY MANAGER TO SET THE CITY HALL CLOSURE _... _ _ _ ....... _.. SCHEDULE OVER THE CHRISTMAS/NEW : :YEAR'S HOLIDAY. WHEREAS, the :City Council is authorized:.and directed under..the provisions of. . Chapter 2.2.4.of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code.to adopt provisions for .compensation of personnel created in said Municipal Code Chapter; and, WHEREAS., the objectives .of the Statement,of.Benefits.are to, attract to.municipal . service the best and most.competent persons,available and to provide for.an equitable system . of personnel compensation; and, WHEREAS, .at the same time, within. the limits of :administrative:,fea�jbility, considerable..latitude:..shall be.. given:. to the::;City Manager in the irgerpretati6h;7and=. application::of:these:benefits :so;that they-are applied equitably; and;, WHEREAS, the City Manager is tasked with .managing workflows,-'s&eduling,_and operations; y NOW: THEREFORE;, THE :CITY COUNCIL :OF THE :CITY:: OF GRAND TERRACE DOES HEREBY:RESOLVE;::DETERMINE:AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: -- Section :1: Authority. is delegated :to the City Manager to set the Christmas -and New Year's closure dates for City Hail:each year, subject to the following:conditions: . 1. This authorization is limited to the Christmas/New Year',s holiday schedule. _... _.. ....... ...... 2. City Hall will be closed a minimum of 4 working days in order to give-staff their agreed upon holiday:time as per the_Statement of:Benefits.. .3. City Hall may, at the City Manager's discretion, be closed an additional two days.(for a total of 6 working days).: 4. Staff may use, floating holidays; vacation; or other appropriate accruals if they have such ....... accruals :available:::.If staff:does not:have appropriate:accruals -or leave :forms on:the _h books, their time will be uripaid. No :additional-holidays or accruals are created by this action. ....... 5: Closure of City Hall in excess of:6 working days must be approved by the Council.: :RESOLUTION NO. 2015=07 PAGE 1 OF 2 APRIL 14, 2015 ...... .... : _. _. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of Grand Terrace at a regular meeting,held on,the-14th.day of April, 2015.by the.following vote: : :AYES: ::- Council Members Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey, May Pro Tem Robles, Mayor McNaboe NOES: None .ABSENT: None _.. - ABSTAIN: Norte: .... . .... :ATTEST.:. : - acq z-1`�r s Darcy cNaboe . _.. ... ... City Clerk_- M or APPROVED AS TO FORM: __. ....: ....... ... ..: Richard L. Adams, II ....... City-Attorney ....... ....... sp I;.PAT JACQUEZ=NARES,:.CITY CLERK of the City of.Grand Terrace, do,hereby:certify that., the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held:on-the 14th day of April, 2015 by the following:vote: ...... ...... ....... AYES: Council: Members.:Mitchell.; Wilson; .Hussey; Mayor:Pro Tem. Robles, Mayor McNaboe ... ... .... : ...... .. . NOES;... None ..... ABSENT: Norte ABSTAIN-.- :None ... ....... RESOLUTION NO. 2015=07 PAGE 2 OF 2 APRIL 14, 2015