1980-21 RESOLUTION NO . 80- 21
80- 26
r ,
OF 1974
The City Council of the City of Grand Terrace hereby
resolves that the following Conflict of Interest Code applicable
to the Designated City Employees and Commissioners pursuant
to the-Political -Reform Act of 1974 is hereby adopted:
Section 1. 1 - Introduction.
In compliance with the Political-Reform Act of 1974 ,
California Government Code Section 81000 , et seq. , and
specifically with Section 87300 et seq. , the City of Grand Terrace
hereby adopts this Conflict of Interest Code which shall be
applicable to all designated employees- of - the- City. The re-
quirements of this Code are--.an addition...to. other requirements
of the .Act such- as the general prohibition against conflicts
of interest-contained in Government Code Section 87100 , and
to any other state or local laws pertaining to conflicts of
Section 1 . 2 - Definition of Terms .
The definitions contained in the Political Reform Act
of 1974 , the regulations of the Fair Political Practices
Commission (2 Cal . Adm. ' Code Sections 18100 et seq. ) , and any
amendments to the Act or regulations , are incorporated by
reference into this Conflict of Interest Code. 1
Section 1 . 3 - Severability.
If any article , section , subsection , paragraph , sub-
paragraph, sentence , clause or phrase of this Code is for any
reason held to be invalid, unconstitutional or unenforceable ,
such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portions of this Code. The City declares that it would have
adopted this Code and each article , section, subsection,
paragraph, subparagraph ; sentence , clause and phrase thereof
irrespective of the fact any one or more of such portions• of
this Code be declared invalid , unconstitutional or unenforce-
Section 1. 4 - Effective Date.
This Code shall take effect upon its approval by the
City Council.
Section 2 . 1 - Designated Employees.
The persons holding positions listed in Appendix A
are designated employees.. It has been determined that these
officers and employees make or participate in the making of
decisions which may foreseeably have a material effect on
financial interests.
Section 3. 1 - Disclosure Statements.
A designated employee shall be assigned one or more
of the disclosure categories set forth in Appendix B. It
has been determined that the financial interests set forth
in a designated employee ' s disclosure category are the types
of financial interests which he or she foreseeably can affect
materially through the conduct of his or her office. Each
designated employee shall file statements of economic
interests disclosing his or her financial interests as re-
quired by the applicable disclosure category.
Section 3 . 2 - Place of Filing.
All designated employees required to submit a statement
of economic interests shall file the original with the City
Clerk, who . s.ha.11 be the filing officer for all designated
employees, City Council members, Planning Commissioners and
the City Manager.
Upon receipt of the statement of economic interests of
the City Council members , Planning Commissioners and the City
Manager, the agency shall make and retain a copy and forward
the originals of these statements to the Political Fair
Practices Commission who shall be the filing officer, within
five (5) days of the filing deadline or five (5) days of
receipt- in--the- case-of statements- filed -late
Section 4 . 1 - Initial Statements .
All designated employees employed by the agency on the
effective date of this Code shall file statements within
thirty days after the effective date of this Code.
Section, 4 . 2 - Assuming Office Statements_
1. All persons assuming designated positions after
the effective date of this Code Civil Service , shall file
_ .Section 4.2, Para. 23 amended to
reflect 30 days, see Res , #81-15
statements within thirty days after assuming the designated
positions .
2. All other persons appointed, .promoted or transferred .
to designated positions after the effective date of the Code,
shall file statements within ten days after assuming office.
Section 4 . 3 - Annual Statements.
All designated employees shall file statements no later
than April 1.
Section 4 . 4 - Leaving Office Statements. '
All persons who leave designated positions shall file
statements within thirty days after leaving office.
_. .
Section 5 . 1 - Contents of Initial Statements.
Initial statements shall disclose any reportable in-
vestments and interests in real property held on the effective .
date of the Code.
Section 5 . 2 - Assuming Office Statements_
Assuming office statements shall disclose- any re-
portable investments and -interests in real property held on
the date of assuming office..
Section 5 . 3 - Contents of Annual Statements.
Annual statements shall disclose any reportable in-
vestments , interests in real property , .and income held or
received during the previous calendar year provided, however,
that the period covered by an employee' s first annual state-
ment shall begin on the effective date of the Code or the
date of assuming office whichever is later.
Section 5 . 4 - Contents of Leaving Office Statements.
Leaving office statements shall disclose reportable
investments , interests in real property , and income held or
received during the period between the closing .date of the
last statement filed and the date of leaving office.
Section 6 . 1 -
Disclosure statements shall be made on forms supplied
by the City and shall contain the following information :
Section 6 . 2 - Contents of Investment and Real
Property Reports
When an investment or interest in real property 2/
is required to be- reported, 3/ the statement shall contain
the following :
1/The head of the agency can delegate ministerial tasks
such as the receipt of and review of' statements but not
the ultimate responsibility to assure that such tasks
are carried out 'correctly and expediently. See Govern-
ment Code Sect-ion 81010 and 2 Cal. Adm. Code Section,
18115. -
2/Fot"the purpose of disclosure only (not disquali-
fication) , an interest in real property does not include the
principal residence of the filer.
3/Investments and interests in real property which 'have
a fair market value of less than $1 ,000 are not investments and
interests in real property within the meaning of the Political
Reform Act. However , investments or interests in real property
of an individual include those held by the individual ' s spouse
and dependent children' as well as a pro rata sha..re..o.f any.
investment or interest in real property of any business entity
or trust in which the , individual , spouse and dependent children
own , in the aggregate , a direct, indirect or beneficial interest
of 10% or greater
(1) A statement of the nature of the investment
or interest ;
(2) The name of the business entity in which
,each investment is held, and a general description of the
business activity in which the business entity is engaged;
(3) The address or other precise location of the
real property ;
(4) A statement whether the fair market value of
the investment or interest in real property exceeds one
thousand dollars ($1 ,000) , exceeds ten thousand. dollars..
($10 , 000) , or exceeds one hundred thousand dollars ($100 ,000) .
Section 6 . 3 - Contents of Personal Inpome Reports..
When personal income is required to be reported ,4/ the
statement shall contain :
(1) The name and address of each source of income
aggregating two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) or more in
value , or twenty-five dollars ($25) or more in value if the
income was a gift, and a general description of the business
activity, if any , of each source.
(2) A statement whether the aggregate value of
income from each source was one thousand dollars ..($1 ,000) or
less , greater than one thousand dollars ($1,000) , or greater
than ten thousand dollars ($10 ,000) ;,
(3) A description of the consideration, if any
for which the income w.as received;
4/A designated employee' s income includes his or her
community property interest in the income of his or her spouse.
(4) In the case of a gift , the name_ and . address
of the donor , a _description of the gift , ' the amount or value
of the gift , and the date on which the gift was . received.
Section 6 . 4 - Contents of Business Entity Income Reports
When income of a business entity, including income
of a sole proprietorship , is required to be reported , V the
statement shall contain:
(L) The name , address ; and a general description
of the business activity of the business entity.;
(2) In the case of a business entity which
provides legal or brokerage services , the name .of every
person who paid fees to the business entity if the filer' s
pro rata share of fees from such person was equal to or
greater than one thousand dollars ($1 ,000) ;
(3) In the case of a business entity not covered
by paragraph (2) , the name of every person from whom the
business entity received . payments if the filer' s pro rata
share - of gross receipts from such person was equal to or
greater than ten thousand dollars- ($10 ,000) .
, Section --6. 5 - Acquisition or Disposal During
Reporting Period.
In the- -=case of an annual or leaving office statement,
5/Income of a business entity is reportable if the
direct, indirect or beneficial interest of the filer , spouse
and dependent -children in the business entity aggregates
a 10%' or greater interest. In addition , the disclosure,
of persons who are clients or customess_ of a. business-
entity is required only if the source is within one of the
disclosure categories of the filer.
if an investment or interest in real property was partially
or wholly acquired or disposed of during the period covered
by the statement, the statement shall contain the date of -
acquisition or disposal.
Section 7 . 1 -
Designated employees must disqualify themselves from
making , participating in the making or using their official
positions to influence the making of .any governmental de-
cision which will foreseeably have a material financial effect ,
distinguishable from its effect on the public generally , on :
(1) Any business entity ;in which the designated
employee has a direct or indirect investment worth more Eh an
one thousand dollars ($1 ,000) ;
(2) Any real property in which the designated
employee has a direct or indirect interest worth more than .
one thousand dollars ($1 ,000) ;
(3) Any source of income , other than loans by
a commercial lending institution in the regular course of
business , aggregating two hundred fifty dollars ($250) or
more in value received by or promised to the designated em-
ployee within twelve months prior to ,the time when the
decision is made ; or
(4) Any business entity in which the designated
employee is a director , officer , partner , trustee , employee ,
or holds any position of management.
Section 7. 2 -
No designated employee shall be prevented from making
or participating in the making of any decision to the -extent-
his or her participation is legally required for the decision
to -be made. The fact that a designated employee ' s vote is
needed to break a tie does not make his or her participation
legally required for purposes of this section.
Section 10 = Manner of Disqualification.
A designated employee required to disqualify himself
or herself shall notify his or her supervisor in writing.
This notice shall be forwarded to the City Clerk_r who
.shall record the employee ' s disqualification. Upon receipt
of such statement, the supervisor shall reassign the matter
to another employee .
In the case of a_ designa.te.d,.employee who is a board
member . or commissioner, notice of disqualification shall be
given at the meeting during which consideration of the
decision- takes place and shall be made part of the official
record of the board--or commission.
City Manager I, II , III , IV, V
City Attorney I , II, III, IV, V
Director of Personnel I , II , III , IV, V
Assistant" to" City Manager
Administrative Assistant I, II , III
City Clerk I , II , III
Director of Public Works I , II , III , IV, V
City Engineer I , II , III , IV, V
Public Works Inspector I , II , III
Building Official I, II , III
Building Inspector I, II , III
Director of Planning' I , II , III , IV, V
Assistant Planner
Director of Finance I , II , III , IV, V, VI
Purchasing/Busine.ss, ,License Officer.. , I, II , III , IV, V,
Senior Accountant I , II , III
Accountant I , II , III
Parks and Recreation Director I, II , III , IV, V
Planning Commissioner I, II ; III
Committee Members
Section B. I Categories of Report-abl'e rnt*erest-s
Reportable interests are divided into the following
(a) Category I':* ' rnt'erest's in Real' Property
(1) The real property to which the interest per-
tains is located in part or in whole, (i) within the boundaries
of the City, (i i) within two miles of the boundaries of the
City, or (iii) within two miles of land located outside of
the boundaries of the City which is owned or used by the
(2) --The fair market value of the interest of the
designated employee or his or her spouse is greater than One
Thousand Dollars ($1, 000) ; and
(3) - The interest is either, (i) a leasehold,
beneficial or ownership interest held by the designated
employee or his or -he -spouse, (ii) an option held-by the
designated employee or his or her spouse to. acquire such
an interest, or (iii) an interest or option held by a business
entity or trust in- which the designated,:.:employee or his or
her spouse owns directly, indirectly, or beneficially, a
ten percent (10%) interest or greater; provided, however,
that in the event that the ownership interest of the designated
employee or his or her spouse in such business entity or
trust_ is... less than fifty percent (500) , the value, for
the purpose of paragraph (2) , of the real property interest
or option relates to the value of the pro rata share of
the designated employee or his .or her spouse in the real
property interest or option held by the business- entity or
trust; and provided further, that in the event that the
ownership interest of the designated employee or his or
her spouse in such business entity or trust is fifty percent
(50%) or more, the value, for the purpose of paragraph (2) ,
of the real interest or option relates to the entire value
of the real property interest or option held by the business
entity or trust.
EXCEPTION: Real property is not required to be reported
if it is the principal place of residence
for the designated employee.
(b) Category II':' Investments ;
Investments in business entities are reportable 'if:
(1) The business entity, including parent corpora-
tions, subsidiary corporations or otherwise related business
entities , (i) has an interest in real property located in
part of in whole within th.e boundaries of the City, within
two (2) miles thereof or within two (2) miles of land owned
or used by the City, Cii) does business or plans to do business
within the City, or (iii) has done business within the City
at any time during the two (2) years prior to the time that
the disclosure -statement of the designated employee is filed;
(2) The fair market value of the investment of the
designated employee or. his or her spouse is greater than
One Thousand Dollars ($1 , 000) ; and
(3) The investment either, (i) is held by the
designated employee or his or her spouse and constitutes
a financial - interest in,, or security issued. by, the business
entity, including but not limited to common stock, preferred
stock, rights, warrants, options , debt instruments and any
partnership or. other ownership interest; or (ii) is held
by any business entity or trust in which the designated
employee or his or her spouse owns , directly, indirectly
or beneficially, a ten percent (100) interest or greater,
and constitutes a financial interest in, or security issued
by, a business,..ent.ity qualifying under paragraph (2) above;
provided, however, that in the event that the ownership
interest of the designated employee or his or her spouse
in such business entity or trust is less than fifty percent
(50%) , the value, for the purpose of paragraph (2) , of the
investment relates to the value of the, pro. rata ..share of the- -
designated employee or his or her spouse in the investment
held by the business entity or trust; and. provided further,
that in the event that the ownership interest of the desig-
nated employee, or- h-is -or-her spouse in - such business entity
or trust "is fifty percent (50 0) or more, the value, for the
purpose of paragraph (2) , of the investment relates to
the entire value-of the investment held by the business
entity or trust.
EXCEPTION: An investment is not reportable if it
constitutes a time or demand deposit in a
financial institution, a share in a credit
union, an insurance policy, or a bond or
other debt instrument issued by any govern-
ment or government agency.
(c) Category III : Sources of Income
Sources of income are reportable if:
(1) The source of income was either, (i) a
business entity located or doing business as described in
subsection (b-1) , (ii) an individual residing within the
City, or . (iii) a nonprofit association or corporation having
its principal place of business within the City;
(2) Either, (i) the aggregate amount of income
received by the designated employee or his or her spouse
from the source during the period covered by the disclosure
statement was Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250) or more in
value, or (ii) if the income was a gift received by the
.designated employee or his or her spouse from the source
during the period covered by the disclosure statement,
the value of the gift was Twenty-five Dollars ($25) or more; and
(3) The income was either received by (i) the
designated employee or his or her spouse, or (ii)* received
by any business entity or trust in which the designated
employee or his or her spouse owns, directly, indirectly or
beneficially, a ten percent (100) interest or greater,
provided, however, that in the event that the income is
received by a business entity described in this paragraph
(b) , the value, for the purpose of paragraph (2) , of the
income relates to the pro rata share of the designated
employee or his or her spouse of the income of the business
entity or trust.
Income includes , except to the extent excluded
by this subsection, income of .any nature from any source,
including but not limited to any salary, wage, advance,
payment, divident, interest, rent capital gain, return of
capital , gift (including any gift of food or beverage) , loan,
forgiveness or payment of indebtedness , discount in the price
of anything of value unless the discount is available to
members of the public without regard to official status,
rebate, reimbursement of expenses , per diem, or contribution
to an insurance or pension program paid by any person other
than an employer.
EXCEPTION: Income does not include, (i) campaign contri-
butions required to be reported under Chapter 4 (commencing
with Section 8410-0-)- of Title 9 of the-- Government Code;
(ii) salary and reimbursement for travel expenses and
per diem received from a bona fide educational , academic
or charitable organization; (iii) gifts of informational
material , such as books, pamphlets , reports, calendars
or periodicals ; (iv) gifts which are not used and which,
within thirty days after receipt, are returned to the
donor or delivered to a charitable organization without
being- claimed as a charitable contribution for tax purposes;
(v) gifts from an individual ' s spouse, child, parent,
grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, parent-in-law,
brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, or first cousin
or the spouse of any such person; provided that a gift from
any such person shall be considered income if the donor is
acting -as an agent or intermediary for any person not
covered by this paragraph (v) ; (vi) any devise or inheritance;
(vii) interest, dividends or premiums on a time or demand
deposit in a financial institution, shares in a credit
union or any insurance policy, payments received under any
insurance policy, or any bond or other debt instrument. issued
by any government or government agency; and (viii) dividends,
interest or any other return on a security which is registered
with the - Securities and Exchange Commission of the United
States Government.
(d) Category IV: Supply Sources
Category IV includes investments included in Category II
in business entities described therein, and income included
in Category III from business entities described therein,
if such business entities manufacture or sell supplies,
machinery or equipment of the type utilized by the City.
(e) Category V: Contractors
Category V includes investments included_ in Category II
in business entities described therein, and income included
in Category III from business entities described therein,
if such business entities manufacture or sell supplies,
machinery or equipment of the type utilized by the City.
(f) Category VI : Financial Institutions
Category VI includes investments included in Category II-
in business entities described therein, and income included
in Category. III from business entities therein, if such
business entities constitute banks , savings and loan associations
insurance companies , investment companies, title companies,
financial consultants or data processing firms.
Section C. l - Gerieral' *Rule
Designated employees shall disqualify themselves from
making or participating in the making of any governmental
decision when it is reasonably for that a financial
interest of the designated employee may be materially affected
by the decision. A designated employee shall not be re-
quired to disqualify himself with respect to any matter
which could not be legally acted upon re decided without
his participation.
Section C.2 - Making Goverrimenttal Deci'sib'ns-;' Actions
A designated employee makes a governmental decision
within the meaning of this Article, when he or she, acting
within the authority of his or her ' position:
(a) Votes on a matter;
(b) Appoints a person;
(c) Obligates or commits the City to any course
of action;
(d) Enters into any contractural agreement on
behalf of the City; or
(e) Determines not to act, within the meaning of
subsection (a) through subsection (d) , unless such determination
is made because of his or her financial interest.
When the determination not to act occurs because of
his or her financial interest, the designated employee ' s
_ determination must be accompanied by disclosure of the
financial interest made part of the City ' s official records,
or made in writing to designated employee ' s supervisor or
appointing power.
Section C. 3 - Participating in Decisions;
Actions Included
A designated employee participates in the making of a
governmental decision within the meaning of this Article,
when he or she, ._ acting within the authority of his or her
(a) Negotiates in any manner with a governmental
entity or private person regarding the decision;
(b) Conducts research or investigations regarding
the decision;
(c) Prepares any report, analysis, or opinion
regarding the decision;
(d) Participates in any governmental discussions
or debates :-regarding-the decision; or
(e) Advises or makes recommendations to the
Section C. 4 - Making or Participatin in Decisions
Actions Included
Making or participating in the making of a governmental
decision as used in this Article shall not include:
(a) Actions of a designated employee which are
solely ministerial, secretarial, annual, or clerical;
(b) Appearances by a designated employee as a
member of the general public before an agency or commission ,
in the course of its prescribed governmental function to
represent himself or herself on matters related solely to
his or her personal interests ; or
(c) Actions by a designated employee relating to
the compensation or the terms or conditions of his or her
employment or contract.
Section C. 5 - Financial Interest
A financial interest as used in, this Article means :
(a) A direct or indirect interest in real property
as described in Section 2 . 6 (a) if such interest is worth
more than One Thousand Dollars (1 , 000) ;
(b) A direct or indirect investment as described
in Section 2 . 6 (b) if such investment is worth more than One
Thousand Dollars ($1, 000) ;
(c) A source of income as described in Section C. 6
(c) , other than a loan by a commercial lending institution
in the regular course of business , if such income aggregates
Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250) or more in value received
by or promised to the designated employee within twelve (12)
months prior to the time when the decision referred to in
Section C. 1 is made; or
(d) A business entity if the designated employee
is a director, officer, partner, trustee or employee or holds
any position of management therein.
For the purpose of this Section,; indirect investment
_ or interest means any investment or interest owned by the
spouse or - dependent child of a designated employee, by an
agent on behalf of a designated employee, by any business
entity controlled by the designated employee or by a trust
in which he aas a substantial interest. A business entity is
controlled by a designated employee if the designated employee,
his agent, spouse and dependent children hold more than
fifty percent (500) of the ownership interest in the entity.
A designated employee has a substantial interest in a trust
when the employee, his spouse and dependent children have
a present or future interest worth more than One Thousand
Dollars ($1, 000) .
Section C. 6 - Affected Materially
.... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .
(a) Stand-ard Deter'minat"i'on.- ' The financial effect
of a governmental decision on a financial interest of a
designated employee is material if, at the time the 'designa.ted
employee makes or participates in the making off -a decision,
in light of all circumstances and facts known at the time
of the decision, the designated employee knows or has reason
to know that the eXisterice _'of the financial interest might
interfere with the 'designated employed' s performance -of his
or her duties in an impartial manner free from bias.
. .... .. . .... .... .... .... ....
(b) •Circumstances' 'to be Considered. In determining
the existence of a material effect upon a financial interest,
the 'designated employee shall consider relevant factors,
including but not limited to the following:
Cl) In the case of any real property in which
the designated employee has a direct or indirect interest
worth more than One Thousand Dollars ($1 , 000) , (i) whether
the effect of the decision will be to increase the income-
producing potential of the real property by One Hundred
Dollars ($100) or a five percent (5%) per month, whichever
is less ; and (ii) whether the effect of the decision will
be to increase the fair market value 'of the real property
by One Thousand Dollars ($1 , 000) or ,more or by five percent
(5%) whichever is greater.
(2) Inthe case of a business entity in which
the designated employee has a direct or indirect investment
worth more than One Thousand Dollars ($1 , 0001 , or in the case
of a ...designated employee who is a director, officer, partner,
trustee, employee, or holds any position of management in
a business entity (i) whether the effect will be to increase
or decrease the annualized gross revenue of the business
entity by one pe.rcen.t . (1%) . or. more -than the annual net income
of the business entity by five percent (5%) � or more; and
(ii) whether the effect of the decision will be to increase
or decrease the assets or liabilities of the business entity
by Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50 , 000) or more, or by five
Percent (5%) of its current assets or liabilities , whichever
is less. -
(3) In the case of a source of income of a
designated employee (other than a loan by a commercial
lending institution in the regular course of business)
aggregating Two .Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250) or more in
value received by or promised to the designated employee
within `twelve (12) months prior to the time when the decision
is made, (i) whether, if the .source of income is a business
entity in the manner described in subsection (2) above;
(ii) whether the governmental decision will directly effect
the amount of income to be received by the designated
employee; and (iii) whether there is a nexus between the
governmental decision and the purpose for which the designated
employee receives income.
The specific dollar or percentage amounts set forth
in this subsection do not constitute either absolute maximum
or minimum levels , but are merely intended to provide
guidance and should be considered along with other relevant
factors in determining whether a financial interest may
interfere with the d-esignated employee's exercise of his or
her duties in rendering" a decision.
(c) Excluded Circumstances . The making or par-
ticipating in the making of a governmental decision by a
person acting under contract in the position of consultant
or by a person retained to provide information, advice,
recommendation or counsel has no material financial effect
on a business entity or source of income in which such
person- acting- under contract in the position of consultant,
or person retained to provide information, advice,
recommendation or counsel is an officer, employee, sole
proprietor or partner, if the only financial effects of the
decision are the modification, perpetuation or renewal
of the contractor or retainer agreement and/or the opportunity
to bid competitively on a project or contract.
Section C. 7 - Notice of Action Taken
(a) Mandatory Posting of Notice of Action Taken. If a
designated employee disqualified himself or herself from the
making of a decision, or participation in a decision, upon a
particular subject, and if the City subsequently . commits
itself to a definite course of action with regard to said
subject, then the City Clerk shall post a Notice of Action
Taken as soon.- as is practicable following such commitment.
Said Notice shall be conspicuously posted on or near the
door of the regular meeting place of' the governing body
of the City.
(b) Discretionary Posting of Notice of Action. In the
event that the City commits .its.lef_ to a defininte course of
action with regard to any subject and no disqualification has
occurred, the governing body...may direct the City Clerk to
post the Notice described in subsection (a) at the time and
place set forth in sad subsection.
(c) Request for Reconsideration. Time of Filing;
Effect of Failure to File. In the event that a Notice has
been posted pursuant to subsections (a) or (b) , a written
request for reconsideration or disapproval of any City
commitment on the ground of existence of a conflict of interest
of- a designated employee shall be filed with the City Clerk
within thirty (30) days of the posting of said Notice. In the
event that such a request is not filed, said commitment and all
decisions made with regard thereto shall be final and con-
(d) Reconsideration Upon Filing of Request Therefor
In the event that a request is filed with the City Clerk
pursuant to subsection (c) hereof, the City Clerk shall direct
said request to the City governing body, officer or employee
respon-sible for the City commitment in question and said body,
officer or employee shall cause said commitment to be reconsidered.
ADOPTED this 5th day of June 1980 .
Y Mayor of the Cit F.. errace-
= o-
_= = - and of the Ci Cou thereof:
-_ �•C:ity -CSer of the City of Grand Terrace
aria of-, the City Council thereof.
Approved as to form and le , lity:
City Attor ey
I, SETH ARMSTEAD; City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace,
DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted
by the City Council of said City at a regular meeting of the City
Council held on the 5th day of June 1980 , and
that it was so adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Grant , �Petta , Nix , Rigley ;
Mayor Tillinghast .
NOES: None
City ClerkIf- the City of Grand " -
Terrace and of the City Council- _
thereof. _
I , SETH ARMSTEAD, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, _
DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full , true and-
correct copy of Resolution No. 80-21 of said City Council , and
the same has not been amended or repealed.
DATED: June 5 , 1980
City Clerk of the City of Grand
Terrace and of the City Council
thereof. -