2014-05 RESOLUTION NO. OB 2014-5
WHEREAS, AB x1 26 required the dissolution of all redevelopment agencies in
the state; and
WHEREAS, on January 10, 2012, the City adopted Resolution 2012-01 electing
to serve as the Successor Agency to the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment
Agency ("Successor Agency") pursuant to HSC Section 34176; and
WHEREAS, a Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) is defined in
HSC Section 34171(h) as the minimum payment amounts and the due dates of
payments required by enforceable obligations for a six-month period; and
WHEREAS, the ROPS identifies the payment source of enforceable obligations
as payable from the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) and payable
from Other Sources of the Successor Agency; and
i 1
WHEREAS, the California Department of Finance has required a submittal of the
ROPS covering the period January 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015 (BOPS 14-15B), in
accordance with AB 1484 to be submitted by October 1, 2014; and
WHEREAS, on September 9, 2014, the ROPS for the period January 1, 2015 to
June 30, 2015 (ROPS 14-15B) was reviewed and approved by the City as Successor
Agency; and
WHEREAS, the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the Community
Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace ("Oversight Board") has met and
duly considered a Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the period January 1,
2015 to June 30, 2015 (ROPS 14-15B).
SECTION 1. The Oversight Board finds that the above recitations are true and
correct and, accordingly, are incorporated as a material part of this Resolution.
SECTION 2. The Oversight Board finds that all obligations listed on the ROPS
for the period January 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015 (ROPS 14-15B) are true and correct
and, accordingly, are hereby considered enforceable obligations.
Resolution No. OB 2014-5
SECTION 3. Pursuant to HSC Section 34177, the ROPS for the period January
1, 2015 to June 30, 2015, incorporated herein as Attachment A, ("ROPS 14-15B") is
hereby approved and adopted in substantially the same form as shown in Attachment A
by the Successor Agency.
SECTION 4. The Executive Director is hereby authorized to make such non-
substantive changes and adjustments to ROPS 14-15B, as attached, which may be
necessary and appropriate.
SECTION 5. The Executive Director is hereby directed to take all necessary and
appropriate acts to submit the ROPS 14-15B to the California Department of Finance,
State Controller's Office, San Bernardino County Auditor-Controller, and any other
agency by the October 1, 2014 submittal deadline. The Executive Director is further
authorized to perform all acts necessary and appropriate which may be required by the
California Health & Safety Code. This includes, but is not limited to the requirements set
forth by the California Department of Finance, the San Bernardino County Auditor-
Controller, or any other applicable agency.
SECTION 6. The Oversight Board Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this
PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of September, 2014 by the
following vote:
AYES: Board Members Forbes, Saks, Wong and Chairman Stanckiewitz
NOES: None
ABSENT: Board Members Ferracone, Morga
Walt Stanckiewitz�
Oversight Board Chair
D borah Harr ngt*C//retary
Oversight Board
Attachment A
Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (BOPS)
For the Period January 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015
�' (ROPS 14-1513)
Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS 14-1513) -Summary.
Filed for the,January 1,2015 through June 30,2015 Period
Name of Successor Agency: Grand Terrace
Name of County'::- San Bernardino
Current Period Requested-Funding for Outstanding Debt or Obligation Six-Month Total
Enforceable Obligations Funded with Non-Redevelopment Property TaxTrust Fund(RPTTF)Funding
A Sources(B+C+D): $: 630,000 •
B Bond Proceeds Funding(ROP
S Detail)
C. Reserve Balance Funding(ROPS Detail) " 150.,000::,.
D Other Funding(ROPS Detail) -
E Enforceable Obligations Funded with RPTTF Funding(F+G): $ 1A.15,4113
F 'Non-Administrative Costs(ROPS Detail) 890,413.
G Administrative Costs(ROPS Detail) 125,000:
H Current Period Enforceable Obligations(A+E): $ 1,645,413
Successor Agency Self-Reported Prior Period Adjustment to Current Period RPTTF Requested Funding
I Enforceable Obligations funded with RPTTF(E): 1,015;413
J Less Prior Period Adjustment(Report of Prior Period Adjustments Column S)
K Adjusted.Current Period RPTTF.Requested.Funding(I-J) $ 936,593:
County Auditor Controller Reported Prior.Period Adjustment to:Current Period RPTTF Requested Funding
: . .L Enforceable Obligations funded with RPTTF-(E): = 1,015,413
M Less Prior Period:Adjustment(Report of.Prio(Period Adjustments.Column AA)
N Adfusted Current Period RPTTF Requested Funding(L M) _ 1,015,413
Certification of Oversight Board Chairman:
Pursuant to Section 34177(m)of the Health and Safety code, I
m hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate Recognized Name Title
Obligation Payment Schedule for the above named agency. /s/
to Signature Date
-4 a.
Attachment: Grand Terrace ROPS14-15B: (1556.:.Successor Agency's Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule(ROPS) 14-15B)•
Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule CROPS 14-15B)-ROPS Detail -
January 1,2015 through June 30,2015
(Report Amounts in Whole Dollars)
A B C D E F G r— H I 1 r Jr K L M N O I P
Funding Source
Non-Redevelppmenl Property Tax Trust Fund
Contract/Agreement Contract/Agreement Total Outstanding Reserve
Item# Protect Name I Debt Obligation Obligation Type Execution Date Termination Date Payee Descrlptlon/Prolect Scope Project Area Debtor Obligation Retired Bond Proceeds I Balance I Other Funds I Non-Admin I Admin Six-Month Total
I " I - I I - I .. I - - I'- - I : I - I$- -.50.099.9791 1$ 480,000 14 150,000 1.$- --1$ 890,413 1$ 125.000 1$ 1.645.413
I 112011 A Tax Allocation Bond (Bonds Issued After 11/112011 1911/2033 IUS Bank (Bond PrindDle and Interest on RDA (Grand Terrace 1 26,357,2871 N 1 I I I 409.8231 I 409.823
212111 B Tax Allocation Bond Bonds Issued After 1/112011 911/2026 US Bank Bond Princi le and Interest on RDA Grand Terrace 8,148,395 N 184,340 - 184,340
12/31/10 (Bonds p I I l I I I I I I'
I 31Tmstee Fees (Fees 11/112011 19/1/2033 IUS Bank (Trustee Fees (Grand Terrace 1 1 N I I I 1 1.0001 I 1,000
=42 I �e1PF =_ l *` 1 9 rangTer.,rr.ac-ete
Gty5g o 020 I#a ` I AN 7 J20 ,. wYflr slNalon $ank PnJa mg of C AC IG
06,z/111 ,,
51 Repayment of Debt Service (Miscellaneous 11/28/2012 11128/2021 18B Valley Muni Water 1Repaymenl'Incorreet debt service (Grand Terrace " 1 1,610,2531 N I I 1 1 234,0001 1 234:000
distrih by-SBC ATC
'9 ProfassionaTServiceis""�' `" Professional 21172012" ''' 6P30/2D13 "`Git"New§Grou��"`. AdvoFBsin' o'trci " " Grand Tettaca -N`
ISON,Ces I 1 I y p I 9M I I, , I_ I I . I 1 1 1
7 Consultorg Services I Professional 7/1312010 -1/31 2013 Chamber of Commerce Business Davel mentSemcas - Grand Terrace N.
Servi 1 ,
_ 8 Protessional Services _ PPofosslo`ral I 2/l/2012s. BPd,D/2D34 e Rrofe}signal Agp lsers Propdt,Appraisal'Sery re"s,' G(.rd Terrace I � Ie `31 a I ., — I r ,"
9 Professional Services Property 4112t2011 6/30/2015 ACE Weed Abatement Weed abatement for Agency owned Grand Terrace 20.000 N 10,000 10,000
IMaintenance I I I (property I I I I I I.
'"'`':`t 'Professional' 2JiF2ttt2`"" 6f30t2034`' `"'tfrfia'n!Fulures""""`""S.E,CZ.Rute 15d2-.t7:Cortigitance :`GmndiTerrate ';"` 10,000 _;ti N." - .1,250 1,250
1 tO1Pmf scion fServces t- IPnofe slofi 1 1 I , 1S;EC:R0#Aquimment d2.12Bond 7 1 I raw I y; -. I. ., 1 1.
11 Prq!a sicmal.Services IS:ProNfaTcs�siso,al , I2/112°01.2 mnUOrrmk IRReCbCasleBcGJa4l0tu?aCompliance Arbitrage IGrand Termce I 1NIO -
1 1
12 A ant Owned Pro ert Pro art `- 2/1/2012 r 6/30/2,034 Veribu3 contractors Pro ert Maintenance and Insurance- Grancl Terrace N
g Y,. , . y dmantenance. . I ' I . I IA9encyProperty -: I 1,. I
1 1312011A TABS Debt Service Reserve !Reserves 11/112011 191112013 IUS Bank IDSR-Bond Covenant Reauiremenl (Grand Terrace I I N I I I I I I -
11412011B TABS Debt Service Reserve.(Reserves 11I1/2011 191112026 IUS Bank ... IDSR-.Bond Covenant Reauirement IGrand Terrace I - I N
.15 downssional Services-RDA wind. Dissolution Audits 9/112012 113112013 Rogers Anderson Malady D417Dil gene Reporting/Review HBS Grand Terrace N
I' I I I I I L I I I L
•161SA Leqal consullinq (Admin Costs I10/l/2011 16/30/2034 (Jones 8 Mover (Legal Counsel under HBS 34177.3(b) (Grand Terrace 1 30,0001 N I I I I 1 12.0001 12.0001
17 2011A,TABS Bond Pm eels :SeN ssi.h 311312012 :3ff312015 Weti6F8Assoc Mndh@OW'are;t lm rovements'.design GTnd 7`er�e N
-." ,I 1' 1, . h 1 g p 1 1 1 ° 1 1 I I 1 1 1
18 2011A-TAB$Bond Pro eiits' Prof€ssionai 1/1/2011 9/1/2033 Contractors/Staff` Sduthwest ro'ecfaroa:mfmstrutlure Grand Termte N
I. Isarv,ces` I I; I 15tudyand Ibi mn I l I
«79 2011A J 85 Bond Pro eels ImprovemenUlnfrastr 1l2011t; .. 2033� � Conlradws/Staff fiwe-st preject area:infrastructure Grand Terace ,' N:' _
I11. 91,V
1::. I ' ISoutconSlu�on.
21120 Bdne P.loj'atts:, °,Imp oyem ntYlpfiasN ttt[,202;f;.y :Ott/2033 ;Contractors/Staff= Barton Road mflaslructufe Grand 7efr'ace N
-:21 G11ANTfi65 Bbfld Pfb s '°Ira veriieiiUlbfrasfr 1I1tZ011;.r -':91'033 `°rrdfifractorslSt`aff-'- ..::MiGiS""`m Cee xn_rove" Cs .Gia"rid:::artace .`.". ".,,N
12._ _,lac are I,-_ 1 f �..__I�__ . _hit won...1 � `,, , I 1 I��
':22 2011A TABS Borfd Pro)ac[s linpro emenUlnfrastr 1/1fL01t 371J2033 Contract rslSta(f, Un dd-Pa fidBarton Road badge'.. G"mn'd Tema I N
-_ .I = _ luura _ . -' _I _,_ ,_ _ . h�"�_ _ I, _; . -. hnst� Van _ .
-:23 2011A TABS Bond Pryiec[s Imp ovemenUlnfr35ll 1M12011'. 911!2033: Contrattar"s/Staff gldrmd afri 8 sq etrehab;Van Buren,lGmn8 Terrace N.
I_ I ._.. ` I I 1: I'- IPhd:a6d Mom 51.
011A TABS Bond Prole,"ts Irilpro me UI fiasr 11112011" 9/1/2033 ContiattorSlStaff Mt.Vemon'slopa stab IlzaGdn Grand Terre- N
!gciur : I e I, _ I` I I l_ h_
y 011A FA856 nd P o)ects rap"oJemenUln(rast 111 2011- 071 2033 CorilractorslStaff Vrsta Grande Pa construction Gland Ter ace N
r, f tuatara l 1� I N I I I I I y 1 1
p1tATAt3S Pa meat:Rrve -Reserves{ iHi2Dt1°;:.,. '.{gr172033 i! $ank °r°d, Reserveas'er HBS+3417;4t(1(A
,.� .� y I , S =ltioncf 4elx per
a � ) ) I,., I
-0 011 R TABS Payment Reserve Reser�os` --.- 111120,11" 9/1/2033. _ US.Bank Reserve as per HBS 44171(d)(1)(A)- Grand=Ter'mce N;, -
' I_ Ibondidebt'servlco, I 1 II I _
Attachment:Grand Terrace RO PSI 4.-15B.(1556:.Successor Agency's Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule.(ROPS)14-15B)
Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule(ROPS 14-15B)-ROPS Detail
January 1,2015 through June 30,2015
(Report Amounts In Whole Dollars)"
r A I B I C I D E I F I G I H I I J I K I L I M I N O I P .
Funding Source
tion-RedeveloRment Property
Non RPTTFl Tax Trust Fund I RPTTF
Conuact/Agreement contracVAgreement Total Outstanding Reserve
„. -..t
Execution cution.Date .II T Termination
To/r2mOi"2 n a.ti:o n Data IHe3een lot d: fu SERAF•:: Debt
ahl or Obligation I I. III c._ „III BaLlance .I _ Other
r Funds r�wrNa�n-A'..dmi III Six-Month Total
Itema PiolactNamelDo6t6blinatlo*ft •Obllgullon Type
ISt Brothers CPA Business Incentive I2122/2011 2/221202,1 Stater Brothers Markets Payment on participation egreemenl (Grand Terrace 750,0001 N 1500001 150,00
09 i';'t 'Gran"fe'ce A able S ymen." Gra rk N ,��l 7 I lFiJ ..? -I-
31IEmployee Costs (Admin Costs I2/112012 - I6130/2034 IPersonnel Costs (Agency direct employee costs-salaries Grand Terrace N" 80 000 - '
- I I I I-
'.321Emdovee Costs-PERS (Admin Costs 1211/2012 16/3012034 [Personnel Costs IAgencv direct emplovee costs-PERS (Grand Terrace I I N 1 I I I 1 13,0001 `13;000
} 33 Employee Costs-other benefits Admin Costs 2/1/2012 //3012034 Personnel Costs Agency direct employee casts-other Grand Terrace N 9,500 - _ .9,500
(benefits I
'34 Employee Costs-insurance,workers'Admin Costs 2/1/2012 fi/3012034 (Personnel Costs (Agency direct employee costs- Grand Terrace I N 3 0 00. 3000
compensation Insurance(unemployment,workers
_ I, is wmpensalionl
�k351.•,t"5cit1iM7[63cv twis.l.: IR9nS)tt9ESel3lI1NI2/,1%2tll zt.rr .1�..a' 'ib. _-. IFfS ,:M IRegbrOog`uat'r�7AdrnlniaUatC�;5erTilis'3�'Grad'Ceti-�CeY.xIF'?"41t�tT'.•m <_::'+"'t l"�^"'N?"r'IC'+r"' """=r' 1 "�.. .I+"..a•." "'::"'1 ."`.:` .I,:.�""' '",.'.1'..
361Cormllimg Services (Admin Costs 17/1/2014 I6I30/2015 IRSG 1Pmuertv Tax Reportinq Services (Grand Terrace 1 I N I 1 1 1 I 5,0001.1 - 5,000
3710ffide CosWSuoolies/Misc. .(Admin Costs 12/112012 16/30/2034 (Various 1Adminishative supplies and costs (Grand Terrace 1 1 N I I I I I r - -
381Annual Audit and Reportlnq (Admin Costs' ,.1812 612 01 4 � 18/26/2019 -(Lance,Soll,Lunghard (Required annual auditing services (Grand Terrace I I N I I I 1 1 2,5001 :.'2.500
39IPrdperty Dlspositien Plan (Property Dispositions 1811212013 IB/12/2034 IContraclor IPreparallon of property disposition (Grand Terrace I -I N I I I I I - - -
.plan for housing assets I _
"4'i'b dF 'c'-! 0 i's -1•'l Ir L� ��II :. icFlg I I,
yT 480A00
. :. baa R , I 4 .,00I 0 IV a IM q
41201ATAB5Bond Projects IImprovementllnfraslrI3/1312012 I3/13/2020 IConuaclors/SIaN IGaTerrace Project CIP(items 18 IGrand Terrace 12,844
through 25)gptgra
SE 0' 4/ 0 0I R§-'paYra to'f a o7'SERA It rd — c"U I I N I I ,
I I I "` r..�cil
44 PprtyMaaenl I 4 ;II�129,31/2015� IICKot1s�mof n•t rs&1 Associates
sTs•eo ciaaut"ees- "IAssistnce follow-upwith
'20y2'a1 ((GGrraanndd Terrace 25,000II NN.'. I r.. :.`. II x 245,110.0�II 3II. 25,000
m on JProperty _fil�1 2015 the CRPMPp :
I I� I R t I /0 IIG o I .Della e a,, H�dB- wP ritohb.lehrteY D,r..O:2F 2cp .. ' -. II,7�...-.�•" a .' III- ,
47 Taws on Successor Agency I1/1/2012 0 IS an Bernardino Auditor IPmperty Tax hgnSuccesser Agency IGantl Terrace N/,13/2014
Pronertv IMo.mertnance. ontmller --
.. I .. c^*.., .. f N, y I
6 e A 1t G a$1 c s of I n N I WA m ., «x: I `,.l I w .1F �a
0` 'a ace lbe,ftORF Uon -
' N
N -
.';. I I I. - I I ,, .r •1 I .I N .
Attachment:Grand Terrace ROPS14-155 (1556:Successor Agency's Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule(ROPS)14-15B)
Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule(ROPS 14-15B)-Report of Cash Balances
(Report Amounts in Whole Dollars)
Pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 34177(1),Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund(RPTTF)may be listed as a source of payment on the ROPS,but only to the extent no other funding source is available
or,when payment from property tax revenues is required by an enforceable obligation. For tips on how to complete the Report of Cash Balances Form,see https://rad.dof.ca.eov/rad-
sa/pdf/Cash Balance.Aeencv Tips Sheet.pdf.
A I B I C I D I' E I F I G I H
Fund Sources
Bond Proceeds. Reserve Balance Other RPTTF-
Prior ROPS Prior ROPS
period balances RPTTF
Bonds Issued Bonds Issued and-DDR RPTTF distributed as Rent, Non-Admin
on or before on or after balances -reserye for Grants, and
Cash Balance Information by ROPS Period 12/31/10 01/01/11 retained future period(s) Interest,Etc. Admin Comments
ROPS 13-14B Actuals(01/01/14=;06/30/.14)
1 -IBeginning Available Cash Balance(Actual 01/01114) I I 16,746,824 I 1,048;078
. 2 �Revenue'/income(Actual 06/30/14)• $152,431 is ROPS III carry over for ROPS 13-
RPTTF aounts should tie to the ROPS 13-1413-distribution from the 1413;total approved for ROPS 13-14B is
County Auditor-Controller during January 2014 I 152,431- 302,342 $454,773.
-3 Expenditures for ROPS 13-14B Enforceable Obligations(Actual
RPTTF amounts,H3 plus H4 should equal total reported actual
expenditures in the Report of PPA,Columns L and Q 376,503
4 Retention of Available Cash Balance(Actual 06/30/14)
_ RPTTF amount retained should only include the amounts distributed for
debt service reserve(s)approved in ROPS 13-14B
5 ROPS 13-14B RPTTF.Prior Period Adjustment
RPTTF amount should tie to the self-reported ROPS 13-14B PPA in the No entry.required.,
Report of PPA,Column S 78;820
6 I Ending Actual Available Cash Balance 1-
C to G=(1.+,2,:3-4),H=(1+2._3_4-5) I , I' 16;748,824 . : 1,048;678'I .' ',.. . .152'431 ( 52,9I
ROPS 14-15A Estimate(07101/14-12/31/14)
7 I(C,D,E G=4+6,F=H4+F4+F6`and H 05+6). I I %7461824 I. 1,048,078 152,431 I -� (741161)I
8 Revenuelincome
$200,557 is ROPS
RPTTF amounts should(Estimate
e to the ROPS 14-15A distribution from the I I 1,104,433 1$1,304,990.A; onal approved 1 o for ROPS is
(County Auditor-Controller durnq June 2014 I I 200,557
9 Expenditures for-ROPS 14-15A Enforceable Obligations(Estimate
1 1,304,990
antion of Available Cash Balance(Estimate 12/31/14) I I I I I
C1 TF amount retained should only include the amount distributed for
_ t service reserve(s)approved in ROPS 14-15ACD
11.:•* ing:Estimated Available.Cash.Balance(7-+8=9'-10) I' I• 11i I,
— — ,746;824I 1,048';078' 352,998 274,718)1
:n —
cachment: Grand Terrace ROPS14-15B (1556 : Successor Ace Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) 14-15B)
Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule(ROPS 14-15B)-Report of Prior Period Adjustments
Reported for the POPS 13-14B(January 1,2014 through June 30,2014)Period Pursuant to Health and Safely Code(HSC)section 34186(a)
(Report Amounts in Whole Dollars) - I
LOPS 13.14E Suc....a,Agency(SA)Selftaperled Prior Perled Adjuslmonla(PPA):Purseanl to HSC Section 341861e).Sal ammgdmd to report No dlff—cas bebveen their actual amilablo funding and their actual eaponditures for no POPS 13-14B(January lhlaugh Juno 2014)Pared.The am ava amount of Redlopmenl Propony Tax Two[Fund(RPTTF)approvedfor the ROPS1I1-
58(Januory Ihnxgh June 2015)Pond,if be.11.1 by OIe SA's aelf- fe.tod POPS 13-148 Priw poled ediuslmant.HSC Section 31111 Is)also ape"ies Out IM prior Poned adlul"wai se0-mponed by SAs am subject to audit by the county auditN-mn0oler(CAM and No Slou Cmlydbr, I 1
A I' B I D I D I E I. F I B I If I I I J I K I L I' M I•.. N I D I -P I D' I R I E I' T 1
Non-RPTTF Expenditures, -I - - - - RPTTF Expenditures -
.. Net SA Non-Admin
and Admin PPA
(Amount Oaed to-
Offsal ROPE 14.15E
- Bond Procaoda R...—Balance I Other Fund. I Non,AtlMn Admin Roquaet4d RPTTF)
Available _ Difference
` RPTTF Available (If Iola]actual
(ROPS 13.14B Difference RP.TTF excooda total
disaileumd-al other Net Leawr of (If K la 1...than L, (ROPS 13.14E Nel Lecaer of outhodied.the
Project Nama lDsbl _ _ avaiabl.as of .Authadzad 1, Ne difference is islnbuted�ell olhar Authorized later difference is Not Difference
.IlemR _ c N...l Authorized Actual Authorized .Actual AuNodzad Actual Authodaod 0111/14) Available _ Actual axe). Authodaod �.dafablatilt119i Available Actual zero) (MAP) EA Commanla
.- _ .-.:. - 1975U. E - ..=l.b ..,,119:750 I:E .. I,S ....'.`;78.a.I
I'. IE I E I'E 751991'I E 607,491 I-E' I'E . I,E, .3iS.023I E 335023I E''_ 335,023IE 256;753I E 78,820 I.E'' 1 E. .
11ip l Tex Allocar.,81 -I I 414,090I �41409BI -I. I. -I I J ,.
212011 BTax Albcalien Bondi -I I 193.393: 193,3931 -
31•Trualae Fee. - .I' -I I -I I -I. 5501
' -I 1 -I I'.. .. -.I
"-01�L Len.' _ I -I I -I �8
• S,I,R pay nl of Dabt S.N. 240.0001 240.0001 .24ep00'1 233.2641 ..he1 I I I I ...736I
.61 Professional Services 'I'
.7 I
' it
0-I1I III 106.0
1 6400-1BI .01 10.00Pmleo
91,Pofesai0 ISevics 10 0000 I. 3,359I ' 08a1
0 1,2501. 2,2501 2:250
101Rlessioal5bres 1 001
3.500' 3.5
011Im 300 3.0001 3.000 I S. .3.0001
Slrvks I 4.9341 0661 s,Of6iesaOa 10121Ae -a 11
,13.1Reserve ABS Debt Sarvlpe.I
4,PI1BResoweTABS Debt S.n acai
-1'BI N.fai. lServicaa;RDAI
'.iB I.SA do consultlna 1 -I I -I I -I I -I I' -I I" -:I I I 11,9851 I 1 I -I
"I 20�1AlsTASSBartl
B'iP lodaTABS9ond
` .191201IA TABS BondNaiad
221.2011A TABS Bond
23;IP 1 1A TABS Bond'
25I1,A TABS Band
281R011AaTABS PeYmenl,. _I 27 201,BTABSPaymart
)Stlbur B ih m OPA
;( - Call.
I 11,5001
Residual Reesols_- -I I Te3721I1 I
IEl C la- I "1
(D tiEmel C is-PERS. I
� 'rooplo e C sls:olher' - T
JAttachment:Grand Terrace ROPS14-15B (1556:Successor Agency's Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule(ROPS)14-1513)
- Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule(ROPS 14.15B)-Report of Prior Period Adjustments
Reported for the ROPS 13-14B(January 1,2014 through Juno 30,2014)Period Pursuant to Health and Safely Code(HSC)section 34186(a)
(RepeH Amounts in Whole Dollars)
IROPS13-14B Su.c,ssor.g.ny(SA)Sslf-mplrtdPrior P.1lod Ad,u.lm,nM(PPA):P,ms nt(,HSCSocD,n34106(a)•SAsarlmquil,dW,Mdlh diforencosb.m..nm..,adualavaI blo haaingfod thdrectual exponduurasWih,ROPS 13-14B(January through JunJoan,2014)pared.The amounlef Redovolopmont ProPerry Tex Trust Fund(RPTTF)appmvodforOaROPS1
mu (1-
15B(January.thgh June 2015)pared w I be otiset by Iho SA's sdl-mpon n od ROPS 13-14B prior pod adjusimenl.MSC Section 34185(a)also specifies(hat Me poor pond edjudmonte self-reported by SAs are subject to audit by Na manly audd -mnooller(CAG and No State Conudlar. II
A C .I .0 I E I F I 'G I H •I I I J I K I L I M I N I 0 I P I O I R I S I T
Non-RPTTF Expenditures I RPTTF Expenditures
_Nal SA Nan-Admin
and Admin PPA
(Amount Uaad to
-- I - OHseIROPS14•ISB
Bond Procaods Reserve Balance out.,Fund, I Non-Admin 'I Admin I Req...led RPTTF)
• Available Inflator-
.. RPTTF Available pl total actual
CROPS 13.148 ofHerance RPTTF acaotla total
dislnbutedvdl other Net
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Attachment:Grand Terrace ROPS14-15B (1556:Successor Agency's Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule(ROPS)14-1513)
Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule 13-14B - Notes
January 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014
Item# Notes/Comments
40 ROPS DETAIL FORM#40: Request funding for the Michigan Street Improvements-Phase 2; The Agency is
resubmitting this item as this phase of the project was established under ABx1 26 redevelopment dissolution
law, not AB1484.
44 ROPS DETAIL FORM#44: Request funding for the implementation of the Property Disposition Plan after
approval by the DOF.
45 ROPS DETAIL FORM#45: Request funding for the demolition of a single-family dwelling on 21992 DeBerry
Street;the agency owned property contains a single-family home that is old, dilapidated and uninhabitable.
Demolition will prepare the property for sale after approval of the Property Disposition Plan by the DOF.
46 ROPS DETAIL FORM#46: Request funding for the removal of a concrete slab and contaminated soil pile at
APN 0275-242-10. Removal will prepare the property for sale after approval of the Property Disposition Plan by
the DOF.
47 ROPS DETAIL FORM#47: Request funding for the property taxes due on the following properties: 22720 Vista
Grande Way and 22747 Barton Road in Grand Terrace.
Attachment: Grand Terrace ROPS14-156 (1556 : Successor Agency's Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) 14-15B)