2014-01 RESOLUTION NO. OB 2014-1
WHEREAS, AB x1 26 required the dissolution of all redevelopment agencies in
the state; and
WHEREAS, on January 10, 2012, the City adopted Resolution 2012-01 electing
to serve as the Successor Agency to the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment
Agency ("Successor Agency") pursuant to HSC Section 34176; and
WHEREAS, a Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) is defined in
HSC Section 34171(h) as the minimum . payment amounts and the due dates of
payments required.by enforceable obligations for a six-month period; and
WHEREAS, the ROPS identifies the payment source of enforceable obligations
as payable from the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) and payable
from Other Sources of the Successor Agency; and
WHEREAS, the California Department of Finance has required a submittal of the
ROPS covering the period July 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 (ROPS 14-15A), in
accordance with AB 1484 to be submitted by March 1, 2014; and
WHEREAS, on February 25, 2014, the BOPS for the period July 1, 2014 to
December 31, 2014 (ROPS 14-15A) was reviewed and approved by the City as
Successor Agency; and
WHEREAS, the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the Community
Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace ("Oversight Board") has met and
duly considered a Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the period July 1, 2014
to December 31, 2014 (ROPS 14-15A).
SECTION 1. The Oversight Board finds that the above recitations are true and
correct and, accordingly, are incorporated as a material part of this Resolution.
SECTION 2. The Oversight Board finds that all obligations listed on the ROPS
for the period July 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 (ROPS 14-15A) are true and correct
�+' and, accordingly, are hereby considered enforceable obligations.
Resolution No. OB 2014-1
SECTION 3. Pursuant to HSC Section 34177, the BOPS for the period July 1,
2014 to December 31, 2014, incorporated herein as Attachment A, ("ROPS 14-15A") is
hereby approved and adopted in substantially the same form as shown in Attachment A
by the Successor Agency.
SECTION 4. The Executive Director is hereby authorized to make such non-
substantive changes and adjustments to ROPS 14-15A, as attached, which may be
necessary and appropriate.
SECTION 5. The Executive Director is hereby directed to take all necessary and
appropriate acts to submit the ROPS 14-15A to the California Department of Finance,
State Controller's Office, San Bernardino County Auditor-Controller, and any other
agency by the March 1, 2014 submittal deadline. The Executive Director is further
authorized to perform all acts necessary and appropriate which may be required by the
California Health & Safety Code. This includes, but is not limited to the requirements set
forth by the California Department of Finance, the San Bernardino County Auditor-
Controller, or any other applicable agency.
SECTION 6. The Oversight Board Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this
PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of February, 2014 by the following
AYES: Boardmembers: Ferracone, Forbes, Morga, Saks, Wirz and Chairperson
NOES: None
Walt Stanckiewitz,
Oversight Board Chair
Deborah A. arringto
Interim Oversight B rd Secretary
Attachment A
Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (BOPS)
For the Period July 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014
(ROPS 14-15A)
Recognized,Obligation-Payment;,Schedule(ROPS 14-15A),-Summary:
Filed fortfie July ,-2014 throagh.December 3.1,2014,Petiod'
Name of'SuccessorAgency: Grand Terrace;;
Name'of."County: iS66,13emardiho
Current-Pe0od-RequeSted Funding.for-O'utstanding•Debtor Obligation;-d. _ Six-Month'Total-
Enforceable Oblioations:Fdnddd'with Non Rede'velopmentPr6perty Tax TrustlFund:'(RPTTF)Funding
A, Sources(13+C+D): $ 60.,050:i
B Bond`Proceeds.Fun'ding(BOPS Defad) 480".000
C Reserve Balance Funding,(ROPS Detail) 120,750.:
D Other Funding(ROPS Detail)
E Enforceable Obligations Funded'with RPTTF`Funding.(F+G): $' ,.°;1'409;1'33;.•
F Non-Administrative Costs(ROPS Detail)
G Administrative Costs(ROPS Detail) 20Q`000;'
H Current Period Enforceable Obligations'(A+E): $ 2,009;883
Success'orAg'ency Self-Reported Prior Period:Adjustment,to'Current=Period,,RPTTF Requested Funding
I; Enforceable Obligations funded with-RPTTF
J Less Prior Period Adjustment'(Report ofPrior Period Adjustments.Column`-S) (2001557);'
K Ad usted Current"Period RPTTF Requested Funding`(f=il) $,. 1;20%576
ty. p ,!,
Coun AuditorControlle`r>Re orfed,Prior:Penod�Ad usfinenfto CuFrenfPenotl:°RPT.TF�Re, uesteii Funding:
L Enforceable Obligationsffwnded with RPT F(E),„ 1,409 83&::
M� , ss,PnorPe[iod�Adtustmenf(Report of,PriorGPenod Adjustrnents'Column;AA)
IV , M'justed�CuOrent4 eriod4kPTTF�Requested.Fu'ndmg�(L M)
Certification of Oversight Board Chairman:
Pursuant to Section 34177(m)of the Health and Safety code, I
hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate Recognized Name Title
Obligation Payment Schedule for the above named agency;
Signature Date
Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule(ROPS)14.15A•ROPS Detail
'July 1,2014 through December 31,2014 '
(Report Amounts in Whole Dollars)
.. A. B C I .. p .. E .... F G I If .I 1 J K I L. .. M N .O. L. P
... .. .. ... I.. Funding Source I .. .
... ... ... .. Non-Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund ..
Cahtracl/Agreemenl Contract/Agreement :. .. Total Outstanding'.
Item# rlect Name/Debt Obligai Obligation Type Execution Date 'Termination Date :Pavee Descrlotlon/Prolect Scone Proiecl Area Debt or Oblloatlon Retired I:Bond Proceeds I Reserve Balance Other Funds I Non-Adman I Admin . Six-Month Total
.1 .- . I-• - •• 1$, - 58.524,901 1 •- - -.1$ 480:000 I S 120,750 1$ -1$ 1.209.133 1$ 200,000 1$ 2,009,883
I 112011 A Tax Allocation (Bonds Issued After 1111/2011 19/1/2033 IUS Bank (Bond Pdnctole and Interest IGaand Terran_n I 26,353,0121 N I I 1 1 699.0981 1 $ 699,098
212011 B Tax Allocation IBBond ti31s1 sssued After I1/1/2011 I I Ion RDA Bonds I Grand Terra I I N
9/1/2026 •" US Bank _ Bond Principle and Interest ce 8,139,342 448,3921 $ 448,393
I 31Trustee Fees .-(Fees -.._1.111/2011 ......19/1/2033 "....IUS Bank .......'[Trustee Fees.... (Grand Terrace 1 -"152,0001 - N I -.. 1 ...I .....1.. 6,0001.. .1.S. ,' - 6,000 ..
`4 Zron Loan Clt/Co1`int Loans 771120D5 9/112D20 'Zoo Frst National Pov`afe Refundin ofCRA� Grand Terrace -
"._ OnyorBefore'6`1271„I '- I Bank,, IDabt g I �I
5 Repayment of Debt CitylCounty Loans 1/28/2012 1/28/2021 SB Valley Muni Repayment Incorrect debt Grand Terrace I 1,656,672 N ;-
I$ervh- [On or Before 627111 I I - • (Water- (service distdb by-SBC ATC I I I I I I I I $
`6 Professional Services 'Professtonal m 2/112012 "6130/2013 C N-ews Grou_ AdvertF.,ir/Noticin Grand Terrace N
-I r IServces I I I Jh , I 9 9 I
a7 Co s Ihn 5i:rvices P ofessional '. 7l13/201tl 1/31/2013 Chamber of- Business.Development Grand Terrace N
P ISe Vk es I I Comme ce Seances p
- B Professional Services Professional 2/1/2012 6t302034 Professional Properly Appraisal Services Grand Terrace 100,000 N 10,000 5 •10,000
�L.. I '.. Iservices.. I .. I " .. Professional
' .. I. -.... I .. I. I I .
Professional Services IManlenv tyance 11/12/2011 I61302015 IACEWed (oWeed wnedbatedent for Agency IGmpd Terrace I 100,Oo0I N I I I I 10,9001 I,$' 10,000
10IProfessional ServicesIProtessional 2/1/2012 I6I30/2034 (Urban Futures. I9ondsiaRulence"Requirement- (Grand Terrace : 66,5001 N I I '' 3,500 $ 3,500
Services -
11IProfessional Services, IServicesonal I211/2012 I6/3 012 0 3 4 I Arbitrage
Omnl/Omck 1IRCsec.Rebate Calculation(Grand Terrace I 52.0001 N I I I I 3,000I I $ 3,000
12 A en Owned pro erl Pro a 2/1/2012 6/30/2034 Various contractors Pro a Maintenance and Grand Tercape 190,00I-0 N 10,000 $ 10,000
I9 p ylManl Maintenance
I I I (insurance-Aaencv Prooertvl I I' I I I
I 1312011A ABS ebt (Bonds psuad After I11112011 I9/112033 IUS Bank IDSR-Bond
ovenant IGrand Terrace I 1,280,9031
N IService Rese I I I I I S
I1412011BeRe e TABS Deebt (Bon sI sued After I11112911 I9/1/2026 IUSBank JDeR .Bond Covenant I Grand Terrace I 476,910I N I I I I I I $
15IRDA Professional
s wind al Services- Dissolution Audits I9/1/2012 111312013 lwn Rogers
Anderson RDue epoNng/nce H8S Grand Terrace N I I I$ .
. 34179.5
I 16 SA Legal consulting Legal 10/1/2011 6/302034 Janes&Mayer e under H&S Grand Terrace '570,000 N I I I 32,0001:$I I I I I 134,77.3(b)Legal Counsel: I I I I 32,000
_ I . .
1720t to TABS Borx1 Bonds Issued AfEer 31137,2012 3t13/2015 Webb BAssoc Mlckugan8treet G2nd Terrace N -
�Proleats ,s�'Ysi 12131YW .,�,. ( �. .. x ...
Improvements;design and i - '_• `
18 20C11A NABS Bondr Bonds Issued AiteC V V2011 ,,':9/1/2033 ContractorslStaff Southwest project area: Grand Terrace I .N -
;IPrafects "a �Ii2�31I10 I
gnructpro study and
I "I
19 2011A TABS Bond) Bonds Issued'After 1/1/2011 9/1!2033 Cap ractors/Staff- Southwest r'act area: Grand Terrace N
n IProlects ,.,. Ii2 3t)10 I I= I " I nfiastruaxreconstruction
20 2Dt13ATABS B BoTrds Issued'After 1/1120,1, 97112033 Contractors/S(aff, Bartonfioed mtraslruunure, Grand Ter ace N
�IP.rolects _ r 3 �?"I12131?AO I I
2D11ATABS Bondy Bonds lssued'Afifer 1/17201;1 'x: ''91ii2033 '^ CbntraclorslStafft-P Michgari'Sireef '""'"Grand terlaco";"�`. "" "'' N1 '
IProlects,",'"" I (improvements!construction I� 'L h
22 201 A TABS Bond +Bonds Issued After ill/ 1 9/12033 Ca(itractomlStaff,: Union PaciBcJBartonRoad''Grand Terrace N-
eIProects' .'- IY213U70 I. I (bridge construction I
�23 201 to#TABS Bond Bonds Issued After V1/20t1 9I1/2033 Contracto s/Slaff •Storm draln&street rehab: Grand'Terrace N
Prtvects 'iP�` 12/31/70 Van Buren,Pmo,antl Main
.. i24 201 tAAiABS Bgnd fter 1/V2011 9/12033 -? onf clors/Staff: Ml Vergon sbpe, Grand Terrace ' N:
.",'alP rolects v�'. H.�IBondsIssued A 1213V70. I ��I IC ` .Is ablGialion - I 5' 25 n201 TA"t-P,B58orrcl ; :Bonds Issued Aier 1l11207i1 ,- 91112033 ? Cgtractors/StaH V'sCe Grande Park = ;.} Grand TeJrace J
o N
IProiects. .-;I12t31 c.,.".��z I ., ._-':I _ .•'•.t I :" ., �. Ionsvtictio ,I= }4.:
,i2G ZOitA TABS Payment -Hoods tssuetllfter 7/10,) 9/1/13 ,. USBanJc Reserve-as per,HBS Grand Terrace' "`
eserve 'ii� T7131I70 , ra 34171-d)1(A-bontl debt
727 20118 TA85 Payment Bonds Issued After 1/V201:1 9!1/2033 US'B?nk Reserve as par H&S I
- Grand Terrace
bond debt
- -N
Reserve' I 12131/10 - r 34171 d 1 A-
�28IRESERVEaP LMIHF ;ISERAFJERAF zII4/26I2011 = "-�I4/262021 - -• ILMIHF ISERAF-Resarvenfor IGrantl Terrace .I I `N I
Recognized:Obligation Payment Schedule ROPS 14-15A Summary,:,
Filed for.the,July 1,2014. through December 31,2014'Period
Name of Successor Agency: Grand Terrace
Name of County:: San Bernardino
Current Period Requested-Funding for Outstanding Debt or Obligation Six-Month Total
Enforceable Obligations Funded with Non-Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund(RPTTF)Funding
A:: Sources(B+C+D): .. $ 600,750
B Bond Proceeds Funding(ROPS Detail) 480000,'
C.:.: ReserveBalance Funding(ROPS Detail) ::. 120,750
D Other Funding(ROPS Detail) -
E Enforceable Obligations Funded with RPTTF Funding(F+G)o- $' 1',4o. 9,133 ;
F Non-Administrative Costs(ROPS Detail) ,. . 1,209,133.
G Administrative Costs(ROPS Detail) 200,00b
H: Current:Period Enforceable Obligations(A+E) . $ 2,009,883.
Successor Agency Self-Reported Prior Period
Adjustment to Current Period RPTTF Requested Funding.
Enforceable Obligations funded with RPTTF(E): 1,409,133 ;
J Less Prior Period'Ad Adjustment Re ort•of Prior,Period Adjustments Column S "" (2011,557
). . ( P. 1 ).... )
K Adjusted:Current Period RPTTF
Requested Funding(I-J)
County Auditor Controller Reported Prior.Period Adjustment to Current Period:RPTTF:Requested:Funding
U Enforceable Obligations:funded.with RPTTF(E) . „ , 1 409.,`133
;...M' Less Prior Period Adjustment(Report of Prior Period Adjustments:Column AA)..,,,. - .
1,409... .
N Adjusted Current Period RPTTF.Requested.Fundmg(L=M)_ ;133 s
Certification of Oversight Board Chairman:
Pursuant to Section 34.177(m)of•the Health,and Safety:code, I
hereby certify thatthe above is a true and accurate Recognized Name Title
: .
Obligation Payment Schedule for the above named agency. "
Date Signature D -
....... .... ..... _. .
... I .. ... ...: ...: ...:. .....: .. .. Recognized Obligation Paymen
.Schedule(RO..PS))14-15 A•ROP.S..D.
July 1,20141hrough December 31,2014
(Report Amounts In Whole Dollars _
A. E: F - ..G HI I� J K L M N O P
:Funding Source
.. .. .: .: Non-Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund
:I':.. ::(Nan-RPTTF) ":: -" I RPTTF .
Contract/Agreemenl ContracVAgreemem':. ."" ..'. Total Outstanding -
Item# elect Name/Debt Obligai Obligation Type Execution Date :Termination Dale '" " Payee "Descriptlon/Prolect Scope. Project Area Debt or Oblinallon Retired I.B.41'mceeds[Reserve.Balance I :Other Funds I 'Non-Admin I 'Admin Six-Month Total
29 Stater Brothers OPA,, (Busness Incentive 2122/2011 I2122/2021 I terBrohers _ Payment on padlc!palion Grand Terrace i 1,044,3751 1 :1 120,7501Agreements I Marketsreement
I�o� , a7 4Y1g33 C o Gra tlaore
i°f `7IiliiiI l2praoe Iapreamen eF120123 I
31I Employee Costs :-::.Admin Costs:::: .2/1/2012 : .. 6130/2034:..:... Personnel Costs. Agency direct employee Grand.Temace ._.'3.130.643 ' N. _ - _ 52,864 $ F 52'864
1. I I I (casts-salanea . I. I.
32 Employee Costs-PERS;Admin Costs 21112012 6130/2034 Personnel Costs Agency direct employee Grand N - 12,754 $ t' 12 75A
Ioosts-PERS I . .Terrace 1 755.835 1
33JEmpllayee Costs-other IAdmin Costs 12/1/2012 16130/2034 IPesonnel Costs "lAgency directher employee _(Grand Terrace ( -883.5591 N 142141_$, ,-?4,214
34 Employee Costs- Admm Costs 211I2012 6/30/2034 Personnel Costs Agency direct employee Grand Terrace - 354.972 N 6,668 S -6 668
.. _ Inompensationrkers' I I. ..- Inompenlsa compensation)
workers' .I .." .. ..".I
�' r p> - os 2M)20'4 oPddL'U-5 RSG Re and'!A�ORe,Grid er �. N r •-• �. S. i e,• +x w ..
361Cpnsulting Services (Admin Costs 12JI12012 613012015 IRSG IServce Proj�erty.Tax Reporting (Grand Terrace I 25.0001 N I 1 I I 1 2,5001 $ 2500
37 Of lee. ._ Admin Costs •" 21112012 6/30/2034 (Various Administrallve supplies and Grand Terrace
ICosls/SappljeslMisc:..I. .1 .. ...I :::. (costs I:: . I I N
301R nual Audit and (Admin Costs ,121112012 I61302015 lRogers
Anderson Isery services
annual auditing (Grand Terrace I 1 N I I I I I- 4,000115�- 4,000
39IPIanerty Disposition IDisposi0ous. 811212013. 8/122034 "IKosmant Ia�e�dispasWoPreparatio plan fo of Phousing erty ;(Grand Terrace I _ N
�I ."A AH B I12 0 r 31 3201 13Y10 5 Weoo d.usoc IROWlabal.amsha�e 2g and (G nd ace I 48U',0� N I.. 480;000I .. J . I I,r �. � .� � I - 48
_ 41 2011A TABS Bond Bonds Issued After 012 3/2020 . n Grand Terrace Pro -ject CIP ]Grand Terrace: 12,644,044 N $ -
_IProlects "' 112/31/10 ' I 3/132 I31.1" I'Co"lmclors/Staff I6tems 18 through 25,
Re a QIFn. r IFI IS RAI42g21 1IEMI �I$E� serve fo IO anu er ace I I N I JI , ,I, I I r. I. „,,: I '� .�3 «,.°'
�i ec pis IM nexus I 4 009 I2Y142033 ITe acaro� VagraeaeML-fY2012-13men IGa Te I I N I I
44 Prbperty Management'Properly ' ' '111/2014 I61302034: (Contractor•,, IImplementval f DOFupooperty (Grand Terrace I 50,000 N"
(implementation Plan, .IDisposi8ons ..I'. Plan
�I 9 ....10 4 IC 'b1,y Street 1�s n�aDfa�i IG no wracp
i�i - o s op II �4 IF 0 4 IC—d IsoIIIpXe atrAP�.f71 r5.2423011G nu rl I I I 1 I � I „ �,�,s
47 Taxes on Successor P I11112012 Iroperly 6134 :San Bernardino Property Tax on Successor. race N $ -
I Agency Property IDispositions •:01201 �I Grand Ter
I Auditor .IA.gency'Property -
48 AB1290 pass-through City/County Loans [110111 12I312014 San Bernardino Additional A81290 pass- Gmnd Terrace -19,143 N "- - """" 19,143 "" -S" "'.'-19;143
payments owed tp On or Before 627A 1 ��� "�" � (Community College Olrough amounts owed to
. ommunity
SBCCD District I0Can
9liege 82e09-tgct for FY2008- I I- I I ,.
49 HousinglSuccessor Admin Costs 7/1/2014 - -- Housing Authoritof Admin Allowancefor the GranciTerrace - N 75,000'$. 75,000
Admin Allowance per SuccessorAgencyuccessorhousingentity forAB 471 "" 1613012034
_ -lof Grand Terrace I$150,000 or 1%of the RORFI-
I I I I I• I I I I I I I I I I I`$:.� :.. -
I::$'.` °•'i.. r.-.'
- -
Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule(ROPS)14-15A-Report of Cash Balances
(Report Amounts in Whole Dollars)
Pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 34177(I),Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund(RPTTF)may be listed as a source of paymenton the ROPS;but only to the extent no other funding source is available or when payment from
property tax revenues is required by an enforceable obligation.
A: — B C I.... O I E .. I F I G I H
Fund Sources
Bond Proceeds Reserve Balance Other RPTTF
...... Prior ROPS Rent,
RPTTF Grants,
Bonds Issued- Bonds Issued. .Prior ROPS period distributed as Interest,Designated
on or before.: on or after' balances'and DDR reserve for next Funds for Economic Non-Admin and
Cash Balance Information by ROPS Period' 12/31/10 01/01/11 balances retained bond payment Dev.Agreement Admiri Comments
ROPS 13-14A Actuals'(07/01/13=12/31/13)
1 I Beginning Available Cash Adjustments (Actual00 omnsJand 0 in t I I I I 1672lric he t IReport of Prior Period (PPAs) �g,7 907,730 1,044,375
2 (Revenue/Income(Actual 12/31/13)
.I I I I. I 1,353,531:
Note that the RPTTF amounts should•tie to the ROPS.13-14A distribution ......
from the County Auditor-Controller during June 2013
3 Expenditures for ROPS 13-14A Enforceable Obligations(Actual'
Note that for the RPTTF,3+4 should tie to columns Land Q in the
—m——_'— ._. 1,299,976
4 Retention of Available Cash•Balance(Actual12131/13)
Note that the RPTTF amount.should only include the retention of reserves
for debt service'aoproved in ROPS 13-14A
5 ROPS 13-14A RPTTF Prior Period Adjustment
Note that the RPTTF amount should tie to column S in the Report of No entry requred
6 Ending Actual.3i Available Cash Balance $,,•16,746,Z42 ,$ '. ,907,Z30 $ .$ ,i 1,044,375
CtoG (1+2-3,4) H=(1+7=3 4 5)
$, .,
ROPS 13-14B Estimate(01/01/14,06/30/14)
C j
`$ IH44+F6andH ,5ce(Actual 6 I $, II $EG 4+6 FF 907;730 I $:16,746,742
6 lRevenuelincome(Estimate 06/30/14)
Note that the RPTTF amounts shouldtie to the ROPS 13-14B disbuon
he County Auditor=Controller dung January 214 I 3072from t ry I I I I 0,,334027
9 Expenditures for 137148 Enforceable Obligations'(Estimate 06/30/14)
10 1 Retention of Available Cash Balance(Estimate 06/30114)
Note that the RPTTF amounts may include the retention of reserves for
debt service approved in ROPS.13-14B
11 IEnding Estimated Available Cash Balance(7+,g-9-10) .` . I$
$ 16 90730I $' $ , .I 1,044,375.1 $ (729,615)I
y p l e 0IS ROPS Detail _.Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule(ROPS)14-15A-
Jul 1,2014 through December 31,2
(Report Amdunts in Whole Dollais)'
... ... .... ... ...
A. B .0 D, E I: G .. H I. J .K L. .. M N O. .. .P
IFunding Source I
.. Non-Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund
- I... (Nan-RPTTF) - - I RPTTF -
ConlracVAgreemenl ContracVAgreement .. '.. Total Outstanding
Item# -0ecl Name/Debt Obligal Obligation Type Execution Dale Termination Date :Payee Description/Project Scups Project Area Debt or Obligation Retired I�Bond Proceeds I Reserve Balance I Other Funds I Non-Admin I Admin I Six-Month Total
29IStater Brothers OPA: IAgsle antsentive I212212011 I2/22/2021 IMater Brothem (Paymentragreeme on participation (Grand Terrace I ; _. 1,044,3751 N I I 12Q750I I I I $ 120,750
30 R�sieluiaf Receipts M s ecec aneous 2I2a72Q09 2/4I2033 Glly'of G�antly Afforule a"haw mg pa menu GrandhTerrace jN ` ., -. '� "T` z" ,r , y"�"- '"i %"' •:*.�* "'� `> '
_ ITorrace ` ��.. Ia9reemont,..F,Y20]22=13 ? h. ^�•.' w Iirr ,�`_ ,:<I .. a ,
.. I 31IEmployee Costs ...(Admin Costs ....I2/1/2012 __. ..I6130/2034 .. ..IPersonnel Costs JAgency
odor es employee IGaand Terrace I;... .3,130,643I .N. I .. .I ..I ....I .I... 52,864I.$..� 52,864
32 Employee Costs-PERS Admin Costs 2/112012 6/30/2034 1 Personnel Costs Agency direct employee Grand Terrace 755,835 _N 12,754 $: 12,754
Icosts-PERS I I I I I I I I
I 33lbnel@see Costs-other IAdmin Costs I2/1/2012 1613012034 IPersonnel Costs JAgency
employee fi (Grand Terrace I 883,550I N I I I I I 14,2141 $ 14,214
34 Employee Costs- Admin Casts 2/1/2012 613012034 Personnel Costs Agency direct employee Grand Terrace': 354,972 N 6166B S 6,668
.. lan
compen atonrkers' ....... ... ._. ...... (unemployment,workers'
a .I .... ..I .. .. I ..... I .. I .•..
compen8on) .
35 ConsL(tin Services AHrn-�Ce`sts 2/1/2Q12 6/3012075 RSA := Repora g andrAilmmshahve G antl)Tettace _ , '- N $ , �" =r ``' ;' `ix`
I. I.. ,. ��,.i � �,.9,1.� � :�_ I ;� I�=� �_y JAI=gig �;: .
I 36IConsulfng Services IAdmin Costs I2/112012 I6130/2015 IRSG I Prop Sery��Tax Reporting IGrand Terrace I 25,0001 N I I I I I 2,500I $ 2,5001
371 Office Admin Costs 2/112012 6/3012034 Various Administrative supplies and Grand Terrace - N - $
Costs/Supplies/Misc. I I I I Icosls I I I
38 Annual Audit and Admin Costs 2l1/2012 6130/2015 Ro ers Antlerson Re wired annual audilin Grand Terreca N _ 4,000 $ 4.000
(Reporting I I I IMaody (services 9 I I I I I I I I " 1_
.39 Property Disposition Properly 8/12/2013 8/1212034. Kosmont_ Preparation of property .Grand Terrace - N .. $
Plan IDispositlons "' - Idisposition plan for housing I.
4Q 201"TA TABS Bbn`tl Bp'nd;llssuptlriltF' 3t13)2072 3l13/20t5 WeSb"$'Assoc tvifCtiigan Stroel O"ra`nd'T,e`rr" e � fI480;6Q0 w N �, ?`�480 000 T'�fi. c"�e �+� ,� '-. "��., �# p. �. -,.,�48Q;600
.I (Pro/sots I12/31110 I I I improvements:desgnland�I "`' Yo- I s,.r 6 MS I'. P t
ROWP,haso22� ,ust.Sk.. Say: £ �.1:.�•:a�._`'.,��-,_. �. ., _ �:,, - -r`. � - ..:; -,€,
4112011 Projects
Bond I Bti31s1sssued After I3113/2012' I31,13120.20 IConlm t,m/StaB (Gems le race Project CIP (Grand Terrace I 12,644,0441 N I I I I I I $
SER4 IAI I' I4 26Y2016 OMIHF Re a meal of oan for Grano rer ace, y' N ^s ♦` S j T FlLoanlOMIH - SERAFIERA 4126l2011 I I��y
Reserve.. u��u&Jlln SERAF-Reserve a > «ira`:1''ra�_x`fir. "✓.,, .tea ._ .�' � �..=,.. Y__
43 Resttll Receipts Mrsce laneous 2/2412009 2I2412033 Gily oof Grand ,Affoidatile fi"o'using)"payment Grantl Terrace N •i ' ,r ' e a
I I I (Terrace Ia9reeIr
1201213 I ( I I E2t � .,'Icxkl 'fr I b rz w I .,x :'�I�
44 Property Management-Property •111/2014 •' 6/30/2034 Contractor Implementaton of Property Grand Terrace 50,000 N $-''
Implementation Plan: Dispositions .. .. Disposition Plan upon
.. .. .. approval of DOF . :.. ._ .. ..
5 Damof on of sin le Remedfallon 17172014 6l30/2014 Contractor Demblltion ofsingle'ifaipiy Grand Terrace N;. '" ;. ' > ;� sT"p'"
i Itaml dwell ng 9 ( I SVeet g on 21 g92 f]eBeiry I rI� �. a• a i . . ` i� I ..
movaIfdf concrete Runetll ton 1 T 2014 6l30/Ot'4 CiinGaator Removaltoffconcrete slab$ Grand Terrace N +C 'n"j, s "^ �`:0':/ ",r, ? t' =�'i r �� „`^' 4•'zw �' "
46 Ra TA
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Ies on Successor Pro eft 1/1/2012 6/30/2014 San Bemardino Pro erl Tax on Successor Grand Terrace N $
A9ency Property (Dispositions I I :' : IAutlilu Conlmller IA9endy,Property .: I - -
48 AB1290 pass-through City/County Loans 7/1/2013 1.2/31/2014 San Bernardino Additional AB1290 pass- Grand Terrace 19,143 N 19,143 - $ 19;143
paymenISBCCDIs owed to On or Before 6/27111 ( through amounts owed to
D striU Commuoily College,San Bernardino Community I I _
College District for FY2008-
49 Housing/Successor Admin Costs 7/1/2014 6/30/2034 Housing Authority of�Admin�Alr;au,.-for the Grand Terrace N 75,000[$ 75,000Admin Allowance perSuccessorAgency' succesooing entity for .
IAS 471 - - I lof Grand Terrace $150,000 or 1%o}the RORF I : I _ .. .
1 I I I I ( I I I I I I I I I$ -
II $
4. I $
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Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule 14-15A - Notes
July 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014
Item# Notes/Comments
ROPS DETAIL FORM #40: Request funding for the Michigan Street Improvements -Phase 2; The Agency is
resubmitting this item as this phase of the project was established under ABx1 26 redevelopment dissolution law,
Item 40 not AB1484.
ROPS DETAIL FORM #48: Request funding for additional pass-through payments owed to San Bernardino
Item 48 Community College District for FY2008-09 and 2009-10.
ROPS DETAIL FORM #49: Request funding for Admin Allowance for the successor housing entity for$150,000 or
Item 49 1% of the RORF allocation per AB 471.
RacoOMeE OOOyIbn Pay 5duema(ROPS)141ex•Repar,plPMrPxEpE MjusMems '
.. ., .. .., .., xeparl.Elora°ROP513.1.g(Jut1,3013gro hDawmax131,3013)Pe.i Pan°anlloHaaM.d Sably Ce°e(HSC)wNen3a188ja1 ...
ROPSfi1NCAC ppA TOOeoomNe]eE SY Bg CAC upon dnm dqa ROPS Y]g11w SA bFLbro aM ,
ROP51Y1Y6uccesaorpgenry(91)6xHnpprloE Prbr PpxpE RrQreMonb(PPC).Punaanlb HSC Saa0en 31180(e)SN aro beWroEbbporl NO Ellpnnces Salwoon gdtedual ave ado luntl'n0 end gxreclud a�prJ]urve lar qo ROpS 13.1°R(July grvupxDrcemEor Yet])poEeE.lxe amaunJ"' "'I11n GC:Nob IfAC'Wi0'roW1O NEM IM1oirpwn 1pxmE al qE Bw itom pu 4anlbgE marubr,b Wttkn "'
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