2006-03 RESOLUTION NO.2006-03 r- RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 06-01, SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW NO. 06-01 AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW CASE NO. 06-01 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW CORPORATE OFFICES AND YARD FOR THE RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND WATER COMPANY ON A 2.9 ACRE PARCEL IN THE R1-7.2 ZONE AT 12374 MICHIGAN STREET IN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, the applicant has applied for the approval of Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-01 and Site and Architectural Review Case No. 06-01 to construct the new corporate offices and yard for the Riverside Highland Water Company; and WHEREAS, the proposed use of the corporate offices and yard of the Riverside Highland Water Company is allowed in the underlying R1-7.2 Zone with a conditional use permit; and WHEREAS,a properly noticed public hearing was held bythe Planning Commission on Thursday, March16, 2006; and WHEREAS, under the.California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Article 6, Section 15070, the proposed project to construct the new corporate offices and yard for the Riverside Highland Water Company qualifies for a Mitigated Negative Declaration in that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant impact on the environment. The environmental assessment of this project was completed under Environmental Review Case No. 06-01. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The proposed project and uses are consistent with the intent of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and the General Plan in that the use is allowed in the R1-7.2 Zone with a Conditional Use Permit and meets the standards of the Zone as required by the Site and Architectural Review. 2. The proposed new corporate offices and yard, which requires a conditional use permit, will not be: a. Detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the City of Grand Terrace because of the conditions which will be imposed on the development and operation of this project. i b. Injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or City 1 because of the Conditions which have been imposed on the development and operation of this project. 3. The locations and configuration of all structures associated with this project are visually harmonious with this site and surrounding sites and structures, that they do not interfere with the neighbors' privacy, that they do not unnecessarily block scenic views from other structures and/or public areas, and are in scale with the townscape and natural landscape of the area. The design and appearance of the proposed buildings will be consistent with surrounding development. In addition, the site will be appropriately landscaped to blend in with existing development and the one-story nature of the project will minimize any adverse impacts to scenic views in the area. 4. The architectural design of the structure, its materials, and colors utilizing light colored tones are visually harmonious with surrounding development and natural landforms; are functional for the proposed project; and are consistentwith the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. Said-materials will match existing materials and colors of the surrounding residential and commercial areas. 5. The plan for landscaping and open spaces provides a functional and visually pleasing setting for the structures on this site and is harmonious with the natural landscape of the area and nearby residential and commercial developments. The proposed landscaping of the site will be minimize any visual impacts related to the proposed project. 6. Because the site has no natural vegetation'and is not part of a hillside,there will be no indiscriminate clearing of property, destruction of trees or natural vegetation or the excessive and unsightly grading of hillsides. Thus the natural beauty of the city, its setting and natural landforms will be preserved. 7. The design and locations of all signs associated with this project will be subject to the approval of a separate sign program to insure that the signs will be consistent with the scale and character of the building to which they are attached or otherwise associated with and are consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. 8. Conditions of approval for this project necessary to secure the purposes of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and General Plan are made a part of this approval as set forth in the accompanying Resolution of Approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that CUP-06-01 and SA-06-01 are hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed new corporate offices and yard for the Riverside Highland Water Company shall be maintained in conformance with the Site and Architectural Review as approved by the Planning Commission on March 16, 2006. All plans shall be consistent in terms of property lines and other measurements. Minor changes or clarifications may be made by the Community Development Director or his designee. 2 2. The 4 foot wide pedestrian walkway to the front of the building from Michigan shall be separately treated or emphasized by enriched paving. 3. The proposed colors and materials to be employed shall be in substantial conformance with the color and materials board exhibited at the public hearing on March 16, 2006 4. Pay all applicable development fees, park fees, and school impact fees. 5. All construction activity related to this project shall comply with the City's noise ordinance as stipulated in Chapter 8.108 of the Municipal Code. 6. All construction debris shall be collected and placed in appropriate containers on a daily basis, and the construction site shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner. 7. All mechanical equipment shall be screened from public view,and all rooftop mechanical equipment will be screened from view by either the architectural features of the building or by screening to be approved by the Community Development Director. 8. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations listed in the memorandum from the Directorof Building and Safety/Public Works/Housing f in his memorandum dated February 14, 2006. 9. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the County Fire Department, Community Safety Division, including comments made in its letter dated February 23, 2006. 10. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the County Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division, as stated in its letter on this project dated February 28, 2006. 11. Any proposed trash enclosure shall be constructed of masonry block or other materials to be approved by the Community Development Director. A trash enclosure, if proposed, shall be finished to match the proposed building as much as possible. 12. Three copies of landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted to the Community Development Director for review and approval. The proposed landscaping shall be in substantial conformance with the preliminary landscaping plan exhibited at the public hearing on March 16,2006 including plant types, location, size and spacing. 13. The parkway within the public right-of-way shall be landscaped to match the proposed landscaping of the site. Said landscaping to be shown on the required landscaping plans. In addition, the applicant shall be responsible for the irrigation and maintenance of this parkway landscaping. 3 14. The applicant in the operations of this facility shall comply with the City's Noise Ordinance (Chapter 8.108 of the Municipal Code) at all times. 15. All proposed signs for this project shall be subject to a separate sign program application to be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director. 16. All parking areas shall be surfaced and maintained with asphalt, concrete or other permanent, impervious surfacing material as required by Section 18.60.040 B of the Zoning Code. 17. No vehicle maintenance or washing of vehicles shall take place on the site. 18. All company vehicles shall be stored indoors at night. 19. The westerly 1.3 acres which will not be paved and which will be used for the outdoor storage of pipe shall be treated in a manner to keep dust emissions to a minimum to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. 20. For any outside lighting proposed, a lighting plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Community Development Department prior to the issuance of building permits. Night lighting for the buildings and parking areas shall be designed to reflect away from nearby residential areas and public roadways. Light standards on the site shall not exceed eighteen feet in height as i measured from the finished grade of the parking surface. 21. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall comply with the City of Grand Terrace Stormwater System Ordinance (Ordinance No. 142, Subsection 1.010, 1993)and the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board's NPDES Permit for San Bernardino County, as required under the Clean Water Act. 22. The developer shall pay the appropriate traffic impact fees as required by City Ordinance No. 190 prior to the issuance of building permits. Said fees to be calculated by the City's Building Official. 20. All contractors working on this project shall acquire a valid City business licence. 21. This approval shall expire one (1) year from the date of its approval unless the applicant has filed for a building permit. In case the applicant can not comply with this deadline, then the applicant shall apply for an extension of the one-year prior to the original expiration date. Said time extension to be granted by the Community Development Director. In conformance with Section 18.63.100 of the Zoning Code, no additional time beyond two (2) years from the date of the initial approval shall be granted. 4 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at a regular meeting held on the 16th day of March, 2006. AYES: Chair Wilson, Vice Chair Addington , Commissoner Comstock Commissioner Bidney , Commissioner MENaboe NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: None APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brenda Stanfill, /J Doug Wilson, City Clerk Chairperson, Planning Commission c:\MyFiles\JOHN\RiversideHighland\CUP-06-01 resolution 5 W. ). McKeever Inc. Civil Engineering January 27, 2006 City of Grand Terrace Planning Department 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313 RE: Conditional Use Permit,Riverside Highland Water Company Gentlemen: Riverside Highland Water Company is filing, with the City, an application for a Conditional Use Permit on assessors parcel number 1167-171-090 located at 12374 Michigan Avenue. The application encompasses facilities consisting of: 1. Corporate offices 2. Equipment storage and field employee facility building - 3. -Vehicle storage building 4. Concrete block storage bins for sand and asphalt. 5. Pipe storage yard. Operations at the site will consist of: 1. Normal administrative operations of company. 2. Dispatching of field employees. 3. Training of field employees inside of field employee facility building. 4. Outside storage of pipe. 5. Outside storage within concrete block bins, of sand and asphalt for temporary patching of streets. Note: No other material will be stored outside of building. 6. All vehicles will be stored inside buildings. There will be no hazardous materials stored on this site other than oil required for the operation of electric well pumps. If you have any questions regarding this application, please call me. Yours truly, iam J. c ever` ATTACHMENT 1 647 North Main Street-Suite 2A-Riverside,California 92501 Ph. (951)341-3700-Fax(951)341-3740-E-Mail Address office@wjmckeeverinc.com 1 f 1 i r 1 t f ,^ a � V �: � �' --• '� � .f ;i I .. ...;ram=_' . - - ZA • ��� # A �° ice`.-- � - r lAA now -73 aim Ar— use ,. �'®� � +� ;'�-;�' >�•: '�.,� � � �._.� _ _ _ .. _..`��� a•/ �� � �•� � -�f'' tit, V � Y�r' - _ �. _.. . . t' gyp• �3+ '� `� _ �e - ` .1 s1 'E'er r�� � * <• Y,� ` 01. � ,•� ` X 11�•..i�'..+ram�� y„, �.a�- • ,>>j 0'�f� .1 � � ' � "~1,-''' '• � r Y �w�/•,r�z-,�=•i- fir •-�., -spa � � �. _ _ �,•Gg: A. �.�:ny J� ... `, e�•'R"�1 4 - -a r'' •'ate'_ ,?% ��+ (•t. _`'� � �'<< 2• ` 'C5 Itfj y c�a.�.* r,�4:mt•� � -' . 'r',1 �- � . 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I --——— wan',Iri LaO10�:mr°�..u w m.m.a"�'varo : - ----'-- I / �• u: ' .�, - I I WRU1-01. piG uG Win,eiC u[APir.�ml iir m�uo w�`ea va APx ueJ,J,bla I njorosm arrc �*� : 1 i- .A. . : :•.•. I � !? j I �n m Iy rm ImX v��a I"�r�'rwalll'av'am r, I J A,N„W-TU1419 1 nsJ-nwlo NEI „� / ^� i l-_ _J - '•,_ � CONSTRUCTION NOTES S,REEf / t (APN 11E7-Y9t-UW ro,oOO,w am Imro nu Xo r aw Ir SEcnow .__1:...____� ®rXwao UU r.m mc>•rt ana ww smwa nn '�•i SGIF..lo' SECl10N Tl'-W am.o a.P ur GRAND YERI AC,P. i suU I' nOplp na[\aa nnLL N D p SITE PLAN ��p W.J. McEEEVER, INC. e`r RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND WATER COMPANY Lu CIVIL ENO{NUMG OFFICE AND CORPORATE YARD T _ +vie 12374 MICHIGAN AVENUE • oNAND T®iAACL.GIWIYN,1 /��Gf��mlm..a o.s v GJ D AACnRECIUAE_ LM.OdMOO.G .7q1 nuc:pal-ae-«n rw(.a)-1M-.4w D OM1 E o luDl A-so PROECT RIVERSIDE �J WATER COMPANY FACILITY •- IMMMICAGA a EET OIGIO TERRACE.CA 9100 i I md7lyd p .o ` o -yl 0 °N'Q' RIVERSIDE r-0 7IYd Y-s c IYd w e�s-e C- HIGHLAND O O O o WATER COMPANY IYd i Il'd fd 7 71'd 7 IY-0• UNWASHPWONSTREET C om IY-S' - '®R Q COTTON.CA0=4 .. � ® I]'-]•7Yd y 0 ti s m, ] iO O aloa nQ >s. AVK Rt R.Q .00I aR m a¢ %-61 IS-0• RENSIONS Ir-0'1 A'-0' U'-0.7 IYd "❑� O 0 O O _In DATE I DESCRW710H sr ID-K i IYd IY-0'i IYd 16'-S' v'-0' ID•-0'7 IY-0 IY-0'7 D'd w s.0 RR I I MEET DATE: ADDE S , J MARI(�DATE I OESWPTION I I I I .IA I I M I ( POST&D REN910N9 MARK I DATE I DESUOPTON ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FLOOR PLAN GENERAL NOTES. Anr rAT yr.rt I. SIES76.]!SS SF JA\ I I IDM]%SFAA I I 1 FNIIT PAID-300 g I I M I I uu NIOECT W. 05" Z1 CADDAGME: A.IOIL.p J oR av: a CECEOST: CJMI ORAMMOSCAE' lir-V• DATE A SIEETTRIE: A ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FLOOR PLAN I I A-101 '?fF. OF 1 e I 1 GI` �'D . y5�.Om f110:T SIII,1]Oleµ LW WMOC.U �1N1, nac(r}r-uSO n:fla)-1N-YON D o rTa PROJECT �. ._. ---------- - --- ° `-————————————-. �, RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND _ WATER COMPANY 4 — FACILITY ,PAtL.W IDAN STREET .All � GtO TEPMAM CA M3 f Cd D• C! RIVERSIDE ` ❑ ... __ .� �.oN,ER HIGHLAND 4 4 WATER COMPANY O ® 1 14M WAOD STR EET" STET O g,; COI.TON,DASM4 I _ - PXM*S DATE I DE8CRPTON Ell I I L I A I I I I � I I SETT C.: r-r ADDENDA S M- ARK DATE I DESOLATION m I M I I M I I I --�A- � PGST eo REAe 1 - YARN I DATE I DESCROI N I - v• I n I I I mim"ll t Cb DWO FEE A.,D].O�S I CHECKED DT: CL HECK I aaa®ev: GMDI'SO I OSSruc. AS NOTED H I DATE GARAGE FLOOR PIAN �p�NOS; SCALL 1/4'= I'-0' aEETTME: A I. 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BOLUlu=2,925 SF GARAGE LI FLOOR PLAN y 1 A-103 • • ' 1 / �f c'i � s 1r 3TT dS"� ., 'err .��-f R;�;.y�* �� �,"r}�!,►, ��+� .� � �.r ► f�.-1♦1 �i �y�^s:.. 4 � S .r d�:��'�?�8a !ti '�}�.-,4 Yr, P 17�"'. all M DI r x. aa' ' �. _._ __ � —q� fir•• z � so, ► ,� ■ye�� Get• 1` '� �a„e"� $ is 141 .p,. _ �,l��►> �f .may . 7i"� aY.ti _ Y,r���~�; y9��.��►4_.M.._ ._ - :/a�+_ ,��+ � � 4rL* :ice:�.c � �.. .i t `�� +I.�i� �tai�.�..4{.� ..r'.3'[! 0 DI • , 494• , GK� u y::• RIVERSIDE r sr HIGHLAND WATER COMPANY '-- r .. FACILITY �� • ■ ■ • .r� ' viA' ■ ■ ■ ■ , /� 12374 T MICHIGAN STREET - ----- d - owNER RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND WATER COMPANY EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION ++so n.sNiNCTw111. B k— + � NEViS:ONS DAIS OESCROTIpN B05E+JA*E ApOENtL. p 6`'• NAW on OESCR—ON `I /d I vOSTBD REV SONS WEST,ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION -... _.. . y .•. O vuaFcrNo r axe+ae_ CI'Fc," A]O+Nap tMCXEG By _ Gxu �-] k, 3 S+EET:iTIE `] A ADMINISTRATION j BUILDING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS x ' A-201 M � s�FT• Cl I y 00 i p i<, r ,t uR(UFCI upw RIVERSIDE NEW GARAGE SOUTH ELEVATION A NEW GARAGE FAST ELEVATION HIGHLAND WATER COMPANY FACILITY •_; ,.„.> ysh r"'""X -j- -, _ 1237AMICNIGANSTREET GRAI•p 1ERRM_E CA YT'! R;.... ` — ow^ER RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND 1 , WATER COMPANY - r�yp•AASNiNGi(}I SI caion cAsm, NEW GARAGE NORTH ELEVATION NEW GARAGE WEST ELEVATION D k— —I REVISi0N9 �` DATC pESCRIVTpN __ UT DA f ENDA-EfW DESCRIVItpI.... { RELOCATED GARAGE SOUTH ELEVATION RELOCATED GARAGE EAST ELEVATION aosr Blo REv saNs .� E ,, ., F 4ARA' DAtE -DESDRFTIDN - 1 v al- - 4rO1R qp 167, ii DM BY]NnmmsSGlE I8':Iff A � sl[ErrmE A RELOCATED GARAGE NORTH ELEVATION RELOCATED GARAGE WEST ELEVATION ^ A NEW&RELOCATED GARAGE EXTERIOR l 1 ELEVATIONS s_ , A-203 H �o —--I ' -----------—------ '__--- L t � PLAHi�Hb �� PROP05CP SHRUB PALQM ,•m, ew..r...o..ouc.e m-1.¢ m RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND : -- WATER COMPANY FACILITY 12374 MICHIGAN STREET GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA �... ...� m. CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN + Scale 1'=20' 1YW Ecp }: ,c W. ). McKeever Inc. Civil Engineering January 27,2006 City of Grand Terrace Attn: Mr. John Lampe 22795 Barton Rd Grand Terrace, CA 92313 RE: Riverside Highland Water Co. Dear Mr. Lampe: This letter is to accompany the application for a Conditional Use Permit for the proposed Riverside Highland Water Company corporate offices and yard, located at 12374 Michigan Street in the City of Grand Terrace. The site consists of 2.9 acres and drains to the west away from Michigan Street. The initial development will consist-of the office building, a shop and garage buildings, paving of parking and maneuvering access and landscaping. Approximately 1.6 acres of the site will be developed at this time. The remaining 1.3 acres will be unpaved. The normal construction BMP's will be utilized during the construction phase of the project. A Storm Water Pollution Presentation Plan will be prepared for this phase of the project. The post construction BMP's will consist of the normal landscape irrigation management, parking lot cleaning, spill prevention and cleanup, prohibition of hazardous material on site as much as possible and a grassed swale low flow runoff treatment element. A Water Quality Management Plan will be prepared and submitted to the City with the Final Plans for the project. If you have any questions or need any further information regarding his aspect of the project,please call me. Yours truly, liam er A TTACHMENT 11 647 North Main Street-Suite 2A-Riverside, California 92501 Ph. (951)341-3700-Fax(951)341-3740-E-Mail Address office@wjmckeeverinc.com Building and Safety/Public Works Department Conditions of Approval Date: February 14, 2006 Applicant: Riverside Highland Water Company Address of Applicant: 1450 E.Washington, Colton, Ca Site Location: 12374 Michigan Avenue, Grand Terrace, Ca 92313 Telephone: (909) 825-4128 W.O. #: 12-8.5423 Provide four(4)construction plans and information for review of the proposed project. Below is a list of the plans and documents needed for plan review. The initial plan review will take three weeks on most projects. You have received a work order number, 12-8.5423, for the proposed project. This number will be needed to obtain information regarding your plan review. A plan review fee and permit fee will be charged at the time plans are approved and are ready to issue permits. Provide the following sets of plans and documents. (1 ) Title Report (1) Right of Way dedication plat and legals for City Council acceptance and recordation. (2 ) Property corner point information (4) Street improvement plans, to include curb, gutter, sidewalk, and paving, street lights, etc. (4) On site off site sewer plans (4) On site off site water plans (4) Architectural plans (4) Structural plans (2 ) Structural calculations (4) Plot/Site plans (4) Electrical plans (4) Electrical load calculations (4) Building plumbing plans/isometrics, water, sewer and gas plans. (4) Mechanical plans (4) Mechanical duct layout plans (2) Roof truss plans (2 ) Title 24 Energy calculation (2) Geology report, if moving 5000 cubic yards. (2 ) Soils report (4) Grading plan (4) Precise Grading plan ATTACHMENT 12 Page 1 of 4 (4) Erosion Control plan (2 ) (SWEPP)Documents Building and Safetv/Public Works General Information All structures shall be designed in accordance with the 2001 California Building Code,2001 Mechanical Code,2001 Plumbing Code, and the 2004 Electrical Code adopted by the State of California. Design all structures to comply for Seismic Zone (4)wind speed 70 MPH, exposure «C „ All work performed in the public right of way shall comply with San Bernardino County Public Works Standards. The Developer/Owner is responsible for the coordination of the final occupancy. The Developer/Owner shall obtain clearances from each department and division prior to requesting a final building inspection from Building& Safety. Each agency shall sign the bottom of the Building and Safety Job Card. Building and Safety inspection requests and Public Works inspection request can be made twenty (24)hours in advance for the next day inspection. Please contact(909) 825-3825. You may also request an inspection at the Building& Safety public counter. All construction sites must be protected by a security fence. The fencing and screening shall be maintained at all times to protect pedestrians. Toilet facilities shall be provided for construction workers and such facilities shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. Construction toilet facilities of the non-sewer type shall conform at ANSI ZA.3. All construction materials which are not used shall be recycled. Receipts from the recycle company responsible for accepting the materials shall be kept in the construction office for viewing by the City Inspector. Construction projects which require temporary electrical power shall obtain an Electrical Permit from Building & Safety. No temporary electrical power will be granted to a project unless one of the following items are in place and approved by Building and Safety and the Planning Department. (A) Installation of a construction trailer. or, (B) Security fenced area where the electrical power will be located. Installation of construction/sales trailers must be located on private property. No trailers can be located in the public street right of way. Page 2 of 4 Public Works Conditions 1. Prior to building permits,the applicant shall pay capital improvement,maintenance, circulation, traffic improvement fees and sewer assessment fee,District No. 1, C.S.A. 70. 2. Street cut permits are required before work begins in the right of way. Obtain City of Grand Terrace Street cut policy and submit all required insurance documentation. 3. All proposed public street improvements shall be designed by persons registered and licensed pursuant to the Business and Professions Code. 4. Dedicate necessary street right of way for a secondary highway incorporating a half width pavement section of 32 feet and a 12-foot right of way section from face of curb to property line. 5. Install one SCE concrete street light at new street improvement and pay a one year energy cost for street light prior to building permit issuance. 6. All on site utilities shall be shall be installed underground to all structures. 7. Driveway approach shall incorporate wings behind the approach to accommodate disabled access around the drive approach leading to the sidewalk. 8. Provide a sewer lateral plan showing off site and on site sewer lines, size, depth and type of materials used. 9. Provide domestic water lateral plans for on site and off site, show size and type of materials to be used. 10. Provide a paved transition in the right of way on both sides of proposed street improvements. Obtain necessary right of way to facilitate transition from each neighboring property owner. Install temporary curbing in the transition areas and relocate Edison power pole. 11. Address the proposed lack of street drainage to the north created by the improvements that will occur with the new curb and gutter installation. Note that temporary facilities have been installed to the south on other Riverside Highland Water Company property to address the same concern. Connection to this temporary pipe will accommodate the nuisance water. Building Permit Conditions 1. Prior to the issuance of Building Permits, on site water service shall be installed. On site Fire Hydrants shall be approved by the Fire Department. No flammable materials will be allowed on the site until the Fire Hydrants are established and approved. No flammable construction materials shall be placed on the site without approvals by the Fire Department. Page 3 of 4 2. Prior to issuance of building permits, site grading and pad certifications shall be submitted to Building and Safety. Prior to concrete placement, submit a certification for the finish floor elevation and building set backs. The certification needs to reflect that the structure(s) locations are in conformance with the approved Precise Grading Plans. Compaction reports shall accompany pad certifications. 3. Prior to issuance of building permits,provide a certificate from the Colton Unified School District stating that all school fees have been paid. 4. All buildings shall be connected to the public sewer service. 5. All construction projects shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems, (NPDES). NPDES reports shall be submitted with projects plans prior to design review board meeting. 6. To reduce the possibility of contact with stormwater runoff,maintenance and storage areas shall be sited away from drainage paths and water flows. If not covered,the area shall be isolated by a berm or mound around the perimeter of the area to prevent water from adjacent areas to flow onto the surface of the storage area. This requirement shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plans. 7. Provide details on stormwater concentrated run off at the southwest corner of the property. Obtain drainage easement or drainage acceptance from down stream owners for the concentrated flows. CADocuments and Settings\John Lampe\L.ocal Settings\Temp\12374 Michigan Riv water co.wpd Page 4 of 4 P.O. Box 18355 TEP sm phone: 949 552 4357 Irvine CA 92623 fax:909494 4408 e-mail: tepirvine@sbcglobal.net mobile: 909 263 0383 Date: February 21, 2006 To: John Lampe, Associate Planner, City of Grand Terrace From: Craig S. Neustaedter, Registered Traffic Engineer (TR1433) Subject: Comments on Site Plan for Riverside Highland Water Company Corporate Yard Location: 12374 Michigan Ave. File No: CUP #06-01, Environmental Review Case #06-01 The proposed project will include 5000 ft.2 of office and 6200 ft.2 of warehouse. Based on ITE trip generation data, the project is estimated to generate 12 trips in the a.m. peak hour and 12 trips in the p.m. peak hour.The project will not have a significant traffic impact on arterial or intersection level of service. I have no additional comments concerning this project. Transportation Engineering and Planning, Inc. ATTACHMENT 13 190.195.14 3/8/2006 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE (Riverside Hiehland Water Comaanv) 12374 MichiLyan Avenue CUP 06-01 SA 06-01 E 06-01 1. The applicant and or owner shall provide a"Water Quality Management Plan" for the project for review and approval by the City of Grand Terrace prior to the issuance of Building Permits/Grading Permit. The WQMP shall conform to the San Bernardino County Stormwater Program and as required and approved by the Community Development Director. The project requires a WQMP by exceeding the threshold as set by Category(3) Industrial/Commercial developments of 100,000 Square feet(2.3 acres) or more construction; and Category(8)the construction of Parking lots of 5,000 square feet or more. 2. Prior to the issuance of Grading Permits, the applicant shall comply with the City of Grand Terrace Stormwater System Ordinance (Ordinance No. 142, Subsection 1.010, 1993) and the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board's NPDES Permit for San Bernardino County as required under the Clean Water Act. 3. The applicant shall obtain all required clearances and/or permits from the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board prior to the issuance of any building or Grading Permits. 4. A Drainage Study shall be prepared by a Civil Engineer in accordance with the standards of the County of San Bernardino Hydrology and Design Manual to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. The Drainage Study shall include,but not be limited to, the evaluation of the downstream drainage path. The study shall include the design of all facilities required to mitigate downstream deficiencies and impacts to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. 5. The grading and drainage design shall establish the pre-development drainage conditions in both quantity and character along the westerly and southerly project boundary to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. This may require the construction of a retention basin to control and contain nuisance water and/or a"Level Spreader" and/or a detention basin to prevent any increase in flows. As an alternative a downstream drainage easement may be obtained and drainage facilities constructed to an appropriate downstream outlet to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 6. Prior to building permit, the developer shall confirm the depth of the existing sewer main and provide a design of the proposed on-site sewer system. 7. Improvement Plans shall be prepared by a Civil Engineer for the design of the facilities required by the Drainage Study and the Sewer design. ATTACHMENT 14 C:\MyFilesUOHN\RiversideHIghland\190.195.14 CUP-06-01 Feb 13, 2006.rev.doc 190.195.14 3/8/2006 8. A preliminary soils report/Geotechnical investigation shall be prepared for the project. 9. A Precise Grading Plan prepared by a Civil Engineer based on the recommendations of a Geotechnical Report shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit. 10. All slopes over 4 feet in height shall be irrigated and landscaped. 11. The"Grassy Swale" (water quality swale) shall have a side slope of 5:1 maximum side slope unless otherwise approved and designed by the landscape architect. 12. Developer shall construct all missing public improvements along the frontage of Michigan Avenue, including but not limited to Curb and Gutter, Sidewalk, Street Lights,Driveway Approach, and AC Pavement in their ultimate location, in accordance with City requirements (Standard Plan 102). 13. The Right-of—Way of Michigan Avenue shall be dedicated to its ultimate width along the frontage of the project. 14. The existing Power poles and Guy wires along the project's street frontage shall be relocated from the proposed street pavement to behind the future curb. 15. Unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works,the Street structural section for streets within this project shall be based on the "R-value"of subgrade material after streets are brought to rough grade. The Geotechnical Engineer shall provide preliminary structural recommendations based on City standards. 16.Prior to any work within the Public Right-Of-Way, improvement plans shall be prepared by a Civil Engineer and approved by the City, and an Encroachment Permit issued by the City of Grand Terrace. 17. Unless otherwise approved by the Director of Community Development, all planter areas shall be separated from parking and paved areas by a 6"concrete curb. 18. All parking areas shall be surfaced and maintained with asphalt, concrete, or other Permanent, impervious surfacing material as required by Section 18.60.040B of the Zoning Code. 19. The on-site pavement structural section for streets and parking lots within this project shall be based on the"R-value"of subgrade material after the subgrade is completed. The Geotechnical Engineer shall provide preliminary structural recommendations based on the City's design standards for local streets. a C:\MyFilesUOHN\RiversideHIghland\190.195.14 CUP-06-01 Feb 13, 2006.rev.doc 190.195.14 3/8/2006 20. The private Street Lights and parking lot lighting shall be designed to minimize impacts to the adjacent residential units. A lighting plan shall be prepared and submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Department prior to the issuance of building permits. Night lighting for the buildings and parking areas shall be designed to reflect away from nearby residential areas and public roadways. Light standards on the site shall not exceed eighteen feet in height as measured from the finished grade of the parking surface. 21. Prior to the issuance of building permit, the developer shall submit a final geotechnical report addressing conformance with the preliminary soils report and a rough grade certification prepared by the Civil Engineer 22. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy the Developer shall construct all missing and/or damaged public improvements along the frontage of Michigan Avenue to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works or provide a surety satisfactory to the City. 23. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy, all on-site improvements shall be completed, including the moving of any Edison Power poles along the street frontage to accommodate the street improvements. 24.Prior to Certificate of Occupancy, the Developer shall complete the precise — grading and provide a Precise Grade Certification prepared by the Civil Engineer r, C:\MyFiles\JOHN\RiversideHIghland\190.195.14 CUP-06-01 Feb 13, 2006.rev.doc e COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT *,a --c-o01�.� COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDIN( OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL —,� COMMUNITY SAFETY DIVISION 620 South "E"Street—San Bernardino, CA 92415-0179 (909) 386-8465 -(909)386-8463 -(909)386-8466 Fax(909) 386-8460 FEBRUARY 23,2006 EXPIRATION: FEBRUARY 2007 THE RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND WATER COMPANY FILE: CUP GTO6118111 LOCATION: 12374 MICHIGAN AVE—GRAND TERRACE PROJECT TYPE: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT-CORPORATE OFFICES &YARD APN: 1167-251-0008, 009, 014, 020, 012&1167-261-002 PLANNER: JOHN LAMPE Dear Applicant: With respect to the conditions of approval regarding the above referenced project, the San Bernardino County Fire Department requires the following fire protection measures to be provided in accordance with applicable local ordinances, codes, and/or recognized fire protection standards. The following information of this document sets forth the FIRE CONDITIONS and GUIDELINES which-are applied to this project. ❑Approved ®Approved w/conditions ❑ Not Approved FIRE CONDITIONS: Jurisdiction. The above referenced project is under the jurisdiction of the San Bernardino County Fire Department herein ("Fire Department'). Prior to any construction occurring on any parcel, the applicant shall contact the Fire Department for verification of current fire protection requirements. All new construction shall comply with the current Uniform Fire Code requirements and all applicable statutes, codes, ordinances and standards of the Fire Department. [F-1] Water Svstem. Prior to any land disturbance, the water systems shall be designed to meet the required fire flow for this development and shall be approved by the Fire Department. The required fire flow shall be determined by using Appendix IIIA of the Uniform Fire Code. Standard 903.1 IF-5] The Fire Flow for this project shall be: 1,750 GPM for a 2 Hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure. Fire Flow based on 5.586 sa-ft.Structure. Fire Fee. The required fire fees (currently: 5103:00) shall be paid to the San Bernardino County Fire Department/Community Safety Division (909)386-8465. This fee is in addition to fire fees that are paid to the City of Grand Terrace. [F-40] Buildinci Plans. Not less then two (2)complete sets of Building Plans shall be submitted to the Fire Department for review and approval. [F-42] CUP GT06/18111 FEBRUARY 23,2006 ATTACHMENT 15 PAGE 2 Water Svstem Commercial. A water system approved and inspected by the Fire Department is required. The system shall be operational, prior to any combustibles being stored on the site. The applicant is required to provide a minimum of one new six (6) inch fire hydrant assembly with two (2)two and one half(2 1/2) inch and one (1)four (4) inch outlet. All fire hydrants shall be spaced no more than three hundred (300) feet apart (as measured along vehicular travel-ways)and no more than one hundred fifty(150)feet from any portion of a structure. [F-54] Water Svstem Certification. The applicant shall provide the Fire Department with a letter from the serving water company, certifying that the required water improvements have been made or that the existing fire hydrants and water system will meet distance and fire flow requirements. Fire flow water supply shall be in place prior to placing combustible materials on the job-site. [F-57] Street Sian. This project is required to have an approved street sign (temporary or permanent). The street sign shall be installed on the nearest street corner to the project. Installation of the temporary sign shall be prior any combustible material being placed on the construction site. Prior to final inspection and occupancy of the first structure,the permanent street sign shall be installed. Standard 901.4.4 [F72] Hvdrant Markinq. Blue reflective pavement markers indicating fire hydrant locations shall be installed as specified by the Fire Department. In areas where snow removal occurs or non-paved roads exist, the blue reflective hydrant marker shall be posted on an approved post along the side of the road, no more than three(3)feet from the hydrant and at least six(6)feet high above the adjacent road. Standard 901.4.3. [F80] Hvdrant Markina. Blue reflective pavement markers indicating fire hydrant locations shall be installed as specified by the Fire Department. In areas where snow removal occurs or non-paved roads exist, the blue reflective hydrant marker shall be posted on an approved post along the side of the road, no more than three (3)feet from the hydrant and at least six(6)feet high above the adjacent road. Standard 901.4.3. [F80] Commercial Addressina. Commercial and industrial developments of 100,006 sq. ft or less shall have the street address installed on the building with numbers that are a minimum six (6) inches in height and with a three quarter i (3/4) inch stroke. The street address shall be visible from the street. During the hours of darkness, the numbers \� shall be electrically illuminated (internal or external). Where the building is two hundred (200)feet or more from the roadway, additional non-illuminated contrasting six (6) inch numbers shall be displayed at the property access entrances. Standard 901.4.4 [F82] Sincerely, DOUG CRAWFORD, Planning & Engineering Supervisor San Bernardino County Fire Department Community Safety Division DC:ts COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC AND SUPPORT : SERVICES GROUP FICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL PETER R. HILLS 1ARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION Fire Chief 620 South "E" Street • San Bernardino, CA 92415-0153 County Fire Warden (909) 386-8401 Fax(909)386-8460 February 28,2006 City of Grand Terrace Community and Economic Development Department MAR , ,. 2006 Y, 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace,CA 92313-5295 PfiCHELLE F. gOUSTc_�T ATTENTION: JOHN LAMPE,ASSOCIATE PLANNER FILE NO'S: CUP 06-01;ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 06-01; ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 06-01 APPLICANT: THE RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND WATER COMPANY LOCATION: 12374 MICHIGAN AVENUE,GRAND TERRACE Dear Mr. Lampe: The San Bernardino County Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division has the following conditions for the above-mentioned project: Prior to Occunancv: 1. Prior to occupancy, operator shall submit a Business Emergency/Contingency Plan for emergency release or threatened release of hazardous materials and wastes or a letter of exemption. Contact Office of the Fire Marshal,Hazardous Materials Division at(909) 386- 8401. 2. Prior to occupancy, applicant shall be required to apply for one or more of the following: a Hazardous Materials Handler Permit, a Hazardous Waste Generator Permit, an Aboveground Storage Tank Permit, and/or an Underground Storage Tank Permit. For information,Office of the Fire Marshal,Hazardous Materials Division at(909)386-8401. Should you have any further questions, comments, or concerns,please feel free to contact me at (909)386-8401 or kriegel@sbcfire.org. KRISTEN RIEGEL,MPH,REHS Hazardous Materials Division,Field Services Section e ATTACHMENT 16 NIARK H.UFFER County Administrative Officer Burr; of supervisor�� IC RNIAN-4.KANOLD t3!_t_ POSTMUS.......... ... ... ":st "i;istrici DENNIS HANSBER;Err ........ ITurd District Assistant COUrty Adminisimtor PAUL SIANE ............ ... Secor;d GARY C. D`JE r7..... .,.. .. . =ourth f3ist:i:,t Pubflc and Guoport .iOSIF t f_i"•t AE-`:S.... -. ... Filth Jistr;rt .Services �,r•��P