2006-05 RESOLUTION NO. 06- 05 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 05-06 AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW CASE NO. 05-19 FOR AN AMATEUR RADIO ANTENNA STRUCTURE CONSISTING.OF A TOWER-MAST AND "YAGI" ANTENNA WITH A HEIGHT OF 30' 6 '/2" (WHEN NOT IN USE) AND 32'X 36' -6" FOR THE YAGI ANTENNA WITHIN THE R1 -7.2 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) ZONING DISTRICT AT 22830 LARK STREET IN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ,CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, the applicants have applied for the approval of Conditional Use Permit Case No.05-06 for an"amateur radio antenna structure"consisting of a tower-mast and°yagi"antenna; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission following its public hearing on this matter on November 17, 2005 denied the original proposal for a maximum height of 75 feet, and WHEREAS, on November 22, 2005 the applicants appealed the Planning Commission's denial of their request, and WHEREAS, on January 12, 2006 the City Council following the applicants withdrawal of _ their appeal, sent the matter back to the Planning Commission to be reheard, and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on Thursday, April 20, 2006; and WHEREAS, under the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA)Guidelines,Article 19, Section 15303, Class 3, this project qualifies for a Categorical Exemption as determined under E- 05-19. NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA,AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City has enacted those practical regulations and conditions not preempted by Federal and State law including requirements to protect public health and safety and to require aesthetic restrictions. 2. The project for an "amateur radio antenna structure will not be: a. Detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the City of Grand Terrace because of the conditions which will be imposed on the development and operation of this project for an "amateur radio antenna structure" including limits on height, restrictions on location, screening and the requirement for the proper building permit. 1 b. Injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or City because of the conditions which have been imposed on the development and operation of this project because of the limitations on the height, location r and size of the "amateur radio antenna structure." 3. The proposed use of an amateur radio antenna structure is consistent with the latest adopted General Plan as an accessory use in a single family residential category. 4. Conditions of approval for this project necessary to secure the purposes of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and General Plan are made a part of this approval as set forth in the accompanying Resolution of Approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that CUP-05-06 and E-05-19 are hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed project shall be maintained in conformance with the plans and drawings submitted to the Community Development Department and approved by the Planning Commission at its meeting on April 20, 2006, except as modified herein. All plans shall be consistent in terms of property lines and other measurements. Minor changes or clarifications may be made by the Community Development Director at his discretion. 2. The amateur radio antenna structure consisting of tower-mast and "yagi"antenna shall be relocated to the back of'the main single family residence in an exact location to be approved by the Community Development Director. 3. The applicant shall comply with all of the requirements in the memorandum dated July 27, 2005 from the Director of Building and Safety/Public Works. 4. A valid, proper building permit shall be obtained from the City of Grand Terrace before any work is commenced on the new location required above. 5. No more than one tower-mast support structure is permitted on this site. i 6. The height of the tower-mast shall not exceed fly 3afeet above ground when not in use. This height may be increased by an amount not to exceed 3 feet when in use so as to clear the chimney on the westerly end of the house by cranking up the height of the tower-mast. 7. No antenna or antenna support structure shall be affixed to the ground in any required yard area and no guy-lines shall be anchored within the required front yard or corner side yard areas. 8. No portion of the"yagi"antenna shall extend to within approximately 10 feet of any adjacent property line when not in use. 9. The amateur radio antenna structure shall comply with the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the City of Grand Terrace. 10. At least one resident of the single family residence shall maintain a valid Federal Communication Commission (FCC) license to operate an amateur radio antenna facility. If no such license exists, then the "amateur radio antenna structure" shall be removed. 2 11. The tower-mast support structure shall be maintained in an appropriate manner at all times to minimize the visual impact to the surrounding area to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. This includes keeping the structure - appropriately painted and otherwise maintained. 12. Appropriate landscaping including shrubs and trees which are fast growing and become tall such a cypress leylandii or canary island pine shall be planted along the westerly,northerly and easterly property lines of the backyard to screen the amateur radio antenna structures as much as possible to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. Said plantings shall be a minimum of 15 gallons in size or larger. A landscape plan showing such screening shall be submitted to and be approved by the Community Development Director prior to the issuance of any building permits. 13. This approval shall expire one (1) year from the date of its approval unless the applicant has filed for a building permit. In case the applicant can not comply with this deadline, then the applicant shall apply for an extension of the one-year prior to the original expiration date. Said time extension to be granted by the Community Development Director. In conformance with Section 18.83.90 of the Zoning Code, no additional time beyond two(2)years from the date of the initial approval shall be granted. 14. This approval shall not be effective until an "Acceptance of Conditions" form is signed by both applicants and returned to the Community Development Department that the applicants are aware of and accept all of the conditions imposed by this approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of April 2006. AYES: Vice Chair Wilson, Commissioner Comstock Commissioner Bidney , Commissioner McNaBoe NOES: Vice Chair Addington ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ........................... Brenda Mesa Doug Wilson, City Clerk Chairperson, Planning Commission ( f, c:\MyFiles\JOHN\EhiertCUP-05-06.resolution.04-20-06 3 RECEIVED Nov 2 12 zoos CITY OF GRAND TERRACE APPLICATION FOR APPEAL CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT APPELLANT R E PREsENTRT,✓E NAME: H A)5 4ab Cc-AdoI, EHlCEfr KA% ► 01VD Jot+,us ADDRESS: 2-X,$ 3 O L A CK S 7-#e GET ;i,785' cjqWwv SE CITY: ew R A o1a rff 917, 3 5 Temec k .A 9 X57d PHONE NO: 9 S/ 31 3 — (o(o g 9 sl s Q Q Q 4 SUBJECT PROPERTY ADDRESS: :Z i g 3 O L rR iC►� 5 TkE� T APPEAL This application is for the purpose of appealing the following: A Planning Commission Decision A Site and Architectural Review Board Decision Other File or Permit number: C u P O 5-0 to Please specify what portions of the Planning Commission's or Site and Architectural Review Board's decision you are appealing: TNc AL. ATTACHMENT 1 Please state any facts regarding this case which you feel are in dispute: P&tc-,4AJT,'5 W k`c 1A)e--r NEsS Ta 091'c-e-d"PT Q-0t0 P jr j j4S Please explain why you feel the Planning Commission's or Site and Architectural Review Board's decision should be changed by the City Council. Be specific and include any evidence which supports your position: :6&E do4m,001AjG 0-o N W1 Ll5_/QAJ rAjE To Aft /¢SED 6I J-019 A) C 0A2 Cic;"S '7;//9-T U9ER6 407- �,Pa AE✓t_Y /.tJ e LTY_ TEE cOnlrss�v.v ,�� e-y APP[�c rl--,v r To 3 sucd,zr�r�c �v.e Ts��.2 �/2�sEvr+fr-iD�1 STATEMENT OF VERIFICATION I verify that the information I have provided in this application is true and correct. Appellant Date \PLANNING\CE\APLAPPL r� CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING-JANUARY 12. 2006 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers,Grand Terrace Civic Center,22795 Barton Road,Grand Terrace,California,on January 12, 2006, at 6:00 p.m. PRESENT: Maryetta Ferr6,Mayor Bea Cortes,Mayor Pro Tem Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Lee Ann Garcia, Councilmember Jim Miller, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City Manager Brenda Mesa, City Clerk Larry Ronnow, Finance Director Richard Shields,Building& Safety Director Gary Koontz, Community Development Director John Harper, City Attorney r Lt. Hector Guerra, Sheriffs Department r ABSENT: Steve Berry,Assistant City Manager The City Council meeting was opened with Invocation by Raul Montano, Calvary, The Brook Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Lee Ann Garcia. ITEMS TO DELETE City Attornev John Hamer,indicated that item 6A.-in recognition of the comments that were made by residents and the Planning Commission at the Planning Commission Meeting the applicant has decided to dismiss his appeal and submit a revised project taking into account those comments which will be sent back to the Planning Commission and will go through } the same hearing process, so therefor, 6A. Appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of <1 Conditional Use Permit No.05-06(CUP-05-06)and Environmental Review Case No.05-19 (E-05-19)to allow for an"Amateur Radio Antenna Structure"with a maximum height of 75 feet and including a"yagi"antenna measuring approximately 32 ft.x 36 ft.will be taken off of the agenda. Citv ManaL-er Schwab, indicated that there is no need for item 9A. Closed Session - Real Estate Negotiations -22874 Arliss. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS -None ATTACHMENT 2 2006 i [41CHELLE F. BOUSTEDT 1�1:�I�I:iI��. i�11ji��'.�•r Hans J Ehlert 22830 Lark Street AEST V Grand Terrace, CA 92313 ae6tv@ani.net (hehlert@pacbell.net February 28, 2006 Dear Mr. Lampe: Enclosed find paperwork from Johnson & Sedlack on my behalf. Drawings of the current layout, alternate layout and revised minimum/maximum height of the ham radio antenna structure are attached. After you had time to review the enclosed papers, is it possible to arrange a meeting with Mr. Koontz, yourself and any other officials you feel should be involved? The intension is to negotiate a mutual agreement before the next public planning commission meeting. Please let me know if this can be arranged. If you have any questions, or need any information please feel free to contact me at 951-313-6681. Sincerely, Hans J Ehlert AE6TV ATTACHMENT 3 JohnsonV SecUack AT TOR PATS atLAW Raymond W.Johnson, Esq.AICP 26785 Camino Seco,Temecula CA 92590 F-maik RWJ@johnson-sedlack.com Carl T.Sedlack,Esq,Redmd www.johnson-sedlack.com Abby@johnson-sedlack.com Abigail A.Broedling, Esq. 7WWhone: 951-506-9925 Fbesimile 951-506-9725 February 28,2006 Grand Terace Planning Commission RE: Hans Ehlert CUP Application Greetings: Based upon an agreement with the City Attorney and with the concurrence of the City Council,Hans Ehlert hereby resubmits his application for a conditional use permit for his ham radio tower. Background: Mr.Ehlert contacted the City in February to determine if permits were required for his Proposed ham antenna. In response,he was told that if the tower were to exceed 35 feet that a Conditional Use Permit would be required. (March 1,2005 e-mail from John Lampe to Hans Ehlert,Exhibit 1) Based upon this e-mail he decided to construct the tower at a height r J of less than 35 feet so that a CUP,or any other Permits,would not be required. On June 1,2005,the City issued a stop work notice on the ham antenna,after it had been completed. (Stop Work Notice,Exhibit 2) On June 17,2005,after the tower had been built based upon the March 1,2005 e-mail,the City informed Mr.Ehlert that a CUP would be required for any ham antenna in excess of 20 feet. (June 17,2005 letter to Hans Ehlert, Exhibit 3) Mr. Ehlert filed an application for a CUP on June 24,2005, in an attempt to comply with the then asserted requirement for a CUP. On November 17,2005,the Planning Commission rejected the CUP based upon an impression that W. Ehlert opposed the conditions of approval. The denial was appealed to the City Council and the appeal was withdrawn after an agreement with the City Council for Mr.Ehlert to re-submit the CUP application. Proposal: Mr. Ehlert hereby re-submits his application for a CUP. He proposes that the project be approved at its current location and height of 34.5 feet. Should the city wish to have the antenna moved to the rear yard,Mr. Ehlert would like to have the height approved at 36 feet during non-operating hours, (the additional height is required to clear the chimney)and a maximum height of 60 feet during operating hours. This is a reduction from the previously submitted request for an antenna height of 75 feet. He has eliminated the Proposed omnidirectional antenna, thus allowing the height reduction. ATTACHMENT 4 Mr. Ehlert would like to have the additional height during operating hours in order to allow effective communication and to help compensate for the additional$5,000.00 required to relocate the antenna. Mr. Ehlert feels that this accommodation is reasonable based upon the fact that he constructed the antenna at the present location and height based upon the March 1,2005 e-mail from the City that a CUP,or any other Permits,would not be required. It is Mr.Ehlert's belief that the neighbors prefer the current location,but if the City insists that he move it he will do so. Mr. Ehlert is also not opposed to reasonable requirements for the additional landscaping. The bottom line is that Mr. Ehlert will place the antenna wherever the City wants him to place it but would like to have the ability to extend it to the 60 feet height during operating hours if he is required to undergo the expense of relocating it. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Johnson& Sedlack By: Raymond W. Johnson, Esq.AICP CC: Thomas Schwab City Manager Yagi antenna-Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia http://en.wildpedia.org/wIv/yagi ant Yagi antenna From Wily pedia,the free encyclopedia A Yagl-Uda Antenna,commonly]mown simply as a Yagi antenna, is an antenna consisting of an array of a dipole and additional parasitic elements. The dipole in the array is driven,and another element,slightly longer, operates as a reflector.Other shorter parasitic elements can be added in front of the dipole as directors.This arrangement gives the antenna directionality that a single dipole lacks.Yagis are directional along the axis perpendicular to the dipole in the plane of the elements,from the reflector through the driven element and out the director(s);if one holds out one's arms to form a dipole and has the reflector behind oneself,one would receive signals with maximum gain from in front of oneself. A Yagi-Uda antenna.From left to right,the elements mounted on the Yagi antennas which include one or more director elements,which,by virtue boom are called the reflector,driven arranged at a °lelement,element,of their being 8 approximately aquarter-wavelength mutual spacing and being progressively slightly shorter than a half wavelength,direct signals of increasingly higher frequencies onto the active dipole. (See also log periodic antenna.)Thus,the complete antenna achieves a distinct response bandwidth determined by the length,diameter,and spacing of all the individual elements;but its overall gain is proportional to its length,rather than simply the number of elements. All the elements usually lie in the same plane,typically supported on a single boom or crossbar.The parasitic elements do not need to be coplanar,but can be distributed on both sides of the plane of symmetry.Many yagi-Uda ..- antennas(including the one pictured)are designed to operate on multiple bands; the resulting design is made more complicated by the presence of a resonant parallel coil and capacitor combination called a"trap") ` Traps are used in pairs on a multiband antenna The tra serves to isolate the outer e n the elements. p portion of the element from the inner portion for the trap design frequency. In practice,the higher frequency traps are located closest to the boom of the antenna.Typically,a triband beam will have 2 pairs of traps per element.For example,a typical triband Yagi-Uda beam covering the 10, 15 and 20 meter bands would have traps for the 10 and 15 meter bands.The introduction of traps is not without cost—due to their nature,they reduce the overall bandwidth of the antenna and overall efficiency of the array on any given frequency,and radically affects its response in the desired direction. The Yagi-Uda antenna was invented in 1926 by Shintaro Uda of Tohoku University,Sendai,Japan,with the edged age-language article on the collaboration of Hidetsugu Yagi,also of Tohoku University.Yagi published the first English antenna in 1928 and it came to be associated with his name.However,Yagi always acknowl da principal contribution to the design,and the proper name for the antenna is,as above,the Yagi-Uda antenna(or array). The Yagi was first widely used during World War H for airborne radar sets,because of its simplicity and directionality.Ironically,many Japanese radar engineers were unaware of the design until very late in the war, due to inter-branch fighting between the Army and Navy.Arrays can be seen on the nose cones of many WWII aircraft, notably some versions of the German Junkers Ju 88 fighter-bomber and the British Avro Lancaster bomber. See also ■ Antenna(radio) Retrieved from"http://en.wilcipedia.org/wiki/YagLmtenna" Categories:Radio frequency antenna types I Wireless communications ATTACHMENT 5 �� yd 12-8.541 MEMORANDUM n , S TO: John Lampe, Associate Planner UGH fl��DEPARTMENT OF FROM: Je rry y Glander, Director of Building and Safety/Public Works BUILDING dt SAFETY, DATE: July 27, 2005 PUBLIC WORKS AND HOUSING SUBJECT: CUP-05-06/E-05-19-22830 Lark Street-Erect an amateur radi 22795 Barton Road antenna structure- Ehlert o Suite B Grand Terrace der Project review and in compliance with the Grand Terrace Municipal C California 92313-5295p ode Article Civic Center A the following recommendations should be considered as conditions for the proposed (909) 825-3825 project. Fax(909) 825-7506 1. Provide the following: A. Plot plan. B. Complete construction plans for the structure. - 2. All improvements shall be designed by persons registered-and licensed tc perform such work pursuant to the State of California Business and ProfessionL Code,which shall comply with all applicable requirements of the 2001 California Building Code and the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. ATTACHMENT 6 • ;2 W I L L DA N San B Hospitality Lane, Suite 400 San Bernardino, CA 92408 Serving Public Agencies 909-386-0200 fax 909-888-5107 - www.willdan.com LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: GRAND TERRACE Date: November 7, 2005 Plan Check No.: ANTENNA Attention: ALISA FLANN Project Address : 22830 LARK ST Regarding Project: AS-BUILT ANTENNA RECEIVED Which was submitted for plan check# 1. .0 V 7 ZOpS DESCRIPTION OF PACKAGE SENT: DEPT.OF BUILDING SAFETY set(s) Architectural/Structural plans set(s) Plumbing plans 1 set(s) Structural calculations set(s) Mechanical plans 1 SPEC set(s) Electrical plans 1 PICTURE set(s) Grading plans Red-lined set (Previous Review) Soils report 2 Correction List PLANS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CODES AND THE COMMENTS TO BE ADDRESSED ARE ATTACHED: Structural (Only) Please return Check Print, and 2 corrected copies to Willdan for further review. PLAN CHECK HOURS TO DATE 2.5 Sincerely, WILLDAN '! 0- DIAN COBSON Plark heck Clerk Copies to: File ATTACHMENT 7 W I L L DA N San Hospitality Lane, Suite 400 'F San Bernardino, California 92408 -- Sen-ling Public Agencies 909-386-0200 fax 909-388-5107 www.willdan.com STRUCTURAL CORRECTIONS Date: November 7, 2005 Plan Check No.: ANTENNA Applicant: Engineer: U.S. TOWER, Designer: Regarding Project: AS-BUILT ANTENNA 22830 LARK ST GRAND TERRACE First Check STRUCTURAL PLAN CHECK by Naresh C. Vasishth, S.E. Phone: (909) 386-0200 x218 Fax: (909) 888-5107 REMARKS: These design documents have been reviewed to help ensure conformance with California Administrative Code, Title 24, primarily part 2, and the Uniform Building Code, 2001 Edition. PROCEDURE FOR RECHECK: • Provide a written response to all plan check corrections. • Identify all revisions made on the plans being resubmitted. • If there are the red-marked corrections on the plans, please address them. • Return the marked set with 2 corrected plans for re-check. • Return calculations marked "Check Set" STRUCTURAL REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. The submitted package needs the following clarification: _ a. Clarify note 1 and 7 on calculation page 1 of 7 b. All the towers I have checked use Exposure C. Sheet 2 of 7 calls for Exposure B Justify. c. A spot check of loads and moments is in conflict. Section 4 has a CG of load at 13.75 ft. This is not correct per Sheet 2 of 7. 2. The base assembly shown in photographs is the weakest link in the chain. I an unable to see design of it. Show dimensions and sizes and stresses. 3. Clarify the Stepp 1 R Yagi specs. and the purpose of their being there. 4. Locate tower on plot plan. Show size of footing. (Depth and width) 5. Give (or identify)stress check in legs and diagonal. Page 1 of 1 1 A /I ( L D /� A � 650 Bernardino, Lane, Suite 400 ��/ L_ /`'11 V San Bernardino, California 92408 -- Serving Public Agencies 909-386-0200 fax 909-888-5 107 www.willdan.corn STRUCTURAL CORRECTIONS Date: November 7, 2005 Plan Check No.: ANTENNA Applicant: Engineer: U.S. TOWER, Designer: Regarding Project: AS-BUILT ANTENNA 22830 LARK ST GRAND TERRACE First Check STRUCTURAL PLAN CHECK by Naresh C. Vasishth, S.E. Phone: (909) 386-0200 x218 Fax: (909) 888-5107 REMARKS: These design documents have been reviewed to help ensure conformance with California Administrative Code, Title 24, primarily part 2, and the Uniform Building Code, 2001 Edition. PROCEDURE FOR RECHECK: • Provide a written response to all plan check corrections. • Identify all revisions made on the plans being resubmitted. • If there are the red-marked corrections on the plans, please address them. • Return the marked set with 2 corrected plans for re-check. • Return calculations marked "Check Set" STRUCTURAL REVIEW COMMENTS: l. The submitted package needs the following clarification: a. Clarify note 1 and 7 on calculation page 1 of 7 b. All the towers I have checked use Exposure C. Sheet 2 of 7 calls for Exposure B Justify. c. A spot check of loads and moments is in conflict. Section 4 has a CG of load at 13.75 ft. This is not correct per Sheet 2 of 7. 2. The base assembly shown in photographs is the weakest link in the chain. I an unable to see design of it. Show dimensions and sizes and stresses. 3. Clarify the Stepp 1 R Yagi specs. and the purpose of their being there. 4. Locate tower on plot plan. Show size of footing. (Depth and width) 5. Give(or identify) stress check in legs and diagonal. Page 1 of 1 MEMORANDUM TO: Naresh Vasishth FROM: Richard Shields,Building and Safety/Public Works c -- DATE: November 1,2005 SUBJECT: Antenna Plan Review Hi Naresh, Attached you will find one set of antenna plans for plan review. The applicant has constructed this antenna without permits or inspections in a residential area. I need to get the plans back as soon as possible because the Planning Department has this on an agenda next week. Sorry for the short notice. We also have a code enforcement case pending. Thanks for your help. Rich Shields RECEIVED NOV 01 2005 SAN BERNARD 0 OFFICE { r DIA FIDERGLASS ELENW f- 1' Dia. Fiberglas 2M/440 r� wip Maximum 32' Height A E' DIAL I MST • Minimum CDHeight c� +s • Ekm wr Ewwo. ATUER RADIO 40EWM STRUCTURE ELEVAIMN A TOP VIEW 830 LARK STREET. GRWD TERRACE. CA U SCALE Ul 'R1NS30000. TRACT 13M10-b LOT 13 �� v 1 - • _ I M �► � NORTH v+ t F7, II I � I I 1178161 550000 Hans a Eleanor• Ehle,f �22830 -ark St-eet nd Terrace, C 923 TRACT 13050-6 LOT 13 0 Scale 1:1 J f NORTH �r 1178161550000 Hans & Elear or hlert 22830 Lark tr et Grand Terrac . CA 92313 TRACT 13050-6 LOT 13 L�0•... Scale 1.1 :-, - r,6t7, � 1�` '�L r�Kr y�+_, "+{,;i•F s f`•++•a,M .e+-�,� s rn 't" °`x� r�{x i�S`,�'�w l r ,qt t t °p kf"^�ti� - •�',:�, .. r�J♦,r.StS�„Sa 7:;• f'�..-r�: tr• , •"�".• , . .r y� �, .X,'+��r�f"� yam,, tl�•t• ~• �a ,. �r 'i y '�•.,-_4S9•`��.n{�S•,+yi'���•,,,�,.y+.iT� r {s r,�-� +,t. ,j • .,. ` •�( a r 1 ♦-,Y'v�. ,,1+ r 4 r - �t+ ".N'. » � ,,b - -A•`. i ., :jl'�L �f55 �.�'".`,1't`�i�'"ysS�;�`{. ,�+r z i }• _ _ , ^ S _ . .J �r a' ' r. .i�� •fit T ^= 'I ^. �t}.-+`to — r �•• �= _!�„_,�.,r----•--_"-. . • Ty�� ,�'°°^yti ;.,�t�°"�r' f-''Y fit`„ +'•` _..� � .y�ir ��"VVCC M, ' '.�Li�/~f d- �''.pSx'�`'�,tJsr;`� .. '' � ,'�, a. -, ; + -' ` .. • J t . � -'�. � .,.�' ' ?.i "$;s�a"r •. r y ixM'. t '�tit t d r+'•,•r x. y _ ,�. �. - Woe �..4� t,•� 4t''4"� �•n,ytY•X.+.'�5`�'r ..ti, � Y y� �4ar', ra F .,i+`` ;•..• f �::` r _'�w„`^r:_} 't• Y tw l"?"�• ! /�c 'tC C �' .,'. w'* ; ��r:•cQ 2• -• ' '' _ •11A�� ,,, i • -•-.• ` �,lf T'1 i •�j ..tl. �s'�:�.y� �'r-..� _ Y._.�{4_'ti:�6>r r._ ... ?. ar><� "`.� •`tom � � 1./ ,,. 71 iC.t •� � l — �•it� , l SteppIR 4 Element Ya i S eci tcations Weight I I 81 lb/ 34 kg Max. Wind • 9.7 ft2/0.90 m2 Surface Area Wind Rating 100 MPH r Longest Element 36 feet/ 10.97 m Power Rating 2000 W PEP Boom Length 32 ft / 9.75 m Boom Diameter 2.25-1.75 in 5.7 - 4.5 cm Frequency 20m - 6m Coverage Continuous Turning Radius 24.1 ft/ 7.35 m Cable Requirements 16 conductor (shielded) 22 AWG Tuning Rate 1.17 MHz/sec Balun Included? Yes Lv yir. 7•,w{,,,.-. Yr'. _.s �' Y _• Hai j,F s' Mr• d+F" . t r s �f : '�. w �•f4 •"i}�?'Fy+ � �"t ^h, �r n.� y�M =.; f - 4 P_ t w ram• `- ss-"•' :'rat `�. ...��' 4\p gam;. { r,�" M t�;�,r �'Y� �a�• ��•.. r' �r . wr � r • 1 � 1� -� ®® Visalia. a. NA ,-US St. Phone: (559)733-2438 Visalia.CA:USA 93291 Fax: (559)733-7194 r i . t— N N FORMAL STRESS ANALYSIS DOCUMENT oUJ w F v Self-Supporting Crank-Up Tower Structure tr 0 Z a Tower Model: TX-455 0Z0ZrW � Z .J V Q C0 Design Specifications Meeting: Q = WWO Ic ! 1997 Uniform Building Code(UBC) N W _V ff f Wind Speed: 70 mph Basic 50 mph Basic OFES$ QQ l�N t� 0 �1 ding: None None ��0 huf 9� W &lure: B B 2 O p r{ tance Factor: 1.00 1.00 5 0 d Chi" !"�f ria Loading: d EKR b r' l l `MAcfrojected Area(at V above tower): # 4'1 ' `; V&round elements 2"e and less 12.3 sq.ft. 37.0 sq. round elements>2-o 15.4 ft. 46.3 s ft.mil• q. Wilh Flat elements 9.5 sq.ft. 28.5 sq.ft. With 40% Flat&60%Round elements 11 sq.ft. 33 sq.ft. Max.Antenna Weigh: 200 lbs. 300 lbs. Notes: 0 Antenna areas indicated at 50 mph Basic wind speeds are for information only. The loads indicated within this analysis have been generated using the antenna area associated with 70 mph Basic wind speed. 2. Analysis based on allowable stress design as defined by UBC-97 section 1602. - 3. Analysis methodology uses fundamental concepts in statics equilibruim. The method of sections is used for analyzing tower members within the structural system. The results of our methodology has been verified and checked with traditional hand calculations. 4. Antenna mast and rotor weight are included in the weight of the top section. 5. Stress ratios are equal to the calculated stress divided by the AISC allowable stress. 6. This tower has been designed only for the antenna loads indicated within these calculations. Any additional loads or differences in design criteria shall be brought to the attention of US Tower Corp. -OThe engineering and design of the antennas are beyond the scope of these calculations. 8. Ali welds are performed by AWS certified welders utilizing ER70S-6 welding wire under a GMAW (spray Arc)welding process. 9. US Tower Corp. recommends that the installation of this tower and its foundation be performed by a Professional, licensed Contractor with experience in installing these types of structures. 10. This document is provided only for the use of obtaining builing permits and for tower design purposes. Please refer to the installation drawings for all pertinent notes and details of tower and foundation installation. This analysis assumes the tower has been installed to US Tower specifications and is vertically plumb. 10/9/2001 Page 1 of 7 email: sales@ustower.com Elmer — ^. 1220 N.March St. ® Phone: (559)733-2438 Visalia,CA USA93291 Fax: (559)733-7194 m TOWER MODEL:7X-455 N m 2"OD Tube Mast c N See Cover Sheet for Max.Antenna y ro$ Wind Area @ 1 ft.above Top of Tower __ A Deslan tag Wind: 70 mph Basic Wind Speed a 7O1 Ice: None V si Codes: 8 �4 1 T Structure: III Sections 1615 Thru 1625 O Exposure B o m \ _ Steel: AISC 9th Edition Concrete: ACI 318.95 a ' Materials: ..�— Steel Tube: ASTM A53 Gr.B or A501 p 4' Solid Rod: ASTM A36 Shapes/Plates: ASTM A36 ai Erection Bolts: ASTM A325&SAE Gr.5 Anchor Bolts: ASTM A36 x _v 6 8 17' - r ' z � m CL a 4' —11 12%z CD A 15" mx v 18" `a 31110- 8 33 z &) 6 21' Plan View 3 m it No Scale a a. QRpFESS/pN — YA Y Q� �N AN �l I sr OF. CIVIL �P Elevation View No Scale Dwg. No.X981069 Page 2 of 7 www.ustower.wm 1220 N.Margin St. IN® Phone: (559)733-2438 Visalia,CA.-USA 93291 IMF M" Fax: (559)733-7194 M = Tower Section No. 4 5 6 Section Length 21 21 21 Face Width(in) 11.47 13.96 16.68 Top Lap Length(ft.) 0 4 4 Bottom Lap Length (ft.) 4 4 0 Lift Cable size(in) 0.25 0.25 0.25 Top Plate depth(in) 4 4 4 Bottom Plate depth (in) 6 6 6 Plate Thickness(in) 0.25 0.25 0.25 Leg properties: Pipetrube size,OD(in) 1.05 1.05 1.315 Wall thickness(in) 0.113 0.154 0.179 Pipe/Tube F.(ksi) 36 36 36 A(In2) 0.333 0.433 0.639 r(in) 0.334 0.321 0.407 LL(in) 15 15 15 KL 0.9 0.9 0.9 Ki.4/r 40.46 42.00 33.20 CcL 126.10 126.10 126.10 FcAL(kips) 8.49 11.00 16.79 -agonal Properties: Rod size(in) 0.375 0.375 6.4375 Rod Fy 36 36 36 No.of Diag.s/section 32 44 44 Diag. Incline angle. 25 21 16.5 A(In2) 0.110 0.110 0.150 r(in) 0.094 0.094 0.109 K 0.8 0.8 0.8 Lr(in) 11.50 13.83 16.02 K,Lr/r 98.11 118.00 117.21 Ca 126.10 126.10 126.10 FAA,(kips) 1.95 1.56 2.14 Projected Wind Area: Leg EPA(sq. ft./ft.) 0.12 0.12 0.15 Diag.s EPA(sq.ft./ft.) 0.032 0.052 0.071 Anchor Plates(sq.ft./ft.) 0.036 0.044 0.053 Total Section w/o ice 0.184 0.214 0.270 Section Weight: Legs(Ibs.) 71.2 92.7 136.7 Diag.s(Ibs.) 34.5 57.1 90.0 Anchor Plates(Ibs.) 30.4 37.0 44.3 Cables&Pulleys(lbs.) 20.4 28.0 40.6 11 Section Wt. 157 215 312 TX-455-70mph_ExpBods Page 3 of 7 www.ustowe►.com 1221s_ _ M arcin St. -- Visalia, CA,-USA 93291 Phone: (559) 733-2438 Iwo Fax: (559)733-7194 Tower Loading Calculations: Code: UBC-97 Design Wind Speed: 70 mph Antenna Area: 12.3 fe(Factored Area) Importance Factor: 1 Antenna Weight: 200 lbs.(max.w/ice) Ice Loading: 0 in Cable Size: 0.375 (in) Structure Height: 55 ft. No.of Cables: 1 100`Y•Design Mnd force without ice Tower Section Projected Mid-Height C C :Section Total a • 4."I Base,Shear Shear Moment Section Length(ft.) Area(ft.Z) of Section (lbs.) (lbs.) (ft.-lbs.) Antenna 1 12.3 56 1 0.9 12.54 139 139 139 Mast& Rot. 1 0.670 55.5 1 0.9 12.54 7.56 146.43 143 q 7_ 1.1�7 46.5 3.2 0.87 12.54 119 Lap 4&5 4 J 1.591 36 3.2 - U.tsl "' 94 y 5_..�^ f 3� —1 g scu 4,815 13 2.776 27.5 3.2 0.75 12.54 90 410 8,561 Lap 5 8 6 4 1.933 19 3.2 0.66 12.54 54 464 11,309 6 17 4.587 8.5 3.2 0.62 12.54 121 585 20,221 Notes; 1. Antenna weight includes the weight of the antenna, rotor(if top mounted),and antenna mounting pipe. 2. The projected area includes the mast tube,lifting cable,and feedline 6able(s)for each section I TX-455-70mph_tacpB,xls Page 4 of 7 www.ustower.com i 1220 N.Man;in St. ®® _ Phone: (559)733-2438 Visalia,CA,-USA 93291 Fax: (559)733-7194 Analysis of Tower Sections Tower Section: 4 5 6 Shear(lb): 265 410 585 Moment(ft-lb): 3,644 9,561 20,221 Panel Height(in): 15 15 15 Lap length (ft): 4 4 0 LNt Cable Analysis: No.of Lift Cables 1 1 1 Pulley Frm Force(lbs) — 713 1,499 Lift Cable Force(lbs) 357 928 Leo Analvsls. Dia. (in): 1.05 1.05 1.315 Wall Thk. (in): 0.113 0.154 0.179 Compr. load(kips): 4,521 9,800 16,798 Allow FA(kips): 8,493 10,996 16,786 Leg F.S.: 0.53 0.89 1.00 Diaaonal Analysis: i Size(in): 0.375 0.375 0.4375 .,arc'd Load(lbs): 169 254 352 Allow. Load(Ibs): 1,946 1,556 2,140 100 Diagonal F.S.: 0.09 0.16 0.16 Calc'd Load(lbs): 0.125 0.125 0.1875 Weld L(in): 0.75 0.75 1 Calc'd weld load(0n): 225 338 352 Allow.weld'F'(Ib/in): 2,475 2,475 - 3,712 Diagonal Weld F.S.: 0.09 0.14 0.09 D/avonal Analvsis-Lap Area (Note: Allowable loads-based on reduction in unbraced member length) Lap Tower Sections 4&5 5&6 Lap shear(lbs): 1,176 2,800 Rod Size(in): 0.375 0.375 Calc'd Load(lbs): 452 1,063 Allow. Load(lbs): 2,548 2,361 Diagonal F.S.: 0.18 0.45 Weld size(in): 0.125 0.125 Weld L(in): 0.75 0.75 Calc'd weld load(#/in): 500 1,155 Allow.weld'F'(Ibrn): 2,475 2,475 lagonal Weld F.S.: 0.20 0.47 TX-455-70mph ExpB.xls Page 5 of 7 www.ustower.com dam 1220 N.Mancin St. � ®® — Phone: (559)T33-2439 Visalia,CA,USA 93291 Fax: (559)7334194 Tower-to-Anchor Bolt Interface Base Reactions: Overturning Moment(ft-lbs) 20,221 ft.-lbs. Base Leg OD 1.315 in Base Shear(lbs) 585 lbs. Base Weight(lbs) 883 lbs. Max. Compf Force(Ibs) 17,093 lbs. Max.Tensile Force(lbs) 16,504 lbs. se'Le8 Tab Plate Analysis: Plate Width(in) 2.5 Plate Moment(in-lbs) 32,604 (Bending strong axis) Plate Height(in) 7 Plate Shear(lbs) 17,093 Plate Thickness(in) 3/8 Plate Stress(psi) 17,158 Plate Stress Ratio: 0.63 Bolt diameter(in) 3/4 Force per Bolt(lbs) 9,945 No.of Bolts 3 Allow. Bolt Shear(lb) 12,017 Shear Stress Ratio: 0.83 Ctr of Bolts to leg(in) 1.25 Allow. Bolt Brg.(lb) 16,200 Br9.Stress Ratio: 0.61 Bolt Spacing(in) 2 Weld Size(in) 3/16 Weld Moment(In-lbs) 32,604 Weld Sx(In3) 2.17 Weld Shear(in) 17,093 Weld Area(02) 1.86 Weld Stress(psi) 17,652 Weld Stress Ratio: 0.63 _,' '"7rface Tab Plate Analysl e Width (in) 3 1/2 Kx 1.2 Shear(lbs) 195 Plate Height(in) 7 3/4 r.-.(in) 0.11 Axial Compression(lbs) 17,093 Plate Thickness (in) 3/8 L(in) 2.50 Moment(In-lbs) 9,424 Bolt eccentricity(in) 0.5. K,,Ur..,, 27.71 f.(psi) 13,023 Shear eccentricity(in) 4.5 A(In`) 1.31 fb(PSI) 12.308 Dist. of first bolt to B.P. (in) 2.5 b/t 9.33 F.(psi) 20,100 F:(Psi) 194,442 Fb(psi) 31,686 Combined Stress Ratio Per AISC eq.(H1-1) 1.00 <---Governs-OK Combined Stress Ratio Per RISC eq.(H1-2) 0.84 Weld Size(in) 0.3125 Weld S,,(10) 0.90 Weld Area (in2) 1.55 Combined Stress Ratio: 0.75 <1.00(OK) Interface Base Plate Analysis: Top Plate: Bottom Plate: Plate Width (in): 3 1/2 31/2 Moment arm (in): 1.25 Plate Length (in): 5 5 Moment(in4bs): 10.683 Plate Thickness (in): 3/8 1/2 Sx(in3): 0.328 Stress Ratio: 0.90 <1.00(OK) TX-455-70mph ExpB.xls Sheet 6 of 7 www.ustower.com 1220 N.Marcln St. ®® Phone: (559)733 2438 Visalia,CA.-USA 93291 Fax: (559)733-7194 Anchor Bolt Des Ian: Anchor Bolt Embedment: Material:A36 Steel Anchor Embedment(in): 22 Anchor Dia.,(in): 1 Conc. f,(Psi): 2500 Rod Area(in'): 0.785 Pullout Capacity Obs): 258,490 (OK) Fy(psi): 36000 Allow.Tension(ibs): 22,619 USE: 11n x 27 In long Calc'd Tension(lbs): 16,504 (OK) A36 Anchor Bolts(or equivalent) Foundation Deslan: Ref. UBC-97 Section 1806-Nonconstralned condition (1806.8.2.1) Moment: '20,221 ft.-lbs. Shear: 585 lbs. Allowable Lateral (psf/ft): 266.67 Ftg.Width: 5 ft.(square) S1 (ft 5 Ftg, Depth: 6.0 ft. h (ft): 35.1 Ftg. Proj.: 6,in.above grade A: 0.51 Minimum Depth Required by UBC: , Lp= 4.7 ft.minimum USE: 5 R square x 6 ft deep Footing Oorcement Deslan: Factored Moment 34,873 ft.-lbs. Fy(reinforcement): 60 kst Bar Size: 9 fr(concrete): 2.5 ksi A,/bar: 0.99 in2 No.of Vert. Bars: 8 Min.Temp/Shrink.A.req'd: 6.48 In d: 40.75 A,provided : 7.95 in Nominal Moment: 181,232 ft.-lbs. (OK) USE: 8-No. 9 A615 Gr. 60 vertical bars with 36"square ties at 12"c-c spacing Anchor Bolts vertkai Bars L #4 Ties ® 12"c-c N-'-" Ref. Foundation arawing�for complete details for installing footing. . TX-455-70mph ExPB-xis Page 7 of 7 www.ustower.com G 8-#9 Foundatla has been designed to - vertical bars i / aco ie following loads: Overturning Moment = 22.01.kips 02 8-04 ties Base Shear = 0.77 kips 2 @ Top —_ s Structure Weight = 0.90 kips Center of Foaling Concrete volume Is estimated at 6.0 yds. b � I Center of Tower • • l Plan View 24 1116' No Scale 22 9/16 6•AB P". . 24 s scar: 3-V@x2r 21 3116- Anchor Bolts ** •r w _ Anchor B�oi Detail 6-Marr. No Scale vertical b Andxw Bole - Shihe UreaQs aher Irp . Hnc nul to avoid e Hex Nut Q2 8-#4 ties 2 @ top 6 Base Plate Grout beneath base plate after Undisturbed 6-AB Proj. tower is Installed Soil 1>9 ` � Levet[rgfdut r NOf" Grouting Detail nxn y Extreme care should be taken to assure that all leveling nuts are level with respect to each other Elevation View prior to instaWtion of tower �pf ES S/p No scale Note: If leveling nuts used,gout not required, V��4.N CJ(/ and reduce AB pMecdon tor. Reinforcement Material List Sym Type Bar Bar Oty Weight � Size Spacing IDImenslons a b c ' 10db' I pbs.) O A #9 See Plan 6-0- , — — — I 8 163 lbs. # * ® N B #4 12' Total Steel weight for Complete Foundation Installation � 232 lbs. OF C c Type �B A ft size was 3W 84 x 6W clasp. AM AM 121 Dec 0 REV.NQ DESCR VC*i OF REVMCM BY CHKD BY I DATE !NLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: US TOWER CORPORATION SCOLE I REV.Na N 1220 MARCIN STREET None 1ASALIA CAUFORNIA93291 AnROWMDRE PHONE 559-733.2438 � my DM 1_ 'ISMS to MME& FAX 559a33 T194 US 26 Sep 009 XA RAICE& )RAYING TITLE DRAIN.By DOE 0-111M O01 ALL FRAcncN&DMENS1DNg AM 26 Sep OC H-112WMp1A1LMlQEWMENSMS Installation of Pier Footing DRMV oNa TX-455 Crank-Up Tower Ar200058 • r c — Community and Economic Development Department CALIFORNIA DATE: June 29, 2005 FILE NO: Conditional Use Permit No.05-06 and Environmental Review Case No. 05-19 APPLICANT: Hans Ehlert and Eleanor Keeling Ehlert LOCATION: 22830 Lark Street SUBJECT: The erect an amateur radio antenna structure construction consisting of a mast and antenna The antenna will be operated as a"HAM"radio facility. Dear Reviewing Agency: The requested Conditional Use permit No.05-06 has been filed to erect an amateur radio antenna structure consisting of a mast and antenna. It will be operated as a"HAM"radio facility. Environmental Review Case No.05-19 was also filed to review the environmental effect of the proposed request. Enclosed-is a copy of the proposed plans and diagrams of this proposal. IN ORDER TO INCORPORATE ANY COMIENTS YOUR AGENCY MAY HAVE ABOUT THIS PROJECT IN THE STAFF RL'NUW AND REPORT TO THE CITY'S P GCOMUS FOR THE SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING. WE WILL NEED YOUR gCOMMES ' WEDNESDAY.JULY 27.2005. NI BY If you have any questions about this request or proposal, please do not hesitate to contact John Lampe, Associate Planner with the Grand Terrace Community Development Department at(909)430-2247. Sincerely U. - J¢h�Lampe,Asso ate Planner X j] Attachments: Site plan and elevations of the-proposed antenna structure c:WyFi lea V0HWhlerAagency.1tr 1 ATTACHMENT 8 22795 Barton Road 0 Grand Terrace, California gaai cinn . run Assembly Bill No. 1228 CHAPTER 50 An act to add Section 65850.3 to the Government Code, relating to zoning. (Approved by Govemor July 14,2003.Filed with Secretary of State July 14,2003.1 LEGISLATIVE COUNSELS DIGEST AB 1228,Dutton. Zoning ordinances: radio antennas. Existing law authorizes the legislative body of any county or city to adopt zoning ordinances for various purposes. This bill would require that any ordinance adopted by the legislative body of a city or county that regulates amateur radio station antenna struotUrea not preclude amateur radio service communications, reasonably accommodate amateur radio service communications,allow amateur radio station antenna structures to be erected at heights and dimensions sufficient to accommodate amateur radio service communications, and constitute the minimum practicable regulation to accomplish the legitimate purpose of the city or county.It would declare that it is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this bill to codify in state law the provisions of specified federal regulations relating to amateur radio station facilities. The people of the State of Cal fornia do enact as follows. SECTION 1. Section 65850.3 is added to the Government Code,to read: 65850.3.' Any ordinance adopted by the legislative body of a city or county that regulates amateur radio station antenna structures shall allow those structures to be erected at heights and-dimensions sufficient to accommodate amateur radio service communications,shall not preclude amateur radio service communications,shall reasonably accommodate amateur radio service communications, and shall constitute the minimum practicable regulation to accomplish the city's or county's legitimate purpose. It is the intent of the Legislature in adding this section to the Government Code,to codify in state law the provisions of Section 97.15 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations, which expresses the 95 ATTACHMENT 9 Ch. 50 —2— Federal Communications Commission's limited preemption of local regulations governing amateur radio station facilities. O 95 i 111 lT _ Y Community and Economic Development Department CALIFORNIA TO: Planning Commission Members FROM: Community Development Department DATE: Thursday, November 17, 2005 (Continued from the meeting of September 15, 2005.) SUBJECT: CUP-05-06 and E-05-19 have been filed for a 75-foot high"amateur radio antenna structure" consisting of a tower-mast and "yagi" antenna. APPLICANT: Hans Ehlert and Eleanor Keeling Ehlert LOCATION: 22830 Lark Street (The subject site is located on the northwesterly corner of the intersection of Lark Street and Crane Street.) RECOMMENDATION: Open the Public Hearing, take testimony, close the Public Hearing and approve the Resolution for Approval for CUP-05-06 as recommended by Staff. BACKGROUND: This request was continued from the meeting of September 15, 2005 in order to allow for the proposal to be readvertised and renoticed for the 75 foot height of the tower and antenna as requested by the applicants and in order to survey how other jurisdictions regulate amateur radio antenna facilities (HAM facilities). Please see Attachment 1 for the minutes of the September 15, 2005 meeting on this request. On October 24, 2005 a revised notice of this proposal with the new height of 75 feet was mailed to all of the property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. As part of the research.for this continued public hearing, Staff contacted or obtained a copies of ordinances regulating HAM radio facilities from various cities and at least one county in the local area. We also obtained copies of all of the ordinances listed by the applicant in his letter to staff dated September 11,2005. A copy of that letter is attached to this report as Attachment 2. We will ATTACHMENT 10 22795 Barton Road 9 Grand Terrace, California 92313-5'r--,. ��T , have copies of these latter ordinances available at the public hearing if members of the Commission have questions about them. In order to make some sense out of the various ordinances regulating amateur radio facilities, Staff prepared a table, Table 1.0, listing the major provisions of each listed ordinance. The first column on the left contami s the provisions of each ordinance;while the top row indicates what jurisdiction was reviewed. The bottom row also indicates if a copy of the specific ordinance provisions has been provided to the list of attachments for this report. Please see Attachment 3 for Table 1.0. The referenced ordinances have also been attached to this report. Most of the cities in the immediate local area are like Grand Terrace in that they do not have a specific ordinance for HAM radio facilities. Colton,Loma Linda and the City of Riverside would treat a HAM radio request in the same way that this proposal has been reviewed,i.e.as an accessory structure with some sort of special review if the proposed height is over the height limit of an accessory structure. Other jurisdictions have more detailed regulations. As stated above, Staff has provided a copy of these regulations for the Planning Commission's review. REOUEST: The applicant has filed these two applications for approval of an "amateur radio antenna structure"(HAM structure)consisting of a"yagi"antenna on top of a tower-mast located on a single family residential lot located at 22830 Lark Street in the City of Grand Terrace. (Please see Attachment 4 for an aerial photograph showing the location of the subject site.) The applicant had amended or clarified his request at the last meeting to propose a height of 75' for the tower and antenna. This request has been readvertised as such as noted above. SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA: The subject site consists of a single family lot of 7,427.9 square feet in size located on the northwesterly corner of the intersection of Lark Street and Crane Street in the City of Grand Terrace. The site is presently developed with a two-story single family residence which was constructed in 2000-2001. The property is zoned R 1 -7.2(Single Family Residential-min.required area of 7,200 sq. ft.). The"amateur radio antenna structure"(HAM structure) is currently erected on the easterly side of the house in the corner side yard area. It was put up in late May-early June. A"stop work" notice was issued by the City's Building and Safety Department on June 1,2005 as a building permit had not been issued for the tower-mast and antenna. The surrounding area is developed with single family residences excepting for the California Aqueduct right-of-way and the open area of Blue Mountain farther to the east. There is one other "amateur radio tower structure"in the neighborhood at 22552 Lark Street located about 1800 feet westerly of the subject site on Lark Street. This facility is a legal non-conforming use that was put up before the City incorporated. Both Lark and Crane are local City streets with 60-feet ofright-of-way,12-foot parkways and 36-feet of paving GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING: The site is located in the"LDR"(Low Density Residential)category of the City's General Plan and is zoned R1 - 7.2. The properties in the surrounding area are located in the same General Plan category and are also zoned R1 -7.2 excepting for the California Aqueduct and hillside areas to the east which are in the R1 - 20 Zone. Single family residential structures along with accessory structures are permitted in the Rl' - 7.2 Zone. The City currently has no specific zoning ordinance which regulates "amateur radio antenna structures" or "HAM" radio antennas. Such facilities are not covered by the City's "Wireless Telecommunication Ordinance which specifically exempts"noncommercial antennas." However, Section 18.06.020 of the Zoning Code which defines "accessory structures" does include in that definition the following items:"antennas,radio and other towers and satellite dishes." Further,Table 18.10.040 Footnote(d.)stipulates that the height limit of any"accessory structure shall not exceed twenty(20) feet in height with exceptions as stipulated in Section 18.73.090 which allows for a greater height than 20 feet with the approval of a conditional use permit. Therefore, these applications were filed to modify the 20 foot height limit for"an accessory structure"to allow for the radio antenna structure to exceed the 20 foot limitation in this case up to 75 feet. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Site Plan: The site plan marked Exhibit A-1 shows the location of the tower-mast and antenna which,as stated above, is on the easterly side of the house along the Crane Street frontage. The foundation of the tower-mast measures approximately 5 feet by 5 feet. The foundation is located just outside of the 15 foot corner sideyard;however,the antenna portion does overhang the 15 foot sideyard but does not go beyond the property line along Crane when it is not rotated. (See below.) In addition, the backyard area is enclosed by an approximately 5 foot high wooden fence not shown on the site plan. A 8 %z"x I I" copy of Exhibit A-1 has been attached to this report. Exhibit A-2 is a copy of the site/grading plan from the construction drawings for the building permit for the residence. It shows the footprint of the existing house, slopes and spot elevations of the subject site and surrounding properties. This construction site and grading plan may be useful in discussions on possible alternatives to the proposed request. A 8 V?x 11"copy of Exhibit A-2 has been attached to this report. Exhibit A-3 shows a proposed location for the tower in the back or rear of the residence. It indicates that when the antenna is rotated during use, the antenna booms will come within about 3 Meet of the rear property line. A 8 Y?x 11"copy of Exhibit A-3 is attached. Exhibit A-4 shows how close the booms will come to the rear property line if the tower remains on the east side of the house when it is rotated during use. It should be pointed out that it also shows that the boom will extend beyond the easterly property line over the Crane right-of-way. A 8 Y?x 11" copy of Exhibit A-4 is included. Elevations: The elevation of the tower-mast and antenna (called a `yagi antenna) is shown on the revised Exhibit A-5.(Please see Attachment 5 for a definition of a"yagi"antenna.) It shows that the height of the tower-mast is 75'at maximum height,presumably when it is in use. It also shows a"minimum height"of approximately 30%2`. A field inspection revealed that the tower-mast is capable of being "cranked-up"to a higher elevation. There is a hand crank and cable to raise the height of the tower and yagi antenna. The tower-mast will be raised during use for the best reception. The yagi antenna, also, can be rotated, as noted above, for the best reception. Also,shown on Exhibit A-5 is a plan view of the"yagi"antenna. It measures 32 feet in width(the boom length)and 36'-6"in length and has fiberglass elements. The antenna will be located about 6 feet below the top of the tower-mast. The maximum or minimum height of the"yagi"antenna has not been called out by the applicant on the submitted drawings. The size and configuration of the "yagi"antenna is the same as the one shown at the September hearing;only the proposed maximum height has changed. REVIEWING AGENCY COMMENTS: The following comments were made by various local agencies in reviewing this project: Buildins and Safetv: Please refer to the comments made by the Director of Building and Safety/Public Works in his :memorandum of July 27,2005 (Attachment 6). In addition,following the September hearing,Staffasked the Director of the Department of Building and Safety to submit the structure calculations for the antenna and tower to"plan check." The plans have been reviewed and additional information has to be provided before a building permit can be issued. County Department of Public Health: The County Department of Public Health-Division of Environmental Health Services indicated by hand written note dated July 8,2005 that it had no comments on this proposed request(Attachment 7). ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This project for an "amateur radio antenna structure" as an accessory structure is "Categorically Exempt"per the California Environmental Quality Act,Article 19,Section 15303(e),Class 3 which allows for accessory (appurtenant) structures for residential sites. This use is considered an accessory structure under the City's Zoning Code as noted above. Regarding health issues, it is Staff s understanding that under the Federal Telecommunication Act of 1996,local government can not deny an application for a telecommunication facility because of health issues from"radio frequency emissions"or alleged health issues from such emissions. 5 Also,only the FCC(Federal Communication Commission)has jurisdiction over interference issues 1 per out City Attorney. The City Attorney also indicated that the City has no jurisdiction over"EMT" (electromagnetic field)issues, if they exist for this request. STAFF ANALYSIS• In 1985 the FCC issued an order that local governments could regulate amateur installations to insure the safety and health of persons in the community but could not enact regulations which are so restrictive that they preclude effective amateur communications. This ruling is known as the "limited federal preemption or `PRB-F rule." On July 14,2003 Governor Davis signed into law Assembly Bill 1228. This bill became law after unanimous votes in both houses of the State legislature. It was sponsored by Assembly member Bob Dutton from Rancho Cugamonga. This legislation incorporates the"limited federal preemption known as `PRB-V(discussed above) into California law. The law states the following: Any ordinance adopted by the legislative body of a city or county that regulates amateur radio station antenna structures shall allow those structures to be erected at heights and dimensions sufficient to accommodate amateur radio service communications, shall not preclude amateur radio service communications, shall reasonably accommodate amateur radio service communications,and shall constitute the minimum practicable regulation to accomplish the city's or county's legitimate purpose. A copy of the chaptered bill is included here as Attachment 8 for the Commission's information and reference. In signing the bill,the Governor told the California legislature: In signing this bill,I also want to acknowledge the thousands of Californians who are licensed amateur radio operators and who each year give thousands of hours of volunteer service to the state and local governments. They have a long and proud record of helping the state during times of natural disasters and emergencies. Since the September 11,2001 attack on America, we also have come to rely on them and appreciate their commitment to the security and well being of all Californians. Given this preemption by Federal and State law, the Planning Commission is obligated to approve this request with only the"minimum practicable regulations"and conditions. Therefore,though this request might be modified to some extent, it can not be denied outright. In addition, Staff believes that the "minimum practical regulation"falls into two main areas, i.e. public safety and aesthetics. Public safety can be regulated through the requirement for a building permit. The tower-mast and antenna must be structurally sound and must be able to handle projected wind loads for this area. Aesthetics will be focused on the visual impacts of the size and height of the proposed tower-mast and antenna. The applicant has indicated that he needs the height and the size of the antenna in order to broadcast and receive radio signals at the wave lengths that he uses. He has also claimed that the higher the tower-mast, the less likely there will be interference problems with the neighbors electronic appliances. Any lower height or smaller antenna would not allow for him to broadcast or receive transmissions as effectively, and may, according to him,result in more interference problems. The applicant has also shown on Exhibits A-3 and A-4 that the"yagi"antenna would be closer to the rear property line when the antenna is rotated than would be the case if it stayed on the east side of the house. In several of the HAM radio ordinances Staff reviewed there was a prohibition against erecting or construction the HAM facility in the front yard or the side yard of a comer lot. Obviously the reason for that is to minimize the visual impact of the tower-mast and antenna as seen from the public right- of-way. Visual or aesthetic considerations is one of the two main areas(beside building and safety issues) where Staff believes local control has not been pre-empted by the FCC or the State. Therefore, Staff is again recommending that the tower-mast and antenna be relocated to the rear of the residence. The applicant pointed out, correctly, that the original recommendation for the location and height of the antenna and tower-mast did not take into consideration the necessary clearance between the antenna when it is in use and when it is rotated to maximize its reception and the fireplace/chimney which appears to rise about 2-3 feet above the top of the roof line. Staff believes that can be accommodated by imposing a requirement that the tower-mast can be raised above the minimum height shown on Exhibit A-3 only a sufficient distance to clear the chimney and no more. If the applicant still believes that he needs a height higher than this, the burden of proof will be with the applicant to provide a justification for a greater height which Staff believes that he has not done at this point. Also,Exhibit A-3 shows that the"yagi"antenna when it is rotated when in use will come to within about 3 Meet of the rear property line. Staff recommends that when the antenna is not in use that the minimum distance to the rear property line and the antenna booms be maintained approximately 10 feet by rotating it back Staff would prefer a greater distance but under the circumstances in order to get the tower-mast and antenna behind the house Staff feels that it is acceptable. It will result in the removing of the highly visible tower-mast and antenna from the corner side yard and avoiding the booms of the antenna extending out over the public-right-of-way along Crane. Further mitigation of the visual impacts could be achieved by requiring additional landscaping to the rear yard to screen as much as possible the view of the tower and antenna structure from adjacent properties and from Crane Street and by adding a restriction that no portion of the antenna be allowed within approximatlyl 0 feet of any property line when not in use. At the September hearing, questions were raised about the size and type of landscaping for the rear yard screening. Staff has included in the recommended landscape condition that the proposed planting be"fast growing and tall such as cypress leylandii or canary island pine" and that all plantings be required to be 15 gallons in size or larger. These requirements plus other appropriate conditions have been added to the Resolution of Approval (Attachment 9). Additionally,the Building and Safety Director has indicated that the tower/antenna structure could be located to the rear/back of the house and could be located within 5 feet of the residential structure. He also indicated that it would be permissible for the antenna portion of the structure to hang over the roof of the house so that there would be some distance between an adjacent property line and the antenna. This would allow the antenna to be at least 10 to 18 feet from the adjacent property lines when not in use. As noted above,Staff submitted the submitted structural drawings for the tower-mast and antenna to the Director of Building and Safety. He thereupon submitted the drawings to the City's structural engineer for review. The engineer/plan checker indicated that corrections and additional information will have to be submitted to the City before a building permit can be issued for this structure. Finally, Staff did contact the "AARL" (National Association for Amateur Radio) and "AES" (Amateur Electronic Supply, a prominent"HAM"equipment supplier) and were told by both that there is no smaller antenna that.would be as effective as the proposed antenna of this request. A smaller antenna would not work as effectively according to these sources. FINDINGS: . Section 18.63.050 of the Zoning Code requires that specific findings be made by the Planning Commission in approving a conditional use permit application. These findings have been incorporated into the"Resolution of Approval"(Attachment 9). CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Upon approval by the Planning Commission, this proposal will be subject to the recommended conditions of approval,unless modified by the Commission, included in the Resolution ofApproval (Attachment 9). RECOMMENDATION: The staffrecommends that at the conclusion ofthe public hearing,the Planning Commission approve CUP-05-06 and E-05-19 as set forth by the Resolution of Approval,Attachment 6,supported by the required findings and recommended conditions of approval. Respectfully submitted, Lampe,Associate anner Gary Ukoontz o� unity Development Director GLK:JL. John Lampe Associate Planner City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313 September 11, 2005 Re: Conditions for approval CUP-05-06 Dear Mr. Lampe After reviewing the conditions of approval, please let me address some items which are not acceptable or can not be done. Item 2. Relocating the amateur radio antenna structure to the back of the main single residence family home may not be the best solution for a number of reasons. a) The tower and antenna will be in plain view of several residents on Kentfield Street b) The elements of the antenna, when it is turning,will come with in 3-1/2 fleet to the adjacent property lines of two residents on Kentfield Street At the present location only one property line is with in 6 feet (See attached drawings) c) In the retracted position of the tower,the antenna will interfere with the chimney of the house. Item 6. Exhibit A-3 only specified a minimum height of the antenna structure acceptable to the conditions stated in your E-Mail from 03-01-2005.A revised drawing specifying the maximum height is attached. That was the reason for the application and fees paid; over 35 feet to insure sufficient amateur service communication. Item 7. See Item 6. Item 6. The tower is a self-supporting tower, no guy-lines are required.Wires from the tower are DC low voltage control lines for the antenna, rotor and antenna switch. Item 9. This can not be done on any location of the property. (See attached drawings) Item 13. This is an unreasonable and ineffective request and can not be accepted as a condition for approval of CUP-05-06. Please let us know if any more information is required. s, Han ea or Ehlert Attachments: FYI Antenna Height and Communications Effectiveness Drawing of current location Drawing of proposed location Drawing with maximum height ATTACHMENT 11 FYI A Federal judge has relied on PRB-1 to void a local height limitation as applied to an Amateur Radio Antenna. ME, had brought suit in U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York to overturn denial by the Village of Sands Point of his application for building permit for an 86- tower, retractable to 23 feet in height. In granting partial summary judgment in K2LE's favor, District Judge Jacob Mischler found PRB-1 to be a proper exercise of FCC authority and Bound that the Village was precluded from applying its 25 foot height limitation on accessory building which include antenna towers to K2LE's proposed antenna.This court test of PRB-1 represents; a local zoning ordinance as applied to an Amateur Radio antenna has been declared invalid on the basis of PRB-1. The Federal Communications Commission restricts the height of antenna structures for a licensed Amateur Radio Operator to 200 feet above ground. The Radio Amateurs Guide to Government Regulations, Part 97(Rules and Regulations). 97.15 Station antenna structures: (a)Owners of certain antenna structures more than 60.96 meters(200 feet)above ground level at the side or located near a public use airport must notify the Federal Aviation Administration and register with the Commission as required by Part 17 of this chapter. (b) Except as otherwise provided herein, a station antenna structure may be erected at heights and dimensions sufficient to accommodate amateur service communications. [State and local regulations of station antenna structure must not preclude amateur service communications. Rather it must reasonably accommodate such communications and must constitute the minimum practicable regulation to accomplish the state or local authority's legitimate purpose. PRB-11. Against the advice from the FCC several local governments have an Ordinance regarding height limitations for Amateur Radio Antennas structures. Township of Medford 100 feet City of Garland, TX 100 feet (Special Use Permit required for above 100 feet) Virginia Beach,VA 90 feet Newport Beach, CA 75 feet Burbank, IL 65 feet City of Hinesville, GA 65 feet None of the above required an application for Special Use Permit with the a9mmlated fees, other than noted for the City of Garland,TX. The maximum height restriction is within the acceptable range to insure sufficient amateur service communication. i l 1' DNA. pKRGLASS ELEMENT �— 1' Din. Fiberglas 2M/440 �— Wip zo U � M t 32' _ Maximum Height 2' DIA. MAST r , ,,D MiniMUM c Height ►ns 6 Eleanor Mart MATUER RAD113 ANTENNA STRUCTURE ELEVATION L Ttp VIEW 2630 LARK STREET, GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 SCALE 1-1 78161330000. TRACT 13010-6 LOT 13 u 11 ` NORTH o► vN 1178161550000 Hans & Eleanor Ehl e VN 2830Lark St^ee rc�dT e C2 t 923 TRACT 13050-6 LOT 13 Scale 1:1 .O NORTH 1178161550000 Hans & Elear or hlert 22830 Lark tr et Grand Terrac , CA 92313 TRACT 13050-6 LOT 13 --�0' Scale 1:1 Antenna Height and Communications Effectiveness Second Edition A Guide for City Planners and Amateur Radio Operators By IL Dean Straw,N6BV,and Gerald L.Hall,Kl ID Senior Assistant Technical Editor and Retired Associate Technical Editor Copyright 01999 The American Radio Relay League,Inc. 225 Main Street ' Newington,CT 06111 Executive Summary Amateur radio operators,or"hams"as they are called,communicate with stations located all over the world. Some contacts may be local in nature,while others may be literally halfway around the world.Hams use a variety of internationally allocated fequencies to accomplish their communications. Except for local contacts,which are primarily made on Very High and Ultra High Frequencies(VHF and UHF),communicating between any two points on the earth rely primarily on high-frequency(HF)signals propagating through the ionosphere.The earth's ionosphere acts much like a minor at heights of about 150 miles.The vertical angle of radiation of a signal launched from an antenna is one of the key factors determining effective communication distances.The ability to communicate over long distances generally requires a low radiation angle'meaning that an antenna must be Placed high above the ground in terms of the wavelength of the radio wave being transmitted. A beam tMe of antenna at a height of 70 feet or more will provide greatly superior p�eRmenoe awn fibs aarse aate�a at 35 feet,all other factors being equ@L A height of 120 feet or even higher will provide even more advantages for long-distance communications.To a distant receiving station,a transmitting antenna at 120 feet will provide the effect of approximately 8 to 10 times more transmitting power than the same antenna at 35 feet. Depending on the level of noise and interference,this performance disparity is often enough to mean the difference between making distant radio contact with fairly,reliable signals,and being unable to make distant contact at all. Radio Amateurs have a well-deserved reputation for providing vital communications in emergency situations,such as in the aftermath of a severe icesto ` t urn,a hurricane or an earthquake. Shor range communications at VHF or UHF frequencies also require sufficient antenna heights above the local ten=to ensure that the antenna has a clear horizon. In terns of safety and aesthetic considerations,it might seem intuitively reasonable for a planning board to want to restrict antenna installations to low heights.However,such height restrictions often prove very counterproductive and frustrating to all parties involved If an amateur is restricted to low antenna heights,say 35 feet,he will suffer from poor transn1iSSlon of his own signals as well as poor reception of distant signals.In an attempt to compensate on the transmitting side(he can't do anything about the poor reception problem),he might boost his transmitted power,say from 150 watts to 1,500 watts,the maximum legal limit.This ten-fold increase in power will very significantly increase the potential for interference to telephones, televisions,VCRs and audio equipment in his neighborhood. Instead,if the antenna can be moved farther away from neighboring electronic devices— putting it higher,in other words--this will g>a dy reduce the likelihood of interference,which decreases at the inverse square of the distance.For example,doubling the distance reduces the Potential for interference by 75%.As a further benefit,a large antenna doesn't look anywhere near as large at 120 feet as it does close-up at 35 feet. As a not-so-inconsequential side benefit,moving an antenna higher will also greatly reduce the potential of exposure to electromagnetic fields for neighboring human and animals. Interference and RF exposure standards have been thoroughly covered in recently enacted Federal Regulations. � � Page 1 /I HAM RADIO ORDINANCES TABLE 1.0 Provisions L.A. Colton Loma Rancho-Cu Highland City of Pico Fontana Temecula Murrieta Newport County Linda camonga Norco Rivera Beach I.Districts All R Zones R Zones R Zones All R Zones R Zones R Zones R Zones All Zones All but only one for 15,00013 lot or< 2.Approval Director Director/ Director Director Director/ Director Director/ Director Director Director Director/ PC PC PC PC 3.Max. 75'in 35' Accessory Not exceed Variance 45' 38' 75'or 20' 35'no <50'staff 75'when Height operation variance structure, 50 feet in to exceed above above approval, review, in requir'd variance height in height highest building 50'minor <75' operation if over if over use,35'not limit of building permit, that in use district on minor on site PC>50' CUP,> 75'CUP 4.Siting Must be Same as Sameas Antenna No specifics located so as for Not No Only in Not in Not in No to have accessory for shall not but must located ocated in required rear minimal use accessory occupy any yard front yard front yard requir'd performance front yard setback or roof of or street setbacks impacts pacts al use portion of standards or comer area building corner M� are aired y q side yard yard yard 5. Screen By sing Discretion Discretion ----- No �� l 1 of Director specifics Accessory of but must NO Rear of_ ry Land- No particular main Director meet equip• scaping screening performance standard building screened per required a standards from view Director 6.Other Must not Treated as _ _ Only one No specifics If exceed accessory antenna but must Support Must have Screen No other 28'height M,..� 35'when use meet attached tower to building must limit when not in use exceeding performance to house, rear of permit match M...► height standards requires building buildingnot in use N limit building permit 7.Ordinance Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes _E Assembly BIB No. 122a CHAPTER 50 zoning.Anactto add 65850.3 to the Government Code,relating to IAnn,"M by Gomm hly 14.2M.r-kd S'"my Of Sft My 14.2W.) AB 1228 Dutton,��� �"'s cassr . Existing D �ordinances:radio antennas. This mi �°ould_.��oua 60 �lative body of any county a city to purposes, body of a clty or COUWY that my that ��p�the legislative not preclnds amateur radio sarvioe ��OO antenna raa:onablystruchm aocom radio comet a�raft st@dm uchmto.b �' allow dimensions aficiart to heights and commimicatiom and constitute the ft anateur radio service that city or county.It would itLesislam in declare law the i�lr'trOf�iSed fakes��re bW lating to in te YhepwPk of Me sane Of Cal jfondla do enact Qafollows. _ r ox 1. Section 658501 is added to the Govc m t Code6 to 658503.• thoscoue that amaim;��n an body of a city or uchm to be erected at heights ow-dimensions �allow to amate'Q adi o communications." °0t preclude amateur serviceand data MWIMthe � re8�don to accompurpose. plish be city�d� It is the int�t � GOvWI at of the Legislature in adding this section to the Of Title 47 of�C dify in state��.� 97.15 which expresm the 93 ATTACHMEN T 13 l' Ch. SO Federal Communications Co reguLtiona governing ��OD's limited preemption of local i•. it amsteur radio station facilities. O 93 1 r � ,t 22.52.1460 Purpose. http://ordlink.com/cgi-bin/hilite.pl/codes/lacounty/ DATAfrITLE22 Title 22 PLANNING AND ZONING Chaster 22.52 GENERAL REGULATIONS 22.52.1400 Purpose. The purpose of this part is to assure that amateur radio antennas are designed and located in a way that avoids hazards to public health and safety and minimizes adverse aesthetic effects,while reasonably accommodating amateur radio communications. (Ord. 95-0017§ 1 (part), 1995.) ATTACHMENT 14 of 1 22.52.1410 Definitions. http://ordlink.com/cgi-bia/hilite-pl/codes/lacountyLDATA/TITLE2 Title 22 PLANNING AND ZONING Chapter 22.52 GENERAL REGULATIONS 22.52.1410 Definitions. A.Amateur Radio Antenna. The term "amateur radio antenna"shall mean any antenna, including a whip antenna,which is used for the purpose of transmitting and receiving radio signals in conjunction with an amateur radio station licensed by the Federal Communications Commission. B.Antenna Structure.The term "antenna structure"refers collectively to an antenna and its supporting mast or tower, if any. C. Mast. The term"mast"shall mean a pole of wood or metal,or a tower fabricated of metal, used to support an amateur radio antenna and maintain it at the proper elevation. D.Whip Antenna.The term"whip antenna"shall mean an antenna consisting of a single, slender, rod-like element,which is supported only at or near its base. (Ord. 95-0017§ 1 (part), 1995.) of I 22-52.1420 Permitted use. http://ordlink.com/cgi-bin/hilite-pl/codes/lacountyLDATA/MTLE2 Title 22 PLANNING AND ZONING Chapter 22.52 GENERAL REGULATIONS 22.52.1420 Permitted use. Amateur radio antennas,structures and masts which comply with the development standards specified in Section 22.52.1430 are permitted as an accessory use in all zoning districts.Amateur radio antennas, structures,and masts which do not comply with the development standards specified in Section 22.52.1430 may also be permitted,subject to first securing an amateur radio antenna permit. (Ord. 95-0017§ 1 (part), 1995.) r if 1 22.52.1430 Development standards. http://ordlink.com/cgi-bin/hilite.pi/codes/lacOuntY/ DATA/TITLE; Title 22 PLANNING AND ZONING Chapter 22.52 GENERAL REGULATIONS 22.52.1430 Development standards. A. Lowering Device.All amateur radio antenna structures,capable of a maximum extended height in excess of 35 feet(inclusive of tower and mast),with the exception of whip antennas, shall be equipped with a motorized device and mechanical device, each capable of lowering the antenna to the maximum permitted height when not in operation. B. Permitted Height. 1.The height of an antenna structure shall be measured from natural grade at the point the mast touches,or if extended,would touch, the ground. 2.When in operation,no part of any amateur radio antenna structure shall extend to a height of more than 75 feet above natural grade of the site on which the antenna structure is installed. 3.When not in operation,no part of any amateur radio antenna structure,excepting whip antennas,shall extend to a height of more than 35 feet as measured above natural grade of the site on which the antenna is installed. C. Number Permitted. One amateur radio antenna structure, and one whip antenna over 35 feet,shall be permitted on each building site. D. Siting.The antenna structure shall be located on site in a manner which will minimize the extent to which the structure is visible to nearby residents and members of the general public.Antenna structures shall be considered to satisfy this criteria if. 1. No portion of the antenna structure or mast is located within any required setback area;and ,- 2. No portion of the antenna structure or mast is within the front 40 percent of that portion of the building site that abuts a street; and 3. In the event a building site abuts two or more streets, the antenna structure or mast is not located within the front 40 percent of that portion of the building site where primary access is provided to the property, or within 20 feet of any other abutting street or public right-of-way. E. Installation and Maintenance. 1.All antenna structures shall be installed and maintained in compliance with applicable building standards. 2.All antennas and their supporting structures shall be maintained in good condition. 3.All ground-mounted antennas and their supporting structures shall be permanently installed. (Ord. 95-0017 § 1 (part), 1995.) if 1 Z2.52.1440 Application for permit. http://ordlink.cony/cgi-bin/hilite.pl/codes/lacounty/ DATA/TITLE2: Title 22 PLANNING AND ZONING Chapter 22.52 GENERAL REGULATIONS 22.52.1440 Application for permit. A. The development standards in Section 22.52.1430 may be waived or modified by the issuance of an amateur radio antenna permit, except that no application for a permit shall be filed or accepted if final action has been taken within one year prior thereto by the planning director on an application requesting the same, or substantially the same permit.The application shall be on a form supplied by the planning department and shall be accompanied by the following information, maps and plans: 1. Site plans drawn to scale and dimensioned, showing the proposed location of the antenna structure; 2. Manufacturer's specifications of the antenna structure; 3. Details of footings,guys, and braces; 4. Details of attaching or fixing the antenna structure to the roof, if applicable; 5. Elevations drawn to scale and dimensions so as to fully describe the proposed structure; 6.A statement indicating any mitigation measures proposed to minimize any adverse effects of the antenna or antenna structure.Such measures may include screening, painting, increased setbacks from property lines, and safety devices; 7.A statement of the reasons why strict conformance with the development standards specified in Section 22.52.1430 will unreasonably interfere with the operator's ability to receive or transmit signals, or impose unreasonable costs on the amateur radio operator when viewed in light of the cost of the equipment; 8.A list, certified to be correct by affidavit or by a statement under penalty of perjury,of the names and addresses of all persons who are shown on the latest available assessment roll of the county of Los Angeles as owners of the subject parcel of land and as owning property within a distance of 500 feet from the exterior boundaries of the parcel of land to be occupied by the amateur radio antenna use; 9.Two sets of mailing labels for the above-stated owners within a distance of 500 feet of the parcel of land to be occupied by the antenna; 10.A map drawn to a scale specified by the director indicating where all such ownerships are located; 11. A filing fee equivalent to the fee for site plan review of residential site plans in hillside areas, as prescribed by Section 22.60.100. B.A copy of the application materials shall be referred by the planning director to the fire department for review and comment prior to issuance of the permit. (Ord. 95-0017§ 1 (part), 1995.) of 1 22.52.1450 Issuance of permit. http://ordlink.com/cgi-bin/hilite.pl/codes/lacountyLDATAMTLE2: Title 22 PLANNING AND ZONING - Chapter 22.52 GENERAL REGULATIONS 22.52.1450 Issuance of permit. The planning director shall issue an amateur radio antenna permit if the applicant demonstrates that strict compliance with the development standards specified in Section 22.52.1430 would unreasonably interfere with the applicants ability to receive or transmit signals, or would impose unreasonable costs on the operation when viewed in light of the cost of the equipment,or that strict compliance with the development standards is not,under the circumstances of the particular case, necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of this part. In granting the permit,the planning director may impose conditions reasonably necessary to accomplish the purposes of this part,provided those conditions do not unreasonably interfere with the ability of the applicant to receive or transmit signals,or impose unreasonable costs on the amateur radio operator when viewed in the light of the cost of the equipment. (Ord.95-0017§ 1 (part), 1995.) of 1 22.52.1460 Notice. http://ordlink.com/cgi-bin/Mlite-pi/codes/lacoun / DAT tY ArI'ITLE: Title 22 PLANNING AND ZONING - Chapter 22.52 GENERAL REGULATIONS 22.52.1460 Notice. Notice of the issuance of an amateur radio antenna permit by the planning director shall be given to all owners of real property,as shown on the latest equalized assessment roll,located within five hundred feet of the parcel on which the proposed antenna,structure or mast is to be located and notice shall also be given to any affected homeowner's association registered with the planning department. (Ord. 95-0017§ (part), 1995.) 1 t if 1 ' 22.52.1470AppeaL http://ordlink.cornkgi-binUlite.pl/codesAacounty/ DATArnnE Title 22 PLANNING AND ZONING Chaoter 22.52 GENERAL REGULATIONS 22.52.1476 Appeal. An applicant for an amateur radio antenna permit, or other interested person, may appeal a decision of the planning director to the planning commission. The appeal must be filed within 30 days after the written notice of the decision of the planning director. The planning commission shall conduct a public hearing on the appeal and the decision of the planning commission shall be final. (Ord. 95-0017§ 1 (part), 1995.) if 1 22.52.W80 Appeal fees. http://ordlink.com/cgi-bhVMlite-pi/codesAacountY/�DATA/TITL.E, DAT h' ArI'ITLE; Title 22 PLANNING AND ZONING Chapter 22.52 GENERAL REGULATIONS 22.52.1480 Appeal fees. The appellant shall pay the processing fee prescribed by Section 22.60.230. (Ord. 95-0017§ 1 (part), 1995.) �11 fl 22.52.1490 Nonconfonning antennas. http://ordlink.com/cgi-bin/hilite-pi/codes/lacountyLDATA/TITLE: Title 22 PLANNING AND ZONING Chapter 22.52 GENERAL REGULATIONS 22.52.1490 Nonconforming antennas. Amateur radio antennas,antenna structures, and masts in existence as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this part may continue to be used without complying with the provisions of this part except as provided in this section and shall be considered a legal nonconforming use.Amateur radio antennas, antenna structures, and masts that are a legal nonconforming use shall comply with the provisions of Section 22.52.1430 to the extent that they are capable of doing so without modification. Existing amateur radio antennas,antenna structures and masts may be enlarged, expanded or relocated only if brought into compliance with the standards of Section 22.52.1430 of this part. In the absence of such compliance of proposed expansion, enlargement or relocation,an amateur 95-0017§ 1 (part), 1995.) radio antenna permit shall be required. (Ord. �f 1 17.08.060 Special Development Criteria http://ordlink.com/codes/ranchocu/—DATA/TITLE17/C`haptexl_l-j 1440vC80 C-UCA noNCTA one time between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., provided that this section shall not apply to specific trees and shrubs which at the time of installation of a solar collector or during the remainder of that annual solar cycle cast a shadow upon that solar collector. 3.The location of a solar collector is required to comply with the local building and setback regulations,and to be set back not less than 5 feet from the property line. 4. Developers of all new residential subdivisions shall dedicate easements for the purpose of assuring that each lot or dwelling unit shall have the right to receive sunlight across adjacent lots or units for use of a solar energy system.The easements may be contained in a declaration of restrictions for the subdivision,which shall be recorded concurrently with recordation of the final map or issuance of permits,whichever shall first occur. The easements shall prohibit the casting of shadows by vegetation,structures,fixture or any other object, except for utility wires and similar objects, pursuant to Section 17.08.060-G-2. 1.Variable Front Yard Provisions. Front setbacks required by the base district in Tables 17.080.040-13 and C shall be averaged on the interior lots within a single family detached.or duplex subdivision. � f J.Antennas.The installation of one antenna,which exceeds the maximum height of the base district sh Permitted subject to the following limitations: all be I. Operation.Any operation of citizens band or other radio transmitting equipment, excluding public service, public safety, or emergency radio services, shall be subject to the Performance Standards of this Chapter (See Section 17.08.080). 2. Height.The antenna shall not exceed 50 feet in height, fully extended when in use and no higher than 35 feet when not in use(unextended)as measured from ground level. 3. Setback. The antenna shall not occupy any portion of a yard required in Tables 17.08.040-13 and C except as follows: a.A guy wire and anchor point may be no closer than 3 feet from a side or rear line. b.A guy wire and anchor point may extend to the side or rear line adjacent to a dedicated alley. K. Fences, Walls, and Hedges. The following provisions regarding fences shall apply to all residential districts. 1. Fences, walls, hedges, or similar view obstructing structures or plant growth that reduce visibility and the safe ingress and egress of vehicles or pedestrians, shall not exceed a height of 3 feet in any required front if 6 A TT A !'IIIlurr, ATm , P, Document 14( 614 C-At,/0 Page 1 of 14 ' Crl-Y OF HI OCAND 16.44.050 Antennas and satellite dishes. A.Intent.This section is intended to reduce the potential safety,aesthetic,and view blockage impacts of satellite dishes,and to integrate such strictures into neighborhoods with the least possible impact to the surrounding community. B.Applicability. 1.This section applies to every antenna and satellite dish installed or modified on or after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title. 2.Except as otherwise provided for in this section,no antenna or satellite dish shall be installed or modified prior to approval of a department review permit,including if said antenna or satellite dish is proposed as an accessory structure to an existing use for which a conditional use permit was required. C.Development Standards. 1.Residential Districts.Every satellite dish installed,modified,and maintained in a residential zone district shall be in accordance with the provisions of this section. a.Only one per parcel is permitted. b.The diameter of the dish shall not exceed five feet unless applicant can document that a larger dish is necessary in order to receive basic service in that location. c.The dish shall not be located in the front yard of the parcel. d.The dish shall comply with all height and setback requirements specified for accessory structures within the applicable district e.Dishes smaller than three feet in diameter may be roof-mounted;provided,that the top of the dish is below the peak of the roof line,and is no greater than 23 feet in total height Dishes with a diameter of three feet or greater shall be ground- mounted and shall have a height no greater than eight feet. f.The dish shall be finished in a color to neutralize and blend it with the immediate surroundings. g.The dish shall be screened and landscaped along all sides when visible from the street except that of the reception window of which low-level landscape treatment shall be applied along the dish's base.Such treatments shall completely enclose the dish. h.The installation shall be located in such a way as to prevent obstruction of the dish's reception window from potential permitted development on adjoining parcels. i.A building permit shall be obtained. r j.The display of signs or other graphics on a satellite dish is prohibited. 2.Nonresidential Districts.Every satellite dish installed,modified and maintained in a nonresidential zone district shall be in - accordance with the provisions of this section. a.Only one dish greater than five feet in diameter per parcel may be permitted. b.The diameter of any dish shall not exceed 10 feet. c.Dishes shall comply with all height and setback requirements specified for accessory structures for the applicable district d.Dishes shall be finished in a color to neutralize and blend it with the immediate surroundings. e.The installation shall be located in such a way as to prevent obstruction of the dish's reception window from potential permitted development on adjoining parcels. f.Dishes shall not be located in front of the primary structure on the parcel and shall not be visible from the primary access street. g.A building permit shall be obtained. h.The display of signs,lighted displays,or other graphics on a satellite dish is prohibited. Standards for Antennas in All Districts.The installation of one antenna which exceeds the maximum height for the district within which the antenna is to be located may be permitted subject to the following limitations and the approval of a variance pursuant to HIVIC 16.08.070. a.Any operation of citizen's band or other radio transmitting equipment,excluding public service,public safety,or emergency radio services,shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 16.48 HMC,Performance Standards. b.Microwave,mobile phone antenna,and antenna repeater stations require a conditional use permit and are subject to the provisions of Chapter 16.48 HMC,Performance Standards. c.The antenna shall not exceed 10 feet over the height limit for the district in which it is located,unless such antenna is found by the planning commission to be necessary to protect the public health and safety.(Ord.213 § 11, 1996;Ord. 171 § 11.50, 1994) 16.44.060 Arcades and video machines. A.Intent This section is intended to establish standards which will mitigate the noise and loitering commonly associated with arcades and video machines.Regulations controlling the specific location and development of these uses are established by this section. B.Applicability.Arcades as defined in Chapter 16.04 HMC shall be permitted only in the General Commercial(CG), Neighborhood Commercial(NC)and Base Line Commercial(BC)Districts subject to the approval of a conditional use permit.A conditional use permit shall also be required for existing arcades at such a time as those arcades apply for city permits for expansion. ATTACHMENT 16 http://nt5.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om isapi.dll?clientID=255101&infnhacP=........_.... ....._._e,.,._ ... .. . ....._ Document Page 1 of 2 16.48.040 Electrical or electronic interference. No operation or activity shall cause any source of electrical or electronic disturbance that adversely affects persons or the operation of any equipment on any other lot and which is not in conformance with the regulations of the Federal Communication Commission.(Ord. 171 § 12.40, 1994) 16.48.050 Fire and explosive hazards. Any operation or activity involving the storage of flammable or explosive materials shall be provided with adequate safety devices against the hazard of fire and explosion and adequate fire-fighting and fire suppression equipment and devices in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Fire Code and the Warden Department Burning of waste materials in an open fire is prohibited.(Ord. 171 § 12.50, 1994) 16.48.060 Hazardous materials and wastes. The release or emission of hazardous materials and wastes into the atmosphere,ground,or sewerage systems is prohibited. (Ord 171 § 12.60,1994) 16.48.070 Heat and cold. No operation or activity shall emit heat or cold which would cause a temperature increase or decrease on any adjacent property in excess of 10 degrees Fahrenheit,whether the change is in the air,on the ground,or in any structure.(Ord. 171 § 12.70, 1994) 16.48.090 Light and glare. No operation,activity,sign,or lighting fixture shall create illumination which exceeds 0.5 foot candles minimum maintained on any adjacent property,whether the illumination is direct or indirect light from the source.All lighting shall be designed to project downward and shall not create glare on adjacent properties.(Ord 171 § 12.80, 1994) 16.48.090 Liquid and solid wastes. No operation or action shall discharge,at any point into any public street,public sewer,private sewage disposal system, stream,body of water or into the ground,any materials which can contaminate any water supply,interfere with bacterial processes in sewage treatment,or otherwise cause the emission of dangerous or offensive elements,except in accord with standards approved by the California Department of Health Services or other governmental agency with jurisdiction.(Ord 171 § 12.90, 1994) 16.43.100 Maintenance of open areas. All metope areas shall be landscaped,or they shall be surfaced,treated and maintained permanently in a manner which will dust(Ord. 171 § 12.100, 1994) 16.43.110 Mechanical and electrical equipment. All such equipment,including air conditioners,antennas,pumps,transformers,heating and ventilating equipment,shall be located and operated in a manner that does not materially disturb adjacent uses and activities.(Ord 171 § 12.110, 1994) 16.48.120 Noise and sound. Repealed by Ord.283. (Ord. 171 § 12.120, 1994) 16.48.130 Odors. No operation or activity shall be permitted which emits odorous gases or other odorous matter in such quantities as to be dangerous,injurious,noxious,or otherwise objectionable to a level that is detectable without the aid of instruments at or beyond the lot line.(Ord 171 § 12.130, 1994) 16.48.140 Outdoor storage,trash areas,and service areas. All storage areas for storage of maintenance equipment or vehicles,refuse and collection areas and service areas shall be enclosed or effectively screened from the public view with a fence,wall,landscaping,bearing or a combination thereof.(Ord. 171 § 12.140, 1994) - 16.49.150 Smoke. No operation or activity is permitted to have operations which emit excessive smoke,fumes,or dust or which exceed the http://nt5.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om isapi.dll?clientID=255101&infobace=hiahla„A nmi intinc Document Page 2 of 2 requirements or levels as specified by the South Coast Air Quality Management District,(Ord. 171 § 12.150, 1994) 16.48.160 Vibration. No use shall be permitted which creates a steady-state,earth-borne oscillation which is continuous and occurring more frequently than 100 times per minute on adjacent properties.The ground vibration caused by mo ving or temporary construction or demolition is exempted from these limits.(Ord. 171 § 12.160,1994) vehicles,trains,aircraft, httP://nt5.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om isaPi.dll?clientlD=2551 n i z;„f.,lk----,-:_L,_._ , Sgction 18.57.08 GENERAL REGULATIONS AND DEVELOPME... http://ordlink.com/codes/norco%DATA/Title_18/5 7/OS tv C.O Chapter 18.57 WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY REGULATIONS f Section 18.57.08 GENERAL REGULATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR PRIVATE ANTENNAS. The following regulations and development standards apply to private normally installed on private residential lots.Satellite dish antennas that are five antennas 5f feet in diaameter use or smaller shall be h as satellite dish antennas, all zones and shall not be subject to the regulations in this chapter. ( ) Peened in (1) Satellite dish antennas that are greater than 5(five)and less than ten(10)feet in diameter are rmitted staff review and approval,provided that the dishes comply with the regulations of the underlying zone. mall zones;subject to (2) Satellite dish antennas that exceed 10 feet in diameter shall be permitted only with a conditional use permit. (3) Satellite dish antennas shall be ground mounted in non-..,....,,,;,..;al zones,but within any zone,they shall not be located in the street yard,required front yard,or required street side yard of a property. (4) Ground mounted satellite dish antennas shall not exceed 15 feet in height measured from grade. (5) Ground,roof,and pole mounted satellite dish antennas must be screened by fencing,buildings or parapets that appear to be an integral part of the building,or landscaping so that not more than 25 percent of the antenna height is visible from grade level of adjacent property and adjacent public rights-of-way. (6) Satellite dish antennas shall not be light reflective.Neither antennas nor the associated support structures shall have any sign copy on them,or be illuminated. (7) All other non commercial antennas shall not exceed an overall height of forty-five shall not be located in the street yard,re uired front fafeet as measured from ground level and q yard,or required street side yard of a property. (8) All non commercial antennas shall be adequately secured with safe lines to gr image to property caused by its falling.All antennas mountings shall be grounded for otec contact with power lines or prevent and all utilities servicing antermas shall be placed underground whenever a protection against a direct strike of I appropriate. ghting i f l ATTACHMENT 17 City of Pico Rivera: Note 38.Amateur Radio/Citizen Band Radio Antennas. Amateur radio%• en band radio antennas not exceeding the following standards shall be su •rt t to approval of a precise plan of design. b�ec to the 1. a. Number. No more than one tower utilized as an antenna support structure shall be permitted on a lot or parcel less than fifteen thousands rare feinsize, but in no instance shall there be more than two such towers per of or ar el size, b. Height. The height of an antenna and antenna P Parcel. thirty-eight feet above the maximum height of any building within ucture fiall not exceed where said antenna and antenna support structures are affixed to the �feet of any existing structure, ground or to c. Location. No antenna or antenna support structure shall be affixed to in any required yard area and no guy-lines shall be anchored within the ground front yard or corner side yard. In addition, no portion of an antenna the required shall extend beyond the property lines, and no tower utilized as an antenna sup-port structure shall be located other than to the rear of the main residential buildin t event closer than fifty feet to the front property line. g, but in no d. Appearance. Towers utilized as antenna su o rt in an appropriate manner at all times to mirumpiae th s aleimpact shall be maintained satisfaction of the zoning administrator. In addition, wooden to the be utilized as antenna support structures. utility Poles shall not e. Waiver of Standards. Where a pro-posed antenna and/or support structure not meet the standards enumerated above, a variance is re u ed. In aing would variance, the planning commission may consider topographic features such and surrounding area, lot or parcel configurations of the site or factors deemed relevant by the commission taan�any other circumstances to require literal compliance with said standards. The burdobviously O f roo practical modification shall be borne by the applicant who shall make a clew.and for any convincing demonstration that usable radio or electromagnetic signals transmitted or received under the limitations of the above standards. is cannot be a determination to modify any specific standard and to what extent thecoming to commission shall consider a modification to the extent to allow reception tiolannrng usable radio or electromagnetic signals while attempting to mitigate t n vof isual impact of the antenna from adjoining streets and from adjoininge • e visual zoned properties In addition the planning commission, at its • Lion, shall seek ATTACHMENT 18 whatever technical advice it deems necessary of such technical advice to be paid by the applicant. review these matters, with the cost f. Conformance. All amateur radio and citizens band antennas and antenna support structures shall comply with the requirements of the Uniform Building Code, as adopted by the city. Amateur radio and citizen band antennas and antenna support structures which do not conform to the provisions of this title and which were constructed and in place prior to September 9, 1987, are declared to be provisionally legal so long as the present owner retains ownership of the property on which they are erected and so long as any license p p eral Communications Commission remains in effect. At such times as the property sold or where the licenses have lapsed, then any antenna or antenna support is structures shall be required to conform with the provisions of this title or to b removed from the property. e ARTICLE II. SATELLITE DISH,RADIO, AND TELEVISION ANTENNAS Sec. 32-21. Satellite dish antennas--Purpose. The intent of the regulations in this section is to protect the general welfare by providing a means of enabling the installation of satellite dish antenna systems in such a manner that they are compatible with the architectural characteristics and special environment of the city. The installation of satellite dish antennas and accessory equipment can create visual blight for those who reside,work and travel in the city, and can endanger the life, safety and welfare of persons and property Hugh the hazard of collapse, and create adverse economic, aesthetic and safety impacts inconsistent with the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. (Ord.No. 1223, § 7, 8-5-97) Sec. 32-22. Same--Definition. For the purpose of this section,the term "satellite dish antenna"means any parabolic antenna having a diameter greater than two feet designed for receiving satellite trarwWssions which is external to or attached to the exterior of any building. (Ord. No. 1223, § 7, 8-5-97) Sec. 32-23. Installation;permits required. (a) The installation of a single,satellite dish antenna shall be a permitted use only upon issuance of a building permit according to the requirements of this section and this Code, and subject to a fee as established by the city. Approval of the com munity development director or his designated representative shall be required in all zoning districts for any antenna in excess o six feet in diameter and in len f length. The issuance of a permit is conditioned on the approval of plan check and proper inspection. (b) Exception. Ground-mounted satellite dish antennas of a diameter equal to or less than six feet shall not require the footing inspection,but shall require a building permit and all other necessary inspection. (c) Safety requirements- (1) Permit applications for satellite dish antennas proposed for roof locations shall be accompanied by detailed installation plans and calculations signed by an architect or engineer registered by the state. An original,wet signature by the architect and/or engineer shall be required on each set of plans and calculations. (2) The building and planning divisions may require engineering calculations for the proposed ground-mounted satellite dish antennas to verify a safe installation. (3) Three proper inspections are required: a. A footing inspection will be required prior to the pouring of any footing. b. An electrical inspection will be required for all electrical installations. c. A final inspection will also be required when the installation is complete. d. Exception. Ground-mounted satellite dish antennas of a diameter equal to or less than six feet shall not require the footing inspection, but shall require a building permit and all other necessary inspections. (d) Location specifications. � (1) No portion of any satellite dish antenna system shall extend beyond the property lines, or ATTAC'HMF.1vrr -, in into any front yard of any lot or side yard on the street side of a comer lot. (2) Guy wires shall not be anchored within any required front yard of any lot or within any side yard on the street side of a comer lot. (3) No ground-mounted satellite dish antennas shall be located in the area between the building and the front property line,or between the building and the side property line on the street side of a comer lot. (4) All ground-mounted satellite dish antennas shall be considered to be accessory structures, and shall conform to the setback requirement for such structures for the respective zone in which the satellite dish antenna is located. (5) Any roof-mounted satellite dish antennas with bases of attachment on a building on residential,multifamily, commercial, or industrial property shall be located in a manner that is acceptable to the community development director or his designated representative and that is designed to minimize visibility of the satellite dish antenna from adjoining adjoining right-of-way and shall additionally be screened from view to the reasonable satisfaction of the community development director or his designated representatives. (e) Size and height restrictions. (1) On single-family residential property, satellite dish antennas with bases of attachment on the ground shall not exceed 10.5 feet in diameter and 12 feet in overall height above the lot grade. (2) On other than single-family residential property, satellite dish antennas with bases of attachment on the ground shall not exceed 16 feet in diameter and 16 feet in overall height above the lot grade. (0 Surfacing and screening. (1) The materials used in constructing satellite dish antennas shall be standard industry colors. (2) All ground-mounted satellite dish antennas shall be screened in a manner acceptable to the community development director or his/her designated representative. (g) Maintenance. Every satellite dish antenna shall be maintained in good condition and in accordance with all requirements of this article. (Ord. No. 1223, § 7, 8-5-97) ✓ Sec. 32-24.Radio and television antennas. (a) Installation;permits required. The installation of radio and television ei transmitting antennas shall be a permitted use only upon issuance of a buildingpermit and to the requirements of this section and this Code,and subject to a fee as established by the city,g Approval of the community development director or his designated representative shall be required in all zoning districts. The issuance of a permit is conditioned on the approval of plan check and proper inspection. (b) Location. Radio and television receiving and transmitting antennas shall be permitted only in the rear yard or on the roof of a primary or accessory structure. (c) Height. Radio and television receiving and transmitting antennas are permitted up to a height of 75 feet or, if placed atop a building,20 feet above the building. (d) Compliance with federal regulations.All radio and television antennae shall comply with the rules and regulations established by the Federal Communications Commission(FCC). Where - . city regulations conflict with those regulations of the FCC, the FCC regulations shall prevail. (Ord. No. 1223, § 7, 8-5-97) 17.40.050 Nonexempt telecommunication facilities and antennas in re... http://ordlink.coniVcodes/temecula/ DATA/TITLEI7/Chapter 17_4 'in Fc.vLA Title 17 ZONING ^` Chapter 17.40 TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY AND ANTENNA ORDINANCE 17.40.050 Nonexempt telecommunication facilities and antennas in residential zones. Nonexempt facilities may be installed,erected,maintained and/or operated in any residential zoning district,except within recognized historic districts,where such antennas are permitted under this title,without the need for a use permit or other entitlement.The following wireless communication facilities are permitted as accessory uses if in compliance with the requirements of this section. A.Any satellite earth station antenna designed to receive direct broadcast satellite service,including direct-to-home satellite services and multi-channel multi-point distribution services,provided that such antenna is one meter(39.4 inches)or less in diameter. 1.If the diameter of the antenna is eighteen inches or less,the antenna may extend above the ridgeline of a roof only to a height that is reasonably necessary to ensure the reception of broadcast signals of an acceptable quality. 2.If the diameter of the antenna exceeds eighteen inches,but does not exceed thirty-nine inches,then the antenna may not extend above the ridgeline of a roof. B.Any satellite earth station antenna that is designed to be a receive-only dish antenna that is less than ten and one-half feet in diameter,provided that the top of the antenna does not extend more than twelve feet above the ground. C.Any vertical antenna that is designed solely to receive television broadcast signals.Such an antenna,if ground-mounted,shall be no more than ten feet in height.If the antenna is building-mounted the height of the antenna may not exceed more than ten feet above the roof. D.Any citizens band or amateur radio antenna for a licensed amateur radio operator provided that the maximum height of the antenna does not exceed thirty-five feet above the ground surface. E.The following requirements apply to all facilities described in this section: 1.The antenna is accessory to the primary use of the property and that the use of the property is not a telecommunications facility; 2.Exempt antennas do not need a written approval from the planning director provided they comply with the provisions of this chapter, 3.Shall not be located within the front yard setback or the actual front yard unless proven by substantial evidence that no other location for the antenna is possible; 4.Sufficient anti-climbing measures have been incorporated into the facility,as needed,to reduce potential for trespass and injury; and 5.In any historic area,satellite dishes and parabolic antennas must be situated as close to the ground as possible to reduce visual impact without compromising their function. F.For a single-family structure,no more than one support structure for a citizens band or licensed amateur radio antenna and two satellite dishes(or vertical radio or television antennas),provided that only one dish antenna is larger than one meter(39.4 inches) in diameter,are allowed.For an attached residential structure,no more than one meter(39.4 inches)in diameter dish is allowed per unit.(Ord.2000-05§2(part):Ord.2000-04§2(part)) ATTACHMENT 20 _ell Section 16.44.170 Telecommunications Facilities. http://Ordlink.com/codes/murrieta/-DATA/Title 16/44/170.1 L) A - Chapter 16.44 Standards for Specific Land Uses Section 16.44.170 Telecommunications Facilities. This section establishes standards for the development and operation of telecommunications facilities including satellite dishes (subsection A of this section),and wireless communications facilities(subsection B of this section).Telecommunications facilities are allowed in residential,commercial,and industrial zoning districts in compliance with Article II(Zoning Districts and Allowable Land Uses)provided the standards in this section are met. A. Satellite Dishes. Satellite dishes,including portable units,shall be designed,installed and maintained in compliance with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) regulations and in compliance with this section.Satellite dishes with a maximum diameter of one meter are not regulated by this chapter. 1. Plans.Plans for satellite dishes shall be submitted with each application for a building permit,and shall include a site plan and elevation drawings indicating the color,diameter,foundation details,height,landscaping,setbacks and method(s)of screening. 2. Painting.The dishes and any supporting structure shall be painted a single,neutral,nonglossy color(e.g.,earth-tones,gray, black,etc.). 3. Setbacks.Satellite dishes shall not be located within front or street side yard setbacks without approval of a minor variance and shall not extend beyond the property lines. 4. Underground Wiring.All wiring shall be placed underground,whenever possible. 5. Residential Zoning District Standards. In residential zoning districts, satellite dishes shall be subject to the following requirements. a. Development Plan Permit A development plan permit,in compliance with Chapter 16.56 be required for the construction and/or placement of a satellite dish in a residential zoning distn�Notes less thanthit Plan rty days shall after acceptance of an application as complete,the director shall schedule the time and date on which the director's decision sion on the application is to be made. At least ten days before the date on which the decision will be made,the director shall give notice of the proposed use by mail to the applicant and all property owners within a one hundred(100)foot radius of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. b. Ground-mounted.Only ground-mounted dishes be allowed.The dish shall be located only within the rear yard of the parcel, at least five feet from the rear lot line of an interior parcel,and fifteen(15)feet from the street side lot line of a comer parcel.This provision may be modified by the director if strict compliance would result in substandard reception. C. Diameter.The diameter of a ground-mounted satellite dish shall not exceed eight feet.This provision may be modified by the director if strict compliance would result in substandard reception. d. Fence or Wall. Satellite dishes shall be separated from adjoining properties by a minimum six-(6-)foot-high solid fence or wall,or by plants or trees of equal height,approved by the director. e. Height The height of the antennae shall not exceed ten feet,at the highest point of the dish.This provision may be modified by the director if strict compliance would result in substandard reception. f. Number.Only one satellite dish shall be allowed on a parcel. g. Setbacks. A satellite dish that is taller than adjoining property line fences shall be located away from the side or rear property line a distance equal to or greater than the height of the dish. 6. Nonresidential Zoning District Standards.In nonresidential zoning districts,satellite dishes may be roof-or ground-mounted subject to the following standards. a. Development Plan Permit A development plan permit in compliance with Chapter 16.56(Development Plan Permits)shall be required for the construction and/or placement of a satellite dish in a commercial or industrial zoning district. b. Ground-mounted If ground-mounted,dishes shall not be located between a structure and an adjoining street and shall be screened from public view and neighboring parcels. c. Roof-mounted. If roof-mounted,dishes shall be screened from ground view by a parapet or other type of screening. The minimum height and design of the parapet, wall or screening shall be subject to the approval of the director. Screening materials shall be architecturally compatible with the rest of the structure. c. Diameter.The diameter of a ground-mounted satellite dish shall not exceed eight feet.This provision may be modified by the director if strict compliance would result in substandard reception. d. Height and Location. The height and location of the satellite dish shall comply with the requirements of the applicable zoning district.The height provision may be modified by the director if strict compliance would result in substandard reception. e. Setbacks. If the subject parcel abuts a residential zoning district,the dish shall be set back a minimum distance from the lot line equal to the height of the antenna. 1 B. Wireless Communications. Wireless communications,including supporting towers and related ground-mounted structures and equipment shall be designed,constructedlinstalled,and maintained in the following manner. 1. Site Selection Order of Preference. Wireless communication facilities shall be located in the order of preference outlined ^f' A TT A CTulvrV XT►r �-, I Section 16.44.170 Telecommunications Facilities. http://ordlink.com/Codes/murrieta/ DATA/Title 16/44/170.1 below. As part of the application process, applicants for cellular wireless communication facilities shall be required to provide written documentation demonstrating a good faith effort in locating facilities in compliance with this subsection. a. On existing structures(e.g.,a billboard,church steeple,communication towers,freestanding sign,water tank,etc.); b. In locations where the existing topography,vegetation,or other structures provide the greatest amount of screening;or c. On parcels without significant visual mitigation required. 2. Locational Criteria. Wireless communication facilities shall not be located within a front or street side yard in any zoning district. 3, Co-location. City agencies, special districts, and utility providers shall encourage and allow "colocation" of wireless communications equipment on appropriate existing structures and towers subject to reasonable engineering requirements. ✓ 4. Equipment Height. Wireless communications towers fifty (50) feet or less in height shall require the approval of an Administrative development plan permit. Towers between fifty-one (51) feet and seventy-five (7'5) feet in height shall require approval of a minor conditional use permit.Towers sventy-six(76)feet and greater in height shall require approval of a conditional use permit. 5. Painting.The equipment and supporting structure shall be painted a single,neutral,nonglossy color(e.g.,earth_tones, etc.)and,to the extent possible,compatible with the appearance and character of the surrounding neighborhood; gray, 6. Plans. Plans for the wireless communication facility shall be submitted with an application for a minor conditional use permit,in compliance with Chapter 1 6.52: 7. Signs. identification signs, including emergency phone numbers of the wireless service provider, shall be posted and readable at ground level,at all equipment/tower sites; 8. Underground Wiring.Electrical and equipment wiring shall be placed under 9, Unused/Obsolete Equipment.Unusedlobsoletee equipment ground,and their use has ceased q pment or towers shall be removed from the site within six months after 10. Fencing.Fencing maybe constructed around the site in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 16.22(Fences,Hedges, and Walls).Wrought iron fencing shall be used when adjacent to freeways. 11. Landscape Screening.Screening of the site shall be provided subject to the review and approval of the director. 12. Other Requirements.The following additional items shall be submitted for a wireless telephone antennae: a. Photo enhancement showing monopole or tower as it would appear after construction, including landscaping. If an architecturally enhanced pole is to be utilized,examples shall be provided b. Map of regional network for the system. c. Map of search ring and a matrix of all properties within the search ring.The map shall demonstrate primary location and any alternatives within the search ring.(Ord. 182§2(part), 1997) DOCK MODEL ORDIUMM: MUPOR46 BRACK, CALIponI]1 y y y N N l t111pINANCr N0, �� AN O shop&, sslikt and fouodstl*n requlrer■ls. and these factors OF "D1epair BAl7I In CIADDING TT COUNCI L OF Tell CITT raise sesthetle. safety and welfare concerns that warrant special N�Dllb A"TIIN Lola AA1I7r0INAlSt'TaR 7d.71 regulation. p TAs Clty Council of eke City of Newport Beach does hereby ordain as fallowst C. The regulation or amateur radio *■fouls. •a S*etioe 1, Provided In this ordissaee. Is seesssary to the health sod welfare of pers*os living. . safety City of N 1. worbing and awning property In the Ckapt■r as.7T is kareb Newport ■cask Is tkatt Cod& t• rood as followas y added to the "import Beach lemalelpal I. TYe usiq•e oharo and beauty of eke rapid*ntlsl. watarl"at eorarflal, sad recreational areas Of tYc aNtlsses City or soothe is.TT.ssa Newport Black contribute to high property Walufs Ike Findings. constitute eke basis for a tar • s.etlen a�,TT.blg � g percentage of th. cley�t section lt*flolitlons. ro*". The faller& to riatels, and snhees*, tic ehoCi and ><s.7l.sas Penal Ited Use. beauty of N icctlss ig.77.ga• cwpO►f ■cask could resell Is reduced properly Vslucs Dowelopsent ats sad reduced reveal, for these Nsl■opscs that prop• tYc fey iOrtlOr is.yy.pa adarda. ' tectlN as.yy,glg Appllcatlea fop Fannie. Visitors to Newport Beach. ■*click as.T7.l4ioSe lameness •f &emit. sOClIOa as.lT.sfs Appeal. :• The Lend Use pallet., 1■ tkc W■Oral FI■■ cad pass. zoning Or11■ales■ •f tYc Clty •f ■cutler 7a.7T.a7s and O■Yaeee •tYas* M•wprrt Mast seek 1* dotal■ seelles 70.77.97a notice. gsalille■ that oak& N Near•afOrml oral desirable &wpOr! ■pooh rec of the see'IM as.TT.ata _ Antennas. PI■ses to llrc. work Of visit. Asrerdlag tO lbf separability. General plan policies Of the Cit objective is to 7 of Newport Beach. a primary Section 70.77.103. Findings. PrOssrrO old,pr*teft structures or natural these areas, buildings, "seeress which are of historic. raltural, The City or o&sebetle veto* to the casmsalty. The waerel flan requires y Causell of Ike City of Newport saacM. I■ adopting t®& odoptlo■ Or g this Ordinance, finds Bonin ordlano*as and other controls t* and declares ■s f011*wst Wisual access to preserve clot eatmrsl features, such as the Oc*eo and A. b&7. and !ms*re that all pablie and Private development established The Federal Coaewaleatiesa Compatible with the unique noleral n Is e • role pfoem�Ptisg atsl* and local rregulation has N naord* res*rroea that Operate to galatlons that ilea Newport araeM Ito eharm 0■0 oharaelfr. Preclude er too radio economicstloac. Nosevor, the FCC has not prewnpted loeel r aers&niag or height &sulatlons Involving Plecesaat, a• The unique *bans regulations g t of aoat&or radio Beach Is preserved, In large sold ob■►ectfr of N/are antcenea aO lesg as the s raamr*, -port eooslderatioas, based on health. ,.felt or fug*latleaa mAleA, by Ordinances, policies and represeht aesthetic among other things, restrict and regulate in, radio m reasonable accOmoodatlon of amateur height and location con necessary , and constitute of &fractures, related fsctlities or regulation aaeessar IA/ ololomo equipment and lsadsenpla;. Y to aceafyllsh the local practicable Purposes. aa&Cey'1 IeQllloate a• AWteur radio antsnaas. due to their height, slpo, and overall oPPaaraaes, ka•* the potential to block or O. Auateer radio ontonasa differ from other satenna, such as roof- Impair views of enteral and measwde features Of 1 .noustsd televlaios aatanna. in to public and owners of wporlsnce to the rm or their also, P►*perty if left unrKel■led. The antennas, because of 'half height and woigvq appearance. tend to Otelnas, -1- the landscape Gal reduce Wilma, *po■ it spice. The overall • I 't- , appearance of aarliter radio amlensmi Is Imeossisleat with the character dN ■estbotles of may of the existing foxideoiiel, 0. lfbip Asteehs. The term *whip /Stemma• Sigel oa relal and recreational areas witbla Nowiiert Beach Sad the Man me astaaem essolatlmg •f a slsgle. Slender, red-Ilke proliferation of Saab antennas Gould glgslfisfatly reduce the element. loan than See wage length long, whisk Is supported sell ebgfm and beauty of these areas, reduce properly Values, reduce at er monf Its base. logo" derlood Cram tourism, Gad reduce the amber of job opportunities available Is fbe City. seellon 24 77�/2/. permitted Use. D. The provlgiems of this Ordinamtt also protect the AMIGur radio sntesmax, strgetgrtg and most$ that safety of persons living, and working, In Newport leach In that Comply Wilk the development pment +tend+fds specified la section S amateur radio antennas do page a threat to the 31.TT./34 are permitted as an necessary ass is all &aging 84!1ety of persons or property to the vislmily, In the event •f districts subject GGllapss. T to Isgeanet of tgy •lhcr appropriate permit. Tit* peaVlsleaa at this Ordinance. •III Yelp lgsafa• Awatear radio sattagae, structures sod Mgtg which do eel eastern That Was tee? radio agleam" are loataliod Is a Wagner that to iottloa //.Tl./3/ shall he permitted aq)sot to first scouring loner" Ike Safety sod security of persons sod property lirlag or ■m amatsor radio batsman permit, ead any fiber appropriate working nearby. permits. g• The provisions Of tbta Ord{manes represent the Beetles 11.77.s /, WialWAM practical regulation gtadegary t• Satisfy the aasthatia. Development Standards. health. safety and welfare sonceram that have prompted these minimal reatrletioss on a tear radio •etenses. A. Lowering doV{to. All amstGvr radio astounds. aspobIs of a maximum ordinance Ot F. It Is the Intent of the City Council that this e:tended height In excess of ee feet. with the exemption of whip amfimlStGrsd and intoepented to reasonably auteness, shall be equipped accesmndote 9 piled with a netmrl+ed�dovla• Ukiah permits adrtear radio .amlmrgleatlagg. to conatituto Iht +++y rslalog and Itrorlag or the dgfommd. minimum regulation meeosgsry to accomplish the purposes of this c• �IIA c.,^aka Ordinance. bed to Impeso so mareasoumble coal an the amateur earnitto® height. radio operators. Seetloo l/ (1) The height of me amlommm shall be 31 7! a . Definitions. msesured tram ealnfal grade at the point the east teaches, or If extended would touch, the ground. A. Amatoaf Radio Amlegeo. The tern •analtar radio sells,,," shall mama may outcome whisk Is vied for tot purpose of (!) Whom IN Neralies, so part of may Irsasmllting and receiving radio signals in amateur radio eateaas shall extend to n height Of more than 76 conjonallon with OR Gsatemr radio statlog finessed by the Federal feet aOGro galorel grade of the cite an wYlob the ealsga• Is ConreealcGtlons Commission. imatallad. S. Amlona• 3lructurg. The term •anlgnn•Structure' f (3) whom not IN operalles, me part of any rulers eo11ae11Vsly to an Salomon mod its supporting Ana tour radio defense, edcep"a whip mall ,,r tower, It Soy, o a height of wort {has 31 reef Measured shore Maturdlllg adenotlthe ■let on wkigh the astanna is Installed. C. Most- The tors •nag!• shall gleam • pole of sod er salmi, or a tower fabricated of "tos n support on +maleor radio aaleoNG and saintgls 11 at the proper elevation. C' number permitted. ' One anmfour red" ""Rom structure sod one whip ■nteas,, shall 0e pfrisltted on .sell building site. D• iftl•g/Setbacks. ' Trs eniamms structure alkali be located on site is to receive or treasmlt signs,, of I a sooner wilth w111 mfsimfas the extent to the asst,rr radio • �•�• Yaraa,®•able Costs om visible to mearb which the atrrature la operator wb•n viewed In light of the Cost of y residents Cad lr• a�elpment. "tomnd struclrres shall matchers •[ the general public. It: be considered 1• satisfy this erltarf• . saellOa 19 77 Osa. Isarssee of permit. I. N portion of the enl0•n41 The Plonalsg Director sbell Jasu• en seal Is located within a■ re structure or agt•naa Penh t if ,,mat radio 7 pYlrfd setback erfaj end � the applieent daetoastrat•, that Compliance with the developmentstrict 20-17.930 standards specified In Section 2' a ofth Parties p would •areassasbly Ietorffre with the seat fi within the fra•t t Pro a•tdnna structure or ability is receive or traasmft signal,. wrld i tAi et that appl iesnt's that ,buts a akr•atj sans Nrtlaa of the baiJdl•g site costs an the sperdtla• epos• unreasonable when ,lewd Ja light of the seat of the e"liq•tit. Or that strict ""once once with the dorelapme•t S. Is the event Standard■ Is net. uad•r the airs or more streets. he • building apt• abuts two awst,nsss •f the particular ,teal is set located wltht• the front Oft of a•ase,ary to sshl•vf gfa1, aN ebJeetlr•s case, Prat ed portion •f pe Nlldl nec*s of thin Ordlns•e•. In tiL site where primary ai the permit. the Plamaimg Director soy Provided to the pr,pfety. y ,aces, 1■ raasona0l y (e+pae• ,o•dltlotis y aefaa,ery to saceaplIsit the Ordinance. provided purposes of tbls Section 26.77.032. lat,rfar• with these deadltloss do net Unreasonably Application for Permit. the ability at the tisaamlt sJ signals or roSult la aaleaefv test or sate raeelr• or The d...l g epme•t ,tSNsrd, la Soatlen 2L.17.gg may be P••,•. xte+r•d or modified by the Plmealag Director apon • esaiau► radio amfsnaa �etlnm 20.77.aS4. Appeal. do application for form suppliedpermit. The ePPlleatien shall be as a by the Planalng INpmrtasot and Shalt be ace by The followingAe applies" for an amateur radio natation permit may la!•nrtlsn. maps nod plamat accompanied appeal d decinles of I" Pleasing Director t• the planningappeal ll) Site must he filed within thirty (101 days pleas drawn after wrlttaa satlss•a[ the doilsle• or the planning $Aorlag 'be Propelled Pa scale and dimensioned, 7ba Plan•1■ P Pasad location of kite antenna. g Camissle• a Director. ePP•I•t a hearingmay Prsel/• ever the appeal. •r ate findings officer to take ,videsse sad y (2) llaaufaetYrer', specifications of the antenna gt and r•aowgaa Iloas to Submit proposed structure. Planning the Planning Commission. The i C,twlsslea $bell reader a dool,io• ■Ilb,, thirty (1 days Otter the hearlog or ra¢e1Pt •f [Itidln , 0.) (1) Details Of footim from The ►¢aria L and reaaUnrndations g,. guys. and breast. L officer. In the event the ,atlarl•d with tba dfelaloa •( xPPllaant Is not (t) Details of ettachiq- Satisfied ma tie Planning Csmnissloa, the the roof (if iPPliesble). • •r (IalOg lit• s•rangs to 1 appeal t• 'he City COYmeII by filing written m,t+ea of appeal with the City Clark w11Ala following •otlee of the aello• of wit P twenty-one (21) days (s) rlevatloOs drawn to hearing before the City Planning Cesoissicn. The as to tally describe Ike proposed xealf dad dimensioned so 7 Gumell shall be set within thirty P Posed structure, days from the date of the appeal. l,$) hearing of(ia•r The City Council (• take evidence may appoint a pal Slatee,¢•t of reeomrserdalleas If too ►tasmim and make findings and conformance ■+t the reasons why strict L Commission A the davelap.ssat standards specified I• Saeilon hesrin sdecision presided over the 10.77,070 will lbirt S� Tre City Council trail reorder Its decision within •oraarofably interfarm with the opfrator'a abilityy (]a) days after the hearing of the City Council 26e11 be final. o• Ibe apPO81. The decision I SertlDa -0.17Js0. Foes. a tier Its adoption, The Otdimaaeo shall become effective Me Person shall be eher#od • (00 for gg • isle. "*or radio antenna permit. Reasonable fang far appeal for o the Flasala# t:mualsslaa or CityPPaat to Conseil shall be established by geottog 3• This Ordisesse wag Islredgeed •f • regular rasolmtles of the city Gmeoll. meeting of the City Conseil of the City of Newport Ro•ah hold as SQetioa :0.7f.gtg. Notice. the of day of ►at..,.—. loss. one adapted on the_Ny of loss. by the follawise vote. M-nit ►thenever notice Is r*"Ited pmrgag•t to the provisions Of this Chapter. so"Cl Of a deololss shall the d0clslea 1■ 0asesa tin demand given .hgg AYE. LoltItC1L LDS *44 by edemandthe Plesaisg Cowlssiea or City Conseil et the hurt*# on the oppgel. or wrllt04 sotto. of the aPP*sl 1• deposited 1■ emu• COIMCILSO7i#Ri the Onited States wall. first •less. poste#• Prepaid, and addressed as Specified on the aPplieatlea for an amslgmr radio omtonge permit. muff COMILMUMU Seetloa 20 11 P7 . Nonconforming Aalaasas. Amateur radio MUMffger in eslsles" antennas. *sa •treetntos, and gusts •a et the ef(gelivesete date of this excise*eo ary continue to be used without c Ctty work o►dleaege gneo t �1ylo# Islth the provisions at this P as ►erslm provided and shall N coasldored • le#al nog. and masmingts gag. be radio antannes. e41ee06 eiruotmroa, and rats that .ate' a 10641 asneoaferming get shall gampl y with tYo provisions of sectloa is.7T.sisR (ForCltted Haight) ll lie 0stoat that lbgy ors Capable of doing so without modlfleatlg*. Amateur radio antennas. Camps s e•tonaa atrviceursm and eoagllase b0 ogler#0d, 0xpa0ded or rglocaled only If brought Into o with the ProviSigns of this ordleaeag. Clew the expansion. enlaf#Qmgml or relocatioq ete nabin antenna eed, Is neeasaary to permit. be obtelsQd b rn the emOtsur radio gaglpmsat served by the la mmo of such •rent. Q■ amateur radio antenna permit shall before any expansion, eolargemeat er re19041iO4. Section 20.17.o1o, Separability. If any section, subsection. stateaea, clause or Phrase of this ordlaeeeo is for es uneonstl y rQason hold to be Igveltulioggl by a decision of any covet of or twsI id or id Jurisdiction, sv.Y deelsiog shall got affect reensinder of the Ordinance• the validity of the Section ,The C11 Published once in y Cleft shall comas the same Io be the of(lelel newspaper within flflvrn (IS) days ,