2007-04 RESOLUTION NO. 07 —04 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, APPROVING SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO.07-02 AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW CASE NO.07-02 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 120 UNIT SENIOR HOUSING MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT TOGETHER WITH A COMMUNITY SENIOR CENTER AND A 2.6 ACRE PARK AS FILED UNDER A SPECIFIC PLAN OF LAND USE ON A 6 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED AT 22627 GRAND TERRACE ROAD (SOUTHERLY SIDE OF GRAND TERRACE ROAD ABOUT 200 FEET EASTERLY OF MT. VERNON AVE.) WHEREAS,besides SA-07-02, the applicant has applied for the approval of GPA-07-01,SP-07-01, Z-07-01 and E-07-02 to construct a 120 unit senior-oriented multi-family residential project; and WHEREAS,the applicant has filed the Site and Architectural Review application to accompany the other requests for this project; and WHEREAS, the Site and Architectural Review will establish the conditions of approval for the proposed 120 unit senior citizen residential development; and WHEREAS,under the California Environmental QualityAct Guidelines,Article 7,Section 15080 et al, the environmental assessment of the proposed project made under Environmental Review Case No 07-02 required the preparation of a Final Environmental Impact Report which concluded with the appropriate Environmental Findings as set forth in Exhibit K. The Final Environmental Impact Report will be certified by the City Council on August 28, 2007. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA,AS FOLLOWS: 1. The proposed project and uses, consisting of a 120 unit senior-oriented multi-family residential project with a community senior center,and a 2.6 acre park is consistent with the intent of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and the General Plan, as amended, in that it meets the standards of the Zoning Code, as amended. 2. The locations and configuration of all structures associated with this project are visually harmonious with this site and surrounding sites and structures, that they do not interfere with the neighbor's privacy,that they do not unnecessarily block scenic views from other structures and/or public areas, and are in scale with the townscape and natural landscape of the area. The design and appearance of the 120 unit senior-oriented multi-family residential project will be consistent with the existing residential development in the area and the City. In addition,the project will maintain setbacks and will be appropriately landscaped to provide a buffer and transition to the single family homes south of the site. 3. The architectural design ofthe development,its materials,and colors utilizing earthtones are visually harmonious with surrounding residential development and natural landforms. The design is both functional for the proposed project and is consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. Said materials will match existing materials and colors within the adjacent residential areas. 4. The plan for future landscaping and open space provides a functional and visually pleasing setting for the residential structures on the subject site and is harmonious with the nearby and adjacent residential developments. The proposed landscaping of the site will minimize any visual impacts to the surrounding area. 5. Because the site is mainly vacant and undeveloped with no natural vegetation and is not part of a hillside, there will be no indiscriminate clearing of the property, destruction of trees or natural vegetation or the excessive and unsightly grading of hillsides. The project will also provide a 2.6 acre passive park for use by the community. Thus the natural beauty of the City, its setting and natural landforms will be preserved. 6. The design and location of any signs associated with the project will be subject to the approval of a sign program to insure that the signs will be consistent with the scale and character of the buildings to which they are attached or otherwise associated with and are consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. 7. Conditions of approval for this project necessary to secure the purposes of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and General Plan are made a part of this approval as set forth in the accompanying Resolution of Approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that SA-07-02 is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed 120 unit senior residential project shall be maintained in conformance with the Specific Plan and Site and Architectural Review Applications as approved by the Planning Commission on June 21, 2007 and the City Council on August 28, 2007. All plans shall be consistent in terms of property lines and other measurements. Minor changes or clarifications may be made by the Community Development Director or his designee. 2. The project shall adequately screen the south property line with landscaping. 3. All structures shall comply with the seismic standards of the Uniform Building code as adopted by the City of Grand Terrace. 4. Prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit,a Water Quality Management Plan(WQMP)shall be prepared using Best Management Practices designed to control onsite products from entering the Santa Ana River. The WQMP shall comply with the requirements of the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board and the San Bernardino County Flood Control District. 5. All landscaping shall be properly maintained. 6. Landscape irrigation systems shall be properly installed and maintained. 7. All construction equipment shall be equipped with suitable muffler systems. 8. All occupied structures (residences and community rooms) shall be provided with adequate insulation to reduce the interior noise level to 45 dB or lower. 9. All exterior equipment such as air conditioner units shall be shielded in a manner that reduces noise to project residents and adjacent residential structures. 10. The project shall comply with all applicable regulations of the Uniform Fire Code and the San Bernardino County Fire Department. 11. Onsite fire protection systems shall be installed per the requirements of the County Fire Department. 12. Emergency access shall be provided as required by the County Fire Department. 13. The project shall provide alternative means of transit such as private shuttle bus service and access to mass transit routes. 14. The proposed colors and materials to be employed shall be in substantial conformance wit the color and materials board and other exhibits shown at the public hearing on June 21,2007. 15. The applicant shall pay all applicable development fees, including but not limited t traffic and circulation fees,park fees, and school impact fees. 16. All construction activity related to this project shall comply with the City's Noise Ordinance as stipulated in Chapter 8.108 of the Municipal Code. 17. All construction hours shall comply with the City of Grand Terrace Noise Ordinance. 18. All construction debris shall be collected and placed in appropriate containers on a daily basis,and the construction site shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner. 19. All mechanical equipment for this development shall be screened from public view,and all rooftop mechanical equipment will be screened from view by either the architectural features of the buildings or by screening to be approved by the Community Development Director. 20. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations listed in the memorandum from the Director of Building and SafetyMublic Works dated March 29, 2007. All off-site improvements shall be completed prior to the occupancy of any residential structure. 21. The applicant shall comply with the requirements in the letter from the County Fire Department, Community Safety Division,it its letter dated March 29,2007. 22. Security gating shall be provide for the main entrance to the development and around the park. A detailed fencing plan showing the design,appearance and location of said required fencing shall be submitted to'and approved by the Community Development Department prior to the issuance of building permits. 23. A precise grading plan with soils report shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to the issuance of any grading permit for this project. 24. This project shall provide at least 146 parking spaces on site for resident parking and visitors to the site. 25. Three copies of landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted to the Community Development Director fro review and approval. Said plans to be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. Said plans to be submitted prior to the issuance of building permits for the new construction. All landscaping and irrigation facilities shall be installed prior to the final occupancy of the residential building. 26. Detailed landscape plans for all park improvements and appurtenant facilities shall be submitted to and be approved by the Community Development Department prior to the issuance of building permits. 27. No building or portion of a building shall be constructed within the 25 foot setback as measured from the Grand Terrace Road right-of-way. 28. Any signs proposed for this project shall be subject to the sign regulations of the R3 Zone and to a separate sign permit application to be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director. 29. All parking areas shall be surfaced and maintained with asphalt, concrete or other permanent, impervious surfacing material as required by Section 18.60.040 (B) of the Zoning Code. 30. For any outside lighting proposed, a lighting plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Community Development Director prior to the issuance of building permits. Night lighting for the buildings and parking areas shall be designed to reflect away from nearby residential areas and public roadways. Light standards on the site shall not exceed eighteen feet in height as measured from the finished grade of the parking surface. 31. The developer shall pay the appropriate traffic impact fees as required by City Ordinance prior to the issuance of building permits. 32. The applicant and/or developer shall comply with the "Mitigation Monitoring Plan" set out in Chapter 5 of the FE1R,Exhibit B. 33. All contractors working on this project shall acquire a valid City business license. 34. Prior to issuance of any permits, the two existing parcels that make up the subject site shall be merged. 35. This approval shall not be effective unless or until GPA-07-01, SP-07-01, Z-07-01 have been approved by the City Council. 36. This approval shall expire one(1)year from the effective date of approval unless the applicant has filed for a building permit. In case the applicant can not comply with this deadline, then the applicant shall apply for an extension of the one-year prior to the original expiration date. Said time extension to be granted by the Community Development Director. In conformance with Section 18.63.100 of the Zoning Code,no additional time beyond two(2)years from the date of the initial approval shall be granted. 37. That the open parking for the residents shall be covered where feasible. 38. That the landscaping shall be enhanced where it is feasible and practical. 39. That the proposed park shall be enhanced for park enjoyment and recreational opportunities. 40. That the landscaping plan for the entire project including the proposed park shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of building permits. 41. That the applicant/developer shall obtain a signed agreement/declaration from the adjacent property owners that they are satisfied with the perimeter wall/fencing and landscaping adjacent to their property. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace,California, at a regular meeting held on the 21'day of June,2007 AYES: Chair Wilson, Vice Chair Addington, Commissioner Comstock Commissioner Mc Naboe, Commissioner Phelps NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: Brenda Mesa Doug Wilson City Clerk Chairman,Planning Commission c: ...\Bluemtnseniorvillas2\SA-07-02resolution