2008-01 RESOLUTION NO. 08- 01
WHEREAS, the applicant has applied for the approval of Site and Architectural
Review Case No.'s 06-08, 06-09 and 06-10 to construct three, two-story residences; and
WHEREAS,a properly noticed public hearing was held bythe Planning Commission
on Thursday, January 17, 2008; and
WHEREAS, under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Article 19,
Section 15303, Class 3 in that this project qualifies for a Categorical Exemption, Class 3,
that will not have a significant effect on the environment.
1. The proposed project to construct three, two-story single family residences
is consistent with the intent of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and the
�— General Plan in that it meets the standards of the Zoning Code, specifically
the R2 (Low Medium Density Residential) Zone and the provisions of the
City's General Plan under the"MDR"(Medium Density Residential)land use
2. The locations and configuration of all structures associated with this project
are visually harmonious with this site and surrounding sites and structures,
that they do not interfere with the neighbors' privacy, that they do not
unnecessarily block scenic views from other structures and/or public areas,
and are in scale with the townscape and natural landscape of the area. The
design and appearance of the proposed, two-story single family residences
will be consistent with existing residential development in the area and the
City. In addition, the front yards of each of the three proposed residences
will be landscaped to blend in other residential properties in the area..
3. The architectural design of structures with a "contemporary" architectural
style, their materials consisting of stucco and roof tiles, extensive window
and door upgrades and their earth-tone colors are visually harmonious with
surrounding development and natural landforms; are functional for the
proposed project;and are consistentwith the Grand Terrace Municipal Code.
Said materials will match existing materials and colors of the existing
residence on the site and other residences in the area.
4. The existing landscaping and open space of the subject site provides a
functional and visually pleasing setting for the structure on this site and is
harmonious with the natural landscape of the area and nearby
developments. Also, the proposed landscaping of the three parcels in
question will minimize any visual impacts to the surrounding area.
5. There is no indiscriminate clearing of property,destruction of trees or natural
vegetation or the excessive and unsightly grading of hillsides, thus the
natural beauty of the city, its setting and natural landforms are preserved.
The subject site is a residential lot with no natural resources or ornamental
6. The design and locations of all signs associated with this project are
consistent with the scale and character of the building to which they are
attached or otherwise associated with and are consistent with the Grand
Terrace Municipal Code. All signs will be subject to a separate review
through a required and separate sign permit. This is a single family
residential project which will not require any special sign permits.
7. Conditions of approval for this project necessary to secure the purposes of
the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and General Plan are made a part of this
approval as set forth in the accompanying Resolution of Approval.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that SA-06-08, SA-06-09 and SA-06-10 are hereby
approved subject to the following conditions:
1. The proposed project shall be maintained in conformance with the Site and
Architectural Review as approved by the Planning Commission on January
17, 2008. All plans shall be consistent in terms of property lines and other
measurements. Minor changes or clarifications may be made by the
Community Development Director.
2. All plans submitted for plan check shall be drawn to a size and scale to be
approved by the City's Building and Safety/Public Works and Community
Development Departments.
3. Pay all applicable development fees, park fees, and school impact fees.
4. All construction activity related to this project shall comply with the City's
noise ordinance as stipulated in Chapter 8.108 of the Municipal Code.
5. All construction debris shall be collected and placed in appropriate
containers on a daily basis, and the construction site shall be maintained in
a neat and orderly manner.
6. All construction materials which are not used shall be recycled. Receipts .
from the recycling company responsible for accepting the materials shall be
kept in the construction office for viewing by the City Inspector.
7. All new mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted and shall be
screened from public view. All new HVAC units shall be located in the side
yM or rear yard behind solid fencing. No roof mounted HVAC units shall be
8. All outside lighting for the residences shall be hooded and directed so as not
to shine directly upon adjoining property or the public right-of-way.
9. No commercial or industrial activity shall take place on the subject site except
as authorized by a Home Occupation Permit approved by the Community
Development Director.
10 Any proposed fencing for each parcel shall comply with all applicable
requirements and regulations of the City of Grand Terrace including the filing
of a land use application and a building permit, if applicable.
11. Each backyard shall be enclosed by a 5-foot high blockwall excepting for 5-
foot high wrought-iron fencing on top of the proposed rear yard retaining
walls and wood fencing on top of the retaining wall along Grand Terrace
Road. Said walls and fencing shall be shown on fencing plan to be reviewed
and approved by the Community Development Director priorto the issuance
of building permits.
12. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations listed in the
memorandum from the Directorof Building and Safety/Public Works/Housing
in his memorandum dated September 24, 2007 including all conditions to be
complied with before the issuance of building permits. A copy of the
September 24, 2007 memorandum is attached hereto.
13. The applicant shall comply with all requirements in the letter from the County
Fire Department in its letter dated August 16, 2007, attached hereto.
14. The proposed landscaping for the front yards of all three residences shall be
shown on a detailed landscaping/irrigation plan to be approved by the
Community Development Director. Said landscaping/irrigation plans shall
show plant types, numbers of plants, sizes and irrigation facilities and shall
be prepared by a licensed, 'landscape architect. Three copies of the
landscaping/irrigation plan for each parcel shall be submitted for review and
approval prior to the issuance of building permits.
15. The landscaping of each front yard shall include a combination of trees,
shrubs, ground cover and turf as approved by the Community Development
1 Director. Also required are street trees in conformance with Section
12.28.060 of the Municipal Code and Appendix A of Chapter 12.28 of the
Municipal Code.
16. The slope facing Grand Terrace Road shall be appropriately landscaped.
Said landscaping shall be shown on the required landscaping plan.
17. The proposed three residences shall be painted in soft earthtone colors
which shall be approved by the Community Development Director priorto the
issuance of building permits. The applicant/developer shall submit
manufacturer's paint chips for review and approval. No bright colors shall be
used as primary wall colors.
18. The interior of each garage shall have a minimum depth of 20 feet as
required by Section 18.60.040A-1 of the Zoning Code.
19. The applicant shall pay the Traffic Signal and Circulation Improvement fees
as established by City Ordinance prior to the issuance of building permits.
20. All contractors working on the three proposed residences shall acquire a
valid City business licence.
21. This grant/approval shall not be deemed effective until the "Acceptance of
Conditions"form for Site and Architectural Review Case No.'s 06-08, 06-09
and 06-10 has been signed by the developer/owner and returned to the City.
22. This grant/approval shall also not be effective until Parcel Map No. 06-02
(County No. 18581) has been approved and recorded.
23. This grant/approval shall expire one(1)year after it becomes effective unless
the applicant/developer files for a building permit or unless the Community
Development Director approves a one (1)year time extension. Only one (1)
such time extension shall be granted.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace,
California, at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of January, 2008.
Brenda Mesa Doug Wilson,
City Clerk Chairperson, Planning Commission
Building and Safety/Public Works Department Conditions of Approval
Date: September 24,2007
Applicant: Techno Dynamics Consultants,Inc.
Address of Applicant: 1330 E.223"'St.,Suite #501,Carson,Ca. 90745
Site Location: 21910 Vivienda Avenue,Grand Terrace,CA
W.O.#: 12$5430,SA 06-10,TPM
Provide four(4)construction plans and information for review of the proposed project. Below is
a list of the plans and documents needed for plan review. The initial plan review usually will take
three weeks on most projects.
Provide the following sets of plans and documents.
Public WorkvEngMeerinr submittal's required at fast elan review
(1) Title Report
' (1) Property Corner Point Information
(2) Street Improvement Plans,to include curb,gutter,sidewalk,and paving,street lights,etc.
(2) Street Sewer Plans
(2) Street Water Plans
(4) Site Plan including the streets.
(2) Hydrology Report
(2) Water Quality Management Plan,(WQMP)
(2) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan,(SWPPP)
(2) Storm Drain Improvement Plans
Building and Safetv submittal's reauired at first elan review.
(4) Architectural Plans
(4) Structural Plans
(2) Structural Calculations
(4) Plot/Site Plans
(4) Electrical Plans
(4) Electrical Load Calculations
(4) Plumbing Plan0sometrics, Water, Sewer and Gas.
(4) Mechanical Plans
(4) Mechanical Duct Layout Plans
( ` (4) Roof and Floor Truss Plans
(2) Title 24 Energy Calculation
(2) Geology Report
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(2 ) Soils Report
(2 ) Grading Plan
(4) Precise Grading Plan
(2 ) Temporary Construction Fence Plan
Building and Satetv/Public Works General Informadon
All structures shall be designed in accordance with the current adopted City Building Codes.
All work performed in the public right of way shall comply with the San Bernardino County Public
Works Standards.
The Developer/Owner is responsible for the coordination of the final occupancy. The
Developer/Owner shall obtain clearances from each department and division prior to requesting a
final building inspection from Building&Safety. Each agency shall sign the bottom of the Building
and Safety Job Card.
Building and Safety inspection requests and Public Works inspection request can be made twenty-
four(24)hours in advance for the next day inspection.Please contact(909)825-3825.You may also
request an inspection at the Building&Safety public counter.
All construction sites must be protected by a security fence. The fencing and screening shall be
maintained at all times to protect pedestrians.
Toilet facilities shall be provided for construction workers and such facilities shall be maintained in
a sanitary condition. Construction toilet facilities of the non-sewer type shall conform at ANSI
All construction materials which are not used shall be recycled. Receipts from the recycled company
responsible for accepting the materials shall be kept in the construction office for viewing by the City
Construction projects which require temporary electrical power shall obtain an Electrical Permit
from Building&Safety.No electrical power will be granted to a project unless one of the
following items is in place and approved by Building and Safety and the Planning Department.
(A) Installation of a construction trailer. or,
(B) Security fenced area where the electrical power will be located.
Installation of conch uction/sales trailers must be located on private property. No trailers can be
located in the public sheet right of way.
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Public Works Conditions
1. Prior to obtaining building permits,the applicant shall pay development improvement fees.
2. All proposed public street improvements shall be designed by persons registered and licensed
pursuant to the Business and Professions Code. All public works improvements shall be
constructed to the San Bernardino County Standards and specifications and policies,
ordinances and guideline of the City of Grand Terrace.
3. Street cut permits are required before work begins in the right of way.
4. Driveway approaches shall have disabled access extensions beyond the rear portion of a
driveway approach providing less than 2%cross fall at 36 inches wide.No driveway shall
have grades greater than 11.6 percent.
5. All on site utilities shall be installed underground to all structures.
6. The geotectnical report recommendations for on and off-site over-excavation,compaction,
slope stability,and paving sections shall be placed on the title sheets of the rough and precise
grading plans along with the seal and signature of the geotectnical engineer.
7. Applicant shall coordinate with Riverside Highland Water District for the relocation of the
- water venting facility located on the northeast corner of the The water vent facility
will need to be located in an area that will allow for a pedestrian ramp and sidewalk.
8. Applicant shall dedicate and construct all missing public improvements on Vivienda Avenue
and Grand Terrace Road. The missing public improvements shall include,but not limited
to, removal of old curb and gutter, installation of new pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk,
utilities and street lights. All sidewalk locations shall be located directly behind the curbs.
Vivienda Avenue shall be designed as a local street with a 60-foot ultimate right of way and
36-foot pavement area.Grand Terrace Avenue shall be constructed to a 66-foot ultimate right
of way and 44-foot pavement section. The Applicant is responsible for constructing a 22-
foot pavement section beyond the new curb face tying in the existing asphalt section. The
applicant will be responsible for grinding the existing streets and intersection starting at the
half way width or 22 feet from face of the curb. The street grind shall be minimum of 1 to
1 V2 inch for the full length of the improvement areas.
9. Applicant shall improve the drainage area situated north of the property beyond the rear
property line with rock rubble 12 inch in size surrounded by concrete grout at the base of the
storm chapel extending to the inlet. All sloped areas leading to the inlet shall be graded and
landscaped with natural ground cover. Applicant shall provide plans reflecting the
improvements for review by the City Engineer.
10. Install three(3)concrete ornamental street lights in the right of way and pay one year energy
cost for street lights. Coordinate with Southern California Edison and the City of Grand
Terrace for cost and street light locations.
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11. Relocate the existing Edison Power Pole No.1002504E per Southern California Edison
� Company requirements.
12. Prior to the Final Parcel Map approval,there shall be filled with the City a statement from
Riverside Highland Water Company that the project is in compliance with the Fire
Departments fire flow requirements. .
13. A final parcel map prepared by a registered civil engineer authorized to practice land
surveying, or a licensed land surveyor, must be processed through the City prior to being
filed with the San Bernardino County Recorder. The flnal map shall comply with all
requirements of the Subdivision Map Act.
14. A preliminary subdivision guarantee is required showing all fee interest holders and
encumbrances. An updated title report shall be provided before the final parcel map is
released for filing by the County Recorder.
15. Survey monuments shall be set prior to map recordation or post a bond for the same.
16. Prior to Final Parcel Map being approved by the City Council,the applicant shall submit an
estimate for the off site improvements to the Public Works Director. The Public Works
Director will establish a bond amount based on the estimate from the engineer of record.A
bond will then be required for the improvements. Ten(10)percent of the bond amount will
be required in cash payable to the City of Grand Terrace.
17. The applicant shall obtain all required clearances and/or permits from the Santa Ana
Regional Water Quality Control Board prior to the issuance of any building permits.
18. A drainage study shall be prepared by a Civil Engineer. The drainage study shall include,
but not be limited to,the evaluation of the capacity of the down stream storm drain The
study shall include the design of all facilities required to mitigate downstream deficiencies
and impacts to the satisfaction of the City.
BuUdinr Perm t Conditions
1. Prior to the issuance of Building Permits, on site water service shall be installed and
approved by Riverside Highland Water Company.On site fire hydrants shall be approved by
the Fire Department. No flammable materials will be allowed on the site until the fire
hydrants are established and approved.
2. Prior to building permits being issued,the Building Department will send out the approved
plans to be copied to a CD format at the expense to the applicant.
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3. Prior to issuance of permits,site grading and pad certifications shall be submitted to Building
and Safety. Prior to concrete placement,submit a certification for the finish floor elevation
and set backs of the structure. The certification needs to reflect that the structure location is
in conformance with the precise grading plans. Compaction reports shall accompany pad
4. Prior to issuance of building permits,provide a certificate from the Colton Unified School
District stating that all school fees have been paid.
5. Prior to issuance of building permits,provide Building and Safety with a will serve letter
from Riverside Highland Water Company. (909) 925-4128.
6. All construction projects shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
Systems,(NPDES). NPDES reports shall be submitted with projects plans at time of plan
7. The Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) shall be signed by the Owner prior to
submitting for review.The Owner is responsible for recording the WQMP with the County
Recorders Office prior to final occupancy of homes.
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