2010-07 r ` ; RESOLUTION NO. 2010- 07 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ADOPT THE GRAND TERRACE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE WHEREAS, the California Government Code requires the preparation and adoption of a comprehensive, long-term general plan for the physical development of a city or county, referred to as a General Plan; WHEREAS, the California Government Code mandates that the General Plan must be made up of specific mandatory elements: Land Use, Circulation, Housing, Open Space, Conservation, Noise and Safety; and allows a local agency to adopt optional elements appropriate to the local agency; WHEREAS, the California Government Code allows for periodic review, updates and amendments to the General Plan; WHEREAS,the City of Grand Terrace began a comprehensive General Plan Update that consisted of numerous workshops by the Grand Terrace Planning Commission and City Council, including a Joint Workshop held on February 16, 2010. WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace has undertaken proceedings to adopt a proposed Sixth Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Project, pursuant to the California Community Redevelopment Law, Health and Safety Code Section 33000, et. seq.; WHEREAS, on February 4, 2010, the Planning Commission adopted PC Resolution No. 10-01 finding that the proposed Amendment No. 6 to the Redevelopment Plan for the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Project conforms to the General Plan; WHEREAS, the City, as lead agency, determined that the General Plan Update and Amendment No. 6 to the Redevelopment Plan for the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Project (collectively "Project") was a project requiring review of pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), Public Resources Code 21000 et. seq. and that Program Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") be prepared to evaluate the potential environmental effects of the Project; WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion ("NOC") for the Draft EIR (SCH #2008011109) was submitted to the State Clearinghouse for state agency review on January 21, 2010; WHEREAS, a Notice of Availability ("NOA") of the Draft EIR was published in the San Bernardino County Sun on January 22, 2010, making the Draft EIR available for a 45-day �� public review period on January 22, 2010 with the comment period expiring on March 7, 2010. �^ Nine comment letters were received during the public comment period, and two were received - after the public comment period. The responses to comments are included in the Final EIR; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace held a legally noticed public hearing in the Grand Terrace City Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, California to consider the General Plan Update and Final EIR, and staff recommendations, on April 1, 2010. Notice of this Planning Commission hearing was provided through publication in the San Bernardino County Sun on March 18, 2010; WHEREAS, as contained herein, the City has endeavored in good faith to set forth the basis for its decision on the Project; and WHEREAS, all other legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, above, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. The Planning Commission finds that the General Plan Update has been prepared in conformance with the provisions promulgated in Section 65300 et seq of the California Government Code regulating the preparation of General Plans. 3. The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council adopt a Resolution adopting the 2010 General Plan consisting of a Land Use Element, Circulation Element, Housing Element, Open Space and Conservation Element, Public Health and Safety Element, Noise Element, Public Services Element and Sustainable Development Element,with the revisions shown on Exhibit A, attached hereto. 4. The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council find that the adoption of the 2010 Grand Terrace General Plan is the official General Plan of the City of Grand Terrace, and supersedes the previously adopted general plan and related elements. Page 2 of 3 j 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED,APPROVED,AND ADOPTED this lst day of April 2010. AYES: Commissioner Bailes, Commissioner Comstock, Commissioner McNaboe, Vice-Chair Addington NOES: Chairman Wilson ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: None Doug Wilson, Chairman ATTEST: r � Agenda Mesa, City Clerk ATTEST AS TO FORM: John Harper, City tto Bey Page 3 of 3 rr Exhibit A Modifications to the Draft General Plan dated January 20, 2010 1. Deletion of Draft General Plan Land Use Element Exhibit 2-2 "Existing Uses of Land" on Page II-8. 2. Revision of the first paragraph on Page H-6 of the Draft Land Use Element, as follows: ^s i'�a ::: '- Grand Terrace is predominantly a residential community. c:.....w��,-.. 42 pereefA of existing development in the City is r-esideantia I in natufe. The City was formerly an unincorporated bedroom community surrounded by the City of Colton. Predominant commercial and industrial activities focused along regional transportation corridors in other areas of Colton leaving Grand Terrace to primarily develop as a single family residential community. Since the majority of the community is located on the west side of Blue Mountain, the terrain offered scenic views that attracted residents while making large scale development of commercial and industrial uses more difficult. 3. Deletion of Table 2.1 Existing Land Use Conditions on Page H-6 of the Draft Land Use Element. 4. Revision of Action 4.8.2.b on Page IV-35 of the Draft General Plan Open Space and Conservation Element as follows: Action 4.8.2.b Review water quality impacts during the project review and approval phases to ensure appropriate BMPs are incorporated into the project design and long-term operations. BMPs should utilize low impact development principles. 5. Revise the first paragraph on Page V-9 of the Draft General Plan Public Health and Safety Element, as follows: The San Bernardino Fire Protection District, Hazardous Materials Division was granted authoritv by the California Environmental Protection ARencv(CalEPA) to become the Certified Unified Program Apencv(CUPA) for San Bernardino Countv. The CUPA is directiv involved in the inspection,permittine. and enforcement of hazardous materials manufacturers, hazardous waste Qenerators. ,,,.nuf ,.tffe tF eAe and storage and disposal to USDOT and the CHP regulate the transportation of hazardous materials while the DTSC is actively involved in the storage of hazardous materials and the cleanup of hazardous waste sites. 6. Revise the second paragraph on Page V-9 of the Draft General Plan Public Health and Safety Element, as follows: The City of Grand Terrace is actively involved in the regulation of land uses using hazardous materials. The City may also regulate the transportation of hazardous materials within the City limits. The City has also adopted a City Hazardous Waste Management Plan in accordance with State law. The HWMP regulates all businesses that use or generate hazardous materials within the City and requires them to inventory amounts and types of hazardous materials used by their business. The CUPA requires businesses meeting requirements pursuant to California Health and Safetv Code, Section 25503.5 to establish and implement a Hazardous Materials Business Plan in accordance with the section.'T'hc can B di County Fire Preteetio r isft et requires nll businesses to file ,