18071 Tract Map Recording Requested by: Recorded In Official Records,County of San Bernardino 8/28/2019 Debra L. Thomas, City Clerk BOB DUTTON 8:28 AM cove CAD II. -,mac;.7 ASSESSOR — RECORDER — CLERK SAN P Counter itles Tees and when recorded, mail to 1 Pages • Doc# 201 9-0303932 Fees 0.00 City Clerk Taxes 0.00 0.00 City of Grand Terrace Others Fee 0.00 22795 Barton Road Paid $0.00 Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Exempt recording per Govt.Code 6103 CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION NO. 1 TRACT/PARCEL MAP NO. 18071 Recorded in Tract Map Book 351,Pages 36 to 38 , in the Office of the County Recorder, County of San Bernardino, State of California. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES MADE The correction to be made appears on Sheet 2 of 3 sheets and should be modified as follows: All Final Monuments to be set by LS 6957; Lot line between Lot 1 and Lot B moved 23.50' South per Exhibit "A", attached,to correct lot areas. The fee owners, at the time of original recordation, of property affected by this certificate are as follows: Jason Karger, a married man as his sole and separate property ENGINEER/SURVEYOR CERTIFICATE I, William J. McKeever, certify that the above corrections or amendments are made by me in accordance with Section 66469 of the Subdivision Map Act. ��Q RO FES% C's,`� \PM . Mc/liffe ro �2 c 3 No.22502 film m * EV.12--3/.49 C/VIL * of o \P R.C.E.Number 22502 A/219/I!. Expiration 12-31-19 Page 1 •Z�/� WILL J.McKEEVER description of attached document continued) n Signer(s)Thumbprint(s) Number of Pages Document date n Other (Additional information) Capacity Claimed By The Signer Signer's Name Signer's Name* n Individual(s) Corporate Officer fa.'ro_M ris "hr PQ:1 � 7 It Ai (Title) Partner(s) Attorney-in-Fact Trustee(s) Other CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that I have examined this certificate of correction, and that the only changes thereon from the original map (recorded in Map Book 351 ,Pages 36 to 38 ) are provided for in Section 66469 of the Subdivision Map Act, and I am satisfied that this certificate of correction is technically correct. ALAN FRENCH, CITY ENGINEER CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA By: d4 ‘4-6/ , Deputy- Dated 7-2'f -l°1 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" LOT 2 / / / OI N89'37'47"E 136.30' 0 `61. .563. / / c�PROFESS/o o ! `.`SS / ,. /0 2`'` % (44s7%0 01 % -, / C. .1.1 tl‘ii%S '. EXISTING P.L. °C No•225p2 m a O / / *� P.12-31-19 M LOT 1 J / 9M0,VIL �,�P 10038.51 SF O CALIFOR o ,. / 02.t— - - - - / / .Sse. 4 /' SURVEYOR'S NOTE � % , soh �j- S89637'47"W 86.20' I 30' SET 1" I.P. WITH TAG L.S. 6957 11 2,__ / AT ALL LOT CORNERS. — 12' 0 ��nn �I SEWER AND STORM DRAIN I � Q�� NO/ o�0� U/ O EASEMENT TO CITY OF GRAND I TERRACE PER TR. 18071 M.B. o I 351/36-38. 11) LOT B ,Z 9362.84' SF cti v '�'�`l 1 / 11 2.0' WIDE EASEMENT FOR O EXISTING WALL AND FENCE w 0 / ENCROACHMENT PER TR. 18071 '`' Cr i MB 351/36-38. cV / N 0 N i / I f N89'43'37"W / I (R)T--- N89'26'59"E . ,I j45.17' -• I I 33' N43'17'27"E 25.98' . _L_ c. _ PICO STREET i. voN) CURVE DATA SCALE 1"=40' CURVE# LENGTH RADIUS DELTA TANGENT U W.J.CMI KEEVEERRIIVGINC. Cl 72.07' 330.00' 12'30'48" 36.18' fin 900 E.WAS17409 82�048 FSUTTE 208 2CSOgL639 N'CA 92324 EMAIL:OFFICE@WJMCKEEVERiNC.COM C2 32.44' 270.00' 6652'59" 16.24' PREPAR D B . / R.C.E.NO. 22502 C3 120.53' 330.00' 20'55'40" 60.95' ! �� 6 ` DATE: 9/9//9 L J. cKEEVER n Other (Additional information) Capacity Claimed By The Signer Signer's Name Signer's Name* n Individual(s) Corporate Officer fa.'ro_M ris "hr PQ:1 � 7 It Ai (Title) Partner(s) Attorney-in-Fact Trustee(s) Other EXHIBIT "B" NEW LOT 1 BEING LOT 1 AND A PORTION OF LOT B OF TRACT 18071, RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 351, PAGES 36-38, INCLUSIVE, RECORDS OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE NORTH 89° 37' 47" EAST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1, 136.30' TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1 AND WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF JADEN COURT AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF TRACT 18071, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 270.00'; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY, ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE FROM AN INITIAL RADIAL BEARING OF SOUTH 63° 10' 08" EAST THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6° 52' 59", A DISTANCE OF 32.44', TO A REVERSE TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 330.00'; THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE, FROM AN INITIAL RADIAL BEARING OF SOUTH 56° 17' 09" EAST, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12° 30'48",A DISTANCE OF 72.07' THENCE, LEAVING SAID WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF JADEN COURT SOUTH 89° 37' 47" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 86.20'TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT THENCE NORTH 00°22' 13" WEST,ALONG THE WEST LINES OF SAID LOT "B" AND 1, 91.50' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINS 10,038.51 S.F. +/-. 0,0ESSiofv , Mc/r4,A,:\ y v ih �:. W No.22502 Exp.12-31.19 *1. sr CIVIC- �°�:.. �OF CAS-0,�/ DELTA TANGENT U W.J.CMI KEEVEERRIIVGINC. Cl 72.07' 330.00' 12'30'48" 36.18' fin 900 E.WAS17409 82�048 FSUTTE 208 2CSOgL639 N'CA 92324 EMAIL:OFFICE@WJMCKEEVERiNC.COM C2 32.44' 270.00' 6652'59" 16.24' PREPAR D B . / R.C.E.NO. 22502 C3 120.53' 330.00' 20'55'40" 60.95' ! �� 6 ` DATE: 9/9//9 L J. cKEEVER n Other (Additional information) Capacity Claimed By The Signer Signer's Name Signer's Name* n Individual(s) Corporate Officer fa.'ro_M ris "hr PQ:1 � 7 It Ai (Title) Partner(s) Attorney-in-Fact Trustee(s) Other