11/09/2000 FILE COPY L1Ty GiZflnD 7ERR c November 9, 2000 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace Calirornia 92313-5295 " Civic Center (909)824-6621 Fax(90 )783- 60 Fax(909)783-2600 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Byron R.Matteson hlayor CRAXITY COUNCIL Dan.Buchanan Mayor PmTtm REGULAR MEETINGS I Lerman 11ilkey Lee Ann Garcia 2' AND 4TH Thursdays - 6:00 p.m. Dan Larkin Cuundl hlem6ns ThonmsI Schwab City hlauager Council Chambers Grand Terrace Civic Center 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS NOVEMBER 9, 2000 GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 6:00 P.M. 22795 Barton Road THE CITY OFGR--kNDTERRACECOMPLIES NVITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990. IFYOU REQUIRE SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING, PLEASE CALL THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT(909)824.6621 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. IF YOU DESIRE TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL DURING THE MEETING, OTHER THAN UNDER PUBLIC COMMENT, YOU ARE ASKED TO PLEASE COMPLETE A REQUEST TO SPEAK FORINI AVAILABLE AT THE ENTRANCE AND PRESENT IT TO THE CITY CLERK. SPEAKERS WILL BE CALLED UPON BY THE MAYOR AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME. * Call to Order- * Invocation - * Pledge of Allegiance - * Roll Call - STAFF COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS RECOMMENDATION ACTION CONVENE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I. Approval of 10-26-2000 Minutes Apprn%e 2. Approval of Check Register CR0022 Approve ADJOURN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONVENE CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1. Items to Delete 2. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS A. Eco Day Presentation 3. CONSENT CALENDAR The follouine Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial They will be acted upon by the Council atone time without discussion- .Any Council Member.Staff Member,or Citizen may request removal of an tlem from the Consent Calendar for discussion A. Approval of Check Register No,C0022 Approve B. Ratify l 1-09-00 CRA action C. Waive Full Readtne of Ordinances on Agenda COUNCIL AGENDA 11-09-2000 PAGE 2 OF 2 AGENDA ITEi1IS STAFF COUNCIL RECOMMENDATIONS ACTION D. Approval of 10-26-2000 Minutes Approve E. Transit Shelter Agreement with Ornnarans Approve F. Resolution Authorizing for Filing and Executing Application Approve for Bicycle and Pedestrian Project G. Community Center Sub-Lease with Grand Terrace Lions Approve Club a. PUBLIC COMMENT 5. ORAL REPORTS A. Committee Reports 1. Historical and Cultural Activities Committee a. Minutes of October 2.2000ti.rQt B. Council Reports 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand approve Terrace Approving SP-92-01 A I (Specific Plan Amendment for American Tower) and E-99-0- iProposed 4litigated Neeative Declaration) 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS -None S. NEW BUSINESS-None 9. CLOSED SESSION- None ADJOURN THE NEXT CRA/CITY COUNCIL titEETING«'n-L BE HELD ON THI'RSDAY,DECEMBER 14.2000. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGENDA ITEM REQUESTS FOR THE 12-14-2000 MEETING MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BY NOON 12-07-2000. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PENDING C R A APPROVAL C07%WUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - OCTOBER 26, 2000 A regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers,Grand Terrace Civic Center,22795 Barton Road,Grand Terrace,California, on October 26, 2000 at 6:00 p.m. PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Chairman Dan Buchanan, Vice-Chairman Herman Hilkey, Agency;Member Lee Ann Garcia, Agency Member Don Larkin, Agency Member Tom Schwab, Executive Director John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Tracey Martinez, Deputy City Clerk Larry Ronnow, Interim Finance Director Patrizia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Virgil Barham, Building & Safety Director Lt. Rick Carr, Sheriff's Department ABSENT: Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk John Harper, City Attorney APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 12. 2000 NENUTES CRA-2000-70 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER HILKEY, SECOND BY VICE-CHAIRMAN_ BUCKNINAN, CARRIED 5-0. to approve the October 12, 2000 Community Redevelopment Agency Minutes. APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER CR0021 CRA-2000-71 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER HILKEY,SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to approve Check Register CR0021. Chairman Matteson adjourned the Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting at 6:05 p.m. until the next CRA/City Council Meeting scheduled to be held on Thursday, November 9, 2000 at 6:00 P.M. SECRETARY of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace CHAIRMAN of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace CRA AGENDA ITEM NO. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PENDING C R A APPROVAL COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE: NOVEMBER 9, 2000 CHECK REGISTER NO: CR0022 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: NOVEMBER 9, 2000 CHECK# VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 13477 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMS JULYIAUG RETAIL RECRUITMENT ACTIVITY $4,370.03 13482 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK EMPLOYEE MHN NOVEMBER, 2000 $76.35 13483 PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA EMPLOYEE HEALTH INSURANCE NOV., 2000 $1.198.23 13484 RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND WATER COMPANY WATER-CITY FACILITIES $117.91 44489 ROBERT CHAGOLLA CONSTRUCTION REIMBURSE BLDG PERMIT FEE-VAN BUREN REHAB $5.867.89 44490 ROBERT CHAGOLLA CONSTRUCTION 12764 REED REHAB $900.00 44500 MICK HILL ENTERPRISES BLOCK WALL-VAN BUREN REHAB HOUSE $1,600.00 44517 MARIA LEONOR RODRIGUEZ BUILDING MAINTENANCE-BUILDING & SAFETY $160.00 44521 OFFICE MAX OFFICE SUPPLIES $312.16 44523 PAULA TAYLOR REIMBURSE SCACEO CONFERENCE EXPENSES $3.42 44524 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT $17.00 44526 ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC. TAX INCREMENT ADMINISTRATION WORK $600.00 44531 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY ELECTRICITY-CITY FACILITIES $98.85 44536 TNT CONSTRUCTORS REHAB ROLLINS PARK RESTROOMS $22,216.00 44547 YOSEMITE WATER WATER-CITY FACILITIES $12.00 a GRAND TOTAL $37,549.84 a m 1 CERTIFY THAT,TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE,THE AFORE LISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF THE COMMUNITY Z REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE a EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE AGENCY. LARRY RONNOW Z INTERIM FINANCE DIRECTOR 0 N 1 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 17-+= d;RG CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: NOVEMBER 9, 2000 CHECK REGISTER NO: C0022 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: NOVEMBER 9, 2000 CHECK# VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 13479 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM PERS FOR PAYROLL ENDING 10/13/00 $3,827.74 13480 METLIFE LIFE INSURANCE FOR NOVEMBER, 2000 $535.98 13481 INLAND COUNTIES INSURANCE SERVICES EMPLOYEE DENTAWISION INSURANCE FOR NOV. 2000 $998.92 13482 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK EMPLOYEE MHN NOVEMBER. 2000 $479,31 13483 PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA EMPLOYEE HEALTH INSURANCE FOR NOVEMBER, 2000 $8,942.96 13485 PACIFIC BELL PHONE SERVICE-CITY FACILITIES $265.57 44480 ACCENT PRINT & DESIGN MATTERASSI BUSINESS CARDS $118.98 44481 MATTHEW ADDINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION STIPEND $50.00 44482 AT &T LONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE $14.69 44483 AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SERVICE REPAIRS DeBERRY/TJ AUSTYN $339.14 44484 DRAGOS S. BARBU REIMBURSE INTERNETWORKING CLASS EXPENSE $60.00 44485 BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES $808.19 44486 CA INTEGRATED WASTE MGT BOARD RETURN UBG5-96-1967 YEAR 1 UNUSED GRANT MONEY $129.90 44487 CA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BARTONII-215 SIGNAL MAINTENANCE $136.80 44488 CA SOC. OF MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 2001-SCHWAB $100.00 0 44491 CITY NEWSPAPER GROUP LEGAL NEWSPAPER ADS $183.70 O 44492 DATA TICKET, INC. PROCESS PARKING CITATIONS $100.00 e 44493 DIEHL EVANS & COMPANY LLP 2000 GOVERNMENT TAX SEMINAR-RONNOW &THIERRY $200.00 Z n 44494 DUNN-EDWARDS CORPORATION PAINT $82.83 �= 44495 EXPANETS TELEPHONE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE $527.16 a 44496 MARYETTA FERRE' PLANNING COMMISSION STIPEND $50.00 m 44497 GAMETIME REPLACE PARTS-SLIDE AT R. ROLLINS PARK $433.51 Z 44498 LEE ANN GARCIA REIMBURSE SACRAMENTO EXPENSES $19.00 a 44499 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATHLETIC FIELD/TURF SEMINAR-R. MONTANO $59.00 44510 HOUSTON & HARRIS SEWER HYDROWASH AT PALMIHONEY HILLS $270.00 44511 HYDRO-SCAPE PRODUCTS, ING, IRRIGATION SUPPLIES $128.61 44512 INMARK 3 NAMETAGS-HISTORICAL & CULTURAL COMMITTEE $29.09 Z 44513 INTERSTATE BRANDS CORPORATION BREAD PRODUCTS-CHILD CARE $13.42 Q 44514 LAWNMOWER CENTER LAWNMOWER REPAIRS/PURCHASE 3 TRIMMERS $1,516.75 1 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DATE: NOVEMBER 9, 2000 CHECK REGISTER NO: C0022 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: NOVEMBER 9, 2000 CHECK# VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 44515 LEGEND BUILDING MAINTENANCE LIBRARY JANITORIAL SERVICE $200.00 44516 PATRICIA LUNSFORD REIMBURSE PAYROLL TRAINING EXPENSES $32.03 44518 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS LOCAULONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE $635.29 44519 MUNICIPAL MGT ASSISTANTS OF SO. CALIF. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP-DONLEVY $50.00 44520 NAT'L CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL SAFETY STICKERS-RED RIBBON WEEK $479.48 44522 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY NOVEMBER, 2000 ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE $242.55 44524 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT $270.38 44525 LARRY RONNOW CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10116 THRU 10/26/00 $3,132.00 44527 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ASSESSOR ASSESSOR'S OFFICE MAP SUBSCRIPTION $7.50 44528 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SHERIFF CONTRACT BALANCE DUE THROUGH OCTOBER, 2000 $1,360.00 44529 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SUN ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL $135.00 44530 SMART & FINAL IRIS COMPANY SUPPLIES/COUNTRY FAIR &CHILD CARE FUND RAISER $223.53 44531 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON ELECTRICITY-CITY FACILITIES $2.134.55 44532 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON ELECTRICITY-CITY FACILITIES $2.050.98 44533 BRENDA STANFILL REIMBURSE FOR VOLUNTEER BBQ SUPPLIES $62.90 44534 SYSCO FOOD/SUPPLIES $570.51 44535 TEXACO CREDIT CARD CENTER GAS/OIL CITY VEHICLE $22.98 44537 MARY TRAINOR PLANNING COMMISSION STIPEND $50.00 44538 TRANSPORTATION ENG. & PLANNING TRAFFIC PROJECT REVIEW $1,418.40 44539 VAIL DUNLAP &ASSOCIATES PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL G.T. ECO DAY $635.51 44540 FRAN VAN GELDER PLANNING COMMISSION STIPEND $50.00 44541 VAVRINEK TRINE DAY & COMPANY 98-99 FINAL AUDIT CONTRACT BILL $500.00 44542 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE EXPENSE-CHILD CARE $37.61 44543 W.E.C. ELECTRIC INC. PARKING LOT TIME CLOCK REPLACEMENT-CHILD CARE $218.92 44544 WAL-MART TINY TOTS SUPPLIES $200.00 44545 DOUG WILSON PLANNING COMMISSION STIPEND $50.00 44546 XEROX CORPORATION MONTHLY LEASE USAGE $530.01 44547 YOSEMITE WATER WATER-CITY FACILITIES $229.45 GRAND TOTAL. $35,950.83 0 CITY OF GRAND RRACE DATE: NOVEMBER 9, 2000 CHECK REGISTER NO: C0022 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: NOVEMBER 9, 2000 CHECK# VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CERTIFY THAT,TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE,THE AFORE LISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF CITY LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY. LARRY RONNOW INTERIM FINANCE DIRECTOR :i CITY OF GRAND TERRACE FcXDI$''.G CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - OCTOBER 26 2000 A regular meeting of the City Counci I of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers,Grand Terrace Civic Center,22795 Barton Road,Grand Terrace.California.on October 26. 2000, at 6:00 p.m. PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Mayor 5 Dan Buchanan, Mayor Pro Tem Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Lee Ann Garcia, CounciImember Don Larkin, CounciImember Tom Schwab, City Manager John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Tracey Martinez, Deputy City Clerk Larry Ronnow, Interim Finance Director Patrizia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Virgil Barham, Building & Safety Director Lt. Rick Carr, Sheriff's Department ABSENT: Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk John Harper, City Attorney The meeting was opened with invocation by Councilman Don Larkin, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilwoman Lee Ann Garcia. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - None CONSENT CALENDAR CC-2000-162 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCK-UNAN, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the following consent calendar items: 3A. Approval of Check Register No. C0021 3B. Ratify I0-26-00 CRA Action 3C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 3D. approval of 10-12-00 Minutes 3E. Progress Reports: Economic Development Special Projects & EDS 3F. Resolution Establishing All Way Stop Signs at the Intersection of Brentwood Street and Thames Street PUBLIC COMNIENT - None ORAL REPORTS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO' J7-1 I Council Minutes October 26,2000 Page 2 5A. Committee Reports 1. Crime Prevention Committee a. Minutes of September 11. 2000 CC-2000-163 MOTION BYCOUNCILMEMBER LARKIN,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to accept the September 11, 2000 Minutes of the Crime Prevention Committee. 2. Emergency Operations Committee a. Minutes of September 5, 2000 CC-2000-164 MOTIOti BY COUNCIL'NtEMBER LARKIN,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY,CARRIED 5-0,to accept the September 5,`_'000 Minutes of the Emergency Operations Committee. 5B. Council Reports Mavor Matteson,stated that some candidates running for City Council have claimed that the relationships with local businesses and the City is not good and indicated that he received a letter from Wilden Pump stating that their relationship with the City of Grand Terrace has always maintained a working relationship with the City of Grand Terrace. Any comments made during this election time should be taken into consideration. Councilmember Larkin,reported that the Halloween Haunt will be held on October 31,2000 at Pico Park. He also reported that the Country Fair, hosted by the Historical and Cultural Activities Committee w ill be held on Saturday, November 4, 2000. Mayor Matteson.requested that staff send letters of appreciation to everyone that sponsored the Halloween Haunt. Councilmember Garcia, indicated that the donation jars that were place throughout the city was collecting approximately S 100.00 per week for the Halloween Haunt. She reported that there is a new bakery and flower shop in town. She reported that she received information from the League of California Cities regarding the Governor's plan to roll back state sales tax in order to comply w ith a revenue and taxation code provision passed in 1991 and howv that will affect the Cities. Councilmember Hilkev,indicated that staff met with the Soccer Club.Little League and the School District last week to talk about the plans to revamp the Richard Rollins Park and that he is very impressed by the Architect, Staff will be meeting with the principal of the middle school to make sure that it matches their educational program. He feels that this park will be one of the greatest parks in town. He indicated that he received a request for additional traffic calming on Van Buren Street and that he will be requesting staff to look into the Council Minutes October 26.2000 Pa ee 3 request. He also reported that the Sub Depot has a great meal deal for$3.99. PUBLIC HEARING - None UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None - NEW BUSINESS - None CLOSED SESSION - None ORDER OF AD.IOURN_\fENT Mayor Matteson adjourned the City Council Meeting at 6:20 p.m., until the next CRA/City Council Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Thursday, November 9, 2000 at 6:00 p.m. CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace MAYOR of the City of Grand Terrace STAFF REPORT CITY MANAGER'S DEPARTMENT GRAND WR C CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM ( X ) IMEETING DATE: 11-09-00 SUBJECT: Transit Shelter Agreement vivith Omnitrans FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED XX At the September 14.2000 meeting Council authorized staff to contact Eller Media Company and indicate to them that the City does not have an interest in purchasing and maintaining the transit shelters and to request their removal. This was done by letter on September 27, 2000. This item is being brought forward at this time in order to deal with Eller's withdrawal of the bus shelter program. k .1 One option for continuing the bus shelter program is to contract with another provider. The past contractor shared ad revenue and produced S1,700 per year to the City. The City has been approached by Omnitrans to consider contracting «ith them for this service. Omnitrans currently provides fired route bus transportation through a cooperative agreement with RTA. Under this proposal Omnitrans would provide better maintenance service, graffitee cleanup. and trash removal. All program revenues would be put back into providing Further passenger amenities. Within the last year, Omnitrans has developed a Passenger Amenity Program. This program,adopted by the Omnitrans board on August 4. 1999. %%as developed for the purpose of addressing various problems related to passenger amenities within Omaitrans' service area. The problems include primarily the lack of adequate maintenance. Omnitrans believes that.because their drivers stop at the shelters several times daily. they are in the best position to identify shelter needs. In addition.ridership continues to increase. Therefore,in an effort to improve amenities and provide the best service possible to their increasing number of riders. Omnitrans has determined it is in their best interest to assume the responsibility for the shelters. To accomplish their objectives, Omnitrans sought proposals from qualified firms to construct and maintain shelters. bus benches and trash receptacles. The City can choose to participate in any or none of the components. COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO 3E I STAFF RECOMMENDATION: IT IS STAFFS RECO' 4NIENDATION THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED LETTER OF AGREEMENT WITH OMNITRANS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDINIG A PASSENGER AMENITY PROGRAM. :U-Z3,N 15:05_ Ta:'hona_ Srhvah �Fr:r:�_:r.cw eerrs:t. OM WITRAN$ Ucluber 23. :00f) Mr. Thomas S�F%%ah.Cit}. 't Un33cr C'itr of Grand Terrace ,?795 Barton Road Grand I eirace. c.A 9_::j-;?A; Dear Mr Sch%vah Or August 4. 199+ tie Gmnitran5s Board of Directors tpproked an ag-eemejtt 'Aith Larnar Trdnsrt �d%e-ti;rnQ tc. adm,r!-.ter a pass_;tq=r amer:^• Fr £rarl .+ thii par[ .Ipat[ng cities in the U.'nnl:rart; service area. The Cite yr Grand Terrace has %;cr.trut wth nlle- ti expired. Onini[ra,=s Is -e4�esti tg auth,� i73:•:n ! 7m [he r % cf G-erclTe racei.ri-r,adnlini.3tertand neceatle 3 Passenger A-reimies Nro__-;tree f PAF+ for the C In t t.rand ferr3ce Recognizing that the F. u:;s p;ugram had severs; 0ppGrtJ1;T,cs fur irrpro%aTent the Ornritrans prcpesai focuses on a strong maintenance program as vve I �fi irrpro%ed amer. t;es We a-e stri•;ire for a program that reticcls pc+5itne or r.ze corrtrriunities "t .sa-W. the residen:s and buvress owners of those commutlitie:as ue!i as U,nn,'trans an:our Baird _)FI Cetnersation- benvee. Cvvd Terra-c !'';'Fand Uz[r0rans s;aff tine fa!lJ%%in4 poin-s are cider in the R.cl as rcemcnt %v ith Lamar or .%,ll he ad iros.ed as an addcncurn to the prcrosal dea: ng spccitically with %aurc.t} I. Omnitrans will be responsible fcr advising tl:e City cf Grand Terracc on all proposed b[.s shelter loci:ions. !'he cur.t-actor maintaini responsi'-d-i v far pt.liine ar% required per-n't; In the tit} %%Sere the arncnir% is :unn-tructed. '. It is understood that all new but shrlters :,' Grand Terrace are to az located a- current R %enlclr Ttan;6t .Xgency tR!Ai bu% ;rcr; Un-nitran, %+II Work with RT,% on am issues rraatcd t.; sl-.cl:rr instal[at ion. 3. All installations vv II e[l)er rnaintam err enhan_e AD a aeccssibil[r% and %till be it, ctmpliance +%rth dll applicaolC regulati•yl;. This is addressed it the S„tom d of the R'l P 4. Sign and ad%ertisernent restrictio-;are: in •hC RFP. Phis r-c!udes: prul[ihirron L,r'a'cohol or tobaccc ad%ertisirs s!cng Aith et?cr toed:., ths:does rt•_t Tim cownt.inity standards. Anv advert sing deemed cbjecdonablc ;} the cir% after ir;tallation %ould be r%w,-arded to Otn-itrans and tie can'ra.:ur -%Ill cause to have it -etrovec.. ir: I_i, than 4 huurs. under -Love terry if :kc Rrp the rest-ict[uns are frthcr autlined in Section 4 u:':hc r 3ntn:tranti 1. �grce nrn�. Lighting vwuld be aldre_ted in the permit p-0ces1- I lie ccntrwor ,%r I dc�ire t^ Pull pz:%.cr =rom ti.r•itrcct light sources and pay a fee t+: the ,jgertn :hat pr,.v nr'_es the l,kF;,ng mn �7 „rs • f 7 ,n5- -t-..el fig• • -7r~ :3'n7.�._ r'., 91-,^'• j7ri•, IBC • 4''et .Ic- .,. •JrT�4�^�- r .ro ;r'C 7�C_ZT` °F .r1' e �OrrreJri'�- ;f=h- - .="i: 4i'r1': `.1-. f C`y �r '� _^�vr�-_ .._1 r _ -:r .v.-;ram-: .._.. �'O ;,rr=-: -q+r:•-= � �-C Lrtr PC�rC. _ .. .. C'�J r a ::P. F':,:Patrr:r eerP:. �4gm 31a t:Iri �f C+rsnd 1 crracr Pa;;;eneer Amenities 0,t»er23. 2601) 6 The contiac:c+r, Liege the t:rn,s at tlic P-r.a +,cull pr,%%!Je t.-ash :ecepta�Jes Lind cillcctio-i at .ill zmenit% iciccunnc can;tractcd tirade-the term, s of tf i.contract Size, numbs.of shc1mrs and cbstruct.uns N%o:Id b: Jcalt -.tith :n die perm t pmcc,•. Ei-ch inditi ALM sh_Itcr uk�-_Id realire permits. T'e C+n w3i u _uH_ct the;r required fees ct- ea.h nermir Omin-traits is askim! upon the m ilci-icritatior. o, t`.te PAII. Oat the city scnc notice uron the cLirrrni p-.)t idcr .f Lid%t--tismg 0--titer; that they. havc :' ca%c tc, rer- o%e their properc, from the public r=€ht-uf- Kai In order p roc:cd %%ith it;s propos2'. :'rvi mrs neecs auti cr3zattun fl,:)m the Lin Grar-d Terrace to ail its br~tel;to c�. u,i•:ch manage all Passenger arrc'iitiei located n :i.-.e public right-taf='.%a%, We are -ertesttng thl� appro%al f-om-all = t-e, penicipa.ng in :his plan. har:he p4rpocc of this agreement Passenger Amei.itie:,hre der-ed as• bur net l+-n:ted t+shelters, berthas and 'rash receptacle;. The "tharized signature below sores as that aithnrirrt kin. Tic authorizztion remains m effect far the .-tile c+m;•act peric-cl bcmeen (jm: tra.s and 1 amar, ihe —mtract: se+:cted under the teens of the Ja,!-enaer Amen ties RFP S,i:ra'ure Date ?riot 1`'arnr Title �T Sincml). 17L1;an,j L Rall {;el. cra1 %1.1na9eI A:ta;hinents C �k end\ W. .lams. Director of%,larka,nK P2'7LCk Merr ck, 5;ip;a id Nt.i-ion; St-pert isor S,1ro 14ernardino Co. Sun nocomhvr 11, 1099 A- t BUS SHELTERS Omnitrans deal provides I a comfort for riders A new -- and presumably more comfortable is I dawning for nders of the Oinnitrans bias system througho,t the San Hernardino Valley Undcr past arrangrmciil. must of the If cilues .ird rlle uounry areas scncd b} Oinnitrans had their oxx n .cniniu- for huS stnrS. litany cif thus% stops were not t ttt trash, graffin and dantitge going unattended. And many of them lacked shelters of any kind well-maintained or nar All of that is changiiig. Orrinitrun; has hired Lamar(oip to install more than 500 bus shelters thrtwghoul the valle% As cit,, contracts expire. Lamar will take to cr This udl c-ablc .Nhclieib io he installed ulicre there «ere rime before.and Ginn,• trans uvill be able to Ptqu;rc quick mpairs or cleanup for s _lima ,I•atar:damaged or tianaaii/ed That's a hig dep nwe I`Ton) th= past. Passengers ni;1f hr able to vtail Stith some protection froin heat and cull in a :Ic:tn. atlracrite•ettl1w. As it unftildi, the new arrangement will give Om-:ir ns control of-bus shelter%throughout the >ystcm. And as extra icing on the cake, the shelter, Kill nat cost bus riders,or tarp�•:rs d tl;me. Lainar c.n sell adloeryrtitn_ at the -;hellei;. a percenu�c of the income will it., to Oinnaran•. Oinnitrans' share i; e��tcted to be cp to S? * n-Oaon during the next decade That {r.-iney then c;ut he ii>ed For ether ptirch.LL%. including addition.:' shel- t. tern tor.any city that rroltihit, ad%crusing or pahlic rich-, of:�• "A. I he arraniztrnent look- to be a wain-win Situation Itr all- Lonccrled BU; nd.r.; pall be sheltered from the eleincnt` tino steps are less likcir tv b-_ of blsght Ard the pnig-.m is ctpe.'cd to becotiw lk,:al p'.us tL:ir the tvan,it apmc-i t:'s a dh•el tit can applaud NI from the stor. for bus riders Ilrcd from the Army at ,,it Irwin as acolonel- Lin- a is a';;in Bernardino High heal gr.t{lu.uc"whu tv;utl- 11v ANQREM 511NA And the shelters will not .1 w Ix-a lawyer but mar- Stag-Writer i y g an you've cast bus riders or taxpayers hen its reall rainin d ou ve a dime. cJ one instead." SAN BERNARDINO pole The awards presentation -- Through the blazing only got a (at a bus stop), it's The deal with Lamar as a turnabout for Lauren heat of summer, roaring terrible. Corp. requires the com- 4#. id her unties.She last saw winds of fall and icy rains pany to put.up bus shelters t•w iern when they received of winter, San Bernardino Fern B throughout most of the area :lu n96Se st evement awards from Valley bus riders have firm Yucaipa st Montclair. "MCC Magazine in I996. been left to endure the ele- San Bernardino rider --Speaking of which,the mcnts while waiting for The vcrti company can sell ad- sin at the shelters, i.igazine is working on a their rides, g and a percentage of the in- 'ature story about Lauren "When it's really raining bins and benches. twin View Avenue and Bar- come will go to Omnitrans. Fr early 2000_ and you've only got a pole The first six deep-blue ton Road, and one at Remember the name. (at a bus stop), it's tern- metal shelters went up dur- Anderson Street and Bar- Omniftans share is ex- auren Porter_She's going ble.' said Fern Beese, 43, ing 1h loast couple of ton Road. petted to be up to S2.5 mil- brighten our lives with of San Bernardino. weeks. o were erected "I think it's a good idea lion during the next dec- , MCC. All that's changing. at E Street and Highland to have more of them will ade. That money can then i Maual can ba n tra achad by Omnitrans has hired n Avcnuc;along with one at the rain coming up," said be used for other pur- Stan photo ti nil at 399 N.D St..San Bomar- company to install mote Tippecanoe Avenue and Grant Sootcr, 30, of San chases,including additional This shelter at E Street and Highland Avep. no 92401-1518;by tax at(909) than 500 bus shelters Hospitality Lane,all in San Bernardino,as he waited at shelters for any city that Bernardino is one of Omnitrans' newly dw 15.8741.by telephone at(909) throughout the valley, The Bernardino In Loma Lin- one of the new shelters at prohibits advertising on shelters,which w4i be placed at 500 buy 16.3883;or by&-mall to ad- shelters also include trash da, thereM Highland and E. See SHELTERM2 Omnitrans service area. auel@yahoo.com. arc two at oun- Sl I � � � t • 1 1 i � t "We were getting a bad rap," said Durand Rall,general mamg- Shelter cr for Omniaurts. As city contracts expire, La- Continued from B1 mar will take over. The agency will be able to require quick re- public rights of way. pairs or cleanup for shelters that More important, for the first are damaged or vandalized. Any V '] time, it gives Omnitrans control A of bus shelters throughout the advertisements that are inappro- system, which has a ridership of priate for a certain area will be about 16 million per year. removed if Omnitrans requests it. 11 1 Under the old arrangement, Farlc Bccsc, 55, appreciated I 1 most of the 15 cities and the the new shelters as he waited for county areas served by Omni- a bus in San Bernardino with his trans had their own contracts for wife,Fem. bus stops. Many of those were not well-maintained, with trash, "It looks real nice;' he said. graffiti and damage going unat- "Hopefully they won't tear them tendcd. UP." 1-8•Sunday,Nocrtnln•r 7, 1t1110- I'ne I'itr_%s :rm.at ant. o H v� At some of the area's bus stops, a wait for amenities $tailiI g in Lana mum of 511 shellers, 735 benches r rF and hundreds of trash cans will be .inda and San installed at many of the 3,300 bus :` stops in Omnilrans service area -t %'•r tt.'Clliirdino, depending, In part. on how much ' •�! �� J l>tinitrans plans to passenger tl- Mc The stops gener- ate,said Patrick Merrick,stops and ~ ' f 'tt istall shelters that stations supervisor for Omnitrans. As part of a new program already s I • + ,.q 1 lclude trash cans and a undo. Callon. approved by lam �f'11ChPS. I�t'ttCC San Bernardino Rlalln, Omnl- `'•`- r • .+-a� 1��'�' _..,r + '�• � "Jt ,„ ''' ' • fruits not only plans to create more Il"tenaneC is amenities at the bus slops In those { a + „�•,x,pyr�� cities and possibly olhers, It also IlIuied. Intends to provide quick response '! times for removing graliill and 1 ~ y Courtney Challas cleaning up trash within 15 feet of a I+ htiPress Fnterpnse Slap %itctor Rodriguez doesn't ride "We feel these are some of the u*c buses very often, but when things that will help gel people on e does• he knows his wait at the board and gel them out of their usislop is going to be far from cars," said Durand Rail, general te.1kint manager for Omnitrans. "they've always been scummy That attitude pleases Patricia liVrash and gralllh;'the 19•year- Boynton. f ldoGrand Terrace resident said The 27•year-old San Bernardino hije waiting at a bus slop in Loma resident said she would like to see Ino recently. "It doesn't matter more bus slops with benches,trash lu+dt city you're in. No matter cans and less graffitl. a here you go,they're all scummy." "There should be seals at every h}any of The bus slops consist of stop." said Boynton as she waited olning store than a pole designal• for a bus recently near Court and E lgyhe locations where prLsengers streets In Son Bernardino."Usually an•po picked tip, Rodriguez said. I just stand. If there's a curb or .rid-the bus stops that do have something. I'll ell on that. Some- ertOes or shelters front the weath• times It gels tiring standing for so r tend to be dirty or stink,he said, long it the bus Is late." Omnitrans is trying to change In the past,cities have had their 136 own individual contracts with com• � Steven Medd/The r'ress•Enrertrnse F glnning next week,bus passen- panies that have provided shelters William Truxell of Callmesa traps while waiting for a bus at Barton Road and Anderson Street In Loma Linda.Omnitrans will begin Installing shelters erslvill begin to notice the first of at bus stops Ihat Omnitrans ser- at stops in San Bamardlno and Loma Linda next week. un2lreds of brand-new shelters vices.Rail said. But some of those ripping up In Their cities. San facilities were not run very well and not add any costa for the cities or stops are maintained, he said. said. he sat on a bench covered with erikirdino and Loma undo will be have deteriorated over time, he taxpayers. Rail said. Over the lifetime of the agree- colorful graffili. "But this isn't to:hrst recipients of the shelters said. Rodriguez, who ride the bus Omnitrnas has entered Into its meal, Omnllraas would receive a something you can rely on — nd••al least 100 more will be As Those contracts have begun to own 10-year contract with a private portion of the overall sale of the recently far the first time In a thin, having n clean place to sit." istglled In those and other cities expire In the past six months, company that will buy the shelters advertising. Williams said. Omnl- said he was glad to hear something ftthe first of the year, said Is being done la make his wall a � Omnitrans has been working with and maintain them In exchange for trans' share amounts !o ©boot more favorable experience. 'eady Williams,spokeswoman for several of the 15 cities within Its the company selling advertising, $2.7 million, which could be taken Courtney Chullras can bit reached mpltrans. service area to gain approval of Its Rall said.This way,Omnitrans will in cash or spent on more shelters, 'The bus (service) Is something by e-mail at celtullos(iP e.com or by Over the next few years,a mini- new program,The program would have more control over how the bus benches or other amenities, she you can rely on;'Rodriguez said as phone al {9f)3) 89t7 4447. 1 � ♦11'T •lllCf�eR'llC airc.h :.'•4hU l'-UfCd Ilia[ .15515{;IIlI :1111 T11y1•. 1'4[ t I l:tfli nr—J �t 1 p}1 „n e J the training ran smc-thly."I could not be uut hues ate aheelch,lir a�ce��lblr As well." .;Darr � hl E T R 0 liver that she was ha%ir•tz inch a hart time: .q11 of IMETRO">husrs .an i,:wrnm. ace forpermis• a,th other kx.atiors,•'she continued, wheelchairs up to 30 inches by Pa.<crlm,an op METRO will travel train and/or assist 48 inches, and a combined weight of w'Regr-3nalTran- ston to ac .i.r4 n,Ohio,wel- quaint the an4cnc in need who call customer service. 600 pounds. %-cry special canine to lden retriever -- u b l t transports-- Ornnitrans Is Adding New rr,Edre Kassing. t both part of Ca- Y W, Lion as fart :ipendence, a na- ! - ;., of her so- Benches and Shelters :aratien that has ciah:atrLn cnge•r Transport The program requirements include all new T h e i r Special to Pass :s for exceptional bus shelters,additional benches,and trash .dins ser ice dogs, ride u a s ogs. not a lang everal cities in the Omnittans ser• receptacles within the cities and unincor- 3 ti3mpanion d vice area—including Colton.Loma porated areas of San Bernardino County match a person's 1 Linda,San Bernardino,and Rialto, that agree to participate.The progra :•e highly trained As Part of Canhw Companions ttalnlnL.Elie ;ceof charge tore• Kassing introdum Tana,a golden retriever+to Calif.—have approved a new passenger provides f;r substantially improved improv MEtRO bus servke in Akron,Ohio.The dicier maentenance nities and thetinstal anon of new needs of the growing tSanurther meet the Bema lino Val- lighted are responsible is Stephanie Pssenba. and teaching of lighted btu shelters,benches, information ley. h dog teaching about one,just long enough to give the dog the ex- panels,and trash receptacles in many areas. Omnitrans garnered high marks from ..re Canine Corn perience of riding public transportation. Omnitrans has entered into a 10•year passengers in a recent attitude and aware- ..re center for eight They rode in the afternoon on a short trip agreement with Lamar Transit Advertising Hess survey,with an 82 percent overall Fos, icing The dog is that Tavia hesitantly boarded.Afterward, i t._construct and maintain more than itive rating.However, areas identified as r;ng where recipi- Kassing admitted that the canine did very 300 shelters and its benches in participat- needing enhancement included safety at rally trained dog" well on board.but the noise of the bus did ing cities, as well as San Bernardino bus stops and improved waiting ateis An ,s;red training,she seem to make her a little nervous. ` County,in the system's service area. important aspect of the passenger ameni- :am train and be This bus ride was the dag's final stage of ; This three-year construction project is ties program addresses public concerns. icating to According to Omnitran Marketing Director Wendy Williams, !.h as stores,parks, puppy training Once Tavia graduates,she the result of passengers commun , "We have d public transports" will be matched with a person with disabili- Omnin-ans what they wanted in improved a<e, Kassing tele• ties,to assist him or her in tasks such as waiting areas prior to boarding the bus. been 'm n es For the pa working ot year sely i o addre th our member terns of their residents and bu`s~ass / Whether your vehicle is a owners. We feel this program will not only enhance the community image,but {rJ- will also address the needs of our riders.' V In a pilot project to further enhance safety at bus stops, Omnitrans is in, �s stalling solar lighting at selected remote bus stop locations.The stand-alone solar or lighting bus stop poles are designed to 1 make it easier for passengers to be seen by drivers at night and early morning. We've got you covered for . . . This need was identified in a recent on- board rider survey regarding bus step iic Destination & Information Sign Systems amenities. 6000 with LED illumination aid Crystal DisPlay(LCD)- Negative or Positive image, Mosaic or Matrix ht Emitting Diodes (LED)- Single or Multicolor & Exterior Lighting &Air Diffuser Systems for Passenger Rail Cars led Next Stop Voice Annunciator System & The Talking Signs r System iw 12oo East Piano Parkway Piano,Texas 75074 Ph:972 11 FAX 972 423-1540 J � + E-mail:Initsalmisales,(??luminatorusa.tom Web Site.luminatorusa.com Lighted bus shelters are being instated by pmnitrans,San Bernardino,Calif.,as Part Serving the Transit industry since 1934 of a new Passenger amenities program. .SNORT S_/e J DO ji 10 PIP 1 �I 3M r IL.t s W ti N `A 1 - t is •�i�#`;. — r.. � •�'', `Iyy R • LIr �l�Y i:�%1�:. i•i1�.r•i.�y•�.�•� rh'•:a»:•�..+:�F �r .� '..� t ,I:.: - x i w asp 0.400. Nov— so '��'' '-:;�'�•:� err ':�:•r:. ... - " ........... .. �...!It ....... , fir ..r.....rrr..�'r.. : •. :. ri.r.r • :•::' l"r ...�. . .;.• . •t•�..•.ff•1. ri M.r:�...... ............ ...::y...... t, lN.,..f.!r. r':'-::.., r ilr..r f���ir• �r�� r�rJr� ns :��i��rrr •fat r} J� •�� �� r �r ����. �,mot. ; . fir r i�f r � :J f rri tr o �; *•' 0 �r.,rffrrfir:rrr . r.r �r�. 9F •••�.�--���'- Y ::.::Yr'il.•rfrfrrIs fi f.:rrr •- - -_ . r fPo JIf fjfjr�fJ'ffrJ•.•r..:' s /z' rr 11 /f�ffl, 11 ��� rrr•...1/rilif:trf.fffJJJ �J••.•e_ -y;.. ARM. ;••.••.• ,,:., + 11 c►rt (GROMID TERR c Community and Economic Development Department STAFF REPORT CRA ITEM { ) COUNCIL ITEM (X ) MEETING DATE: November 9, 2000 FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X SUBJECT: Authorization for Filing and Executing Application for Bicycle and Pedestrian Project (TEA & TDA Article 3 Funds - SANBAG) RECOMMENDATION: Approval Staff has prepared one application for funding. The project consists of installing a continuous sidewalk and bike lane (to complete the street) along the west side of Michigan Avenue, to create a safe route to school, thereby increasing the safety of pedestrians in the area by providing a better buffer between residential and industrial areas west of Michigan Avenue (see attached map). Our match consists of AB 2766 subvention funds and donated right-of-way property. Subvention funds required for this fiscal year total $4,800, which are already allocated for bike lanes; and $32,000 is required for next year allocation which will represent approximately 62% of the fund balance. Per SCAQMD, the fund balance is recommended to be fully spent on a yearly basis. The larger the match, the more points we get. Funding requested is $515,200 for the Michigan Avenue sidewalk project. Staff recommends the City Council review and approve the attached resolution. Attachments: TEA/TDA Article 3 Resolution & RespectiveMap wlpg-cc%TEA/TDA Article 3 Resolution of 11-09-00 doc 22795 Barton Road - Grand Terrace. California 9'3 W9NC1E0Ad Al ITEM Nat 3F J RESOLUTION NO. 00- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AUTHORIZING NOMINATION OF MICHIGAN AVENUE PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE IMPROVEMENTS FOR FUNDING AS A TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITY AND/OR A TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT ARTICLE 3 PROJECT. WHEREAS, the Transportation Efficiency Act for the 215t Century (TEA 21) was enacted into law as U.S.C. Title 23, Section 101, and WHEREAS, the TEA 21 legislation includes the provision of approximately $60 million to the state of California over a six year period starting in 1997 for a Transportation Enhancement Activities (TEA) program, and WHEREAS, TEA funds are available to local governments which provide a requisite local funding share for specific eligible activities as defined by the TEA 21 legislation, and WHEREAS, projects eligible for funding include transportation enhancement activities that have a direct relationship to the surface transportation system, and WHEREAS, the provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists is an activity eligible for TEA funds as defined by the TEA 21 legislation, and state Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 funds, and WHEREAS, San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) has been authorized by state legislation to have discretion over the allocation of funds for the federal TEA and state TDA Article 3 programs, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace possesses the legal authority to nominate a transportation enhancement activity and to finance, acquire, and construct projects that are eligible for federal TEA and state TDA Article 3 funding, WHEREAS, the enhancement of Michigan Avenue with the installation of pedestrian walks and bicycle lanes will soften and provide a buffer between the residential area west of Michigan Avenue and the rapidly growing regional high tech industrial park east of Michigan and adjacent to the 1-215 Freeway, and WHEREAS, the enhancement of Michigan Avenue will provide a safer and attractive route to various schools, specifically the Grand Terrace Elementary School, recreational facilities, such as Pico Park and the Cal Skate Rink, job areas, such as the commercial and business park west of Michigan Avenue and to the future Town Square Center in downtown Grand Terrace, and WHEREAS, the enhancement of Michigan Avenue will help mitigate impact of additional traffic expected from the residents of the 1,500 unit planned development south of Main Street in Highgrove and the newly connected traffic from Moreno Valley, crossing Grand Terrace en route to the 1-215 Freeway, NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, THAT: 1. City staff is authorized to nominate to SANBAG for funding under the federal TEA and or state TDA Article 3 programs construction of Michigan Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements between Barton Road and Main Street. 2. Patrizia Materassi, as the Cityof Grand Terrace Director of Community munity and Economic Development, is authorized, as the official representative of the City of Grand Terrace to act in connection with the nomination and to provide such additional information as may be requited. 3. The City staff is authorized to request $515,200 of TEA and or TDA Article 3 funds. 4. The City staff is authorized to propose a local match of$36,800 in AB2766 subvention funds and the balance of local match funds ($135,000) to be offered as the cost of right-of-way dedicated to the City of Grand Terrace. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at a regular meeting held on the 91h day of November, 2000. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brenda Stafll Byron Matteson City Clerk Mayor Michigan Street Project .1r Pedestrian & Bike Way from Barton Rd. to Main Street Granderrace r* ■ 1 r Barton Rd. Palm 1 J g F. F r' F OH De B rr °' m % C J- c ■ O Van Buren i G`o L E v D i •� Pico � O Main Street cc K Legend: 6006**060 Bike Lane & Sidewalks A Grand Terrace F Existing Commercial Elementary School G Community Center B Future Town Square H Existing Residential C Future Commercial i Pico Park Development J Skating Rink D Future High Technology K Proposed 1500 Unit Business Park Residential Project E Existing Industrial L Potential Future School Site r4mv ;tr CITY MANAGER ' S DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CPA ITEM O COUNCIL ITEM ( X ) MEETING DATE: 11-09-00 ` SUBJECT: SUB-LEASE WITH GRAND TERRACE LIONS CLUB FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED XX The City has entered into a 5 year extension of the Community Center lease %%ith the Colton Joint Unified School District(CJUSD). That agreement has been approved by (CJUSD)and the next step is to renew the City's sub-Iease «ith the Grand Terrace Lions Club. As in the past the Community Service Building accommodates groups and activities such as the Lions Club, Grand Terrace Women's Club, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Bluebirds, 51h District P.T.A.. dancing groups, community meetings, and garden clubs. STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT: COUNCIL APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE M.aYOR TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED SUB- LEASE WITH THE GRAND TERRACE LIONS CLUB FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING ACCOMMODATION OF VARIOUS COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM No. LEASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of , 2000, by and between the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, hereinafter referred to as "City", and the GRAND TERRACE LIONS CLUB, hereinafter referred to as "Lessee." In consideration of the premises, it is mutually agreed by and between both parties hereto as follows, to wit: 1. PREMISES—Croy agrees to lease to Lessee those premises known as the Grand terrace Senior Citizens/Community Services Center, more accurately described on Exhibit"A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2. RENT—Lessee shall pay City as rent for said premises the sum of S 101.00 per vear for each year of said lease. Said rental payments shall be payable in advance in annual installments. and the first payment hereunder shall be paid upon the commencement of this Lease. 3. USE OF PREMISES —Lessee, during the term herein provided or any extension thereof shall use said premises as a community services center to accommodate civic groups such as,but not limited to. Grand Terrace Lions Club, Grand Terrace Women's Club, Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts, Bluebirds, PTA. City recreation programs, dancing groups, community meetings, garden clubs, Grand Terrace Chamber of Commerce; and the facility shall be granted to civic groups free of charge, except, when one of the groups mentioned desires to make a charge for a function, that group would be expected to pay, on a schedule basis, a reasonable rental fee for the facility. No political activities shall be conducted on the premises under this Agreement. 4. CARE OF PRE\IISES— Lessee shall be responsible for and shall supply all necessary and ordinary care, maintenance, and repair of all equipment, grounds, building. and improvements now or hereafter placed on said premises, and all necessary and ordinary custodial,janitorial, gardening, and other services for said premises. 5. UTILITIES — Lessee shall procure and pay for all utilities furnished to the premises and improvements thereon. 6. INSURANCE - Lessee will. at all times during the life of this Agreement and at its own expense, procure and maintain in force fire protection insurance on building only, no contents. The Colton Unified School District will pro%ide fire insurance on the premises and Lessee agrees to reimburse said School District for the cost of said insurance. Lessee to provide a Certificate of Insurance naming the City as an additional named insured in an amount of not less than S1,000,000,00 for public liability for anyone. The insurance requirements herein may be adjusted annually to reflect new insurance requirements of City. 7. TERM—This Lease Agreement shall be for a period of five (5) years. At the expiration of this period Lessee shall have the option to extend this Lease Agreement for an additional five(5) year period by giving written notice of said intent to City at least (30) days prior to said expiration. 8. HOLD HARMLESS —Lessee agrees to indemnif%- and hold harmless Cite from any operations of Lessee as provided for in this Agreement. Lessee" further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless City against any negligent actions or omissions caused by Lessee, its agents or employees, and any costs and expenses incurred by the respective parties on account of any claim arising from this Agreement or from Lessee's operations hereunder. Lessee and employees against negligent actions or omissions caused by Lessee, its parties on account of any claim therefor. Lessee further agrees to indemniR, and hold harmless City from any and all damages to premises as a result of any cause whatsoever during the period of this Lease Agreement. 9. GENERATED FEES —The Lessee shall use any monies gained from use of building first for maintenance of the facility as set out herein; and anv funds remaining shall be used for worth while. non-profit, civic purposes. 10. IMPROVEMENTS —Before constructing or installing any permanent structures, facilities. or improvements on said premises, Lessee shall obtain written consent of the City Manager of the City. Said City Manager shall give consent, unless such structures. facilities, or improvements will unreasonably interfere with the use of any other public improvement or facility. 11. TERMINATION — Either party hereto may terminate this Agreement for anv of the terms hereof, by giving thim•(30) days written notice to the other party. This agreement was executed on the year and day first above written. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE GRAND TERRACE LIONS CLUB By 8�� _ Za}or President ATTEST: ATTEST: By: ; City CIerk Secretary Approved As to Form City Attorney EXHIBIT "A" LEASE AGREEMENT GRAND TERRACE SENIOR CITIZENS.`COMMUNITY SERVICES CENTER 22140 Barton Road Grand Terrace, California 92324 Located within the confines of: TERRACE UNION SCH DIST OF S B CO RESUB OF GRAND TERRACE PTN LOTS 1 AND 2 BLK F LYING SELY OF STATE HGWY OR SELY OF A LI DESC AS COM AT A PT 90.51 FT E OF INTERSECTION E LI LA CROSSE AVE AND N LI PALM AVE TH N 36 DEG 28 MIN W 65.25 FT TH N 36 DEG 35 MIN 38 SECONDS 3 474.13 FT TH N 40 DEG 44 MIN 06 SECONDS E 409.64 FT TO SWLY LI VIVIENDA AVE 8.77 AC MIL CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Historical & Cultural Activities Committee 0 CT 2 " 2000 Minutes for October 2, 2000 CITY CLERK The meeting was called to order at 7.05 p.m. b% Chairman Pauline Grant. Those present were Pauline, Barbara Tinsley, Ann Petta, Judy McBnde, Brenda Stanfill, Shelly Rosenkild, Colleen Edmundson and Hannah Laister. Secretary's Minutes: The Secretary's minutes were read and approved with the following change: In paragraph concerning photos of Art Show, change from Country Fair to Art Show. Motion to accept made by Barbara, seconded by Ann, all in favor. Treasurer's Report: No change from last month. Motion to accept by Hannah,seconded by Ann,all in favor. Historical Report: Ann is talking to several people on the history of the schools. Ted Vick will make a report. She also has some addresses now to get in touch. Country Fair: Valencia Armando, the musician %%ho played last year, will be asked to perform. Motion was made by Colleen, seconded by Ann. to offer him up to S 100 for three hours. We have 19 craft applications, 1 i children for cookie contest, 1 so far for cooking contest. Proposed Judges: Vickie Doyle,Woman's Club,ByTon Matteson,Lions Club,Jo Olchawa,Chamber +. President, President of Toastmasters, Dan Buchanan, City Council, Jo Verhelle, City, alternate. Pauline needs more ribbons for coolung contest a«ards. Ann will ask craft people for two donations for drawing, Shelly will contribute a prize, Hannah an afghan. Ann is working on the West Coast dancers for entertainment,Kim Hathaway and Nancy Hassard from the Woman's Club will perform as well as the musician. Hannah and Colleen w iil get supplies including condiment cups for the cooking contest. Prices for food will be the same as last year except for breads which will be lowered to .30 cents. There will be a short special meeting on Monday. October 30 at 7 p.m. in our meeting room. Workshop for Photos: Will be October 9, at noon in our meeting room. Shelly has priced double stick tape - dispenser $8.99, refills $4.99. Hannah made a motion for her to purchase, Judy seconded, all in favor. New Business: Advertisement at Country Fair; Ann has had a request for leaflets, flyers, etc. on a table for Pacific Care 1.UMO aimed at seniors. A:so bags of quilt squares for sale - is this craft? She has also had requests from churches, exchange students, baskets which have purchased materials included. Barbara made a motion. seconded by Ann, to allow Pacific Care HMO to be a part of the 2000 fair, 6 in favor, I against. Barbara also made a motion to allow quilt squares for this fair, seconded by Hannah, 6 in favor, 1 against, The problem will be discussed further in detail and written rules put into the minutes. We must ha\e an established policy in the very near future. COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM N0.5iq j Ct The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. The next regular meeting will be November 6, 2000. Respectfully Submitted,Hannah Laister Secretary ROMP TERR c Community and Economic Development Department STAFF REPORT CRA ITEM ( COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: November 9,2000 i FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X SUBJECT: Public Hearing to modify Specific Plan No.92-01 to expand an existing telecommunication facility located on the top of Blue Mountain including the addition of a 110 foot high tower, second equipment building and ground mounted satellite dishes. RECOMMENDATION: Open the Public Hearing, receive testimony, close the public hearing and Adopt First Readingofthe Proposed Ordinance Approving SP-92- 0IA1(Specifte Plan Amendment forAmerican Tower)and Approving E-99-07 (Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration). Background: The applicant,JSM Associates,representing the owner,American Tower Corp.,requests the approval of the specific plan amendment for the modification and partial expansion of the telecommunication facility located on the top of Blue Mountain. These modifications to the original specific plan include the construction of a I8'x 40'equipment building,the addition of a 110-foot high tower located approximately 55 feet west of the existing 75-foot high tower on the top of the mountain,two 10-foot satellite dishes to be located on the roof of the new equipment building, four ground mounted 12'diameter satellite dishes and a 5-foot x 10 foot emergency generator pad. Two equipment shelter buildings were approved in the original specific plan in 1992. The new equipment building will be located in Phase 2 of the original approval; however, it will be slightly larger than the original Phase 2 building which was not built. The new equipment building may support additional dish antennae on its roof, including two, 10-foot satellite dishes.As noted above, four 12-foot diameter satellite dishes will be mounted on the ground to the immediate south of the proposed equipment building. The significant change from the original approval is the construction of the 110-foot high tower. (Please see the attached staff report to the Planning Commission Exhibits 1 and 2 showing the proposed site plan and the proposed elevations of the tower, building and satellite dishes. The 110-foot high tower is intended to be leased to %arious governmental agencies and private communications companies and could support approximately 20 microwave dishes varying in size from 4 feet to 10 feet in diameter. A sight line analysis nas conducted to determine what the I I0-foot high toner would took like from the heart of the City as seen from the intersection of Barton Road and Mt- Vernon Avenue. Both the existing 75-foot high tower and the proposed 110-foot high tower are and will be partially visible from this location(Please see Attachment 9 ofthe PIanning Commission staff report). Generally,the proposed tower will be slightly more%isible from the southeast corner of the City where the mountain does not screen part of the view. The partial screening by the mountain; the sight distances involved between the 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313dj,fqL9W)A&- -%dA ITE ., . ,0M IU� developed areas in the City and the top of Blue Mountain, nearly I'/miles to the Mt. Vernon/Barton Road intersection;and the use of non-reflective type paint will mitigate negative visual impacts to the community. In addition,any cumulative impacts related to the proliferation of towers will be mitigated by a condition that any new tower within the American Tower ownership would have to comply with the 800 foot separation requirement of the Wireless Telecommunication Facilities Ordinance. Besides the application to modify the original specific plan, SP-92-01. Conditional Use Permit No. 99-02 and Site and Architectural Review No.99-07 were also filed as entitlement requests to construct the proposed telecommunication facilities. These later two cases were approved by the Planning Commission on October 19, 2000 contingent upon the City Council approving the modification of the Specific Plan and of the Mitigated Negative Declaration. In approving these two cases,i.e.the cup and site and architectural review, the Planning Commission imposed 26 conditions requiring such things as re-seeding any disturbed areas and painting the proposed toNver with a non-reflective paint of an appropriate color. (Please see Attachment 17 of the staff report to the Planning Commission dated October 19, 2000) At the public hearing before the Planning Commission,there was no opposition to this request. The Planning Commission did add a condition that the applicant provide an updated letter from the FAA that the tower will not constitute a air-traffic hazard. Following the addition of this condition,the applicant has supplied such an updated letter and has agreed to all of the conditions imposed by the Planning Commission. Recommendation: The staff recommends that the City Council open the public hearing to modify the Specific Plan,receive any testimony,close the public hearing,and adopt the first reading of the Ordinance approving SP-92-01 Al and Approving E-99-07, the Mitigated Negative Declaration, in that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant impact on the environment. Resp plully su tted, j 1, 1. �C t join Lampe Patrizia Materassi nner Community and Economic Development Director PM:JL jl Attachments: Ordinance Approving SP-92-01 A I (Specific Plan amendment for American Tower)and E- 99-07 (Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration) Exhibit"A"-The Amended Specific Plan Text Exhibit"B"-The Negative Declaration Exhibit"C"- Planning Commission Staff Report dated 10/19/00 Exhibit `'D" - Revised Resolution of Planning Commission Approval of CUP-99-02 and S.A.-99-07 c.\NtyFilesJOH \AmericanTouosp9201Atcountit.rpt ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE APPROVING SP-92-01 A 1 (SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT FOR AMERICAN TOWER)AND E-99-07 (PROPOSED MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION) WHEREAS, the applicant, JSM Associates on the behalf of the property owner American Tower has applied for approval of SP-92-OIAI and E-99-07 (Exhibit A and B) to be located at 15000 Honeyhill Road on the top of Blue Mountain in the RH (Hillside Residential District); and WHEREAS, the amended Specific Plan (SP-92-OIAI), set out in full in Exhibit A is consistent with the General Plan and Zoning Code of the City; and WHEREAS, a specific plan is required in the RH (Hillside Residential District) for a telecommunication facility at this location; and WHEREAS, the amendment to the original specific plan will allow for a use that is compatible with the nature of the top of Blue Mountain which has a history of being used for telecommunication facilities; and WHEREAS,in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, a Mitigated Negative Declaration(Exhibit B)has been prepared for this project and this Mitigated Negative Declaration has been considered by the Planning Commission and the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on October 19, 2000; and WHEREAS,the City of Grand Terrace's Wireless Telecommunication Facilities Ordinance, previously approved on May 22, I997 will regulate all further development and void the proliferation of towers on the top of Blue Mountain. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission following the public hearing on October 19, 2000 recommended that the City Council approve the amended Specific Plan(SP-92-01 At)and associated Mitigated Negative Declaration (E-99-07), set out in full in the attached Exhibits A and B, be approved and adopted by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on for SP-92-01 A I and E-92-09; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The proposed Amended Specific Plan(SP-92-01A1)set out in full in Exhibits A is approved and adopted by the City Council. Section 2: The Mitigated Negative Declaration on file in the Planning Department of the City of Grand Terrace (E-99-07) is hereby approved as Exhibit B. Section 3: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect at 12:01 a.m. on the 3 1"day of its adoption. Section 4: Posting: The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in three (3) public places with fifteen (15) days of its adoption, as designated for such purpose by the City Council. Section 5. First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held on the 9th day of November, 2000 and finally adopted and ordered posted at a regular meeting of said City Council on the 141h of December, 2000. ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Grand Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace Terrace and of the City Council and of the City Council thereof I, BRENDA STANFILL, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Approved as to form: John Harper, City Attorney BLUE MOUNTAIN SPECIFIC PLAN Table of Contents A. Project Description B. Text and Diagram I. Uses Description Z. Description on public utilities including access, sever, water, drainage, waste disposal, energy,etc. 3. Development Standards a) Setbaeks b) Height a. through o. 4. Phasing Plan 5. Diagram, see Exhibit A. 6. Applicant's Description of Project. C. Relationship with the General Plan D. Environmental Review E. Planning Commission Report and Ordinance EXHIBIT A BLUE MOUNTAIN SPECIFIC PLAN Blue Mountain Specific Plan American Tower Corporation SP-92-01-t11/CUP-99-071E-99-07 Page 1 A. Project Description T y1by the eFangge g existing,area. The tower and r-espeegve ante"ae will blend with the-ether- 1 match t e natural b y 40'-Ix 1 1 7 + 1 7 fne Aasi-n- 'eta and beige ,. 1 an sieel .� Fui4hefniefe 1 the equipment inside is enelesed in metai bexes and eentaifi /1 swith 11 .`J .7 g is the suppef��r- )11 te 11 transmitting height, D ray flat finish. They will -) tewer, The mier-ewave dishes J e in size ffem-6- At this At ) time,may be installed en The Fnier-ewave dishes need visual slear-anee. • 1 1 high.to are-heavy, fiigft reflective,-ewave dishes are flen white eF gray blue in ealef. Please r-efeF le Attaehfnest A, pietures, (APPLICANT TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING ITEDIS, PLUS OTHERS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE FULL DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: • Rental of Space • Maximum number of tenants • Keys of chain link gate • Wattage of electrical connections • Potential for radiation from antennae • Potential for frequency interference • Description of fire prevention apparatus plus the City requirement for drywall ceiling for one hour fire retardant effect.) BIXT MOUNTAIN SPECIFIC PLAN Blue Mountain Specific Plan American Tower Corporation SP-92-01-A 1/CUP-99-071E-99-07 Page 2 A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of an unmanned communications tower facility on the top of Blue Mountain in the City of Grand Terrace. Workers are expected to visit the site once every month. The facility will not be visible from Grand Terrace, except from the very southeast portion of the city in proximity with the orange grove area. The tower and respective antennae will blend in with other existing towers to the northwest. There will be no reflective antenna, nor antenna painted with colors that do not to match the natural background of the mountain. Currently, the facility consists of one ($' X 75') tower, which provides support for four (4' diameter) microwave dish antennae; three omni-directional antennae; three (3' diameter) satellite dish antennae; and one (8' diameter) dish antenna located at the base of the tower. The facility also includes one monopole, which will be removed and its (10' diameter) microwave dish antenna will be relocated to the roof of the existing (12' X 40') equipment shelter that currently supports another (10' diameter) dish. An interior chain link fence surrounds the entire facility. And entrance into the facility is through an existing 14' gate located at or near the eastern property line. The proposals to the existing facility include the addition of a (4-legged, 110') lattice tower designed to support antennae for various agencies from federal, state, and local jurisdictions. The antennae, which are subject to each carrier's design and specifications, will be positioned throughout the tower and may include, but will not be limited to, one (3' diameter) microwave dish antenna located toward the top of the tower; 25-30 omni- directional antennae; 16 panel antennae; 12 microwave dish antennae ranging in size from 6', 4' and 3' in diameter; four (3' diameter) satellite antennae; and one or two (10' diameter) dish antenna located at the base of the tower. A (1 S' X 40') equipment building will also be constructed within the facility, which may support two (10' diameter) dish antennae on its roof. Two to four(12' diameter) land based satellite dishes may placed on (10' X 10') concrete pads. And one (5' X 10') emergency generator pad will also be constructed within the facility. The equipment buildings will be constructed with birch colored concrete block masonry, beige metal flashing facia, beige colored steel rib roofing, steel hollow metal doors, and Class A fire rating material. This construction material prevents fire from entering into the buildings. Furthermore, the equipment located inside the building is enclosed in metal casings, which contain no combustible material. The construction of the support tower is made up of 4" legs with 2"minimum galvanized metal and lacing. The tower provides the support for the transmitting and receiving antennae described above. The antennae contain a non-reflective finish and are placed on the tower subject to each agency's individual requirements which are customarily installed at the top and to the sides of the tower. BLUE MOUNTAIN SPECIFIC PLAN Blue Mountain Specific Plan American Tower Corporation SP-92-01-A 1/CUP-99-071E-99-07 Page 3 B. TEXT AND DIAGRAMS 1. USE DESCRIPTION The permitted uses will be fe consist of hvo equipment buildings and two antennae towers as identified in Exhibits 1 & 2 in the Specific Plan. If any further development is desired, the Specific Plan will have to be amended. Pursuant to Section 1 S 71 020 of the Grand Terrace Zoning Code, the permitted land use is described as "communication towers, antennas and necessary ap_purtenances." 2. DESCRIPTION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES The proposed project will need only requires the basic infrastructure services such as access, fire protection, electrical, and telephone. Access Road The access road vA44 is off of a public right of way known as Palm Avenue, and onto a private road known as Blue Mount Hone Hill Road, which extends from the said ,,..epeFty proposed site onto Honey Hill Drive and Palm Avenue. The applicant can submit proof of prescriptive access rights or easement. Public Utilities Electrical service to the facility currently exists and is provided by Southern California Edison. Ample and sufficient power is available to supply the existing facility and the proRosed proiect. The—sai:viee will be provided by Paeifie Telep C—e�. Service to the facility currently exists and is provided by Pacific Bell Telephone Company. R+aintenaflee on equipment. Except for occasional equipment maintenance by service technicians the proposed proiect is unmanned and does not require a supply of water for consumption, sewer or irrigation purposes. BLUE MOUNTAIN SPECIFIC PLAN Blue Xfountain Specific Plan American Tower Corpor-ation SP-92-01-A IICUP-99-071E-99-07 Page 9 ?. DESCRIPTION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES (Continuted) Emergency Service As required by The San Bernardino County Fire Warden's Department requires that the private access road to the facility be maintained and cleared €ef so that emergency vehicles to aseend-in ease-ef fire can reach the facility in the event of a fire or other emergency. A,,teaue up inte the hillside and pr-essur-e would be diffietilt. Due to the rug~aed terrain that exists along the slope of the hillside and the high water pressure that would be necessary to reach the site from water lines connected at Palm Avenue, large self_contained fire trucks will provide the water supply that would be used to extinguish any fire within the facility. Special fire retardant materials are being will be used in the construction of the e ucuiipment buildings, such as Class A Fire Roofing. Drainage Due to fie or- ver-y Fninimal gfading, nd ne cf cTrstl$ �.�e«�«: thise,.« :I1 ♦ dFaina- Existing drainage routes will not be altered by this project and no landscaping or removal of existing vegetation is re uired because very minimal or no grading will be done. A topo/soil test and grading plan will be submitted to City Engineer if needed. «'ante Disposal There will be fie need feF waste dispesal Sri rrLTLV this site •aa,the + buildings will take any trash eF waste dispe A.-Ash the.m. ffi..e hill. Waste disposal services are not necessary because the site and the buildings will be unmanned for a maiority of the time. During the occasional maintenance visits by service technicians, all trash and 1 or waste created by the technician will be disposed of outside of the facility by the personnel that visited the site. BLUE MOUNT IN SPECIFIC PLAN Blue Xfountain Specific Plan American To%%-er Corporation SP-92-01-A 11CUP-99-071E-99-07 Page S 3. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS a. ZONE-. RH HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. This allows very low-density single family residential development with a maximum retention of open space. A Specific Plan , is required for any type of residential development in this portion of the City, which is identified in the General Plan's Master Environmental Analysis as having severe developmental limitations such as topography and soil conditions. b. LAND USE: LDR, LOW DENISITY RESIDENTIAL C. LOT AREA: 29 aeres 0.46 acre; 100' x 200' d. SITE AREA: 0,15 acre e. OPEN SPACE: '"i-r.9 aer-es 0.31 acre Ah f. WIDTH: 36' feet 100 ft. g. LOT DEPTH: 404' feet 200 ft. h. LOT COVERAGE: 110 let-eever-age 10% lot coverage i. STREET FRONTAGE: 0 ft. (private access road) j. DISTANCE BETWEEN BLDG: 1' fee 10 feet. k. PAKING: 1 space I. HEIGHT: ' ` Proposed second tower, 110 ft. lattice tower' one 1 additional 1 i ft. high equipment building. BLUE MOUNTAIN SPECIFIC PLAN Blue Mountain Specific Plan American Tower Corporation SP-92-01-.41/CUP-99-071E-99-07 Page 6 I DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (continued) M. SETBACKS: 5' feet. n. COLOR: The proposed_tower and antennae contain a non- reflective finish that avoids Blare. The color of the tower is usually steel gray and the antennae are usually pearl colored or off-white. However, the final color is to be approved^by the Director of Community and Economic Development. o. SCREENING & LANDSCAPING: The site is an existing telecommunication facility. The additional tower and equipment building are of the same kind and nature of the structures that already exist within the site. The topography of the site area and the existing facility prevents this applicant from providiniz.a feasible landscaPe plan that provides a high level of screening._However, anv boulders that are removed or relocated from the site will be use for screening purposes. 4. PHASLNG PLAN elear-anee, heakup-te elect ieaa-and tel�epheRe uhlfe, utili-,seFyiees and as seen a- feasibly e-in eemolianee with the Grand—Termee and ems-standards established bN, this Sveeifie Plan. Phase will .o Pve year- Phase One has been completed_and construction_of Phase Two is being proposed. Phase Two will consist of the construction of one 110 ft. lattice tower with various sized antenna mounted throughout the tower. and additional land based antennae situated on concrete pads. An equipment building is also being_proposed as part of Phase Two, which may also have antennae mounted on its roof. Phase Two is in compliance with the development standards set forth in this Specific Plan and with the Citv of Grand Terrace Zoning Code. BLUE MOUNTAIN SPECIFIC PLAN Blue Mountain Specific Platt Anterican Tower Corporation SP-91-01-.41/CUP-99-071E-99-07 Page 7 5, DIAGRAM Diagram plans consist of site plan, elevations, and vicinity map for this Specific Plan. Please refer to Exhibit "A" 6. APPLICANT'S DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The applicant has described this project in detail. Please refer to "A. Project Description" above. C. RELATIONSHIP WITH THE GENERAL PLAN The Blue Mountain Specific Plan introduces a new use to this residential hillside area which is compatible with the General Plan. The hillside area is intended for very low density residential development with maximum preservation of natural terrain. The Blue Mountain Specific Plan proposes a microwave tower facility which will only occupy 0� .015 acre out of a 2-0 .05 acre property. The other 4-9. 0.31 acres will be retained as open space. The Specific Plan is an implementation tool of the General Plan and is therefore consistent with the goals of the General Plan. The Blue Mountain Specific Plan is also consistent with the General Plan Goal for Aesthetic, Cultural. and Recreational Resources Element which is "Enrichment of the Coninaunity bi, ontimi_inz the availability and usefulness of the Citv's Aesthetic. Cultural, and Recreational Resources. " The Blue Mountain Specific Plan incorporates the policy of the General Plan by utilizing_a hillside area that is intended for very low densitv residential development with maximum reservation of natural terrain. A telecommunication facility already exists in the proposed area. and because of its high elevation. Blue Mountain is an ideal location to expand wireless service throughout the City. The amended. Specific Plan optimizes and preserves the City's aesthetic resources while providing_ a service that enriches the entire community. Therefore. by implementing the amended Specific Plan, the policy and goals of the General Plan are preserved and promoted. BUT-MOUNTAIN SPECIFIC PLAN Blue Mountain Specific Plan American Tower Corporation SP-92-01-A 1/CUP-99-071E-99-07 Page 8 D. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Enclosed is an Initial Environmental Study, Disetissien en Lnifial Svad-y; Notice of Filing Negative Declaration, and Negative Declaration, . Please 0 refer to "Attachment I" of SP-92-01 A 1 & E-99-07. E. PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT AND ORDINANCE Enclosed is the Planning Department staff report to the Planning Commission, meeting of T , October 19 2000. Please refer to SP-92-OIAI CUP 99-02. SA-99-07 & E-99-07 with associated attachments. Attachements: (1) ems- Staff report to PiC meeting of 10.19.00 BLUE MOUNTAIN SPECIFIC PLAN NOTICE OF FILING NEGATIVE DECLARATION GyTr 0 BOND 7ERR cE Community and Economic Devetopmen Depa4izen Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, a Negative Declaration is hereby filed on the below referenced project, on the basis that said project will not have a significant effect on the environment. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: SP-92-01-A1; CUP-99-02; SA-99-071E-99-07 Application to Modify Specific Plan No. 92-01 and related applications to expand an existing telecommunications facility located on Blue Mountain, including the addition of a 110 foot high tower, second equipment building and other equipment including 10 foot diameter satellite dishes. APPLICANT: JSM Associates (Property Owner--American Tower) LOCATION: 15000 Honey Hill Road, the top of Blue Mountain Grand Terrace CA 92313 Copies of the Negative Declaration and Initial Study for this project are available for review at the City of Grand Terrace Community Development Department, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, 92313, (909-430-2247). Anyone wishing to comment on this project may do so prior to October 19, 2000. All comments should be directed to Patrizia Materassi, Director of Community and Economic Development. Patrizia Materassi Date Director of Community and Economic Development City of Grand Terrace PM.pg .N pIannirglpg;CUP99-02negd=__;'1 ng doc EXHIBIT B ')'N-r 1; n - - I , r, . Gitf+rD TERR C Community and Economic Development Department TO: Planning Commission FROM: Community and Economic Development Department DATE: October 19, 2000 SUBJECT: S.P.-92-01-A1, CUP-99-02, S.A.-99-07/E.-99-07 Application to Modify Specific PIan No. 92-01 and related conditional use permit,site and architectural review and environmental analysis to expand an existing telecommunication facility located on Blue Mountain including the addition of a 110 foot high tower,second equipment building APPLICANT: JSM Associates (American Tower Property Owner) LOCATION: 15000 Honeyhill Road, (Top of Blue Mountain) RECOMMENDATION: Open the public hearing,receive testimony, close the public hearing and recommend that the City Council adopt the proposed Ordinance amending SP-92-01 and adopt the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration under E-99-07 and approve Conditional Use Permit 99- 02 and Site and Architectural Review No. 99-07 to expand an existing telecommunication's facility including an equipment building and 110 foot high tower on the top of Blue Mountain subject to the City Councils adoption of the Ordinance amending the specific plan. .•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•.••..•-.•..•..•..•..•.••..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..••.•..•..•. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: It has been determined by staff that this project is subject to a proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, which is included as Attachment"I", in that there is no substantial evidence that the 1 EXHIBIT C 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • (909) 524-6t'}'1 project as mitigated will have a significant impact on the environment. The Initial Study is also included with Attachment"L" ZONING AND LAND USE: The project is located in the RH (Hillside Residential District). Communication facilities in this zoning classification require a specific plan. Specific Plan 92-01 was approved for the subject site (1178-241-04) by the City in 1992 and specifies the development standards that apply to the subject site. The surrounding area on Blue Mountain is also zoned RH to the north,RH to the west and RH to the south. The area to the immediate east is located in the City of Colton and is residentially zoned. Besides the subject site where there is an existing equipment building,communication dish and existing 75 foot tower, there is one other communication facility to the immediate north of the subject site operated by P&L Communications. All other areas on Blue Mountain are vacant with the exception of one additional telecommuncation site about 1 mile north of the subject site operated by Comcast Cable at a lower altitude. The Grand Terrace General Plan designates the subject property and surrounding area as Hillside Open Space. it should be noted that there are no polices in the recently adopted Open Space Element which precludes the use of the top of Blue Mountain for communication facilities. The applicant was sent a letter by the City on December 1, 1999 indicating that the Open Space Element would not preclude additional telecommunication facilities on the top of Blue Mountain(see Attachment 2). The proposed use of this request is consistent with the policies of the City's General Plan. In addition,the area to the immediate east, in the City of Colton,is located in a residential category on the Colton General Plan. Ordinance No. 171 added Chapter 18.71 to the City's Municipal Code pertaining to wireless telecommunication facilities was adopted in 1997; the intent of this ordinance was not to be retroactive but to address future projects. As noted above,the original specific plan for the subject site was approved prior to Ordinance No. 171 in 1992. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: Existine Conditions: The Phase i facilities approved in Specific Plan 92-01 were constructed. They include one 12' by 40' building,one 75' tower located adjacent to the west end of the building and a 12' by 20' fenced gravel parking area (see Attachment 3, a portion of the original site plan). Sometime since the original approval,a large dish type antenna with a 30'mast was erected at the east end of the existing I Tx 40' equipment building. The lease area at the time of approval of SP-92-01 was 3,744 square feet. Since the original approval, the ownership of the property has changed bands with a lot line adjustment approved by the City on April 13, 2000 and recorded on the same date resulting in American Tower acquiring a 100' x 200' parcel encompassing the existing telecommunication facilities and the proposed expansion area(see Attachment 4 - showing the lot line adjustment). 1) The area is accessed via a dirt road that originates at the end of P-alm Street. The road has experienced erosion problems over the years and several drainpipes were installed. These drainpipes have now washed out in some areas (see Attachment 5, copy of the lea�� and easement for ingress and egress to the subject site and Attachment 6,a plan for erosion control for the access road). The road is shared access for other telecommunications facilities located on the top of Blue Mountain. Request/Site Plan: . The applicant, JSM Associates, representing the owner, American Tower Corp., requests the approval of the specific plan amendment, conditional use permit and si,e and architectural review for the modification and partial expansion of their telecommunication facility located on the top of Blue Mountain. The modifications proposed to the original approved specific plan include the construction of a 18'x 40'building, the addition of a 110-foot tower located approximately 55 feet west of the existing 75 foot tower,two additional 10'satellite dishes to be located on the roof of the new equipment building, four(4) land based 12' diameter satellite dishes and a Tx 10' emergency generator pad(see Exhibit 1 for the proposed site plan). For a detailed pr.-ject description submitted by the applicant,please see Attachment 7. The original specific plan was divided into two phases and included approximately 2,268 s.f. in Phase I and 1,476 s.f. in Phase 2 for a total site of 3,744 square feet t0.086 acres). The current proposal is for the development of what was generally the Phase 2 area of the original plan. The fenced area for Phase two has been expanded to 4,260 s.f. Thus the total fenced site area now encompasses 6,528 s.f.(0.15 acres)which is located within the total 20,000 square foot parcel owned by American Tower. Two equipment shelter buildings were approved in the original specific plan. The Phase 1 building was constructed and measures 12' x 40' (480 s.f.). An identical equipment shelter was approved for Phase 2 but never built. The proposed equipment shelter building is to be sited in approximately the same location as the previously approved Phase 2 and will be 720 square feet in size or 240 square feet larger than the original building. The new building may support additional dish antennae on its roof, including two, 10' satellite dishes. As noted above, four(4) 12' diameter satellite dishes will be located south of the new building. The significant change from the original approval is the proposal to construct the 110' tower. The applicant has submitted two letters from potential tenants of the 110' tower indicating that the proposed height is needed in order for their signals to be properly received. In addition,the applicant has stated that the best way to conceal needed communication facilities for various governmental agencies is not locate them within communities but to locate them in open areas away from businesses and residences (see Attachment 8, for the applicant's justif cation for the height of the proposed tower.). As noted above,the 110' tall lattice tower will be located at the west end of the proposed equipment shelter building. This location places the new tower about 55 to 60 feet «-est of the existing tower 3 on site. (Please see Exhibit 2 which are elevations showing the proposed tower and antennae.) This tower is intended to be leased to various governmental agencies and private communications companies and could support approximately 20 microwave dishes varying in size from 4 feet to 10 feet in diameter. A sight Iine analysis was conducted to determine what the 110' tower would look like from the heart of the community(the intersection of Barton Road and Viount Vernon Avenue). Both the existing 75' tall tower and the proposed 110' tall tower are partially visible from the center of town and the 110' tall tower will be more visible than its 75' tall neighbor(Attachment 9, visual simulation photo). Generally, these towers will be slightly more visible from the southeast corner of the City where the mountain does not screen part of the view. (This was confirmed by staff who analyzed the view from several different intersections in the City.) The partial screening by the mountain, sight distances involved and the use of non-reflective type paint will mitigate negative visual impacts to the community. In addition, any cumulative impacts related to proliferation of towers are mitigated by a condition that any new tower within the American Tower ownership would have to comply with the 800 foot separation requirement of the Wireless Telecommunication Facilities ordinance. Other site development will occur as a part of the project. The developed portion of the site is proposed to be enclosed with an 6-foot high chain Iink fence with 3 strands of barbed wire. A proposed condition requires other alternatives than"barbed wire"be approved by the CED Director. The undeveloped remainder of the subject 20,000 square foot parcel will be unfenced. Grading will be required to prepare pads for the equipment enclosure, tower and ground-mounted antennas. As part of the grading, a rock outcropping will be removed. As a condition of approval, any removed rocks or boulders will be relocated on or adjacent to the site instead of demolished/crushed. This will help retain the natural features of the mountain and may be used to help screen the building and ground mounted satellite dishes from the view of hikers. All exposed pad areas will be surfaced with decomposed granite to reduce dust. Landscaping is not proposed as a part of the project. Staff conditions of approval recommend that all cut/fill slopes be hydro seeded,.vith native plant mix to help with aesthetics and to reduce erosion caused by the grading. A condition of approval will be that the mix of native plants seeds shall be prepared and/or approved by a qualified botanist. Surrounding Telecommuncation Facilities: Permits for telecommunication facilities go back to the early 1970's;review of the City files turned up several specific approval of other towers and facilities which include the following: SA-88-3 for Comeast Cablevision (portion of the Sigdestad property 1178-061-01) was approved on telecommunication site to the north of the subject site, but at a lower elevation, for an addition to an existing communication facility was approved by the Planning Commission on April 18, 1988 (see Attachment No.10, aerial photo). SA-94-02 Airsignal of California(Denis Kidd property 277-181-13)a proposal to add a 11 receiving 4 antennas to the existing telecommunication facility to the immediate north of the subject site and at the same elevation together with a 36" diameter satellite dish was approved by the City on May 24, 1994 (see Attachment 11, photo of this site) SP-96-01/E-96-02 P & L Investments—Denis Kidd (277-181-13 ) to the immediate north of the subject site (again see the Attachment 1 I photo)approved on 1/13/97 consisted of two phases: Phase A 125' x 125'parcel leased to P&L Investments that has an existing 16'x 20' ,• _ communication building(since 1972)plus 3 towers, approximately 20' high, 4 on the site. Phase 1 consisted of the construction of an additional 24, x 50, building plus a 75'tower as outlined in the specific plan. The building and 75' tower were not constructed. Phase 2 A 112'x 90'(approximate)parcel leased to the County of San Bernardino that has no existing structures. Phase 2 consisted of the construction a 20' x 40' building plus an 80' high tower. As to date, the building and tower have not been constructed. REVIEWING AGENCY COMMENTS: The following responses have been received from the City, County and Other Reviewing Agencies: Building and Safety/Public Works: F { The Building and Safety/Public Works comments are included in the memorandum dated September 9, 1999. Refer to Attachment 12. The Director of Building and Safety/Public works has indicated that the additional materials submitted by the applicant to complete the application and dealing with the various issues were adequate in addressing his comments for this request to be set for public hearing. These additional items include the following: 1. SCE's ability to provide service to the project. 2. Site grading plan. 3. Geologylsoils repot. 4. Foundation structural calculations. 5. Tower structural calculations. 6. Erosion control plan%.sediment trap to Palm Avenue. 7. Height..stealthing justification. 8. Record boundary and lease exhibit. 9. Access agreement. Citv Engineer 5 The City Engineer's comments are included in his memorandum dated September 9, 1999. Refer to Attachment 13. The City Engineer has also indicated that the additional materials submitted by the applicant on May V of this year, listed above, were adequate in addressing his comments to set this matter for a public hearing. Federal Aviation Administration: Copy of correspondence to the owner, American Tower, dated 6-08-99 indicating that the FAA has made a"determination of no hazard to air navigation." Refer to Attachment 14. Riverside Highland Water Company- The Riverside Highland Water Company in its correspondence dated August 30, 1999 had no comment on this project. Refer to Attachment 15. SPECIFIC PLAN: The subject site,even though zoned residential,will be allowed to be utilized for telecommunication towers. The site is within a specific plan which allows telecommunication uses and therefore supersedes general zoning classification of residential for the area which does not allow antennae. The applicant, therefore, has submitted an amended revision of the original specific plan showing what deletions and additions have to be made to accommodate this proposal. This amended copy of the original specific plan is attached for the Planning Commission's review (Exhibit A - a typed version of the amended specific plan will be provided by the applicant by the time of the public hearing.).A proposed ordinance forthe City Council to amend the original specific plan has also been prepared for the Commission's review(Attachment 16). WIRELESS ORDINANCE: The"Wireless Telecommunication Facilities"ordinance, Ordinance No. 171, was approved by the City on May 22, 1997. Even though this project is in a specific plan area, portions of this Ordinance will also apply to this project_ The 800 foot distance between towers required by Ordinance No. 171, will only affect further expansions as this expansion request is considered part of the same facility previously approved with a potential for future expansion, Le., Phase 2 of the original specific plan approval. Any further towers on the site will require that the 800 foot distance from the proposed 110 foot tower and existing 75 foot tower be observed. In addition, other conditions from Ordinance No. 171 have been incorporated into the conditions of approval for the conditional use permit and site and architectural review. 6 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The following conditions are suggested to be imposed on the conditional use permit and site and architectural review case: 1. The proposed project shall be maintained in conformance with the plans and drawings submitted to the Community and Economic Development Department and approved by the Planning Commission as Exhibit 1 & 2. All plans shall be consistent in terms of property lines and other measurements. Minor changes or clarifications may be made by the { Community and Economic Development Director. 2 The applicant and/or property owner shall comply with all of the conditions of approval listed in the memorandum from the Director of Building and Safety/Public Works dated September 9, 1999. 3. The applicant and/or property owner shall comply with all of the items listed in the memorandum from the City Engineer dated September 9, 1999. 4. The proposed tower shall be painted with a non-reflective type of paint with a color to be approved by the Director of the Community and Economic Development Department. 5. All manufactured slopes shall be replanted with a native plant list approved by a qualified botanist whose qualifications shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of the r" Community and Economic Development Department. Said native plant list shall be submitted to the City for review prior to the issuance of building permits. 6. Any Iarge outcroppings on the development site shall be avoided, or if that is not possible, removed and relocated (not crushed) to an area outside the proposed fence line that will aid in screening any ground mounted equipment. Plans showing the relocation of outcropping rocks shall be submitted prior to the issuance of grading and building permits. 7. Any borrow area in the vicinity of the construction site used to provide fill for the subject site shall be restored to a natural state utilizing rock outcropping removed from the project and replanting as required by Condition No. 5 above. Such borrow areas shall be shown on the grading plan for the site required by Condition No. 2 above. 8. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant and/or property owner shall provide proof that adequate indemnity bonding,or an other such provision approved by the City,has been obtained to protect the City of Grand Terrace from any property damage resulting from the blasting or the removal activities of the rock outcroppings on the subject site. 9. Prior to the certificate of occupancy of the new equipment building, all appropriate permits shall be obtained for the existing 30' mast and dish antenna located to the immediate east of 7 the existing equipment building or said mast shall be removed. 10 This conditional use permit and site and architectural review shall not be effective until such time as the ordinance amending SP-92-01 is adopted by the City Council and is effective. 11. Any new towers located within the 20,000 square foot parcel owned by American Tower shall comply with the 800' separation requirement of Ordinance 171. 12. The applicant is responsible to mitigate any possible interference caused to other existing facilities and/or residents or businesses in Grand Terrace. 13. The applicant is responsible to demolish and remove the debris from any tower not in use for a period exceeding 6 months. 14. The applicant shall submit a fencing plan to the Community and Economic Development Department showing some other alternative type fencing in lieu of "barbed wire." Said fencing to be approved prior to the issuance of building permits. 15. The following conditions from Ordinance 171 (Wireless Telecommunications Facilities) shall be complied with: 1. The applicant shall agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the City its officers, agent and employees from any and all liability or claims that may be brought against the City from its approval of a permit. 2. A letter outlining the terms of the lease with the property owner shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of a building permit for the facility. If the lease is extended or terminated, notice and evidence thereof shall be provided to the Community and Economic Development Director. Upon termination or expiration of the lease, the use permit for the facility shall become null and void and the facility removed within 90 days. 3. Certificate of continued use of each approved facility shall be submitted on a yearly basis at the time of business renewal for as long as the facility remains in operation. The certification shall indicate that the facility is operating as approved and that the facility complies with the most current Federal Communications Commission(FCC) safety standards. Facilities which are no longer in operation shall be removed within 90 days after the date of discontinuation. 4. If no annual certification is provided, the use permit for the facility may be revoked by the Community Development Director. Prior to revoking a permit,the Director shall provide the owners of record written notice of their failure to 8 provide the annual certification and an opportunity for hearing. 5. Prior to issuance of a building permit for the facility, applicant may be required to provide a deposit with the City for removal of the facility and any accessory wireless equipment if such facility is found to be abandoned or the use permit is revoked by the Director. 6. Notice of change of ownership of the facility shall be provided to the City. 7. Within 90 days of commencement of operation, applicant shall provide a preliminary report and/or field report prepared by a qualified engineer that shows the operation of the facility is in conformance with the standard established by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Institute of Electrical and Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for safe human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and radio frequency radiation (RFR). 8. All changes and modifications to an approved facility shall require prior approval by the City. 9. All graffiti and other forms of vandalism shall be promptly removed and/or repaired within 24 hours. 10. Paint the tower,antennas, equipment building and accessory wireless equipment a non-reflective color. RECOMMENDATION: The Community and Economic Development Department recommends that the Planning Commission open the public hearing, receive testimony, close the public hearing and do the following: 1. Recommend that the City Council adopt the proposed Ordinance amending SP92-01 and adopt the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration under E-99-07. (Attachment 16) 2. Approve CUP-99-02, SA-99-06 subject to the approval by the City Council of the proposed amendment of SP-92-01 and the adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration. (Attachment 17). Respectfully submitted by II Jo Lampe, Associate Planner 9 Approved by, Patrizia Materassi Community and Economic Development Director Exhibits: Exhibit "A" - Amended Copy of Specific Platt No. 92-01 to accommodate the proposed project under SP-92-01Al. Exhibit I -Proposed Site Plan Showing 110 foot tower and additional equipment building. Exhibit 2 - Elevations of proposed 110 foot tower and building. Attachments: Attachment I -Negative Declaration and Initial Study Attachment 2 - Letter to applicant indicating compliance with Open Space Element dated 12101199 Attachment 3 - Portion of original site plan for Specific Plan No. 92-01 Attachment 4 - Exhibit "B" from lot line adjustment showing new parcel incorporating proposed site. Attachment 5 - Copy of"Lease and Easement for Ingress and Egress"to site. Attachment 6 -Erosion control proposal for access road. Attachment 7 - Revised Project Description to be incorporated into amended Specific Plan Attachment & - Applicant's justification for the height of the proposed tower. Attachment 9 - Photo showing line of site study from the intersection of Vernon Avenue and Barton Road Attachment 10 - Aerial Phot Showing Comcast Cable Site Attachment 11 - Photo of P & L Antenna site immediately north of subject site. Attachment 12-Memorandum from Director of Building and Safety/Public Works Attachment H - Memorandum from City Engineer Attachment 14-Copy of correspondence from FAA indicating"determination of no hazard to air navigation." Attachment 15 - Letter from Riverside Highland Water Company Attachment 16 - Proposed Ordinance for the City Council to amend SP-92-01. Attachment 17 - Proposed Resolution approving CUP 99-02 and SA-99-07 P\,/L•JL:ji c MyReslArnericanTo«er sp9241 11 rpi,.%pd 1�} F AMENDED 4. P,UB L UE' .-- T gat i ��'1: r 2k, "'7tY .'.•f* �5 ���i - + �' }•`* M� } ;ir7••�'I�i�`�i. .�•L+z, IL ii�*. LLY �"� "�R' . •' FI. _ - M1 !-�'� '� .. � 'F•' i.� `+� �ti'w- �#f,•?:�:�r::rr'' •'a +" . Exhibit A BLUE MOUNTAIN SPECIFIC PLAN Table of Contents A PROJECT DESCRIPTION B. TEXT AND DIAGRAM 1. Uses Description r 2. Description on public utilities including access, seiner, water, drainage, waste disposal, energy, etc. 3. Development Standards a) Setbacks b) Height 4. Phasing Plan S. Diagram, see Exhibit A. b. Applicant's Description of Project- C. R.ELATIONSPUP WITH THE GENERAL PLAN D. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW E. PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT AND ORDINANCE .kTTACHMENT A 10 43 a-C .7RDA x B:a8a2a3�� r .OAF - Blue Mountain Specific Plan American Tower Corporation SP-92-01-A 1/C'i':.+P-99.07r'E-99-07 Page 1 A. Protect Description The project consists of an unmanned communications tower facility atop Blue Mountain. Workers are expected to visit the site once every month. The facility will not be visible from Grand Terrace, except from the very southeast portion of the city in proximity with the orange grove area. The tower and respective antennae will blend in with other existing towers to the northwest. There will be no reflective antenna, nor antenna painted with colors that do not to match the natural background of the mountain. Currently, the facility consists of one (8' X 75') tower, which provides support for four (4' diameter) dish antennae; three omni-directional antennae; three (3' diameter) satellite dish antennae; and one (8' diameter) dish antenna located at the base of the tower. The facility also includes one monopole, which will be removed and its (10' diameter) dish antenna will be relocated to the roof of the existing(W—X--4" equipment shelter that currently supports another (I0' diameter) dish. An interior chain lint; fence surrounds the entire facility. And entrance into the facility is through an existing 14' gate located at or near the eastern property line. � r,.,t q U , The proposals to the existing facility include the addition of a (4-legged, 110') lattice tower designed to support antennae for various agencies from federal, state, and local jurisdictions. The antennae, which are subject to each carrier's design and specifications, will be positioned throughout the tower and may include, but will not be limited to, one (3' diameter) dish antenna located toward the top of the tower, 25-30 Omni-directional antennae; 16 panel antennae; 12 microwave dish antennae ranging in size from 5',4' and 3' in diameter; four(3' diameter) satellite antennae; and one (10' diameter) dish antenna located at the base of the tower. A f(rt2 --X--4-W) equipment building will also be constructed within the facility, which may support two (10' diameter) dish antennae on its roof. Two to four(12' diameter) land-,based satellite dishes may placed on(10' X 101) concrete pads. And one (5' X 10') emergency generator pad will also be constructed within the facility. The equipment buildings will be constructed with birch colored concrete block masonry, beige metal flashing facia, beige colored steel rib roofing, steel hollow metal doors, and Class A fire rating material. This construction material prevents fire from entering into the buildings. Furthermore,the equipment located inside the building is enclosed in metal casings, which contain no combustible material. The construction of the support tower is made up of 4" legs with 2"minimum galvanized metal and lacing. The tower provides the support for the transmitting and receiving antennae described above. The antennae contain a non-reflective finish and are placed on the tower subject to each agency's individual requirements, which are customarily installed at the top and to the sides of the tower. Blue lfountain Specific Plait Kruse Vicrowave SP-92-011E-92-09 Page 1 A. PROJECT_DESCRIPTION The-psejerLco fists of an unmanned ommunic tions tower fac' ' tep-Of ftin - getmtain. Wormers-mr=xlYecTea-lo visit tTie`site once a mon e`facii-ty will m Gr-andZ" ve southeast portion of the city, b e area. The tower and respective antennae wi I blendin wt a northwest. Then ve-ante; _minted with colors -match the natu ral•-hael<teu n"L-theme ounta�jn. buildings Will will ruc e with ire co ore concrete oc masonry, $shiftg-fzcia and lore steel-rib r-oG nn as�f4re rnting_mate�Id-steet-ho,1Qw metal doer-. ns ruction materta pr fin' ' the eqtiipmeffH -is-anslosed in-metal-boxe&-aed-eentain-"e eet3rbustibtes-6n}3`-sniQke w es. '} nretarand-laceing is tile suppatt I1,be iAstal*d-rta op an t"k-he�� The microwave dishes ran -g f eut u4d ' ,� to 5 a•r�,o& , r, �� t thi t the v � appliesnt-Is-ae al--clear --ate �ero<ti�dishes•�ri�l-be-installsd-�t-the�t�ttc�rn-ef�t�r-�ran�-�t�3(�'-#i�r-ire hem , -mflezfte-,white-or gr�lue-i�etrlor.—Pl�as�r:rf�rt�[tta�hme ems. (APPLICANT TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS,PLUS OTHERS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE FULL DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Rental of space Maximum number of tenants • Keys of chain lint: gate Wattage of electrical connections Potential for radiation from antennae • Potential for frequency interference • Description of fire prevention apparatus plus the City requirement for drpvall ceiling for one hour fire retardant effect.) Blue Mountain Specific Plait Kruse Alicrotvave SP-92-011E-92-09 Page 3 2. DESCRIPTION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Continued Emer en rServices As required by the San Bernardino County Fire Warden's Department the private access must be maintained and cleared for their emergency vehicles to ascend in case of fire. The water for a fire situation will be provided by the trucks as the terrain is too rugged to connect water lines from Palm Avenue up into the hillside and pressure would be difficult.*Special fire retardant materials are being used in the construction of the buildings such as CIass A Fire Roofing to reduce the chances of fire. Drainage Due to no or very minimal grading, and no landscaping or removal of existing vegetation this project will not alter any existing drainage routes. A topo/soils test and grading plan will be submitted to the City Engineer.wed. Waste Dis oral There will be no need for waste disposal services to this site and the buildings will be unmanned a majority of the time other than those instances that require maintenance by service personnel, they will take any trash or waste disposal with them down the hill. 3. DEVELOPMENT ST,�L'DARDS ZONE RH HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. This allows very low density single family residential development with a maximum retention of open spacc. A Specific Plan is required for any t}'pe of Blue Mountain Specific Plan Knise Microwave SP-92-01/E-92-09 Page 2 B. TEXT AND DIAGRAMS 1. USES DESCRIPTION fop The permitted uses will be for two buildings and&antennae towe6as identified in the Specific Plan. If any further development is desired the Specific Plan will have to be amended. 2. DESCRIPTIO OF PUBLIC UTILITIES The project will need only the basic infrastructure services, such as access, fire protection, electrical, and telephone. Access Road The access road will be off of a public right of way, Palm Avenue, and onto a private road known as Bhre—h1aumein 14 ThiLl it Road which extends from the said property to Honey Hill Drive and Palm Avenue. The applicant can submit proof of prescriptive access rights or easement. (PLEASE PROPERLY DESCRIBE THE ACCESS IN DETAIL. REFER TO TITLE REPORT ON OTHER DOCUMENTS PROVIDED OR TO BE PROVIDED IN THE I SHORT RUN.) f Public Utilities There is ample electrical source available to provide service to facilitate the proposed project by Southern California Edison. There is existing telephone utility service already available near the site. The service will be provided by Pacific Telephone Company. There will be no need for water for consumption, sewer or irrigation purposes as the site will be unmanned and only used for occasional maintenance on equipment. 1 Blue jVfounlairi Specific Plait Kruse Microwave SP-92-011E-92-09 Page 4 3. DEVELOPMENT STAINIDARDS Continued ZONE (Con't.) residential development in this portion of the City identified in the General Plan's Master Environmental Analysis as having severe developmental limitations such as topography and soil conditions. LANDUSE LDR, LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. LOT AREA -4-2-0-aer-es, o .y iP a -L-*- [u D i x 2 u o SITE AREA ., '. p� 1 0,1 S GcF-Q } OPEN SPACE t9:9-ae� - 0.3 I a ci-Q WIDTH uea�t- {v LOT DEPTH ee Z o v STREET FRONTAGE 3�'-'f�'et- Or Pv;v zit A cx Q ss Nod j SETBACKS 5' feet. DENSITY Not applicable. This project is considered as accessory structures per Residential Ordinance. LIVING AREA Not applicable. HEIGI"iT �=�eat-t©��:�-a,nd--t.� Blue Mountain Specific Platt Kruse Microwave SP-92-011E-92-09 Page 5 3. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Continued LOT COVERAGE 4-9o-lot-couer,,�ga. f t; DISTANCE BETWEEN BLDG 14' feet. PARKING 1 space { 4. PHASING PLAN Fria—r est�llsxaed-�•-t#is Sp�ei�-�-�a�.F-bras -�°��arrd`dz=v�elop�AtstaztdaLds i 5L7T�f S CQnS ruG �O Se t�w. 0�.� 5 U . C tl�rg M� t ,'PVAfiv ''1 w,• ,,,' �L. C t. 1-N 7 C • ` r r D 5. DIAGRAM -1r�t�-�. �'rc.�., Diagram plans consist of site plan, elevations, and vicinity map for this Specific Plan, refer to Exhibit•.A.t 6. APPLICANT'S DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is described in detail by the applicant, refer to attachment B. Blue Nfountain Specific Plan Kwe Microwm-e SP-92-011E-92-09 Pa,ge 6 C. RELATIONSHIP WITH THE GENERAL, PL,�N 40 The Blue Mountain Specific Plan introduces a new use to this residential hillside area which is compatible with the General Plan. The hillside area-is intended for very low density residential development with maximum preservation of natural terrain. The Blue ountain Spe riic Plan proposes a uric w Mower facility which will only occupy 9-i-acre ut of a 'Wacre property. The other acre% will be retained as open space. The Specific Plan is an implementation tool of the enerai Plan and is therefore consistent with the goals of the General Plan. .31 J D. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW ti1 Enclosed is an Initial Environmental Stud Negative Declaration, and Negative Declaration, � a , Notice of Filing a SP -9Z-01 & 14.dt F--qq-0? ' , Ve4-Q"^ Ptl'ac�. i E. PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT AND ORDINANCE Enclosed is the Planning Department staff report to the Planning Commission, meeting of fl fio�.�.aril y, refer to *ttachnmm-4 • CL)P 99 -- Attachments: (I) Pictures- (2) Letter ort dpp '� {��t o.`�-�`�. Gssv (3) Negatjvc-BeCVdFion (4) P n na UPMrMTMrReport (5) F fH €-Apprn-val (6) _9dditi onal-Lifamiation Its. '14 7 t !pu am r Z I IN _r q lid ..A J61, fts'-t I nOR lMWHllMx6 .xE_ � MIGW..iAMWwA Wf1V. i•F I NEW IIO' Hick + 1 1 1 !-LEGGEO LAf110E 1 I f fOWER -1 NEW 16'.+0' 1 1'IIHI•iHlr IUN - C00,51 ur 9111{GIS+C I 1 .�f�1Y CRADLE;lu{L 740E 0 � 111 1` 1 ��- EIIIS11H075, MM..a•.w..L..16M w1 - I x f I t r5lin -.� 744 EXHELTEIELILC EQUIPYIN7 SR ' 1 F11 111 .iM/11 la+r _ 2.0 REMOVE EefSfmG NIERIOR PUKE 1 EMSIIIK. 14' GAZE N,W WALEPIIIOL 1041KE _ �. i:f .t' r_ A , ATWif HEW FINES\ � 4wTa+i 10{J05N FENCE famloo.sua wHxw i NEW 5O'-*'.7e'-O• FEIICE AREA. FIN4N S1TL Wl +'04 13 AGGR£CAIE EASE - -. - Y,--.-r * I tilROUGPIOUI GfE IEASE AREA. G:ERLAt .- --.., w/7'OF /?A OR 12U ROLLER LOUP►CIEti �.,? 7- NEW 5.10'LMfAC(;{CY . CEH[RAIOR Pllp_ + SfOUC Al{ CONSfHUCI[i}CO+JfItL !! , SLOPCS SHALL li{ niORO SCEOEO WINI A 7I'_ -�' -" L 4 NAIVE Pw+l MIa IOR PURPOSES Of kEW.6 OWN L+IR Ifs SIAUILI.',w1WH Att6{R:YSION E011140. _ - - """FENCE MRIH-3-S7RAN05 M1 { 5 - _ `zbF 9AR9Sp MIRE cA.+... Do _._AVLN 4Al1 IUWLH _ �,� .. CM moor CC BLUE • - - ---. _ - I PROPERLY LNE MauNraiN tJp 1 - 8032 —� I 1 1500 OONEYHILL RP. i G RRACE,CA Exhibit 1 SAII N D EtERNERNAROINO COUNTY ENLARGED SITE PLAN O ' �ya(I fdHAhi tat fGM" I M+.I+Iur ENLARGED SITE + a 1 .+ is M PLAN L 1 A-1 —DR nhw ewwN[[wwn,•r I1LL[a[�InCa1,WP W W 1 /MAZIFUCAN R[w UIS �llEw Yt5 10 LIGHTNWG RO0 10'UGnlnm„HCD ,,,,rr r. r a TOR nr 1+LHI C ROD _ nw•w•oa 11L.'LL' r'1 j [LEV 2535' w+w•,.r.n y CLEV 2535' rOP nF TMIFR NEW OYNI ANIEIIIMS eo tw Y. 2525 15 ANTENNAS PER SIMR) EILV, :]25' (TOTAL Of 70 Cunt MfENNAS) Iitw CUPS APOCNINAS (5 ArH[nnAS 1 LCIoaJ PLR S TIE, 3'R NEw 110 HIGH (TOTAL Of" Y0 OY111 u1tEPIPaS) ��5AI CI A-tE G4 LH[015H E:: /lTt xE lOwkN yAlw+Ar M.Y V M PIS rya rliw 1Hi 14(.IP IDESIGNto or 9N+EfIS) r�u..w lrw.•.1,uA,u. u 11 i:I,l II 1 Al Hlt /{ - .r.r r�•A•.,r'•r M M.�. ","IN ■ NEw �[ EnSHNG 75' (OLSIGN(O HT o1PILR5) j�SAIELL11C DISH NEW 47 ,nW1 f0:'•'LM (IOTAt Of A) SAIEtLUC DISH Eu;l,Ht' WONT _ (TOTAL OF 4) •ulaH ANI(10,4 --�- `—NEW PUILL ANTENNAS ,VN/•1 lu'+L t (A At MO AS PER EA. L NEw Pu1LL u11UINAS n,c! ur.c .•sc,1 L II•.Illll: S A /` LENISNNG 4.0 Of A SECTORS) (A ►NIENNAS PER EA SAIELLNE VGH ` SA III[ DISH OF . stclDas) �•Erlstulc iA Ex15T1,IC YOI,OVOLE 10 HE V� SATELLITE o15H NEW 6'[ �NEw 6 R ' nt1Pp•:EC AHC SAl[LL11lU[I+Su j�SAIELUIE 01511 SATELLIIt a.s., 1..of Ht1CCAIW TO LIISt Hoof \/ ENtSHt1G CUPS (TOTAL OF S) {taro Of 5) . ugE1Nu M n141 f/CW 16'./J' ,y r NEW 3'A NEW 3 R EQU>PUCNT HIAI W.L ,efelre[ .um..rPr..1 L x1511NC �'[ �SAIELLItC DISH SAIELLIIL OISH (OESIGNEO 0r OIHERS} y LA,S[,I,G PEIICI L[ r_ � (OCTAL OF 3) (TOTAL OF 5A1ELtHC aY1 - f IISBNG fil mj IG- NLw IO-A IILw IO A NEW 1\SAIELIIIE DISH 5AIELUIL 015PI SATELLITEIE 03n�� ct ft y `/ ROpf uOI NI[o] w/ 3651RJU40 LOf HARCE:I WIRE . lu HE CONSIR,,ClEO V,NSIOC os ! IT,[ LEASE AREA anew n.CG T-fOLj7E_![[I'�- [l[v 7a22 S' ySltQunplJLt.aLL1:Rv A11Lu1 ._ .�r - L" 2e5- BLUE 41,WA l. LLV 24150 MOUNTAIN tlC, 2S II _J " su www• HER wAYEGUIDE NEw 6'MAW HHK FENCE HRroGE w/ 3-SIRANDS Or BASHED%VRE (A) - 12[ W,0 B032 TO HE CoNSIROCT[O I'INSfOE ,BASED SATELLITE 015NES GNnttt[]._ffYAllnll NCw 18'•40- THE LEASE AREA. vcf -451 24I0.5 EOVIPYENI HNLOING (DESIGNED Hf OTHERS} 1500 HOIIEYHILL RD. GRAWEST ELEVATION �i, SAN BERNARDIN CA _ SAH BERHAROIHO COUNTY NORTH ELEVATION 1 SGLLE'N.1S. •I SCA,c 11.1 S. Exhibit 2 ELEVATIONS A-2 NOTICE OF FILING NEGATIVE DECLARATION c4Tr . *OIL Fi BRAND TERR tE Community and Economic Developmen Departmnen Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, a Negative Declaration is hereby filed on the below referenced project, on the basis that said project will not have a significant effect on the environment. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: SP-92-01-Al; CUP-99-02; SA-99-071E-99-07 Application to Modify Specific Plan No. 92-01 and related applications to expand an existing telecommunications facility located on Blue Mountain, including the addition of a 110 foot high tower, second equipment building and other equipment including 10 foot diameter satellite dishes. APPLICANT: JSM Associates (Property Owner—American Tower) LOCATION: 15000 Honey Hill Road, the top of Blue Mountain Grand Terrace CA 92313 Copies of the Negative Declaration and Initial Study for this project are available for review at the City of Grand Terrace Community Development Department, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, 92313, (909-430-2247). Anyone wishing to comment on this project may do so prior to October 19, 2000. All comments should be directed to Patrizia Materassi, Director of Community and Economic Development. Patrizia Materassi Date Director of Community and Economic Development City of Grand Terrace PM.Pg w/planninglpglCUP9g-02negdedling.doe ATT.aCHIMEVT 1 City of Grand Terrace Community and Economic Development Department Environmental Checklist Form 1. Project Title: S.P.-92-01A1,CUP-99-02,S.A.-99-07 and E.-99-07--Modify Specific Plan No.92-01 and related applications to expand an existing telecommunications facility located on Blue Mountain including the addition of a 110 foot high tower, equipment building and other equipment including 10 foot and 12' diameter satellite dishes. 2. Lead Agency Name and Address-. City of Grand Terrace Community and Economic Development Department 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace,CA 92313 3. Contact Person and Phone Number: Patrizia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director: (909)430-2247 4. Project Location: 15000 Honeyhill Road, on top of Blue Mountain 5. Project Sponsor's Name JSM Associates 6. General Plan Designation: OS(Open Space-Hillside Overlay) 7. Zoning: RH(Hillside Residential District) 8. Description of Project: (Describe the whole action involved, including but not limited to Iater phases of the project,and any secondary,support,or off-site features necessary for its implementation. Attach additional sheets if necessary.) The proposed project consists of an unmanned communications tower facility atop Blue Mountain. Workers are expected to visit the site once every month. The facility will be partially visible from Grand Terrace,except from the very southeast portion of the City in proximity with the orange grove area. The tower and respective antennae will blend in with other existing towers to the northwest of the site. There will be no reflective antenna,nor antenna painted with colors that do not match the natural background of the mountain. Currently,the facility consists of one(S' X 75')tower,one(12' X 40')equipment shelter, and two(12' diameter)concrete pads. An 6' chain link fence surrounds the facility. The entrance into the facility is through an existing 14' gate located at or near the eastern property line. The proposals to modify the existing facility include the addition of a 4 legged, 110' high lattice type tower, which is designed to support antennae for various agencies from federal, state, and local jurisdictions. The antennae, .vhich are subject to each carriers's design and specifications, will be positioned throughout the tower and may include,but will not be limited to,one,3'dish antenna toward the top of the tower;25-30 omni-directional antennae; 16 panel antennae; 12 microwave dish antennae ranging in size from Y,4' and 6' in diameter;and four,3' satellite antennae. One 18' X 40' equipment building will also be constructed«ithin the facility,which may support additional dish antennae on its roof,including two, 10' satellite dishes. Up to 4, 12' diameter satellite dishes may also be installed. A 5' X 10' emergency generator pad will also be constructed. Community and Economic Development Department 1 Initial Study and Environmental Analysis The equipment buildings will be constructed with birch colored concrete block masonry, beige metal flashing facia,beige colored steel rib roofing,steel hollow metal doors,and Class A fire rating material. This construction material prevents fire from entering into the buildings. Furthermore,the equipment located inside the building is enclosed in metal casings,which contain no combustible material. The construction of the support tower is made up of 4" legs with 2" minimum galvanized metal and lacing. The tower provides the support for the transmitting and receiving antennae described above. The antennae contain a non-reflective finish and are place on the tower subject to each agency's individual requirements,which are customarily installed at the top and to the sides of the tower. 9. Surrounding Land Uses and Settings: (Briefly describe the project's surroundings.) North: Additional communication facilities and vacant land. Prior approvals could allow additional communication towers to the immediate north of the subject site. East: Vacant land South: Vacant land West: Vacant land and at about'/2 mile or more residential 10. Other agencies whose approval is required (e.g., permits, financing approval, or participation agreement) Federal Communications Commission, Federal Aviation Commission Environmental Factors Potentially Affected: The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project,involving at least one impact that is a"Potentially Significant Impact"as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. ❑ Land Use and PIanning Cl Transportation/Circulation ❑ Public Services ❑ Population and Housing ❑ Biological Resources ❑ Utilities and Services Systems ❑ Geological Problems ❑Energy and Mineral Resources ❑ Aesthetics °❑ Water ❑Hazards ❑ Cultural Resources ❑Air Quality ❑Noise ❑ Recreation ❑ Mandatory Findings of Significance Determination: On the basis of this initial evaluation(To be completed by the Lead Agency): ❑ I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment,and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment,there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ❑ I find that the proposed project NIAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ❑ I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effects)on the en ironment,but at least tine effect 1)has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document to applicable legal standards,and 2)has been addressed Communit}, and Economic Development Department 2 Initial Study and Environmental Anal -sis addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets, if the effect is a"potentially significant impact" or"potentially significant unless mitigated." An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required,but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. ❑ 1 find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there WILL NOT be significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects(a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards and(b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. 01J9 Signature Date Pat[izia Materas5i Community and Economic Development Director Printed Name Title Evaluation of Environmental Impacts: 1) A brief explanation is required for all answers except "No Impact" answers that are adequately supported by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each question. A"No Impact" answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved(e.g. the project falls outside a fault rupture zone). A"No Impact" answer should be explained where it is based on project-specific factors as well as general standards (e.g. the project will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants, based on a project-specific screening analysis). 2) All answers must take account of the whole action involved, including off-site as well as on- site, cumulative as well as project-level, indirect as well as direct, and construction as well as operational impacts. 3) "Potential Significant Impact" is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect is significant. If there are one or more "Potential Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, and EIR is required. 4) "Potential Significant Unless Nlitigated Incorporated' applies where the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from"Potential Significant Impact" to a "Less than Community and Economic Development Department 3 Initial Study and Environmental Analysis than Significant Impact." The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level(mitigation measures from Section XVII, "Earlier Analyses,"may be cross-referenced). y) EarIier Analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063(c)(3)(D). Earlier analyses are discussed in Section XV1I at the end of the checklist. 6) Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to information sources for potential impacts (e.g., general plans, zoning ordinances). References to a previously prepared or outside document should, where appropriate, include a reference to the page or pages where the statement is substantiated. A source list should be attached,and other sources used or individuals contacted should be cited in the discussion. Community and Economic Development Department 4 Initial Studv and Environmental Analysis Issues(and Support Information Sources): Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant impact Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated I. Land Use and Planning. Would the proposal: a) Conflict with general Ian designation or zonin ? ❑ ❑ ❑ (Source: General Plan Categories Map; Zoning District Map) b) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project? (There are no known agencies where the proposed infrastructure improvements %vould cause a conflict. ) ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ c) Be incompatible with existing land use in the vicinity? (Zoning District Map, City Zoning Code) d) Affect agricultural resources or operations (e.g., ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ impacts to soils or farmlands, or impacts from incompatible land uses)? (There are no significant agricultural resources in the study area) _ e) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an ❑ ❑ ❑ = established community(including a low-income or minority community)? (No specific development is proposed by the infrastructure study. ) A brief explanation to answer I: The top of Blue Mountain is currently used for multiple communication facilities with two additional towers approved under SP-96-01but not constructed. The existing facilities on the subject site were approved under Specific Plan 92-01 which allowed for the use for communications facilities. The proposed use is located in an area which is developed to communicatior facilities;therefore,the proposed use will be compatible with the existing development in the area. The remainder of the area consists of the undeveloped,vacant land on Blue Mountain. The recently adopted Open Space Element of the General Plan, adopted by the City Council on January 13",2000,contains no policies or prohibitions against communication facilities on the top of Blue Mountain. Lastly,there are no agricultural resources or operations on the top of Blue Momitain to be adversely impacted;nor is there an established community on the top of Blue Mountain to be physical impacted by this project. 11. Population and Housing. Would the proposal: a) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local population projections? ( ) ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ b) Induce substantial growth in an area either directly or indirectly(e.g. through projects in an undeveloped area ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ or extension of major infrastructure)? ( ) c) Displace existing housing, especially affordable housing? ( ) ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Community and Economic Development Department 5 Initial Stud: and Environmental Analysis Issues(and Support Information Sources): Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant impact Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated A brief explanation to answer II: The proposed project is non-residential in nature;does not involve the extension of mlj.-.r infrastructure in the area;and will n_ displace existing housing as no housing existing on the top of Blue Mountain. III Geologic Problems. Would the proposal result in or expose people to potential impacts involving: a) Fault rupture? (Geotechnical Investigation 7/27/99) ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ b) Seismic ground shafting?(Geotech. 7127199) ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ c) Seismic ground failure, including liquefaction? ❑ Cl ❑ ■ (Geotechnical Investigation 7/27/99) d) Seiches, tsunami, or volcanic hazard? (GP MEA/EIR ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ II-1) e) Landslides or mudflows? (GP MEA/EIR II-1) ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ f) Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ conditions from excavation, grading, or fill? (Geotechnical Investigation T27/99) g) Subsidence of the land? (GP MEA/EIR II-1, Append ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ B) h) Expansive soil? (GP MEA/EIR II-1, Append B-4 ) ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ I) Unique geologic or physical features? (Geophysical ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Investigation 7/27/99) A brief explanation to answer III: A geotechnical investigation of the proposed site was prepared by HDR Engineering,lit year(7/1-7/99). The geotechnical investigation did not identify any faults on the subject site or even in close proximity to the site. Therefore fault rupture is not expected to pose a geologic problem for this project. Also a detailed seismicity discussion was included in the geotechnical investigation. The report concluded that the project can be designed to be resistive to seismic ground shaking through appropriate design requirements. The geotechnical report further states that the potential for liquefaction is considered to be r-'- due to the absence of shallow groundwater and underlying bedrock. The report did not identify any other geologic problems for this project such as landslides or subsidence. A grading and drainage plan will be required to be submitted to and approve, by the Cityto minimize erosion or unstable soil conditions from the grading operations to construct this project. Lastly,the geotechnical report did identify several large granite rocks on the site. A condition is proposed that will require that all rock outcroppings be identified on the required grading plan and that such rock outcroppings be relocated to a nearby location on t1% mountain to be approved by the Community and Economic Development Department. Community and Economic Development Department 6 Initial Study and Environmental Analysis Issues(and Support Information Sources): Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant impact Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated IV. Water. Would the proposal result in: a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the ❑ ■ ❑ rate and amount of surface runoff? (GP MEA/EIR II-1 Append B) b) Expose to people or property to water related hazards ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ such as flooding? (GP MEA/EIR [1-1) c) Discharge into surface water or other alteration of ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ surface water quality (e.g., temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity)? (GP MEA/EIR H-1) d) Changes in the amount of surface %eater in any water ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ body? (GP MEA/EIR II-1) e) Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ movements? ( ) f) Changes in the quality of ground waters, either through ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations, or through substantial loss of groundwater recharge capability? (GP MEA/EIR II-1) g) Altered direction or rate of flow of groundwater? (GP ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ MEA/EIR 1I-1) h) Impacts to groundwater quality? (GP MEA/EIR II-1, ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ and 97 Regional WCA Report) I) Substantial reduction in the amount of groundwater ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ otherwise available for public water supplies? (GP MEA/EIR II-1) A brief explanation to answer IV: Although this project is minimal in size, it will add to the cumulative impacts with respect to drainage problems that have resulted from earlier projects on Blue Mountain including the access road. These impacts will be mitigated by requiring a grading and drainage plan demonstrating amongst other things that the drainage of the constructed site has been properly designed. The applicant will also be required to submit a drainage study and erosion control plan; provide a maintenace schedule for the access road from Palm Avenue;and repair or install down drains on the access road to preclude erosion and provivde a method of erosion control. Community and Economic Development Department 7 Initial Study and Environmental Analysis Issues(and Support Information Sources); Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant impact Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated V. Air Quality. Would the proposal: a) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to an ❑ ❑ ❑ existing or projected air quality violation? (GP MEA/E1R H-14, and AQIvfP) b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? (The Element ❑ ❑ ❑ contains an implementing action to reduce such exposure) c) Alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, or cause ❑ ❑ ❑ any change in climate? (.Any such implementing actions are designed to have a positive effect on the region's air quality) d) Create objectionable odors? (No specific odor causing ❑ ❑ ❑ proposals are included in the Element) A brief explanation to answer V: Because of the relative small size of the site and its relative"unmanned"nature, little or no au pollution will be generated by this facility. An emergency generator will be stored on the site in case of a failure in electrical power. The generator motor must comply with applicable air pollution standards for internal combustion engines and will only be used on an infrequent basis. Lastly,no objectionable odors will be generated by this proposal. Community and Economic Development Department a Initial Study and Environmental Analysis Issues(and Support Information Sources): Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant impact Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated VI. Transportation/Circulation. Would the proposal result : a) Increase vehicle trips or traffic congestion? ❑ ❑ ❑ (Trans. Engineering and Planning Consultant) b) Hazards to safety from design features (e.g., ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses? ( ) c) Inadequate emergency access or access to ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ nearby uses? ( ) d) Insufficient parking capacity on-site or off-site? ❑ ❑ ❑ e) Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ bicyclists? I) Conflicts with adopted policies supporting ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ alternative transportation(e.g., bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? (TCM Ordinance 147) g) Rail, waterborne or air traffic impacts? () ❑ ❑ ❑ Brief explanation to answer VI: The proposed project will not result in substantial additional traffic or a demand for parking or other forms o: transportation because it is essentially an unmanned facility. The unpaved access road to the site from the base of Blue Mountain off of Palm Avenue will have to be repaired and maintained to the City's satisfaction. This will eliminate or greatly reduce any hazards to safety. Community and Economic Development Department 9 Initial Study and Environmental Analysis Issues(and Support Information Sources): Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant impac Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated V1I. Biological Resources. Would the proposal result in impacts to: a) Endangered, threatened, or rare species or ❑ ❑ ❑ their habitats (including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals, and birds)? (GP MEA/EIR II-20, Append C) b) Locally designated species (e.g., heritage ❑ ❑ trees)? (GP MEA/EIR 11-20) c) Locally designated natural communities (e.g., ❑ ❑ ❑ oak forest, coastal habitat, etc.)? (GP MEA/EIR II-20) d) Wetland habitat(e.g., marsh, riparian, and ❑ ❑ ❑ vernal pool)? ( ) e) Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? ❑ ❑ ❑ (GP MEA/EIR H-20) Brief explanation to answer VH: The proposed project is located on the top of Blue Mountain which is known to have important biological resources. Proposed construction of the site will only minimally disturb these resources;however,all areas altered by grading and not occupied by a new structure shall be replanted with native plants including any"borrow"areas. (The geotechnical study stipulates that material will have to be"borrowed"from adjacent areas for fill material.) A report by a qualified botanist to be approved by the City shall be submitted making specific recommendations as to what plants should be included in any replanting of this area. Said report to be submitted and approved by the Community and Economic Development Department prior to the issuance of any grading permits for this project. V111. Energy and Mineral Resources. Would the proposal: a) Conflict with adopted energy ❑ ❑ ❑ conservation plans? (GP MEAlEIR II-19, and Append D) b) Use non-renewable resources in a ❑ ❑ ❑ wasteful and inefficient manner? c) Result in the loss of availability of a ❑ ❑ ❑ known mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State? (GP MEA/EIR 11-19, and Append B) Community and Economic Development Department 10 Initial Study and Environmental Analysis Issues(and Support Information Sources): Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant impact Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated Brief explanation to answer VIII: No mineral resources have been identified in the City and therefore do not occur in the project area. IX. Hazards. Would the proposal involve: a) A risk of accidental explosion or ❑ ❑ ❑ t release of hazardous substance (including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, chemicals, or radiation)? (GP MEA/EIR II-7) b) Possible interference with ❑ ❑ ❑ emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? (GT Emergency Plan, and GP MEA/EIR II-13) c) The creation of any health hazard or ❑ ❑ ❑ potential health hazard? (GP MEA/EIR II-1) d) Exposure of people to existing ❑ ❑ ❑ sources of potential health hazards? (GP MEA/EIR II-1) e) Increase fire hazard in areas with ❑ ❑ ❑ flammable brush, grass, or trees? (GP MEA/EIR II-6) Brief explanation to answer IX: No hazardous substances will exist on site;therefore,there is no risk of explosion or hazardous materials being released during an accident or upset condition. This is an unmanned facility,no evacuation plan will be required. Community and Economic Development Department I I Initial Study and Environmental Analysis Issues (and Support Information Sources): Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant impart Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated X. Noise. Would the proposal result in: a) Increase in existing noise levels? ❑ ❑ ❑ (GP MEA/EIR II-10) b) Exposure of people to severe noise ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ levels? (GP MEA/EIR II-10) Brief explanation to answer X. The proposed project will not generate any new noise once completed. Construction noise will be of a rather limited duration. There may be some blasting or jack hammering required during the construction phase but the large vacant, unpopulated area greatly lessens any adverse impacts to surrounding residential areas or exposure of people to severe noise levels. Also,blasting and jack hammering will be minimized by requiring the large rock outcroppings be avoided or removed to help screen or blend-in the project with the rocky-mountainous terrain typical of the top of Blue Mountain. XI. Public Services. Would the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered government services in any of the following areas: a) Fire protection? ( ) ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Police protection? ( ) ❑ ❑ ❑ c) Schools? ( ) ❑ ❑ ❑ d) Maintenance of public facilities, ❑ ❑ ❑ including roads? ( ) e) Other governmental services? { ) ❑ ❑ ❑ Brief explanation of answer M. No new governmental services will be needed to serve this unmanned facility. The City will require that the applicant ensure that the access road to the top of the mountain is properly maintained and not at the City's expense. Community and Economic Development Department 12 Initial Study and Environmental Analysis Issues (and Support Information Sources): Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant impact Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated XIL Utilities and Services Systems. Would the proposal result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alternations to the following utilities: a) Power or natural gas? (GP ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ NIEAIEIR II-32, II-33) b) Communications systems? (GP ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ MEATIR II-33) c) Local or regional water treatment or ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ distribution facilities? (GP MEATIR U-30) d) Sewer or septic tanks? (GP ❑ ❑ MEA/EIR N-30) ❑ ■ e) Storm water drainage? (GP ❑ ❑ ❑ MEA/EIR II-33) 0 Solid waste disposal? (GP ❑ ❑ ❑ MEATIR II-32) ■ g) Local or regional water supplies? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ (GP MEATIR II-30) Brief explanation of answer XII. Electricity and phone lines exist at the subject site;no new utility services will be required as a result of the proposed project. XIiI. Aesthetics. Would the proposal: a) Affect a scenic vista or scenic ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ highway? (GP MEAIEIR II-22) b) Have a demonstrable negative ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ aesthetic effect? ( ) c) Create light or glare? ( ) ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Community and Economic Development Department f a Initial Study and Environmental Analysis Issues(and Support Information Sources): Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant impac Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated Brief explanation to answer XIII. The site line analysis taken from downtown Grand Terrace at the intersection of Barton Road and Mt.Vernon Avenue shows that there will be virtually no change from the existing views of Blue Mountain when the new tower is constructed. The site is partially hidden from all nearby residences with the nearest house being located over%mile away and at much lower elevation than the proposed communication facility. In addition,the tower will be required to be painted with a flat non-reflective type paint of a color to match the generally gray/blue sky background. NOTE:Before the public hearing on October 191,the staff will conduct its own site line analysis to confirm and determine any visual effects to the community. In addition, any cumulative impacts related to proliferation of towers on the top of Blue Mountain will be mitigated by a condition that any new tower within the American Tower ownership would have to comply with the 800 foot separation requirement of the Wireless Telecommunication Facilities ordinance. XIV. Cultural Resources. Would the proposal: a) Disturb paleontological resources? ❑ ❑ ❑ (GP MEA/EIR H-20) b) Disturb archaeological resources? ❑ ❑ ❑ (GP MEA/EIR 1I-20) c) Affect historical resources? (GP ❑ ❑ ❑ MEA/EIR 1I-22) d) Have the potential to cause a ❑ ❑ ❑ physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? (GP MEA/EIR II-22) e) Restrict existing religious or sacred ❑ ❑ ❑ uses within the potential impact area? ( ) Brief explanation to answer XIV. No prehistoric or historic sites are known to exist on the top of Blue Mountain. XV. Recreation, Would the proposal: a) Increase the demand for ❑ ❑ ❑ neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities? (GP L1EA/EIR II-21) b) Affect existing recreational ❑ ❑ ❑ opportunities? (GP MEA/EIR I1-21) Community and Economic Development Department 14 Initial Study and Environmental Analysis Issues(and Support Information Sources): Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant impact Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated Brief explanation to answer XV. The topography of the area is too steep for all recreational activities with the possible exception of hiking. This proposal will not impact any existing or planned hiking trail or adversely impact any other recreational activities. Community and Economic Development Department 15 Initial Study and Environmental Analysis Issues(and Support Information Sources): Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant impact Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated XVI. Mandatory findings of significance. a) Does the project have the potential ❑ ❑ ❑ to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self- sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community,reduce the number or restrict the range of rare or endangered plant or animal, eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b) Does the project have the potential ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? c) Does the project have impacts that ❑ ❑ ❑ are individually limited,but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of other probable future projects.) d) Does the project have environmental ❑ ❑ ❑ effects which will cause substantial adverse effect on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Community and Economic Development Department 16 Initial Study and Environmental .-analysis Issues(and Support Information Sources): Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant impact Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated Brief explanation to answers XVI. The project does have the potential to cumulatively impact drainage and erosion patterns and problems in the area, especially the erosion on the westerly face of Blue Mountain if not adequately mitigated by the requirements discuss this analysis. Regarding potential cumulative impacts on aesthetics,any cumulative impacts related to proliferation towers on the top of Blue Mountain will be mitigated by a condition that any new tower within the American Tower owership would have to comply with the 800 foot separation requirement of the Wireless Telecommunication Facilities Ordinance, Therefore,the potential cumulative impacts of this project will be less than significant because of the mitigation measures incorporated into the project. XVII. Earlier Analysis. Earlier analysis may be used where, pursuant to the tiering,program EIR, or other CEQA process, one or more effects have been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR, or negative declaration. Section 15053(c)(3)(D). In this case a discussion should identify the following on attached sheets: a) Earlier analysis used. Identify earlier analyses and state where they are available for review. ■ Used the Grand Terrace General Plan Master Environmental Assessment an` EIR for most of the base impact information. Both documents are available,at the Grand Terrace Community and Economic Development Department. b) Impacts adequately addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation measured based on the earlier analysis. ■ Not Applicable c) Mitigation measures. For effects that are "Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated," describe the mitigation measured which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent they address site specific conditions for the project. ■ Not Applicable Community and Economic Development Department 17 Initial Study and Environmental Analysis Issues(and Support Information Sources): Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant impact Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated PM:1L jl Grand Terrace Community and Economic Development Authority:Public Resources Code Sections 21083 and 21087. References:Public Resources Code Sections 21080(c),21080.1,21080.3,21082.1,21083,21083.3.21093,21094,2115 I;Sunstrom v. County of Mendocino,202 Cal.App.3d 296(1988);Leonoffv.Monterey Board of Supervisors,22 Cal.App.3d 1337(1990) c:1MyFiles\AmericanTowerlsp9201 A l.is Community and Economic Development Department is Initial Study and Environmental Analysis GRAIND TERR C Community and Economic Development Depannlenl December 1, 1999 Mr. Jeffrey S., McHaddad JSM Associates 5941 Variel Avenue Woodland Hills, CA 91 367-5 1 1 1 RE: American Tower Communications facility on the top of Blue Mountain, Grand Terrace, California (CUP-99-02/SP-92-01-AI/SA-99-061E-99-06. Dear Mr. McHaddad, This letter is sent at your request to clarify the issue of the current efforts by the City of Grand Terrace to define the location/limit of development on the face of Blue Mountain. The intent of this effort does not impact in any way existing or future communications facilities located on the top of Blue Mountain. The intent of the current proposal by the City of Grand Terrace is to focus residential development toward the lower slopes of the mountain through transfer of development rights and other methods. To the extent that communications facilities are permitted and regulated elsewhere in City codes and ordinances, the Open Space Element of the General Plan will not further impact the type of project you are proposing. In an effort to alleviate your concerns and avoid confusion in the future, proposed language will be recommended for inclusion in the Open Space Element. Your comments and input on such language would be appreciated. Thank you for your interest in Grand Terrace and we hope that this is the type of clarification American Tower needs to proceed with their project here. Sincerely, i {/ � •+' � cif Cathy Perrin•'g �fT Patnzia Materassi Planner Director of Community and Economic Development c myd.-�cuments\AmTowerSPAl'-.draftletter re dev rights ATTACHMENT 2 1170 f} . —, F) .t . r, ., t 7 .. I— II.• -- - - i BX 75' 5 12X �O BU1LQIAIG I2- X yo BUILDING PHASE �� TO PHASE' --tt- 1 480 s4' P11A S C M CP PARK IA)6 S 8 'C,L, FfNC f Y n x m L , No TO �# EXHIBIT CITY LIMITS *�Sw.tac R».r;-� twr.a,� M � ► ► E 1/4 SECTION 4 14.00' 1 FENCED AREA LEASEDTO m C!! cs fITa CORNER P&L INVESTMENTS LEASE AREA FO f IP LS 62004 PE R9 p0/06 EAST LINE OF THE S.E. 1/4 f-- OF SECTION 4. T2S, RO 1 ti I �► :� ACCEss ROAD (DIRT) �� LEGEND EXISTING LOT LINE 9Y.Sq' 1 ...........:......—:..:...:............... TO BE REMOVED. ZOROO' N 031I0y2• W - TRUE P.O.B ` „ BOUNDARY BETWEEN CITIES OF GRANT 0`L TERRACE do COLTON. OWNERS 4`S. —DENOTES PROPOSED LOT LINE — AMERICAN TOWER (CONTAINS 0.46 ACRES) G��►5TON,yF F 4 a NEW LOT LINE " AMERICAN TOWER ,,,.,:x-. PROPOSED Klpp LOT LINE f LS 5".Cl 61`'P (ATC TOWER) 9 d 1 �ar N z OF CA1-�rO {'pC`� NEW LOT LINE e I `IEXISITINO LOT LINE ENVIRONMENTAL 'REPAR BY: - DaSITINO LOT LINE HIGH TECH N aziag&3� � ENGINEERING 0 LAND SURVEYING / + LAND PLANNING fA 9 CIVIL ENGINEERING J;UL aCHRISTOEHE u�N�IN � (000) 888; ..'1 FAX (909) 863-1297 S. 5280 EXP. 12-31-99 sna c5F6 Iy 3272 N. 'E' St.�yA, Son 8amurdlno, CA 92405 LEASE AND EASEMENT F�}R INGRESS AND EGRESS THIS LEASE, made and entered into at San Bernardino, California , i w on this 1st day Of April , 1986 , by and between BESSIE F . KIDD , iT. uaLLv , and wig',, D; JI.; w . ,;I;,D, as Trustees of the Testamentary Trust created under Decree of rin,tl Distribution dated December 19 , l 75 in the Estate of Ben)amin A . Kidd , deceased (herein "LESSORS" ) , and SONITROL SECURITY SYSTEMS OF SAN BERNARDINO, !NC . , a California corporation (herein "LESSEE" ) . WITNESSETlt : RECITALS 1 . LESSORS own real property located in the County of San Bernardino , State of California , (herein "said property" ) described as follows : , That portion of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 4 , Township 2 South , Range 4 West , San Bernardino Base and Meridian , San Bernardino County , California , described as follows : COMMENCING at the Northeast corner of said Southeast one-quarter ; Thence South Q ° 54 ' 46" East along the East line of sa.Ld Southeast one-quarter , 1401 . 55 feet ; Thence North 830 15 ' 54 " West , 99 . 59 feet to the Point of Beginniny ; Thence continuina North 830 15 , 54 " west , 125 . 00 feet , Thence North 6 ° 44 , 06 " East , 125 . 00 feet; Thence South 830 1 = ' 54 " East 125 . 00 `_et ; Thence South 60 44 - 06 " west , 125 . 00 Feet to the Point or beginning , and : ATTACHMENT 5 t �a'•` ''n! '•'j +' _on a �..11C point b 3 ' ,`54 4 !. 1 . 0() :,�� . 4-411 the N,)rth c h L , e35t c rs�er of s.3 !� on -3 ; 1 The-:Le ,m r) , 5•t • � ,�,. W, 20 ;fie) The'._e S 39 ' : 3 ' 14 " W, 20 . 00 ^ fe ~ et ; Tho. :N 5 ') ' - l ' 46" E -10 . ()o feet ; Th+2-:Le V :39 14 " E, 20 . 1)0 feet. to the point of . bec • .',n 1 nq LES_.)RS -_ :slc ,: t,-) lease .jnd LESSEL is w111inr3 and des of rent. ig sa :J prouert, � , for a per of ti :teen ( 15 ) years with an option t', L is I ' S1 a,.•'- i Irma 1 ,ears , anti said part 1-esdesi :,: 11,.r..1, . rr� „nor + 't.• t ,_rm'• : f 5a1,[ T.,:.r A(jL .nt tO w r i __ng . 3 . 1-1 :o'er Ingress .and :greys to SaLd leased Oremzses , LESSEE _ ,qua _=:5 _rJn_• :c,: 1u:; iln e.isement and right- ) f-way over and across ad,oiz_:19 land ;•;,net± bl? LESSORS , located in the Count,: o= S� Ber-ardino, S­:te r, f Cn _, [,_,rnia , described as follows : Str•. ',s of land 50 - 00 feet in width , over and acr•._s the north half of the southeast one-quarter and --he south hat ; of the northeast one-quarter of Sec- -, on 4 , T '.wnship 2 South , Range a West , San Bet :-rdino Base Meridian , the centerline of which are =escribed as follows : ��C3�ntr•_ 1CiR% ar_ the southeaster ''-f corner of said of the southeast one-quarter ; r i 3 _ 54" 'aest - 99 . 59 :eet , East. , 100 :r,,, t 1' Lr:. Tr�1, C'r, iat Beginning ; .]yL+J East . 85 _eet m 1e''= to , .c l _ne of said ?- ore `)c t4: r:•,::-rsr , .,�� , t'�,• rlrst , -,. :rr a , b,aln.1 r.h, t1r!: sa _,j 50 . 110 saki '- .nterline rr,ci f:,ut wide s tr!? � F land . RPQ ' ,^,'lln�7 It 3 pclnt in saij -d5t ilne north h lE of the southeas_ � of sale ��, _ :ne-'uarter ,c.c, d 'Prue i'olnt of Beginn _-;c , from scutheasterl - hich the 4b East , 30 feet ; South therAot caa:s South 00 54 ' then:e it,�rth 1 " t :�o .!c_ _. - i 30" E Isr , 282 . 08 Feet , '_hence Mcrr. h 24 00 " West , 433 . 02 feet ; thence ,4c,r :h 48 ' 0 0" East , 340 . 24 faet ; t h e: re N c r t h 32 ' 30 " West , 4421 . 50 Feet ; thr.-ice North -A 10 00 " West , 394 . 00 feet ; the•ic:? North v' 2'2 00" East , 185 . 80 feet ; thence Scuth ?° 44 ' 00 East , 146 . 25 feet ; the ! :�= t'.L 1.11 'r!r_ SC , _ bti . ill lett ; *!, •. :F� :1„r r h 1 ' : << ' 30 st 4 25 . 64 feet So t..h 00 West , 37: 4 . 20 Beet ; th,_rce North ? ' is 00" East , 399 . 06 feet more or less to the r.:rth line of said south half of the nor:heast on-_-';uarter , being the termination of the second Slid centerline and the second said 50 . 00 foot w, !e strip of Land . Exc_otinq fr'in this easement any Land within str_A of land that is the easterLy 1 foot of said nor-h half of the southeast one-quarter, beginning at -he southeasterly corner thereof and ending 200 fee'- more or less from said corner . 4 . Lc5 'ORS are '­� : _ ? ing to grant such an easement and righw-of_ ita*. , 00W, T111::zEFORE , f . ;• '.•3luable cons ide rat ien and covenants her-en car:-aLnC,E , ar„! of as herein provided , LESSORS hereby ;ease an-: ter. unto ..c.SSZT ,n ' ,.,,',Fc hereby rents .ind takes from LESSop!: prr;Pe• r .' deSc_ n Ln Rea_ , t.a _ , ' � together with lmcr,vements 'hereon , , - - any , and ail apcurtenant; thereto f : .-:,wing terms and ARTICLE XII Section - ' . 01 9pr i .,n to Renee: Prc _de'.'. :.ESSEE i ; not then in 12e :3ult , LESSEE shall have n Option rJ r••new this lease upon the same terms , coil onditions and oblijanuns Anj for the same rent for an additional period of fifteen ( 15 ) years . .aid Octicr: must be exercised by giving written notice of intun"On verO•.r he Lanso at 1""st thirty ( 301 days pric-)r to the end •,f L!i.. APTICIC x I I I Section. ; . •i _ nrint Easement and Riuht of Wav In consi, eracinn and execution of the within lease and in further consideration of 'Dne Hundrod Dollars ( $ 100 . 00) cash , lawful United States mcn`y , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged , LESSORS hereLy agree r =, r3nr ind convey unto LESSEE and its sublessees , assignees on" Suc :osii r oc successors interest a non-exclusive eas.:ment ind igh : A w"Y _ver and across that certain real pr ope rty in ":ze _ '�11.':r s: : •ln a3LC'9rdino , o Stat_ of California described as t 1 -t ll�jrh , t:1Vt1 1i1 �c- ,s t:�•_ ':GrLh •-alf of he southeast one-cuart �f and '-he sr u h h Il of the northeastc,.,e-quarre ter 4 . p South , Range a W_st , Oerr.�tr� -,��, - , ,�,, Sa:� i3cse Meridian , the centerline of which are le- - - -red as - .-, , lows .. Commencing at t^_ southeasterly corner of said north hair of the southeast one-joarter ; thence North 83 ' 15 , 54 " West , 93 - A Feet , thence Ncr h 6 ' 44 ' 05 �.First , � a5t , . '�a ;coo to t�, r irs _ 7 rue point - .- - ❑Pr� Lrr-3ia y @ , r r the - e Scuth 83 ' 15 5 4 " East , 85 feet more or less to the east line of said section 4 , being the termination of the first said centerline and the first said 50 . 00 foot wide strip of land . Beginning at a point in said east line of said north half of the southeast one-quarter, the Seccid True Point of Beginning , from which the soutoeasterly corner thereof bears South 0' 541 46" East , 80 feet ; thence North 19 ° 05 ' 00" West , 369 . 30 feet; thence North 22 ' 17 - 30" East, 282 . 08 feet; thence North 37' 24 ' 00" West , 433 . 02 feet; thence North 60' 4 8 ' 00" East , 340 . 24 feet ; thence North 19 ' 32 ' 30" West , 442 . 50 feet; thence North 29 ' 1 r; ' 00" West, 394 . 00 feet; thence North 4 9 ' 22 ' 00" East , 185 . 80 feet; thence South 62 ' 44 ' 00" East , 146 . 25 feet ; thenke North 28 ' 00 , 30" West , 266 . 18 feet; :hence North 24 ' 16 ' 30 " west , 425 . 64 feet ; then-e South 57 ' 2 0 ' 00" West , 374 . 20 feet; thence North 23 ' 13 ' 00" East , 399 . 06 feet more or lr:ss to the north line of said south half of the northeast one-quarter , being the termination of the second said centerline and the second said •.. 50 . 00 foot wide strip of land . Excepting from this easement any land within a strip of land that is the easterly 1 foot of said north half of the southeast one-quarter , beginning at t-e southeasterly corner thereof and ending =00 ' eet more or less from said corner. The easement .roferred to shall remain in full force and effect so long as the forygoi.zg lease descr ,bed in this instrument , including amend- ments therc-to ind renewals and extensions thereof , remains in force and effect . doc ,mc.n- sufficient for recordation which creates the easement and oninh KcQi pors tes the f Orugolnb provisions slat 1 be executed snr+ ackno'-"" 19 =ESS ZS t � ` ter sha1 '. nstci . .trca, be recorded . r � U,�t .. ,s; :-,n Bern ar..' a « Cd11f tt�c da . and ; uar tirst above uritt BESSIE F . KiDD an ndivlduaI BESSIE c . KIDD , as Trustee of the Testamentary Trust created under Decree of Final Distri- bution dated December 19 , 1975 in the Estate of nen]amin A. Kidd , deceased Bv . DENIS w • KIDD , as Trustee the Testamentary Trust created under Decree of Final Distri- bution dated December 19 , 1975 in the Estate of Benjamin A. Kidd , deceased "LESSORS" SONITROL SECURITY SYSTEMS OF SAN BERNARDINO; INC . e Pres dent . Assistant Secretary "L E S S L E" f ss . COUNT', OF SAN BERNARDI`JO) n the day of Apsi-1 , 1986 , before me , the under- s : gne ' , a Nc tary Public in and for said State , personally acoea : ed BESSIE F . KIDD, known to me or proved to me on the basis of sa , _sfaat; r•1 evidence to be the person whose name rs sjksc_ lbo d to tho Within instrument and acknowledged that she a •_cured t` u same , individually and as Trustee of the Testa.-•unta ,-y Tru54 created under Decree of Final %_ str : bution dated December 19 , 1975 in the Estate of Benjamin A . Fijd , deceased . n•r-hand• and •o.f licial seal , Notary public in and--Tfor said County and State STATE z�F CALIFORNIA. - - y)• `_i ) ss . COU1.1T': OF SAN BERNARDI`JO) . n t .e day of April , 1986 , before me , the under- si9nt; _' , a Notar? Public in and for said State , personally aPPO • 'ed =EA:S W. .._DD , known to me or proved to me on the 41SI Df satisfactor•; evidence to be the person whose name � s S� scribvd to the within instrument and acknowledged tna � the same , as Trustee of the ='ests;entary Trust created under Decree of Final D:st= _bution dated December 19 , 1975 in the Estate of i_n ;am_n A . Kidd , ce _eased . WITNESS , my ham& and official sea ? . C At �r..; T Pu is to and for - .. 4 f 3TaTE OF Clr L- FORNrA } i ss . 'jGL';I"."_ OF SAN BERNARDINO) 7t �u u��f day of -1797�, 1996 , before me , the under signal , a Notar7 Public in and for said state , Personally appen:ed CI :FFOPD D . CRAIG , President , and BERNARDINE B . CRAI Se� :•cn a ry , o e SOM ITROL. SECURITY SYSTEMS OF SAy 2EW 10Coo , I RI . , %nown to me or Proved to me on the bas Ls o = = . . _5 ' i,_:or•. evilance to be the persons whose names ar•e aubL _< <beQ _o nho within instrument and acknowledged to me _ha` such executed the within instrument ur= ;ant _W ! is bylaws or a resolution of its board of WIT? IESS , my ;sand and official seal . .-- 'MOM S<.AL Notary Pub is In "11 f�._Y CAXVJNEB.RWAS said County and St_tL&e e c av [ f G M 1 J S 0 p F �- HONEY HILL RD, I ROADWAY SEDIMENT ,o TRAPZO& - k I I a u' SEDIMEN , 1 G V-DITCH SEDIMENT TRAP EXISTIN BLOCK RETAINING WALL ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL PLAN - r-rr PROPERTIES 6 r t!L� EXIST ROAD r exlsT v-DITCH VICINITY I.tAP i ELEV 9I,50 � k SCARIFY AND RECOMPACT r PRIOR TET PLACEMENT Of R SECTION ROCK AND GRAVEL SE ' r SEXIST V-DITCH. r�� ot 1CysL� SITE `SCARIFY AND RECOMPACT PRIOR TO PLACEMENT J QF ROCK AND GRAVEL SECTION �--r a SECTION � +-r r—r` f— , f I-"f—f--I-- � 1.r.Iw ATfRM IOnEii-SLUE YOUM1At1 1`F�C`f'- ral dar.�a`nc �� lUx OE"SueonAL T- - �T r SfOWEHI TRAP AND flWM RNI MO SECTIONS 1 y 1 �v r •a Ili=� � A E Ell { r :r`isr I ILE II : Li I•t " me r r s r a W Ata- 4 rn I� P �• t and [rnl e� fff C$ � � Q 1.ral ai H �I /.rsl •� at nlH 5 I p vial n N r•1 1 u•. J Woo w E x LLLLLLL in LLLLLLL - •.ro, LLLLLLL rr,•1 ��� s - LLLLLLL sa LLLLLLL r1,9. nna. I 1 1100 Y 1-4 1 1 8 � as is ra. I I I I f I it Gc- 1 i 07 iNa-1} 10 48 AT- S�n!�ANK c1188425355 FACE 2. 2 Blue Mountain Specific Plan American Tower Corporation SP-92-01-A 1/C'UP-99-07/E-99-07 Page I A. Project Description The project consists of an unmanned communications tower facility atop Blue Mountain. Workers are expected to visit the site once every month. The facility will not be visible from Grand Terrace, except from the very southeast portion of the city in proximity with the orange grove area. The tower and respective antennae will blend in with other existing towers to the northwest. There will be no reflective antenna, nor antenna painted with colors that do not to match the natural background of the mountain. Currently, the facility consists of one (8' X 75') tower, which provides support for four (4' diameter) dish antennae; three Omni-directional antennae; three (3' diameter)satellite dish antennae; and one (8' diameter) dish antenna located at the base of the tower. The facility also includes one monopole, which will be r y its (10' diameter) dish antenna will be rclocated to the roof of the existing equipment shelter that currently supports another(10' diameter)dish. An interior chain link fence surrounds the entire facility. And entrance into the facility is through an existing 14' gate located at or near the eastern property line. The proposals to the existing facility include the addition of a (4-legged, 110) lattice tower designed to support antennae for various agencies from federal, state, and local jurisdictions. The antennae, which are subject to each carrier's design and specifications, will be positioned throughout the tower and may include, but will not be limited to, one (3' diameter) dish antenna located toward the top of the tower; 25-30 omni-directional antennae; 16 panel antennae; 12 microwave dish antennae ranging in size from 5',4' and 3' in diameter; four (3' diameter) satellite antennae; and one (10' diameter) dish antenna located at the base of the tower. A (1Z' X 40) equipment building will also be constructed within the facility, which may support two (10' diameter) dish antennae on its roof. Two to four(12' diameter) land based satellite dishes may placed on(10'X 10') concrete pads. And one (5' X 10') emergency generator pad will also be constructed within the facility. The equipment buildings will be constructed with birch colored concrete block masonry, beige metal flashing facia, beige colored steel rib roofing„ steel hollow metal doors, and Class A fire rating material. This construction material prevents fire from entering into the buildings. Furthermore,the equipment located inside the building is enclosed in metal casings, which contain no combustible material. The constriction of the support tower is made up of 4" legs with 2"minimum galvanized metal and lacing. The tower provides the support for the transmitting and receiving antennae described above. The antennae contain a non-reflective finish and are placed on the tower subject to each agency's individual requirements, which are eustornarily installed at the top and to the sides of the tower. ATTACHMENT 7 Kathy Perring City Of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Rd. Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Subject: ATC antenna facility 2_29.2K Dear Kathy, . In response to outstanding questions that have yet to be addressed concerning height justification and concealment or stealthing: 1. ATC is not a licensed carrier. It is a tower company. Our tenants demand specific heights for their signal propagation. Attached to this correspondence are letters from two of our tenants demanding the height proposed. 2. Regard to concealment, I believe that this City's wireless guidelines are geared toward a typical carrier that is required to be sited in close proximity to business and housing. The companies using our tower are predominantly city, county, state, and federal organizations that require much fewer facilities, but much higher facilities. If our proposal were for a 45 or 60 feet tall single or dual carrier facility we would most certainly attempt to integrate it into an existing roof or possibly a fake tree. This facility is for numerous law enforcement agencies,public service, public works, emergency services,etc. The best way to conceal a facility like this is to put it on a hill far away from business and residences. If you have further qu stions please do not hesitate to call. Jeffrey S. McHaddad ATTACHNIENT 8 poi - 1 i a9 12 3-5 FRO op -1cl- 1D<IF14na7407IS) r►,ti.'� :y A. Frar%K Faulk American Tower Corporation Southern California Office 2550 North Hollywood Way, Suite 209 Burbank, Califomia 91505 October 4, 1999 Sub jectr Slue Ma�ltoin Site Frank, in response to your request I have cornpiled several paints to consider.t1 the perr d1ing of a new 8 ue Mountain Tower With the exception of a few SMALL corridors, we need to be above the 50'--eve[of the tower to cover the general area of 250 degrees az;rnuth through 270 degrees azimuin This Is due to the surrounding tells b!acxing most all areas in the Fontana and Rialto footprints. To clear over the towers in front of the proposed sight require a height of approximately 80'+ to clear the point to point paths in that t!mcdon (330 degrees azimuth through 20 degrees azimuth). Lastly, we would need to be at a height of approximately 100 feet to clear a portion of the Sox Springs Mounta n topography to access pending contracts in the Southeast Riverside communities As a rule, I use the l=reznel Zone Clearances of 23GR.z to determine clearances This wou=d be at approximately 30 feet around the main 6e3rn at any given point. Therefore, when natural or man-made obstruc�or,s are n this zone we have to compensate by height to get over the blockage. This goes for the towers*n front of the propcAad sign: on to same pear. The most critical portion of any microwave path is the generation point This occurs from the face of the parabcl�c dish to 3 maximum of about 250 teat. The length vanes depending on the size of the dish and the Warn spreact chara�-teristics of that particular dish. if obstructed in ulis area we lose crbcal srgnat strength to allow LS to transmit to the receiving pmperty(s) ,Since we afe very :ow.power(!rorn:4-watt to 5-watts), we cannot afford to allow this scenario to occur We am relegated to have our read end station pretty rruch at the base of cur towers to Cirninate io ig coax distances to Itie transmiher and dishes Th:s allows us io stay at relatively lover Rf 00puts which wntrols the carner-to-mcise ratio via ieys amplification. As you know, the more amplification- the Tore noise n;ected into the video and audio carriers. Therefore, we would not want equipment i-^-stailed on the 'fralit" towers due to the dislarice from the equipment room and the TVRO dishes. jr, audit on, to separate our dish array wouid net allow us trio berafrt of using fever transmitters per tower- Die in 1%e extreme:asses n the 18- and 23- GHz frequercies,waveguide fins needs to t7e as snort as possib,e Tit s would regij re very expensive trurik run(s) to the front towers The cost would be ;i-ohib-tivs• or, a site such as Slue 1Vlountaln. The trenching costs alone would be mo great due to the amount of solid mrk in the area Furthermore, because of the condition of t.*rz fronts:ructure, we would ro' be able to instal[ enougr dishes of proper size to justify this venture Bemuse of the sotnetirne..-, ex�r--- ety high wands in 1r'e area. I would not feel µorrfaftiole w,th the frcrt structures being a source !Cr ray eq.rlprrient loraton i rtvpe that ham this informallion, you mist realize that we need to be M ; e rear ';:v-r witr< our microw8wir disrnes Since the TVR0 di5res are proposed to be or, :cckside of the pe k,ih*s r't-h>-Issitates J_ be nq in 0e..rear-rislm,ad of t^•e front. Ai. pi :r: curis dv'3iavns a'M ust the Laginmrig cf the Steps rve need to cons:dsr for the 11ew 10ivkf tom: t Flccraed G sn separator,is anctt;er Important factor w9 alv;ays are `aced w6 on :a :curet- T:•ir. �'n m�r,i�ep•3r3trOr!S r2qui, ' vr,^y from:d-sh, size ,abeam spread Ir• adi'on,whether or rot ws u,,:'� OCT- 1 12 77 FROM OPTEL Ip y4y4 lvio! iti • page 2 Ociober 4. 1999 a class B or a High Performance antenna has to to considered. To eliminate the possibility of any 'rxoss-talk' irorn dish to dish; we des!gn our networks using class B antennas. It we are required to maintain a very fcw profile, we nave to use lateral separation. This usually ends up in a sight that is wide, sometimes taking on the appearance of a stricture larger than a taller tower designed for the same purpose Additionally, this wide scenario requires us to maintain multiple climb paths for our technicians. It you wish further discussion on the subject, please feel free to contact me at any time that �5 convenient for you. Thank. you for the opportunity to elaborate on the proposed sight an Blue Mountain Sincerely, Donald R Lae Miaowave coordinator } Memorandum %,.ww' Subject Blue Mountain Project Date 10-15-99 To From Frank Faulk George Kontess t� Communications Manager Investigative Assistant/El tronics American Tower Corporation Drug Enforcement Administration As per our telephone conversation, the DEA Technical Operations Group (TOG) is seeking one(1)radio antenna space on top of the proposed Blue Mountain tower. This new 110 foot tower would provide extended radio coverage in support of federal narcotics investigations. Please fax me a tentative site lease proposal at(213) 894-6517. For further assistance or questions, you may contact me at(213) 894-4820. 3 r yr or pi j,r.r, '' ir #"x '.etAn�iri44 i •.x. y # � } i'-� ,yR' � � ti' � _�=S Yam' Ave ±. Y : . V .. JY � �'. 4 .ice I: • �y ry+ _+ `i.�+" L.•yJ l+S�'�:} ��;...fir♦i y, .. 1" • ..��. "+y�F +r .•;r _'.r.: yyy. ' " 4ri .. .yl+ +r MY ;.r:r ' : r`y;.�' I.- .'}i ;t,.rt :; ,!. •,� ?4F,. • v • l*r UF.T It �• °� � '� � i�F�Yt{q�4i'�+f:'+v r���'��4f�-T}rs:lis ;'�$'�� _i�s`}k�-.t��jC`f�,1C•• t '1ti,�•�1 �1•`�:"r-�.1r' h'.�•'�i'�ti;i �`t'�r..'���-;:."l•_' �a� t •+�°k :=d 4 ,•�y5ii ry1�y. �..+ r�'ir•ti� � � ,.' � •�, ,a. �t L•r'!� ' r- du r,s�� � l '!�s.s y�'ffa,.} i. i + rP. � }�■ ;�;'1�`•� �a A�4+i,:���A�jv;'� r'4'> yr�'Yl,a '4L•.�. 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'� q , y " ' r`.+ .�. ry ,i.r �� ��,F'F+ L 7�'P•r ���',i�r„i.,' ">•1!r}r, ,++, �•-I .'''r, •fir'^ rY 5 'ryn r F' ry �+'• 4,r�,.i 1.��+�••r 1�.�r' �. ��r,ti+}f��,{r.r..l .$'a•'.�' . ,' �. , .. - y �r I f'��r�T+ �L 4i.'�TRb+7vr"'�,�d'Yf.�,•.+rti ", . .+' r r_ RECHIVED r'C� S=P _ 1999 L,T r 12-8.519 Gi1pnC TER MEMORANDUM V pUGH Hp�s� TO: Patrizia Materassi, Community Development Director DEPARTMENT OF FROM: Virgil Barham, Director of Building and Safety/Public Works BUILDING &SAFETY, PUBLIC WORKS AND HOUSING DATE: September 9, 1999 22795 Barton Road SUBJECT: SP-92-01-A1, CUP-99-02, SA-99-06 and E-99-07 Suite - Top of Blue Grand Terrace Mountain -JSM Associates, Applicant, for American Tower Califomia 92313-5295 CO Civic Center (909) 825-3825 The following comments and recommendations should be considered during Fax (909)825-7506 the review process and incorporated as conditions of approval: 1. Provide lot corners by licensed surveyor which defines proposed site as indicated in application. f 3. Submit topo map and grading plan for site. 4. Submit a report by Registered Geologist identifying any impacts that may result from the proposed grading and/or construction. (Indicate any boulders that may be disturbed on or adjacent to the site). 5. Submit a soils report, identifying foundation and compaction recommendations also if blasting is required. 6. Indicate the exact location of the access road to the southerly boundary of the subject site and the right to use that road as it crosses each property from the existing public right-of-way at Palm Avenue through the subject site and terminating at the northerly boundary of subject site. 7. Provide maintenance schedule of access road from Palm Avenue to site (minimum twice a year) and responsible party to contact. 8. Repair or install down drains on access road to preclude erosion, and provide method of erosion control. Page l of 2 ATTACHMENT 12 12.8.5] 9. Submit detail plans for structures and communication tower. 10. Pay capital improvement fund fees for storm drain on the portion of site to be improved. 11. Provide letter from Southern California Edison that they have the ability to and will serve. 12.. All reports and design of improvements shall be prepared by applicants professional personnel, registered and licensed to perform such work pursuant to the State of California Business and Professions Code, which shall comply with all requirements of the Uniform Building Code, National Electrical Code, and the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. 13. Pay all plan check, permit and inspection fees. Page 2 of 2 ctTr . fifi MEMORANDUM r'Rann TER R c 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace TO: Patrizia Materassi. , communityn P Develo ment ad California 92313-5295 Economic Develo ment Director P Civic Center FROM : William H. Addington, City Engineer (909) 824-6621 Fax (909)783-7629 DATE : September 9 , 1999 Fax (909) 783-2600 RE : SP-92-01-Al , CUP-99-02 , SA-99-07 , E-99--07 APPLICANT: JSM Associates for American Tower Corp. Byron R. Matteson Mayor I recommend that the application submitted by JSM Associates be returned as incomplete until the following issues have Dan Buchanan been addressed: Nt-ryor Pro Tempore 1. The applicant should submit a topographic map and Herman Hilkey grading plan showing all existing and proposed improvements Jim Singley and unique landforms (boulders, outcropi:ngs, etc. ) . Lee Ann Garcia CouncdAlcmbcrr 2. The applicant should perfect access easements or rights across private property. Thomas J. Schwab CuyAl.mager 3. The applicant should submit a drainage study and erosion control plan. If you have any questions, please call. WHA/cma cc: Virgil Barham ATTACHMENT 13 i.'ENRi-t�'M `..STEMS I .'C. Fa;: e1S-59:;--*C'83. Er-, C4 :'; 14:1c- +t-+aaa%V44 �!N9i25335 °AC 1� y��H�LLGr Ni+VrRi E. 7 q—iJ p O Q ,6A ,10'7 r'mderal Aviation Adminiatration Bite H {�?��� , Western/pacific Region, AWp_820 AEAo s`,I;RY� p- 0. Rex 92007 WWPC NO: 99-ARP. LOU Angeles, CA 90009 Q924-0E ISSUED DATE: 06/08/99 I D SHELLEY AITORO (99-0-OZoe .SEA. 67) JUN 10 1999 AMERICAN TOWER CORP. /OMNIAMERICA 6613 SOUTH 292ND PLACE, OFFICE K102 KENT, WA 98032 BY:_ VIM it DETERMINATION OF No HAZARD TO AIR NAvIGATION �* The Federal Aviation Administration has completed an aeronautical study under the pravislane of 49 u,b,C:. 1 Section 44718 and, if a Title 18 of the Code of Federal Re P licable, 9�lAt-ohs, part 77, concerning: Description: ANTENNA TOWER, 80b-900 MHZ, _.. "So 1010 Mriz, 200 WATTSf 1930b1990��z, 20o WATTS Location:t de: GRANT] TERRACE � Latitude: .34-01-19.05 NAD 93 Longitude: 117-17-46.So um i ghtR: I i h finet, alhove ormu id level (N;L) 2518 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the structure does rot exceed Obstruction standards and Would not be a provided the follOwing condition a hazard to air navigation ( 1 , if any, ie (are} met: Based on this evat3atian, marking and yi htin are not necessary av+$tion safety, However, if markingan / or on a voluntary baste, we recommend it be or fighting errs accomplished accordance with FAA Advisorylnetalllad and :maintained in Circular 70/7460-1J, This determinatiart expires on 12/09/99 unless: (a) extended, revised or terminated b (b) the conFederal ion is subject to the Ziannoir:g authorityQf Y the issuing office or the Federal Communisations Commission (FCC) and an fnr A r'-nstruetion pp within 6 months of the dathaofboon Eiltexrnae "aquixad-biethe P the determination expirts or► the date ination. Y the PCC, conrp Zfftforr of aonetructinn ar he the� dSC$scrlbed b =n such case application. the"FCC- yy Ghee FCC for i3eiiTee �73`e NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD of THIS DE TVZ BE RAT' ON DATE. OR DELIvE.UD TO THIS OFFICE AT LEAST TS DAY T '�F• EXPIRATION Dp,rE. TERMINATION 9 PRIOR ,O This determination is based, in i:tcluclea specific cacArdinatca, heights, Ewe on s cnc foregoing changes in coordinaites 5 description which will void thiQ 3ctcrml' heights, fraqueric � YYfaa and power. r,,.�y nation. any tutency(les) °- use Of greater power oonotruction or altora Lion, SHIPPED JUN 1 0 1999 _ ENTEREU JUN ; U 1JW CHECKED JUN 1 0 1999 ATTACHMENT 14 �hr _ 1450 E. Washington St. • Colton, CA 92324-4696 (909) $25-4128 FAX(909) $25-171: pd q TF`°JEaY.��0� August 30, 1999 r Ms. Patrizia Materassi Community & Economic Dev Director City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 Re: SP-92-01-A1, CUP-99-02, SA-99-06and E-99-07 i, Dear Ms. Materassi; We have reviewed this project and as there doesn't seem to be any water requirements, Riverside Highland Water Company, as a water utility, has no comment on the project. Thank you. Si e y, Eugene P. McMeans General Manager EPIVI/ss ATTACHMEN r 15 ;EHMHEI" :1'r:fEP�` IN; . Fax Cr_t 04 '*99 10':15 -. 7.j ',Y 1.ttU! :4' A. dJAYA::IK ?s �;J-;2737s :Jk p 1�3 ••• +iJO.]1 V0 .SHtLL_Y All @3 khrllidi ns i r1C1T,v7RP. i r, h,-tahr.s, power, or thQ addition of other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc . , which may be used du.rinq actual construction' of the structure, However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above . Equipment which has a height greater than the etuni.ed structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure a21 the sale and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the rspUndUL• UL uluttlylia,at;W reepu14b11%Ll.LLies -•elating to any law, ordinance , regulation of Any Federal, State, or locsl government body. it A copy of this determination will be forwarded to the Federal cormriunicatic= Carnmiocion if the ctructure is oubioct to their licensing authority. If we can be of further aasiatancQ, plQape Contact our offles at 310 725-5557 . On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 99-AWp-n924•nP.. Karen c Donald Specialist, Airspace Branch ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE APPROVING SP-92-0I A I (SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT FOR AMERICAN TOWER)AND E-99-07 (PROPOSED MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION) WHEREAS, the applicant, 3SM Associates on the behalf of the property owner American Tower has applied for approval of SP-92-OIAI and E-99-07 (Exhibit A and B) to be located at 15000 Honeyhill Road on the top of Blue Mountain in the RH (Hillside Residential District); and WHEREAS, the amended Specific Plan (SP-92-01A1), set out in full in Exhibit A is consistent with the General Plan and Zoning Code of the City; and WHEREAS, a specific plan is required in the RH (Hillside Residential District) for a telecommunication facility at this location; and WHEREAS, the amendment to the original specific plan will allow for a use that is compatible with the nature of the top of Blue Mountain which has a history of being used for telecommunication facilities; and WHEREAS,in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, a Mitigated Negative Declaration(ExhibitX)has been prepared for this project and this Mitigated Negative Declaration has been considered by the Planning Commission and the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on October 19,2000; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission following the public hearing on October 19, 2000 recommended that the City Council approve the amended Specific Plan(SP-92-02A I)and associated Mitigated Negative Declaration (E-99-07), set out in full in the attached Exhibits A and E, be approved and adopted by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on for SP-92-02A I and E-92-09; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The proposed Amended Specific Plan(SP-92-01AI)set out in full in Exhibits A is approved and adopted by the City Council. Section 2: The Mitigated Negative Declaration on file in the Planning Department of the City of Grand Terrace (E-99-07) is hereby approved. ATTACH�[ENT 16 Section 3: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect at 12:01 a.m. on the 3 V day of its adoption. Section 4: Posting: The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in three (3) public places with fifteen (15) days of its adoption, as designated for such purpose by the City Council. Section 5. First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held on the _.._ _day of and finally adopted and ordered posted at a regular meeting of said City Council on the ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Grand Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace Terrace and of the City Council and of the City Council thereof I, BRENDA STANFI LL, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Brenda Stanfill, City CIerk Approved as to form: John Harper, City Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 00- RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE,STATE OF CALIFORNIA,APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 99-02 AND SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW NO. 99-07 WHEREAS, the applicant, JSM Associates on behalf of American Tower, has applied for the approval of Conditional Use Permit Case No. 99-04 and Site and Architectural Review No. 99-07 to expand an existing telecommunication facility located on Blue Mountain including the addition of a 110 foot high tower and second equipment building.; and WHEREAS,a properly noticed public hearing was held bythe Planning Commission on October 19, 2000; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment to Specific Plan No. 92-01A1 was heard at the same time as the requested conditional use permit and site and architectural review which will not be effective unless the amended Specific Plan is approved by the City Council. WHEREAS, under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Article 19, Section 15002 this project qualifies for a Negative Declaration in that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant impact on the environment; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the proposed project is consistent with the intent of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code as modified by the amended Specific Plan and the General Plan. 2. That the proposed use as an expanded telecommunication facility including a second equipment building and a 110 foot high tower will not be: 1) Detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the neighborhood of the proposed amendment or within the city. 2) Injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or within the city. 3. That the conditions of approval for this project necessary to secure the purposes of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and General Plan are made a part of this approval. 4. That if this project is not conditioned, it will have a major negative impact on the development standards of this community. 5. The location and configuration of all structures associated with this project I ATTACHMENT 17 are visually harmonious with this site and surrounding sites and structures in that the top of Blue Mountain has been used for telecommunication facilities and is currently used for such facilities; that they do not interfere with the neighbor's privacy in that no residential uses are in close proximity to the proposed project; and that they do not unnecessarily block scenic views from other structures, and/or public areas and are in scale with the townscape and natural landscape of the area. 6. The architectural design of structures, their materials and colors are visually harmonious with surrounding development, natural landforms are functional forthe proposed project and are consistentwith the Grand Terrace Municipal Code in that the tower will be painted with a non-reflective color to minimize its visibility and the proposed structure will be painted birch colored with beige metal fixtures. 7. The plan for landscaping and open spaces provide a functional and visually pleasing setting for the structures on this site and is harmonious with the natural landscape of the area and nearby developments in that the applicant/property owner will be required to replant all disturbed areas with native plants. 8. There will be on indiscriminate clearing of property, destruction of trees or natural vegetation or the excessive and unsightly grading of hillsides, thus the natural beauty of the city, its setting and natural landforms are preserved in that a minimal amount of grading will be required for this project. 9. No signs are proposed for this project therefore the project meets the intent of the all signage being consistent the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. Findings for Wireless Telecommunication Facilities: 10. There is adequate space on the property for the antenna/tower and accessory wireless equipment without conflictwith existing buildings orother structures on the property or reducing required parking, landscaping or other development standards. 11. The design and placement of the antenna and accessory wireless equipment will not adversely impact the use of the property, other buildings and structures located on the property, or the surrounding area or neighborhood. 12. The antenna and accessory wireless equipment as proposed are consistent with the intent of this part BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that CUP-99-02 and SA-99-07 are hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed project shall be maintained in conformance with the plans and drawings submitted to the Community and Economic Development Department and 1) approved by the Planning Commission as Exhibit 1 & 2. All plans shall be consistent in terms of property lines and other measurements. Minor changes or clarifications may be made by the Community and Economic Development Director. 2 The applicant and/or property owner shall comply with all of the conditions of approval listed in the memorandum from the Director of Building and Safety/Public Works dated September 9, 1999. 3. The applicant and/or property owner shall comply with all of the items listed in the memorandum from the City Engineer dated September 9, 1999. 4. The proposed tower shall be painted with a non-reflective type of paint with a color to be approved by the Director of the Community and Economic Development Department. 5. All manufactured slopes shall be replanted with a native plant list approved by a qualified botanist whose qualifications shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of the Community and Economic Development Department. Said native plant list shall be submitted to the City for review prior to the issuance of building permits. 6. Any large outcroppings on the development site shall be avoided, or if that is not possible,removed and relocated(not crushed)to an area outside the proposed fence line that will aid in screening any ground mounted equipment. Plans showing the relocation of outcropping rocks shall be submitted prior to the issuance of grading and building permits. 7. Any borrow area in the vicinity of the construction site used to provide fill for the subject site shall be restored to a natural state utilizing rock outcropping removed from the project and replanting as required by Condition No. 5 above. Such borrow areas shall be shown on the grading plan for the site required by Condition No. 2 above. S. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant and/or property owner shall provide proof that adequate indemnity bonding has been obtained to protect the City of Grand Terrace from any property damage resulting from the blasting or the removal activities of the rock outcroppings on the subject site. 9. Prior to the certificate of occupancy of the new equipment building, all appropriate permits shall be obtained for the existing 30' mast and dish antenna located to the immediate east of the existing equipment building or said mast shall be removed. 10 This conditional use permit and site and architectural review shall not be effective until such time as the ordinance amending SP-92-01 is adopted by the City Council and is effective. 11. Any new towers located «ithin the 20,000 square foot parcel owned by American Tower shall comply with the 800' separation requirement of Ordinance No, 171. 12. The applicant is responsible to mitigate any possible interference caused to other existing facilities and/or residences or businesses in Grand Terrace. 13. The applicant is responsible to demolish and remove the debris from any tower not in use for a period exceeding 6 months. 14. The applicant shall submit a fencing plan to the Community and Economic Development Department showing some other alternative type fencing in lieu of "barbed wire." Said fencing to be approved prior to the issuance of building permits. 15. The following conditions from Ordinance 171 (Wireless Telecommunications Facilities) shall be complies with: i. The applicant shall agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the City its officers, agent and employees from any and all liability or claims that may be brought against the City from its approval of a permit. 2. A letter outlining the terns of the lease with the property owner shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of a building permit for the facility. If the lease is extended or terminated,notice and evidence thereof shall be provided to the Community Development Director. Upon termination or expiration of the lease, the use permit for the facility shall become null and void and the facility removed within 90 days. 3. Certificate of continued use of each approved facility shall be submitted on a yearly basis at the time of business renewal for as long as the facility remains in operation. The certification shall indicate that the facility is operating as approved and that the facility complies with the most current Federal Communications Commission (FCC) safety standards. Facilities which are no longer in operation shall be removed within 90 days after the date of discontinuation. 4. If no annual certification is provided, the use permit for the facility may be revoked by the Community Development Director. Prior to revoking a permit, the Director shall provide the owners of record written notice of their failure to provide the annual certification and an opportunity for hearing. 5. Prior to issuance of a building permit for the facility, applicant may be required to provide a deposit with the City for removal of the facility and any accessory wireless equipment if such facility is found to be abandoned or the use permit is revoked by the Director. 6. Notice of change of ownership of the facility shall be provided to the City. 4 7. Within 90 days of commencement of operation, applicant shall provide a preliminary report and/or field report prepared by a qualified engineer that shows the operation of the facility is in conformance with the standard established by the American National Standards Institute(ANSI)and Institute of Electrical and Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for safe human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and radio frequency radiation(RFR). 8. All changes and modifications to an approved facility shall require prior approval by the City. 9. All graffiti and other forms of vandalism shalt be promptly removed and/or repaired within 24 hours. 10. Paint the tower,antennas,equipment building and accessory wireless equipment a non-reflective color. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at a regular meeting held on the 19th day of October, 2000. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brenda Stanfill, Fran Van Gelder, City Cleric Chairperson, Planning Commission c.IMyPiles\AmencanSwoer\CUP9942.res.wpd RESOLUTION NO. 00- RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE,STATE OF CALIFORNIA,APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 99-02 AND SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW NO. 99-07 WHEREAS, the applicant, JSM Associates on behalf of American Tower, has applied for the approval of Conditional Use Permit Case No. 99-04 and Site and Architectural Review No. 99-07 to expand an existing telecommunication facility located on Blue Mountain including the addition of a 110 foot high tower and second equipment building.; and WHEREAS,a properly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on October 19, 2000; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment to Specific Plan No. 92-01A1 was heard at the same time as the requested conditional use permit and site and architectural review which will not be effective unless the amended Specific Plan is approved by the City Council. WHEREAS, under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Article 19, Section 15002 this project qualifies fora Negative Declaration in thatthere is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant impact on the environment; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the proposed project is consistent with the intent of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code as modified by the amended Specific Plan and the General Plan. 2. That the proposed use as an expanded telecommunication facility including a second equipment building and a 110 foot high tower will not be: 1) Detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the neighborhood of the proposed amendment or within the city. 2) Injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or within the city. 3. That the conditions of approval for this project necessary to secure the purposes of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and General Plan are made a part of this approval. 4. That if this project is not conditioned, it will have a major negative impact on the development standards of this community. 5. The location and configuration of all structures associated with this project 1 EXHIBIT D are visually harmonious with this site and surrounding sites and structures in that the top of Blue Mountain has been used for telecommunication facilities and is currently used for such facilities; that they do not interfere with the neighbor's privacy in that no residential uses are in close proximity to the proposed project; and that they do not unnecessarily block scenic views from other structures, and/or public areas and are in scale with the townscape and natural landscape of the area. 6. The architectural design of structures, their materials and colors are visually harmonious with surrounding development, natural landforms are functional forthe proposed project and are consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code in that the tower will be painted with a non-reflective color to minimize its visibility and the proposed structure will be painted birch colored with beige metal fixtures. 7. The plan for landscaping and open spaces provide a functional and visually pleasing setting for the structures on this site and is harmonious with the natural landscape of the area and nearby developments in that the applicantlproperty owner will be required to replant all disturbed areas with native plants. 8. There will be on indiscriminate clearing of property, destruction of trees or natural vegetation or the excessive and unsightly grading of hillsides, thus the natural beauty of the city,its setting and natural landforms are preserved in that a minimal amount of grading will be required for this project. 9. No signs are proposed for this project therefore the project meets the intent of the all signage being consistent the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. Findings for Wireless Telecommunication Facilities: 10. There is adequate space on the property for the antenna/tower and accessory wireless equipment without conflict with existing buildings or other structures on the property or reducing required parking, landscaping or other development standards. 11. The design and placement ofthe antenna and accessory wireless equipment will not adversely impact the use of the property, other buildings and structures located on the property, orthe surrounding area or neighborhood. 12. The antenna and accessory wireless equipment as proposed are consistent with the intent of this part BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that CUP-99-02 and SA-99-07 are hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed project shall be maintained in conformance with the plans and drawings submitted to the Community and Economic Development Department and 2 approved by the Planning Commission as Exhibit 1 & 2. All plans shall be consistent in terms of property lines and other measurements. Minor changes or clarifications may be made by the Community and Economic Development Director. 2 The applicant and/or property owner shall comply with all of the conditions of approval listed in the memorandum from the Director of Building and Safety/Public Works dated September 9, 1999. 3. The applicant and/or property owner shall comply with all of the items listed in the memorandum from the City Engineer dated September 9, 1999. 4. The proposed tower shall be painted with a non-reflective type of paint with a color to be approved by the Director of the Community and Economic Development Department. 5. All manufactured slopes shall be replanted with a native plant list approved by a qualified botanist whose qualifications shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of the Community and Economic Development Department. Said native plant list shall be submitted to the City for review prior to the issuance of building permits. 6. Any large outcroppings on the development site shall be avoided, or if that is not possible,removed and relocated(not crushed)to an area outside the proposed fence line that will aid in screening any ground mounted equipment. Plans showing the relocation of outcropping rocks shall be submitted prior to the issuance of grading and building permits. 7. Any borrow area in the vicinity of the construction site used to provide fill for the subject site shall be restored to a natural state utilizing rock outcropping removed from the project and replanting as required by Condition No. 5 above. Such borrow areas shall be shown on the grading plan for the site required by Condition No. 2 above. 8. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant and/or property owner shall provide proof that adequate indemnity bonding has been obtained to protect the City of Grand Terrace from any property damage resulting from the blasting or the removal activities of the rock outcroppings on the subject site. 9. Prior to the certificate of occupancy of the new equipment building, all appropriate permits shall be obtained for the existing 30' mast and dish antenna located to the immediate east of the existing equipment building or said mast shall be removed. 10 This conditional use permit and site and architectural review shall not be effective until such time as the ordinance amending SP-92-01 is adopted by the City Council and is effective. 11. Any new towers located within the 20,000 square foot parcel owned by American 3 Tower shall comply with the 800' separation requirement of Ordinance No. 171. I2. The applicant is responsible to mitigate any possible interference caused to other existing facilities and/or residences or businesses in Grand Terrace. 13. The applicant is responsible to demolish and remove the debris from any tower not in use for a period exceeding 6 months. 14. The applicant shall submit a fencing plan to the Community and Economic Development Department showing some other alternative type fencing in lieu of "barbed wire." Said fencing to be approved prior to the issuance of building permits. 15. The following conditions from Ordinance 171 (Wireless Telecommunications Facilities) shall be complies with: 1. The applicant shall agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the City its officers, agent and employees from any and all liability or claims that may be brought against the City from its approval of a permit. 2. A letter outlining the terms of the lease with the property owner shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of a building permit for the facility. If the lease is extended or terminated,notice and evidence thereof shall be provided to the Community Development Director. Upon termination or expiration of the lease, the use permit for the facility shall become null and void and the facility removed within 90 days. 3. Certificate of continued use of each approved facility shall be submitted on a yearly basis at the time of business renewal for as long as the facility remains in operation. The certification shall indicate that the facility is operating as approved and that the facility complies with the most current Federal Communications Commission (FCC) safety standards. Facilities which are no longer in operation shall be removed within 90 days after the date of discontinuation. 4. If no annual certification is provided, the use permit for the facility may be revoked by the Community Development Director. Prior to revoking a permit, the Director shall provide the owners of record written notice of their failure to provide the annual certification and an opportunity for hearing. S. Prior to issuance of a building permit for the facility, applicant may be required to provide a deposit with the City for removal of the facility and any accessory wireless equipment if such facility is found to be abandoned or the use permit is revoked by the Director. 6. Notice of change of ownership of the facility shall be provided to the City. 4 7. Within 90 days of commencement of operation, applicant shall provide a preliminary report and/or field report prepared by a qualified engineer that shows the operation of the facility is in conformance with the standard established by the American National Standards Institute(ANSI)and Institute of Electrical and Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for safe human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and radio frequency radiation(RFR). 8. All changes and modifications to an approved facility shall require prior approval by the City. 9. All graffiti and other forms of vandalism shall be promptly removed and/or repaired within 24 hours. 10. Paint the tower,antennas,equipment building and accessory wireless equipment a non-reflective color. 16. The applicant shall submit to the Community and Economic Development Department a updated and current letter from the Federal Aviation Administration with a "determination of no hazard to air navigation." Said letter to be submitted prior to the issuance of building permits. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at a regular meeting held on the 19th day of October, 2000. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brenda Stanfill, Fran Van Gelder, City Clerk Chairperson, Planning Commission c AMyFi1WAmericanTwoeACUP99a2.res.wpd CAA}� �j �' A3' GG,3� IhGf . d� �]nrr-* ,?_,Z 4 T 7 t��Q- �" .'fr�� Y Y =USTay,r.w-T�a•J �e.rrs ;,MIN i 1neW lat m Clips Fiend Bar detail installation elirK hold the awning Irart,p s"Mirely agait,st the wall Installation Arrututg Rud ��- cl#M are avalleWe for Wf,round end \� square"thing Cllps are normally sparest Wre,xirnalely?'-0- apart at the top N•�rs fk.�-—« r 7d#ScTric a and Ih&skies of tho lr me lrsnuirl+lrulrwan J L - WN � 1V„rkttrttrr �nrlyr R..M 31e„ MLL2 L,-\,u r ~ � �..usr.,4�..-•r,�..� a-ti f f f InstatlaHnn Chips I Lead Bar Delhi# r _ mctsll pit im-r"Iflxhn14lfhp iwnonp Ira,Ir - - w mvely Agall+s+the w&I' lnslallarinr rhrK are %vailltblefr>r 1x>U r�+tt+id•m-f V.❑nrtk +t.•.. square h>fi nq fhpa i+re normalj� filar.•.+ nrnm,eYnoalaly 7' 0' ar%rf of Iho rM. 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