2010-09 - RESOLUTION NO. 2010 — 09 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CERTIFY THE FINAL PRORAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT PREPARED FOR THE GRAND TERRACE TOWN SQUARE MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF BARTON ROAD BETWEEN MICHIGAN STREET AND THE GAGE CANAL A. RECITALS WHEREAS, the Grand Terrace Town Square Master Development Plan ("TSMDP") would result in the development of a commercial center consisting of the development of up to 209,611 square feet on approximately 21 gross acres. The Project is located on the south side of Barton Road between Michigan Street and the Gage Canal, within the General Commercial designation of the Barton Road Specific Plan(`BRSP"); and WHEREAS, the TSMDP would be developed in five Development Units that correspond to five development phases: Development Unit 1 is proposed on 7.5 acres consisting of 65,737 square feet; Development Unit 2 is proposed on 4.5 acres with a maximum buildable area of 58,858 square feet; Development Unit 3 is proposed on 5.0 acres with a maximum buildable area of 33,977 square feet; Development Unit 4 is proposed on 2.0 acres with a maximum buildable area of 20,700 square feet; and Development Unit 5 is proposed on 2.0 acres with a maximum building area of 20,177 square feet; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") (Public Res. Code, § 21000 et seq.), and the State CEQA Guidelines (14 CCR § 15000 et seq.) the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace ("City Council") is the lead agency for the Project, as the public agency with general governmental powers; and WHEREAS, the City, as lead agency, determined that an Environmental Impact Report ("BIR") should be prepared pursuant to CEQA in order to analyze all potential adverse environmental impacts of the Project; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Preparation ("NOP") and Initial Study identifying the scope of environmental issues were distributed to numerous state, federal, and local agencies and organizations on July 3, 2008, for a period of 30 days, concluding on August 4, 2008,pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines sections 15082(a), 15103 and 15375. A total of 12 comment letters were received and are included in Appendix A of the Draft EIR ("DEIR"). Relevant comments received in response to the NOP were incorporated into the DEIR; and WHEREAS, a revised Notice of Preparation ("NOP") and revised Initial Study identifying the scope of environmental issues were distributed to numerous state, federal, and local agencies and organizations on January 30, 2009, for a period of 30 days, concluding on March 2, 2009, pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines sections 15082(a), 15103 and 15375. A total of seven comment letters were received and are included in Appendix A of the Draft E1R Page 1 of 4 ("DEIR'). Relevant comments received in response to the NOP were incorporated into the � DEIR; and WHEREAS, public scoping meetings were held on July 15, 2008, and on February 17, 2009, at the City of Grand Terrace Council Chambers and input from the public providing direction and scope of the EIR was received and has been included in Section 1.3.2 and Appendix A of the Draft EIR; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion ("NOC") was sent with the DEIR to the State Clearinghouse on April 29, 2009; and WHEREAS, the Draft EIR was distributed for a 45-day public review and comment period commencing on April 30, 2009, and expiring on June 15, 2009. Eight comment letters were received during the public comment period. The specific and general responses to comments are included in the Final EIR; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace held a legally noticed public hearing on July 15, 2010, in the Grand Terrace City Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, California to consider the Project, the Final EIR, and staff recommendations. Notice of this Planning Commission hearing was provided through publication in the San Bernardino County Sun on July 5, 2010; WHEREAS, as contained herein, the City has endeavored in good faith to set forth the basis for its decision.on the Project. WHEREAS, all the requirements of CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines have been satisfied in the EIR, which is sufficiently detailed so that all of the potentially significant environmental effects of the Project have been adequately evaluated; WHEREAS, all other legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. RESOLUTION NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, above, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. The Planning Commission finds that it-has independently reviewed and analyzed the Final EIR and that the Final EIR reflects the independent judgment of the Planning Commission. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing on July 15, 2010, including written and oral staff reports, ' together with public testimony, and the consideration of the contents of the Final EIR, Page 2 of 4 i this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. The Final EIR prepared for the Project has been completed in compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, California Public Resource Code Sections 21000 et seq. (CEQA) with the State and the City Guidelines for implementing CEQA, and all other applicable laws and regulations. b. The Final EIR was presented to the Commission and the Commission reviewed and considered the information contained in the Final EIR prior to the consideration of the Project. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above, this Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council take the following actions: a. Certify the Final EIR to be in compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), California Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et. seq., with the State Guidelines for implementing CEQA, and all other applicable laws and regulations. b. Adopt Findings of Fact and a Statement of Overriding Considerations, pursuant to the provisions of the CEQA, California Public Resources Code Section 21081, and Sections 15091 and 15093 of the State Guidelines for implementing CEQA, and all other applicable laws and regulations. 5. This resolution is effective immediately upon adoption. 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. Page 3 of 4 t� PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of July, 2010. AYES: Commissioner McNaboe, Commissioner Comstock, Commissioner Bailes, Vice- Chair Addington, Chairman Wilson NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None tI Doug Wilson, Chairman ATTEST: Brenda Mesa, City Clerk ATTEST AS TO FORM: John Harper, (-'ity"40mey Page 4 of 4