2010-10 RESOLUTION NO. 2010-;10
WHEREAS, Grand Terrace Jacobsen Family Holdings I, LLC ("Applicant"), represented
by Douglas Jacobsen, has submitted applications to establish the Grand Terrace Town Square
Master Development ("TSMDP") on approximately 21 acres of land located within Planning Area
1 of the Barton Road Specific Plan (`BRSP"). The project site is zoned General Commercial
within the BRSP, and is located on the south side of Barton Road between Michigan Street and the
Gage Canal (the "Property").
WHEREAS, the TSMDP proposes development in five Development Units that
correspond to five development phases: Development Unit 1 is proposed on 7.5 acres consisting
of approximately 65,737 square feet of buildable area; Development Unit 2 is proposed on 4.5
acres with a maximum buildable area of 58,858 square feet; Development Unit 3 is proposed on
5.0 acres with a maximum buildable area of 33,977 square feet; Development Unit 4 is proposed
on 2.0 acres with a maximum buildable area of 20,700 square feet; and Development Unit 5 is
proposed on 2.0 acres with a maximum building area of 20,177 square feet.
WHEREAS, the BRSP is implemented primarily through the Site and Architectural
Review process set forth in Chapter 18.63 of the Municipal Code. The TSMDP and related
approvals (the Master Sign Program and approvals for specific individual phases of development
within the TSMDP) are approved through the Site and Architectural Review process, and any
other entitlement that may be required.
WHEREAS, Site and Architectural Review 07-12 consisting of the TSMDP, and Master
Sign Program 09-01 for the TSMDP, Site and Architectural Review 07-07 for Development
Unit 1, which includes site and architectural plans, consisting of 65,737 square feet of building
area on 7.67 acres, associated parking, landscaping, and lighting and establishment of a sign
program (collectively, the "Project"); together with Tentative Parcel Map 08-01 (Tentative Parcel
Map No. 17787), and a draft Development Agreement to govern the TSMDP over the five phases
have been submitted.
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�- WHEREAS, pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") Guidelines, 14
Cal. Code of Regulations Sections 15080 et seq., the environmental assessment of the proposed
Project made under Environmental Review Case No 07-06 required the preparation of an
Environmental Impact Report (EIR), focusing in the areas of Noise, Air Quality, Cultural
Resources and Traffic/Transportation.
WHEREAS, a Notice of Preparation ("NOP") and Initial Study identifying the scope of
environmental issues were distributed to numerous state, federal, and local agencies and
organizations on July 3, 2008, for a period of 30 days, concluding on August 4, 2008, pursuant to
CEQA Guidelines sections 15082(a), 15103 and 15375, and which were subsequently revised and
re-distributed to numerous state, federal, and local agencies and organizations on January 30,
2009, for a period of 30 days, concluding on March 2, 2009, in accordance with CEQA Guidelines
Sections 15082(a), 15103 and 15375.
WHEREAS, public scoping meetings were held on July 15, 2008, and on February 17,
2009, at the City of Grand Terrace Council Chambers and input from the public providing
direction and scope of the EIR was received and has been included in the Draft EIR.
WHEREAS, a Draft EIR was prepared, under contract with the City, by LSA Associates,
LLC, for the purpose of complying with the provisions of CEQA. All potentially significant
adverse environmental impacts were sufficiently analyzed in the Draft EIR. The Draft EIR was
circulated to interested agencies and the public between April 30, 2009 and June 15, 2009, for a
45-day comment period pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15078. Pursuant to Public
Resources Code Section 21092, the City provided notice to all organizations and individuals, and
published the Notice of Availability in The San Bernardino County Sun newspaper on April 30,
WHEREAS, the Final EIR was distributed to all persons and agencies that commented on
the Draft EIR on July 12, 2010, in accordance with Public Resources Code Section 21092.5. The
Final EIR includes responses to the Draft EIR comment letters, in accordance with State CEQA
Guidelines Section 15088. Notice of the availability of the Final EIR was published in the San
Bernardino County Sun newspaper on July 5, 2010. Copies of the Draft and Final EIR are on file
in the office of the City of Grand Terrace Community and Economic Development Department.
WHEREAS, under the CEQA Guidelines, Section 15080 et seq., the environmental
assessment of the Project required the preparation of a Final EIR, which concluded with the
appropriate Environmental Findings.
WHEREAS, on July 15, 2010, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public
hearing on the Project at the Grand Terrace Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road,
Grand Terrace, California 92313 and concluded the hearing on said date.
WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of
Grand Terrace:
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Pursuant to Chapter 18. 63 of the Municipal Code, the Planning Commission has reviewed
and approves Site and Architectural Review 07-12 consisting of the TSMDP, Master Sign
Program 09-01 for the TSMDP, Site and Architectural Review 07-07, which includes site
and architectural plans for Development Unit 1 of the TSMDP consisting of 65,737 square
feet of building area on 7.67 acres, associated parking, landscaping, and lighting and
establishment of a Sign Program for Development Unit 1, as follows:
a. The TSMDP and Development Unit 1 are consistent with the intent of the Grand
Terrace Municipal Code, Grand Terrace General Plan ("General Plan"), and the
Barton Road Specific Plan ("BRSP"). The site is designated in the General Plan as
General Commercial ("GC") and as BRSP-GC in the BRSP. The General Plan
states that the General Commercial designation provides for general commercial
uses to serve the retail and service needs of the community. The proposed TSMDP
is a neighborhood commercial center and its anticipated land uses (grocery market,
retail, fast food) are consistent with the General Commercial Land Use designation.
SA 07-07, which implements Development Unit 1 is consistent with the GC
designation because it proposes approximately 65,737 square feet of retail and
commercial uses including a full service grocery store (Stater Bros.), food service,
retail and commercial uses.
The Project complies with Land Use Element goals and polices to provide a wide
range of retail, service commercial, and employment opportunities; continued
development of established commercial areas, and the incorporation of increased
setbacks, walls and landscaping between commercial projects and other areas to
reduce potential land use incompatibility. It is consistent with the Circulation
Element requiring preparation of a traffic analysis prepared in accordance with
SANBAG Congestion Management Program (CMP) Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA)
Guidelines and requiring that peak hour level of service "D" be maintained, and
with policies because sufficient off street parking, bicycle racks and trellised
pedestrian walkways will be provided. The Project complies with the Open Space
and Conservation Element because mitigation measures have been incorporated
requiring conservation of energy resources in building design of Development Unit
1, and the Project will be required to meet federal, state and local regulations
governing grading, erosion control, water quality, and cultural resources. It
complies with Noise Element goals, policies and actions calling for adherence to
the Noise Ordinance during construction activities, and preparation of a noise study
during the CEQA.process to determine potential impacts that could be generated by
the Project. Public services are being provided as required by the Public Services
Element, and the Project meets several goals polices and actions contained in the
Sustainable Development Element calling for energy conservation, recycling,
bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
b. The Project site is zoned BSRP-General Commercial. The BSRP-General
Commercial zoning designation is intended to provide a wide variety of uses that
typically include supermarkets, drug stores, variety stores, apparel shops, appliance
and furniture stores, restaurants and commercial recreation uses. The TSMDP has
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been prepared in conformance with the BRSP which requires the preparation of a
master plan. TSMDP master plans approximately 21 acres and at build out would
allow for development of up to 209,611 square feet of building area over five
Development Units that correspond to five development phases: The TSMDP is
consistent with the intended and permitted uses and development standards of the
BRSP-General Commercial zone district.
C. In accordance with the provisions of the BRSP, the TSMDP also includes
development incentives, which the Planning Commission has the authority to grant
based on the merits of the project. Project merits that warrant development
incentives include lot consolidation, reduced access points, reciprocal access
agreements, reciprocal parking agreements, and provision of public or semi-public
open space. The Project includes all of these features and therefore, is allowed
development incentives. Within Development Unit 1, SA 07-07 is granted
development incentives to allow light standards for the Stater Bros. market parking
fields to be constructed at a height of thirty (35) feet, and to allow Driveway No. 1
to have a driveway queuing depth of twenty feet.
d. The TSMDP is approved through Master SA 07-12 and will develop in phases as
set forth in the TSMDP and related phasing plan. Each of the five development
units will be subject to Site and Architectural Review for consistency with the
TSMDP and Chapter 18.63 of the Municipal Code.
e. The location and configuration of all structures associated with the Project are
visually harmonious with the Property, the BRSP, and surrounding properties and
structures,and do not interfere with the privacy of neighbors or unnecessarily block
scenic views from other structures and/or public areas and are in scale with the
townscape and natural landscape of the area. The TSMDP contains site and
architectural standards, such as architectural compatibility internal to the shopping
center, landscaping requirements, and building setback to' ensure a visually
harmonious Project. Further, within Development Unit 1, Major A Tenant (Stater
Bros.) and Shops 1 are located between 37 to 86 feet from the south property line,
which is greater than the minimum required setback of 10 feet providing greater
separation between the Project and residential uses.. Additionally, a solid wall
measuring 6 feet on the outside with enhanced landscaping will be installed to
provide greater buffering between the commercial and residential uses. The
proposed buildings are consistent with the height limitations of the BRSP, with the
exception of the front tower treatments on the Major Tenant building, which
exceeds the BRSP requirement by 5 feet. Because the tower treatment is at the
front of the building, it is not likely to impact residential uses to the rear. Retail 1 is
located 10 feet from the property line of an existing residence to the east of
Development Unit 1, which is in conformance with required setbacks.
f. The architectural design of the structures, their materials and colors are visually
harmonious with surrounding development, natural landforms, are functional for
the proposed Project and are consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code
and BRSP. The TSMDP establishes a uniformed architectural theme for the master
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plan area. The The use of stucco is permissible when surfaces are articulated to
provide visual interest. The BRSP encourages building architecture with rich
surfaces and/or textures, that articulates with the use of insets, trellises, and
articulation of wall planes. The structures are proposed to have a stucco finish with
the incorporation of a ledger stone, variation in building wall planes, the use of
trellises, and insets. The building colors and materials are consistent with the
BRSP. The buildings proposed in Development Unit 1 (SA 07-07) have been
designed in conformance with the architectural theme established for the TSMDP.
g. The TSMDP plans for landscaping and open spaces provides a functional and
visually pleasing setting for the structures on this site and is harmonious with the
natural landscape of the area and nearby developments. In accordance with the
Municipal Code, BRSP and TSMDP the site design for Development Unit 1
incorporates perimeter and parking lot landscaping. Enhanced landscaping is
provided along the south boundary adjacent to residential uses. Proposed
landscaping for Development Unit 1 exceeds the minimum coverage required by
the BRSP. Landscaping provided will be visually pleasing, functional and in
keeping with adjacent developments.
h. There will be no indiscriminate clearing of property, destruction of trees or natural
vegetation, or excessive and unsightly grading of hillsides in connection with the
development of the Project; thus the natural beauty of the City, the Project setting
and natural landforms are preserved. Grading is limited to that necessary to
establish building pads and meet accessibility requirements.
i. The design and location of all signs associated with this project are consistent with
the scale and character of the buildings to which they are attached or otherwise
associated with and are consistent with the provisions of the BRSP and the City's
Municipal Code. The Master Sign Program sign program has been prepared in
accordance with the BRSP, to ensure consistency and aesthetic cohesiveness of
signage throughout the TSMDP and each Development Unit (Phase) of Project
development. The signage for the Project is consistent with the Master Sign
j. Conditions of approval for this Project necessary to secure the purposes of the
BRSP and the Municipal Code have been applied to the Project.
k. In accordance with the BRSP, the Project qualifies for development incentives
because the merits of the Project include lot consolidation, reduced access points,
reciprocal access agreements, reciprocal parking agreements, provision of public or
semi-public open space, enhanced parking lot landscaping and a cohesive
architectural_theme. Therefore the Bonus Incentive Points Program contained in
Exhibit 3, attached hereto, is adopted.
2. The Planning Commission approves Master Sign Program 09-01 and Sign
Program-Development Unit 1, subject to the requirement that the sign area of the
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proposed Freeway Sign is reduced from six hundred and forty (640) square feet to a total
not to exceed four hundred and ninety seven(497) square feet in sign area and based on the
following findings:
a. The Master Sign Program exceeds the maximum requirements of the BRSP in
terms of number of freestanding signs, number of wall signs, and sign area.
However, pursuant to the provisions of the BRSP, the Planning Commission has
the authority to allow deviations from the sign ordinance to approve creative and
innovative sign programs or sign solutions under exceptional or unusual
circumstances. As such, the Master Sign Program provides a uniform, integrated
design within the TSMDP that complements the architectural theme established by
the TSMDP.
b. The Master Sign Program achieves the goals and objectives of the BRSP, and
provides a creative and innovative sign program that achieves a cohesive design
and tenant identification for a major commercial center.
C. When considered in light of the comprehensive scale and integrated architectural
design of the commercial center provided by buildout of the TSMDP, the Master
Sign Program and Sign Program — Development Unit 1 represent a creative and
innovative design which consolidates tenant recognition on a scale designed to
inform the motoring public and achieve immediate recognition of the businesses
within the commercial center.
3. The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve Tentative Parcel
Map 08-01 (Tentative Parcel Map No. 17787), based on the findings and conclusions set
forth in the draft resolution, including those stated herein.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Project (SA 07-12 for the TSMDP, Master Sign
Program 09-01, SA 07-07 and Development Unit 1 — Sign Program) are hereby approved subject
to certification of the Final EIR and subject to the following conditions of approval:
1. The TSMDP, Master Sign Program 09-01, Site and Architectural Review 07-07, which
includes site and architectural plans, and the sign program for Development Unit 1 of the
TSMDP consisting of 65,737 square feet of building area on 7.67 acres are approved
based on the application and application materials submitted by Grand Terrace Jacobsen
Family Holdings I, LLC, including the TSMDP, Master Sign program, site plan,
preliminary grading plan, building elevations, color and materials board and sign program
submitted for Development Unit 1. All plans shall be consistent in terms of property
lines, easement location and dimensions and other measurements. This approval includes
the operation of a 43,178 square foot Stater Bros. market, 8,350 square foot Shops 1,
6,816 Retail 1 and 3,853 square foot Fast Food 1 buildings, and all associated
landscaping, lighting,parking, and landscaping.
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2. This approval shall expire one year from the date of adoption, unless one of the following
v actions occurs: (a) the applicant applies for a building permit and commits substantial
investment in accordance with the approved plans prior to the expiration date; (b) a
business license is issued in accordance with City ordinances, as applicable; or (c) the
applicant has complied with all applicable conditions of approval. If the applicant has not
complied with subsections (a), (b) or (c) prior to expiration of the Site and Architectural
Review approval, the applicant shall apply for an extension of the one-year prior to the
expiration date. The Community and Economic Director may upon application by the
applicant, extend the period of approval for a length of time up to one year, in accordance
with Section 18.63.100 of the City's Municipal Code. Time extensions shall be filed at
least sixty(60) days prior to the expiration date.
3. Approval of the Project shall not be effective unless and until, the City Council certifies
the Final EIR prepared for the Project and approves Tentative Parcel Map 08-01
(Tentative Parcel Map No.17787).
4. The Applicant shall defend, with legal counsel acceptable to the City, which acceptance
shall not be unreasonably withheld, and indemnify and hold harmless the City and its
officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against
the City, its officers, employees, or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any aspect of
this approval, including but not limited to any approval or condition of approval of the
Planning Commission or City Council, which action is brought within the time period
provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37. The City shall promptly notify the
Applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning this approval and the City shall
cooperate fully in the defense of the claim, action or proceeding. The City reserves the
right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officers,
employees, and agents in the defense of any such claim, action or proceeding.
5. The Project shall be constructed in accordance with all the approved plans and conditions
of approval, including but not limited to site plans, grading plans, drainage plans,
landscape plans, wall plans, and building elevations.
6. The Applicant shall pay all applicable development impact fees, and demonstrate the
payment of applicable school impact fees to the Building and Safety Department, prior to
issuance of building permits.
7. Construction and operational activities associated with the Project shall comply with the
regulations of the City's Noise Ordinance, Chapter 8.108 of the Grand Terrace Municipal
8. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding, the Applicant
must sign and return an "Acceptance of Conditions" form. The form and content shall be
prepared by the Community and Economic Development Department.
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9. The applicant shall comply with the Conditions of Approval of the Director of Building
and Safety/Public Works, contained in the Director's memorandum dated July 6, 2010,
attached hereto as Exhibit 1.
10. The applicant shall comply with the Conditions of Approval of the San Bernardino
County Fire Department, Office of the Fire Marshal Community Safety Division, set
forth in the letter dated August 14, 2008, attached hereto as Exhibit 2.
11. The applicant shall comply with the Mitigation Measure Monitoring Plan prepared for the
Project, and contained within the Final EIR certified for the Grand Terrace Town Square
Master Development Plan.
12. The location and method of screening for all roof-mounted and building-mounted
equipment shall be demonstrated on the elevations, including but not limited to kitchen
exhaust vents, air conditioning and heating units, and utility boxes. All equipment shall
be screened from public view and designed to be an integral component of the building
design. All roof-mounted equipment shall be screened from public view by parapet walls
or other architectural means. The applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the
Community and Economic Development Director that no roof-mounted equipment will
be visible from the public right-of-way. Screening shall be compatible with main
structures and include landscaping where appropriate.
13. All ground mounted equipment, including utility boxes and backflow devices shall
comply with all utility and Fire Department requirements and be screened in a manner
that does not impede traffic visibility.
14. The location of all building-mounted light fixtures shall be shown on the elevations. The
decorative lighting features shown on Major Tenant A elevations shall be carried forward
into future phases within TSMDP, for overall Project consistency.
15. As part of the permit process and prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant
shall submit three (3) copies of a final photometric plan to the Building and Safety
Division for review and approval by the Community and Economic Development
Department. Perimeter light poles within Development Unit 1 shall not exceed 18 feet in
height; and the height of light poles within the Stater Bros. parking fields shall not exceed
35 feet. The photometric plan shall include location, details of all lighting fixtures and
luminaries, and shall demonstrate compliance with the Zoning Code and this approval.
16. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit three (3) copies of
final landscape and irrigation plans to the Building and Safety Department for review and
approval. These plans shall demonstrate compliance with the design requirements
contained in the Barton Road Specific Plan, Zoning Code, and TSMDP.
17. Parking stalls adjacent to street frontages shall be screened through the use of a
combination of a low profile wall, and/or enhanced landscape material.
18. All perimeter walls, retaining walls, and trash enclosures walls shall be decorative, which
may include the incorporation or combination of stucco, split-face block, stone veneer
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and/or other materials that match the colors and materials of the project. Wall details shall
be shown on the construction plans.
19. Loading and unloading delivery activities by tractor trailers shall be prohibited from
10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
20. The applicant shall prepare Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R's) for the
commercial center and submit the CC&R's to the City for review and approval. The
CC&R's shall include provisions shared access and parking within and between
Development Units 1, 2 and 4 and shall include provisions for the maintenance of
common area improvements including landscaping, perimeter fencing, infrastructure
improvements, and parking areas; and structural BMP's identified in the WQMP.
21. Routine maintenance activities, including parking lot cleaning, shall be prohibited
between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
22. Prior to initiation of business activities and opening of the business to the general public,
the applicant shall obtain a Business License from the Finance Division, which shall be
maintained as long as the business is in operation.
23. In accordance with the CC&R's, the responsible party shall be responsible for regular and
ongoing upkeep and maintenance of the site, including parking lot paving condition and
striping, clearing of trash, weeds and debris, lighting, landscaping, including parkway
landscaping, and other site improvements. All parking facilities shall be maintained in
good condition. The maintenance thereof may include, but shall not be limited to the
repaving, sealing, and striping of a parking area and the repair, restoration and/or
replacement of any parking area design features when deemed necessary by the City to
insure the health, safety, and welfare of the general public.
24. Decorative paving, or other decorative material such as stamped color concrete, shall be
installed at project entrances.
25. Provide bicycle parking facilities/racks that can serve a minimum of 10 bicycles spaces.
Bicycle racks shall be interspersed throughout the site so that all phases are served.
26. Signage within the Project shall be constructed in accordance with the approved Master
Sign Program, as it may be modified by the Planning Commission and/or City Council.
27. Exterior security cameras shall.be installed at the rear of the project and monitored by the
business owner.
28. Additional variation in building wall and roof planes shall be incorporated into the
architecture of the Fast Food elevations and south side of the Stater Bros. building, to add
interest and help to break up building mass, subject to the review and approval of the
Community and Economic Development Director.
29. The menu boards shall be screened from the public right of way through the use of
landscaping, garden walls, and/or similar features, subject to the approval of the
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- Community and Economic Development Director. The height of the landscaping shall not
obstruct windows.
30. During all project site excavation and grading on site, the project contractors shall equip
all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly operating mufflers consistent
with manufacturers' standards.
31. The construction contractor shall stage construction equipment and material storage a
minimum of one hundred (100) feet from any existing off site structures and a minimum
of fifty(50) feet from property lines.
32. During all project site construction, the construction contractor shall limit all
construction-related activities that would result in high noise levels to between the hours
of 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. No construction activities are
allowed on Sundays and federal holidays except for emergencies, and/or subject to
approval by the Building Official,which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
33. Pursuant to the approved Master Development Sign Program a maximum of twelve (12)
freestanding signs shall be permitted. The base of all freestanding signs shall incorporate
a landscape planter area to screen the pedestals.
34. In the event that the Gage Canal is constructed as public cul-de-sac to provide access to
the commercial center, two (2) additional signs will be considered under a separate
permit, as depicted in the Master Development Sign Program.
35. The proposed Freeway Sign shall be revised to reduce the sign area from six hundred and
forty (640) square feet to a maximum sign area of four hundred and ninety-seven (497)
square feet.
36. Prior to the installation of any signs, a sign permit shall be obtained. The Community and
Economic Development Director shall limit review of the sign permit, to whether signs
are consistent with the provisions of the adopted Master Sign Program and Sign Program
for any Development Unit. If signs are consistent with the Master Sign Program and
applicable Development Unit Sign Program, the sign permit shall be approved.
37. The Town Square Master Development Plan, Development Unit 1 and all subsequent
Development Units shall be subject to the Bonus Incentive Points Program attached
hereto as Exhibit 3.
38. Lighted signage shall not be permitted on the south side of any building within one
hundred(100) feet of the south property line.
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-- PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace,
California, at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of July, 2010.
AYES: Commissioner McNaboe, Commissioner Comstock, Commissioner Bailes,
Chairman Wilson
NOES: Vice-Chair Addington
AYES: Commissioner McNaboe, Commissioner Comstock, Commissioner Bailes, Vice-
Chair Addington, Chairman Wilson
NOES: None
Brenda Mesa Doug Wilson
City Clerk Chairman, Planning Commission
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Exhibit 1
Building and Safety/Public Works Department
_ Conditions of Approval
Date: July 6,2010
Applicant: Grand Terrace Jacobsen Family Holdings,I,LLC
Project: Town Square Master Development Plan and
TPM 17787, Site and Architectural Review No. 07-07.
W.O. # 12-8.5459
Public Works/Eneineerine First Plan Review for Tentative Parcel Man Annroval
The following documents are required to be submitted to Public Works Department and are in
addition to the plans submitted to the Planning Department.
(1) Grant Deed showing all recorded easements.
(4) Water/Utility Plans.
(4) Sewer Plans or connections to existing sewer.
(4) Storm drain/drainage improvement plans.
(4) Dedication of right-of-way for Michigan Street indicated on TPM 17787.
L� (4) Street improvement plans, Michigan Street and Barton Road.
(4) TPM 17787.
Buildine and Safetv Submittals for Plan Review and Issuance of Buildine Permits.
The following documents were received and determined to be complete for the purpose of plan
review submittals. Items (1-11) have been submitted for plan review of the proposed Stater
Brothers Market. The remaining items (12-16)have been submitted by NA Associates.
1. (4) Architectural Plans,
2. (4) Structural Plans,
3. (2) Structural Calculations,
4. (4) Plot/Site Plans,
5. (4) Electrical Plans,
6. (4) Electrical Load Calculations
7. (4) Plumbing Plans/Isometrics, Water, Sewer and Gas
8. (4) Mechanical Plans
9. . (4) Mechanical Duct Layout Plans
10. (2) Roof and or Floor Truss Plans
11. (2) Title 24 Energy Calculations
12. (4) Rough Grading and Precise Grading Plans
/ 13. (2) Water Quality Management Plan, (WQMP)and Erosion Control Plan
14. (2) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans, (SWPPP)
15. (2) Hydrology Reports
16. (2) Soils Reports
Page 2 of 4
Building& Safetv/Public Works General Information
All structures shall be designed in accordance with the 2007 California Building Code, 2007
California Mechanical Code, 2007 California Plumbing Code, and the 2007 California Electrical
Code adopted by the State of California and the City of Grand Terrace.
All work performed in the public right-of-way shall comply with San Bernardino County Public
Works Standards and Specification for Construction within Public Right of Way. Street cut deposits
($1,000.00) are required for each street cut in City streets.
The Developer/Owner is responsible for coordination of the final occupancy. The Developer/Owner
shall obtain clearances from each City department and division as required, prior to requesting a
final building inspection from Building & Safety. Each City agency shall sign the bottom of the
Building and Safety Job Card as indicated.
Building and Safety inspection requests and Public Works inspection requests can be made twenty
four (24) hours in advance for next day inspection. Please contact (909) 825-3825. The
Developer/Owner may also request inspections at the Building& Safety public counter.
The entire construction site shall be protected by a chain link fence behind the sidewalk at the
public right-of-way. The fencing shall be maintained at all times during construction. Fencing can
be removed to perform the on-site common area improvements. (2007 California Building Code,
Chapter 33, Section 3306.1 and 2).
Toilet facilities shall be provided for construction workers on the site. The toilet facilities shall be
maintained in a sanitary condition at all times. Construction toilet facilities of the non-sewer type
shall conform at ANSI ZA.3.
Prior to the issuance of building permits, all construction materials which are not used shall be
recycled pursuant to Ordinance No. 243, Recycling and Diversion of Construction and Demolition
Waste. Prior to commencement of building construction, every applicant shall submit a properly
completed "Waste Management Plan" (WMP) to the WMP Compliance Official in a form as
prescribed by that Official. The completed WMP shall contain the following:
A. The square footage of the proposed project;
B. The estimated weight of project waste to be generated by materials type;
C. The maximum weight of such materials that can feasibly be diverted via Reuse or Recycling by
materials type;
D. The facility(s)that the materials will be hauled to and their expected diversion rates by material
E. The vendors(s)that the applicant proposes to use to haul the materials.
F. Estimated weight of construction and demolition waste that will be disposed.
Construction projects which require temporary electrical power shall obtain an Electrical Permit
from Building& Safety. No temporary electrical power will be granted to a project unless one of
the following items is in place and approved by the Building& Safety and the Community
Development Departments.
A. Installation of a construction trailer, or
Page 3 of 4
B. Security fenced area where the electrical power will be located.
Installation of construction/sales trailers must be located on private property. No trailers of any
type shall be located in the public street right-of-way.
Building Permit Conditions
1. Prior to issuance of grading permits, receipts from the Regional Water Board shall be
submitted showing that all Regional Water Board fees have been paid.
2. Prior to issuance of grading permits, copies of encroachment agreements shall be submitted
from all affected adjacent properties consistent with the contours on the grading plans.
3. No flammable materials will be allowed on the site until the on-site water service is installed
and approved by the Riverside Highland Water Company. On site fire hydrants shall be
installed and active prior to occupancy of any structures, and approved by the Fire
Department and Riverside Highland Water Company.
4. Prior to issuance of building permits, pad certifications shall be submitted to Building &
Safety. The pad certifications shall be wet stamped by the engineer of record. Prior to
concrete placement, an engineer's certification shall be submitted for the finish floor
elevation and set backs of the buildings. The certification shall reflect that the structure is in
conformance with the Precise Grading Plans. Compaction reports shall accompany pad
5. Prior to issuance of building permits, a school fee certificate from the Colton Joint Unified
School District shall be submitted showing that all applicable school fees have been paid.
6. Prior to issuance of building permits, a Will Service Letter from Riverside Highland Water
Company shall be submitted on file with Building& Safety, Contact(909) 825-4128.
Public Works Conditions
1. As a condition of issuance of building permits, the applicant shall pay the following
applicable development impact and or connection capacity fees as required by the City
ordinance as set forth in any applicable Development Agreement.
a. Storm Drainage Facility Fees
b. General Facilities Fees
c. Parkland and Open Space Acquisition Fees
d. Circulation Impact Fee
e. Arterial Improvement Fees
f. Sewer Hook-Up Fees
' 2. All on site utilities shall be underground in accordance with applicable City Standards.
Street cut permits are required prior to commencing work in the City's right of way.
Page 4 of 4
3. A Street cut deposit will be collected at the time a public works permit is issued for any
l; work in the City's right-of-way, and held by the City for two years in accordance with
Grand Terrace Municipal Code, Title 12, Chapter 12.08, Section, 12.08.080.
4. All required public street improvements shall be designed by persons registered and licensed
pursuant to the Business and Professions Code.
Street light locations shall be shown on site plans. Coordinate with Southern California
Edison to install (1) one 5800 Watt, LS-1, street light in accordance with approved site plans
on Michigan Street south of Driveway Number 5, and deposit one year energy cost for the
street light in the amount of $105.00 to the City of Grand Terrace. Street lights shall be
installed in accordance with approved site plans which have been submitted to Southern
California Edison for review.
5. Underground retention and filtration areas shall be provided for the site, in accordance with
approved drainage improvement plans, in connection with the construction of Development
Unit 1. Storm flows may be retained in a retention area designed for such flows as
indicated on the approved drainage improvement plans. Drainage improvement plans which
indicate retention and filtration areas shall be submitted to Building and Safety with grading
plans for approval.
6. Preliminary plans have been submitted for review of the retention areas for storm water
flows with the intent to retain all storm flows on-site.
7. The project applicant or his designee shall be responsible, at its sole expense, for
construction of all frontage improvements along Barton Road, including the design and
construction of the proposed traffic signal at Project Driveway No. 2, in conformance with
applicable City standards and specifications. The project applicant or his designee shall be
eligible for reimbursement of fair share contributions from future development based on fare
share studies which the City shall make a condition of development of other projects which
benefit from the Barton Road improvements and the traffic signal. Design and construction
plans for the subject signal and associated street improvements shall be submitted for review
and approval by the City. No deceleration lanes will be required for the project driveways
as part of Phase 1 improvements, but may be considered for future phases of development.
Improvements to Barton Road shall include an 8-foot wide bus turnout located between
Vivienda Avenue and Project Driveway No. 1, or as approved by the Public Works Director.
8. The applicant or his designee shall be responsible, at its sole expense, for constructing
partial width frontage improvements on Michigan Street as a Secondary Highway, in
conformance with applicable City standards and specifications. Improvements shall include
curb and gutter and a temporary transition/taper area on the northbound approach of
Michigan Street, as well as any necessary utility relocation. The applicant or his designee
shall be eligible for reimbursement of the fair share conditions from future development,
based on fair share studies which the City shall make a condition of development of other
projects which benefit from the Michigan Street improvement and utility relocation unless
other arrangements for street improvements are made.
°F ANo AN Exhibit 2
Community Safety Division Fire Chief
620 South"E"Street—San Bernardino,CA 92415-0179 County Fire Warden
FILE: SPR GT08128925
NUMBER OF LOTS (if applicable): NIA
APN: 1167-231-12,-13,-15, -03, -21 &-09
Dear Applicant:
With respect to the conditions of approval regarding the above referenced project, the San Bernardino County Fire
Department requires the following fire protection measures to be provided in accordance with applicable local
ordinances, codes, and/or recognized fire protection-standards.
The following information of this document sets forth the FIRE CONDITIONS and STANDARDS of which are applied
to this project.
Jurisdiction. The above referenced project is under the jurisdiction of the San Bernardino County Fire Department
herein ("Fire Department'). Prior to any construction occurring on any parcel, the applicant shall contact the Fire
Department for verification of current fire protection requirements. All new construction shall comply with the current
Uniform Fire Code requirements and all applicable statutes, codes, ordinances and standards of the Fire Department.
Additional Reauirements. In addition to the Fire requirements stated herein, other on site and off site improvements
may be required which cannot be determined from tentative plans at this time and would have to be reviewed after
more complete improvement plans and profiles have been submitted to this office. [F-1a]
Fire Equipment—Aareement/Surety. The applicant shall execute an agreement with the County of San Bernardino,
(if applicable- San Bernardino County Redevelopment Agency) and the Fire Department, to ensure that all fire
equipment necessary to serve the project is available when necessary or the applicant may submit surety in a form
and amount acceptable to County Counsel and the Fire Chief. [F-7]
Access Reauirements. The applicant shall submit emergency/evacuation road access plans to the Fire Department
for review and approval. These plans shall include: (check all that apply). [F-9]
❑ Primary Access Route. The plan shall show all planned road widening with minimum widths of twenty-six
feet(26') unobstructed [FS1/FS2/FS3 NO shoulder parking allowed, with an unobstructed vertical clearance
of no less than 14 feet 6 inches (14'6"), and with grades not exceeding twelve percent(12 %).
❑ Secondary Access Route. The plan shall show all planned road widening with minimum widths of twenty
feet (20') unobstructed, with NO shoulder parking allowed, with an unobstructed vertical clearance of no
less than 14 feet 6 inches (14'6"), and with grades not exceeding twelve percent(12 %).
SPR GT08128925
AUGUST 14,2008
❑ Road Width Variance/Turnouts. The plan shall show required turnouts as mitigation for the requested
variance to allow road widths to be no less than feet in width and for lengths not exceeding
feet, in lieu of the required minimum width of (26) feet for primary access and twenty feet (20) for
secondary access]. The turnouts shall be a minimum 6 feet wide and 40 feet long and shall be installed
approximately every six hundred (600)feet along the reduced segment of the roadway. These turnouts are
to be designed, spaced and constructed as determined by the Fire Department. The turnouts are to be
located at all fire hydrants and at any other point determined necessary for fire protection or other
emergency response purpose.
❑ Planned width and location of all internal access drives and parking areas.
❑ Written verification of legal access to the project site (and each phase) from the County
maintained road for both the primary and secondary access routes.
❑ Other (list)
Fire Fee. The required fire fees (currently $802.00) shall be paid to the San Bernardino County Fire
Department/Community Safety Division (909) 386-8465. This fee islin addition to fire fees that are paid to the San
Bernardino County Land Use Services Department. [F-40]
Access. The development shall have a minimum of 2 points of vehicular access. These are for fire/emergency
equipment access and for evacuation routes. Standard 902.2.1 [F-41]
Sinale Story Road Access Width:
All buildings shall have access provided by approved roads, alleys and private drives with a minimum twenty six(26)
foot unobstructed width and vertically to fourteen (14)feet six(6) inches in height. Other recognized standards may
be more restrictive by requiring wider access provisions.
Multi-Story Road Access Width:
Buildings three(3) stories in height or more shall have a minimum access of thirty(30)feet unobstructed width and
vertically to fourteen (14)feet six(6) inches in height.
Water Svstem Larae Commercial. A water system approved and inspected by the Fire Department is required. The
system shall be operational, prior to any combustibles being stored on the site. The applicant is required to provide a
minimum of one new six(6) inch fire hydrant assembly with one (1) two and one half(2 1/2) inch and two (2) four(4)
inch outlet. All fire hydrants shall be spaced no more than three' hundred (300) feet apart (as measured along
vehicular travel-ways)and no more than one hundred fifty(150)feet flrom any portion of a structure. [F-54a]
Water Svstem Certification. The applicant shall provide the Fire Department with a letter from the serving water
company, certifying that the required water improvements have been Imade or that the existing fire hydrants and water
system will meet distance and fire flow requirements. Fire flow water supply shall be in place prior to placing
combustible materials on the job-site. [F-57]
Fire Sprinkler-NFPA #13. An automatic fire sprinkler system complying with NFPA Pamphlet #13 and the Fire
Department standards is required. The applicant shall hire a Fire Department approved fire sprinkler contractor. The
fire sprinkler contractor shall submit three (3) sets of detailed plans Ito the Fire Department for review and approval.
The plans (minimum 1/8" scale) shall include hydraulic calculations and manufactures specification sheets. The
contractor shall submit plans showing type of storage and use with the applicable protection system. The required
fees shall be paid at the time of plan submittal. Standard 101.1 [F-59]
SPR GT08/28925
AUGUST 14,2008
Fire Alarm. An automatic monitoring fire alarm system complying with the California Fire Code, NFPA and all
applicable codes is required for 100 heads or more. The applicant shall hire a Fire Department approved fire alarm
contractor. The fire alarm contractor shall submit three (3) sets of detailed plans to the Fire Department for review
and approval. The required fees shall be paid at the time of plan submittal. Standard 1007.1.1 FA. [F-62]
Hood And Duct SUDoression. An automatic hood and duct fire extinguishing system is required. A Fire Department
approved designer/installer shall submit three (3) sets of detailed plans (minimum 1/8" scale) with manufactures'
specification sheets to the Fire Department for review and approval. The required fees shall be paid at the time of
plan submittal. [F-65]
Hvdrant Marking. Blue reflective pavement markers indicating fire hydrant locations shall be installed as specified by
the Fire Department. In areas where snow removal occurs or non-paved roads exist, the blue reflective hydrant
marker shall be posted on an approved post along the side of the road, no more than three (3) feet from the hydrant
and at least six(6)feet high above the adjacent road. Standard 901.4.3. [F80]
Commercial Addressina. Commercial and industrial developments of 100,000 sq. ft or less shall have the street
address installed on the building with numbers that are a minimum six (6) inches in height and with a three quarter
(3/4) inch stroke. The street address shall be visible from the street. During the hours of darkness, the numbers shall
be electrically illuminated (internal or externall. Where the building is two hundred (200) feet or more from the
roadway, additional non-illuminated contrasting six (6) inch numbers shall be displayed at the property access
entrances. Standard 901.4.4 [F82]
Kev Box. An approved Fire Department key box is required. The key box shall be provided with a tamper switch and
i' shall be monitored by a Fire Department approved central monitoring service. In commercial, industrial and multi-
family complexes, all swing gates shall have an approved fire department Knox Lock. Standard 902.4 [F85]
Fire Extinauishers. Hand portable fire extinguishers are required. The location, type, and cabinet design shall be
approved by the Fire Department. [F88]
ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Commercial projects with an aggregate building square footage of 100,000 or more
square feet requires a minimum ten (10) inch underground fire main with two (2) points of connection to the municipal
source and contain fire hydrant laterals eight(8) inches in diameter. (County Fire Standard 508.1)
MARK ANDERSON, Fire Prevention Specialist
San Bernardino County Fire Department
Community Safety Division
mw:commsafety:communitysafetyfortns and communitysafetypianning&engineedngfireletters:fireletterDAB-DRC.doc
Exhibit 3
Bonus Incentive Points
Town Square Master Development Plan and Development Unit 1
Page 1 of 2
The following methodology allocates Bonus Incentive Points to each element of the Project
which either falls into a specific category established by the Barton Road Specific Plan for such
allocation(e.g., lot consolidation,reciprocal access and reduced access points, integrated design
and architecture), or as proposed by the Development where the Project exceed the Barton Road
Specific Plan standards within a particular phase (e.g., enhanced landscaping,pedestrian
amenities, enhanced design detail).
Bonus Incentive Points for Master Development Plan(all phases) Points Allocation
Proposed Recommended
Consolidated lots into single master plan(Master Plan Area 1 of 20 20
Planning Area 1 of the BRSP)in a single integrated Plan
Reciprocal Access and reduced access points 10 10
Reciprocal parking for access within phased development 10 10
Master design and integrated style 10 5
Master sign program/integrated style/consolidated face/reduced 10 5
Total Bonus Points/All Phases 60 50
Bonus Incentives Points for Phase 1 (Development Units 1 &2 Points Allocation
Provision of public or semi public pedestrian open space 5 5
Covered trellis with landscaping and pedestrian walkway(enhanced 5 5
focal point)
Scored pattern/decorative sidewalks at store fronts 5 5
Enhanced landscaping in parking lot areas 5 5
Total Bonus Points/Phase 1 20 20
Total Bonus Points TSMDP +Phase 1 80 70
Based on the points allocation set forth above, the entire project is entitled to 70 Bonus Incentive
Points, 50 of which attach to the Master Development Plan as a whole, and 20 of which are
accrued within Phase 1.
Bonus Incentive Points
Town Square Master Development Plan and Development Unit 1
—�� Page 2 of 2
Proiect features which exceed Citv standards and for which Incentive Bonuses are rea_uested in
the form of reduced standards:
Proposed Recommended
Increased building(tower)height for Stater Bros. Market
Off-setting consideration: Tower is not occupied space, and adds -3 -3
articulation of building surfaces, distinguishes anchor
Stater Bros. and adjacent parking lot lighting height
Off-setting consideration: Tenant height requirement,redesign to
mitigate with City-standard lights along perimeter; design avoids -5 -7
"hot-spots"in parking fields and reduces number of lighting
elements in parking fields
Queuing at Driveway No. 1: Allow one vehicle(20 feet) queuing, -3 -5
add signage"No stopping or standing; direct to alternate access"
Total Bonus Points Deducted -11 -15
Balance of Bonus Points Remaining 69 55
Future Phases: Under the Barton Road Specific Plan and this methodology, the Developer may
seek, and receive additional Bonus Points in connection with development of future phases. The
allocation and use of Bonus Points will be approved pursuant to Site and Architectural Review.