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2011-07 RESOLUTION NO. 11-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 11-01, ZONE CHANGE 11-01 AND SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 11-01 FOR 0.75 ACRES LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE CORNER OF BARTON ROAD APPROXIMATELY 400 FEET NORTH OF BARTON ROAD (ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 0275-251-55) WHEREAS, Evergreen DevCo, Inc., represented by Katie Rounds, has applied for the approval of General Plan Amendment (GPA) 11-01, Zone Change (ZC) 11-01, and Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) 11-01 to amend the designations on northerly 0.75 acres by amending the General Plan land use designation from Office Commercial to General Commercial, change the zoning classification from Administrative Professional, to BRSP-Village Commercial, and amend the boundaries of the Barton Road Specific Plan to include the northerly 0.75 acres of the site in the Specific Plan. WHEREAS, concurrent applications filed include Site and Architectural Review (SA) 11-02, Tentative Parcel Map 11-01 (Tentative Map No. 19131), Sign Program 11- 02, to re-subdivide approximately 3.6 acres into four lots and develop, in two Phases, a 37,700 square foot commercial center with 1,800 square feet of outdoor seating. The Sign Program establishes the sign standards for the commercial center. WHEREAS, an environmental Initial Study was prepared for the Project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), which was circulated for public review from June 13, 2011 to July 12, 2011. The Initial Study determined that the project would not have a significant effect on the environment because mitigation measures have been incorporated into the project to reduce all potential impacts to insignificant. WHEREAS, on July 14, 2011, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the Project at the Grand Terrace Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California 92313 and concluded the hearing on said date. WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace: 1. The Planning Commission hereby finds that, based on the Initial Study, the public hearing, and substantial evidence in the record, the Project will not have a significant effect on the environment because all potential environmental impacts have been mitigated to a level of non-significance through the incorporation of mitigation measures in the Project approval. 2. The Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to General Plan Amendment 11-01: a. The General Plan Amendment promotes the Grand Terrace General Plan and each element thereof, and leaves the General Plan a compatible, integrated and internally consistent statement of goals and policies because the proposed amendment conforms to Land Use Element Goal 2.3 to provide a wide range of retail and service commercial opportunities designed to meet the needs of the City's residents, businesses, and visitors while also providing employment opportunities and with Public Services Goal. 7.1 to coordinate and balance the provision of public services with planned development because the site can be served by existing public service sand utilities. b. The General Plan Amendment is consistent with key objectives of the General Plan to promote new commercial development that will capitalize on the City's proximity to major transportation corridors and to provide for balanced growth, which seeks to provide opportunities for a wide range of employment and housing and the maintenance of a healthy diversified economy; and consistent with the intent of the General Commercial designation provides for general commercial uses to serve the retail and service needs of the community. c. Adoption of this General Plan Amendment will not be in conflict with Section 65358 (b) of the Government Code relating to the number of amendments permitted per year, because this amendment is the first amendment of calendar year 2011. 3 The Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to Zone Change 11-01: a. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the neighborhood of the proposed amendment or be injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or within the city because the re-designation permits the same level of commercial development as the existing designation. The zone change will allow the development of a cohesive commercial center under one zoning classification, subject to one set of development standards, and subject to specific conditions of approval. b. The proposed amendment will be consistent with the latest adopted General Plan. The Zone Change to BRSP-VC would permit a variety of village commercial uses such drug stores, markets, cafes, bakeries, gift shops, bookstores, food and restaurant uses, and other similar commercial retail uses. The proposed re-zoning will allow for the ultimate development of a village commercial center consistent with the intent of the proposed GC General Plan land use designation to provide for general commercial uses that would serve the retail and service needs of the community. 4. The Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to Specific Plan Amendment 11-01: a. The proposed amendment to consistent with the adopted Barton Road Specific Plan. The proposed Amendment to incorporate the 0.75-acre site into the BRSP and zone it BRSP-VC is consistent with Land Use/Economic objectives to maximize the economic position of the BRSP by promoting sales tax-generating uses because commercial retail uses will be developed on the site; and the design promotes Land Use/Economic objectives to promote a distinctive commercial cluster rather than strip commercial. b. The proposed amendment will be consistent with the latest adopted General Plan. The inclusion of the 0.75-acre site into the BRSP will allow for the ultimate development of a cohesive village commercial center consistent with the intent of the proposed GC General Plan land use designation to provide for general commercial uses that would serve the retail and service needs of the community. 5. Based on the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 above, this Commission hereby recommends that the City Council adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and approve General Plan Amendment 11-01, Zone Change 11-02, Specific Plan Amendment 11-01. 6. Specifically, the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council amend the General Plan Land Use designation on property shown on the attached Exhibit 1 from Office Commercial (OC) to General Commercial (CG); change the zoning classification of property shown on the attached Exhibit 2 from Administrative Professional (AP) to Barton Road Specific Plan-Village Commercial (BRSP-VC); and modify the boundaries of the Barton Road Specific Plan as shown on the attached Exhibit 3a through 3h. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at a special meeting held on the 14th day of July, 2011. AYES: 4 - Chairman Wilson, Commissioners Addington, Comstock & Bailes NOES: o ABSENT: 1 - Commissioner Kongtang ABSTAIN: p ATTEST: MIN -A Brenda Mew Doug Wilson City Clerk Chairman �.. . ..r.c •- -- -. .. .- -• -- -- -- -- -- -- -• -- -- .. d It i is General Plan Land Use Ma ,.':�.>_._.�.:...�_.._ / �:F Proposed P � f' .. ..:... '•. .::>. 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A, ' � ''.. 2 i r :..d t,o.o R_ $�'S�'u"L'y.`Zxbr"��'*• Rv'�%"; R3-Medium Density Residential `�`•~ �J '%�"" ~`` = '` � itu r �+ :a,x� a,= .-.v u'_. ♦4-`•iY"' .t;- .vl." I I I�� �stC�f�J .#` 2� (: .�p,�pi>�'y- - a-7�V { BRSP-General Commercial p..-` .�..��,�:�:'...�s " ••'.'•,' '1 _ _.. � - ,,._..., r r,:,,.�,`�` •r,�t• ,y�'4`'n �it SV p,�{! 1- 1t. �;. BRSP-Village Commercial ;A _ "" L'�7; .�`�� `•.'� i „_ L:. t.�.. BRSP-Office Professional a _ ... ........ Professional :t AP-Administrative PUB-Public Facilities - :. � �.. �_-1�•;•�;�i� - I- -�• t•-�-�r- I -�':. :a::.i..:;:t.�i,� :�t� tit ::;::, � I L ! J r W+E 5 c►ry Speclilc Plan Area Map N City of Barton Road Specific Plan Grand Terrace V Proposed boundary change. �tp • / w i - I w BARTQ 1S)- n Tr- EF] U Planning Area: QSpecific Plan Area M X Community Development Department,July 2011. This map is for reference only.For detailed information,please consult with the Community Development Department. W Exhibit CITY ExistingLand Use map A,AN City of Barton Road Specific Plan Grand Terrace w Proposed boundary change. :5 ,t BARTON RD Wig �] Planning Area: Specific Plan Area Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential _ Public/Institutional ® Vacant Land Office Commercial ®Community Development Department, July 2011. General Commercial This map is for reference only.For detailed information,please consult with the Community Development Department. m X Exhibit Q W �ITy Planni*ng Ma N City of Barton Road Specific Plan Grand Terrace JProposed boundary change. b3 K 1 � , LLlllll�W Ulu i . .�✓�� /f�/ ® NOD PLANNING 11111 111 / IIIIIII - - - AREA3 U PLANNING PLANNING Plannina Area: AREA 1 AREA 2 Specific Plan Area ® Planning Area 1 Community Development Department, July 2011. Planning Area 2 M This map is for reference only.For detailed information,please consult with the community Development Department. x Planning Area 3 =r (2) Master Plan Area w Exhib 0 CITY c z ning Map AAN � City of Barton Road Specific Plan Grand Terrace Proposed boundary change. EP AP ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL I / I I I I I B f IIIII III I I PLANWING AREA 3 U (GC) GENERAL (VC) VILLAGE COMMERCLAL COMMERCIAL Planninq Area: PLANNING AREA 1(P.A.1) PLANNING AREA 2(P.A.2) QSpecific Plan Area ® (GC) General Commercial (P.A.1) Community Development Department, July 2011. (VC)Village Commercial (P.A.2 X This map is for reference only.For detailed information,please consult with the Community Development Department. X (AP)Administrative p Professional (P.A.3) W tZ Ext Existing Transportation Map Barton Road Specific Plan " , City of �1 Grand Terrace Ewa Proposed boundary change. CA AU M i ------- ■rrrrr�rrrr:+rrrrrrrrrrr ■rrrrrrrr■ ■rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr■ ������������,�Sn=�+`'•� � �_^ �i L__ 1 _ - 3 i B AR O 1 R�. [HUO 1... / t- � l/ LA LL� III'Lilt- LULII� I x1p , Z Road Ways Q _..._._..J Z w Q Specific Plan Area x 2 Major Highway . .m. .y Modified Major Highway Community Development Department, July 2011. Secondary Highway This map is for reference only.For detailed information,please consult with the Community Development Department. — — — Collector Local Street m X ------------ Bike Lane Cr Exl W (D 0 Tj, ExistingWater Line Map NCR p Barton Road Specific Plan "-� City of Grand Terrace `L r I - - - - Q Q 11 uz Proposed boundary change. 8 / r._._.�....._. " 18' I--� fl !—'� ' 12" — Ln 181, / J-.]..-_�l 24'L L_L- `�1 — —8---- `f— 24 -- " w - — — — — — — — — — — — — — T �—' �—� L I � - � �� � � 1 I i I �..i:.1-1 � Ell �r g"' 10° —IT [TT ill•' [.iTl1 J I J I 124" _-Lan _ 8 il_._... aI \ -- m �� !r7-.=-T1�-- a > z Water Line Diagram z z x LU Specific Plan Area U Water Line Community Development Department, Juty 2011. X This map is for reference only.For detailed information,please consult with the Community Development Department =7 Exh W -•n r.ITr r m u Existing MapSewer Line Barton Road Specific flan " City of _ 8" Grand Terrace el IProposed boundary change. 1 8 11 10" 10' - I 'I_� I I I � 8^_ 10'1 III--LJ ..1 .I �- u--��ICL� BA TON D.__ 8= .!yam - - r�__ - -.'-�- - - - - - - - - - _-� n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tom~ ' i; — W;Lh Z Sewer Line Diagram z zz W Specific Plan Area CD > Sewer Line Community Development Department, July 2011. This map is for reference only.For detailed information,please consult with the Community Development Department. Exhibi M X CT W t.Q 1,T*"N ``_ Existing Storm Drain Map City of Barton Road Specific Plan Grand Terrace Proposed boundary change. lu T' LLI i V CYI '3 L 4 2" n - 18" ,tea 1 BAR70i! U. 34" %36" �' kilo ii... ' F.— E7' Ld z Storm Drain Diagram -—-------------- 0 z z W U.1 Specific Plan Area > Storm Drain C.M.P. Storm Drain R.C.P. Community Development Department,July 2011. This map is for reference only.For detailed information,please consult with the Community Development Department. M Ex X =r