2011-08 RESOLUTION NO. NO. 2011- 08
WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 65800 and 65850 of the California Government
Code, the City may adopt ordinances to regulate the use of buildings, structures, and
land as between industry, business, residences, and open space, and other purposes;
to regulate the location, height, bulk, number of stories and size of buildings and
structures, the size and use of lots, yards, courts and other open spaces, the
percentage of a lot which may be occupied by-a building or structure, and the intensity
of land use; and to establish requirements for off-street parking, in compliance with the
California Government Code.
WHEREAS, Chapter. .18.90 of the Municipal Code provides a process for the
amendment of the Zoning Code.
WHEREAS, the Project, as contemplated, proposes to establish a new Section
18.10.090 Planned Residential Development in order to facilitate the development of
infill lots that may be otherwise constrained due to lot size, configuration, and/or
WHEREAS, on July 21, 2011, and September 1, 2011, the Planning Commission
of the City of Grand Terrace conducted two public workshops on the planned residential
development (PRD) provisions.
WHEREAS, on October 6, 2011, and October 20, 2011, the Planning
Commission of the City of Grand Terrace conducted duly noticed public hearings on
proposed Section 18.10.090 Planned Residential Development at the Grand Terrace
City Hall Council Chambers located 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA 92313 and
concluded the hearing on October 20, 2011, by voting to recommend City Council
approval of the proposed Amendment.
WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have
NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning
Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, as follows
1. The Planning Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in
the above Recitals, are true and correct.
2. Based on substantial evidence presented to the Planning Commission during the
October 6, 2011, public hearing, including public testimony, and written and oral
staff reports, the Planning Commission specifically finds as follows with regard to
Zoning Code Amendment 11-02:
a. Zone Change 11-02 will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals,
.comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the
neighborhood of the proposed amendment or within the city because any
future development in accordance with the provisions are still subject to
applicable building and fire codes, and the provisions provide for setbacks,
open space, parking and building height regulations.
b. Zone Change 11-02 will not be injurious to property or improvements in
the neighborhood or within the city because it will not preclude the
continued use and/or development of surrounding properties.
C. Zone Change 11-02 is consistent with the latest adopted General Plan,
such as Goal 2.1 to provide for balanced growth which seeks to provide a
wide range of employment and housing opportunities and maintenance of
a healthy, diversified community, and Policy 9.3.1 because it provides
incentives for incorporating "green" building design into project design.
3. Based on the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, the
Planning Commission recommends that the City Council amend Title 18 of the
'7 Grand Terrace Municipal Code by adding Section 18.10.090 to Chapter 18.10
�—` described in Exhibit 1 attached hereto.
4. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace shall certify to the adoption of this
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace,
California, at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of October, 2011.
AYES: 4 - Commissioner's Addington, Comstock, Kongtang, Bailes
NOES: 1 - Chairman Wilson
�acey,1,;T in'ez- Doug Wilson
City Clerk Chairman, Planning Commission
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Exhibit 1
Section 18.10.090 Planned Residential Development
A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide a process for approving a
planned residential development that is intended to:
1. Allow for flexibility and creativity in the development of infill lots otherwise
constrained due to lot size, configuration and/or surroundings;
2. Provide a method whereby land may be designed and developed as a
unified site by taking advantage of efficient site planning techniques
thereby resulting in a more efficient use of land, a better living
environment, excellence of design, and related enhanced amenities than
is otherwise possible through strict application of the development
standards of the underlying zoning classification;
3. Ensure development that meets high standards of environmental quality,
public health and safety, the efficient use of the City's resources, and the
purpose, intent, goals, policies, actions, and land use designations of the
General Plan, and any applicable specific plan; and
B. Applicability.
1. Permitted zones. A planned residential development shall be permitted on
those parcels identified, within the R2—Low Medium and R3—Medium
Density Residential Zone districts. As determined by the Planning
Commission on a case by case basis, a planned residential development
may be proposed on any site other than those listed in subparagraph "a",
provided that it meets the applicability requirements of this section.
a. A planned residential development may be proposed on the
following properties: Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 0275-191-15,
0275-211-09, 0275-211-58, 0275-251-04, 0276-202-74, and 1167-
2. Minimum Site Area. A planned residential development may only be
requested for a site(s) with a minimum size of 22,000 net square feet.
a. Net area shall mean the total horizontal area within the lot lines of a
lot, excluding public or private easement, any street, drive aisle, or
right of way area.
3. Permitted Uses. A planned residential development project shall not
authorize a use that is not allowed in the base zoning district.
C. Development Standards.
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Exhibit 1
{-t. 1. Density: Density within a planned residential development shall comply
L with the permitted density of the underlying zone district.
a. The fractional/decimal results of calculations of the number of
multiple housing units allowed within a land use zoning district shall
be rounded down to the next lowest whole number. If a fraction is
0.557- or more, the Director may recommend the higher whole
number to the Commission based on other development standards
and regulations being met.
2. Density bonus: A density bonus, as shown below, may be considered by
the Planning Commission, based on the merits of the project. Only one
densitv bonus may be granted. .
a. A density bonus shall be granted for affordable housing
developments in accordance with the density bonus provisions of
Government Code Section 65915; or
b. A 20% density bonus with evidence that the project can be certified
in LEED, California Green Builder or equivalent standard; or
C. A 10% density bonus for construction of the project to meet or
- exceed more than a 20% increase above Title 24 requirements or;.
d. A 10% density bonus on sites constrained by irreqular shape,
irreqular topographv, or other unusual physical constraints.
3. Lot coverage: Lot coverage shall not exceed 60% of the lot area. Lot
coverage includes primary and accessory structures, covered patios and
4. Open space: A minimum of 20%2-5-Ok of the lot area shall be open and
unobstructed. Paved areas, drive aisles, parking areas, private patios, or
areas between structures less than 10 feet in any dimension, shall not be
counted towards open space. TegTwenty-five percent of open amenity
areas may be counted toward the open space requirement.
5. Private open space: A minimum of 250 square feet of private open space
per dwelling unit shall be provided, with no dimension less than 10 feet.
Architectural elements with no habitable space may encroach into private
open spaces.
6. Amenities: Amenities may include a swimming pool, clubhouse, tot lot
with play equipment, picnic shelter with barbeque area, basketball, tennis,
- or other recreational amenities. The type of amenities shall be approved
by the Planning Commission. Amenities shall be provided as follows:
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Exhibit 1
Number of Units Number of Amenities
0-11 0
12-24 1
25-50 2
51-75 3
75+ as determined by the Planning
Note: Where a mix of attached and detached units is proposed, amenities
shall be provided pursuant to this subsection.
7. Height: 35 feet. Three-story structures shall not be permitted adiacent to
a�}n,�v,, Single Familv Residential zone or single family use.�-4ect, 2 ;%
star4cc. Th,- V-111 v Mn a 7 9 R 3
zone distriGt
8. Circulation
a. Private streets shall be permitted only when a Homeowner's
Association is established to maintain them.
b. Private streets shall be built to public works construction standards.
C. Street/Drive Aisle Width: A minimum of 26 feet, curb to curb with no
on-street parking shall be provided. Where one-way access is
proposed, the minimum width shall conform to County Fire
d. Two points of vehicular ingress and egress to a public street shall
be provided. Except that for smaller projects or where the applicant
can show that this is a physical impossibility, the appropriate fire
authority may modify this requirement if the fire authority
determines that emergency access is adequate for the project.
9. Number of attached dwelling units. Attached dwelling units shall not
exceed 8 units. Any building with 6 or more units shall provide a minimum
two foot variation along the building wall plane.
10. Project Setbacks:
a. Perimeter setbacks:
i. Front yard: 20 feet
' ii. Rear yard: 15 feet
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Exhibit 1
iii. Side yard: 10 feet
iv. Street Side yard: 10 feet
b. Attached units shall also adhere to the following setbacks:
i. A minimum setback of 10 feet from the curb face, except that
a minimum driveway depth of 17 feet shall be provided.
ii. A minimum of 15 feet between attached buildings.
C. Small lot subdivisionsDetaGhed shall adhere to the following
i. Minimum lot size: 3,500 net square feet
ii. Lot coverage: 60%
iii. Front yard setback: An average of 18 feet, but no less than
16 feet
iv. Rear yard setback: 15 feet
V. Side yard setbacks: 5 feet on one side yard and 8 feet on
the other side yard
vi. Zero lot line setback: Shall apply to detached garages only.
vii. Distance between detached garage and main residence: 5
11. Parking. Parking shall be in accordance with Chapter 18.60 (Off Street
Parking), with the following exceptions:
a. On-street parking may be credited towards guest parking, provided
that a curb to curb street width or driveway width of a minimum of
33 feet is provided, with parking only on one side of the street.
12. Storage and Trash Areas. All storage and trash areas shall be located
within enclosed areas completely screened from public view. Common
storage and trash areas shall be within 200 feet of the dwelling served.
D. Procedures.
1. Planned residential developments shall be processed in accordance with
Chapter 18.63 (Site and Architectural Review). The application shall
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Exhibit 1
include all of the information and materials specified by the Site and
Architectural Review application, together with the required fee in
compliance with the City's adopted fee schedule. It is the responsibility of
the applicant to provide evidence in support of the findings required by
subsection (F) of this section (Findings and Decision).
2. The application shall be accompanied by a tentative map that shall be filed
and processed in accordance with Title 17 (Subdivisions) of the Municipal
E. Review Authority. The Commission may approve, conditionally approve, or deny
a planned residential development, provided that the findings contained in
subsection (F) of this section (Findings and Decision), and in Chapter 18.63 (Site
and Architectural Review), can be made.
F. Findings and Decision. The Commission may approve or conditionally approve a
planned residential development only after first making all of the findings
contained in Section 18.63.060 (Approval Process) and the following:
1. The development includes only uses allowed within the base zoning
- 2. The development is compatible with other development within the zoning
district and general neighborhood of the proposed project.
3. The project would produce a development of higher quality and greater
excellence of design than that might otherwise result from using the
standard development regulations.
4. The subject site is adequate in terms of size, shape, topography, and
circumstances to accommodate the proposed development.
5. The project includes improved quality of life provisions and enhanced
amenities, including an additional and appropriate variety of structure
placement and orientation opportunities, appropriate mix of structure
sizes, high quality architectural design, common open space, landscaping,
parking areas, private open space, and sustainable improvement
standards (e.g., energy efficient building design, construction, and
G. Minor Changes by Director.
1. Minor changes in a planned residential development that do not involve an
increase in densitythe numbeF ef dwelling U,;:tc ^r ;^+wRSity of U or a
(_ change of use may be approved by the Director, pursuant to Section (Administrative Site and Architectural Review).
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Exhibit 1
2. Proposed changes that are not deemed minor shall be subject to review
and approval by the original review authority.
H. Common Ownership - Land or Improvements
1. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's). Where a Planned
Residential Development contains any land or improvement proposed to
be held in common ownership, the applicant shall submit a declaration of
covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&R's) with the final map
establishing a. Home Owner's Association subject to Community and
Economic Development Director and the City Attorney approval. Such
declaration shall set forth provisions for maintenance of all common areas,
payment of taxes and all other privileges and responsibilities of the
common ownership. The CC&R's shall include provisions prohibiting the
homeowners' association (HOA) from quitclaiming, selling or otherwise
transferring the land held in common ownership to private property
2. The City shall be made a party of the CC&R's. The City's participation
shall be specifically limited to enforcement of the HOA's maintenance
3. Amendments to CC&R's. The provisions of approved CC&R's shall not be
amended without the prior approval of the Community Development
Director and City Attorney who at his or her discretion may refer the matter
to the Planning Commission. Requests for amendments to existing
CC&R's shall be submitted to the Community Development Division.
4. Maintenance. All private streets, walkways, parking areas, landscaped
areas, storage areas, screening, sewers, drainage facilities, utilities, open
space, recreation facilities and other improvements not dedicated to public
use shall be maintained by the property owners. Provisions acceptable to
the affected City Departments shall be made for the preservation and
maintenance of all such improvements prior to the issuance of building
5. Failure to Maintain Constitutes a Public Nuisance. All commonly-owned
lots, improvements and facilities shall be preserved and maintained in a
safe condition and in a state of good repair. Any failure to so maintain is
unlawful and a public nuisance endangering the health, safety and general
welfare of the public and a detriment to the surrounding community.
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