2012-03 RESOLUTION NO. 12-03
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 65300 of the State Planning and Zoning Law
(Division 1 Title 7 of the California Government Code) on April 27, 2010, the City of
Grand Terrace adopted Resolution 2010-10 adopting a General Plan to provide
comprehensive, long-range planning guidelines for future growth and development
which incorporates the following nine elements: Land Use, Circulation, Open Space and
Conservation, Public Health and Safety, Noise, Public Services, Housing, and
Sustainable Development. Each element of the General Plan provides Goals,
Programs, and Policies as required by State Law;
WHEREAS,.pursuant to Sections 65800 and 65850 of the California Government
Code, the City may adopt ordinances to regulate the use of buildings, structures, and
land as between industry, business, residences, and open space, and other purposes;
to regulate the location, height, bulk, number of stories and size of buildings and
- structures, the size and use of lots, yards, courts and other open spaces, the
percentage of a lot which may be occupied by a building or structure, and the intensity
of land use; and to establish requirements for off-street parking, in compliance with the
California Government Code;
WHEREAS, the Housing Element established a number of housing programs
which called out certain amendments to be made to City's General Plan and Zoning
Code, including Program 8.8.1.s calling for a re-designation of 1.35 acres of land to a
density of 20 dwelling units per acre;
WHEREAS, on January 24, 2012, the City Council adopted a Planned
Residential Development Ordinance, which allowed for up to a twenty percent density
bonus for projects certified in LEED for homes, or ten percent density bonus for projects
that meet or exceed more than a 20% increase in energy efficiency above Title 24
WHEREAS, General Plan Amendment 12-01 proposes to amend the General
Plan Land Use Map and Land Use Element in conformance with the Housing Element'
and Planned Residential Development Ordinance;
WHEREAS, an environmental Initial Study was prepared for General Plan
Amendment 12-01, Zone Change 12-01, and Zoning Code Amendment 12-01, pursuant
to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), which was circulated for public
t review from March 8, 2012, to March 28, 2012. The Initial Study determined that these
revisions would not have a significant effect on the environment;
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-- WHEREAS, on April 5, 2012, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed
} public hearing on General Plan Amendment 12-01, Zone Change 12-01, and Zoning
Code Amendment 12-01 at the Grand Terrace Council Chambers located at 22795
Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California 92313 and concluded the hearing on said date;
WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this .Resolution have
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City
of Grand Terrace:
1. The Planning Commission hereby finds that, based on the Initial Study, the public
hearing, and substantial evidence in the record, General Plan Amendment 12-01,
Zone Change 12-01, and Zoning Code Amendment 12-01 will not have a
significant effect on the environment.
2. The Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to General Plan
Amendment 12-01:
a. The General Plan Amendment promotes the Grand Terrace General Plan
and each element thereof, and leaves the General Plan a compatible,
integrated and internally consistent statement of goals and policies. The
amendment implements several Housing Element Programs (Programs
8.8.1.c, d, m, o through r and; and it fulfills Housing Policies 8.1.1
and 8.1.3 to promote and encourage development of housing, which
varies by type, design, form of ownership and size and to encourage infill
housing development and more intensive use of underutilized land for
residential construction.
b. The amendment promotes Land Use Goal 2.1 to provide for balanced
growth which seeks to provide a wide range of employment and housing
opportunities and maintenance of a healthy, diversified community; and
Sustainable Development Policy 9.3.1.a to review the Zoning Code to
promote green building concepts into all development projects including
possible incentives for the expanded use of green building concepts.
C. Adoption of this General Plan Amendment will not be in conflict with
Section 65358(b) of the Government Code relating to the number of
amendments permitted per year, because this amendment is the first
amendment of calendar year 2012.
3. The Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to Zone Change 12-01
and Zoning Code Amendment 12-01:
a. The proposed zone change and amendment will not be detrimental to the
health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing
Page 2 of 35
or working within the neighborhood of the proposed amendment or
-� injurious to property.or improvements in the neighborhood.. or within the
City because Zone Change 12-01 and Zoning.-Code -Amendment 12-01
will promote a variety of. housing .types within.the. City.. The.re-zoning will
still .allow residential development on Project. Site A, but at .a higher
density. The Project will not interfere with the continued use or enjoyment.
of surrounding:properties.
b.. The proposed zone change and amendment will be consistent with the . .
latest adopted General Plan. Zone- Change 12-01. and Zoning Code
.. Amendment .12-01 implement several Housing Programs contained in.the
General Plan Housing Element. _ A General Plan Amendment: is being
concurrently processed with the Zone Change and Code Amendment so
that the General Plan and Zoning Code-are consistent with one another.
4. Based on the findings and-conclusions set forth above, this Commission hereby
recommends that-the City.Council adopt the: Negative..Declaration prepared.for
General Plan Amendment 12-01, Zone Change 12-01, -and Zoning -Code .
Amendment 12=01, and further recommends that the City Council adopt a
Resolution approving General Plan Amendment 12-01, and.:adopt an Ordinance
adopting Zone Change 12-01 and Zoning .Code Amendment-12-01 to effectuate
the changes shown-on Exhibit 1, attached hereto..
PASSED AND.ADOPTED by the Planning tCommission. of the City of Grand Terrace,
California,.at a regular meeting held-on the 5 day of April, 2.012..
AYES: 4 - Vice .Cha.i�rm.an Addi.ngton., Comissioners. Comstock;. .Ba.iles., Kongtang
ABSENT: 1 - .Chairman Wilson
Tracey.Ma tin® at ew A&k6gtor(
City Clerk VieeChairman
Page 3 of 35
Exhibit 1
T �
r � 1
F 11 F
_ Y
Figure 1: Project Site A (Approx. 0.'81 acres)
Page 4 of 35
Table 2.2
General Plan Acreage By Land Use Category
and s Categorry Acres im%6iofyTio1al�
Hillside Low Density Residential 125 5.5%
Low Density Residential . .885.2 39.2%"
Medium Density Residential J 184.9185.7 8.2%
�. Medium High.Density Residential : 6.86:9 0.34%
General.Commercial .88.4 . . . . 3.9%
Office Commercial 1 32.9-1 1.5% -
Light Industrial. 107 4.7%
Floodplain Industrial, t . 40.1.1 1.71%
Hillside Open-Space 1.89.1 8.'0%.
Mixed Use 93.5 4.2% -
Public 158.9 7.0% -
Streets 353.00I 15.5%
Total 2,2-55.1 1000070,070APA.
Table 2.3
City of Grand Terrace
General Plan Land Use-Designations-
ioLandiRsekes gnation�l urpos of an s
S1 01BNT A J
Medium Density Residential The Medium Density Residential designation include both single
(MDR) family detached and multiple family attached developments.
Density Range-6 to 12 Permitted uses within these areas may include small lot single
dwelling units per gross acre. family developments or attached multi-family developments
including townhomes, condominiums, and apartments. Mobile
home developments are also permitted.
A density bonus may-be applied to a project pursuant to the density .
bonus provisions of Chapter 4.3 of the California Government -
Code, or pursuant to-an approved Planned Residential Develop_ m6nt
application for-Up-to a 20%°density bonus miaw,be 4-ant-4
Medium High Density. The Medium High Density Residential:designation is reserved for
Residential(MHDR) multiple familv development,with an emphasis on affordable
Maximum Density-20 dwelling : housing projects—Af�,pr-ejek p cP=
units per gross acre shag o
.. . D .7., ......`:�
A density bonus mav_ be applied.to a proiectnursuant:to the density
bonus provisions of Chapter 4.3 of the.California Government
Code, or pursuant to an approved Planned Residential Development
application for up to a 20%density bonusbe-flamed.
Page 5 of 35
Table 2.4
Residential Buildout Calculations
and Use esignation I robabl �g• I Acares iW&,:elling 1Pasons/ Estimated
ensiy Units I Population
Low Density/Hillside 0.7 du/ac 155.3 109 183 308
Low Density 3.6 du/ac 885.2 3,187 2.83 9,019
Medium Density 11 du/ac 184.94 &7 2,034Z 043 2.83 5.756--5-7
Medium High Density 20 du/ac 6_8�-0 136420 1.20/2.83+ 189444'
Mixed Use 12 du/ac 14.6* 175 2.83 495
otal 1 ,2.46.8 I 5,6.41r34 15,7i6r7C_ 4-R
*Assumes that 15% of the mixed use area is residential.
+Includes existing senior housing in persons Der household and estimated non_ ulation
New Definition: Section 18.06.287 — Emergency Shelter
"Emergency Shelter" means a residential facility, other than a community care facility,
operated by a provider that provides temporary accommodations to homeless persons.
The term "temporary accommodations" means that a person will be allowed to reside at
the shelter for a time period not to exceed six months. For purposes of this definition, a
"provider" shall mean a government agency or private non-profit organization which
provides or contracts with recognized community organizations to provide emergency or
temporary shelter, and which may also provide meals, counseling and other services, as
well as common areas for residents of the facility. Such a facility may have individual
rooms, but it is not developed with individual dwelling units, with the exception of the
manager's unit.
Revise Definition: Section 18.06.635 — Residential Care Facilitv
"Residential care facility" means any facility place or building that is maintained and
operated to provide non-medical residential care as defined by State law, including, but
not limited to, the physically handicapped, mentally impaired, incompetent persons,
abused or neglected children and the elderly. The term "residential care facility" is limited
to those facilities, places or buildings that are both subject to regulation and actually
licensed by the State of California. No facility, place or building that may otherwise be
regulated by the State of California, but which is not actually licensed by the State of
California, shall be deemed a "residential care facility" for purposes of this Title. Whether
or not unrelated persons are living together, a residential, community or group care facility
licensed by the State of California that serves six or fewer persons shall be considered a
residential use of property for the purposes of this Title. (A residential care facility that is
not licensed by the State of California shall be deemed a rooming or boarding house.)
Page 6 of 35
rtawcn cim--vurc
n" n
.. .. e.
d••nnt 4 m �n. ,4hptheF wFitten "nr nral between the nersen'(s)PW i yr ie�e �n�e -
nda • ' " publiGi e:h'.ill ne+ he GG, h6id1§Fed rfiemherc 0
the,same family as the perm(s) picevirlinn sunewision
New Definition: Section 18.06.856 - Single Room Occupancy
"Single Room Occupancy (SRO)"_means a residential facility where individuals secure.
rooms, .of a smaller size'than-normally found in multiple family dwellings, and-.which are
rented to a,one or two-person household. SRO's living units are provided for-P.weekly.or
monthly period of-time, in exchange for an agreed payment of a-fixed amount of money or
other compensation based on the-period of-occupancy.
New Definition: Section 18.06.908 Supportive Housing:"
"Supportive Housing":means:housing with no limit on the length of stay, that is occupied
by the target.:population, as_defined by Section 50675.14(b)(3) of the Health and Safety
Code, and that is linked .to-onSite or offsite services that assist- the 'supportive housing
resident in _retaining .the.housing, improving his or-her health status, and maximizing his or
her ability to live and, when possible work in the community.
fi New Definition: Section 18:06.190 Transitional Housing
"Transitional Housing" and."Transitional Housing Development" means building configured
as-.rental housing.development;:but.operated under program.requirements that call for.the
termination of assistance and recirculation of the assisted unit to another eligible program
recipient" at some predetermined future point in time,. which shall be no less than. six
months: .
Section 18:09.020 Districts Established:
The following zoning districts-are established:
RH Hillside Residential District
RI-2.0 Very Low.Density.Single_Family Residential District
RI-1.0 Low-Density Single Family Residential District
RI-7.2 Single Family Residential District
R2 Low.Medium Density Residential District
R3 - Medium Density Residential District
R37.8 Multiple Family Senior Citizen
R3-20 Hiah-Density Residential District
Page 7 of 35
. . . . . . .
Sections: . -
18.10.010 ' Purpose
18.10.020 Residential Districts
18.10.030 Use.Regulations.
18.10.040. - Site Development Standards
18.10.050 Off Street Parking
18.10.060 Residential Street Parking . . . . . . .
18.10.070 Signs
18.10.080 Site and Architectural Review
Section 18.10.010. Purpose:
The. residential zones:contained in this Chapter are intended to carry out the goals.and.
-objectives of.the Community's General Plan, with respect to. residential uses. These goals.
and objectives.are to be achieved through the following purposes established for the
residential zones:
A. To provide for development in, accordance with the General Plan.
B. To.promote the most appropriate.and efficient use of the land while providing a.
variety of housingopportunities to the community.
-C. To promote a compatible relationship between residential, commercial and other
types of land uses located in the community-
D.- To promote he public-health, safety, and welfare through encouraging the
appropriate.type and size of development for the community.
E. To manage development with respect to its type, size and location in o:rder.to
prevent harmful encroachment of_disruptive development into the comm.unity's'residential
neighborhoods.. .
Section 18.10.020 Residential Districts:
The following districts.are.designed to implement the goals and objectives of the
:General Plan. Each district contains specific land use regulations.and density ranges for.
A. RH, Hillside Residential District: This district is intended for very low density single
family.residential.development with a maximum. retention of.open space.-It is located in the
portions of the City:identified:in the General Plan's.Master Environmental:Analysis as
having severe development limitations related t y a o-topographnd soil conditions. The
maximum density:allowed in this district is one (1) dwelling unit per gross acre.
Page 8 of 35
- B. R1-20, Very Low Single Family-Residential District: This district is intended for very
low density-single family residential use. The,minimum lot size is 20,000 square feet with a
-maximum density of two-(2).dwelling units per gross acre.
C. RIAO,.Low Density Single Family Residential District: This district-is intended for
IOW density single family residential use. The.minimurn lot size is 10,000 square feet with a
maximum density of four (4).dwelling units per gross acre.
D. R1-7.2, Single-Family Residential District: This district is intended for single family
residential use. The minimum lot size is 7200 square feet with a.maximum density of five .
(5) dwelling-units per.gross acre.
E. R2,.Low. Medium Density.Residential-District: This.district is intended for.single .
family residential use and low density multiple family development. The minimum lot size
is 10,000 square feet with a maximum density of nine (9) dwelling units per gross acre.
F. R3; Medium Density Residential District: This district,is intended for medium
density multiple family development. The minimum lot size is 12,000 square feet with a
�. maxim um:density.of twelve plus (12*) dwelling units.per gross acre:
G. ..R3=S, Medium Family, Senior Citizen:, This district is.intended for.the development .
of senior.citizen housing. The maximum density shall not exceed 20 units per.acre. The-
development standards shall be established through the specific plan process. .
(� H. R3-20.-Hiah Densitv Residential District: This district is 'intended-for hiaher density .
multiple familv development...which may include.affordable housina. The minimum lot size.
is 12.000 sauare feet with a maximum.densitv of 20 units Der acre.
Section 18.10.030 Use Regulations:
Uses listed-in-Table 18.10:030 shall be allowed in one or more of the residential districts
as indicated in the columns below each district heading.-Permitted uses are indicated-by
the letter"P" while the letter "C indicates uses which%requ.ire a conditional use permit.
Page 9 of 35
TABLE 18..10.030
Land Use.Regulations
�. Permitted Uses RH. . R1-20 I R1=10. I R1-7.2..... R2 R3. R3-S R3-20
A: Residential Uses
Single Family (Detached), Full Sized p P P P Pa Pb.
Single Family (Attached)
(Duplexes, Triplexes, and . - - P P .
'Fourplexes Gohsigtirig of One _ P
Multiple Family Units
' -(Planner!i I it DeVel60mcnte - _ _ _ P P
Uo"(2) R4d.Fe6m;l jnits f-lnM
Manufactured Housing I _ _
(As Permitted Per Chapter.18,66) P= P P- P P- F- _
Mobile Home Park _ I _ - . C C
Senior Citizen Housing Pd I P
B. Residential Accessory Structures
:Accessory Structure P P P P P P Pd P
ISecond Family Unite PG PG" PG PG FG PC - -
"(As Permitted Per Chapter 18.6369) I — I -
Guest House .  C C: C C . C C _
Private Garage P P P P P P = -P
Private Swimming Pool P P P P P P Pd F
(As Permitted Per Chapter 5:06) P P P P P P I " P I P
Keeping of Cats and Dogs d
(Maximum of Two (2) Each) P P P. P . P P P P
Other Accessory Uses
(As Approved by the Planning Director) P P P P P P Pd P
Page 10 of 35
C. . Other Uses
Churches C C C C C
(Minimum Three-Acre Parcel)
Schools -
(Private and Parochial) C. C C C
Public.Park and.Playground P P P P P _ P -
Public Facilities C C . C C C C _
.(And Quasi- Public),
Family Day Care-Sentef
(E aht .(8).or Less Children) P P P.. P : P P
Family Day Care Center
C C C C C. -C
-R -
(Nineeven (9) or More.Children) -
Residential Care Facility:' , P P P P P P - -
(Six (6) or Less,Persons tiei;s) -
Residential Care Facility
(Seven (7) or More Persons0atients)f S O C G -
Sinale Room Occupancy,
Transitional Housina. Supportive Housing
Utility or Service Facility C C C C C C
Outdoor Recreation Facility I C. C. C :.. I C C C V. Temporary uses
Temporary Uses a'
(As approved by Planning Director) P P P P P P P P
Temporary Trailers d
(As Approved.by Planning Director) P P P P P P P P
Table 18.10.030 Footnotes .
A second .single family detached unit (full sized single family detached dwelling) shall be permitted in the R2
zone provided that the lot or parcel in question meets the minimum area requirement for the R2 zone and that said.,
lot or parcel is developed with no.more than- one single family detached dwelling. 'A site and architectural review
application for ,the second family,:detached unit in accordance with Chapter ,18.63 .of the Zoning Code ,shall be
required to be approved prior to the issuance of building permits. In addition, all development standards.of the
Page 11 of 35
underlying zone must be adhered to; and any division in ownership among the structures on the:lot or parcel in
question .shall conform to the subdivision laws of the-.State and. City. :.
b A second familydetached unit. full sized single family detached dwelling) shall'be ermitted in the R3 zone provided that the.lot
� 9 . Y 9) p
or parcel in question meets the minimum area requirements for the R3 zone.and.that said lot or parcel is developed with no more
than.one single family detached .dwelling: A site and architectural review application, for the second family detached unit in
accordance with Chapter 18..63 of the Zoning Code shall,be required to:be.approved prior to the issuance of building permits. In
addition, all development standards of the underlying zone must be.adhered to; and any division in ownership among the structures
on the lot or parcel in question shall conform to the subdivision laws of the State and City. .
"P" stands for"Permitted Use"where the use.is permitted by right; and."C"stands for"Conditional'Use"where the use requires a
conditional use permit..
d' Senior citizen housing is:allowed in the R3-S.zone up to a maximum density.of 20 unit/acre. A specific plan.will.be required for
all senior citizen housing projects in this zone. Some accessory and temporary uses as indicated will be allowed.in the R3-S zone
with the approval of,the Community and Economic Development Director.
e. Subiect to Administrative Site and Architectural Review.
f' Subiect to Administrative Conditional Use.Permit.
Page 12 of 35
Sectlon"18.10.040 Site Development Standards:
The site development standards established for each residential.district"are as shown in.
Table 18.10.040.
TABLE, 18.10.040
Site Development Standards_
DEVELOPMENT"ISSUE. RH R1'20 R1-10 R1-7.2 R2 R3 R3-S R3-20
Area .(Minimum square feet) _a 20,000= 10,000 : :7,200 10,000 12,000. s 12,000
Width (Minimum linear feet)
* Interior Lot 100 60 60 60 60 9 60
*Corner Lot -a 100 70 70 70 70 " . 70
Lot Depth (Minimum linear feet) _a 150 100 100 100 100 9 100
Street Frontage (Minimum linear feet) _a 50 40 40 40 40 s 40
Setbacks (Minimum linear feet)
■ Front Yard a 25 b 25 b 25 b 25 b 25 b 25 b
Rear Yard a 35 b 35 b 20,b 20 b 20 b 20 b
■ Side Yard
- Interior Lot s
With.Garage _a io b 10 b 10 b . 10;b . 10.b 10 b.
.Without Garage 5 b 5 b 5 b 5 b " 100 10 b.
Corner Lot
Street side a 15b 15b 15b " 15b 15b 15b
No Street side a .5 5 5 5 10 10
Density (Allowable dwelling units per _a 1-2 1-4 1-5 1-9 1-12 ° Max. 20 13-20°.
Living Area (Minimum square feet)
* Single Family a 1,350d 1,350d 1,350d 1,850d 1,350d
* Duplex Triplex, Four-plex " s s
and Multiple Family —
One (1) Bedroom - - - - 800 d 800 d
- Two (2) Bedroom - . = 1,000d 1,000d .
Page 13 of 35.
Height (Maximum linear feet) a. 35 e .35 e 35 e 35 e :35 e s .35 e
Lot Coverage. Maximum ercent _a.. 40 50 50 60 f 60 9 60
( percent)
Distance Between Buildings s
(Minimum,linear feet) _a 5 5 5 20 20
20 .
Table 18.10.040 Footnotes
a. A specific plan shall be required for all proposed projects. (including tentative parcel' or tract maps) which'include:any property
located within this.district. Such.a specific plan shall establish site'development standards'on a project by.project basis in consideration of
the existing topography and other physical constraints...
The specific plan shall not.create a density greater.'than,one ('1) dwelling.unit per gross acre and shall be.consistent with the City's .
General Plan. The specific plan may consider a clustered development concept in order to preserve large areas open space and minimize
the project's impact on the physical environment.
b. The following exceptions apply to front, rear and side yard,requirements as noted:
1. The minimum side and rear yard setback for a.patio cover,shall be five (5) feet.
2: The minimum rear yard: ' back:for an accessory structure shall be ten (10) feet. .
3. Slopes exceeding five percent (5%) shall be permitted no closer to a residential structure than a distance equal to the
required side and rear.yard setbacks. In the R1=10 District and.the R1-20 District, the 35 foot,rear yard setback may
include 10 feet of slopethat,is greater than,5%.
4. In the case of a parcel.:or tract map, the twenty=five. (25) foot front yard setback requirement may rarnge..from twenty-two
(22)feet to twenty-eight (28) feet, with an average of twenty-five (25) feet for all proposed lots.
5: In the case where an existing legal non-conforming. structure is 'located within a required setback area, the:legal .non=
conforming structure may be enlarged within'the required setback area subject to the following conditions:
a) The proposed,addition does not further reduce the depth,of the existing setback area; and
b) The proposed addition is located no closer than 5',from any property line.
C. A density bonus shall.be permitted in accordance with the California Government Code and this title.Degsity ben.;
imnrnvernents which benefit Oho nenerol riublin are in the nreient'
2. A density bens § --f a '-_act t U
n nand n Gt
d. . For the purposes of this Chapter, the following terms shall be defined as follows:.
Page 14 of 35. ..
1. "Living area" shall be defined as the enclosed area-of a residential dwelling unit, excluding porches, patios, carports,
garages, storage areas, or auxiliary rooms.
2.' "Multiple.Family"shall be defined as one (1)'6rtwo (2) bedroom units only.
e. Accessory structures shall not exceed twenty (20) feet in height; with exceptions as.listed in Secti6n.18.73.090.of this Chapter,
f. Not more, than the permitted percent of the total parcel may be devoted to main and accessory structures, parking areas,
driveways and :covered patios. The.remaining:percent of the total parcel shall .be devoted to open areas such as landscaping, lawn,
outdoor recreational facilities incidental to residential development; including swimming pools, tennis.courts, putting greens, uncovered
patios and walkways.. Said open areas.shall consist of not less than two hundred (200) square feet of open space per dwelling unit.
g. Senior: citizen housing's development standards.will,be.established through the.specific plan process. All senior:.citizens housing
projects in the R3-S zone will require specific plan.process; however,:in no circumstances shall the.density exceed 20 unit/acre.
Page 1,5 of 35
Section 18.10:050 Off=Street Parking:
The provisions of Chapter 18:60 shall apply in determining the number of parking spaces .
that must-be provided for each use.:located in a.residential district.
Section 18.10.060 Residential Street:Parking:
The provisions of Chapter 10.16 shall apply in all residential districts. -
Section:18.10.070 Signs:
The provisions of.Chapter 18.80 shall apply in all residential districts:
Section 18.10.080 Site and Architectural Review: .
The provisions-of Chapter 18.63 shall apply in all residential-districts:
Section 18.40.020 Permitted uses:
Permitted uses in the M2 District are as follows:
R. Emerdencv shelters
SR.. Other uses which are determined by the Planning Commission to be'similar in
nature to:a.use listed in this section.
�- I& -Temporary. uses which are determined by .the Community and Economic
Development Director not to have a significant long term impact on the environment.
(Uses such as parking lot: sales, :Christmas tree sales; seasonal' sales, rummage
sales, and others with review-through,the Land Use Approval or Administrative Site
and Architectural:approval process in -accordance with. Chapter 18.63, Site and
Architectural Review.
2. Multiple-family dwellings(attarhed):
a. One garkina space for each.studio or efficiencvunit.
b. Two barkina spaces for each one, two_or-three bedroom unit.-
C.- Three parkin4 spaces for eachfour bedroom unit-or more.
- - : 2.. . . . TY _ . . . . . . . . . . . ded-. -
Page 16 of 35
db. 'At least one space shall be located within a garage attached to the
- main building in which the residential unit is located. and the other within 100 feet.of
the unit being served
es. ' .Guest parking shall be provided at a ratio of 0.25 .spaces. for each
residential'unit..and shall be rounded. uD to the next whole.,number.ene spa e
eVeFy4G F recirinntinl' ni
fd. Guest parking:
(i) .Shall be identified as "Guest Parking";.
(ii) Shall not be used for the storage .of recreational .vehicles, boats,
trailers or. other similar items;
(iii).Shall be located on the same parcel of land as the residential units .
and shall be within reasonable walking distance-of said units;
(iv) May be.uncovered spaces" -'; and
.(v): May be located on. a private street within.-the site Orin a common
parking area.
Section 18.63.030,Scope,..
The resaonsibility. of the Site. and Architectural Review- Board' and/or Director.is to provide
comprehensive Site Dian. and architectural review of Droiects..The scope Of.the revleW'IS t0 .
consider the site Dian in relation to.the pFODertv'and de'veloDment standards li.e.. setbacks.
lot coverade. buildina-height. Darkina.- etc.). placement of structures. vehicle and.pedestrian --
access. landscaoina.'police and-fire services. aradina and'drainaae. traffic. relationshia to
existing -and Dianned uses of adioinina and surrounding Droperties. and- relationshio to
nearbv properties and structures and surroundina natural t6Doaraahv. It is:also_to:consider
the proposed architecture of buildinas.in terms of style and desian. .mate'rials and colors.
and.size and bulk'in relation to the.surroundina properties.
Chapter 18.66
18:.66:010, Purpose
18.66.020 Definition .
18.66.030 Permitted locations..=
18'.66.040 Site development.standards
18.66.050 Certifications .
Page 17 of 35
18.66.060 Building permit
;ems F--undation
-18.66.07080 ..Exterior surface'
18.66.08090. Roof.design
18.66 090a-900ff-street parking
18.66;1004-4 Mechanical equipment
18.66:.11029-"Site and architectural review$0. Other-regulations-
18.66.010 Purpose
The--purpose .of this chapter.is to- establish.regulations. for the.placement.of manufactured
homesuAft in districts.zoned for residential development and commercial modular units in . .
districts zoned for manufacturing or industrial development and"to designate .certain areas
where the placement of such ^^---N,{es#ured units is compatible with surrounding residential
. .and commercial .properties: These ren i.nc. arg tpr�Rpd�_prtsO� e a nmmpa+ihle
in+enr.�+inn".nf rv.an��fnn+��rer! hn���inn wi+h nnnver�+innalhi h�c�ial+ "�"�ni+GS fnr .residential a6d
bus4n6ss:nffinc.r �e�...
18.66.020: Definition
"Manufactured " home" means a mobile home or. Manufactured . house certified bv. the
DeDartment-of Housina and Urban .DeveloDment (HUD) and constructed.in full compliance
with the National . Mobile. Home- construction and Safetv Standards Act intended for
occuDancv by a' sinale:family installed on:a _Dermanent foundation_'in conformance with
i aDplicable Zonina.reaulations. .
"Commercial 'modular. unit" means a structure :transDortable in one or more -sections.
desianed .and eauiDDed for human occuDancV.-for industrial:: DrofesSional.- "Or. "commercial
Dumoses."which is required to be moved-under Dermit:
I" r4.r: Develnnmen+" /W1D\ underI
C+.indards''An+ as 'nWrrentl i an4eneerl
18.66..030 Permitted locations
A. Manufactured homes are a permitted use. -as a sinale .family dwellina in the R1. R2
and.R3 zonina districts. and within"a.Dermitted mobilehome.Dark..
B. . Commercial modular-units are a conditionally aermitted use. in the MR-Restricted _
Manufacturina (MR). district and M2-Industrial (M2) district as a business office. and
prohibited in all-other-zones.
A"Aanfan+ rerl hnucinn i� a "pe�rr�i++ee ��c•.. :an. a -::.nle_forr�ihi rl���ellinn '. ai+ is +he Q1_7-7 .
- ...,. .... .y. ........... ...crrr�-r.2
d�+rin+ and as a nnriditinnally n otted usc- .+ aVtu-ciness Of ine""Uni+'in "+ho .I►AD" anr) 11A7
.�„�„F-,� err„,-��.. ..... � .,...,.,-�� ....... ... ...
dic.+ribt Prnhihi+ed in all other districts amen+Wri+hin an :.
18.66.040 Site development standards
Page 18 of 35
A. Site development standards for manufactured-homes-and modular'units-shall combiv
with the standards of the underivinq zone district, and other applicable brovisions of the-
heu inn shall-he h same as +hnc+e required in 'Ghapter.4Q.4040F +he D1_7 7
zoning coder-�„�..� e�,,,,� . .,. .
djStFin+ Ghapt 18.39 fnr the ;MR (ReS+riGted, ^ . ao UFiRj_iS+r.ny and rhaptte.r-1Q 4046r
the W
B. The.aae of-the manufactured home or modular unit at the time of installation shall-be
ten years or=less.
C. kmanufactured home or modular unit shall be installed on a permanent foundation.
18.66.050 Certificationsil
Prior to.the installation of a. manufactured .home.or modular.Unit..all requisite. certifications
shall be-submitted to the Director of Building and Safety in coniunction with the application
for a buildind-Dermit•Drinr+,: the nhnemn.-t Of w Tcg
J'.-'.n+.r. _' this tinle, nrobf cof HUD sei:tiftatinr� nhnll-he
ni ohm i++ed to the Tire n+ni.nf C2, ili+inn :�ne1-Caf* . .
18.66.060 :Building permit
A building permit issued by the Director of Building andSafety is required for the placement
of a manufactured home or modular unit:
14L. FeundatmGa
. AII- :m-_n.. Winn .nh.�ll be nl• Ged on_ eunda �PppFeyer) by the � � .
. . ...... .y .... ✓c-.tic+
llener+rrien+ of ioinn anr1 the.nihi'e rliren+nr of h,-ilrlinn anid Sefe:ty
18.66:07090 Exterior surface .
A. Manufactured:housina shall.be architecturaliv treated with an exterior non-reflective
surface material customarily used on conventional housina and shall-extend from the eave
line to the foundation. and shall be architecturaliv desioned to be compatible with the
surrounding area.
B. Commercial'=modular units .shall be architecturaliv treated with an exterior non-
reflective surface material customarily used on commercial.structures and.shall extend from
the eaves line:to the foundation. and:shall be architecturally desianed to be compatible with
surrounding commercial and/or industrial-structures:
All mnn..fw. r. --h-..II be ver with an ev+eri nnr mve� s��rfaGe material
' _ y �ea�ed �„z„-�� rep-r�„reflest, - mate
+ . . d ch::!! ev+end from .+he .en�ie line +n +fie
ct�s�em6ed �a=ee�ent�er}at--f�e�+se-,an.. .,..�.. .� �,T,�,� .. .
Sn;d nnverinn material shall.hr� .appFeyed by the site and .erehi+ems tur'-+1 ry
18:66.08090 -Roof design
All roof designs for manufactured, homesheos+ng shall include:
Page 19 of-35
A. A-minimum-sixteentwelve inch overhang;
B: A.minimum- pitch of hot less than two inches vertical rise for each:"twelve .inches of
horizontal run;
C. Roofing materials 0Ca type customarily used for conventional single family dwellings:
18.66:090440 Off-street-parki ng
.The provisions of Chapter.1-8.60 (Off Street Parkina) shall.applv.f^r single_f;^,ily &�ellipg
UAit iR' thLm Gne of R! :7.2. diGtFi6t__aFW effiee use. the Wand, MR. distfibts shall apply in
t-at be;oF@Wde�
18.66.100440 Mechanical equipment
Mechanical.equipment.#cr. rn `F- housshall Abe located-so as to.not"be visible
from.a public street or adjoining property:
18.66.1110020 'Site and architectural review
A: Manufactured homes shall be subiect to the applicable provisions of Chapter 18..63
(Site and Architectural Review).
B. In -addition-.to .Chapter-18-.63.(Site and Architectural Review). commercial. modular
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
units shall be subiiect to Chapter 18.83 (Conditional Use Permit).
_- A!! rn=n--f=9tured hou nhnll- ho sY =' t tn t�-ite and aFGhit60tL: a! ' view aGG6FdaRGe .
. . . .� -and the MR . . . . will, - . . . . -for � .i . .. . .
. suberd
n=tc tc the other uses .
18.66.12030 Other regulations
The placement and occupancy,-of manufactured homes- or modular unitsheusing shall be
subject to.the provisions of this title and all other applicable:state:and local codes.
: 18.68.010 Purpose ... . . . .
18:.68.020 Definitions
18.68.030. Applicability
18.68.040-- Notice.to the-public of availability of accommodation.process
18.68.050 Application
18.68.060 . Submittal process
Page'20 of 35
18.68.070 Review and Notice
18.68.080 Approval Requirements
( 18.68.090 Findings
18.68.100 Appeals
18.68.110 Expiration and Extensions
Section 18.68.010 Purpose
It is the purpose of this chapter, in compliance with the fair housing laws, to provide a
procedure to evaluate requests for reasonable accommodation related to specific
applications of the zoning code to provide individuals with disabilities reasonable
accommodation in rules, policies, practices and procedures to ensure equal access to
housing and facilitate the development of housing for individuals with disabilities. The
ordinance codified in this article establishes a procedure for making requests for reasonable
accommodation in land use and zoning regulations, policies, practices and procedures of
the city to comply fully with the intent and purpose of fair housing laws.
Section 18.68.020 Definitions
A. The following words and phrases, whenever used in this chapter, shall have the
following meanings:
1. Applicant: The person, business, or organization which has applied to the city
for a reasonable accommodation pursuant to this chapter.
2. Dwelling Occupant: The person who will occupy the subject property and who
is protected under the fair housing laws.
3. Fair Housing Laws: Section 42 United States Code section 3604(f)(3)(B) and
California Government Code sections 12927(C)(1) and 12955.1, as those
provisions now exist and as they may be amended from time to time.
4. Disabled or handicapped person: Any person who has a physical or mental
impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, or any ,
person having a record of such an impairment, but such term does not
include current, illegal use of, or an addiction to, a controlled substance.
Section 18.68.030 Applicability
A. Reasonable accommodation in the land use and zoning context means providing
individuals with disabilities or developers of housing for people with disabilities,
flexibility in the application of land use and zoning regulations, policies, practices and
procedures, or even waiving certain requirements, when it is necessary to eliminate
barriers to housing opportunities.
B. An individual with a disability is someone who has a physical or mental impairment
that substantially limits one or more of such person's major life activities, as
furthered defined and amended in the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) of
California Government Code Sections 12926(i)(1), (2), and 12926(k)(1), (2).
Page 21 of 35
C. A request for reasonable accommodation may be made by any person with a
disability, his or her representative, or an entity, developer or provider of housing for
(� individuals with disabilities, when the application of a land use or zoning regulation,
policy, practice or procedure acts as a barrier to housing opportunities.
D. A request for reasonable accommodation may include'a modification or exception to
the rules, standards, and practices for the site, development and use of housing-
related facilities that would eliminate regulatory barriers and provide a person with a
disability equal opportunity to housing of their choice. This chapter is intended to
provide for minor structural modifications and/or regulatory exceptions. Nothing in
this article shall require the city to waive or reduce development fees associated with
the granting of a reasonable accommodation request.
Section 18.68.040 Notice to the public of availability of accommodation process
Notice of the availability of reasonable accommodation shall be prominently displayed at
public information counters in the Community and Economic Development Department,
advising the public of the availability of the procedure for eligible individuals. Forms for
requesting reasonable accommodation shall be available to the public in the Community
and Economic Development Department.
Section 18.68.050 Application
Any person with a disability may submit an application for reasonable accommodation by
submitting a Land Use application to the City's Community and Economic Development
(\ Director, or his or her designee, on a form provided by the city, along with applicable filing
Section 18.68.060 Submittal process
A. In addition to the materials and information included in the Land Use application, the
following information shall also be provided with the application
1. The specific zoning code, law, regulation, procedure or policy of the city from
which relief is sought;
2. An explanation of why the specified zoning code, law, regulation, procedure
or policy is preventing, or will prevent, the applicant's use and enjoyment of
the subject property;
3. The nature of the accommodation requested;
4. The basis for the claim that the fair housing laws consider the applicant as
protected (applicant should submit a letter from a medical doctor, handicap
license, or other similar supportive evidence).
B. If the project for which the request for reasonable accommodation is being made
also requires some other discretionary approval (including, but not limited to, a
(r conditional use permit, design review, general plan amendment, zoning change,
�= annexation, etc.), then the applicant shall file the information required by this section
Page 22 of 35
together for concurrent review with the application for discretionary approval, and in
which case the applicant shall only pay the required fee for the discretionary
( approval.
C. Any information related to a disability status and identified by an applicant as
confidential shall be retained in a manner so as to respect the privacy rights of the
applicant and shall not be made available for public inspection.
D. A request for reasonable accommodation in regulations, policies, practices and
procedures may be filed at any time that the accommodation may be necessary to
ensure equal access to housing. A reasonable accommodation does not affect an
individual's obligations to comply with other applicable regulations not at issue in the
requested accommodation.
E. If an individual needs assistance in making the request for reasonable
accommodation, the city will provide assistance to ensure that the process is
Section 18.68.070 Review and Notice
A. The Community and Economic Development Director shall route a copy of the
application, plans, and materials to applicable reviewing agencies, and shall review
the application for acceptance.
B. Notice of the filing of an application for reasonable accommodation shall be mailed
to all adjacent property owners of the property which is the subject of the application
requesting comments within ten days of the mailed notice date.
C. The notice shall set forth the address of the subject property, the specific zoning
code, law, regulation, procedure or policy from which relief is being requested, and
the nature of the accommodation requested. The notice shall also inform
surrounding property owners that. they may contact the City's Community and
Economic Development Director, or his or her designee, in order to request written
notice of any decisions made, or hearings scheduled, regarding the application.
Section 18.68.080 Approval Requirements
A. The Community and Economic Development Director shall have the authority to
consider and act on any application for a reasonable accommodation, and may
deny, approve or conditionally approve the request in accordance with the required
findings set forth in Section 18.68.090, and shall issue a written determination within
thirty (30) days of the date of receipt of a completed application.
B. The Community and Economic Development Director may also refer the request for
reasonable accommodation, in his or her sole discretion, to the Planning
Commission. Such referrals, if made, shall occur within fifteen (15) days after the
Community and Economic Development Director's receipt of a complete application.
In which case, the Planning Commission shall render a decision on the application in
the same manner as it considers an appeal. . The written determination shall be
made in accordance with the required findings set forth in Section 18.68.090.
Page 23 of 35
C. If necessary to reach a determination on the request for reasonable accommodation,
t the Community and Economic Development Director may request further information
from the applicant consistent with fair housing laws, specifying in detail the
information that is required. In the event that a request for additional information is
made, the thirty (30) day period to issue a decision is stayed until the applicant
responds to the request.
D. A request for reasonable accommodation submitted for concurrent review with
another discretionary application shall be reviewed by the authority reviewing the
discretionary land use application. The written determination on whether to grant or
deny the request for reasonable accommodation shall be made by the applicable
reviewing authority in compliance with- the applicable review procedure for the
discretionary review. The written determination to grant or deny the request for
reasonable accommodation shall be made in accordance with Section 18.68.090 of
this article.
E. A reasonable accommodation that is granted pursuant to this chapter shall not
require the approval of any variance as the reasonable accommodation.
F. The reasonable accommodation shall be subject to any reasonable conditions
imposed on the approval that are consistent with the purposes of this chapter to
further fair housing. Such conditions may generally include, but are not limited to the
following restrictions:
1. That the reasonable accommodation shall only be applicable to particular
2. That the reasonable accommodation shall only be applicable to the specific
use for which application is made; and/or
3. That any change in use or circumstances which negates the basis for the
granting of the approval shall render the reasonable accommodation null and
void and/or revocable by the city.
4. That any removable structures or physical design features that are
constructed or installed in association with the reasonable accommodation be
removed once those structures or physical design features are unnecessary
to provide access to the dwelling unit for the current occupants.
Section 18.68.090 Findings
A. Approval shall be based upon the following findings, which shall be made by the by
the approval authority in approving or denying the application-
1. The person who will use the subject property is protected under the fair
housing laws;
Page 24 of 35
2. The requested exception to the zoning code, law, regulation, procedure or
policy is necessary to make specific housing available to persons occupying
the subject property;
3. The requested accommodation will not impose an undue financial or
administrative burden on the city; and
4. The requested accommodation will not require a fundamental alteration of the
city's zoning laws, policies and/or procedures.
5. That alternative reasonable accommodations which may provide an
equivalent level of benefit have been considered, and are not feasible.
Section 18.68.100 Appeals
A. Within ten days of the date of the Community and Economic Development Director's
written decision, an individual may appeal an adverse decision. Appeals from the
adverse decision shall be made in writing and submitted to the Community and
Economic Development Department.
B. All appeals shall contain a statement of the grounds for the appeal. Any information
related to a disability status and identified by an applicant as confidential shall be
retained in a manner so as to respect the privacy rights of the applicant and shall not
be made available for public inspection.
C. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the appeal.The decision of
the Planning Commission shall be final. A written decision of the Planning
Commission or accessibility standards board of appeals shall be mailed to the
appealing party within ten days of the appeal hearing.
D. If an individual needs assistance in filing an appeal on an adverse decision, the city
.will provide assistance to ensure that the appeals process is accessible.
Section 18.68.110 Expirations and Extensions
A. The approval of a reasonable accommodation request shall expire one (1) year from
the date of its approval, unless one of the following occurs:
1. The occupancy, use or construction authorized by the decision has been
inaugurated. For the purposes of this section, the term "inaugurated" shall
mean that applicable grading and building permits have been issued, and that
substantial work has been performed and substantial liabilities have been
incurred in good faith reliance on such permits.
2. The applicant has complied with all applicable conditions of approval.
D. In case the applicant is not able to comply with subparagraphs 1 or 2, above, then
the applicant may apply to the Community and Economic Development Department
( for an extension, a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date. The
Page 25 of 35
Director may, upon application by the applicant, extend the period of approval for.a
length of.time of up to one (1) additional.year.
CHAPTER.18.69 .
1-8.69:0.10 Purpose
18.69.020. . Definition
18.69.030 Permitted location
18.69.040- Site development standards
18.69.050 Special regulations
18.69.060 Off-street parking
18.69.070 Approval criteria
18.69.080 Administrative and non-administrative conditional use.permits
Section 18.69.010 Purpose
The purpose .of this chapter is to establish regulations for the 1placement of second family
units and to .ensure.the placement of such- a unit: is compatible with the surrounding
�. neighborhood and single.family.units. .
Section 18.69.0-20 Definition
"Second family -unit means an attached or -detached residential dwelling unit which
provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons. It. shall include
permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking,.and.sanitation on the same parcel
as-the single family dwelling is situated.
Section 18.69.030 Permitted location
Second-family.units-are permitted.in any single family or.multi-family residential zone district
-subject_ to the approval-of-the Administrative Site- and Architectural Review. Board and/or
Director as set forth in Chapter 18.63 of this Zonina Code.
00"it as cue+fn r+h in-f hr*r 1 8'8 1 cf+h I.nneed c ennnrl_family uni+'icy
.attadhed C the M. win resndenne and to the.annrnVal of'a c. 6endi+in_na! ut"
p blin h�nr. nc. c t fro ..th . Er .1 2.' 23 of_the Zeninn Code •• h PfOpeSed se4aghd
family unit is de+enhed #Gm +hn mom.... rasi�c.
Section 18.60:040 Site development standards
Site development standards for second-family units shall be the same as those required in
Chapter 18.10 for-the appropriate residentialPl-distriet except where the special regulations
�, listed in-Section 18.69.050 are in conflict-with those in Chapter 18.10. In such cases the
standards:listed in Section 18.69-.050 shall apply.
Page 26 of 35
Section 18.69.050- Special regulations
All second-family units shall be subject to the following regulations:
A. The lot size shall- be.a minimum of one and one-half times the minimum .lot:size.of
the underivina zone district. If. a .parcel with a second dwellina unite is subsequently
subdivided.-the cGity may reauire the second dwellina unit be moved if proper setbacks and
other development standards cannot be met:
BA: The:floor.area:of.the second-family unit,.excluding the aaraae,.shall not exceed thirty
percent of the living area of the existing main dwelling where the unit is attached excepting
that on lots:twenty-five percent greater than minimum required area or larger, on a case by
case_ review., the..Community and. Economic-Development Director may permit a. greater
percentage of-the-living area as long as it is determined that there will,be no adverse effects
on adjacent parcels or the community. If the Director cannot make such:a determination, the
matter may be referred to the Planning Commission per Section 18,69.080. In addition, the .
floor-area of the second-family unit shall not exceed ten percent of-the: subject site-where
the unit is detached, In no.instance shall any second-family unit.exceed one thousand two
hundred square feet in size nor b.e smaller than an area to provide for an "efficiency unit" as
defined by the UnifemnCalifornia Building Code:
Y 9.
0R.- Any- le-family-detached- dwelling regardless of.size of the,living area may have at
least an attached "efficiency unit" -as defined by the. LJMferFnCalif6mi6 Building Code
provided all other requirements of this ordinance codified in this chapter are met.
D. A detached second dwellina .shall be limited in height to a .single story 20-foot hiah
E. .A -detached second dwellina unit shall have a minimum wall separation -from the
primary dwellina of 15 feet.
FG. One of the-two dwellinas. either the orimarwor.second dwellina. must-be'occuaied-bv
the owner of the aropertv:Th liccr:t fcr.a sessnd
of-the Fesidennc.
G A-manufactured home on a permanent foundation may be used.As a second-famiiv
unit provided said manufactured home meets the reauirements of Chapter 18.66 of this title:
H. The second-famiiv unit shall conform to the'color. materials, architectural stvle, and
detailing. of the main residence 'and -shall meet all other. applicable buildina code
reauirements.and development standards of the zone for sinale-familv residential-structures
and:accessory structures.
I.D. A-second-famiiv unit shall not be located on a oarcel upon which-there is located
more than one dwellind--unit.° se"end family r rn;t cha!! nat he lGGa+ _n n -arse! upon
ehinh .� _Uplev Friolek apartment h(ju a er e+nneJ.:rn;M;. rn'in I d .
J€: - -A second-family unit project shall provide for landscape compensation for any
removed trees or shrubs.
Page 27 of 35
C Cennnrl_f•�mih. �r�it nh.�ll nn� c In �cn n pamel upon .�ihinh ♦h a i� Inn.��erl
mere than.one dwelling Onit v
KG. -.The second-family unit may be rented but shall not be sold; transferred or assigned
separately from the main single-family dwelling.
.LK A.maximum of one second-family unit shall be. permitted on a lot.
....:e•� et the minimm 'Int area ren �irn... cnt 'for the vnni
I tk-- Cite in question ng
. . . . dOMFint in whinh it in Io. _
M. If one of the.two dwellinas is no longer.owner occupied for anv period longer than 60
days, one .of.the:two dwellings is.reauired to be converted to accessorv.livina.quarters or a
auest house, and kitchen facilities shall be removed.
N.J. Prior to the issuance of a buildina permit for the second dwellinm a covenant on the -
propeitv-shall be-recorded with the Countv of San Bernardino Recorder's Office.-subiect to
Citv.:approval; t0- restrict 'the property with` the reauirements of this -Section. This use
restriction:shall be bindina upon anv successor in ownershia of the prmertv.l awe
(deed)the building
much..h,'o�.r^nn�nJ.e�,i,1�+�enforninn.the nnnditions of the nnnrlitinnel
befeFe.the'-�JrJ�af}'trC�Jtbuilding POFFARS tG GGRstFUnt th'e c•.ennnd f=miI..Lupjt-.. .
K. tnl C"eid mnhilchnmc� m.��i not he used '�+n .� v d_family T .
A- Fnanu4i c�herne on a`permanent fn��nid�tien rv:a•rbe •sed at a—.se^vnnrl_faMily unit
r-r-rrrunu� 6 ,.,�
M"'•' d --i—fant, red home meets the rlcCinn••ren�iirementC of (`banter IQ-06 of the
1 Y•"•.
Zenohg Gode and-the. requirement fora nnnrliti_nn.il ��ne�e t ub" h e_ fore
..... ....�p c.�r-1'eft-w�zh-�t+vrrU-rrE�F1���rvc
the planning nemmissien under Ghantor 18.83 of the Zoning Code -
Section 18.69.060 Off-street parking
In addition to the requirements..of Chapter 18.60 for the main single-family residence, one .
parking space shall be provided for :the second-family unit or one per each bedroom in. the
unit,.:whichever results in .:the greatest number of spaces being required. The required
parking space for:the second-family unit:shall be enclosed and may he Unnn..ered shall he
located on the same, lot as the:second-family unit,_and shall meet the design standards.of
�. Chapter 18-60 (Off=street Parkina):
Section 18.69.070 Approval criteria
In addition-to the findings required in Chapter 18.63.for'administrative site and-architectural
review ith a pi•
...d StFatiye GG�Tcnal. Nee nerm•t Y cw,t a p„bk—h acing. the Community and
., p........•. M N,. curing,.
Economic Development:Dire ctor-cr M!c^^:^g-s^^,^ ;on.shall approve asecond-family unit
only if the following findings can be made:
A. The addition is nicely integrated into the "house envelope" and/or the site improving ..
the appearance of the main residence and being an asset-to the-property.
Page 28 of 35
.. ... . . . . . . .. . . . .
B. The second-family unit is clearly subordinate in size, location, appearance and
access to 'the main .residence unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission
L followinga public hearing.
C. The second-family unit will not be detrimental to the oeneral health, safety, morals,
comfort or Qeneral welfare of the persons residing within the neiahborhood of the-proposed :
unit or•iniurious to property or improvements in the neiahborhood or.withih'the city.
!� The cennnrl_famil�. . r+i+ Chall '.nnfnrm +n the delnr ma+ als arnhi+en+„�nl n+.rl��
... .. easrr�,�rvrrtcc.... .. ...� ,.
00;ailin ,.. of +h d- v+ gall nt`„illpF nlinahle :hi 1ilrlinn nni•le
1; ire
r1f Thn n�+ n-d ft=;' r uni+ .dill pet he db#iw�en+e�+he ^eg�h�i+h saf* mQFals
... . . ...�.. err ...." ..� � � f
n+n ir. the heinhbbFhead or within the nity
All Scnnnd fafAil�i- ,_.n'i�c. n_4,n_II�h'pec,, s�,,��h�,i'ecnat (Q__ rn;'.- in n �.e.
-. yr F 4 8.F70 requ iRg a- ffb�-FiCQ1� cfn fe4hc p!•n„ n: ... -
e' 14'4 nr nn nrlrv�inie4r.�+ive Fevie��i-anal 6ppFeyal by the
... o ..-
doreeteF wit
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hearing ah snenified in rhaoter 18 83 of the Zoning Gede
18.78.010 Purpose
18.78.020 Review Procedures
18.78.030 Location Restrictions
18.78.040 Development Standards
18.78.050. .. Operational Standards
18.78.060 Compliance with Other Applicable Codes-
18.78.070. Denial of.an Emergency Shelter
Section 18.78.010 Purpose
In accordance with the :authority granted in Section 66583 of the California Government
Code, this:.chapter , provides the standards .for the establishment and operation. of-
t emergency shelters.
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Section 18.78.020 Review Procedures
Emergency:shelters, :as'defined in Section 18.06.278, shall.be permitted in the M2=Industrial
zone district, subject to Site and .Architectural Review, -which shall be limited to design
review only. The City shall_ not require a ,Conditional Use Permit or other :discretionary
permit for the construction of an emergency.shelter.
Section 18.78.030 Location Restrictions
A. An emergency shelter shall be located at least 300.feet from :any other emergency
B. The-distance of separation shall be measured-in a straight line between the property
lines of each use:without regard to.intervening structures, .objects, or city.limit lines:
Section 18.78.040 Development Standards
A. Each emergency shelter may have a maximum of 25 beds, with at least 35 square
feet of sleeping area per bed.
B. Each emergency-shelter shall provide a client waiting and intake area of-at least 10
square feet.per bed but atleast 20.0 square feet in total floor.area. The intake waiting
area shall be.in a location not visible from the adjacent right of.way. If located at the
exterior of a building, the area shall be visually separated from public view by a six
foot high decorative masonry wall and shall be covered. for shade and rain
. . considerations..
C. Living, dining, and kitchen areas shall be physically separated from sleeping areas.
D. Each emergency shelter shall provide facilities for personal care:(i.e., bathroom and
shower facilities):
E. : . The shelter shall provide la:ndiine.telephone services separate=from the.office phone
in order to provide-privacy.-Any payphones.provided shall allow call-out service only.
F. One parking space for each .500 square feet-of gross floor area shall be provided, .
unless.it is-demonstrated that.a different parking ratio is appropriate based upon the
submittal-and approval of a parking study prepared by a qualified traffic engineer to
justify .the provision.of a lesser number of.spaces.than that.required by this section,
based on shared use of spaces, the nature of the use, or other factors:
1. . The design of off street parking facilities shall comply with Chapter 18.60 Off-
-Street Parking:
2:_ Non_ operational and unregistered vehicles -shall not be kept on -site-and
towing shall be the.responsibility of the shelter operator.
- G.. Parking and outdoor facilities shall be designed to provide security'for residents,
visitors and employees.
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H: The-facility and/or the premises shall be accessed by one entrance.
i.- Adequate external lighting shall be-provided for security purposes. The lighting shall
be stationary, shielded;.'and directed away from adjacent properties .and public
rights-of-way, :and.of an intensity that is compatible with the neighborhood. ..
J. _ Trash enclosures and refuse areas shall be provided.
Section 18.78.050.: Operational Standards
.A. The:maximum length of stay shall be :180 days within 365 consecutive days.-
B. The:prov.ider shall prepare: and file a management plan :with,the City, that includes .
clear_ operational .rules' and standards, including, but: .not. limited :to, standards
governing expulsions and .lights out, security; screening -of residents ,to ensure
compatibility with services provided at the shelter,.
1: Staff:and services shall be:provided to assist-residents to-obtain: permanent
. shelter and income. Supplemental services.{e.g., food, counseling, access to
other social programs,.etc:.) may be offered on the inside'of the premises.
C.-. At least one facility supervisor/manager shall be on-site at all hours-that the facility is
open: Additional support staff shall. be provided, as necessary, to ensure that at least
one-staff member is provided in all segregated sleeping areas, as appropriate.
D. The operator shall provide information. abo.ut. .how. to..contact the operator with
questions .or concerns regarding shelter operations. .The contact information shall be
posted on-site where it, is:readily- viewable by an employee, shelter inhabitant, or
representative of:a governmental agency.
E. Security personnel shall be provided during the hours that the shelter is in operation.
F.- The shelter.:operator-shall-frdauentiv. patrol the surrounding area within 500 feet fer
.. . . -- - - .cnv, h .r n{+er" the PIA „f +tie.ph-ol+er a",�- �rnrVrn�nn.-to ensure that homeless -
..rc�rcri�.vivo ..
shelter:residents are not congregating in the neighborhood.:'Fcr t"Cze.shel+erc
,,gin cr�ct�-arruc
pfGvidc 21 h=t c
G. The. shelter .operator shall regularly patrol the .area surrounding the shelter site
during hours that the .shelter.is in operation to ensure that, homeless persons who
have been.deni.ed-access are-not congregating-in-the-neighborhood.:
H. : The.owner/operator shall maintain the exterior of the premises, including:
1, Maintaining -signs and accessory structures, free of litter and graffiti at all
Daily: -removal of trash from the premises. and abutting. sidewalks:or alleys
within:20 feet,of the premises; and
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3. Removal of graffiti within 24 hours of notice from the City.
Section 18-.78.060: ComplianceWth Other Applicable Codes
Each emergency:shelter:operator shall :comply with all applicable:federal, state :and: local
codes., including:but not limited:to, the Building Code, Fire Code, and State Department-of -
Social Services licensing requirements.
18.78:070 Denial of an Emergency Shelter
A. The.City may not disapprove an emergency:shelter, or condition the approval .of an
emergency shelter in a ma`n.ner that makes its development .infeasible, unless it
makes written findings, based upon substantial evidence:in the record,as to.one of
1. The City has met or exceeded the need for emergency shelters as identified
in the housing element.
2: The emergency shelter would have a specific, adverse impact upon, the public
-:health or safety, and there is.no feasible method to:satisfactorily mitigate or
avoid the:specific adverse impact without rendering the development of the :
emergency: shelter financially infeasible. As used. in this subsection, a
"specific, adverse .impact" means a, significant, quantifiable, direct, and
unavoidable. impact,.based; .on objective, , identified written public health or
safety standards,; policies, ,or conditions as. they existed on the date the
application was-deemed complete.-
The denial of the project. or imposition.of conditions is required in order to -
comply with specific State.or.Federal law, and there is no feasible.method to . .
comply without rendering the - development of, the emergency shelter
financially infeasible.
Chapter 18.82
18'.82.0.10 Residential Care Facilities .
18.82.020. . ..' Transitional.and.Supportive Housing and Single :Room Occupancy Facilities-
Section 18:82.010 Res idential.Care Facilities
X .Purpose. This Section- provides- standards. for the: establishment. and operation of
residential care facilities.
Page 32 of.35
B. Applicability. The standards in this Chapter apply to residential, group.or community
care facilities where allowed in compliance with-Chapter 18.10 (Residential Zones).
C. Development and Operational Standards .
1. Residential .care facilities serving 6 or fewer.-persons. Each residential cane
.facility shall conform to the property development standards for the land-use zoning district -
in which it is.located.
2. . : :Residential.care facilities serving .7:or.more persons. : .
a. Applicable. . land .use zoning district development -standards.. Each
residential-.care.facility shall.coriform-to the property development standards for.the land use
zoning district in which it is located.
b. Additional Application Filing Requirements. The following information -
shall accompany the Conditional Use Permit application for a residential care facility-
. Client profile. (the subgroup of the population of the facility is
intended:to'serve such as single men, families,:elderly, minor children,:developmentally
disabled, etc.);
ii. Maximum number of occupants and hours of facility operation;
iii. Term.of client stay;
iv. ' Support services to.be provided on-site:and projected staffin� pp p P 1 9'.
levels; and ..
v. . . . .Rules.of conduct and/or management plan.
c. Separation.- Residential care facilities.shall not be located within 300
feet of another similar facility, except that the separation,requirement-shall be increased to
1,000 feet. as measured from the nearest outside building walls where. the other use is.'a
parolee/probationer.or sober living home. .
d. Walls. Residential care facilities shall provide a .6-foot high solid
decorative-.block wall_along all property lines, except in the front yard: : Walls shall provide
for safety with controlled points of entry and shall incorporate decorative materials and
e. Landscaping: On-site. landscaping shall. be regularly maintained., --.
including providing irrigation.
f. . Outdoor lighting. Outdoor lighting shall comply. with. Chapter 18.60
(Off-Street Parking).
.9. Parking. All garage and-driveway spaces associated the Facility shall,
at all times; be available.for the parking of vehicles. The precise.number of parking spaces
-required will be determined by the operating characteristics of the specific proposal.
Page 33 of 35
h. Signs. No commercial identification signs shall be allowed within a
residential land use zoning district:
i. Sleeping areas. No room commonly used for other purposes shall:be
used as a sleeping room for: any resident, visitor, or staff person. This includes::any hall,
stairway, unfinished attic, garage, storage area, shed or similar detached building..
j. Fire Department requirements; Each residential care facility shall .
provide fire extinguishers and smoke detector ,devices and shall meet all . standards
established by the Fire Chief:.
k. Noise. Outdoor activities shall be conducted.only between the hours of .
7:.00-a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
1: Applicable health and safety regulations: Residential care facilities
shall' be operated in compliance with applicable State and local health and safety
m. Required permits and licenses. Residential care 'facilities .shall- be in
conformance with-the:California Building Code. A certificate._of occupancy shall be obtained
from the.:Building-and Safety.Division before occupancy of residential care facilities.
Section — - Transitional .and Supportive Housing, - and Single. Room
A.. In addition to-the requirements for.a Conditional.Use Permit and. Section
(Residential'Care Facilities) transitional.shelter, housing and single room. occupancy uses
shall comply with the following:
1: Occupancy. .No more than one (1) federal,- state or youth.authority parolees
shall be allowed to live in the.transitional and supportive housing or-single room occupancy
2. Number of-Occupants. The California Building Code shall determine .:the
number of occupants in transitional and supportive housing:or single room occupancy
2.. Application. . The Conditional Use Permit application submitted for the use
shall- identify .whether any tenants are currently federal,..state or youth.authority .parolees.
Owners and or operators of approvedtransitional-and housing facilities,- and single room
occupancy facilities shall update the:information required by this section anytime a .person .
that 'is a. federal, state or youth authority parolee is provided accommodations at a
transitional and housing or single room occupancy facility-
3. Crime prevention program. - The _operator of transitional and supportive
housing, and -single room occupancy facilities shall require tenants to sign a crime free
lease addendum as part of. their lease or rental agreement.. A sample :crime-free,-Tease
addendum shall be provided-by the City. The crime free lease addendum shall provide that
any criminal violations*perpetrated by tenants shall be grounds for termination of-the-written
orbral lease sublease or agreement under which they reside at the transitional facility.
. . . .. . Page 34 of 35
41.- Crime free multi-housing program. The facility's management shall participate
in any formal residential crime prevention program (i.e., Crime Free Multi-Housing.Program)
provided-by.the City.or the County--of San Bernardino and:as required under the-conditional
use. permit.. If:the program offers .certification then :that certification shall be obtained and
maintained in current status.
5. Compliance. Transitional and housing facilities, and single room occupancy .
facilities shall be incompliance with all requirements of the Grand Terrace Zoning Code and
their approved -Conditional Use Permit at all_times.. Violation of any..local, state or federal
-laws by.individual. tenants while. :on. the premises shall. be grounds. for revocation of the
permit, including but not limited to; violations of California Penal Code § 3003.5.
. 6:: . .. - Nuisance. No transitional.and housing, or single room .occu-pancy.facility shall
be maintained as a nuisance:
7: Revocation. Violations of any of the provisions in this section or the approved
ConditionalU.se:Permitauthorizing-the transitional and housing.-or single room occupancy
facility shall.be grounds for_revocation. The procedures for revocation-contained.:in Chapter
18.83 of this Title shall be followed.
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