2012-04 RESOLUTION NO. 12- 04 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE FINDING THAT THE CONVEYANCE OF APPROXIMATELY .84 ACRE OF LAND IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE GENERAL PLAN WHEREAS, on April 24, 2012, the City Council acting as the Successor Agency to the former Grand Terrace Redevelopment Agency ("Successor Agency") adopted Resolution No. 2012-21 , approving the sale of real property depicted in Exhibit "A" to O'Reilly Automotive Stores, Inc; and WHEREAS, the Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Successor Agency and O'Reilly Automotive Stores, Inc. ("Buyer") required that the Buyer develop a 6,000 to 6,500 square foot retail store; and WHEREAS, said .84 acre of land is zoned BRSP-GC, within the Barton Road Specific Plan and General Commercial on the General Plan Land Use Map; and .WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 65402, prior to the.disposition of real property, the location, purpose, and extent of such disposition must be found to be in conformance with the General Plan; and WHEREAS, on May 3, 2012, the Planning Commission conducted a public meeting on said General Plan conformance on the disposition of said real property. NOW THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS 1. The Planning Commission hereby finds that the approximately .84 acre of real property, depicted on Exhibit "A", is designated General Commercial on the General Plan Land Use Map, and that the conveyance of said real property will facilitate the build-out of a commercial retail project. 2. The Planning Commission further finds that pursuant to Government Code Section 65402, the location, purpose, and extent of the conveyance of real property is in conformance with the General Plan because, as identified in the General Plan Land Use Element, the General Commercial designation is intended for general commercial uses to serve the retail and service needs of the community, and the sale of the property will facilitate development of a retail use serving the community of Grand Terrace consistent with the General Plan. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at a regular meeting held on the 3rdth of May, 2012. Page 1 of 2 � AYES: 5 - Chairman Wilson, Commissioners Addington, Comstock, Bailes, Kongtang NOES: o ABSENT: o ABSTAIN: o ATTEST: Tracey Marthez Doug Wilson City Clerk Chairman Page 2 of 2 Y i0 tie � Ii.01 1 '�l� 15 1i 1T IId �9 20 ZI 1 x r 1 2 3 4 5 ��� i 7 i �OT� �• � y V 1! 18 17 ti 15 Ptn. Lot 1 14 ��. . BLK. F r �: 13 1Z II 10 1� 6b b7 4b r 10P l � 4u _ ■