1994-01 RESOLUTION NO. 94-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CUP-93-07, SA-94-01, E-93-16 AND RESPECTIVE NEGATIVE DECLARATION. PERMANENT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A MODULAR OFFICE UNIT FOR A LARGE SCALE UTILITY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WHEREAS, the Applicant, Hood Communications, applied for Site and Architectural, an Environmental Review and Conditional Use Permit for permanency of a modular office unit; and WHEREAS, the proposed use, a utility construction company, is a permitted use in the M2 Zone; and WHEREAS, a Mitigated Negative Declaration has been filed and hereby approved according to the California Environmental Quality Act; and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held before this body on May 19, r� 1994, for the purpose of considering the proposed project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, that the following findings have been made: A. Will the proposed use expansion be detrimental to the general health,safety,morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the neighborhood of the proposed use or within the City? This finding must be made in the negative. No. The application to use a modular unit for a permanent accessory office use has been reviewed by the appropriate Reviewing Agencies and their comments and recommendations have been included as conditions of approval to insure this use on a permanent nature will not have a detrimental effect to the general health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the neighborhood of the use or within the City. B. Will the proposed use (permanent office modular unit) be injurious to the property or improvements in the neighborhood or within the City? This finding must be made in the negative. - No. The application to use a modular unit for a permanent accessory office use, subject to the conditions listed below, will not.be injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or within the City. C. Will the proposed use (permanent office modular unit) be consistent with the latest adopted General Plan? This finding must be made in the positive. Yes. The current General Plan land use designation for this property is I (Industrial) and MR (Restricted Manufacturing District) Zone. The proposed use (permanent office modular unit) will not alter the present and planned land uses for the area. D. Are conditions necessary to secure the purpose of this section? This finding may be made in the positive or the negative. Yes. The conditions of approval and environmental Mitigation Measures are incorporated within this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed project is subject to the following conditions of approval for final clearance of occupancy; 1. Any expansion, increase in intensity or addition'of other uses over and above that approved prior to or as a result of this application shall require a Phase H review by the Planning Department and Building and Safety Department. . 2. Prior to June 6, 1994, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Department documentation of permanent water service. Documentation shall include a license agreement executed by both the City of Colton and the City of Riverside to provide water service to the project site, and a final "will serve" letter from the City of Colton indicating that Hood Communications has met all financial obligations and the permanent water service will begin effective June 6, 1994. 3. Prior to June 6,.1994, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Department documentation from the County Fire Warden, confirming that permanent water supply is in place and that a fire hydrant will be installed to the satisfaction of the Fire Warden; and that all' conditions in their memoranda dated May 9, 1994, Attachment B and October 22, 1991, Attachment C, have been met. 4. All septic and leachfield facilities on the site shall be properly maintained to the satisfaction of County Environmental Health Services. 2 4 5. All aspects of the project, including the modular structure, landscape/irrigation,parking and storage areas shall be maintained in a clean . and functional manner in accordance with this approval and the overall goals and objectives of the City of Grand Terrace. 6. A sign program shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. NOW,THEREFORE,THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE HEREBY APPROVES CUP-93-07, SA-94-01 and E-93-16 BASED ON THE ABOVE FINDINGS. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at a regular meeting held on the 19th day of May, 1994 by the following vote: AYES: 5 - CHAIRMAN SIMS, VICE-CHAIRMAN WILSON, COMMISSIONERS HUSS, GARCIA AND VAN GELDER NOES: 0 ABSENT: 1 - COMMISSIONER MUNSON ABSTAIN: 1 - COMMISSIONER ADDINGTON Jim Sims,thairperson Planning Commission ATTEST: 44/61 ,1A9-11,dtZ6 Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: John Harper, U City Attorney 3 FORESTRY AND FIRE WARDEN DEPARTMENT COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO Fire Protection Planning Services•• County Government Center OFFICE OF PUBLIC SAFETY 385 No.Arrowhead Avenue,First Floor • San Bernardino,CA 92415-0186 (71Q 387-4212, 387-4213 DICK WILLIAMS, Director *. J 1 EMERGENCY SERVICES Sarong the communities of: Angelus Oaks Baker GRAND TERRACE FIRE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Baldy Mesa Big River APPROVED6, K Mezdow Landing d or Federal Prison Date: �- �.-- f (CDF) Chino Hills MAY 9 _iiy of Grand Ter-ace ' City of Needles TO: '� �i SAN BERT.AR - opper Mountain '.Mesa < � COUNTY FIRE V4'Af?DARDEN Daggett Airport TDer=ore Fire Department Reference Number: � }� i t / El Mirage ��/ V Fau•:�_kin � Harzrd Applicant: (�� ,Q«1�?!>1��J� L'?�5�1� !�/� Helendaie _ (CDF) Hesperia / I:�L�� � � ) 6 City of Highland Location: �� �/ /T �(� / , �^nesi`on Valley � Johnson Tree / Joshua Tree (CDF) Loma Unda THE FOLLOWING FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIORL ,eVailev RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP: ytle Creek Menmone A site inspection f inal is required to verify conditions of ap�T6Vh\ilew Acres have been met. Morongo valley Mt. Baldy Oak Glen R F-1. Private road maintenance, including but not limited tOOakHills grading 'and snow removal, shall . be provided. Written -documentatiobrk Moabi shall be submitted to the fire department having jurisdiction. PrivaterkerDam fire access roads shall provide an all weather surface with a minimum Phelan paving width of twenty (20) feet. Pionee,towr. Red Mountain FPpment Water systems designed to meet the required fire flow of is Antonio dStg alley Lake shall be approved by the f ire department hav�nr�,tit valley jurisdiction. The developer shall furnish the fire department witks%t0,1,n. copies of the waters stem im rovement lan fora Valley Y P P pproval. Water svems;YLC31p3 shall be operational and- approved by the fire department prior to any framing construction occurring. The required fire flow shall-;'b' ".�a'ley determined by the appropriate calculations, using the San Bernardino County "Guide For the Determination of Fire Flow." Water systems shall have minimum eight (8) inch mains, six (6) inch risers. Required fire flow is /.';Va d 0 ,9 Tested a14.9�® may Borrd of Supervisors HARRY 44. M_YS MARSHA TUROCI. . . . . . . . . . . .Firsr Dishict EARSARA C :.T.' Riopr.,t.t: Third .. :� A,.l.ninis zt:wz Oi!icer JON D. 10,11K£LS . . . . . . . . . .Seco nd Disu;:t LAR:W %YAL ._•S Fo ..a L`istrer APPROVE i MAY 9 1994 _1 { Page Two Fire Dept Ref. No. -7 �. l COUNTY FIRE WARDEN R F-2A. In areas without water serving utilities, the fire protection water system shall be based on NFPA 1231 and be operational prior to framing. All NFPA 1231 systems shall be a minimum 5000 gallons with gravity flow or an approved NFPA 13, 13R, or 13D fire sprinkler system. See attached private water supply requirements. R F-2B. MS-IL3 THROUGH IL5. Water systems designed to meet the required fire flow shall be operational and approved by the fire department prior to framing construction occurring. The required fire flow shall be determined by appropriate calculations, using the San Bernardino County "Guide For the Determination of Required Fire Flow," In areas without water serving utilities, the fire protection water system shall be based on NFPA 1231 and be operational prior to framing. All NFPA 1231 systems shall be a minimum 5000 gallons with gravity flow or an approved NFPA 13, 13R, or 13D fire sprinkler system. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMITS . BEING ISSUED: BP OF The San Bernardino County Forestry and Fire Warden Department provides fire protection for the City of Grand Terrace. Prior to any construction occurring on any parcel, the applicant shall contact the fire department for verification of current fire protection development requirements. All new construction shall comply with the existing Uniform Fire Code requirements and all applicable statutes, codes, ordinances, or standards of the fire department. BP F4. This development shall comply with Fire Safety Overlay conditions as adopted by County Development Code. This development is located in Fire Review Area BP CF; Prior to any framing construction occurring, all flammable vegen shall be removed from each building site a minimum distance of thirty (30) feet from any flammable building material, including a finished structure. _jr MAY 91994 _. ?age Three Fire Dept. Ref. No. of 3—0-2 l SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE WARDEN BP F6. A minimum fuel modification zone is required to comply with county standards. BP F Prior to framing construction, approved fire hydrants and fire drant pavement markers shall be installed. Fire hydrants shall be six (6) inch in diameter with a minimum of one four ( 4) inch and one two and a half ( 2 1/2) inch connection as specified by the fire department. The design of the fire hydrant and fire hydrant pavement marker shall be approved by the fire department. All fire hydrant spacing shall be three hundred (300) feet with the exception of single family residential which may be increased to six hundred ( 600) feet maximum. In areas where snow removal occurs or non-paved roads exist the blue - reflective hydrant marker shall be posted on an approved.-post three feet from the hydrant. P F8. An approved turnaround shall be provided at the end of each roadway one hundred and fifty (150) feet or more in .length. Cul-de-sac length shall not exceed six hundred (600) feet, except as identified in the development code and approved by the fire chief. ( ) See attached diagram of approved turnarounds. THE F WING CONDITIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY: O CF9 Prior to final inspection, commercial or industrial buildings shost street address with a minimum of eight (8) inch numbers. Street addresses shall be visible from the street and during the hours of darkness they shall be automatically illuminated. Where building setbacks exceed one hundred (100) feet from roadway additional non-illuminated contrasting six (6) inch numbers shall be displayed at property access entrance. �, AY 199a4 ,- Page Four Fire Dept. Ref. No. 4 d < < SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE WARDEN O F-10. Every-chimney used in conjunction with any fireplace or any heating appliance in* which solid or liquid fuel is used shall be maintained with an approved spark arrester. It shall be constructed of stainless steel, copper or brass, woven galvanized wire mesh, twelve (12) gauge minimum of three-eighths ( 3/8) inch minimum to one-half ( 1/2) inch maximum openings, as per County Code 3381. The mesh shall be visible from the ground. No decorator caps allowed. O F-11. The development and each phase thereof shall have two (2) points of vehicular access for fire and other emergency equipment, and for routes of escape which will safely handle evacuations as required by the development code. O F-12. Private roadways which exceed one hundred and fifty (150) feet in .length shall be approved by the fire department having jurisdiction, and shall be extended to within one hundred fifty (150) feet of, and shall give reasonable access­to all portions of the exterior walls.=of the first story of any building. An access road shall be .provided within fifty ( 50) feet of all buildings if the natural grade _between the access road and the building is in excess of thirty (30) ;,)ercent. Where the access road cannot . be provided, a fire protection `--'system shall be- provided as . req uired and approved by the fire department. O F13 An approved fire' department lock is required on all gates. An omatic electric security gates used, require an approved lock swi ch. Contact this office for lock applications. O F14 Fire extinguishers are required in accordance with Uniform 'Fi a Standard #10-1. O F15. Additional requirements may be applied due to the lack of sufficient information to review. Please submit building plans and declaration of use for- proper application of codes. M AY99 gage. �Fire .Dept. Ref No_ v �lr SAN BERNARDIA'O COUNTY FIRE 64'ARDEN, SPECIAL NON-STANDARD CONDITIONS: _ 1. 3. 4. Questions and comments may be directed to: Fire Protection Planning County Goverment Center, First Floor 385 North Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, California 92415-0186. Phone (909) 387-4213. Thank you for your cooperation: Sincerely, DAVID J. DRISCOLL, Chief Count Fire Warden Steve Faris, .Captain Fire Protection Planning Officer c: FEES Type Date Pd. (forms/comm 3/93). AmountrA�&� 0 (� FORESTRY AND FIRS" ' RDEN DEPARTMEN , COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINC Fir4e Protection Planning Sarvices • Countir t3overnment centQr 386 No. ArrowhQad Avenue, First Floor San Bernardino, CA 0416-0186 OFFICE OF PUBLIC SAFETY (71.4) 387.4212. 387-4218 fill rr EMERGENCY SERVICIRS FIRE CONDITIONS ����� �S�� ro • 30 :qt J To: ThP following. circled conditions apply to your project. sire I1er.A_;.t;nent Reference Number: LA, � ("d� �' �Ltr�,cb/K,Yk..� oil all group R division 3 occupancies, single family dwellings, duplexes, and manufactured homes; the fire department will perform a site inspection and-establish -the fire conditions for the project. All subsequent plan review, _ ins actions and the final inspection will be conducted- by - Buiding and Safety. �1 Private road maintenance, including but- not limite to grading and snow removal, shall be provided. Written documentation shall be submitted to the fire department having jurisdiction. Private fire access roads shall provide an all weather surface with a minimum paving width of twenty ( 20 ) feet. R E�'-2 Water systems designed to meet the iegui�red fire � flo his development shall be approved by the fire department having jurisdiction. The developer shall furnish the fire department with two copies of the water system improvenient plan for approval. Water systems shall be. operational and approved by the fire department prior to any framing construction occurring. The required fire flow shall be determined by the appropriate calculations, using the San Bernardino County "Guide for the determination of fire flow." Water systems shall havem_Tn_imum eight (6) inches mans, six (6) Inch laterals, and six (6) inch risers. R F-2A. In areas without water serving utilities, the ttire protection water system shall be based on NFPA 1231 and operational prior to framing. All NFPA 1231 systems ' a11 be a minimum 5000 .gallons .with gravity flow or an `approved NFPA 131 13R, or '13D fire sprinkler system. R F-2b. MS-IL3 THROUGH IL5 . Water systems designed to meet the required fire flow shall be operational and approved by the fire department prior to framing construction occurring. The required fire flow shall be determined by appropriate calculations, using the San Bernardino County "Guide for the determination of required- fire flow" . LL areas wl-tTout water serving ut1lities, the fire protection water system shall be based on NFPA 1231 and be operational prior to framing. All NFPA 1231 systems shall be a minimum 5000 gallons with gravity flow or an approved NFPA 13, 13R, or 13D fire sprinkler system. BP F3 The ab6ve -reference6 proiPct is protected by the nardino County Forestry and Fire Warden Department. Prior to any construction occurring on any parcel, the applicant a all. contact the fire department for verificstioa of current fire protection development requirements. All new construction shall comply with the existing Uniform Fire Code requirements and all applicable statutes, codes, ordinances, or standards of the fire department. SP F4. This development shall--comply with Fire Safety Overlay conditions as adopted by County Ordinance Number 3341. This development is located in Fire Review Area. BP F5. Prior to any framing construction occurring, all f 1 vegetation shall be removed from each building site a minimum distance of thirty' (30) feet from .any flammable building material, including a finished structure. BP F6. A foot fuel modification zone in compliance with county standards is required. i BP F_7 Prior to framing construction, approved fire hydra s and fire hydrant pavement markers shall be installed. Fire hydrants shall be six (6) inch in diameter with a. minimum of one four ( 4) inch and one two and a half ( 2 1/2) inch connection as specified by the fire department. The design of the fire hydrant and fire hydrant pavement marker shall be approved by the fire department. In areas where snow removal occurs or non-paved roads exist the .blue reflective hydrant marker shall be posted on an approved post three feet from the hydrant. All fire hydrant -spacing shall be three hundred (300) feet with the exception .of single family residential which may be increased to six hundred (600.) feet maximum. I_ DP 78 . An approved turnaround shall be provided a-t the end or each roadway one hundred and fifty ( 150) feet or more in length. Cul-de-sac length shall not exceed six hundred ( 600 ) feet, except as identified in the development code and approved .by: the fire chief. O F9. The street address shall be posted with a minimum of four (4 ) inch numbers, visible from the street and during the hours of darkness the numbers shall be low -voltage internally. electrically. illuminated. Posted numbers shall contrast with their background and be legible from the street in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code. Where building setbacks exceed one hundred (100Y feet from the roadway, additional contrasting four ( 4): inch r.:.u.n1,::rs shall be displayed at the property access. O �r9A. Prior to final inspect:+on; Commerical or Ind Buildings shall post street address with a minii"= of eight (8) inch numbers. Visible from' the street and during the hours of darkness they -shall be electrically illuminated. Where building net back exceed 100 feet from from roadway additional non-.illuminated-contrasting six (6) inch numbers shall be displayed at property access entrance. r o F10. Every chimney used in conjunction with any fireplace or any heating appliance in which solid or liquid fuel is used shall be maintained with an approved spark arrester, visible from the ground, and as identified in the Uniform Fire Code. 0 F11. The development and each phase thereof shall have : 'two ( 2) points of vehicular access for fire and other i emergency equipment, and for routes of escape which will safely handle evacuations as required by .t)ie development code. 0 F12. Private roadways which exceed one-hundred fifty ( 150) feet in length shall be approved by the fire department having jurisdiction, and. shall' be extended to within one- hundred fifty (150) feet of, and shall give reasonable access to all portions of the exterior walla of the first story of any building. An access road shall. be provided within fifty (50) feet of all buildings if the natural grade between the access road and the building is in excess of thirty (30) percent. Where the access road cannot be provided, a fire Protection system shall be provided as required and approved by the fire department. J O An approved fire department key--box -is required. • If au ;6)Ltic electric security gates are used, and approved lock switch is required on each gate in lieu of the key box. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: AA �A V Questions and comments may be directed to the Fire Protection • Planning Section; County Government Center 385 North Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, California 92415-0186. Phone (714) 387-4213 . Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, David J. Driscoll, Chief County Fire Warden t By . Fire Pro ctio P anning officer ci . 1 r i TYPE_. �� • , uscond. DATE PAID-.? r AMOUNT/ :01KE�STRY AND FIRE I 1 DEN DEPARTMENT rQ NOtQctton Planning ServicAs • County Government CcntQr .;OUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO itS No. Arrowhead Av.nus, First Floor San B+rnardino, CA 92415-0186 OFFICE OF PUBLIC SAFET_ Y 14) 3874P2, 387-4213 FLOYD TfUWF1L, DIr.cLor rr r EM_ _ROEN C_Y SER VICES Es TRANSMITTAL/INFORMATION FORM A G, To: f�, Referern e o: C}LL All fire protection systems designed to meat the fire flow requirements specified- in the Conditions of Approval for this ?ro ect shalom be do-roved by the fire agency having jurisdiction -3rior to the installlation of sari system. Said systems shall be .nstalled and made serviceable prior toerecordaticn unlacs ;onstruction of said systems has been bonded for as required by :he water purveyor. . Water for fire protection, as required by :he fire agency having jurisdication, shall be in and operable ,rior .to the start of the start of building construction and hall be over and above the average daily consumptin of water. he following are minimum requirements for. your proposed evelopment: - . Svs�em Standards -*-dire Flow GPM @20 psi r' Luration residual pressure Hour/s Hydrant Spacing Feet "If •blank, flow to be determined by claculation when additional construction information is received. Distribution System Mains _ Inch minimum r` Laterals Inch minimum Riser Inch minimum Fire Hydrants Numbers Total Type Inch w/ - inch outlet/s w/National Standard thread and w/ inch Street valve t connection lv Inch gate, r