1996-01 1 f'
WHEREAS, the applicant, Browning-Ferris Industries(BFI) applied for a Conditional
Use Permit,Site and Architectural Review, and Environmental Evaluation to install a
materials recycling facility in the City's Industrial District; and
WHEREAS, BFI has a Franchise with the City to provide residential refuse and
recycling services. The proposed facility is expected to enhance BFI's ability to process
recyclable materials and allow expansion of the program benefiting the citizen of Grand
Terrace; and
WHEREAS, BFI will help the City reach its goals to meet the solid waste reduction
requirements set by AB939, and the California Integrated Waste Management Board; and
WHEREAS, BFI recycling facility will provide a local public buy-back and drop off
center for recyclables which will also benefit the residents of Grand Terrace; and
WHEREAS, a properly noticed Negative Declaration has been prepared for this
project; and
WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission
on February 1, 1996 to hear this application; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City
of Grand Terrace that the following findings have been made:
1. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the general health, safety, morals comfort
or general welfare of the persons working or residing in the immediate vicinity of the
site, or within the City.
As conditioned the project will not have any significant negative impact on the
environment, nor on the health, welfare, and safety of the people and businesses in
the immediate vicinity of within the City.
2. The proposed use will not be injurious to any physical property or improvement in the
neighborhood or within the City.
As conditioned the project will not have a detrimental or injurious effect on any
physical property or improvements in the surrounding vicinity or within the City.
The project does not involve hazardous materials and will not create or expose
people to potential health hazards.
3. The proposed use is consistent with the latest adopted General Plan and Zoning Code.
The current General Plan designates the land use as an Industrial district. This
proposed project meets the M2 Zone District development standards in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance and land use requirements in accordance with the
General Plan.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed project is subject to the following
conditions of approval and environmental mitigation measures:
1. The project shall be constructed in accordance with Site and Architecture design
as approved by the Site and Architectural Review Board on February 1, 1996. All
plans shall be consistent in terms of property,lines, easements locations and
dimensions, and other measurements. Minor changes or clarifications may be
approved by the Community Development Department.
2. Compliance with all recommendations listed in the Building and Safety/Public
Works memorandum to the City dated January 25, 1996 (Attachment-A).
3. Compliance with all recommendations listed in the California Department of
Forestry and Fire Protection memorandums to the City dated December 20, 1995
and January 11, 1996 (Attachment- B).
4. Compliance with all recommendations listed in the Riverside Highland Water
Company Letter dated January 8, 1996 (Attachment- Q.
5. Any significant expansion or changes of use shall be reviewed by the appropriate
City agencies. Additional permits or amendments to the Site and Architectural
Review/Conditional Use Permit may be necessary.
6. Applicant shall provide final landscape and irrigation plans for the westerly
private drive for Community Development Department and Building and Safety
approval prior to issuance of any occupancy permits. The plan shall provide a
street separator between the landscaping and the private drive, and install a tree
every 30 feet and ground covering or shrubs in this area.
7. A reciprocal access and parking agreement shall be recorded between the two
recorded parcel on the site prior to issuance of any occupancy permits.
8. All aspects of the proposed project site and adjacent public areas along Main
Street including the building and landscaping/irrigation shall be maintained in a
clean and functional manner in accordance with this approval and the overall
goals and objectives of the City of Grand Terrace.
9. Prior to the sale of the subject property or within three years from the approval
date of this permit, whichever occurs earlier,the property owner shall file a parcel
map with the City. If this does not occur,the CUP shall automatically expire on
February 1, 1999.
10. In the event that the applicant adds additional structures on the site,.on-site parking
shall be brought into full compliance with City codes.
11. The applicant shall install a minimum of three (3)bike racks adjacent to the
modular office buildings prior to occupancy of any building.
12. In the event that the applicant is unable to negotiate lease,purchase, or right-of-way
access easement from the Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad(BN&SFR)
and/or County of Riverside for ingress/egress into subject parcel from the east, an
alternative circulation plan shall be submitted and approved by staff prior to
occupancy of any building.
13. The applicant shall install fencing and sliding gates along the north side of the
materials processing facility in order to prevent the blowing of paper.
14. All parking areas shall be fully paved and striped in accordance with City
15. The applicant shall add six(6) additional parking spaces along the north fence
across from the materials processing facility.
16. In the event the City receives complaints about noise,the applicant shall mitigate
noises not to exceed 55 dba's or current ambient noise levels, as measured from
the yards of the residential properties located to the south.
17. Hours of operation shall be limited to those approved under this permit. Any
facility maintenance occurring before 7 am shall not involve the use/testing of
equipment machinery or vehicles that would produce loud or excessive noise in
violation of the City's Noise Ordinance.
18. All outstanding taxes and liens on the subject property shall be the responsibility
of the property owner to clear with the City.
_ 19. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding the
applicant must sign an"Acceptance of Conditions"letter. Letter form and content
to be prepared by Community Development Department.
20. BFI shall appoint a single contact person to handle complaints concerning the
facility. The contact person's name,title, and phone number shall be kept on file
with the Community Development Department.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace
California at a regular meeting held on the 1st day of February, 1996 by the following vote:
AYES: 4 Commissioners " Garcia, _ Hu n Geld and -"Ch irperson
NOES: 0 Wilson
ABSENT: 2 Commissioner Mun on and; Ch irp on Sims
ABSTAIN: 1 Commissioner Addin o
Doug Wilson,
Vice-Chair, Planning Commission
Brenda Stanfill, U
City Clerk
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