1996-03 RESOLUTION NO. 96-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA APPROVING CUP-88-09-Al, AND E-96- 09, AN AMENDMENT TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW EXPANSION OF ALUMINUM RECYCLING TO INCLUDE OTHER RECYCLABLES SUCH AS PAPER,PLASTIC, GLASS AND FERROUS METALS FOR GOLDEN ALUMINUM COMPANY. WHEREAS, the applicant, Golden Aluminum applied for a Conditional Use Permit Amendment, and Environmental Evaluation to expand a materials recycling facility in the City's Industrial District; and WHEREAS, the proposed facility is expected to enhance Golden Aluminum's ability to process recyclable materials and allow expansion of the program benefiting the citizen of Grand Terrace and the region; and WHEREAS, in the long-term,this project will help the City of Grand Terrace meet the mandates of Assembly Bill 939 and the California Integrated Waste Management Board which mandates 25%recycling by 1995, and 50%by the year 2000; and WHEREAS, a properly noticed Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project and is attached herein by reference; and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on September 19, 1996 to hear this application; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace that the following findings have been made: 1. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the general health, safety, morals comfort or general welfare of the persons working or residing in the immediate vicinity of the site, or within the City. As conditioned the project will not have any significant negative impact on the environment, nor on the health, welfare, and safety of the people and businesses in the immediate vicinity or within the City. 2. The proposed use will not be injurious to any physical property or improvement in the neighborhood or within the City. As conditioned the project will not have a detrimental or injurious effect on any physical property or improvements in the surrounding vicinity or within the City. The project does not involve hazardous materials and will not create or expose people to potential health hazards. - 3. The proposed use is consistent with the latest adopted General Plan and Zoning Code. The current General Plan designates the land use as an Industrial district. This proposed project meets the M2 Zone District development standards in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and land use requirements in accordance with the General Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed project is subject to the following conditions of approval,which are proportional to improvements proposed at this time (�indicates conditions from Negative Declaration Environmental Evaluation): 1. All plans shall be consistent in terms of property lines, easements locations and dimensions, and other measurements as approved by the Planning Commission on September 19, 1996. Minor changes or clarifications may be approved by the Community Development Department. 2. Compliance with all recommendations listed in the Building and Safety/Public Works memorandum to the City dated May 16, 1996 (Attachment-A). 3. Compliance with all recommendations listed in the City Engineer's memorandum to the City dated May 16, 1996 (Attachment-B). 4. Compliance with all recommendations listed in the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection memorandum to the City dated May 17, 1996 (Attachment- Q. 5. Compliance with all recommendations listed in the County Fire Department- Hazardous Materials Division letter to the City dated May 29, 1996 (Attachment- D). 6. Compliance with all recommendations listed in the City of Riverside-Public Utilities Department letter to the City dated May 30, 1996 (Attachment-E). 7. Compliance with all conditions associated with Conditional Use Permit 88-09 approved on July 15, 1988 (Attachment F). 8. Any significant expansion or changes of use shall be properly reviewed. Review may consist of additional permits or amendments to the Conditional Use Permit. 9. All aspects of the proposed project including the building and landscaping/irrigation shall be maintained in a clean and functional manner in accordance with this approval and the overall goals and objectives of the City of Grand Terrace. ♦10. (Environmental Initial Study No. 2 -Air) The applicant shall obtain the necessary permits from the following agencies as applicable; 1) South Coast Air Quality Management District; and 2) San Bernardino County Environmental Health Department. ♦11. (Environmental Initial Study No. 6 -Noise)In the event the City of Grand Terrace receives complaints about noise,the applicant shall mitigate noises not to exceed current ambient noise levels, or 55 dba's which ever is lower, as measured from the yards of the nearest residential property south of the subject project or commercial property to the west. ♦12. (Environmental Initial Study No. 10 -Risk of Upset) Prior to CUP becoming final and binding, a Business Plan detailing the plan for emergency release or threatened release of hazardous materials and wastes, shall be required,if applicable. In lieu of a Business Plan, submit a letter of exemption. In addition, a hazardous Material Handler Permit, a Hazardous Waste Generator Permit, and/or an Underground Storage Tank Permit shall be applied at the San Bernardino County Fire Department/Hazardous Materials Division. For information, call (909) 387-4631. ♦13. (Environmental Initial Study No. 13 - Transportation/Circulation) To mitigate truck traffic: 1) all large container trucks shall use Main Street to La Cadena (west portion of Main Street from the subject site)which already serves large truck traffic from Colton, and Riverside Industrial zoned properties. No truck traffic will be allowed through the residential portions of Main Street(east portion of Main Street from subject site); and 2)Applicant shall make a one time payment of Traffic Impact Fee whenever the fee is installed by the City, in proportion to amount of trips generated by the project. The City of Grand Terrace guarantees a fee range of$10 -$20/per each two (2)way trip generated by the commercial and/or industrial project. ♦14. (Environmental Initial Study No. 3 & 16c-Water Supply/Utilities) Golden Aluminum shall provide a"will serve" letter from the City of Colton Water Department. ♦15. (Environmental Initial Study No. 16e-Utilities) Current use may continue without significant improvements to site infrastructure,provided there are no: 1) changes or intensification of use; 2)no new construction or major remodeling; and 3)no grading or site alterations. In the event any of these changes are proposed or occur, City will require engineer studies and detailed evaluation of potential storm drain flooding hazards in the area with subsequent implementation of any additional mitigation measures necessary. r �� ♦16. (Environmental Initial Study No. 18 -Aesthetics) Golden Aluminum shall be required to screen recycling operations from the west properties located in the City of Colton. Screening material may include one or a combination of,but not limited to the following: 1) green slates placed into chainlink fences; 2) landscaping vines over chainlink fencing(irrigation plan required); 3)trees; and 4) a block wall. Screening options shall be reviewed and approved by the Grand Terrace Community Development Department. 17. The current use can continue without significant improvements to site infrastructure which includes , a four(4)foot landscape buffer containing trees along the east portion of the propertv abutting the A.T. & S.F. Railwav provided the following conditions are adhered to: 1)no changes or intensification of use; 2) no new construction or major remodeling; and 3)no grading or site alterations. In the event any of these changes are proposed or occur,the City will require landscaping be installed along the easterly property line. 18. The current use can continue without significant improvements to site infrastructure which includes street improvements.provided the following conditions are adhered to: 1)no changes or intensification of use; 2) no new construction or major remodeling; and 3)no grading or site alterations. In the event any of these changes are proposed or occur,the City will require new paving, curbs and gutters be installed along the private road fronting the subject property. However for now the Community Development Department would like Golden Aluminum to initiate and participate with other property owners along the private road to install needed street improvements. 19. In the event that the applicant adds additional structures on the site, on-site parking shall be brought into full compliance with City codes. 20. The applicant shall install a minimum of three(3)bike racks adjacent to the modular office buildings prior to occupancy of any building. 21. The applicant shall patrol the site on a daily bases and clean up all recycling materials misplaced by processing facility and wind. 22. Hours of operation shall be limited to those approved under this permit. Any facility maintenance occurring before 7 am shall not involve the use/testing of equipment machinery or vehicles that would produce loud or excessive noise in violation of the City's Noise Ordinance. 23. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding the applicant must sign an"Acceptance of Conditions" letter. Letter form and content to be prepared by Community Development Department. Conditions added by Planning Commission: 24. The applicant shall institute a neiLhborhood monitoring nroaram.to enhance communication between surrounding residence and the business. Monitoring program should be developed with Community Development Department staff in a checklist format and include an action nlan to resolve any'disputes that may arise. This program report shall be submitted to the Community Development Department on a quarterly basis. 25. The applicant shall coordinate mitigation measures to reduce trucks operating outside business hours, specially trucks parking on the street at early morning hours idling their engines. 26. The applicant shall devise and implement a containment plan to mitigate fugitive paper products from leaving the Golden Aluminum property and submit for staff acceptance. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, HEREBY APPROVES CUP-88-09-Al, and E-96-09, BASED ON THE ABOVE FINDINGS. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace California at a regular meeting held on the 19th day of September, 1996 by the following vote: AYES: Chairman Sims-; Vice-chairperson .Van:.Gelder; Commission members NOES: Addin.gton,''Ellis, Huss, Trainor and Wilson ABSENT: ABSTAIN: , Jimmy W/%fiIS9 Chairpe n, Planning Commission ATTEST: Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk lm c:\wp6.1\....\planning\cup\cup8809a.per