1997-02 RESOLUTION NO. 97-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA APPROVING CUP- 96-06/E-96-16, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO- OPERATE A PROFESSIONAL FULL SERVICE POOL SUPPLY BUSINESS MARKETING TO THE SWIMMING POOL INDUSTRY LOCATED IN THE COMMERCIAL MANUFACTURING DISTRICT (CM). WHEREAS, the applicants, Superior Pool Products, Inc., applied for a Conditional Use Permit, to operate a wholesale professional full service pool supply business marketing to the swimming pool industry located in the Commercial Manufacturing District; and WHEREAS, the proposed use is classified as a"Building Maintenance Service" and "Building Supplies and Sales"use permitted in any CM District subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit per Grand Terrace Zoning Code Section 18.36.030; and WHEREAS, this project requires a Negative Declaration under the California Environmental Quality Act and is attached as Exhibit 1; and WHEREAS, a properly noticed negative declaration has been prepared for this project; � and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on February 6, 1997, to hear this application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission approved CUP-96-06 and E-96-16; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace that the following findings have been made in accordance with the approval of CUP-96-06/E-96-16: 1. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the general health, safety, morals comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use or within the City. As conditioned the project will not have any significant negative impact on the environment, nor on the health, welfare, and safety of the surrounding single family residential area or within the City. 2. The proposed use will not be injurious to any physical property or improvement in the neighborhood or within the City. ( As conditioned below the project should not have a detrimental or injurious effect �/ on any physical property or improvements in the surrounding neighborhood or within the City. All hazardous materials will be regulated and monitored so as not C l) to create or expose people to potential health hazards. This project is a pleasing and appealing addition to the surrounding properties. 3. The proposed use is consistent with the latest adopted General Plan. The current General Plan designates the land use as General Commercial. This proposed project meets the Commercial Manufacturing District minimum development standards per the Grand Terrace Zoning Ordinance and is consistent with the General Plan Land Use. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed project is subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The proposed project shall be constructed in accordance with the Planning Commission approval on February 6, 1997. Minor changes or clarifications may be approved by the Community Development Department. 2. Any changes to the site plan and structure shall conform with those City Codes deemed necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the present and/or future inhabitants thereof. 3. Overall Hours of Operation shall be as follows: M-Sat=6:30 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. 4. Compliance with all conditions listed in the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection letter to the City dated September 20, 1996(Attachment-A). 5. ♦(Condition- 10,Risk of Upset, and 17,Human Health of the Environ. Initial Study) Compliance with all conditions listed in the County Fire Department,Hazardous Materials Division letter to the City dated January 7, 1997(Attachment-B). This condition to occur prior to the issuance of building permits and certificate of occupancy. 6. (Pursuant to Zone Change Agreement signed August 16, 1996) The applicant shall be required to provide to the Community Development Department documentation showing the amount of retail tax generated each year and each year thereafter for the next five(5)years of operation. 7. Any expansion or changes to the use shall be reviewed by the appropriate City agencies. Additional permits or amendments to the Conditional Use Permit approval may be necessary. 8. All aspects of the proposed project including the building and landscaping/irrigation shall be maintained in a clean and functional manner in accordance with this approval and the overall goals and objectives of the City of Grand Terrace. 9. Applicant shall acquire permits prior to the construction and installation of permanent and temporary signs. 10. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding the applicant must sign an"Acceptance of Conditions"letter.Letter form and content to be prepared by Community Development Department. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, HEREBY APPROVES CUP-96-06 AND E-96-16, BASED ON THE ABOVE FINDINGS. PASSED.AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace California at a regular meeting held on the 6th day of February, 1997 by the following vote: AYES: Chairman Sims, Commission members Addington, Ellis, Huss, Trainor and Wilson: NOES: ABSENT: Vice-Chairperson. Van Gelde ABSTAIN: '-Jimmy�w. Sims, Chairperson, Planning Commission r ATTEST: Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk lm c:\wp6.1\....\planning\cup\cup9606.per FROM FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING 09.20. 1996 04: 14 P. 1 ., . • '; CAL.. --�_RNIA _ • - - •` - -� � - r DEPAR.TIViENT ( , r.ORESTRY AND --'--.'--FIRE PROTECTION COUNTY SERVICE AREA 3_ FIRE PROTECTION P ' COUNTY 0OVE�T CENTER c 38S NORTH APROWTtFg AVER,TIED FLOOR ,,, Lit F SAN BERNARDINO,CA 92415-0186 (909)387-4213 • PAX(909)387-3021 FAX i 909 ) 387.3021 DATE a(I J FROM, %---s/7 T/, c T r r ti'UMBER OF PAG$S t IlVCLUD G THIS PAGE) SPECIAL 1NSTRU0TIONS1 a+.t,�ata ) F YOU BXPERIENC ANY PROBLEMS RECRIVING THIS INFORMA?ION, PLEASE :0,%1TACT US AT THE FOJXMI TG NUMBER ( 909 ) N7.4219 PAX ATTACHMENT A- California Department of Forestry and - Fire Protection letter September 20, 1996 FROM FIP.E PROTECTION PLANNING 09.20. 1996 04114 P. 2 v, CAL:_ ..J.RNIA DEPARTMENT L FORESTRY = AND ® " FIRE PROTECTION COUNTY SEKVICII AKFA 38 CITY FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 0 385 NORTH ARROWHEAD AVENUE,THIRD IFLOOR RAND TER SAN BERNARDINO,CA 92415-0186 (909) 387.4213 • FAX ON) 387.3021 GRAND TERRACE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Date:To:Qry r Location: Community, Fire Dept, Ref. No:, � 9F6 - c�c( (7' T' SEP 2 0 MS Q6 !/ 4� 7. Uh BERNARD �-' THE FOLLOWING RIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONb 4r,w�I.dt VU IO� RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP: t 1 itb PRIOR TO A sits Inspection fl6l is required to verity conditions of approval have been met: R pro I. rivate road Mai ntenanoe, Including but not limited to grading and snow removal, shall be Written documentation shall be submitted to the fire department having juds"on. Private fire access roads shall provide an all weather surface with a minimum paving width of twenty(20)feet. Rater systems designed to meet the required fire flow of this development shall be py the fire department having jurisdiction. The developer shall furnish the firs department with two(2) copies of the water system improvement peen for approval. iiyeiar systems snet1 e. required fire flaw shall be determined by the appropriate calculations, using the San Bernsrdit County"Dvide For tfie Determination of Fire Flow, Water systems shall have minimum sight(8) Inch mains, six(6) inch laterals, six(6) inch risers. Fire Flow required �2 51� 6A&ft 20 psi. Tested ' 20 psi. FROM FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING 09.29.1996 04,15 P. . Page Two - P G� Ci) U� �# Fire Dept. Ref. No-3 "�fv — eve SEP 2 01996 - R F-2A. In areas without water serving utilities, the fire protection%atat Yy W'M Main 's on NFPA 1231. Systems shall be a minimum M gallons with gravity ff 1 13R, or 13D fire sprinkler system. See attached private water supply requirements. 3, R F- S-113 THROUGH ILS. Water systems designed to meet the required fire flow shall be opera and approved by the fire department prior to framing construction occurring. The required fire flow shall be determined by appropriate calculations, using the San Bemardno County fire protection water system shall be basAd on NFPA 1231�a without water serving utilities, the 'id be operational prior to framing. All NFPA 1231 systems shall be a minimum S000 gallons with gravity flaw or an approved NFPA 13, 13R, or 13D fire sprinkler system. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMITS BEING ISSUED: ep F�.;mStectlon-County a above referenced project is protected by the Callfornla Department of For"try and Service Area 38, which provides fire protection for the City of Grand Terrace. Prior to any construction occurring on any parcel, the applicant shall Contact the fire department for verification of current fire protection development requirements. All new construction shall comply with the existing Uniform Fire Code requirements and all applicable statutes, codes, ordinances, or standards of the fire department. � BP F-4. This development shall comply with Fire Safety Overlay conditions as adopted by County Development Code. This development is located in Fire Review Area BP F for to any, framing construction occurring, all flammable vegetation shall be removed from ullding site a minimum distance of thirty (30)feet from any flammable building material, Including a finished structure. BP F-6. A minimum "I modiffation zone is required to Comply with county standards. SP F-7 rior to framing construction, approved fire hydrants and fire hydrant shall installed. Fift hydrants shall be six(6) inch In diameter with a minimum of one efownt m(4j inch and one two and a h0lf(21/2) inch connection as specified by the fire department. The design of the fire hydrant and flue hydrant pavement marker shall be approved by the fire department. All fire hydrant spacing shall be three hundred(300)feet with the exception of single family residential which may be increased to six hundred(600)feet maximum. In areas where snow.removal occurs or non-paved roads exist the blue reflective hydrant marker shall be posted on an:approved post, three (3)feet from the hydrant. FROM FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING 09,20. 1996 A4116 P. It V IA) V; r/ 1� - ' Pape Three Fire Dept. Ref. No. - BP F-8. An approved turnaround shall be provided at the end of e r BE aroma fifty 050)feet or more in length. Cul-de-sac length shall not exceed Ix: hundred (6W)feet, except as identified in the development code and approved by the fire chief. p ( } See attached diagram of approved turnarounds. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL 13E COMPLETED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY: aCCF-8. rior to final inspection, commercial or industrial buildings shall post street addresses with m of eight (8) inch numbers. Street addresses shall be visible from the street and during the hours of darkness, they shall be automatically Illuminated. Where building setbbcks exceed one hundred(1Q0)feet from the roadvmy, additional non. Illuminated, contrasting six (6) inch numbers shall be displayed at the property ate. 0 F-10. Every chimney used in conjunction with any fireplace or any heating appliance in which solid or liquid fuel islused shall be maintained with an approved spark arrester, It=hall be constructed of stainless steel, copper, or braes,woven galvanized wire mesh, twelve 12 minimum of three-eighths (3/8) Inch minimum to one-half(1/2) inch maximum ( ) gee :Coun Code 3381. The mesh shall be visible from the round. No decorator�nin ll a per g cape allowed. F-11. a development and each phase thereof shall have two 2 for re other embrgency equipment, and for routes of escape whid��will points ty hanndle access . evewdIllons as required by the Development Code. F- 2. vate roadways which exceed one hundred fifty (I so)feet in length shall be approved' b department having jurisdiction, and shall be extended to within one hundred fifty (ISO) feet of, and shall Alva reasonable access to all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of any building. An access toad shall be provided within fifty(50)feet of all buildings If the natural grade between the access toad and the building Is in excess of thirty(30)percent, Where the access road can not be provided, a fire protection system shall be provided as required and approved by the fire department. 0 approved fire department lock is required on all Cates. If any automatic slec* BOW ' gates are used, they require an approved lock switch. Contact this office for lock applications. O F14. ire extinguishers are required In accordance with Uniform Five Code Standard#10.1. O F- 5. dditlonal'requirements maybe applied due to the lack of aufficlent Information to re ' lease submit building plans and declaration of use for proper application of codes. FROM FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING 09.20. 1996 04:17 P. s Page -' ` ' Fire Dept. Ref. U) laA,ii rV Y F-16. Fire extinguishers are required in accordance with Uniform Fir le SEP 2 0 19% Standard ##10-1. -� SAN BIMNAfti11NU COUWIYI Oki SIR)W 38 F-17. Any gated accesis shall be approved by the Fire Department and emergency access arrangements made prior to occupancy. F-18. Additional requirements may be applied due to the lack of sufficient Information to review. Pleave submit building plans and declaration of use for proper application of codes. F-16. The building oc�c panty is under the)urisdidion of the State Fire Marshal. Written documehtation of review and in ection required Contact the West Covina office at (818)9W_64q prior to final occupancy. (;Z�l flammable liquid storage and dispensing shall be In compliance with the applicable sections of the Uniform Fire Code Arlicie 79. plan review and permit to operate are required. - 1 1 commercial Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)storage and dispensing shall be in compliaunce with uniform Fire Code Article 82 and County Ordinance#3054. plan review and permit to operate are required, F-22. Ali access roadways shall be in accordance with County Ordinance#3381. F-23. Development is within the Fire Safety Overlay Area (Greenbelt Standards). Compllaence with the provisions of County Ordinance#3341 as applicable and determined by the Fire Department shall be required. In those areas not so designated under:said ordinance, the.appropriate Community plan Overlay Ordinance wiil apply. F-24. autometic fire extinguishing system is required for the following area(s): A. Commercial-type food heat-processing equipment(UFC Sec. 10.314) B. Spray paint booths or rooms (UFC Sec. 45.209) C. High plied corribustibie storage(UFC Sec. 81.4101) D. ocupancy ano location (UFC Sec. 10.308) FROM FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING eq.2e. 1996 "4117 P. 6 Page Four ' Fire Dept. . .. NJ wl 1 U wt SAN RNAR SPEGAL NON-STANDARD CONpTIOS: COUNTY OHtaKSA 3! 1. N"ER OF FIRE'HYDRANTS TO BE DETERMINED 3. OCCUPANCY TO BE CLASSIFIED AS B UNLESS STORED CHEMICALS EXCAED FOLLOWING QUANTITIES;THEN BUILDING WILL BECOME H OCCUPANCY SOLID LIQUID 5000 LBS + 0 GALS 0 + 500 GALS 2000 LBS + 300 GALS 3000 LBS + 200 GALS 4000 LBS + 100 GALS H OCCUPANCY TO BE FILLY SPRINKLERED PER NFPA STANDARD 13 Thank you for your 000peratlon. 8y / Steve Farla, Ca o tain Fire Protectiod Iannino ' Type a- 3;z"44rl N. . '` Amount f4 ,pie a Qt co"n Date Pd •�rENP«�• COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT ��� COUNTY OF SAN BERN. Hl OUS MATERIALS DIVISION RICHARD W. SEWELL Arrowhead Avenue,Second Floor • San Bernardino, CA 92415-0160 Fire Chief County Fire Warden '!it 010' 4yo9 F4D January 7, 1997 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 22795 BARTON RD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313-5295 Attn: Joann Lombardo, Acting Community Development Director SUBJECT: Superior Pool Products, Inc., 22060 Commerce Way, Grand Terrace The Hazardous Materials Division would like the following conditions applied to this project: Prior to Occupancy: Prior to occupancy, a Business Plan detailing the plan for emergency release or threatened release of hazardous materials and wastes, shall be required, if applicable. In lieu of a Business Plan, submit a letter of exemption. Prior to occupancy, applicant shall be required to apply for one or more of the following: a Hazardous Materials Handler Permit, a Hazardous Waste Generator Permit, and/or an Underground Storage Tank Permit For information, call County Fire Department/Hazardous Materials Division at(909)387-4631. If you have any further questions please call me at (909)387-4631. J CQ VL4dA`Me,4R.P/ E.H.S. Hazardous Materials Division ATTACHMENT B - County Fire Department,Hazardous Materials Division letter dated January 7, 1997